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| chinese
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Because of this talent, you can balance a lover who tends to go off the deep end now and then. | 因此,你能够很好的平衡那些有时会走点极端的恋人。 |
There is exactly one injector. Even in multi-module applications, everything is poured into one big namespace. | 只有一个注入器。即使在多模块的应用程序中,每样东西也都被装入一个巨大的命名空间中。 |
The brightness of wooden floor is shown and shipshape , but straight onefold pattern is changed in special in the winter need. | 木地板的光亮显和整洁干净,但直线形在冬天非凡需要改变单一的样子。 |
The methane content is higher in north slope of the Xisha trough than in the trough bottom and south slope of the trough. | 西沙海槽北部陆坡比槽底及南部斜坡具有更好的甲烷异常显示。 |
Lonely night worm, was on and off, and sparse fence outside, the night breeze whispers he corn and sorghum, probe look around. | 孤寂的夜虫,时断时续,稀疏的栅栏外,夜风中的玉米和高粱私语渺渺,探头张望。 |
Use the same words companies use in the job description such as, "Self-Starter" or "Proven Results. | 用上公司在工作要求描述这块所用到的同样的词,如“做事主动的人”或是“确有成效”。 |
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. | 我们应当靠著耶稣, 常常以颂赞为祭献给神, 这就是那承认主名之人嘴唇的果子。 |
It is perfectly suited for long bit vectors such as DNA or other numeric data. | 它非常适合于象 DNA 或者其它的数值数据之类的长的位向量。 |
It is the key to everything. | 它是通向所有一切的钥匙。 |
But if you ask him how climate change will affect Napa's world famous wines, he gets irritated, almost insulted. | 可是,如果你问他气候变化将如何影响世界著名的纳帕葡萄酒,他会非常生气,几乎会变得无礼。 |
He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage. | 杰克逊自我标榜为一位拥有适度财产的奴隶主,并打算将其打造成为一座规模可观、名为隐士庐的棉花种植园。 |
I saw a blind man in Ravenna, and was struck by the idea. | 我在拉文纳看到一个盲人,便产生了创作的想法。 |
The article is on the foundation that discusses Industrial Revolution and intellectual revolution course, brief introducing the development state of affairs of modern nation quality. | 本文在论述工业革命和知识革命过程的基础上,简要介绍了现代民族素质的发展状况。 |
The data memory access was implemented by bus duplicated using tristate bidirectional gate; | 采用三态双向门电路控制存储器模块总线复用实现数据访问; |
But while there is some good in rock music, there is much evil. | 然而,摇滚乐里有不少好作品,但是邪恶的作品更多。 |
Although the usual method is to include the previously defined pointcuts here in the aspect code, as we have done, we could instead include them closer to code containing the join points. | 虽然通常的方法是在方面代码中包含以往定义的切点,正如我们过去所做的那样,但是我们也可以将他们更紧密的包括在含有切点的代码中。 |
The extreme forms of alopecia areata are alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, and alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body. | 斑秃最为极端的形式分为全秃,它指的是所有头发都会掉光; 还有普秃,它指的是头发还有身体上的毛发都会脱落。 |
As in "Araby, " the desire to consume consumes the everyday, in order to fuel a longed-for apotheosis of complete satisfaction. | 正如在小说《阿拉比》中,消费的欲望消耗着每一天,只是为了一个长期盼望的完美的满足而添料。 |
Scientists say that while it makes sense that musicians adapt their tempos, being that they are trained to do so, it's not clear why speakers do it. | 科学家称,尽管对于音乐家来说,顺应节拍是可以理解的,因为这是他们所受的教育决定的,然而对于演讲者来说,为何能同样做到就难以解释了。 |
Now you have a well-structured and understandable business use case model. | 现在你有一个结构良好并可以理解的业务用例模型。 |
The FDA recently placed a temporary hold on the clinical trials of the experimental cancer drug after it failed to meet its primary endpoints in three late-stage clinical trials . | 因为在三个晚期临床中没有达到初始治疗点,FDA给这个临床试验药物进行了临时监控。 |
Now doctors both locally and globally have united under the Climate and Health Council (CHC). | 现在,各地的医生乃至全球的医生都在气候与健康委员会(CHC)的领导下联合了起来。 |
The experiment result showed that grain water content of Bansan No. 2 was the lowest and economic benefit was the highest. | 试验结果可以看出,收获期边三2号子粒含水量为最低,经济效益最高。 |
Danyang Jia qi micro-fiber Textile Co. , Ltd. is located in the country as early as the largest production base of glasses – Danyang Development Zone in Jiangsu Province. | 我公司生产的超细纤维制品适用于各类玻璃、镀镆、树脂镜片、镜头、珠宝、家电、精密电子产品、高档家具、轿车玻璃、体育用品等物品的清洗。 |
