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Laminectomy and epidural tumor resection were performed immediately. The dural sac was narrowed obviously by surrounding tumor. The result of pathological examination was PTCL-U. | 行椎板减压、硬膜外肿瘤切除术,术中见肿瘤环绕硬脊膜生长,硬膜囊缩窄变细。 |
Shadows/Highlights: Eliminate shadows and highlights in photographs. | Shadows/Highlights:消除照片上的阴影和高光。 |
I like volleyball and gymnastics, which I do most of the year. | 我喜欢排球和体操, 大多数时间我都在打排球和体操。 |
Harvested in the wild, currants have been used for centuries as food and medicine. | 由于自然环境下能疯狂地生长,几个世纪以来,醋栗都被用于食物和医疗方面。 |
Bai-top shell (whelk) is one of the most expensive shellfishes served by the gourmet cuisine in Korea. | 白顶壳(海螺)是最贵贝类的一种,在韩国是专供给美食家烹饪的。 |
Remember what you told me? (Pause) Life is a matter of the heart, then money, then everything else. | 还记得你对我说的么?生命是心性之事,之后是金钱之事,之后才使其它。 |
Have you seen this woman? It's Sheila Au, your new principal! | 见过她吗?她是我们的新校长孟庆愉! |
I mounted the two Spring Grip Clamps on to the seat backs of two chairs. In the clips I mounted Nikon Speedlight SB-80DX and directed them against the white wall. | 我将2只大力夹夹在了2个椅子的后面,并且在夹子上安装了SB-80DX,直射背景墙。 |
Objective To evaluate the dorsal approach to osteochondroma on the ventral surface of the scapula. | 目的探讨肩胛骨腹侧骨软骨瘤背侧手术入路的方法。 |
NOTE: Supplied leads attached to waterflow indicator are to be used in connection with electrical supervision for incoming and outgoing alarm- initiating -circuit system. | 注:所提供的附在流量指示器上的接线端子用于连接进口和出口警报激发电路系统的电子监控装置。 |
The lamps of two sides are Brilliance Lamps. | 两旁是妈祖光明灯。 |
This team really wants to win and the Olympics have a whole different atmosphere compared to League or even European football. | 虽然夺金牌的征程很困难,但这支球队是欧青赛冠军,我们已经做好了准备。 |
The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us. | 第一个出场的是学前班的小朋友,他们一个个英姿飒爽,雄赳赳、气昂昂地迈着有力的步伐,向我们走来。 |
Gao disappeared into police custody in February 2009, and has not been heard from since. | 高智晟2009 年2 月被警察关押后失踪,从那以后没有人听到他的消息。 |
The owner is a real expert, and even offers masterclasses in tea tasting. | 而这家店的重点在茶上面。 店主是一个真正的专家,在茶的口感上甚至可以说是提供了行家级的。 |
Blackmun then cited medical evidence suggesting that in the second trimester, an abortion posed a greater threat to a woman's health than one performed in the first trimester. | 然后布莱克门引用医学证据证明,在第二个三个月孕妇堕胎对健康的威胁远大于前三个月。 |
Shenzhen Genta Electronic Factory is a promotion manufacturer of diversifying in creating, produce and selling. | 深圳市众大成电子厂是一家集开发,生产,销售于一体的新型企业。 |
The both purity and synthetic conditions of 5 chloro salicylic acid prepared by the direct chlorination of chlorine and t butyl hypochlorite were compared. | 比较了氯气直接氯代法和次氯酸叔丁酯法合成5氯水杨酸的合成条件和产物的纯度。 |
Use it to phone a customer helpline and your call may well beanswered by an Indian. | 而当你用它来拨打用户服务热线时,回应你的很可能就是一个印度人。 |
The development of the network technology has greatly affected all fields in society. So does the accounting education on the methods, ways and artifices of accounting teaching and so on. | 网络技术的发展对社会各个领域产生了巨大的影响,会计教育也一样,在会计教学方法、教学方式、教学手段等方面无不产生重大影响。 |
There is a cell-specific sensitivity to ischemic injury which may reflect variability in the balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors on a given cell. | 细胞对缺血性损伤的敏感性反映出细胞上的兴奋性和抑制性神经递质受体的平衡关系。 |
Hatoyama's cabinet, which is largely made up of politicians who spent most of their careers in opposition to the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party. | 对于鸠山内阁的大部分成员来说,他们在就任前主要从事的工作都是反对长期执政的自民党。 |
On March 18, 1960, an agreement was signed between Greece and West Germany to the effect that Germany would pay 115 million deutsche marks to Greek victims of the Nazi occupation. | 1960年3月18日,希腊和西德之间签署了一项协议,内容是德国向纳粹占领期间的希腊受害者赔付1.15亿德国马克。 |
