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The effect of aging treatment on the pitting corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel was studied. The pitting resistance of samples was reduced by aging treatment both at 590 ℃ and 650 ℃. | 通过研究时效热处理对2205双相不锈钢耐点蚀性能的影响,发现590 ℃和650 ℃的时效处理降低了材料的耐点蚀性能,并且耐点蚀性能随着时效温度和时效时间的增加而降低; |
I just posted some on my website, but I do not know if people studying English know IPA. | 我的博客上有一个帖子用国际音标,但是我不知道学英语的是否能看懂。 |
The steam explosion pulping of sisal hemp fibers has been studied in this paper. | 本文采用蒸汽爆破制浆的方法,对剑麻原料进行制浆的研究。 |
Unlike patients with obstructive sleep apnea, patients with central sleep apnea are more likely to remember their awakenings and complain of light and fragmented sleep. | 与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症不同,中枢性睡眠呼吸中止症患者对睡眠中断记得很清楚,并往往抱怨浅层睡眠和睡眠中断。 |
All these writers run to sentiment. | 所有这些作家都有伤感的倾向。 |
The yttrium silicate coating prepared by in situ formation method has the best oxidation protective property, which can effectively protect C/C composites from oxidation at 1600℃ for more than 200h. | 其中,采用原位形成法制备的硅酸钇涂层具有极佳的抗氧化性能,可在1600℃空气中对C/C复合材料有效保护200小时。 |
Some will get ahead and make bundles of cash, while others will abandon the movie industry for better-paying jobs in less glamorous businesses. | 他们中的一些人会坚持下去最后成功的赚取很多钱,而另一些人会放弃电影业去做其他更高薪的事业。 |
“Recollections of Lincoln, ” by Henry Villard (February 1904) | “林肯回忆录”,Henry Villard(1904.2) |
Stewart and Pattinson were rumored to have finally gotten together when they filmed the first Twilight sequel New Moon last summer. | 传闻说,在去年夏天拍《暮光之城》的首部续集《新月》时,斯图尔特和帕丁森最终成为了一对。 |
Objective: To provide the anatomical basis for neurectomy of hip joint. | 目的:为髋关节去神经术提供解剖学依据。 |
Female Chinese writing in Southeast Asia has greatly increased in the recent years. | 东南亚华文女性写作近年来已蔚然成风并产生一定影响。 |
The 75cm reptile, which is on the list of endangered species, was found in baggage, said Norwegian customs inspector Wenche Fredrikson. | 在瑞典到挪威的火车上,海关官员在一次例行的行李搜查,发现了一条75厘米长的短吻鳄。 |
The government had painted us oppositionists as a sad, marginal group on the payroll of the CIA. | 政府将我们这群糟糕而又弱小的反对党人团体记录在中央情报局名单上。 |
And Vergeer admits that "sometimes it's tiring always trying to improve. | 沃吉尔承认,“有时会对无尽的提高而感到厌烦。” |
This wool knits up well. | 这种毛线很好织。 |
The hardwares and softwares of the system based on this methods are designed. | 并设计出了以这种方式为核心的陶瓷明焰窑温度控制的硬件和系统软件。 |
Every evening he went out upon the sea, and one evening the net was so heavy that hardly could he draw it into the boat. | 他每晚出海。 某天夜里,他的渔网竟如此之沉,以至于他几乎无法将它曳上船来。 |
Because wall runs with the privileges of group tty, it can open and write to every terminal. | 因为 wall 是以组 tty 的权限运行的,所以它可以打开和写入所有终端。 |
This paper is mainly about the application of DDC(Direct Digital Control)process control in polymerizer forced condensation and the results. | 本文主要论述了聚合釜冷凝强制投用的DDC过程控制应用。 |
I used to go to work by bike. (But I don't anymore, now. ) | 我过去常骑自行车上班。 |
The bold code in the previous listing is the common code for both methods, while the last lines of code beginning with ref = context.getServiceReference (wsgateway.OSGiService.class.getName()); | 上述清单中的粗体代码是两种方法的共有代码,以 ref = context.getServiceReference (wsgateway.OSGiService.class.getName()); 开头的最后几行代码用于 sid 方法。 |
Case studies on the knowledge model with the experiment data sets of different eco sites, varieties and target yields indicated a good model performance in decision making and applicability. | 利用南京、安阳、石河子和太原等生态点的不同品种和产量目标资料对所建知识模型进行了检验。结果表明,知识模型对品种选择和播期设计具有较好的决策性和适用性。 |
Now that they have been simplified, they appear more human and alive than if they had been represented in all their details. | 正是因为被简化了,它们要比全盘的精细刻画的效果更像人,更有活气。 |
