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What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted to ___ on ___ and had a stereotactic frame placed in pre-op with Dr. ___. She then went to MRI and had brain imaging. Following this she was taken to the operating room where under MAC she had a new left sided DBS lead placed. She tolerated the procedure well and was brought to the PACU post-operatively for further management. She remained stable, had a noncontrast CT scan of the head which showed no acute intracranial abnormality, and she was transferred to the floor. On ___ she underwent an MRI scan of the Brain. Prior to the scan her right sided DBS generator was turned off. Following the MRI her right sided generator was turned back on to 2.0 volts 210 pulse wave and 60 Hertz as per her prior settings. She was deemed fit for discharge and on the afternoon of ___ was discharged to home with instructions for followup and relevant medications. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ ___ man with high risk MDS and chronic diastolic heart failure recently admitted for several days of hemoptysis and CT showing ? PNA vs. other process found to have a positive AFB smear from ___, who presented to clinic ___ with fever and SOB, s/p ICU transfer for Afib with RVR improved with Dilt/metoprolol, now hemodynamically stable in NSR sputum +klebsiella. #Afib with RVR: Transferred to ICU on ___ for this, now converted to sinus and hemodynamically stable since then. Cardiology following. TTE with no evidence of pericardial effusion. Resumed home metoprolol with holding parameters. #Fever/SOB: Recent admission with chest CT ___ showing LL predominant multifocal consolidations c/f multifocal infection v. vasculitis v. COPD v. pulmonary infarcts. He was treated for HCAP. Sputum sample ___ grew AFB, repeat samples neg now off TB precautions. Beta glucan level also highly elevated on ___. However, most recent B-glucan is negative without a clear therapy. Has had ongoing intermittent productive cough. CT chest ___ shows rapid progression of pulmonary infection. He is growing klebsiella on his sputum cultures which could certainly account for his interval change on imaging and it appears to have been somewhat high grade as is on three different cultures despite therapy. Per pulmonary recs, should obtain chest CT 2 weeks after treatment for klebsiella to evaluate for possible secondary infectious process. If no improvement or significant residual disease per imaging, bronchoscopy would then be indicated. Pulmonary also recommended evaluation for aspiration risk given distribution of disease but this may be difficult to obtain due to TB precautions. -crypto antigen in blood and urine histo negative -ceftazidime (___) then changed to ceftriaxone to complete 14d course ___, off ___ and vanco since ___ -appreciate ID recs-see note AFB unlikely at this point, negative sputums x3 -repeat CT chest 2 weeks after most recent -weekly fungal markers -IgG level 796 on ___ #Acute on chronic diastolic heart failure: BNP on admission was elevated at 4800 and patient was mildly volume overloaded on exam the afternoon of ___, resumed home lasix. CXR ___ shows mild pulmonary edema; however, repeat ___ in the setting of worsening SOB showed progressive pulmonary edema w/ bilateral effusions. Continues on home regimen of lasix 40mg BID and baseline crackles at b/l bases. -Lasix IV x 1 on ___, consider repeat dose if no improvement -telemetry for continuous 02 monitoring -monitoring strict I/Os #Coagulopathy: Likely vit K deficient, received PO vitamin K. Low suspicion for inhibitor but we checked a mixing study since if he did have an inhibitor with worsened hemoptysis treatment would be different. -vitamin K 5mg x 1 on ___ and ___ -f/u mixing study -restarted prophylactic heparin daily dosing and when checking PTT, this should be done peripherally (not from his port) #HR MDS: He has been maintained on dacogen for about a year now, currently on C14 so holding now in the setting of active infection. Exjade on hold while inpatient. -transfuse to maintain hgb > 7, -will need Lasix prn with transfusions #Acute on chronic kidney disease: CKD stage III attributed to HTN and vascular disease. Cr slightly above baseline of 1.4-1.6 though downtrending since admission. Possibly in the setting of volume overload. -Lasix as above -Trend Cr -Avoid nephrotoxins -Hold lisinopril #Hernia: Etiology likely due to previous abdominal surgery in ___ ? incisional-related. No abdominal discomfort or tenderness. We will continue to monitor closely #HTN: -Continue metoprolol with holding parameters -Hold lisinopril given acute on chronic renal failure #CAD: Continue ASA 81 # FEN: No IVF, replete electrolytes, regular diet # Prophylaxis: SQ heparin daily # Access: Port # Communication: ___ (___) # Code: Full (confirmed) # Disposition: home, to complete 1wk course of ceftriaxone outpatient, f/u next week ___ or sooner if issues arise ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ presented w/ a nonhealing L ___ toe ulceration. The patient states that he had had a small ulceration prior to his angioplasty in ___, and that this has continued to worsen. He was placed on antibiotics on admission and heparin gtt. He was brought to the Endovascular Suite for lower extremity angioplasty and then to the OR for debridement of the wound base. Please see the dictated operative notes for further details of the patient's procedure, but briefly, the in stent stenosis at the AK pop and he underwent an angioplasty for the same. He then underwent debridement with podiatry. He was continued on heparin and then transitioned to Coumadin. The plastic surgery team was following him as an outpt and was notified of his admission. They will see him on follow up. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to ___ on ___ for an elective right total hip replacement. Pre-operatively, he was consented, prepped, and brought to the operating room. Intra-operatively, he was closely monitored and remained hemodynamically stable. He tolerated the procedure well without any complication. Post-operatively, he was transferred to the PACU and floor for further recovery. On the floor, he remained hemodynamically stable with his pain was controlled. He progressed with physical therapy to improve his strength and mobility. He was discharged in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was given R femoral block for R TKA and then surgery was cancelled secondary to an elevated WBC and Hct. Patient was admitted for ___ clearance secondary to femoral block. On POD 1 - patient had an unwitnessed fall when getting up from the commode and hit the back of her head/neck/shoulders. Neurologically intact. c/o HA 6 hrs later, head CT WNL. Patient failed to ascend/descend stairs safely on POD ___ femoral block. Patient was discharged to home on POD. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with ESRD on PD, CAD s/p CABG, CVAs, and depression presented with weakness, poor PO intake, and diarrhea. # ESRD on dialysis: During the admission the patient was switched from peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis due to difficulty with doing PD at home. A tunneled IJ placed ___, and was revised ___. She underwent HD without difficulty and will get dialysis every ___ as an outpatient. In addition, transplant surgery consulted and recommended that the patient follow up with them as an outpatient to remove the PD catheter and place an AV fistula. The patient underwent upper extremity vein mapping during her stay. Her LEFT ARM should be preserved for AV fistula. # Weakness/fatigue: The patient complained of chronic fatigue and weakness on admission. The etiology was most likely multifactorial, including depression, anemia, poor nutrition, uremia, hypovolemia, C.diff infection. Her TSH was normal. The patient's weakness seemed to improve during admission with treatment of her C. difficile, starting HD, continuing sertraline, and improvement in her PO intake. # Orthostatic hypotension: The patient had orthostatic hypotension throughout admission, with reported dizziness when standing and when turning head. The patient had been experiencing these symptoms for many months. The hypotension did not improve with better fluid status once starting HD and stopping the diarrhea, nor did it improve with better PO intake. AM cortisol level was normal, thus not likely adrenal insufficiency. Started meclizine to prevent dizziness. Was treated with fludrocortisone and midodrine in an attempt to improve her orthostasis. There was some minor improvement with uptitration of her doses of midodrine and fludrocortisone. However patient continues to be orthostatic though improved. Patient was advised to wear compression hose to help with this, however, refused due to discomfort with them. Patient was also closely monitored during transfers to avoid falls. These precautions should continued to be in place to avoid falls as she becomes symptomatic upon standing (light-headedness/dizziness). There is also room to uptitrate her medication (fludrocortisone/midodrine) to help with her orthostasis should she remain symptomatic. She should also continued to be advised to wear compression hose when transferring from sitting to standing position. She should sleep in a propped-up position and avoid lying flat during the day as part of autonomic training to prevent orthostasis. # Diarrhea: The patient on admission complained of several days of diarrhea. Her C. difficile test was positive, and she was treated with ten days of metronidazole, finished ___. On ___ continued to have diarrhea. Was restarted on metronidazole, ___. Repeat C.diff testing was negative. Patient should complete 10 day course of metronidazole (last day ___. # Depression: Pt reports feeling depressed since her CABG in ___, with worsened symptoms since her CVA. Started on sertraline at last admission in early ___. Mood seemed to improve during her admission. # Diabetes: Pt with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes. During admission titrated down her evening glargine from 25 to 10 units due to morning hypoglycemia. In addition, patient was on sliding scale of humalog insulin. Finger-stick blood sugars remained between 109-200 on this regimen from ___, she did not require any sliding scale doses over this time period. Finger-sticks were checked 4x daily. Adjustments to her glargine/sliding scale doses should be made as indicated by her blood-sugar checks. # Anemia: Iron studies during last admission consistent with anemia of chronic disease. Iron studies from this admission revealed low (but improved) iron levels to 28, high ferritin, low TIBC consistent with anemia of chronic disease. Prior to admission on ___ received 20,000 units epogen; on ___ she received 3000 units due to low blood counts. In her outpatient clinic she should continue to get epogen and may benefit from iron infusions. # History of CVA: continued on ASA and clopidogrel. # HLD: continued atorvastatin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Pt prior to admission got Epogen 20,000 units on ___. Here received 3,000 units on ___. Will need to continue epogen injections at outpatient HD, DOSE TO BE ADJUSTED BASE ON PATIENTS HEMOGLOBIN. - Iron studies revealed low iron levels of 28. ___ need IV iron at HD. - Will need to follow up with transplant surgery as outpatient for removal of PD catheter and placement of AV fistula. - Altered insulin regimen during admission, decreased her evening glargine from 25 to 10 units due to morning hypoglycemia. She should follow up with her PCP for further management. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** On ___ Ms. ___ was admitted to the neurosurgical service and under general anesthesia underwent a pipeline embolization of a L ICA aneurysm. She tolerated the procedure well, groin angiosealed, was extubated and transferred to the Neuro ICU in stable condition. Neurologically she remained grossly intact. On ___ She was voiding independently, ambulating independently, and tolerating an advanced diet. She was discharged home on aspiring and plavix with instructions for follow up. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yo with recent admission for acute gastroenteritisis, NSETMI ___ without intervention, hx of CAD, HTN, COPD, breast ca s/p mastectomy with ___ presented to ___ with severe SOB on ___. Her Trop peaked to 5 on ___ and she had ST depressions in I, aVL, v4-v5. . #. CAD: NSTEMI with peak of Trop on ___. Seems that patient did not elect for intervention until recently. As this was a large infarct as evident by her Troponin elevation and her second NSTEMI in ___ year, deemed best to intervene. Patient underwent a cardiac catheterization with placement of BMS to LAD X2 on ___. She was continued on ASA 325mg daily, Plavix 75mg daily, Metoprolol 12.5mg PO BID. She was not treated with Heparin as it was >48H since her NSTEMI. She did not have any episodes of CP or SOB during admission. . #. Pump: EF 39% (___) on stress test-50% (___) on TTE. Patient should have a repeat echo in 6 weeks. . #. Rhythm: Normal sinus rhythm . # HTN: Continued Imdur 60 mg daily and held ___ in the setting of acute renal insufficiency. . # Depression/ anxiety: Continued Paxil 10mg daily and Ativan 0.5mg PO prn . # Breast cancer: continued Tamoxifen . # CRI: Patient was hydrated and given mucomyst pre-cath with good effect as her creatinine did not elevated and was 1.5 at discharge. . # Prophylaxis/GERD: changed PPI to H2B as Plavix was started . #. Code: full (confirmed, though this is a recent change) . #. Communication: Next of Kin: ___ Relationship: DAUGHTER Phone: ___ Other Phone: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A/P: ___ yo M with CKD, DM2, s/p LUL lobectomy, and s/p recent BKA admitted with nausea, vomiting and chest pain. Hospital course by problem. # Chest pain: The patient had pain in the low chest and epigastrum following nausea and vomiting, in the setting of very high blood pressures. His CTA was negative for free air, PE and aortic dissection. His cardiac enzymes, LFTs and pancreatic enzymes were normal, given that his troponin was at his baseline. The most likely explanation is that he had severe nausea and vomiting leading to secondary chest pain and hypertension. This idea is supported by the location of his pain, the fact the pain follows nausea and vomiting, and that it was best treated with toradol. Other possibilities included angina without infarction, gastritis or gastroparesis. His symptoms were very atypical for angina. However, given his history of diabetes and peripheral vascular disease, he should have a pharmacologic stress test at some point to assess for coronary artery disease. He notes that he has had nausea and vomiting as the only symptom of bacteremia in the past, but two sets of blood cultures were negative until the time of discharge. The final results were pending. His pain was controlled with toradol and low doses of IV dilaudid for breakthrough. By hospital day 2 he was no longer requiring pain medications. He was given one dose of IV pantoprazole for possible gastritis, and then continued on PO omeprazole. # Nausea and vomiting: It is unclear why the patient had sudden-onset, repetitive vomiting. The most likely cause would be a food-borne toxin, though it is odd that he was able to eat again so soon after his symptoms resolved, and that he mostly vomited phlegm. He does not have signs of continuing infection. It seems unlikely that angina could provoke such violent vomiting, but if he has repeated symptoms associated with exertion that resolve at rest, he should consider further cardiac work-up. His symptoms were not associated with eating, making gastroparesis less likely. He did benefit from taking Reglan, and was given a prescription for Reglan to be used as needed at home. # Hypertension: The patient had blood pressures up to 200/120 in the setting of nausea, vomiting and chest pain. His very high blood pressures appeared to be secondary to his symptoms, and resolved with treatment of the pain and nausea. He did remain hypertensive (for a diabetic especially) with a heartrate in the ___, and his metoprolol dose was increased to 50mg BID. # DM2: Patient reports that he has not been able to seen his PCP for management of his diabetes in over a year because of multiple hospital admissions. His HbA1c was 6.5%, showing good control, so he was kept on his regimen of lantus, 12 units at night. He has an appointment this ___ with his PCP. # Asthma: The patient was continued on albuterol as needed. He had been on cromolyn according to an old pulmonary note from Dr. ___, but the patient reports this was stopped. He seems to be managing well with the albuterol. # Chronic renal failure: Likely associated with the diabetes. His creatinine is currently at his baseline. # Anemia: The patient has a microcytic anemia. Iron studies in ___ were consistent with anemia of chronic disease. If he is consistently anemic, these studies could be repeated to see if iron repletion could be helpful. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ y/o woman with T2DM, fibromyalgia, GERD, hypothyroidism who p/w palpitations, found to have unstable AVNRT. On presentation the patient's heart rates were found to be in the 170s-180s with associated hypotension to the ___. Given persistent SVT, she was given adenosine with return to normal sinus rhythm. Her labs were notable for a hepatocellular injury with ALT/AST: ___ likely secondary to hypotension. The patient was evaluated by the electrophysiology cardiology team, who recommended an AVNRT ablation. The patient's LFTs improved, and her heart rate remained in normal sinus rhythm. She was discharged home with plan to follow up with outpatient EP for an AVNRT ablation. ============== ACTIVE ISSUES: ============== # AV Nodal Reentry Tachycardia: The patient presented with palpitations and her heart rates were found to be in the 170s-180s with associated hypotension to the ___. Given persistent SVT, she was given adenosine with return to normal sinus rhythm. The patient was evaluated by the electrophysiology cardiology team, who recommended an AVNRT ablation. The patient was scheduled for an ablation on ___. Amlodipine and losartan were held in the setting of hypotension. Amlodipine was restarted upon discharge. # Hepatitis: Her labs on admission were notable for a hepatocellular injury with ALT/AST: ___ likely secondary to hypotension due to AVNRT as above. ALT/AST improved to 349/330 on day of discharge. # Hyperthyroidism: The patient was found to have a TSH of 0.08. She has had difficulty with her levothyroxine dosing as an outpatient due to need for frequent adjustments. Her does was decreased to levothyroxine 112mcg daily, and her TSH should be followed-up as an outpatient. ============== CHRONIC ISSUES: ============== # Diabetes Mellitus: Levemir was decreased from 30 units to 28 units due to hypoglycemia in the morning. ================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ================== - Patient should follow-up with EP as an outpatient for AVNRT ablation on ___ - Levemir was decreased from 30 units to 28 units due to hypoglycemia in the morning. ___ require further titration as an outpatient. - TSH low to 0.08. Home levothyroxine decreased to 112mcg daily. Please follow-up repeat TSH in ___ months to assess for improvement of hyperthyroidism. - Amlodipine and losartan held in the setting of hypotension. Amlodipine restarted upon discharge. Please check BP and re-start losartan as needed. - Code: Full - Contact: ___ ___ (fiancé) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ M with HTN, COPD, ESRD on HD and limited stage small cell lung cancer diagnosed ___ who presented with increased dyspnea with RUL collapse and R effusion, started chemotherapy during this admission. # Dyspnea: The patient had increased dyspnea over three weeks that was most likely secondary to the growth of his small cell lung CA and its obstruction of the R upper lobe bronchus as seen on the CTA obtained in the ED. CTA also showed collapsed R upper lobe and moderate effusion at the base of the R lung. The patient also had diffuse wheezes over the non-collapsed L lung on exam which likely due to his COPD. He was written for standing albuterol nebs and kept on his home Atrovent and Advair with hopes to relieve his symptoms. He had HD on the day of admission. In subsequent days the wheezes in his lungs decreased dramatically. Additionally, BS started returning to the auscultation fields over the RUL/RML. # Lung CA: Patient was diagnosed with limited stage small cell lung cancer in ___. He was due to start on taxol on the day of admission as an alternative therapy given his ESRD. A ___ oncologist was consulted who desired to keep him on carboplatin and etoposide, which is standard for small cell lung CA. He was transferred to the inpatient oncology service. On the inpatient oncology service he started chemotherapy (carboplatin/etoposide), which was immediately followed by dialysis to get rid of the excess agent following treatment. This was done on days 2 and 4 of his admission. Radiation oncology was also consulted. He will need to undergo a similar regimen as outpatient for his next cycle of chemo in 3 weeks. # ESRD: Patient usually gets HD on ___ and ___. He had HD on ___ with no complaints except for his left upper extremity swelling. Renal was consulted and the patient got HD on the day of admission, day 2 and day 4. He was continued on his home renal medications # LUE swelling: The patient was intially concerned for some left upper extremity swelling following HD on ___. OSH DVT workup was negative. By patient report, the swelling resolved largely prior to admission. His arm was mildly swollen, not warm to the touch.He never spiked a tempreature during the admission. # Anemia: Patient is on epo. Renal fellow recommended holding his epo given his active lung CA. # HTN: The patient's blood pressure was stable on this admission and he has not been hypertensive while in house. We continued him on his home lisinopril. # Hyperlipidemia: This issue was stable. The patient was continued on his home simvastatin. # Gout: This issue was stable. The patient was continued on his home allopurinol. . ---- Outpatient follow up The patient will need to have his next cycle of chemotherapy in approx. 3 weeks time scheduled with dialysis approx. 1 hour after each chemo session -He will need 2L of home oxygen at rest and 3L on ambulation at home ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male with a past medical history of COPD on home O2, CKD (baseline creatinine 1.2-1.7), CAD s/p CABG, sHF (EF ___, PVD s/p fem-pop and ___ transferred from OSH with dyspnea, hypoglycemia, and ARF. Analysis of his urine revealed ATN and his GFR recovered to 2.3 from a nadir of around 6. # COPD exacerbation/dyspnea: On presentation the patient complained of dyspnea worse than baseline, especially with exertion. He was given steroids, nebulizers and a dose of imipenem at OSH prior to transfer. His exam was notable for poor air movement and diffuse wheezing. ABG on admission showed pO2 90, pCO2 33, pH 7.32, HCO3 18. CXRs showed no focal infiltrate or vascular congestion. He was continued on steroids, standing nebs and given azithromycin x 5d. He was started on sodium bicarbonate to lessen the respiratory burden of his metabolic acidosis from ARF. His dysnpea gradually improved with these measures. The pulmonary team followed the patient throughout his hospital stay. He was discharged on a slow prednisone taper due to his frequent steroids use. Sodium bicarbonate was discontinued prior to discharge. The patient has follow up with his outpatient pulmonologist. Baseline O2 requirement was not increased. # Acute on Chronic RF: The patient's baseline creatinine is 1.2-1.7. His acute renal failure developed between discharge to rehab and his current admission. The patient had no evidence of obstruction on renal ultrasound. Placement of a foley catheter in the ED yeilded approximately 100cc of urine. Urine electrolytes, including FeNa and UNa, fluctuated through his hospitalization. Urine microscopy revealed many muddy brown casts. His creatinine slowly improved to 2.3 at discahrge. He was given LR at 75 cc/hr for 1.5L while in the recovery phase of ATN. Peripheral eos normal and urine eos were normal. He likely developed ischemic ATN due to an increased dose of furosemide, concurrent ___ and decreased PO intake. Less likely was AIN secondary to antibiotics. He was provided a low Na, low K, and low Phos diet. No indications for dialysis were met. # RLL lung mass: The patient's extensive smoking history, weight loss, and declining respiratory reserve raise the suspicion for malignancy. CT chest from ___ revealed: dense 11 cm consolidative mass in right lung base, more likely neoplasm such as mucinous adenocarcinoma than infection. The patient did have a recent admission for pneumonia which makes resolving infection a possibility. Pulmonary and interventional pulmonary consulted and recommended repeat CT in ___ weeks. If resolution is not seen bronchoscopy/EBUS with biopsy will be offerred. # Altered mental status/hypoglycemia: The patient presented to OSH with a glucose of 30. He was given D50 and transferred to the ___ ED where he again developed a hypoglycemic episode. Factors contributing to hypoglycemia including renally cleared sulfonylurea and ARF. The patient recovered with octreotide and pulse steroids (for COPD). # DMII: Interolarant of oral hypoglycemics due to impaired GFR. Most recent A1C 8.7. The patient experienced critically high glucose readings on admission in the setting of prednisone and octreotide. He was started on Lantus 20units QHS and sliding scale insulin. His standing and sliding scale insulin doses will need to be decreased as prednisone is tapered. # Systolic HF: Most recent EF ___. The patient was euvolemic to mildly hypovolemic during his hospital stay. The patient was discharged on furosemide 40mg daily. # CAD s/p CABG: The patient denied chest pain this admission. No acute changes were seen on EKG. The patient recently had a coronary cath at ___ which demonstrated patent grafts. He was continued on continue ASA, simvastatin and metoprolol. # History of A.flutter: The patient was in NSR throughout his hospitalization. No arrhythmias or other events were noted on tele. He was continued on his home doses of metoprolol and diltiazem. #HTN: Normotensive on metoprolol and diltiazem. Holding losartan due to ___. Losartan can be restarted once creatinine stabilizes if the patient is hypertensive. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ******************* 1. Follow up CT chest in 4 weeks 2. Trend creatinine to stabilization 3. Taper prednisone (last dose ___ 4. Titrate insulin dosing (as patient is weaned off prednisone) 5. Nebulizer treatments PRN 6. Pulmonary and nephrology follow up ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the ___ trauma service on ___ after being involved in a high speed motor vehicle accident, injuries included TBI, pelvic fracture, traumatic diaphragmatic rupture, and portal vein injury. He was unstable and taken directly to the operating room, where he had a cricothyroidotomy performed, b/l chest tubes, exploratory laparotomy and repair of diaphragm and portal vein. He was taken to the TSICU. On POD3 he underwent washout, IVC filter placement, tracheostomy and Dobbhoff placement. On POD___/4 he underwent GT placement and partial closure, on POD ___ he underwent abdominal closure. On POD ___ he underwent ORIF of his pelvis. On POD ___ he underwent GJ tube placement. He was transferred to the floor on POD ___. Neuro: The pt had severe traumatic brain injury on admission, a bolt was placed by neurosurgery on POD2 and his ICP was markedly elevated. He was therapeutically cooled intravascularly with improvement in his ICP. On POD4, his ICP improved and he was warmed, the bolt was removed on POD5. His neurologic exam slowly improved and by transfer out of the ICU on POD23 he was awake, alert, and talking appropriately. CV: The pt required significant resuscitation initially d/t the severity of his injuries and massive bleeding. He was transiently on pressors, but was hemodynamically stable after rewarming Resp: The pt require surgical cricothyroidotomy on admission d/t lack of definitive airway. This was changed over to a tracheostomy on POD3. He was weaned to trach mask ventilation and on POD 21 from his initial operation his trach was decannulated and he was weaned to room air. He suffered from HCAP/Aspiration PNA and was treated with vanco/bactrim/imipenem for Stenotrophomonas and MRSA pneumonia. GI: The pt had a traumatic diaphragmatic rupture and required gastrotomy initially to evacuate and reduce the stomach. He was left open and his abdomen was serially washed out and closed. He had a GT placed on POD7 from the initial operation, but he had difficulty tolerating tube feeds. He was able to be fed post-pylorically, but was unable to tolerate GT feeding. When his GT was clamped he would vomit resulting in aspiration, despite treatment with reglan and erythromycin. When he began to improve neurologically he self-d/ced his dobhoff tube, son on POD 14 from his GT placement, he had this tube changed to a G-J tube. After this his tube feeds were advanced to goal and he was tolerating them well. GU: The pt's pelvic fracture was repaired by orthopedic surgery service on POD14 from his initial operation. He had a foley until this time, after which it was changed to a condom cath and then removed. ID: the pt suffered from high fevers following his initial rewarming to 104. His cultures were significant for MRSA and Stenotrophomonas pneumonia. His fevers continued until POD 18 by which point they spontaneously improved. Mr. ___ was transferred to the surgical ward on ___. His vital signs remained stable. He continued to be agitated and impulsive at times requiring restraints due to safety concerns. While receiving tube feedings, the patient vomited on multiple occasions. Tube feeds were held during that time and the rate of infusion was decreased to facilitate tolerance. On HD 26, the patient passed his swallowing evaluation. His tube feedings were discontinued and he was started on a regular diet with strict aspiration precautions. On HD 27, Mr. ___ began to vomit frequently while consuming oral intake. He was only given applesauce and pureed foods, which he seemed to tolerate better than thin liquids. At the same time, his jejunal feedings were resumed. While he was able to tolerate jejunal tube feeds, whenever PO feeding was resumed, the patient vomited. For this reason the patient was kept on jejunal tube feeds and kept NPO. The patient did, however, tolerate oral medications with liquids, without issue. Aside from times of medication administration and two hours after, Mr. ___ gastric tube was kept open to drainage. The clinical staff at the rehabilitation facility should advance the patient's diet as tolerated/clinically warranted based on their assessment. At the time of discharge on ___ the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating his tube feeding, not ambulating, but with a rehabilitation plan devised by ___ and OT, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient was discharged to rehab. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions. The patient's wound vac sponge was removed and wet-to-dry dressings were applied. The new wound vac should be replaced by the rehabilitation facility. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SAFETY: The pt. was placed on 15 minute checks on admission and remained here on that level of observation throughout. He was unit-restricted. There were no acute safety issues during this hospitalization. LEGAL: ___ PSYCHIATRIC: #) Schizophrenia, paranoid type: Patient admitted to having delusions of ___ telling him he was not allowed to eat. Patient stated they started around 1 month ago. He had lost 8 lbs. Patient stated he has been compliant with medications. Clozapine level was drawn and was: Norclozapine 148, clozapine 377. He was restarted on home meds which included Clozapine 150mg BID, Trazadone 100mg QHS and IM risperidone Consta 50mg Q2weeks. He received and injection while in house on ___. Patient became more coherent and less paranoid while in house. He was eating appropriately and denied hearing any voices or had any delusions of ___ telling him not to eat. #) Alcohol Use Disorder: Patient had a recent relapse on alcohol after an approx 8mo stretch of sobriety. Patient was restarted on his home naltrexone 100mg daily. GENERAL MEDICAL CONDITIONS: #) CBC: Was drawn on ___ and shown a WBC count of 5.7 K/uL and a ANC of 2.56 K/uL. PSYCHOSOCIAL: #) GROUPS/MILIEU: Pt was encouraged to participate in unit’s groups/ milieu/ therapy opportunities. Use of coping skills and mindfulness/relaxation methods were encouraged. Therapy addressed family/social/work issues. Patient and family were involved in family meeting focused on psychoeducation and discharge planning. #) FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: - no family involvement #) INTERVENTIONS: - Medications: Clozapine 150mg BID, IM Risperidone Consta 50mg Q2weeks, Trazadone 100mg PO QHS:PRN, Naltrexone 100mg Daily - Psychotherapeutic Interventions: Individual, group, and milieu therapy. - Coordination of aftercare: Appt with Dr. ___ at ___ INFORMED CONSENT: The team discussed the indications for, intended benefits of, and possible side effects and risks of starting these medications, and risks and benefits of possible alternatives, including not taking the medication, with this patient. We discussed the patient's right to decide whether to take this medication as well as the importance of the patient's actively participating in the treatment and discussing any questions about medications with the treatment team, and I answered the patient's questions. The patient appeared able to understand and consented to begin the medication. RISK ASSESSMENT: #) Chronic/Static Risk Factors: - Chronic Mental Illness - Chronic Medical Illness - Male - Elderly #) Modifiable Risk Factors: - Relapse on alcohol - Medication non-compliance - decompensation of mental illness #) Protective Factors: - Current ongoing psychiatric treatment PROGNOSIS: Guarded: Patient has guarged prognosis because he has a severe chronic mental illness and occasional decompensations due to his delusions and relapse on alcohol abuse. Patient does keep appts and take all his medications as prescribed as outpatient, which allows him to keep him out of hospital. The most important part is to keep him from relapsing on alcohol, which usually precedes him coming to hospital. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to the ___ Spine Surgery Service for infection of surgical wound. TEDs/pnemoboots were used for postoperative DVT prophylaxis as well as aspirin. Intravenous antibiotics, vancomycin was initially started and switched to Nafcillin once cultures grew MSSA Patient followed by ID. Diet was advanced as tolerated. The patient was transitioned to oral pain medication when tolerating PO diet. On the day of discharge the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs, comfortable on oral pain control and tolerating a regular diet ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** On ___, Mr. ___ was transferred from OSH with fever and UA concerning for UTI. He also had a fluid collection at the site of his baclofen pump and there was a small amount of clear drainage intermittently from the incision. He was treated with IV ceftriaxone and admitted to the neurosurgery service for close monitoring. CT of the abdomen showed resolution of a previously seen rim-enhancing fluid collection, and was not concerning for infection. His leukocytosis on admission downtrended and his antibiotics were transitioned to PO bactrim and keflex. He was afebrile during his admission. He was discharged home with instructions to follow-up with his PCP on HD#2. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ORTHOPEDIC COURSE ___: The patient was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Postoperative course was remarkable for the following: On POD#1, the patient spiked a temp to 102.5. She was required oxygen despite attempts to wean from the nasal cannula. Her WBC was also 12.5. Given her pulmonary history and current smoking status (1ppd), a chest x-ray was performed. Per the radiologist, there was some concern for pneumonia versus a pulmonary embolism. A CTA was performed. The CTA was negative for a pulmonary embolism. She was found to have scattered ground-glass opacities in the left upper and right middle lobes. She was started on PO Levaquin 750mg once daily. Pain was controlled with a combination of IV and oral pain medications. The patient received Lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. The overlying dressing was removed on POD#2 and the Silverlon dressing was found to be clean and dry. Due to continuing fever and hypoxia, the pt was started on Vancomycin on ___ and cefepime was added ___. Repeat CXR concerning for worsening multifocal opacities vs ARDS. TRANSFERRED TO INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ON ___: Patient transferred to ___ ___ with persistent fevers and leukocytosis on day 2 of all 3 antibiotics. She presented with hypoxic respiratory distress/failure with increased oxygen requirement. She was treated with continued IV antibiotics and oxygen requirement on high-flow face mask was titrated as needed. Azithromycin 500 mg 5-day course was added on for atypical coverage. CTA showed multifocal faint ground glass opacities that seem most consistent with an atypical infection. CT was redone that showed worsening bilateral ground glass opacities, and radiology said findings were most consistent with bacterial pneumonia, and not COP. Cultures sent were not diagnostically helpful. Her respiratory status improved and she was able to go back to the general medical floor. TRANSFERRED TO GENERAL MEDICINE ON ___: # Pneumonia: the pt presented from the FICU with 5 L NC O2 requirement. After evaluation by the pulmonary team, she underwent VATS procedure on ___ to get tissue biopsy to confirm a diagnosis of COP. Abx were discontinued as the pt's clinical status improved, and when she was started on empiric steroids following VATS, her O2 requirement decreased substantially. Final path report showed inflammatory changes consistent with COP. She was found to have a RF 22, CRP elevated although this could be to general inflammatory process and an elevated ESR concerning for underlying inflammatory process (see transitional issues). Fungal studies were negative. On day of discharge the pt was breathing comfortably on room air at rest and required O2 by NC only for symptom relief while ambulating. # Anemia: the pt had normocytic anemia and had a preliminary workup with hemolytic labs unrevealing. Her hemoglobin was likely decreased in the setting of infection, dilutional and mild bleeding from surgery. There were no signs of active bleeding. # Right hip arthroplasty: she continued to work with ___ who recommended home ___ on discharge. She received ___ mg oxycodone q8h for pain. # HTN: the pt was continued on her home metoprolol. Her amlodipine was held given concern for hypotension. # HLD: the pt was continued on her home ASA and simvastatin # chronic pain: treated as above ***Transitional issues***: - steroids: pt will take 60 mg prednisone daily until her appointment with pulmonary. She should take Bactrim SS daily and Calcium/Vitamin D for prophylaxis. - Pulmonary to schedule follow up CT scan before next appointment. Please ensure CT scheduled and performed to expedite management at next pulmonary appointment. - Multiple nodules (2-3mm each) noted on CT scan of lungs. Follow-up in 12 months with dedicated CT is recommended. Dr. ___ at your primary care physician's office was notified of this. She will report this to Dr. ___. - the pt was noted to have an elevated ESR >130 inpatient, which is concerning for an underlying malignancy, vasculitis, or other inflammatory process. After resolution of COP, if inflammatory markers persist, further workup should be considered. - the pt's home amlodipine was held during her stay because of concern for hypotension. This should be restarted in the outpt setting as needed. -patient should continue to take Lovenox 40mg SC daily as ppx for DVT until ___ - The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity with posterior precautions. Walker or two crutches at all times for 6 weeks. FULL CODE ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ is an ___ y/o M hx of CAD (NSTEMI in ___, s/p stenting), HTN, NIDDM, former smoker, who presented with one day of cough / dyspnea after being scared by a mouse. Presentation was concerning to atypical angina equivalent given cardiac history. Underwent nuclear stress test with showed a reversible, medium sized, moderate severity perfusion defect involving the LAD territory. Subsequent cath showed an 80% lesion in the mid LAD with DES x2 placed. 95% diagonal lesion underwent balloon angioplasty as vessel was too small for stenting. TTE showed an EF >55%, mild aortic stenosis, mild mitral regurgitation, no focal wall motion abnormalities. Carotid ultrasound for bruit on exam showed <40% stenosis bilaterally. Diuresed with 20mg Lasix x2 days with improvement in ___ edema. Given that TTE with normal EF and pro-BNP 440, was not discharged on Lasix. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -S/p ___. Discharged on ASA, clopidogrel. Please determine duration of dual antiplatelet therapy -Amlodipine increased to 10mg daily -Metoprolol decreased to 12.5mg daily -Home lisinopril held on discharge as BP well controlled without and already on valsartan -Vitamin B12 level 189, started on 1000mcg daily, please follow-up ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yr old male s/p liver transplant, post splenectomy with RLE cellulitis . RLE cellulitis: We started him on vancomycin but his cellulitis continued to expand beyond its initial boundaries. We changed this to Unasyn, and his erythema retreated substantially from prior boundaries. Throughout the admission he was not having any systemic symptoms. The cellulitis appeared to go around joints rather than over them, and his primary pain did not seem to be joint associated, which argued against gout or septic joints. He continued to have a fair amount of pain through the admission, however. At this point we felt that it would still be most likely that resolution of pain will gradually follow resolution of clinically apparent cellulitic erythema, but if pain continues unabated it might be an indication for outpatient MRI to rule out underlying osteomyelitis or other possible nidus of infection (though there was no evidence or focal findings that would suggest abscess). We changed over to augmentin PO, with continued improvement, and then discharged the patient to home. Cultures were unrevealing. We considered the possibility of an atypical presentation of the many possible manifestations of cryoglobulinemia, but given his response to antibiotics we deferred a workup for this. . #Leukocytosis: Chronic, associated w heme abnormalities described below; continue to monitor. . #Thrombocytopenia: Hx of ITP, s/p splenectomy, but decreased since last level. Easy bruising and bleeding. Bone marrow biopsy during his hospitalization in ___ revealed a hypercellular marrow (90% cellularity) with myeloid and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. Karyotype on the bone marrow revealed: 46, XY, 21PSTK+: no clonal cytogenetic aberrations, but the well-known, clinically insignificant chromosomal variant pstk+. JAK mutation negative. Receives infusions of gamma globulin and followed by heme. He received IVIG during this admission; his plts were stable in the mid- to high-40s. Though the platelet count goal is 50, we felt that he did not need repeat IVIG given that the platelet count was near this goal, stable, and no procedures were being contemplated. . #S/P liver transplant. Tacrolimus levels were followed and tacrolimus was dosed by level. He was sent out on 1 mg BID, a slight decrease from his prior dose of 1.5 mg BID. . FEN: regular cardiac diet, repleted lytes PRN PPX: bowel regimen Access: PIV Dispo: home . . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ___ year-old woman with a history of DLBCL with meningeal involvement who is s/p three cycles of R-CHOP and three cycles of HD-Methotrexate who is presenting with poor PO intake and abdominal pain concerning for MTX induced mucositis/esophagitis. #Mucositis/Esophagitis: Significantly improved prior to discharge. Patient with poor PO intake secondary to painful oral lesions and burning pain extending along esophagus to epigastrium. In setting of recent HD-MTX concerning for MTX induced mucositis/esophagitis. With her current neutropenia, she is at increased risk for bacterial translocation. Pain continues to improve currently and she is able to tolerate increased PO intake. She is having increased expectoration which is likely secondary to esophageal mucosal irritation. She had been on a dilaudid PCA but had no longer required it so converted to prn oxycodone liquid for pain. Nutrition was consulted and she was supported with TPN but this was subsequently discontinued as her PO intake increased. #Neutropenic Fever: Besides Urine cx showing <100,000 CFU of alpha strep/lactobacillus, no identified source of infection. She was empirically managed with cefepime (d1: ___ and vancomycin (___). No fever spikes since ___. #Headache: She describes diffuse headache which occurs when she coughs. With hx of meningeal involvement of her lymphoma, obtained MRI brain which shows decrease in dural thickening and enhancement since the MR of ___. Unchanged appearance of likely right anterior cranial fossa meningioma. Unchanged appearance of calvarial signal intensity abnormalities suggesting tumor infiltration. #DLBCL: DLBCL with meningeal involvement who is s/p three cycles of R-CHOP and three cycles of HD-Methotrexate. ___ consider next cycle of HD-MTX at decreased dose or alternative agent per primary oncologist. Restaging PET scan ___ pending at discharge. She continues on acyclovir and fluconazole. Holding Folic acid in anticipation for next dose of HD MTX. #Constipation: On presentation patient reported she had not had a bowel movement in ___ days. She had bowel regimen ordered. She had had pain with defection consistent with mucositis that may involve entire GI tract and rectum. Continues with standing bowel regimen and has been having daily BMs prior to discharge. #GERD: H omeprazole in anticipation of next round of HD-MTX, added ranitidine 150mg BID (___) #ACCESS: Right chest POC #CODE: FC #EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___: ___ #DISPO: home ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** y/o female who has been undergoing routine, q 3 month exchanges of the PTC drain. She underwent successful exchange of the the drai. A new 10 ___ internal-external biliary drain was the placed under fluoroscopy with pigtail was formed in the duodenum. Final images following a second contrast injection of 7 cc demonstrate good positioning of drain within the biliary tree and duodenum with prompt clearing of contrast into the duodenum. The patient initially did well, however she developed a fever to 101.2 and chills, and so was admitted overnight. The drain bag was initally left open, and she received Vancomycin and Zosyn. The fever abated, and she remained afebrile overnight. Mornign labs were obtained, and the LFTs were WNL and did not show any rise from the previous days values. The patient was feeling well with only minimal discomfort at the drain site. The drain was capped, the antibiotics were discontinued and she was discharged back to ___. She will complete a course of Cipro on ___, all other home medications will be resumed. Followup for routine exchange should be in 3 months. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient is a ___ yo man with CAD s/p CABG, EHF EF 35%, S/P ICD for h/o VT here with c/o 4 months of CP, volume overload, and concern that ICD fired. . #. CAD- Pt with known CAD and now with months of chest pain. Pt reports the pain is different than his previous angina. Cardiac enzymes were negative and ECG revealed no changes from prior. Patient was continued on regimen of aspirin, plavix, atorvastatin, lisinopril, and toprol xl. . #. Pump - Pt with EF 35% on ___. Appears volume overloaded on exam. Pt reported non-adherence to lasix regimen. He was treated with IV lasix and lost approximately 5 pounds while inpatient. He continued his lisinopril and metoprolol. . #. Rhythm - Patien has ICD for history of VT. Recent admission for ICD firing several months prior. Pacer was interrogated by EP while in house. Also was changed from procainamide to sotalol. qTC was monitored with ECG following day and there was no evidence of prolongation. . #. BRBPR- Noted to have episode in ED. Anoscopy performed was negative in ED for hemorrhoids. No further episodes while admitted and HCT was stable. Patient told to follow up with his PCP. . # Anxiety- continued regimen of diazepam. . # ADD- continued methylphenidate per outpt regimen . # Chronic Lower back pain - continued oxycontin and percocet . #. PPx: protonix, hep subq . . #. Contact: Mother, ___ ___ cell; ___ home. . #. Code: Full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ admitted for ischemic right index finger. She was started on a heparin drip, which improved her symptoms. Her skin became more pink, but some residual necrotic tissue was observed. During her stay, she was evaluated for a potential autoimmune cause for this process. To this end, and ESR and CRP were obtained, neither of which stongly supported an inflammatory process. She additionally had a syncope workup which included a echo cardiogram and carotid ultrasound. The echo cardiogram demonstrated a mildly dilated ascending aorta, but there was no structural cardiac cause of syncope identified. The carotid ultrasound was performed but the study was not published at the time of discharge. The patient was in stable condition, with her pain well controlled. She is being discharged on coumadin and was instructed that she would need daily blood drawn to check and adjust her INR. This was explained to the patient who will be seeing a new PCP starting this ___ at which time, he would take over responsibilty of checking her INR levels. Until this time it was agreed that she would have daily labs drawn at a local labratory and those results would be faxed to Dr. ___. Her PCP should also follow up with her blood pressure and heart rate as both have been mildly elevated while in the hospital. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with HFpEF, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, cirrhosis and increasing renal mass presenting with worsening DOE over the past month despite increases in home diuretics. # Dyspnea on exertion: Patient with multiple reasons for dyspnea on exertion, including heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, deconditioning or even angina equivalent. Recent TTE showed signs of right ventricular pressure overload, and in the setting of weight gain (10 lbs), lower extremity edema and elevated JVP, this makes heart failure exacerbation the most likely culprit. Troponins were 0.02->0.01 and therefore difficult to interpret. She is on albuterol inhalers, and exertional dyspnea especially taking a few minutes to have symptoms, could be consistent with reactive airway disease. However, previous PFTs do not suggest reactive airways disease. Given her age, perhaps aspiration is a possibility. She appears to be well-rate controlled in terms of her atrial fibrillation, and therefore this is less likely. Patient underwent persantine pharmacologic stress test on ___ which was negative for reversible ischemia or filling defects. Patient was diuresed with 100mg Lasix BID and transitioned to torsemide 60mg BID PO. Overall, patient felt somewhat improved, however her symptoms did not completely resolve. Patient should continue to have an outpatient work up for non-cardiac dyspnea on exertion. # Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Weight is up to 162 lbs from 152lbs in ___. This does represent an increase, but not an increase over a short period of time per se. However, she has elevated JVP and 1+ pitting/spongy edema in her lower extremities and crackles bilaterally. No clear precipitating factor, although she does have Proteus >100,000 colonies during this hospitalization, albeit without symptoms. Continued lisinopril and metoprolol. Patient was diuresed with 100mg Lasix BID and transitioned to torsemide 60mg BID PO regimen. # Acute kidney injury: Patient's ___ (Cr 1.7 from normal baseline) likely from cardiorenal state, given that Creatinine improved to baseline after diuresis. Patient had a Cr elevation to 1.3 after 100mg IV Lasix BID, likely from overdiuresis. # Urinary tract infection: Patient with pyruia and bacteriuria and growing Proteus > 100,000 sensitive to CTX. Patient treated with CTX for 3 days. Blood cultures remained negative. # Atrial fibrillation: Patient rate controlled with diltiazem and metoprolol. Warfarin was continued. Goal INR ___. # NASH Cirrhosis: Patient followed by Dr. ___ in hepatology. Well-compensated. No current medical therapy. LFTs within normal limits. Alk Phos elevated 131, however has been elevated since ___. # Renal mass: Followed by Urology with active surveillance with interval imaging every ___ months. # Diabetes: Diet controlled. Glucose with AM labs: 150-300 while hospitalized. A1c was 6.9% in ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =========================== -Consider bubble study for evaluation of pulmonary shunt. -Consider evaluation for sleep apnea. -Follow up with Cardiology. -DISCHARGE WEIGHT: 72.8kg. # LANGUAGE SPOKEN: ___ # CODE: Full, discussion deferred without interpreter # CONTACT: Name of health care proxy: ___ Relationship: daughter Phone number: ___ Cell phone: ___ **Grandaughter: ___: ___. Per family, ___ is best point of contact for longer conversations given she speaks ___ best** ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female with delayed gastric emptying p/w nausea and vomitting now resolved and tube feeds at goal through J tube placement. . # Nausea/emesis: Ms. ___ emesis and nausea complaints have been occurring for over a year now. She has undergone abdominal CT scans, EGDs, colonoscopies, ERCP and multiple lab studies but the etiology of her chronic nausea and emesis is still unclear. Her current acute exacerbation leading to this admission was attributed to opioids provided after her recent J-tube placement on ___, just days before transfer to ___. Morphine was stopped and her emesis improved slightly although her nausea was fairly persistent. Although she has been labeled with gastroparesis diagnosis her two recorded gastric motility studies are fairly equivocal on closer review. She had a borderline normal gastric motility study on ___ followed by subsequent gastric emptying study on ___ which only showed mild dysmotility but the study was suboptimal and technically limited due to non-standard meal and multiple episodes of vomiting. Therefore, a diagnosis of idiopathic gastroparesis is not clearly warranted at this juncture and her workup is ongoing for the underlying etiology of her vomiting and emesis. She has no history of diabetes and no signs or symptoms of scleroderma in review of other differential causes of gastroparesis. Nausea resolved with dexamethasone, dosing as per palliative care recommendations. . Neurological exam was remarkable for hyperactive 3+ lower extremity DTRs and clonus in her ankles bilaterally. She also has generalized weakness, worse in her lower extremities. A neurology consult was called to consider possible UMN insults which may be causing her nausea/emesis such as hypothalamic and/or pituitary pathology. Furthermore, she had secondary amenorrhea for nearly ___ years that predated her GI symptoms which also sparked concern for interplay of an endocrine or neuroendocrinological process. A follow-up MRI of the brain and spine was unremarkable. HTLV-1 studies sent to work-up tropical spastic paraparesis as potential etiology of her illness. . Sjogrens disease antibodies and Whipple's Disease PCR tests all sent off and results to be followed up by GI in one week at outpatient appointment. . The GI team was consulted soon after her admission and continued to follow her through her hospital course. Initial J-tube gastrograffin plain x-ray study on ___bdomen ___ showed no SBO, no absceses, and normal placement of J-tube and feeds were initiated. Nutrition consult called to help adjust tube feed recommendations. Plan was to advance her feeds q6hours very slowly at ___ intervals with end goal 50cc/hr as she had persistent nausea with attempts to advance past 20cc/hr. By time of discharge, tube feeds at goal. . Initially, she was unable to tolerate PO food but taking pills orally so most of her IV medications switched to PO. She was continued on a wide variety of antiemetics, including standing zofran, PRN compazine and phenergen, ativan and marinol 5 mg qid and 5 mg q4 prn. She continued to have refractory nausea so the palliative team was called for a consult and additional recommendations on nausea/emesis control. She was started on 4mg IV Decadron q6 hours and then q8 hours for 3 days. Steroids improved her appetite and improved her nausea/emesis. Steroids were soon weaned and she was stabilized on several PO medications for discharge. . . # Secondary amenorrhea: Patient has been without her menses for ___ months pre-dating her nausea and vomiting episodes when her body weight was stable. Thus, cannot blame pure malnutrition/anemia for her amenorrhea; although this is likely a major contributor to her ongoing irregular cycles now given her nearly 45 lb weight loss and extreme iron deficiency. As noted, this raised concern for hypothalamic/pituitary etiologies but her MRI brain was WNL. HCG urine pregnancy screen negative. On further lab studies she had an elevated prolactin level of 60, but this mild elevation was felt to be from medications rather than a prolactinoma which would typically create a much higher prolactin level. Moreover, the brain MRI was normal. FSH in low normal range and LH low. DHEA-S and testosterone were low, and her estrogen levels to be followed up in GYN and endocrine as outpatient. Patient has menstrual cycle prior to discharge, but workup is still warranted. . # Weakness, gait disturbance: Unsteady weak gait most likely from generalized malnutrition, severe anemia. Toes downgoing on right and equivocal on left, sensation in tact, but hyperreflexia 3+ at patellar tendons B/L noted and hyperreflexia at upper extremities. Head CT and MRI brain and spine had no acute process/masses to explain a clear neurological process. Also, her B12, TSH and cortisol levels were all assessed and WNL. She will plan to continue her home tube feeds, vitamins and iron to help improve her nutritional status. . # Anemia: Very clearly iron deficiency anemia given ferritin of 4.6 and iron of 14 in ___ of this year. MCV still <70. Repeat anemia workup on this admission showed an iron level of 19, normal folate and Vitamin B12 levels, TIBC 385 and ferritin of 18 to re-confirm her severe iron deficiency anemia. Colonoscopy performed in ___ was normal, leaving poor nutritional status or mal-absorption as the etiology. She had a prior reaction with hives to IV iron infusions at ___ ___ so her PCP was contacted for details and her reaction had been to Ferrlicet iron preparation in the past. Therefore she was given pre-treatment Benadryl and H2B and a test dose of iron dextran was given with no adverse reactions so she was given additional iron infusions during her stay in attempt to correct her low iron levels. She will plan to continue her infusions with iron dextran with her PCP after discharge. . # Depression/Anxiety: Ms. ___ had a fairly flat, depressed affect noted on arrival so a social work consult was called. No suicidal ideation. She was also extremely fatigued, dehydrated and malnourished which made her presentation appear more depressed as well. Mood seemed to improve as her nausea and emesis began to taper off. She was continued on her usual daily Paxil and Diazepam was switched to Ativan PRN initially and then standing Ativan for added anti-nausea effects. Given additional Ativan during imaging studies due to increased anxiety levels. Social work continued to follow patient for coping and counseling during her stay. . # Fluids, Electrolytes and Nutrition: Monitored and repleted electrolytes as needed. IVFs were provided throughout her hospital course and as noted a nutrition consult called to help with tubefeeding recommendations. She was placed on Fibersource HN full strength tube feeds starting at 10 ml/hr and advanced rate very slowly by ___ ml q6h with a goal rate of 50 ml/hr. By time of discharge her feeds were at goal and she was set up with ___ and home services to assist with continued tube feeds as an outpatient. . # Prophylaxis: SC Heparin given for DVT prevention and IV PPI was switched to a PO PPI BID for GERD coverage. . # Code status: Patient was maintained as a full code status ; confirmed directly with patient. . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY OF HOSPITALIZATION ============================ Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with history of CKD stage V, central retinal artery occlusion, and hypertension who presented to the ED with whole body pruritus, found to have acute hepatocellular and cholestatic liver injury, with CKD within baseline and a very mild hyperkalemia that resolved after single dose of lasix. Workup for obstructive cause by right upper quadrant ultrasound showed stones but no obstruction or biliary dilation, MRCP showed also do NOT show biliary dilation or obstruction. Serologic workup was negative for infectious cause, toxin ingestion. Recent exposure to amoxicillin-clavulanate was thought to be the most likely cause. LFTs downtrended. Amox-clav was added to allergies and patient was discharged. ACUTE ISSUES ADDRESSED ======================== # Mixed hepatocellular/cholestatic injury Presentation of pruritis found with transaminitis, elevated alk phos, and tbili that peaked at 2.8. Right upper quadrant ultrasound showed coarsened hepatic parenchyma, no focal lesion, though with cholelithiasis. MRCP showed no evidence of biliary dilation or obstruction within the limits of the study. Patient with recent amox-clav use for sinusitis, otherwise, no recent start of culprit meds, no toxins, no supplements. Hepatitis B immune and Hep C antibody testing negative. Hep A Ig testing was positive with IgM pending at time of discharge. Thyroid function within normal limits. Normal iron saturation. Autoimmune workup not pursued. LFTs downtrending during discharge. Amox-clav was added to allergies and patient was discharged. # Pruritis Underlying CKD 5 (stable, no e/o uremia) with acute hepatocellular/cholestatic injury; while the bili wasn't particularly high, may have tipped over the edge. Very mild peripheral eosinophilia, no rash, reassuring against DRESS. Cetirizine, Sarna was started with improvement of pruritis. Received 1x gabapentin with improvement, but was unlikely the agent to have helped. Hydrocerin ordered and never applied. Cholestyramine was considered but not given because of risk of hyperchloremic acidosis in renal impairment. Her pruritis was improved at time of discharge. # CKD stage V On admission, at her baseline Cr. CKD likely due to secondary focal glomerulosclerosis ___ pre-eclampsia in ___. Also with contribution from hypertension. Labs stable over several months, with intermittent metabolic acidosis and mild hyperkalemia. Sodium bicarbonate dosing was recently increased. Renal consulted in the ED, recommended outpatient follow-up with Dr. ___ as planned and compliance with sodium bicarb and low K diet. Already has mature AVF. # Hyperkalemia Related to CKD, diet non-adherence. No EKG changes at K5.8, which normalized. She received 1 dose of lasix. # Borderline Macrocytic Anemia Chronic, stable, secondary to CKD. On aranesp as outpt. CHRONIC ISSUES ADDRESSED ========================== # HTN Continued home amlodipine and metoprolol. # Gout Held home allopurinol initially with concern for contribution to transaminitis, then resumed prior to discharge. # Hx central retinal artery occlusion ___ Felt embolic, carotid u/s neg, hypercoagulable work up negative, though ___ 1:160 without other e/o autoimmune phenomenon. Treated with DAPT for 3 months(?) and maintained on aspirin thereafter. Continued aspirin. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== [] repeat LFTs to ensure they continue to downtrend. [] Pravastatin was held on admission given elevated LFTs. Would restart when LFTs normalized. [] Found to have multiple tiny pancreas cysts (largest 7mm). RECOMMENDATION(S): For management of pancreatic cyst(s) between 6-15 mm in patients between 65- ___ years at presentation, recommend non-contrast MRCP follow-up every other year up to a total of ___ years. [] Received 1 dose of gabapentin with improvement of itching. Unlikely to have helped. Consider restarting gabapentin 100mg daily if itching restarts vs cholestyramine [] amoxicillin-clavulanate added to allergy/adverse reaction list [] f/u ___ IgM, pending at time of discharge [] f/u blood cx, no growth at time of discharge #CODE: Full #CONTACT: Name of health care proxy: ___: husband Phone number: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ is a ___ yo M w/ ESRD s/p cadaveric renal transplant in ___, CKD, hypertension, 3-V CAD s/p DES to RCA and OMB in ___, atrial fibrillation, COPD, diastolic CHF, who presented with chest pain and palpitations and was found to be in an AVNRT. He was managed initially with adenosine, and then had good continued rate control with an increase dose of his home metoprolol. He also had a troponin increase, which was likely from demand (type 2 NSTEMI) rather than acute plaque rupture or stent thrombosis in setting of recent coronary angiogram on ___ that revealed non-obstructive CAD. Electrophysiology consult recommended Mmtoprolol succinate 25 mg PO QAM and 12.5 mg QHS, on which the patient was discharged. He will follow-up with EP for further evaluation. The changes to his chronic medical issues were an increase in his metoprolol succinate dosing, as noted above, and amlodipine for high blood pressure. Tacrolimus and sirolimus levels were checked and within goal ranges. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: DISCHARGE WEIGHT: 68.4 kg (150.79 lb) - he remained euvolemic here CONTACT INFORMATION: Proxy name: ___ Relationship: Daughter Phone: ___ CODE STATUS: Full Code [ ] Please follow up patient's symptoms and heart rate, titrating beta blockade as needed. Higher doses were not given due to bradycardia into the low ___. [ ] Follow up blood pressures [ ] Please check CHEM10 on ___ and follow up labs, especially Cr and Phos (which was low here, patient may require some standing supplements) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: Mr. ___ is a ___ yo male with a h/o atrial fibrillation on coumadin, HTN and COPD, with Right inguinal hernia repair w/ mesh ___, who was referred after being found to be hypotensive at PCP appt, improved BP with fluid resuscitation. # Hypotension, Orthostasis: Most likely etiology was hypovolemia from decreased PO intake, diarrhea, drainage from wound, and antihypertensive meds. Supported by his clinical description of lightheaded when arising from a seated position (orthostatic hypotension), hx of increased diarrhea, poor PO intake over weekend, as well as elevated Cr from baseline (Cr of 1.4 from 1.0). Resolved with 1L fluid bolus. Held lasix and valsartan. Cardiogenic shock less likely given lack of h/o CHF, CXR without increased pulm vasculature and physical exam without crackles, no elevation of JVD ___ edema. No fevers, chills or leukocytosis to suggest sepsis, no growth in blood cx. His inguinal wound does not appear infected at this time; only draining serosanguinous fluid. Hct at baseline and no h/o bleeding to suggest hemorrhagic shock. D-dimer negative (ruling against PE), no PTX on CXR. No h/o steroid use to suggest adrenal insufficieency as a cause of hypotension. - Given IVF and monitored, was asymptomatic on discharge # Hernia Incision/Wound Drainage: Right inguinal hernia repair incision done 2 weeks ago, staples removed last ___ since that time, large amounts of serosanguinous drainage. N signs on infection (no fevers, chills, leukocytosis), no purulent drainage, no bacterial growth on wound culture so far. -___ 3 Surgery suggested dry gauze dressings and ___ wound care f/u. # Atrial fibrillation: His initial trigger for A fib with RVR may have been ___ dehydration and exertion. Well rate controlled with HR's in the 100's-110's after fluid bolus. -Continued home diltiazem and metoprolol. # Coagulopathy/Supratherapeutic INR: Mr. ___ INR was measured 4.9 on ___. Most recent INR per Atrius was 3.4, at which time warfarin dose was changed to 6mg daily. Possibility that patient was taking larger warfarin dose than recommended (per ___, last filled dose was 7mg). -Held coumadin ___ have INR drawn by ___ on ___, and coumadin mgmt team at ___ will adjust his dose. # Hypothyroidism: Stable, continued home levothyroxine 25 mcg daily # COPD: Stable; gave duonebs ___ and home budesonide. # GERD: Stable; continued home ranitidine 150 mg qhs #Transitional Issues: - Stop Valsartan and Furosemide until PCP appointment on ___ - INR check on ___, with dose adjusment in light of results - Possible repeat echocardiogram, for PCP consideration Blood cultures pending at time of signing. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to the ___ Spine Surgery Service and taken to the Operating Room for the above procedure. Refer to the dictated operative note for further details. The surgery was without complication and the patient was transferred to the PACU in a stable condition. TEDs/pnemoboots were used for postoperative DVT prophylaxis. Intravenous vancomycin was continued in the post-operative period as continued treatment for his chronic infection. Initial postop pain was controlled with a PCA. Patient suffered from post-operative ileus that was treated succesfully with methylnaltrexone on POD #3. The patient was transitioned to oral pain medication when tolerating PO diet. Due to his high demand for opiates, pain management was consulted for recommendations for weaning patient off of narcotics. Foley was removed on POD#2. Physical therapy was consulted for mobilization OOB to ambulate, they deemed him safe to discharge home but determined that he should receive and in-home evaluation and participate outpatient physical therapy. Hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. On the day of discharge the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs, comfortable on oral pain control and tolerating a regular diet. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ presented to ___ on ___. Pt was evaluated by anaesthesia and taken to the operating room where she underwent a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. A IJ central venous line was placed due to difficult with peripheral access. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable. Pt had some post-operative pain that was managed with morphine PCA. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization; pain was initially managed with a PCA and then transitioned to oral Roxicet once tolerating a stage 2 diet. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Right IJ CVL was removed prior to admission with no issues. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO with a ___ tube in place for decompression. On POD1, the NGT was removed and an upper GI study was negative for a leak, therefore, the diet was advanced sequentially to a Bariatric Stage 3 diet, which was well tolerated. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored. JP output remained serosanguinous throughout admission including after advancement to stage III; the drain was removed the day of discharge. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a stage 3 diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. She will follow up with Dr. ___ on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** On ___, the patient was admitted post-operatively after aborted segmental liver resection for large hepatoma. Post-operative course was uneventful. Diet was advanced to regular diet, pain was under control with IV then PO analgesics, and she ambulated with little difficulty. On ___, she was discharged home in good condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ y/o woman with a past medical history of COPD (on ___ NC), bipolar disorder/schizoaffective disorder, SCC, severe sleep apnea (noncompliant with PAP) who presented with altered mental status and was found to have acute hypercarbic respiratory failure. ======================== ACTIVE ISSUES: ======================== # Acute hypercarbic respiratory failure: The patient presented with altered mental status and was found to have acute hypercarbic respiratory failure in the setting of known COPD, with retention (baseline CO2 ___ as well as pneumonia. The patient was intubated in the OR on ___ she had difficult airway with proximal tracheal stenosis. She was extubated in the OR on ___ and trach was placed and then further revised required on ___. Per ACS recs, the stitches are to remain in place she should not be decannulated EVER without consulting ___ due to significant anatomic abnormalities. Speech and swallow evaluated the patient for voice adaptor, however one could not be fitted given the patient's copious secretions, so she remains NPO. On discharge, SpO2 was 96% on trach collar with 40% FiO2. # Hypervolemia/hypernatremia: Patient was volume resuscitated in the setting of hypotension related to sepsis upon admission. Patient was positive 19L by the end of her hospital stay. Patient's sepsis and hypotension resolved and diuresis of extra volume was attempted with IV Lasix, however patient became hypochloremic, with a contraction alkalosis and developed hypernatremia. Free water flushes were increased prior to discharge with correction of her sodium on discharge, however patient remains volume overloaded. On discharge, patient's sodium was 143. On discharge to LTACH, sodium should be monitored daily and free water flushes should be adjusted according. Additionally, patient responds to 40-60 mg IV Lasix to maintain euvolemia. # Schizophrenia: Patient has a history of schizophrenia and paranoia. During this admission, psych was consulted and stated the patient had a history of chronic auditory hallucinations that are derogatory but that do not feel threatening to her and intermittent exacerbations of paranoia including suspicions of her son. Patient will require slow approach to build rapport before she is likely to allow a complete exam or accept any recommended treatment. Patient has long history of marginal compliance with medical and psychiatric treatment. Patient was continued on olanzapine 10 mg PO BID with good result. # Agitation and delirium: Patient was intermittently agitated during hospitalization treated mainly with sedation during intubation. On day of discharge, patient was evaluated by Psychiatry. They stated she was not a harm to herself or others. They recommended avoid benzodiazepines given hypercapnic respiratory failure and Haldol PRN 0.5-1 mg PO BID to control agitation. # Palliative care: Patient has expressed wishes to eat and drink, however she is an aspiration risk at this time and is currently full code. Patient has lung cancer and refused treatment. She has severe respiratory disease, is not compliant with meds, and had a trach in the past. She would likely to benefit from a goals of care discussion. Patient's brother is the listed health care proxy, however was not present at patient's bedside and difficult to reach regarding important issues including consenting for OR procedures. Would suggest reaching out to the health care proxy and the patient's son to further discuss goals of care for this patient. Palliative care was consulted, however family meeting was not able to held given inability to reach health care proxy prior to discharge. # Nutrition: Patient is an aspiration risk. Patient received PEG tube on ___ with good result. Nutrition recommended tube feeds with vital High Protein @ 65 mL/hr. They also recommended if bloating persists to consider Glucerna 1.5 @ 40 mL/hr + 5 packets of beneprotein/day (1565 kcals, 109g protein). She was discharged on the High Protein diet @ goal of 65 mL/hr and tolerating the diet well. # Sepsis and hypotension: Patient found to have right lung base opacity concerning for pneumonia on CXR. Started on azithromycin (___) and vancomycin/cefepime (___). The patient was hypotensive s/p intubation and in the setting of pneumonia as above. Propofol was also thought to be contributing to her hypotension. She briefly required levophed to maintain her blood pressures. Her pneumonia was treated as above. She was weaned off pressors successfully. On day of discharge, she was afebrile with stable pressure stable with SBPs of 110-160's. # Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy: Patient presented with altered mental status. Her altered mental status worsened in the setting of increasing hypercarbia (CO2 >100) and she required intubation as above. Given her history of COPD and lung SCC she required prolonged intubation and eventual tracheostomy on ___. Sedation was weaned and patient's mental status improved. # COPD: Patient on ___ L NC at home. She presented with slight respiratory distress in ED, refusing BiPAP but found to be hypercarbic (CO2 94, baseline 70's) requiring intubation. She was started on prednisone (___) and azithromycin (___). # Persistent hydroureteronephrosis of the upper pole right renal: The patient was evaluated by urology, who determined that there was no indication for GU intervention at this time. ======================== CHRONIC ISSUES: ======================== # ___ of Lung: Patient has moderately differentiated squamous cell cancer of the lung. Per prior Dc summary "She is not a surgical candidate and reported that she does not wish to have chemotherapy." Will defer workup and management of SCC as such unless patient has change in GOC. # GERD: Lansoprazole while intubated and switched to famotidine on discharge. # Status post hip fracture, chronic: Held home oxycodone while intubated and sedated. Restarted fentanyl patch prior to discharge. Oxycodone was discontinued as it was not needed. ======================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ======================== - Patient will require slow approach to build rapport before she is likely to allow a complete exam or accept any recommended treatment. - Inpatient psych consult suggested follow up with psychiatric at ___. - Would advise ___ to contact her caregroup visiting nurse who may be a useful bridge, having established a relationship with - Avoid benzodiazepines given hypercapnic respiratory failure -Trach stitches to remain in place indefinitely. Usually come out in ~1 week, however will stay in indefinitely given her soft tissue thickness. -No decannulation EVER of trach without consulting thoracic surgeons Drs. ___ given anatomic abnormalities. -Code Status: Full -Contact Information: HCP: Brother ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ is a ___ with end stage renal disease on hemodialysis, type 2 diabetes mellitus on insulin, atrial-flutter status-post ablation (___), paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea on home BiPAP, who presented to ___ with paroxysmal dizziness for 1 mo with tachycardia/bradycardia and conversion sinus pauses of ___ seconds on outpatient Holter. She underwent uncomplicated pacemaker placement for tach-brady syndrome on ___. She was then transferred to CCU on ___ for hypotension and altered mental status, found to have volume overload and likely pneumonia/sepsis requiring norepinephrine. She recovered and was transferred out of the CCU on ___ when off pressors. # tachy-brady syndrome: Patient had 1 month of dizziness and pre-syncope. On ___, she was referred to ___ ED after her outpatient Holter monitor showed HRs intermittently in ___, with sinus pauses ___ seconds. In the ED, EKG showed normal sinus rhythm without ischemic changes. Home nodal blocking agents (cardizem and metoprolol) were held pending further electrophysiology evaluation. Electrophysiology was subsequently consulted and determined that her holter and telemetry data were consistent with tachy/___ syndrome with post atrial-fibrillation conversion pauses of the sinus node lasting ___ seconds. This data appeared to coincide with her symptoms of pre-syncope, and she was thus referred for permanent pacemaker (PPM) placement. Due to her complicated vascular anatomy (L fistula and R subclavian thrombus), epicardial lead placement was considered the best approach for PPM placement. On ___, she underwent uncomplicated placement of right ventricular epicardial lead placement via anterior thoracotomy. #Atrial fibrillation: In addition to sick sinus, the patient also had multiple episodes of atrial fibrillation while inpatient. The patient's CHADS2-Vasc score is 4, corresponding to a high risk of stroke (annual risk estimated at 4%). However, she declined anticoagulation due to history of falls and undestood her risk of stroke; she refused warfarin, heparin gtt, and subcu heparin. She was continued on aspirin daily. She received multiple doses of metoprolol with little effect on her rate. She was finally placed on digoxin ___ MWF with dialysis and amiodarone loading, which brought her rates down to the ___. She is being discharged on amiodarone 400mg daily for 5 days, until ___, to complete her load, and then will be transitioned to 200mg daily as her stable dose. If she is not in sinus rhythm by completion of her amiodarone load, we recommend talking to Dr. ___ cardiologist) about stopping it. # Hypotension and new oxygen requirement: The patient was transferred to the CCU on ___ due to hypotension of systolic BP to ___, decreased mentation, and new oxygen requirement (requiring ___ NC). Echo on ___ did not show evidence of new wall motion abnormality, effusion, or increased heart failure. EKG did not show evidence of ischemia. Her hypotension and new oxygen requirement were initially thought to be multifactorial, secondary to (1) volume overload from no HD for several days, (2) pneumonia (worsening productive cough and altered mental status suggesting pneumosepsis), and (3) atrial fibrillation and decreased cardiac output from lack of atrial kick. She was started on Vanc/Zosyn empirically for possible HCAP for 7 days. She received an a-line to better monitor BPs as cuff BPs were consistently lower than arterial line BPs. She received a femoral CVL and low dose levophed. She was also started on amiodarone, with oral loading to rhythm control afib. She improved, was weaned off pressors, and was transferred back to the floor ___. On the floor, she continued to be stable and her oxygen was weaned to room air,with stable heartrate and bloodpressure. Her antibiotics were stopped ___ and she continued to be stable with no further pulmonary symptoms. # End-stage Renal Disease The patient was continued on hemodialysis on ___ and ___. Her creatinine remained within recent baseline. All medications were renally dosed. She was continued on her home nephrocaps, cinacalcet, and calcium acetate. # Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus The patient was continued on her home levimir and insulin sliding scale. # Obstructive Sleep Apnea The patient was cotninued on her home Bipap, and a respiratory therapist was consulted. # Chronic Anemia Serial hematocrits remained near her recent baseline of ___. There were no signs or symptoms of blood loss, and she was continued on her home Epo and Iron with hemodialisis. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Switch amio from 400mg daily to 200mg daily on ___ AM. - Please check LFTs and TFTs in 3 months given amiodarone - Please check EKG weekly to monitor QTc and rhythm. Please notify Dr. ___ cardiologist) of results. If not converted to sinus, may consider stopping amiodarone with his approval. - Panorex images showed a gross decay in two premolars, though not thought to present a threat of PPM infection. She should address possible future extraction with her private dentist on discharge. - After many discussions about code status, we have confirmed that patient continues to be full code ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ w/ PMHx DM II, RA, HTN, possible COPD, and ESRD on dialysis with recurrent admissions for ___, initially presenting with worsening shortness of breath. She was treated for COPD exacerbation, however after one dose of azithromycin in the ED had VT arrest w/ Torsades on ___ with ROSC s/p shock x1. Course c/b persistent MSSA bacteremia (now s/p HD line removal) and endocarditis, CKD, and persistent hyperglycemia in the setting of prednisone taper. ACTIVE ISSUES: ============== # Polymorphic VT/Long QT Syndrome: On the evening of ___, patient went into torsades, likely in the setting of previously undiagnosed long QT syndrome with administration of azithromycin 500mg for possible COPD exacerbation. Received chest compressions and defibrillation x1 with ROSC. No apparent clinical sequelae, but EKG have shown T-wave inversions in the precordial leads raising concern for ischemia. For long QT syndrome, patient was placed on propranolol, then transitioned to mexiletine for better effect. For possible ischemia, ___ Cardiology had recommended cardiac cath, but defered in the setting of MSSA bacteremia and endocarditis (see below). Similarly, ICD placement this hospitalization was also defered. Patient was discharged with a ___ to wear until she can have cardiac catheterization and ICD placement. She will also go on mexiletine, with azithromycin added to her allergy list. # Sepsis with MSSA bacteremia and infective endocarditis: The patient initially met ___ SIRS criteria with blood cultures growing MSSA bacteremia. The source was felt to be most likely from her tunneled HD line so this was removed by ___ on ___. The tip subsequently grew MSSA. A new tunneled line was placed on ___ for dialysis access. She was initially started on vancomycin but pending sensitivies this was narrowed to cefazolin, dosed after her hemodialysis sessions. TEE revealed aortic valve vegetation, so patient will need minimum 6 weeks of antibiotics (end date: ___. She will be followed by ___ clinic after discharge. # COPD exacerbation: The patient initially presented with increased cough, sputum production, and O2 requirement. She received azithromycin in the ED and started on prednisone. Given her episode of VT, the azithromycin was not continued. Her prednisone was tapered by 10mg q2days given her infection. # Hypertensive emergency: In the ED, the patient was acutely hypertensive to 193/112, with end organ dysfunction as evidenced by worsening respiratory symptoms and pulmonary edema. She was initially started on a nitro gtt that was weaned after she underwent hemodialysis in the FICU (prior to her VTach Arrest). She was restarted on her home labetalol, but this was switched to propranolol given Cardiology recommendations after her VT arrest. Given recurrent (asymptomatic) QT prolongation and asymptomatic bradycardia, propranolol was discontinued, and the patient was started on hydralazine and resumed her home isosorbide mononitrate. Her pressures have been normotensive to prehypertensive since. # Hyperglycemia: She had DM2 with last A1C 7.1%. Pt initially reported that her glargine had recently been increased from 5 to 10 units as an outpatient, but later endorsed that she was still taking only 5 units at lunchtime. For markedly elevated FSBG on presentation, she was transiently on an insulin gtt with her home lantus and sliding scale adjusted. Prior to transfer from the ICU, she had persistent hyperglycemia in the setting of prednisone course, acute illness, and likely dietary indiscretions. She was given >20u short-acting insulin prior to transfer. On the ___, her sugars were progressively better controlled with higher dose Lantus and meal-time insulin coverage. At discharge, glargine was increased to 10 units standing lunchtime (from 5 units at lunchtime) as the patient stated that she does not want to start bolus dosing of Humalog. # ESRD on HD: The patient had been receiving dialysis on a ___ schedule. She received dialysis on the day of admission (___) but given concern for line infection, her tunneled HD line was removed on ___. Her fistula had not yet matured. In the interim, she was kept on a strict 1L fluid restriction and low sodium diet. She had a temporary line placed for dialysis after transfer to the ___. This line was pulled with a tunneled line placed prior to discharge. This tunneled line will need to be replaced after 6 weeks, at or around the time she completes her antibiotic course for MSSA bacteremia/endocarditis. CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== # Hypercholesterolemia: Continued home dose pravastatin. # Rheumatoid arthritis: No longer on prednisone. Had been planned for rituximab, but not started this admission given issues above. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== - Azithromycin added as an allergy in OMR - the patient should NEVER take any macrolide antibiotics. - Though VTach was initially ascribed to QTc prolongation, subsequent EKGs have shown T-wave inversions in the precordial leads, so ischemia remains on differential. She will need cardiac cath and ICD placement in the future after her infection is treated. - Will continue on post-HD cefazolin (end date: ___, with follow-up with ___ clinic. - Tunneled line will need to be replaced at the end of her course of IV antibiotics. - Will have follow-up with ___ to follow fistula maturation. - Insulin adjusted this hospitalization for hyperglycemia in the setting of steroids, infection and shock. Will need follow-up with primary care physician. - 10mm solitary nodule was noted on admission CT (noted at 7 mm last year). Recommended for 3 month radiographic follow-up. - ___ benefit from outpatient PFTs to confirm diagnosis of COPD. - Tunneled dialysis line will need to be replaced after completion of antibiotic course ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the General Surgical Service for surgical treatment of a gastric outlet obstruction. Pre-operative clearance was accomplished. On ___, the patient underwent gastrojejunostomy and jejunostomy tube placement, which went well without complication (reader referred to the Operative Note for details). After a brief, uneventful stay in the PACU, the patient arrived on the floor NPO with an NG tube, on IV fluids, with a foley catheter and a jejunostomy tube to gravity in place, and IV Toradol and a Dilaudid PCA for pain control. The patient was hemodynamically stable. . Post-operative pain was initially well controlled with the 3 day course of IV Toradol in addition to the Dilaudid PCA, which was converted to oral pain medication when tolerating clear liquids. The NG tube was discontinued on POD#3, and the patient was started on sips of clears on POD#4. Diet was progressively advanced as tolerated to a regular diet by POD#5. The foley catheter was discontinued the morning of POD#3. The patient subsequently voided without problem. The J-tube was clamped on POD#2; trophic tubefeeds started on POD#3. Full strength tubefeeds were increased toward the cycled goal of 80mL/Hr starting POD#5, but the patient experienced abdominal bloating, discomfort, nausea and vomiting. Tubefeeds were held. The patient was resistent to having continuous tubefeeds, despite his poor caloric intake, but agreed to cycled trophic tubefeeds overnight. On POD#11, the tubefeed was changed to Nutren 2.0 to increase calories per mL, and overnight tubefeeds were increased to 20mL/Hr x 12hours. The incision remained clean and intact. . During this hospitalization, the patient ambulated early and frequently, was adherent with respiratory toilet and incentive spirrometry, and actively participated in the plan of care. The patient received subcutaneous heparin and venodyne boots were used during this stay. The patient's blood sugar was monitored regularly throughout the stay; sliding scale insulin was administered when indicated. Labwork was routinely followed; electrolytes were repleted when indicated. . At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. Staples were removed, and steri-strips placed prior to discharge. He was discharged home with ___ services. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo M with CAD s/p CABG, sCHF (EF 45%), mild/mod MR, afib on coumadin, non-oxygen dependent COPD, DM2, CKD (Cr 1.7-2) presenting with worsening dyspnea, likely secondary to CHF exacerbation . # Dyspnea secondary to Acute on Chronic Systolic Congestive Heart Failure: Patient presented with two weeks of progressive dyspnea that worsened acutely the morning of admission. He had no symptoms of pneumonia or laboratory evidence to support infection. EKG was without changes to support acute ischemia or right heart strain (additionally, patient was supratherapuetic on Coumadin so unlikely to have a pulmonary embolism). He completed a myocardial infarction rule out. Likely etiology of dyspnea was acute exacerbation of heart failure, perhaps from a recent decrease in Lasix dose and discontinuation of Spironolactone in the setting of worsening renal function. He denied dietary indiscretion or medication non-compliance. BNP was elevated and CXR supported congestion with bilateral effusions. Repeat TTE showed stable MR and mildly improved EF (45% from 30%), although it was suboptimal quality. He did not respond well to increasing doses of IV Lasix (up to 120 mg), so was started on Torsemide 20 mg BID with subsequent improvement. Cardiology Heart Failure consult was obtained and recommended follow up in Heart Failure clinic. His supplemental oxygen was weaned off from 3L to room air and his symptoms resolved. His weight at time of discharge was 88.6 kg. He was discharged on Torsemide 20 mg daily and Lisinopril 5 mg daily. He may benefit from initiation of Spironolactone in the outpatient setting. . # Bradycardia/Long QTc: Patient had an episode of sinus bradycardia to 38 on the night of admission during his sleep. EKG revealed QTc of 521 (increased from 432 on admission). Risperdal was discontinued. Repeat EKGs over the next few days showed resolution with QTc in the low 400s. Electrolytes were repleted as necessary. Telemetry was continued for monitoring. Risperdal was held at discharge. . # Atrial Fibrillation on Coumadin: CHADS2 score of 6. Not on rate-controlling agent (HR ranged ___. Coumadin was held in the setting of supratherapuetic INR and restarted once in the acceptable range. . # HTN: Amlodipine was discontinued and Lisinopril 5 mg started. Patient remained normotensive. This may need to be uptitrated in the outpatient setting. Renal function and electrolytes should be monitored by his Primary Care Physician. . # Suspected COPD: Patient has extensive tobacco history. Once diuresed, exam revealed occasional wheezes and patient exhibited pursed lip breathing when tachypneic that resolved with bronchodilators. He was started on Advair and given an Albuterol inhaler as needed. This can be further evaluated/managed by his Primary Care Physician in the outpatient setting. . # DM: Reasonably controlled. Sliding scale insulin provided while inpatient. NPH 12 units BID restarted at discharge. . # HLD: Continued on Simvastatin 20 mg daily. . # CKD: Creatinine remained within recent baseline. . # Anemia: Microcytic. Fe studies reflect Fe deficiency. Hct initially trended down (likely hemodilution in setting of inadequate diuresis) then remained stable. Stools guaiac negative. He was discharged on Fe 325 daily and a bowel regimen. His anemia should be further evaluated, perhaps with colonoscopy, in the outpatient setting. . # Depression: Risperdone was discontinued secondary to long QTc. Celexa 60 mg daily was continued. . # BPH: Continued Finasteride 5 mg daily . # Full Code . # To Do: -___ Fe deficiency anemia -Optimize heart failure regimen -Monitor electrolytes/renal function -Monitor for PTSD symptoms (___ discontinued secondary to QT prolongation) -Consider PFTs ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the General Surgical Service for evaluation and treatment. On ___ the patient underwent minimally invasive (thoracoscopic-laparoscopic) ___ type near total esophagectomy, which went well without complication (reader referred to the Operative Note for details) and the patient was extubated in the OR prior to transfer. The patient was sent to the SICU NPO, on IV fluids and antibiotics, with a foley catheter, and dilaudid PCA for pain control. The patient was hemodynamically stable. Neuro: The patient received dilaudid PCA, followed by acetaminophen IV with good effect and adequate pain control. When tolerating oral intake, the patient was transitioned to oral pain medications. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. He remained in rate controlled atrial fibrillation. On ___, the patient was restarted on coumadin 5mg daily without hep gtt bridging. At discharge, the patient's INR was 1.7. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirrometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. The patient's chest tube and JP drains were removed on ___ without complication, and f/u CXR confirmed no pneumothorax. GI/GU/FEN: Post-operatively, the patient was made NPO with IV fluids. Diet was advanced when appropriate, after swallow study on ___ confirmed no anastamotic leak. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored, and IV fluid was adjusted when necessary. Electrolytes were routinely followed, and repleted when necessary. ID: The patient's white blood count and fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection. The patient remained afebrile throughout this hospitalization with a normal WBC count. Endocrine: The patient's blood sugar was monitored throughout his stay; insulin dosing was adjusted accordingly. Hematology: The patient's complete blood count was examined routinely; no transfusions were required. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and venodyne boots were used during this stay; was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY: ___ is a ___ with Hx of presumed etoh-induced pancreatitis (now abstinent entirely of alcohol), otherwise healthy, presents sent to ED from clinic with severe abdominal pain and emesis and chronic weight loss, found to have radiographic evidence of necrotizing pancreatitis complicated by walled-off necrosis and chronic mesenteric thrombosis. HOSPITAL COURSE BY PROBLEM: # Acute on chronic necrotizing pancreatitis # Large peripancreatic fluid collections # Walled-off necrosis # Chronic mesenteric thrombosis Unclear etiology of recurrent pancreatitis. He is completely abstinent of alcohol. Triglycerides and calcium are normal. He is s/p CCY. IgG4 is mildly elevated, however necrotizing pancreatitis is not consistent with autoimmune pancreatitis. He was seen by GI who recommended bowel rest and conservative, supportive care. NGT was placed on ___ for initiation of tube feeds.He was initially covered empirically with cefepime and Flagyl, however as his clinical picture seemed more consistent with acute on chronic pancreatitis rather than superinfection of WON/pseudocysts, antibiotics were stopped on ___. They were restarted on ___ in the setting of acutely worsened pain, nausea/vomiting, and rising WBC count. CT abd/pelvis completed at the time was essentially stable. After this, he was improving and had been tolerating TFs at full strength without significant pain med needs, but decompensated again on ___ with increased abdominal/back pain, rigoring, nausea/vomiting, and increased WBC count. It is not completely clear what caused these decompensations - whether there may be superinfection of his walled-off necrosis or if this could just be due to natural progression of his pancreatitis. For both decompensations, he has improved after holding tube feeds and restarting broad-spectrum antibiotics. After he had received 7 days of broad spectrum antibiotics, they were stopped as the Pancreas did did not feel strongly that he was infected. He was monitored for 48 hours after this and continued to do well. The chronic mesenteric thrombosis noted on CTA abdomen was discussed with the ___ Team, as well. Because he has sufficient collaterals, anticoagulation was not recommended. He was discharged on tube feeds and a clear liquid diet on ___ with plans to follow up with Dr. ___ specialist) on ___. He was discharged on as-needed Lasix for third-spacing and was provided a few doses of Dilaudid in case of severe pain at home. # Hypokalemia # Hypomagnesemia # Hypophosphatemia In the setting of poor nutrition and emesis. These were aggressively repleted and closely monitored throughout his admission. He was discharged on standing magnesium oxide due to near daily magnesium repletion needs. # Elevated bicarb (resolved) Most likely ___ contraction alkalosis. Improved after IV fluids. # Hepatic steatosis: monitor as outpatient issue # HTN: now off meds and normotensive; monitor >30 minutes spent on complex discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient ___ was admitted to the urology service for ___ 3-way foley catheter placement and continuous bladder irrigation. Urine culture was obtained, no growth final. His aspirin was continued however Plavix was held due to ongoing hematuria. On HD3 he experienced mild chest discomfort, ECG was obtained and reassuring, no ST changes. Bladder irrigation was weaned by HD5. Patient was discharged home with foley catheter in place on ASA. He was advised to continue to hold his Plavix until discussion with Dr. ___ his cardiologist to weigh the risk/benefit of restarting this medication given ongoing/recurrent hematuria. He will follow up outpatient for a voiding trial. Urinary leg bag teaching was provided to the patient prior to discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** =============== PATIENT SUMMARY =============== ___ year old man with a history of CLL recently off Ibrutinib, CAD s/p stenting, HTN, HLD presenting with weakness and a recent fall, found to have pancytopenia with concern for PNA, and a hospital course complicated by NSTEMI s/p stent placement and ballooning and SVT/Afib (on warfarin) controlled on metoprolol and amiodarone. ============= ACTIVE ISSUES ============= #Febrile neutropenia Severe neutropenia (<500) with ANC 0.42 on admission. Reported fever at home to ___ and fever to 102.5 in the hospital. He also had rigors and sweats that have slowly improved. Most likely source of infection is PNA, given CXR findings, dyspnea, and hypoxia. Alternative dx include sinusitis (given head CT findings), intraabdominal source such as typhilitis (although exam and diarrhea improved), subacute LLE wound. Covered broadly with Cefepime, Vancomycin, Flagyl, Azithromycin, and we narrowed to ceftriaxone and azithromycin. Patient was also placed on neutropenic precautions. His infectious workup including stool, blood, urine CX, MRSA swab, fungal cx, beta-glucan, galactomannan, u/a, C diff negative except for positive stool culture for salmonella and rare staph aureus found in his wound. #CLL #Pancytopenia History of CLL for ___ years. Previously treated with fludarabine, rituximab, leukeran/prednisone, and second fludarabine. Started on Ibrutinib for several years until 1 month ago when counts began dropping. CBC ___ at OSH Oncologist: ___. Stable thrombocytopenia, but worsened neutropenia and significant anemia. Given initial presentation of pancytopenia including hypoproliferation of RBCs, concern for bone marrow infiltration, Ibrutinib treatment effect, less likely infectious BM suppression given negative infectious workup. MDS suggested by markedly elevated B12, teardrop cells. Increased Tbili, LDH, AST c/w hemolysis. We repeated hemolysis labs frequently and did not find evidence of active hemolysis. Serum antibodies indicate hypogammaglobulinemia. Heme-Onc consulted and reported there was no indication for IVIG, especially given his risk of clotting. Patient received 1 unit of pRBCs. #NSTEMI Patient complained of chest tightness, found to have elevated trop, tachycardia, borderline hypotension, and a stat echo that showed LAD territory severely dysfunctional, compared to OSH TEE ___, with a marked drop in global LV systolic function. Patient now s/p successful placement of DES in the LAD and LMCA with kissing balloon angioplasty of the LMCA, LAD and Cx. 2. PTCA of the diagonal 1. #New systolic heart failure (EF 25%) Patient treated with IV Lasix 40mg BID, with goal net negative -1L/day. Patient was kept on this regimen for 7 days with good output. His initial weight was 68.9 kg at the start of diuresis and his discharge weight was 62.4 kg. #Afib/SVT: Patient had various rhythms s/p cath including afib with HRs up to 150s and likely NSVT with HRs up to 180s. For the afib, patient was started on warfarin with goal INR ___. His dose of metoprolol was also uptitrated. The episode of likely NSVT with HRs up to 180s, patient need escalation of care, eventually requiring 12mg adenosine to break rhythm. He was loaded on amiodarone and should continue on amiodarone 400 daily. #Anti-coagulation Patient was not yet therapeutic upon discharge, but he will be discharged with ___ services who will monitor his INR. He will remain on aspirin, Plavix and Coumadin until INR >2, and then aspirin should be held. If her INR is ever subtherapeutic, his aspirin should be restarted asap. Patient should never be on fewer than 2 agents. #Fall at home #LLE weakness Fall sounds mechanical given history, but patient reports several falls in recent weeks to months. Reports chronic urinary incontinence, but no change and no significant back pain. ___ consulted. ============== CHRONIC ISSUES ============== ___ swelling Unclear if new or chronic issue. 