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It also objectively evaluated the history and current status of the Yugur population with the population modernization visual angle, and pointed out the bottleneck of development. | 并且在人口现代化的视角下对裕固族人口历史与现状进行了客观评价,指出了制约裕固族人口发展的瓶颈所在。 |
Doubles winners will get $420,000 per team. | 双打冠军每队将获取42万美元。 |
After further researching, it will be finally shown that is alternate development of Datwin's gradual changed evolution and present calamity changed evolution of aerolite impact. | 预期进一步的研究,终将表明达尔文的渐变进化论和现今提出的陨击灾变进化论的交替发展,有可能为完整进化论的统一创造条件。 |
As one might expect, there is also a lot of appeal with the Star Wars-inspired carvings. | 有人可能会想,《星球大战》那副雕刻作品也有很大的吸引力。 |
The Israeli Maariv newspaper said the man called the paper, identifying himself as Injaz, the Palestinian who sought asylum at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv in 2006. | 以色列《晚报》说,袭击者给报纸打了电话,自称是因扎兹,这位巴勒斯坦人曾在2006年在驻特拉维夫的英国大使馆寻求庇护。 |
That in the selection of aprons , their brave beyond fashion enthusiasm. | 以至于在挑选围裙时,她们有种超越时装的热情。 |
That has drummed up unusual interest in this year’s report, which has just seen the light of day. | 而该规定却唤起公众对今年报告不寻常的兴趣,如同刚看见曙光一般。 (近日中国已同意IMF发布有关中国经济的年度评估报告。) |
Because without Soviet backing, the Vietnamese could not go on fighting in Kampuchea for a single day. | 因为如果苏联不帮助越南,越南一天仗都打不了。 |
Liao Menghu conclusion, silk is a luxury and fashion products, whose main feature is the small batch, more variety, so it should be more focus on technology innovation. | 廖梦虎最后表示,丝绸是一种奢侈品,也是时尚化的产品,其主要特点是小批量、多品种,因此应更加注重技术创新。 |
As Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman point out, we make two basic mistakes when it comes to teaching kids about race. | 正如Po Bronson和Ashley Merryman指出的那样,在提到教育孩子有关人种的知识时,我们犯了两个基本的错误。 |
In AIX V5.2, the 32-bit kernel is installed by default. | 在 AIX V5.2 中,默认安装 32 位内核。 |
And after that, his producer Zhang Weiping says the director is talking to Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks for a role set during the Japanese occupation of China. | 在这部电影之后,制片人张伟平说张艺谋正和布拉德。皮特、汤姆。克鲁斯和汤姆。汉克斯商谈有关中日战争的角色。 |
This was quite similar to the reaction by Pete McBreen, author of the software craftsmanship book, who did not sign the Software Craftsmanship manifesto. According to Pete | 这和Pete McBreen的反应很相似,Pete是 软件匠艺一书的作者,但他没在 软件匠艺宣言上签字。 |
Engineer Husnu Unal said eight other workers who had been underground were rescued. Some of them suffered from smoke inhalation and were taken to local hospitals, authorities said. | 工程师胡斯努·乌纳尔说另外八名在井下的工人已被救出。当局说部分工人吸入浓烟,已送往当地医院治疗。 |
And they replicated the magnetic fields of Puerto Rico and the Cape Verde Islands, two points along the turtles' migration, with equal latitudes but different longitudes. | 模拟波多黎各和佛得角之间的磁场,这两地是海龟迁徙路线途经的两点,拥有同样的纬度但经度不同。 |
Through molecular marker technologies, the cold resistance gene was analyzed at molecular level and some genes correlated with cold resistance have been got. | 通过分子标记技术,在分子水平上对植物抗冷性基因进行分析,获得了部分与抗冷性有关的基因。 |
This article firstly introduced the news exchange business between domestic TV stations and the existing problems in the business. | 本文首先对国内电视台之间新闻交换业务进行介绍,讨论了台际间视音频业务协作所存在的种种问题。 |