Through research to explore ideas and enrich method of solfeggio teaching, and provides the inspired and reference significance for solfeggio subject reform. | 通过研究对开拓视唱练耳教学思路丰富教学法,以及视唱练耳教学改革具有一定的启示和借鉴的意义。 |
EarthSound's products have an excellent track record in the States. | 天籁的产品在美国有非常辉煌的过去。 |
So is it correct English to split infinitives? | 所以我的答案是可以拆分不定式。 |
When you move to SSDs, I/O operations become much faster, but most people don’t realize how large the difference is. | 如果转变成 SSD,I/O 操作将会变得更快,但大多数人不知道差异有多大。 |
Built between 1891 and 1913, the Trans-Siberian Railway stretches for 5, 753 miles from Moscow’s Yaroslavsky terminal to Vladivostok on the Pacific Ocean. | 穿越西伯利亚铁路建于1891年至1913年,从莫斯科的雅洛斯拉夫斯基火车站到太平洋沿岸的符拉迪沃斯托克,全长5,753英里。 |
He won a few headers and calmed things down. | 赢得了几次头球争顶并且使情况稳定下来。 |
Those poor Americans, ' I thought when I saw this, 'we're not so brazen here in China. | 当时看的时候觉得美国人民真可怜,咱么中国就没那么多花花肠子。 |
Of course the all-pervasive spirit of irony has since made straightforward interpretations less reliable. | 当然,具有讽刺意味的普遍精神的全自作出直接的解释不可靠。 |
China do not need the people who are trapped by affection! | 中国不需要为情所困的人! |
There has been some reporting that Islamist charities have again substituted themselves for the Pakistani state in providing relief in Southern Punjab. | 据某些报道称,伊斯兰教慈善组织再次取代巴基斯坦政府为旁遮普提供救济。 |
Oil paintings Red Wall——A Harmonious Household was exhibited and given Academic Award in "The First Biennial Art Exhibition of Guangzhou" in Guangzhou International Conference & Exhibition Center. | 画作品《红墙——家门和顺》参加广州国际会议展览中心举办的“中国首届广州艺术双年展”获学术奖,作品被收录进展览画册; |
Of the use of advanced ultrasonic humidification humidification system. | 加湿系统采用先进的超声波加湿。 |
The leader had joined the army much earlier after graduating from high school. | 这位班长自打高中毕业后就入伍了。 |
While if the system was in a state between steady and transient, the whole reaction was controlled by the combination of charge transfer and mass transfer. | 而当体系介于稳态和暂态之间时,则为传质和传荷的 混合控制。 |
The isodynamometer was used to measure in a follow-up way the fighters of excellent Free-fighting Team. | 采用等速测力的方法,对优秀散打运动员进行跟踪测试。 |
The solution: 'Divide and conquer,' he says. | 他说,最后的解决方法是:“分而治之”。 |
Once I took part in an activity checking the human deeds, the objects of which were two distinguished young cadres. | 曾参加过一次人事考查,考查对象是两个工作业绩非常出色的青年干部。 |
However, should Nilmar arrive as a replacement, Wolfsburg may be willing to lower their price slightly and loosen their grip, allowing the Rossoneri to pounce. | 然而,一旦尼尔马加盟,狼堡可能会降低哲科的标价放他走人,米兰将有机可乘。 |
They were friendly, but bikers always reserve a particular disdain for scooterists, believing they're only "playing at it". | 他们都很友善,但都有点看不起骑踏板车的人,认为这只是在“玩耍”。 |
These failures caused the stimulus enacted in February 2009 to be botched in both in its design and its administration, resulting in the discrediting of deficit spending as a response to depression. | 这些失败使得2009年2月实施的刺激计划从设计到实施都显得愚不可及,导致为回应萧条而产生的天文数字一样的赤字开销。 |
The hair growth, anti-off, black hair, anti hair acidification effect is very significant, can improve the ability of anti-aging hair. | 其生发、防脱、乌发、抗毛发酸化的效果更是极为显著,可提高头发的抗老化能力。 |
Pilots learn that when they face a life-defining challenge, they should not run from their fear. They should embrace it. | 飞行员们会学习到,当他们面临千钧一发的时刻时,他们不该逃避他们的恐惧,而该迎向它。 |
The Supreme Court of the U. S. A. deliberate whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted. | 美国最高法院研究是否重新统计佛罗里达 州的选票。 |
Then the residual error signal is predicted using the forward finite-difference method, and the adaptive LMS algorithm is used to get optimal active noise control filter. | 采用前向差分预测算法预测控制区域内的残余误差信号,然后利用自适应LMS算法,得到最优的噪声控制滤波器。 |
His talking is full of speculative thinking, it sounds quite logical. | 讲话的思辨性极强,听起来很有逻辑。 |
Theme song from Saiunkoku Monogatari anime. | 彩云国物语的主题曲。 |
