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The law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God. | 自然律法与十诫在本质上是相同的,自然律法在伊甸园中它就被启示出来了,全人类都天生有着这样的认知,因此,所有的人在神的面前都没有借口。 |
In this essay, from the point of sociology, the relations between them is explored, which is characterized by conflicts, interactions and conformity. | 从社会学角度考察二者关系具有冲突性、互动性和整合性的特征。 |
I can use that to return values, which I can then use elsewhere, which I did-- and if I just come back and highlight this-- inside of that computation. | 我可以用它来返回值,然后我可以在别的地方使用这些返回值,正是我做的--如果我回过头来,在高亮一下这个--在这部分计算内部。 |
Statement jewelry is a jewelry that allows women to define their own style and stand out as individuals. | “宣言珠宝”就是让女人能展现自我风格、傲立群芳的醒目珠宝。 |
Methods 185 patients with chronic hepatitis B were undertaken ultrasonic examination of type B and histopathological staging as S1~S4 of the liver biopsies. | 方法对185例慢性乙型肝炎患者肝脾进行超声检查,肝活检组织进行纤维化分期(S1~S4)。 |
A widespread outbreak could batter the tourism, food and transportation industries in particular, deepening the recession in the US and possibly worldwide. | 这一疫情的全面爆发将重创旅游、食品和交通运输业,从而导致美国甚至全球经济衰退加剧。 |
Based on the analysis of many current routing algorithms, paper adds a door limit mechanism in energy module of Directed Diffusion algorithm to reducing energy consumed by sensor nodes. | 本文在分析现有众多路由算法节能方法的基础上,为节点的能量模块加入了门限机制,以抑制低电量节点的能耗降低过快。 |
Alexander THINKS he understands this game and meddled with something that was at least starting to produce results. | 鸭梨以为他理解比赛,他乱管闲事,至少,这带来了报应。 |
Masidun is the ash container. | 麻丝墩就是贮灰的容器。 |
An Iraqi Shi'ite boy, dressed as an ancient Islamic warrior, rides a horse as he takes part in the religious festival of Ashura in the holy city of Najaf, 100 miles south of Baghdad. | 在伊拉克南部城市纳杰夫,一名伊拉克什叶派男孩骑着马、扮成古代伊斯兰武士参加了阿舒尔宗教活动。阿舒尔是古亚述人崇拜的主神和战神。 |
Study Design. A finite element analysis-based bone remodeling study in human was conducted in the lumbar spine operated on with pedicle screws. | 研究设计:在人体以有限元分析为基础的骨重建的研究已经被运用于椎弓根螺钉固定的腰椎手术。 |
Considering the order of complexity, the proposed two norm beat control algorithm is most suitabel to be applied. | 考虑到算法的复杂度,改进二范数差拍控制算法最具应用价值。 |
This class contains the ITracer calls to trace collected data to the APM system. | 这个类包含了将收集到的数据跟踪到 APM 系统的 ITracer 调用。 |
The Four Clear Instructions on Purity serve as a demon-spotting mirror. All the demons, goblins, ghosts, and weird creatures are reflected in their true form. | 这〈四种清净明诲〉是照妖镜,把所有妖魔鬼怪都给照现原形了; |
The results had relative value for exploitation and utilization of carotenoids resource with tropical plant. | 研究结果对热带植物类胡萝卜素资源综合开发与利用者有一定参考价值。 |
Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch. | 扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。 |
What's the deal with standard deviation? | 标准偏差又是怎么回事呢? |
When work is a pleasure, life is a joy. | ——当工作是一种乐 趣时,生活是一种享受。 |
The CJGA has arranged for discounted room rates on-site at Innisbrook Resort, as well as discounted golf fee for juniors and parents 6 days prior to and 6 days after the event. | CJGA已安排的优惠房价的渡假村网址为因斯布鲁克,以及贴现大三高尔夫球费和家长,6天之后,6天前的事件。 |
After treatment by Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) combined with chemical flocculation, the effluent can be discharged in accordance with the national standard, GB 3544—92. | 用序列活性污泥法和混凝法组合技术处理该种废水,可达到国家GB 3544— 92二级或一级排放标准。 |
