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The new museum joins something of a small Peranakan renaissance in the city state. | 这个新博物馆也参与了新加坡小小的土生华人文艺复兴活动。 |
So, the astronomical site must be selected carefully, otherwise the large telescope of cost can't display its function fully, but can play the role of the small telescope. | 天文台台址必须精心选择,否则价格昂贵的大望远镜不能充分发挥其功效,只能起到小望远镜的作用。 |
Each object here has a GUID. | 每一个对象都有一个 GUID。 |
As we can see from the picture, two men in suits are swinging away from the table which fills with a kind of leftovers such as fish, pork, and so on. | 从图片中我们可以看到,在适合两人摆了充满一种下脚料如鱼,肉,桌子,等在。 |
Wilt 1 welcome me? My River waits reply—Oh sea—look graciously—I'll fetch thee BrooksFrom spotted 2 nooks—Say—Sea—Take me! | 会否欢迎我?我的河儿待回响—大海啊—样子亲切慈祥—我将给你请来小溪从弄污的角落里—说呀—海—接纳我! |
Sen. John Edwards(D-NC), and Ret. Army Gen. Wesley Clark also expressed their concerns. | 约翰·爱德华等人也同样表示,反导系统的部署草率并且仓促。 |
This paper expounds the aims and significance of writing sci-tech paper, how paper to select a title, and the requirement and process of writing sci-tech papers. | 针对科技工作者应如何撰写科技论文,从撰写科技论文的目的意义; 对撰写科技论文的要求和过程; |
Meditation can help, and should be your first choice before medication. | 沉思能帮助你并应该是你就医前的首选。 |
When an individual's mental rhythm, the rhythm completely controlled by the operation of markets, when the collective functional disorder arises. | 当个人的心理节奏,完全受控于市场运转节奏的时候,集体官能症就产生了。 |
The source of the Duanwu Festival is in China and spread into other countries. | 中国的端午节是源,其他国家或地区的端午节是流。 |
IBRD’s loan and guarantee commitments and guarantee facilities totaled $13.6 billion in fiscal 2005, 23% higher than in the previous fiscal year, and the highest IBRD lending of the past six years. | 在2005财年,国际复兴开发银行的贷款和担保承诺以及担保基金总计为136亿美元,比上个财年高23%,是过去六年IBRD贷款中最高的。 |
The hardener provides flexibility, high gloss, abrasion resistance and very good chemical resistance. | 硬化剂能够提升灵活度,光泽,抵抗磨损, 化学对抗。 |
Science-humanism education is a kind of educational concept that permeates the purport of humanism in the scientific technology and treats the humanism as the value orientation. | 科学-人文精神教育就是在科学教育中渗透人文精神,是一种以科学技术为基础,以人文精神为价值取向的一种教育观。 |
To explore its historical and cultural background, sum up the idea of its design approach, plan the sustainable development way is indeed important things that should not be underestimated. | 探讨其历史文化背景、总结其设计构思手法、规划其可持续发展之路,实为要事,不可等闲视之。 |
"Goodnight, "says Eva. She lifts another chair. | “晚安”伊娃说,她搬起另一把椅子。 |
The boy returned to the draw-well at the edge of the greensward, where he had left his buckets when he went to help his patron and teacher in the loading. | 孩子回到草地边上汲水井那儿,刚才他为帮自己的恩人和老师装车,把水桶撂在那儿。 |
Conclusion Tobramycin eye drops is safety for clinic application. | 目的考察妥布霉素滴眼液的安全性。 |
At the same time, we can also find some helpful revelation for implementing the reorganization system of the new law of bankruptcy from Zheng Baiwen s realignment. | 同时,郑百文重组也为我国新《破产法》中重整制度的实施提供了一些有益的启示。 |
The remaining places on the Middletons' front row are yet to be confirmed. | 剩余的座位安排尚有待确定。 |
Electrocyclie reaction have highly stereoselectivity, this paper tells the stereoselectivity products in different conditions with details for improving students reading comprehension. | 电环化反应具有高度立体选择性,本文对不同情况下电环化反应的产物作了详细的讨论,以帮助学生提高理解力。 |
