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He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible. | 他快马加鞭,不停地骑呀骑,即使是饿了或累了也不停下,因为他想尽量多跑一些地方。 |
I may have to re-weld the top tube for vertical head tube and add some length for more foot to blade clearance . | 我可能必须重新焊接管顶端的垂直领导管并增加一些长度为更多的步行刀片清除。 |
Anne closed her book and stood up. | 安尼合上书,站了起来。 |
2:The battle to pass the President's budget plan through Congress turned out to be a real knock-down drag-out fight, with loud arguments, hot tempers and a very close final vote. | 原来总统的预算规划在国会通过的时候引起了激烈万分的论战。 参与者情绪激愤地大声争辩,表决的票数也十分接近。 |
Objective To study the changes of coagulation with severe acute cholangitis (ACST). | 目的观察重症急性胆管炎(ACST)的病人凝血的变化。 |
The attackers also hurled grenades. | 袭击者还投掷了手雷。 |
A specialized type does not need to change the class attribute for elements that it does not specialize, but simply reuses by reference from more generic levels. | 专门化类型不一定要改变未专门化元素的 class 属性,值需要通过引用更一般的层级重用。 |
The Great Sphinx in Egypt might have originally had the face of a lion (see photo), a UK geologist claimed recently. | 英国地质学家近日表示,埃及斯芬克斯狮身人面像最初可能是一尊完整的狮子雕像(见图)。 |
Other nude contracts which do not have the stipulation, may suitablly grant the rule of dotation contract. | 赠与合同作为单务无偿合同的典型,在《中华人民共和国合同法》中有其特殊的地位。 |
Don't be non-committal and say something vague like, "Can I help you?" | 不要害怕承诺并说一些模糊的话,“需要我的帮忙吗?。 |
And in the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel reigned Asa over Judah. | 犹大王亚撒第三年,亚希雅的儿子巴沙在得撒登基作以色列的王,共二十四年。 |
Results After three acupuncture treatments, Huiyang(BL 35) could relieve urination problems(P< 0.05) and Huantiao could just relieve dripping and urgent urination(P< 0.05); | 结果针刺3次后,会阳组可缓解各项排尿异常症状(P<0.05),环跳组仅可改善排尿不尽感、尿急(P<0.05); |
The club's interior reinterprets the classic house party by feeling and functioning like you've entered someone's private home. | 该俱乐部的内部重新解释了家的感觉的经典党和你一样的运作已经进入别人的私人住宅。 |
Chinese thinkers did not stress the individuated self as a positive good in contrast to the collective, although there was a clear idea of personal development to become a 'gentleman' or 'sage'. | 中国的思想家们明确传达了个人可以通过修身而成为“君子”或“圣人”的观念,但是,他们没有强调独立相对于集体来说是个体的自我是“现实的善”。 |
Last June, when sales in the Manhattan market were still largely stalled, a Russian businessman agreed to pay $18 million for the apartment, in Trump International Hotel and Tower. | 去年6月,在曼哈顿房地产市场的销售基本上还陷入停顿之际,一名俄罗斯商人同意出价1,800万美元买下这套位于Trump国际酒店大厦的公 寓。 |
We are committed to help them do the latter. | 我们承诺将帮助他们化敌为友。 |
In order for jBPM to be able to use our custom task instance implementation we also need to provide a custom task instance factory (Listing 10) | 要让jBPM能够使用我们的自定义任务实例实现,我们还需要提供一个自定义的任务实例工厂(清单10)。 |
When you get the screen for CD-KEY just ignore it leaving blank. | 当你在屏幕上的CD - KEY只是忽略它留下的空白。 |
Yesterday, Tzu Chi USA headquarters sent a preliminary survey team of three volunteers to the border of the neighboring Dominican Republic, to establish a disaster relief command center. | 美国慈济总会派遣三人先遣小组到邻近多明尼加共和国,成立海地赈灾的前进指挥中心。 |
He's saved his neck, thanks to his counsel, but people will always suspect him. | 多亏他的辩护律师他才免于一死,但人们将永远以怀疑的眼光来看待他。 |
