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The timeout parameter is ignored in Version 6 unless you have applied APAR PK10512. | 除非应用了 APAR PK10512,否则在 V6 中会忽略 timeout 参数。 |
You neednt worry, my little treasure. | 别担心,我的小宝贝。 |
Then from the "Yang Jia Case", it explains the loss of criminal discovery in judicial practice and the urgency to establish it. | 然后以“杨佳案”为例,说明证据开示在司法实践中的缺失及建立的紧迫性。 |
少数中国科学家认为根本没有必要存在以中文为主要语言的研究性杂志。 | A minority of Chinese scientists argue that there is no need for Chinese-language primary research journals at all. |
Orlando led by as many as 10 points in the first half before Evans made a free throw and hit a 3 in the final minute before halftime to cut the Magic's leads to 51-49. | 奥兰多在埃文斯投中一个罚球和上半场结束前中一个三分前领先10分之多,之后半场只以51比49领先。 |
Causes of accidents, in which operators were hit and injured by pipe tongs during oil well repair, were analyzed. | 分析了在石油修井作业过程中造成管钳打伤操作人员的事故原因; |
RTC delivers a straightforward agile process out of the box. | RTC 交付一个现成的直截了当的敏捷过程。 |
Done. See you tomorrow. | 一言为定。明天见! |
For improving the curative effect, ethmoid nerve cauterization and nasal septum correction or the partial cut of the infraturbinal can be performed during the endoscopic operation. | 结论:鼻内窥镜下切断翼管神经较经上颌窦途径更简捷、准确,可同时配合下鼻甲、鼻中隔手术或筛前神经电灼术以提高疗效。 |
According to the experiences in the practical production, the routine maintenance and faults treatment methods of polyester polycondensation vaccum situation were put forward. | 结合生产实践经验,提出了聚酯缩聚反应真空状况的日常维护及故障的处理方法。 |
You can track the resources in your lab by usin the lab management tools. | 您可以通过在您的实验室使用实验室管理工具来跟踪这些资源。 |
For instance, Christmas gifts and toys, they are exported around the world. | 例如,圣诞礼品和玩具,它们是出口世界各地。 |
The perfumed flowers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. | 芬芳的花朵是我的姊妹, 鹿儿、 马儿和巨雕都是我们的兄弟。 |
Its cabinet was a cube of steel with a painted-on mahogany grain. | 它的橱柜是用一块立方铁打成的,上面刻画着一束褐色的谷物。 |
Like so many other advancements in the world -- including the first photographs and early silent movies -- the snowman was right there, showing up front and center. | 世界上很多新事物都出现在上面——比如第一张照片,无声电影——接下来流行的便是雪人了。 |
The northwest boundary had gone deep into the pure pasture zone in a northward direction, and farming-pastoral ecotone near southeast boundary had changed to pure farming zone. | 西北界已向北深入到纯牧区,东南界附近也由农牧交错区转成纯农区。 |
The Rassanance make people regained their natural inner strength, and people express their admiration to the heros, using the pose of human sculpture. | 文艺复兴使人们找回自身的力量,对英雄的崇敬和力量的赞美通过人物雕塑充满生机的姿势体现出来; |
After just one day in Los Angeles, Elvis asked Schilling to fly with him back to the capital. | 在洛杉矶停留一天后,艾尔维斯让先林随他一起飞往首都。 |
Product use: vehicles quick start. Have energy-saving, save time, energy. | 产品用途:车辆快速启动。具有节能、省时、省力。 |
He eased some of the strains on the poor. | 缓解了穷人的压力。 |
But immediately,very early, you start hearing the Greeks talk about the polis in terms that are more in your mind than in touch. | 但是当你在很早的时候一听到,希腊人说到城邦这个术语的时候,你能立刻想到的就比你接触到的要多 |