One is to claw back the subsidy such firms enjoy in their borrowing, both to encourage them to shrink and to pay for the clean-up when they fail. | 其一是收回之前金融公司在放贷时发放的补助,以鼓励这些公司缩减规模,在倒闭时清偿费用。 |
The composition of poetry once pushed the elegance and fantasticality to the acme in a new period, and then started to go back to forward folk language and live language till "slobber poem". | 新时期的诗歌创作曾一度将诗语的典雅奇异推向一种极致,随后开始了面向生活语言的俗化的回归,一直发展到当下的“口水诗”,走到了另一个极端。 |
The protests led by young people became more violent Friday. Military vehicles moved into Cairo and other cities. | 这起由年轻人领导的示威活动周五越发趋于暴力,军队开入开罗和其他城市。 |
Thus it can be concluded that the balance of stakeholder is the necessary condition for the long-term stable development of enterprises. | 由此可以得出结论:利益相关者的平衡性是企业长期稳定发展的必要条件。 |
The sterilizer system has six basic elements: a processing chamber, a heating system, an evacuation and air inbleed system, a humidification system, a sterilant vaporizer and a control system. | 灭菌机由6个基本系统组成:处理柜、加热系统、换气系统、加湿系统、EO气化系统和控制系统。 |
The principle"the class teaching case has strong pointed, drawing close to by this school outstanding typical source material achievement and infectiousness." | 以本校优秀典型素材作为"原理"课教学案例具有较强的针对性、贴近性和感染性。 |
Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish. | 当男人尝过鱼子酱之后,我很困惑他们怎么会满足于吃小鲶鱼的。 |
Du Fu' s absorbing Fu into poems is mainly showed in two aspects. One is that poems by Du Fu form their style by absorbing Fu, the other is that Du Fu directly used the expression of Fu. | 杜甫以赋入诗主要表现在两方面:一是杜诗吸收赋的特点形成自己的风格,二是杜甫直接利用赋的表现形式。 |
The mass merchandisers are really good at creating artificial need, and the dream for the need is pressed into the masses through the media and television commercials and infomercials. | 大众商人都非常擅长于制造虚假需求,而这些虚假需求的梦想,被通过媒体、电视商业和信息而加载到大众身上。 |
Most of the beach boys have wives, legal or common law, and children, and use their take to support them. | 绝大部分的“海滩男孩”有自己的合法或者世俗上的妻子以及孩子,他们用赚来的钱养活家人。 |
Aim: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of NAFLD in patients with CH-B and the association with viral and host factors, particularly in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). | 目的: 本次研究的目的是评估慢性乙肝 患者中NAFLD的发病率,以及与病毒和宿主因素之间的关系,尤其是对代谢综合征(MS) 患者的影响。 |
Periodical indexes usually include abstracts that are written by the author or by someone at the database company. | 期刊索引通常包括作者写的或数据库公司中某人写的摘要。 |
Operation: Make the body sufficient and tepid into bath hind, the many after wiping some of salt to be in back after waiting for pore to stretch, each corners should be wiped. | 操作:入浴后让身体充分温热,待毛孔张开后多抹些盐在后背,各个角落都要抹到。 |
The Filer SWIs, which aid reading to and from disc, setting attributes etc. | 文件器 SWI,它辅助读写磁盘、设置属性等。 |
Objective To investigate the application of automated microparticle enzyme immunoassays (MEIA) in liver transplantation. | 目的探讨全自动快速微粒子酶免疫检测法(MEIA)在肝移植中的应用。 |
But as a local born and bred Liverpudlian person. | 但作为一名土生土长的利物浦人。 |
All works of art remain your property and will be returned after the first of the year. | 各作品之所有权将属于作者所拥有作品于元月一日后将归还原主。 |
This paper introduces digital camera and its system error, Based of that the camera is calibrated. | 介绍了数码相机及其系统误差,并在此基础上对相机进行了检校; |