President BarackObama will soon lay out his vision for federal spending when he releases hisannual budget, setting in motion months of debate over the size and scope ofgovernment. | 贝拉克·奥巴马总统不久将公布下一年的年度预算,届时就会亮出他那个版本的联邦政府开支方案,也意味着将开启长达数月的关于政府规模和职权范围的大辩论。 |
Zoi adds that developing the electric car and other clean-energy industries will also help cut U. S. dependence on foreign oil and put the brakes on climate-changing carbon pollution. | 佐伊补充说,研发电动车和其他清洁能源工业,将有助于减少美国对外国石油的依赖,并且遏制造成气候变化的碳污染。 |
There are plenty of situations in which a fixed element (such as persistent navigation) could serve the owner’s business objectives and make the website more usable. | 很多情况下,固定的元素(如固定不动的导航条)可以为目标客户更好服务,网站也更加实用。 |
You can transport a number of games on a single memory stick, which is very convenient, and the games actually load faster. | 你可以在记忆棒里装很多个有戏,这非常方便,游戏读取速度也变快了。 |
Commercial developers have already made many of the mistakes that you are about to, and the cost of their wisdom is cheap compared to the loss of your precious data. | 商业化的开发人员已经犯了您即将要犯的许多错误,他们的智慧的代价相比于丢失您的宝贵数据来说是廉价的。 |
The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) is planning to allocate special bikeways for cyclists in major metropolitan areas. | 交通部计划在全国各主要大城市为自行车的人设立自行车专用道。 |
The customer chose Matthews 3200 due to less maintenance, less consumption, lower cost and reliability compared to a CIJ system. | 客户选择麦修斯3200是由于相对于CIJ的系统来说只需要很少的维护,很少的消耗,低的成本,高的可靠性。 |
Derby is well suited to run in this architecture but is not restricted to a single user or single connection. | Derby/Cloudscape 非常适合在这种架构中运行,但它并不限于单用户或单个连接。 |
The technology industry throughout the county are institutions, expanding the ranks of science and technology, to further strengthen the work of popular science; | 全县各行业均有科技机构,科技队伍不断扩大,科普工作进一步加强; |
Eight volunteers from the earthquake-stricken Beichuan Middle School appear at the Xidan Department Store Volunteer Station. | 在西单商场志愿服务站点,八名来自北川中学的特殊志愿者亮相街头。 |
And then use any genuinely positive commentary you get as a talisman. | 然后用那些你得到的真诚地正面评价作为你的护身符。 |
In the future, the gases that come out of power-plant smokestacks will be virtually free of carbon dioxide emissions. | 将来,从发电厂烟囱中排放出来的气体将不再含有二氧化碳。 |
I think Aztecs will dominate due to their Warrior Priests. | 我认为阿兹台克人将决定于他们的战争牧师。 |
The two great ruffians sprang up, and, grasping the long pincers, plunged them into the heart of the fire. | 这两个高大凶狠的汉子跳起来,抓住那两把大铁钳,塞进了火堆中心。 |
At the beginning, I am very stressed because the teachers speak so fast and I can not follow them, and I also have not enough time to write them down. | 在刚开始上专业课的时候我感觉到非常巨大的压力,老师讲课速度很快,课堂上记录的笔记都记不全。 |
音爆是以每平方英尺的超压磅数来测量的。 | Sonic booms are measured in pounds per square foot of overpressure. |
Australopithecenes were apelike creatures that walked upright, like people, but had still not forsaken the trees. | 南方古猿是似类人猿动物,它们能像人一样直立行走,但仍然没有离开树木。 |
In particular, Elizabeth, she first refused to accept Darcy, which fully shows that: "Without love, be sure could not marry." | 尤其是伊丽沙白,她对达西先拒绝后接受,这充分说明:“没有爱情可千万不能结婚。” |
Because the buffering performance of the pearl cotton material is improved, the safety factor of products of customers in transportation is ensured. | 因为提高了珍珠棉材料的缓冲性能,所以保证了客户的产品在运输中安全系数。 |
The artists, pictures, animations, etc, and guide the user with your thinking. | 美工、图片、动画等等,引导用户随你的思维进行。 |