2+ edema LEs. Recent med list from ___ has him on amlodipine 5mg, unsure if taking but if he is this could be contributing. Recent echo ___ with some LV hypokinesis and LVEF of 50%, and no pulmonary edema on CXR. Pt is mildly hypoalbuminemic and this ___ be contributing. Amlodipine held. #Chronic bronchitis Continued home inhalers #GERD Omeprazole changed to pantoprazole given interaction with Plavix. #CAD #HTN Continued ASA, Plavix, Crestor, Lisinopril. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== Discharge weight: 62.4 kg Cr: 1.0 Hb: 7.5 INR: 1.8 WBC: 2.2 Platelets: 156 LDH: 433 Bilirubin, Total 1.1 Haptoglobin: 202 Trop peak 3.10 [ ] Follow up with oncologist Dr. ___ at ___ for f/u and next steps regarding cytopenias [ ] Patient was started on oral diuretic. His weights and BMP should be monitored. [ ] Please stop aspirin when INR >2. If INR ever <2, please restart aspirin. [ ] Patient needs to take amiodarone 200mg BID from ___. Patient will then take 200mg daily after ___. [ ] Consider stopping amiodarone in the future based on conversation with your cardiologist. It was started in the setting of atrial tachyarrhythmias (SVT, afib) in the setting of NSTEMI and newly reduced EF [ ] Please ensure patient has follow up TTE in ___ weeks to look for recovery of systolic function MEDICATION CHANGES [ ] Discontinued omeprazole & switched to pantoprazole given interaction w Plavix [ ] Aspirin should be held once INR is >2.0 MEDICATIONS DISCONTINUED [ ] Held amlodipine NEW MEDICATIONS [ ] Plavix 75 mg was started after stent placement. This medication needs to be continued after leaving the hospital. [ ] Continue aspirin daily until INR ___ [ ] Warfarin [ ] Torsemide 20 mg PO DAILY [ ] Amiodarone 200mg BID ___. Amiodarone 200mg daily starting after ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old ___ only female with history of polio, insulin dependent type II diabetes, and chronic kidney disease presented with an episode of falling due to lower extremity weakness and was found to be hypotensive on admission with acute on chronic kidney failure and rhabdomyolysis. ## Hypotension: The etiology of her hypotension was likely multifactorial in the setting of potential blood pressure medication changes, sepsis, or hypovolemia from poor oral intake. The patient was initially admitted to the intensive care unit because of systolic blood pressure of 50 (although reportedly asymptomatic). She briefly required levophed and was aggressively fluid resuscitated with improvement of her blood pressures. Unfortunately the patient developed hypoxia secondary to pulmonary edema in this setting (see below) and required BiPAP. ## Pulmonary edema: In the setting of aggressive fluid hydration, the patient developed hypoxia with pulmonary edema shown on chest x-ray and required BiPAP. With diuresis the patient's hypoxia resolved. An echo showed a hyperdynamic left ventricular function with increased severity of known mitral regurgitation. ## Leukocytosis: Patient was admitted with a WBC 21K. She was started on antibiotics for possible pneumonia or sepsis in the setting of her hypotension. However no evidence of pneumonia was reported on repeat chest x-ray, and blood and urine cultures show no growth to date. On discharge patient was afebrile and WBC was downtrending at 14.2. Patient will follow-up with her PCP to ___ her CBC in one week. ## Vascular stenosis: Patient had uneven blood pressures in her right and left arm (left SBP ___, right SBP 130s) concerning for aortic dissection in the setting of her low blood pressures. An MRI chest however showed no evidence of aortic dissection. Vascular surgery thought this was most likely due to arterial stenosis and recommended no intervention at this time as patient was asymptomatic. ## Rule out hypopituitarism: MRI brain showed a partial empty sella, which was concerning for secondary adrenal insufficiency in the setting of her hypotensive episode. Patient received decadron in the ED initially. Patient however had normal AM cortisols (>20) and an adequate response to the cosyntropin test. Other pituitary hormones (LH/FSH/ACTH/prolactin/IGF-1) were also checked given the partial empty sella. LH and FSH were indicative of post-menopausal status. Prolactin slightly elevated which is difficult to interpret in the setting of illness. TSH normal. ACTH and IGF-1 will be followed-up as an outpatient. ## Rhabdomyolysis: Patient had mild rhabdomyolysis with elevated creatine kinase on admission secondary to prolonged time down after her fall. This was consistent with her urine analysis which showed gross hematuria but only 1 RBC. Her rhabdomyolys resolved resolved with hydration, and her creatine kinase and creatinine normalized. ## Acute on chronic kidney failure: Patient's creatinine was elevated on admission (3.0) from her baseline (1.6-2.1) likely secondary to prerenal azotemia. Her creatinine returned to baseline with fluid resuscitation. ## Lower extremity weakness/falls: Most likely this patient's fall was secondary to an exacerbation of her left leg weakness, which she has at baseline as a sequelae of polio. However due to concern for cerebrovascular accident, neurology was consulted and an MRI brain showed sequelae of chronic small vessel ischemic disease without any acute intracranial process. MR ___ ruled out a cord lesion. Furthermore L-spine and pelvis was negative for any fractures. Patient was seen by physical therapy who recommended discharge with home ___. # DM2: Patient had high blood sugars on this admission, so her Levemir insulin was increased to 16 Units at night. Patient was discharged on ___ to her home. She will follow-up with her PCP. At that time, she should: (1) get bloodwork to ensure that WBC is downtrending, (2) follow-up final urine and blood cultures, (3) follow-up endocrine labs (ACTH, IGF, LH) (4) discuss medication adjustments. Namely the medication adjustment that were made during this hospitalization was: 1) increase Levemir to 16, 2) continue cefpodoxime and azithromycin until ___, and 3) decreased lasix to 20 mg. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** female with a history of diverticulosis transferred from an outside hospital for management of a large bowel obstruction. She initially went to the ED at an OSH on ___ with a 3-day history of low p.o. intake, no bowel movements, emesis, and left lower quadrant pain. While in the ED she underwent a CT scan that showed an intramural abscess in the sigmoid colon. She was made n.p.o. and started on IVF, and antibiotics. Throughout her hospital stay she did not improve clinically and her abdomen became more distended. A repeat CT scan on ___ showed no changes in her intramural abscess. She was kept on antibiotics. On ___ a KUB with Gastrografin enema showed Gastrografin flows freely beyond the site of narrowing into the dilated proximal sigmoid and descending colon. Given these results and lack of progression, she was transferred here for possible diverticular stricture or tumor obstructing the sigmoid colon. At ___ she was admitted to the colorectal surgery service and kept on clear liquids with IVF. GI was consulted for a flexible sigmoidoscopy which was performed and showed a narrowing of the sigmoid colon likely due to a diverticular stricture, however the scope was able to pass the narrowing with only mild resistance. There was also moderate severity diverticulosis which was non bleeding. Biopsies were taken of the inflamed area of colon and sent for pathology. The patient's diet was advanced as tolerated to a low residue diet. She was passing flatus and having bowel movements. Her abdominal pain had resolved and she was deemed medically appropriate for discharge home with close follow up in clinic. She will likely need a sigmoid colectomy at a future date due to her sigmoid diverticular stricture and the patient was in good understanding of this. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ ___ yo F with history of dCHF, CKD, SSS with PPM in place, and prior GI bleeds who presents to ED with SOB, DOE, weakness, and weight gain in setting of missing several doses of torsemide. #Acute on chronic systolic CHF: likely due to medication non-compliance, causing SOB, DOE, weight gain, and weakness. Volume overloaded on exam. Initially treated with diuresis but repeat echo showed newly low EF (25%) potentially due to poorly controlled tachycardia. Thought was that tachycardia is causing her low EF, fluid retention, and possibly her weakness. She was digoxin-loaded and continued on Dig 0.0625 mcg qod in addition to uptitration of Metoprolol Succinate XL to 200mg bid. This provided good control of her tachycardia, and repeat echo showed returned preservation of EF (55%). Ultimately she was established on a diuretic regimen of Torsemide 60 mg qd with plans for close follow up to obtain labs and a dig level at our heart failure clinic. #Acute on chronic kidney disease: acute injury likely cardiorenal syndrome with background of diabetic nephropathy vs hypertensive nephropathy. B/l Cr is ~ 1.5, and she presented with a Cr of 2.7. Initially improved with diuresis but then worsened, so diuresis held. Cr actually returned to baseline once tachycardia was controlled as above. On discharge Cr stable on Torsemide 60 mg daily. #SSS and AFib s/p dual-chamber PPM: CHADS2 score of 3. Not on any anticoagulation due to prior GI bleeds. Rate controlled with digoxin 0.0625 mcg qod and Metoprolol Succinate XL 200mg bid as above. Possible disease of thyroid causing worsening of atrial fibrillation (described next). Of note, we discussed possible TEE/cardioversion with family, but as this would require anticoagulation and she has a history of GI bleeds, this was not pursued. #Thyrotoxicosis: Of note, she also had slightly elevated TSH and FT4 on admission so endocrine was consulted in regards to thyroid disease causing worsening of her AFib. They recommended an I-123 thyroid uptake scan which showed uptake in the upper limits of normal. Endocrine team considered MRI of pituitary to be the next step in work up, and they will work with her PCP/endocrinologist Dr. ___ to facilitate this. #Weakness: no focal signs on exam, so low c/f stroke or head bleed. Potentially related to poorly controlled tachycardia, UTI on admission, or malignancy. Repeat CXR was obtained to evaluate status of known pleural effusions from prior hospitalizations, but these were no longer evident. She worked with physical therapy while hospitalized, and ___ will visit her at home to improve her strength. #UTI: slightly dirty UA on admission and endorsed lower abdominal discomfort. Treated with 3 days of ceftriaxone and UCx was negative. #Prior GI bleeds: prior scopes showing ileal angioectasias, diffuse diverticulosis. Anticoagulation was held per patient and family wishes. #DM: sugars well-controlled while hospitalized. #Hyponatremia: normalized s/p diuresis. #HTN: well-controlled on metoprolol and losartan while hospitalized. #HLD: home simvastatin continued. #LBP: avoided any narcotic pain medications while hospitalized. Monitored. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES [] Diuretic regimen: torsemide 60 mg daily [] Discontinued losartan given HFpEF [] Will need outpatient ___ with endocrine for ___ work-up [] After family meeting, discussed risk and benefits of anticoagulation given atrial fibrillation and joint decision made to hold off on anticoagulation [] Will need Chem-7 and digoxin level drawn on ___ and faxed to Dr. ___ at ___. [] Contact: ___ daughter ___ ___ ___ ***Discharge weight 54.5 kg*** ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 1. Sepsis: Pt meets SIRS criteria with urine as suspected source. Pt's BP responded well to fluid challenge. He required pressors in setting of initiating HD, and was weaned off the Phenylephrine on ___ (transitioned to ___ midodrine 10mg prior to dialysis) Antibiotic coverage as follows: Initially continued linezolid for h/o VRE and broadened from ceftriaxone=>cefepime. Linezolid was discontinued for thrombocytopenia on ___. Spiked temp to 102 on ___ with worsening secretions, added Vancomycin and cefepime=>meropenem for better GN coverage. Vancomycin discontinued on ___ given worsening thrombocytopenia. He was started on daptomycin/meropenem meningitis doses on ___ given unresponsiveness in absence of sedation since admission and MRI with extra-axial CSF protein noted. LP attempted on ___ per attending and resident, unsuccessfully-pt already on meningitis doses of Abx. Patient's femoral line placed in ED was pulled, his L PICC line and tip were sent for culture on ___. Sputum positive for Pseudomonas, sensitive to meropenem which was continued for tx of VAP, to finish course of meropenem 500mg daily, last day on ___. Daptomycin was discontinued on ___ given absence of Gram positives in culture data. 2. Respiratory distress: Pt was initially nasally intubated due to locked jaw and unresponsiveness at his NH and upon ED presentation. His NT was switched over to ETT. He remained intubated due to unresponsiveness in absence of sedation for at east 1 week. Additionally the patient had significant amt. of secretions with little gag. Tracheostomy and PEG on ___. He had a trial on trach collar on ___ but had to go back on to pressure support ventilation due to respiratory fatigue. 3. Neuro: Dementia and mobility disorder likely secondary to severe ___ disease. He was started on Sinemet at ___ and titrated to escelating doses prior to transfer which was continued here with some improvement. MRI (non contrast) done with extraaxial protein noted, non-specific finding but ?meningitis. LP attempt on ___ w/attndg-unsuccessful. Sinemet dose uptitrated to 250/50 TID. Patient should receive tube feeds at night so that they do not interfere with Sinemet absorption. 4. Thrombocytopenia: presumed from linezolid and sepsis. Received 1 unit of platelets, HIT negative, and subsequently resolved. Patient continued to receive heparin gtt for left IJ clot until INR was therapeutic. 5. ESRD on HD: On ___ schedule at ___. Renal following, ___ attempted on several occasions due to hypotension. HD initially not tolerated due to hypotension, but now tolerating with pre-treatment with 10mg midodrine. 6. Ileus: Pt started on reglan on ___ for ? ileus, which was discontinued once the ileus resolved resolved. 7. HTN: Discontinued anti-hypertensives given persistent hypotension and requiring midodrine to maintain this. 8. Nutrition: Tube feeds, Probalance full strength at rate of 130/hour, cycled from 9PM to 7AM, held for residuals > 150, free water flushes q6H. Cycled at night to avoid interference with Sinemet absorption. 9. Prophylaxis: Started on warfarin for 6 weeks for left IJ thrombosis. 10. Code status - full code Communication: With Daughter, ___ ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have left femoral neck fracture and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for left hip hemiarthroplasty which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is weight-bearing as tolerated in the left lower extremity, and will be discharged on lovenox for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** with history of ADD, low back pain status post L4-L5 hemilaminectomy and microdiscectomy (___), nephrolithiasis, and cervical disc disease, who presented with right-sided chest/back/neck pain for three days prior to presentation, and new vesicular rash since the day prior to presentation, overall c/f herpes zoster. ACUTE ISSUES: ============== #Vesicular rash: #Chest/Back/Neck pain: #Herpes zoster: Presented with three days of right sided chest/neck/back pain, with subsequent development of vesicular rash over right shoulder blade and under right arm, consistent with herpes zoster infection. Unable to achieve adequate pain control in the ED with PO medications, therefore patient admitted for pain control. No risk factors for immunocompromised state, negative HIV antibody ___ and repeat negative ___ here. No involvement of the face, ears, or eye which would prompt urgent evaluation/treatment. Patient endorses high levels of stress at work, applying for MBA, which is likely the cause of his shingles. He was started on valacylovir 1000 mg TID for 7 days ___ evening) with end date ___ afternoon, and topical bacitracin. For pain control, he was taking tylenol ___ mg q6h, ibuprofen 600 mg TID, PO Dilaudid ___ mg q4h prn, and IV Dilaudid 0.25-0.5 mg q4h prn breakthrough pain. He requested a derm consult prior to discharge, and they agreed that this is localized shingles and recommended valacyclovir and mupirocin prn. #Elevated Hct: Noted to have Hct in the ___, appears chronically elevated. Per patient, has been worked up outpatient with sleep study and genetic tests (presumably for hemochromatosis and PCV). CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: ====================== #ADD: Continued home dextroamphetamine-amphetamine 15mg daily. #Chronic low back pain: Pain relief as above. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] Continue valacylovir 1000 mg TID for 7 days ___ evening) with end date ___. [] Ensure resolution of herpes zoster, and monitor for post-herpetic neuralgia. [] Discharged with 15 tabs of PO Dilaudid 2 mg. Checked PMP. =================================== #CODE STATUS: Full code (confirmed) This patient was prescribed, or continued on, an opioid pain medication at the time of discharge (please see the attached medication list for details). As part of our safe opioid prescribing process, all patients are provided with an opioid risks and treatment resource education sheet and encouraged to discuss this therapy with their outpatient providers to determine if opioid pain medication is still indicated. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female with history of rectal cancer was admitted to the Colorectal Surgery service on ___ and had a laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was admitted to the inpatient General Surgery Unit postoperatively. Neuro: Post-operatively, the patient received Dilaudid IV/PCA with ___ effect and adequate pain control. When tolerating oral intake, the patient was transitioned to oral pain medications. CV: The patient was stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; home anti-hypertensive medications were resumed on POD1. vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient was stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. GI/GU: Post-operatively, the patient was given IV fluids until tolerating oral intake. On POD1 patient had no nausea or emesis and tolerated clears. Her diet was advanced to regular on POD5, which was tolerated well. She was also started on a bowel regimen to encourage bowel movement. Foley was removed on POD#4 at midnight. Intake and output were closely monitored. ID: The patient's temperature was closely watched for signs of infection. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin during this stay, and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge on POD#5, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** # Endocarditis with valvular involvement: Diagnosed with MRSA endocarditis in late ___, complicated by abscess, pseudoaneurysm and microperforation, w/o evidence of tamponade. ___. ___ CT surgery did not think she was a good candidate for surgery and she was transferred here for a second opinion with Dr. ___. Dr. ___ did not think she was a good candidate for surgery. Pt was monitored on telemetry without event, until the decision was made to focus on comfort measures and she was transferred to the hospice. # End of life care: Discussion with family was had and it was decided that she should be started on transition to comfort measures only. Palliative care was consulted and a referral to a free standing ___ center in ___ was made given the family's preference. Labs and vitals were minimized and she was taken off the telemetry. Patient was monitored for pain and respiratory distress but she remained comfortable. She was continued on tube feeds until ___ per family's wishes and her last dialysis was done on ___ before transfer to ___ ___. # Atrial fibrillation: Report of difficult to control a-fib with RVR, however, patient is rate controlled without medication at the time of transfer. Her blood pressure is low at baseline, so her digoxin and beta blocker were stopped at ___ ___. She was placed on tele and continuous vital monitoring. Given her recent GI bleed, her anticoagulation was held. She was monitored on telemetry and remained in rate controlled a-fib until the decision was made to start the transitioning to comfort measures only. Then her telemetry monitoring was stopped. # DM: per daughter, pt is a brittle diabetic. Her long acting insulin was held on admission as her tube feeding was inconsistent, as to avoid hypoglycemia. She was covered with sliding scale insulin. Her blood glucose ran high (in 200-300s) on tube feeding without her lantus. She did not have episodes of hypoglycemia. # CKD from ___ nephropathy: patient with history of chronic kidney disease from IgA nephropathy, recently started on dialysis. ___ renal service was consulted for hemodialysis. Patient was kept on his ___ hemodialysis schedule in the hospital. Also, per rehab record, she had been on prednisone 20 mg daily, but it seems to have been stopped at ___ given her infection and upper GI bleed. Prednisone was held during the hospitalization. Hemodialysis was done on ___ and ___. # Recent Duodenal bleed: At OSH, required 12 units of PRBCs. Bleeding from a duodenal ulcer, per OSH EGD report. EGD was repeated just prior to transfer and showed stable healing duodenal ulcer. She was typed and screened on admission. Her sucralfate and pantoprazole were continued and all anticoagulation was held. Hemoglobin and hematocrit were checked and remained stable. Lab draws were stopped when family started transitioning to comfort care. #IgA vasculitis: pt had been on 20 mg of prednisone daily at rehab prior to admission to ___. Unclear when prednisone was stopped during the OSH stay, but there was no prednisone on transfer medication list. Patient does have hypotension, but does not seem that she has adrenal insufficiency. Prednisone was held during the hospital stay as it could be a complicating factor with her recent GI bleed, MRSA endocarditis and microperforation. She was monitored for worsening rash and vasculitis. # Dysphagia: report of dysphagia from OSH, likely from her stroke. Patient was transferred to ___ with NGT for tubefeeding and it was continued in house. NG tube was removed before transfer to the ___ facility as it would only lead to volume overload without dialysis and family was in agreement. Patient is NPO given her dysphagia and aspiration risk. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with PMHx significant for atrial fibrillation, HFpEF, traumatic subdural hematoma in ___, IDDM c/b diabetic nephropathy and neuropathy, who presents from ALF with FTT in the setting of frequent falls with concern for home safety. Course complicated by poorly controlled diabetes and orthostatic hypotension. # Failure to Thrive: Presented from ALF after having multiple unwitnessed falls. Trauma workup including CT head and plain film of left knee without acute process. Suspect orthostatic hypotension driving etiology of recurrent falls though ongoing concern for progressive cognitive decline and inability to continue safely living at current facility. Per discussion with patient's daughter, he moved into an ALF about ___ years ago and has continued to decline more noticeably over the past few months as evident by frequent falls and inability to adhere to his medications including insulin with several finger sticks > 500. His poor medication adherence is likely driven by progressive macular degeneration (and difficulty with the glucometer). Now that he is medically stable, he is very motivated to get back home and I think he may be able to take care of himself there given the appropriate support. # Orthostatic hypotension: Noted to have orthostatic hypotension on admission-- likely hypovolemia from osmotic diuresis. Suspect secondary to hypovolemia in setting of Lasix use along with polyuria from poorly controlled diabetes as well as suspected autonomic neuropathy also from DM. Diuretics initially held and he was given IVF. Lasix restarted at lower dose prior to discharge and patient no longer with orthostasis. # IDDM: Poorly controlled. A1c 12%. FSBG > 500 (upper limit of home glucometer) prior to admission. Normal anion gap. ___ team consulted given complexity of regimen and difficulty for patient to read glucometer from macular degeneration. They recommended NPH 24U in AM (when getting glargine he was hypoglycemic in the morning). Blood Glucose still in 100s-200s on discharge so may need uptitration. Seen by Diabetes educator to develop plan for patient to deliver insulin to himself. Patient may be able to deliver insulin at home to himself given the following resources: -Prodigy Voice Glucometer (speaks the BG). This prescription was sent to his pharmacy and ___ (daughter will pick it up and bring it to ___ to see if he can use it) -NPH syringes pre-loaded (7 at a time by ___. Educator thinks pt can safely deliver syringe if pre-loaded, thus weekly ___ could let this happen. #fall with left leg bruising and swelling. Left knee pain and swelling after falling at home. Xray with small knee effusion and soft tissue swelling, but no fracture. . swelling improving over admission. continue ___. # ___ on CKD: Cr 3.1 from baseline of ~2.6. Improved with fluids. Cr 2.3 on discharge. can resume home candesartan. # HFpEF: Lasix and aldactone initially held in setting of orthostatic hypotension. aldoctone continued. Lasix was restarted at lower dose (40mg daily, instead of 40mg BID). euvolemic on discharge. # Atrial fibrillation: CHADS2 = 4 (age, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes) - Continued Diltiazem ER 120 mg PO daily. Continued Apixaban 2.5 mg PO BID, though will need to reevalaute risk/benefit of continuation if patient with ongoing falls. # Hypertension: - Candesartan 8 mg PO daily held as nonformularly and patient with orthostatic hypotension and ?___. Continued Diltiazem ER 120 mg PO daily. Can restart candesartan on discharge. #PMR: was previously started on prednisone 15mg for PMR. Symptoms seem to be improving. This should be slowly tapered by physician who started it (?PCP). With tapering of prednisone, insulin will have to be adjusted. # HSV PPX: - Continued Acyclovir 400 mg PO BID # Hyperlipidemia: - Continued Atorvastatin 40 mg PO daily # Normocytic anemia Stable, chronic issue. # GERD: Continued Omeprazole 20 mg PO BID # BPH: Continued Terazosin 5 mg PO daily # Asthma: Continued Theophylline ER 300 mg PO BID PRN - Albuterol PRN # Depression: Continued Sertraline 200 mg PO daily TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: =================== [] continue risk/benefit assessment of anticoagulation for afib if ongoing recurrent falls. [] Consider referral for neurocognitive testing. [] continued insulin management (determining if he can safely check BG and deliver insulin at home). Please note that with decreasing doses of prednisone, his insulin requirement will decrease and he should be closely followed by outpatient providers to coordinate this. []continue to monitor left knee swelling [] continue to monitor kidney function [] ___ patient does not want some medical information shared with family. I have been asking pt what information is ok to share. Daughter, ___, is very concerned about her father and very involved. ___ - DAUGHTER - ___- she is the one who will bring the talking glucometer. [] ?Dementia: patient is very involved in his care and knowledgeable about things, however he does have some memory problems. Per family he has "failed MOCAs" in the past but does not want more testing. Family wants him to get an appointment with Dr. ___ (Geriatrics) at ___ (P: ___ please look into making an appt after discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the plastic surgery service on ___ and had a bilateral breast reduction. The patient tolerated the procedure well. . Neuro: Post-operatively, the patient was given morphine IV with good effect. When tolerating oral intake, the patient was transitioned to oral pain medications. . CV: The patient was stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. . Pulmonary: The patient was stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. . GI/GU: Post-operatively, the patient was given IV fluids until tolerating oral intake. Her diet was advanced when appropriate, which was tolerated well. Intake and output were closely monitored. . ID: Post-operatively, the patient was started on IV cefazolin, then switched to PO cephalexin for discharge home. The patient's temperature was closely watched for signs of infection. . Prophylaxis: The patient was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. . At the time of discharge on POD#1, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. She had a surgibra in place with clean wrap dressing over breasts bilaterally. No evidence of active bleeding or hematoma. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A/P: ___ F with HTN, PVD s/p AAA repair in ___, PUD presents with epigastric pain, dyspepsia, N/V, diarrhea, low grade temps x 2 days. Hypertensive urgency in ED, easily controlled with home medications. . # Abdominal pain/dyspepsia/emesis: Abdominal exam nonspecific; relatively benign. Symptoms started after start of PO dilaudid, ?effect of this. Does not explain diarrhea though. Patient does have h/o PUD as below. Guaiac negative in ED. Also with abd aneurysmal/PVD disease but stable on CT. Patient appears to be more affected by indigestion rather than epigastric pain. Also considered ACS given patient's PVD, age; but ruled out for this. Most likely was simple viral GE given concurrent diarrhea and fever. Family members subsequently developed similar symptoms at home, supporting this theory. She tolerated regular diet well with no further episodes of vomiting or diarrhea. We will send her on oxycodone as opposed to dilaudid. . # Diarrhea: x2 days prior to admission, associated with above symptoms. No known antibiotic exposure. Likely represents viral GE. No further loose stools while here. . # HTN: Very elevated in ED; patient had no BP meds x 2 days. Improved to within normal range with taking home regimen. We did increase labetalol to 200 mg daily due to persistant mild elevation in BP and HR. . # UTI: U/A checked in the ED; not suggestive of UTI. Culture with mixed flora. Had subsequent straight cath specimen with positive UA, culture with coag neg staph, sensitive to levofloxacin. Initially started ciprofloxacin, added vanco x 1 day; will complete course with levofloxacin. . # Fever: Mildly elevated temp in ED. CXR WNL in ED; U/A eventually positive. CT neg for diverticulitis. Most likely associated with viral GE or UTI. . # PVD: Stable on CT. Continued ASA, BP control. Not on statin for unclear reasons. . # Back pain: h/o spinal stenosis. ALso with known lumbar compression fracture. On lidoderm patch to low back at home. . # h/o PUD: Seen in ___. Guiaic negative in ED. Continued PPI and sucralfate. . # Dyspnea/mild hypoxemia/Asthma: Wheezes on exam and marginal room air sat in ED. H/o asthma, former smoker. Improved with nebs. . # Cataracts/glaucoma: Continued outpatient home eye gtts. . # Full code ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ presented to ___ ED after complaints of chronic back pain acutely worsening. Patient was seeing a chiropractor for her back pain however underwent aggressive manipulation and continued to feel worsened pain for which she saw her PCP. Patient's PCP ordered and MRI of the spine revealing a severe T12 vertebral body fracture with extension into the pedicles and cord compression. Patient was immediately contacted and told to present to the ED. #T12 fracture Patient was subsequently admitted to the neurosurgery service for further management. Patient underwent a CT of the T&L spine which revealed a severe T12 compression fracture with subsequent kyphosis and extension into the pedicle with retropulsion and cord compression. T12 left pedicle with lucency and concern for underlying lesion. Due to concern for underlying lytic lesion patient underwent ___ guided biopsy on ___. Patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred back to the floor post-procedure. Patient was ordered for a TLSO brace to be delivered and fitted on ___. Patient also underwent MRI with and without contrast of the T&L spine which redemonstration "severe pathological compression deformity of the T12 vertebral body with complete vertebral body height loss, kyphotic angulation and severe spinal canal stenosis with cord compression". Patient's pain was managed with PRN analgesics. Pathology results pending at time of discharge and neurosurgery office will contact patient once results are finalized to determine surgical plan. #Scleritis, possible anterior uveitis Patient has h/o scleritis related to ankolosing spondylitis and is followed by ophthalmology. She had increased acute on chronic left eye pain while inpatient with injected sclera. Ophthalmology was consulted and recommended labs for TB, syphilis and lyme to rule out additional cause of scleritis - pending at discharge. She was continued on Pred Forte drops q1h around the clock and started on atropine bid. She was seen in ophthalmology clinic ___ for slit lamp evaluation and atropine drops were discontinued and prednisone drops QID. She will continue to follow up with them outpatient. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the hospital and taken to the Operating Room where he underwent a left thoracotomy, left lower lobectomy with bronchovascular closure, intercostal muscle flap buttress and mediastinal lymph node dissection. He tolerated the procedure well and returned to the PACU in stable condition. He maintained stable hemodynamics and his pain was controlled with an epidural catheter. His chest tube was draining moderate amounts of serosanguinous fluid and remianed in place a bit longer than usual due to volume. Following transfer to the Surgical floor he was able to tolerate a regular diet but his blood sugars were noted to be elevated post op as high as 300. He was told a few months ago he may have diabetes but was not following blood sugars or on medication. He had a HgA1C of 7. His father is a diabetic. He was evaluated by the ___ and placed on sliding scale humalog as well as nightly Lantus insulin. He was eventually started on Metformin and Glyburide with the hope of eventually stopping Lantus and sliding scale. Metformin and Glyburide were increased on ___ as his sugars were in the 180-240 range. He met with the diabetic educator for instruction on the use of the glucometer as well as administering insulin. His sugars will be followed by his PCP and ___ contact the ___ service if he has any problems. His pre op Amlodipine was resumed post op at 5 mg daily but his blood pressure ranged from 130/80-180/100. The increase could be multifactorial therefore his dose remained the same and he will have ___ services for BP monitoring and will follow up with Dr. ___ week for re evaluation. His chest tube was removed on ___ once his drainage decreased and he was able to use his incentive spirometer effectively. He did require some additional saline nebulizer treatments to help clear his secretions and he also continued on Levalbuteral. His thoracotomy site was healing well and his pain was controlled with oxycodone and tylenol after his epidural was removed. He was ambulating without difficulty and his room air saturation was 95%. He was discharged to home on ___ with ___ services and will return to the Thoracic Clinic in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** female with hx of chronic pancreatitis on chronic narcotics, c/b pseudocyst, G-tube c/b gastrocutaneous fistula s/p takedown ___, gastric bypass, and depression/anxiety presenting with acute on chronic abdominal pain x 3 days. . #Acute on chronic abdominal pain: Pt had several year history of chronic abdominal pain controlled at home on po dilaudid, oxycontin and fentanyl patch. She presented with worsening of her pain and inability to tolerate po ___ nausea/vomiting. She was treated with bowel rest, IV fluids, and anti-emetics. Pain was controlled with IV dilaudid in addition to her oxycontin and fentanyl patch. Laboratory results did not reveal any etiology for abdominal pain as LFTs, alk phos, and T.bili were normal. Physical exam was inconsistent with any organic cause of abdominal pain. Pt insisted on remaining NPO, complaining of worsening pain when diet was advanced to clears. Eventually after 5 days of being NPO she was able to tolerate clears and crackers and abdominal pain was controlled on her home oral pain medications by the time of discharge. . #Depression/Anxiety: Pt had significant psychiatric history and reported that emotional stressors triggered episodes of acute abdominal pain. She was continued on her home psych meds, including buspirone, clonazepam, seroquel, and effexor. . #Vitamin B12 deficiency: No acute issues. She was continued on her once weekly injections of cyanocobalamin ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 8Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with ___ CAD, CHF (EF>55%), status post CABG, atrial fibrillation on Coumadin who presents with shortness of breath after recent discharge from ___, presenting with signs and symptoms of acute on chronic diastolic CHF exacerbation. # Acute on Chronic Diastolic CHF exacerbation: ___ had recent discharge on ___, presented again with signs and symptoms of volume overload. On previous admission, weight was 64.4kg and BNP was 1815, with this admission, weight and BNP was lower ( 60.2 kg, last discharge weight 59.6 kg, BNP 1500s). Similar to last event, there was no clear precipitant event, with no EKG changes and negative troponins. ___ and family reported medication and dietary compliance, but ___ did state also that she may have switched the diuretic medications. She stated the ___ did not speak ___, so she was unable to understand the medications. She was started on a lasix drip with good urine output and symptom improvement. Her active diuresis was held given increase in creatinine and decreased weight with improved clinical exam. ___ received nutrition counseling with ___ interpreter to help adhere to a CHF diet. We also planned to do a chemical stress test to rule out possible ischemic triggers, but ___ and her daughter (HCP) did not want to pursue further testing given ___ symptomatic improvement. They reported that they understood the risks of not pursuing the testing at this time, and stated that they would prefer to follow up with the outpatient cardiologist. ___ was off diuretics for two days with stable symptoms, breathing comfortably on room air, and was discharged on ___, discharge weight 58 kg. Given re-admission, ___ was scheduled to have close follow up with heart failure clinic, as well ___ services transitioned to ___ who provide ___ speaking nurses. ___ was instructed to resume torsemide 40 mg (home dose) day after discharge. Physical therapy evaluation for functional status and walking tolerance demonstrated that she has functional independence and has good potential for home discharge given expected improvement with further medical management and considering baseline level of function and social supports. # Hypertension: ___ was noted to have systolic blood pressures on prior admission to 190s-200s, and thus her BP medications at the time were modified and titrated. On admission, ___ still had elevated BPs to 160s. ___ was continued on last discharge regimen including Lisinopril 40, Amlodipine 10 mg, Hydralazine 50 TID and Imdur 60 with good effect. Carvedilol was decreased to 3.125 BID given bradycardic events to mid 35 on telemetry. HR in ___ on discharge. # Acute Renal failure: Creatinine was 1.7 on admission, likely secondary to renal venous congestion and intravascular depletion from volume overload, and creatinine improved with diuresis. However creatinine rose with continued Lasix drip, thus aggressive diuresis was discontinued and ___ creatinine stabilized at 1.9. She was scheduled for close outpatient followup and resumed on home torsemide 40 mg daily. # Bradycardia: ___ was bradycardic to the ___ on prior admission. with diltiazem held, Carvedilol 6.25 was decreased to 3.125 BID for better rate control. # Atrial fibrillation: Her anticoagulation was continued with warfarin. At discharge, her INR was 2.1. Her rate control with carvedilol was decreased as above. # Thrombocytopenia: ___ was noted to be thrombocytopenic (Plt 91-109), which has been noted in past results, with smear showing no concern for acute process. This may benefit from further outpatient workup. # CAD s/p CABG ___ (2VD, SVG -> OM1/PDA): Continued Aspirin 81 and Atorvastatin 20 mg. # Diabetes Type 2: Her glyburide was held and she was placed on insulin sliding scale. #Chest Tightness: ___ reported some chest tightness with no acute changes on EKG and no troponin elevation, and symptoms resolved with diuresis. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== -Admit Weight: 60.2 kg Discharge Weight: 58kg -___ reported chest pain in the ED, with no EKG changes and troponins negative x3, could consider outpatient stress test. ___ refused chemical stress test while admitted. -___ noted to be thrombocytopenic (Plt 91-109), which has been noted in past results, with smear showing no concern for acute process. This may benefit from further outpatient workup. -CONTACT: ___ (daughter) ___ -FULL CODE ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yo with history of urticaria ,Graves disease, now s/p total thyroidectomy complicated by hypoparathyroidism, iron deficiency anemia admitted for fever,chills, weakness and noted to have symptomatic anemia and pyelonephritis, as well as renal stones, with . #Sepsis with pyelonephritis. Elevated WBC and fever on admission, lactate borderline of 2.2 Ua abnormal with US showing multiple stones on left side but they are non obstructing , though evidence of mild hydroneprosis. She underwent CT to evaluate possible hydronephrosis - and was found to have evidence of passed stone and evidence of infection in collecting system. She was initially placed on ceftriaxone, then switched to ciprofloxacin after she developed hives on CTX. Her urine culture grew out pan sensitive E coli, and will be treated for 2 week course for pyelonephritis. #Symptomatic anemia, blood loss, with h/o iron deficiency anemia and menorrhagia s/p transfusion of one unit PRBCs. She received both one unit of blood, as well as iv iron. Her hct remained stable. She will require outpatient gynecology follow up for symptomatic anemia. #Nephrolithiaisis. She was noted to have multiple kidney stones, with some evidence on CT of cortical thinning, concerning for chronic kidney disease. She should see a nephrologist as an outpatient, for workup of chronic kidney stones. #Epigastric pain This improved with antibiotics. After her ultrasound showed biliary dilatation but normal LFTS, she underwent MRCP which showed no abnormalities, except for steatohepatosis. #h/o graves s/p thyroidectomy complicated by hypoparathyroidism Calcium levels were normal. She was continued on calcitriol and calcium supplements, as well as levothyroxine. Transitional issues: GYN follow up for symptomatic anemia from bleeding Renal follow up for chronic nephrolithiasis. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ was taken to the operating room ___ by Dr. ___ a right thoracotomy and right middle lobe sleeve lobectomy (anastomosis of right lower lobe bronchus to bronchus intermedius) intercostal muscle flap buttress, mediastinal lymph node dissection and bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage. She was extubated in the operating room, and monitored in the PACU. While in the PACU she was hypotensive which responded to a fluid challenge and decrease titration of Bupivacaine Epidural and phenylphrene. Once stable she transfer to the floor hemodynamically stable. Respiratory: Pulmonary toilet with incentive spirometery was encouraged throughout her stay. She was titrated off oxygen with ambulatory saturations of 93% on room air. Chest tubes: 2 ___ drains anteriorly and posteriorly over the apex were removed once pleural drainage decreased on ___ and ___ with stable postpull film revealing right apical pneumothorax, which is unchanged on followup CXR's. Cardiac: The patient had an episode of atrial fibrillation ___ which converted to Sinus rhythm with 10 mg IV Lopressor. Her home dose Lopressor was continued and she remained in sinus rhythm 60-70's with blood pressures 110-120 systolic. GI: PPI and bowel regime continued. The patient was passing gas on discharge but due for BM. Diet was advanced and tolerated. Renal: The patient had normal renal function with good urine output. Electrolytes were replete as needed. Pain: Bupivacaine Epidural with split dilaudid PCA was used for intitial pain management with good effect. ___ PCA was dc'd with po vicodin ordered and managed by the acute pain service. The epidural was removed on ___ and PO dilaudid, tylenol, ibuprofen and neurontin were given with positive affect. Disposition: She was seen by physical therapy and deemed safe for home with ___. She continued to make steady progress and was discharged to home with her family and ___ on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ h/o GVHD involving liver, skin, lung from allo transplant for AML, and recent admission for SOB of unclear etiology initially presenting with worsening SOB and RLE swelling, pain. He has a h/o thoracic spine compression fractures, and during this hospitalization received a T3-T7 laminectomy/spinal fusion ___ ___ for acute cord compression ___ the setting of a code blue and one chest compression. He had a FICU admission for respiratory depression thought ___ medication sedation effect, and was called out to ___ on ___ after his pain Rx were adjusted and his sedation had improved. On ___, he had several episodes of SBP 70's, and later became unresponsive with ABG's showing hypoxemia and acidemia, and the pt was transferred to the FICU. His AMS and hypercarbia improved with CPAP, and he was called out to the ___ floor again on ___. His Abx were progressively stopped, and he remained afebrile. He was continued on azithromycin for infection prophylaxis, and plan was made to continue this at the discretion of the outpatient physician, who can decided when or whether or not to stop. . ACTIVE ISSUES: . # Graft vs Host Disease- Involving his lungs, GI tract, eyes and skin. On admission, the pt was complaining of persistent SOB. He had been admitted ___ mid ___ with a similar presentation. He was empirically treated with Vanc/Aztreonam during that admission for a prolonged course, and his cultures were all unremarkable. Pulmonary felt that his lung symptoms were the result of GVHD c/w a bronchiolitis obliterans picture. It was recommended to start Advair and Albuterol-Ipratropium as well as pulse dose steroids. IgG level was checked and returned below 500. He was given IVIG once which also improved his symptoms. PFTs were obtained during this admission and showed a mild to moderate restrictive ventilatory defect with a coexisting obstructive ventilatory defect and a moderate gas exchange defect. He had documented PE's ___ the past and was continued on anticoagulation. While he was on stress doses of hydrocortisone during his ICU stays, these were changed back to his prednisone 10mg ___ AM and 5mg ___ ___ without incident. . # HCAP ___ setting of pulmonary GVHD: ___ an effort to elucidate an etiology for his hypoxia, a repeat chest CT was performed. It was negative for pulmonary embolism, but showed areas of consolidation concerning for new PNA. As such, the patient was restarted on IV vanco & meropenem for planned ___ut on ___ pt was found increasingly somnolent with PCO2>100. ___ was transferred back to the FICU, was put temporarily on positive airway pressure with improvement ___ mental status. Blood gases showed significant improvement. He was sent to the floor ___ on an antimicrobial regimen which included vanc, ___, voriconazole, bactrim, azithromycin. These were progressively d/c'd, and the pt was weaned down to 0.5L NC and continued on azithromycin for infection prophylaxis and discharged to rehab. . #Osteopenia, s/p laminectomy - Pt has had multiple fractures ___ the past due to chronic steroid use. During this hospitalization, he fractured his distal ulnar after bumping it on a table. He fractured his R tibial plateau after bumping into a door while ambulating to the bathroom. Ortho was consulted and for each fracture determined that no surgical intervention was warranted. While bending over to pull up his bed sheets, he experienced significant pain originating ___ his thoracic spine and radiating to his anterior chest. He had no neuro deficits on exam. An MRI of his spine was obtained which showed new fractures at T5 and T7. Ortho was again consulted and cleared him for ambulation they recommended cervicothoracic brace for comfort. He continued to have significant burning pain occassionally with movement. Ortho was again consulted and we were planning on performing a vertebroplasty / kyphoplasty of both T5 and T7 for pain relief. Pt was then noted to have acute sensorimotor loss below the level of T5-6 with complete loss of movement ___ the lower extremities, loss of rectal tone, fecal incontinence, and complete loss of sensation to the level of the T5-T6 dermatome on ___. He was sent for STAT MRI which showed a new epidural compression on T4/T5 with hyperdensity ___ that area, and new spinal cord signal change with edema. ___ the OR a mass was removed from his cord. It is unclear what caused this acute cord compression, report from ortho that there may have been a "fat pad" ___ the epidural space, or trauma from one chest compression during his preceding code blue. He was taken urgently to the OR for urgent T3-T7 laminectomy and fusion by ortho spine. Endocrine was consulted for assistance with management of severe osteopenia and recommended that we continue to give high dose vitamin D and calcium supplementation daily. He did not have any motor function ___ his ___, although he did have some remaining sensation ___ b/l ___. He was discharged to rehab. . # Retroperitoneal Bleed - ___ preparation for vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty, the pt's warfarin was discontinued and he was started on a Heparin gtt. The morning after initiation of the drip the pt was noted to be tachycardic on vitals and pale ___ appearance. The heparin gtt was turned off and a stat CBC showed a 7 point Hct drop. He subsequently became hypotensive to the ___. He was bolused 2L NS and given a total of 5 units of blood. He was transfered to the ICU for further management and hemodynamic stablization. On arrival to the ICU, patient had an acute episode of LOC with BP drop to 40/doppler. A code blue was called and abruptly cancelled after patient awoke following one chest compression. A CT of the Abdomen and Pelvis was obtained which showed left perinephric retroperitoneal hematoma. Anticoagulants were discontinued and patient remined hemodynamically stable. Given that he was no longer a candidate for anticoagulation, ___ conjunction with a h/o multiple pulmonary embolisms, he was taken to ___ for placement of an IVC filter which was placed on ___. . # Chronic Pain - pt has chronic neuropathic pain ___ ___ and also back pain from old compression fractures and hip / shoulder pain from avascular necrosis as complication of chronic steroid use. We initially continued his home doses of PO Dilaudid, Oxycotin and Gabapentin, but due to oversedation and respiratory compromise, his Rx were adjusted. Ultimately, the Pain service was consulted and recommended celebrex, ritalin BID for synergy, APAP, cymbalta, oxycontin, and small PO doses of dilaudid for breakthrough pain. . # Intermittent binocular diplopia: Pt first noticed this while ___ the FICU ___ early ___. The pt had anisocoria observed ___ FICU ___ setting of nebulizers, and had head CT which was negative. Pt had had cataract surgery ___ ___ and ___. Also has intermittent blurry vision; has no h/o corrective eyewear. Ophthalmology felt that the pt had significantly dry eyes and a decompensating exophoria - they recommended aggressive lub with artificial tear ointment BID and preservative free artificial tears q1h. His blurry vision and diplopia improved thereafter . # RLE cellulitis - On presentation, his RLE was significantly swollen and erythematous. ___ were obtained and negative for DVT. He had a puncture wound ___ his RLE and from hitting his leg while walking at home. It was felt that he had a cellulitis of the RLE. ID was consulted and he was placed on Vancomycin and meropenem for his cellulitis. He completed a two week course of IV antibiotics with significant improvement ___ erythema and swelling. His wounds were dressed daily per wound care recommendations. . Chronic Issues: . #DM II- We continued twice per day dosing of NPH which required frequent titration while on pulse dose steroid. He was also placed on humalog sliding scale for prandial coverage. On ___ he triggered for FSG 29 (rpt 40) ___ the setting of no PO intake for the entire day; was given 1 amp of D50; was tired but still responsive during that episode. . #PE- Pt was on chronic warfarin for mult PE ___ past. Please see above retroperitoneal bleed for adjustments made to this regimen. . # HTN- continued metoprolol. . # GVHD PPx- Pt has been suffering from severe GVHD since his allo transplant ___ ___. He is on chronic prednisone at home. He was then placed on pulse dose steroids and given IVIG which resulted ___ improvement ___ his respiratory symptoms. We continued Acyclovir, Bactrim and Voriconazole for immunosuppression prophylaxis. . TRANSITIONS OF CARE: - cont azithromycin for infection prophylaxis - goal O2 sat 89-92% due to patient's history of OSA and likely chronic hypoxia at baseline ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Assessment and Plan: Immunosuppressed Myasthenia ___ Pt with FUO of 1 month who also c/o of sacral and inguinal pain. Patient's presentation was concerning for infection given recurrent fever and year long prednisone as well as azathioprine treatment for MG. She doesn't demonstrate focal weakness of the upper or lower extremities or respiratory distress that is consistent with past myasthenic crisises. . #FUO: Patient presented with one month of fevers of unknown orrigin without any grossly localizable symptoms, necessitating consideration for infection, malignancy, and auto-immune disease (especially given elevated ESR). Given complaints of severe back pain, the patiet had an MRI in the ED which showed no epidrual abcess or other acute pathology. With complaints of nausea/vomiting, loose stool, and mild tenderness to palpation on exam, an CT abd/pelvis was obtained on presentation showed no abnormality. An extensive FUO workup was planned, but the patient's blood cultures which had been sent prior to administration of Vanc/Cefepime in the emergency room returned positive for Salmonella before FUO work-up was sent. She was treated with Ceftazidime until ___ when Salmonella sensitivities came back sensitive for ceftriaxone, ampicillin, and bactrim. Stool cultures were negative. With complaints of 1 month of groin pain and the high propensity for salmonella bacteremia to lead to endovascular infections, a femoral ultrasound was obtained which showed no evidence of infectin. Patient did not demonstrate signs or symptoms of endocarditis and further cardaiac evaluation was considered unnecessary. The patient was seen by the infectious disease team, who had recommended consideration of removal of her port. With continued negative blood cultures and the need for continued long-term access, the decision was made to attempt to salvage the port. The patinet will complete a 14d course of Ceftioxone with home innfusions through ___. Patient has only had one positive blood culture. All other cultures have been negative (see results) and only one is pending for follow-up. . #Myasthenia ___: Not currently active, but only moderatly controlled on home regimen. Her home medications were continued. Patient recieved IVIG treatment of 50g per day on ___, and ___ per her Neurologist for routine treatment. Patient was noted to be slightly hypoxic in bed requiring 1L O2 to maintain O2 Sat above 90% for some of her admission. This was noted to be her baseline as it was similar to last discharge and she requires O2 at home which she sleeps with. On day of discharge she was 96% on RA and breathing comfortably. She will follow up with her outpatiet neurologist. . #R Inguinal pain concerning for infection or possible hernia given steroid use and pain with cough. Ultrasound was negative for local endovascular infection causing flow abnormality. Pain may be secondary to pyridostigmine cholinergic effects. . #Diabetes mellitus. Patient was continued on home lantus dose. Sliding scale premeal humalog was added during hospitalization. Her finger sticks ranged mostly from the mid ___ to the mid ___. Patient was given a low/constant carb diabetic diet. She was started on 81mg of daily aspirin given long term continued plan of prednisone. . #Preventative medcine: given chronic steroid patient should continued her Fosamax. We gave VitD/CaCO3 for concern of osteoporosis. On the outpatient setting she should continue this treatment if her PCP ___. Of note Calcium Citrate is better absorbed during Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy. She was noted to have a mild anemia with some degree of iron deficiency, likelly related to hemorrhoids given history of bright right blood per rectum. Iron supplementation was started and the patient should be scheduled for a screening colonoscopy given her age consideration of anemia. She was guaic negative (by stools) during her hospital stay. . #GERD: Continue Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with history of AS s/p TAVR (___) and remote breast adenocarcinoma s/p lumpectomy and adjuvant chemoradiation admitted for acute-to-subacute constitutional symptomatology in parallel with right-sided neck pain. ACUTE/ACTIVE PROBLEMS: #) Fever of unknown origin, night sweats, malaise: uncertain if related to problem #2. Unifying malignant (e.g., H&N SCC, lymphoma, etc.) or infectious diagnoses (e.g., RPA, lymphadenitis, etc.) unlikely in the setting of unremarkable CTA of neck/chest. Giant cell arteritis was considered in the setting of concomitant headache/neck-jaw pain; however, diagnostic studies not pursued in the absence of alarming claudication or visual symptoms. Moreover, pain resolved, and ESR was highly equivocal at 55. Chest imaging also unrevealing in the way of recurrence of breast adenocarcinoma, new lung malignancy, or lymphoma. (?) colorectal adenocarcinoma, given h/o hyperplastic polyps. Alternatively, no vegetations were identified on trans esophageal echocardiogram. Pre- and post-antibiosis blood cultures remained negative. No occult abscesses identified on CT abdomen/pelvis. C. diff antigen negative. Lyme serologies negative. TB highly unlikely in the absence of certain risk factors. No unusual animal exposures or exotic travel. Patient was evaluated by infectious diseases. She initially received short course of vancomycin/gentamicin, which was transiently amended to CTX/metronidazole -> CTX, and ultimately discontinued at discharge. Patient did not have fever or night sweats on the eve of discharge. #) Neck pain: vascular phenomenon ruled-out with CTA neck/chest. No fluid collections or masses to suggest deep neck space infection or H&N SCC/lymphoma, respectively, as above. Pain was postulated to be a manifestation of giant cell arteritis, as above, but diagnostic studies or empiric corticosteroids were not pursued. No ECG changes or troponinemia to suggest atypical presentation of acute coronary syndrome. Lastly, exam inconsistent with spasmodic contraction or other MSK origin. Pain spontaneously resolved by discharge. #) ___, baseline creatinine 0.9: FeNa 0.5%, BUN:Cr >20, suggests pre-renal, fitting with history of suboptimal oral intake and excessive NSAID use for neck pain prior to admission. Urinalysis with hyaline casts only. Renal ultrasound unremarkable. Resolved with IVF. Patient received pre- and post-contrast hydration for renal protection. #) Acute on chronic diastolic dysfunction (HFpEF): in the setting of AS s/p TAVR (___). Patient reports chronic exertional dyspnea, though uncertain if onset is post-TAVR. Minor pulmonary vascular congestion and edema on CXR. E/E' ___ on TTE, suggesting concomitant diastolic dysfunction. TAVR team was alerted. Home Lasix 20 mg and amlodipine 5 mg were continued. #) Anemia, macrocytic: stable, baseline hemoglobin ___. RDW normal. B12 low-normal. Thyroid studies and liver function tests normal. No EtOH use. No tandem cytopenias or dysplastic forms on smear to suggest MDS. ___ protein normal; multiple myeloma less likely in that regard. CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: #) Aortic stenosis s/p TAVR (___): valve well-seated without abnormalities on TTE/TEE this admission. #) HTN: home amlodipine 5 mg continued. BP stable. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES []Please encourage patient to avoid excessive NSAID use for pain, given ___ on presentation ___, RF, repeat CRP, ESR pending at discharge []Consider repeat C. diff antigen per infectious disease []Consider outpatient rheumatology referral []Consider outpatient gastroenterology referral for repeat colonoscopy and irritable bowel syndrome-diarrhea subtype in the context of loose stools of non-infectious origin []Please evaluate small digital rash ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the plastic surgery service on ___ and had a liposuction gynecomastia and inverted nipple revision. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Neuro: Post-operatively, the patient received Dilaudid IV with good effect and adequate pain control. When tolerating oral intake, the patient was transitioned to percocet with good effect. CV: The patient was stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient was stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. GI/GU: Post-operatively, the patient was given IV fluids until tolerating oral intake. His diet was advanced when appropriate, which was tolerated well. He was also started on a bowel regimen to encourage bowel movement. Intake and output were closely monitored. ID: Post-operatively, the patient was started on IV cefazolin, then switched to PO Duricef on POD#2. The patient's temperature was closely watched for signs of infection. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin during this stay, and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge on POD#2, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. Patient was concerned about the appearance of right nipple at discharge and Dr. ___ the patient to come to an office visit immediately post-discharge. Patient was agreeable to this plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the acute care surgery service for RUQ abdominal pain concerning for acute cholecystitis. Due to her ASA and Plavix she take at home, she was admitted awaiting for plavix washout and scheduled for cholecystectomy.She underwent laparoscopic converted to open cholecystectomy and placement of JP drain on ___. She tolerated the procedure well and was extubated upon completion. She was subsequently taken to the PACU for recovery. She was transferred to the surgical floor when hemodynamically stable. Her vital signs were routinely monitored and she remained afebrile. She was initially given IV fluids postoperatively, which were discontinued when she was tolerating PO's. Her diet was advanced on the morning of POD1 to regular, which she tolerated without abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. During this admission she experienced asymptomatic A. Fib with RVR, a flutter on POD 1 and 2. Cardiology recommended Q6H dosing of metoprolol and she self converted on POD2 without cardioversion. Her foley was removed on POD 2 and she voided without difficulty. JP drain exhibited serosanguionus fluid POD 1 that turned more bilious in quality and a drain TBili was checked on POD 2 which was 13.5. She was encouraged to mobilize out of bed and ambulate as tolerated, which she was able to do independently. Her pain was initially managed with dPCA on POD 1 and 2 and when better controlled, she was switched to PO pain medication. She remained on antibiotics post operatively and will be discharged with 4 days of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and flagyl). She was ready to be discharged on POD 3 at the time of discharge her vital signs were stable, she remained afebrile, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating independently, pain adequately controlled on PO pain medication. She is to be discharged with JP in place and to be removed at her follow up appointment in the Acute Care Surgery Clinic. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is ___ y/o male who was recently discharged s/p laminectomy of C5-T1 for tumor resection, presents today with sudden back pain with loss of sensation and and paralysis BLE. #Spinal Hematoma Stat MRI revealed a epidural collection at levels of previous surgery which was causing cord compression and cord signal change. He was taken emergently to the OR for C5-T1 posterior cervical exploration. Please see operative note for full surgical details. Hemovac drain was left in place. Postoperatively, he was monitored in ICU where he required pressors to maintain MAP goal of >70. Hemovac drain was removed on ___. His MAP goal was liberalized and he was transferred to the floor on ___ where he remained neurologically stable. #Heme Hematology was consulted to evaluate for coagulation disorder. Per Hematology/Oncology , the patient does not have any identified bleeding disorder. #Respiratory The patient had an episode of mucous plugging on ___ with desaturation to the 80's; he recovered with suctioning. He required frequent chest ___ and respiratory therapy continued to follow the patient during his admission. ___ Nephrology was consulted for elevated creatinine on admission. He responded well to fluid boluses and his ___ was determined to be pre-renal. His creatinine normalized during his hospitalization. #Urinary Retention Foley catheter was placed in the Emergency Department for urinary retention. Foley was rmoved on ___ and the patient was straight catheterized Q3H. Foley was replaced on ___ due to high urine output with straight cath. #Psychosocial The patient was noted by staff to have difficulty coping with his new diagnosis. Social Work was consulted for coping and support. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the acute care service after a fall out of bed. Upon admission, she was made NPO, given intravenous fluids, and underwent imaging. She was reported to have a mild elevation of the white blood cell count to 13. Head cat scan was reported as normal. An x-ray of the chest showed acute left lateral rib fractures ___ with underlying effusion. No pneumothorax was seen on the chest x-ray. Oxygen saturation was reported as 90% and increased to 95% on 1.5 liters. The oxygen saturation was closely monitored and the patient was encouraged to use the incentive spirometer. The rib pain was controlled with oral analgesia. Because of the fall, an x-ray of the pelvis was done which showed no displaced fracture, but a subtle lucency in the region of the greater trochanter of the left femur. The patient was evaluated by physical therapy and recommendations made for discharge to a rehabilitation facility. The patient was reluctant to pursue this avenue, but later conceded and prepartions were started for discharge to an extended care facility. To help further assist us in the patient's management, the Geriatric service was consulted and provided recommendations for her care. The patient's vital signs remained stable and she was afebrile. She was tolerating a regular diet and voiding without difficulty. A urine specimen was taken upon admission and showed alpha hemolytic colonies consistent with alpha streptococcus or Lactobacillus. The patient was started on a 3 day course of ciprofloxacin. The patient was discharged to the rehabilitation facility on HD # 6 with stable vital signs. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** IMPRESSION: ___ with a PMH significant for chronic A.fib (on Coumadin), chronic lower extremity edema, celiac enteropathy, hypothyroidism, obstructive sleep apnea (on BiPAP), non-insulin diabetes mellitus who presented following right lower extremity trauma with development of a rapidly-expanding hematoma that auto-released on ___, who is s/p debridment and evacuation (___) and who remained hemodynamically stable. . # AUTO-RELEASED RIGHT LOWER EXTREMITY HEMATOMA - The patient presented with evidence of traumatic right lower extremity injury with swelling, mild erythema and ultrasound showing an evolving hematoma without DVT or clot burden. She initially remained afebrile without leukocytosis. Her hematoma appeared stable, but given some concern for surrounding infection, she received Unasyn IV x 1 in the ED and Doxycycline with Ciprofloxacin in the MICU, despite an exam without purulent cellulitis. Overnight on ___, the hematoma auto-released and she required urgent operative intervention for evacuation. She was transferred to the MICU post-operatively given some hypotension and acute blood loss anemia that responded to IV fluids and blood products. Overall, she required 5 units of fresh frozen plasma (and vitamin K PO for a supratherapeutic INR to ___ and 3 units of packed red cells. Her hematocrit nadir was in the 24% range and responded to blood products; on discharge her hematocrit was 28%. She required bedisde re-debridement on ___ to remove necrotic debris. Following operative intervention, her hematocrit stabilized and she required no further transfusions. She did require intermittent IV Lasix given her blood product requirements, likely this was mild acute pulmonary edema in the setting of possible diastolic dysfunction; these issues resolved with IV Lasix. Her wound was managed with wet-to-dry dressings (per General Surgery) and began to show improvement. Prior to discharge, Plastic Surgery evaluated her wound and felt reconstructive options were feasible in the future. They recommended Zinc and vitamin C supplementation to promote healing, and we performed daily dressing changes with Xeroform and dry gauze overtop to promote granulation. She was able to ambulate with physical therapy prior to discharge. . # SUPRATHERAPEUTIC INR - Long-standing A.fib on Coumadin as an outpatient. Home dose of Coumadin remains between 2.5 and 5 mg daily. INR on admission supratherapeutic in the setting of recent poor PO intake and antibiotic dosing. Coumadin was held given these concerns, and given her hematoma concerns. The patient received a total of 5 units of FFP and vitamin K for reversal, following admission. In discussion with her outpatient Cardiologist and PCP, we resumed her Aspirin and her Coumadin at the time of discharge. . # ATRIAL FIBRILLATION - Long-standing and chronic atrial fibrillation. Rate controlled with Diltiazem and Digoxin. CHADs-2 score of 3 and has been anticoagulated with Coumadin. INR on adission supratherapeutic and with hematoma concerns (see above). Continued rate control with Diltiazem. Coumadin was resumed at the time of discharge; her lower extremity should be monitored closely. . # DIABETES MELLITUS, TYPE 2 - Last HbA1c 7.6% and well-controlled on no oral hypoglycemic regimen or insulin. Fingersticks in the ___. She was maintained on an insulin sliding scale while hospitalized. . # OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA - Remained on BiPAP and home oxygen via nasal cannula. . # HYPOTHRYOIDISM - Continued Levothyroxine 150 mcg PO daily. . # HYPERLIPIDEMIA - Continued Pravastatin 10 mg PO QHS. Will continue Ezetimibe 5 mg PO daily. . TRANSITION OF CARE ISSUES: 1. Assistance with medication administration. 2. Resume Coumadin (cautious given recent leg hematoma), in discussion with PCP. INR goal was ___. Previous Coumadin dosing was 2.5 to 5 mg PO daily; resume at 2 mg PO daily with daily INR check. 3. Will need physical therapy and assistance with ambulation (walker or cane device). Heart rate occassionally in the 130-140 bpm range when ambulating (given deconditioning). Continue rate control with calcium-channel blocker. 4. Wean supplemental oxygen as tolerated; no home oxygen requirement. 5. Monitor fingerstick glucose. 6. Dressing changes to right lower extremity daily: place Xeroform over wound base. Then apply 4 x 4 dry gauze and ABD gauze overtop. Then wrap RLE with kerlex and elevate. 7. At the time of discharge, the patient had blood cultures pending, but these were no growth to-date. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was transferred from an outside hospital on ___ for abdominal pain and concern for bowel intussusception, therefore, she underwent a repeat abdominal CT scan, which was negative and unrevealing as a source of the patient's pain. However, given her pain, she was admitted to the ___ for ongoing work-up and monitoring. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO, however, following a normal UGI series, her diet was advanced and tolerated. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to ambulate. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance.. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan, which includes her bariatric program, primary care provider and Dr. ___ ___ incidental finding of an adrenal mass. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male with history of morbid obesity who presented with dyspnea and cough found to be hypoxemic with obesity hypoventilation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension and severe pulmonary artery hypertension complicated by right heart failure. # Pulmonary hypertension with right heart failure: Likely secondary to longstanding and severe OSA and obestity hypoventilation syndrome with subsequent severe pulmonary hypertension complicated by right heart failure. He was initially treated for CAP with ceftriaxone and azithro given a RML infiltrate seen on CT chest. CT chest also demonstrated a pulmonary artery of 4.5cm. Echo revealed an extremely high TR gradient of 56 and right heart dilatation. He was profoundly volume overloaded on initial presentation. Aggressive diuresis was started with furosemide 20mg IV TID with a large response. Acetazolamide was added to counteract an increasing contraction alkalosis with good effect. This was stopped without issue after a few days as it caused his pCO2 to rise. Then his furosemide was uptitrated to 40mg IV TID and spironolactone 25 mg PO daily was added. He walked the halls multiple times per day and wrapped his legs tightly with ACE wraps. His weight upon admission was 418 pounds, and his weight prior to cardiac catheterization was 348lbs. His creatinine was stable at 0.8-1.0 during this time. Repeat echo revealed a higher TR gradient of 70, unchanged right heart dilatation, with abnormal septal wall motion and position. He went for right heart cath on ___ which revealed severe pulmonary hypertension with a PASP of 54, a normal wedge of 12, and a failed vasodilator study. ___, HIV, and TSH were all negative. He was followed closely by cardiology and will follow up with Dr. ___ as an outpatient. He will participate in ___ rehab as an outpatient. # OHS/OSA: CPAP was initiated on the floor on the second night of his hospital stay but he desaturated to the 50's with this mask on. This is felt secondary to severe OHS despite CPAP being able to stent open his airway. He had initiated on BiPAP in the MICU with continued desaturations. He was transferred back to the floor the next morning. His Bipap settings were titrated to ___ with a back up autoset rate of 12. His desatturations improved with this I:E of 10. He takes approximately 10 breaths per minute for an overall rate of approximately 22. He was followed closely by the sleep/pulmonary consult and will follow up with Dr. ___ as an outpatient. He was set up for home Bipap, oxygen, and O2 monitoring. # Hypertension: Initially presented with diastolic hypertensive urgency with DBP's in the 120's. He was short of breath and agitated. His blood pressures quickly improved with afterload reduction including amlodipine, lisinopril, diuresis, and BiPap. # Thrombocytopenia: Thought secondary to sequestration with splenomegaly evident on CT. RUQ u/s confirmed splenomegaly and a liver with a coarse heterogenous echotexture. Needs liver follow up to rule out and/or treat cirrhosis. # TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -Outpatient sleep study with MD -___ liver evaluation with potential biopsy -Repeat Echo ___ weeks to evaluate improvement and consider potential repeat cardiac cath to retrial vasodilators -Code status: Full -Contacts: mother, brother ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ is a ___ woman, status post resection and radiation of an atypical meningioma who presents with seizures and was intubated for a total of 10 days for airway protection. On ___ patient was transferred to the OMED floor in stable condition. While in ICU her course was complicated by delayed waking raising concern for anoxic injury. EEG showed diffuse encepahlopathy (though initially concern for persistent seizure) and after a prolonged trial after propfol the patient awoke. She has been maintained on levetiracetam, phenytoin, and dexamethasone for seizure prophylaxis and has not been noted to have further seizure activity. Also had a fever in the ICU during prolonged intubation so was started on cefepime and vancomycin. (1) Seizures and Altered Mental Status: She was admitted to the FICU with seizures thought to be secondary to subtherapeutic levels of levetiracetam, however serial EEGs showed no electrographic evidence of seizure. Patient was intubated for several days for altered mental status and seizures. She is also status post high-doses of lorazepam for seziure and sedation was continued with propofol. She was weaned off of sedation and was extubated (2) Health Care Associated Pneumonia: Cefepime/Vanc started on ___ due to leukocytosis, fever, and question of infiltrates on chest radiograph leading to presumed diagnosis of health care associated pneumonia. Plan is for a fourteen day course from ___ to ___. We are transitioning from cefepime to ceftazidime for formulary issues at discharge. Therapy to be adminstered through PICC placed during this hospitalization. (3) Meningioma: There was no acute issues other than above. We will defer to Dr. ___ from neuro-oncology for further management (4) History of DVT: She is status post 6 months of effective anticoagulation with warfarin. There was no bleed on current imaging. It is unlikely to be contributing to the present illness. She was monitored for DVTs while inpatient and given heparing SQ TID. (5) Patient is to follow up with Dr. ___ for management of her meningioma and seizures. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms ___ is a ___ y/o female with COPD (on home O2), dementia, and schizophrenia who presented with severe sepsis due to pneumonia. ACTIVE ISSUES: ===================== # SEPSIS from Health Care Associated Pneumonia: the patient presented with fevers, tachycardia, and tachypnea. CT chest showed consolidation in both lower lobes consistent with pneumonia. Due to extensive antibiotic allergies she was treated with vancomycin and meropenem. Early in the hospitalization, the patient refused to have an IV, and so an attempt was made to treat with PO bactrim and doxycycline. However the patient had recurrent fevers and therefore an IV had to be replaced to resume vancomycin and meropenem. A PICC line was placed and she will complete a 7 day course of Vancomycin and Meropenem. The etiology of the patient's recurrent pneumonias was discussed. She did demonstrate silent aspiration on video swallow exam however dietary modification was not felt to help. More likely this represents the end stage of her severe COPD. # Schizophrenia: throughout the admission the patient exhibited significant paranoia. She intermittently refused treatments and would cite concern that she was being used as a ___ pig". She lacked decisional capacity and her ___ who is her health care proxy was involved in her decision making. The ___ does not have formal guardianship over the patient and therefore the patient was able to refuse treatments. She required a few doses of haldol during bouts of extreme paranoia when interfering with her care. She will continue her previous home psych regimen after discharge. She will need to follow-up with her psychiatrist. CHRONIC ISSUES: ==================== # COPD: Pt has severe emphysema and possible pulmonary HTN. - Cont home meds #) Low Back Pain - Cont home APAP, gabapentin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: =========================== # Patient tolerated TMP/SMX during this admission without signs of allergy. Sulfa should be removed from her allergy list. # Levofloxacin allergy was confirmed during this admission (rash) # CONTACT: ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ h/o DM, HLD, depression, colonic polyps p/w dark stool, BRBPR, diverticulosis on colonoscopy. Still with bloody bowel movements and Hct drop. . # GI bleed: Dark stool and recent aleve use at high doses would suggest upper GI source such as from bleeding ulcer ___ NSAID use. Also on differential given h/o diverticulosis on colonoscopy, BRBPR in ED would be diverticulosis. Patient's Hct is gradually trending down. Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy ___ identified gastric ulcerations and bloody stool in colon, but no definitive source of bleeding. Patient received blood transfusion, and had a few more episodes of BRBPR with melena. However, his melena/BRBPR resolved and Hct stabilised by the time of discharge. He had a capsule endoscopy, which showed no evidence of small intestine pathology. Bleed is thguht to be likely secondary to diverticulosis. Continued protonix IV BID and started oral PPI for home use once discharged. He was monitored on telemetry. He is to f/u with his OSH gastroenterologist Dr. ___. . # DM: held PO DM meds, continued home insulin regimen. Metformin was restarted at the time of discharge. . # HLD: continued home simvastatin. . # Depression: continued to hold citalopram in the setting of dropping plt and bleeding . # BPH: continued home tamsulosin. . # HL - continued simvastatin . TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: 1. Patient will need to followup with Dr. ___ home PCP. 2. He will require serial hematocrits to monitor blood counts, and may require further blood transfusions if Hct<25. 3. Final report of capsule endoscopy was not yet available at the time of discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted to the neurosurgery for close monitoring in the setting of a complex C2 fracture. MRI demonstrated no spinal cord edema to indicate cord contusion; ligamentous injury could not be entirely excluded. The patient's spine injury was discussed with Dr. ___ she was maintained in a cervical collar at all times. On ___ she underwent CT thoracic spine for reproducible midline point tenderness in the mid to lower thoracic region which was negative for fracture or malalignment. The findings of this CT should be reviewed at a later date with her primary care provider. Medicine consult was initiated for syncope workup and on further investigation the patient complained of exertional chest pain and Cardiology was consulted given her hx of CAD. Upon their evaluation there were no acute findings, and no changes made to her medication. The patient was scheduled for a stress test this week. Given her functional status, LVH, & baseline ST abnormalities this patient would not be a candidate for an ETT. A nuclear study would be the most appropriate test, if indeed the test is indicated. Her last ETT was in ___ reportedly showed partially reversible anterior and inferior defects (although we do not have the report). On her ___ it was noted that the patient had a slight increase in her Crreatinine from 1.2 to 1.7. Her lasix were held and she was started on IV hydration. On the morning of the ___ her labs indicated that her Creatinine showed an improvement to 1.5. We recommend close monitoring of her Creatinine and to restart her Lasix once she reaches her baseline of 1.2. in this time, please monitor the patient for development of pulmonary edema and CHF given her cardiac history. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PSYCHIATRY: P.t. admitted to Deaconess 4. Admits to ___ with plan to OD on HTN medications. States he had to pills in his hand but decided not to take them. States the acute precipitant for these ideas is a troubled interpersonal relationship with his friend ___. Agreed to increased Celexa dose of 20mg daily. On hospital day 2, very tearful, wanting to go home. Signed 3-day notice. Agreed to stay over weekend, but "I'm going home ___ Isolative to room over weekend per nursing report. On day of discharge mood and affect were much improved. P.t. admits that staying over the weekend was a "good idea". At the time of discharge the patient denies any SI or HI. Was referred to the ___ day treatment program by ___ prior to discharge and he ___ be seen there at 9AM on ___. A follow up appointment was made for the patient with his outpatient therapist for ___ prior to discharge. The patinet's friend ___ was on the unit for a meeting with the team prior to the patient's discharge. The patient verbalized understanding that he is to call his outpatient psychiatrist for an appointment within the next 7 days. Discharged to home with script for low dose Seroquel PRN for anxiety. MEDICAL: The paitent had no medical issues during this hospital stay. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: Mr. ___ is a ___ year old male with hx of abdominal DLBCL s/p C6 R-CHOP who presents from OSH with lower abdominal pain, fever, chills, slight leukocytosis, and signs of colon and ileal inflammation on OSH CT a/p. #Colitis/Jejunitis: Initiated on Zosyn (___) at OSH and continued on admission, fever spike on ___ prompted initiation of meropenum and discontinuation of zosyn. Patient does have evidence of rising leukocytosis, trending down but slightly elevated today. CT ___ at ___ showed inflammatory changes within the right lower colon which could be related to perforated appendicitis. Peritoneal enhancement is suggestive of peritonitis. No definite extraluminal air is identified to localize source of perforation, however, perforation is not excluded. Surgical consulted ___ but holding surgical intervention as no free air or evidence of free perforation. -Diet changed to clears ___, transitioned to BRAT diet ___ -Now off IVF in anticipation for discharge -Morphine 2mg-4mg Q2hrs PRN pain, not using as much -Urine culture negative, blood cultures NTD -Lactate stable, repeat ___ -C-diff and stool cultures negative, norovirus ___ negative -Surgery following -Transitioned to oral antibiotic regimen (cipro and flagyl) x 14D (D1 = ___ as patient remains stable #Diarrhea: Onset of diarrhea starting ___ afternoon, no abdominal cramping. Etiology likely due to his acute abdominal inflammatory process and initiation of diet. Abdominal pain remains but on RLQ alone w/o rebound tenderness. Denies nausea and vomiting. Transitioned to BRAT diet ___ and ADAT as tolerated. Norovirus obtain ___ (negative) for further evaluation although unlikely to be positive, all other stool cultures negative as above. Since negative, initiated imodium prn. This diarrhea could also be a side effect of his antibiotic regimen. #Hypokalemia: Likely due to diarrhea above, repleting lytes prn. Repeat lytes now normalized, was 3.2 on ___ #Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: s/p C6 CHOP and Rituximab. PET after 2 cycles showed significant reduction in disease burden -Plan for restaging PET scheduled ___ -No infectious prophylaxis, will defer to outpatient provider ___: Grade 1 in fingertips, no involvement of lower extremities. Continue vitamin b complex #GERD: Stable, continue daily omeprazole #Constipation: Now having diarrhea, Colace held. #ADD: Continues home dose methylphenidate #Smoking Cessation: Continues on nicotine patch Prophylaxes: # Access: PIV # FEN: NPO/IVF/Repleting Lytes PRN # Pain control: Morphine PRN, see above # Bowel regimen: Holding colace BID with diarrhea # Contact: HCP: ___. Relationship: mother. Phone number: ___ # ___: discharged ___ after observation ~ 24hrs on po abx # Code status: Full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male status post slip and fall ___ feet found to have cervical stenosis. #Cervical Stenosis The patient presented electively as scheduled on ___ for C3-C7 laminectomies and C3-C6 posterior fusion with Dr. ___. The patient was taken to the operating room. The procedure was uncomplicated. Please see ___ Record for further intraoperative details. The patient was extubated in the operating room and recovered in the post anesthesia care unit. He was then transferred to the floor for close neurologic monitoring. The patient remained neurologically stable postoperatively. Postoperative x-rays of the cervical spine showed no evidence of hardware complications. A surgical drain was left in place postoperatively and was subsequently removed on postoperative day two without complications. On ___, the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs, ambulating with assistance, tolerating a diet, voiding and stooling without difficulty, and his pain was well controlled with oral pain medications. He was discharged to rehabilitation on ___ in stable condition. He will continue in his hard cervical collar. #Disposition Physical Therapy was consulted, evaluated the patient, and recommended discharge to rehabilitation. The patient was discharged to rehabilitation on ___ in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o M with hx of Low-grade (grade I) follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, cerebral amyloid angiopathy and Multiple prior intraparenchymal hemorrages (R fronto-temporal, R occipital) with residual L side neglect, presents for left sided weakness and AMS. Found to have ___, thrombocytopenia, and orthostatic hypotension. ACTIVE ISSUES ============= #Left sided weakness #Cerebral amyloid angiopathy Multiple prior intraparenchymal hemorrhages (R fronto-temporal, R occipital) with dense left sided neglect. He has great care at home and he has been able to regain his ability to walk and regain some functional ability in ADLs. Prior to presentation his wife noticed that he was having difficulty walking and worsening functioning on left side. On exam he was noted to have full strength in left side but pronator drift, extinction to DSS, decreased proprioception, and possibly worsening gait apraxia. CT scan showed no acute intracranial abnormalities. Neurology saw him and felt that he was slightly off his baseline and recommended MRI because CT could not fully rule out new ischemic stroke or mass as cause of his symptoms. Mr. ___ wife refused MRI as there would be no acute intervention. She spoke to his outpatient neurologist who agreed and felt this could be done as an outpatient. Mr. ___ endorsed symptoms of viral URI with increased sinus congestion, sneezing, and "dry" throat. He remained afebrile without leukocytosis. No consolidation on CXR to suggest PNA. UA was not consistent with UTI but patient was on TMP/SMX prior so could have sterilized urine. It was felt that this likely represented a recrudescence of prior strokes in setting of dehydration and Acute kidney injury. Pt was aggressively rehydrated and Bactrim/ACE were held. His symptoms improved rapidly in house and pt was back to baseline by the time of discharge. He was evaluated by ___ who felt he would need rehab placement but as patient has 24 hr care at home and home ___ in addition to his wife feeling comfortably taking him home he was discharged to home with ___. He will follow up with his neurologist and get MRI as an outpatient if symptoms persist or recur. At time of discharge his exam was much improved with better functioning of left arm. ___ #Orthostatic Hypotension: Cr on presentation up to 1.7 from baseline of 0.9. Most likely pre-renal as patient was also orthostatic on admission. Cr improved to 1.1 with IV fluids. His lisinopril and carvediolol were held during admission d/t reduced kidney function and orthostatic hypotension. At time of discharge patient was no longer orthostatic and Cr had improved to 0.8. His blood pressure was normotensive off carvedilol and lisinopril so these were held. He was discharged off these medications and should follow up with his PCP prior to restarting. #Thrombocytopenia: Platelets on admission 89 down from 160 on ___. Likely secondary to Bactrim, although patient does have a history of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He denied all B symptoms with normal LDH and uric acid. He had not received any heparin recently. There was no evidence of hemolysis as cause of thrombocytopenia. His TMP/SMX was stopped d/t low suspicion for UTI and plts were monitored. At time of discharge platelets were improving spontaneously at 92. #Dysuria: Per patient and his wife he has been experiencing dysuria, increased frequency, urgency, and intermittent incontinence for about a year now. He has a history of BPH but no recent issues. He was started on TMP/SMX prior to admission by his PCP for his dysuria but did not get UA or urine culture. His symptoms did not improve on TMP/SMX. He denied any blood in urine or change in symptoms prior to admission. On exam there was no evidence of prostatitis and ua with out evidence of infection however iso taking TMP/SMX. His antibiotics were stopped d/t low suspicion for infection. UA did have few RBCs raising possibility of interstitial cystitis as cause of prolonged dysuria. He will follow up with his urologist for evaluation of dysuria. #Restless legs: Per wife, gabapentin was recently started for restless legs. It was initially held in setting ___ and AMS. #Chronic low back pain - Continued lidocaine patch #Normocytic Anemia - Hb stable in the ___ during this admission, which is his baseline. #Insomnia: Prior to him presenting she restarted his Seroquel after speaking to his Neurologist. He was continued on Seroquel at night. Transitional Issues ==================== MEDICATIONS STARTED: Polyethylene Glycol 17 g PO/NG DAILY:PRN Constipation MEDICATIONS HELD: Carvedililol, lisinopril, loratadine [] Follow up with PCP [] Follow up with Neurology [] Follow up with Urology [] Repeat Cr at f/u appointment. Admitted w/ a Cr of 1.1 but improved to 0.8 w/ IVF and PO intake. [] Consider cystoscopy for dysuria to evaluate for interstitial cystitis [] Consider MRI brain as an outpatient to evaluate for new ischemic infarct or mass [] Should check plts at PCP appointment to ensure these do not remain low. They were as low as 77K while in the hospital but improved to 92K at the time of discharge. Thought to be ___ Bactrim prescribed for presumed UTI(which was discontinued during this admission). [] Held antihypertensives at the time of discharge as his SBP was in the 110s during most of this admission while they were held in the setting of orthostatic hypotension. Would f/u whether he needs these restarted as an outpatient. #CONTACT: ___ (wife) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted from clinic on ___ for right upper arm wound dehiscence. A VAC was placed to the area on HD 1. The VAC was replaced on HD 3 and the wound was found to be adequately healing. The patient was also seen by the renal team who dialyzed her on ___ and ___. A home vac was ordered for the patient which was placed before she left on ___. The patient will be discharged home with ___ to change the vac every 3 days. She will also have home physical therapy and social work follow up. Upon discharge the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs, she was tolerating a renal diet and had good pain control. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. ***SSESSMENT: ___ year old male with hx CAD s/p CABG, Afib on warfarin, PR prolongation s/p CCY and more recently ERCP with sphincterotomy for 1.5cm CBD stone, now presenting with syncope and hypotension, likely secondary to GI bleed. BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE BY PROBLEM: ACTIVE ISSUES: # GI bleed: He was initially admitted to the ICU with concern for active upper GI bleeding with evidence of a HCT drop and melena. The ERCP service was consulted and recommended consulting the GI service for upper endoscopy before attempting a repeat ERCP. While awaiting this study, he received the following infusions: 6L NS IV, 4 units pRBCs, 1 units FFP, and 10mg vitamin K in order to reverse an INR of 2.4. Due to a prior history of a transfusion reaction, he was pre -treated with diphenhydramine and transfused at a slower rate. His hematocrit was followed closely and continued to trend up over the course of his MICU stay so he was transferred to the floor. Had EGD with side viewing scope which showed cratered ulcer at Duodenal bulb. Biopsies were taken, GI rec'd: 1. following up in 4 weeks for rescope to evaluate for healing of ulcer; 2. if H Pylori positive, will need treatment; 3. continue PPi. . # Hypotension: Due to a presumed ongoing GI bleed, he was admitted to the MICU for observation of his hypotension without tachycardia. He was felt to be hypovolemic from the GI bleed and was resuscitated as above. He did not appear to be septic. His blood pressure remained stable throughout his MICU stay. # Bradycardia/Syncope- His EKGs were initially concerning for a high-degree AV block, but review of the EKGs with the Cardiology service revealed atrial flutter with variable conduction (usually 3:1) as well as known PR prolongation. TTE was done and showed stable EF and no effusion. Troponins trended downward. EP consulted who felt no acute intervention was needed. # Atrial fibrillation/flutter: INR was supratherapeutic in setting of coumadin at presentation .Patient appears to have slow atrial flutter, per EP, and does not require EP intervention at this time. Reversed with FFP and 10 vitamin K for EGD. Patient was instructed to restart coumadinon ___ if no signs of bleeding/melena. Plans to have INR drawn the week of ___ with results sent to his nurse at his anticoagulation ___ in ___. They will manage his dosing from there. INACTIVE ISSUES: # CAD s/p CABG: Patient was w/o chest pain throughout. Troponins negative. No evidence of active/acute ischemia on EKG. Home statin was continued. # Portacaval lesion: First noted on CT in ___. Appears stable. Being followed by PCP in ___ with MRI and surgical referral. # Diabetes: On metformin, saxaglipitin and Januvia at Home. He was given insulin sliding scale while in house. # Hypothyroidism (s/p thyroidectomy): Patient was maintined on home dose of levothyroxine. No issues while in house. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Full code - f/u pending EGD biopsies - f/u H Pylori, treat if positive - Repeat EGD in 4 weeks to evaluate healing and rule out malignancy - Re-initiation of coumadin on ___ - goal INR ___ - Continued workup of portocaval mass ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the Orthopaedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Postoperative course was remarkable for the following: Patient had intermittent episodes of delirium in the post op period. The Geriatrics team followed along for co-management. Infectious work up negative, electrolytes wnl, and patient's pain was well controlled. Baseline delirium. Otherwise, pain was controlled with a combination of IV and oral pain medications. The patient received lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. His Coumadin was started in the evening of POD#0. The Lovenox was discontinued when INR was >2 on POD#5. The foley was removed and the patient was voiding independently thereafter. The surgical dressing was changed and the SIlverlon dressing was removed on POD#2. The surgical incision was found to be clean and intact without erythema or abnormal drainage. The patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was acceptable and pain was adequately controlled on an oral regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity. Please use walker or 2 crutches at all times for 6 weeks. Mr. ___ is discharged to rehab in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ female with ___ syndrome s/p splenectomy with multiple relapses, multiple admissions, poor adherence to appointments and treatments who was admitted with relapsed ITP as well as vaginal bleeding. #Thrombocytopenia #Blood loss anemia ___ syndrome with AIHA #Vaginal bleeding #Epistaxis - patient presented with heavy vaginal bleeding, epistaxis. Platelets <5, hbg<7, low haptoglobin, elevated LDH and high reticulocyte count on admission. Heme was consulted and patient received IVIG x 1 in the ED on ___. Patient continued to have vaginal bleeding and Hgb down to 6.7 therefore patient given additional dose of IVIG as well as romiplostim and 1 unit PRBC. She was continued on PO prednisone. With this her platlets improved to 183. Her bleeding was completely resolved on discharge. She has heme follow up in two days where she will have her CBC rechecked. #Acute on chronic pelvic pain #Ovarian cyst- Pelvic pain present for weeks, not associated with menstruation. Hcg negative. Prelim ultrasound read showing ovarian cyst and nonspecific small volume fluid as well as endometrial polyp. Gyn was consulted and was not concerned for ovarian torsion, recommended outpatient follow up. CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: #Hepatitis B Core Positive - Last HBV VL checked was ___, negative. Serologies c/w previous infection. Patient on entecavir given likely initiation of Rituximab in the future. Plan to continue treatment for one month before initiation of rituxtimab and six months following. #Depression - Patient says she stopped prior bupropion after last admission because she felt like she didn't need it. >30 minutes spent on complex discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted to the neurology stroke service for right cerebellar stroke. Throughout the hospitalization, her symptoms of mild scanning speech and for mild saccadic ataxia, mostly on right and up-gaze, improved. Her evaluation included CTA head/neck which showed mild posterior circulation atherosclerosis and an MRI brain which showed a large right SCA territory cerebellar stroke as well as another focus of ischemia which might be either very distal SCA or alternatively right ___ territory. The team favored the latter. This implied an embolic etiology as the mild atherosclerosis seen in the basilar artery would have have caused ___ insult. The patient was started on atorvastatin 40 mg daily due to an elevated LDL of 115 and was instructed to continue her home aspirin 81 mg daily (had been non-compliant for two months). Her A1c returned at 6 but since she is making good progress with weight loss and exercise, we did not prescribe metformin. Her TTE did not demonstrate a PFO or obvious intracardiac source of thrombus. Her telemetry did not reveal any atrial fibrillation. Transitional issues: -TSH pendng -Follow-up Dr. ___ in stroke neurology on ___ -review her ___ of Hearts data (outpatient eval for AFib) AHA/ASA Core Measures for Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack 1. Dysphagia screening before any PO intake? (x) Yes, confirmed done - () Not confirmed – () No 2. DVT Prophylaxis administered? (x) Yes - () No 3. Antithrombotic therapy administered by end of hospital day 2? (x) Yes - () No 4. LDL documented? (x) Yes (LDL = ) - () No 5. Intensive statin therapy administered? (simvastatin 80mg, simvastatin 80mg/ezetemibe 10mg, atorvastatin 40mg or 80 mg, rosuvastatin 20mg or 40mg, for LDL > 100) (x) Yes - () No [if LDL >100, reason not given: ] 6. Smoking cessation counseling given? () Yes - () No [reason (x) non-smoker - () unable to participate] 7. Stroke education (personal modifiable risk factors, how to activate EMS for stroke, stroke warning signs and symptoms, prescribed medications, need for followup) given (verbally or written)? (x) Yes - () No 8. Assessment for rehabilitation or rehab services considered? (x) Yes - () No 9. Discharged on statin therapy? (x) Yes - () No [if LDL >100, reason not given: ] 10. Discharged on antithrombotic therapy? (x) Yes [Type: (x) Antiplatelet - () Anticoagulation] - () No 11. Discharged on oral anticoagulation for patients with atrial fibrillation/flutter? () Yes - () No - (x) N/A ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old male who presented to ___ on ___ reporting about a ___ min episode of chest pain across his upper chest, radiating from right to left that woke him up. ___ was found to have ST depressions with a Troponin-T of 0.5. ___ was transferred to ___ for further evaluation. At ___ ___ was sent for a cardiac catheterization where ___ was found to have left main disease. ___ was then referred to cardiac surgery for revascularization. ___ had the usual pre operative work up and on ___ ___ was brought to the operating room for coronary artery bypass grafting. Please see operative report for details in summary ___ had: Coronary artery bypass grafts x4 (LIMA-LAD, SVG-PDA, SVG-D1, SVG-D2) Endovascular saphenous vein harvest of left lower extremity. ___ tolerated the operation well and post-operatively was transferred to the cardiac surgery ICU in stable condition. In the immediate post-op period ___ remained stable, his anesthesia was reversed, ___ weaned from the ventilator and was extubated. On POD 1 ___ transferred to the step-down floor for continued post-op care and recovery. All tubes, lines, and drains were removed per cardiac surgery protocol without complication. Once on the step-down floor ___ worked with nursing and physical therapy to increase strength and mobility. ___ progressed along and on POD #4 ___ was ready for discharge home with visiting nurses. ___ is to follow up with Dr. ___ in one month. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ is a ___ year old female with multiple myeloma s/p 7 cycles of RVD in ___ admitted for HD CTX mobilization in preparation for autologous SCT. ACUTE CONDITIONS ========================= #Multiple Myeloma: #Encounter for Chemotherapy: Initially presented with low back pain, found to have marrow signaling on MRI. At that time, she was noted to have anemia and a normal creatinine. An SPEP demonstrated a 1.6 g of IgG kappa monoclonal protein. She was started on RVD ___ in ___. She presents for HD CTX mobilization chemotherapy in preparation for stem cell mobilization. Today is day 3. She developed CINV and some electrolyte imbalances but otherwise, tolerated her regimen well. She started on first dose of neupogen and levquin inpatient and will continue per her transplant calendar. Continues on acyclovir for HSV prophylaxis. Follow up appointment on ___. #CINV: Improved. Suspect ___ HD CTX. She received zofran, ativan, compazine and phenergan inpatient. She is now able to eat and drink fairly. She was discharged on zofran and compazine as needed. #Hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, & Hypophosphatemia: Suspect ___ chemotherapy effect (HD CTX) combined with decreased PO and CINV. She was repleted accordingly. Continues on vit d and calcium supp. #FVO: Asympatomatic, up ~9lbs from admission weight, likely ___ aggressive IVF in s/o HD CTX. Holding off diuresis as not symptomatic and expect auto-diuresis at home as expect auto-diuresis. ___: Per outpatient provider notes, ___ started after initiation of Velcade; therefore, now receiving weekly Velcade. ___ is stable but requires close monitoring outpatient. CHRONIC/RESOLVED CONDITIONS ============================== #Chronic Lower Back Pain: No acute exacerbation. Patient has had chronic lower back pain since diagnosis in ___. She is s/p Kyphoplasty to L1 in ___. Pain is currently well managed on Robaxin, Oxycodone and Tramadol. #Peripheral Neuropathy: Likely ___ RVD, not affecting ADLs. Trend sxs CORE MEASURES =============== #CODE: Full #EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___ (husband) Attending Note: Ms. ___ is a very pleasant ___ year old physician with multiple myeloma s/p 7 cycles of RVD in ___ admitted for HD CTX mobilization in preparation for autologous SCT Her course was complicated with severe chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting and hence was hospitalized for another day and treated with antiemetics and IV fluids. Her nausea and vomiting has now subsided and she is able to tolerate all diet and medications Clinically her vitals are normal, HEENT is normal, no palpable nodes, chest, cardiac and abdominal exam is normal. Gross exam of CNS was normal, did not perform sensory exam. Blood tests are recorded above, she has mild hypokalemia and elevated LFT's which are trending down and likely from chemotherapy She will be discharged home today and start G-CSF injections for mobilization as instructed and follow in clinic. Her other comorbidities are stable and plan is outlined above with no changes. This is a comprehensive and detailed visit with high complexity medical decision making. ___ MD ___/ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY: ========= Mr. ___ is a ___ male with ___ CAD s/p CABG x4 (RIMA-RCA, VG-diag, VG-OM3, VG-RPDA) in ___, HTN, HLD who presented to ___ with 2 hours of substernal chest pain and dyspnea. He was found to have STEMI and transferred to ___ for coronary angiography and PCI. Patient is s/p PCI to LAD and was admitted to CCU for post-STEMI monitoring, course complicated by in-stent thrombosis requiring second stent placement. # STEMI # CAD s/p CABG # Mechanical hemolytic anemia Pt was taken to cath lab and 2 stents placed to proximal LAD and he was transferred to CCU. He started to c/o new CP and new EKG showed anterior STE, returned for repeat coronary angiography showing stent thrombosis of LAD s/p re-stenting w/ overlapping of prior stents distally and proximally. EDP ~40, Impella placed L groin. He was started on aspirin and atorvastatin. Continued on Ticagrelor, and started on low dose captopril. He was diuresed, impella repositioned. Given newly developing ___ his captopril was held, placed on nitro gtt for map<75. However, he developed worsening chest pain on ___ and was taken back to the cath lab here he was found to have an LAD in-stent thrombosis. He was placed on an Impella for ___omplicated by hemolytic anemia. A repeat stent was placed with normal flow and 0% residual stenosis. Impella removed ___, and he was started on ticagrelor 90mg BID, and 6.25mg captopril as renal function improved. #HFrEF Most likely cause secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy and acute STEMI, recent TTE with EF of 26%. He was given IV diuresis and started on captopril. RHC on ___ after Impella removal showed RA 11 PA ___ PCW 17, SVR 912, CVO2 60%, CO 4.2, CI 2.3. Started metop tartrate 6.25mg q6 and titrated as tolerated. He was euvolemic at discharge requiring no diuretics. # Lack of insurance Patient met with social work and financial services. He applied for ___. He was given a month free of Ticagrelor as well as 30-day supply of other medications with plan to follow up with financial services. CHRONIC PROBLEMS: ================= # HTN: Started on captopril for afterload reduction. # HLD: Started atorvastatin 80 mg PO QHS # Tobacco use disorder: Currently smokes 6 cigarettes per day. -Smoking cessation encouraged TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] Continue to encourage tobacco cessation upon discharge [] Ensure follow up with financial services within two weeks of discharge to continue to work on ___ application and Ticagrelor coverage. [] Consider OSA evaluation given polycythemia on admission ADVANCED CARE PLANNING: ====================== #CODE: Full code (presumed) #CONTACT/HCP: ___, Phone: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ year old man with previous hypertension, and morbid obesity who presents with hypertensive emergency. He reports that prior medications included atenolol and an ACE inhibitor, but that he lost a significant amount of weight several years ago and had been tapered off these medications. He initiated his care with Dr ___ has since been trying to lower his blood pressure again with lifestyle changes, as he had gained a significant portion of his weight back. He was noted to have elevated blood pressures on a visit to ___ several months ago, and was nearing medication initiation. He presents with several days of worsening visual changes with difficulty with near vision, as well as ongoing escalating headaches in the weeks prior to admission, which he was managing with ibuprofen. He later mentioned that his headaches had likely been escalating for months prior to admission. He denies chest pain, shortness of breath, or syncope at any time. During his hospital course, he is tolerating blood pressure regimen without dizziness or chest pain. BP control improved but aiming for better control prior to discharge given retinal acute disease in setting of extreme hypertension. Visual changes stable. Active Issues: # Hypertensive urgency/emergency, with end-organ damage in eyes (retinopathy). Previous history of HTN at young age, off meds (labetalol and benazepril) x ___ years. Poor monitoring of BP recently, as he notes he had not followed closely with his internist and had gained significant weight back. He was noted to be HTN at last PCP office visit over ___ year ago. Likely progression of untreated primary HTN. In absence of chest pain and with even BP's bilaterally, aortic dissection unlikely. No evidence of renal or cardiac end-organ damage, however visual changes concerning for HTN retinopathy, although visual changes are currently stable. No subsequent evidence of cardiac injury, with normal troponin as well. Monitoring on telemetry, monitoring renal function Goal BP ___ reduction each day, with maintainenance of this reduction. Given end-organ damage, will require stability prior to discharge. Now on labetalol 200mg tid, and started lisinopril 10mg daily ___. Suspect this will achieve intermediate goals, but may require further titration. Will need very close outpatient PCP ___. TTE showed mild symmetric LVH and mildly dilated LA. #Hypertensive Retinopathy with numerous retinal findings on opthalmology ___. Monitor BP and will need ___ as suggested both with general and retinal opthalmologists. # Hyperlipidemia, previously diet controlled. Will recheck fasting profile and LFTs ___. Trigs 122, Cholesterol 146, HDL 34, LDL-c 88. Would recheck as outpatient, as can be an acute phase reactant, but no indication for therapy at this time. A1c 5.4% # Nicotine dependence. Patient was counseled on smoking cessation. He declined the nicotine patch. Has tried Wellbutrin in the past. Is considering ___ f/u with PCP. Continue to encourage cessation while inpatient. Once BP control slightly improved, can consider nicotine patch if desired. # Obesity. Discussed with patient that he will need BP control before starting aggressive exercise regimen, and can discuss timing with Dr ___ likelihood of raising BP further. Checking HbA1c, given weight gain and patient report of strong family history, as well as random BG of 101 this admission which is unclear if fasting or not. I spoke with PCP ___ ___ and also with patient about plan that he can check his BP at home and if SBP>170 or DBP>100 then he can call office to discuss uptitrating lisinopril to 20mg or further increase in labetalol. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o F with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, anxiety, presenting with new diagnosis of acute myelogenous leukemia, admitted for 7+3 induction chemotherapy. Hospital course complicated by fever, neutropenia, and sepsis secondary to fever and neutropenia (likely etiologies VRE bacteremia, diverticulitis/typhlitis) and pulmonary nodules noted on Chest CT. # AML: Pt is newly diagnosed with AML, possibly M4/M5 subtype given monocytic predominance on flow cytometry and BM biopsy. Patient underwent 7 + 3 induction chemotherapy (7 days ara-c, 3 days idarubicin) and tolerated it well. However, blasts were still present in her bone marrow biopsy and CBC differential after completion of chemotherapy, indicating residual disease. She had a repeat bone marrow biopsy the day before discharge, the results of which were pending on the day of discharge. She was scheduled to follow-up with her outpatient oncologist on ___, and have another round of chemotherapy on ___ pending the results of the bone marrow biopsy. #VRE Bacteremia: Hospital course complicated by Vancomycin resistant enterococcal bacteremia ___ bottles). Patient briefly required ICU admission. Followed by ID during admission. Central line was removed. Patient was treated with daptomycin, meropenem, and voriconazole/micafungin during her neutropenic phase. Surveillance blood cx's were negative for four days, after which a PICC was placed. TTE showed mildly worsened mitral regurgitation, but TEE showed ___ evidence of endocarditis, mitral valve or otherwise. Patient was hemodynamically stabilized and was treated with a 14 day course of daptomycin and meropenem starting from ___ (the day she was ___ longer neutropenic.) # Diverticulitis/Typhlitis: Treated with 14 day course of meropenem after patient was ___ longer neutropenic. #Pulmonary Nodules: Pt noted to be short of breath and hypoxic with a new oxygen requirement, improved with diuresis with IV lasix. Patient briefly required ICU admission for her hypoxia. Chest CT showed pulmonary nodules concerning for fungal vs. viral infection. Treated initially with albuterol/ipratroprium nebulizers and voriconazole, which was later d/c-ed due to LFT abnormalities and changed to micafungin. Nodules were slightly worsened on repeat Chest CT, but patient clincally improved. Pulmonary followed patient in-house. Decision was made not to bronchoscopy/BAL as she clinically improved. Anti-fungal were eventually d/c-ed. Patient should have repeat Chest CT I- high resolution 1 week after discharge to assess for stability/interval change of pulmonary nodules. # Hypertension: Poorly controlled on patient's home regimen of metoprolol 25 mg PO BID, with SBPs into the 170s-190s. Once patient was hemodynamically stable, increased metoprolol to 50 mg PO TID and added amlodipine 5 mg daily, bridged with PRN doses of IV hydralazine. Patient's blood pressure was 148-150s systolic on discharge with the initiation of calcium channel blocker and increase in beta-blocker. # Anxiety: Pt has baseline anxiety, which has been augmented by this new diagnosis. Pt may experience decreased PO intake with nausea during chemo course, so would like to wean her off Lexapro for now and address anxiety with PO/IV meds. Tapered celexa to 20 mg by mouth daily, and controlled anxiety with Ativan IV/PO as needed. Discharged patient on tapered celexa dose with PRN oral ativan, as she may likely need chemotherapy to treat her residual disease and may have difficulty with oral medications (requiring IV meds for anxiety). # Silicone breast implant: Noted to have silicone breast implant leakage, stable on mammogram/ultrasound and Chest CT. Patient may follow up with the outpatient breast surgeons once chemotherapy is completed. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A/P: ___ M with history of asthma, DMII presents with asthma exacerbation in the setting of recent viral syndrome, as well as hyperglycemia and lactic acidosis. # Asthma exacerbation, acute: Patient was treated with steroids (prednisone 60mg daily and then a taper) and nebs with improvement in his symptoms. His home medications were continued. He had f/u scheduled with Dr. ___ in pulmonary. # Hyperglycemia, DMII, poorly controlled with complications: Pt reported difficulty getting the right # of novolog pens. ___ was consulted and recommended increasing glargine to 38u. Pt's sliding scale was adjusted. The PACT team enrolled the patient. # Lactic acidosis: Likely related to hyperglycemia. Resolved with improvement in blood sugar. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the Acute Care Trauma Surgery service and was taken urgently to the operating room for suspected ruptured spleen. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy and splenectomy, which went well without complication (reader referred to the Operative Note for details). After a brief, uneventful stay in the PACU, the patient arrived on the floor and remained NPO with an NGT, on IV fluids, and an epidural and PCA for pain control. The patient was mildly hypotensive and tachycardic but otherwise hemodynamically stable. The patient spiked a fever on POD1 and POD2; fever work-up (chest x-ray, blood cultures, urine cultures) was negative. On POD3, the nasogastric tube and Foley catheter was discontinued and the patient was started on a clear liquid diet. WBC was monitored daily and trending down. When tolerating a diet, the patient was converted to oral pain medication with continued good effect. Diet was progressively advanced as tolerated to a regular diet with good tolerability. The patient voided without problem. During this hospitalization, the patient ambulated early and frequently, was adherent with respiratory toilet and incentive spirometry, and actively participated in the plan of care. The patient received subcutaneous heparin and venodyne boots were used during this stay. . At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient was discharged home without services. The patient received his vaccinations at the time of discharge. The patient and his family received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. He had follow-up scheduled with his PCP and in the ___ clinic. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with a PMH notable for hepatitis C/cirrhosis transferred from OSH in renal failure with septic shock. # PEA arrest: Patient s/p PEA arrest in the ED with ROSC after 5 minutes of CPR + epinephrine. He was not a candidate for therapeutic cooling given the SDH found on CT head. He was admitted to the MICU and monitored closely with the post arrest team. The patient ultimately went into an escape rhythm leading to asystole on ___. # Septic shock secondary to aspiration pneumonia: The patient presented hypothermic, tachycardic and with bandemia. This was likely secondary to septic shock from an aspiration pneumonia. He was intubated for hypoxemic respiratory failure and given fentanyl for sedation. His blood cultures grew coagulase negative staphlococcus and diphtheria. He was maintained on broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids, and maximum hemodynamic support with fluids, multiple pressors. Despite aggressive efforts, he remained persistently acidemic. He ultimately expired from sepsis secondary to pneumonia. # Metabolic acidosis: Due to overwhelming lactic acidosis ranging from ___. He was treated by maximizing his minute ventilation on the vent. He was also started on a bicarb drip in addition to starting CVVH with a 32 bicarb bath. Despite these efforts, he continued to remain persistently acidemic with pH around 7.0. # Subdural hematoma: Noted to have a 6 mm left, frontal, acute subdural hematoma. He was evaluated by neurosurgery who recommended no urgent neurosurgical procedure. His coagulopathy was treated with vitamin K, FFP, and platelets. He eventually developed DIC. He was started on Dilantin which was switched to keppra in the setting of his liver disease for seizure prophylaxis. Repreat imaging showed a stable hematoma. # Acute on chronic liver failure: Patient had evidence of cirrhosis and portal hypertension on imaging studies. Per old records, patient has HCV cirrhosis (genotype Ia, VL 595,500 ___ and history of significant alcohol abuse. Patient likely decompensated in the setting of septic shock and hypotension. Initially there was some concern for dark material on OG output concerning for a bleed and he was started on a PPI and octreotide gtt. # Rhabdomyolysis - Patient noted to have blood in urine with only 2 RBCs and found to have CK elevated to 1200 at OSH all in the setting of being found down in the woods for an unknown period of time. He was given fluid resuscitation but ultimately required CVVH. # Hypoglycemia - Noted to be hypoglycemic in the field, at OSH, and in ___ ED. He was started on D5 in fluids to maintain normoglycemia. Hypoglycemia likely from hepatic/renal failure and sepsis. # Atrial fibrillation - Patient noted to be in Afib with RVR in the ED s/p arrest. He underwent a synchronized cardioversion with 200J in the emergency department with conversion to sinus tachycardia. # Acute renal failure - Most likely secondary to ATN from hypotension and hypovolemic from poor po intake for days. Urine output diminished. Renal was consulted and patient was started on CVVH. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ******************* None ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** On ___ presented for induction of labor for oligohydramnios at 40w4d after being found to have an AFI of 2.7 on routine post dates testing. She advanced to 7cm dilation at which time she had recurrent late decelerations and a prolonged deceleration to 70 BPM at which point she underwent a stat cesarean delivery for nonreassuring fetal heart tracing. Please refer to Dr. ___ report for details of the operation. Her pre-operative HCT was 29.3, intraoperative HCT was 25, and EBL was 1500cc. Post-operatively, her HCT nadired at 20.7 with symptoms of anemia, so she was transfused 2 units of pRBCs for symptomatic blood-loss anemia. Her post-transfusion HCT was 24.2. Her vital signs were stable, her symptoms resolved, and she had no clinical evidence of ongoing blood loss. The remainder of her postpartum course was uncomplicated. By postpartum day 4, she was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating independently, voiding spontaneously, and pain was controlled with oral medications. She was then discharged home in stable condition with outpatient follow-up scheduled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ male w/PMHx including well-controlled bipolar d/o, COPD, chronic back pain s/p laminectomy, HTN, HL, severe AS ___ 0.8cm2), w/recently diagnosed Stage 4 lung cancer on last admission (___), s/p endobronchial mass intervention by IP, who presented with hemoptysis and respiratory distress progression of metastatic lung cancer, ultimately receiving antibiotics for post-obstructive PNA, undergoing bronchial artery embolization by ___, and transitioning to comfort measures only as his dyspnea worsened and the family reflected on the limited available options for his refractory symptoms in the setting of advanced cancer. Patient ultimately expired on ___ after family elected to remove high flow oxygen apparatus. ================= ACTIVE ISSUES ================= #NSCLC, stage IV #Malignant Pleural effusion: #Hypoxic respiratory failure Patient had an unfortunate diagnosis of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (MOC31 and TTF positive; B72.3, Napsin A, and p40 negative). Patient presented to the hospital from rehab with symptoms of recurrent hemoptysis in the setting of his advanced stage lung cancer. Patient had a known extensive pulmonary burden from lung cancer w/interval imaging showing significant worsening of disease w/additional loculations of pleural effusions likely significantly contributing to dyspnea. Patient also had a known history of COPD w/o obvious symptoms of flare. Patient had also received 5 fractions of XRT ___ to lung masses and mediastinum. His presenting symptoms were felt to unlikely be due to acute sequelae of xrt. Anemia and severe AS were felt to be likely contributing to extent of dyspnea. Patient presented with an EKG reassuring for absence of ischemia or signs of tamponade. His most recent discharge had been on 4L NC for persistent hypoxia. His goal O2 during admission was a goal O2 of 88-92 given known COPD. He ultimately on presentation required ___ NC to maintain O2 92% upon his admission to the MICU. Interventional pulmonary was consulted, Chest Tube was placed on the right on ___ to drain the fluid collection seen on CT from ___. He was also treated with antibiotics for a post-obstructive PNA, as pleural fluid analysis indicated that patient's posterior fluid collection as consistent with hemothorax. He was transfused 1 u PRBCs on ___ for Hb 6.8. Initially MRI brain was planned, but patient did not have the ability to lie flat. He was started on broad spectrum antibiotics with vancomycin/ceftazidime on ___. Heme/onc was consulted and the patient was transferred to the oncology service for further management. On the oncology service the patient experienced ongoing hemoptysis so ___ was consulted for bronchial artery embolization, which the patient underwent on ___. The patient had access via the right groin, which was closed following the procedure with an angioseal. There was marked difficulty ventilating the patient during the embolization procedure, after which the patient was transferred to the MICU, intubated, and sedated on ___ for further monitoring. Chest tubes were removed by IP on ___ and he was extubated, experiencing minimal further hemoptysis. He continued to receive intermittent blood transfusions and was started on high flow oxygen for worsened oxygen sats. Patient was treated with flagyl as well for empiric anaerobic coverage. After repeat consultations with oncology, pt was deemed not a candidate for chemotherapy. Family meetings were held with the extended group to convey impression regarding limited treatment options. Patient was able to verbalize his understanding that he was dying. Family and son also acknowledged that he was "on his way out." As family meetings occurred, initially plan was to utilize pleurX catheter for MWF drainage, though many attempts to remove fluid were unsuccessful. Patient was seen by palliative care, who recommended narcotics and anxiolytics to treat symptoms of air hunger. Patient was transitioned to CMO on ___ after experiencing progressive shortness of breath and discomfort. On ___ patient was transferred out of the MICU to the medical floor on high flow oxygen and heart rate telemetry in the company of his family. He remained on high flow oxygen with prn Dilaudid, transitioning to a Dilaudid gtt on ___. Patient's RASS on the day of expiration was approximately -3 for much of the day. After congregating family, the family made the decision to perform removal of the high flow oxygen device. The patient expired at 17:16 on ___. #Goals of care: In the setting of general decompensation and failure to improve clinically due to the below, goals of care were discussed ___ much of the patient's hospitalization, and patient was transitioned to comfort measures only. Once this was decision was made on ___, medications not contributing to comfort were discontinued, in consultation with the palliative care team, patient, and his family. #Hemoptysis: #Acute blood loss anemia: Patient presented with a Hb 6.5 from 6, s/p 1unit prbc at ___. Pt originally presented on last admission w/similar sx I/s/o new dx metastatic lung cancer. Patient presented to ___ from rehab w/recurrent hemoptysis found to have extensive progression of disease. Anterior and posterior chest tubes were placed on ___ draining 200 and 800 cc respectively. Hct of the posterior right lung fluid with 30% consistent with a hemothorax, as above. H/H remained stable and output from the chest tube while to water seal was minimal. ___ was consulted and performed embolization on ___. H+H received intermittent blood transfusions, as above, but H/H was remaining subsequently stable following resolution of hemoptysis prior to transitioning to comfort measures #Encephalopathy: Pt had ongoing waxing and waning mental status during admission, which was largely attributed to hypoxia and delirium. Given that patient was on valproate chronically, toxic metabolic encephalopathy was considered from rx. The possibility of mets to the brain was considered, though MRI could not be obtained, as above, due to patient's inability to lie flat. While admitted, valproate level was appropriate. # Hypotension Presented to the ED with SBP in the ___ in the setting of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, hemoptysis with blood loss and concern for adrenal insufficiency given hyperkalemia on admission. Cortisol level was within normal limits. # Bipolar disorder: He was continued on home divalproex and fluvoxamine initially, later discontinued as patient transitioned to CMO. ==================== CHRONIC ISSUES: ==================== # Severe AS: ___ 0.8cm2. Moexipril was held ___ bleeding. # COPD: patient received nebulizers throughout his hospital course. # HTN: home moexipril was held as above. # HLD: Continued home simvastatin, Held home ASA in the setting of bleeding. # GERD: Continued home ranitidine # Chronic back pain s/p laminectomy: Pain was initially controlled with oxycodone/lidocaine patch, then patient was transitioned to Dilaudid as he transitioned to CMO. # Glaucoma: Continued home brimonidine. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old male with ___ disease who presented electively on ___ for bilateral deep brain stimulation, stage I. ___ Disease Patient was taken to the OR on ___ for bilateral deep brain stimulation, stage I. Patient was intubated for the procedure due to his difficulty managing his secretions. The procedure was uncomplicated. Please see separately dictated operative report by Dr. ___ further details. Patient was extubated and taken to the PACU to recover before being transferred to the floor for neurological monitoring. Patient remained neurologically intact on the floor. He returned to the OR on ___ for bilateral stage II DBS. The procedure was uncomplicated. On day of discharge, his pain was well controlled on oral medications. He was tolerating his tube feeds (running continuous but cycled). He requires some assistance with ambulation. Rehab options were discussed with case management but patient & family preferred discharge home. Home services were scheduled. His vital signs were stable and he was afebrile. He was discharged to home with home services. #Dysphagia ___, patient experienced increased difficulty managing his secretions. A nasogastric tube was placed for patient to receive his home ___ medications. Speech and Language Pathology was consulted to evaluate his swallowing and noted patient to have orophayngeal dysphagia. Patient was made NPO, and cleared only for the trials of nectar thick liquids after medications with nursing. Speech and Language Pathology continued to follow. Acute Care Surgery was consulted for PEG tube placement. On ___, he underwent placement of PEG. The procedure was uncomplicated. For further procedure details, please see separately dictated operative report by Dr. ___. The PEG was cleared for use by ACS on ___. He underwent video swallow ___ and ok for nectar thick liquid trials. Swallow recommends repeating a video swallow after his device is on. He was started on cycled tube feeds prior to discharge. #Urinary retention The patient had urinary retention requiring straight catheterization x 3 on ___. Foley was placed for bladder rest with plan to reassess in one week. With the foley, patient was putting out good urine output. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with COPD on 3L home O2, afib on rivaroxaban, diltiazem and digoxin who was referred from her endocrinologist's office for hypotension. # Hypotension: The etiology thought secondary to hypovolemia and resolved with IVF bolus and increased PO intake. Her history was notable for poor PO intake and recent attempts at weight loss. There was no evidence of sepsis/distributive pathology. There was no evidence of CHF, cardiogenic shock, PE, or MI on EKG or physical exam. There was no evidence of hemorrhage/active bleeding on exam. She remained asymptomatic throughout her hospital stay, maintained good mentation and good urine output. Her Lasix and diltiazem were held during her hospitalization. Her heart rate remained in the ___. She is discharged with instructions to continue to hold off on Lasix and diltiazem until PCP follow up. # Anemia: Unclear what the patient's baseline H/H is, given care at outside facility and it is unclear what tests have already been performed. Acute drop during her hospitalization likely secondary to dilutional effect in the setting of IVF and increased PO fluid intake. There were no signs of active bleeding on exam, and no report of melena per nursing staff. The patient refused rectal exam. The patient's PCP was called and we discussed this issue of anemia and further workup after discharge, as well as the other issues noted here. The PCP ___ ___ with the patient. # ___: The patient presented with Creatinine of 1.6, which improved to 0.9 on discharge after IVF and increased PO intake. # COPD: The patient is on 3L 02 at home. She notes that she does not take any other medications for COPD as she has difficulty using the inhalers. She was started in-house on albuterol inhalers, tiotropium, advair. In addition, given leukocytosis and findings on CXR she was also treated for suspected pneumonia with levofloxacin. Her leukocytosis resolved on discharge. She is discharged to complete a 5 day course of levofloxacin. She is also discharged on her in-house COPD regimen with ___ services to assist with medication management. # Leukocytosis: Likely related to pneumonia. The patient had a leukocytosis and CXR suspicious for pneumonia, though denies worsening cough or sputum production. Her leukocytosis resolved with treatment with levofloxacin. She is discharged on levofloxacin to complete a ___trial Fibrillation: The patient is on rivaroxaban, digoxin, and diltiazem at home. She was continued on rivaroxaban and digoxin in-house. Diltiazem held in-house in the setting of hypotension and her HR remained in the ___. She is discharged with instructions to continue to hold diltiazem until her PCP follow up. # Restless leg syndrome: Continued on ropinirole # Depression: Continued on home sertraline TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Patient discharged with ___ services to assist with COPD inhalers - Patient instructed to hold off on restarting Diltiazem and Lasix until PCP follow up in the setting of hypotension - Patient noted to be anemic in house with no active signs of bleeding, though she refused rectal exam. Unclear what studies have already been done to evaluate the etiology. Recommend iron studies/colonoscopy if this has not already been performed ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o woman with known AF on AC presenting s/p cardiac arrest, found to have multiple C-spine injuries and significant neurologic deficits concerning for spinal cord injury. #) Syncope: Based on history, it is unclear whether patient truly had PEA arrest vs. VT/VF vs. syncope ___ arrhythmia. As detailed in HPI, she was treated as if she were s/p cardiac arrest with CPR, epix1, and shock with stablization in hemodynamics. Original differential included ischemia, supported by possible lateral ST depression on EKG. Repeat EKG did not show any ST abnormalities and cardiac enzymes initially uptrended to 0.07, but downtrended thereafter. Structural heart disease was considered but thought to be unlikely given normal echocardiogram in ED, confirmed by formal TTE on ___. Possible arrest also could have been result of toxic/metabolic insult. On admission, K and Mg were normal but calcium was low at 6.7 (ionized calcium of 0.8). Additionally, she had elevated WBC of 11 (trending up to 19), which could be ___s T103.3F shortly after admission. To r/o infection, BCx x2, UCx, and sputum gs and cx obtained, all NGTD. Upon review of EKG's, patient appeared to oscillate between tachy- and brady-arrhythmias. Post-resuscitation efforts, EKG showed what appears to be atrial fibrillation with high grade conduction block and ventricular escape beats. Following transfer to SICU, she continued to be tachy-brady, alternating between afib w/ RVR to 140's and sinus brady to the 30's, albeit with stable blood pressures. -Given her presumed syncope ___ high grade conduction block, she will likely need a pacemaker as well as initiation on antiarrhythmic medication. From a cardiac perspective, she will need follow up with EP following discharge. #) C-spine injury: Imaging on admission showed a sub-galeal SDH, C1/dens fracture with associated hematoma, and soft tissue density at c6/c7 compressing spinal cord - ?hematoma or traumatic disc herniation. All of these injuries were thought to be related to her fall. Clinically, she presented with complete loss of motor and sensory function below the C6 level. She was placed in a C-collar and evaluated by spine, who felt her to be in spinal shock. Full spine MRI showed no obvious signs of cord compression and spine felt there was no need for surgical intervention. She was monitored clinically with frequent neuro checks and throughout the hospitalization, her neurological function did not improve and she remained quadriplegic throughout her cource, ventilator dependent and on pressors for cardiovascular support. #) Atrial fibrillation: Has known AF on anticoagulation, presumably with warfarin given INR >2 on admission. As discussed above, Ms. ___ atrial fibrillation may be in the setting of more complex conduction block. During hospitalization, she was not started on beta blockade given her frequent conversion to sinus brady with soft systolic BP's (~100). Anticoagulation was also held given her supratherapeutic INR and potential need for surgery. -pacemaker -antiarrhythmic #) metabolic acidosis: patient initially with anion gap metabolic acidosis per VBG and chem panel with bicarb of 16 and VBS showing 7.30/52/58. Lactate, however, was normal at 1.6. On repeat labs, chem panel showed normal bicarb of 26 with resolution of gap and lactate still 1.6. ABG showed 7.33/47/191 on 100% FiO2. Patient's acidosis likely due to hypoperfusion. Resolved with supportive measures. #) Transaminitis: LFTs mildly elevated on admission with AST 326, ALT 371 and uptrending INR (2.5 on admission to 2.8). In setting of cardiac arrest, likely for hepatic hypoperfusion. INR could be multifactorial from presumed use of warfarin in addition to reduced hepatic synthetic function. #) Hypocalcemia: Patient was admitted with hypocalcemia as described above. In setting of elevated phos and low PTH, suggestive of primary hypoparathyroid state. Unclear about patient's PMH due to limited available information. After it became clear that her neurologic status was not likely to improve, and as her hemodynamic status became more tenuous, a family meeting was held with the patient, the ethics department, the ICU and the ACS team to discuss goals of care. The patient was lucid, deemed to be able to make her own decisions and requested terminal extubation and CMO status. She was disconnected from the ventilator and pressors were stopped on ___, and she was pronounced deceased at 14:05. The family was in the room at the time of death. An autopsy was offered, which the family accepted. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with a past medical history of ischemic cardiomyopathy (LVEF 25%, ___ CAD (3-vessel CAD s/p anterior MI felt too high risk for PCI), HTN, DM2, currently undergoing heart transplant evaluation, admitted with decompensated systolic heart failure with hospital course complicated by milrinone-dependence, hyponatremia, pleural effusions, transaminitis (likely secondary to congestive hepatopathy), severe protein malnutrition (requiring period of tube feeds), and acute kidney injury. He was deemed to not be a candidate for heart transplant and transitioned to hospice care. ACTIVE ISSUES ============= #) ACUTE ON CHRONIC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE: Pt has a history of ___ Heart Association Class II-III, stage C ischemic cardiomyopathy with an LVEF 25%. Prior to admission, pt was on Torsemide 80mg BID and weekly metolazone 2.5mg with persistent volume overload. On admission, pt appeared volume overloaded with elevated JVP and lower extremity edema consistent with decompensated systolic heart failure. Pt was diuresed with lasix drip and Diuril 250mg IV daily, in addition to holding home Metoprolol for decreased cardiac output. He was started on Milrinone and Digoxin, the latter being discontinued due to intolerance with PVCs. Pt was not started on an ACEi given intolearnce in the past. Further neurohormonal blockade was not well tolerated. Pt underwent right heart catheterization on ___ (while on milrinone), which showed: mild pulmonary hypertension; moderate-severe right ventricular diastolic heart failure; moderately elevated PCW consistent with moderate left ventricular diastolic heart failure; and preserved calculated cardiac index. Following RHC, diuresis continued with Lasix drip ___ mg/hr and intermittent Metolazone 5mg. He was transitioned to torsemide 100 mg BID. Workup for heart transplant was initiated early, however based on his worsening heart failure (Stage D, ___ class IV) and poor functional/nutritional status, he was deemed to not be a candidate for transplant. After discussion with the patient and wife, he made DNR and transitioned to hospice. Discharge weight 42.8kg with a creatinine of 1.0. Milrinone Weight 50.3kg #) Behavioral Disturbance (dementia vs bipolar vs prior CVA) / : Patient noted to have previously had episodes of dramatic exacerbation of personality traits including hyper-religiosity and fixation of note-taking/organization. Initially he was continued on his donepezil, divalproex and keppra without incident. However, towards the end of his hospitalization, particularly after no longer being a candidate for heart transplant, patient developed more agitation and paranoid thoughts. Seroquel was made standing with some benefit. Patient occasionally has episodes of stuttering/word-finding difficulties usually in association with agitation. At first, there was concern for seizures, however patient remained conscious throughout without automated movements. EEG had no areas of cortical irritability. CT head without acute stroke. An additional echo did not reveal LV thrombus. He was discharged on seroquel 25mg BID, keppra 1000 BID, divalproex ___ ER QHS, and donepezil 5mg QHS. #) RIGHT PLEURAL EFFUSION: On admission, pt found to have new right pleural effusion. Underwent right chest tube placement with removal of 2L serosanguinous fluid. Pleural fluid consistent with pseudoexudate from CHF effusion (BNP elevated to 9000, met ___ Light's criteria with protein ratio 0.6, and uncomplicated with pH 7.45). Chest tube was removed ___, but pleural effusion later re-accumulated on subsequent chest x-rays, likely secondary to decompensated heart failure. #) TRANSAMINITIS/ASCITES: During admission, pt had fluctuating LFTs that was felt to be secondary to congestive hepatopathy. Pt was also noted to have moderate ascites on CT scan. Underwent paracentesis that was negative for SBP. Ascites fluid culture showed Bacillus species that was felt to be a contaminant. #) SEVERE PROTEIN CALORIE MALNUTRITION: Pt has severe malnutrition in the setting of chronic illness. Given severe malnutrition and BMI too low for heart transplantation, pt underwent Dobhoff placement and started on tube feeding for nutrition support. However, patient expressed that tube feeding was not within his goals of care. His tube feeds and NGT were discontinued. #) ANEMIA, CHRONIC: Baseline Hgb ___, hypoproliferative normocytic anemia (RI 0.8%). On iron supplementation and B12 supplementation at baseline. Iron studies normal. No B12 or folate deficiency. Hemolysis labs negative. SPEP without specific abnormalities. Hematology/oncology consulted. Bone marrow biopsy with hypocellular marrow at ___ without evidence of myelodysplasia. Cytogenetics and flow cytometry on the bone marrow were negative. Pt was continued on B12 and iron supplementation during hospitalization. #) DMII: Pt has a history of DM on Metformin at home, Hb A1C 6.4%. During admission, home oral regimen was held. Managed with Glargine and Humalog insulin sliding scale during admission. Pt developed hyperglycemia requiring high insulin requirements during admission. Pt discharged on 10units of glargine morning and bedtime and humalog ISS. #) Three vessel CAD: Poor surgical targets. Continued on aspirin and plavix. Atorvastatin reduced to 20mg daily #) Goals of Care: As patient is not a candidate for heart transplant, his goals of care have shifted to more symptom control. He is now DNR/Ok to intubate per MOLST. Tube feeding is not within his goals of care. He prefers to continue his previous medications in hospice. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ====================================== -Pt found on CT chest to have a cluster of small nodules at the left base, likely infectious or inflammatory given their rapid onset. A follow-up CT is recommended if within goals of care -Patient's episodes of stuttering/word-finding difficulty are not suspected to be seizure or stroke. Prior EEG negative, prior CT Head negative. -Heart Failure Medications: Milrinone 0.5 mcg/kg/min IV DRIP INFUSION. Torsemide 100mg BID. Neurohormonal blockade and antihypertensives were not well-tolerated. Further adjustment of diuretic dose may be symptom based. ___ need metolozone 5mg PRN weight gain/shortness of breath. -Electrolytes: Potassium 40meq daily in setting of 100mg torsemide BID. Electrolytes should be checked at least weekly to ensure normokalemia, normomagnesemia. -Although patient is transitioning to hospice, he would prefer to take all his previous medications -New Medications/Changes: Keppra uptitrated to 1000mg BID, Seroquel 25mg BID started, with additional 12.5 mg PRN insomnia. Atorvastatin decreased to 20mg daily. -Discharge weight 42.8kg (bed weight) with a creatinine of 1.0. -Milrinone Weight 50.3kg # CODE: DNR/OK to intubate (MOLST on file) # CONTACT: ___ (wife/HCP ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with a history of cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, myelodysplasia, type 2 diabetes, chronic pancreatitis presented in decompensated liver failure likely secondary to alcoholic hepatitis. # Alcoholic hepatitis: Patient presented in decompensated liver failure with significant ascites and jaundice with elevated LFTs and t-bili of 16. RUQ ultrasound showed possible thrombus formation but subsequent MRCP read negative for portal vein thrombosis. On admission patient had refused any recent alcohol intake however after further questioning patient admitted to recent alcohol binge few weeks ago resulting in acute hepatitis. Patient's LFTs showed AST: ALT >2 consistent with alcoholic hepatitis. AFP 2.8. Given discriminant function of 50, prednisone 40mg daily was started ___ and t-bili continued to down trend. Nutrition service was also consulted for high calorie diet and patient encouraged to increase po intake with supplements. Given her clinical and laboratory response, she will continue prednisone for one month duration. # Hepatic Encephalopathy/AMS: Patient was intermittently noted to have levels of confusion without any asterixis during initial course of hospitalization. She was started on lactulose and rifaximin with clearing of her mental status. She was encouraged to continue lactulose and titrated to ___ BMs per day. # Ascites: She underwent therapeutic/diagnostic paracentesis ___. Peritoneal fluid was negative for SBP by cell count and culture. She was started on lasix however patient developed hypotension as result of volume depletion therefore lasix was discontinued. Patient continued to complain of abdominal distention however repeat abdominal ultrasound did not show any pocket of ascites. Her weight on discharge was 62.6 kg. She should be restarted on lasix as outpatient if she starts to retain fluid and develops worsening ascites. # BRBPR: Patient reported 1 episode of BRBPR several days prior to admission. EGD ___ showed no evidence of bleeding or varices, only mild portal hypertensive gastropathy. Underwent colonoscopy ___ which showed hemorrhoids, small rectal varices, 2 less than 5 mm colon polyps, diverticula in the cecum, but no brisk bleeding. Her hematocrit remained stable through rest of her hospital stay without any further episodes of hematochezia. # Cirrhosis: Patient states that her cirrhosis is secondary to hemochromatosis. Cirrhosis is complicated by ascites, jaundice, varices, hepatic encephalopathy. She is being followed by Dr. ___ as an outpatient. She apparently was diagnosed about ___ years ago. She will continue to follow up with Dr. ___ as outpatient. MELD score of 19 on discharge # Hyperglycemia: She has history of DM2. Her home glipizide and metformin was held on admission. With prednisone and high calorie diet, her blood sugars persistently remained in the 400 range despite being on Lantus and HISS. ___ was consulted who recommended aggressive Lantus and insulin sliding scale. Metformin and Glipizide discontinued. She will need close monitoring of her blood sugars especially when she finishes her one month course of prednisone. # Hypertension: Patient blood pressure mainly ranged in the 100. Patient's atenolol was switched to nadolol for variceal prophylaxis. #CODE: Full #CONTACT: Patient, Daughter ___: ___ . ___ of Care: - Patient was also found to have incidental finding of 1.1cm anterolateral chest wall lesion on MRV of abdomen; outpatient follow up with CT chest is recommended. - will need social work f/u and relapse prevention - please refer for nutritionist follow-up - if patient stays sober and remains decompensated after 3 months please refer to ___. - please get labs as per script on ___. - please closely follow DM monitoring and adjust insulin dosages especially once off prednisone. - Discharge weight of 62.6. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo F with chronic obstructive asthma, RA, esophageal dysmotility, and oropharyngeal dysphagia who is here with subacute dyspnea likely due to exacerbation of her underlying lung disease. Pt now improved with steroids, nebs. # Dyspnea, ___ # Chronic obstructive lung disease w/ mild exacerbation -Has responded well to prednisone and has gotten 40mg po x 3 days. On discharge will give short taper: 30mg po x 2 days, 20mg po x 2 days, then 10mg po x 2 days for total 6 more days. Continue advair and Spiriva, nebs. Azithromycin for anti inflammatory effect, 250mg po x 2 additional days to complete 5 days. -Back to her home o2 requirement of 2L and has o2 set up at home already -F/u with PCP and pulmonologist within ___ weeks. She inquires about CPAP, will need outpatient sleep study. Already has appointment in sleep clinic ___. # Hypothyroidism - continue home levothyroxine # GERD/gastritis - continue home pantoprazole # FEN - ground solids with thickened liquids per prior SLP recs Time spent: 45 minutes ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old male with h/o asthma, depression, and substance abuse transferred from ___ for evaluation of citalopram intoxication. ACTIVE ISSUES # Citalopram overdose: He presented with suicide attempt and citalopram overdose along with other substances (tox screen positive for cocaine, benzos, opiates). He had a mild serotonin syndrome with agitation and mental status changes. He did not have hyperthermia but did have ocular and inducible clonus. He was admitted to the ICU and ECGs were monitored closely without significant QRS prolongation. He was given IV benzos for agitation. He was given one dose of cypoheptadine without effect. Head CT was negative for acute process. His mental status changes resolved and he was transferred to the medical floor. He was given MVI, thiamine, folate as well. Citalopram was held on discharge to inpatient psych facility. # Suicide attempt/depression: He was evaluated by the psychiatry team after his mental status improved. His suicide attempt was in the setting of his brother's recent death due to overdose. His antidepressants were held and he was on a 1:1 sitter. He is to be discharged to an inpatient psych facility. The pt was written for low dose hydroxyzine 12.5mg POQ4HR PRN for anxiety prior to d/c. INACTIVE ISSUES # H/o substance abuse: Tox screen positive for cocaine, benzos, opiates. Seen by social work. Suboxone was initially held during admission. His outpatient dose was confirmed to be 3 tabs (___) daily. He was restarted on 2 tabs on ___. # Decreased skin integrity: Patient was noted on admission to have a repaired laceration on the right arm that was recently sutured due to trauma per his reports. It remained clean, dry and intact. # Hypoxemia: He was noted to have a mild oxygen requirement in the ICU and upon callout to the floor. CXR showed no infiltrate or aspiration. He was continued on his home PRN nebs. He was discharged on home albuterol MDI. # Elevated CK: Trended down to normal. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Discharge to inpatient psych facility ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with hx of CKD stage IV-V related to severe interstitial nephritis from PPI superimposed on reduced kidney function, who presents as a planned admission for dialysis catheter and initiation of dialysis. ACUTE ISSUES: ============= . #CKD IV-V #Initiation of dialysis Patient has clotted fistula in the right upper extremity which was never used. He has not previously received dialysis. He was admitted for planned initiation of dialysis as inpatient. He received tunneled line placement and received three successive HD session without issue. PPD was placed and was negative. X ray was performed and did not show evidence of TB. The patient will continue HD as follows: ___ Phone: ___ Nephrologist: Dr. ___ dialysis schedule will be every ___, ___ & ___ at 4:00pm. The patient was started on nephrocaps per renal recommendations. He should continue Torsemide daily. Sodium bicarbonate was discontinued as it is no longer indicated in patients on HD. CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== #IDDM/DM2 Patient has history on prior admission of becoming hypoglycemic. His endocrinologist followed the patient while in the hospital. He should continue the following regimen: NPH 5 Units Breakfast Regular 4 Units Breakfast Regular 4 Units Dinner #CAD #HLD s/p NSTEMI with distal RCA stent placement in ___ - Continue atorvastatin 40 nightly - Continue aspirin 81 daily - SLN PRN for chest pain #Discontinuation of Plavix In discussion with outpatient cardiologist, Plavix can be discontinued as is no longer indicated in patient as stents were placed in ___. -Discontinued Plavix # HTN - Continue home losartan, - Continue amlodipine 5 mg nightly # Hypothyroidism - Continue levothyroxine 25 mcg daily # GERD: - Continued ranitidine 75 mg PO BID # Psoriasis: Patient will bring in Humira. Due ___. - Continue adalimumab 40 mg/0.8 mL subcutaneous EVERY 2 WEEKS # Hypovitaminosis D: - Vitamin D ___ UNIT PO 1X/WEEK due ___ Transitional Issue: ============= Asses patient volume status for need to continue torsemide daily. Follow up patient blood sugar for further insulin titration ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** M w/a PMHX of IDDM, ESRD on HD ___, CAD s/p PCIx3 who presented to the ED as a transfer from an OSH for nausea/hematemesis, anemia, and hyperkalemia i/s/o missed HD sessions. # Nausea/Vomiting Patient reported having multiple episodes of nausea and hematemesis for past 3 days; he initially went to ___ ___ and was transferred to ___ on ___. Of note, was previously hospitalized at ___ in early ___ for intractable nausea and vomiting w/blood, which was diagnosed as viral gastroenteritis. At the ___ ED, patient's had WBC 11.1, Hgb 7.5 (baseline ~9), negative guaiac test; he reported that he no longer had any episodes of nausea/vomiting since ___ was consulted during his hospitalization; they had low concern for a GI bleed given resolution of his symptoms, negative guaiac test, and stable Hgb, and believed an EGD to be unnecessary. However, they did recommend a trial of PPI, so patient was started on 20mg omeprazole. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well and was asymptomatic. The etiology of his nausea and vomiting is likely ___ uremia and hyperkalemia in the setting of missed HD sessions, or a possible gastroenteritis. Given that his vomiting had resolved by time of hospitalization, it is unclear whether his vomit was blood-tinged or bile-tinged. # Anemia of chronic disease Patient was found to be anemic with Hgb 7.5 (baseline ~9). This was likely secondary to his ESRD. His anemia remained stable throughout the course of his hospitalization. At the time of discharge, his Hgb was 8.8. # Coagulase negative staph bacteremia Patient was found to have GPC bacteremia on blood culture from ___. He was given 1 dose of vancomycin. His blood cultures returned as coag-negative staph, and was thought to be a contaminant. Patient will be notified if subsequent blood cultures are positive. # Hyperkalemia, ESRD on HD ___ Patient has ESRD on HD ___ but missed last 2 sessions due to nausea that prevented him from tolerating HD. On presentation to ED, patient was hyperkalemic to 6.6, for which he was given calcium gluconate and insulin +D50 and sent immediately for HD. Throughout the remainder of his hospitalization, he was continued on his home HD regimen. His diuretics were held upon admission. His furosemide was restarted at the time of discharge. He will require follow-up with his outpatient nephrologist for further management of his diuretic regimen. # Elevated troponin i/s/o hx CAD s/p multiple PCI Patient has extensive cardiac history with multiple interventions (most recently, DES to LAD in ___. Last TTE ___ EF 45%. Upon his presentation to ___, he was found to have an elevated troponin to 0.28. Following transfer to the ___ ED, this was down to 0.12. In the ED, EKG demonstrated sinus rhythm with possible ischemia in the infero-lateral leads, which appears consistent with prior EKGs (as viewed on ___. His troponins continued to fluctuate throughout his hospitalization, but he was complete asymptomatic. At time of discharge, his troponin was stable at 0.24, and his EKG was similar to his baseline. He was continued on his home aspirin. # Hypertension Patient was initially continued on his home amlodipine and carvedilol. He was hypertensive throughout his hospitalization to the 180s-200s, so his amlodipine was increased to 10mg with improvement of his SBPs 160s. He will follow-up with his PCP for further management of his anti-hypertensive regimen. CHRONIC ISSUES ============== # Nutrition: Patient was given nephrocaps daily, placed on a low phosphorus and low potassium diet, and given sevelamer carbonate with meals # Chronic pain ___ prior surgical interventions Patient was continued on his home oxycodone and cyclobenzaprine # Diabetic neuropathy Patient was continued on his home gabapentin TRANSITION ISSUES ================= [] On admission, patient was filling scripts for both furosemide and torsemide; per patient, he was no longer taking the torsemide. He was discharged on his home furosemide. He will require follow-up for further management of his diuretics [] Coagulase negative staph grown from 1 culture, likely contaminant. Hospitalist will follow-up for any additional culture growth. [] Patient started on one month trial of PPI. Please trial stopping the medication after this and assess for improvement. [] Patient will require follow-up with GI for routine colonoscopy, given that his last one was back in ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to ___ on ___. His hospital course per system is summarized below. Neuro: pain was initially controlled with IV medications. Given the extent of his rib fractures he was evaluated by the acute pain service for possible epidural placement, however, he continued to be able to breathe adequately and was continued on narcotic pain medication. He was also given a lidocaine skin patch for rib pain. Given his history of heavy etoh consumption he was started on a phenobarbitol taper. When appropriate he was switched to po pain medications. CV: He was hemodynamically stable. His admission HCT was 31 this fell to 21 and then 20 on the morning of ___. He was transfused 2 units on ___ and his hematocrit bumped appopriately. The HCT drop was felt to be secondary to hemodilution and intra-op blood loss. He remained stable throughout the remainder of his hospital course. Resp: Patient had small hemo/pneumothorax. He remained stable from a respiratory standpoint. This was followed with daily xrays. He used incentive spirometry throughout admission. GI: Patient was initially NPO. Between OR cases with ortho and plastics he was given a regular diet which he tolerated well. He was maintained on a bowel regimen. GU: Patient had a foley catheter. When appropriate this was discontinued and the patient was able to void without assistance. Heme: Patient was given SC heparin prophylaxis for DVT. Transfusions as above. Endo: No issues ID: Patient was given cefazolin perioperatively for his initial surgery. Due to concerns of possible infection with unknown organisms after the gastroc flap and STSG on ___, the patient was placed on vanc/zosyn. He returned to the OR for irrigation and debridement on ___ with VAC placement and on ___ he had his RLE graft reconstructed. Cultures from tissue samples showed no growth at which point antibiotics were switched back to cefazolin. This was discontinued at discharge when his wound VAC was removed. MSK: Patient was taken for reduction of tib fib by orthopedics on ___. His acetabular fracture was placed under traction he was taken back to the OR on ___ with the Orthopaedics team where he underwent an ORIF of the transverse posterior wall acetabular fracture and examination under anesthesia with stress radiographs right hip. The patient tolerated this operation well. After an uneventful recovery in the PACU, the patient was transferred to the step-down surgical floor. On ___, the patient underwent radiation therapy treatment to the right hip to prevent heterotopic bone formation. On ___ he had a gastrocnemius flap to anterior shin and split thickness skin graft. On ___ he underwent irrigation and debridement of anterior shin with VAC placement. On ___ he had a right lower extremity skin graft reconstruction. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a diet, ambulating with crutches though NWB to RLE, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. He worked with Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy who recommended his discharge to home with services and ongoing ___. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.