This splendid region of mountains and valleys contains many wonderful hot springs. | 这个风景英俊山区和上庄储藏着很多温泉。 |
It is said there are many worlds — the hell world of torture, the worlds of hungry ghosts, of animals and of mankind, as well as many heaven worlds — from the lowest to the highest. | 据说世界由多个空间组成——有痛苦的地狱界、饿鬼界、畜生界、人界,还有从低到高多个天界。 |
If you know that, then you know the answer to this: How many years ago did three scientists at Texas Instruments invent the handheld electronic calculator? | 如果你知道,那么你就知道下面这个问题的答案:德州仪器的三位科学家在多少年前发明了便携式电子计算器。 |
This is the website for Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland . | 这是纽芬兰纪念大学心理学系的网站。 |
The paper deals with the spinning technologies of rotor-spun fourth-grade rabbit hair blended yarns with polyester, acrylic and cotton, and briefly introduces their knitted and woven products. | 本文重点介绍用转杯纺纱机开发四级兔毛、次兔毛与涤、晴、棉等纤维混纺的纺纱工艺,并简要介绍用这种混纺纱开发的针织和机织产品。 |
The ICC must decide whether to indict the suspects. | 国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。 |
These include add-on devices for protection in addition to that afforded by conventional circuit-breaker and fuse systems. | 这些防护装置包括附加的保护器件,以增强由常规的电路断路器和保险丝系统所提供的保护。 |
Hank: Yes, we must keep him on leash from now on. | 汉克:不错,由现在起,我们得牵着它。 |
The main contributions of this paper includes:To meet the requirement of distributed information integration, a 3-layered B/S PDM system has been built. | 本文的创新性成果有:建立了三层B/S体系构架的PDM系统,以满足分布异构的信息集成的需求。 |
He was probably head of a catechetical school, a Christian school in Alexandria in Egypt. | 他很可能是一个早期基督学校的领导,这个基督学校位于埃及的亚历山大城。 |
One friend of mine was involved in a close range night battle as part of 1st AD, at Medina ridge I believe. | 我的一个朋友作为第一装甲师的一份子经历了一次近距离的夜间战斗,据我的推测是发生在麦迪那山区。 |
The writer has fictive talent. | 那作家有创作的才能。 |
Therefore, for the increase of my body's wants, I'll give no space, no opportunity. | 贪图安乐只会增长对身体的贪执,所以不要让自身有享乐的机会。 |
This class will be over in a moment, now let's take a nap(break , catnap). | 本课时将近结束,大家可以休息一会儿。 |
"Those small exposures add up and may contribute to later-life disease, " it said. | “这些小量的接触增加, 可能导致以后生活中患病, ”它说。 |
They had all been packed into wooden crates, inserted into containers, loaded on to ships and then unpacked again near the mouth of the Yangtze River. | 安装在60米高厂房内的顶吹氧转炉,加工卷板长度超过一公里的热轧钢机,一部烧结机,一座鼓风炉,还有许多其它部件,所有设备都用木条箱包装,塞进集装箱,装船启运,然后在长江口附近被拆箱。 |
Ingredients: Natural chamomile essential oil, intense whitening essences, hyaluronic acid, gingko leaf, vitamin B1, etc. | 主要成份:蕴含天然洋甘菊精油、激白精华素、透明质酸、银杏叶、维生素B1等成份。 |
Does she always dress that badly? | 她总是穿得那么邋遢的吗? |
All images by Koichi Mitsui Koichi Mitsui is a professional photographer in Japan. When he's not on the job shooting for magazines and ads, he wanders around Tokyo taking pictures with his iPhone 3GS. | 三井光一是日本一位专业摄影师。 |
Attend to Xiao Nan behind finishing mentioning to the gorgeous Ying, suddenly clapped to clap own head 1 face suddenly thinks of of the appearance ask a Mu to permit to face breeze. | 顾晓楠在对艳莹说完后,突然拍了拍自己的脑袋一脸突然想起来的样子问道慕容临风。 |
Please watch the video above and let us know what you think. | 技术,确实非同反响并充满希望,请观看上述视频并让我们知道你们的想法。 |
While it was a great day, I got a bit sunburned in the water. | 今天过得很棒,但我在水里把自己给晒伤了。 |