The East Wu transplantated the Nine grade system in the area south of the Yangtze River related to the common historical backgrounds and conditions with Wei, and the transplantation was… | 东吴将九品中正制移植于江南,既和魏、吴两个分立的政权有着相同的历史渊源和历史条件有关,同时也是东吴政权在实现其全面江东化过程中采取的重要措施之一。 |
The cause of vibration on the turbogenerator stator end winding is analyzed, and the meaning of natural frequency test and vibration measurement is discussed. | 本文分析了引起汽轮发电机定子绕组端部振动的原因,以及固有频率试验和振动测量的意义。 |
"For a long time Steven Gerrard has played for Liverpool as a second forward but this year he is playing as a midfielder, " said the Italian. | “很长一段时间,杰拉德在利物浦都是被当做影锋来用,但今年他又打回了原来的中场位置。”意大利人说。 |
Anonymous. " Woodruff introduced the six bottle carton in 1923." | 伍德拉夫介绍了六瓶纸箱于1923年。 |
The present invention relates to thermal compression bonding method for combination pole. First, provide plastic combination base with its combination surface down toward; | 本发明涉及一种结合柱的热压合方法,首先提供一塑胶材质的结合座,其中该 结合座的结合面方向是朝下; |
Results from empirical analysis indicate the positive correlation between stock market index and enterprise prosperity index as well as industry value added. The negative correlation between sto… | 具体而言,股票价格指数与企业景气指标、工业增加值之间呈正相关关系,而与利率、货币供给之间是一种负相关关系,与通货膨胀率之间的关系则不确定。 |
Her Life Line is a green ocean-plant, forest. | 她的生命线是绿色的海洋草木,森林。 |
It takes away our edge, makes us groggy, and disrupts our sleep. | 它让我们反应迟钝,头昏脑胀,扰乱我们的睡眠。 |
Wherever he goes, Alexander is embraced by the Egyptians as the Great Deliverer. Linked by years of Persian oppression, Greece and Egypt are at last united under a single sovereign. | 各地的埃及人都视亚历山大为伟大的救主,多年来饱受波斯人欺压的希腊和埃及终于统一。 |
This measure will be of great important to prevent traffic congestion, reduce inner-urban parking demand, and assure the city to develop persistently. | 它对缓解城市中心的交通拥挤、停车难问题以及保证城市未来的可持续发展都具有重大意义。 |
Tudor would be seen as a direct replacement for Christoph Metzelder who will be joining Real Madrid at the seasons end. | 梅策尔德即将前往皇马另谋高就,一旦图多尔加盟多特蒙德,他将是这名大将当仁不让的替代人选。 |
Walter is too loud, Walter talks too fast, Walter says too much, and yet--- Walter 's vulgarity is something great. | 沃尔特嗓门太大,说话太快,说得太多,然而……沃尔特的粗俗倒是透出了几分了不起。 |
And those grownup who lose to a kid have the audacity to complaint? | 这些输了的成年人还有脸抱怨? |
Post-impressionism reflected a number of the same attitudes as symbolism in literature. | 后印象派反映了大量与文学象征主义相似的态度。 |
Then, the affected factors, such as legal obstacles, the economic development in fisheries society and the quality of fishermen, were analyzed. | 分析了影响流转的限制因素,如法律障碍、渔区经济发展水平、渔民自身素质等; |
The headmaster saw me draw the picture on the blackboard I'm for it now. | 校长看见我在黑板上画画,这下子我可惹出麻烦了。 收藏。 |
Stars and planets form within swirling clouds of dust and gas that visible light cannot penetrate, but which infra-red radiation can. | 那些漩涡状的尘埃气体云是恒星和行星诞生的摇篮,虽然可见光无法穿透其间,但是红外光却可以做到。 |
Two jockeys were thrown in the second race. | 有两个骑师在第二场赛马时摔了下来。 |
Every time when I get home, they come to me and kiss my toes. They are so cute. | 她们从来都不打架,每次我回家的时候,她们都会跑上来亲我的脚趾头。 |
All of them insisted on my staying with them a few days longer. | 他们所有的人都坚持要我再跟他们多呆几天时间。 |