Baptism does not unite every baptized person "head for head" to Christ. | 浸礼不会使每一个受浸的人都与基督联合。 |
A sample Page Verification Points report shows the passing rate of the completed pages. | 一个例子“页面验证点”报告显示了完成的页面的通过率。 |
pV So there is an arbitrary set point that needs to be defined, right? Because what you actually measure in the lab are changes in enthalpy, just like what you measure when you look at energy change of some sort, you measure the change in energy, right. | 焓也是一样,焓是U加,所以需要定义一个任意的设定值,对吧?因为实际上你在实验室里,测得的是焓的改变,就像你在研究某种能量变化时,所测量的那样,你测量的是能量的改变,对吧。 |
SQL Editor - The built-in Visual Studio text editor has been extended to provide native support for DB2 SQL scripts having "intelisense" and syntax colorization as well as advanced script options. | SQL 编辑器(SQL Editor) - 这个内建的 Visual Studio 文本编辑器已经扩展为提供对 DB2 SQL 脚本的本机支持,具有“智能感知(intelisense)”和语法的彩色化显示(colorization)以及高级脚本选项。 |
In southern China, gravel containing cohesive soil side slope destabilization is the prime land slide type of transmission line side slope. | 在我国南方地区,含碎石粘性土边坡失稳是输电线路边坡滑坡的主要类型。 |
The 130th Westminster Kennel Club Show was held this year and over 2,500 dogs took part. | 第130届“威斯敏斯特狗狗秀”今年已经举行,共有2,500多只狗参赛。 |
In power project construction in mountainous areas, many are concerned of gravel backfill soil slopes and treatments. | 在山区发电工程建设工程中, 许多项目涉及到碎石回填土的边坡和地基问题。 |
Lieutenant Chevis' stomach was found full of strychnine. | 中尉切维斯'胃被发现的宁爆满。 |
Let me repeat that: three convictions in over seven years. | 让我重复一遍:7年多来才判决了3人。 |
The relationship of printmaking skill and feeling expression are going to be paid more and more attention. | 版画技法与情感表达的关系问题已愈来愈引起人们的关注。 |
Calculating stable delivery of Leiyang, Lingjintan and more than 20power plant, had given the reasonable measures to deal with failure in accordance with the results; | 计算耒阳、凌津滩等20多家电厂的外送安全稳定,根据计算结果合理给出处理故障的措施; |
The results show that chirp is nonlinear and has extreme value near the center of the pulse and depends on the initial chirp. | 研究结果表明:三阶色散所致啁啾是非线性的,存在极值,极值点在脉冲中心附近,并且与入射高斯脉冲的初始啁啾有关。 |
They blessed me. | 他们都祝福我。 |
So it's a proactive thing. | 这是积极的东西。 |
In two thousand one, genetically modified corn made by Syngenta was found in the food supply chain without approval. | 在二千一,转基因玉米由Syngenta作出未经批准在食品供应链中。 |
Meike Bao for the arrival of the guests welcomed the convening of the forum said. | 梅克保对客人的到来表示欢迎,对论坛召开表示祝贺。 |
The impertinence of the Eltons, which for a few minutes had threatened to ruin the rest of her evening, had been the occasion of some of its highest satisfactions; | 埃尔顿夫妇的傲慢无礼,昨晚有一阵差一点扫尽她的兴致,后来却导致了令人极其满意的结果。 |
Liang jiao would like YanChong made peace with stiffening, lobbying him buy stiffening tailor-made scoop coarse pork opening. | 梁娇很想言重与加劲和好,游说他买加劲特制的「片头腩捞粗」。 |
Prior to reaching the end, blowing heartily, even the blowing of the spring flower, wither hurt Bishu, overblow the autumn leaf! | 在到达终点之前,尽情地吹,那怕是吹开了春花,凋伤了碧树,吹落了秋叶! |
So if you are a working scientist with a penchant for writing, there is nothing like taking a crash course in journalism and then start writing — and enjoy the best of both worlds! | 所以,如果你是一个从事实际工作的科学家,又有写作的意愿,最好参加一个新闻课程的速成班,然后开始写作,享受两个世界中最好的那些东西。 |
Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Cozwell? | 我还能为您做点别的什么事吗,考茨威尔女士? |
The method is discussed to manage and control the runoff pollutants and protect receiving water, which can offer the scientific foundation to the treatment of the domestic urban storm runoff. | 提出了处理初期径流污染物和保护受纳水体的管理方法,可为我国城市暴雨径流污染的治理提供科学的理论基础和借鉴。 |
The agency is Marcel Paris, a creative lab of the Public is group led by Anne de Maupeou and Frederic Temin . | 制作广告的代理商是马塞尔巴黎,这个富有创造力的工作室由安妮•德•莫普和弗雷德里克•泰明共同领导。 |
Worldly Wiseman : I have some good abvice for you. | 世智:“你最初怎会有这重担?” |
