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What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with dementia, chronic urinary retention ___ BPH s/p indwelling Foley, chronic hematuria who originally presented to ___ from home with acute delirium and weakness, found to have hemodynamically unstable GI bleed and septic shock, respiratory failure requiring intubation, ultimately in 4 pressor shock and passed away this admission. #MIXED SHOCK COMPLICATED BY #DIC: Over hospital course, patient remained in mixed shock, with hemorrhagic component (given melena and presentation with Hgb ___, septic (given gram positive cocci growing on blood cultures) and cardiogenic with concern for sepsis-induced Takatsubo cardiomyopathy (given TEE n/f MR/TR, LVEF 20% and dilated LV and new rise in troponins during hospital course). For his hemorrhagic component patient received a total 5 U pRBC in initial resuscitation, and for his septic component he was treated with IV meropenem and daptomycin. Other sources of infection were unrevealing: CXR mostly unchanged from baseline though new, heterogeneous, left infrahilar opacity could be consistent w PNA: C diff test negative, urine culture negative, sputum culture invalid sample. Despite these measures, his shock required increasing doses of four pressors (norepinephrine, vasopressin, phenylephrine and epinephrine). Steroids were considered given potential benefit in septic shock, however were deferred given c/f active GI bleed and poor mucosal protection. Patient was then intubated given c/f increased work of breathing and continued to degenerate demonstrating signs of end organ failure that eventually led to labs n/f low fibrinogen, elevated D-dimers and ___ together with bleeding from IV sites w c/f DIC for which he received a total of 2 U FFP (cryoprecipitate not indicated given his fibrinogen was not below 100). His clinical status nonetheless continued to deteriorate despite four pressure support. This was discussed with family and HCP, and the decision was made to transition from full code to DNR/DNI status. In order to address pain and discomfort, his ventilator settings were transitioned to a set respiratory rate and he was started on propofol and fentanyl. In the afternoon of ___, the patient passed away due to cardiovascular collapse with family members at the bedside. #GI BLEED: Positive guaiac in ER, likely chronic bleeding with acute deterioration. No known liver disease or varices, no known NSAIDS or alcohol use. Unknown last colonoscopy. Resuscitated with pRBC and fluids. Gastric lavage was negative, so GI did not conduct EGD. While he continued to have episodic melena, it was thought that bleeding may have been located further distally in the GI tract, but that bleeding was contained and prevented from resulting in further melena due to massive stool burden as noticed in CT. He was started on PPI and Hgb monitored. The massive transfusion protocol was activated and he received a total of 5U PRBC including those received at the outside hospital. # AFib with RVR and s/p polymorphic VT: Irregularly irregular rhythm was first noticed on telemetry, with c/f sinus tachyarrhytmia on EKG. He was not started on anticoagulation given c/g active GI bleed, nor started on rate control given sepsis and pressor support. He later had 8 run polymorphic VT likely ___ recent ischemia w troponin leak, followed by Afib with RVR despite pressor support. Cardiology was consutled and he was received amiodarone bolus followed by drip to control atrial and ventricular ectopy during hospital course. # Transaminitis: No h/o liver disease, pattern was hepatocellular and thought to be likely shock liver iso severe shock with ALT/AST rising up to the thousands and INR peaking at 3.5. He was continued on pressors for hemodynamic support during hospital course, as described above. # Type II MI: Significant troponin leak which peaked and downtrended, w EKG n/f inverted T waves in left precordial leads. Likely ___ severe shock. Low MVO2 was found on VBG and thought to be multifactorial iso cardiogenic shock and hypovolemic shock as detailed above. No interventions were pursued given unstable hemodynamic status iso sepsis, aspirin/heparin were not given given ongoing c/f GI bleed, statin was not given due to inability to tolerate PO and subsequent intubation. # Glucose management No h/o diabetes, however in setting of stress due to shock, cortisol levels may have risen and counteracted insulin. He was started on an insulin regimen during his hospital course. # Distended abdomen on CT: Pt has h/o ___ and ? CIPO (chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction), no h/o UC or Chron’s. Given CT c/f colonic distention, c diff was pursued to rule out c diff induced toxic megacolon iso concurrent leukocytosis (though patient was not febrile at any point). C diff testing was negative, and patient was decompressed through NGT on wall suction iso diagnostic gastric lavage. #GOC: as above for mixed shock, patient was initially full code but had acute decompensation throughout hospital stay. Ultimately, it was felt the CPR would be ineffective and not indicated and would likely cause further harm without meaningful recovery. This was discussed at multiple points, several times a day on each day of his hospitalization, with multiple family members, particularly, his HCP ___ (daughter). Ultimately, as his condition continued to deteriorate, family felt that shocks and chest compressions would cause more harm and opted to transition his goals of care to DNR. He did continue on pressors, antibiotics, and ventilator support, however, continued to clinical decline with progressive shock, multiorgan system failure, and he ultimately passed away on ___. His family was at his bedside when he died, and they expressed appreciation for the care he had received during his hospitalization. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Hospitalization Summary The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the Hand surgery team. The patient was found to have infection of the left ___ MCP and was admitted to the Hand surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room for irrigation and debridement, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to homewas appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is WBAT in the left upper extremity. The patient will follow up with fellow clinic per routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ YOF with HIV on HAART (unclear compliance), lung cancer, prior cocaine induced MI, depression, chronic pain, and polysubstance abuse with history of withdrawal syndrome, who presents with multiple complaints consistent with a withdrawal syndrome from alcohol and opiates. # Aches, abdominal discomfort, runny nose in context of # Alcohol and opiate abuse, most consistent with # Polysubstance withdrawal syndrome: Her urine and serum toxicology screen were positive for opioids and cocaine. She was placed on CIWA with PRN Valium and ___ with PRN methadone. She was seen by the ___ RN and also met with Social Work multiple times. She successfully completed EtOH and opioid withdrawal with methadone and Valium PRN. Although patient requested dual diagnosis facility placement, she was not felt to have any acute psychiatric mood disorder to warrant placement at a dual diagnosis facility. She was instead screened for inpatient stabilization units. Social work performed an exhaustive review, however, only 1 program (Women's Renewal) accepted her. However, pt reports a prior unhelpful experience at the particular program and declined to be discharged to Women's Renewal. As she was medically stable, she is being discharged to home. Unfortunately, based on her past history, she is at high risk for relapse. # Pancytopenia due to # HIV on HAART Most recent CD4 204, VL <20 copies (___). Continued home HAART. Continue Bactrim for PCP ___. # Lung cancer: She was supposed to have lung resection but owing to her significant social and compliance issues this has been on hold. Had already received chemo and XRT at ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: 1. f/u with PCP 2. f/u with partial program at ___ 3. f/u with ___ / ___ for her lung cancer ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ w/h/o asthma, testicular cancer (s/p R orchiectomy and radiation in ___ and two prior episodes of diverticulitis which were treated with PO cipro in outpatient setting (most recently ___ years ago), who presented with 3 days ___ reminiscent of prior diverticulitis episodes, without systemic symptoms. He presented to ___ urgent care where CT showed acute diverticulitis with an 8mm intramural abscess and referred to ___ ED where his Tmax was 100 and vital signs were otherwise stable. He was started on IV cipro + flagyl and IV dilaudid for pain and observed overnight without improvement thus admitted for continued monitoring and IV antibiotics. On the medical floor his condition improved, with resolution of abdominal pain. On ___ in ___ he was transitioned to PO antibiotics. He subsequently tolerated regular oral diet and remained afebrile. acute problems managed during this admission: # Fever, ___ pain: # Complicated Diverticulitis:Patient did have previous two episodes of diverticulitis ___ years ago which were treated in outpatient setting. Had colonoscopy subsequently which was reportedly normal per patient. Does have history of pelvic radiation but no known history of radiation colitis and no history of GI symptoms or issues at baseline. Presented with fever, leukocytosis, and ___ pain with imaging consistent with diverticulitis c/b 8mm intramural abscess without drainable fluid collection. Reviewed by surgery who recommended continued conservative management and ___ as out patient. Managed with IV cipro/flagyl and IVF with resolution of fever and improvement in abdominal pain. Switched to PO Abx ___ and tolerated oral diet well. # Soft tissue/swelling on foot: this developed overnight during this admission and did not appear like an infection, hematoma or tumor. Patient does not have history of gout and doesn't look like a tophus. Possibly a ganglion cyst. No urgent intervention was deemed necessary. # Fatty infiltration of liver per CT scan. Patient said this was previously worked up. Denied heavy alcohol. Patient instructed to avoid heavy alcohol intake CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: # GERD: continued on home omeprazole # s/p testiculectomy and radiation for testicular cancer ___, was followed by oncology subsequently with CT torso's. Discharged from ___ ___ years ago. GENERAL/SUPPORTIVE CARE: # VTE prophylaxis: on heparin subQ during this admission # Code Status: Full Transitional issues: - complete 10 days of abx with PO Augmentin. Last day ___ - post d/c will need colonoscopy and follow up with colorectal surgery for further discussion about surgical intervention given young age and 3 episodes of diverticulitis in the past ___ years. Patient should call Dr. ___ office at ___ tomorrow morning to arrange for a f/u appointment for within ___ weeks. - PCP ___ with 1 week of discharge - PCP to consider ___ for colonoscopy as per above. - PCP to consider checking LFT's and further ___ for fatty liver. - PCP to consider referral to podiatry if swelling on foot does not resolve completely. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old man with HTN, hyperlipidemia, and chronic back pain who presented with 2 days of left leg swelling and tenderness. This was originally thought to be DVT, as the symptoms of swelling, pain, and low grade fever was consistent with this diagnosis (although no clear etiology); however, re-review of CTV shows compression of vessel with no intraluminal thrombus. He therefore had MRI of the leg which showed acute tear at the musculotendinous junction of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle of the right lower extremity and associated hematoma centered in the medial head of gastrocnemius but extending into the space between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles on the right. The patient was seen by orthopaedic surgery for his muscle tear. They recommended conservative management with out-patient follow up with the ___ clinic. He was placed on Lovenox as he has high risk of developing DVT ( immobility, compression of the vein from the hematoma). The hematoma remained stable with no further bleed. He was asked to stop Lovenox once he is able to walk. He had no evidence of compartment syndrome. He received ___ who taught him to use walker and ambulate with no weight baring on the affected limb. He was informed about the symptoms and signs of DVT, bleeding, and compartment syndrome. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Postoperative course was remarkable for the following: 1.)Hypoglycemia, POD#0, PACU->apple juice and D5W IV gtt with good effect 2.)Nausea/Emesis and persistent hypertension, POD#1, SBP in 180s, max 190s, am PO BP meds not absorbed due to emesis immediately upon receiving them. Re-administered upon resolution of nausea/emesis. Continued hypertension with SBP in 180s, found to be +3.5L received 40mg IV lasix, 10mg IV hydralazine, extra 6.25mg of PO home carvedilol overnight with good effect. 3.)Anxiety, POD# 0&1, very anxious in PACU requiring Ativan, POD#1 pt continued concern regarding persistent hypertension, ativan 0.5-1mg IV q6H:prn 4.) Hyperglycemia, POD #1 the patients glucose control ranged from 250-400. ___ was consulted and insulin regimen was adjusted accordingly. 5.) Acute post-op anemia with Hgb to 6.8. She received 2 units of PRBCs on POD#3 and responded nicely. 6.) Acute Kidney Injury, on POD#3 her creatinine spiked to 2.5 from 1.8. This was equivalent to her pre-admission creatinine however this remained stable following blood transfusion and oral fluids with serial labs. Otherwise, pain was initially controlled with a PCA followed by a transition to oral pain medications on POD#1. The patient received Lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. The foley was removed on POD#1 and the patient was voiding independently thereafter. The surgical dressing was changed on POD#2 and the surgical incision was found to be clean and intact without erythema or abnormal drainage. The patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was acceptable and pain was adequately controlled on an oral regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign. The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity. Ms ___ is discharged to rehab in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with history of HTN, PVD and colonic adenomas who presented status post-colonoscopy with witnessed emesis, new O2 requirement, fever, finding of large left lung opacity. #ASPIRATION PNEUMONITIS/PNEUMONIA: Diagnosis made from history of emesis while sedated and subsequent hypoxia, fever and radiographic consolidation. Patient looked well upon arrival the floor, but was watched overnight because of oxygen saturations in the low ___ at rest. He was not started on antibiotics because he had been afebrile since admission and had only spiked one fever prior to admission, and this was thought to be caused from aspiration pneumonitis. However, he then spiked to 100.9 on the evening of ___. Repeat blood cultures were sent and he was started on levoquin 750 mg po daily to complete a 5 day treatment course for pneumonia. Despite the one fever, he was doing well and oxygen saturations were improved. He was discharged with the po course of levoquin. #HTN: SBPs 130s-150s while in the hospital. Continued home amlodipine and losartan. - C/w amlodipine and losartan #PVD: Continued home aspirin and statin while in the hospital. - C/w ASA81 and simvastatin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Patient vomited after reportedly being NPO for over 1 day and vomitus had particulates in it per colonoscopy team, recommend eval for cause. #F/u colonoscopy results # CODE STATUS: Full # CONTACT: ___ (wife) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt was admitted to ___ on a conditional voluntary basis. She aclimated to the milieu readily, maintained behavorial control and was an active participant in her treatment planning. In regards to her psychiatric issues, the pt appeared dysphoric and hopeless about her housing situation. She was maintained on all outpt medications except for risperidone, which pt did not want to continue. There did not appear to be any negative sequelae to this discontinuation. A neuro consult was ordered at the request of the pts outpt psychiatrist to evaluate the pt for wernicke's encephalopathy. The neuro workup was negative for such encephalopathy and the pts thiamine was WNL at 208. The pt agreed, for the first time in my history of working with her, to allow her sister to be contacted. A family meeting was held for the purpose of identifying, concretely, how the pt's family could be supportive and this objective was obtained. The pts outpt team was also active in her dispo planning and arranged for the pt to be transferred to the ___ and continue with the DBT partial hospital program. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** #Legal: ___ #Safety: Patient remained in good behavioral throughout hospitalization; he remained on 15minute checks (the least restrictive monitoring interval). #Psychiatric: Upon admission, patient reported non-compliance with psychiatric medications for past two weeks, believes them to be ineffective. Per report, combination of VPA and venlafaxine have been effective combination in the past, but outside psychiatrist hesitant to increase venlafaxine dose above 75mg given previous reports of mania at 150mg. Patient reports that SNRI helpful, but treaters conflicted about inducing mania. Discussed trial of duloxetine as alternative SNRI to use in conjunction with VPA; explained the risks, benefits, and side effects of this medication, he tolerated ___t duloxetine 90 mg he developed acute agitation, restlessness, which given time course (within hour of new dose) and resolution when dose was reduced, was more c/w akathisia than manic switch. His mood was progressively brighter. He initially expressed thoughts of death "its passive suicidality, I just want to sit around", but this resolved by his second week of hospitalization, and he had no Si by time of dc, was forward looking. Of note he was hesitant to actively participate in d/c planning in week 1, but by week 2, and after investigating how d/c would change if he participated more actively, he became more involved, and secured return to his prior living situation (confirmed with roommates). Etiologically, Mr. ___ low mood and suicidality, appear a combination of subtherapeutic medication, MJ use to "numb feelings" - contributing to passivity/mood, situational stressors, isolation. It is notable that he responded actively to frank but supportive discussion of how d/c plan would be less than optimal if he does not actively participate. He continues precontemplative re: mj use. Team processed a referral to ___, but prior to acceptance, he expressed that he could not follow through with this treatment. Discussed stages of changes w/ patient; recommended ongoing engagement in stages of change discussion. Team communicated with treaters, Dr. ___ and Dr. ___, who were in agreement w/ plan for increased services (___ secured, contact in d/c sheet), VPA therapeutic, on duloxetine 60 mg (2 week supply of medications secured at free care clinic; communicated with mom who confirmed she sent insurance card to pt.'s residence 2 w.a.). Followup appointments w/ PCP, ___, psychiatrist, endocrinologist arranged. Overall, On discharge, mood was bright and reactive. Thought process was linear and concrete. Thought content devoid of suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm. Also denies thoughts of harming stepfather. No abnormal perceptions or beliefs noted or endorsed. Insight and judgment was significantly improvd. He was rational in his thinking and had no evidence of psychosis #Medical -Type 1 DM: Since his most recent discharge from Deac4, patient was seen at ___ for DKA. Patient reported difficulty obtaining and administering his insulin regimen, both due financial and situational stressors. Per report from collateral, patient had resumed using marijuana, which likely contributed to his ambivalence medication compliance. Blood sugars labile on admission, going from peak in 400s to nadir of 47. Consulted ___ for input on insulin regimen while admitted. Obtained A1c which was noted to be 10.0. Also liased with outpatient ___ providers about ongoing care. See below in collateral section. -Addison's Disease: Continued on home fludrocortisone Acetate 0.2 mg PO QD and prednisone 10 mg PO QD. Patient reported interrupted compliance over the past few weeks due to social/economic stressors. Explained to patient that acute cessation of prednisone could exacerbate mood symptoms. Obtained TSH and AM cortisol: TSH 0.55 and AM Cortsol 2.31. Seizure Disorder: Continued patient on home divalproex ___ QAM and 1500mg QHS for seizure disorder. Patient reported interrupted compliance over the past two weeks due to social/economic stressors. Obtained VPA level which was 64. GERD: Continued patient on home pantoprazole 24mg Q24hrs Social/Milieu: Patient maintained good behavioral control on the unit and interacted appropriately with peers. Attended occupational therapy groups and was respectful with staff. Collateral: Dr. ___: Reports that patient had appointment with her on ___ where he came with his "backpack full of medications, gave them to [her] and said, 'here. I don't need any of these anymore. I'm donating them to science. I'm going to go to the hospital, and I'll probably be there for a while.'" She explains that patient had contacted her several times after his most recent discharge from Deac4. Explains his interview for new job was thwarted by DKA. To complicate matters, patient's main support/roommate will be moving out of country soon, so he will no longer be able to live in his apartment. This roommate was paying Mr ___ share of the rent (and, incidentally, was supplying him with marijuana). Since patient has no source of income, other roommates asked him to move out. With regard to patient's mother, she reneged on her agreement to provide him with a flex-spending card so he could pay for his medications. As such, he has no money to pay for either his medical or psychiatric medications. # Risk Assessment: Upon initial evaluation, the patient was felt to be at elevated risk for harm to self and harm to others given chronic risk factors of gender, chronic mental illness, chronic medical illness, prior hospitalizations, and modifiable risk factors including homelessness, lack unemployment, social isolation, lack of adherence to psychiatric medications, insufficient social supports, current SI, hopelessness, worthlessness, and low mood. Protective factors include having psychiatric and medical treaters, lack of family or personal history of suicide, lack of history of violent behaviors, and willingness to seek help. These were mitigated by working to identify a psychopharm regimen that the patietn would be willing to comply with through time, providing support and stabilization that lead to the resolution of his acute symptoms of suicidal and aggressive thoughts, by increasing his supports (facilitating communication w/ roommates; DMh care now confirmed - pt. to followup) and continuing to coordinate with outpatient mental health providers, working to coordinate his medical care, providing him with a supply of his medications, supporting him developing motivation for sobriety, and providing psychoeducation about chronic patterns of inconsistency. In consideration of aforementioned risk factors and mitigating interventions, patient is appropriate for discharge and outpatient level of care. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr ___ is a ___ male with a history of atrial fibrillation on systemic anticoagulation, s/p PPM placement iso AV nodal disease, COPD with home oxygen requirement, ESRD on HD (TTS), severe aortic stenosis, who presented from his nursing home because of a dislodged dialysis catheter. ACUTE ISSUES: ============= #Dislodged HD catheter #ESRD on HD (TThSat) This is patient's second presentation for dislodged HD catheter within the past several months, unclear why he is having this difficulty. Patient without signs/symptoms of infection. No obvious signs of skin or tissue breakdown around the site. Blood cultures were negative. Patient had replacement of HD line with ___ on ___. Patient received hemodialysis on ___ after line placement, in keeping with his routine schedule. Of note, patient was found to be several kilograms above his dry weight but insisted on terminating HD prematurely before reaching goal fluid removal. He was continued on home sevelamer and nephrocaps. #Hypotension Patient's SBPs have been in the low 100s over the past weeks prior to admission, subsequently falling to ___ prior to transfer to ED. Hypotension likely ___ decreased cardiac output in the setting of severe aortic stenosis. Patient did not have any signs/symptoms of infection/sepsis. Patient received 500cc IVF in ED. His blood pressure was stable at his baseline of low 100s through the rest of admission. His home metoprolol was held in setting of hypotension. #Elevated BNP #Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF 30%) - Patient has a known history of severe cardiomyopathy, multifactorial in etiology. NT-proBNP was elevated this admission higher than previous values, although this is in the setting of ESRD. Chest x-ray revealed mild pulmonary vascular congestion and trace pleural effusions. Patient did not have any increase in his oxygen requirement above baseline or subjective dyspnea. He had some fluid removal through hemodialysis. His home metoprolol was held in the setting of soft blood pressures. CHRONIC PROBLEMS: ================= #Troponinemia, stable Troponin .15 with MB 3 on admission, stable on repeat in the setting of ESRD. No acute ischemic changes on ECG. Very unlikely to represent ACS. #Severe aortic stenosis (low flow low gradient) Patient was last evaluated in cardiology clinic ___ (Dr. ___. There was some discussion of referral for TAVR evaluation should patient have limited exercise tolerance related to his valvular disease. Given his deconditioning and multiple medical comorbidities, however, additional workup for TAVR including coronary angiography was deemed likely futile. #Atrial fibrillation Home metoprolol was held in the setting of hypotension. Home warfarin was held for replacement of his HD catheter. #Presumed CAD Continued home atorvastatin #COPD Stable through admission. Continued home inhalers, 2L O2 supplementation by nasal cannula as needed. #Macrocytic anemia Hemoglobin was stable and at baseline throughout admission. #T2DM Maintained on insulin sliding scale #Dyslipidemia Continued home atorvastatin #GERD Continued home famotidine #Depression Continued home fluoxetine TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [ ] At hemodialysis session on ___, patient was noted to be several kilograms above his dry weight. Patient insisted on terminating his HD session prematurely despite not at goal volume removal. He may need additional fluid removal at next HD session [ ] Patient should have INR next checked on ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient is a ___ yo male with h/o HTN who presented with hypertensive emergency in setting of medication non-adherence. . # Hypertensive emergency: The patient presented with a BP of 196/143, which occurred in the setting medication non-adherence for the past year. The patient also experienced a headache and was found to have ARF (though unknown baseline). Based on history, exam and radiographic findings, we suspected that this was fairly long-standing in nature; thus, we aimed to lower patient's SBP initially to 160. Other etiologies for hypertension were considered, and the patient's Renal U/S with Doppler was negative for Renal Artery Stenosis, TSH was normal, and the patient did not have proteinuria. It was thought that the patient most likely had poorly controlled essential hypertension. He was started on Amlodipine 5 mg and Labetalol during this hospitalization, and his blood pressure decreased to 140-160/90-110. . # Coronary Artery Disease: The patient had an elevated CK and Trop on this admission, but he did not endorse any chest pain prior to or during this hospital stay. The patient's CK-MB was also normal, which does not support a cardiac etiology for these elevated markers. The patient most likely had mild demand ischemia in the setting of hypertensive emergency. He was monitored on telemetry and he was started on ___ 325 mg daily, and he did not have any acute events during this admission. . # Congestive Heart Failure: The patient has cardiomegaly on CXR and by exam, likely due to longstanding HTN. He endorsed increasing dyspnea on exertion and occasional PND, though a BNP at OSH was within normal limits. The patient had a TTE, which demonstrated diastolic dysfunction, and severe symmetric LVH. The patient was started on Labetalol and Norvasc, and he was scheduled for a follow up appointment with Dr. ___ at ___ ___. . # Tachycardia: The patient remained persistently tachycardic on this admission. He was given IV fluids on admission, as the tachycardia was thought to be secondary to dehydration. This, however, did not lower his pulse and the patient remained tachycardic to the low 100s. The patient was monitored on telemetry during this admission, and he is scheduled to follow up with his outpatient cardiologist on discharge. . # Acute Renal failure: The patient presented to OSH with Cr of 2.0, though his baseline is unknown. His Cr continued to increase during this admission to a peak of 3.4. Nephrology was consulted, and it was thought that the patient most likely had hypertensive nephropathy in the setting of hypertensive emergency and long-standing hypertension. The patient was given gentle IV fluids, and he continued to have good urine output. The patient's creatinine decreased to 2.2 by the time of discharge. . # Elevated CK: The patient presented with CK of 910. The etiology of this elevated CK is unclear, but it was thought to be related to demand ischemia in setting of severe hypertension. The patient was given IV fluids throughout this admission, and his CK decreased to 388 by the time of discharge. . #. Code: Full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr ___ was admitted to the neurosurgical service started on Decadron and Keppra for seizure prophylaxis medications. He had a CT of the chest which showed Several small lung nodules which are not particularly suspicious for metastatic disease and each is also very unlikely to represent a primary malignancy. However, particularly given concern for malignancy, a followup chest CT in three months is recommended. Further brain imaging showed an irregularly contrast enhancing lesion extending into the splenium from the left and also into the atrium with intraventricular growth. In order to achieve a definitive histological diagnosis, a serial stereotactic biopsy was indicated. The patient was informed about the findings and about all the diagnostic and therapeutic options and agreed to a stereotactic biopsy on ___ preliminary finding indicate a GBM. Neurologically the patient remained intact, his incision was clean and dry. He ambulated without difficulty and tolerated a regular diet. He was not able to be seen by Neuro-Onc or Radiation oncology due to the ___ holiday he will be seen at the ___ on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient admitted to Dr. ___ service on ___ for dysphagia, intolerance of foods and nausea/vomiting. Patient kept NPO. TPN continued to provide nutrition. Nausea controlled by anti-emetics. Patient's pain controlled with IV narcotics. Home medications were switched to oral suspensions or chushed formulations. Pt was discharged home on ___ with home TPN. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Postoperatively Mr. ___ was admitted to the plastic surgery hand service. He was started on a heparin drip, aspirin and continued on antibiotics. There was concern for buildup of dried blood and so the splint dressing was removed and he was dressed with xeroform. There was concern for venous congestion so he was started on leech therapy with improvement in venous congestion of the long finger. The flap and finger remained viable and without evidence of infection so he was discharged. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ woman with ___ diabetes with history of necrotizing fasciitis and diabetic foot ulcers presenting with osteomyelitis of the R foot s/p debridement by podiatry and MICU stay, now transferred to the floor for further medical management. . . #Osteomyelitis/Diabetic foot infection with ___ organism: Her foot infection raises concern for ___ organisms such as C. perfringens. Broad coverage including MRSA, PSA, and ___ organisms. Vanc/zosyn/clinda started ___, d/c clinda on ___. S/p debridements by podiatry ___ after which infection was noted to be present and leukocystosis persisting. Patient was taken for BKA ___, closure ___. WBC decreased significantly after BKA, antibiotics (zosyn switched to clinda [see below]) were discontinued on ___, wound healing well without any ___ complications to date. . . #Acute on chronic renal failure: Resolved. Known Stage 4 CKD: Cr of 3.2 on adm. Baseline Cr ~2.7. Renal US negative for structural lesion. Renal cosulted throughout admission for fluctuating renal function due to ___ and ___ thought to be ___ AIN which resolved with discontinuation of zosyn. Upon discharge, Cr 2.8, back to baseline. Per renal, continue to monitor renal function weekly. . . #Metabolic Acidosis/uncontrolled DM: ___ followed patient and adjusted insulin as needed throughout hospital course. Patient refused to eat diabetic diet and eventually with Psychiatry's recommendation liberalized her diet so as to ensure her adherence to other medications and encourage PO intake which was minimal. Upon discharge, on significantly reduced amounts of insulin (10 units qHS + sliding scale) due to decreased PO intake. Continue to encourage PO intake. . . #RUQ/abdominal pain: LFTs within normal limits except for mild elevated alkaline phosphatase is stable. Abd soft, nondistended, and pt has regular BMs - unlikely obstruction. UA negative, culture negative. Patient had stoppped OCPs on admission and began to have withdrawal bleed with severe abdominal pain. Pain and symptoms improved with initiation of OCPs. Recommend returning to home OCP (___) when current cycle is complete. . . #Asthma: controlled, asymptomatic. continued home Flovent, albuterol. . . #HTN: Hypertensive, asymptomatic. Labetolol 600mg TID, amlodipine 10mg daily. Uptitrate labetolol as needed for improved control. Consider initiation of ___ medication if persistently hypertensive. . . #ANEMIA: Microcytic, and likely anemia of chronic disease, with component of kidney disease. Iron studies normal ___ ___. Hcts were monitored and required transfusion ___ but stabilized. . . # Psych: Initially patient refused to partake ___ most parts of her care including medications, vital signs and psychiatry was consulted. There is concern for chronic cognitive delay and resultant inability to fully appreciate her condition. However later ___ admission began to participate and was adherent to treatment plan and engaged with physical therapy and other caregivers. ___ mother was integral part of good communication with patient. . . . # CONSULTS: this hospitalization: - vascular -outpatient followup - renal -outpatient followup - ___ -outpatient followup - psychiatry -signed off - nutrition -continue to monitor - ___ -___ rehab for ___ ___ - podiatry - signed off Transitional Issues: - please monitor renal function weekly - uptitrate BP medications as needed - continue to monitor UOP - encourage PO intake and monitor blood glucose - titrate insulin as needed - CODE: Full code, confirmed - Mother ___ followup - SW support - PCP followup - ___ at ___ followup - Vascular followup ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** is a ___ yo woman with T1DM, mild cognitive impairment, disordered eating, HTN, and repeated hypoglycemic episodes who presents with a new severe episode of hypoglycemia leading to a fall with head-strike and is admitted for insulin titration, ultimately discharged to a psychiatric facility for further stabilization. ACUTE ISSUES: # Type 1 DM w/ hypoglycemia unawareness # Disordered eating Patient was admitted due to severe hypoglycemic episodes (BG 30) with fall and head strike. Her cognitive impairment and disordered eating (including eating only fruit/protein/veg and no carbs) likely contribute to the frequency of her hypoglycemic episodes. She fixates on rare hyperglycemia, with inappropriate lack of concern about severe hypoglycemia. ___ following and notes pts fixation on BG levels continues at the hospital and likely worsening iso decreased personal control over DM management. She continues to compulsively check BGs and compare her monitor to finger stick values. Her insight seems increasingly impaired. Evaluated by psychiatry who feels that patient does not have capacity and has limited understanding of the risks associated with hypoglylcemia. On discharge, her insulin regimen is glargine 7u with breakfast and 3u at dinner, Humalog 1u:20g ___ to be given post intake, HOLD IF NOT EATING / RESTRICITING has been typically receiving 2u, Humalog HISS 1u:50 for BG > 150 TID AC, and > 200 at HS for correction. She was started on Thiamine and MV with minerals after evaluation by nutrition. She was medically stabilized on this regimen. However, given concerns for ability to control sugars as outpatient due to mental illness, patient was discharged to inpatient psychiatric hospital. # Mild cognitive impairment Neuropsych outpatient found decreased ability with fluency and word-finding. Head CT showed prominence of ventricles and sulci suggestive of involutional changes slightly advanced for age. SW evaluated patient and noted that patient has family history of ALS which has presented atypically in the past with cognitive decline, for which patient is concerned this is a possible etiology of her symptoms. She was evaluated by neurology to determine if there was a neurological deficit contributing to her poor decision making, though they did not recommend any additional imaging and recommended follow up with her cognitive neurologist Dr. ___ discharge. # Fall with head strike In the setting of severe hypoglycemia. No focal neurologic abnormalities. CTH w/o contrast shows no evidence of infarction, acute hemorrhage, edema, or mass. Prominence of the ventricles and sulci suggestive of involutional changes, slightly advanced for age. There is no evidence of acute fracture. # Code status The patient stated on interview in the ED that she wants to be DNR/DNI because she is "severely depressed." Per PCP, has never mentioned this. Psychiatry discussed this decision with her and she admitted to having not thought about it until the day of admission. The patient agreed to defer this decision until there could be discussion with family and medical providers. When readdressed the patient and family decided for full code. # Depression No thoughts of hurting self or SI but desire for extreme hypoglycemia suggests otherwise. She has expressed suicidal ideation in the past. She was maintained on her home Citalopram and was evaluated by psychiatry. Psychiatry felt that her mental illness might be contributing to her inability to control her blood glucose as an outpatient, prompting inpatient psychiatric hospitalization following medical stabilization. # Rhabdomyolysis # Transaminitis Most likely traumatic due to fall and iso hypoglycemia and staying on ground for approx. 3 hrs. It was mild ___, she has no preexisting renal disease, and no evidence of myoglobinuria. CK and transaminases normalized. CHRONIC ISSUES: # Hypertension: Continued on home Valsartan Transitional Issues: =============== [] Cognitive neurology follow up with Dr. ___ [] F/U with outpatient ___ provider ___ continued insulin management [] Continue psychiatric evaluation and therapy [] New Medications: Dextrose 50% 12.5 gm IV PRN hypoglycemia protocol Glucagon 1 mg IM Q15MIN:PRN hypoglycemia protocol Glucose Gel 15 g PO PRN hypoglycemia protocol Thiamine 100 mg PO/NG DAILY []Stopped medications: HumaLOG U-100 Insulin (insulin lispro) 100 unit/mL subcutaneous QACHS Ibuprofen 600 mg PO QHS:PRN Pain - Mild Tresiba FlexTouch U-100 (insulin degludec) 100 unit/mL (3 mL) subcutaneous BID []Changed medications: Multivitamins W/minerals 1 TAB PO/NG DAILY ___ is clinically stable for discharge today. On the day of discharge, greater than 30 minutes were spent on the planning, coordination, and communication of the discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 1. Pancreatic cyst s/p ERCP with fevers: Brushing obtained; pathology was non-diagnostic. Patient was for the most part pain free, but with occasional episodes of discomfort. She was initially kept patient NPO, continue IVF, ADAT in the morning, and, given sphincterotomy, CBC was followed and was stable. She was therefore discharged in good condition. 2. HTN: Continued Verapamil; held Lasix while NPO and receiving IV fluids; held Benicar as it was not on hospital formulary, and re-started at discharge. 3. Asthma/OSA: Continue CPAP, Advair, Albuterol, Flonase. 4. Hyperlipidemia: Continued Zetia. Patient currently off of Aspirin; would re-start at discretion of PCP. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female with stage IIIB gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases s/p total gastrectomy, recent gastric outlet obstruction s/p PEJ now admitted with distension, abdominal pain and pain at PEJ insertion site. Imaging consistent with SBO (clinically partial SBO), new ascites and colitis. # Colitis causing SBO: CT abdomen showed colitis and obstruction secondary to colitis. Patient was placed on cipro and flagyl for colitis on admission. Patient was having multiple bowel movement without blood. Stool studies were sent and C. Diff was negative. Patient was initiated on TPN. Clinical exam of the abdomen was trended with improvement during hospitalization. Tube feeds were trailed at low rate x24hrs and advanced. Tube feeds were advanced to target rate and TPN was discontinued. Antibiotics were continued and patient was started on clears by mouth. Patient was tolerating diet and tube feeds with multiple bowel movements prior to discharge. She was started on ammonium with improvement in symptoms and discharged on this regimen PRN. # Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: patient had large volume ascites as seen on CT abdomen. Paracentesis was performed for diagnostic and therapeutic value. Labs on fluid showed 845 WBCs with 67% PMNs. Patient was converted from cipro to ceftriaxone and continued on flagyl for 5 days. Abdominal exam was trended and fluid wave was minimal at the time of discharge. Patient was setup for outpatient follow up with her hematologist prior to discharge. # Cellulitis: patient had erythema, tenderness, and purulent discharge at time of admission around PEJ tube. Only superficial involvement of the cellulitis was seen on CT. Patient was initiated on Vancomycin at admission, having previously been on cephalexin since ___. Wound culture showed mixed bacteria without growth of staph or pseuodomonas. Patient's site improved with proper wound care, including a wound care consult. Antibiotics were discontinued prior to discharge and patient's symptoms and signs of celluitis were improved at the time of discharge. # Hepatitis B: this is a chronic issue that is followed by the patient's hematologist. The patient continued on her entecavir while admitted and is setup for follow up as above with hematology. # Gastric Cancer: patient is s/p total gastrectomy and currently on ramicurimab. Patient is followed by her outpatient oncologist, Dr. ___ admitted the patient from her clinic for this hospitalization. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - LIVER FOLLOWUP ARRANGED GIVEN NEW ASCITES AND KNOWN HBV - IRRITATION AROUND J TUBE SITE IMPROVED AT ___; PATIENT HOWEVER HAS PAIN AT SITE OF J TUBE ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** y/o M with PMHx of Afib on Coumadin, AS s/p TAVR, CAD s/p PCI, DVT s/p IVC filter, as well as recurrent GI bleeding, who presented to OSH with a recurrent GI bleed. # GI BLEEDING / ACUTE BLOOD LOSS ANEMIA: Received 4 units of pRBCs. He underwent push enteroscopy with APC of small angiodysplasias in the stomach and proximal jejunum. He denied any further episodes of GI bleeding. H/H initially downtrended after procedure but then stabilized / improved. Anticoagualtion management discussed below. # AFIB / DVT: Given his CHADS score as well as his history of DVT (although he does have IVC filter), he is someone that should ideally be anticoagulated. However, this is his ___ GIB in the past year. Cardiology evaluated him to weigh risks / benefits of a/c. Ultimate recommendation was to stop ASA and restart coumadin 5 days after stopping ASA, with goal INR range of ___. On metoprolol and diltiazem for rate control. A watchman device was considered but not felt to be optimal due to the dual antiplatelet therapy requirement and his IVV filter. Should his GI bleeding recur then he will likely need to be taken off Coumadin and changed back to ASA only. #Orthostatic hypotension: Noted on the day of discharge and the day prior to discharge. Was worse in the morning and improved in the afternoon. The patient noted lightheadedness when this occurred in the morning. This is most likely multifactorial, with potential contributions from his alpha blocker, diuretic, CCB, and BB, and potentially underlying dysautonomia. I discussed at length with the patient the potential benefit to remaining in house an additional 24 hours for titration of these medications but he was adamant about returning home. For now will discontinue torsemide since he appears euvolemic or slightly dry and the hypotension occurred in the morning after his torsemide dose. He will continue monitoring BPs and weights closely at home. ___ also consider changing alpha blocker in the future. In addition to ___ he has several closely involved children and notes that he can stay with them if needed. This was also discussed extensively with patient's son prior to discharge, who felt the family would be capable of providing close support and monitoring at home. # HYPERNATREMIA: Likely from free water deficit due to being NPO while at ___ and continuously getting diuresis with torsemide and furosemide IV per discharge summary. Resolved. # CKD III: Cr at baseline. # CAD: S/p PCI in ___ and ___. Mild CP noted after EGD, which did not recur. Tn mildly elevated but stable. # CHRONIC DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE: Was on home torsemide, which was discontinued for now due to his orthostatic hypotension. # HYPOTHYROIDISM: On levothyroxine. # BPH: On finasteride and terazosin. # GERD: On PPI. # BORDERLINE DM: Glucose elevated on chem panel. FSBS 100's-220's. # Constipation: no BMs for several days, patient has discharged with laxative prescription. As per above he was not amenable to staying in the hospital ============================================================ Transitional issues: (1) patient to call ___ on ___ to arrange for PCP and cardiology appointments - current plan is Coumadin starting ___, but no aspirin. will need close monitoring for recurrent GI bleeding, and should this occur will likely need to have Coumadin stopped and may consider restarting aspirin (2) home with ___, close monitoring of INR after restarting Coumadin on ___ (3) BMP and CBC to be drawn by ___ on ___ for PCP ___ (4) Recommend continued close monitoring of volume status and BPs/orthostatics. ___ consider discontinuation of terazosin if continued orthostasis. ___ consider restarting torsemide if becomes hypervolemic. (5) Consider checking A1C as outpatient (6) consider whether to remove IVC filter in the future ============================================================ >30 minutes spent in patient care and coordination of discharge on ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ year-old woman with a PMH of decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis (SBP, ascites, HE), non-variceal UGIB, s/p RNYGB, prior J-tube, G-tube for enteral feedings, abdominal wall abscess and EC fistula at prior J-tube insertion site who presented with abdominal pain, lower extremity edema, and anxiety/tremulousness. She was treated for alcohol withdrawal and underwent imaging which showed no active abdominal infection. #Abdominal pain #Enterocutaneous fistula Patient presented with diffuse abdominal pain most tender over RUQ and additionally near wound site. Cholelithiasis on CT ab/pelvis without cholecystitis. Labs not consistent with alcoholic hepatitis. Patient empirically started on ceftriaxone in ED due to concern of infection of enterocutaneous fistula. CT abdomen with no drainable abscess and ceftriaxone was stopped. A RUQUS was performed due to cholelithiasis and was without concerning findings. She received occasional oxycodone for pain. # Volume Overload # Lower extremity edema Patient 246.3 lbs on admission up from 224.2 lbs on discharge in ___ with lower extremity edema. She had not been taking home torsemide/ spironolactone in setting of eviction. She was resumed on home torsemide/spironolactone an diuresed well. She was discharged on Torsemide 60 mg, Spironolactone 50mg daily. #Alcohol use disorder #Alcohol withdrawal Patient denies recent alcohol use though son presented to floor and informed nursing staff that she has been drinking excessively daily. Unknown true last use. On presentation she was tachycardic, anxious, tremulous and with CIWA score > 18 clinically c/w diagnsosis of alcohol withdrawal. She was maintained on CIWA scale with Ativan which was stopped with resolution of signs of withdrawal. Thiamine continued. She was seen by social work. # EtOH Cirrhosis # Coagulopathy # Thrombocytopenia EtOH cirrhosis complicated by hepatic encephalopathy, SBP, and ascites. Followed by Dr. ___ B cirrhosis. MELD 13 on admission No sign of hepatic encephalopathy this admission, she was continued on lactulose 30mL TID and rifaximin 550 BID. No history of varices in past last EGD ___ with portal hypertensive gastropathy. Small ascites this admission not amenable to tap. She was continued on torsemide 60mg and spironolactone 50 mg. No history of SBP in past. #Nutrition Patient s/p Roux-en-y. Previously on tube feeds. - Continued Thiamine, multivitamins CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== # Acute on Chronic Macrocytic Anemia - at baseline # Epileptiform seizures Continued home Keppra 1000 mg PO BID which pt not recently taking. # GERD Continued home omeprazole 40 mg daily. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] Please follow up repeat labs in one week, complete metabolic panel after resuming home diuretics. [] Continue to assess for signs of volume overload, adjust diuretics as needed. [] Please evaluate abdominal enterocutaneous fistula site for signs of erythema Full Code HCP: Mother, Father, ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. ***SSESSMENT & PLAN: ===================== ___ female with history of ETOH cirrhosis c/b ascites, SBP and hepatic encephalopathy, h/o morbid obesity s/p gastric bypass, prior alcoholic hepatitis, prior PICC-associated DVT, who presented with upper extremity swelling, found to have PE and RLE DVT. Course c/b volume overload with ongoing active diuresis and malnutrition s/p post pyloric dobhoff placement and initiation of tube feeds. She was seen by Psychiatry, who recommended inpatient psychiatric hospitalization for management of eating disorder/OCD-related malnutrition. She was discharged from the Medicine service to the inpatient Psychiatry floor. ACTIVE PROBLEMS: ================ #PE/DVT Patient presented with upper extremity swelling and dyspnea, found to have bilateral PE's and RLE DVT thought to be secondary to prothrombotic state in cirrhosis. Otherwise patient without other clear inciting factors (no recent travel or immobilization or surgery). At the time of presentation, patient was HDS and had negative trop, BNP 353. RUQ U/S on ___ was without e/o liver mass, making HCC less likely. TTE performed ___ was without concerning findings; however, the study was limited due to patient declining the study. Patient was initiated on apixaban at a loading dose of 10 mg PO BID and transitioned to maintenance dose of 5 mg PO BID. Patient was monitored on telemetry with persistent tachycardia noted that worsened with movement, but no additional events. Dopplers for lower extremity pulses demonstrated equal ___ pulses in bilateral lower extremities. Compression stockings were encouraged. #Malnutrition Patient presented with albumin 1.2. Nutrition was consulted with concern for severe malnourishment and recommendation for tube feeds. NJ tube was placed under endoscopic guidance on ___ without complications, and tube feeds were initiated. The NJ tube unfortunately clogged on ___ and ___, requiring replacement under endoscopic guidance in both cases. Psychiatry was consulted per patient request. Per Psychiatry, etiology of malnourishment thought to be partly psychiatric in nature with OCD-like component and eating disorder NOS with limited ability to take PO's in the community. Psychiatry strongly recommended inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. She was started on Lexapro and uptitrated to Lexapro 15mg daily. Patient is willing to continue tube feeding to maintain nutrition and thus was not deemed necessary for ___ placement. She was discharged to the ___ inpatient psychiatry unit. #ETOH cirrhosis ___ B. Cirrhosis has been c/b SBP, HE, and ascites in the past with no evidence of esophageal varices on EGD x3 during this hospitalization. RUQ ultrasound showed moderate ascites, but she was non-distended on exam, so paracentesis was deferred. She was continued on home Lasix and spironolactone with intermittent boluses of IV Lasix for ___ edema with midodrine and albumin due to mild hypotension with diuresis. She was discharged on PO Lasix 40mg daily and spironolactone 50mg daily. She was additionally continued on lactulose 45mL TID titrated to goal of ___ bowel movements/day and ciprofloxacin 500mg daily for SBP prophylaxis. #Sinus tachycardia, mild Etiology likely ___ advanced cirrhosis and malnourished state. EKG on ___ with sinus tach and no other concerning findings, QTc 425. Chronic issue since at least ___. Remains asymptomatic. #Asymptomatic pyuria Admission UA showed moderate leuks and few bacteria with 1 epithelial cell. Patient denied urinary symptoms, and antibiotics were deferred. CHRONIC PROBLEMS: ================= #Mood disorder Psychiatry was consulted per patient request with concern for possible eating disorder or low appetite secondary to depression. Per Psychiatry, malnutrition likely related to depression and anxiety. Patient should continue on Adderall and Lexapro 15mg qHS. Please continue to monitor QTc's. #H/o opioid use disorder - continued home suboxone #Housing concerns Social Work consulted; please continue to provide resources as needed. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ================== [] Please continue to monitor blood pressures as patient remains on diuretics (lasix and spironolactone). [] Please continue to monitor tube feed and PO intake. [] Please continue to work with the patient to address any housing concerns. [] Please continue to monitor QTc intervals while on QTc-prolonging medications. Tube feeding orders per Nutrition: Continuous tubefeeding: Start ___ Osmolite 1.5 Cal; Full strength Tube Type: ___ post-pyloric (ppft); Placement confirmed. Starting rate:55 ml/hr; Advance rate by 10 ml q6h Goal rate:75 ml/hr Cycle?: Yes Cycle start:1800 Cycle end:0800 Residual Check: Not indicated for tube type Flush w/ 30 mL water Per standard Free water amount: 50 mL; Free water frequency:Q6H ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ gentleman with a pmhx. significant for HIV, HCV, GI bleed in ___, and DM who is admitted after injecting himself with sudafed for LUE cellulitis and DVT. . # LEFT UPPER EXTREMITY CELLULITIS: Patient injected himself with sudafed while intoxicated. He was initially covered with vancomycin, cefepime, and flagyl. He remained afebrile and white count stabilized, thus he was transitioned to PO doxycycline and keflex for total 7 day course (Last day of antibiotics ___. The area of erythema had receeded and resolved by the time of discharge. . # LUE DVT: Patient with DVT in left upper extremity. He was started on lovenox twice a day and will likely continue on lovenox for a total 6 week course, to be dictated by his PCP. . # ETOH USE: Patient admits that his last drink 24 hours prior to admission. On admission, he did exhibit signs of alcohol withdrawl. He was placed on a CIWA scale with valium 10 mg every 3 hours for CIWA scores > 10. By the time of discharge, patient was scoring on CIWA ___, reprting mostly anxiety, sweats, and nausea, especially upon waking up in the AM. On discharge, was taken off CIWA scale due to low scores and valium was discontinued. He will be discharged with follow-up tomorrow at the ___ Program. . # HIV: Continued home medications. . # DEPRESSION/ANXIETY/INSOMNIA: Continued venlaflaxine, ambien for insomnia. Patient had previously been taking klonopin 2 mg twice a day for acute anxiety. Continued klonopin at this dose. . # HYPERLIPIDEMIA: Continued atorvastatin . # HYPERTENSION: Continued home medications . # CHRONIC PAIN: Continued gabapentin ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** MEDICAL COURSE: ___ y/o female admitted on ___ to ___ following a fall found to be in A fib with RVR and low normal pressures, admitted to ___ for definitive care of AFib, found to have significantly decreased EF, 3-vessel CAD and severe AS. Diagnoses: # Systolic Congestive Heart Failure: Apparently just diagnosed at the outside hospital that she was transferred from. BNP of 2,134. EF on repeat Echo here significantly decreased EF at ___. She was also clinically in CHF with peripheral edema, crackles on lung exam, overloaded CXR and DOE. During her stay she was gently diuresed but diuresis was difficult at times because occasionally her pressures drop and/or her Cr would bump up a bit. For this reason she was gently but steadily diuresed with spironolactone and IV Lasix. On the days prior to planned surgery she was almost euvolemic (peripheral edema better, still with some bibasilar rales). At that time she was down about 6 Kilos since admission. # Aortic Stenosis: Pt had known AS but Cardiac cath showed that this has continued to worsen. Valve gradient of 35 mm Hg. Valve area estimated 0.6 cm2 on cath. AS is severe. Will likely need AVR if she can tolerate the procedure. NTG was held during her stay as she was very preload dependent. Cardiac surgery saw and evaluated the patient and decided that aortic valve replacement was the best option for her at this time. # Coronary Artery Disease: Ruled out for MI at outside hospital. Patient has strong risk factor history. Cath showed 3 vessel disease most appropriate for CABG. For this reason they decided to plan CABG at the same time as AVR. # Afib: Pt was admitted in atrial fibrillation. Report from the OSH was that his was new and she may need to be cardioverted. Upon further chart biopsy we found out she has been in atrial fibrillation for a long time and that cardioversion was not the best option at this time. Initially her beta blockade was titrated up for rate control. Because there was concern that her beta blockade may be contributing to decreased cardiac output her beta blockade was titrated down and digoxin was started. She has been adequately rate controlled on Metoprolol and Digoxin since that time. As far as her anticoagulation she was admitted on Dabigatran and this medication was continued throughout her admission. # Transamnitis: Exact etiology unknown but likely caused by hepatic congestion ___ poor forward flow. LFT's were trended during this admission and trended back down nicely. She did not have any RUQ tenderness or signs of systemic infection during her stay. Given the rise in her LFT's her methimazole and Statin were held for a period of time but restarted when her LFT's had come back down. # Cough: Pt complained of cough on admission. Etiology unclear. ___ have been related to her CHF. No white count. Afebrile. Cxr w/o failure or PNA. This symptom resolved after several days. # Hypotension: SBP to the 90's per report on admission. Pt was not hypotensive at all during this admission. # Fall: Initial presenting complain to OSH. Unclear etiology but sounds Mechanical vs. syncope. Unclear story. Sounds like she may have been on a lot of sedative medications. Syncopal etiology concerning for AS. Sedative medications minimized during her stay. # Type II Diabetes Mellitus: Home medications were held during this admission and her glucose was adequately controlled with sliding scale insulin. # Hyperthyroidism. Patient has history of hyperthyroidism with a goiter. TSH within normal limits. Thyroid function tests were rechecked later in admission because we were holding her methimazole for a few days. These tests showed... # Depression: Patient did not complain of symptoms during her stay. She was maintained on her home citalopram. # RCC s/p radiation in ___: Not addressed during this admission. # 7 mm pancreatic head cyst: Not addressed during this admission. # Hip Pain: No fractures per report. Pt was given acetaminophen as needed for pain. # Right Foot Cellulitis: Reportedly diagnosed as an outpatient. Treated with Keflex for unknown duration at OSH. Patient does not appear to have cellulitis at this time. No antibiotics given during this stay. SURGICAL COURSE: On ___ Mrs. ___ was brought to the operating room where she underwent an aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass graft x 3. Please see operative note for surgical details. Following surgery she was transferred to the CVICU for invasive monitoring in stable condition. Within 24 hours she was weaned from sedation, awoke neurologically intact and extubated. She did require pressor/inotrope support initially and these medications were weaned off on post-op day one. On post-operative day one she was started on beta-blockers and diuretics and diuresed towards her pre-op weight. Post-op she remained in atrial fibrillation (history of) and later in post-op course (day 4) was started back on Dabigatran. Later on this day she was transferred to the step-down unit for further care. Chest tubes and epicardial pacing wires were removed per protocol. During her post-op course she worked with physical therapy for strength and mobility. She continued to make steady progress without complications and on post-op day five she was discharged to rehab facility with the appropriate medications and follow-up appointments. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was brought to the Operating Room on ___ where the patient underwent Redo, TVR(___ ___ epic) RV epicardial Lead placement with Dr. ___. Also, the right ventricular lead was removed from the right ventricle to allow for the proper seeding of the valve and the end of the lead was loosely tacked to the thick part of the arterial wall, very superficially to enable removal if needed. Prevena placed to optimize wound healing. Overall the patient tolerated the procedure well and post-operatively was transferred to the CVICU in stable condition for recovery and invasive monitoring. POD 1 found the patient extubated, alert and oriented and breathing comfortably. The patient was neurologically intact and hemodynamically stable. Beta blocker was initiated and the patient was gently diuresed toward the preoperative weight. The patient was transferred to the telemetry floor for further recovery. Chest tubes and pacing wires were discontinued without complication. She underwent extraction of RV lead on ___ which she tolerated well. PPM interrogated post-op. The patient was evaluated by the Physical Therapy service for assistance with strength and mobility. By the time of discharge on POD 6 the patient was ambulating freely, the wound was healing and pain was controlled with oral analgesics. The patient was discharged home in good condition with appropriate follow up instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** OVERDOSE/SUICIDE ATTEMPT/DEPRESSION/ANXIETY: possible suicide attempt, his mood disorder is unstable and required 1:1 sitter and psychiatry was consulted. Given his mood disorder (depression, anxiety) as well as substance abuse and possible suicide attempt the consulting psychiatrist filled out a ___ form and recommended inpatient psychiatric admission. All of the patient's psychotropic medications were held with a plan of re-initiation of a new regimen inpt psych. ETOH ABUSE: The patient was started on valium prn for CIWA > 10 for ETOH withdrawal but showed no significant signs of ETOH withdrawal. He was given thiamine and folate. ASPIRATION: likely aspiration in the setting of self extubation. No fever and no cough so likely uncomplicated aspiration without pneumonia. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ was admitted following her cardiac cath on ___ which revealed no coronary artery disease. Upon admission she underwent routine pre-operative work-up. On ___ she was brought to the operating room where she underwent an aortic valve replacement. Please see operative note for surgical details. Following surgery she was transferred to the CVICU for invasive monitoring in stable condition. Later this day she was weaned from sedation, awoke neurologically intact and extubated. POD 1 found the patient extubated, alert and oriented and breathing comfortably. The patient was neurologically intact and hemodynamically stable on Nitro gtt only. Beta blocker was initiated and the patient was gently diuresed toward the preoperative weight. The nitro gtt was weaned off. He first night post-op she developed slow afib associated with 4.5 sec pause requiring VVI pacing at times, and Lopressor was discontinued. She was seen by the EP department who recommended no nodal agents and decreased pacemaker back-up and continued to evaluate. She was started on Coumadin for her afib. Her INR quickly uptrended and it was held for ___ hours in order to remove epicardial wires safely. Her baseline creatinine is 1.0 and it peaked at 1.8 post-operatively. Lasix was adjusted but eventually dc'd ___ to back rash and elevated creatinine. Creatinine has remained 1.7-1.8. Avoiding nephrotoxic agents, voiding adequate urine. Her renal function will need to be monitored closely while at rehab. The patient transferred without incident to the telemetry floor for further recovery. Chest tubes and pacing wires were discontinued without complication. The patient was evaluated by the physical therapy service for assistance with strength and mobility. Her SVH site appeared reddened but has improved in appearance, pettechiae noted only, without signs of infection. By the time of discharge on POD 7 the patient was ambulating with assistance, her wounds were healing and pain was controlled with oral analgesics. The patient was discharged Life Care of ___ in good condition with appropriate follow up instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old male with a history of NASH cirrhosis and ascites, with a recent admission on ___ for diuretic-refractory ascites and discharged with a plan for weekly therapeutic paracenteses, who now presents with further ascites, hyperkalemia and ___. ACTIVE ISSUES: ============== # Acute kidney injury Patient presented with creatinine to 2.4 above recent discharge value of 1.2. He was given an albumin challenge for two days with minimal improvement in his creatinine, initially thought to indicate hepatorenal syndrome; he was subsequently started on octreotide and midodrine. His creatinine slowly began to improve and the midodrine and octreotide were discontinued. He was treated with albumin daily. His home diuretics were held and he was instructed to hold his home diuretics until he follows up with his hepatologist as an outpatient. # NASH cirrhosis complicated by refractory ascites # Dyspnea Patient has history of cirrhosis and large volume ascites, recently found to be refractory to diuretics. He presented after a large-volume paracentiesis that was complicated by acute kidney injury (see above). He then developed worsening dyspnea that improved after therapeutic paracentesis on ___ and ___. Fluid counts were initially concerning for peritonitis so the patient was started on ceftriaxone. Antibiotics were subsequently discontinued after repeat fluid counts were reassuring. # Atrial fibrillation Patient has a history of atrial fibrillation well controlled with sotalol. His home sotalol was held on admission in the setting of his acute kidney injury. On ___, patient was triggered for atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response with heart rates 160-180. He was treated with IV metoprolol, oral metoprolol, and albumin with subsequent improvement in his heart rate. His home rivaroxaban was initially held in the setting of his acute kidney injury, but he was re-started on apixiban 5mg BID on ___. On discharge his heart rates were stable in the ___ and ___ and he was on metoprolol 25mg QID. We consolidated his short acting metoprolol to 1005mg XL once daily on the day of discharge. # Anemia Patient has macrocytic anemia at baseline, but presented with worsening anemia. He had no evidence of active bleeding and stool guiac was negative. His anemia was thought to be dilutional in the setting of receiving an albumin challenge (see above). He received a blood transfusion on ___ and on the day of discharge on ___ and his hemoglobin was subsequently stable. # Hyperkalemia Patient presented with hyperkalemia in the setting of new ___ (see above). He had no EKG changes on admission and was managed in MICU with albuterol nebulizers, insulin, dextrose, lasix, and kayexalate. On the floor, he was treated with lactulose and his potassium subsequently normalized. His home diuretics were held. # Hyponatremia Patient presented with low sodium, thought to be in the setting of low circulating volume. His sodium improved after albumin administration. # Coagulopathy Patient presented with worsening coagulopathy thought to be in the setting of worsening synthetic function. His MELD score is 26. He had no evidence of active bleeding and his labs were monitored daily. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: ======================= # NIDDM Home metformin and glipizide was held and patient was treated with insulin sliding scale. # HLD Continued home atorvastatin and aspirin 81mg TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [ ] New medications: Metoprolol XL 100mg Succinate once daily, Apixiban 5mg PO BID, lactulose 15ml as needed to ensure ___ bowel movements per day [ ] Held medications: Sotalol 120mg PO BID, Rivaroxaban 20mg PO daily [ ] Held Diuretics: spironolactone and furosemide and discharged off of all diuretics [ ] Patient will need outpatient paracentesis once weekly by ___. Order has been placed. [ ] Noted to have RLL lung nodule measured 1.6 cm on imaging. Recommend f/u with PCP to discuss further imaging with CT chest Follow up with Dr. ___ in ___ weeks (scheduled, see above) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo woman w/Afib and history of recent right temporo-parietal infarct presenting with seizure. The seizure reportedly started in her left arm, and then generalized, requiring a large amount of Ativan to finally break. In that context she was intubated for airway protection, and transferred to ___. As she had a history of a stroke in ___, and had recently been restarted on Coumadin, there was some concern that she may have developed hemorrhagic conversion of her prior stroke, however she had a head CT with no sign of hemorrhage. She was started on keppra for prevention of further seizures. She was successfully extubated on ___, and after extensive discussion with her family it was confirmed that her wishes were to be DNR/DNI. Later that evening she developed increasing respiratory distress, and a repeat chest x-ray showed near collapse of her left lung, which was suspected to be due to mucous plugging. At this time she also became febrile and hypotensive, and was started on broad spectrum antibiotics. The option of a bronchoscopy was discussed with the family, however after extended discussion, it was decided that the patient's wishes at this time would be to not undergo any further aggressive intervention, and she was made CMO. She was transferred to the floor, and passed away on ___ with her family at the bedside. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old male with no significant past medical history who presented with fever, chest pain, and unintentional weight loss. Ultimately was found to have bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy on imaging of unknown etiology. # Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy: Patient presented with fever, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, chest pain and unintentional weight loss concerning for sarcoidosis vs. infection vs. lymphoma. Clinical suspicion for tuberculosis was low at the time of presentation. Patient underwent an endobronchial ultrasound on ___ and preliminary results showed noncaseating granulomas, concerning for sarcoidosis vs. infection. Suspicion for lymphoma was low based on preliminary results, however pathology reports were not final at time of discharge. Histoplasma urinary antigen was negative. Acid fast bacilli stains were negative x 2 with culture pending. PPD was negative. HIV antibody was negative. ACE, Blastomycosis antibody, and Histoplasma antibody were pending at discharge. Patient has close follow-up with his primary care doctor at which point final pathology reports and pending labs should be reviewed. He also has follow up with Pulmonology. His fevers and chills resolved prior to discharge. # Chest pain: thought to be due to enlarged hilar lymph nodes encroaching on his pericardium. His ECG on admission was normal. Cardiac biomarkers were negative. CTA chest was negative for pulmonary embolus or dissection. His chest pain was managed with PO opioids and completely resolved prior to discharge. # Flank rash: Pruritic rash appeared on the patient's left flank briefly with chills, most likely due to miliaria. Other etiologies included drug eruption v. contact dermatitis. Rash improved with sarna lotion and TAC cream BID. # Anemia: The patient was found to have a normocytic anemia with hemoglobin 12.9 which was stable throughout his admission. Although iron studies were not performed, this was thought to be due to anemia of chronic inflammation. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Lymph node biopsy results were pending at the time of discharge. These will need to be followed up. - ACE level pending at time of discharge - Serum histoplasma and blastomycosis serologies pending - Recommend considering TTE and cardiac MRI for sarcoid work-up if this is ultimately diagnosed, and given chest pain - Follow up acid fast bacilli culture ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yo M w/ no CAD but diastolic CHF, hx of afib s/p AVR and aortic aneurysm dissection, s/p Liver/Kidney transplant ___ and variceal bleeding now presents from OSH for an evaluation of dyspnea on exertion. . # CP/DOE. This is a new phenomenon for him and is associated with exertion. Most likely explanation for this man is chest pressure/SOB due to tachycardia in setting of known dCHF and impaired filling causing worsening LV wall stress resulting in chest pressure. This is consistent with his normal C.Cath in ___. THe ECG changes are likely related to rate related conduction delay. However, he has HTN/HL and hx of CKD s/p transplant. The fact that he is having sx at rates of 120 suggests that there may be some CAD, likely small/distal dz. He is sx free at this time. TTE suggested no wall motion abnormalities with diastolic dysfunction and small left ventricular cavity. His cardiac enzymes were normal. He was started on metoprolol succinate for rate control. Will obtain stress echo as outpatient with Dr. ___ work-up of possible CAD. . # PUMP: chronic dCHF, did not appear to be in acute heart failure. His losartan was continued, and metoprolol was started. Lasix was discontinued. . # s/p Liver/Renal transplant. No evidence of ascites on exam. Continued tacrolimus. His tacrolimus level was found to be slightly low at 3.8 and it was suggested that he follow up with transplant. LFTs and synthetic function labs were not substantially elevated. . # Pancreatitis. Resolving. Was not an active issue. His lipase and amylase were trending down. . PROPHYLAXIS: -DVT ppx with hep. SC. -Pain management with Tylenol prn -Bowel regimen with Senna/colace . CODE: confirmed full Transitional issues: -Diastolic dysfunction: Has very small left ventricular cavity seen on TTE, and may have LVOT obstruction at higher rates - this is the likely mechanism for his dyspnea on exertion. He was started on metoprolol. His lasix was discontinued and he was instructed to stop taking it. -HTN: He was started on metoprolol and losartan was continued ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ who presented ___ for elective C4 corpectomy and C3-5 anterior fusion. Please see separate operative report by Dr. ___ more information. #Cervical Stenosis w/Myelopathy Now s/p corpectomy/ACDF. The patient was under close surveillance with Q4H neuro-checks. The surgical drain was removed on ___ without issue or complication and post pull x-rays demonstrate no residual catheter. The patient's foley catheter was removed and he was voiding without issue. #Mobility ___ evaluated the patient and recommended rehab placement. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ presented to the ___ emergency department on ___ via transfer from ___. She suffered a right open tib/fib fracture and a left ankle fracture. She was admitted, consented, and prepped for surgery. Later that day she was taken to the operating room and underwent an I&D with IM nail to her right tibia and an ORIF of her left ankle fracture. She tolerated the procedure well, was extubated, and then transferred to the recovery room. In the recovery room she was noted to have two episodes of sinus tachycardia to 150's which resolved with esmolol. She was transferred to the floor for further care. On ___ she was transfused with a total of 4 units of packed red blood cells due to acute blood loss anemia. She was seen by physical therapy to improve her strength and mobility. On ___ she became sinus tachycardic to 140's with SBP in 120's without ST changes on EKG. She received IVF and Lopressor 2.5mg IV push with return to normal HR. Medicine consult evaluated her tachycardia as secondary to poor PO hydration. On ___, she was discharged to rehabilitation facility in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY: ___ is a ___ yo M with dementia (unknown type), major depressive disorder, primary hyperaldosteronism, and HTN who was brought to the ED from ___ (where he was living) due to agitation and functional decline. HOSPITAL COURSE BY PROBLEM: # Severe dementia (unknown type) with behavioral disturbance He was sent to the ED by his nursing home due to behavioral disturbance. Overnight in the ED he had episodes of agitation requiring IM Haldol. He was seen by Psychiatry who recommended starting Depakote and trazodone and continuing his other home psych meds (sertraline, olanzapine). He was placed on a ___ given his inability to care for himself and episodes of agitation. He was admitted to medicine for placement in a ___ ___ facility as his living facility refused to take him back due to aggressive behavior. After his admission to medicine, he was calm and cooperative, though intermittently restless (making his bed over and over, pacing) and impulsive (would occasionally wander out of his room). Psychiatry titrated the newly started Depakote and trazodone. The patient's behaviors stabilized and he was calm and cooperative as above. ___ was removed. Later in the hospitalization, he had recurrence of impulsivity and psych was reconsulted. Valproic acid was increased from 75 to 100 mg QHS. A valproic acid level can be checked at ___. He was cooperative and redirectable on the day of discharge. # ___ Cr on admission was 1.6 from baseline ~1.1. Urine Na was <20; most likely this was prerenal ___. His Cr improved to baseline after he was given IV fluids and encouraged to drink. His home lisinopril and eplerenone were initially held in the setting of ___. # Primary hypertension # Primary hyperaldosteronism # Hypernatremia His home home hydralazine, nifedipine were continued. As above his home lisinopril and eplerenone were initially held due to ___. Ultimately lisinopril was withheld. Eplerenone was held until the date of discharge. He had elevated Na which will respond to the eplernone - which would address the hyperaldosteronism related hypernatremia. # HLD Held home atorvastatin while in house to decrease pill burden; resumed on discharge. >30 minutes spent on complex discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A/P: ___ with ESRD on HD, HTN, DM2, PAD, CMML, diastolic dysfunction presented with pleural effusion. Decompensated in setting of SVT during dialysis, now resolved. . On the day of admission, while at HD, the pt became very tachycardic (SVT to the 150s, ? atrial flutter) and had associated chest pain radiating to the jaw and diaphroesis. His tachycardia converted back to sinus rhythm. . He underwent thoracentesis ___. Results were consistent with an exudative pleural effusion. Repeat chest CT demonstrated persistent pleural effusion, and a CTA on the day of transfer to the ICU demonstrated significant interval increase in pleural effusion with almost complete atelectasis of the RLL. . Upon transfer to the ICU, the pt did not have any complaints other than some mild wheezing. He denied chest or jaw pain, shortness of breath, diaphroesis or nausea. . #Pleural effusion: Was found to be exudative by Light's criteria. Ddx included PE, TB, malignancy, parapneumonic effusion, hemothorax. There was no evidence of PE on CTA. He had a significant travel history, but reports a negative PPD in the past. This, coupled with the lack of cavitary lesion(s) on CT, makes TB unlikely. There was no pneumonic infiltrate, no fever and no white count to suggest an underlying pneumonia. His Hct has been stable, although the fluid did reaccumulate so fast that a hemothorax ___ a complication of the initial thoracentesis. Given his significant smoking hx, malignancy is high on the differential. Exactly why the effusion reaccumulated so quickly is unclear, although it does suggest a possible hemothorax. IP performed thoracentesis with chest tube placement and obtained 1.5L of red/blood-like fluid he was then taken to the OR one day later for VATs. While in the ICU he became hypotensive to ___'s requiring 3L of IVF and also was noticed to have a HCT to 24 for which he was transfused 2 units PRBCs. He was started on vanc/zosyn for broad coverage but this was discontinued after his BP stabilized and there was no evidence of infection. In addition CXR showed possible recumulation of fluid in the R.lung field. His vitals stabilized and he was transferred to the medical floor where he remained on 2l nc. He had his chest tube removed without inciddent and a follow up CXR did not show reaccumulation. Wet read on his pathology from VATS showed reactive histiocytosis, fibrinous changes, no evidence of CMML involvement or pulmonary/mesothelial malignancy. . #hypotension-pt was hypotensive to ___'s one night in ICU after HD and after OR procedures. Etiology likely secondary to hypovolemia. Other possibilities included infection/sepsis and/or med effect from OR. He was temporarily on broad spectrum antibiotics but they were discontinued after his cultures were negative. He was given midodrine prior to HD and did well. He continued to be normotensive for the duration of his hospitalization. . #atrial flutter: Pt had chest discomfort, jaw pain when HD began, HR increased to SVT at 150s (likely atrial flutter). SVT broke spontaneously, and pt's sxs improved with SL nitro and morphine. Blood pressure was stable throughout. That his sxs appear to correlate with his atrial flutter would suggest demand ischemia. There are no ischemic changes on EKG, and his cardiac enzymes are at his baseline. A primary coronary process such as plaque rupture is unlikely, and I suspect that his sxs were related to his rate. . #NSVT-pt had a 40 beat run of NSVT, asymptomatic, hemodynamically stable. EKG was done with no ischemic changes. His lytes were closely monitored and aggressively repleted. He had an echo to look for wall motion abnormalities, which showed an EF of >55%, no new wall motion abnormalities. This dc summary will be faxed to his PCP and will need to have cards follow up . # ESRD: Has not been able to undergo adequate HD sessions due to atypical CP and then hypotension recently. He started receiving midodrine prior to HD and tolerated HD well. He was continued Nephrocaps, sevelamer, calcium acetate -needs one unit of PRBCs and iron studies as per renal on day of discharge . # DM2: He was continued NPH at reduced dose (10 qhs) and sliding scale. . # CMML: not active, unlikely to cause pleural effusion . # RLS: continued ropinirole 0.25 bid . # FEN/Lytes: Diabetic, cardiac, renal diet replete lytes prn . # Prophylaxis: Heparin SC 5000 tid, on home PPI, bowel reg . # Code status: FULL CODE ********* On day of discharge pt's WBC 16, had been fluctuating during hospitalization, possibly due to CMML. . . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ G2P0 with hx epilepsy, Anticardiolipin antibody admitted at 26+2 weeks after an episode of epistaxis and a witnessed seizure. Her seizure was typical for her and resolved with 1mg of Ativan. Neurology was consulted and followed her closely. She had a normal neurological exam and a negative head CT. They did not recommend any AED's and recommended that she followup with her epileptologist. (See consult note in OMR for details). She was admitted to the antepartum service for observation. She was normotensive and without any evidence of preeclampsia by negative labs and 24 hour urine. Fetal testing was reassuring. She was not contracting. Ultrasound on ___ revealed a breech fetus, BPP ___, normal AFI, and EFW 1245g(84%). MFM was consulted and recommended discontinuing the aspirin, recheck EFW in 4 weeks, and weekly ATU testing beginning at 32 weeks. In addition, iron studies and iron supplementation was recommended given her anemia. She was discharged home on ___ in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the hand surgery team. The patient was found to have near complete amputation of the left thumb at the level of the IP joint status post saw injury and was admitted to the hand surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for open reduction internal fixation, with extensor pollicis longus and flexor pollicis longus repair, as well as repair of the radial digital nerve with allograft, and revascularization of the radial digital artery via vein graft to the left thumb, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is nonweightbearing to the left hand, and will be discharged on aspirin 162 mg daily for 4 weeks for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up in the Hand Fellow's Clinic per routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Assessment/Plan: Pt is a ___ y.o female with h.o metastatic colon cancer with known metastasis to the liver, depression, who presented with weakness and was found to have cholangitis and enterococcal and strep viridans sepsis. . #Sepsis-due to polymicrobial bacteremia (VRE, strep viridans) and due to cholangitis/biliary obstruction. Pt was found to have fever, RUQ pain, transaminitis and bile duct obstruction. She was started on cipro and flagyl upon admission as well as IV vanco given her recent instrumentation/ERCP at OSH 1 month ago with stent pull. Pt underwent an ERCP on ___ finding biliary pus and a large obstructing stone that could not be removed. A plastic stent was placed. Pt will need a repeat ERCP in ___ for stent extraction. The day of pt's ERCP, she developed severe sepsis and required many liters of IVF. She was transferred to the ICU after the ERCP for further monitoring. In the ICU, pt received continued aggressive IVFs. Her BP improved and she was then transferred back to the medical floor. Initial BCX from the periphery grew strep viridans and another BCX in the setting of hypotension grew VRE from the port sample. AFter this, the ID service was consulted. The final ID recommendation was to place pt on IV daptomycin during admission and switch to linezolid to complete a 2 week total course for bacteremia (600mg linezolid BID), 11 more days after discharge. Port/line infection was considered. However, only 1 blood culture from the line was positive with subsequent cultures negative and prior cx's negative. It was not recommended that the patient have her line/port removed at this time unless subsequent cultures return positive. Pt will be treated with cipro/flagyl for 10 days for cholangitis. TTE did not show endocarditis. LFTs improved as did jaundice. -would recommend weekly cbc, lfts, chem 7 while on linezolid and given recent cholangits. MONITOR CLOSELY FOR SEROTONIN SYNDROME WHILE ___ IS ON LINEZOLID AND SSRI . #biliary obstruction/obstructive jaundice/transaminitis-Pt with known liver mets and history of cholangitis/cholelithiasis. Pt presented this admission with sepsis and cholangitis. The physicians at ___ had been recommending that the patient undergo consultation with Dr. ___ at ___ for consideration of CCY and ?hepatic metastasis resection. MRCP was performed showing progression of hepatic metastasis as well as cholelithiasis and biliary sludge. The patient was discussed at hepatobiliary surgical conference. The team will likely be performing a CCY in the outpatient setting after treatment for cholangitis/bacteremia. The appointment has been set up with Dr. ___. Pt will need a repeat ERCP in 1 month's time for stent extraction at ___. . #metastatic colon cancer-s/p resection, urostomy, ileostomy-Pt is no longer on chemo x 6 months. MRCP and U/S revealed the presence of hepatic metastasis. Pt should follow up with her outpatient oncologist for further care. . #Urinary tract infection-Pt treated with ciprofloxacin. . #non-gap metabolic acidosis-resolved . #anemia, normocytic-no current suggestion of active bleeding. Anemia worsened after agressive IVF. HCT upon discharge 24.3. No signs of active bleeding during admission. . #seizure d/o-continued keppra. . #depression/anxiety-continued venlafaxine/clonazepam. Social work was consulted. PLEASE MONITOR FOR SEROTONIN SYNDROME WHILE ___ IS ON AN SSRI . #FEN-regular low fat . #ppx-hep SC TID . #access-PIV . #communication-letter sent to PCP, ERCP ___ HCP ___ . #code-full, discussed with pt and HCP ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms ___ is an ___ yo woman with stage IIIb lung cancer along with dCHF, hypertension, and ?COPD who presents to the ED with several days of cough, shortness of breath, and fever found to have health care associated pneumonia. ACTIVE ISSUES #. HCAP: Given acute onset and concurrent fever, acute respiratory infection appears most likely, despite relatively unremarkable CXR. Flu swab was negative. She was treated empirically for HCAP with vanc, cefipeme, and azithromycin. She completed a 5 day course of azithromycin. Antibiotics were narrowed to cefpodoxime for which she should complete a 7 day course (last dose ___. She was also put on standing nebs given hx of COPD. Patient was weaned off of 4L NC to RA successfully after increasing frequency of pleurx drainage from daily to twice daily. She was discharged home with oxygen given mild desaturation with ambulation. # Intermittent substernal pain with epigastric pain: Troponins mildly elevated in the setting of infection. EKG with no ST-T wave changes. Substernal chest pain was thought to be related to GERD. Symptoms improved after initiation of H2 blocker and Maalox/Diphenhydramine/Lidocaine prn. CHRONIC ISSUES # Hx of lung cancer: Stage IIIb diagnosed ___. S/p palliative XRT and palliative carboplatin (AUC 2) and paclitaxel (50 mg/m2) x4. Recent hospital course was complicated by recurrent right sided pleural effusion, negative cytology, and s/p pleurX placement. Pleurex was maintained and drainage had no evidence of infection. She should drain pleurex twice daily since she was noticed to desat with only once daily drainage. #COPD: Patient with reported history of emphysema. PFT's in ___ with FEV1 97% predicted. Patient does take advair at home. Patient was continued on home advair and put on standing nebulizers while hospitalized. # Hx of stroke: Known right sided residual weakness. Continued home ___, pravastatin. # Diastolic heart failure: No known CAD per chart review. Last TTE in ___ unremarkable. Appears euvolemic to dry. Continued home metoprolol and amlodipine. # Hypertension: Continued home amlodpine and metoprolol. Held HCTZ while hospitalized. Consider restarting in near future # Dyslipidemia: Continued home pravastatin. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES # Complete 7 day course of cefpodoxime (last dose ___ # Patient was started on ranitidine for symptoms of sore throat, epigastric pain, and intermittent chest pain # Consider restarting HCTZ in the outpatient setting if blood pressures are stable # Discharged with home oxygen # Patient should drain pleurx BID to prevent desaturation. CODE: DNR/DNI EMERGENCY CONTACT: Daughter ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** yo ___ speaking F with a PMH of dCHF (EF 60% in ___ w/ recurrent HF admissions, multifactorial hypoxia (O2 dependent with a history of poor adherence to home O2), pulmonary hypertension, obesity hypoventilation syndrome and OSA presenting with dyspnea and hypoxemia. . >> Active issues: # Hypoxemic respiratory failure: Secondary to ___ exacerbation, with some possible component of lower respiratory tract infection. The patient presented with fever to 102, elevated WBC, sore throat and cough concerning for a viral infectious process. Viral illness may have been trigger for ___ exacerbation. She required Bi-PAP respiratory support intermittently. Diuresis was complicated by acute renal failure, which was unresponsive to diuretics. A temporary dialysis catheter was placed on ___. Three liters of ultrafiltrate was removed, with significant symptomatic relief. Standing albuterol and ipratropium nebs were provided. She continued her inhaled dose of fluticasone. The patient was continued on her home medications of metoprolol, nifedipine, doxazonsin and low dose aspirin. Blood cultures and rapid respiratory viral culture/screen were negative. Pt was 8L negative for FICU stay and pt subsequently transferred to the floor on 5L NC. Pt's renal function improved and she was responsive to IV lasix and then autodiursed further. Pt restarted on home lasix 80 PO BID on ___. Pt total > 10L neg for LOS. Pt weaned from 5L NC to ___ NC which was home level. . # Acute renal failure: The patient developed rapidly progressing ARF on HD #2. Nephrology was consulted and initially recommended high dose diuretics to which the patient was unresponsive. The ARF was likely secondary to contrast induced nephropathy (contrast received for CT abd/pelvis) and possibly some component of cardiorenal syndrome. The patient required ultrafiltration on ___. Urine output improved on ___, and became responsive to furosemide. The patient was provided a renal diet and sevelamer/calcium acetate. Cr peaked at 5.5 and normalized on ___. HD line was removed ___. Phos binders were stopped as phos normalized. . # LLQ/groin pain: Pt with LLQ/groin pain since early ___ prior to admission. She saw her PCP the day before admission. This pain was also present in ___ as well per pt reports. She is a poor historian but reports the pain is in her L groin region, crampy, worse with urination, walking. She had a negative CT abd. UA/ucx negative x2. She was put on simethicone. This pain is longstanding and not related to acute intraab process or UTI based on imaging and microbiology workup during this admission. Etiology remains unclear. . >> Chronic issues: # DMII: Uncontrolled, most recent A1C 8.1. She was continued on her home does of NPH and provided SS Humalog. . # OSA: CPAP at night . # HTN: Continued doxazosin, nifedipine; home ___ held for ___. . # Hyperlipidemia: Stable. The patient was continued on atorvastatin. . # Glaucoma: Stable. The patient was continued on her home eye drops. . # Chronic neuropathic pain: Stable. Gabapentin was continued. . >> Transitional issues: - Full code - Please note CT abd showed fluid in endometrium and recommend pelvic U/S follow-up in the OP setting. - Please restart hose losartan 100mg if SBP persistenly > 130-140. - Please continue home supplemental O2 (___) for goal sats 88-94%. - Please monitor daily wts. Wt on ___: 195lb ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient tolerated the procedure without intra-operative complications. Please refer to the operative note for full operative detail. The patient was extubated in the OR and transferred to the PACU in stable condition. The patient initially recovered in the PACU before being transferred to the floor in stable condition. Her pain was well controlled on parental narcotics. Her diet was slowly advanced on POD 0 and on day of discharge she was tolerating a regular diet. Exam upon d/c was unremarkable. The remainder of the hospital course was relatively unremarkable, and pt was discharged in stable condition, ambulating and voiding independently, and with adequate pain control. Pt was given explicit instructions to follow-up in clinic with Dr. ___ PCP ___ ___ days. Pt was given detailed discharge instruction outlining wound care, activity, diet, follow up and the appropriate medication scripts. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo female with a complicated medical history including schizophrenia and tardive dyskinesia that p/w altered mental status, fevers to 102.8, hypernatremia (160) in the context of decreased po intake and dramatically reduced functional status over the past several months with three prior admissions for same in the past two months. *Fever/Altered Mental Status Patient has presented with similar symptoms three times in the past two months and an extensive work-up (as documented previously) has been unremarkable. During this admission patient was found to have a positive UA (proteus mirabilis) and a sodium level up to 160 on the day of admission. These were felt to be the primary etiologies of her fevers and AMS. Patient was treated with antibiotics (initially ceftriaxone and flagyl and then switched to po ciprofloxacin) and her sodium level was brought within a normal range (see below) and her fevers and mental status changes resolved. By the second day of admission the patient was speaking (which she was not doing on the day of admission) and by the ___ day of admission she was speaking in almost complete sentences and responding to commands. Patient's home At___ was held in the context of altered mental status, and we will recommend that she not receive it when she returns to the ___. Given previous concerns about syphillis, RPR was checked an was negative. CK was checked given risk factors for NMS (but no recent antipsychotics) and this was similarly WNL. *Hypernatremia On admission, patient's free water deficit was approx. ___ L. This was most likely due to poor po intake in the setting of a fever and decreased ability of patient to access free water on her own. There was no evidence of drugs causing this or an osmotic dieuresis. We started her on fluids and corrected her sodium slowly over several days to a normal sodium of 140. As patient's sodium corrected, her mental status improved dramatically. She was off fluid >48 hours at the time of discharge and taking good PO intake. *Acute Renal Failure Patient's baseline creatinine is 0.6. On admission she was found to have a creatinine of 1.2 and a FeNA of 0.1% suggesting a pre-renal etiology of her elevated creatinine. Creatinine improved with fluids over a few days to patient's baseline. * Schizophrenia Will recommend an outpatient psychiatric consult once patient returns to ___. * FEN Speech and swallow recommended that patient be allowed to have thin liquids and pureed foods with 1:1 supervision. Patient's po intake was good during the last few days of her admission. She will be discharged with instructions to receive water frequently. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was transferred from OSH after receiving IV tpA for acute onset of nonfluent aphasia. Upon arrival here, he was noted to have a nonfluent aphasia and mild right hemiparesis. He was initially admitted to the ICU for monitoring s/p tPA. He clinically remained stable. He had MRI which not only showed the expected L MCA stroke (he had an acute left fronto-temporal stroke), but also an acute right cerebellar stroke. He was also noted to have multiple old infarcts. There was no flow limiting stenosis or thrombus noted on MRA. He had no documented history of a. fib, but there was one EKG which looked like a. fib. Given this and the b/l infarcts noted, he likely has cardioembolic etiology of his strokes. TTE was performed and did not show any ASD or PFO, nor any clear cardiac etiology of stroke. Optimally, he would be anticoagulated for the likely cardioembolic etiology, but he did have hemorrhagic transformation s/p tPA of the left frontal stroke and an old left occipital stroke. He is also noted to have microbleeds on his MRI, likely indicating amyloid angiopathy. Given the risk of hemorrhage with oral anticoagulation in amyloid angiiopathy, the decision was made to not proceed with Coumadin, but rather use Aspirin for secondary stroke prevention. He was on this prior to admission, but this has been held with the hemorrhagic transformation. Repeat CT scans have been stable (there was question of a slight increase in right frontal hemorrhage on one repeat CT scan, so this was again repeated prior to discharge and was stable) and the plan is to restart Aspirin on ___. He was continued on Simvasatin for secondary stroke prevention. His lipid panel and HbA1c were checked (please see results in results section of summary). His HbA1C was checked and is elevated; alterations to his diabetes medication should be considered. Given his strokes, we have advised that he hold off on Erythropoietin until he is seen in follow-up with Dr. ___. His Trental was also held and restarting this medication should be discussed in follow-up as well. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ yo woman with a history of polysubstance use disorder including heroin, crack cocaine and alcohol including prior alcohol withdrawal seizures, also with a history of PTSD with multiple psychiatric hospitalizations for suicidal ideation who presented initially to the ED intoxicated and with suicidal ideation but later developed severe alcohol withdrawal in the emergency department. # Polysubstance abuse complicated by, # Severe acute alcohol withdrawal # Opiate Withdrawal Patient has a long standing history of polysubstance abuse including crack cocaine, heroin and alcohol. She has a prior history of alcohol withdrawal seizures. While observed in the ED she developed severe alcohol withdrawal though without seizures, RR peaked in the ___ and HRs in 140s with severe tremulousness and diaphoresis. While in the ED she required a total of 270mg Diazepam until her withdrawal was reasonably treated. Initially on arrival to the floor, she was somnolent and difficult to arouse, potentially related to over treatment in the ED. She then awoke and was again tachycardic, tachypneic, and tremulous and was thus transferred to the ICU for phenobarbital treatment and monitoring. She received 600mg IV phenobarbital and transferred to the floor in stable condition. Upon return to the floor, she was in opiate withdrawal, complaining of diffuse myalgias, diarrhea, and anxiety. This was managed symptomatically and conservatively. She then wished to leave AMA and wanted to present to an outpatient ___ facility. She had a desire to participate in a long term treatment program. The risks of leaving, including death from respiratory depression if she engaged in any significant opiate or alcohol abuse while on phenobarbital were explained. She understood these risks and was deemed to have capacity to make the decision to leave AMA. # PTSD # Suicidal ideations Evaluated by psychiatry in the ED; their recommendations indicated the patient did not meet section 12a criteria. BEST called to evaluate for DDART/EATS for voluntary substance use treatment, but patient had desire to go to limited places and wanted to self-refer. She was continued on Seroquel. Ultimately, suicidal ideation resolved and on discharge, she had no such ideations. # Diabetes Mellitus, Type II complicated by # Neuropathy # Hypertension Continued home Lisinopril and Gabapentin #S/P Unwitnessed Fall XR of chest, CT head negative. X-ray of foot was not completed prior to transfer. # Hepatitis C: Hep C Ab positive during last admission. Needs outpatient Hepatology f/u for possible liver biopsy and Hep C treatment though she remains high risk of missing appointemnts. # Thyroid Nodule CTA during last admission revealed stable 4 cm exophytic thyroid nodule. Patient was evaluated by Endocrine team during a prior admissoin who recommended ultrasound-guided FNA as an outpatient. > 30 minutes were spent on discharge care, planning, and coordination. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Needs ultrasound-guided FNA as an outpatient for thyroid nodule - Needs outpatient hepatology follow-up for possible liver biopsy and Hep C treatment - Hep B vaccine series (received dose in ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was brought to the operating room on ___ and underwent EVAR with left hypogastric embolization. The procedure was without complications.She was closely monitored in the PACU and then transferred to the floor in stable condition where she remained hemodynamically stable. He was given a regular diet and he is fully ambulatory. He was discharged home on POD # 1 in stable condition. Follow-up has been arranged with VASCULAR SURGERY on ___ at 1:30 ___ With ___, MD ___ Building: ___ (___ ___ Floor Campus: ___ Parking: ___ He was also asked to call ___ to schedule for his CT arteriography 10 days before his appointment. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [ ]Last day of abx was ___. Patient can continue PO Vancomyin until ___ for C diff prophylaxis. [ ]Losartan and Metoprolol held on discharge to minimize pill burden [ ]Continued apixaban for portal vein thrombosis but can discuss discontinuing. [ ]Patient's home tramadol replaced with oxycodone. Her pain was well controlled on oxycodone 5mg q6h:PRN and she will be discharged with it. #HCP/Contact: ___ (friend and HCP) ___ daughter ___ (may release health information to her) ___ #Code: DNR/DNI BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE: ====================== The patient is a ___ y/o woman with a history of bladder cancer s/p BCG/interferon (___), stage I colon adenocarcinoma s/p surgical excision (___), and stage IIB pancreatic adenocarcinoma s/p whipple (___), recent PVT on apixaban, now on palliative treatment. She was admitted for GNR klebsiella sepsis, treated with two weeks of IV Ceftriaxone with improvement, though with uptrending obstructive biliary labs which did not improve despite PTBC placement, ultimately attributed to progression of malignancy. Given this, the patient was discharge home with home hospice services. ACTIVE/ACUTE ISSUES: ==================== # Malignant biliary obstruction: # Cholangitis/transamintits: Malignant biliary tract obstruction s/p ___ L biliary and ___ R biliary drain placement, capped ___. Total bilirubin continued to rise, and PTBDs were upsized to 10 ___ on ___. Despite this, her total bilirubin continued to be elevated, and ultimately this was thought to be secondary to progression of malignancy rather than an intervenable blockage. As such, a family meeting was held on ___, and the decision was made to DC drains and DC home on hospice. # Klebsiella bacteremia BCx and UCx growing pansensitive Klebsiella. Negative BCx from ___ onward. The patient was on broad spectrum antibiotics initially, but was eventually narrowed to Ceftriaxone monotherapy with return of sensitivities, and completed a full 14 day course from first negative blood cultures on ___. She had fever after PTBD upsizing, thus antibiotics were continued for an additional 48 hours until BCx returned negative. Her antibiotic course was as follows: - Zosyn ___ - ___ narrowed to ceftriaxone (___) # QTc prolongation: EKG with QTc 507 on admission; ___ polypharmacy Zofran and escitalopram. QTC 455 on ___. # DMII: Home glargine 12U QAM and 10U QPM. Adjusted to 12u glargine qAM after some adjustments in house for hyperglycemia initially. # Portal vein thrombosis: Apixaban was held for PTBD drain placement, but restarted thereafter and continued. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: ====================== # Recurrent C. diff infection (resolved): The patient was on PO Vancomycin while on antibiotics as above, and was discharged with the plan to continue PO Vancomycin for one week following the last day of abx for prophylaxis. - Cont PO Vancomycin 125 mg BID for ppx until ___. # MDD: - Continued home escitalopram 20 mg QHS and lorazepam 0.5 mg BID PRN anxiety/insomnia # HBV carrier: - Continued home entecavir 0.5 mg daily # Afib: - Has been very well rate controlled off of metoprolol ER 50 mg so will hold indefinitely on discharge # HTN: - BPs well controlled in house so will hold losartan indefinitely on discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Acute pancreatitis: The patients abdominal pain persisted on the floor. His LFTs were re-checked and his lipase increased from 113-> greater than 600, consistent with acute pancreatitis. Past triglycerides were normal. CT scan suggested mild pancreatic inflammation. The case was discussed with ERCP. The most likely cause was recent moderate EtOH use plus boxing/trauma. He was strongly urged to avoid both for the time being. His symptoms did not immediately improve. MRCP was performed - which revealed mild inflammation, and no other pathology. He clinically improved with bowel rest and fluids and his diet was slowly advanced without difficulty. Triglycerides were checked and were normal, no otc or rx. meds in pts hx to explain etiology. Boxing and or etoh are considered the most likely culprit in this case. See omr note regarding prelim read from radiology about ? divisum and consideration of ercp - ultimately cancelled as no divisum of pancreas on final MR interpretation. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yoM with COPD, CAD p/w increased weakness and productive cough x 3 days found to have Community Acquired Pneumonia and Possible mass in Lingula . # Community Acquired Pneumonia: Stable, discharged on room air. The patient initially had endorsed chest discomfort and was ruled out for MI. CXR revealed a LLL infiltration on and pt was productive of mild sputum and had leukocytosis. The patient was treated with Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin while in the hosptial. . The patient's CXR showed a 4.5cm lingular mass that was concerning for neoplasm. Chest CT was performed which showed no definitive obstructing mass and appeared infectious, however this consolidation in lingula could represent neoplasm given the bulging of the contours and its relatively inhomogeneous appearance. Pulmonary was consulted and reviewed the Chest CT films. Given that the patient has superimposed pneumonia, it is difficult to ascertain whether this is truly a neoplasm. Patient is a former smoker with a 30 pk yr history, no hemoptysis, weightloss, nightsweats, or LAD on exam. - Plan will be for outpatient follow up with Dr. ___ in ___ weeks (his office will call to schedule appt) - Transition to Levaquin 750mg q48hrs to treat for full 14 day course - Reimaging per Dr. ___ 1 month . # Atrial Fibrillation: The patient was noted to have small burst of atrial fibrillation on telemetry. On review of old ECGs, it appears that this has been present on an old ECGs (___). CHADS2 = 3. At this point, will defer anticoagulation as pt has a question of a lung mass that needs futher evaluation. - Continue ASA 325mg daily - Will communicate to PCP of this finding . # CAD: The patient was ruled out for MI, and was continued on his home medications. - cont asa 325mg daily; simvastatin 80mg daily; home betablocker . # HTN: well controlled - continued home beta blocker, lisinopril ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is a ___ yo man with h/o cirrhosis complicated by ascites, SMV and portal vein thrombosis, who presents with a two day history of fever. . #) Fever: The patient states that he has had a fever to 102 for two days prior to admission. He also stated that he has had a productive cough and diarrhea but denied dysuria and myalgias. A CXR, urinalysis, and blood cultures were all negative for infection, and the patient was not found to have any ascites on abdominal ultrasound for possible SBP. A C. Difficile culture was sent, which returned positive on the day after admission. It is likely that this was the source of his fever, though a concomitant viral infection was also thought to be a likely etiology. . #) C. Difficile: The patient was found to have CDiff on admission stool cultures. The patient has not been treated for this in the past, so it was thought to be a new infection, as the patient had diarrhea on the day of admission. He was started on Flagyl and was given a prescription on discharge for a two-week course of this medication. He will follow up in the liver clinic on ___ regarding this issue. . #) Black tarry stools/guaiac positive: The patient was found to have dark stools, and he was guaiac positive in the ED. The patient was recently started on iron sulfate, and it is possible that his stools are now darker as a result. The patient has a history of portal gastropathy, and he had a recent EGD which did not show any gastric ulcers. The patient's hematocrit remained stable during this admission, and he did not have any acute events. . #) EtOH Cirrhosis: The patient has a history of EtOH cirrhosis, complicated by esophageal varices, portal gastropathy, portal vein thrombosis, and ascites. He had an abdominal ultrasound on admission, which did not demonstrate any evidence of ascites. He was continued on his home doses of Nadolol and Lasix, and he did not have any acute events during this admission. . #) Diabetes: The patient has a history of Type 2 Diabetes, for which he takes Glyburide daily. he was continued on this medication, and he was placed on a Humalog insulin sliding scale for further coverage. He remained stable during this admission. . #) Hypertension: The patient has a history of hypertension, for which he takes Nadolol daily. He was continued on this home medication, and he remained normotensive throughout this admission. . #) Hypercholesterolemia: The patient has a history of hyperlipidemia, for which he takes Ezetimibe daily. He was continued on this medication during this admission. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ underwent anterior and posterior colporrhaphies, b/l sacrospinous suspension. Please see operative note for full details. She was admitted to the GYN service post-operatively. By POD1 she was ambulating, tolerating a regular diet, controlling her pain with oral pain medications. She underwent UROGYN voiding trial such that after an initial 250 mL of NS was instilled into her bladder she was able to void ___ mL. She was discharged home in good condition on POD1 with follow-up. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have a left calf compartment syndrome and tibial plateau fracture and was taken emergently to the operating room on ___ for left calf fasciotomy and external fixation of tibial plateau fracture. Postoperatively she was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. She subsequently underwent several operations including repeat I&D and vac change on ___, ex-fix removal, ORIF left tibial plateau fracture, and vac placement on ___, and left lower extremity lateral wound split thickness skin graft and medial primary closure with vav placement over skin graft and incisional vac placement over medial primary closure. The patient tolerated the procedure well (for full details please see the separately dictated operative report). The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given perioperative antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. She was transfused 2 units of pRBCs for a HCT of 20.3 on POD2. The patients home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. She was evaluated by psychiatry for medication management with mild agitation while an inpatient. They recommended limiting benzodiazepine use in addition to continuing her home medications. Her platelet count increased to greater than ___ on ___ and hematology was consulted for further evaluation. Given her lack of signs of an infection this was thought to be reactive in nature and they recommended following her CBC and monitoring her clinical status. Her platelets began to trend down on ___ and she remained afebrile with stable vital signs and no signs of an infectious process. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs that were within normal limits, pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is touch down weight bearing in the left lower extremity, and will be discharged on lovenox for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up in two weeks per routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course, and all questions were answered prior to discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with history of atrial fibrillation (on Coumadin), multiple TIAs, and metastatic colon cancer was admitted for confusion. Found to have RML consolidation on CXR and hyponatremia. She was discharged to home hospice. 1. Poor Speech, Delirium Patient's symptoms appeared slightly improved upon admission to the floor compared to when she was first found by her family and even from our ___ ED evaluation. CT scan showed no acute bleed and INR was found to be therapuetic. There were no focal nuerological deficits. Delirium was likely secondary to RML pnuemonia and hyponatremia. Neurology was consulted and agreed; they recommended no LP or MRI. The patient's mental status improved remarkably over the course of several days on empiric antibiotics and was confirmed to be at or near her baseline by family members upon discharge. 2. Pnuemonia RML consolidation was noted on CXR with a leukocytosis. The patient endorsed a history of cough with mucus. Also had a small oxygen requirement. The patient was started on IV ceftriaxone and PO azithromycin for empiric coverage. Urine Legionella antigen was negative, blood cultures shows no growth to date. The patient's delirium substantially improved after only a few days of antibiotics. She completed a 7 day course of abx. 3. Hyponatremia Admission sodium was 131; home lasix was held. Sodium initially trended downward to a nadir of 128 while the patient was given NS. Was thought to be due to SIADH secondary to pneumonia. Sodium trended upward on fluid restriction. 4. Atrial fibrillation This was stable. Home meds were continued, including beta blocker and digoxin. Coumadin was also restarted after hemorrhagic stroke/intracranial hemorrhage was ruled out. Coags were checked daily and the patient's INR remained in therapuetic range throughout her admission. 5. Metastatic Colon Cancer s/p resection: Stable Heme/onc was contacted. A family meeting was held which established the goals of care. The patient and her family decided that a discharge home with hospice care would be the best situation for her. Pt is aware she has a terminal illness but prefers not to discuss too many of the details because she finds it is not helpful to her emotional well-being. Family and providers chose to respect her wishes. She is also ___ retired ___, previously very high-functioning and spoke at her granddaughter's nursing school graduation. Time at home is the main priority for her. She is clearly DNR/DNI 6. GERD Stable, was kept on PPI. 7. FEN The patient was kept on a regular diet. 8. PPX The patient was anticogulated with coumadin. DNR/DNI - pt is clear in her wishes. She would like to avoid future hospitalizations if possible and maximize time at home. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ with PMHx notable for NASH cirrhosis c/b esophageal varices s/p banding, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, GAVE, CAD s/p CABG (___), and PCI x2 (___), DMII who presents with worsening weakness, confusion two days prior to admission. # HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY: Mr ___ was admitted with mild asterixis, confusion, decreased mental status, and inability to follow commands. This was in the setting of multiple recent admissions with similar presentation that was successfully treated with laculose with improvement in mental status. The most likely exacerbating factor for this admission seems to have been inadequate lactulose dosing at home given recent gastroenteritis. Ascitic fluid analysis was not suggestive of SBP. UA and CXR was not suggestive of infection. Portal vein was patent on US. He was given lactulose with marked improvement in mental status. On discharge he should take Lactulose 30mL TID titrated to 3BM daily and Rifaximin 550 BID. # FALLS: Multifactorial including ongoing hepatic encephalopathy, diabetic neuropathy, muscle wasting and deconditioning. He has had multiple falls at home over the past month. He was seen by physical therapist who recommended that he go to rehab to address his deconditioning. Other etiologies of his falls were considered such as orthostasis (though this was not seen during hospitalization) or adrenal insufficiency (though his AM cortisol was within normal limits). # EOSINOPHILIA: Chronic and asymptomatic. Absolute count 990. Pt was seen by hemonc and ID. He was found to have strongly positive strongyloid antibody and was treated with ivermectin with plan to followup for further evaluation and treatment. He was treated with ivermectin 15mg bid with f/u in 3 months for repeat testing. Other etiologies such as adrenal insufficiency (commonly seen in cirrhotic patient) appear not to be present given normal AM cortisol). CHRONIC ISSUES: ======================== # CIRRHOSIS: Due to NASH. C/b ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, varices s/p banding. MELD Score 9.4 on admission and was stable during hospitalization. ## VARICES/GAVE: History of varices s/p banding. H&H at baseline and pt on nadolol and protonix. Last EGD (___) showed Grade obliterated varices s/p banding. Continued on nadolol 20mg . ## ASCITES: large based on US but same as prior imaging in ___. Pt s/p diagnostic para in ___ with no e/o infection. No history of SBP but is on prophylaxis given low ascitic protein 1.1 and prior abnormal kidney function. Continued home lasix 20mg, spironolactone 75mg, and SBP prophylaxis with cipro 500mg daily. # Hypothyroidism: Recently diagnosed. PCP recently started him synthroid 25mcg which pt had not started as of ___. Started during admission. # DMII: well controlled. Last A1C in ___ was 6.2. Continued lantus 6U at bedtime and ISS with humalog # HTN: pt currently hypertensive which is unusual for patient with cirrhosis. Continued lisinopril 2.5mg # CAD: Pt s/p CABG and PCI x2. Not on plavix given h/o significant GIB and variceal bleed. Continued ASA 81mg, nadolol and atorvastatin 80mg # Thrombocytopenia: at baseline and chronic. Due to splenic sequestration. # Anemia: Chronic. H&H at baseline. Most likely anemia of chronic disease and history of GIB. TRANSITIONAL: - ensure ID f/u in mid ___ for repeat testing - followup with Dr. ___ Hepatology as an outpatient - will need repeat endoscopy. - please assess wife's ability to care for Mr. ___ at home as he approaches discharge as PCP has indicated that transition to assisted living facility may be needed. # CONTACT: wife ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was admitted for elective Left carotid endarterectomy. She tolerated the operation well, recovered in the pacu and then was transfered to the vicu overnight. Her vitals were monitored closely and she remained on dextran overnight. On POD 1 her lab values were stable and she was feeling well. She was neuro-vascularly intact and stable for discharge home. She will follow up in a month with a carotid duplex. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the inpatient Neurology Stroke service for further evaluation and management. The following is a hospital course by system: 1) Neurologic: The patient was determined to have multiple small acute infarcts, in the left centrum semiovale and left frontal (superior frontal) cortical/subcortical region. CTA, echo, and carotid duplex were performed and showed (1) status post right carotid endarterectomy without any evidence of recurrent stenosis, and (2) a 60-69% left ICA stenosis. This imaging suggested that the stroke was embolic in nature, arising from the left internal carotid artery. Clinically, the patient presented alert and oriented to person, place and date, but experienced moderate to severe dysarthria w/ decreased language fluency, poor prosody, intact comprehension, intact naming, and intact repetition. Motor exam remarkable for slightly weaker finger flexion on L relative to R, ___ toes, and tandem gait with stumbling. Over the course of a couple of days, pt's speech became more intelligibile as he started to slow his rate. The patient was placed on heparin drip for stroke prophylaxis, and will be d/c with aggrenox for continued prophylaxis. 2) Fluid/Electrolytes/Nutrition: The patient was initially kept npo, given moderate to severe dysarthria. Pt passed swallow evaluation on the first day, and started PO intake of think liquids and regular solids. 3) ID: no issues. 4) ___: After allowing BP to autoregulate for 24 hours, Mr. ___ was placed on metoprolol for hypertension. BP remained remained relatively high, with systolic blood pressures in 130s-150s. 5) Code: The patient was full code during the hospitalization, discussed with the patient's daughter (health care proxy). On hospital day course 6 the patient was transferred to the Vascular Surgery team. ___ He was taken to the OR by Dr. ___ a L Carotid Endarterectomy. Tolerated procedure well without complications. Beta blocker and HCTZ started post-op for BP control. The patient was transfered to the VICU. A-line and telemetry monitoring was done overnight. POD 1 (___) The patient was stable in the VICU overnight. In the morning a regular, soft dysphagia diet was started, foley was removed, aline removed and the patient was OOB with nursing. Medications changed for SBP < 140. POD 2 Vital signs stable. DC home. ___ set-up for BP checks while at home. Cleared by ___ for home. Will follow-up with Dr. ___ Dr. ___ as well as speech therapy. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old woman w/ h/o recent MVR for severe MR, AF on coumadin, HTN, and HLD who presents with diarrhea and dehydration after recent rehab stay. . # C. Difficile Diarrhea- Patient presented with several days of watery diarrhea and abdominal cramping after a recent stay in rehab after hospitalization from ___ to ___ for MVR. During her rehab stay was also treated with course of linezolid for VRE UTI. These factors put her at risk for C. diff, which she tested positive for during this hospitalization. She was started on metronidazole with a plan for a 11 day course. Her symptoms improved and the frequency of her diarrhea decreased. She was discharged to ___ with her PCP. . # Hypotension- Patient presented to PCPs office with SBP in ___. This improved with IVF hydration and was attributed to dehydration in the setting of diarrhea, continued use of diuretics, and poor PO intake. Her anti-hypertensives were held and she was able to manage her fluid rehydration with oral intake, maintaining normal blood pressures. She was discharged off of her HCTZ and lisinopril- these should be restarted in the outpatient setting on follow up if she returns to her hypertensive baseline. . # ___: Patient presented with creatinine of 1.8 up from baseline of 0.7. This was attributed to pre-renal azotemia secondary to dehydration as above. Her creatinine normalized with IVF and subsequent oral intake of fluids. . # AF: Patient developed AF in the MVR post-op setting and was started on coumadin with a plan for 6 weeks of anticoagulation per Dr. ___ Dr. ___. Her EKG in the ED was consistent with AF and INR was 3.4. Her coumadin was held given her supratherapeutic INR intially and subsequently given that she was started on metronidazole. She was continued on her home diltiazem during this hospitalization and monitored on telemetry- her rhythm converted to sinus soon after admission and remained in sinus for the remainder of her hospitalization. She was instructed to restart her 2 mg dose of coumadin after she completes her antibiotics and come in for PCP ___ and INR check on ___. . # Anxiety/Depression: Patient intially reported a good mood and denied SI. On further questioning by her PCP she noted passive SI, without a plan. She did contract to safety. She was evaluated by psychiatry who felt that this was not an acute decompensation and that there were no barriers to psychiatric discharge. She was continued on her home buspirone, sertraline and mirtazepine. She will benefit from continued structured programs at the ___, which was discussed with patient. She is also planning to start volunteering at the ___ as she has found that helping people has previously given her a sense of accomplishment and purpose. . # Recent fall: Patient reported history suggestive of mechanical fall, though orthostasis may have played a role. No alarm features to suggest TIA or more serious etiologies. She had a small bruise on L frontal area, but was neurologically intact. Her neurologic exam was monitored and remained intact. She remained quite mobile on her feet without demonstrating any signs of high fall risk during this hospitalization. . Code: DNR/DNI (discussed with patient) . Emergency Contact/HCP: ___ (lawyer): ___ Pending on Discharge: ___ Blood Culture, Routine-PENDING ___ Blood Culture, Routine-PENDING For Follow Up: Please check electrolytes on follow up visit as Ms. ___ potassium was slightly low on discharge. She was given a dose of potassium for repletion prior to discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with hx gastric bypass in ___ transferred from ___ ___ with findings of high grade small bowel obstruction on CT. The patient was stable on arrival, describing a few day history of sharp, left-sided abdominal pain with associated obstipation, nausea, and vomiting. She had an NGT in place and her exam was nonperitoneal, although a high clinical suspicion for an internal hernia, the findings of high grade obstruction on CT, and her history of gastric bypass prompted OR planning for diagnostic laparoscopy for definitive diagnosis. The patient was taken to the OR on ___ and underwent an exploratory laparoscopy, lysis of adhesions, internal hernia reduction, and mesenteric defect closure. Her NGT was removed on ___ in the morning. She quickly advanced from sips to clears to regular throughout the day, was passing a small amount of flatus and was out of bed ambulating and feeling well. The patient attempted to leave AMA in the late afternoon, stressing that she was well, did not require monitoring, pain medication, or further hospitalization and describing that she wanted to return to ___ with her husband as soon as possible. I was able to reach the patient prior to her departure and review appropriate discharge instructions and provide her with a prescription for pain medication. The patient verbalized understanding and stated that she would be following up in 2 weeks with her bariatric surgeon in ___ to haver her surgical incisions looked at. She was provided with the ___ clinic phone number should she need further follow up with us, and to facilitate communication between her bariatric surgeon and ACS, should the need arise. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ y/o M with hx of diastolic CHF, HTN, Hep B, Hep C and EtOH abuse presents L arm tingling and SOB in the conext of consumption of large quantities of EtOH, most consistent with worsening of anxiety. Exch of the problems addressed during this hospitalization are discussed in detail below. . Left Arm Tingling: Given multiple prior episodes, we felt that this was most likely associated with anxiety or musculoskeletal pain, although ACS was considered as well. On admission, EKG revealed no acute changes and cardiac enzymes are negative x3. There were no events on Telemetry. MI was ruled out. We continued the patient's ASA at 325mg daily. Given the patient's history of HTN and glucose intolerance and a significant family hx of cardiac disease, we felt that the patient should undergo an outpatient stress testing. We discussed this plan with the patient's PCP ___ arrange for the patient to undergo this testing in the near future. Per discussion with PCP ___ ___, fax ___, the patient has an appointment on ___ at 11:30 am. . Shortness of Breath: We felt that this SOB is likely multifactorial, COPD plus fluid overload in the setting of Lasix non-compliance plus anxiety. The patient remained stable and was satting well on Room air. Given symptomatic improvement with administration of klonapin, we felt that anxiety probably played a prominent role. MI was ruled out as above. There was no evidence of COPD exacerbation or respiratory infection. We gave the patient standing Ipratropium nebs, albuterol PRN. We restarted the patient on outpatient lasix 40 mg PO bid (the dose was confirmed with PCP). . Pedal Edema: this was likely secondary to diastolic CHF as diagnosed last admission as well as some venous stasis. The patient was not compliant his lasix despite PCP ___. We restarted Lasix bid as above. We also re-started Lisinopril 5mg daily. . COPD: stable, breathing improved with treatment of his anxiety and nebulizer. Does not appear to have COPD exaccerbation requiring abx or steroids. - standing ipratropium PRN, albuterol PRN . ETOH abuse: The patient has a long standing history of EtOH abuse, just drank 1 quart of brandy, 1 pint of vodka the day of admission and finished just prior to calling EMS ~10pm. On presentation to the floor, the patient appeared to be in mild withdrawal. The patient was monitored for signs of EtOH withdrawal on CIWA scale and was given Valium 1mg PRN q1hr for CIWA>10 in addition to standning Klonopin. He received 100mg of Valium on ___ and another 30mg of valium on ___. We started the patient on Thiamine, MVI, Folate on admission. The patient was on fall precautions. The patient was seen by social work consult for substance abuse. We offered the patient an admission to ___ facility, but he refused. . Epigastric Pain: The patient was complaining of a few episodes of epigastric pain, which was releaved well with bowel movement, Maalox/Diphenhydramine/Lidocaine. He was noted to have elevated lipase on labs with chronic mild abdominal pain. This presentation was not consistent with acute pancreatitis, but chronic pancreatitis is possible. Has been diagnosed with pancreatitis at ___ before. . Hepatitis C: US last admission showed fatty infiltration and no masses, per patient has a hepatologist whom he doesn't follow up with regularly at ___. The patient needs an outpatient follow-up. . Hypertension: the patient was hypertensive during his EtOh withdrawal. He was re-started on Lisinopril 5mg daily. We controlled hypertension with IV Hydralazine 10mg, which the patient needed once. . Anxiety: the patient has been diagnosed with anxiety and has outpatient follow-up with a psychiatrist. We continued the patient on klonapin 2 mg daily. The patient received Valium PRN based on CIWA scale for EtOH withdrawal. . Back pain: chronic, but the pain was under control during this admission. . Onychomychosis: The patient was noted to have bilateral onychomychosis; we recommend outpatient podiatry follow up. . The patient received Heparin SQ for DVT prophylaxis during this admission, Heart Healthy / Low sodium diet. Electrolytes were repleted PRN. The patient signed out AMA on ___ at night while being covered by cross-coverage despite the best efforts to convince the patient to stay in the hospital until his alcohol withdrawal is complete. . ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ was seen in the ED on ___ status post fall from unknown height with left humerus fx, 1st rib fx, bilateral pneumothoraces and a compression fx to the superior and anterior endplate of T12 and S1 seen on CT trauma/chest/torso/abdomen/pelvis. Neurological exam was intact. Patient was admitted to the trauma service. He was deemed to have non-operative injuries at that point. At that time, due to his multiple bony injuries, orthopedics/spine was consulted. They recommended a splint for L humerus fx per ortho, and a TLSO brace per spine, with daily neurovascular checks of his upper extremities. His Cspine was cleared clinically on ___. That day, he was put on 1:1 observation, and obtained ___ eval for possible discharge home. He did complain of some ankle pain, and an xray that day showed soft tissue swelling, without any fracture or dislocation. A repeat chest xray showed unchanged bilateral small apical pneumothoracies, with a L apical pneumatocele, essentially unchanged from his initial chest xray in the ED. During this time, his oxygen saturation status was unchanged, and all vital signs were within normal limits. On ___, he was evaluated and awaited inpatient psychiatry placement. On ___, he had good rectal tone, his Foley was discontinued for acute urinary retention, and he had a urinary void in the pm. Per ___, his treatment plans were ADLs, functional mobility, post-concussive symptoms, one-handed techniques, education re: energy conservation, cuff and collar, TLSO brace, and WB precautions, all 1 to 2 times a week for 1 week. At time of discharge, patient tolerated all PO home medications, was advanced to and tolerated a regular diet, and voided well without Foley intervention. He was able to ambulate and all IV fluids were discontinued. From the standpoint of ACS service, he is medically cleared for the inpatient psychiatric unit. He will not need IV, a catheter, or daily laboratory testing at this time. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient underwent I&D of his LLE on ___ by ortho and a wound VAC was placed after eschar/soft tissue was debrided. Plastic surgery was consulted for assistance with soft tissue coverage of the patient's LLE. ID consulted when tissue stain showed Bacillus sp. (not anthracis) and Gram-negative diplococci. Patient treated with vancomycin IV on surgery/admission, ceftriaxone IV was added following the latter finding on Gram stain. The patient underwent several more debridements and VAC changes and had an IM nail exchange due to the + cultures from the OR. On ___ her underwent a right anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap to left lower leg and a skin graft. He tolerated the procedure well and was recovered in PACU with frequent flap checks. Overnight, the Patient's flap appeared to become more congested between 12am-1am. Vioptix dropped from 47% to 39% during this time. Upon bedside evaluation, arterial Doppler signals were strong but the muscle under the skin graft appeared more dark. Dressings were taken down. Flap appeared to have developed acute onset venous congestion of uncertain etiology and patient was taken back for reexploration and flap salvage. In the OR he had thrombectomy of flap vein and a redo-venous anastomosis. He was returned to ___ for frequent flap checks and started on a heparin drip. He recovered well and was transferred to the floor. His pain was managed with a combination of IV pain medications including IV morphine, Tylenol and toradol until patient could tolerate oral pain medications. He was continued on IV vancomycin and ceftriaxone per ID. The patient was noted to have right upper arm pain, swelling tenderness, with PICC in place. Ultrasound revealed a partially occlusive thrombus within the right brachial vein along the PICC line. Hematology was consulted and advised to leave the PICC in place for access and to continue the heparin drip, as we were doing. Final hematology recs were for a total of 3 months of anticoagulation for PICC-associated DVT and switching to rivaroxaban 20mg daily when discharging patient. On ___, the patient got out of bed and felt pressure in his right thigh. Upon rounding on him routinely in the afternoon Dr. ___ he had a very large hematoma that was expanding. Patient was transfused 2 units of packed red cells for acute blood loss anemia. The patient was taken back to the OR where approximately 300cc of bloody clot was evacuated. Hemostasis was achieved and patient was recovered in PACU and returned to floor. The rest of his hospital stay was uneventful. He recovered well and worked with ___ for WBAT on both lower extremities. The flap remained viable and the donor site remained flat without hematoma. Patient was transitioned from heparin drip to rivaroxaban. He was discharged to home on IV vancomycin and ceftriaxone per ID recs. He had one JP in place to right thigh. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ male with h/o atrial flutter/AFib, COPD non-adherent to ___ who presented to outside hospital with chest pain and found in atrial flutter with HR 110. Negative troponins. He converted to normal sinus rhythm after receiving 2 doses of Cardizem while at outside hospital. Case discussed with patient's cardiologist Dr. ___ cared for patient during prior admission in ___ and recommended transfer to ___ for further evaluation. On the floor, the patient was seen by the Electrophysiology team with the following plan. Patient remained in sinus rhythm and respiratory status much improved compared to prior admission. EP team does not have opening until ___. Patient has sleep study scheduled for tomorrow. Plan was to monitor overnight on telemetry to be discharged following day for the sleep study and then return for elective admission on ___ for ablation. He was continued on diltiazem 120mg PO daily and ASA 81mg PO daily on the medical floor. During the night after primary team left, patient eloped from hospital. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ====================== [] Discharged on 14 day total course of abx with cipro 500 BID ___, last day ___ [] Will need repeat CMP within 1 week of discharge to ensure Cr continues to trend downward. [] Please repeat EKG 1 week post discharge for QT monitoring on cipro. [] Tacro dose decreased to 4 mg BID since it has been 2 months since transplant. [] repeat EKG for QTC monitoring in outpatient clinic after d/c [] BPs elevated this admission to 150s-170s intermittently (Pt keeps log at home and reports normal SBPs in the 130s); please ___ ambulatory BPs and adjust anti-hypertensives as necessary. [] Consider holding Bactrim ppx while pt is on Cipro if okay with outpatient transplant nephrologist. DC Cr: 1.1 SUMMARY: =========== ___ PMH ESRD of unknown etiology s/p DDRT ___, subsequent graft failure now s/p SCD DDRT ___, SCC, HFpEF, pAfib on apixiban, diverticulitis w/ multiple complications s/p ex lap who presented with fever and found to have GNR bacteremia as well as UTI, ___, and hyponatremia. ACTIVE ISSUES ============= # GNR bacteremia # UTI with concern for pyelonephritis Prior UTI in ___ w/ 3 separate urine cultures growing pseudomonas (sensitive to everything but ciprofloxacin). Started on cefepime in ED, narrowed to CTX ___ following sensitivities. Bacteremia likely secondary to urinary tract infection. Urine growing E.coli and BCx growing GNRs with similar sensitivities last positive ___, all cultures after this NGTD up to ___ on discharge.. ID consulted and recommended 14 day total course of abx with outpatient ciprofloxacin 500 BID ___, last day ___. # ___: # ATN: Baseline Cr 0.7-1.0. Cr 1.5 on admission. Renal U/S shows no hydronephrosis. Urine lytes c/w prerenal etiology likely iso infection and recurrent fevers. Urine microscopy showed ATN. s/p 2L NS on admission, another 1L NS ___. Renally dosed medications and treated with IVF resuscitation. # ESRD s/p prior failed transplant: # SCD DDRT ___: Etiology of ESRD unknown. Cr 0.6-0.7 at baseline. 2 months after transplant as of this admission; Goal tacro level around 10. - PPx: Continue Sulfameth/Trimethoprim SS 1 TAB PO DAILY, ValACYclovir 500 mg PO BID; Famotidine 20 mg PO BID for GI PPx - Immunosuppression: Continue Mycophenolate Sodium ___ 360 mg PO QID, PredniSONE 5 mg PO DAILY, Tacrolimus 4 mg PO Q12H STABLE/RESOLVED ISSUES ======================= # Hyponatremia - resolved Likely hypovolemic hyponatremia in the setting of infection, decreased PO intake, and insensible losses with fevers. Urine Na <20 and ATN. s/p several L NS since admission. Na now within normal range. CHRONIC ISSUES ============== # HFpEF: - Target dry weight 113 lbs. - Preload: not on home diuretics - NHBK: Continue Metoprolol Succinate XL 100 mg PO BID # Paroxysmal A. fib: CHADS-VASc 4. Continued on apixiban 5 BID, metop succinate 100 BID, amiodarone 200 daily. # Chronic diarrhea: Continued Diphenoxylate-Atropine 1 TAB PO UP TO 5X PER DAY, AS NEEDED FOR DIARRHEA # HLD: Continued Atorvastatin 10 mg PO QPM # Restless legs syndrome: Continued rOPINIRole ___ mg PO DAILY - Continue Gabapentin 100 mg PO BID # Vitamin D deficiency: - Continue Vitamin D 1000 UNIT PO 3X/WEEK (___) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with HTN, anxiety, chronic anemia, HTN, anxiety and BCC s/p multiple MOHS currently finishing course of treatment for cellulitis who is admitted with acute kidney injury incidentally discovered during work-up for a fall. # Acute kidney injury: Cr elevated to 2.0 from 1.1 in ___. FeNa is 2.62% but FeUrea is < 35% and patient is on HCTZ. Most likely pre-renal vs in setting of recent Bactrim use. Patient was given 1L NS bolus overnight with improvement of Cr to 1.7 # Fall: Sounds mechanical, no indication of syncopal episode. Fracture ruled out with CT pelvis. Pain well controlled with standing Tylenol. Baseline ambulation appears to be with rolling walker, patient noted to be able to transfer on her own in past notes. Physical therapy evaluated her with plans for continued outpatient ___ with no acute rehabilitation needs. She will have 24-hour care back at ___. # Hyponatremia: Patient is clinically euvolemic and is not thirsty, making hypovolemic hyponatremia less likely. Based on urine lytes, suspect that hyponatremia was due to inappropriate ADH secretion due to pain from fall, as the ED documentation describes significant pain. Will have f/u lytes in 1 week. # LLE cellulitis: Resolving, after MOHS procedure several months ago. Completed course of Bactrim/Keflex on ___. # Anemia: Stable for past nine months, apparently long standing issue due to "chronic disease" and iron deficiency. Not currently on iron. H/H stable from hematoma. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== - Recheck CBC/lytes in 1 week - held losartan/HCTZ in setting of ___ increased amlodipine to 5 mg - continue home ___ - code: full - contact: ___ (son) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ presented to ___ on ___ and underwent a cardiac catheterization which demonstrated no flow limiting coronary artery disease. He was admitted for preadmission testing and evaluation. He remained hemodynamically stable overnight. He was taken to the operating room on ___ and underwent aortic ___ replacement. Please see operative note for surgical details. Following surgery he was transferred to the CVICU for invasive monitoring in stable condition. Several hours later he was weaned from sedation, awoke neurologically intact, and extubated. Beta blocker was initiated and he was diuresed toward his preoperative weight. He remained hemodynamically stable and was transferred to the telemetry floor for further recovery. He developed atrial fibrillation and was treated with beta blocker titration and Amiodarone bolus. Warfarin was initiated. He was evaluated by the physical therapy service for assistance with strength and mobility. By the time of discharge on POD 5 he was ambulating freely, the wound was healing, and pain was controlled with oral analgesics. He was discharged to ___ ___ in good condition with appropriate follow up instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Trauma consult admitted to general surgery after mechanical fall. Imaging done in ED: ___ Imaging: CT head: neg CT Cspine: neg CT torso: ? left lat 8th rib fx. obturator internus hematoma no extrav CXR: no acute process L foot XR: no fx L hand XR: no fx L hip XR: L sup and inf pubic rami commin fx Injuries on admit: ? left lat 8th rib fx L obturator internus hematoma no extrav L sup and inf pubic rami commin fx Orthopedic surgery consult for Left superoior and inferior pubic rami fracture recommended non operative manamgent, full weight bearing and follow up in 4 weeks. CT was done to evaluate hematoma and showed no progression and no extravasation. Patient remained stable tolerated PO meds and regular diet and pain was well controlled. She was evaluated by ___ and will be discharged to rehab facility. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PSYCHIATRIC: Ms. ___ initially was admitted on a conditional voluntary basis to the inpatient psychiatric unit after presenting to the ED on ___ with c/o worsening depression and suicidal ideation with plan to overdose on prescription medications. Initially, she reported continued suicidal thoughts, but denied intent and plan while she was hospitalized. On ___, she completed an MMPI, which showed results largely unchanged from results obtained in ___, during a psychiatric consult through the pain clinic at that time. The current study demonstrated a modest ___ peak c/w some depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints. There was also a ___ trough c/w cluster B traits. There is also a mildly-elevated paranoia scale and anxiety/obsessive-compulsive scale on MMPI. The patient's dose of Effexor was increased to 375mg per day. During the course of her hospitalization she began to report an improved mood, decreased suicidal thoughts and then denied suicidal thougthts, intent, or plan. She exhibited some hair-pulling and eyebrow-picking behavior. She rarely participated in groups, claiming that they were mostly "silly", and preferred to focus on her own knitting. However, she did interact with other patients on the floor, and even reported helping other pts with their problems. On day of discharge, a family meeting was arranged, and the events of ___ hospital stay were reviewed. Continuation with an outpatient partial program was strongly recommended, but pt refused participation because she worries that if she does not return to work soon, that she would be fired, as she did from her last job. Both her husband, ___, and her psychiatrist, Dr. ___, agreed that an outpatient partial program would be important in her recovery process. However, she continued to refuse to comply with recommendations from her treatment team. Since pt was no longer endorsing suicidal ideation and no longer required hospital-level of care, she was discharged at her request with the explicit knowledge that outpatient partial program participation is strongly recommended. . MEDICAL: On admission, Ms. ___ reported no somatic complaints. Her laboratory studies, including basic electrolytes, CBC, coagulation studies, TSH, and urinalaysis were all unremarkable. Urine and serum tox screens were only positive for benzodiazepines, consistent with her Xanax use. Discharge summary obtained from her ___ admission in ___ was attained, demonstrating no significant laboratory findings, normal head CT, and normal EEG. During her stay, she did complain of some worsening of her chronic LBP, which was treated with acetaminophen. She was discharged with her husband in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female with h/o solitary right kidney, ESRD on HD, h/o low grade noninvasive bladder CA s/p multiple surgeries who initially presented to ___ with dyspnea found to have a pericardial effusion with tamponade physiology on bedside ECHO. ACUTE ISSUES ============ #Pericardial effusion/Tamponade: Likely secondary to uremic pericarditis given that pt missed dialysis. Pericardiocentesis was performed with removal of 470cc of serosanguinous fluid. Pericardial pressure 15->2. Drain removed ___. No bacterial growth. Cytology negative for malignancy. No further evidence of tamponade physiology over course of admission. #Urinary Tract Infection: Pt was initially asymptomatic, and initial urine culture had no growth. However, on ___ pt developed suprapubic tenderness and dysuria, so she was started on cefpodoxime. Urine culture was pending on discharge. The patient explained that her most recent prophylactic cipro prescription was mistakenly for 150mg instead of 500mg. She was instructed to finish a 7 day course of the cefpodoxime, and resume her 500mg of cipro on ___ after HD. #Anemia: Hemoglobin 7.4 from baseline of 11 with no evidence of acute blood loss. In some individuals, uremic pericarditis may be associated w/ worsening anemia ___ inflammation and EPO resistance. Pt was transfused for Hgb<7, and received a total of 1 U PRBC over the course of her admission. Hemolysis labs were wnl. Iron studies showed ferritin>1000. Our nephrologists have contacted home dialysis unit to ensure appropriate outpatient regimen. #Transaminitis: Mild with no acute hepatic pathology on RUQ u/s. ___ have been due to volume overload/congestive hepatopathy. Hepatitis serologies showed non-immunity to hep B, Hep C viral load of 6, and Hep A Ab positive. Given Hep C viral load and mild transaminitis there should be outpatient Liver/Hepatology follow up. CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== #ESRD: Continued home sevelamer and vitamin D, and pt was continued on her home ___ dialysis schedule. #HTN: Held then restarted home amlodipine #GERD: continued home PPI #Anxiety: lorazepam qhs prn #Depression: continued home fluoxetine TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== - Not immune to Hep B - Positive Hep C Viral load (6) w/mild transaminitis. Will need outpatient ___ follow up - repeat TTE in 3 weeks - pt was discharged with 7 day course of cefpodoxime for UTI, scheduled to be taken after HD and to thus finish on ___. She should resume her prophylactic cipro 500mg on ___ after HD. However, she should discuss with her outpatient providers whether cipro is the most appropriate prophylactic regimen given its new blackbox warning. Additionally, pt claims that her most recent cipro prescription was for 150mg instead of 500mg, which could help explain why she developed a UTI. Please write a new prescription if this is the case. - Anemia - RENAL will speak directly w/ outpt HD to make sure she is being treated appropriately and ask them to remind her to present for dialysis -Discharge Weight: 55.3kg (just post HD on ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is an ___ with a hx of HTN, HLD who presented s/p mechanical fall on ___ and was found to have R posterior rib 9&10 fractures. She was initially admitted to the surgery service for management of pain and was transferred to the Medicine team for continued pain control and control of hypertension # Hypertension: Patient's blood pressure was poorly controlled in the outpatient setting with recent uptitration of her anti-HTN regimen. In the setting of pain, her blood pressure was further increased. On presentation, her BP was found to be 220/110. Her hospital course was also complicated by poorly controlled HTN with BP range: 132/55-250/90. She initially received home dose valsartan 120mg and required PO (50mg) and IV hydralazine (___). On ___, patient was started on amlodipine 5mg po qd, and valsartan was increased to 320mg po. She received diltiazem 60mg po x 1. She was later transitioned to Valsartan 320mg and Labetalol (uptitrated to 400mg po bid). Amlodipine 5mg was added. Given difficulties in BP control, she underwent renal artery US for evaluation of secondary cause of HTN. There was no evidence of hyperthyroidism, no evidence of infection or ischemia to account for sx, no intracranial processes to explain HTN as neuro exam is wnl. Renin/Aldosterone were pending at time of discharge. # Delerium: Patient developed hypoactive delerium during the hospitalization. Causes included hospitalization, pain and pain/sedating meds. There was no evidence of infection. Delerium resolved spontaneoulsy. # Bacteruria - multiple colonies Pt reports occasional dysuria and had + UA but organisms appeared to be contaminant. NSG reported sample may not have been clean. She recevied Bactrim 500mg DS BID (___) x 1d. # Pain Control/Rib Fx: Pain control was achieved with tylenol, tramadol, oxycodone prn and morphine prn. There was no evidence of pneumothorax, no crepitus on exam. Patient continued to use incentive spirometry. # Leukocytosis Please see labs section. UA negative on ___ and no resp sx. Likely ___ stress response in setting of rib fx. Resolved spontaneously. #Depression: The pt with hx of depression and has a depressed mood during the hospitalization. Continued Bupropion to 75 mg qam and citalopram 20mg po qd. # Hypothyroidism: TSH was found to be elevated. Levothyroxine was increased to 100mcg po qd. # Neuropathic ___ pain Pt complained ___ L>R. This limited her mobility. Low-dose gabapentin was inititated for management of this pain. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # CODE: DNR/DNI # CONTACT: Daughter (___) ___ - Please note: patient was incidentally noted to have a "8 mm focal outpouching of the infrarenal abdominal aorta, consistent with a chronic, partially thrombosed aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm." - Please rechech TSH and free T4 in outpatient setting (levothyroxine increased in inpatient setting given elevated TSH) - Please continue to titrate anti-hypertensive regimen; consider increasing amlodipine to 10mg and continued management of pain and anxiety. - If blood pressure control remains difficult, please consider continued evelauation for secondary causes (i.e. urine metanephrines). - Consider down titration of blood pressure medication if blood pressure trends down with improvement in symptoms of pain and anxiety. - Consider initiation aspirin 81mg daily for primary prevention. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the Acute Care Surgery team. The patient was found to have penetrating abdominal wound, small bowel enterotomy x2 and was admitted to the Acute Care Surgery Service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for an exploratory laparotomy + small bowel resection, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient initially had an NGT in place- this was discontinued ___ after he had return of bowel function. His diet was then sequentially advanced to a regular diet, which the patient tolerated well. The ___ hospital course was remarkable for a fever of 101.7 on ___. The patient underwent a fever workup and the likely cause was deemed to be atelectasis. Incentive spirometry was encouraged and the patient had no other febrile episodes. Social work was consulted and deemed that the patient had a safe environment to return home to. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ on ___ 2:40PM A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with h/o MDS ___ MUD HSCT x 2 ___ and ___ c/b transplant rejection and graft failure c/b GVHD of the lungs, gut, and skin, ___ recent prolonged hospital courses ___ and ___ for PNAs who initially presented to clinic with hypoxia and tachycardia found to have PNA c/b hypercarbic respiratory failure and shock requiring intubation and MICU admission. Had bronch and BAL w/ cx growing pseudomonas, aspergillus, and CMV pos. Also influenza A positive. Treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and given on prednisone at baseline for GVHD, was given stress dose steroids for shock. He improved and steroids titrated down to baseline 30mg daily. He was able to be successfully extubated on ___ and called out from the ICU on ___ when stable on RA. Treated with cefepime (x14 day course), posaconazole, IV ganciclovir and Tamiflu x28 days. Patient clinically improved on cefepime, ___, ganciclovir, and Tamiflu. On ___ He was found to have a detectable CMV viral load, and negative flu swab. Patient was seen by ID and transitioned to PO ciprofloxacin 500mg bid, and PO valgancyclovir 900 BID to be continued until neg CMV Vl. He will also continue on Zithro MWF 3x/wk, posaconazole 300mg qd, atovaquone 1500mg qd, and was transitioned to monthly IVIG infusions, per ID recs, who will f/u with in clinic. His pulm status improved to stable on 2L, per pulm there was no need for bronchoscopy currently as all airways were open, and was DC'd to pulmonary rehab. . >> ACTIVE ISSUES: # Hypoxic and Hypercarbic Respiratory Failure: Patient was found to have respiratory failure, and likely has multifocal process. Patient has previous GVHD in his lungs, bronchiectasis, and BOOP, as well as previous history of E. coli PNA, pseudomonas multifocal PNA, sternotrophomonas PNA, and aspergillus PNA. Upon admission, patient's CTA was negative for PE, however showed multiple bilateral upper lobe opacities consistent with infectious etiology. Patient underwent endotracheal intubation, was placed on higher dose steroids given concern for his prior GVHD, and placed on broad spectrum antibiotics including vancomycin, cefepime, levofloxacin, and continued azithromycin and posaconazole. Patient underwent bronchoscopy remarkable for pseudomonas in sputum, and galactomannan positive titer in BAL. Patient extubated to high flow NC. Patient also found to be influenza H1N1 positive, and was started on Tamiflu. Patient continued on therapy, and ID consulted given persistence of aspergillus in BAL which would be concerning for worsening breakthrough infection despite posaconazole and recommended continued therapy with f/u posconazole level and examination of resistance patterns. Ganciclovir also added to regimen for possibility of CMV pneumonitis. Plan was for 14 day course of cefipeme until ___ for presumed pseudomonas and 28 day course for Tamiflu (day 1: ___ with continued droplet precautions for those 28 days. He was also continued on monteleukast, duonebs MDI, flovent, azithromycin for BOOP. He continued to improve, hypoxia resolved and he was transfered to the floor. Evaluated by speech and swallow without concern for aspiration. On the floor, patient clinically improved on cefepime, ___, ganciclovir, and Tamiflu. CMV viral load on ___ was negative. Ganciclovir was d/c'd and patient was started on acyclovir ppx. On ___ repeat CMV viral load was detectable so his acyclovir was changed to PO valgancyclovir 900 bid to transition to 900 qd once CMV VL neg. Patient was seen by ID who also recommended to transition him from IV cefepime to PO ciprofloxacin. Patient is now clinically stable on this regimen. Final Abx regimen includes: atovaquone, cipro, valganciclovir, posaconaszole, azithro # Septic Shock: Patient initially found to be in shock likely ___ to septic shock, and also in the setting of adrenal insufficiency. Patient was started on increased steroids given shock, and patient's lactate normalized during stay in the ICU. . # MDS ___ MUD x 2 c/b graft failure and GVHD of the lungs, gut, and skin: Patient was continued on prednisone as above, and was continued on prophylaxis with acyclovir, atovaquone, posaconazole given prior history of aspergillus with adjustments per above. Patient was also continued on urosidiol for gut GVHD. . # Sinus Tachycardia: Chronic tachycardia for past few months, with baseline rates in 100s-120s. This is thought likely compensatory for poor lung reserve. Patient's home diltiazem was held initially in the setting of hypotension, and this was then restarted. . # History of Aspergillus PNA: Patient was continued on posaconazole as an inpatient. Repeat galactomannan titer similar to previous 2 months ago. ID consulted given question of whether tracking titers would be appropriate to measure response to therapy. ID recommended to continue the posaconazole. The patient became stable and clinically improved. Patient remained stable on posaconazole. . # Hypogammaglobulinemia: Patient was given dose of IVIG, with immunoglobulin panel done as an outpatient. Patient was continued on IVIG dosing qweekly, then adjusted to 3x/wk and finally to 1x/month per ID, currently on treatment dose of Valganciclovir . # Anemia: Patient was also found to be acutely anemic ___ with h/h 5.7/___.9 for which he was transfused 2 units prbcs. Patient remained hemodynamically stable and h/h remained stable the remainder of hospitalization. CTA abd/pelvis showed spontaneously hyperdense material noted within the cecum and proximal ascending colon concerning for recent bleed if there had been no recent oral contrast administration (we have no record of recent oral contrast administration at this institution); no active extravasation. Patient never had melanotic stools or hematochezia, during hospitalization, however, and patient was ultimately not thought to have had a GI bleed. H/H remained stable. . # Depression/Anxiety: On the floor the patient appeared to have a persistent depressed affect with little motivation to get out of bed or do his ___ exercises. Psychiatry was consulted to evaluate for depressed mood in the setting of overall decline in the ___ medical condition with likely terminal illness. They recommended to continue the patient's mirtazapine and olanzapine. They also recommended to increase the patient's Ritalin dose to 7.5 mg and start him on Lexapro. The patient clinically improved on this regimen with notable increases in his alertness and improvements in his mood. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== - incidental finding: found to have questionable enhancing nodule at the interpolar region of the right kidney may represent an proteinaceous or hemorrhagic cyst, evaluation with dedicated ultrasound is recommended. - plan to follow-up with Dr. ___ on ___ - ID f/u with Dr ___ on ___ - Pulm f/u with Dr ___ on ___. Per pulm, may benefit from Chest ___ vest - will need Non-con CT Chest before pulm f/u apt on ___ to evaluate for interval change of Pneumonia - will next need IVIG on ___, was previously 3x/wk but will now be Qmonthly. Valganciclovir 900mg BID started and acyclovir DC'd as with detectable CMV, to be downtitrated to 900mg qd once undetectable. Per ID, will need weekly CMV VL in addition to regularly scheduled CBC, LFTs, electrolytes while on ABx - adjusted psych meds as pt was depressed over admission - if having signs of fluid overload can give 40mg IV Lasix - NEW HOME MEDICATIONS: --Zithro 250mg MWF 3x/wk --Cipro 500mg BID --Valganciclovir 900mg BID (to be taken until CMV negative and then titrate down to 900mg qd) --Senna/Colace for constipation --Escitalopram 10mg qd - HOME MEDICATIONS STOPPED: --Levaquin 750mg qd --Acyclovir 400 tid - MEDICATION CHANGES: --Ritalin 2.5 qd now 7.5 bid --MS ___ 15 BID now 30 BID --Olanzapine ___ QAM/QPM now ___ # CODE: Presumed Full # EMERGENCY CONTACT: Name of health care proxy: ___ Relationship: partner Phone number: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PATIENT: Mr ___ is a ___ year old male with a history of HIV and dual diagnosis of depression/EtOH abuse with multiple admissions in the past for alcoholdetox presents to the ED for treatment of alcohol withdrawal. . . ACUTE ISSUES # Alcohol withdrawal: Patient admitted and placed on a CIWA scale. At maximum, patient scored 14 on the scale and received 10mg diazepam for each score > 10. Started on thiamine, folate, and a multivitamin and his home keppra was continued. Despite having a history of delerium tremens and alcohol withdrawal seizures, Mr ___ remained without significant autonomic instability and had no seizures while hospitalized. By day 3 of his hospitalization, he was scoring 1s consistently on the CIWA scale. Social work was consulted to help with placement for after-hospital care and resources to help with alcohol cessation. . . CHRONIC ISSUES # Fatty liver disease: Transaminases elevated in alcoholic pattern at admission His LFTs had been higher in the past, although he had some borderline evidence of synthetic dysfunction. . # Depresion: Patient did not endorse active suicidal ideation or thoughts of delf harm while hospitalized. He did however, report significant financial and housing difficulties which led to not taking his medications and to drinking from 1wk prior to admission. He was reportedly in danger of being evicted from his housing. Social work was consulted for assistance in these matters. Home sertraline continued. . # Pancytopenia: Stable from prior. Patient's platelets notably fluctuated considerably, which was also consistent with past admissions. Felt to be realted to his HIV. There were no signs of active bleeding. . # HIV: Patient had not taken his HAART medications in the 6 days preceding his admission. HAART medications were restarted once hospitalized. . . TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Patient to complete outpatient alcohol detox program # Please draw platelets at PCP ___ to trend # Please follow pancytopenia and LFTs in the outpatient setting to monitor for signs of cirrhosis # Code: Full (confirmed with patient) # Contact: ___ (mother) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yoM with h/o metastatic sarcoma to lungs and metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma who presented with acute PE. # Acute pulmonary embolus: He was incidentally found to have acute PE on routine CT chest. PE was segmental in right lower lobe. He endorsed mild DOE but no other symptoms and remained hemodynamically stable. He was started on lovenox. He had lower extremity ultrasounds that were negative for DVT. He does have a port in place and given that this could in theory contribute to development of thromboembolism and he no longer needs his port for chemotherapy, it was arranged for him to have his port removed as an outpatient. He should continue lovenox until this occurs (tentatively planned for ___ but definite date being arranged). He will hold his dose of lovenox the night prior to and morning of his port removal. After this procedure, he can be bridged to coumadin with goal INR ___. He was referred to the ___ clinic for management of his coumadin and his PCP was updated. Would recommend referral to our ___ clinic to decide appropriate duration of therapy as not clear if this was provoked, and if it was provoked due to prior h/o surgeries, it is not likely reversible. # History of metastatic sarcoma to the lungs, in remission for ___ years: No evidence of recurrence on recent CT. He was seen by his primary oncologist Dr. ___ admission. # History of metastatic thyroid cancer, in remission for ___ years: Continued