The relationship between bond valence and bond covalency has been investigated by a semiempirical method. | 方法研究了固体材料中键电荷与键共价性的关系。 |
We'll be late for the meeting if we stay any longer. | 再不走我们开会就要迟到了。 |
This thesis offers the basic accounting theories and methods of open-ended fund, studies how to do accountancy of OEF. | 论述并研究了开放式基金的基本会计理论,包括会计基本假设、会计要素和会计确认和计量的特殊性; |
Results All 24 case patients were made better (through enhancing airway wetness, patting back, routine sucking sputum and sucking with fibrobronchscope. | 结果24例患者通过积极有效治疗(包括加强气道湿化、加强拍背、常规吸痰以及纤支镜、支气管肺泡灌洗等) ,病情明显好转。 |
Direct fetal injury is an infrequent complication of blunt trauma. | 胎儿直接损伤是钝器伤的罕见并发症。 |
Oracle (ORCL 24.47, +0.33, +1.37%) announced Monday that it hired Hurd as president -- just one month after he abruptly resigned from H-P following an internal probe of a sexual-harassment accusation. | 甲骨文周一宣布将聘任Hurd作为其新一任总裁,一个月前,Hurd曾接受了惠普性骚扰事件的内部调查,此后迅速向惠普集团递请辞职。 |
Build a sub-process that you can use to manage larger business systems. | 构建可以用来管理较大业务系统的子流程。 |
This depends on who owns the object, i. e. the owner sends and all others receive. | 这个依赖于谁拥有这个物体,例如,所有者发送,其他物体接收。 |
But it also became a day for national celebration, when rescuers saved 115 workers who were trapped for more than a week in the flooded Wangjialing Coal Mine in Shanxi province. | 但今年清明也成为全国上下欢欣鼓舞的日子,山西王家岭矿难中,被困井下超过一周的115名矿工终于获救。 |
He came in, holding a cigarette between his lips. | 他嘴上叨着香烟走了进来。 |
Infrastructure: Without organizational (senior management) support, long-term process improvement is unlikely. | 基础结构:组织高层领导菂支持才能保证长期菂过程改进。 |
Today, this concept has reached every corner of the globe. Decathlon has 405 stores in 13 countries, with 35,000 staff and products manufactured in 16 countries. | 目前,迪卡侬在13个国家开设了405家连锁商场,并在16个国家组织产品的生产,全球共有35,000名员工。 |
The structure of eccentric pressured moving moulding board of vertical injection press was optimally designed by using the machine design and the finite element analysis. | 用机械优化设计技术和有限元分析法,对立式注射机偏心受力活动模板进行了结构优化。 |
Objective To study the relationship between oxidizing damage and pathogeny of mice with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). | 目的探讨卡氏肺孢子虫感染大鼠后氧自由基产生组织氧化损害与发病之间的关系。 |
He gave it me at Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see. | 他在萨瓦纳临死时交待给了我,就像我现在要交待给你一样。 |
It's a familiar story. Kids grow up, parents sell the family home and move to some sunnier climate, some condo somewhere, some smaller abode. | 这样的故事让你觉得似曾相识孩子长大了,父母们便要把老家卖掉,搬到气候更宜人的地方去,住公寓或更小的房子。 |
The most common scenarios of organizing test automation group activities namely 'Independent, 'Merged' & 'Consultancy' is being discussed along with the benefits and losses. | 组织测试自动化组活动的最常见场景即‘独立式’,‘合并式’和‘顾问式’会和收益和损失在一起讨论。 |
This skill-oriented teaching method runs counter to the philosophy of higher normal education. | 这种以专业技能为主的教学模式背离了高师教育的宗旨。 |
Like Keynes, Tobin was an advocate for the role of government in maintaining full employment, said James Galbraith, an economist at the University of Texas in Austin. | 和凯恩斯一样,托宾是政府扮演维持充分就业角色的拥护者,詹姆斯·加尔布雷斯,奥斯汀得克萨斯大学的经济学家说。 |