The spring water is of dark green, deep and running all the year round. | 泉水碧绿凝重,深不见底,终年涌流不息。 |
I ain't so very drunk, Melly. | 我并没有那么醉,梅勒妮。 |
Daniele De Rossi equalised for the Italians in the 63rd minute, stabbing home from close range after Paraguayan keeper Justo Villar flapped and failed to cut out a Simone Pepe corner. | 第63分钟,佩佩左侧开出角球,巴拉圭门将比利亚尔出击判断出现失误,未能将皮球解围,后点的德罗西近距离垫射破网,为意大利将比分扳平。 |
In addition, the greatest characteristic of HAN mode on performance is no threshold voltage. Therefore, it is able to result electro-optic property from applying extremely lower voltage. | 而HAN模式在性能上的最大特徵是不存在阀值电压,因而只要外加极低的电压就能产生光电效应。 |
The little Saint Teresa bum was the first genuine Dharma Bum I'd met, and the second was the number one Dharma Bum of them all and in fact it was he, Japhy Ryder, who coined the phrase. | 这个圣特蕾莎流浪汉便是我所遇到的第一个真正的“达摩流浪者”,而第二个便是头号“达摩流浪者”贾菲·莱德,事实上也正是他发明了这个词。 |
Asked his cloud ginger can wait, cloud ginger agreed. | 问云姜能不能等待自己,云姜同意了。 。 |
I'm not sure who experienced the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment. | 我不能确定谁更感到高兴,赠送者的丈夫,还是承受者的妻子,或是我,在这个特别的时辰无机会分享这一幕。 |
The ability of man's fallen mind to turn back from its captivity to Satan is rooted in the promise of a Redeemer. | 那提拔人类堕落的心意使之转离撒旦奴役的能力,乃是深植于赐下救赎主的应许。 |
The researchers estimated about 1 million cases of influenza-linked severe pneumonia, representing 7% or 1 in 14 of all severe pediatric pneumonia cases globally. | 研究人员估计约有100万例流感相关的重症肺炎病例,占全球所有儿童严重肺炎病例的7%或1/14。 |
With the coming of "post-modern" in the 60s of 20th century, man enters the "post-mankind time" as well and begins the new era of "post-mankind evolution". | 随着2 0世纪6 0年代后现代的到来,人类也进入“后人类时代” ,开始“后人类进化”的新纪元。 |
And then she goes walking and finds a pocket watch and she thinks, "Wow. This is pretty cool." | 后来在走路的时候发现了一只怀表,于是她想‘哇,真酷’。 |
For example, overweight customers who find they have two copies of TCF7L2 really do have something to think about. | 例如,那些找到他们有两个tcf7l2 副本的体重过重的顾客的确要做一些认真的思考。 |
World leaders said Monday the end is near for Moammar Gadhafi's regime and began planning for Libya's future without the man who has held power there for 42 years. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev) | 周一,世界各国领导人称穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲政权即将倒台,并开始利比亚的未来做打算,而在这个利比亚,那个掌权42年的人已经不在。 |
Conceptually, when you use Dynamic UI Management, you add another step to the process of generating a user-specific content model. | 在概念上,当使用 Dynamic UI Management 时,您可以将另一个步骤添加到生成特定于用户内容模型的流程中。 |
Now there are 115 companies in the park and the processing capacity of annual dismantling is I to 1.5 million tons and it forms market of metal raw material that has great influences in China. | 目前入园企业115家,年拆解加工能力为100—150万吨,形成了在全国有一定影响的有色金属原材料市场。 |
German projects in the pipeline in China include a €150m ($220m) tyre plant to be built by Continental in Hefei, and two joint-ventures being set up by Daimler to build vans and trucks. | 德国在中国的管道项目包括大陆(Continental)公司在合肥建的一座耗资1.5亿欧元的轮胎厂,以及戴姆勒建立的两家生产货车和卡车的合资企业。 |
A pool-culture experiment as conducted to study the effects of potassium humate on the growth and active oxygen metabolism of ginger root. | 采用池栽试验方法研究了腐植酸钾对生姜根系生长发育及活性氧代谢的影响。 |