The scam that a mere dirty snowball, due to pass the vicinity of Earth this coming October, will cause catastrophe on Earth is amazing but per the Zetas, not surprising. | 只不过是一个脏雪球,由于会在这个10月经过地球的周围,就将招致地球上的大灾难,这场骗局太令人讶异了。但是按照齐塔人的说法,这不令人感到意外。 |
"said the ant, laughing and shutting up his granary . "Since you could sing all summer, you may dance all winter." | 蚂蚁笑着关闭了他的谷仓,说:"你可以在整个夏天歌唱,那你也可能整个冬天都跳舞。" |
One management expert summarizes recent studies as describing an increase in the use of more participative processes. | 一位管理专家总结最近的研究表示领导使用员工参与管理有增加的趋势。 |
Its dedication – August 28, 2011, the same day in 1963 when he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. | 揭幕仪式定于2011年8月28日举行,和他1963 年发表著名演说“我有一个梦”,是同一天。 |
Cluster well has become the effective one for decreasing cost of development and strengthening the control to reservoirs. | 丛式井成为降低开发成本、增大对储层控制能力的有效技术; |
More than 52% of the total nitrogen and nicotine-nitrogen in each part, especially upper leaves, came from soil mineralization, followed by roots and stem, and lower leaves. | 烟株上部叶总氮和合成烟碱的氮素来源于土壤氮素最多,其次是根和茎,下部叶最低,但仍在52%以上; |
At 3-0 I didn't think we would come back but Seedorf's goal gave us hope . | 在0-3的时候,我认为我们不可能扳平了,但西多夫的进球又给了我们希望。 |
How have you made sure that due dates were met for work that you delegated? Give me an example. | 你如何保证你委派的工作能够按时完成?请举一个例子。 |
However, the gender differences observed between gamers and non-gamers suggest that girls may be gaming for different reasons than boys. | 然而,观察玩游戏的人和不玩游戏的人中的性别区别,可以发现女生比起男生,因更多不同的原因去玩游戏。 |
The photos of toll booths, toll lanes, toll squares, financing rooms and counter monitors are transferred to the monitor branch center or circling-city center by the video subsystem. The velocities. | 视频监控系统将收费亭、收费车道、收费广场、财务室和反监控的图像送到监控分中心或绕城中心; |
Please provide bid based on converting 12 newsletters and cost of ongoing monthly fee. | 请提供通讯和改建12个正在进行的月租费成本为基础的出价。 |
We are the source of raw materials, now to India and China as well as the Western world, yet we generate the least profits from these exhaustible resources. | 我们以前是西方国家的原材料来源,现在是中国和印度的原材料来源,但是我们从不可再生资源当中只获得了最微薄的利润。 |
Whereas clause, the structure of valve had been improved, holding valve and over load valve had been added in it. The problem had been resolved by means of above. | 基于以上现象,对控制支腿缸的换向阀结构进行了改进,通过在原有换向阀的基础上增加一过载阀及4个单向阀解决了上述问题。 |
It’s covered in hearts because of their latest slogan “We <3 Logistics.” | 由于他们最新的口号是“我们爱物流”,所以其页面满是爱意。 |
Tells a story about the deep relationship of another Tibetan religious leader "Jam-yang-shay-ba Trulku" with the herdsmen on the grassland. | 《嘉木样》——讲述了一位宗教领袖,嘉木样活佛,与草原牧民的深情厚谊。 |
Using the daily weather data from 214 stations over southern China rice growing area during 1961-2009, impact of global warming on the rice cultivable area in southern China was studied. | 利用我国南方稻区214站1961—2009年逐日气象资料,研究气候变化对南方水稻可种植区的影响。 |
Based on the HTTP specs, GET is meant for retrieving information, so it makes sense (semantically) to use GET when you're only requesting data, as opposed to sending data to be stored server-side. | 基于 HTTP 规格 ,GET 是为了检索信息,所以使用 GET,你只请求数据,有别于发送的数据会存储的服务器端时 (语义) 有意义。 |
These proteins show great diversity in structures, and they have been found in a variety of organisms. | 抗冻蛋白在很多生物体内都被发现,不同的抗冻蛋白结构差异非常大。 |
The letter said, "Everyone who sells things has to pay taxes!" | 信上说:“任何出售商品的人都要交税。” |