City economists are predicting 1.9% economic growth for this year, which is less optimistic than the Office for Budget Responsibility's 2.1% forecast. | 城市经济学家预测今年经济将增长1.9%,比政府责任预算的2.1%不乐观。 |
When her statement was read a very cleat light was cast upon the situation. | 她的声明宣读后,情况便显得非常清楚了。 |
The remote search server is a single point of failure. | 远程搜索服务器是一个单点故障点。 |
Department of underground springs gush from surface collection, surface area of about 27,000 square meters, depth of surplus husband. | 系地下泉水涌出地表汇集而成,水面面积约2.7万平方米,水深盈丈。 |
He graduated from Xi'an international university , the Department of Foreign Languages English majors. | 毕业于西安外事学院,外语系英语专业。 |
Digital image steganography does have some drawbacks, though. | 但是,数码图像隐写术仍然有一定缺点。 |
It is one of the famous paintings in the ancient Eygptian history. | 这是古老的埃及史上最著名的油画之一。 |
Why did you go tell Mrs. Lee how much money I'm going to make?Now she'll go and tell the whole world! | 你为甚么要到李蜜斯那去说我要挣几多钱?全球的人城市知道了! |
I loved you tenderness and candor. | 我曾柔情似水满怀真挚地爱过你。 |
What will you need to do, today, to take the first steps in that direction? | 今天你需要做什么, 朝那个方向迈出第一步。 |
The communal bath has a sauna, a steam room and a spa. | 大众池有烤箱、蒸气室和水疗设备。 |
And thou shalt say to the house of Israel that provoketh me: Thus saith the Lord God: Let all your wicked doings suffice you, O house of Israel. | 你对叛逆的以色列家族说:吾主上主这样说:以色列家族,你们所行的一切丑恶之事,该够了罢! |
I went through an extremity of despair due to my failure in the National College Entrance Examination. It seemed that my dream of being a university student would never come true. | 由于我在高考中的失利,我感到了极度的失望,我要成为一名大学生的梦想似乎是无法实现了。 |
Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick, a suburb of Manchester. | 安娜于1923年出生在曼彻斯特的郊区阿德维克。 |
"We are meeting at a time of tragedy," WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan told the 2500 delegates in the Assembly Hall of the Palais des Nations as she opened the meeting. | 我们在发生灾难的时刻相会,”世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍博士在致大会开幕词时对聚集在万国宫会议大厅的2500名代表说。 |
But he gave Reuters access to his studio near the imposing Forbidden City ahead of Friday's 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. | 但是在建党90周年前夕,他邀请路透社记者来到他位于紫禁城附近的工作室。 |
And then, the mathematics model was firstly set up to analyze the force that the rotary control head endured when the preventer installed aslant. | 并在此基础上通过建立力学数学模型完成旋转控制头在安装偏斜的情况下的动力学分析。 |
The first thing I want to know is what is the velocity of this bullet when it comes out of the spring and does it vary if I do it three, five, six times in a row? | 我首先得知道,这颗钢珠,被弹簧弹出时的速度,以及速度是否,会因连续发射而发生变化? |
J: You have a very busy life. Lots of a week activies. | 你生活很充实啊,有很多的活动。 |
Every day, clouds wash over these high meadows, coaxing new blooms from the rich glacial soils. | 每天,乌云在高山牧场上空翻滚,在肥沃的冰山土壤上催生出新的花朵。 |
Objective To explore the feasibility of test for bacterial endotoxins in Methotrexate injection. | 目的探讨甲氨蝶呤冻干粉针剂进行细菌内毒素检查的可行性。 |
Complaining, criticizing and gossiping is a waste of time and saps your energy. | 抱怨、批评和闲聊会浪费你的时间,消耗你的精力。 |
Svetlana Kuznetsova defeated fellow countrywoman Dinara Safina in straight sets to win the French Open. | 库兹涅佐娃仅两局就轻松击败同样来自俄国的萨芬娜,获得法网冠军。 |
The bath should be warmer than 100 degrees Fahrenheit and you should be in it for longer than 20 minutes. | 水温应大于100华氏度温暖,泡澡时间应超过20分钟。 |
So on our way to eat at a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant, we came across this advertisement for a male escort service in Shanghai. | 在我们去吃日本自助餐的路上,我们路过一个关于在上海的男保镖服务的广告。 |
The cost of living figures out at $300。 | 生活费合计为300美元。 |
When he won the Independent Spirit Award on Saturday for "best first film" as a director, the 52-year-old acknowledged "the other boys and girls" who were nominated for their first efforts. | 周六,在他赢得独立精神最佳影片奖的时候,这位52岁的导演感谢了由于努力而获得提名的“其他男孩、女孩”。 |