In the interpretation of this secret, the Fuli Sen is Sam Walton, for example: he often disturb the market price. | 在解释这条秘诀时,福利森是以山姆·沃尔顿为例的:他经常扰乱市场价格。 |
The near side is always facing Earth and the far side is always facing away, because the moon revolves around the Earth at the same rate that it rotates on its own axis. | 近地半球总是面对地球,远地半球总是远离地球,因为月球在绕地球旋转的同时,它也在以同样的速率绕自己的轴自转。 |
I'm sorry about it, fish. | 我为这件事感到真抱歉,鱼啊。 |
Would you please send us catalogue, price list, together with the samples of your products? | 您能惠寄贵公司产品的目录,价格表和样品吗?。 |
Sleep researchers believe that many people shift from being temporary night owls in their teens to early 20s (due to hormonal surges) to being morning persons in their 30s onward. | 研究睡眠的专家认为人们在20岁左右的年龄因为荷尔蒙激增的原因会暂时性的习惯晚睡,到了30岁左右就会成为早睡早起的人。 |
Three days later fireman bob picked up billy dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the ladder truck. | 三天后,消防员鲍勃来接比利,为他穿上消防制服,从医院病床一直陪同来到装着长梯的消防车上。 |
N. statistics say 2,777 died last year, nearly 75 percent at Taliban hands. | 美方的数据称,去年2777起死亡中,接近75%是塔利班干的。 |
The installed capacity of the substation and power consumption will be further reduced as applying regenerative braking. | 再生制动的应用则可进一步减少牵引变电所的安装容量和供电网的能耗。 |
They all wore the most expensive clothes and had beautiful, long, curly hair. | 她们都穿着最昂贵的衣服,留着长长的美丽的鬈发。 |
Today is the 200th day of Ggong's 20s. | 今天是「孔侑20时」开播200天的日子。 |
They told me that their desire was to follow God' s directive to be "salt" and "light" in the world (Matt. 5:13-14). | 他们告诉我,他们不过是渴望遵循上帝的命令,在世上作「光」作「盐」(马太福音5章13-14节)。 |
According to dialectical materialism and historical Chinasm, China s government has applied flexible policies to the economic development, as a result, continuous success are achieved. | 我国根据经济社会发展不同阶段的具体实际,始终坚持辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法论,并有力地促进了经济社会发展不断取得新的成就。 |
These two regional systems seal the high wax petroleum system and the normal system respectively. | 两套区域封盖体系分别对高蜡油和正常油的油气系统起到非常重要的封盖作用。 |
The other three segments of the financial markets - money, debt and credit markets - could be impacted indirectly. | 金融市场的其中三个部分——货币、债券和信贷市场——会受到间接影响。 |
Please Don't Will ID Or Password To Other People, FCT Will Can't Be Responsible For Any Duty. | 请勿将帐号或密码给别人,社区联盟将不会负上任何责任。 |
Going by the screenshots it looks like Konami have followed in the footsteps of the FIFA manager mode and then a step further too. | 依照这些图片,Konami看起来已经跟随着FIFA经理模式的脚印而且也在这基础上踏出了一大步。 |
But above all else, just ditch the pickup lines and other verbal techniques, because that 7% ain’t gonna help much. | 除此之外,放弃那些没话找话的搭讪以及其他语言技巧吧,因为那7%的作用帮不上太大的忙。 |
Japanese firm has come up with a holographic character that is also a smart home device. | 这是由一家日本公司研发的全息投影式角色,她还是一位智能家居助手。 |
Lies of omission and commission. | 不作为和抽佣的谎言。 |
The national leaders have approved the strategy of "promote economy cooperation around Beibu Gulf". | 广西北部湾经济区在泛北经济合作中具有战略地位。 |
