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At the Sperl Gymnasium in Vienna he was always the head of his class. | 在维也纳的Sperl Gymnasium 时,他一直是他们班的班长。 |
McHugh got his internal head wounds all clamped up and everything seemed fine to the docs, at least brain-wise. | 麦克休大脑的内伤都好了,在医生看来一切都很好,至少脑子没问题了。 |
The student was admitted because there was no law school for blacks. | 裁决确定,鉴于马里兰州没有专门为黑人开设的法学院,这名学生应该被录取。 |
But we quickly see that the people referred to as Basileus in Homer are not like the great King of Persia. | 但回溯一下那些在《荷马史诗》中被称为,巴赛勒斯的人,却并不像波斯王那样强大 |
Then use a magic weapon the wind pocket, a gust of wind blew the leaves. | 于是使用了一件法宝风口袋,一阵风把叶子都吹落了。 |
The water self-clarification ability in the reservoir area is much lower and the risk of the emergency of water pollution is more serious after the accomplishment of water storage in Three Gorges. | 三峡库区蓄水后水体自净能力降低,突发水污染事故对库区水质的威胁加大。 |
Niqing Sen believes that at present, our region is at a crucial period for AIDS prevention and treatment. | 倪庆森认为,当前,我区正处在防治艾滋病的关键时期。 |
There was a lack of integration and they sometimes pursued incompatible objectives. | 二者缺乏统筹协调,它们有时追求的目标相互矛盾。 |
It would undermine the brands that Adidas, Puma and Nike have spent so much to promote if their customers knew that a Taiwanese contractor called Yue Yuen produced shoes for all of them in China. | 如果阿迪达斯,彪马和耐克的客户知道他们所有的运动鞋都是一家名叫宝成的台湾公司在大陆生产的,那么这三家公司花巨资建立的品牌形象将大打折扣。 |
The ratio parameters of high density resistivity method are developed in recent years. It has better horizontal and vertical distinguishability, and the function of restraining disturbance. | 高密度电阻率法测量中的比值视参数是近几年发展起来的高密度电阻率处理与解释参数,它们具有更好的横向、纵向分辨率以及抑制干扰等作用。 |
This paper designs the real-time communication protocol of the master-slave structure according to master-slave structure characteristic of the integrated real-time simulation device. | 本文根据集成化仿真设备主—从式结构的特点,设计主从式结构的实时通信协议。 |
The paper makes experimental research for its designing scheme of double close-loop control based on fuzzy self-tuning PI. | 并且对模糊自整定PI 双闭环控制设计方案进行了实验研究。 |
Western and no clear owner of the concept of non-staple food, bread and other flour, rice dishes often as a garnish on the side . used less. | 而西餐并无明确的主、副食概念,面包及其他面食、米饭经常作为配菜放在盘子旁边,用量也较少。 |
This paper introduced IP tunneling, and used this technique to tunnel IPX packets over IP routing infrastructures . | 主要介绍IP隧道的工作机制以及如何利用IP隧道实现IPX网络的互连。 |
Animation is a set of creative and cultural industries, animation and art culture as a whole new industry, and broad development prospects. | 「 动漫产业是一个集创意文化、 动漫艺术等为一体的文化新兴产业,发展前景广阔」。 |
He that knows nothing of it, may by chance be a prophet; while the wisest that is may happen to miss. | 无所知者会无意中成为先知,而最聪明者也会偶有过失。 |
B: As you can see, the apartment has been recently renovated and comes completely furnished. | 正如你所看到的,这房子已经装修过了,而且其他家具也都齐备。 |
NPR's Eleanor Beardsley reports that France's Foreign minister says it's now about destroying the militants' rear basis. | 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,法国外交部长表示,现在是摧毁武装分子据点的时候了。 |
What a dingbat! Marjorie is always doing stupid things. | 玛吉真是个白痴, 总是做傻事。 |
