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What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the hospital and taken to the Operating Room where he underwent ___ esophagectomy, esophagoscopy and wrapping of anastomosis with intercostal muscle. He tolerated the procedure well and returned to the SICU extubated and in stable condition. He maintained stable hemodynamics and his pain was controlled with an epidural catheter. He had periods of delirium post op and unfortunately removed his nasogastric tube on post op day #1. He subsequently desaturated and required reintubation. A bronchoscopy was done which showed clean airways and he was eventually extubated. Antibiotics were not started as his WBC was 10K. He was reintubated on ___ due to hypercarbia and marginal saturations. He underwent another bronchoscopy and bile was noted in his airways. At that point he was placed on broad spectrum antibiotics and he was sedated and paralyzed as his CXR demonstrated ARDS. His hemodynamics suffered and he required pressor support additionally. He was leukopenic for 24 hours then gradually had a leukocytosis of 25K. An EGD demonstrated an intact anastomosis and healthy tissue. As his hemodynamics stabilized, his pressors were weaned off and his sedation and paralytics were also gradually weaned. He was eventually weaned and extubated from the respirator on ___. He stayed in the ICU for additional days for close monitoring and he gradually improved. Following transfer to the Surgical floor he had both a videoswallow which ruled out aspiration and a barium swallow which showed no anastomotic leak. From a neurologic standpoint he had periods of delirium and confusion, possibly medication related. He was placed on his pre op dose of Seroquel along with pain medication including pre op Methadone. His S.O. felt that he had some intermittent confusion pre op while on Methadone. His post op pain was minimal and his Methadone was decreased to 5 mg daily and eventually stopped. He used oxycodone ocasionally with effect. A head CT was done also which ruled out any abnormal pathology. He had an episode of vomiting a small amount of bile and subsequently underwent an EGD to rule of pyloric stenosis. His anastomosis appeared healthy and the pylorus was dilated without difficulty. Some bile was noted in the endotracheal tube and it was suctioned out along with bile in the oropharynx. He subsequently underwent a bronchoscopy to evaluate and wash out the airway. He developed severe bradycardia during the procedure which resolved without treatment but for that reason a BAL was not obtained. He had no further bradycardia but unfortunately developed rapid atrial flutter on ___ and returned to the SICU for closer observation and rate control. He was seen by the Cardiology service and subsequently cardioverted into NSR. He remains in NSR on oral Amiodarone which will gradually be weaned off over the next 4 weeks. His blood pressure was controlled with his pre op Clonidine and his Diltiazem was not restarted due to its interactions with Amiodarone. He will follow up with the Cardiology service in 4 weeks. Nutrition was maintained post operatively initially with replete via his J tube then eventually Nepro as he had some unexplained hyperkalemia in the low 5 range with a normal creatinine. He tolerated cycled feedings over 18 hours at 55 cc's per hour and was eventually advanced to soft foods in modest amounts which were also tolerated well. His potassium level remained in the 4.0-4.4 range with Nepro. The Physical Therapy service evaluated him on a regular basis and noted improvement in his mobility and endurance. He was able to walk independently as well as climb stairs. The Occupational Therapy service also evaluated him and felt that he was at his baseline functional capacity but had some anxiety issues that bothered him. He was given some relaxation exercises to work on. After a long and protracted post op course, he was discharged to home on ___ and will follow up in the Thoracic Clinic in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ==================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== Discharge weight: 63.73 kg (140.5 lb) Discharge BUN/Cr: 19 / 0.8 Discharge diuretic: furosemide 40 mg daily [] Adjust diuretics as needed [] Continue to encourage patient to consider CRT-D [] Encourage smoking cessation. Prescribed nicotine patch/gum. Consider adding bupropion and/or varencycline. [] Patient had significant constipation and a single episode of hematochezia while hospitalized. Consider referral for colonoscopy. Advanced Care Planning: #CODE: Full code #CONTACT/HCP: ___ =============== BRIEF SUMMARY: =============== ___ y/o M with h/o 5-vessel CABG in ___, ischemic cardiomyopathy (EF 15%), LBBB with wide QRS (offered CRT-P but declined), ongoing tobacco use, who presented with acute onset respiratory distress and chest pressure, found to have NSTEMI and acute pulmonary edema vs. CAP. He briefly admitted to the CCU for BIPAP and quickly improved with diuresis and antibiotics. Nuclear stress test showed large fixed defects but no reversible ischemia. He was offered CRT-D but declined. He was discharged home at functional baseline, and close f/u was arranged with ___ Heart Failure team and his prior cardiologist. ==================== ACUTE ISSUES ==================== # Acute on chronic HFrEF (LVEF 15%) / ischemic cardiomyopathy: # NSTEMI, likely type II: # CAD s/p CABG (LIMA to first diagonal [due to small caliber of LIMA], SVG to LAD, SVG to PDA, SVG to ramus intermedius, SVG to second OM): Patient presented with acute onset shortness of breath and chest pressure and was found to have found to have an elevated troponin-T (0.14 -> peak 0.64), proBNP of 5177, and right-sided consolidations on CXR. EKG was difficult to interpret for ischemia due to baseline LBBB and frequent PACs/PVCs but was unchanged from prior. We suspect he had flash pulmonary edema from ischemia, likely type II due to hypertension (SBP was 200s on first EMS evaluation) or pneumonia (see below), though type I NSTEMI also possible (see below). Repeat TTE showed EF 15% with both global and regional dysfunction. Nuclear stress test showed fixed defects in the LAD and RCA territories but no reversible ischemia, so cath was not pursued. He was treated with IV lasix -> PO lasix 40mg daily, IV heparin for 48 hours, aspirin, and atorvastatin. Beta-blockers were not started due to very low EF. Entresto was continued and spironolactone added. He was offered CRT-D multiple times for cardiac optimization and prevention of lethal arrhythmias but he declined. Close f/u was arranged with ___ Heart Failure team and patient's prior cardiologist. # Community acquired pneumonia: Given his respiratory distress, unilateral right-sided consolidations, and leukocytosis to 15, he was treated for CAP with ceftriaxone/doxycycline -> cefpodoxime/doxycycline for 5-day course. # Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: Thought to be due to acute pulmonary edema vs. CAP as discussed above. Briefly required BiPAP. Resolved with diuresis and empiric antibiotics. # Left bundle branch block with wide QRS: # Frequent premature atrial and ventricular contractions: ___ CRT-D multiple times to optimize cardiac function and prevent sudden cardiac death but declined. ====================== CHRONIC ISSUES ====================== #Tobacco use disorder: Started nicotine patch and gum. #Hematochezia: #Constipation: Patient had significant constipation and one episode of small-volume hematochezia while inpatient. Hgb remained normal and stable. Started bowel regimen. Consider outpatient colonoscopy for further evaluation. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo man h/o morbid obesity, DM2, HTN, CVA, chronic LBP, asthma/COPD, OSA admitted with acute on chronic LBP and urinary retention/incontinence after obtaining a colonoscopy. # acute on chronic LBP. Mr. ___ was transferred from OSH ER for concern for cauda eguina syndrome with c/o urinary retention, saddle anasthesia, and worsened LBP. Here in the ___ ER, a lumbar spine MRI did not reveal any spinal cord/cauda equina compression. There was clearly evidence of degenerative disc disease and some evidence of root compression at various levels. While here, he was treated initially with dilaudid and valium - but he became hypoxic and confused. Both those medications were stopped with good resolution. He was placed on oxycontin 30 mg twice a day and given oxycodone 5 mg every ___ hours as needed. On this regimen, his pain was much better controlled and he was able to ambulate to the bathroom. ___ was consulted and felt that he was safe enough to go home with home ___. He is well aware of the importance of wt loss and even optimization of sleep apnea (which may lead to hyperadrenergic/hypercortisol state that lead to increased weight). He has expressed interest in following up with the Weight Clinic at ___. He will have senna in the meantime while being on oxycontin - to be sure that he stays ahead of the opioid. # Urinary retention: No evidence of cauda equina on the lumbar MRI. The urinary retention apparently preceded the use of opioids (other than oxycodone) and followed immediately after a colonoscopy. It is theoretically possible that the colonoscopy aggravated an underlying enlarged prostate and thus led to prostate inflammation and urinary retention. He was placed on terazosin and was on foley temporarily. Off the foley, he has been able to urinate without difficulty and had no evidence of urinary retention. # Sleep apnea - during the nights, Mr. ___ had hypoxic events while asleep. He was placed on CPAP and adjusted pressures. He was placed on oxygen NC with some good effect, although he is a mouth breather at times. A follow up sleep clinic visit has been set, as detailed below. # DM2 - He was well controlled in house with metformin and insulin sliding scale. He may resume the insulin glargine when he returns home. # HTN - well controlled on zocor, imdur, norvasc, ACEI, HCTZ # COPD/asthma - continued with advair, spiriva, albuterol PRN # Proph: Heparin SQ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ yo woman with Afib (not on coumadin), HTN, previous left hemisphere stroke in ___ (left inferior division MCA), now with acute new right hemispheric ischemic stroke. Exam indicates patient is obtunded, no vocal response, does not respond to commands, dense left hemiplegia. CT/CTA/CTP shows complete infarction of right hemispehre including MCA/ACA and deep striatocapsular branches. In addition, she has an old left inf division MCA stroke. The patient presented outside conventional 3 hour iv-tpa window and 6 hour ia window. CT perfusion studies indicate complete infarction with massively prolonged MTT and severely reduced CBV which was indicative of a severe stroke. A follow-up CT head the next morning revealed an evolving infarct with hemorrhagic conversion, edema, mass effect, and early herniation. She was kept with HOB > 30 degrees, BP allowed to autoregulate, and fluids limited due to cerebral edema. Given her extremely poor prognosis, a family meeting was held and it was decided to make the patient comfort measures only as this would be most consistent with her wishes. Approximately 24 hours after transitioning to CMO care the patient passed away. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ with recent diagnosis of hypoplastic MDS with del 13q, recent admission for initiation of ATG and cyclosporine, now admitted for GNR bacteremia. # GNR Bacteremia: Etiology was unclear, though most likely is GI vs GU. Pt w/urostomy and hx of UTIs with known nephrolithiasis, though no change in urine per patient. New bands and thrombocytopenia on exam. No diarrhea, cough, abdominal pain. Pt had stable VS and no fever. Lactate wnl. Culture found pan sensitive GNR. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg BID was started. Urine culture grew Pseudomonas. Patient remained afebrile with stable VS on Cipro. # MDS: Hypoplastic MDS, s/p ATG and cyclosporine initiation, C1D1 ___. Has been on cyclosporine 100 mg BID. Prednisone 10mg prednisone qd. Was given Atovaquone 1500mg qd, Acyclovir 400mg BID ppx. # Electrolyte Imbalance: Pt with new hyponatremia and AG acidosis. Most likely in setting of new high grade infection. Maintained aggressive hydration with LR. Lyte ibalance and acidosis resolved. CHRONIC ISSUES ============== # CKD: Gave fluids. Monitored urine output which remained stable. Baseline Cr 1.2-1.6, was 1.5 on admission, 1.5 on discharge. # HTN: Held patient's losartan 12.5 mg w/c/f possible sepsis. VS remained stable and pt's losartan 12.5mg was restarted. # MEDREC: continued with home calcitriol, B12 ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Overnight Ms ___ abdominal pain improved and serial abdominal exams were performed with no concern for acute abdomem. A CT of the abdomen showed no evidence of bowel obstruction, and no evidence of bowel distention. Overnight her pain was treated with vicodin and she received IV fluids. She was not incontinent of stool or urine. Her WBC fell from 10.2 to 8.0. She felt significantly improved on HD1 (POD2) and she was discharged home. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ y/o male with a history of mixed lineage leukemia s/p auto SCT day ___ who was sent in from clinic due to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. . # Diarrhea: The concern was for GVHD however infectious etiology was also a consideration. He denied any fevers, chills or night sweats however he notes that multiple family members had been sick with similar symptoms. He had a colonoscopy with biopsy that did not reveal GVHD. He stool sample came back rotavirus positive which was consistent with his symptoms. All other stool studies were negative. He was discharged on Prednisolone 20mg daily and Vancomycin 125mg QID due to his history of C. diff. The Vancomycin can be titrated down as an outpatient. . # Transaminitis: On his last admission he was diagnosed with acute GVHD of the liver. He continued to have elevated LFTs however they trended downward during his admission. He was discharged on Prednisolone 20mg daily and his Tacro was continued at 1.5mg twice a day. . # Hypoglycemia: He was noted to have a couple of episodes of hypoglycemia with BS in the ___. These episodes happened in the morning. His glargine was subsequently stopped and he was paced on a sliding scale that was less aggressive than the sliding scale he presented with. He was discharged on this sliding scale which can be adjusted as an outpatient. He was followed by ___ during his admission. . # MLL s/p SCT: He was day ___ on admission after his SCT. His differential continued to be reassuring. Although he has been having isssues with GVHD, he has been doing well. He was continued on acyclovir and started on Micafungin for fungal prophylaxis. His Fluconazole was discontinued due to elevated LFTs. . # Knee Pain: He was having knee pain due to increased activity. He was going to bring this issue up during his clinic visit however he was admitted for his diarrhea. He was discharged on a short course of oxycodone and will discuss this issue with his outpatient providers. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to pre-op on ___. Pt was evaluated by anaesthesia and taken to the operating room for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable, then transferred to the ward for observation. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization; pain was initially managed with a PCA and then transitioned to oral Morphine once tolerating a stage 2 diet. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO with a ___ tube in place for decompression. On POD1, the NGT was removed and an upper GI study was negative for a leak, therefore, the diet was advanced sequentially to a Bariatric Stage 3 diet, which was well tolerated. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored. JP output remained serosanguinous throughout admission; the drain was removed prior to discharge. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a stage 3 diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted to the ___ service after being struck by a truck on ___. She has a history of alcoholism and prior spine trauma Injuries include: intracranial hemorrhage, a left humerus fx, acute on chronic L1-2 burst fx, and left rib fractures ___ and 3 & 8. Neuro: Neurosurgery was consulted for patient's right falcine SDH, SAH and IVH. No vascular injury was found on CTA head/neck. Repeat CT head was stable on the following day. Keppra was continued for one week, per neurosurgery. On HD 2, she developed hallucinations after ketamine drip which was discontinued. Epidural was not placed per APS, as the patient had a SAH. The patient was reintubated on HD 3 or agitation. Precedex was trialed as a bridge to extubation but the patient remained agitated. She was then placed on propofol and fentanyl. When she was extubated on ___, she received PO oxycodone with good pain control. Her mental status steadily improved. Resp: The patient was intubated on HD 3 for agitation and combativeness. Also on HD 3, the patient developed thick secretions and cultures were sent which revealed GPCs on gram stain, so empiric vancomycin and cefepime were started on ___. Initial difficulty was encountered while attempting attempted to wean to pressre support. She was extubated then re-intubated on ___ (HD 7) for poor mental status. The patient was extubated on ___ (HD 9) and weaned to room air. Cultures eventually speciated as MRSA, so vancomycin was continued. GI/FEN: The patient received tube feeds via OGT while intubated and NGT when extubated. She passed a speech and swallow for grounds and thin liquids on HD 12, so the plan is to wean tubefeeds as her oral intake improves. Nutrition was following patient and she was getting calorie counts. She developed hyponatremia so started on 1 g NaCl TID and was free water restricted. GU: Foley was placed for urine output monitoring and UOP was appropriate. In her state of delerium, the patient was noted to be pulling at the foley and developed some hematuria, which resolved. The foley was d/c'd on HD13. MSK: Orthopedics was consulted for the left humerus fracture and ortho-spine was consulted for the L1-L2 fractures. The left humerus fracture was splinted with ___ to LUE and she will follow up in clinic as an outpatient. The L1-L2 fractures were deemed acute on chronic and non-operative. She was fitted for TLSO brace on HD 3. An MRI C-spine was completed on HD 5 and showed no new or acute fractures or obvious ligamentous injury. C-spine clearance was attempted on HD 12, but collar was replaced due to pain with neck movement. Heme: SQH was held for 48 hours after head injury due to intracranial hemorrhage then restarted on HD 3. On HD 5, she received 1 pRBC for Hct 21.9. ID: Sputum culture from ___ grew MRSA and she was initially on vanc and cefepime for HCAP. The patient was intermittently febrile, so cipro was added for double pseudomonas coverage. Fevers stopped when vancomycin level was therapeutic, so cefepime and cipro were discontinued on HD 12. U/A was negative and UCx was negative. BCx showed no growth. She transitioned to Bactrim on HD13 and will complete a full 2 weeks course of antibiotics for MRSA pneumonia. Prophylaxis: SQH was started on HD 3 once imaging showed stable intracranial hemorrhage. The patient was out of bed with physical therapy. On discharge the patient was overall doing well. She was hemodynamically stable and medically cleared to be transferred to rehab to continue her recovery. The patient and her husband were aware of the plan and expressed verbal agreement. The patient had follow-up appointments made with ACS, neurology, and orthopedics. She will follow up with her PCP after discharge from the rehab. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with a history of recurrent stage IIIC adenocarcinoma of the ovary who presents with a GI bleed. #. GI bleed: Her hematocrit on admission was 20.1 which was decreased from her recent baseline of about 28. She remained hemodynamically stable but was transferred to the ICU for monitoring. She was given 4 units of PRBCs and had an appropriate hematocrit increase post-transfusion. There was concern that her pelvic mass had invaded her bowel mucosa and vasculature causing a GI bleed. GI was consulted who did an EGD and colonoscopy both not revealing for a source of bleeding. Patient then had a capsule endoscopy and was discharged home with close follow-up with oncology. She was counseled on warning signs of further bleeding and fatigue. #. DM: She was continued on lantus and SSI. #. Recurrent ovarian cancer: She was given her dose of topotecan prior to admission. There was concern for continued growth of her pelvic mass despite recent chemotherapy. She is to follow-up with her primary oncology team a few days after discharge. #. Hypothyroidism: Continued on home levothyroxine. #. Code Status: She was full code during this admission. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was initally seen in clinic. Please see clinic note for details. Patient was then seen in the pre-operative area, and once again the severe risks associated with the procedure were discussed with her and her family. ___ again consented to the procedure as she stated that she could no longer live comfortably as she was, and wanted to do anything to get to a better state of health, despite the risks. In the operating room the planned procedure was carried out (see operative note) however, the patient became asystolic and ACLS protocol was carried out. She was asystolic for approximately 1 minute and underwent chest compressions. She was intubated and taken to the ICU. B/L chest tubes were placed, the right sided for the operative site and the left for inspriatory deficit. Her course from there on out was complicated mainly by a massive air leak and was unable to take adequate inspiratory volumes in order to maintain her oxygenation ad respiration. She was awake and alert for the majority of her stay. A second right sided chest tube was placed on POD 1, for residual apical pneumothorax, which improved with decompression. Tube feedings were maintained for nutrition. Her urine output was normal with a normal creatinine. She did have a large amount subcutaneous emphysema, which was lessened somewhat with chest tube suction on the right side. By POD 5, she was still unable to wean off the ventilator. Despite other organ systems being stable, she decided, after multiple conversations with the housestaff, Dr. ___ the ICU team, that she did not want to continue on a respirator and did not want a tracheostomy if there was little hope of improving to the point of weaning off ventilatory support. After conversation to this effect, she decided that she wanted to be extubated and made Comfort Measures Only. This was done in the afternoon ___. She expired shortly thereafter. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ man with history of HLD, PMR on prednisone presenting with abdominal pain, found on imaging to have abdominal mass likely of pancreatic origin now awaiting pathology from biopsy. # Abdominal pain # Abdominal mass likely pancreatic primary Patient presenting with 1 week of abdominal pain, found to have abdominal mass and elevated lipase on ultrasound suspicious for malignancy. Up to date on colonoscopy screening. On CT scan found to have large mass with multiple areas of likely metastasis. ___ was consulted biopsied mass ___. Pathology is currently pending. He is to follow-up in the multidisciplinary pancreatic ___ clinic once pathology has resulted. For his pain he was started on low-dose oxycodone. He does have a past history of alcohol use disorder, we discussed the risks of opiates and the red flag symptoms which should make him call his PCP. [] Follow-up pathology results [] ___ clinic #Anxiety Patient with severe anxiety in the setting of new cancer diagnosis. Was given low-dose Ativan given his continued racing thoughts. Social work met with him to talk about his new diagnosis. He was well supported by his family and partner. He was discharged with 10 tablets of 1 mg Ativan. He was counseled on the risks of benzodiazepines. Have contacted his primary care office to alert them that I have started him on this medication. He will need close follow-up an appointment has been made in 2 days from now with his primary care provider ___ than 30 minutes were spent on complex discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with HIV/AIDS (CD4=68) and h/o CNS toxo, HIV-dementia, h/o seizures and chronic pain on opiates who presented with chest pain and initially diagnosed with pnuemonia and then further workup discovered that he had metastatic lung adenocarcinoma with mets to the bone leading to cord compression now s/p T4 corpectomy who continues to have pain management issues. # Metastatic adenocarcinoma with Left upper lobe likely primary and new T7 compression fracture status post spinal surgery (transpeidcular corpectomy) for a T7 pathologic fracture on ___ with multiple other lesions on bone consistent with lung adenocarcinoma. Oncolgy was consulted regarding scheduling outpatient oncology follow-up for patient. Ortho oncology was consulted for the lesion to the acetabulum, but this was deemed non-operative. Radiation oncology was consulted and they recommended outpatient followup. Pallative care was consulted and they recommended increasing pain medications and began discussion with the patient about goals of care planning. Details are within their notes. Orhto spine said that he may get chemo, radiation at site of spine surgery after ___ weeks due to healing. He needs to continue wearing TLSO brace while walking. Pain control as below. #Chronic body pain: Patient with history of chronic right sided body pain secondary to thalamic pain syndrome and now metastatic cancer reported continued pain throughout his hospitalization that was very challenging to control. Because of this, the pain service was consulted and recommended his current regimen of oxycontin, standing dilaudid and prn dilaudid. He was tolerating this regimen at the time of discharge. He was continued on lyrica and started on tizandadine on ___. #Femoral lesion: Ortho onc does not believe need for surgery yet of femur met recommended rad onc. Role for zoledronic acid- less likely because poor dentition although pt doesn't have any of his own teeth will not need right now and would defer to ortho onc and oncolgoy about decision. #HIV/AIDS and CNS toxo: Has not had acute change in neuro exam since time of admission. His CD4- 68 on this admission. We continued Truvada/raltegravir/etravirene - talked with patient about importance of not refusing HAART. He recived dapsone for PCP ppx and we continued pyrimethamine for CNS toxo and leucovorin 25mg daily. Inactive problems: # GERD - tums prn # Bowel regimen - bisacodyl prn - miralax added prn - senna and docusate scheduled # Vit D deficiency - 50,000 units a week #Pneumonia: Patient with infiltrate on CXR of unclear etiology. Given the patient's recent housing in a SNF and his severe immunocompromise it was felt that he warranted empiric treatment of HCAP. He was treated with vancomycin and cefepime narrowed to levoquin. #Long QTc: Patient was noted to have a prolonged QTc at time of admission in setting of having recently been perscribed a Z-pack. There was additional concern that narcotics may have been contributing to his long QTx. The patient did not have any other known medication exposures or electrolyte abnormalities to explain his prolonged QTc. QT prolonging medications were avoided during admission and the patient's QTc normalized. Translational Issues: Coordination of care- between oncologists, id, rad onc, ortho spine, and # CODE: Full Confirmed # CONTACT: Unknown, no HCP- as documented in social works patient is estranged from family and has fired court appointed guardian and is currently competent to refuse decision. The following follow-up was recommended by the spine service: 1. Use the TLSO brace when walking, but okay to be out of bed to a chair without it 2. Continue ___ 3. Follow-up with ___ , who will determine when to remove the staples and may repeat an xray ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient evaluated by surgical service in the ED. Patient had intense abdominal pain with peritoneal signs and tenderness. A CT scan shows a small bowel obstruction with transition point in the pelvis. She was taken to the OR for SBO and underwent Exploratory laparotomy, over sew of enterotomy and lysis of adhesions. She tolerated the procedure well and was admitted the floor. Acute pain was following her for her epidural and pain control. She was transferred to the SICU on ___ with hypotension and had multiple bouts of diarrhea. She received 2 L on the floor and another 1 L in the ICU for resuscitation and her BP, her Hct was Hct: 34->26->29. Her BP was stable after being bolused. Patient is Jehovah's witness and refuses all blood products. C diff was sent for her diarrhea and she was started of empiric Flagyl. C diff was negative x 3 as were blood and sputum cultures. Following transfer to the Surgical floor she continued to complain of some abdominal pain and nausea. She was seen by the Chronic pain service for management and she seemed to improve slowly on Oxycodone and Flexeril. She was eventually able to get up, ambulate without difficulty and increase her intake. Her chronic nausea persisted and she was evaluated by the GI service who felt that it was possibly made worse by Flagyl. Her C diff's were all negative therefore her Flagyl was discontinued. She was gradually able to increase her intake and eventually tolerated a regular diet. She was also seen by the Bariatric service who will continue to follow her as an out patient. Her abdominal wound was healing well and she will have her staples removed at her first post op visit. She was finally discharged on ___ and will follow up in the ___ in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is an ___ year old woman with hypertension, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation on eliquis, diabetes, prior TIA, suspected dementia, recent diagnosis of seizure disorder on keppra with reported side effect of increased sleepiness presenting as OSH transfer with new right frontal IPH. # Right frontal IPH Patient received Kcentra (on Eliquis) and labetalol (SBP >200) at OSH prior to transfer to ___. On arrival to ___, exam notable for left facial droop, L arm > L leg weakness, and right leg weakness (baseline). Her interval head CT on arrival showed bleed to be stable. Her SBP goal was <140, gradually liberalized to <150. This required nicardipine gtt and antihypertensives as below. Her Eliquis was held, but ASA 81 mg was restarted on ***** for anticoagulation given history of afib. Attempted to obtain MR brain, but patient did not tolerate despite premedication with seroquel. Review of MR ___ brain from OSH from ___ does not reveal large underlying lesion. GRE with blood products in same area of current bleed and her history of cognitive decline suggests a history of amyloid. Etiology of her IPH most likely amyloid compounded by anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation and uncontrolled hypertension. #Epilepsy Concern that increased sleepiness could represent nonconvulsive seizures. cVEEG with right frontal slowing. Her home keppra 500 mg BID was continued without change. Review of OSH GRE (performed ___ on presentation for first time seizure) reveals blood products in area of current bleed. This is concerning for an underlying amyloidosis leading to ___, resulting in seizures. #Dementia Home