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They may be wrong with their expectation, and Greece's government finances will be not as bad as they expected. | 他们可能会发生期望错误,而且希腊政府的财政状况可能不像他们预期的那么糟糕。 |
The study on regional diversities is an important measure illustrate geographical distribution law and important basic work of regional development and ecological environment conservation. | 区域分异研究是用来阐明地理事物分布规律的重要研究方法,是区域规划和生态环境保护的重要基础工作。 |
And the psychological stress incidences caused by acute mountain sickness, enviroment inadaptation, and climate inadaptation were the higher, respectively was 54.3%, 33.2%, 25.2%. | 其中以急性高原反应、环境不适应、气候不适应引起的心理应激发生率最高,分别为54.3%,33.2%,25.2%。 |
Move the brush in small circular motions across the surface of the teeth. | 刷牙时应该以打小圈的方式来清洁牙齿表面。 |
And a break of the other steep inclination angle is semi-circle shaped. | 还有一种陡坡倾角的 缺口是半圆形。 |
The varieties Yunyou 21, Haihe 1 and Haihe 2 were resistant. However, Nongda 3138, Chuannongyu 1, Lin'ao 4 and Yuyu 22 were highly susceptible. | 云优21、海禾1号、海禾2号等玉米品种抗性较好,而农大3138、川农玉1号、临奥4号、豫玉22等一批当家良种高度感病。 |
Argentina will face Greece, Nigeria and South Korea in the group phase . | 阿根廷队在小组赛阶段将迎战希腊、尼日利亚、和韩国队。 |
We raced to the soda machine to see if our bottle had a CAP with the illustrious star on the inside. | 我们跑向自动售饮料机,想看看我们的瓶盖内面上有没有亮星星。 |
The results show that mass transfer coefficient of plate evaporative cooler is bigger than fin-tube's but smaller than tube's mass transfer coefficient. | 与现有一些光管式、翅片管式蒸发冷却器相比较,板式蒸发冷却器传质系数比光管式小,比翅片管式大。 |
You can practice this exercise with any riff , solo, or chord change. | 你可以在任何即兴小段、独奏或和弦变化中实践这个练习。 |
I can give two names, which will get bound to the two parts of that return tuple. | 我可以给它设两个变量,返回的一对值将会被赋给这两个变量。 |
The firm plans to build a full-sized prototype of the balloon over the next three years. | 公司计划在接下来的三年里制造一架全尺寸的样机。 |
But his individual success in particular, and the rise of scientism in general, reveals something deeper still. | 但不论是个人成功,或是更广义地视为科学主义之盛行,其中还有更深层的涵义。 |
The 1860s came to be known as the Age of the Great Reforms, after tsar Alexander II (r. 1855-1881) introduced a large number of liberal reform measures into Russian society. | 自沙皇亚历山大二世(1855-1881年在位)在俄国社会推行大量自由主义的改革措施之后,1860年代即被称之为“伟大变革的年代”。 |
中国东临太平洋。 | China faces the Pacific on the east. |
In this paper, the "concealment between relative" the legal system to study the formation and change, And some Western countries and relevant laws of the system. | 本文对“亲亲相隐”法律制度的形成及变迁进行考察,兼及一些西方国家相关的法律该制度。 |
We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS. | 我们希望人们通过向奥比斯捐助支持我们的工作。 |
The ancient city impresses with the beauty, intricacy , and sheer scale of its carved buildings. | 古城佩特拉的迷人之处就在于,它那从峭壁中精雕细凿而成的建筑物,绚丽精致,上下陡峭。 |
I guess he got my name from Professor Vander. | 所以他应该是从范德教授那儿知道我的名字的。 |
Doing this repeatedly can have the unhappy effect of amplifying, rather than muting, the past’s continuing influence as you keep swimming in that polluted pool. | 这些过去的事情还是会影响你,就像你一直在污水里游泳一样。 |
The lest results have shown that I he highest recovery of coal is 99% and deash efficiency is 20% using neutral oil of liquified fuel and waste cooking oil as agglomeration oil. | 试验结果表明,用煤炭液化中性油与家庭用过的废油作为添加油,油添加量为20%以上时,煤的最大回收率为99%,脱灰率约达20%。 |