Mark Melligen of the Philippines, right, takes a punch from Gabriel Martinez of Mexico during their 10-round welterweight fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas on Feb. 19. | 菲律宾选手Mark Melligen(右)经受墨西哥选手Gabriel Martinez的一拳。 2月19日,这场10回合的次中量级比赛在拉斯维加斯的曼德勒海湾活动中心举行。 |
I like drawing so much that I spent lots of time drawing pictures and read books about drawing every day. | 自己是如斯喜好画画致使于自己天天花年夜量地时间画画和看绘画方面地册本。 |
He barks and cries at the same time, wags his tail so hard that he wipes up the garage floor with his fuzzy butt, and he tinkles. | 他又叫又闹,使劲摇着尾巴,毛茸茸的尾巴尖儿在车库的地板上扫来扫去,脖子上的铃铛叮当作响。 |
They must have strong longings that lures them to attend MEC. | 他们一定有很强烈的渴望促使他们参加英语角。 |
Methods: Mental health status of college students were estimated using SCL - 90, 16PF, LES, CSQ and SSRS. | 方法:采用系列心理卫生评定质量SCL-90、16PF、LES、CSQ、SSRS等对大学生心理健康进行评定。 |
Many companies have successfully used the stray remarks doctrine, in California and beyond, to defeat discrimination cases at the summary judgment stage. | 在加州和其他各州,许多公司已成功地运用这一理论在简易判决阶段就打赢了歧视官司。 |
The deal hasn't been announced by governments in either China or North Korea. The LAT cited business people and Korean analysts as the source of their report. | 中国和朝鲜政府都没有宣布此项协议。《洛杉矶时报》的消息来源是商人和韩国分析人士。 |
Apply the established evaluation criteria number system to research the ride feature of WMTC test cycle and the difference with FTP, ECE etc emission test cycle. | 利用所建立的评价准则数体系,研究了WMTC测试循环的行驶特征及其与FTP、ECE等排放测试循环的差异。 |
The 2~(nd) Industrial Revolution and establishment of Capitalism made profound innovation in politics, economy, and social thought fields, and also induced appearance of Realism in Europe. | 第二次工业革命的全面开展和资本主义制度的确立带给西方国家政治、经济、社会思想的深刻变革,也促成写实主义(现实主义)文艺流派在欧洲的盛行。 |
Jane Wangui owns a hair salon in downtown Nairobi, one of a handful of shops in the area open for business on Friday. | 简。旺桂是内罗毕市中心一家美容店的老板,这家店也是星期五为数不多仍在营业的店铺之一。 |
However, your journey is not yet over. Diablo still roams free in Hell, marshalling his demonic forces. Only when he is beaten will our world finally have peace. | 不过,你的旅程还没有结束。暗黑破坏神已经在地狱中自由了,正在集结他的恶魔大军。只有打倒他,我们的世界才会获得真正的和平。 |
MBL's work is truly amazing, thank you for letting me be a part of it. | MBL的工作确实是惊人的,谢谢你让我成为一部分。 |
The elections in Tunisia and the dramatic demise of former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi have pushed the allegations of an Iran-sponsored plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington on U. | 突尼斯的选举和利比亚前领导人卡扎菲的悲惨结局之后,伊朗暗杀沙特特使的阴谋已逐渐走上华盛顿的前台。 |
Pricing of active and reactive power is integrated efficiently. The problem that how to recover the cost of the generators which operate in the under excitation condition is resolved successfully. | 该方法适用于存在环流的网络,有效地解决了发电机进相运行时生产的成本回收问题,并将负荷有功、无功电价计算有效地统一起来; |
Stone Soup Stories to Go! | 石头汤(故事去!) |
The centre-right government of President Sebastián Piñera agrees. | 皮涅拉(Sebastián Piñera)总统中央集权政府承认这样的事实。 |
It can also be of great use for debugging performance problems, thanks to the presence of microsecond precision in the trace timestamps. | 由于跟踪时间戳具有毫秒级的精度,方法跟踪还可以用来调试性能问题。 |
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. | 天气变得很坏,他们只好原路而归了。 |
Effects of low-temperature annealing on oxygen precipitate nucleation in heavily arsenic-doped Czochralski silicon; | 研究了五种不同的热处理气氛对直拉硅中氧沉淀及其诱生缺陷的影响。 |