Thunderbird can't be set to automatically show a CC or BCC line in a new email you're composing. | 在编写新邮件时,雷鸟不能被设定为能自动显示“抄送”或“密送”行。 |
Bandengqiao is largely flat, which could be reassuring apt traumatized earthquake survivors favor Li Yulan, christian louboutin, a 37-year-old mother of 2 from Chengjiaba, a town in Beichuan. | 对于像37岁的李玉兰(音)一样在地震中饱受创伤的幸存者来说,地势平坦的板凳桥能让他们安心。已为人母的李玉兰来自北川陈家坝镇。 |
The hotel is in front of the post office. | 旅馆在邮电局的前面。 |
Are you working with GLAAD on that story and what can viewers expect? | 你是否有与同性恋者反诽谤联盟协商过? 你觉得观众希望看到什么样的故事呢? |
TAKAHASHI: In middle school, i was active in the tennis club and i drew manga as a hobby. | 高桥:初中的时候我很活跃于网球社团,画漫画也是爱好之一。 |
ARSENIC AND WELL WATER: The world's worst toxic problems are not confined solely to industrial pursuits. Arsenic leaching into groundwater afflicts some 750,000 people, largely in south Asia. | 含砷的井水:世界上最严重的有毒问题不只局限与工业,浸析在地下水的砷影响了主要分布在南亚地区的约75万人。 |
In the Yang Quan Coal Mine Area ignitions have occurred on the underground gas pipes in the mines. | 作者对阳泉矿区井下瓦斯管路的发火问题,进行了长时间的考察研究。 |
A plot was uncovered against the President. | 谋害总统的阴谋败露了。 |
Henrik Fisker is looking to buck that trend, challenging Tesla, Nissan, and GM with an ambitious entry into the amped-up field of electrified autos. | 亨里克·菲斯克带着激情进入电动汽车市场,向泰斯拉汽车,尼桑,和通用发起挑战,希望能逆转这一历史趋势。 |
Results Deformed vascular net was observed, and the localization of arteriovenous fistulas was not observed directly in 18 congenital AVF patients. | 结果 18例先天性动静脉瘘查见纡曲扩张的血管网,无法辨认瘘口; |
The nucleation-growth mechanism for cubic and rod-shaped CaCO3 nanoparticles is discussed. This may be associated with the structure and shape of PMAA-DDT. | 分析了立方状和棒状纳米碳酸钙的形成机理,发现这可能与PMAA-DDT的分子结构与形状有关。 |
Pilot beam: for precise positioning of the emitter. | 导向射束:可精确定位发射器。 |
Various yeasts are selected from the nature, and are endowed with relevant capacity in specific environment in the method of targeted slaving. | 人们在自然界中筛选出各种各样的酵母,通过定向役使的方法,在特定的环境下赋予它们相应的能力。 |
Photochemical reactions of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) with D-methionine (Met) and its dipeptides have been studied by using 248nm laser flash photolysis technique. | 利用纳秒级激光光解瞬态吸收光谱装置,研究了4-硝基喹啉氧化物(4NQO)与含硫氨基酸及其肽的光化学反应。 |
These days most casinos will not even let you smoke, much less punch or shoot your way to a prize. | 现在,大多数赌场连烟都不让抽,更别提让人拳打枪射来获取“战利品”了。 |
This week, Google will reveal its plans for developing mobile wallets. | 这个星期,谷歌也会向外界透漏其发展手机钱包的计划。 |
Could it be that it was written wrongly? | 莫非写错了? |
Qi believes there has been a lack of a real supervision system under the current stock market and an immature credit system. | 祁斌认为,在市场经济体制不完善、社会信用体系不完整的大背景下,我国资本市场尚未形成真正的资本约束机制。 |
He burst into the room red-faced and out of breath . | 他冲进房间,脸色通红,气喘吁吁。 |
After this, we decided we would keep Lola in her crate whenever no one else was home. | 经过这些事后,我们决定在没人在家时不准洛拉离开窝。 |