I wish the company continued success in all your endeavors. | 我希望公司在您的努力下不断取得成功。 |
Tied down in the morning to meet teacher, Chen know master Chen and fish living in the sun, said the people in the shop. | 拴住早上去接陈师傅,知道陈师傅和鱼头孙住在了一块,在店里见人就说。 |
You command to transfer at Central Station. | 你必需在中央车站换车。 |
The monolayered hybrids were also synthesized successfully via solid method. | 固相法也可成功合成单层杂合物。 |
The only person inside the gloomy building was a charwoman cleaning. | 那个昏暗的建筑里面唯一的人,就是一个打杂儿的女人,在那儿打扫屋子。 |
Character:white powder, indissoluble in water, no reaction with hydrogen sulphide and alkaline liquid. In acide solution, resolving into air hydrogen sulphide. | 产品性质:本品为白色粉末,不溶于水,与硫化氢和碱液不起反应,遇酸溶液分解而产生硫化氢气体。 |
The International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety warns that at the current rate, the volume of Star Drek will increase fivefold in the next decade. | 国际太空安全促进会警告说,按照目前的速度发展,在太空漫游的垃圾数量将在未来十年增加5倍。 |
Region number (value scope 1-32767) the user needs to prove which by the reshaping form input, unites a pair of matrix; | 以整形形式输入(取值范围1-32767)用户需要证明的区域数目,相联的一对矩阵; |
Block making machine and the machine can produce which kinds of bricks and blocks. | 机器的生产工艺以及可以生产的水泥砖的类型和生产过程。 |
In addition, but may also serve as natural or the synthetic leather protective finish as well as the inorganic fertilizer pelleting assistant and so on. | 此外,还可用作天然或合成皮革的保护涂层以及无机肥料的造粒助剂等。 |
Don's weep , sigh and goan . Sorrow calls no time that's gone. | 别呜咽,别叹息,别呻吟,悲伤换不回流逝的时间。 |
I've taken many non-Chinese to a particular type of Chinese dining called ‘dim sum’ which is served mainly during lunch hours (see featured photo as a sample of dim sum). | 我已经让很多老外都试过一种中国的特色美食,叫“点心”一般都是在午餐时间有的(具体看图)。 就是靠这个点心,我谈成了很多生意,建立起人际网。 |
Content Abstract: The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived. | 内容简介:蓝鲸是海里最大的动物。 |
So we should understand the justice judgment power rightly and performer it strictly. Or the result of the application will be unstable and indeterminism and the justice equity cannot come true. | 如果不能正确地理解和严格把握司法裁量权,其适用的结果便会失去法的安定性和不可预测性,司法不公的现象便难以避免。 |
While the principles described in this article are general, the sample programs were compiled with gcc version 3.3.3 and the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (PPC version) operating system. | 尽管本文中介绍的基本原理都是通用的,不过所给出的示例程序是使用 gcc v3.3.3 版及 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9(PPC 版)操作系统编译的。 |
This is where I'll offer up my own recipe for you (and your bike) to sleep securely at night – take some tips from our friends in the world of motorcycling. | 这里,我要给你和你的自行车提供我的防盗小策略,让你能够在夜间安睡---在这个摩托车世界里从我们朋友那里学一些小招数。 |
Hot diggity dog! Looking at this. We just won a million dollars fin the lottery. | 太棒了!你们看,我们的彩券中了一百万奖金。 |
The long haulage and large tonnage are the present characteristics of the industrial explosive materials transportation, and there are some problems in the transportation management. | 针对现阶段民爆产品多涉及异地运输,长距离、大吨位的状况,民爆产品运输安全管理方法暴露出诸多弊端,已不能完全适应新形式的需要。 |
Examine the factual space of the experimental VLS grating sample. | 对变栅距光栅的实验样品进行了栅距的实际检测。 |
Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech | 我们既有这样的盼望,就大胆讲说 |