Selected Panasonic PLC to control automatically the entire line. Giving an audio-light alarm for sudden failure. | 松下可编程控制器对整条线自动控制,对运动过程中的突发故障进行声光报警。 |
Andrew provides really nice services and the best price i find until now. thank you! | 非常棒的代理!在机票十分紧张的情况下为我们找到了行程时间,价格十分理想的特价票! |
Sucre warily makes his way through the tunnels to the hole in the guard room floor. | Sucre谨慎地在里面的通道中向着警卫室地面的洞口行进。 |
He climbs the last section, arriving out of breath beside her. | 他爬上最后一小段路,上气不接下气的走到她身旁。 |
Well, would you like something else? The new-made café parfait is really good. Want some? | 对了,您还想要点别的吗?新做的冻糕很不错的。要来一点吗? |
In Brazil, for example, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva encouraged his compatriots to vote for Rio de Janeiro's mountaintop statue of Jesus Christ. | 在巴西,举个例子,总统卢拉。 达席尔瓦(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)鼓励巴西人为里约热内卢的山顶的基督像投票。 |
I like to watch my dogs capering here and there. | 我喜欢看我的狗儿们到处蹦蹦跳跳。 |
A new plan for reforming Haiti’s weak educational system envisions a publicly funded network of privately managed schools, similar to what has developed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. | 一个改革海地疲弱的教育系统的新计划做出了一个设想,计划建造一个由公众资金支持、私人管理的学校网络。 这和卡特琳娜风暴过后发生在新奥尔良的相似。 |
No one really did, and the result is a best-of-seven series that is tied 1-1 and is now headed to Houston for Games 3 and 4. | 然而没有谁真的做到了,目前1-1的系列赛下来的2场将在休斯顿的主场进行。 |
Compared with other studies, residue levels of heavy metals in night heron in Wuxi were not harmful. | 同其它类似研究结果相比,该地区夜鹭体内的重金属污染水平尚未达到明显的致害浓度。 |
Dr. Crocker's advice to any person who thinks he is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical examination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first. | 克拉克医生的嘱咐是,凡认为自己患有恐怖症的人都要请医生做体格检查以便首先排除有器质性病变的可能。 |
Biden, 65, has represented his small mid-Atlantic state for 36 years. | 现年65岁的拜登担任特拉华州联邦参议员已达36年之久,该州是位于大西洋东岸的一个小州。 |
No traditional culture of a nation, will lose its deeply rooted in the land will never be pulling roots. | 一个民族没有传统文化,就失去了深植大地永不可拔的根。 |
It has long suspected the North of pursuing uranium enrichment as an alternative method of making bombs, as well as exporting its nuclear know-how to countries like Syria. | 很长时间以来北朝鲜被怀疑在购买铀浓缩材料作为制作炸弹的替代方式,以及输出核技术给一些像叙利亚的国家。 |
The top-of-the-table clash will see the United boss overtake Sir Matt Busby's record of 24 years, one month and 14 days in charge at Old Trafford, a tenure Sir Alex felt would never be furthered. | 这场榜首之战后,弗格森爵士就将超过巴斯比爵士24年的执教记录1天。他以前觉得这个纪录是没有可能打破的。 |
You were great in the emotional scenes in Legend of Wolf. | 战狼传说中你的感情戏演得太好了。 |
A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion. | 等于是五十周年重逢聚会。 |
It is determined that main failure mode for failed products is bad contact through failure analysis on products, failed during life test. | 通过对寿命试验中失效的产品进行失效分析,判定失效的产品主要的失效模式为接触不良。 |
Brazil's score increased by 12 points to 108, or fifth place. Australia and New Zealand also saw double-digit increases in their scores to 106 and 100 respectively. | 韩国亦升13点至53,尽管其在被调查市场中位居倒数第三.巴西信心指数走升12点至108,位居第五位.澳洲和新西兰亦均呈现两位数增幅,分别升至106和100. |
Zell could have been more diplomatic in his critiques of the overlap and duplication at Tribune newspapers; | 针对论坛报业系的众多报纸所存在的重叠和重复现象,泽尔本可以在其批评意见上更委婉一些; |