The company pays at 1% of the sum of taxable salary base of all members of the company (payment for welfare) while the employee pays at RMB 3 Yuan per month. | 公司按全部职工缴费工资基数之和的1%缴纳(福利费列支),职工按每月3元缴纳。 |
The president says : Ker, Ker, do not mess the focus ! What is we discussion about it now ? | 总统说:「咳,咳,不要糢糊焦点!现在到底在讨论什麽?」 |
Bet . Six million . All in . | 下注,六百万,全押。 |
Having upset Arsenal by claiming they had held talks with manager Arsene Wenger, Real Madrid yesterday admitted their interest in signing Cesc Fabregas, their 20-year-old Spanish midfielder. | 皇家马德里同阿森纳的温格进行的交谈,这让阿森纳感到不安,之后皇马有承认他们对签下阿森纳20岁的西班牙中场西斯克·法布雷加斯感兴趣。 |
Again, it might seem unnecessary to cite back-ground information to your argument, such as an account of a work's historical context or a survey of previous work done on the topic. | 另外,没有必要引用关于你论文的背景信息,比如这一研究工作的历史背景,或者关于这一主题的已有研究的概述。 |
Director Andrew Adamson says that Meyers was able to step into his and stay there, even between takes. | 导演安德鲁亚当逊说梅尔斯能够融入角色,甚至在等待下场拍戏的时候都不改变。 |
"Who cares what some lonely guy had for lunch?" is one variation on a common refrain. | 常见的一种评价是:“谁关心哪位孤家寡人午餐吃的什么?” |
Steel production has been cut back in recent months. | 最近几个月钢产量被缩减了。 |
It confirms the point of view that the self-conscious of Chinese literature initiated in the Wei and Jin dynasties. | 它的产生,印证了魏晋是中国文学自觉期的开端。 |
By using this method, this paper makes comprehensive evaluation on the emergency water supply schemes of the water supply works of Yangquan No. | 为了提高城市供水工程规划设计中管材选择的科学性,运用灰色关联理论,建立了输水管材选择的多层次灰色关联综合评价模型。 |
If there's confusion about what you want and what you should be doing, put decisions aside for now and sleep on them for more clarity. | 如果你分不清什么是你想要的,什么是你该做的,那就先不要做决定,过几天等事情更加清晰再解决你的问题。 |
These are marked as"seconds" and sold at reduced prices. | 这些都标明是"次品", 减价出售。 |
In this paper, polyphenylacetylene(PPA)is modified by Fe(III)-phthalocyanine on the side-chain by means of special molecular design. At the same time, its performances are studied too. | 本文基于分子设计的思路,在聚苯乙炔侧链引入酞菁基团对其化学改性,并对其性能作了初步的探索。 |
Medical researchers feel that many pool deaths, classified as drownings, are really the result of shallow-water blackout. | 医学研究人员认为 , 许多池死亡,正如溺水分类,真的是浅水停电的结果。 |
微软股价攀升5.6%,报28.08美元.早盘一度飙升7.6%,至28.58美元.该股在3月触及逾10年低位后已攀升了92%.(完) | Microsoft shares were up 7.6 percent, or $1.99, at $28.58 on Nasdaq. They have risen 92 percent since hitting a more-than 10 year low in March. |
I. O. U. three thousand U. S. dollars (U. S. $3000) only, within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent (4%). | 兹借查尔斯。格林先生叁仟美元(U.S。 $3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。 |
The directional characteristic of microphone is an important factor in the measurement of directional distribution of sound field. | 传声器的指向性对声场方向性分布的测量有很大影响。 |
Mr. Karzai also vowed to end more than two decades of bloodshed in the war-2)ravaged country. | 同时卡尔扎伊也发誓结束这个国家二十多年来所遭受的战争蹂躏。 |
The deformation study of the composite under bending load is important to optimize the designation of AS4/PEEK laminates. | 研究该复合材料在弯曲载荷下的变形情况对于AS4/PEEK层合板的优化设计具有重要意义。 |
The Financial Secretary, who reports directly to the Chief Executive, is responsible for the Government's fiscal, monetary and economic policies. | 财政司司长直接向行政长官负责,制定政府的财政、金融和经济政策。 |