One of the key design concepts behind Percolator was to provide random access to the repository to process documents individually, and thus avoiding the global processing required by MapReduce. | Percolator的一个关键设计理念是:提供对库中文档的随机访问,以实现对单个文档的处理,从而避免了像MapReduce那样对文档全集进行处理。 |
He enriched the technique of flowers-and-birds painting with his creativeness, made the meticulous flowers-and-birds painting shines novelty and add a glorious page in Chinese painting history. | 由于他的开拓创新,进一步丰富了花鸟画的表现技法,使古老的工笔花鸟画焕发出新的艺术生命,给中国绘画史增添了绚丽的一页。 |
Cryogenic temperature impact toughness of metal components working in the cryogenic temperature environment was more concerned by its designers. | 深冷环境下工作的铸钢件的低温冲击韧性受到设计和生产人员的高度重视。 |
Pierced ears and earrings, necklaces and bracelets are not allowed in this school. | 本校严禁学生染发、配戴耳饰或颈鍊。 |
China is widely given credit for successfully enforcing the ban and removing tiger from the official list of medicinal substances. | 中国曾因成功实行了交易禁令并将虎类从其官方药用原材料名单中除去而受到了广泛的肯定。 |
In this paper, the characteristic and functional mechanism of the surfactant was studied, and property of alkyl indicant drilling fluid was evaluated also. | 研究了烷基糖苷的特性、作用机理,并评价了烷基糖苷钻井液的性能。试验结果表明,烷基糖苷与油、水均有好的互溶性,与其他处理剂配伍性好; |
I have my little scale here. | 小天平在这。 |
Fuel shortages have begun to bite in South Africa two weeks into the annual so-called "strike season" as at least 250 gas stations have run out of supplies. | 南非所谓的“罢工季节”已经进入第二个星期,燃油供应开始出现短缺,至少250个加油站断油。 |
Would you please tell me when the check-out … | 请告诉我退房时间好吗?… |
The Tao man, known as Chou Lung-fa in Chinese, was in Taipei to collect his prize money after winning a contest to quit smoking. But what shocked people had nothing to do with giving up cigarettes. | 这位中文名字叫周龙发的达悟人,到台北来领取他参加戒菸比赛获胜的奖金,但令人感到震惊的完全与戒烟无关。 |
There are even Arabian oryx, the twin-horned antelope that had become abolished in the wild, but which accept been reintroduced in assorted sanctuaries in the Gulf region, including Hawar. | 甚至还有阿拉伯羚羊,这是一种濒临灭绝的野生双角羚羊,但又被海湾国家的一些保护区重新引入。 |
In response to protests by Jewish organizations, British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged Livingstone to apologize. | 英国首相布莱尔响应犹太组织的抗议,敦促利文斯通道歉。 |
Mortimer to Baker Street and afterwards to the station and to the Northumberland Hotel. His wife had some inkling of his plans; | 在那里,他就把太太关在房间里,而他就装上假胡须,跟踪着摩梯末医生,先到贝克街,后去车站,还到过诺桑勃兰旅馆。 |
In the ranking list of PCT international applications for global enterprises, Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE Corporation rank 1st and 38th with 1737 and 329 applications respectively. | 在全球企业PCT申请量排行中,中国华为公司和中兴通讯公司以1737件和329件列第1和第38位。 |
The total ozone amount at the area of Zhongshan Station has been decreasing during recent 7 years, which is similar to the trend of the global ozone variation. | 近7年来,中山站地区的大气臭氧总量有减少趋势,与全球大气臭氧总量变化趋势相同。 |
We had at least one holiday planned in order to have somewhere else to dream about. | 我们至少会好好计划一个假期,这样我们就可以有其它向往的地方了。 |
Musically, she stretches me out of my comfort zone because I tend to be very organic when I write. | 音乐上,她让我从我喜欢的地带扩展开了,因为当我写歌时,我会用非常原始的方法。 |
Critics say this reluctant, piecemeal approach is aggravating the situation rather than restoring confidence. | 批评者称,这种勉强且零零碎碎的购买方式,不但不能恢复市场信心反而使形势恶化. |