Silicon deposited onto a noncrystalline surface tends to be completely disordered and amorphous. | 让矽沉积在非晶表面上,矽也会变成无序且非晶的状态。 |
One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! | 一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐! |
With the development of tourism, tourists to Mount Wudang Jinding successive incremental. | 随着旅游事业的发展,来武当山金顶的游客连年递增。 |
The tunes would be linked to the cellular handsets, but even if you dropped your mobile carrier, you could keep the songs you downloaded. | 那些曲目直接与手机关联在一起,所以即使你放弃现用的移动运营商,那些下载的音乐依然可以被保留下来。 |
Beautiful printed chiffons in triangle shape bras and teddies are feminine, whilst a leopard print balcony bra with an eyelash lace trim has instant sex-appeal. | 漂亮的三角形雪纺内衣上印着美丽的泰迪熊,这是女性的标志。虽然豹纹内衣和流苏花边也非常具有吸引力。 |
Research and realization of Mongolian letter segmentation method. | 蒙文字母切分方法的研究与实现。 |
Study on the anti- tumor function of differently extracted the spots and compounds by the MTT law. | 采用MTT法,对菝葜不同提取部位和单体化合物进行了抗肿瘤作用的筛选研究。 |
In this paper, it is discussed in quite detail how to make logarithmic concentration diagrams in the redox titration analysis and how to apply them. | 文中就对数浓度图在氧化还原滴定分析中的绘制及其应用进行了较为详细的讨论。 |
But during scary times like these, says Dr. Hariri, 'environmental stresses can play a critical role in unmasking any underlying biases determined by your genes . | 但是哈里里说,在目前这样的恐慌时刻,“ 环境压力可能会在相当程度上让你由基因决定的内在倾向暴露出来 ”。 |
She is the patron-deity of the Nagas (Sanctuary faction). | 她是娜迦(瀛洲势力)的主神。 |
Mr. Cox says Japan has invested a lot in seismic research and design since a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Niigata in nineteen sixty-four. | 考克斯先生说,自1964年新泻7.5级地震以来,日本在地震研究和设计方面投入巨大。 |
So it could be -- Wait. | 所以这个可以是。。。等一下。 |
This is all the same to the exposition for Marx and Engels to turn the national literature into the world literature. | 这与马、恩的民族文学形成世界文学的论述有相同之处; “乡土文学”走向世界是时代潮流的使然。 |
This can also cause peritonitis (an inflamed, infected lining of the abdomen) with all of its pain, dangers and necessary reparative surgery. | 这也会引起腹膜炎(一种被感染的腹部内层炎症),同时伴有疼痛、生命危险以及必要时的整形外科修复手术。 |
But with the present situation of our country, it is a fact that the finance is managed and supervised apart, and it needs time to introduce mixmanagement entirely. | 但就我国目前国情来讲,分业经营、分业监管是现实存在,全面推行混业经营还需一定时日。 |
So I like, you know, waking up when I want to wake up, working out when I want to work out, | 所以,我喜欢,你知道,想起床就起床,想锻炼就锻炼, |
Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life. | 坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。 |
It looked like that the wonderful stirring music was saving him with bright sunlight from endless dark. | 仿佛美妙而激动人心的音乐使他从一片无尽的黑暗中重见了光辉灿烂的阳光。 |
We talked about two things, my local problems and a software application he had in mind. | 我们谈了两件事情,我自己的一些问题和他头脑中的软件程序。 |
However, some users in wireless network cannot be served because of the location-dependent channel error and GPS cannot work effectively. | 无线网络环境中的某些用户可能会因为位置相关的信道错误而暂时不能接受服务,此时GPS模型不能有效地工作。 |
If you use weighted averaging, the bounce back won’t hurt you at all, because you’ll have a bit of a surplus from months of slightly overbudgeting and it’ll be no problem at all to pay the bill. | 如果你使用加权平均,这项费用反弹根本不会影响到你。 因为你将会从略微超过预算中得到一点盈余,而且它会使你毫不费力地轻松支付这份账单。 |
The research that basically pursues noise and oscillatory control technology and its engineering design work. | 主要从事噪声和振动控制技术的研究及其工程设计工作。 |
This paper analyzes the probability density distribution of the non-soluble deposit density, and hence deduces a combined probability density distribution function. | 笔者分析了灰密的概率密度分布,并推导出盐密与灰密的联合概率密度函数。 |
The synaptic membrane is a rectificr, and the coupling conductances will change with time. | 电流流过神经元之间结合部时,连结电导将随时间变化。 |