For every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them. | 对于每一个小时每天花在看DVD和录影带的婴儿比不看视频的婴儿平均少理解6至8个单词。 |
The entire Chapter II was left out in the second edition. | 再版的时候整个的第二章都被删掉了。 |
Also need the attention, all opened the seal the edge should be of the appropriate film to prevent water, dust, or other intrusion. | 还需要致使留心的是,全部翻开的边沿应封上恰当的胶膜防止水、尘土或其它杂质侵入。 |
In recent years, recycling agriculture in Huian County has been expanded and developed constantly. | 近年来,福建省惠安县循环农业不断发展壮大。 |
I gaze on the moon aso I tread the drear wild. | 每当我漫步荒野凝视明月。 |
That vision seems to terrify regulators like Varney, who fear that Google could grow too powerful in such an environment. | 这一愿景似乎吓着像瓦尼之类的监管者,他们担心,在这样一个环境中,谷歌可能会变得过于强大。 |
The central regulation there is something called the Toxic Substances Control Act, which was passed in 1976. | 其中核心的规范是在1976年通过的叫做《有毒物质控制法令》的一项法案。 |
Charltons is dedicated to serving its clients. Our firm's reputation is recognised across Asia. | 易周律师行全心全意为客户服务的声誉在亚洲地区是被公认的。 |
Both of these strategies are necessary, but they’re not enough on their own, because financially illiterate consumers are always going to be easy victims. | 这两个方案都是必要的,但是光靠他们是不够的,考虑到对于金融知识一窍不通的消费者永远都是最容易上当的。 |
This route is certificated to be feasible in the test, which is also an important method of the synthesis of 3-(3-Quinolyl)-2-propenyl-1-tert-butyl carbonate . | 此路线经实验证明可行,是合成3-(3-喹啉基)-2-丙烯-1-醇叔丁基碳酸酯的一个重要方法(略)。 |
In one embodiment, shown in FIG. 1-3, the dielectric is a six sided rectangle shape. | 在一个实施例中,如图1—3所示,该电介质表面是六面的矩形形状。 |
To achieve on broard detecting the states of automotive engines, memurement and analysis of the momentary rotating speed of the YC6108 diesel engine on a Dongfeng truck were carried out. | 为了实现发动机工作状态的随车检测,本文对装有YC6108柴油机的东风载货车的瞬时转速信号进行了随车测量和分析。 |
During that time, Sihong stone village" after 80, 90 after" as the main body of the private lenders, the young man drove his car, wearing a gold necklace, access to KTV and high-grade hotels. | 那段时间,泗洪石集乡出现“80后、90后”为主体的民间借贷者,这些年轻人开着豪车,戴着金项链,出入KTV和高档宾馆。 |
Zn. Mn to feed diary cattle on the high fluorine area. In order to study the influences the contents of serum fluorine and HYP. | 试验利用富含硒、铜、锌、锰等元素牧草饲喂处于高氟地区的奶牛,研究这种牧草对奶牛血中氟及羟脯氨酸含量的影响。 |
But these measures, say critics, also led to the excessive increase in size of pharmaceutical firms, official corruption and low-quality drugs. | 但是批评人士指出,这些措施也导致药厂规模膨胀,官员腐败和低质量药品被批准。 中国药监局也被批批准了太多新药,其标准比欧美低很多。 |
However, an important component of the pathological alterations observed in these hearts includes the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins, in particular collagens. | 这种病理改变的机制包括细胞外基质的产生过度、降解减少以及细胞外基质蛋白构型的改变。 |
Current suits on the market weigh anywhere from 60 to 70 pounds, and all that armor plating makes moving around pretty difficult. | 现在市面上出售的防爆套服重量大约在60至70磅(27~32公斤),而且所有这些装甲令行走变得非常困难。 |
He was born in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk and, after being given a miniature fiddle at the age of four, displayed outstanding aptitude. | 他出生在西伯利亚,在4岁的时候接触到第一把小提琴,从此就展现出了过人的天赋。 |
UNESCO World Health Organization expert member, Association director in the Arts house of the World Cultural. | 世界教科文卫组织专家成员、世界文化艺术家协会理事。 |
The 47-year-old former senator takes office at noon Tuesday at a time of economic crisis at home and two wars overseas. | 这位47岁的前参议员将于周二中午(美国时间)在内外交困中就职。 如今,美国内有经济危机,外有两场战争。 |