After reaction with ionic liquids, the amount of saturates, aromatics and resins increase, while asphaltene decreased. This leads to average molecular weight and viscosity of heavy oil decreased. | 稠油经离子液体处理后,其饱和烃、芳香烃、胶质质量分数增加,沥青质质量分数明显下降,从而导致稠油的黏度降低,平均分子量减小。 |
The model has one fatal flaw: the jobs are being taken away from younger people who might enjoy the work less, but who, alas, need the money more. | 但这种模式存在一个致命缺陷:这些工作是他们从那些或许不那么喜欢这份工作、却(唉)更需要钱的中手中抢过来的。 |
This design works well for process-centric applications. | 该设计对以过程为中心的应用程序很有效。 |
Mr. Smith was too eager to join the party. | 史密斯先生极想入党。 |
Jim looked down at hisfeet and saw a blackshoe on one foot and a white shoe on the other. | 吉姆也低头看自己的脚,却发现一只脚穿着白鞋,另一只脚穿着黑鞋。 |
Learn more about the Dalvik machine through its bytecodes ( available in user documentation). | 通过 Dalvik 机器的 bytecodes( 在用户文档中提供)了解有关该机器的更多信息。 |
Let them know you would be available to meet in person or over the phone to further discuss your background. | 让他们知道可以随时和你进行会面或者在电话里进一步讨论你的背景。 |
Stomach and intestine enzyme secretion and muscle activity needed for digestion stop, and blood vessels in the stomach and intestines contract to divert blood to the muscles. | 肠胃酶的分泌及肌肉活动引起食欲不振。 肠胃的血管收缩,血液传输到肌肉组织。 |
With the reflection on ethnography styles in anthropology and other disciplines and development of ethnology, many folklorists have been making active reflection on folklore ethnography styles. | 随着人类学等学科对其民族志范式的反思,以及民俗学学科自身的发展,学者们对民俗志范式进行了积极的反思和探索。 |
In the end of the chapter I discuss the self-feeding speculation. | 第一章的末尾论述了投机自我实现的过程。 |
Ever since Foye has been moved primarily to shooting guard, the production gap has narrowed. | 自从弗耶被推上得分后卫的位置后,差距看起来已经变小了。 |
Yaxi's is unquestionably beautiful, like a postcard from China's pre-industrial past. | 桠溪,就像中国沿海经济城市之间的一张亮丽的明信片, 其美丽程度毋庸置疑。 |
For many years, our Wyoming vacations provided a constant for me amid a life of much change—back and forth between households, off to college, my many ups and downs. | 之后的很多年里,这次怀俄明州的旅行在我多变无常的生活中——父母之间的往来奔波,离家上大学以及生活中许多的起起伏伏——赋予我一种恒久的持续感。 |
VHF. This provides short-ranges voice communications between the aircraft and ground-based, manned (ATC) stations, or other aircrafts. | 甚高频通信可以提供飞机与空管站之间或者飞机与飞机之间的短程语音通信。 |
Bacteria in our gut gobble up things like sugars and fatty acids, which they can break down either through respiration or fermentation . | 我们内脏里的细菌会吞噬糖类和脂肪酸一类的物质,它们通过呼吸作用和发酵作用可以分解此类物质。 |
It turned out that Olivier was the younger brother of Antoinette, a girl whose image Christophe cherished. | 后来才知道奥里维就是安多纳德的弟弟,安多纳德这位姑娘的形象是克利斯朵夫所极为珍爱的。 |
The Repubic of Korea has the Confucian culture details profoundly. | 韩国有着深厚的儒家文化底蕴。 |
The synthesis of sodium dodecyl sulfate is the familiar chemical engineering speciality experiment, but the shortcomings are existed in long time, low yield and bad stability. | 十二烷基硫酸钠的合成制备是常见的化工专业实验,但存在合成时间长、产率低、产品稳定性差的缺点。 |
That's the emerging verdict on a clumsily altered photo of bureaucrats in the sleepy county of Huili, in southwest China's Sichuan province. | 在中国四川西南部相对落后的会理县,出现了一张修改技术粗陋的官员照片。 |
God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful. | 上帝没有召唤我说一定要成功而有成就,他招唤我说必须要诚实而守信用。 |