The company also made more visible the page-loading indicator, though I personally still prefer the indicator style used in prior versions. | 苹果还将页面下载进度指示条做得更显眼了,不过我个人还是更喜欢以前的版本那种风格。 |
However, satisfaction also appears to be influenced by psychologic factors. | 然而,满意程度似乎也是整个身体的影响因素之一。 |
God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He will ask how many people you drove who did not have transportation. | 上帝不会问你开的是哪种车,他会问你搭载的人中,有多少是没有交通工具的。 |
You must prevent the children from touching the dangerous things. | 你们务必不要让孩子接触危险物品。 |
Melon's skin is thin, only about one-third of thick watermelon rind. | 哈密瓜的皮很薄,大约只有西瓜皮的三分之一厚。 |
The resulting fetuses consisted of either mostly paternally or mostly maternally expressed genes. | 这样产生的胎儿要么主要是父方的基因表达,要么主要是母方的基因表达。 |
Serve them with cheese, raw vegetables, crackers and fresh bread or baguettes. | 拿奶酪、生蔬菜、薄脆饼干、新鲜面包或者法国长面包来招待他们。 |
City officials have requested reimbursement from the federal government for providing security for Mr. Trump, a cost they estimate will reach $35 million by his Jan. 20 inauguration. | 有市政官员已经要求联邦政府报销给特朗普提供安全保障的支出,据他们估计,至特朗普1月20日正式就职,这笔费用会达到3500万美元。 |
The RCMP said its investigation is continuing. | 皇家骑警称调查正在继续。 |
Restaurant light box production must have characteristics, to attract customers. | 餐厅灯箱制作肯定要具有特色,要做到吸引顾客。 |
Many holidaymakers head to the sandy beach at Eraclea to escape the hordes of tourists in nearby Venice. | 许多度假者前往埃拉克莱沙滩以躲避附近威尼斯地区的大群观光客。 |
Motorway cones he calls "road-stoppers". | 比如,当他出水痘时,他称水痘为“小鸡点”,他把高速公路上的锥形路标称作“道路拦截者”。 |
This will be a document that you give to a tester. | 这样就会形成你给测试者的一个文件。 |
Then, he carefully attached the puffs to a wedding dress frame, and Viktoriya spent a couple hours each night before the wedding modeling the dress as Shtefano added more puffs. | 后来他小心翼翼地将奶油酥附在婚纱内衬上。 在婚礼前的每天晚上,当希特法诺为婚纱内衬外加奶油酥时,维克多利亚都要用两小时的时间来作婚纱模特。 |
I gave her five gray Persian cats(I love cats) and an Irish wolfhound. | 她还有五个灰色波斯猫(我喜欢猫)和爱尔兰猎狼犬。 |
Mudstone caprocks control the accumulation horizon of hydrocarbons, multiple transport systems determine that the unconformity surface is the favorable position for hydrocarbon accumulation. | 泥岩盖层控制了油气富集的层位;复式输导体系决定了不整合面上下是油气富集的有利部位; |
The soil mesofauna tends to gather on soil surface, but the vertical migrating greatly varies in different seasons affected by climate condition, edatope, artificial factor and so on. | 土壤动物具有表聚性,但是在不同季节,由于受气候条件、土壤环境、人为因素的影响,土壤动物的垂直分布有明显变化。 |
Instead of OpenOffice, you’ll find LibreOffice for office use, and for playing music and videos, Banshee is now the default player. | 你会发现办公套件使用了LibreOffice而非OpenOffice,Banshee成了播放音乐和影片的默认播放器。 |
"Motorists must be disciplined. They must not cross into other people's lanes, " said motorist Eko Juli. | 驾车者伊柯•朱力说:“所有的驾车者都应该遵守交通规则,不可随意串并车道。” |
Only after practicing 1188 times can you speak Happy English like your mother tongue and Dialect language native ! | 只有练到1188遍,你才能真正说得像母语和当地出生的方言一样! |
These feelings grew so powerful that, in spite of the inclement weather, he resolved to visit Peter Goldthwaite immediately. | 这些念头越来越强烈,于是顾不得天气险恶,他决心立刻动身去看彼得。 |
In his article, “The Skills That Really Matter, ” Lundquist shared the top 15 skills IT managers are looking for in entry-level employees, as compiled by Society for Information Management (SIM). | 在他的文章“真正有用的技巧”中,Lundquist分享了IT经理在入门级员工中寻找的15个顶级技巧,这是由信息管理协会提炼出来的。 |