He lived in Gold Lion Hotel, it's an ancient building about 350 years old. | 他住在金狮旅馆,这是一个有将近350年历史的古建筑。 |
The socks, which are low cut and 90 percent bamboo, were the "coziest and thickest"and provided "comfortable ankle padding" in seated postures, she said. | 这种含90%的竹纤维短袜,是“最舒服,厚实:,而且在坐姿时可以提供”舒适的垫着脚踝“。 |
Director Louis Leterrier is a big fan of Clash of the Titans (1981), having watched it in his childhood. | 自儿时看过1981年版《诸神之战》后,导演路易斯·莱特里尔便成为了该片的狂热粉丝。 |
Ayutthaya you how deep I love more than stupid, too seriously? Or dumb? | 你的城府有多深,我爱的多蠢,是太认真?还是太笨? |
Russia's anti-gay legislation is one of multiple criticisms facing the nation ahead of the Sochi Games. | 俄罗斯关于反同性恋的立法是索契奥运会前面临的众多指责之一。 |
And as soon as this condition or these conditions evaluate to false, the whole loop terminates. | 一旦这个条件或这些条件不成立,整个循环终止。 |
With Mount Kilimanjaro looming in the distance, its wide-open, rolling grasslands offer some of the most jaw-dropping scenery in a country full of such views. | 远处的乞力马扎罗山,时隐时现,视野一片开阔。 茫茫草原,“草”浪翻滚,目及之处,景色怡人,目不暇接。 |
Translatability sometimes seems impossible between different cultures, but equivalents close in meaning do exist. | 不同文化之间虽然存在不可译性,但也存在意义相近的对应词。 |
He came to welcome me with a handshake. | 他来与我握手表示欢迎。 |
Business Goal: produce the first class brand. | 企业目标:创一流的品牌。 |
Clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. | 小而白,洁又亮,见到我你面露喜色。 |
A Reuters survey found economists expect Friday's Labor Department report on June non-farm payrolls to show a decline of 110,000. | 一项路透调查显示,经济学家预计周五公布的月度就业报告显示,6月就业人口减少11万人. |
Semi-finals: 2 halves, 10 minutes for each half, with 1 minute break. | 半决赛的时间是上下半场各10分钟,中间休息1分钟; |
Once again park well away from the area. | 再说一遍,把车停得远远的。 |
Shen Cheng is a project official with the animal-protection group ACTAsia. | 沈成,动物保护组织“行动亚洲”项目官员。 |
This programme is for students who have completed 'high school' but do not have suitable English or level of academic qualifications to enter the first year of University. | 该课程是为高中毕业但没有相应的语言成绩或英语达不到课程要求的学生设立的,读完后进入大一学习。 |
Those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1,2,5,10 and 20 litres. | 这些货物分别装入1、2、5、10、20升的木桶里。 |
Ageing will put pressure on societies at all levels. | 老龄问题将对社会各阶层带来压力。 |
The real Ken did not like the three-dimensional Barbie dolls, being described as having the appearance of "a woman who sold sex". | 真正的肯不喜欢三维芭比娃娃,这种娃娃被描绘成具有”出卖肉体之女人“的模样。 |
Once the registry shows an accurate address, you can 'Re-Initiate' the transfer via your Go Daddy account under "Pending Domain Transfers". | 一旦注册表显示了一个正确哒地址,伱可以的'重新开始'哒爸爸通过您哒访提问在“挂起哒域名转让帐户”转移。 |
What sequela is there after becoming gall-stone operation? | 做了胆结石手术后有什么后遗症吗? |
A few more labored breaths as his blurred vision slowly reveals what has happened. | 他又重重地喘息了几下,透过模糊的视线,他慢慢地明白发生了什么事。 |
anywhere you want to go, there's always somebody friendly. | 无论你想去哪儿,都会有些友好的人。 |
He sorted out and standardized Mongolian writing system; his grammar works is the foundational works for later Mongolian grammar study. | 他整理并规范了蒙古文书写系统,编写的语法著作是后世蒙古语语法研究的奠基作品。 |
Subsets and Splits