The first clear reminder that the euro lacked a common treasury came after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. | 第一个清晰的堤醒欧元区国债缺郸一个常见的破产后雷曼兄弟。 |
The electromagnetic wave has been used in communication field and medicine-health field wide- ly. | 电磁波作为客观存在的物质,在通信领域和医学健康领域得到了广泛的应用。 |
It continues to haunt us, to stalk us, and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed, it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield. | 这种呼唤会一直回荡在我们耳边,缠绕着我们,即使我们试图用理智和成熟去沉默它,我们却发现实事上它是我们内心骨子里的一团火焰,永远不会熄灭。 |
The red band signals a chemical reaction that follows fertilization. | 卵上的红带表示卵受精后的化学反应。 |
Part six expounds the requirements of Kodaly Teaching Approach for music teachers in children's chorus teaching and training. | 柯达伊教学法对音乐教师在童声合唱教学、训练中的要求。 |
Article 47 When distraining commodities, goods or other properties, the tax authority must issue a receipt for the distrained items. | 第四十七条税务机关扣押商品、货物或者其他财产时,必须开付收据; |
Sweet drink. No. 1 and hints of cassis and nuts. | 甜味饮品, 椰林飘香,黑醋栗和坚果。 |
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. | 因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。 |
When the job sites near the train station get filled up, Sims that follow behind will be out of luck. | 一旦火车站附近的工作满员,剩下的市民只有自叹倒霉。 |
RESULTS: Thirty-one patients met the entry criterion including 6 cases who underwent nephron-sparing surgery and 25 cases who underwent a radical nephrectomy. | 结果:三十一位病患符合研究标准,其中六位接受肾脏保留手术而二十五位接受根除性肾脏切除手术。 |
Gates and Buffett are giving most of it away, Ambani just built the world's most expensive house, and Slim is somewhere in the middle. | 盖茨和巴菲特把大部分财富用于捐赠,安巴尼刚刚建成了世界上最昂贵的房子,斯利姆处于两种情况之间。 |
The reason cause this phenomenon is that the East-Han Dynasty didn't pay much attention to the function of currency. | 造成这一现象的原因,同东汉一代不太重视货币职能的作用有很大关系。 |
Think how it do hurt my heart not to see you ever, ever! | 想想吧,我总是见不到你,我心里该是多么痛苦啊! |
To many people the statue is known as Lady Liberty. | 这座雕像也就是人们所熟知的自由女神。 |
Since the founding of China's secondary cause of the rapid development of music education. | 建国以来,我国中学音乐教育事业飞速发展。 |
During one 90-minute stretch in northeastern Zambia, beginning at Mkushi, I did not see a single farm or village. | 从列车驶入赞比亚东北部姆库什(Mkushi)开始的90分钟内,我没有发现任何农田和村庄的踪迹。 |
Interests and ideology often interact in ways so subtle that is difficult to disentangle them, the influence of interests being achieved through an unconsciously accepted ideology. | 利益与意识形态经常以一种极为微妙的交织在一起,难于分开--前者的实现往往得益于后者对我们潜移默化的影响。 |
Third, to understand that the novel reflects the author's unique eco-consciousness and demand by showing the man and nature relationship, man and man relationship and man and self relationship. | 第三,揭示小说在展示人与自然、人与人、人与自我的关系过程中体现出的作者独特的生态意识和诉求。 |
Disobeying the law can head to trouble. | 不守法可能会引起麻烦。 |
Vietnamese hate darker-skinned Cambodians. | 越南人不喜欢黑皮肤的柬埔寨人。 |
The factors affecting the retention of short posts include the remaining tooth structure, endodontic filling materials, etching, and adhesives. | 至于影响上颚乳前牙牙根钉柱稳固性的因素,包括:剩馀齿质的量、根管封填材料、酸蚀方式,以及黏著剂的选择等。 |
The third chapter our country stock price and liquidity level correlational dependence basic analysis. | 第三章我国股票价格与流动性水平相关关系的基本分析。 |
Brown speaks of home, hearth and a certain earthiness. | 棕色常常讲述着关于家、壁炉和地板的故事。 |
Definitely spicy and sweet, but no heat, these oily snack sticks are finger lickin' good! | 很明显地又甜又辣,但是没有热量,这些油油的点心条好到让你吮指! |
Not only the strength of cross member can be improved, but also the light-weighting and good economic benefit can be obtained. | 该横梁件不仅强度得到提高,而且达到了显著的轻量化效果; |
That research, however, is general to the region and does not examine the railway itself. | 不过这个研究笼统地针对该区域而没有细查铁路本身。 |