Demagnetization is conducted before deployment to remove residual magnetic fields in the metal of a vessel to make it harder to detect by other submarines and surface ships. | 消磁是在部署前进行为了去除舰艇金属外壳上残留的磁场,以免在运行过程中被其它潜艇和水面舰艇发现。 |
The study focused on those uncomfortable movie-viewing moments and how viewers acted during the movie and after it. | 这个研究侧重于那些让人不悦的画面,及观影者在观影中和观影后的反应。 |
Methods 30 Chinese mini-swine were randomly into five groups: model control group, small - , middle - , large-dose group and sham operation group (6 each) . | 方法中华小型猪30只,随机分成模型对照组, 通心络治疗小、中和大剂量组和假手术组,每组6只。 |
And then the Yankee Stadium. Well, | 然后是洋基体育场。好吧, |
Mean fascial displacement amplitude was grouped by PP and analyzed using 2-way repeated measures analysis of variance and contrast analysis. | 依据灌注压对筋膜移位程度进行分级,应用双因子重复性方差分析和对照分析进行数据分析。 |
Therefore. it may well say that it is the key of Yellow River management to establish a more complete soil and water cons… | 应该说,以流域综合治理与开发为中心的更完整水土保持体系的建立方是真正的治黄之本。 |
But I was born with a recurring nightmare of a great bird picking me up in its claws and dropping me into an empty ocean, and for that, and other reasons, I have always been afraid of water. | 但是,自出生以来,我都反复做着一个噩梦,一只大鸟用它的双爪把我抓起,扔到汪洋大海之中。 因为这个梦,还有其他一些原因,我对水的恐惧感一直未能消除。 |
Forty-two percent narrowed it down further to 25-29 years old, and 17 percent said there was no best age. | 而42%的女性将其缩小到25岁到29岁,17%的人认为没有所谓的最佳年龄。 |
My child 13 years old many, there is diarrhoea in the morning everyday, what reason be often sleepily ? | 我的孩子13岁多了,每天上午有腹泻,老是想睡是什么原因? |
This was due to the inclusion of recipes with some high costingredients such as lobster tails which were put in the book todemonstrate the variety of foods which could be consumed on the diet. | 这是因为食谱中纳入了一些高成本材料,如龙虾仁。 书中列出这些材料是为了证明该饮食法允许消费各种食物。 |
The Pleiades star cluster is also called the Seven Sisters. | 昴宿星群同时也被称为“七姐妹星团”。 |
Yough as he is, he knows many strange things. | 尽管他很年轻,他懂得很多奇怪的东西。 |
We cannot wait to be rescued. | 我们不能等待被营救。 |
Making full use of cross-platform advantages of sinobase, this event covers more than 40 blog websites, including. | 利用赛诺贝斯网跨平台传播的优势,本次活动覆盖了超过40家的博客网站,这已包括了有主流中文博客网站。 |
Domestic adornment, did not forget your acoustics . | 家庭装饰,别忘了你的音响。 |
Enough! Dalits are! My sister is to help you! Fu Huang me angry! | 学会公主够了!贱民!我姐姐来帮你了!父皇我生气了! |
Methods The Enfant Mental Scales were used to test the infant behavior developmental quotient (DQ) at 1 year old. At the same time, the factors were collected by self-designed questionnaire. | 方法采用儿童心理量表对1岁婴儿进行发育商测定,同时应用自行设计的因素调查表进行问卷调查。 |
Taking low-altitude penetration to attack the ground target by making use of the radar blind space is one of critical technologies for trajectory planning. | 利用雷达地形遮蔽盲区进行低空突防对敌人地面目标进行攻击是航迹规划关键技术之一。 |
The air-conditioner broke down right after I bought it. | 那台冷气,在我买了之后马上故障。 |
As the key technology of CCOS, the removal function of small grinding tolldecides the efficiency, precision of CCOS fabrication and surface error mode ofaspherics. | 作为CCOS的核心技术—小磨头的工作函数特性决定了CCOS的制造效率、制造精度以及非球面元件面形误差的结构形式。 |
You'd better heat the dishes for a while. Cold foodisn't good for your stomach. | 你最好是把菜温一温再吃,凉的食物对胃不好。 |
Subsets and Splits