Glamour girls and fashionistas everywhere rejoice as Sanrio and M·A·C Cosmetics are thrilled to introduce M·A·C Hello Kitty, a limited edition collection of cosmetics and accessories. | 魅力女孩和时尚的三丽鸥都感到欢欣鼓舞和M的C化妆品很高兴地介绍M的C凯蒂猫,限量版收集的化妆品和配件。 |
Place the rice noodles in a large bowl, and cover with warm water. | 把米线放进一个大碗里,然后用温水浸泡。 |
Ma-Chu Kingdom was a state at Hunan Province in China's Wudai-Shiguo Period. | 马楚政权是五代十国时期以今湖南地区为主建立的一个地方割据政权。 |
Let’s say you meet a day-older version of yourself just before you cross through the front of the gate and jump backward in time, as if you will hang around for a day to greet yourself in the past. | 比如你在穿过前门以前遇到了比自己年长一天的自己,然后及时地向后跳开,就好像你会花一天时间闲逛来和过去的自己相遇。 |
Horses should be walked for a while after a race. | 比赛后,应让马慢走一会儿。 |
What a terrible temper! | 脾气真够坏的! |
In this paper the trouble shooting and is removal in high voltage system of Shimadzu VD-1A X-ray Diffractometer were described in detail. Three examples were demonstrated. | 本文以三个故障实例详细地叙述了岛津VD—1A型X射线衍射仪高压系统的故障分析和排除方法。 |
Researchers at the MADRC have so far studied 80 patients in a project that has been going on for four years on the diagnosis of Alzheimer's at the earliest sign of cognitive dysfunction. | 目前,该中心的研究员们已经研究了项目中的80位病人。 这个项目一直持续了四年,它是在认知紊乱的早期症状时对老年痴呆症的诊断。 |
Although after you re-submit the card is the same, but this is the time of receipt, as defined. | 虽然和你以后补办的身份证是一样的,但是是以这张收据作为时间上的界定。 |
RSD of intra-batch and inter-batch assays were all less than 8.59%. | 高、中、低三种浓度的批内和批间变异均小于8.59%; |
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand; | 肿瘤坏死因子相关细胞凋亡诱导配体; |
Susanna has 13 years of experience in teaching Cantonese & Japanese in YMCA and other language institutes. | 资深广东话及日文老师,具备13年的教学经验,曾先后任教于青年会及其他语言学院。 |
“This interpolation is inserted for the benefit of any young newspaperman who may read it, ” he concluded in the typescript he would not complete for 42 years. | “之所以插入这些额外的话是为了有益于可能读到这些的年轻的新闻业人士,”他在打印稿中得出结论说不会干完42年。 |
According to the research on these tea producing areas, their distribution has the characteristic of being "multi-centered and widely-spread". | 通过研究这些产茶地,首先,可看出其分布呈现“多个中心,四面开花”的特点。 |
He told me that I should have sold tickets. | 他告诉我,我必须卖票啊。 |
The big boys jumped into the river but little Ned hung back. | 大些的男孩子都跳进河里了,但小内德畏缩不前。 |
In the turbo -generator condition monitoring and fault diagnosis system, the vibration data realtime restoring and teletransmission put forward a higher request to data compress. | 汽轮发电机组在线状态监测和故障诊断系统中振动数据实时存储和远程传输对数据压缩提出了较高的要求。 |
The lesions of the liver was 14.3% in the treatment group and 66.7% in the control group with significant difference in the two groups(P<0.01). | 两组肝功能损害治疗组为14.3%,对照组为66.7%,在肝功能损害上差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 |
In the early 2000s, the chemical industry was mothballing U.S. plants and shifting overseas where gas was cheaper. | 在2000年代早期,化工企业纷纷关闭在美国的工厂,转移到燃气较便宜的海外。 |
We try to explore the method for explaining the mechanism of Cold- and Hot- ZHENG based on statistical analysis of microarray data. | 本文尝试利用大规模基因芯片数据分析对中医寒热证机理进行了初步探索。 |
Subsets and Splits