donepezil held during hospitalization, but should be resumed at time of discharge. #Hypertension Goal blood pressure on admission of systolic less than <140. Required a nicardipine gtt to achieve blood pressure goal as well as continuation of all her home antihypertensives and the addition of 2 new antihypertensives, chlothalidone and felodipine. Her systolic blood pressure goal was liberalized to less than 150. At time of discharge her blood pressure regimen is as follows: - Clonidine 0.2 mg BID (Home medication) - Atenolol 100 mg qAM, 50 mg qPM (Home medication) - Hydralazine 100 mg TID (Home medication) - Losartan Potassium 50 mg BID (Home medication) - Chlorthalidone 25 mg PO/NG DAILY (started ___ - Started Felodipine 5mg (started ___ #Atrial Fibrillation Eliquis held in setting of IPH. ASA restarted for anticoagulation on ___. It was felt that patient is not a good candidate for resumption of oral anticoagulation given the presence of superficial siderosis on MRI from OSH. # Mood Concern for depression during hospitalization. Started fluoxetine 20 mg daily ___. # Diabetes No changes to home mediations upon discharge. Home meds were held during hospitalization and blood sugar was controlled with sliding scale insulin. ================================ Transitional Issues: [ ] Stroke Neurology Follow Up [ ] Established Outpatient Neurologist: continued management of cognitive decline, epilepsy [ ] PCP: perform thyroid ultrasound to assess interval increase in size of hypodense thyroid nodules noted on ___ ___ CTA head/neck. [ ] PCP: follow 4.3 cm fusiform ascending aortic aneurysm over time. [ ] PCP: ___- chlorthalidone and felodipine added to home antihypertensive regimen [ ] PCP: ___ depression. Fluoxetine 20 mg daily started ___ [ ] PCP: consider restarting donepezil =============================== AHA/ASA Core Measures for Intracerebral Hemorrhage 1. Dysphagia screening before any PO intake? (x) Yes - () No. If no, reason why: 2. DVT Prophylaxis administered? (x) Yes - () No. If no, why not (bleeding risk, hemorrhage, etc.) 3. Smoking cessation counseling given? () Yes - (x) No [reason (x) non-smoker - () unable to participate] 4. Stroke education (personal modifiable risk factors, how to activate EMS for stroke, stroke warning signs and symptoms, prescribed medications, need for followup) given in written form? (x) Yes - () No 5. Assessment for rehabilitation and/or rehab services considered? (x) Yes - () No. If no, why not? (I.e. patient at baseline functional status) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is an ___ yo woman with thrombocytopenia secondary to ITP receiving monthly IVIG, atrial fibrillation (previously anticoagulated with warfarin but stopped in ___ due to SDH/SAH and ITP), type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, moderate-severe AS (valve area 0.9 cm^2, peak gradient 42 mm Hg), and recent admission (___) with syncope and NSTEMI managed medically due to thrombocytopenia who presented with NSTEMI complicated by development of cardiogenic shock necessitating transfer to the CCU. # Hypotension: Patient presented with systolic blood pressures in 90-100's with rising lactate and decreased urine output concerning for hypoperfusion. She was found to have an NSTEMI and new reduction in LVEF on this admission. She was medically treated for her NSTEMI with aspirin and heparin drip. She continued to have recurrent chest pain with persistent elevation in cardiac biomarkers (peak CK-MB 59), raising concern for ongoing ischemia and worsening pump function. On physical exam, she had warm extremities, crackles throughout the lungs, and trace pitting edema. She was afebrile and does not have any symptoms and signs of infection. Hypotension, rising lactate, low urine output were suggestive of progressive cardiogenic shock due to recent and possibly ongoing ischemia and acute decompensated of HF with new decrease in EF. Patient underwent cardiac catheterization (see below) and subsequently improved and was sent to floor where her BPs were stable prior to discharge. # NSTEMI/CAD: Patient presented with substernal chest pain with EKG showing diffuse ST depression and T wave inversions as well as elevated troponin-T, higher than on previous admission (0.3 on previous admission to peak 1.8 on ___. Initially coronary angiography was deferred in an effort to avoid committing her to anti-platelet therapy given her thrombocytopenia and history of SAH/SDH less than one year earlier. However, her chest pain became refractory to nitroglycerin gtt and she was decompensating, so was transferred to the CCU for more serious consideration of cardiac catheterization in conjunction with hematology and neurosurgery. During her CCU stay, patient underwent urgent cardiac catheterization with documentation of cardiac index 1.8, PCW 26, PA 72/30/44, SBP 70-80s and had IABP placed. Angiography also revealed Lcx disease and RCA chronic occlusion but vascularized by collaterals. She was begun on heparin for her CAD and IABP and diuresed. She received increasing doses of isosorbide mononitrate, hydralazine and was begun on metoprolol. As her condition improved, patient was weaned off of the IABP. She was deemed to be a poor candidate for revascularization given comorbidities so was treated medically with amlodipine, ASA, atorvastatin, clopidogrel, isosorbide mononitrate, metoprolol, and nitroglycerin with successful elimination of chest pain at time of discharge. # Decompensated systolic CHF: Patient presented in decompensated heart failure with cold extremities, obvious hypervolemia on physical exam, elevated lactate and NT-pro-BNP, and decreased urine output. She was started on a furosemide gtt with initial improvement in her urine output, normalization of her lactate, and improvement in her clinical status. However, as her chest pain became more difficult to manage she developed rising lactate again and was transferred to the CCU. A TTE on ___ revealed severe hypokinesis/near-akinesis of the inferior and inferolateral LV with EF ___ (decreased from 50% on ___ during prior hospitalization). On arrival to the CCU, patient appeared mildly hypervolemic on exam with concern for cardiogenic shock. She was diuresed aggressively with furosemide boluses and gtt from 15 to 20 mg/hr before transition to an oral regimen. She was discharged with ongoing lower extremity edema but no shortness of breath or chest pain at weight 67.5 kg. She was discharged on torsemide 80mg BID for maintenance. # UTI: Patient noted to have hypothermia, UA with increased WBCs and GNR, started on empiric ceftriaxone given hypotension, ___. UCx ___ growing Klebsiella sensitive to cephalosporins. WBC uptrending, on chronic prednisone. Patient treated with a 5 day course of ceftriaxone from ___. # ___: Patient with worsening ___ likely multifactorial secondary to cardiorenal syndrome, recurrent hypotension, and contrast from coronary angiography but has improved with diuresis to Cr 2.0 at time of discharge. Per family, would preferential keep patient euvolemic with goal of comfort and willing to sacrifice kidney function if necessary as a result of diuresis. # Hyponatremia: Thought to be hypervolemic hyponatremia in the setting of CHF and water-avid state. Uosm 360s, Sosm 314 (elevated given high BUN – predicted is ~305). AM cortisol 31.5, TSH 1.1. Improved with diuresis. # Atrial fibrillation: Rate controlled with metoprolol. Not anticoagulated at home despite h/o CVA due to ITP and history of SDH/SAH. # ITP: Patient with ITP and history of SDH/SAH. Platelets 5 on ___, received IVIG and Rombipostim with recovery of platelets to 47 on admission and 270 at time of discharge. Hematology/oncology followed the patient during her hospitalization. She received romiplostim on ___. She is going home on hospice for management of life-limiting illness including CAD and CHF but as ITP is potentially life threatening (especially while on dual anti-platelet therapy to treat her severe coronary artery disease and recurrent myocardial infarcts), she will continue on management of this condition with romiplostim as discussed in goals of care. Per heme, her prednisone will be tapered to 20 mg daily starting ___ and 10 mg daily starting ___. She should follow up with heme regarding whether to discontinue the medication at that time. # Goals of care: Patient was made DNR/DNI on this admission. Patient was discharged on hospice due to life-limiting nature of CAD and CHF but per family patient will continue on treatment for ITP as it is unrelated to her life-limiting illnesses and is within her goals of care to prevent bleeding by maintaining her platelet count at safe levels. Chronic issues: # Hypertension: BP medications as above # Hypothyroidism: Continue levothyroxine # DM: on glipizide at home, continued on discharge. SSI in house discontinued on discharge. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Patient on Romiplostim weekly; will require CBC every week and follow up with heme-onc to adjust the dose. - Patient was discharged on home hospice care - Patient started on amlodipine. Defer to outpatient provider for titration of dose to optimize blood pressure. - Patient had ___ on CKD but after discussion with the family they value maintaining euvolemia and reduction of symptoms over maintaining kidney function. - patient discharged on dilaudid for symptomatic treatment of chest pain. # CODE: DNR/DNI # CONTACT: Daughter ___ ___ ___ weight: 67.5 kg Discharge Cr: 2.0 ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms ___ was admitted admitted to the neurosurgical service for close neurological observation. An MRI of the entire spine showed: At C7-T1 level there is widening of the interspinous distance with anterior compression of T1 vertebra identified. There is disruption of the ligamentum flavum seen at C7-T1 level with increased signal in the interspinous region. Subtle increasing spinal cord signal is seen at T1 level. The right facet joints are mildly subluxed but no evidence of perched or locked facet seen. The left facet joints are normally aligned. The prevertebral soft tissue thickness is maintained. The remaining thoracic vertebral bodies demonstrate normal signal. There were no cervical from C6 and above or lumbar abnormalities. She was kept on strict flat bedrest with log roll precautions. She was fitted for a Somi brace. On ___ she underwent a posterior cevical/thoracic fusion and right iliac crest bone graft under general anesthesia. She tolerated this procedure well, was extubated, transferred to PACU and then floor when stable. She was maintained in Somi brace though pt did take it off on her own on morning ___. It was replaced and refit by ortho tech. She was transitioned to PO pain medication, activity advanced. Her right leg continued to be slightly weak as pre-op. She was seen in consultation by ___. Wounds were clean and dry. She had occipital scalp laceration that was followed by the Trauma service for poor healing. Discharged to home following clearance from ___, agrees with plan of care. Follow up as outlined in discharge instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ arrived to ___ intubated for airway protection. He was examined by our ED neurology resident and found to have a blown pupil on the right with little spontaneous movements or withdrawal to painful stimuli in his extremities. A repeat CT scan of his head obtained in the ED confirmed the devastating size of his CNS intraparenchymal hemorrhage. He was admitted to the neuro ICU. On further family discussions, the family confirmed that he would not want to remain intubated and depend on mechanical life support. They agreed for comfort measures. Subsequently, Mr. ___ was terminally extubated and placed on a morphine drip. He peacefully passed away at 2045hrs on ___ with his family at bedside. All of their questions were answered. The medical examiner's office was informed about the patient's death, and declined to perform an autopsy. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ year old male with severe COPD on chronic Prednisone therapy who is was admitted with abdominal pain and dyspnea. Pt's abdominal pain resolved on admission and did not recur. . #. COPD, acute on chronic: Patient initially evaluated for abdominal pain but subsequently evaluated with impression of COPD flare. Chest film is without infiltrate, no increase in sputum production from baseline. Pt breathing better today, with improved exercise tolerance. Patient was treated with steroid burst with 40 mg for 2 days, and then will be discharged with a rapid taper back to his previous 10 mg po qod. Antibiotics were withheld, as there was no evidence of infection. He was continued on Advair, and was treated with standing nebulizers. He was evaluated by physical therapy, and he mainained oxygen saturations 87% and greater while ambulating, with rapid return to 96% with rest. Pt was referred to pulmonary rehab at time of discharge. . #. Abdominal Pain: Per OMR review, symptoms are not new. Mid abdominal pain with normal CT; sx currently resolved. Patient's dose of PPi was increased to 40 mg po bid. - continue PPI bid with consideration of gastritis vs. PUD as etiology of symptoms - would consider outpatient H. Pylori testing and treatment if + for potential PUD vs. non-ulcer dyspepsia - will defer further workup to pcp if symptoms recur. . #. Diabetes Mellitus II controlled without complication - held Metformin for 48 hrs after IV contrast for abd CT - provided Insulin sliding scale while in house - resumed Metformin/Glipizide on discharge . #. Hypertension, Essential: Poorly controlled on admission with SBP 180/80. Pt's lisinopril currently at reduced dose s/p previous hospitalization d/t hyperkalemia. K currently at upper end of normal, so increased amlodipine from 5 to 10 mg with improved BP control. . #. Tobacco Abuse: Previous 5PPD, now ___ - continue efforts towards abstinence . #. Anemia, B12 Deficiency - continue B12 therapy as outpatient . #. Glaucoma: Continue gtts per outpatient regimen . #. FEN - Cardiac Heart Healthy Diet . #. Code - Full, confirmed with patient . #. Dispo - to home today with services and referral to pulmonary rehab . #. Communication - Patient ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** She is a ___ female with musculoskeletal neck pain and cervical spinal cord compression on MRI with a prior fusion at C6-C7. She presents for elective surgery. #cervical stenosis On ___ Patient underwent a ACDF C6-7. The procedure was uncomplicated and well tolerated. On POD#1 she was tolerating PO diet without no dyaphagia, pain remained well controlled, she was ambulating, and voiding. She was discharged home in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o M with PMHx significant for CAD s/p CABG in ___, multiple stents in ___ and ___, sCHF (EF 35%), recent h/o PEA arrest, MAT, COPD on 2L home O2, ILD, IDDM, PVD, CKD (baseline Cr 1.1-1.4) and probable cholangiocarcinoma not amenable to surgery or chemo with multiple recent admission now returning from his rehab with fevers to 102.8, hypoxia (84% on 2L) and tachycardia to 128. # Sepsis Per report at rehab, patient met ___ SIRS criteria with fever to 102.8 at rehab, tachycardia to 128, leukocytosis upon arrival and tachypnea with desaturation at his rehab. On arrival to the floor he was hemodynamically stable and started on vanc/cefepime/flagyl. He continued to spike low-grade fevers intermittently. Potential causes included a lung source given continued pleural effusions(but patient declined thoracentesis), transient GI bacteremia from his biliary mass, or tumor fever. Other potential etiologies, such as UTI or SBP, were unlikely based on examination and labs. He remained lucid throughout his hospitalization. His blood cultures had no growth to date (final results still pending) and he was ultimately discharged on Levaquin to complete a 7-day course of antibiotics, per patient and family's request. # Goals of Care Patient admitted under full code, but had declined certain therapies. After a goals of care family meeting with palliative care and a ___ interpreter, the patient decided that he wants full medical work-up for his medical problems, but wishes to be DNR/DNI, in line with his ultimate goal of returning home as quickly as possible. # Hyponatremia Na 131 upon admission from ___ prior, likely secondary to insensible losses from fever and poor PO intake. His sodium improved later that morning with gentle fluids but returned low the following day. His levels were unable to be monitored further as patient declined further laboratory draws. # AoCKD: Cr. 1.6 on admission from baseline 1.1-1.4. Likely volume depletion as above. Cr did not improve significantly with time, though patient declined further laboratory draws. # INACTIVE ISSUES -sCHF (EF 35%): held Lasix and metoprolol initially -CAD s/p CABG and DES: Aspirin was continued -COPD/ILD: Per report, patient's home O2 is 2L and he was desatting to ___ on this. However, per last d/c summary, home O2 is 3L and he is now stable on 3L. -h/o Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis: Bactrim was held while he was on broad spectrum antibiotics as above -T2DM: Home dose Lantus 4U qhs was continued with added insulin sliding scale -Anemia: H/H at baseline; continued home iron supplement -Likely cholangiocarcinoma: per last d/c summary, he is not a surgical or chemotherapy candidate and he did not want further workup. -BPH: Tamsulosin was continued -Ischemic gastritis: Protonix was continued -Sleep/Appetite: Trazodone/Mirtazapine were continued # TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Patient discharged to complete 7-day course of levofloxacin (Day 1= ___ - If he has fevers, may treat symptomatically if he is hemodynamically stable -- as there is no clear infectious source identified ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ year old woman with Childs C HCV cirrhosis (c/b esophageal varices, ascites, HE), history of portal vein and superior mesenteric thrombosis on Coumadin, s/p TIPS c/b liver ischemia ___, history of PE, and aortic stenosis s/p TAVR (___) who presents with abdominal pain. ***Acute Issues*** #Abdominal pain Pt has longstanding history of abdominal pain related to umbilical hernia. She presented to an OSH where an abdominal CT was performed that showed patent TIPs, pancreatic head lesion, umbilical hernia with minimal fat stranding and no bowel inflammation or obstruction. Pt reported pain located at area of small subcutaneous nodule and RLQ. Imaging notable for soft tissue abnormality at area of tenderness, likely related to medication injection. Otherwise, LFTs were at her baseline and lipase was only mildly elevated. She has a known umbilical hernia that was operated on in the past and has recurred but it is reducible on exam. No ascites on CT. Given baseline LFTs, normal lipase, normal lactate and no ascites, her abdominal pain was unlikely due to biliary pathology, pancreatitis, bowel ischemia or SBP. A RUQ US was also performed in the hospital and did not demonstrate etiology of her pain. Etiology appears chronic given history and acute processes ruled out. # Anasarca: Patient with worsening edema of the ___ and CT scan with evidence of anasarca. B/l ___ US were negative for DVT. Etiology likely due to both known diastolic heart failure and cirrhosis. Recently switched to torsemide 40 daily. EKG w/o evidence of ischemia and hx not c/w this. No evidence of infection. CXR clear and pt w/o hypoxia. No ___. Patient has had recent changes to her diuretic regiment (On 40 mg furosemide BID recently changed to 40 mg torsemide daily) and it is unclear if she was properly taking her medications. She was treated with IV lasix and then transitioned to PO torsemide 40mg daily at discharge. #Pancreatic head lesion Discussed with radiology and mass seen on OSH stable and possibly improved when compared with prior CT scan in ___ and MRCP. No repeat imaging indicated. # HF with preserved EF # Severe AS s/p TAVR # Hypertension Follows with Dr. ___ in cardiology. S/p TAVR ___ for severe AS. Aortic valve gradients have been stable on recent echo. She was recently seen in clinic and with worsening shortness of breath and peripheral edema, furosemide 40 mg PO BID was changed to torsemide 40 mg PO daily. Because of her volume overload, she was treated with IV lasix in the hospital. She was continued on clopidogrel. She was discharged on torsemide 40mg daily. # HCV Cirrhosis: ___ Class B, MELD-Na 21 on admission (on Warfarin). Complicated by portal HTN with variceal bleed s/p TIPS, recurrent episodes of HE, ascites controlled by diuretics, and PE/PVT/SMV thrombosis. T bili and ALT/AST at baseline on admission. Patient being evaluated as transplant candidate. Pancytopenia at baseline with new neutropenia, likely ___ splenomegaly, portal HTN & cirrhosis. She was continued on home lactulose, rifaximin and spironolactone. Torsemide was 40mg daily upon discharge. Patient will see transplant surgery as an outpatient. # SMV and portal vein thrombosis # Pulmonary embolism Diagnosed during prior admission for abdominal pain in ___. On warfarin at home. Pt treated with warfarin in the hospital. She will be given warfarin 3.5mg prior to discharge and then will be managed by ___ clinic on ___. Repeat INR on ___. ====== CHRONIC ISSUES: # GERD: Continued home omeprazole 20 mg daily # Vitamin D Deficiency: Continued vitamin D 5000 units daily # Narcolepsy: Continued home concerta ***TRANSITIONAL ISSUES*** [] Discharge Weight: 63.0kg Medication changes: -Discharged on warfarin 3.5mg daily on ___. ___ ___ called and confirmed will manage starting on ___ -Torsemide dose left unchanged at 40mg daily -Spironolactone increased to 150mg daily -Consider standing potassium based on lab tests on ___ [] Will need labs including CBC, CHEM 10, LFTS, INR, PTT on ___. Will be drawn by ___. [] Follow up with transplant surgery and hepatology to continue transplant workup [] Continue to monitor I/O, K and weight. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt admitted to postpartum service for IV antibiotic treatment of mastitis refractory to PO treatment. On admission, pt febrile to 102.7 with WBC of 23.1. On day of admission, pt underwent u/s guided drainage of 5cc of thick greenish- whitish fluid. Fluid sent for gram stain and culture. Pt started on IV vancomycin for presumed MRSA. Breast surgery consulted. Pt underwent three additonal U/S guided drainage of abscesses while in house, the last on ___. Wound cultures from ___ and ___ proved to be positive for MRSA. Pt also seen by ID who made recommendations regarding length of treatment, family testing, and laboratory testing to ensure resolution of bandemia. Pt continued to improve. On ___, vancomycin trough checked and found to be subtherapeutic. Vancomycin dose increased to 1.25g Q12hours. Repeat trough on ___ found to be therapeutic. Blood cultures negative. CBC demonstrated resolution of bandemia. PICC line placed placed on ___. Found to be in improper placed by CXR and readjusted. Pt c/o chest pressure/irritation so PICC removed. Initial plan was for replacement of PICC on ___ or ___. However, after discussion with infectious disease, it was determined that pt would only need IV vancomycin treatment for a few additional days to complete her 14D course. Decision was made to keep pt in house rather than risk the morbidity of PICC reinsertion. Pt discharged on ___ after she had completed a total of 14D on IV vancomycin with several U/S guided drainage during her hospital course. Pt will follow up with Dr. ___, Dr. ___ infectious disease as an outpatient. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ yo M with a hx of DM who p/w lightheadedness and hypoglycemia in setting of Wt. loss and decreased PO intake with same dose of NPH. . # Hypoglycemia: This is the likely etiology of his lightheadedness. It is likely that in the setting of weight loss and nausea and vomiting that he is requiring less insulin but has as of yet to decrease his insulin. ___ was consulted as he was planning on obtaining an appointment with them. He was stopped on the NPH. He was started on Lantus 30 U at night. He was also given a sliding scale that will provide him with 10 U or more of humalog prior to a meal. He will follow up with ___ in early ___. . # Nasuea/Vomiting: Patient with extensive GI work up including gastric emptying study as well as an EGD. It seems that he has gastritis as well as an element of gastroparesis. Patient was tried on reglan but did not like it as he thought it made his symptoms worse. We discussed reglan and the patient was willing to try it. Aside from gastroparesis his fluctuating sugars may also have been contributing to his nausea. . # Chronic kidney disease stage III: Pts creatinine is close to his baseline. Will continue his current medications. . # HTN: Patient currnetly HTN, not taking his metoprolol. Patient thought he was supposed to stop this medicaiton. He was instructed to take the metoprolol XL. He was also started on lisinopril. He will need a chem-7 at his follow up with his nurse practitioner to assess his creatinine after starting an ACE-i. . # CODE: FULL ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** He presented to the ED and was admitted to the ___ 1 service. Admission LFTs were elevated with alk phos of 136 and t.bili of 3.6. ___, blood cultures were drawn and he was started on Unasyn. Diet was NPO and IV hydration was given. Liver duplex was done to assess for portal vein thrombosis given ascites. The following was noted: 1. Choledocholithiasis with a 1.1 cm stone/sludge; no intrahepatic biliary dilatation seen and the common bile duct measures 6 mm in caliber. 2. Cholelithiasis, distended gallbladder but equivocal ___ sign and gallbladder wall edema; ensuing cholecystitis cannot be ruled out. 3. Patent portal vein, but reversal of flow in the right, left, and main portal veins. 4. Echogenic liver consistent with cirrhosis as well as ascites, varices, and splenomegaly. On ___, an MRCP was done to assess for CBD stone. Results as follows: 1. Choledocholithiasis with stone within the distal CBD at ampulla of Vater. This results in extrahepatic and new mild intrahepatic biliary dilatation. 2. Cholelithiasis including stones seen at the gallbladder neck/origin of the cystic duct. The gallbladder is somewhat distended. There is pericholecystic fluid, but this is nonspecific in the setting of ascites. Therefore, the MR findings are not suggestive of acute cholecystitis. 3. New partial thrombosis of the distal SMV/portosplenic confluence. Patent small caliber portal vein. 4. Small amount of ascites and moderate right pleural effusion. INRs were elevated to 2.0 without medication treatment. On ___ an ERCP was performed after FFP without correction of inr of 2.0. Results as follows: A single 8 mm stone that was causing partial obstruction was seen at the lower third of the common bile duct. The bile duct was dilated to 9 mm. The cystic duct was dilated and overling the bile duct. Procedures: A 7cm by ___ ___ biliary stent was placed successfully. Despite FFPs, patients INR was 2 and therefore a sphincterotomy could not be performed. Post ERCP, LFTs improved. Vital signs remained stable and diet was slowly advanced and tolerated. On ___, an EGD was done to assess further characterize varices given potential anticoagulation. Prior to the procedure, he was given ffp for an inr of 2.0. At the end of the 2nd bag of ffp, he developed some hives. A transfusion reaction w/u was done and low dose benadryl was given with resolution of hives. EGD results as follows: 2 cords of grade I varices were seen in the lower third of the esophagus. Stomach: Mucosa: Mosaic appearance of the mucosa was noted in the stomach body and fundus. These findings are compatible with sever portal hypertensive gastropathy. Protruding Lesions Several protruding lesion were seen in the stomach antrum, compatible with portal hypertensive gastropathy. Duodenum: Normal duodenum. Impression: Varices at the lower third of the esophagus Mosaic appearance in the stomach body and fundus compatible with sever portal hypertensive gastropathy Gastric nodules Otherwise normal EGD to third part of the duodenum On ___, vital signs were stable. He was tolerating his diet and ambulating independently with his cane. INR was 2.0. Coumadin 2mg was started. His PCP's office ___ ___ contacted to arrange for management of coumadin/inr. Goal inr was 2.5. He was scheduled to follow up for INR check at Dr. ___ office on ___ at 9am. He was discharged home in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt was admitted to the epilepsy service for evaluation and management of increased seizures. She was monitored via LTM EEG while admitted. She was noted to have several seizures from sleep the first night of monitoring. They were typical for her usual seizures. The events were captured with video EEG and results are reported above. She was then started on phenobarb 30mg at evening to attempt to control the nightime events. The night after starting the phenobarb she had better control. She had some signs of a possible focus on her EEG and will be presented at surgical conference. She was discharged on her routine meds plus the phenobarb. She was otherwise stable throughout the admission. She will follow-up as an outpt with the epilepsy clinic as scheduled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o M with glaucoma presents after falling down 15 stairs in the setting of ongoing balance difficulty, and found to have non-displaced C4 fracture. . # Mechanical fall: Patient's account of events is not typical of an arrhythmia or seizure that my have caused this event. Most likely etiology mechanical fall; patient is supposed to ambulate with cane, but is still climbing onto roofs at baseline. Patient with significant shoulder pain ___ ___ut no fractures on x-ray. Recent history of gait unsteadiness could make patient more likely to fall; unclear what extent, if any, this has been worked up as an outpatient. He was evaluated by physical therapy who recommended home ___, he was given services including hospital bed at home, home ___, ___ and home attendant. He was discouraged from using ladders or strenuous activity in the future. # Left shoulder pain: Patient with history of left rotator cuff injury. After the fall, he was unable to ABduct or extend at the shoulder. Plain film was negative for fracture or dislocation. He was seen and evaluated by orthopedics who recommended weight bearing as tolerated. ___ and follow up with ortho sports. Family preferred to see local orthopedist. He was discharged with Tylenol standing for pain; Oxycodone 2.5 mg for breakthrough pain. . # Non-displaced C4 lamina fracture: Patient was evaluated in the ED by orthopedic surgery who advised immobilization with ___ collar and outpatient evaluation by Dr. ___ in 2 weeks. He was given instructions to maintain ___ collar at all times except for personal hygiene. He will follow up with orthopedics in 2 weeks. . # Lacerations and scalp avulsion: Patient was evaluated in the ED by plastic surgery who sutured face and scalp lacerations and advised wound care. Plastic surgery also advised CT face to evaluate for facial fractures which was negative for fracture. He had absorbable sutures placed in his scalp and a non absorbable suture placed near his left eye. He will follow up with plastics to have the sutures removed. Wound care: Antibiotic ointment/xeroform dressing to wound on scalp, wet to ry dressing on right lower extremity laceration . # Dysarthria: Patient complained of progressive dysarthria 1 month prior to fall. Suspicion for acute stroke was low given negative head CT. His neurological exam was limited by pain in the right upper extremity and otherwise non-focal. He was given follow up with speech language pathology. . # Leukocytosis: Patient had a WBC of 17.8K on admission with left shift, which may be an acute stress response secondary to his fall. He has been afebrile and with no signs or symptoms of UA or PNA. CXR with no signs of pneumonia. This is likely a stress response rather than a sign of sepsis. . # Glaucoma: Stable. -Continue Travatan gtts . TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - follow up with ortho spine in 2 weeks - follow up with plastic surgery ___ for suture removal - physical therapy and sports orthopedic evaluation for right shoulder rotator cuff injury - speech language pathology follow up for dysarthria ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with PMHx dementia, CHF, HTN, IDDM, and recent UTI presents with nausea and vomiting for 2 days. #Nausea/Vomiting: Differential on admission included recurrent UTI, viral gastroenteritis, or adverse reaction to recent new antibiotic. Urine culture was negative. Symptoms were resolved by time of admission, therefore no further workup was necessary. Due to concern for dehydration, pt was given IVF and her home lasix was stopped. She appeared euvolemic on discharge. Pt was able to tolerate po. She was kept on a dysphagia diet, as her daughter had mentioned a concern for swallowing. We did not observe any aspiration or concern while here. #AMS: On HD1, pt was noted to be sleepy throughout the day and combative with nursing. Infectious workup, including negative urine culture and CXR, was negative. No new neurologic sx to warrant head imaging. She slept well overnight and was improved by hospital day 2. This was most likely hospital induced delirium and will improved with return to her normal daily routine. #Insulin-Dependent Diabetes: Pt was noted to be hypoglycemic during her admission. We reduced her insulin to 10 units lantus HS plus humalog sliding scale. This can be uptitrated as needed by her PCP. #Hypertension: She was continued on her home amlodipine, metoprolol, and losartan. #dCHF: Home lasix was held due to concern for dehydration. She appeared euvolemic on discharge. This can be restarted as needed. #Hyperlipidemia: Continued on home simvastatin. # Code: DNR/DNI (confirmed) # Emergency Contact: Name of health care proxy: ___ ___: Daughter Phone number: ___ TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: #uptitrate lantus as needed #restart home lasix if increase in weight or edema #speech and swallow eval at nursing home ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ year-old morbidly obese female with severe borderline personality disorder a history of DVT/PE and OSA vs. obesity hypoventillation syndrome who presented after leaving AMA from ___ with her usual chest pain and in addition, recent fevers and documentation of bacteremia. The patient was initially admitted to the MICU due to her history of unresponsive episodes requiring intubation as well as difficulties with behavioral control on the medicine floor requiring frequent nursing attention during her previous admission. These issues were resolved and the patient was transferred to the general medical floor on ___ where she remained until her discharge. # Borderline Personality Disorder / Psychiatric issues: Ms. ___ has severe borderline personality disorder and may additionally have a mood disorder, although exact characterization is difficult due to the severity of her personality disorder. Previous providers have diagnosed her with "depression", "PTSD", and "bipolar disorder". The patient was actively followed by the psychiatry consult service who created a behavioral plan to assist the medical team in working with the patient and to minimize splitting of staff. The psychiatry consult service also provided recommendations regarding psychiatric medications for the patient. Many of the patient's former psychiatric medications were tapered and stopped as it was felt that they were providing little benefit to the patient and contributing to her somnolence. After her PICC line was placed on ___, droperidol 1.25 - 2.5 mg IV and ativan 05.