What we also know is that a somnolent and acquiescent board has been shocked into a state of alertness that might even rival that of Rupert's wife. | 另外,我们还了解到,新闻集团死气沉沉、逆来顺受的董事会也大为震惊,已经处于警备状态,紧张程度甚至并不亚于鲁伯特的妻子。 |
Joe bit his lip and said no more. | 说到这,乔咬咬嘴唇,停下来不再说了。 |
These imply that the intervention is effective to the peer relationship but not to the teacher-student relationship. | 说明干预实验对学生的同伴关系水平产生了非常显著的效果,而对师生关系的干预却未达到预期效果。 |
However, one of Bulgaria's key-players, Chavdar Yankov, won't be available for the match due to injury. | 不过,保加利亚的关键球员查夫达尔·扬科夫因伤缺席。 |
Careful correlation of clinical, histologic, immunophenotypic, and genetic features is required to avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. | 为避免误诊以及不恰当的治疗方案,需密切联系临床、组织学、免疫表型和遗传学特征。 |
Hanxiong Heating Technology Co. , Ltd. , which was founded in 2004, is a professional company specializing in heating system engineering. | 汉雄热力技术有限公司成立于2004年,是一个从事供暖系统工程的专业公司。 |
It looks pretty cool sitting next to the snorkel in the sail cap. | 看起来很酷的坐在旁边向液压升降台在船帆的上限。 |
Differentiated from that of other mastiff breeds by more extensive wrinkling and pendulous lips which blend into an ample dewlap. | 与其它獒类不同的是它有很多皱纹,嘴唇下垂,融入丰厚的垂肉。 |
Oh! how she would have liked to betake herself to Paris! | 唉! 她多么想去巴黎! |
It was at a Burr dinner that Andrew Jackson was introduced to the subtleties and pleasures of the grape. | 正是在伯尔的餐桌上,安德鲁·杰克逊首次领略到葡萄的微妙和赏心悦目之处。 |
The organization change is a process from gradual change to mutation. | 企业的组织变革是一个从渐变到突变的过程。 |
Amongst its partners are FIBA, International Tennis Federation, WTA and others. | 在Sportingo的合作伙伴中,不乏FIBA、国际网球联盟、国际女子网球协会等著名的组织。 |
The ionization and dissociation of polyatomic molecules in femtosecond laserfield were studied in the article. | 本论文的主要内容是利用飞行时间质谱仪来探测飞秒激光强场下气体小分子的电离解离。 |
Sit at a desk and explore every detail of the new luxury Hyundai SUV Veracruz. The intensive movies will guide your journey. | 坐在一张办公桌和探索的每一个新的豪华现代维拉克斯SUV的细节。密集的电影将指导你的旅程。 |
Objective To evaluate the effects of percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy (PBMV) for mitral stenosis (MS) with moderate mitral regurgitation (MR), particularly with bad mitral condition. | 目的探讨经皮二尖瓣球囊扩张术(PBMV)治疗二尖瓣狭窄(MS)伴中度二尖瓣返流(MR)的近、远期疗效。 |
The shaping and development of the theoretical system of crime has been affected and conditioned by philosophy and schools of criminal law. | 犯罪理论体系的形成和发展受到哲学和刑法学派的影响和制约。 |
Near the tunnel of time and space, dad I lost to the swim ring. | 快到时空隧道出口时,爸爸向我丢来了游泳圈。 。 |
Our data therefore suggest testis-mediated gene transfer being feasible methods for the generation of transgenic chicken. | 表明睾丸内注射法可能是一种切实可行、简单并利于推广的制备大群转基因鸡的方法。 |
With a range of 25 meters, the T5000 can screen people in public places, thus avoiding bottle-necks at border crossing or security checkpoints. | 在25米距离内,T500可以扫描公共场场合的人群,这样就可以避免通道安检处的瓶颈现象。 |
This epidemic of anxiety around memory loss is so strong that many older adults seek help for the kind of day-to-day forgetfulness that once was considered normal. | 日常的健忘曾被认为是人之常情,但现代社会却普遍对此产生了一种焦虑,一些老年人甚至为此四处求医。 |
Do not know where to be, do not know how to go, prep let alone its business hours and fascia dish. | 不知道在哪里,不知道怎么去,更不用说它的营业时间以及招牌菜了。 |
The bloody uprising galvanizes the movement against South Africa's apartheid regime. | 血腥暴动的运动激励对阵南非的种族隔离制度。 |
Court the number estimating the fractional line among six in Zheng Zhou City in 2009? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 2009年郑州市中招六中估计分数线多少??????? |
Neptune's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend. | 海王星的第七家在宝瓶座的时间可以浪漫的最好的朋友结婚的概念。 |
Molecule-based magnetic polymers and methods of preparing are provided. | 提供分子基磁性聚合物和制备方法。 |
The core of Bhutan's conservation strategy is a system of national parks and protected areas that form 26 per cent of its land. | 不丹保护战略的核心是占国土面积26%的国家公园和保护区系统。 |