Virtual detection line's setting principal and the proportional relation between real distance and pixel distance is introduced. | 说明了虚拟检测线的设置原则,以及交通道路的实际距离与象素距离的比例关系。 |
I really hope that none of you, my readers, live this life. | 我真地希望你们,我的读者,没有人过这种生活。 |
He never asked me what I'd gotten done on any particular day. | 他脏兮兮的头发看上去可爱极了。 他从不问我哪天干了什么事。 |
Said that it prefers to renew the ceasefire . | 但是以色列还说,它更愿意再次实施停火协定。 |
And this is reflected in the communiqué that we have unanimously agreed to today. | 这也体现在今天我们一致通过的公报之中。 |
Express sorting of new and used machine-building products by their structural heterogeneity. | 通过构件的不均匀性对新生产与在用的机械制造产品快速分类。 |
To begin, visit NOAA.gov, and enter your city and state for a forecast. Click the radar image for your localized area, and you will see an image like that shown below. | 首先,访问 NOAA.gov,并输入预报的城市和州。 |
The C importer in the toolkit has been enhanced with IDoc friendly features which mean you no longer need to pre-process and post-process IDoc metadata using SupportPac IA0F. | 工具包中的 C 输入器已使用 IDoc 友好功能进行了增强,这意味着不再需要使用 SupportPac IA0F 预处理和后处理 IDoc 元数据。 |
But it was not until Copeland held the a bally dance contest to promote one of the artists he manages that he realized bally dance has a following in United States. | 但是直到他为旗下一位艺人的宣传举办一场肚皮舞大赛,科普兰才意识到美国有肚皮舞的跟随者。我们有来自美国各地的180名肚皮舞舞者。 |
When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own away. | 当他们抵达陆地时,老人单独离开了。 |
But not all 2-D lovers, as Toru Honda recognized, are ready to cast reality aside entirely. | 不过,正如本田透所认识到的,并非所有2D爱好者都甘心完全抛弃现实。 |
But the triadic relation is mutual interference. That is to say, the power enterprise must raise the input to fall the line losses and boost the reliability. | 但是,这三者之间存在着一定的抵制关系,要想降低网络损耗和提高供电可靠性,就势必会增加资金投入,但过多的资金投入会给供电企业造成投资压力。 |
Large companies have key customers, of course, but their corporate success or failure is not as dependent on relationships with a small number of critical customers as a smaller firm's might be. | 当然大型公司拥有关键客户,但是它们的共同的成功或失败不像较小公司那样依赖于和少部分关键客户之间的关系。 |
Simulation for a spaceship's airdrop scenario was done, and the effectiveness of models was validated by comparison between the simulation results and the experimental data. | 通过对某飞船空投试验的仿真分析以及与试验数据的对比,验证了模型的有效性。 |
Comparing with the visible power source including military, economy and natural resources. The invisible power source including culture, spirit, ideology and society institution is a soft power. | 与军事、经济、自然资源等有形力量资源相比,文化、精神、意识形态和社会制度等无形力量资源是一种软国力。 |
Climatechange experts urged politicians to be bolder. | 气候变化专家呼吁政治家们更为大胆些。 |
That's why I started camping, out in the wild, across Java and Sumatra, in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night. | 这就是为什么在经过爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛时,我开始露宿野外,住在廉价的凯马特帐篷里接受夜晚雨水的洗礼。 |
The next bubble in asset markets will not be in the West but in emerging Asia, led by China. | 下一轮资产价格泡沫,不会出现在西方,而会出现在以中国为首的亚洲新兴市场。 |
In all of your earlier clients, you hardcoded the details, such as the hostname, the service name, and so forth. | 在您先前的所有客户机中,您对一些详细信息(比如主机名、服务名等)都采用了硬编码的方式。 |