Fragrance flavor of ink and books spreads throughout the campus. | 这里书香还包括墨香,故以书墨合之。 |
Objective To investigate the condition about cell differentiation and distribution in the super-thin epidermal graft, confirming the existence of phenomenon of cell ectopy during wound repair. | 目的:了解超薄表皮片移植中干细胞的分化和分布的状况,初步探讨创面修复过程中细胞异位现象的存在。 |
Previous studies have suggested that the amygdala, among other roles, evaluates social threats and is overactive in people with anxiety disorders. | 之前的研究建议扁桃体,在它其他功能外,评估社会威胁在那些患有焦虑紊乱的人群中会反映过激。 |
Game Three was as great of an example as any, with Derek Fisher, Lamar Odom and Ron Artest all hitting critical three-point baskets in the fourth quarter. | 费舍尔的数据并不吸引人,可是他不仅在防守德隆时做的不错而且在比赛的关键时刻投中了关键的进球。 |
In all of the cases in this study, the cause was sudden heart failure in men with coronary heart disease. | 这项研究中,所有案例发生的原因都是患有冠心病的男性心脏突然衰竭。 |
The northern Philippines has been pounded by heavy rain since Typhoon Parma hit the country on Saturday. | 菲律宾北部自上星期六遭遇台风芭玛侵袭后,就一直暴雨不断。 |
The editor or proofreader of a journal should suit the changes of work from changes of the circumstances, adapt his psychology and get prepared of his capability. | 作为书刊编辑、校对人员就要顺应因环境交化而带来的工作交化,首先做到心态的适应,其次做好能力的准备。 |
The mathematical model of thin stillage recycling was established by discussing relative theories. | 通过对酒精废液的回用作理论探讨,建立数学模型。 |
Fault Diagnosis of every subsystem is very important to the reliability of the whole system whether in developing phase or in testing phase. | 不论是研制阶段还是测试阶段,运载火箭各分系统的故障诊断是保证其可靠性的重要一环。 |
Now, we need to bind the input to some input data. | 现在,我们需要将输入绑定到一些输入数据上。 |
"I justwish I had a little of the money Laurie spends on that horse," sheadded, as if to herself, yet hoping her sisters would hear. | “那匹马一定花费了劳瑞很多钱,那些钱能分我一点点就好了”,安米似乎自言自语,其实她是希望她的姐姐们能听到。 |
I'd like to book tickets from Huston to Shanghai. | 我要订从休斯顿到上海的机票。 |
Jerry:Of course not. Do I look like a tree-hugging hippie to you ? My sister left it here. She thought I might find it useful. | 杰瑞:当然没有。对妳而言,我看起来像是个抱著树的环保嬉皮吗?书是我姐留下来的。她认为我可能会觉得有用。 |
Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. | 我们做的每一件事都是朝着一个或另一个方向前进一步。 |
I have finished The Shawshank Redemption just now, which was seen for several parts but has made me impressed very much. | 刚看完《肖申克的救赎》,这部电影被我分成好几部分看了,但是还是记忆犹新。 |
The irritating reaction and the toxic manifestation of the whole body on the rabbit eyes were observed by using the new-type emulsive cutting liquid to drop the eyes of rabbits. | 通过新型乳化切削液滴眼,观察其对家兔眼睛的刺激反应及全身毒性表现。 |
In spray-bonding oven, use the direct-burn heat system with complete burned atomized diesel to heating air have advantage as follow: low investment, high-efficient, low cost, no pollution etc. | 前言: 在喷胶棉烘房中。采用完全燃烧雾化后的柴油,直接加热空气的在燃式加热系统,具有投资小、效率高、成本低、无污染等优点。 |
It was to be towed south by the U.S.S. Sumpter, but it had to be cut loose off of North Carolina on April 2, 1863, when bad weather struck. | 它本来要由美国海军森普特号向南拖行,但是,1863年4月2日北卡罗纳州遭遇恶劣天气,不得已于隔断了连接潜水艇的绳索。 |
But Bochs also achieves efficient emulation (up to 100 million instructions per second [MIPS] on a modern processor) while also being portable. | 但是 Bochs 也实现了高效仿真(在现代处理器上高达每秒钟 1 亿条指令 [MIPS]),同时还是便携的。 |