They add: "Further large-scale community-based studies are warranted to identify clinically relevant cut-off points for albuminuria as a predictor for HF." | 他们还补充到:“进一步大规模的社区研究可以证实蛋白尿可作为预测HF的临床诊断切入点。” |
Even if you have the next great idea for a screenplay, you're not guaranteed to get anything made, let alone get paid for your idea. | 即使你对剧本有了一个近乎伟大的想法,也不能保证你从做过的事中获得什么,更不用说从你的想法中获得报酬了。 |
Result: the research shows that part of higher school students are sub-health, most of undergraduates'sleep quality and body building are above average; | 结论:本研究结果显示成都市部分高校大学生半数以上处于亚健康状态,多数大学生睡眠质量和身体锻炼量处于中等以上水平; |
The reaction of ozone destruction is the chain reaction. | 破坏臭氧的反应是链反应。 |
So the subsidies and mandates offered to renewable sources of power such as wind turbines often just level the playing field. | 因此,向可再生动力资源(如风力涡轮机)提供的津贴和要求往往只是平衡竞争环境。 |
Fabio was awarded in Madrid as best player of the past season by the 44000 professional footballers all over the world. | 这个协会是由44000名职业足球运动员组成,他被评选为上赛季最佳运动员。 |
It's likely that taking a fresh approach to publishing this information may help provide that context, which is something newly-launched sites like Intersect are trying to accomplish. | 这可能是因为采取了新的方法来发布这些信息可能有助于提供这方面内容,这是新近推出的试图有所作为交叉点像。 |
The popular use of the shortened disyllabic words indicates that the double character form has become the paradigm of Chinese word - formation due to its very strong ability of word generation. | 简缩式双音词的流行使用表明“双字格”凭着极强的新词生成能力已成为汉语构词范式。 |
But chairman of the magistrates Alan Griffins said: ‘You were ordered to refrain from screaming and shouting at such levels when engaging in sexual activity with your husband. | 但地方法官的主席阿兰.格里芬说:“当你和你的丈夫发生性行为时,你必须得克制这种程度的尖叫和叫喊”。 |
She had another daughter, Emily, born on her missing brother's first birthday but then, more pain. | 接着她又有了另一个女儿爱米莉,正好出生在她哥哥的的生日那天,这使我更加难过。 |
The second is that a systematic error exists, resulting from the attrition voltage and contact electric potential difference. | 存在一个由消耗电压与接触电势差导致的系统误差。 |
Chapter 2: expounds on the laughter-eliciting mechanism of humor: Incongruity Theory. | 第二章阐述幽默致笑机制:不协调理论。 |
Trypsin and flavorzyme were regarded as the compound enzyme in comparison with hydrolysis rate and bitterness value of other proteinase. | 通过对蛋白酶水解度和苦味值的比较,确定了胰蛋白酶和复合风味蛋白酶作为复配酶。 |
Professor Shephard: The atorvastatin and amlodipine combination is a particular case in point. | Shephard教授:阿托伐他汀和氨氯地平的联合应用确实是一个特别的例子。 |
Design of high frequency lock-in amplifier applied in R-MOG . Chinese J. | 一种应用于谐振式微型光学陀螺的高频锁相放大器的设计。 |
According to one tale, fairies from heaven came down to the Sangjokgul Cave to weave clothes out of brocade for the King of Heaven, and bathed in the Seonnyoetang. | 传说床石窟是仙女下凡,摆放织机,为玉皇大帝纺织锦衣的地方,而仙女汤则是仙女们沐浴的地方。 |
The inhibitive mechanisms of IMC-C5 inhibitor under the circumstance were discussed. | 讲座讨论了IMC-C5缓蚀剂对该体系的缓蚀作用机理。 |
Lawrie et al. determined that patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma had high serum levels of miR-21, which associated with increased relapse-free survival 3. | Lawrie等人证实,弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的病人的血清miR-21水平很高,后者与增高的不复发存活率密切相关。 |
Subsets and Splits