From the theory we can propose that linear estimation model of stand biomass can be directly applied to the regional scale. | 建立在林分的生物量蓄积量线性估计模型可直接应用到区域尺度。 |
One in eight households with a mortgage ended the first quarter late on loan payments or in the foreclosure process, the U.S. Mortgage Bankers Association said on Thursday. | 美国抵押贷款银行协会周四称,至第一季末时,背负抵押贷款的家庭中有八分之一家庭拖欠还款,或进入止赎程序。 |
By the way, with the so-called suborbital flights, a chance to look at the Earth from 100-160 km height may cost just as little as 200 000 USD. | 顺便说一句,借助所谓的亚轨道飞行,从100-160千米高空俯视地球或许只要投入20万美元即可。 |
It's really important to have him back and also Lucas Leiva and Ryan Babel. | 他的回归确实非常重要,卢卡斯与巴贝尔也一样。 |
In order to make the consumer get satisfactory value, companies and enterprises should delicatedly offer "Three satisfactions":Satisfacti… | 为使消费者获得满意的价值,企业公司必须奉献“三心” :买得称心、用得舒心、长期放心。 |
How are modern news media (like inter-net, mobile phone) and the old forms of news media (like newspaper, radio) different? | 现代新闻媒体(如因特网,移动电话)和旧新闻媒体(如报纸,收音机)有什么区别? |
In fact, I was emperor of ice students, but it only cat in order to find the owner, I came here. | 其实我是冰帝的学生,但是呢为了找这只猫咪的主人,我就来到了这里。 |
Objective To explore the relationships between dietary behaviors and urinary inorganic salts of college students, and to provide bases for nutritional health education. | 目的探讨大学生的饮食行为与尿无机盐排出量的关系,为开展营养健康教育提供依据。 |
Illusions of the, Love gone, What will you? | 我的心翘辫子,死走了,你呢? |
I don't know if you saw our Jaywalking, how amazing what people don't know. | 我不知道是否你看过我们的“不守规则的人”节目,人们不知道的事是多么令人惊奇。 |
You are rich as Croesus now! | 你现在很富有了,是个大财主了。 |
Good topic of today, bright eyes are the window from our spirit, It is so important to everyone in the world! | 好话题!明亮的眼睛是心灵之窗,它对于世界上的每个人都如此重要! |
Notice also the north polar-crown filament, the trans-equatorial loops, and the coronal hole in the south-east (lower-right) corner of the image and the smaller one over the north pole . | 通知还对北极冠长丝,跨赤道循环和南部的冕洞,东即将来临,在北极较小的一个。 |
His only goal in the interview was to get a specific admission. | 他采访的唯一目的就是得到我明确的“招供”。 |
Our non - automotive deep draw capabilities serve the lock hardware, compressor, appliance, fire prevention, HVAC, and plumbing markets. | 我们同样也服务于五金锁具、家用电器、制冷压缩机、消防器具和管路系统。 |
Research of active clamp Zero-Voltage-Switching forward converter on circuit characteristics and parameter design are done in this paper. | 详细分析了新拓扑的特点和工作原理 ,给出了实现零电压开关的条件。 |
A man is checked for radiation after arriving at a vehicle decontamination center. | 在车辆辐射净化中心,来客接受核辐射检查。 |
The chicken does not believe, secretly with the duck, also under the water. | 小鸡不信,偷偷地跟在小鸭后面,也下了水。 |
My 4.0 went to a 3.5, I was removed as the captain of the volleyball team(I threw up a lot during serves) | 视力从4.0降到了3.5。我也不再是排球队的队长了(我在排球队服役期间曾有非常出色的表现)。 |
So, all of that is very palpable, and Sal's own desire for Dean is sublimated in those scenes, but it's everywhere at the level of the language. | 所有这些都很明显,在那些情景下Sal对迪恩的渴望升华了,但在语言层面上到处都有表现。 |
These components consume about $289.51, or 74.8% of the entire production cost. | 以上配件的成本大概是289.51美元,或者说占到Mac Mini电脑总成本的74.8%。 |
Objective To investigate the clinical therapeutic effect of matrine and lamivudine on the active hepatocirrhosis. | 目的探讨苦参碱和拉米夫定治疗活动性肝硬化的临床疗效。 |