- 1.0 mg IV were used for chemical restraint and the patient was also allowed to request these medications if she felt herself becoming agitated. While these medications did not completely calm the patient, they did help to take the edge off of her agitation. When the patient did allow EKG monitoring and blood draws after receiving these medications, no abnormalities were noted. Additionally, she did not become hypoxic after receiving ativan. After her guardianship hearing zyprexa ___ mg PO and ativan 0.5-1.0 mg PO were made available to the patient, however, she did not utilize the former. The only standing psychiatric medication that the patient was ordered for was Aripiprazole (Abilify) 10 mg PO daily, however, the patient routinely refused this medication throughout the course of her admission, taking it only intermittantly. The patient frequently exhibited difficulties around periods of transition and change in her care, often requiring additional monitoring for safety. The following is a summary of the behavioral plan extracted from Dr. ___ note of ___: a) Emotional Dysregulation/impulsivity: Ms. ___ tends to get very mad very quickly. During these times, trying to talk through the situation tends to only make the anger worse. When this happens use the following strategies: --Tell ___: "I see that you are very angry. I'm going to give you 20 minutes to cool off then come back to check in on you." Come back in 20 minutes and say, ___, it has been 20 minutes, I've come back to check in. Are you ready to discuss your medical care." --Encourage ___ to utilize "distraction" techniques such as watching television, listening to music, or drawing/coloring. --Encourage ___ to place ice on her arms/wrists to help decrease the urge to cut herself. --___ will rate her anxiety/agitation on a scale ("emotions thermometer"). If her self-rating is over 60, she may request .5mg IV lorazepam up to twice daily. This medication will be closely monitored given concern for respiratory depression. --If ___ is acutely agitated c extreme agitation & warrants "chemical restraint", may use zydis 5mg, may repeat x 1 for max dose of 20mg in 24 hours. Alternatively, if refusing oral medication and in need of chemical restraint, may use IM olanzapine ___ &/or lorazepam .___ PO/IM/IV. Alternatively, --If possible, avoid placing hands on patient when she is dysregulated, unless there is a fear that patient is a danger to self, others, or is attempting to leave. In those cases physical force may be necessary and this was told to the patient. b) Consistency for ___: Ms. ___ has a difficult time adapting to new treaters and changes in the routine. She does better with those she is more familiar with. As much as is possible in an academic hospital, she would do best with having the same staff involved in her care. At changes of shift, new staff should make an extra effort to introduce themselves and let her know the plan for the shift. c) Consistency for treaters: There should be extra efforts to ensure that all treaters are on the same page. All treaters should be instructed to read this treatment plan. We should have, at a minimum, weekly interdisciplinary team meetings to discuss ongoing challenges to providing Ms. ___ with the highest level of care. d) Safety issues: Patient should have all sharps removed from room. She should be given only plastic silverware. Silverware should be removed immediately after she finishes eating. In further regards to safety, hospital security had to be called on several occassions to return the patient to her room when she left the MICU or to forcibly restrain her after she hit and spit at staff or after she refused to stop harming herself. During most of her hospital stay she was 1:1 with either a security sitter or a hospital staff sitter. Security were also called on several occassions when the patient's room was searched. # Facial cellulitis: On the morning of discharge the patient was noted to have an erythematous left cheek that was slightly warmer than her right cheek. No induration or fluctuance was noted. Given her history, it is possible that this finding was self-induced, though no evidence of trauma was noted. As the patient has a prior history of facial cellulitis she was started on bactrim for a 10 day course given her history of medication non-compliance. The area of erythema was outlined with a pen prior to discharge. If this area expands significantly or becomes indurated, a medicine consult should be obtained to evaluate for a change in therapy. # Positive blood cultures: Documentation from ___ showed Staph. simulans (a coagulase negative Staph.) and Enterococcus. The Enterococcus was resistant to vancomycin. The two bacteria together were only both sensitive to linezolid and rifampin. Two blood cultures drawn at the beginning of this admission were sensitive to vancomycin. The nidus of the patient's infection was never discovered. A transthoracic echo showed no endocarditis or valvular vegetations. Her admission chest x-ray was without infiltrates. Urine culture on admission was negative. A dental consult was obtained, as the patient complained of tooth pain, however, dental panorex was negative for abscess and the dentist felt there was no acute oral disease. A right upper extremity ultrasound did show a partially occluded thrombus in the cephalic vein. However, blood cultures from ___ through ___ did not grow any bacteria. On admission the patient was started on a 14 day course of linezolid to treat her documented bacteremia at ___. The patient intermittantly refused to take this medication. She had no further fevers during her hospital stay. She did intermittantly have mildly elevated temperatures, but these often occurred in association with episodes of agitation. # History of DVT/PE: The patient has a documented history of DVT in the right subclavian and branchial veins with associated PE in ___ at ___. A CTA performed at ___ on ___ demonstrated no central or segmental pulmonary embolism. On this admission the patient was initially placed on a heparin gtt due to a subtherapeutic INR. Heparin was stopped when the patient's INR became therapeutic. The patient frequently refused warfarin as well as blood draws (despite having a PICC line) for INR monitoring. However, despite only taking about 50% of her prescribed doses (4 mg daily) the patient maintained an INR of ~2. Initial recommendations from the ICU team were for warfarin anticoagulation for a period of 6 months following her ___ PE. On transfer to the medical floor the patient continued to complain of chest pain and request a repeat CT scan. She was informed that this was not medically indicated and that she was already receiving the recommended medical therapy for this condition. She continued to frequently refuse to take warfarin, despite multiple conversations on this subject. On ___ warfarin anti-coagulation was discontinued after the patient intentionally harmed herself by gouging herself with a pen, requiring three stitches, and punching her hand into a door multiple times. The following day she punched her other hand into a door. Given that the patient's DVT/PE occurred in the setting of having a PICC line, that she is now nearly three months after initiating anticoagulation with documented resolution of her PE in ___, that she is intermittantly compliant with warfarin therapy, that she routinely refuses blood draws for INR monitoring, and that she is at risk for intentionally harming herself and for bleeding, it is recommend that the patient no longer be anticoagulated. If, in the future, the patient agrees to take warfarin on a regular basis, to submit to INR monitoring, and stops physically harming herself, anticoagulation could be reconsidered. If this occurs, consideration of fingerstick monitoring of INR should be considered as placement of a PICC line imposes a risk of infection and permits the patient an opportunity to fight over the types of labs drawn and whether the PICC needs to be removed. If the patient has new hypoxia, it would be reasonable to initiate medical evaluation and reassessment for PE. # OSA / Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: On her prior ___ admission, the patient had an episode of somnolence with hypercarbia requiring intubation. It was felt that this episode was related to oversedation. Her psychiatric regimen has changed considerably since that episode and the patient has not been allowed to have ambien for sleep as the team wanted to be able to use ativan if necessary and not risk oversedation. During episodes on this admission in which the patient was found "unresponsive" and intubated, her blood gases were within the range of normal for her (baseline pCO2 ___. Subsequently, the MICU team began further investigating these episodes. The patient's O2 sat was generally in the low- to mid-90s during these episodes and arm drop tests often indicated volitionality. The medical team subsequently decided to monitor O2 sats and not to proceed with further intervention if her O2 sat was > 85%. During her stay on the general medical floor, the patient became upset several times when her episodes of "unresponsiveness" were "ignored" by medical staff (i.e., O2 sat > 85%). When questioned further, the patient stated that she could hear what staff were saying when they came to check her O2 sat and she was "unresponsive". The patient was repeatedly advised to wear BiPAP/CPAP while sleeping and consistently refused to do so. She also refused supplemental oxygen by nasal cannula. Continuous O2 sat monitoring in the ICU demonstrated that the patient does occasionally desat to the ___ or ___ (pleth reading was at times poor) while sleeping, but recovers spontaneously on her own. From a medical standpoint, the patient would benefit from wearing BiPAP/CPAP, but has clearly demonstrated that she is in no imminent danger when not wearing it and she consistently refuses to wear it. The change in her psychiatric medications with less sedating medications have likely helped in this regard. Her most recent “unresponsive” episodes appear to be psychogenic and not true medical emergencies. If the patient ever does indicate a willingness to wear a BiPAP/CPAP mask, she would benefit from a formal sleep study and fitting of an appropriate mask. # Suture removal: On the evening of ___ the patient gouged herself with a pen that she had hidden and was not discovered on a room search earlier in the evening. Three sutures were placed on ___. They should be removed sometime between ___ and ___. # Urinary incontinence: The patient has previously taken ditropan, but this medication was stopped as she claimed it was not helping her. She was frequently incontinent of urine, and often this incontinence was volitional. The patient requested a trial of Detrol, however, this medication was not started due to its anti-cholinergic effects and potential to exacerbate her underlying psychiatric issues. # Restless leg syndrome: The patient was formerly on Requip. That was changed to Gabapentin 100mg QHS per psychiatry recs. The patient frequently declined this medication. # Headaches: Could be related to a variety of factors including poor sleep cycle. The patient stated that she has a history of migraine headaches which she treats with caffeine, typically by drinking large amounts of coffee. This habit was discouraged and she was offered tylenol and ibuprofen, but often refused these medications. # Asthma: The patient was written for scheduled fluticasone and bronchodilators. She routinely refused these medications. There was no clinical suspicion for asthma exacerbation during her hospital stay. # Diarrhea: Most likely an antibiotic side effect which resolved with time. Her stools were C. diff negative x 3. Stool O&P negative x 2. The patient was written for prn immodium. # Vaginal yeast infection: The patient was treated several times during her admission for this condition with both miconazole vaginal cream daily x 7 days and oral fluconazole. She was advised to stop purposefully wetting herself and lying in her urine to prevent recurrence of yeast infections. She was also written for miconzole powder for yeast in her intertriginous folds. # Medication non-compliance: The patient frequently refused her scheduled medications and rarely used her prns. # The patient frequently refused to participate in her own medical care, but also often voiced somatic complaints as a way of seeking attention and often requested specific medical interventions. Many of these complaints and their subsequent evaluation are further outlined below. Additionally, she frequently quizzed staff on medical topics and then later manipulated that information when she voiced medical concerns. a) Chest pain - The patient frequently complained of chest pain during her admission. At times chest pain was reproducible with palpation. At times the pain was anterior, at other times lateral, and at times in her low to mid back. Multiple EKGs and cardiac enzyme checks during this hospitalization were negative for ischemia. The patient was already on appropriate therapy for PE as described above. As outlined in her previous ___ discharge summary and briefly reviewed in her HPI, this complaint has been a frequent and chronic one for the patient over the past year and despite multiple evaluations no organic etiology for her pain has been defined. The patient was written for omeprazole per prior regimens to treat presumed GERD, however, she took this medication only intermittently. b) Abdominal pain/Nausea - LFTs, amylase, lipase normal. UA normal. Vital signs normal, afebrile. The patient's intermittant abdominal pain and/or nausea was attributed to poor diet. c) Finger subluxations - The patient has repeatedly subluxed her right ring finger, and at times other fingers. The initial episode occured when attempting to push herself up from bed, however, multiple subsequent episodes appear to be purposeful and attempts to seek attention. Plastic surgery was consulted and saw the patient several times and finger x-rays were performed. Per plastic surgery, the patient has a swan neck deformity caused by a lax ligament which she can fix on her own or can be easily reduced by staff. The finger is not truly dislocated and does not require emergent/urgent reduction. They recommended a special splint for the patient, however, she refused to wear it. When the patient requested a hard cast, plastic surgery stated that this was not indicated. The patient was provided prn tylenol, ibuprofen, and ultram for pain. No narcotics were given. The patient also endorsed hypoasthesia in the dorsal aspect of the ___ and ___ digits, consistent with a disruption of the dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar nerve, potentially caused by one of her numerous lacerations to the right forearm and wrist. This is condition is chronic and does not require further evaluation. When the patient is more stable psychiatrically, and if she has no ongoing medical issues, the patient may pursue surgical correction of the lax ligament. The plastic surgery team felt that this should be done as an outpatient. d) Mouth lesion: The patient bit the inside of her lip while eating one day. Despite her request for stitches, these were not placed as it was not felt to be indicated. Her laceration is healing well. e) Polydypsia/polyuria: Blood glucose normal. Patient with high PO fluid intake at times. No need to evaluate further. f) Hot/cold flashes: The patient intermitantly complained of "hot flashes" or being extremely cold. She did not have any fevers during these periods and blood cultures were drawn and were negative during some of these occassions. TSH was 2.2 on ___. The patient requested "hormonal testing" and was advised that she should follow-up with an endocrinologist as an outpatient. Of note, during her previous ___ admission the patient did have hyperprolactenemia induced by risperdal and that medication was stopped. g) Left shoulder pain: For several days during her MICU stay the patient complained of left shoulder pain. It was unclear if this was an attempt to get attention or if it was real. She had full ROM of on exam and x-rays were deemed unnecessary. Ibuprofen, tylenol, and ultram were provided on a prn basis. After a few days the patient no longer complained of shoulder pain. h) "Laryngitis": One day prior to discharge the patient complained of "a sqeaky voice", speaking is a whispered/raspy voice in association with a sensation of throat swellinng and her typical chest and "lung" (really low back) pain. There was good air movement and no wheezing on exam. There was no evidence of facial or neck swelling. She was offered a cepacol losenge. The patient's voice improved markedly a few hours later when she became agitated at staff. By the following day her vocal issues had resolved. i) Unresponsive episodes: as outlined above. # Access: The patient is extremely difficult, if not impossible to obtain peripheral access in. A PICC line was placed by ___ on ___. It was removed a couple of weeks later due to discomfort at the site and continued picking at the site on the part of the patient. A new PICC line was placed in the opposite arm, however, the patient continued to complain of pain at the site (the patient routinely complained of IV or PICC site pain throughout her hospital course). As the patient repeatedly refused lab draws, even noninvasive lab draws from the ___ line, and due to the risk of infection and thrombophelbitis posed by invasive lines, it no longer made sense to maintain a PICC line solely for lab draws given tenderness at the ___ site. Reinsertion of a PICC line would be indicated if the patient develops a need for IV medications or treatment. # Indications for further medical evaluation: - widening area of facial cellulitis and/or induration or fluctuance - new hypoxia (room air O2 sat < 90% while awake, not holding her breath, or < 85% while asleep) - fever > ___ F # Legal: ___ was pursued. In a court hearing on ___ ___ (___: ___ was appointed as the patient's guardian. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the acute care surgery service at ___ on ___ after presenting to the ED with a 24 hour history of RUQ pain. Ultrasound revealed an impacted 1.3 cm stone in the gallbladder neck with wall edema, gallbladder distention and a positive sonographic ___ sign. He was admitted to the floor was made NPO and was started on IV fluids and ciprofloxacin and flagyl. That evening he was taken to the OR for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. He tolerated the procedure well, was extubated and taken to the PACU in stable condition. For full details of the procedure please see the operative report. The following morning he was given a regular diet and he was started on his home ___. He was discharged to home on ___ with a scheduled follow up appaointment in the ___ clinic. At the time of discharge he was ambulating, he was tolerating a regular diet and his pain was well controlled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 1) GI bleed: Onset in setting of intractable hiccups, nausea, and vomiting. CT head negative for a central cause of these symptoms. Initially admitted to the MICU on PPI and octreotide drips for observation. His hct dropped from 29.4 to 26.5 without evidence of active bleeding, for which he received 2 units pRBCs. The hct then improved to 33.5 with subsequent stability. RUQ U/S with Doppler showed good vascular flow. CT abdomen was unremarkable. Hepatology was consulted and EGD was performed, showing evidence ___ tear, small antral ulcers, and mild portal hypertensive gastropathy. He remained hemodynamically stable throughout his MICU course without pressor requirement. His PPI and octreotide gtt were stopped and he was transferred to the floor, where he remained hemodynamically stable. By the time of discharge, he had been switched to oral pantoprazole. 2) HCV Cirrhosis: No ascites on CT or exam. Received 3 days of oral cipro for SBP prophylaxis. MELD score was 15 on transfer to the floor. His total and direct bili trended up, but other LFTs including alk phos remained stable. Discussion with radiology confirmed no biliary pathology on CT or U/S. Hepatology felt this was secondary to alcohol use and can be followed up as an outpatient. HCV genotype and viral load were sent and pending at discharge. He will follow up at ___ liver ___ in 1 month. 3) HIV: Continued on his home ARV regimen with TMP-SMX and azithromycin prophylaxis. Initially started on fluconazole due to concern for ___ esophagitis, but this was not apparent on exam or EGD, so was discontinued. His outpatient ID physician was alerted of this admission. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A ___ year-old man with a history of CAD s/p multiple interventions presents with chest pain suspicious for unstable angina. . # CORONARIES: Given his extensive coronary history and the fact that he states that his pain is similar to prior cardiac events, recent chest pain is concerning for unstable angina. He had been chest pain free since arrival to outside hospital ED. Patient reports that stress tests in the past have never been diagnostic; hence, he was referred for catheterization. He was initially on a heparin drip. He underwent cardiac catheterization demonstrating LAD proximal in-stent restenosis and RCA in-stent restenosis. Both were re-stented. Medical management of coronary disease including ASA, Plavix, beta blocker, ACEI, statin were continued. Lipids were checked and were at goal (LDL 45). . # PUMP: He gives a history of orthopnea and had trace edema on exam but clear lungs and JVP not well visualized. He is not on lasix at home. TTE was done and demonstrated essentially normal systolic function (although sub-optimal windows). On right-heart cath he was noted to have evidence of mild diastolic dysfunction. He remained apparently euvolemic and did not require diuresis. . # RHYTHM: He was in sinus rhythm and was monitorred on telemetry with no events. . # Diabetes: Metformin was held in anticipation of catheterization. Fingersticks were in the low 100s. He was instructed to restart metformin 48 hours after catheterizaiton. . # Hyperlipidemia: Lipids were at goal . Atorvastatin 80 mg daily was continued. . # History of bladder cancer: No current issues. . # Tobacco use: He was given nicotine patch and counselling about smoking cessation. He agreed to a prescription for nicotine patch on discharge and seemed enthusiastic about stopping cigarettes. . # EtOH abuse: He was counseled about cessation of alcohol. He was contemplative. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Legal: ___ Psychiatric: The patient was admitted with suspected delusions of abuse at home. He participated in group, individual and milieu therapy. He was started on Risperdal 0.5mg PO QAM and 1mg PO QHS and initially refused the medication. His parents were contacted with the pt's permission and informed staff that the pt had become intoxicated on a family trip, was sick, and was put to bed by his mother, who removed his clothes because he had vomited on them. The patient was presented with this story and initially did not believe it to be true. He was generally unwilling to allow his parents to visit or to keep in contact with them. The patient eventually began taking his medication and reported that it was helpful in making him feel less anxious. He was agreeable to retracting his 3 day notice and staying on the unit to continue on his medication. The pt's risperdal was increased to a final dose of 4mg PO QHS. He tolerated the medication well, although noted side effects of dry mouth and blurry vision. He reported that he did not feel these side effects were bad enough for him to want to discontinue the medication. He began to consider that perhaps his family members ___ abused him, and possibly the incident had occurred as they stated, however did not seem committed to this being completely true. He reported that he had never been close with his family members and had no plans to try to improve his relationship with his family. He repeatedly requested discharge in the setting of a scheduled trip with his co-op that he was hoping to attend. Given that the pt did not exhibit acute risk of harming himself or others, and was able to care for himself, he was discharged to return to school. On the date of discharge, the pt was assessed to be safe and appropriate for discharge. Medicine: The patient had no active medical issues during his hospitalization. His labs were within normal limits. He continued to complain of inability to fully empty his bladder, however UA x 2 were normal. Dispo: The patient was discharged to home with follow up as listed below. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the General Surgical Service for evaluation and treatment. After a brief, uneventful stay in the PACU, the patient arrived on the floor NPO, on IV rescusitation and IV antibiotics consisting of Linezolid and Cipro, with a foley catheter and G-J tube to gravity drainage, IV Morphine for pain control. The patient was hemodynamically stable. Contact precautions for VRE maintained throughout hospitalization. ___: Transfused 1UPRBC for post-operative hematocrit less than 21% with partial response; remained hemodynamically stable. Continued NPO, on IV fluids. ___: Received second UPRBC for post-operative anemia with adequate response. NG tube discontinued. G-J tube: G-tube to gravity drainge; J-tube portion clamped with flushes initiated. Cipro discontinued; changed to IV cefepime. Started on CPAP for OSA risk; patient occasionally refused during stay. Patient out of bed with assist. Remained stable; progressing slowly. ___: G-Tube clamped; flushes started. Trophic J-tube feeds begun with good tolerability. Foley replaced secondary to h/o UTI. ___ following. No other events. ___: Tube feeds advanced without problem. Episode afib without chest pain; treated with IV Lopressor. Diet advanced to sips with good tolerability; tubefeeds slowly advanced toward goal. No N/V. Remained stable. ___: Diet to clears; tube feed rate increased. Excellent tolerability. No events. ___: Experiencing loose stools; otherwise no progressing well. Tolerating tube feeds, diet. Improving activity tolerance with ___. Foley discontinued; experienced incontinence of urine. No other events. ___: Regular diet and J-tube feeds to goal with good tolerability. (R)LQ JP discontinued. G-Tube clamped. Foley re-inserted for repeat U/A and incontinence management. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable viral signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet and tube feeds at goal, ambulating with assistance, and pain was well controlled. Patient discharged to ___ ___ with follow-up. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with PMH notable for asthma, CKD, CHF, AF on warfarin, and IDDM who was admitted for further management of asthma exacerbation. O2 saturation and respiratory symptoms improved with prednisone burst and scheduled breathing treatments. ACUTE ISSUES: =============== # Acute asthma exacerbation: The patient was found to have shortness of breath and diffuse wheezing on admission in the setting of recent pollen exposure as well as inability to afford home inhaled steroids. The patient was treated with IV solumedrol, nebulizers and Magnesium in the ED. She was then started on a 5 day steroid burst of prednisone 40mg and scheduled breathing treatments with improved respiratory function. On the day of discharge, ambulatory saturation was 89-91% on room air, with peak flow 180; patient appeared well without shortness of breath. She switched from home flovent (which was expensive) to symbicort (which was covered by her insurance). She will follow up with her PCP for continued management of her asthma. CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== # Diabetes Mellitus, type II: Continued on home glargine 15 units BID, Humalog 10 units with breakfast and 15 units with dinner. # Chronic HFpEF: No evidence of acute exacerbation. Continued home lasix 80mg PO BID. # Atrial fibrillation: Rate controlled with carvedilol 25mg BID, and anticoagulated with warfarin with an INR of 2.2 on admission. # HTN/HLD/primary prevention: Continued carvedilol as above, amlodipine, atorvastatin 10mg daily, ASA 81. # Diabetic neuropathy: Continued home gabapentin # GERD: Patient complained of reflux symptoms and was started on ranitidine this admission. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] Consider discontinuation of ASA 81 given pt therapeutically anticoagulated and may not be indicated for primary prevention [] Pt was started on Symbicort as this was the only inhaled steroid covered by insurance. (Prior home flovent was discontinued.) [] Discharge peak flow: 180 [] Discharge ambulatory O2: 81-91% RA [] Last day of 5-day course of prednisone will be on ___ #CODE: Full (presumed) #CONTACT: ___ (daughter/hcp) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ hx AF on warfarin presenting with abdominal pain found to have elevated transaminases c/f cholangitis/cholecystitis admitted for ERCP. # Choledocholithiasis w/ obstruction: imaging concerning for cholangitis from gallstone obstruction with intra and extrahepatic dilation on imaging. Started on Ciprfloxacin, made NPO, aggressively hydrated. After INR reversal, ERCP ___ failed biliary cannulation. Repeat ERCP ___ w/ sphincterotomy successful with stenting and stone removal. Received Cipro through ___. Held anticoagulation through ___ (due to bleeding risk post sphincterotomy). Diet advanced. ERCP team to arrange 6 week f/u ERCP for stent pull and re-evaluation. # Acute combined systolic/diastolic heart failure: required O2 initially, no prior requirement. Patient had ___ dasy of blood tinged sputa. Symptomatically improved with empiric diuresis while awaiting EHCO. Had murmur suspicious for AS (PCP had no echo on file). ECHO confirmed severe AS, EF 45%, elevated pulmonary pressures, and regional wall motion abnormality. Diltiazem stopped and switched to Metoprolol. # Severe Aortic Stenosis w/ heart failure: New diagnosis here. Cardiology consulted and patient transferred to Cardiology (Dr. ___ for further management and evaluation for possible TAVR, however declines TAVR workup. # CAD (presumed) w/ wall motion abnormality on ECHO: Statin low dose initiated. Moved to beta blockade. Betablockade was uptitrated to 75mg Metoprolol tartrate TID, and patient was discharged on Metoprolol Succinate XL 100mg BID. # Atrial fibrillation (CHADS2=3): Warfarin reversed on admission, and was held through ___ after sphincterotomy. Goal INR ___. Home diltiazem switched to Metoprolol after echo resulted. Digoxin was continued. Coumadin restarted ___ at 5mg, needs INR ___. # Hypokalemia, severe: As low as 2.6, resolved # FEN: low salt # Contact: ___ (daughter ___, ___ (daughter ___ or ___ # Code status: DNR/DNI (confirmed with patient) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 1. Hypotension, Seroquel Overdose, Suicidal Ingestion, Suicidal Ideation - Concern for hypotension with overdose, which he experienced, which reponded to fluids, however if recurrs, per POISINDEX, should only use alpha-agonists, not beta-agonists - Additionally per POISINDEX the patient is at risk for QT prolongation, although on all our EKG's the patient actually has a shortened QT. - It is unclear whether the barely clinical ST depression is related to the ingestion, or is simply his baseline EKG. Given his lack of anginal symptoms, this would be unlikely to be subendocardial ischemia - Unclear whether lethargy is simply from being tired, from being up most of the night, or the CNS depression of the medication. He is maintaining his airway without difficulty, and is easily arrousable. Given that, I would favor simply being tired. - Seizure Watch x24 hours - Psychiatry Consultation - Under ___ - 1:1 Sitter for safety 2. Substance Dependence Alcohol/Withdrawal - CIWA Scale with Valium - MVI, Folate, Thiamine 3. Substance Dependence Opiates - SW Consultation ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ year old female with poorly controlled DM and PVD who presents with several days of necrotic appearing R foot toes and elevated ___ to > 500. . # Necrotic toes: Evaluated by vascular surgery in ED and found to have weak but dopplerable pulses. Given history, appears to be dry gangrene with no signs of infection and no need for acute intervention by vascular currently. Vascular wanted to do angiography on patient on ___ however patient refused stating that she had to leave on ___ to get home to her daughter. ___ surgery explained the potential risks and benefits of this decision. She was given the name of the vascular surgeon as well as the telephone number and told to call first thing ___ morning in order to schedule an outpatient angiography. Vascular decided to hold on ABI/PVR as plan to go directly to angiography. Will defer to vascular surgery as to whether patient should be started on Plavix and also which dose of aspirin would be preferable for patient with exxtensive vascular issues. Patient was started on statin as well for elevated LDL and total cholesterol in the setting of vasculopath and diabetic. . # Hyperglycemia: Patient has long history of poorly controlled DM1. Only very slight AG on presentation. No signs of infection with normal chest x-ray and urine culture consistent with mixed flora. EKG unchanged and cardiac enzymes were negative. Consulted ___ in house for furthur sugar management, reccomending continuing current management at this time and that they would follow patient with us. As patietn insisted on discharge, there was not enough data points to alter her current insulin regimen. Patient has appointment to follow up with ___ this week. Instructed her to bring a journal of her fingersticks as well as a food diary with her. Patient was treated in house with IVF and additional insulin. Sugars were not well controlled when patient insisted on leaving. Last ___ in 300s. . # HTN: Patient was continued on home clonidine, metoprolol, as patient is a diabetic with elevated blood pressure will start low dose ACE inhibitor. . # Elevated Alk phos - Patient with persistently elevated alkaline phosphatase of unclear etiology. Patient with ___ core antibody positive suggesting previous infection with negative surface antigen suggesting that she is not acutely infected. Would consider outpatient GI follow up as needed. . # Dyslipedemia- Patient with elevated triglyerides to 748 on admission also with elevated LDL and patient was started on statin as well as given prescription for statin on discharge. . # Depression/anxiety: Continued home clonazepam . # Hyponatremia: Patient appeared dry on initialyexam so likely hypovolemic hyponatremia. Na resolved back to 137 with IVF alone. U/A without evidence of infection, urine lytes demonstrate Na 87 and Urine osm of 260 . # Phantom pain: Con't home neurontin. Patient prefers outpatient percoset so gave patient prescription on discharge . # FEN: Cardiac/diabetic diet, replete lytes prn . # PPx: subq heparin ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to L&D for advanced cervical dilation with out evidence of intrauterine infection, labor or abruption at this time. She underwent a vaginal delivery of a stillborn male infant with no signs of life. Please see delivery for full details. Her postpartum course was uncomplicated. Her pain was treated with oral pain medications. She ambulated and her foley was discontinued and she voided spontaneously. Her diet was advanced without incident. By postpartum day 1, she was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating independently, and pain was controlled with oral medications. She was afebrile with stable vital signs. She was then discharged home in stable condition with postpartum outpatient follow-up scheduled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo ___ speaking woman with multiple readmissions for HFpEF, OSA/OHS/pHTN on home 3L and BiPAP, poor medication adherence, presenting with acute on chronic hypoxemia and hypervolemia, likely HFpEF exacerbation. # CORONARIES: unknown # PUMP: LVEF >55% ___ # RHYTHM: NSR #Acute on Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure (HFpEF) HFpEF exacerbation most likely -- has findings of both left heart failure (pulmonary edema, hypoxemia) and right heart failure (elevated JVP, ___ edema, weight gain). RV failure possible given chronic pulmonary disease and pulmonary HTN. Trigger is likely medication non-adherence given prior non-adherence and multiple readmissions. No evidence for ischemia or infection. Patient received Lasix boluses 120mg IV in addition to Lasix gtt @ 20mg/hr. Patient was transitioned to PO diuretics on ___. Patient maintained euvolemia on Torsemide 60mg daily. #HTN: Per clinic notes, has chronic poorly controlled HTN, likely contributing to HF and CKD. Patient was started on nitro gtt in ED for persistent HTN to 150s-190s, later weaned off on floor. Losartan was started this admission. Home amlodipine and metoprolol were continued. #T2DM, INSULIN-DEPENDENT: Patient was also followed by ___ while in house to manage her diabetes. It was recommended to the patient that she follow up with an endocrinologist, but the patient declined. The patient also complained of pain in her legs and arms which has been well described before and attributed to calcified tendinitis/rotator cuff tear in her shoulder, diabetic neuropathy, and meralgia paresthetica. Cardiac ischemia was ruled out via EKG and troponin. No edema or erythema to suggest gout/CPPD. Pain was managed with tramadol and gabapentin. Patient refused working with ___ multiple times during hospitalization #Chronic normocytic hypochromic anemia: Hgb at baseline. Last iron studies in ___ not c/f iron deficiency or anemia of chronic disease. Last colonoscopy ___ showed benign polyps. #CKD: Baseline Cr unclear, approximately 1.8-2.2, roughly stable this admission (2.2 on discharge). Likely due DM and HTN. Losartan was started this admission. #Leukocytosis with epigastric pain: Patient complained of epigastric pain on admission but was unable to clarify time course or associated symptoms. Exam, labs, and KUB benign. Likely due to abdominal distension from fluid retention. Also has history of GERD per records. Received stool softeners and home omeprazole with improvement in symptoms and resolution of leukocytosis. ================ CHRONIC ISSUES ================ #H/O Breast CA: Continued home anastrozole #Asthma: No signs of wheezing on exam. Continued albuterol PRN. #HLD: Continued home atorvastatin #Osteoporosis: Continued home alendronate #Glaucoma: Continued home latonoprost ====================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ====================== DISCHARGE WEIGHT: 98.7 DISCHARGE PRELOAD: Torsemide 60mg daily DISCHARGE AFTERLOAD: Valsartan 80 mg PO/NG BID amLODIPine 10 mg PO/NG DAILY DISCHARGE NEUROHORMONAL: Metoprolol Succinate XL 100 mg PO BID Please follow up blood sugars and adjust insulin as needed Please recheck Chem10 at PCP appointment to evaluate renal function and electrolytes. Cr was stable at 2.2 on day of discharge. Please consider mental health counseling/increasing patient's antidepressant as this may be contributing to her chronic pain. Please consider referral to orthopedics for L shoulder injection and physical therapy. We were unable to set up home ___ for patient as she refused working with ___ while in house. Chronic normocytic anemia: Last iron studies in ___ not c/f iron deficiency or anemia of chronic disease. Last colonoscopy ___ showed benign polyps. Consider repeat retic count, iron studies. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o gentleman with a h/o epilepsy, MSM, who presents with fever, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, and report of recent positive HIV testing. #Acute HIV with fevers, diarrhea, headaches, and sore throat: Patient presented with fever, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, and report of recent 90% positive HIV testing. Upon testing this admission, his HIV viral load was positive but his antibody was negative. His CD4 count was 378. He was started on Truvada and Dolutegravir on ___. His fevers persisted but down trended toward the end of his admission. His diarrhea was likely secondary to HIV but improved over admission. Microsporidium, campylobacter, O and P, cyclosporidium, and giardia were negative. C diff was also negative. He had a +NG rectal test and a -CT rectal test so was given Ceftriaxone 250 mg IV once ___ and Azithromycin 1000 mg PO/NG once ___. Patient's headache and sore throat also improved over his hospital course. He was worried about losing weight on therapy so ensure shakes were added to his diet three times/day. He also developed lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia likely secondary to acute HIV. His lipid panel was normal with slightly lower HDL (38). Quantiferon gold was negative as were his blood cultures, urine culture, urine CT/NG, Toxoplasma IgG, VZV, CMV IgG/IgM, RPR, HbsAg, HBsAb, HBcAB, HAV ab, and HCV. He will follow up with ___. #Anal pain: Patient with pain and small amount of blood on the toilet paper with bowel movements. Likely multifactorial with acute rectal N. gonorrhea infxn and anal fissures. We treated him with antibiotics as above, and gave stool softeners, and witch ___. #Hematemesis: Small amount of bright red blood post swallowing ibuprofen on ___. GI consulted given HIV status and recommended conservative management with PPI and trending his H and H. The patient did not have any further hematemesis, and it was felt that it could possibly have been a red-colored beverage present in the room. #Pancytopenia: Patient with all three cell lines decreased. Initially some concern for TTP, but labs were not indicative of hemolysis and no schistocytes were seen on blood smear. Therefore, pancytopenia likely secondary to HIV infection. Haptoglobin was high but likely in the setting of HIV infection as well. #Social Situation: Patient did not want to tell family members about current medical situation, but did call father and let him know of diagnosis. He has a tenuous support system. Social work was consulted and is working on setting him up with a therapist. He has arranged to tell his aunt and live with his aunt after discharge. #Withdrawn affect: Withdrawn and sometimes nodding off during exam. Social work was consulted and was working on arranging therapy. Patient was still hesitant about therapy. This should be continued to be evaluated as an outpatient. #Nipple discomfort: Patient was worried that his nipple piercings were infected although there was no erythema, drainage, or warmth. Patient endorses pain and usually treats this at home with warm water/non-iodized salt. He was treated in the hospital with warm compresses. CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: # Epilepsy - Stable. Not on medications. =========================== Transitional Issues =========================== [] Follow up HIV genotyping [] Patient might benefit from outpatient therapist to help with coping of new diagnosis. [] []consider outpatient Anal Pap testing (has received Gardasil x3) [] double check which vaccinations he has had, and what is needed, before discharge [] F/u with ___ [] F/u with infectious disease # Code status: Full presumed # Contact: Father, but patient would prefer to have him not be contacted at this time >30 minutes spent on discharge planning ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with paraplegia, recurrent UTI/nephrolithiasis, and h/o recurrent MRSA ___ abscesses presented with fever/chills, foul smelling urine, abdominal and testicular pain, and reported history of blood streaked emesis. #. Pyelonephritis/UTI. Likely secondary to stopping his prophylactic macrobid ___ weeks ago and persistent self straight catheterizations. CT suggestive of pyelonephritis, no clear abscess. Patient has had recurrent UTIs and nephrolithiasis in past, mostly E.coli sensitive to ceftriaxone, meropenum, zosyn and others. He has a history of MRSA colonization. He was stareted on vancomycin (D1, ___ and meropenem (D1, ___ due to risk for ESBL. His antibiotics was switched to cefpodoxime on ___, with the plan to complete a total of 14 day antibiotics course starting from ___, so patient will complete his antibiotics course on ___. Patient was instructed to see his urologist and ID doctors ___ 1 week of discharge to determine the long term antibiotics therapy and follow up of the GC/Chlamydia, blood culture, stool culture results. #. Abdominal pain/vomitting/nausea/diarrhea. Resolved. Likely gastroenteritis, may have been bacterial or viral contaminant in food from restaurant, possibly Staph aureus secondary to acute nature of vomitting after eating. His symptoms completely resolved while in the hospital. He was started on pantoprazole 40 mg once daily for a trial for the scant hematemesis (which resolved, see below) for 2 weeks until ___, which can be followed up by his primary care physician. #. Hematemesis, mild (streaks). Resolved. Likely ___ vomiting, possibly small ___ tear. No signs of coffee ground emesis to suggest PUD. His symptoms resolved during ICU stay. He did not require any transfusion. There was Hct drop, but likely dilutional in nature as he is about 6L positive. He was started on pantoprazole 40 mg po daily for 14 days trial and zofran for nausea, and he gradually advanced from full liquid to regular without issues. He should be followed up by his primary care physician on trial of anti-acid. #. Anemia, microcytic. Baseline has anemia of chronic inflammation by previous iron studies. Also the more acute change is likely dilutional given about 6L positive since admission to the ICU and unlikely from the mild hematemesis noted above as that resolved. He does not have any active signs of bleeding after resolution of the mild hematemesis. This should be followed up by his primary care physician. #. Epididymitis. Improved. Likely ___ trauma. Urology was curbsided and thought that his current symptoms can be managed conservatively with pain medications, NSAIDs, and elevation. If pain worsens, will need to repeat ultrasound and consult urology urgently. Patient is aware of what to do if his testicular pain worsens. He was instructed to continue with elevation, NSAIDs, and acetaminophen. This will need to be followed up by his urologist. #. History of recurrent MRSA abscesses on buttocks. Patient continues to have open wounds, requiring daily wound care. The area was dressed Mepilex daily. Patient should continue to have wound care. #. Tobacco smoking. Patient is in the pre-contemplation state and refusing nicotine patch. Plan is to continue with education and encouraging cessation. This should continue to be addressed by his primary care physician. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ female with history of hypothyroidism, HTN, bipolar disorder, nephrolithiases who presented with back pain, and a question of manic episode. #Bipolar disorder -Patient was admitted from ED on ___ for concern of ?manic episode. Psychiatry saw the patient in ED on ___ and deemed her unsafe to leave AMA at that time. -The patient was re-evaluated on ___ by the same psychiatrist who saw her in the ED (Dr. ___. I discussed with Dr. ___ also had spoken to Dr. ___ (the patient's outpatient psychiatrist). He found her markedly improved from the day prior, and our assessment was that the patient is safe to return home. For my exam of her on ___, she had linear thought processes, no SI or HI, no pressured/rapid speech, no grandiose thoughts or delusions. There was no psychomotor agitation or distractibility. In fact, I had seen this patient a week prior when she was here for constipation on ___, and my exam of her that time was no different than my assessment of her today on ___. -OT was consulted; she will now be seen by home ___ services starting on ___ as well. She has appointment with her outpatient psychiatrist and her PCP next week. This discharge summary was faxed to them. The husband, ___, was updated at bedside about the above and agreed with the discharge plan. -Otherwise, metabolic work up was unremarkable. TSH was within normal limits. CT head without acute intracranial process. Urine analysis not suggestive of UTI. There is no evidence of infection or metabolic causes that could provoke delirium at this time. -Continue home valproate, diazepam qhs prn for insomnia. No medication changes were made. -In regards to the valproate, her NH3 level was 47 on presentation. #Chronic back pain and right sided sciatica -Stable -No neurologic deficit of weakness, new neuropathy, incontinence, or dysreflexia on exam -Continue home lidocaine patches -Patient stated the back pain is improved and back to baseline since admission from the ED. #Recent opioid induced constipation -Daily bowel regimen -Counseled patient on not taking any narcotics unless they are directly prescribed to her. She had been taking her husband's. #Hypothyroidism - continue home synthroid - TSH here normal. #HTN -Continue home lisionpril Greater than 30 minutes was spent in discharge planning and coordination. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o gentleman with FLT3-ITD NC- AML s/p MRD allogeneic stem cell transplant ___ and chronic GVHD not on immunosuppression admitted for myalgias/arthralgias, weakness, fatigue, and orthostasis found to have GVHD flare with new liver involvement, treated with steroids and mycophenolate mofetil. #GVHD Flare #Mucositis with oral ulcerations Patient has a history of chronic GVHD. His eosinophils were elevated on admission at 28.1% and LFTs also elevated, which were concerning for a GVHD flare. He also had prominent oral ulcerations on the buccal mucosa and palate. Patient has an extensive hx of chronic GVH of eyes, skin, but his symptoms had been stable during his ___ outpatient appointment. Immunosuppression was discontinued at that time on ___ and pt presented with the above symptoms. He was treated with IV steroids with improvement in his oral lesions but persistently rising transaminitis. Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil were restarted. Tacrolimus later discontinued as levels remained undetectable. Liver biopsy obtained showing chronic GVHD. RUQ US with patent hepatic vasculature. Transaminases peaked at ALT 637, AST 235 and downtrended. #Keratoconjunctivitis sicca- Patient complained of severe dry eyes and photophobia on admission. He also had mild hyperemia around the eyelids. He was evaluated by ophthalmology and felt to have symptoms and findings c/w keratoconjunctivitis sicca which can be a manifestation of ocular GVHD. Patient was started on artificial tears and lacrilube with significant improvement in his symptoms. To follow-up with Dr. ___ in ophthalmology in 2 weeks. #AML s/p allo transplant in ___. CBC without evidence of leukemia relapse. Most recent chimerism 99% donor, no evidence of leukemia, FLT3 negative. Patient has a history of chronic GVHD as above. He was continued on atovaquone for PCP prophylaxis and ___ for viral ppx, micafungin for fungal prophylaxis. Discharge ___ fungal prophylaxis per primary oncologist. #Rotator cuff tendinosis #Mild subacromial bursitis Patient complained of ___ pain that he has noted over the last few months, with pain on extending arm. MRI revealed rotator cuff tendinosis and mild subacromial bursitis. Patient was continued on oxycodone 5 mg q4h prn moderate pain. ___ was consulted and provided patient with stretching exercises. Consider outpatient physical therapy if persists. #Hx of CMV viremia: hx VL that was intermittently detectable, last level on ___ not detectable. Patient was continued on acyclovir ppx. #Depression- Continued citalopram 40 mg daily #Hypertension: Continued metoprolol tartrate 25 mg bid #Peripheral neuropathy: Continued Lyrica TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ================== *Medication Changes: -New: -Artificial tears, preservative free -Artificial tear ointment -Atovaquone 1500mg daily -Dexamethasone oral rinse -Lorazepam 0.5 mg PO QHS PRN: for insomnia while on high dose steroids -Mycophenolate mofetil 1000mg TID -Oxycodone 5mg q4h prn ___ pain -Pantoprazole 40mg daily while on steroids -Prednisone 50mg BID -Trazodone 25mg PO QHS:PRN -Ursodiol 300mg PO BID -Held: -Budesonide 3mg daily []EBV viral load ___, repeat pending at discharge. Please follow-up []Please determine appropriate steroid taper and immunosuppression regimen []Please determine whether to restart fungal prophylaxis []Follow-up as outpatient with Dr. ___ at ___ ___ ___ floor ___ 2 weeks after d/c. Name of health care proxy: ___ Relationship: Friend Phone number: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ year old man who was admitted to the Vascular Surgery service after undergoing a left ___ bypass with in situ GSV on ___. Please see operative report for more details. After a brief uneventful stay in the PACU, he was transferred to the VICU for further postoperative care. On admission to the floor, he was kept NPO and on bedrest overnight. Left posterior tibial pulse was palpable, and remained so throughout his hospital stay. On POD#2, patient got out of bed to chair and was able to ambulate without assistance. A physical therapy consult was thus deemed unnecessary. Foley catheter was removed and patient voided shortly thereafter without problems. Vital signs were routinely monitored and he remained stable from a cardiopvascular and pulmonary standpoint. Pain was well-controlled throughout hospitalization with oral medications. On discharge, Mr ___ was doing remarkably well. His pain was well-controlled, and he was tolerating a regular diet, voiding, and ambulating without assistance. He received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with verbalized consent and agreement with the plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old woman with PMHx notable for HTN and recently diagnosed parotid tumor (possibly Warthin's based on FNA ___ recently admitted from ___ for symptomatic bradycardia with multiple syncopal episodes who presented again on ___ after recurrent syncopal episode overnight for assessment for pacemaker placement and expedited work-up for parotid gland mass by ENT. #Recurrent syncopal episodes with symptomatic bradycardia: Pt had several syncopal events over the last month mostly at night which correlated to slowed HR on ___ monitor down 20's-50's. One pre-syncopal episode during last admission and another syncopal episode at home after discharge. These episodes are most likely related to increased vagal tone and vasovagal syncope. Recently diagnosed right parotid tumor which does not appear to be positioned anatomically such that it would cause compressive symptoms, however her neck pain alone may be contributing to her vasovagal episodes. Scopolamine patch has not been effective. She was re-evaluated by EP in the ED, with rec of expedited ENT work-up for parotid tumor mass and discussion of temp pacemaker placement prior to surgical intervention for tumor. It was discussed with the patient that although a pacemaker is not first line treatment for vasovagal syncope, without pacemaker she may be at higher risk for adverse events during surgery. After lengthy discussion with EP and Cardiology teams, patient declined pacemaker placement, endorsing that she did not yet feel read to undergo this procedure. During her brief hospitalization she remained hemodynamically stable with heart rates in the 40's on telemetry without further syncopal episodes. She was continued on scopolamine patch. No futher intervention was planned given that pt declined pacemaker, so she was discharged to home with PCP ___. #Right parotid gland tumor: Patient had FNA of parotid gland tumor on ___, initial pathology consistent with Warthin's tumor, although low-grade malignancy could not be excluded. Pain from tumor may be contributing to vasovagal episodes as above. Pt was evaluated by ENT during this admission, and based on their review of imaging and pathology they thought the tumor was unlikely to be causing Mrs. ___ recurrent symptoms. Furthermore, while they feel that she will need surgical intervention, they did not feel that surgery was emergent at present. Pain was controlled with tylenol. Pt should ___ with ENT as an outpatient on ___. #HTN: BP was elevated to SBP 140's-170's during last admission so pt's home captopril was increased to 25mg BID. During this brief admission SBP remained slightly elevated in the 150's. Pt should follow up with her PCP regarding continued BP monitoring and medication adjustment as needed. #Anxiety: Per patient and her daughter, pt has had multiple recent stressors including a death in the family and a difficult work environment. Pt does have history of anxiety, however she did not take any medications for this on admission. Pt should follow up with PCP and consider counseling as an outpatient. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Pt should consider pacemaker placement if she continues to have syncopal episodes # ENT ___ is scheduled on ___ for further treatment of parotid gland tumor # Pain management regimen for neck pain # BP elevated during admission and captopril dose was doubled to 25mg BID during last admission. Please re-check blood pressure. # Consider counseling as outpatient to discuss recent stressors # Code: Confirmed full # Emergency Contact: ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ year old male with past medical history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, admitted with biliary obstruction and pancreatic mass concerning for pancreatic malignancy, s/p ERCP and EUS with biopsy, stable and able to tolerate advancing of diet, able to be discharged home with ___ clinic follow-up on ___. # Biliary Obstruction / Pancreatic Mass - patient admitted with concern for pancreatic mass with biliary obstruction; Tbili > 13; patient underwent EUS with biopsy, as well as ERCP with sphincterotomy and stent placement. Patient seen by hepatobiliary surgery service, who recommended CTA pancreas, CT chest for staging, as well as CEA (returned mildly elevated at 10) and CA ___ level (pending at time of discharge). CT scan showed 3.5x2.3cm pancreatic head mass. Following discharge, biopsy returned concerning for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and brushings concerning for adenocarcinoma as well. Patient scheduled for follow-up in ___ clinic on ___. # Diabetes type 2 with hyperglycemia - patient admitted reporting recent polyuria at home, found to have glucosuria on admission and ongoing hyperglycemia ___ 200-300 through this admission despite sliding scale insulin. Patient seen by ___ consult service, recommended to increase metformin dose to 1000mg BID (from 500mg BID) and follow fingersticks at home. Patient given ___ contact information, advised to call if persistently elevated fingersticks. # Hyponatremia - likely secondary to hyperglycemia and dehydration; resolved with IV fluids and improved glucose control; # Hypertension - continued lisinopril; restarted Hctz at discharge # Ascending Aortic Aneurysm - incidentally found to have have 4.5cm ascending aortic aneurysm, with radiology recommending follow-up chest CT with cardiac gating in ___ year. Discussed with patient. Transitional Issues - Discharged home - Scheduled for multidisciplinary follow-up on ___ - Increased metformin per ___ recommendations, patient to monitor fingersticks at home and call if elevated - 4.5cm ascending aortic aneurysm found on CT scan, will need repeat Chest CT with cardiac gating in ___ year ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with hx of bladder cancer (not on treatment), HTN, and HLD, who presents with suddent onset nausea, vomiting, and ___ watery diarrhea, most likely due to gastroenteritis. # Gastroenteritis: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea likley secondary to viral gastroenteritis. Onset and symptoms consistent with norovirus. Norovirus PCR was sent for confirmation. CT abdomen supported entercolitis, but transient intussusception was also thought to be possible. Patient was seen by Surgery, who did not think that surgical intervention indicated at this time (Patient was also not amenable to surgery). She received a total of 2L of IVF NS. Her lactate was elevated to 3.6 initially, but normalalized (1.3) with hydration. Patient's abdominal pain and diarrhea improved, and she was able to tolerate regular diet. # Acute on chronic renal insufficiency: Her Cr was found to be 1.5 (from baseline of 1.3). This was thought to be ___ secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. She received 2L of IVF NS. Her Cr returned to her baseline 1.3. # Normocytic normochromic anemia: At admission Hct was 37.0, above baseline of ___, likely due to hemoconcentration secondary to dehydration. Hct was 31.3 at discharge. # HTN: Patinent has a history of labile BPs, so she was allowed permissive hypertension to SBP ___. She was continued on her home dose labetalol and felodipine. # GERD: She is on esomeprazole at home, which was not available at ___. She received pantoprazole in the hospital. # Anxiety: She was continued on home lorazepam. ##### TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ##### - Recheck electrolytes and Hct in one week - ___ PCP - ___ blood culture, norovirus PCR results - Home ___ - Monitor outpatient blood pressure ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with hx of NSTEMI s/p DES to LAD (___), IDDM, morbid obesity, presents after mechanical fall and left tib-fib fracture. # LEFT TIB-FIB FRACTURE: She underwent ORIF on ___. EBL 150cc. Post op course was complicated by hyperkalemia, ___, new O2 requirement, tachycardia, and worsening hyperglycemia. Transferred to medicine service. She will continue lovenox for 4 weeks post op (end date ___. She will follow up with Dr. ___ in 10 days. Please call to make an appointment. # Anemia: Secondary to acute blood loss on chronic anemia. Hgb was 12 in ___, but on this admission was 9.6. EBL 150cc and acutely dropped to 7.9 post-op. Was transfused 1u pRBCs with bump in Hgb to 9.7. H/H remained stable throughout admission. Discharge Hgb 8.8. Restarted on aspirin and plavix for DES. # ___: Baseline Cr 0.9. On admission, Cr 2.2. Hyperkalemia peaked at 5.5 (5.8 in hemolyzed sample) requiring kayexalate. EKG and telemetry did not show any arrhythmias or findings consistent with hyperkalemia. Her ___ was felt to be multifactorial including hypoperfusion and immobilization. Lisinopril held while inpatient, then restarted on ___. Cr on discharge 0.8. Should have CHEM 10 checked on ___ and ___. Lisinopril should be discontinued if evidence of rising Cr. # Hypoxia: She developed a 2L O2 requirement after operation. CXR showed pulmonary edema and atelectasis. This improved with a one-time dose of furosemide 20mg IV. Concern for missed cardiac event in setting of ASA/Plavix for surgery. EKG at baseline. Patient should be seen by cardiolgoist and ASA/Plavix should not be stopped at any point without talkint to cardiologist. # Post-op tachycarida: She had post-operative sinus tachycardia to low 100s, which improved after re-starting her beta blocker. # Insulin dependent DM 2: Her blood glucose initially ranged from 200s-360. A1c 8.9. Patient did not know her home sliding scale. Glargine increased to 38 units BID from 34 units, with improving Glucose control. As clinical status improved, insulin requirement decreased and switched back to 34U BID. Will need further follow up for diabetes management. # CAD: hx of NSTEMI in ___ with DES to LAD. ASA and Plavix initially held for surgery. Restarted on ___ when H/H stabilized. Continued Metoprolol 50mg BID and then transitioned to succinate. Lisinopril held for ___. Restarted at time of discharge. # Constipation: Post-op constipation likely secondary to opioid use. No nausea, vomiting. Aggressive bowel reg started. CHRONIC: # Depression: She was continued on her home paroxetine 40mg daily and home quetiapine 600mg qHS. # Hypothyroidism: She was continued on her home levothyroxine 150mcg daily. ========================= TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ========================= # Please check CBC, CHEM 10 on ___ and ___ and inform MD of any changes to values. If Cr increasing, please stop lisinopril. If H/H downtrending, please call Dr. ___ PCP in regards to anticoagulation. #Please do not stop aspirin or plavix without discussion with cardiologist. Patient had DES placed 3 months ago and high risk for recurrent cardiac events. # Please call to make appointment with Dr. ___ Dr. ___. # Pending labs: Blood cultures ___ # Lovenox to be continued for 4 weeks post op (end date ___ # Hgb on discharge 8.8. # Cr on discharge 0.8. # ___ and Hyperkalemia, resolved. Lisinopril held in-patient but restart prior to discharge for cardioprotective effects. Cr remained stable. # Please continue to assess FSBG daily and adjust insulin regimen as needed. # New medications: Acetaminophen, albuterol, bisacodyl, docusate, enoxaparin, oxycodone # CONTACT: ___, Husband ___ # CODE: FULL CODE ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PATIENT SUMMARY ================ Ms. ___ is a ___ with CAD (s/p PCI to RCA in ___, HFrEF (last EF 35% in ___, Afib on apixaban, psoriatic arthritis, h/o remote thyroid cancer s/p thyroidectomy c/b chronic hypocalcemia who presented with general weakness x 1 week, and was found to have profound hypocalcemia and RLE cellulitis. ACUTE ISSUES ============= #Hypocalcemia #Hypomagnesia: On admission, Ms. ___ was noted to have a Ca 5.0, Alb 2.7, Corrected Ca 6.0, iCa 0.6, PTH 11, and Vit D 54. Of note, on her last ___ admission she had a Corrected Ca ~8. She noted that she has chronically been hypocalcemic since her thyroidectomy several decades ago for thyroid cancer, however noted that it has been worsened and more labile in the past several months. In terms of more recent underlying etiologies, may represent newly added diuretic vs. recent altered calcium supplementation vs. medication non-compliance vs. poor PO intake. Endocrine was consulted, who initially recommended a fixed drip of Calcium Gluconate with q6 hr ionized Ca checks. This was eventually transitioned to Calcium Carbonate 1500mg PO BID and Calcitriol 25mcg PO qd, as she has had a tremendous improvement in calcium levels with IV supplementation. Her magnesium was aggressively repleted for a goal Mg >2, and she was started on Magnesium Oxide 800mg BID. Similarly, her potassium was repleted for a goal K >4. She had daily EKGs, which showed improvement in QTc prolongation. Endocrinology recommended a DEXA scan as an outpatient. # RLE Cellulitis: On admission, was found to have RLE erythema, swelling, and tenderness c/w cellulitis. She had a leukocytosis of 12 with PMN predominance. Her recent hospitalization put her at risk for MRSA, and as such was initially placed on Vancomycin for MRSA coverage. However, she had a non-purulent cellulitis and as such she was transitioned to IV Ceftriaxone and eventually PO Keflex for a total 10 day course of antibiotics. Wound care was consulted and provided recommendations throughout her hospitalization. Her leukocytosis subsequently normalized and had significant improvement in the appearance of her RLE. Her final blood cultures demonstrated no growth. # HFrEF: EF ___ per ___ records in ___. DDx ischemic cardiomyopathy given CAD vs. tachycardia-induced given h/o AF with RVR. Appeared euvolemic on admission, however her BNP was elevated to the 6000s. She was taking 80mg Torsemide at home, and this was reduced to 40mg daily during her hospitalization given persistent electrolyte derangements. Her home Losartan was also reduced to 12.5mg daily due to symptomatic hypotension. She was continued on her home Metoprolol. # H/o recent fall: suspect mechanical in origin. Evaluated with extensive imaging in the ED, which were negative for acute fractures. Her Vitamin D level was found to be 54 (upper end of normal). Physical therapy was consulted re: weakness and instability, and recommended rehabilitation. She is discharging to ___. # Living Situation: Daughter noted on ___ that her mother's cognition has been declining over the past several years. She noted how her mother lives on a ___ floor apartment, and given difficulties with stairs does not go to appointments very often. Noted that her ___ was in disarray at her last visit (rodent infestation, not cleaned, rodent feces on the furniture). Also, that she had been forgetting to pay the bills (reportedly went 6 months without health insurance last year). Of note, has history of heavy EtOH use. MOCA = 23 on ___ visuospatial/executive, ___ naming, ___ attention, ___ language, ___ abstraction, ___ delayed recall, ___ orientation). Social work was consulted regarding her living situation. We recommend neuropsychiatric evaluation as an outpatient. CHRONIC ISSUES: ================ # Atrial Fibrillation: CHADS2VASC 5. S/p DCCV in ___ at ___. On telemetry, she was in NSR. She was continued on her home Amiodarone, Metoprolol, and Apixaban. # Normocytic anemia: Was found on admission to have a mild anemia to Hgb ___ with an unclear baseline. Iron studies obtained were consistent with anemia of chronic disease, which correlated with her history of psoriatic arthritis. We monitored her CBC daily, and did not need to transfuse throughout her hospitalization. # CAD: Recent hospitalization at ___ for RCA stenting in ___. Trops x2 negative on admission. Continued home ASA, clopidogrel, and atorvastatin. # Psoriatic Arthritis: Continued home tramadol. Of note, was on Cosentyx/Enbrel previously, but these have been held since ___ after her ___ hospitalization due to Shingles at that time. During her current hospitalization she endorsed worsened arthritic pain of her shoulders. Given no signs of Shingles currently, re recommend following up with Rheumatology to discuss reinitiation of her former medications. # Hypothyroidism: s/p thyroidectomy as above. TSH 2.3 on admission. Continued on home levofloxacin 125 mcg daily. ==================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== [ ] Continue Keflex until ___ for total of 10-day course for complicated cellulitis. (Day 1 was ___ [ ] Follow up U/A sent on ___, as patient was endorsing increased urinary frequency however no dysuria or increased urgency. Of note, appeared to be colonized with Gram Positive Bacteria (alpha streptococcus or Lactobacillus sp.) on ___ urine culture but at that time did not have any urinary or infectious symptoms. [ ] Repeat CBC, BMP, Mg, PO4, and Calcium, albumin and ical on ___. [ ] On ___ her ical was 0.81 and Ca 7.8 with albumin of 2.8. If her calcium comes back lower than this on ___ please uptitrate her calcium repletion in conjunction with endocrinology. [ ] Weigh patient daily on standing scale and if weight changes by more than 3 lbs in either direction please adjust her diuretic dosing as below. [ ] If needs further diuretic, recommend considering initiation of Acetazolamide (given chronic metabolic alkalosis) vs. HCTZ (given h/o hypocalcemia). We suspect torsemide at high dose of 80mg contributed to her hypocalcemia. So if needing to increase torsemide dose would carefully monitor her electrolytes. [ ] Please perform daily wound care and wound assessments to ensure that her RLE wounds remain clean and heal appropriately. Consider prolonging antibiotic course if cellulitis is persistent. [ ] Patient's blood pressures ranged from ___ systolics. She was largely asymptomatic but occasion felt slightly lightheaded. For this reason her losartan was cut from 25mg to 12.5. Please continue to assess blood pressure and if continues to be in ___ systolics with symptoms would further adjust hypertension meds. [ ] Recommend outpatient Neuropsychiatric testing for disarrayed living situation. She had a MOCA of 23 while hospitalized, however likely has high cognitive reserve and thus may have inaccurately represented her cognitive abilities. [ ] Follow up with Endocrinology on ___ at ___ as scheduled to re-evaluate hypocalcemia and electrolyte derangements. Recommend that patient call periodically to see if a cancellation develops so that she can been seen sooner. [ ] Follow up with Cardiology on ___ at ___ as scheduled (11am for cardiac imaging, 1pm with Dr. ___ [ ] Follow up with Rheumatology at ___ on ___ to discuss reinitiation of Cosentyx/Enbrel given worsened arthritic pains [ ] Recommend outpatient ENT evaluation of subjective voice change - patient to schedule appointment with ENT provider [ ] New Medications: Calcitriol 0.25mcg once daily, Magnesium Oxide 800mg BID, Keflex [ ] Changed Medications: Torsemide from 80mg to 40mg qd. Losartan from 25mg to 12.5mg qd. [ ] Consider repeating DEXA scan as outpatient. [ ] Please obtain EKG on ___ for monitoring. QTc was prolonged I/s/o hypocalcemia and should be periodically monitored. Last QTc on ___ was 449. [ ] Please determine Geriatric PCP for patient (previously saw Dr. ___ she does not live in the ___ facility unsure if she will see the patient) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o female with ESRD on HD using right arm AV fistula who presents with pulsatile bleeding from the fistula. Patient was seen in ED earlier in the week with suture placement and fistulogram showing an 80% stenosis. . Patient was taken urgently to the OR with Dr. ___ for a revision of the right brachiocephalic fistula. Pulsitile bleeding was found intra-op. There was an approximately 1.5 cm hole in the mid portion of the fistula. The fistula was able to be repaired, but did have some clot that was removed prior to end of case. She had received two units of RBCs given the blood loss from the inital hemorrhage. . The arm was stable, with good pulse and well perfused hand. The dressing was removed on POD 2 and the incision was intact with no bleeding or erythema and minimal swelling. . A left side tunneled IJ catheter was placed for hemodialysis, and she underwent a successful HD treament using the catheter following placement on ___. . Warfarin was resumed at home dose on ___. She will follow up with INR draw at ___ with results to Dr ___ her usual routine. Of note the Warfarin was held until after the HD line was placed. . Patient will restart her usual HD routine (4 days per week) using the new catheter and allowing the arm to heal. . Patient was seen by ortho during this admission as she had follow up planned that occured during her hospital stay. Patient will be following up with outpatient ortho in 1 month per communication with ortho in house. Patient has been informed to obtain appointment. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ M with h/o HIV (CD4 492 on ___, vL nD), HCV s/p cure ___, AF on dabigatran, and OA s/p ___ hip replacements who presented by EMS after three falls on ___, found to have likely LLL PNA. #Community acquired pneumonia: In the setting of syncope and cough, patient underwent infectious workup. Found to have leukocytosis to 15.4 and e/o LLL PNA on CXR. Most likely CAP given no recent healthcare exposures. Considered TB reactivation but unlikely given successful treatment in past and no other systemic symptoms. Also considered opportunistic infections with h/o HIV but unlikely with most recent CD4 492 and patient on HAART. Started on CTX and Azithro in ED, transitioned to PO levo on floor with plan for 5 day course (last day ___. At discharge, pending studies include CD4 count, HIV viral load, urine legionella, strep antigen, and blood cultures. #Multiple falls, ?syncope: #Mechanical fall, dehydration: #Left hip pain: Patient felt dizzy before at least one reported fall prior to admission. He denied resting pain but endorsed pain in his L hip with L knee flexion; it is unclear whether he landed on hip in any fall. The absence of loss of consciousness or post-ictal state make cardiogenic syncope and seizure less likely. Most likely, this is a patient with some lower extremity weakness who fell after becoming dizzy secondary to his morning Caverject injection and dehydration in the setting of pneumonia and poor PO intake. Plain films of his left hip and femur showed no evidence of fracture or dislocation. He was evaluated by ___ and cleared to go home without services. ___: He presented with a Cr of 1.2 (baseline 0.9-1.0 per outside records). He continued to produce urine and had no abnormalities on urinalysis or urine microscopy. This was felt to be most likely pre-renal, with dehydration in the setting of CAP and poor PO intake. He was encouraged to maintain adequate PO intake. #Leukocytosis: He presented with WBC 15.4. His urinalysis showed no signs of UTI; he remained hemodynamically stable; there was no sign of SSTI on exam. The most likely etiology is his LLL pneumonia seen on CXR. He was discharged on a 5-day course of levofloxacin, as above. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: [] NEW medications: -Levaquin 750mg daily x5 days (last day ___ [] HELD medications: -Caverject injection (alprostadil) -Viagra (sildenafil) []IMAGING findings: -CT head with no acute intracranial processes -CT C-spine with no evidence of fracture -Left hip and femur plain films with no evidence of fracture or dislocation [] Discharge Cr 1.3 on ___ [] Should have labs checked prior to next appointment (___) [] Please encourage adequate PO intake Discharge took <30 minutes to prepare ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male with history of alcoholic cirrhosis, variceal bleed ___ months ago (___), recurrent bleed two weeks ago (___), who presented with alcohol intoxication and a chief complaint of severe abdominal pain and one episode of bloody emesis, found to have severe ___ tear and gastritis but no varices. # ___ tear / gastritis: Due to vomiting in the setting of heavy alcohol use. Started on carafate, increased pantoprazole to BID. No evidence of varices or portal hypertension on EGD during this hospitalization. Blood counts remained stable, no hemodynamic compromise, and he had no further episodes of hematochezia. Stool was yellow/brown and guaiac negative. - Needs repeat endoscopy in 8 weeks to ensure healing # Alcoholic cirrhosis: Complicated by recent variceal bleed (___). EGD at ___ revealed portal gastropathy and small varices. No evidence of varices or portal gastropathy on EGD during this admission. RUQ ultrasound on this admission with patent vasculature. Liver team co-managed patient during this hospitalization. # Alcohol abuse: Reports drinking 1 pint of vodka daily since age ___. Achieved sobriety for 8 months but relapsed over past 2 months. No history of DTs or withdrawal seizures. Maintained on CIWA, MVI, thiamine, folate. Social work was consulted and recommended various outpatient resources to assist in alcohol cessation. # Depression/anxiety: Cont home zoloft TRANSITIONAL ISSUES # Encourage alcohol cessation efforts # Repeat endoscopy in 8 weeks to ensure healing of ___ tear # Code: DNR/DNI # Emergency Contact: Mother, ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with SLE complicated by neuromyelitis optica and transverse myelitis with chronic urostomy for neurogenic bladder presented from nursing facility after she was found to be somnolent and having cloudy urine. She was found to be septic. ACTIVE ISSUES # Sepsis due to nephrolithiasis, urinary tract infection: Upon arrive in the ED, she had a temperature of 101.8, white count of 29.7 with 9% band, and urine culture notable for polymicrobial growth. Her blood eventually grew ciprofloxacin and gentamicin resistent E. coli. Renal ultrasound showed bilateral nephrolithiasis, new moderate right hydronephrosis, and worsening of dilated left kidney calices. The sum of data pointed to the urinary tract as the source of infection especially in the setting of her atypical anatomy. In the MICU, she was started on norepinephrine and aggressively fluid resuscitated with MAP goal of 65 mmHg. She was also given meropenem and vancomycin for empiric antibiotic therapy prior to speciation. On hospital day 2, she was taken by ___ for placement of a percutaneous nephrostomy tube in the right kidney for decompression of the hydronephrosis. She was weaned off of norepinephrine on hospital day 4 and transitioned to vasopressin, which was stopped on hospital day 5. She completed a 9 day course of vancomycin for her UTI, and a 14 day course of meropenem for the GNR bacteremia. # Nephrolithiasis: Pt has a Right nephrostomy tube that is capped and will be in place until percutaneous nephrolithotomy is done (to remove right kidney stone). # Respiratory distress, ARDS: She also developed ARDS in this setting, and was intubated on ___. She was ventilated appropriately and her pulmonary function subsequently improved and she was extubated on ___. # Fevers: During her second week, she developed persistent fevers and increasing leukocytosis through both vancomycin and meropenem; extensive evaluation for occult infectious etiology was undertaken, including multiple repeat cultures, head CT, CT abdomen/pelvis, and LP, which were ultimately unrevealing. Her fevers resolved and leukocytosis downtrended as well. # Encephalopathy: Pt was noted to have altered mental status and significant encephalopathy even as sedation was weaned down after she recovered from septic shock. She was noted to have a history of being slow to wean from sedation during her previous hospitalizations. However, in the setting of continued fevers despite a brief period of clinical improvement after being on both vancomycin and meropenem, there was concern for a potential CNS infection, especially given her existing baclofen pump. Pain service was consulted and interrogated the pump, finding no abnormalities. A stat head CT was performed in the setting of finding pt exhibiting cyclical pupillary dilations and constrictions; CT was negative. An LP was performed by Anesthesia which showed a WBC of 6 with a lymphocytic predominance; empiric acyclovir was begun while awaiting HSV PCR. Her mental status ultimately improved significantly on ___. By discharge on ___ she was alert and oriented to person, place and time and speech was fluent. #Blood pressure lability: Patient was noted to have very labile blood pressures during admission, which were at times difficult to control. After recovering from septic shock and d/c'ing her pressors, her blood pressure slowly increased, but she had several episodes of hypertensive crises; during two of these episodes, she became acutely hypoxic, tachycardic to the 140s, and desaturated, likely due to flash pulmonary edema secondary to congestion from the acutely increased afterload. She was placed on a labetolol gtt which controlled her blood pressures. She was also noted to be very sensitive to fentanyl, which often dropped her SBPs to the ___. It was thought that these cyclical blood pressure variations were secondary to a central neurological process causing variations in sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, especially given her neurologic history as well as her pupillary findings of cyclical dilations and constrictions. After altnernating between IV labetolol PRN and labetolol drips, she was started on captopril and uptitrated ultimately to 25mg captopril TID, which controlled her blood pressures well and prevented any further hypertensive episodes. On discharge she was transitioned back to her home losartan. ___: Most likely secondary to pre-renal hypovolemia in setting of sepsis. Medications were renally dosed, but her creatinine slowly normalized back to her baseline of ~0.7 with volume resuscitation. CHRONIC ISSUES # Lupus c/b Devic's Neuromyelitis Optica and Transverse Myelitis: She is on a home baclofen intrathecal pump for pain control, which was continued after it was ruled out that she may have had a pump infection. Her home prednisone was converted to IV hydrocortisone while inpatient and she was given stress doses, and then converted back to PO prednisone. # Hypothyroidism: Stable. She continued on home levothyroxine. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES --Awaiting outpatient perc nephrolithotomy with urology (Dr. ___. ___. If pt develops right flank pain, fevers or worsening renal function, please un-cap right nephrostomy tube. --Patient is sensitive to developing encephalopathy/delirium in the setting of infection. When this happens ___ her HCP will consent for her. At her baseline, though, she is able to consent for procedures. --Tolerating normal diet on discharge --She did not require seroquel during this hospitalization, so this was not continued on discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ is an ___ woman with severe CAD 3-vessel CAD ( LMCA 70%, LAD 100% occlusion after D1, LCX 99% proximal, RCA 100% ostial disease, no stent) DM2, HTN, HL, who originally presented to OSH with epigastric pain. . The patient passed away on ___ after the following sequence of events: . At 2300 on ___, pt had sudden asystole, responded to <1minute of chest compressions. Became responsive and agitated with tachycardia. Several minutes later returned to ___, was given epi 1mg x 1 and had brief compressions, returned to ___ rhythm. EKG significant for new LBBB. Several minutes later returned to ___, was given atropine 1 mg x 1, morphine 2mg, and returned to ___ rhythm. Over the next ___ minutes had several more episodes. Given 0.5mg atropine twice, then 1 mg, also given 1mg ativan x 2 for agitation between episodes. Then was given epi x 1 mg three times. Was now obtunded. Intervals of tachycardia between asystole shortened in length. Pt was started on transcutaneous pacing at 100J at rate of 80. Family arrived at bedside approximately 15 minutes after pacing began. Pacemaker was turned off after discussion with HCP ___. Pt not a candidate for permanent pacemaker. Attending Dr. ___ was notified at start of event and communicated with throughout the time course. Time of death was 1:12AM. Pt was examined and had no spontaneous respirations, no carotid pulse, no heart sounds, and dilated and fixed pupils. Family was at bedside and attending notified. Cause of death coronary artery disease with cardiac arrest. No autopsy requested after discussion with family. Her hospital course prior to these events is as below: . # CORONARIES: On admission, troponin 1.5, CK 368, MBI 11%, ECG with worsening of STE in inferior leads and new TWI laterally. Dehydration, as suggested on exam, might have lead to hypoperfusion of coronary arteries, worsening CAD and causing ischemia. Given her extensive diffuse disease and multiple medical comorbidities, no intervention was undertaken and medical management was optimized, including heparin, aspirin, clopidogrel, statin, and eptifibatide drip. CK was trended and peaked at 792. . # Hypotension: The patient was initially hypotensive requiring dopamine and then phenylephrine. It was unclear whether she was in cardiogenic or distributive shock. The patient and her family refused central line placement. Pressors were weaned quickly over the first day. . # Urinary tract infection: The patient had a positive urinalysis and was treated with a dose of gentamicin followed by Bactrim. Cultures eventually grew enterococcus. . # PUMP: No sign of heart failure on exam. Echocardiogram showed EF 20% with moderate mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. . # RHYTHM: Patient was in sinus rhythm until the ___ events as above. . # CKD: baseline Cr likely 1.3; now 1.8. This was likely prerenal azotemia, improved to 1.4 with hydration. . # DM2: NPH was continued along with insulin sliding scale. . # Hyperlipidemia: Statin was continued. . . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the Orthopaedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Pain was initially controlled with a PCA followed by a transition to oral pain medications on POD#1. The patient received Lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. The foley was removed on POD#2 and the patient was voiding independently thereafter. The overlying dressing was removed on POD#2 and the Silverlon dressing was found to be clean and dry. The patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was acceptable and pain was adequately controlled on an oral regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign. The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity. Please use walker or 2 crutches at all times for 6 weeks. Mr. ___ is discharged to rehab in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** is a ___ year old woman with recurrent fallopian tube cancer on carboplatin/doxorubicin who was admitted from the ED with several days of progressive fatigue and malaise following chemotherapy. # Malaise # Leukocytosis Presented with fatigue and confusion after chemotherapy treatment. Confusion may have been in part secondary to dexamethasone and fatigue due to chemotherapy. UA and blood cultures were negative for infection. She had no respiratory symptoms. She remained febrile overall with no signs of infection. She did report significant psychological distress in the setting of her cancer recurrence and was seen by social work and addiction psychiatry. She will follow up with addiction psychiatry as an outpatient. TSH was found to be elevated and dose of levothyroxine was adjusted, but not clear if this contributed to her acute onset of weakness. # Elevated TSH: TSH 35. ___ be unreliable in the setting of acute illness, though as above no evidence of infection was found. Given this levothyroxine was increased from 175mcg to 200mcg daily. Likely should be rechecked in the outpatient setting within the next ___ weeks given potential unreliable results while ill # Recurrent fallopian tube cancer: will follow with Dr. ___ as an outpatient. Continued prn dilaudid for cancer related pain # Recent hernia repair: s/p operative repair on ___. Notable, removed hernia sac contained metastatic carcinoma, and there is at least some concern for disease within subcutaneous tissue about surgical incision on CT. She was seen by surgery in the ED who felt that there was no evidence of surgical infection or complication # Neuropathy: continued home gabapentin > 30 minutes spent on discharge coordination and planning Transitional Issues: ==================== - consider rechecking TSH in the outpatient setting in the next ___ weeks - will follow up with addiction psychiatry regarding possible home delivery of methadone during chemotherapy ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted for intermittent chest pain. In the emergency department, he received 3 sublingual nitro while he was in the emergency department. He received morphine IV for pain control. He was started on O2 supplementation. An EKG showed ? ST depression in Lead II. Labs were siginificant for an initial troponin < .01. He was started on a heparin gtt. . He was transferred to the floor and refused to stay because a private room was unavailable. The cardiology fellow and I spoke at great length with the patient about the risks and benefits of leaving the hospital AMA, given his presenting symptoms. His symptoms are very concerning for an acute coronary syndrome. The patient understood the risks and preferred to leave the hospital without further medical intervention. the patient was convinced to stay until he received his second set of cardiac enzymes, which returned back within normal limits at .01. Therefore, he was scheduled for a stress test tomorrow. He was asked to follow-up as an outpatient. He was discharged home with aspirin 325mg and we increased his metoprolol from 50mg to 100mg daily. . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ presented on ___ for elective ACDF of C5/6-C6-7. His intraoperative course was uneventful, please refer to the operative note for further details. He was extubated and transferred to the PACU for recovery. He was later transferred to the floor in stable conditions. On ___ the patient remained neurologically and hemodynamically stable. He was tolerating po intake without difficulty. An xray of the cervical spine was obtained to evaluate the hardware and showed good placement of hardware. All discharge instructions and follow up information was given to patient prior to discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ y/o male with a past medical history of Alport Syndrome s/p living donor renal transplant (___) on immunosuppression with MMF/prednisone/neoral, gout, HTN, HLD, who presents with URI symptoms and leukocytosis concerning for walking pneumonia. # Sepsis: Likely secondary to community acquired pneumonia. Patient meeting SIRS criteria secondary to tachycardia, leukocytosis and source of infection likely being PNA. Also had lactate elevation. Patient given ceftriaxone and levofloxacin in the ED. Initially broadened to vanco, cefepime, and azithro given sepsis and immunosuppression. The patient was given 1L IVF in the ED and his lactate improved. Likely etiology of pneumonia is post-viral bacterial infection vs. ongoing viral pneumonia. TB unlikely as previous negative PPD and no risk factors. Legionella Ag negative. Other etiologies of infection including UTI unlikely given normal UA and absence of symptoms. Discharged on Levaquin to complete ___lport syndrome s/p transplant ___: continue neoral, MMF, and prednisone # Anion Gap Acidosis: Likely secondary to elevated lacate in setting of infection. Repeat lactate normalized # Hypertension: Continued diltiazem, held lisinopril in setting of infection and risk of ___, can be restarted at f/u # Hyperlipidemia: atorvastatin # Gout: Continued on Prednisone, allopurinol at reduced dose (200mg) given kidney injury Transitional issues: - Repeat CXR in ___ weeks to document resolution of LUL infiltrate - Cont levaquin for ___ompletes ___ - At rheum followup, discuss if 10 mg prednisone continues to be necessary for treatment of gout - F/u CMV Viral Load and other pending microbiology results - Consider restarting lisinopril ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** # Acute renal failure likely ___ urinary retention and obstructive hydronephrosis: A renal US was obtained which did not show the ureters but showed mild-moderate hydronephrosis in the left kidney and severe hydronephrosis in the right kidney with loss of cortex. A renal consult was obtained and the patient was given IV fluids, phosphate binders, and NaHCO3 to correct acid base abnormalities. Note that he was refusing his sodium bicarb during admission but states he is willing to take it as an outpatient now that he has been educated about its purpose. Creatinine trended down from 12 to 8.8 with excellent urine output by the time of admission. He is to keep his Foley catheter in place and have close follow-up of his renal function. Vitamin D level is pending at the time of discharge. The patient requested that he continue to f/u with Dr. ___ nephrology. We have asked that chem 7 be rechecked when he sees his urologist ___. He then needs chem 7 to be checked on ___ when he has an appointment with his PCP and every week for 3 more weeks thereafter. Mr. ___ was cautioned about the importance of compliance with these medications and with his follow-up visits. # Urinary retention: A urology consult was obtained and suggested he be started on doxazosin 2mg. A repeat US on the third day of admission showed no improvement in hydronephrosis on either side so a CT scan was obtained to elucidate obstructive etiology which showed stable hydronephrosis and thickened bladder wall. Per urology, this did not need further inpatient assessment. We have discussed these findings and the importance of follow-up with the patient and his urologist. # Anemia and Hematuria: Patient presented with a hematocrit of 27.3 with MCV 88 which went down to 23.4 on ___ in the setting of increased IVF, mild to moderate hematuria. Hematuria resolved with time and was felt to be secondary to his chronic retention. His last hematocrit was normal at his PCP's office in ___. Iron studies were neither consistent with iron deficiency anemia nor anemia of chronic disease. It was thought that it was most likely due to kidney failure and he was started on Epoietin 4000U, 3x per week. His hematocrit had stabilized around 23. # Hypertension: Patient has mild hypertension. He prefers to manage this with diet and exercise. Please continue to monitor in case he requires medication in the future. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** with h/o CAD, HTN, hypothyroidism, and prior TIA admitted ___ with bacteremia ___ colitis and returning with persistently positive blood cultures that are polymicrobial. . # Polymicrobial bacteremia ___ Acute sigmoid diverticulitis: ESBL ecoli, bacteroides and Clostridium grew from blood cultures over ___. These are consistent with colonic flora that have translocated into her blood stream. Underlying issue thought to be colitis seem on recent admission, which on repeat CT looked more consistent with worsened acute sigmoid diverticulitis without abscess. Pt was continued on Zosyn. PICC line d/c'ed for line holiday. ID consulted. GI consulted given diverticulitis rarely results in polymicrobial bacteremia over the course of a week, raising suspicion for GI malignancy. GI recommended repeat colonoscopy in 6wks due to risk of perforation in setting of active inflammation. GI indicated they will schedule her for outpatient ___. Pt looked clinically well with small formed BMs throughout this admission. Pt will ___ with ID and GI in clinic. ___ line replaced ___ after all cultures negative since ___. Plan for 2wk course of Zosyn from first day of negative cultures (day 1: ___ - course to end ___. . >> Chronic issues: # CAD: cont ASA # HTN: cont coreg. BPs running high (SBPs 160-180s) and so losartan started as well given pt has allergies to CCB and thiazides. # Hypothyroidism: cont levothyroxine . >> Transitional issues: # CODE STATUS: Full # Contact: son ___ ___ # GYN ___ for endometrial biopsy given thickened endometrium on CT and U/S # GI ___. Plan for repeat colonoscopy in 6wks to look for bowel wall pathology that could predispose to bacterial translocation over the course of 6 days in the setting of diverticulitis which is quite atypical. # ID ___ # Zosyn course to end ___ for 2wks from first negative blood culture # HTN mgmt: pt started on losartan. Recommend PCP titration as needed and lytes and PCP ___ to monitor renal function and K. # Final blood cultures pending at the time of discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with PMHx of UC (reportedly unresponsive remicaide, humira, ___, recently DC'd budesonide), who presented with abd pain, diarrhea and elevated inflammatory markers, as well as +stool for c. diff. Per GI, Colorectal Surgery and patient, all in agreement that colectomy was appropriate for management. # Acute on Chronic Ulcerative Colitis flare; C. Diff Colitis: ___ recent C. Diff sp prolonged course of po Vanc, completed ___. Was planning for colectomy in ___ with Dr. ___ in ___ for UC. Budesonide stopped by pt raising concern for UC flare. C. diff ab+ and this was thought to be possibly conttributing. Pt self-reported fevers. She developed obstipation and reduced BM on ___ but KUB remains reassuring. She was taken for Colectomy by CRS on ___. Prior to this, she received Solumederol 20mg IV q8h, tapered to BID (d1 = ___ and PO Vancomycin (d1 = ___. She tolerated the procedure well without complications (Please see operative note for further details). After a brief and uneventful stay in the PACU, the patient was transferred to the floor for further post-operative management. Neuro: Pain was well controlled on postoperative day 3. CV: Vital signs were routinely monitored during the patient's length of stay. Pulm: The patient was encouraged to ambulate, sit and get out of bed, use the incentive spirometer, and had oxygen saturation levels monitored as indicated. GI: The patient was initially kept NPO after the procedure. The patient was later advanced to and tolerated a regular diet at time of discharge. GU: Patient had a Foley catheter that was removed at time of discharge. Urine output was monitored as indicated. At time of discharge, the patient was voiding without difficulty. ID: The patient's vital signs were monitored for signs of infection and fever. The patient was continued on antibiotics as indicated. Heme: The patient had blood levels checked post operatively during the hospital course to monitor for signs of bleeding. The patient had vital signs, including heart rate and blood pressure, monitored throughout the hospital stay. On ___, the patient was discharged to home. At discharge, she was tolerating a regular diet, passing flatus, having adequate ostomy output, voiding, and ambulating independently. She will follow-up in the clinic in ___ weeks. This information was communicated to the patient directly prior to discharge. # Lactate elevation: Likely ___ poor po intake. Pt received IVF for this. # Anxiety: Continued home Ativan prn. Social work and wound ostomy consults were involved. # Anemia: Chronic, anemia of chronic disease, improved from recent discharge. Post-Surgical Complications During Inpatient Admission: [ ] Post-Operative Ileus resolving w/o NGT [ ] Post-Operative Ileus requiring management with NGT [ ] UTI [ ] Wound Infection [ ] Anastomotic Leak [ ] Staple Line Bleed [ ] Congestive Heart failure [ ] ARF [ ] Acute Urinary retention, failure to void after Foley D/C'd [ ] Acute Urinary Retention requiring discharge with Foley Catheter [ ] DVT [ ] Pneumonia [ ] Abscess [x] None Social Issues Causing a Delay in Discharge: [ ] Delay in organization of ___ services [ ] Difficulty finding appropriate rehab hospital disposition. [ ] Lack of insurance coverage for ___ services [ ] Lack of insurance coverage for prescribed medications. [ ] Family not agreeable to discharge plan. [ ] Patient knowledge deficit related to ileostomy delaying dispo [x] No social factors contributing in delay of discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is the brief hospital course for a ___ year old woman with ADHD on atomoxetine, on oral contraceptive therapy, and a history of tobacco use who presented with dysarthria and left sided weakness with a subsequent finding of a large right MCA territory. This notably occurred in the setting of synthetic cannabis abuse (smoking K2). She was found to have a mid-M1 occlusion of unknown etilogy with otherwise normal blood vessels of the neck and head. She was initially admitted to the SDU but overnight developed a headache. An NCHCT revealed 4mm of parafalcine herniation and she was started on hyperosmolar therapy with mannitol. She was transferred to the ICU for closer monitoring. . Her NCHCTs remained stable for the next few days (except for small amounts of hemorrhagic transformation), and her exam continued to improve with more wakefulness, attention, and improved speech. She remains hemiplegic with no movement on the LEFT side, including to noxious stimuli. . She was found to have a PFO on her TTE, but negative lower extremity dopplers and an MRI of her pelvic region did not reveal any venous clots (anticoagulation is not an option for her at this time). Hypercoagulability labs were sent, and some remain pending at the time of discharge (see above results section). These can be followed up at her appointment with Dr. ___ in a few weeks. . She conditionally passed her bedside dysphagia screen but requires 1:1 supervision and soft consistency solids. She was left-sided plegic when initially starting physical and occupational therapy, and remained this way throughout her stay with us. . At discharge, she will be continued on ASA 325mg daily, a daily statin, and prozac. Until she is more mobile, Heparin SC 5000U TID should be continued. . She was discharged to rehab for rigorous physical, speech, and occupational therapy when medically stable by the neurology team. She will have follow-up with Dr. ___ on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo M with AML recently transformed from MDS. ACUTE ISSUES # Febrile neutropenia: Patient first spiked on ___. He was initially started on vancomycin and cefepime. He had concurrent abdominal pain which was thought to be due to enteritis vs. colitis vs. cholecystitis. CT abdomen on ___ unremarkable. RUQ ultrasound on ___ showed mild distension and a small amount of biliary sludge suggestive of early cholecystitis. Repeat study on ___ showed no sonographic evidence of cholecystitis. Micafungin added on ___ to cover for fungal infection. Patient reported left calf pain on ___ which was concerning for osteomyelitis as source of fevers. MRI of left calf the same day showed no evidence of osteomyelitis. Line was considered as a source of infection but absence of significant tenderness or surrounding erythema argued against a line infection and it was left in place. Repeat CT abdomen on ___ revealed cecal wall thickening suggestive of mild/early typhilitis. Patient was covered with vancomycin and cefepime until they were discontinued on ___ due to worsening rash thought to be allergic reaction to antibiotics. Patient was switched to daptomycin and meropenem which were discontinued overnight on ___ also due to concern for a reaction although this was unlikely per Dermatology. Patient started on aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, and Flagyl the next morning. Micafungin was discontinued ___ for another apparent reaction and patient was started on voriconazole. He spiked to 100.9 on ___ for which daptomycin was added for better gram-positive coverage. Patient did not spike again after ___. His ANC gradually trended up and he was no longer neutropenic as of ___. Voriconazole was stopped on ___ and daptomycin was stopped on ___. His remaining antibiotics, which included aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, and Flagyl, were discontinued on ___. All blood cultures returned negative. Fungal and mycobacterial cultures were pending on discharge. # AML: Bone marrow biopsy by oncologist at ___ revealed MDS with poor prognostic cytologic factors and blasts of 15%. Transformation to AML confirmed with repeat bone marrow biopsy on ___. Patient received 7+3 for induction starting on ___. Bone marrow biopsy on day ___ showed complete ablation. Bone marrow biopsy repeated on ___ and results were pending on discharge. During hospitalization he was placed on prophylactic acyclovir and lamivudine which he should continue after discharge. # Rash: Erythematous maculopapular rash on chest, abdomen, back, thighs, and legs first appreciated on ___. Likely due to allergy to vancomycin or cefepime although daptomycin and meropenem were thought to be possible culprits. There was also concern for a cutaneous manifestation of AML for which Dermatology was consulted. Their impression was that the rash was an allergic reaction to antibiotics, likely vancomycin or cefepime, and that thrombocytopenia caused patient to bleed into rash making it look much worse than it actually was. It gradually resolved after vancomycin and cefepime were stopped and was nearly completely gone on discharge. Managed symptomatically with sarna lotion and Benadryl PRN pruritis. # Atypical chest pain syndrome: Patient experiencing on admission and EKG showed ST elevation that was suspicious for acute MI. Previous EKG showed similar pattern. He has h/o anomalous left main coronary artery and atypical chest pain syndrome. Given EKG was unchanged from previous chest pain thought unlikely to represent MI. Patient monitored on telemetry for several days before it was discontinued due to clinical stability. Continued on home amlodipine and lisinopril. Home aspirin was initially held due to thrombocytopenia but was restarted on day prior to discharge given recovery of counts. Simvastatin was held given potential drug interactions. CHRONIC ISSUES # Diabetes: NIDDM which was well-controlled at home with glipizide and metformin. Oral hypoglycemics held while in hospital and patient was managed primarily with Humalog sliding scale until day prior to discharge. Glipizide and metformin were restarted prior to discharge which resulted in significant improvement in patient's insulin requirement. He was discharged with a blood glucose monitoring kit given high blood sugars in hospital. # Hepatitis B virus: HBcAb was positive indicating past exposure to HBV. Viral load was negative. Patient was started on lamivudine prophylaxis against reactivation. This was continued on discharge. # History of PPD(+): Per the patient, history of a positive PPD test when he immigrated to ___. Patient claimed to have completed a 6 month course of PO medications (presumably INH). Did not endorse cough, hemoptysis, night sweats. CXR on ___ and subsequent studies showed no acute disease. Quantiferon-Gold negative. Another PPD was placed per ID and was read as positive. No need for treatment per ID. # Travel exposures: Patient immigrated to ___ from ___ in ___. Has history of living in refugee camp. Per ID consults serologies for Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Strongyloides, Schistosomiasis, and Burkholderia marneffei were sent. All of these returned negative. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Patient to follow-up with Dr. ___ in clinic on ___ - Follow-up with Cardiology for atypical chest pain syndrome would be advisable - Will need ___ interpreter for appointments - Patient will need further teaching regarding medications. Has a ___ scheduled. - Blood sugars high in hospital. Patient and wife will monitor at home. - Search for bone marrow donor among patient's siblings is ongoing ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is an ___ w/ hx of LLE fem to DP graft in ___ presenting with rest pain of several days and non healing left lower extremity ulcer, as well as no LLE signals concerning for critical limb ischemia. Mr. ___ was admitted to the vascular surgery service on ___ as a direct admit from clinic. He was immediately started on broad spectrum IV antibiotics and a heparin gtt. On HD1, the patient underwent LLE duplex and ABI/PVRs that demonstrated complete occlusion of the graft from the level of the knee to the dorsalis pedis artery. The lower LLE limb was most likely nonviable by the time of admission. A discussion was started regarding possible BKA and whether that operation would fit within the patient's goals-of-care. Palliative care was consulted and assisted with the discussion and completion of advance directives. The heparin gtt was stopped since the limb was no longer viable and further hep gtt would subject the patient to frequent blood draws and risk of bleeding. On HD2, the patient reported having decided against a BKA, reporting that he did not feel that it would improve his quality of life. A further discussion was continued between the patient, the patient's family members and HCP, and team. The patient reported good pain control. On HD3, the patient's family initiated search for appropriate discharge facility with case management. The patient again reported wishing to avoid amputation as it would not fit in with his goals of care. The patient expressed understanding of the risks and benefits of his decision. The patient reported having no pain from the LLE. On HD5, The patient was prepared for discharge. The patient and his family continued decline surgical intervention. Arrangements were made to transfer the patients care to ___, in ___. He was discharged on a course of Augmentin 500 mg BID until ___. Follow was arrange with Dr. ___ ___ at ___ on ___ at 3:30pm. The patient or his facility is welcome to contact our office sooner with questions and concerns. We do expect the patient to experience ischemic rest-pain. Infection may also progress. There were no further options for revascularization for the LLE. Future interventions would require below/above-knee amputation. This remains an option if the patients goals change or pain or infection become intolerable. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted to the GYN service due to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. She was discharged 3 days prior for inpatient treatment of vaginal cuff cellulitis with continuation of PO antibiotics at home. *) Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with fevers at home Patient was not localized any pain. On speculum exam, her vaginal cuff was found to be in tact, non erythematous, and without purulent drainage. Patient had CT abdomen and pelvic which was normal and not suggestive of any fluid collection, infection, or bleeding. C difficile test was negative. Blood and urine cultures were collected. Her labs were notable for a WBC count of 19.3. She was continued on her po ciprofloxacin and flagyl for treatment of vaginal cuff cellulitis. She was afebrile on admission and during her hospital stay. Her diarrhea decreased during the extent of her stay. She received IV fluids for hydration given her GI losses. She did not have any emesis while in the hospital. Her WBC count continued to downtrend in the hospital down to 11.1. On day of discharge, her WBC count was stable at 12.1. Her urine cultures came back as contaminated and blood cultures continued to have no growth to date. Her nausea was thought to be attributed to the antibiotics she was taking. on day of discharge, her nausea had improved and diarrhea had slowed down. she was discharged with Zofran for nausea control. *) ___ Patient was found to have a creatinine of 1.6 on admission. She had adequate urine output and no urinary complains however. Initially the ___ was thought to be due to hypovolemia due to GI losses. However, a FeNa was drawn and returned as 2.1%. It was then though that the ___ could be contributed to gentamycin nephrotoxicity. all nephorotoxic medications were held. Patient continied to received IV fluids while in the hospital and had adequate urine output. her creatinine continued to downtrend during her stay and came down to a 1.0. *) Vaginal cuff cellulitis Patient reported no pelvic or vaginal pain. There was no erythema, discharge, or bleeding from cuff seen on speculum exam. CT abdomen and pelvis was normal with no suggestion of infection. She was continued on her PO ciprofloxacin and flagyl for treatment of the cellulitis. *)shortness of breath Patient also complained of shortness of breath on admission. She was not found to be tachypneic and had normal O2 saturations. Her lung exam reveleaed no crackles or wheezing. CTA chest was negative for a pulmonary embolism. Chest x ray was normal as well. Patient continued to have stable and normal vital signs. Her shortness of breath resolved within a few hours of admission. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt admitted in setting of hepatic arteries not visualized on CTA or duplex. On HD2 after premedication for iodine allergy underwent hepatic arteriogram showing multiple kinking of common hepatic artery with proximal narrowing, not amenable to stenting. Patent rt and left hepatic arteries. Portal vein is patent, but can not rule out narrowing. On HD2 pt was discharged home with plans for duplex in one to two weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted on ___ and, later that day, was taken to the operating room by Dr. ___ R THA without complication. Please see operative report for details. Postoperatively the patient did well but did have pain control issues. He was seen by chronic pain service and started on a ketamine drip. The patient was initially treated with a PCA followed by PO pain medications on POD#1. The patient received IV antibiotics for 24 hours postoperatively, as well as lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. The drain was removed without incident on POD#1. The Foley catheter was removed without incident. The surgical dressing was removed on POD#2 and the surgical incision was found to be clean, dry, and intact without erythema or purulent drainage. Patients pain medications were adjusted per chronic pain service recommendations. While in the hospital, the patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was stable, and the patient's pain was adequately controlled on a PO regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign. The patient was discharged to home with services in a stable condition. The patient's weight-bearing status was WBAT. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ===================== Ms. ___ is a ___ year old gentleman with history of EtOH abuse and withdrawal seizures admitted for EtOH withdrawal with concern for recent seizure activity. He was stable during admission. No evidence of seizures, and CIWA scale was discontinued as he had not been scoring for 24 hours. He was noted to be tachycardic and have loose stools, found to be c. diff positive, discharged on a 14 day course of PO metronidazole. ACTIVE ISSUES ============= # EtOH withdrawal: He was stable on admission, notable for mild tremulousness, mild tachycardia (though eventually as high as 140s), and mild agitation. He had no hypertension, other adrenergic symptoms, or hallucinosis. Given his history of withdrawal seizures and question of recent ___ mal seizure activity prior to presentation, there was a low threshold for benzo administration to keep CIWA score low (<10) and to monitor him closely in the ICU. He was maintained on diazepam as needed per CIWA (though this was rapidly stopped due to absence of scoring), and supplementation with thiamine, folate, MVI was continued. # Seizures: Unclear whether strictly related to alcohol withdrawal or whether also has underlying seizure disorder. In the past per ___ records, he has had seizures when he missed his medications. If reported ___ mal seizure truly occurred on the morning of admission, it may be related to non-compliance with home levetiracetam dosing in addition to withdrawal. He was continued on home levetiracetam 500mg po BID. ___ MRI was performed which showed old hemorrhagic contusions which could be predispose him to seizures, but no active process. EEG was done and was normal. # C diff colitis: He was noted to be tachycardic with loose stools and C diff returned positive. He will complete 14 days of oral metronidazole. # Left vertebral artery MR finding: His MRI found "possible slow flow vs calcified plaque in the left vertebral artery." He did not have any signs of symptoms of vertebral artery insufficiency and it was felt to be be unlikely to be related to his current presentation. This should be followed up in the outpatient setting and MRA could be considered. # HTN: He was started on Metoprolol XL 50mg daily for persistent hypertension. # Hyponatremia, hypovolemic: Na 131 on arrival, likely in the setting of decreased PO intake. Supporting evidence includes tachycardia and presumed hemoconcentration in setting of hyponatremia and malnutrition. He was given normal saline with improvement. # Hypomagnesemia: Likely due to malnutrition in setting of alcoholism. History of QT prolongation, though no reported history of prolonged QT-induced arrythmia. He was repleted aggressively and monitored with EKGs closely. His QTc on ___ was 423. # Prior systolic CHF (previously reported EF ___, now 55%): No current evidence of volume overload. He had a TTE in ___, which showed EF ___. However, it was unclear if he had CHF during that admission (regardless of cause - alcohol-induced or tachycardia-induced). He underwent another TTE this admission, which showed EF 55% and normal biventricular systolic function. # Abnormal EKG: Revealed stable inferior lead ST seg elevation without clinical sx of angina and flat enzymes. EKG remained unchanged ___ and ___ suggesting these are not new findings. He was started on a beta blocker for HTN. # Pancytopenia, and macrocytic anemia: Macrocytosis is stable, likely secondary B12/folate deficiency from malnutrition secondary to alcoholism. He was continued on vitamin supplementation. If his pancytopenia does not resolve (with current clinical picture, most likely due to malnutrition, bone marrow suppression in the setting of chronic alcohol abuse), he warrants further workup. # Medical history reconciliation: By ___ documentation in discharge summaries, he is reported to have a history of cirrhosis, Hepatitis C, and chronic pancreatitis. CT torso imaging in ___ commented specifically on normal appearing liver, spleen, and pancreas without any noted sequelae of these conditions - however, RUQ ultrasound at ___ in ___ showed echogenic liver. His HCV antibody was positive on this admission, confirming previous history. No abdominal pain during this admission. - Needs liver work-up: ___ records: No hepatitis B Core antibody on record, though HbSAb was positive at ___. - He would benefit from HVC viral load and HIV. - Needs second dose of Hepatitis A series (got first dose ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== - Code: Full code, confirmed. - Emergency contact: Father, ___, ___. - Studies pending at discharge: None - Got first Hepatitis A series in ___, needs second Hep A immunization. - Please check HbcAb (not done at ___, though HbSAb positive), HCV viral load, HIV. - Needs follow-up with Hepatology and would recommend Neurology follow-up given seizure history - Needs outpatient PFTs (has evidence of COPD on exam, long smoking history), started on long acting tiotropium during admission - Currently not interested in alcohol detox or partial hospitalization, but will consider it in the future - please re-address. - Discharged on a 14 day course of PO metronidazole for c. diff. - QTc was 423 on the day of discharge (___). - Last EF from ___ in ___ was ___ repeat cardiac echo ___ with EF 55% and normal global and regional biventricular systolic function. - If pancytopenia does not resolve with nutrition, consider further hematologic workup. - Consider MRA to evaluate possible slow flow seen in vertebral artery on MRI - A copy of this discharge summary was faxed to ___, NP, at ___ at ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted and started on broad spectrum antibiotics. After evaluation and x-ray which showed osteolytic changes consistent with osteomyelitis to the medial flare of the distal phalanx, as well as dusky changes to the lateral distal hallux, a disarticulation amputation was performed. He did well and was made heel weight bearing post operatively. ___ worked with him and found him safe to heel weight bear with a walker. His INR on admission was supratherapeutic at 4.2 on his home dose of coumadin 7.5mg daily . His coumadin was held and vitamin K administered preop. On POD 1 his INR was 1.9. He was restarted on coumadin at 5mg qhs. On POD 2 his INR was 2.4, after just one dose of coumadin 5mg. After discussion with the pharmacist, it was decided that he should be discharged on 2.5mg of coumadin daily. He should be monitored closely given his surpatherapeutic INRs, and concomitent use of anticoagulation. His culture data was not finalized at the time of discharge. He was placed on augmentin x 14 days. We will follow up the wound cutlure next week and change the antibiotic if needed. He will have ___ for wound check and INR draws. We recommend an INR draw on ___. The INR will continue to be monitored by his cardiologist, Dr. ___. He will follow up with vascular ___ a week and with podiatry ___ ___ days. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ yo female G2P1 who presented for induction of labor at 40 weeks 3 days who underwent c-section which was complicated by post-partum hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock. She ultimately underwent hysterectomy. #) Hemorrhagic Shock: Patient required 15 units pRBCs, ___ FFP, 2 bags of platelets, and 4 units of cryoprecipitate. The cause was extensive uterine bleeding presumably from uterine atony. The bleeding was not able to be controlled with medical therapy (methergine, cytotec, hemabate, pitocin 40u), D+C, or ___ balloon placement and therefore she required exploratory laparotomy and abdominal supracervical hysterectomy. She also had cystoscopy to confirm ureters were intact. After hemostasis was achieved the patient improved and all electrolyte and coagulopathic abnormalities were corrected. The patient was transferred from the FICU to the postpartum floor on ___ ___. #) Postpartum Fevers: The patient initially received ampicillin and gentamicin which was started during labor. She continued to be febrile postpartum. Although patient had hypovolemic shock as discussed above, there was also concern that she could have sepsis as well. She had multiple possible reasons for fever including recent URI symptoms, multiple transfusions, as well as chorioamnionitis and other ___ and ___ complications. Therefore she was treated empirically with Vancomycin/Zosyn for 48 hours until cultures returned negative. She remained afebrile for >48 hours prior to discharge. #) Pulmonary: Ms. ___ was extubated successfully in the operating room, transitioned to 6L by face mask. On POD#2, she had a continued oxygen requirement and was satting 95-98% on ___ nasal cannula. Given intermittent tachycardia and continued oxygen requirement a CTA was obtained which was negative for a pulmonary embolus. Given findings of moderate bilateral effusions, the patient was given IV lasix as needed (total of 2 doses administered). She was successfully weaned to room air by POD#4. #) GI: Initially after her hysterectomy, Ms. ___ was NPO. Given risk for ileus, she was advanced slowly and was tolerating a regular diet by POD#3. Prior to discharge, Ms. ___ reported a new perineal rash. Dermatology was consulted who recommended Lotrisone for likely contact dermatitis with ___. Ms. ___ was discharged home on POD#5 in stable condition- afebrile, voiding and ambulating without difficulty and tolerating PO. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ female without significant ___ transferred from ___ for further evaluation of CBD stone and CBD duodenal fistula, with pneumobilia. On ___ patient was scheduled for ERCP, procedure was aborted secondary to risk of perforation. Patient was started on Cipro/Flagyl secondary to severe esophagitis and duodenitis. On ___, patient underwent MRCP, which demonstrated 9mm CBD stone, improved duodenitis, no evidence of fistula. Patient remained afebrile, and her WBC returned back to normal limits. Patient was able to tolerate regular low fat diet and denied any abdominal pain. Patient was discharge home on PO antibiotics. She will follow up with Dr. ___ Dr. ___ to discuss further plan of care. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular low fat diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted on ___ to the thoracic surgery service for a planned right thoracotomy, right lower lobe wedge resection with decortication. She tolerated the procedure well, was extubated and recovered in the PACU prior to being transferred to the ICU in stable condition. For full details please see the operative report. Three chest tubes were placed during the procedure and a postoperative chest x-ray showed expected right pneumothorax post surgery with three chest tubes in place. Pathology revealed a 1.8 cm poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with negative margins and no positive nodes. She was started on a clear liquid diet, her pain was controlled with an epidural and she was started on her home medications. On POD 1 her diet was advanced to regular and she was transferred to the surgical floor from the ICU. On POD 2 she was noted to have increased somnolence which was thought to be related to her pain medications so her epidural was turned down and narcotics for breakthrough pain were discontinued. She was given a unit of PRBC for a Hct of 20.3 with an appropriate increase to 24.4 and improved somnolence. On POD 3 metoprolol was started because of elevated systolic blood pressures. She continued to have an air leak from all three chest tubes. Her epidural was discontinued and her foley catheter was removed. She was started on oxycodone and tramadol for pain. By POD 4 the air leak had stopped in the anterior chest tube so it was removed. The posterior chest tube was removed on POD 6. On POD 7 she noted that she felt dizzy when she was getting out of bed and was found to be in atrial fibrillation with RVR. She was given metoprolol once without effect and was then given IV diltiazem once with return to sinus rhythm. Cardiac enzymes were negative and she was monitored with telemetry without recurrence. On POD 8 the air leak had resolved in the basilar chest tube so it was removed. A post pull chest xray showed no PTX. Because her pain was well controlled, she was tolerating her diet and was ambulating without assistance, she was discharged to home on POD 9 with instructions to follow up in Dr. ___ with a chest x-ray. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr ___ was admitted to ___ on ___ due to left lower extremity claudication and underwent a left lower extremity femoral-popliteal bypass with PTFE on ___. He tolerated the procedure well. During his hospitalization he developed serousanguinous discharge from his bypass incision, which was resolved after platelet administration, and holding the aspirin and Plavix. He also developed hyponatremia which was corrected with fluid restriction. Once he was able to ambulate, tolerate a diet and his pain was controlled he was discharged home with ___ services for wound check. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ G6P5 at 39w1d for IOL for GDMA1 and thyroid nodule with atypical cells. She was admitted to L&D and started on pit due to grandmultiparity. She was typed and crossed for 2 units packed red blood cells. She made change from SVE 1cm -> ___ without further change despite 10 hours of pitocin at 20. She was transferred to the antepartum floor and IOL was restarted on ___. On ___, she had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of a liveborn female weighing 3150g with apgars of 7 and 8. She was discharged home in stable condition on PPD#2. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ========================= ___ w/ DM2, recurrent diabetic foot infections, PVD, recent admission to ___ ___ for RLE angioplasty and R first metatarsal head resection, then recent admission to ___ for sepsis attributed to a non-healing tract that probed down to her R ___ MTP joint, clinically consistent with osteoyelitis/septic arthritis. The wound was washed out at bedside at the OSH and she was started on 6 weeks of Ancef after an OSH blood culture grew group A strep. She was also managed for RVR on that admission by increasing her metoprolol succinate from 100 mg daily to 75 mg BID, and by addition of diltiazem 120 mg daily. The patient reports that she was still a little delirious while they were explaining medication changes, and also thought it was presumptuous that they had not discussed the new nodal agents with her outpatient cardiologist. For these reasons, she did not take the new cardiac meds, and now was re-admitted to our hospital in ___. Records were obtained from ___ and she was re-started on the appropriate doses of diltiazem and metoprolol. These are not changed from what was prescribed at the outside hospital. She was seen by podiatry who felt her feet were not acutely infected and did not advise any surgical intervention (although, per outside records, she obviously recently had a serious infection and will still need to complete the existing antibiotic plan). She will complete her course of Ancef as planned prior to this admission. She will be discharged home with close follow up with her outpatient PCP and cardiologist. ====================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ======================= [] She is discharged on cefazolin for recent bacteremia diagnosed at ___. She will continue with cefazolin 2g IV q12 hours through ___. This is unchanged from prior to admission, and we confirmed with ___ that this would still be dispensed using the pre-existing prescriber at ___. [] She presented with AF with RVR in the setting of not taking her medications as prescribed on discharge from ___. Please continue to advise medication adherence as an outpatient to control AF. She is discharged with metop succ 75mg BID and dilt XR 120 daily for rate control. [] Please note that per patient preference she is not discharged on anticoagulation. Please continue to discuss risks and benefits of anticoagulation given her CHADSVASC is 4. [] She is discharged with felted foam dressing on left foot. This can be removed in 1 week (___) and she should then remain hell WB in surgical shoe to help midfoot ulceration to heal. [] Please note that per podiatry recommendations, the ulcerations on her right foot do not require dressing at this point. [] She will need to follow up with Dr. ___ for further evaluation of her feet ACUTE ISSUES ================ # AF w/ RVR She presented with AF with RVR to the 120s reportedly in the ED. Per ___ record review, she was supposed to take 3x25mg succ BID (75mg BID), but she was taking only 1 tab daily, thus explaining her RVR to the 120s. This admission she remained initially with HR in low 100s and up to 130s intermittently when walking. She was treated with metoprolol XL this admission and discharged on 75mg XL BID, and restarted on her diltiazem. Per chart review and patient report, she has been recommended anticoagulation in the past (for CHADSVASC 4) but declined. Discussed anticoagulation again this admission but she adamantly declined. She is willing to discuss further with her cardiologist, Dr. ___. # Troponinemia # Type II NSTEMI On admission her EKG showed V4-V5 STD w/ I and aVL TWI. This was thought to be type II NSTEMI likely from demand ischemia from tachycardia. Her troponins down-trended with IVF and rate control. # Recent GAS sepsis at ___ # hx of Right ___ MTPJ ulcer # RLE erythema She was recently admitted to ___ for sepsis (___), found to have blood cultures + for GAS (___), in the setting of a R foot wound that probed to bone. Now with L PICC (placed ___ at ___. We discussed with ___, and confirmed she is on cefazolin. Regarding her foot wounds, she has left foot with felted foam dressing and right foot has well-healed medial ___ MTPJ surgical site. She had lower extremity ultrasound that showed no clots. She was evaluated by podiatry on ___ who felt that there was no concern for ongoing infection of the lower extremities. They recommended continuing wound care, but no antibiotics necessary as far as foot wounds. Patient to continue Cefazolin 2g ___ for osteomyelitis. # Leukocytosis, improving # Supratherapeutic INR # Elevated Alk Phos # Hypobicaronatemia # Hyperkalemia # ___ on CKD It was thought that her lab abnormalities on admission were explained by her resolving sepsis from recent hospital admission. Creatinine and potassium improved with fluids. Records reveal that on day of discharge from ___ (___) WBC 21, Cr 1.7. He white count continued to improve while an inpatient at ___. Cr was 1.9 on discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Assessment/Plan: ___ with h/o COPD, venous insufficiency, and depression here for evaluation of persistent cellulitis. # RLE cellulitis: Pt presented with worsening pain and erythema of a RLE that has been chronically infected. She was most recently treated with cefepime x5 days without improvement. ___ was negative for DVT. The pt was started on vancomycin with significant improvement in pain and erythema. She was switched to cephalexin 250mg PO TID x7 days which she will continue as an outpatient. # COPD: No evidence of exacerbation. The pt was continued on home meds: albuterol prn, advair (substitution for symbicort), tiotropium # Osteoporosis: Continued calcium, vit d, alendronate. # CKD: Cr at baseline. 1.1 on discharge. # Depression: Mood/affect appear wnl. Continued home quetiapine, paroxetine and trazodone for sleep # Hypertension: Normotensive during admission. Continued Lisinopril. Records imply patient also on amlodipine, but does not appear to be on rehab list. Can consider restarting amlodipine as an outpatient. # Hyperlipidemia: Lipids last checked in ___, appears well controlled. Continued home simvastatin. # Chronic normocytic anemia: At baseline. Continued B12 supplements. # Gastritis: EGD in ___ c/w gastritis. No current complaints of abd pain. Continued home omeprazole and viscous lidocaine. # H/o diarrhea and Cdiff: No current complaints of diarrhea. # Spinal stenosis: Not currently complaining of back. Records imply this is the indication for her gabapentin. Continued gabapentin. # Communication: Patient, Case manager ___ ___. # Disposition: ___ TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Monitor BP, if it is persistently elevated, consider starting amlodipine or increasing lisinopril. # ___ # Keflex x7 days for cellulitis, monitor for continued improvement. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the ___ on ___ for a cardiac catheterization in preparation for mitral valve surgery. His cardiac catheterization revealed disease in a large diagonal artery. He was worked-up in the usual preoperative manner. On ___ he was taken to the operating room where he underwent a mitral valve repair and coronary artery bypass grafting to one vessel. Please see operative note for details. Postoperatively he was taken to the intensive care unit for monitoring. Over the next several hours, he awoke neurologically intact and was extubated. On postoperative day one, he was transferred to the step down unit for further recovery. He was gently diuresed towards his preoperative weight. The physical therapy service was consulted for assistance with his postoperative strength and mobility. He had ___Fib and converted to SR with titration of Lopressor and IV Amiodarone. He will not require anti-coagulation. By the time of discharge on POD 4 the patient was ambulating freely, the wound was healing and pain was controlled with oral analgesics. The patient was discharged home with visiting nurse services in good condition with appropriate follow up instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** HOSPITAL SUMMARY: Mr. ___ is a ___ man with a long history of smoking who presented to ___ with small volume hemoptysis. Chest Xray and Chest CT imaging was suggestive of an endobronchial mass and possible post-obstructuve pneumonia. He was transferred to ___ for diagnostic bronchoscopy. # Pneumonia: On admission he denied fevers, cough, or chills but because of imaging at ___ suggestive of post-obstructive pneumonia he was treated with Zosyn for 3 days. Because bronchoscopy did not show evidence of infection and there were no clinical or laboratory evidence of pneumonia, antibiotics were discontinued. # Endobronchial Mass: Bronchoscopy on ___ showed a mass obstructing the right lower lobe. Biopsies of the mass and the surrounding lymph nodes were obtained. Chest, abdomen and pelvis CT showed no clear evidence of metastases. However, there were several mediastinal lymph nodes that were slightly enlarged. Brain MRI showed no evidence of metastases. The patient will follow up with the Thoracic ___. The findings on bronchoscopy were discussed with Mr. ___ and his family, however they prefer to further discuss when the biopsy results return. . # Hemoptysis: He continued to have ___ episodes per day of about 1tsp of bloody sputum through ___. After the bronchoscopy and cauterization of the bleed, he was observed for 24 hours and was without hemoptysis for the rest of his hospitalization. His Hct was stable at 33-34 throughout his hospitalization. . # CAD: he has a history of MI in ___ and had a recatheterization with two stents placed in ___. He denied any recent chest pain or shortness of breath. Aspirin was held for the brochoscopy procedure. Metoprolol and simvastatin were continued. He was instructed to resume the aspirin after waiting 5 days after the bronchoscopy. # Acute Kidney Injury: Creatinine at admission was 1.3 but improved to 0.9 after IV fluids. It remained at 0.9 for the rest of his hospitalization. # Anemia: MCV of 74 and iron studies indicated iron deficiency anemia. His Hct was low to mid-30s but remained stable throughout his hospitalization. It was suggested that he have an outpatient colonoscopy for further workup. He was started on iron. # Tobacco abuse: He was encouraged to quit smoking. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ is a ___ w/ anal mucinous adenocarcinoma not yet treated, AFib, UPJ obstruction s/p stent placement in ___ c/b chronic Klebsiella bacturia, IgG myeloma on lenolidamide, currently residing at ___ since ___, who is admitted from clinic by her primary oncologist, Dr. ___ rectal pain and expedited treatment. Also w/ blood loss anemia on admission. #Anal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Diagnosed in ___. Restaging ___ shows T4 disease extending beyond the anal verge, progressing through external muscle of anal sphincter, progression from 3 months ago. -- plan for 5 fractions per Drs. ___ on thurs ___ w/ first session ___ cancelled due to machine malfunction, resumed ___ and completed ___. -- pt evaluated by Dr. ___/ colorectal surgery with plans for surgical resection proctectomy and end colostomy on ___, one week following completion of radiation. -- pt received ostomy teaching during her stay #Rectal Pain - ___ above -- cont metamucil, senna, colace, prn miralax/bisacodyl -- pain control w/ oxycodone prn and tylenol #Rectal bleeding - persistent hematochezia ___ mass/oozing. no large vol bleeding. stopped lovenox. Anticipate ongoing oozing until surgery but improved w/ radiation and stopping anticoagulation. #Blood loss anemia/ACD - Recent Ferritin and TIBC suggest anemia of chronic inflammation but recent rectal bleeding and low HCT on admission concerning for acute blood loss. HCT 15 in ED on admission likely spurious as Hgb was 9 at ___ earlier that day and on repeat in ED HCT 27. - Normal TSH and b12 - Hgb gradually downtrending ___ bleeding. Was given 1U PRBC on ___ for Hgb 8.6 in anticipation of slow oozing over next week prior to surgery #Hypophosphatemia - poor PO vs GI loss while on bowel regimen vs lasix effect. remained low despite PO phos x 3 days so stopped lasix. PTH secondarily elevated. vitD borderline low will increase to 2000U. Phos 1.9 day of discharge repleted with 500mg #AFib #HTN CHADS2Vasc at least4, coumadin reversed in ED out of initial concern for GI bleed, was transitioned to lovenox. - plan was to cont lovenox perioperatively as needs bridge prior to surgery-- however held in setting of worsening rectal bleeding, risk of bleeding in short term felt to outweigh risk of stroke. off lovenox since ___ -- cont home dilt and metoprolol, decreased dilt dose as BP in low 100s-120s # Neutropenia - resolved. likely ___ revlamid, we are holding revlamid perioperatively for now per primary oncologist. No fevers #CKDIII - renal function is good on arrival but reportedly carries this diagnosis, likely prior myeloma kidney -- avoid nephrotoxins #IgG Myeloma IgG kappa, ISS stage II, Durie-Salmon stage II (IgG greater than 5 g). ___. On Rev-Dex, stable History of vertebral compression fracture ___. Last skeletal survey in ___ neg. -- holding revlamid while hospitalized and perioperative per outpt onc but cont qthurs 20mg po dex -- Zometa given in ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== [] Consider whether apixaban can be stopped once out of the ___ window (CHADS2VASC score 0) [] Consider starting a different medication for anxiety (such as SSRI), as propranolol was stopped during this admission (at the direction of the EP team, due to his bradycardia) BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ======================= Mr. ___ is a ___ w/ hx early persistent afib s/p unsuccessful DCCV on apixaban, anxiety on propranolol, obesity s/p gastric bypass, OSA, who underwent elective PVI on ___ with post-op course c/b bradycardia and hypotension likely due to beta blockade from AM propranolol dose requiring dopamine, admitted to the CCU for management of hemodynamic instability. He required dopamine gtt initially for bradycardia which was weaned and stopped. #CORONARIES: unknown #PUMP: LVEF 65% #RHYTHM: NSR ACUTE ISSUES: ============= #Hypotension #Tachycardia Labile BPs during procedure, also with post-procedural hemodynamic instability requiring dopamine. Most likely etiology is excess beta blockade after conversion to NSR causing bradycardia and subsequent hypotension post-procedurally vs vasovagal. Unclear etiology of labile BPs during procedure. No lactate sent, patient mentating well on floor and lukewarm on exam less concerning for shock. Afebrile and without localizing symptoms other than nausea and vomiting, which per patient has been ongoing for about a month particularly with water, low concern for occult infection. On AC, unlikely PE, especially w/o desats or tachycardia. Patient was started on dopamine drip but was weaned off. His home propranolol was held, and per EP patient should not resume this medication at this time. He was also discharged with a PPI for one month for esophageal irritation following PVI. #Persistent atrial fibrillation #s/p PVI with conversion to NSR Profoundly symptomatic. HR 50-60s in CCU after procedure, near patient's reported baseline. Etiology of afib unclear per EP outpatient notes. Continued home apixaban. Initially held home propranolol iso bradycardia and per EP did not resume as pt with NSR HR 50-60s. CHRONIC ISSUES: ================ #OSA Not re-evaluated since bypass surgery, which was remote. Monitored O2 overnight, no desaturations noted. #Anxiety: Held home propranolol iso bradycardia. #hx spinal fusion c/b low back pain: Continued Tylenol and home oxy BID:PRN #CODE: FC confirmed #CONTACT/HCP: Wife ___ on ___: The Preadmission Medication list is accurate and complete. 1. Apixaban 5 mg PO BID 2. OxyCODONE (Immediate Release) 5 mg PO BID:PRN Pain - Moderate 3. Propranolol 80 mg PO BID ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with stage III pancreatic adenocarcinoma diagnosed in ___ admitted with acute cholecystitis. # Acute cholecystitis: Patient had evidence of air in the gall bladder and gall bladder wall thickening on outside hospital CT and RUQ U/S. Surgery and GI were consulted, patient preference was to avoid surgical intervention and her fever and abdominal pain resolved with with antibiotics. She recieved Zosyn initially at OSH. On arrival to ___, she was started on IV CTX/flagyl, transitioned to PO cipro/flagyl briefly, but IV antibiotics were then restarted due to n/v and low grade fever. Augmentin was considered for empiric monotherapy, but patient has h/o PCN (rash several years ago, no h/o anaphylaxis). She was ultimately transitioned to PO cefpodoxime/flagyl to complete 2 week course. She was prescribed prn antiemetic and scheduled for follow up with her PCP. # Pancreatic cancer: Locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma, recent imaging showed increase in size of pancreatic mass. Patient expressed desire to avoid chemotherapy and surgical intervention. She reports dietary changes (low sugar diet) are her chosen intervention # IDDM: Patient was continued on her home regimen of glargine and sliding scale humalog. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ ___ female with a history of multiple sclerosis (wheelchair bound, left hemiparesis), systemic lupus erythematous, chronic thrombocytopenia, neurogenic bladder with chronic foley catheter, breast cancer, hypertension, refractory trigeminal neuralgia s/p occipital craniotomy with microvascular decompression complicated by ___ cranial nerve ___ palsies with diplopia and right facial droop, who presented with confusion, decreased responsiveness, and aphasia. #Toxic metabolic encephalopathy: #Multiple Sclerosis: #Complicated Urinary Tract Infection, catheter associated #Functional Quadriplegia On admission, patient was completely mute and unable to speak. CTA head/neck were negative for an acute stroke. Brain MRI did not show any changes to suggest a multiple sclerosis flare. She was found to have a UTI and was treated with ceftriaxone with subsequent complete resolution of her symptoms. The symptoms of confusion and aphasia were thought to be related to the UTI triggered encephalopathy. Urine culture showed klebsiella and proteus, both sensitive to ceftriaxone not sensitive to Cipro or Bactrim. She received 4 days of ceftriaxone, and was transitioned to cefpodoxime on discharge for an additional 6 days to complete a total 10 day course of antibiotics (day 1= ___ day 10= ___. Her foley catheter was changed during this admission. #Neurogenic bladder with foley: #Secondarily progressive, advanced Multiple sclerosis (followed by Dr. ___ for ___: Continued home amantadine, baclofen, lorazepam, tropsium, and oxcarbazepine. #Elevated lactate: Patient was noted to have elevated lactate that did not improve with IVF. Patient was not septic and had stable vital signs, with no fever or chills. There is no history of alcohol abuse or malnutrition to suggest thiamine deficiency. LFT and creatinine were within normal limits. She was monitored clinically. #Hyponatremia The hyponatremia was initially thought to be hypovolemia due to poor PO intake, but did not improve with NS. Sodium resolved without further intervention. #Thrombocytopenia: Chronic. Trended down during the hospital stay. #GERD: Continued home omeprazole and ranitidine. #HTN: Continued home amlodipine, losartan . #SLE: Continued home hydroxychloroquine. #Depression/anxiety: Continued home sertraline. #Home medications: Continued home ascorbic acid, calcium carbonate, miconazole, magnesium oxide. ***TRANSITIONAL ISSUES:*** - Continue cefpodoxime 200 mg BID until ___ - Stopped Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin), please discuss chronic antibiotic for UTI prophylaxis - Follow up with urology for possible suprapubic catheter placement - Please repeat CBC within a week to monitor for platelets, she has worsening of her chronic thrombocytopenia - She was noted to have a skin tear in the abdominal fold, the husband was instructed to keep it dry and use and ointment; please monitor to ensure resolution #CODE: Full (confirmed) #CONTACT: ___ ___: husband Phone number: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is an ___ y/o F with a PMHx of depression and recent lymphocytic meningitis complicated by elevated ICP who presented to the ___ ED on ___ with complaints of subacute onset of headache and decreased exercise tolerance as well as neck pain. In the ED Ms. ___ was evaluated by neurology who recommended MRI head and LP. LP was attempted but unsuccessful in the ED. MRI head w/ and w/o contrast demonstrated narrowing of both transverse sinuses possibly suggestive of pseudotumor cerebri. ECG was also performed to evaluate complaints of decreased exercise tolerance, this returned normal. CXR normal. Ms. ___ was admitted for further evaluation. Upon reaching the medical floor, Ms. ___ headache had resolved. She denied any shortness of breath or neck pain at that time. Due to failure of LP in the ED and resolution of headache while admitted, LP was not pursued. Extensive lab work up was performed to evaluate for etiology of headaches including: serum ___, anti-DS DNA, ___, anti-phospholipid, RF, Anti-Ro, Anti-La, Anti-cardiolipin, ANCA, C3, C4, ACE. Echocardiogram was performed to further rule out cardiac origin of reported decreased exercise tolerance. This returned showing low-normal EF (51%) and was otherwise normal. Laboratory testing return showing increased ___ other studies returned within normal limits. Ms. ___ was informed that some of the labs will take over a week to return and was instructed to follow up these results with her PCP. A LP was recommended to evaluate opening pressure and presence of continued pleocytosis, however patient declined. Ms. ___ ___ neck pain was intermittent and managed with hot packs, she declined other therapy for this including oral analgesia.. Therefore she was discharged on Diamox 1000mg BID to continue outpatient and follow up with Neurology and Neuro-ophthalmology. Due to report of decreased exercise tolerance, ECG and CXR performed and were normal. Echo showed low normal EF of 51% which is low for someone her age and we recommend she follows up with her PCP for monitoring and referral if needed. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female admitted to the acute care service with lower abominal pain. Upon admission, she was made NPO, given intravenous fluids, and underwent radiographic imaging of the abdomen demonstrating a pelvic abscess. She was started on intravenous antibiotics. On HD #2, she underwent placement of an ___ drain into the rigth sided pelvic collection. She drained a small amount of fluid. A culture was obtained which showed no micro-organisms, rare yeast. The drain was discontinued on HD # 4. Her vital signs are stable and she is afebrile. Her white blood cell count is 9.9. She has been started on a regular diet with no complaints of nausea or vomiting. She is preparing for discharge home with follow up with the ___ service in 2 weeks. She will complete her week course of oral antibiotics. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt admitted postop on ___ from rearfoot fusion. Pt tolerated procedure well (see op note for details). Pt was given perioperative dose of Vanco b/c of her MRSA history. Given Pt's PMH, including chronic pain issues ___ her Ethlers-Danlos, a spinal and epidural catheter were placed preop and Acute pain service would follow postop. At the recommendations of APS, Pt was resumed on all of her home meds but started on higher dose of home oxycodone. POD1, epidural cathether was stopped and started Oxycontin 20mg BID, Oxycodone (___) for breakthrough, Toradol x 2 doses PRN with adequate control. Pt seen and cleared by ___ for ___ LLE. Dsg changed on POD3. All incisions c/d/i with minimal swelling. BK cast was placed and Pt was discharged home on POD4 to f/u with Dr. ___ in 10 days. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** #Osteo/abscesses: After throrough workup and review of outside imaging studies, no clear source of infection was identified. Patient underewent ___ drainage of his infection; at time of discharge culture had not identified a causative organism. Although patient experienced back pain, he did not have any No focal neurologic deficits. All blood and tissue cultures are negative to date. Patient was initially treated with IV vancomycin and Unasyn, which was transitioned to Vanc 1gm BID and Ceftriaxone 2mg daily, with plan to treat for 6 week course Patient will need to follow up with ID as an outpatient, and will need weekly labs. #DM: During admission patient kept on sliding scale insulin, with plan to transition to oral metformin once home. #HTN, HLD: Stable. we continued atenolol and simvastatin per home regimen. #GERD: We Continued omeprazole. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ presented electively on ___ for an ACDF of C4-5. Her intraoperative course was uneventful, please refer to the intraoperative note for further details. She was extubated in the OR, an she was placed in a hard cervical. She was transferred to the PACU for close monitoring. Once she was stabilized she was transferred to the neurosurgical floor for continued management. On ___, the patient was doing very well. There were no events over night. Her pain was well controlled and her neurologic exam was stable. She tolerated a PO diet, voided, and ambualted in the halls. She was discharged to home with follow up instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male with history of systolic CHF with CAD s/p CABG, stage III-IV CKD ___nd paranoid schizophrenia, presents from his group home with generalized weakness and upper respiratory symptoms, with concern for pneumonia. # Sepsis- Patient initially presented with and fever (temp of 100.8) and leukocytosis (14.1) on ___ with presumed pulmonary source of infection given his respiratory symptoms, hypoxemia and abnormal CXR. He was started treatment empirically on levofloxacin 750mg Q48 hours for community acquired pneumonia. On the day of admission, patient had several episodes of hypotension (nadir to 98/40) with intermittent episodes of fever. Treated with IV bolus fluids and blood pressure was responsive to fluids. The patient had some intermittent fevers initially, but upon discharge he was afebrile. While he was hypotensive, his home antihypertensive medications were held. By the end of his hospitalization, however, the patient was restarted on his home doses of lasix and metoprolol. All blood and urine cultures are negative to date, making a pulmonary source most likely. # Community Acquired pneumonia: The patient was noted to have opacity at the left lower base, and was also noted to have a new hypoxemia requiring a 3L O2 requirement. He was started on levofloxacin 750 mg q48h (renally dosed) for treatment of community acquired PNA. The patient was sent to rehab to complete a total of 7 day course. The patient was also started on albuterol nebs PRN. He was weaned off his O2 during the course of the hospitalization; upon discharge, the patient was breathing comfortably on room air. He was discharged with PRB nebs. # Chronic systolic CHF (EF 35-40% on echo ___: The patient did not have any signs of volume overload on exam. The patient's metoprolol and furosemide were initially held in the setting of his relative hypotension, but once his pressures improved, he was started on his home medications. Of note, the patient is not currently on an ACE or ___. Consider starting one of these medications as an outpatient to maximize his medication regimen for his heart failure. # CAD s/p CABG and stent: The patient was continued on his aspirin and Plavix while in patient. As mentioned above, his metoprolol was initially held in the setting of low blood pressures; this was restarted prior to discharge. Patient not currently on ACE-I as outpatient and would recommend initation of ACE-I as outpatient with PCP. # Hyperlipidemia: The patient was on simvastatin at home. This was stopped and he was started on pravastatin, as the use of simvastatin and gemfiborzil is contraindicated by FDA recommendations; continued gemfibrozil. # CKD stage III-IV: The patient's creat remained at baseline. He was continued on calcitriol and vitamin D supplementation. # Paranoid schizophrenia: Stable with no mood symptoms. Continued with risperidone and sertraline # Hypertension: The patient's Lasix and metoprolol were initially held given relative hypotension. Upon discharge, his pressures had recovered and the patient was restarted on his lasix and metoprolol. # Insulin Dependent diabetes- The patients home dose of 70/30 insulin was increased from 10 units in the AM and 16 units in the ___ to 18 units in the AM and 12 units in the evening with a humalog insulin slididng scale. The patient still has some elevated FSBGs and his insulin regimen will need to be titrated as an outpatient for optimal glycemic control. # Hypothyroidism: The patient was continued on his home levothyroxine. Transitional Issues: - The patient will need to take one more dose of Levofloxacin tomorrow ___. - The patient's simvastatin was stopped and he was started on pravastatin. - Gabapentin was renally dosed while in house; please continue to renally dose this medication as the patient's renal function changes. - Please monitor the patient's blood pressures. - Would consider starting an ACE ___ as an outpatient for the patient's systolic CHF. - Please check fingersticks, as the patient's insuling regimen was changed slightly during this admission ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted for altered mental status. In the ED she was noted to have a UTI which was treated with antibiotics. Her hospital course, by problem, follows below. . #Altered mental status - In the ED, CXR revealed stable findings from previous and a UA consistent with UTI. Patient was treated with azithromycin and ciprofloxacin and the etiology of her mental status changes was thought to be sequelae from the UTI. Upon transfer to the floor, a more clear story of her changed mental status emerged and, given a supratherapeutic INR, there was concern for ICH. The patient underwent a CT scan which was reassuring that there was no intracranial hemorrhage. Given the absence of ICH and the subtlety of neurological findings, the etiology of her changed mental status was thought to be due to UTI and the neurologic findings were suspected to be her baseline (collatoral information from family confirmed some neuro findings). While seizure with post-ictal state could not be fully excluded, the patient remained without subsequent episodes while in the hospital. Her mental status had returned to her baseline per patient's son by hospital day 2. The patient's Namenda, Mirtazapine, Citalopram, Keppra, and Aricept were continued throughout her stay. . #UTI - the patient was initially treated with ceftriaxone in the emergency department based on culture data from a ___ UTI. Cultures were sent from the floor and revealed no growth but as they were sent after antibiotic dosing, antibiotics were continued. The patient was transitioned to PO cefpodoxime on HD3 and should continue this for a total of 7 days of antibiotics. . #EKG Changes - EKG changes and mental status was initially concerning for a possible new ACS. However,the patient had two sets of negative troponins and an absence of sxs which was reassuring for acute cardiac event. A repeat EKG showed resolution of some t wave flattening that was seen previously. . #Possible pneumonia - Given absence of cough or other respiratory sxs and stable cxr azithromycin was discontinued upon transfer to the floor. . #Supratherapeutic INR - the patients INR was 3.6 at the time of presentation. This was reported to be due to dietary variation in the patient. Coumadin was redosed daily based on INR checks. The patient should continue taking coumadin as described with regular INR checks. . #Dispo - ___ evaluated the patient and determined that she would benefit from ___ rehabilitation. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year-old male with hx of metastatic gastric cancer, s/p multiple abdominal surgeries, and s/p intra-abdominal chemo/XRT who presented to the ED after his G-tube fell out and was admitted with sepsis, likely from intra-abdominal source. . # Hypotension/Sepsis: The patient presented to the ED with frank pus extravastating from his G-tube site and hypotension. CT abd/pelvis revealed an intra-abdominal rim-enhancing fluid collection. Based upon abdominal imaging and clinical picture, he was diagnosed with sepsis. Early goal therapy was initiated. He was covered with broad spectrum antibiotics (vanc, cefepime, flagyl) in addition to anti-fungal therapy with micafungin since he had been receiving TPN. He required pressure support with leveophed, which was eventually weaned. CT body and ___ were consulted for potential drain(s) replacement, and a new G-tube. He would have required multiple procedures and general anesthesia. After a goals of care discussion with his wife, he was made DNR/DNI with treatment goals for symptom and sepsis management. He was transferred to the floor in stable condition. Blood culture from ___ was positive for lactobacillus. Surveillance blood cultures drawn after that time were negative. The patient was closely followed by the Infectious Disease consult team, and antibiotic/antifungal coverage was gradually narrowed. He remained hemodynamically stable, but did have several spikes in temperature to as high as 101.5 while on the floor. The most likely source for his fever was felt to be persistent intra-abdominal infection, with limited antibiotic penetrance into abdominal fluid collection. The patient again declined any surgical or ___ drainage of the fluid collection, as his goal was to be discharged home with hospice care. He was discharged home on ceftriaxone, and per ID he will need to be on this antibiotic indefinitely. He was afebrile at the time of discharge, hemodynamically stable, and feeling well. He was instructed to take acetaminophen as needed for pain/fever, but advised not to take more than 4g of acetaminophen per day. . #. Metastatic gastric cancer: The patient had been on hospice previously, however per oncology and surgery providers who know him, consistency in goals of care has been difficult. At time of discharge, the patient was again to receive hospice care at home. He is not currently receiving chemotherapy. He will continue to use a dilaudid PCA for pain control, and will receive IVFs through his portacath. He will no longer receive TPN at home, but is able to tolerate a clear liquid diet. He will continue to take prochlorperazine as needed for nausea. . # Anemia: Patient's baseline HCT prior to admission was in mid 20___. There was no evidence of acute bleeding during his hospital course. He was transfused one unit PRBCs while in the ICU. His HCT remained stable, around ___, while he was on the medical oncology floor. He had some episodes of tachycardia, but otherwise remained hemodynamically stable. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o F with GERD and delayed gastric emptying, presenting with ___ days of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. . # Abd pain/diarrhea: Appeared consistent with viral syndrome, possibly secondary to history of potentially undercooked meat, 1 hr prior to onset of symptoms. CT abdomen was mainly notable for abnormal appearance of hepatic vasculature, reported as possibly consistent with vasculitis. LFTs were normal, but lipase was somewhat elevated. There was no radiographic evidence of pancreatitis. Her symptoms were all improving by the time she arrived on the floor. She was continued on her home omeprazole and metocloproamide. On the day of discharge, she was tolerating a regular diet without significant pain or nausea. Her primary gastroenterologist was contacted and the patient was discharged with follow up with her outpatient GI provider. . # Iron deficiency anemia: Limited OSH records indicate patient's Hct was in low 30's earlier this ___. Denies menorrhagia or BRBPR. Reports colonoscopy in recent years--does not recall any abnormalities. Was guaiac negative in ED. Hct remained stable during the hospitalization. . # GERD: Continued home PPI . # Gastroparesis: Continued home Reglan . # ETOH: Pt reports 3 drinks/day. Family member reports that patient may be under-reporting. No history of withdrawal symptoms or hospitalizations for etoh abuse. No signs of withdrawal during this hospitalization. Last drink was six days prior to admission. She was monitored with a CIWA scale, and was counseled regarding her excessive etoh use and its effect on her chronic gastrointestinal issues. . # Tobacco abuse: Was treated with nicotine patch . # CODE: Full code for duration of hospitalization ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to the Transplant Surgery Service following a diagnostic laparoscopic converted to open segment VIII liver resection and cholecystectomy ___ for a liver nodule concerning for HCC in segment VIII. Please see separate operative dictation for details of this procedure. Postoperatively, he was taken to the PACU where he remained stable, and was subsequently transferred to the floor. Early on POD 1 he was febrile to 102, so urine cultures and blood cultures were sent and a CXR was performed that showed a right lower lung consolidation likely representing a combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, but infectious process in the right lower lobe could not be excluded. Urine output decreased and IV fluid boluses were given with good response. Hematocrit was checked and was stable at 32.6. Urine electrolytes were checked and FeNa was calculated to be 0% and FeUrea was calculated at 21.4%. Diet was advanced to clears. Early on POD 2, he was again febrile to 102 and tachy to 112. Urine and blood cultures were sent, and a stat liver duplex was performed that showed a normal doppler assessment of the hepatic vasculature, trace perihepatic fluid at the dome, and in ___'s pouch. A small right pleural effusion, and a coarsened liver echotexture consistent with known cirrhosis was also noted. CXR was repeated and showed substantial interval increase in the right pleural effusion that was concerning for intra-abdominal process, and a left mid-lower lung opacity most likely reflecting lingular atelectasis that was unchanged since the prior study. In the late afternoon on POD 2, he was febrile again to 102.4 and was tachycardic to 116. A CT Torso was done to evaluate for an intra-abdominal or intra-thoracic process causing the patient to have his ongoing SIRS picture. The CT showed no intra-abdominal abnormality to explain fevers, lobar atelectasis of the RLL with moderate effusion and non-specific colonic wall thickening. A pulmonary consult was obtained and recommendations were to continue incentive spirometry and oob/ambulate. IV Vancomyin and Zosyn were started on ___ and continued thru ___. On postop day 4, abdomen was less distended and diet was advanced to regular. Foley was removed and he was able to urinate. JP drain output increased to 1455cc. Serum sodium was 136. IV fluid hydration was stopped. He remained afebrile. JP drain fluid was sent for cell count with WBC of 1825 and poly 18. Vanco and Zosyn were switched to Ceftriaxone on postop day 6 (on ___. JP drain output continued to increase to as high as 2 liters per day. He was given Albumin 12.5 grams a couple times. Serum albumin was 2.6. LFTs decreased from postop elevation and stabilized. Given high JP output, a liver duplex was done on postop day 7 to evaluate for portal vein thrombus. Duplex demonstrated patent hepatic vasculature and trace ascites. On postop day 10, fluid was sent from the JP for cell count demonstrating 6900 with 11 polys. The JP drain was removed and diuretics started (Aldactone 50mg qd, Lasix 20mg qd). Incision and old JP drain site remained clean and dry. Abdomen was mildly distended. Weight was 79.8 on ___. preop weight from ___ was 87.6 and 81.66 on postop day 0. He was passing flatus and had BMs on postop day 4 and 8. Colace, senna and MiraLax were administered. Pain was initially managed with morphine iv which was changed to Oxycodone on postop day 4 when he was tolerating a diet. On postop day 11, vital signs were stable. He felt well enough to go home. Pain was controlled with Oxycodone. He instructed to decrease oxycodone to prevent constipation. He was averaging 10mg every 4 hours the day prior to discharge. All blood and urine cultures were finalized as negative from ___ and ___. Upon discharge, IV Ceftriaxone was discontinued and Ciprofloxacin started. He was to take 500mg bid for one week then decrease to 500 mg daily for SBP prophylaxis. Follow up with set for ___. He was instructed to have labs draw just prior to this visit. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o M with PMHx of cholelithiasis, who presented with RUQ pain, imaging showing cholelithiasis and CBD dilation, lab work c/w cholestasis. # Bile Duct Obstruction, Cholelithiasis: S/p sphincterotomy with stone extraction. T.bili downtrended after procedure. However, pt continued to have ongoing RUQ pain, worse after meals. Surgery was consulted for consideration of inpatient CCY; however, they felt that risk of having to convert to open procedure was too high. ___ was consulted for perc chole placement however a follow up RUQ U/S here revealed a contracted gallbladder and multiple stones - making a perc chole technically difficult. Patient was thus admitted under acute care surgery, and it was decided to take patient to the OR to perform lap chole on ___. Patient tolerated the procedure well. On POD1, patient started to pass gas. Patient was tolerating regular diet. Patient denies nausea/vomiting/fever/chills. On POD2, patient denies abdominal pain. Patient was found to be ready for discharge. Patient will follow-up with acute care clinic in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ with history of HIV on ART (CD4>500, VL 100s) and rheumatoid arthritis on etanercept (discontinued in ___ who presented with rash. #Hypersensitivity rash Initially presented with concern for disseminated zoster. The patient was briefly on IV acyclovir. She was evaluated by both dermatology and ID who felt that rash was NOT consistent with Zoster. Dermatology raised the concern for scabies and the patient was treated with permethin x1. She underwent skin biopsy with preliminary report showing no evidence of scabies and was consistent with a hypersensitivity reaction. She was started on triamcinolone and feoxfandine for symptomatic treatment. Final biopsy is pending on discharge. #HIV, asymptomatic ON ART, no changes made - consider outpatient hepatitis serologies, RPR and treatment for latent TB #Rheumatoid arthritis - continue outpatient follow up Transitional issues: - Please remove sutures in 2 weeks - Consider outpatient hepatitis B/C serologies and quantaferon gold - Would consider treatment for latent TB - Biopsy results are pending on discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year-old lady with NSCLC metastatic to CNS (s/p ___ and to paraspinal region who presented with uncontrolled back/right thorax pain in setting of RUL/paraspinal mass invading into right ___ to 8th ribs. # Small bowel obstruction: Hospital course was complicated by SBO. NGT was placed early am of ___ and obstruction resolved by ___. NGT now removed and she is tolerating full diet well. The patient did complain of some possible vomiting later it the hospitalization but it appeared to just be thick secretions and was evaluated by speech therapy who concurred and did not see any signs of aspiration. # Constipaton: Patient with large stool burden noted on CT scan. In setting of increasing opioid regimen will need to pursue aggressive bowel regimen. We used daily miralax, colace, senna and bisacodyl. #Acute neoplasia related pain #Right paraspinal muscular involvement #Right pathological rib fractures: Pain was not controlled with oxycodone at home but initially responded fairly well to equivalent doses or oral hydromorphone. Started MS contin on ___ with good effect in addition to dilaudid ___ mg as needed. Oral analgesics were held in setting of SBO, but were resumed upon resolution. Radiation oncology deferred radiation treatment given large treament area, possible side effects, and patient preference. # Falls: Several falls at home over the last few months. Last was about a month ago. Some may have been medication induced. Otherwise due to fatigue, weakness and pain. She remains quite debilitated and will require SNF discharge for safety and continued rehabilitation. #Cancer cachexia: #Severe malnutrition: Loss >15 lbs in <1 month. We continued dexamethasone 1mg daily and nutrition was consulted. #Metastatic NSCLC: Recurrence known since MR in ___, with biopsy on ___. No metastatic disease on CT abdomen. We continued levetiracetam for ppx given CNS disease. Current not a candidate for systemic treatment due to poor performance status and need for rehab. In preparation for possible use of pemetrexed in the future., she received 1000mcg B12 SQ on ___ and we started 1mg folate daily. A brain MRI was done for evaluate of prior metastatic disease as she had missed several outpatient appointments. She will follow up with her neuro oncologist and primary oncologist as an outpatient. # Bacteruria: Initial UA on ___ grew alpha hemolytic bacteria. She had no symptoms and repeat UA on ___ was clean. She was not treated with antibiotics. #HTN: Her home amlodipine and benazepril were initially held. We resumed amlodipine 5mg daily after SBO resolved. She was persistently hypertensive, so captopril was added (as benazepril is non-formulary). She did have hypertensive urgency the night of ___. A head CT was done and unchanged and her blood pressure improved without intervention. Her home regimen was restarted on discharge. #Code Status: DNAR/DNI. A prior MOLST could not be found so a new one was filled out with the patient on discharge. Greater than 30 minutes spent discharge planning. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yo F with h/o EtOH cirrhosis c/b portal HTN and bleeding varices, s/p TIPS (___) and h/o ischemic bowel s/p right colectomy and ileostomy reversal (___), who recently relapsed with drinking who presented with upper GI bleed. #GI BLEED: Ms. ___ was admitted to the MICU where she had an emergent EGD for suspicion of upper GI bleed. EGD showed a 1cm non-bleeding marginal ulcer at the site of the gastro-jejunal anastomasis from her prior Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as the most likely cause of her GI bleed. Given h/o portal hypertensive gastropathy and variceal bleeds, she had RUQ abdominal ultrasound which showed that TIPS was patent with no ascites/splenomegaly. She received 4 units of blood total, and her HCT bumped from 20 to 26 following transfusion. She had one more episode of black stool and large BRBPR while in the MICU on HD #2, no further episodes after this. She initially received Octreotide on admission, this was DC'd once lower suspicion for variceal bleed. EGD showed nonbleeding ulcer at GJ anastomosis which was likely source of bleed. She was initially on pantoprazole gtt, later switched to pantoprazole 40mg IV BID and Carafate susp 2gm BID. She also received 3-day course of Ceftriaxone for SBP prophylaxis. Her home spironolactone and Lasix were held in MICU in setting of GI bleed. Heparin prophylaxis was held in MICU given recent GI bleed. Patient was then transferred to the floor where her hct remained stable. On discharge, she will take 3 days of Cipro 500mg BID for SBP prophylaxis, will continue carafate, increase her home PPI dose from qd to bid. She will have labs re-checked and faxed to liver clinic on ___ to assure her hct remains stable. . # ALCOHOLIC CIRRHOSIS: The patient's home furosemide, spironolactone were held in setting of GI bleed. Her lactulose was held in MICU per her preference. . #ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL: At admission to the MICU, the patient reported a fear of going into alcohol withdrawal even though her last drink was just on the morning of her admission. The patient did not score per CIWA while in MICU, so it was discontinued. She received her home folate, multivitamins, and thiamine. Patient was interested in outpt program to stop drinking. Spoke with social work. . #THROMBOCYTOPENIA: The patient's platelet count at admission was 92 and decreased to 58 on ___. The thrombocytopenia could be secondary to decreased production by a hypocellular bone marrow as seen in cirrhosis, but is most likely dilutional given the patient's transfusion with several units of pRBCs. . #ACID-BASE DISTURBANCE: The patient had an initial AG of 21. Her AG metabolic acidosis could be secondary to alcoholic or starvation ketoacidosis. Based on her initial blood gas, the patient also had a primary respiratory alkalosis, likely secondary to hyperventilation from her anxiety. She also had a primary metabolic alkalosis, likely secondary to volume contraction alkalosis given her GI bleed. Her AG closed over the course of her hospitalization. . #ANXIETY: Ms. ___ received Lorazepam prn for her anxiety. . #RASH: The patient's rash was serpiginous in appearance, most c/w tinea corporis (with many overlying excoriations). She received Clotrimazole cream and oral fluconazole for treatment of her rash. Will need outpatient derm follow up given severity and chronicity of rash. Wanted to see derm in clinic in ___, provided contact information. . #DEPRESSION: The patient was continued on her home gabapentin. . #HYPOTHYROIDISM: The patient was continued on her home levothyroxine sodium. . TRANSITIONS OF CARE: -will have cbc/chem10/coags/LFTs checked on ___ and faxed to liver clinic -wil be seen in liver clinic as outpt -will take Cipro 500mg PO bid x3 days -changed PPI dosing from qd to bid, will need to be changed back to qd as outpt -started carafate, may need to be d/c'ed as outpatient ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** # BRBPR: Patient came with reports of BRBPR in setting of suprtherapeutic INR likely hemorrhoidal. EGD and colonscopy performed that identified no other source for bleeding per GI. While in the ED, the patient was given FFP and Vit K with reversal of INR seen while waiting for colonscopy/EGD. Her Hct was stable throughout admission with no evidence of any blood in her stools and otherwise asymptomatic besides occasional abdominal pain (see below). Pt recommended continue follow-up with GI for future colonscopy with long prep likely needed in the future. Follow-up with PCP setup following discharge. . # Abdominal pain: Patient reports chronic pain due to fibromylagia with pain during admission consistent with her normal pain. No evidence of obstruction or acute abdomen noted during admission. Infectious work-up including UA was negative with no vaginal discharge or leukocytosis. Pain not associated with periods. LFTs normal Last EGD ___ showed non-erosive gastritis. CTA of pelvis ___ showed no abdominal pathology but did show adhesions. However, while prepping for colonoscopy, patient did state improvement in her abdominal pain so could be a component of chronic constipation. . *** Chronic Diagnoses *** . # PEs - Patient has a history of 2 PEs (one provoked). INR has been difficult to manage. Patient recieved FFP and Vitamin K as above with reversal noted. For bridging therapy, heparin drip was initially started prior to colonoscopy/EGD procedure. After procedure, patient was started on Lovenox bridge while being restarted on home Coumadin dosing. Pt instructed to continue Lovenox shots and follow-up with ___ clinic as arranged for INR check shortly after discharge. . # ___ edema Unclear etiology, which has been ongoing for several weeks. DDx includes venous stasis, CHF and DVT. ___ was negative. No events over the tele. Patient reports schedule for outpatient holter for palpitations and stress test. Pt sent directly to cardiology for Holter montior and further work-up as previously established by cardiology on outpt basis. . # Fibromyalgia and chronic pain: Stable, see above abdominal pain. Continued home oxycodone, tizanidine, flexeril without complaint. # Depression/anxiety: Stable on home seroquel, bupropion, lorazepam . # HTN: Stable on home lisinopril . *** Transitional Issues *** . - GI recommended repeat colonscopy in the future for further evaluation because of length of her colon and need for more adequate prep despite receiving 3L or more of Moviprep prior to procedure . - Patient was counseled numerous times and stated that she could have her mother or another relative assist who were already trained to assist her in getting her Lovenox shots. Verbalized understanding of risk of not having the shots while achieving therapeutic INR. . - Pt set to follow-up with ___ clinic for dose adjustments and INR check. Pt has issues with compliance while on warfarin, may benefit from meds like dabigatran where monitoring less but must weigh risks/benefits. . - * Patient had appointment to pick-up Holter for history of palpitations on day of discharge so patient sent to cardiology to pick it up. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with DM type 2, HTN, and a history of non-healing chronic L heel wound who is transferred to ___ for ongoing podiatric care, with concern for osteomyelitis. ACTIVE ISSUES: ========================== #Chronic L heel ulcer #Osteomyelitis #Strep Viridans acute bloodstream infection: Pt has a history or non-heeling left heel ulcer which has now been excised multiple times. He had both clinical (probing to bone) and radiographic findings of osteomyelitis. Was found to have bacteremia at ___, but with negative cultures since. He underwent bedside I&D ___ by podiatry, then OR debridement ___. on POD #2, he had a Bivalve boot placed, which should stay in place at least until podiatry follow up. Tissue from the OR grew coagulase negative Staph in small numbers, but given the chronicity of his ulcer, it was felt reasonable to treat this. His white count and inflammatory markers were monitored during hospitalization. An echocardiogram was obtained which did not show any evidence of vegetation. He will continue on Vancomycin, Ceftriaxone, and Flagyll, to complete a 6 week course (___). OPAT follow up at ___ will be arranged. #Urinary retention. Reportedly pt had acute urinary retention at ___ requiring placement of Foley. This has now resolved and he is voiding without issue. Denies history of BPH. He was continued on Tamsulosin, which was started at ___. #Elbow pain. Pt developed subacute onset R elbow pain associated with swelling, erythema, and warmth while at ___ which continued at ___. Low concern for septic joint as he is afebrile and symptoms seem to improving with minimal intervention, but this remains on differential given previous bacteremia. Other possible etiologies include olecranon bursitis, epicondylitis, crystal deposition disease. Pain and range of motion improved with no intervention. He refused ultrasound to evaluate for fluid collection/abscess # primary HTN # DM2 with neuropathy Chronic stable issues during hospitalization TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -To receive 6 week course of Vancomycin, Ceftriaxone, and Metronidazole (___) -Antibiotics plan per infectious disease team at ___. All questions regarding outpatient parenteral antibiotics after discharge should be directed to the ___ R.N.s at ___ or to the on-call ID fellow when the clinic is closed. -Labs to be checked weekly: CBC with differential, BUN, Cr, AST, ALT, Total Bili, ALK PHOS, Vancomycin trough, ESR, CRP -Stitches will be removed at next appointment with Podiatry. -Should be non-weight bearing on L foot until Podiatry follow up, possibly longer. -Pt had Bivalve boot placed ___. This should remain in place at least until Podiatry follow up -Monitor for right elbow pain. Patient had acute right elbow pain during hospitalization, which self-resolved. If this returns, however, would consider septic joint. -Tamsulosin started this hospitalization for acute urinary retention at ___ # CODE: Full (confirmed with patient) # CONTACT: Wife, ___, ___ ***.