And you express that "I'm feeling this way, is it ok?" | 你可以表达“我有这样子的感觉,没问题吧?” |
This facility is potentially useful as a product range develops, since successive enhancements may become too big for on-chip memory and it is undesirable not to build on the existing software base. | 这项设施 作为一个产品系列的开发是非常有潜力的,因为连续改进在对片内存储器也许会变得 太大,这在现有的软件基础上是不可取的。 |
As the same time, large-scale investment projects have spread from developed eastern areas to underdeveloped middle-western areas. | 与此同时,温泉项目投资正从我国东部发达地区向中西部欠发达地区延伸。 |
"We have not found one operator which has created shareholder value with iPhone, " Strand argues. " A lot of competitors are actually doing better." | “我们还未发现哪家运营商通过iPhone使股东获益”,斯特兰德咨询机构指出,“许多iPhone的竞争者有着更好的表现”。 |
There are a variety of other integration points, such as simple bookmarklets for posting links as bookmarks, activity, or community entries and the Profiles contextual business card. | 还有很多其它的集成点,例如用于将链接发布为书签、活动或社区条目的简单的 bookmarklet 和 Profiles 上下文名片。 |
Attachments included:flat beater, wire whisk , dough hook; | 搅拌机附件:拌料棒、 打蛋器、搅面钩; |
Yechen asked if I minded if a couple of friends from university joined us for dinner. | 叶晨问我是否介意几个来自大学的朋友和我们一起吃晚餐。 |
More responsive page rendering using lazy frame construction. | 更多的反应型页面渲染使用懒人框架结构。 |
It suggests phenytoin sodium has some injury to caryon genetic material. | 该结果提示苯妥英钠对细胞核遗传物质具有一定损伤作用。 |
First, this novel is a typical Bildungsroman by analyzing the structure and typical images in every scenes. | 首先,主要通过对文章的结构以及对各个结构中具有代表意象的分析出这是一部典型的成长小说。 |
The spirit of the Gutian Meeting is an inexhaustible resource for the ideological education in colleges. | 古田 会议 精神是 高校 思想政治 教育不竭的 源泉。 |
Examine the derived dry P-wave modulus (Md) and shear modulus. | 检验提取到的干燥P波模量(Md)和剪切模量。 |
The utility model belongs to the technical field of machines and discloses a roller balancing device. | 本实用新型属于机械工程技术领域,公开了一种轧辊平衡装置。 |
through the exercise of political responsibility, which means responsibility for and oversight of one's fellow citizens and the common good. | 仅有透过政治责任的运作才能获得,那责任意谓着,看顾某人的同邦公民,及公共利益。 |
We drove to his house one evening and met Wang Sheng, his family, and Lingling. | 那天晚上我们驱车来到他家,终于看到了王胜和他的家人以及林玲。 |
The oxidation of diphenylmethane with H_2O_2 under microwave irradiation was investigated using iron acetate as catalyst and glacial acetic acid as solvent. | 在微波辐射下,使用醋酸铁作为催化剂,冰醋酸作为溶剂,考察了过氧化氢氧化二苯甲烷的反应。 |
Here comes yet another Dunk Hi, after we presented you earlier the seamless Polka Dot Dunk Hi and the "Quilted Patent" Dunk Hi Pack. | 这里来另外扣篮喂,在我们及早提出了您无缝的圆点花样的布料扣篮喂之后,并且“缝制了专利”扣篮喂组装。 |
Both men had direct contact with dead chickens when feeding carcasses to their dogs. | 这两名男子均在将死鸡尸体喂狗时直接接触了死鸡。 |
Well, I lost a year while my family Was tunneling out of north korea. Advantage Kim. | 我浪费了一年,因为我和家人,从地道逃出朝鲜花了一年时间。金发球占先。 |
With the 127 single-seat FGFA that IAF wants costing extra, India will spendaround $25 billion on the entire project. | 印度还要额外花费价钱购买127架这种单座的第五代战机,所以整个项目中印度的开销将达到250亿美元。 |
Mark Attila Hately jumping over Carlo Judas Collovatti and offering the derby to Milan after years of sufferings. | 马克.阿提拉.哈特利高高跃起,力压敌手科洛瓦蒂,救助米兰在那段饱经患难的光阴里博得一场德比的胜利。 |
Ms. Zhang and her husband, Pan Shiyi, 43, are one of China's best-known business couples, renowned for their funky aesthetic. | 张欣和她的丈夫、现年43岁的潘石屹因其时尚的审美情趣而成为中国商业圈中最著名的伉俪之一。 |
When I walked in, all the girls in the office were in a tizzy. | 我走进去的时候,办公室里的所有女孩儿都非常迷惑不解。 |
As the electrical and controls engineer at the food producer's plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, his job is to worry about the cleanliness of the facility's electrical power. | 马克·罗宾逊在爱荷华州锡特拉皮兹市的一家食品生产厂职业,作为一名电气控制编制工程师,他的职业便是担保有“清洁”的设置用电。 |
Subsets and Splits