Who's this? … This is Peter Pan. He can fly! | 这是谁?……这是彼科潘。他能飞! |
So, for example, we'll spend whatever it is, maybe a week and a half talking about the nature of personal identity, two weeks. | 所以,举个例子来说,我们无论花什么,也许一个半星期会谈论,个人身份的本质,二个星期。 |
Methods Gold deposition porcelain crown on 68 cases of patients with missing teeth to repair and satisfaction survey and analyze the survey results. | 方法:采用金沉积烤瓷冠对68例前牙缺失的患者进行修复并对修复满意度进行调查,分析统计结果。 |
Please take good care of your entrance card. Make sure the door is closed when you sue your cark and do not lend it to others. | 门禁卡请妥善保管,进出门需关好门,并严禁转借他人使用,否则将停止其使用权。 |
The van der Pauw technique for measuring resistivity also employs a constant- current method. | 测量电阻率的范德堡(van der Pauw)技术也采用恒流的方法。 |
Today, many girls try to win public attention by playing the (sedulous) ape to Marilyn Monroe. | 今天,不少女郎模仿玛丽莲梦露,希望赢得大众注意。 |
Oh! it must be my uncle's doings! | 噢,那一定是舅舅代他张罗的! |
Segmented dry small-diameter blades are used on hand-held circular saws and most right angle grinders. | 分段干小直径叶片上使用了手持式圆锯机和最正确的角磨机。 |
The full moon was so bright I thought I'd be able to see animals in the field if any were present. | 月圆之夜,星光灿灿。 我觉得如果动物在的话,我就能看到。 |
It is different to apply fertilizer the brown rice that handles to red rice Honglangman and black rice Ozhizi in red rice applies color the degree influence the unknown showing. | 不同施肥处理对红米红浪漫及黑米奥之紫糙米著色程度影响不明显。 |
Each room leads further down under ground to yet more strange rooms filled with death metal fans, Goths, emos, dopeheads and trendies. | 从一间屋子可以走进地下另一间更怪异的屋子,里面挤满了重金属迷,哥特、埃莫斯、都普海兹和特兰迪等。 |
Gemini goes around the neighborhood once, changes costumes and goes around again. | 双子座每去邻居家一次就换一套行头。 |
Wang junwork remembered he had smelled a smell of four xi on serpent, and encourage you, four joy may be in the vicinity. | 王俊想起自己曾在巨蛇身上闻到了四喜的味道,便鼓励大家,四喜可能就在附近。 |
This structure has been used in practice and the results are satis-factory. | 该结构已用于实际产品上,取得比较满意的结果。 |
Sun light could increase the nematocidal activity of extract. | 光照处理可显著提高提取物的杀线活性; |
What is that? it looks so good. I'll have the same. | 那是什么?看起来挺不错,我想点和那一样的菜。 |
They are 88 per cent more likely to suffer a heart attack than those with more relaxed jobs - almost double the risk. | 这些女性心脏病发作的几率比那些工作较轻松的女性要高出88%,几乎是她们的两倍。 |
I have argued that the fundamental nature of learning is change – all learning involves change (Spector, 1998). | 我一直认为学习的根本性质是改变——所有的学习都涉及改变(Spector,1998)。 |
When economic plurality disappears, the motives for competition in the marketplace of consumer goods disappear with it. | 当经济多元化消失,在消费品市场中互相竞争的动力也就消失了。 |
For Diane Lane, everyday experiences can be painful. | 对Diane Lane而言,每天的经历可能变得痛苦不堪。 |
Teacher: You'll get this comic book back at the end of the semester! | 老师:你到期末再把小人书拿回去! |
Health related quality of life(HRQOL) is a new concept developed in recent years. It has been widely used abroad. | 健康相关生命质量(HRQOL)是近年来发展起来的一种全新的医学概念,在国外已得到广泛的应用。 |
Though container demurrage collected by the carrier has been treated as a kind of industry practice, yet there still lacks theoretical study on the specific legal issues caused by these disputes. | 虽然承运人收取超期使用费被视为一种行业惯例,但是对于此类纠纷所引发的具体法律问题则缺乏理论研究。 |
Glad to help. - So, where will we do this thing? | 很高兴能帮上忙 那么,我们在哪里动手? |
Do speed up a bit or we'll never get to Edinburgh . | 你开得太慢了。开快点,否则我们永远也到不了爱丁堡。 |
“Though if there were such a God, I would like to ask how ever did He think of anything as complicated as M-theory in 11 dimensions.” Well, quite. | “即使存在这么一位上帝,我想问他是怎么看11维M理论这样复杂的事物的。”额,很犀利。 |
The performance of bentonite and its effect used in casting coating as a suspending agent were studied. Meanwhile, points for attention in its application were pointed out. | 研究了有机膨润土的特性及在铸型涂料中作悬浮剂的使用效果,同时指出了其应用注意事项。 |
Subsets and Splits