On a separate note, both Bruce and Patrick credited much of their success to having great mentors and advisors involved with iStockphoto. | 另外要说的是,Bruce 和 Patrick相信了他们的成功是因为有了不起的顾问参与到iStockphoto中来。 |
Well, temperatures are a bit extreme there. Winter is very cold. And summer is extremely hot and dusty . | 哦,那里的气温有些极端。冬天非常冷。夏天又极热,而且灰尘很多。 |
The physical and chemical characteristics of sea buckthorn Oil are described in this paper. | 本文对沙棘油的理化指标及特性进行了较详尽的说明。 |
No. 2 Yahoo posted a market share of 19.3 percent in August, unchanged from July. | 位列第二的雅虎(YHOO.O: 行情)8月市占率较7月持平,为19.3%. |
Anti-Non-mainstream hard everyday so that all who love me will be proud of me! | 本人天天都在尽力的反非主流,为的是让一切爱本人的人以本人为荣! |
This paper proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm based on an adaptive fuzzy neural network with varying nodes. | 在模糊系统的变节点自适应神经网络实现的基础上,提出了一种混合遗传算法。 |
The works of Stephen King (1945- ) have been translated into thirty-three languages, published in thirty-five countries, and have made into more than seventy films, television movies and mini-series. | 斯蒂芬·金(1945——)的作品已被译成三十三种语言,发行到世界三十五个国家,是七十多部电影,电视影片和连续剧的脚本。 |
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress results from the accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the ER. | 内质网应激是内质网内未折叠或错误折叠蛋白积聚所致。 |
Who will support your initiative? | 谁会支持你的倡议? |
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay demanded that Syria curtail its military crackdown and investigate the killings of protesters. | 联合国人权事务高级专员皮莱要求叙利亚遏制军事镇压,调查抗议者被打死的事件。 |
On both sides of east road, there were the teachers' office, one chemical lab, one physical lab, a big copper bell, the school handy men's dorm, the school clinic and students' dorms. | 东路两旁排列着教师办公室、化学实验室、物理实验室、大铜钟、校工宿舍、校医室、学生宿舍; |
A home user might want to configure a firewall to a lower security level by allowing all outgoing packets to pass through. | 家庭用户可能通过允许所有的出站信息包都可以通过,将防火墙配置成较低的安全性级别。 |
Foam is made up of many tiny bubbles that scientists think of as cells with boundaries. | 泡沫是由许多微小的水泡组成,在科学家看来这些小水泡就像细胞有着胞膜一样。 |
With soy farmers, loggers and urban settlements advancing, cataloguing and preserving ancient Amazon sites had become a race against time. | 随着种豆的农民、伐木工以及城市居民不断进步,编录并保护古代亚马逊遗址已经成为了一场和时间较量的竞速赛。 |
Again, cliche but true. You need to work on yourself before being able to fully commit in a relationship. | 再一次老调重弹,但这是真理。在全身心投入到婚姻中,你需要靠自己的力量去开展事业。 |
It also emerged that 56 per cent of women worry about losing their looks as they get older | 结果还表明,56%的女性担心随着年龄的增大,自己容颜尽失。 |
Deciders are the forecasters who decide on and prepare for the military's long-term requirements. | 决策者是一些预报员,他们决定军队长期可能使用的装备,并为之做好装备。 |
Around the Great Lakes, "lake effect" snowstorms could get heavier as ice recedes and exposes more open water. | 在北美五大湖周围,由于冰面渐渐融化,水面面积增加,“湖泊效应”引起的暴风雪更加严重了。 |
This is actually something the DOL is beginning to incorporate into their reports. | 这些实际上也是DOL开始纳入其报告的内容。 |
It should also be directed more effectively to improve human conditions, for education, sustainable development, improving the rights of workers, and address deplorable living conditions, for example. | 而且还应该更有效地将援助投入那些提高人民生活状况的方面,比如用于教育、可持续发展和改善劳动者权益,用于改善人民凄惨的生活条件。 |
If you own stock-- we don't get them in the mail anymore because you own it through some brokerage account and you get it on a website. | 如果你有股票...,我们现在不通过挂号信了,因为人们都通过经纪人账户,在网站上购买股票 |
Subsets and Splits