From the view of relevance-theoretic the paper discusses that culture-loaded words and expressions arise from the different cognitive environments of the English people and the Chinese. | 本文从关联理论角度,讨论了文化负载词语产生的根源是由于英汉两族人们具有不同的认知环境,对于同一事物所赋予的联想或象征等文化内涵意义无法相互明白。 |
I am the only patient in A&E and so begins a dazzling array of consultants and tests. | 我是急诊室里唯一的病人,所以来了很多医生,做了很多测试,令人眼花缭乱。 |
Conditions are good in school. It's inexcusable not to study hard. | 学校环境好, 不用功念书可说不过去。 |
A free press is the only mechanism which exposes politicians andto some degree holds them accountable to the public, and the CCP knows that. | 自由媒体才能暴露政客,从而在某种程度上让政客向公众交代,而中共知道这一点。 |
Execute the test and examine the test log | 执行测试并分析测试日志 |
A third reason is the argument that Theora’s video quality isn’t as good as H.264. | 第三个原因。 有一种观点认为,Theora生成的视频质量不如H.264。 |
Even watching it on YouTube, you cannot believe that Liu is able to play so seamlessly, expertly and movingly using only his toes. | 即便是在网上看录制的视频,你肯定还是无法相信刘伟超群的钢琴技艺,他演奏的乐曲连贯舒缓又不失大家风范,难以想象这是他他用脚趾弹出来的。 |
Instead, Flock reminds us more of FriendFeed in that they want to appeal to only the most addicted of the social media superstars out there. | Flock让我们更多想到的是FriendFeed——它只想吸引对社交网络媒体最感兴趣的用户。 |
As a new photocatalyst, titanium dioxide (anatase titanium dioxide) is now looked upon with favour for its magical function. | 二氧化钛(锐钛矿型二氧化钛),作为一种新的光催化剂,以其特有的功能,备受青睐。 |
There was nothing we could do; we were not in our own hands, merely dragged along by the force of our past. | 我们无能为力。 我们其实不在自己的掌控之中,只不过被我们的过去拖着前进罢了。 |
More missions abroad and rising costs of kit have left all Nordic forces cash-strapped. | 越来越多的军事使命和不竭增添的采办军器的费用使北欧列国的军费极端匮乏。 |
The shells and heads of those two reactors were made by titanium-clad plate owing to the bad operation condition and the strong corrosivity of medium. | 由于操作条件恶劣、介质腐蚀性强,两反应器壳体和封头均采用了钛复合板。 |
This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor. | 这香膏可以卖许多钱,周济穷人。 |
Four years ago, concern marriages two people to bid good-bye because of the Li rice parents opposition, Fang Wen leaves piqued and headstrong. | “我给你滚出去!”。四年前,论及婚嫁的两人因李米父母的反对而分手,方文负气离开。 |
The new HTML should come up in the HTML editor with the following initial text: "Place content here.". | HTML 编辑器中新产生的 HTML 应该包含下列初始文本:“Place content here.” |
Thee future school will be like a graden. Each student can enjoy themselves in the big playground with lots of trees and grass. | 未来的学校就像一个花园。每个学生可以享受自己在大操场上有很多树和草。 |
Instead, data binding is simply about -- well -- data. | 相反,数据绑定仅仅和“数据”有关。 |
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively tores whenever it is needed. | 最后,我让她可以流泪。只要她愿意,这是她所独有。 |
This license is the least restrictive of all Microsoft licenses and essentially says you can do whatever you want as long as you keep the copyright notices and do not sue the authors. | 这一许可协议是所有微软许可协议中最宽松的一个,基本来说你只要保留版权声明并且不对作者提出控告,那么你就可以做你想做的任何事情。 |
DB2 also supports partial de-clustering, where tables and tablespaces can be spread across a subset of the available partitions. | DB2 还支持部分分块(de-clustering),在此情况下,表和表空间可以分布在可用分区的一个子集上。 |
Nothing can stop us from realizing the four modernizations in our country. | 什么也不能阻止我们国家实现四个现代化。 |