However, over-allocating free space may result in wasted DASD space, less data transferred per I/O, less efficient use of buffer pools and more pages to scan. | 然而,过多地分配空余空间可能会产生浪费的 DASD 空间,导致每次 I/O 只能传输更少的数据,缓冲池的利用效率更低,并且要扫描更多的页。 |
Its musicians reject show-biz glitz. | 它的乐手排斥演艺界的浮华。 |
Farmers in the first decades of the 19th century couldn't have imagined that 40 years later, their continent would be crisscrossed by a railroad linking Eastern ports to Western markets. | 19世纪第一个十年里的农民们想象不到40年后的情况,他们土地上纵横交错的铁路连接起了东部的港口和西部的市场。 |
In Song dynasty, suffix "-er" was frequently used and gradually became a term marking. | 宋朝时“期-儿”缀的使用频率很高,而且由小称后缀发展成名词标记。 |
The prosperity of social science is the necessary condition to push coordinate sustainable development. | 社会科学的繁荣是推进全面、协调、可持续发展的必不可少的认识条件和理性工具。 |
It was kind of a big joke. | 这差不多就是个大笑话。 |
Wish you a happy holiday, healthy body, all the luck! | 祝您新春快乐,身体健康,万事如意! |
Uricchio, William. "There's More to the Camera Obscura than Meets the Eye. " Manuscript. | 《暗房比四目相对有更多的内涵》(手稿)。 |
Superfine cement suits were used as the interfacial agents. | 超细水泥是一种很好的界面剂原材料。 |
Given that women are 50.8 percent of the population, this in itself is a problem. | 鉴于妇女的百分之50.8 的人口,这本身就是个问题。 |
If you read one of the websites that I like to look at, Psycho Palisades, and palisades describe the strong fence that protect you from being torn down. | 如果你到我喜欢去的一个网站去看看,叫做心理护栏,护栏形容的是那些强大的篱笆,保护你不被打倒。 |
While there are no attributes to adjust, you only have to map both sets of contained users. | 这里不需要调整任何属性,只需映射两个组中包含的用户集。 |
US President George W. Bush went to an underground shelter Wednesday after security officials received a false alarm that an unidentified aircraft had entered restricted space near the White House. | 美国总统布希27日因白宫雷达犯下的错误,匆忙从美国总统办公室跑进了一个地下掩体之中。 |
Middle Search Plus also contains 84,774 biographies, 100,554 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 202,164 photos, maps and flags. | 中央搜寻加号也包含84,774本传记, 100,554个主要的来源文件, 和一图像202,164张相片、地图和旗子的收集。 |
But if you only give yourself six hours, chances are you might still get those eight hours of work done. | 但是如果你只给自己六个小时的工作时间,很可能你还是可以完成八个小时的工作。 |
An intellectual hatred is the worst | 理智冷静的仇恨最为可叹 |
Appearing before a judge in a 30-minute hearing, Saddam looked thin and downcast, but became animated and at times combative as proceedings unfolded. | 萨达姆看上去有些削瘦和沮丧,但法官开始30分钟的听证时他变得活跃有时甚至有些好斗。 |
Now, what do those totals come to? | 那么等式得出来的结果是什么? |
The P-gp expression was higher than the following chemotherapy dose of every group. | 糖蛋白表达化疗剂量较大组明显高于化疗剂量较小组。 |
This attitude, more than anything, highlights the importance of this GIO topic. | 这种态度是这个GIO 主题的精华所在。 |
Finally it also points out that these characteristics are mainly influenced by the classic aesthetic views by by Zhangz's "simplicity is beauty" in the aesthetic of Taoist school. | 认为青花瓷审美特征的形成,主要是受到我国古典美学以庄子为代表的道家美学中的“以素朴为美”的美学思想影响。 |
You can fight 600 year-old battles against the Turks and their domestic collaborators, be convinced that it's happening right now, and not be entirely wrong. | 你可以和土耳其人及其仆从合作者进行600年的战争,要确信这就发生在现在,并且完全没错。 |
"It is vital to the survival of this species that measures are taken to protect panda habitat outside nature reserves, " said Xu. | “采取各项措施,保护自然保护区以外的大熊猫栖息地,这对该物种的生存来说至关重要。” 徐伟华说。 |
When users open a chat window with the bot, ImServiceListener.imReceived(ImEvent e) is invoked. | 当用户使用 bot 打开聊天窗口时,系统将调用 ImServiceListener.imReceived(ImEvent e)。 |
The other is a new power flow method based on stream-graph for distribution systems. | 其二是基于流图分析法的一种配电网潮流计算新方法。 |
TCP TR actively manages incoming socket connection requests at the kernel level, allowing the mitigation to work transparently- requiring no change to existing applications (See Figure 1). | TCP TR 在内核级别主动地管理到达的套接字连接请求,允许迁移透明地工作 —— 不需要修改现有的应用程序(见 图 1)。 |
Subsets and Splits