At this point, her heart and outside the house as the storm wreaked havoc and to Kuanglie, storms activate her rave the intrinsic nature of passion. | 此时,她的内心和屋外的暴风雨一样地狂烈和肆虐,暴风雨激活了她自然狂野的内在激情。 |
Grown women realize that a lil' bit of space makes the 'together time' even more special-and goes to kick it with her own friends! | 女人则觉得彼此给对方一点空间让在一起的时光更美好和有趣。 |
Both parties shall read the whole Agreement and understand all terms and conditions herein before signing it. | 双方确认在签署本协议前已仔细阅读完本协议全部内容并完全理解协议各条款含义。 |
This paper uses the world wide accepted method to collect and analyze the present available data. Average indices of power system units in China during 1995-1999 were provided. | 本文按国际通常采用的方法对现有的数据进行了收集、整理和统计分析,给出了我国电力系统元件1995~ 1999五年的平均可靠性指标。 |
They run six commercial plug holidays in Spain. | 他们主办了六次广告节,为去西班牙度假做宣传。 |
At this point you can start to form conclusions about how to approach your topic. | 这里你可以发现怎样阐发题目,得出自己的论点和论证来。 |
The mangle table is used if there are any changes to be made in packets and their headers. | 如果信息包及其头内进行了任何更改,则使用 mangle 表。 |
An optional vibration isolator kit is also available. | 一个可选的减振器的试剂盒也已经推出。 |
This "strange disease" is a sensation in the world of "Minamata disease", is the earliest because of industrial pollution caused by wastewater pollution of disease. | 这种“怪病”就是轰动世界的“水俣病”,是最早出现的由于工业废水排放污染造成的公害病。 |
Mr. Natkin said that Apple has a certain amount of leverage against the Chinese government in terms of the total amount of jobs created but that "the technology gap has started to close." | 纳特金表示,在中国创造的工作机会使得苹果在应对中国政府时有一定的筹码,但“技术差距已经开始缩小”。 |
Scala also allows types to be declared in classes, as we saw in the section called “Abstract Types And Parameterized Types” in Chapter 2, Type Less, Do More. | Scala 也允许在类中声明类型,正如我们在《第2章 - 打更少的字,做更多的事》中的“抽象类型和参数化类型”章节中所见。 |
“What I can’t understand is the linesman’s directly in front of it, ” fulminated Ferguson. | “最不能让我理解的是,边裁就在旁边,”弗格森怒斥道。 |
Objective To explore the clinical value of quantitative determination of HBVM with ECLIA for early diagnosis and screening of HBV infections. | 目的:评价电化学发光免疫分析在HBVM定量检测的临床应用价值。 |
In 2006, leading WCDMA manufacturers still focus their development on the development of core technologies and the development of new products. | 2006年,主力WCDMA厂商依然把发展的重点放在核心技术的开发、新产品的研制方面。 |
She said investigators would be able to tell whether there was an explosion from possible residue on the bodies or other items. | 她还说调查人员能够通过遇难者遗体或其他物品上的残留判断飞机是否出现爆炸。 |
Carpenter and A. B: Yes, sir. | 木匠和水手: 是的,先生。 |
His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm. | 等到晚上9点他还未回家,他的家人便报警了。 |
In Hiawatha, Longfellow's Hiawatha, meter is the device. | 在费朗罗的长诗海华沙之中,距离是这种方法。 |
During the past several decades, internet is blanketing people's life in every aspect at a tremendous speed. | 在最近几十年来,互联网正在以惊人的速度覆盖我们生活的各方各面。 |
Have bought a harmonica for some years, I can not play it. | 买了个破口琴几年了,断断续续的瞎吹,就是找不着门道。 |
Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish insists it will be "disrespectful' to his current squad not to make top-quality signings in the summer but also did not rule out a return for some familiar faces." | 安菲尔德掌门人认为:如果今夏不能签入高质量的球员是对不住自己的球队的,但是也不排除会有一些熟悉的面孔回归安菲尔德球场。 |
Robots—which search engines use to index sites for their search results—don't index most dynamically created content. | 机器人,使用哪个搜索引擎的搜索结果,育苗指数索引网站中最动态创建的内容。 |
Subsets and Splits