The said motorcycle is mostly used for postal service . commercial service and goods-delivery, and well sold for its economy and ease-maintenance. | 低跨式摩托车主要用于邮政、商务、送货等业务,经济实用、使用维修方便,一直是畅销车型; |
The simulation results show that the time-domain-based channel estimation algorithm has better performance in estimated results and implementation. | 仿真结果表明,基于时域的信道估计算法在估计效果和实现方面都相对优良。 |
One day, people can exploit the resouces on other planet. | 总有一天,人类可以开采其他星球的资源。 |
The water-soluble gas has higher methane content and dry coefficient than the conventional gas, and has some non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and N2. | 与常规天然气相比,水溶气的组分具有甲烷含量高、干燥系数大的特点,水溶气中含有一定量的CO2和N2等非烃气体。 |
这个家完全由他做主。 | He completely dominates the family. |
My legal counsel, Sam Bratton, who had been with me in the attorney general’s office, was also an expert in education law. | 我的法律顾问是我当检察长时曾在办公室任职的萨姆.布拉顿,他是教育法律方面的专家。 |
NERO- CERAMIDE can be mixed with water, thus it is propitious to be absorbed by skin, making skin white, spotless and transparent. | 尼禄-神经酰胺等可与水混合,从而有利于被肌肤吸收,使肌肤白、美丽和透明的。 |
The reason why a nation can distinguish others is that not only their materiality extent, their economic mode and political system, but also their deep culture is different. | 一个民族之所以区别于其他民族,并不只在于衣、食、住、行等器物层面上的不同,也不在于经济模式与政治制度上的不同,主要的区别在于某种集体的深层文化精神。 |
I would like to be engage in translation, foreign trade or financial in the foreign trade enterprise. | 我希望从事文字或口头翻译工作,外贸服装跟单员助理或者是外贸企业财务方面的工作。 |
On the other hand, the area of usable forest and the volume of standing timber in one unit area are descending sharply in our country, which aggravates the labor intensify impersonally. | 但另一方面,我国用材林面积和单位面积上森林蓄积量都在锐减,这就在客观上增加了伐区区划和主伐调查设计的劳动量和劳动强度。 |
Baifeng out, ready to GaoHong diamonds. | 白凤拿出预备好的钻石,送给高虹。 |
Feminine Faces of Leadership: Beyond Structural- Functionalism? | 女性领导的面向:结构功能主义之外? |
A performance data source (PDS) is a source of performance or availability data that is useful as a measurement to reflect a component's relative health. | 性能数据源(PDS)是性能或可用性数据的来源,这些数据对于反映组件的相对健康状况非常有用。 |
Then he heard Cheng Tang praying out loud. | 接着他听到成唐大声地祈祷。 |
It is hard to pin point one unforgettable kitchen moment. | 具体指出哪一次难忘的厨房时刻还真不容易。 |
Snipes received one year for each count, to be served consecutively, and an additional year of probation. | 斯奈普斯收到的一年为每个计数,须予送达的连续,并会增设一年的试用期。 |
The company has begun negotiating settlements with individual plaintiff's firms, David S. Ratner, a lawyer with Morelli Ratner, said in a phone interview. | 一个叫大卫·S·拉特纳的律师和摩瑞利·拉特纳在一个电话采访中谈到,公司开始与个别的原告厂商进行谈判解决。 |
Support is an important part of piping system, the support concept(position and function of supports) is important to the piping design. | 支吊架是管道系统的重要组成部分,支吊架布置是管道设计中的一个重要环节。 |
If logretain is set to "No" and userexit is set to "No", logs are not retained. | 如果 logretain设置成“No”并且 userexit也设置成“No”,就不会保留日志。 |
Take control of those far-flung aspects of your life with some central planning. | 要使你的生活的方方面面有一个中心计划 |
Two guys are out drinking when one of them falls off his bar stool and lies motionless on the floor . | 两个家伙出去喝酒其中一个从酒吧的高脚凳上摔了下来,一动不动躺在了地板上。 |
Subsets and Splits