synthroid # HTN: Stable, continued on chlorthalidone and losartan # DM2: Controlled without complications, controlled with diet and metformin # Hyperlipidemia: Home statin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Discharged on Lovenox - WIll have port removal in next several weeks, being arranged by ___ - After port removal, can bridge to coumadin. Referral to ___ ___ clinic done. - Recommend referral to ___ clinic to assess duration of therapy ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT & PLAN: ___ h/o HTN/HLD, h/o Urosepsis and E.coli bacteremia, R renal artery occlusion/R renal atrophy presenting with wt loss, early satiety, loose stools who presents with a new finding of a pancreatic mass and is now s/p ERCP. # Pancreatic mass: # Liver mets # Diarrhea Ms. ___ presented with weakness, weight loss, early satiety, loose stools. Abdominal CT scan showed 4.1 cm pancreatic head lesion which caused CBD dilation. There was also associated duodenal constriction (proximal) and SMV occlusion. There was also evidence of multiple liver metastases (largest 3.3 cm). Blood tests revealed elevated CEA which was most c/f pancreatic CA. ___ was pending. She underwent ERCP with sphincterotomy where a plastic CBD stent placed. It was a difficult access (stricture in ___ duodenum), and as a result, EUS guided biopsy of pancreatic mass was unable to be performed . A brush biopsy was sent, returning as adenocarcinoma. For further work-up and to assess condition of the liver masses, an U/S guided biopsy of the liver masses were performed. Pathology is presently pending. Chest CT for staging purposes showed no evidence of metastases. The oncology service was made aware and will follow up with these results and to provide f/u appointments once the path is finalized. At the time of discharge, ___, VIP are pending. Patient and family are well aware of diagnosis and likely poor prognosis (may favor more palliation). Ms. ___ husband passed away from pancreatic cancer - and thus there is a good awareness of the trajectory. Palliative care was also involved and provided additional information. She will follow up with her PCP and ___, both appointments to be scheduled. # Hypokalemia/Hypomagnisemia: This was related to poor PO intake and diarrhea. PPI may also be contributing. Electrolytes were repleted and were continued to be normal through the hospital stay. # Diarrhea. Checked VIP, stool C.diff PCR. C. diff PCR was negative, VIP was pending. Diarrhea was improved at time of discharge. # Rash # Pruritus: patient placed on sarna lotion. Patient will follow up further with PCP if it does not resolve with control of pruritus and less scratching of lesion. # h/o UTI: # h/o EColi bacteremia h/o multiple episodes of UTI/sepsis. In retrospect, possibility that E. coli bacteremia may be secondary to a biliary process. Patient had a mildly positive UA at ___. Urine culture was negative. PCP is planning to coordinate outpatient follow-up with Urology. # Encephalopathy: Has had a significant decline in mental status since THR in ___. She has received B12 supplementation and has been evaluated by neurology. TSH recently was within normal limits. Malignancy may be contributing. ___ evaluated patient and felt she was safe for discharge home with home ___. The daughters were concerned whether she would be able manage alone (she has refused home care in the past). Ultimately, after much discussion, the decision was not to go for SNF, but instead retry home with services. She was continued on Donepezil, Sertraline and B12. # Hypertension: BP currently well-controlled. HCTZ was discontinued given hypokalemia. She was continued on metoprolol. # Hyperlipidemia: statin was stopped given transaminitis and unclear benefit # Gout: continued home allopurinol TRANSITIONS OF CARE ------------------- # Follow-up: She will follow up with her PCP and ___, both appointments to be scheduled. ___ and VIP levels will need to be followed up, as will liver biopsy result. Patient will follow up further with PCP if rash does not resolve with control of pruritus and less scratching of lesion. # Contacts/HCP/Surrogate and Communication: Dr. ___ ___ (___) # Code Status/ACP: Per patient, FC for now. Daughter will discuss ___ further with patient ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This patient is a ___ year old male with history of chronic ulcerative colitis who is status post dilatation of ileoanal anastomosis under anesthesia and closure of ileostomy. Pt received colectomy with ileoanal pouch in ___. Patient tolerated the procedure well and was brought to the PACU for a short recovery before being brought to the floor. His hospital course was remarkable for fevers on POD1 for which he received blood and urine culture which at time of discharge revealed no growth to date. Also patient's stool output through colostomy remained high throughout hospital stay for which pt was started on Loperamide which was titrated up. Neuro: Post operatively patient had PCA in place. Once patient was tolerating oral intake the PCA was subsequently discontinued and he was transitioned to oral pain medication (Tylenol/Toradol). Cardiovascular:Patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Electrolytes were normal except for phosphorus and was repleted. Pulmonary: Patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: Post-operatively, patient was made NPO with intravenous fluids. POD 1, the diet was advanced to clear sips until return of bowel function. on POD3 the patient was able to tolerate clears and his diet was advanced to regular which he tolerated well. Pt's colostomy output remained high and therefore pt's Reglan was stopped and pt was started on Loperamide which was titrated accordingly. The patient did develop nausea and vomiting; clinical exam and xray suggested ileus. An NG-tube was placed and the stomach was decompressed of air and fluid. The NG-tube was removed the next day and the patient had no further issues with nausea or vomiting. He did have an issue with high stool output and his bowel medications were titrated appropriately. He also was started on Ativan for stomach cramps, which worked well. ID: The patient's white blood count and fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection. The incision remained clean, dry, and intact throughout this admission. Patient spike a fever to 102.1F on POD1 for which blood and urine cultures were drawn. At time of discharge there was no growth to date on these cultures. Also patient received a CXR which revealed no intrapulmonary process. The patient had no further issues. Hematology: The patient's complete blood count was examined routinely; no transfusions were required. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and venodyne boots were used during this stay; was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible and he ambulated well on the ward. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding well, and pain was well-controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old female with history depression and prior suicide attempt presenting with severe hyponatremia, cholestatic liver injury, acute kidney injury and encephalopathy found to have E. coli UTI treated with cipro. Hospital course c/b C. diff (treated w 14 day course vancomycin) and large melenotic stool x2 for which she had EGD and capsule endoscopy without intervention. # Acute liver injury, cholestatic hepatitis: Pt presented with a primarily cholestatic pattern of liver injury with mildly elevated transaminases. However, she had evidenced of impaired liver synthetic function with encephalopathy, asterexis, hypoalbuminemia, and elevated INR, high MCV and thrombocytopenia. Tox panel negative for tylenol x2. Hep viral panel negative. RUQUS with patent duct, coarsened echotexture, and patent vasculature. hepatic biopsy ___ revealed fatty liver and toxic-metabolic injury, without fibrosis. Cholestatis pattern and impaired liver function thought to be due to post sepsis cholestasis and liver injury. Briefly got NAC. Liver function ___ recovered. # Acute kidney injury: Muddy brown casts seen on urine sediment, likely ATN. Feeling is that she got extremely hypovolemic from diarrhea and GNR sepsis at home, and sustained ATN. Did not require dialysis. Renal ultrasound with patent urinary drainage system. Patients renal function trended back to baseline. Cr on discharge 1.3. #GNR sepsis: Likely urosepsis with E. Coli growing in both urine and blood. Put on Zosyn and narrowed to Cipro once sensitivities returned. Was never hemodynamically unstable, though was tachycardic, which persisted after several liters of fluid. #C. Diff: Patient presented with loose foul smelling stools and elevated WBC. C. Diff Positive. Started on PO vancomycin (___). Her leukocytosis peaked at 30K and downtrended and was stable at 19K on discharge. she should continue to have her white count monitored for resolution after discharge. # Severe hyponatremia: Pt presented to OSH with Na 116 that improved to Na 120 at ___. Urine lytes, hypochloremia, and tachycardia all consistent with dehydration with poor solute intake, hypovolemic hyponatremia. Her sodium continued to improve with NS resuscitation. (NOTE GOT VASOPRESSIN ON ___ Sodium trended up and Na on discharge stable at 133. # Encephalopathy: Pt presents with encephalopathy in the setting ___ and renal failure. Initially concerned for alcohol withdrawal, but never scored on CIWA. Mental status cleared as infection was treated. #Edema - patient developed significant lower extremity edema after fluid resussitation for sepsis. Likely complicated by impaired synthetic liver function causing hypoalbuminemia and deconditioning causing patient to be stationary. Patient was treated with diuretics and discharged on spironolactone which should be discontinued as an outpatient once edema has improved. #Melena- Patient had episode of larg melena overnight on ___. EGD ___ did not reveal source of bleeding. Follow up capsule endoscopy on ___ showed some black material from afferent Roux limb, but no active bleeding. She had no further melena. Patient was started on pantoprazole 40mg daily which should be continued for at least 3 months. #Anemia- Patient was found to have severe anemia thought to be due to inadequate production after episode of large melena (see above). She is a Jehovas witness and refused all blood products so she was treated with 3 days of procrit and 3 months of iron. She was asymptomatic. She should have her blood counts continued to be monitored as an outpatient. Transitional Issue: - Please check BNP at PCP ___ to trend creatinine (1.6 on discharge) and potassium levels. - Please check CBC at PCP ___ to trend H/H (was 6.9/21.7 on discharge). She received Procrit x2 while hospitalized and was started on ferrous sulfate. She should continue on ferrous sulfate for at least 3 months. - Please check LFTs at PCP ___ to trend AST, ALT, and Bilirubin. These were 92, 82, and 11.0 on discharge, respectively. - ___ she was clinically well on discharge, her WBC was 19 and she was still having frequent stool (although formed). She has ID ___ and if there is a concern for non-resolving C. Diff or recurrent infection, would need futher treatment. - Patient was counseled on abstinence from alcohol in the setting of alcoholic liver disease. Please continue to counsel her. - Patient was seen by physical therapy prior to discharge and provided with a script for outpatient ___. - Given melena and possible bleeding from Roux limb (which stopped while hospitalized), she was started on a daily PPI. She should continue this for at least 3 months. - She was started on spironolactone 50mg daily to help with lower extremity edema (along with her hypokalemia). When edema resolves, please stop spironolactone. She does not need this long-term. - When hyponatremia resolves, restart citalopram for depression, but monitor sodium levels. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ male with seronegative arthritis (possible ankylosing spondylitis) who is bedbound and on chronic prednisone, DVT/PE (previously on enoxaparin), h/o MDR UTIs, and nephrolithiasis, who was most recently admitted (___) for Klebsiella and Proteus UTI for which he was treated with etrapenem for 14 days, who was brought to the ED by his rehab for dysuria after refusing PO antibiotics, found to have C. difficile colitis. ACUTE/ACTIVE PROBLEMS: ====================== # Urinary tract infection: Of note, recent admission for Klebsiella UTI in ___ for which he completed a ___ ertapenem course who was transferred from nursing home to the ___ ED on ___ with 1 month history of dysuria with no systemic evidence infection otherwise. ID consulted & guiding therapy. Of note, they questioned these "recurrent" UTIs/positive urine cultures as being possibly driven by an infected renal staghorn calculus. This was discussed with his urologist, Dr. ___ concern was that there is no definite proof that the left sided renal stones are infected, since there are only 2 different positive urine cultures in the last few months, with 2 different organisms (Proteus & Klebsiella). PICC line placed (with ___, and anesthesia using MAC, not GA). -- Treated with meropenem, d1 = ___ , with transition to ertapenem on discharge per ID, plan for 14 days (final day = ___. -- Per Dr. ___, would like to see another sample or 2 positive for the same pathogen with similar susceptibility patterns to support diagnosis of infected stone; if this is demonstrated, then the plan may be going forward is to place a nephrostomy on the L side, and monitor urine culture from within the kidney. If the same pathogen grows, he may need surgical intervention, though acknowledging that it would be a complicated procedure, with the need for multidisciplinary surgical intervention. -- NOTE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FROM ___ INFECTIOUS DISEASES REGARDING URINE CULTURES GOING FORWARD # Recurrent C. difficile colitis: He was started on metronidazole in the ED which he has been refusing because he says it never works for him. Started on PO vancomycin. Treated with vancomycin 125 mg PO QID, while on antibiotics for UTI (until ___, and with taper after, as below: - 125 mg twice daily for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg once daily for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg every other day for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg every 3 days for 7 to 14 days CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: ======================== # History of DVT/PE Home enoxaparin ordered, however patient reports this was stopped by his PCP ___. Discussed role of prophylactic enoxaparin during hospitalization, citing risk for recurrent DVT. Patient understands this and declines DVT prophylaxis. Used mechanical DVT prophylaxis. # Seronegative arthritis # Chronic pain Continued home gabapentin, hydromorphone, methadone, prednisone 20 mg daily. Continued home TMP-SMX for PJP prophylaxis. # Major depressive disorder # Generalized anxiety # Bipolar disorder Continued home quetiapine and home clonazepam ==================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== -- IV ertapenem, final day = ___ -- PO vancomycin, 125 mg QID until ___, then begin taper as below: - 125 mg twice daily for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg once daily for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg every other day for 7 days, followed by - 125 mg every 3 days for 7 to 14 days ==================== TIME ATTESTATION ==================== 45 minutes spent on care coordination & discharge planning. =============================== ============================ INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARE AT ___ RE: GETTING URINE CULTURE =============================== ============================ Instructions for the rehab/SNF/NH in regards to getting urine cx from here onwards: - try to avoid oral abx treatment unless clinically felt to be a UTI including looking for fevers and/or leukocytosis as dysuria may not be a symptom necessarily of a UTI alone - however clinical review by an MD ___ ultimately decide if treatment needed or not - if c/f UTI, then please obtain a urine sample at the best of your ability with a STRAIGHT CATHETERIZATION to obtain a good urine sample as per Dr. ___ - if the same pathogen of klebsiella or proteus grows again then will need to notify Dr. ___ office about this - PICC line with abx is not needed for dysuria alone ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ was an ___ year-old woman with atrial fibrillation on warfarin, history of cystic carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma who presented with anemia, fatigue, and guaiac postive stool concerning for GI bleed. . # Anemia - Mrs. ___ was found to have a hematocrit of 25% on presentation in the setting of aspirin, Plavix and warfarin use with a guaiac positive stool. This presentation was suggestive of a gastrointestinal bleed. Her low iron, high TIBC and low-normal ferritin were diagnostic of iron deficiency anemia. She received 2 units of packed red blood cells with an appropriate rise in her hematocrit. An her hematocrit remained stable throughout her hospitalization. Mrs. ___ had difficulty completing the bowel preparation with golytely and required an extended bowel preparation consisting of a clear liquid diet and magnesium sulfate for two days. An EGD performed revealed numerous healing erosions in the esophagus and stomach, but no lesion that could easily explain her acute drop in hematocrit. The colonoscope was unable to be advanced beyond the rectum and no lesions were identified within the rectum on colonoscopy. A CT (virtual) colonoscopy was performed and revealed no concerning mass. She was advised to continue taking pantoprazole twice daily and to maintain close follow up with her PCP and the ___ clinic as needed. . # Atrial fibrillation - She was appropriately rate controlled in the 70-80s with her home dose of metoprolol 50mg BID ___ daily). Her warfarin had been held in the setting of a suspected GI bleed with anemia and guaiac positive stool. She became tachycardic with atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response on two occasions during her admission; these episodes always involving a missed metoprolol dose because the patient was away receiving a procedure or imaging. She received intravenous metoprolol and diltaizem to quickly achieve rate control during the two episodes tachycardia and resumed appropriate control with her home dose of metoprolol. She was discharged on her home dose of metorolol. Her INR uptrended from 1.5 on admission to 2.1 on the day of discharge despite holding her warfarin while in house. On discharge she was advised to take one 2mg dose of warfarin two days after discharge and again four days after discharge and present to her PCP's office six day after discharge to check her INR and adjust her warfarin dose. # Hypertension - She was continued on her home dose of metoprolol 50 mg BID throughout her hospitalization and on discharge # CAD: - She was continued on her home dose of metoprolol, Plavix, Aspirin # Depression - She was continued on her home dose of sertraline ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with history of diabetes mellitus, ___ ___ ablation ___, NICM (last EF ___, ___ ICD, CRT-D, SVT ablation ___, reportedly non-adherent with therapy, alcohol abuse presents with worsening of SOB, ___ edema to ___, transferred for concern for cardiogenic shock #CORONARIES: normal in ___ #PUMP: Severe systolic dysfunction (EF ___ #RHYTHM: V-paced ============================ ACUTE ISSUES ============================ #Acute on chronic systolic HF #Cardiogenic shock - resolved Mr. ___ presented with exertional shortness of breath in the setting of not being able to obtain his medications during a move from ___ back to ___. He was seen initially admitted to ___ and diuresed. However, he subsequently became hypotensive during his admission. RHC was performed with elevated PCWP to 21 and CI of 1.2. TTE was also performed that was significant for EF ___, severe global hypokinesis, Severe MR, Severe TR, and biatrial enlargement. Patient was started on dobutamine 2.5 mg and dopamine 2.5 mg and transferred to ___ CCU for further management. After transfer, he was subsequently weaned from dopamine. He was initiated on Lasix boluses before being started on Lasix gtt and diuresed well. With diuresis, he was able to be weaned off of pressors and his dyspnea improved. He was able to be transferred to the regular nursing floor and was restarted on his home afterload reduction (hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate) and beta blockage (carvedilol). He was also started on spironolactone while in the hospital. The patient continued to improve, and was able to be discharged home with follow-up with both cardiology and heart failure. #Hyperbilirubinemia At admission, the patient was noted to have a hyperbilirubinemia to 2.3. Fractionation revealed a conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. The patient also had mild tenderness to palpation in the RUQ, which improved during his hospitalization. His hyperbilirubinemia appeared to be elevated since ___ based on review of OSH records. The patient also had a prior US in ___ showing hepatic steatosis and abnormal gallbladder. We felt the likely etiology of his hyperbilirubinemia was mixed congestive hepatopathy and steatosis. #Microcytic anemia - The patient has a stable anemia with Hgb 10.6 in ___. Transferrin sat 7.7% with borderline low ferritin 49, consistent with iron deficiency. The patient was given IV ferric gluconate for repletion without significant improvement in his Hgb. ___ on CKD At admission the patient's Cr was measured as 2.27, elevated from 1.97 on ___, felt to be likely cardiorenal. Improving with diuresis as anticipated. #History of ETOH use - last drink 3 months ago #History of homelessness and difficulty getting meds - SW c/s ==================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] Advanced HF follow up - scheduled for ___ at ___, but please make sure patient goes to this follow-up [] Cardiology follow up [] PCP follow up [] Chem-10, CBC, and LFTs in 1 week [] Continue to work up iron deficiency anemia as an outpatient if not already done NEW medications: None CHANGED medications: - Carvedilol 3.125 twice a day (decreased dose from 6.25mg) - Isosorbide Dinitrate 20mg three times a day (increased frequency from BID and dose from 10) - Spironolactone 12.5 mg daily (decreased frequency from BID) - Hydralazine 10mg three times daily (increased frequency from BID) STOPPED medications: - Metolazone - restart after your doctor tells you to ___ weight: 57.5kg, 126.76 lb Discharge Cr: 1.7 Discharge Hgb: 9.4 #CODE: Full #CONTACT/HCP: Mother ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ gentleman with history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, HFpEF, restless leg syndrome, opioid use with opiate agreement, presenting with restless leg symptoms. ACUTE/ACTIVE ISSUES: ==================== #Cellulitis: Patient presented with right lower extremity redness and pain. Exam consistent with cellulitis. Initially on ceftriaxone. Switched to Keflex at discharge. #Acute encephalopathy: Patient had reported confusion at admission and was unsure why he came to the hospital or how he had gotten there. However, by the time of presentation, he was fully oriented without any issues with mental status. CT head was obtained and was only remarkable for global involution and chronic microangiopathic changes. By the morning after presentation, the patient was alert and oriented x3 with intact attention as assessed by days-of-the-week-backwards, was able to follow two step commands, and had normal remote recall. Overall etiology was felt to be potentially related to multiple narcotic medications, although it was unclear at time of discharge. #Restless leg syndrome: Patient has poorly controlled symptoms of restless leg. Per OMR, plan was to transition to methadone from oxycodone for symptom control given burden of frequent dosing, but per med refill history the patient filled a month's supply of methadone initially in ___ but has not filled it since then. We recommend further follow-up as an outpatient for adjustment of pain regimen. #Urinay retention: Patient reported urinary frequency during his hospitalization. Bladder scans were performed and post-void residuals were not large enough to require straight catheterization. He was continued on his home Tamsulosin. We recommend further work-up as an outpatient for lower urinary tract symptoms. #Normocytic anemia: Patient's hemoglobin was noted to be 11.5 from 13.8 several weeks ago, although recheck had corrected to 12.4. We recommend recheck of Hgb as an outpatient and age-appropriate cancer screening. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: ====================== #HTN: Continued home lisinopril, amlodipine, carvedilol. #GERD: Continued home omeprazole. #HFpEF: Continued home furosemide. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [] TSH and B12 were pending at discharge. Please follow-up and address as necessary. [] Patient was diagnosed with cellulitis for which he was discharged with a seven day course of cephalexin (total 10 days of therapy). Please follow-up on the patient's lower extremity pain and redness and make sure he completes his antibiotic regimen. [] Please follow-up the patient's lower urinary tract symptoms as an outpatient [] We recommend further follow-up and potential work-up for anemia as an outpatient, including age-appropriate cancer screening. # CODE: Full presumed # CONTACT: ___, daughter, ___ This patient was prescribed, or continued on, an opioid pain medication at the time of discharge (please see the attached medication list for details). As part of our safe opioid prescribing process, all patients are provided with an opioid risks and treatment resource education sheet and encouraged to discuss this therapy with their outpatient providers to determine if opioid pain medication is still indicated. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: Mr ___ is a ___ M with a h/o CAD s/p multiple interventions and systolic HF with EF 30% transferred from ___ with burning epigastric chest pain likely related to gastritis. . ACTIVE ISSUES ============= # CORONARIES: PMH significant for multiple PCIs followed by CABG in ___, he had a cardiac catheteriztion at ___ in ___ which showed no intervenable lesions and stress MIBI ___ at ___ a fixed perfusion defect in the inferior wall. According to the myocardial perfusion scan report obtained from ___ ___, an inferior wall lesion is seen which does not likely represent an area of new ishcemia. He was ruled out with two sets of enzymes at ___ (records obtained and entered in chart). EKG is consistent with old inferior wall infarct without evidence of new ischemia. His chest pain is unlikely to be related to myocardial ischemia. Continued beta blocker, statin, aspirin, plavix, imdur without dose changes. He has not seen his primary cardiologist in ___ years due to geographic limitations, encouraged patient to seek cardiologist who is closer to him by asking his PCP for ___ referral. . # Abdominal Pain and burning chest pain: Related to gastroesophageal reflux disease, patient reported symptoms of burning chest pain were improved by food, made worse by taking his medications on an empty stomach. H. pylori serologies were sent and wer epending at the time of discharge. We started Sucralfate, provided him with a handout on GERD and encouraged him to take his medications with a small amount of food. . INACTIVE ISSUES ============= # PUMP: Last TTE showed EF 30% with global hypokinesis related wit ischemic cardiomyopathy with chronic congestive heart failure with systolic dysfunction. Currently patient appeared euvolemic. Continued home regimen of ACE, Aldosterone antagonist, beta blocker, and aspirin. . # RHYTHM: Has history of NSVT and depressed ejection fraction and has a ___ ICD. Continued home mexilitine, sotalol. . # Psychologic Issues: Continue home regimen including home pain meds . # HTN: continue home meds. . # Pain medication seeking: patient requested prescription for percocet for abdominal pain, discussed that this would be doing more harm than good and did not give him new Rx. . TRANSLATION OF CARE: ==================== - Issues needing followup: pending h. pylori serologies - Social: patient reported low socio economic class and poor access to food and money. Will benefit from social work in the future. CODE: Presumed full EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sister ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ presented to ___ holding at ___ on ___ for a laparoscopic right colectomy. He tolerated the procedure well without complications (Please see operative note for further details). After a brief and uneventful stay in the PACU, the patient was transferred to the floor for further post-operative management. On POD1 the patient's pain was well-controlled and he had no nausea or vomiting. He was advanced to a clear liquid diet. He tolerated this diet well and was subsequently transferred to PO pain medications and his fluids were discontinued. On POD2 the patient was advanced to a regular diet. He tolerated this diet well and his pain was controlled on PO pain medications. He was discharged home on POD2 with follow-up in the clinic with Dr. ___. Post-Surgical Complications During Inpatient Admission: [ ] Post-Operative Ileus resolving w/o NGT [ ] Post-Operative Ileus requiring management with NGT [ ] UTI [ ] Wound Infection [ ] Anastomotic Leak [ ] Staple Line Bleed [ ] Congestive Heart failure [ ] ARF [ ] Acute Urinary retention, failure to void after Foley D/C'd [ ] Acute Urinary Retention requiring discharge with Foley Catheter [ ] DVT [ ] Pneumonia [ ] Abscess [x] None Social Issues Causing a Delay in Discharge: [ ] Delay in organization of ___ services [ ] Difficulty finding appropriate rehabilitation hospital disposition. [ ] Lack of insurance coverage for ___ services [ ] Lack of insurance coverage for prescribed medications. [ ] Family not agreeable to discharge plan. [ ] Patient knowledge deficit related to ileostomy delaying discharge. [x] No social factors contributing in delay of discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old man with known non-displaced hip fracture who presented this time with a fall after stepping on ice cube. Films in the ER did show same acute/subacute non-displaced hip fracture (Left inferior pubic body and superior pubic rami acute/sub-acute fractures, more clearly seen compared with radiograph from ___ )without new findings except for mild asymmetrical cortical thickening of the proximal and mid left femur seen only on the oblique views. This may represent area of prior subacute fracture. A follow up testing may be indicated in out patient if he continues to have anterior thigh pain. He denied any symptoms except for anterior thigh pain. He had no syncope. His physical exam was unremarkable. He was able to ambulate with minimal pain in the thigh. He does have maximal home services and he uses a wheel chair occasionally. He has chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia on Lasix and oral fluid restriction. He agreed to discharge to home after receiving a meal in the hospital as there is no need for further diagnostic tests at this moment. He can ambulate. He can arrange for ___ with his PCP with close follow up for his chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia. He can also follow up with orthopaedic surgery for the non displaced fracture. All of the above was communicated with him. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ year old single, domiciled, employed man with past medical history of hyperlipidemia, Type II DM, Hypertension, intellectual disability with history of depression, anxiety, no prior psychiatric hospitalizations or suicide attempts, who presents to ___ complaining of worsening anxiety and abdominal discomfort with frequent ED presentations in the setting of his brother leaving the ___ area. Interview with Mr. ___ was limited, given that he is a relatively poor historian, likely secondary to his intellectual disability, but concerning for worsening of baseline anxiety in the setting of recent decrease in his clonazepam and loneliness, anxiety that his brother was no longer in town. Mental status examination notable for anxious appearing man who is cooperative and pleasant with interviewers, good hygiene and grooming, denial of suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation, with thought process that is somewhat disorganized and tangential (likely due more to significant anxiety in the setting of intellectual disability). . Diagnostically, etiology of presentation is consistent with worsening generalized anxiety disorder with limited coping skills and reported panic attacks. Of note, although patient complained of depression at times, he was mostly euthymic on examination once his anxiety improved with limited neurovegetative symptoms during this admission. #. Legal/Safety: Patient was admitted on a ___ upon admission he signed a CV, which was accepted. He maintained his safety throughout his hospitalization on 15 minute checks and did not require physical or chemical restraints. #. Generalized anxiety disorder: with features of depression as noted in HPI. - Patient was compliant in attending groups and maintained excellent behavioral control throughout his admission. He participated appropriately in the milieu and was noted to be bright with peers and staff. - Given reports of depression, anxiety and difficulty sleeping, we discussed the risks and benefits of Remeron, which was started at 7.5 mg po qhs and titrated up to 15 mg po qhs. - To target significant anxiety, we discussed the risks and benefits of converting Clonazepam to Valium, given Valium's quicker onset of action. Valium was started and titrated to 5 mg po bid, which Mr. ___ tolerated well with no episodes of confusion and without excessive sedation. - Despite the above medications, patient continued to experience significant anxiety and after discussion of the risks and benefits, we initiated Gabapentin 100 mg po tid with the recommendation to cross titrate Gabapentin up and Valium down as tolerated to avoid tolerance and to avoid polypharmacy. - Of note, Mr. ___ consistently denied suicidal ideation or thoughts of self harm throughout his psychiatric hospitalization with no unsafe behaviors. In the setting of the above medication changes and the stabilizing environment of the milieu, Mr. ___ anxiety improved significantly and he was amenable to discharge with referral to ___ to help with his medication. - The treatment team worked closely with Mr. ___ PCP and outpatient psychiatrist who agreed to the above assessment and plan. #. Abdominal pain: ___ complained of abdominal pain associated with his anxiety. He was evaluated in the ED which was negative for acute ischemia. He also had a CT abd/pelvis performed which was significant for bladder distention without hydronephrosis. ___ denied any difficulty urinating. This distention was thought to be possibly secondary to BPH. His PCP is aware of this finding and will continue to follow this. #. HLD: stable - Patient was continued on atorvastatin 80mg QHS #. HTN: stable - Patient was continued on Coreg 25mg BID, Lisinopril 40mg daily, and Chlorthalidone 25mg Daily. BPs were well controlled throughout admission. #. Type II DM, non-insulin dependent. - Initially his oral hypoglycemic were held in the setting of metabolic acidosis. He was covered with an insulin sliding scale during that time. He was re-started on metformin 1000mg BID and Glipizide 5mg (previous dose 10mg daily). Again, his PCP was notified of this and will continue to follow his blood sugars and recommend further changes in management. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Following an uncomplicated surgery, the patient was admitted to the ORL service. Diet was advanced and hope medications were started. Initially, blood pressure was elevated but was then controlled with home medications. Drain output from a single JP drain was appropriate. The drain was removed when standard criteria were met. Heme: prophylatic heparin was used during the hospitalization. ID: Ancef was used for coverage during hospitalization. GI: Diet was advanced as tolerated Wound: no evidence of wound complications CV: the patient was initially hypertensive post-op but pressures normalized with home medications. At the time of discharge, vitals were stable and the team and staff agreed on discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo F with history of dementia (TBI vs LBD vs pseudodementia) and hypotension who p/w with near syncope and second episode of UTI in the setting of confusion. # AMS - Acute on chronic confusion in the setting of ? UTI and decreased PO. She was oriented only to self. Patient was delirious following ___ admission for pyelonephritis and never returned to baseline. During this admission she had no obvious inciting medications or infectious sources other than possible UTI. She was initially treated for UTI as below, but given culture later returned negative was unlikely to have had a true infection. Her altered mental status may have been secondary to her progressing dementia with fluctuating levels of confusion. # ? UTI - Patient was previously treated for pyelonephritis in ___. Urine culture from ___ grew enterococcus and was started 7 day course of macrobid on ___. On admission, patient had T 101.6 F without CVA tenderness, but denied dysuria or hematuria. U/A (x2) during current admission was unremarkable in the setting of 1 day on macrobid. She was treated with IV CTX/vanc based on prior culture data and was discharged on a 3 day total course of ciprofloxacin for uncomplicated UTI. Urine culture later returned post discharge with no growth, and patient and family were instructed to discontinue antibiotics. Fever was thought to possibly be secondary to autonomic dysfunction in the setting of ___ body dementia. # Near syncope - Likely d/t hypovolemia in the setting of decreased PO. She has a history of orthostatic hypotension with recent presentation to ED on ___ for dizziness that responded to IVF. Her orthostatic hypotension was thought to possibly be due to autonomic dysfunction in the setting of ___ body dementia. # Dementia - Followed by Dr. ___ neurology for ___ dementia vs TBI vs psuedodementia. Improved with donepezil. Transitional Issues ========================== - discharged on PO cipro to complete 3 day antibiotic course. Urine culture returned negative on day after discharge and patient and family instructed to discontinue antibiotics # CODE STATUS: Full Code per husband, will verify with daughter # CONTACT: ___, daughter: ___ (cell) ___ (home) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is an ___ man with recently diagnosed ___ with metastatic pancreatic cancer with known mets to bone who was transferred for abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, decreased PO intake. EGD/EUS demonstrated 5cm oozing mass at fundus of the stomach and malignant duodenal stricture s/p stenting. Biopsies of gastric, duodenal and pancreatic mass all showed adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated. Per evaluation during admission, patient's functional status is too low for chemotherapy and radiation is unlikely to provide benefits to outweight risks of toxicity. At discharge, Patient was able to tolerate minimal amounts of food, but functional status is still quite limited. Plan for follow up with GI oncology once functional status improves. #Gastric outlet obstruction #Gastric Mass #GI Bleed: Per patient report, EGD at OSH was notable for "large mass in the stomach". Patient required transfusion of multiple units of PRBCs prior to transfer to ___. EGD at ___ demonstrated 2.5x3.5cm mass in the head of the pancreas along with 5cm oozing mass in the fundus of the stomach consistent with inflammatory polyp v. metastatic deposit. EGD at ___ demonstrated malignant duodenal stricture, s/p successful placement of duodenal stent. Biopsies of gastric, duodenal and pancreatic mass all showed adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated. Patient was started on a low residue diet, which he tolerated although he still had poor appetite. He was continued on pantoprazole and zofran. We will continue to try to increase p.o. intake prior to consideration of chemotherapy as an outpatient. #Metastatic pancreatic cancer: Metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma to liver and bone in ___, now with biopsies of gastric, duodenal and pancreatic mass during this admission consistent with adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated. Patient was seen by radiation oncology who felt that palliative radiation would not benefit patient and would likely have significant toxicity. Chemotherapy deferred given poor functional status, but will consider single-agent gemcitabine as an outpatient if nutritional status improves. Nausea controlled with Zofran. #Bilateral DVTs: Patient with asymmetric calf swelling noted on ___. LENIs demonstrated bilateral DVTs. Patient denied dyspnea and had no tachycardia or hemoptysis to raise concern for PE. He was initially started on heparin at decreased rate given recent GI bleed. His hemoglobin remained stable, so he was transitioned to lovenox. Patient had difficulty learning to use lovenox shots given eyesight and coordination. Was provided with option to start rivaroxaban instead, despite knowledge that it may be inferior for treating malignancy associated DVT and he preferred to switch. He was provided with a prescription for rivaroxaban 15mg twice daily for the next 3 weeks followed by 20mg daily. #Upper extremity erythema: Patient had area of erythema on left upper extremity where he previously had an IV. Likely infiltrated IV. Ultrasound negative for DVT and no evidence of superficial thrombophlebitis. He will continue to monitor post-discharge. # Concern for raynauds: Patient with pale digits overnight during admission. Labs to assess for scleroderma, ___ negative, anti-centromere negative, scleroderma antibody neg. RNA POLYMERASE III AB still pending, but raynauds is unlikely given other labs are negative. #Glaucoma #Corneal opacification and band keratopathy: Hx of left open globe injury He was continued on: erythromycin ointment TID to the left eye. dorzolamide/timolol 2% 1 drop R eye BID timolol 0.5% L eye BID brimonide tartrate 1% R eye BID lubricant eye drop BID # HLD Continued on atorvastatin 10mg daily # Allergic rhinitis Continued on fluticasone 2 spray nasal daily # IPF: Patient with reported history of IPF and uses BIPAP. Continued home bipap at night # GERD He was placed on pantoprazole IV as above, which will be transitioned back to PO after d/c. # HTN Olmesartan was held. Can consider restarting after discharge if develops hypertension. Transitional Issues =================== [] Follow up appointment with GI Oncology scheduled for ___ with Dr. ___ consideration of treatment with gemcitabine pending improved functional status. [] Consider initiating cycle of gemcitabine pending in improvement in functional status. [] Patient started on rivaroxaban for treatment of DVT. Please check CBC at follow on ___ to ensure stability of CBC. [] Continue low residue diet to reduce risk of stent blockage [] Patient not scheduled with follow up with advanced endoscopy. Consider referral to advanced endoscopy if symptoms persist or has recurrence of nausea/vomiting. [] Patient well controlled inpatient on glargine. He will continue on 12u detemir nightly. Will not be taking reiniated on glipezide. [] RNA polymerase pending to complete workup for scleroderma given possible Raynaud's with history of IPF. [] Biopsies of gastric, duodenal and pancreatic mass during this admission consistent with adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated. [] Olmesartan was held given normotension. Can consider restarting after discharge if hypertensive. [] Consider referral to ___ for diabetes management if continues with difficult to control blood glucose. # HCP/Contact: Name of health care proxy: ___ Relationship: daughter # Code: Full Code (confirmed) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old female well known to cardiac surgery services. She is s/p cardiac surgery with ___ on ___. She presents to the ED today complaining of shortness of breath and rapid heart rate, on Keflex for sternal wound. CXR shows pulmonary edema. She was admitted to ___ for further work up. She was initially placed on Cefazolin for her sternal wound. Blood CXs and labs drawn,ECG and diuresis with IV Lasix was initiated. Her sternal wound had been debrided the day prior on ___ 6 by ___. The wound is C/D with the inferior pole open and packed with a wet to dry dressing in place. Continue anticoagulation for AFib with Coumadin. TTE done which revealed: The aortic valve prosthesis appears well seated, with normal leaflet/disc motion and transvalvular gradients. The mitral prosthesis appears well seated, with normal leaflet/disc motion and transvalvular gradients. Moderate to severe [3+] tricuspid regurgitation is seen. There is mild pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. There is no pericardial effusion. She continued to diurese and was rate controlled on Amio, and increased Diltiazem and Lopressor. HD#4 she was ready for rehab when hematuria was noted. ___ wanted to keep her for further observation. Her UA/CX was negative and her urine cleared throughout the morning.Physical Therapy was consulted for evaluation of strength and mobility. By HD#5 she was cleared for discharge to ___. Blood Cxs at discharge were No Growth to Date. All follow up appointments were advised. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ is a ___ woman with a history of fibromyalgia, migraines, GERD, IBS, depression and narrow angle glaucoma who was admitted after visual disturbances and confusion and was found to have a right parietal tumor s/p ___ transferred to the OMED service for HD MTX. 1. Right Parietal Tumor/PCNSL: s/p resection on ___, pathology confirmed Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma. Patient tolerated methotrexate without adverse reaction and cleared well. She was continued on dexamethasone 4mg q8h while on the OMED service, to be downtritated to 4mg BID on discharge. Patient also continued on keppra 500mg BID for seizure prophylaxis. Next scheduled admission will be ___. Transitional Issues =================== - next admission scheduled for ___ - will need port placed at next chemo admission in 2 weeks - discharged with 24 hour urine collection kit - will continue with dexamethasone 4mg BID until next admission with plan to taper and defer prophylaxis at this time. - f/u TTE read - will need removal of surgical sutures ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr ___ is a ___ old man with a past medical history of non-Hodgkins lymphoma status post allo SCT in ___, recent history of MRSA and Pseudomonas sinusitis as well as Pseudomonas pneumonia who was admitted from clinic on ___ to ICU for shortness of breath, hypoxia, pulmonary infiltrates occuring in the setting of magnesium infusion. . #. Acute cardiopulmonary episode - On initial presentation, pt with acute SOB, crackles, rigors, hypertension, and tachycardia. Differential included PE, MI, anaphylactic reaction, line infection, or pulmonary flash. In the ICU, he was found to have multilobar consolidations (and absent PE) on CXR and CT, and empiric treamtent for pneumonia was begun with vancomycin and meropenem. He had a recurrent episode of tachycardia, hypertension, and chills/rigors after the ___ was used on ___ overnight. With this evidence and blood cultures positive for Klebsiella, his right subclavian Hickman was removed on ___. Discharged on Ciprofloxacin. . #. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. CT scan on ___ continued to show response to his transplant. There is a long-term plan to repeat CT scans of the torso and sinus CT on ___ after he completes his antibiotics for his pneumonia. Continued post-transplant prophylaxis. . #. GVHD, chronic extensive. (As per ___ clinic note). Mr. ___ has had a persistent rash, thought at first to be related to a drug rash, but now biopsy-proven GVHD. His PUVA therapy remains on hold. His liver enzymes are markedly improved.He will decrease his prednisone to 15 mg and continues on started Entocort. He remains on a low dose of Neoral. His skin is darker in tone but with some lighter areas and his rash overall is improved. He has hypopigmented areas. He will continue to use Clobetasol ointment on his hands every other night with gloves. . #. Hypertension. Continued outpatient regimen . #. Steroid induced diabetes. Stable on the Glipizide. While his prednisone is tapered we will need to keep a closer eye on his blood sugars. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with hx of COPD, Alzhemer dementia, atrial fib not on coumadin, recent recent M2 stroke (___), severe AS presented to ___ from SNF for unwitnessed fall and traumatic SAH. Neurosurgery recommended holding aspirin for 7 days. Patient was admitted in setting of altered mental status. She was started on standing 7PM olanzapine to normalize sleep-wake schedule and prevent delirium. #Toxic-Metabolic Encephalopathy #Alzheimer's Dementia #Recent CVA #Concussion #___ Patient with multiple causes for altered mental status. Her CT scan and exam are reassuring that this was not a new CVA. I suspect the combination of recent stroke in setting of ___'s dementia had already set her mental status back. Now with addition of head trauma and SAH, she became more confused/lethargic. She became more alert throughout her hospital course although was oriented only to self and had poor safety awareness. Her aspirin should be restarted ___. Her donepezil was held to avoid any anticholinergic side effects. Atorvastatin was continued. Olanzapine 2.5mg was started q7PM, but should be attempted to be weaned off as mental status improves. On day of discharge, pt had no complaints. # Fall, ?syncope Patient with unwitnessed fall(s) at rehab. She denied LOC and any alarm symptoms, including no chest pain, palpitations, or shortness of breath. Fall is likely due to recovery from stroke and poor self/safety awareness. Troponin negative. CXR without infection. Recent TTE with AS. Consider further cardiology follow up, if intervention would be within patient and family goals. Patient is asymptomatic. # UTI: She was treated with ceftriaxone 1g q24h x5 days #COPD: continued home inhalers, used formulary substitute for symbicort #HTN: Held lisinopril in setting of normotension #CODE: DNR/DNI per her granddaughter (HCP); ___ discussed over phone and confirmed DNR/DNI by ___, witnessed by Drs. ___. #COMMUNICATION: granddaughter ___ ___ TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== - Consider stopping olanzapine q7PM as mental status improves - Restart aspirin ___ - Donepezil held I/s/o delirium; consider restarting if improving - Restart Lisinopril 10mg if she becomes persistently hypertensive - Encourage normal sleep/wake cycle - Delirium precautions - Continue physical therapy, occupational therapy for fall safety - Consider repeat TTE vs cardiology follow for recent ___ TTE with aortic stenosis ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old right-handed man with past medical history significant for hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, multiple orthopedic injuries and a history of intermittent neuro deficits with multiple negative work-ups who presented for evaluation of acute bilateral leg weakness. #Functional Neurologic Disorder Patient has had multiple extensive work-ups since ___ for various neurological complaints by different providers which has all been unremarkable (has seen epilepsy, movement, autonomic and cardiology specialists). He has carried a diagnosis of function neurologic disorder in the past. He presented this admission with acute onset bilateral leg weakness and sensory loss. MRI total spine revealed worsening degenerative disease in the cervical and lumbar spine without any acute pathology. These findings are out of proportion to his complaints/examination. On confrontational testing has at least 4+/5 strength in his lower extremities, a positive Hoover sign, and sensory loss in a non-dermatomal distribution consistent with functional disorder. Given his history of vascular risk factors, spinal AVM is on the differential but is unlikely. CT abdomen shows severe atherosclerotic disease. #CAD Continue ASA 81mg daily. Start statin per below #Atherosclerosis LDL is 190. Patient has been on atorvastatin in the past. Restart statin #DJD Restart amitriptyline and escitalopram (last filled in ___ Transitional Issues: Follow-up with PCP regarding lipid management ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms ___ is a ___ female with ESRD secondary to congenitally undeveloped kidneys and with deafness (Alports disease) s/p renal transplant in ___ and then again in ___ complicated by advanced chronic allograft dysfunction, recently initiated on HD, CMP 40%, DM2, HTN, presenting from HD with new afib. ACTIVE ISSUES ============= # Decompensated Systolic Heart Failure (EF: 40-45%): BNP 47000, significantly elevated. Evidence of hypervolemia on exam, with accumulation in the lungs primarily. Recently underdialyzed (has been doing half sessions), likely resulting in accumulation of fluid. TTE in ED showed small pericardial effusion, with no evidence of tamponade. Dry weight from last d/c 50kg, 52kg on admission. In the ICU, the patient underwent HD for fluid removal, with removal of 3.5L fluid on ___. Home diuretic regimen restarted on ___. Patient subsequently remained euvolemic, and was discharged on her home diuretic regimen. # Hypotension: Patient hypertensive on admission, possibly in the setting of 3.5L fluid removal with dialysis the day prior vs medication effect from rate control meds, given she was bolused with IV metoprolol due to afib w/RVR. Bolused with 1L IVF. Did not require pressors, but remained normotensive with only b-blockade. Hypotension resolved prior to discharge from the ICU. # CONS Bacteremia: 1 bottle grew CONS; started on vanco/cefepime (day ___ prior to speciation in setting of hypotension with dialysis. Vanco/cefepime stopped ___ once speciated as CONS, presumed contaminant. Patient became febrile to 100.9 on ___ X 1 with no further fevers or presumed infectious etiolgy. # Afib w/RVR: CHADS2 3. New-onset, likely triggered by volume overload in setting of HFrEF with underlying enlarged LA without evidence of ischemia, thyroid disease, or concern for VTE. Given high risk of CVA, started on coumadin and maximized oral beta blockade with NSR x 24 hours. Should continue to optimize volume status and enteral rate control as an outpatient. Coumadin started as an inpatient, but was initially supratherapeutic so held for several days. INR and coumadin dosing and will be managed by the ___ clinic moving forward. # Troponinemia: Trop peaked to 0.20 on admission, CK-MB otherwise flat. Likely in setting of Afib w/RVR. Patient otherwise without chest pain or EKG findings suggestive of ischemia. # ESRD: Secondary to ___'s s/p transplant x2 now on HD. The patient was continued on HD. Her home Tacrolimus and Predisone were continued. # ___ pain: sigificant pain: Has been limiting dialysis sessions. The patient was continued on her home Gabapentin, Amitryptiline, and Oxycodone. CHRONIC ======= # Hypertension: continued home Carvedilol. Held home lisinopril. # Hyperlipidemia: Home aspirin and atorvastatin continued. # Diabetes: last HgbA1c 9% on this admission. Continued home 70/30 and ISS. # GERD: Continued home omperazole # Anemia: Continued home darbapoetin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== - Please ensure close follow up with INR monitoring and coumadin dosing, as patient has not yet been stabilized on a set home dose - Patient has been having pain during dialysis, and should be treated with her home pain medication regimen - Patient will receive home ___ on discharge #CODE: Full (confirmed) #EMERGENCY CONTACT HCP: ___ Relationship: Sister Phone number: ___ Cell phone: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** #1. Abdominal/ chest pain exacerbation: Etiology of chronic abdominal pain has been particularly difficult to elucidate given the patient's vague description of pain and multiple possible causes including chronic pancreatitis, mesenteric ischemia and GERD. A coronary etiology was unlikely given the patient's unchanged EKG, normal cardiac enzymes and lack of relief with nitroglycerin. During this hospitalization it seemed unlikely that an acute process was occurring given the patient's normal CT scan, laboratory results and lactate. Surgery was once again consulted and recommended no intervention in management of mesenteric ischemia as patient was able to tolerate intake without much change in her pain. Pain management was the priority during this hospitalization rather than definitive treatment which can be addressed in the outpatient setting. Future venues that could be pursued include placing a stent in the celiac trunk, repeating MRCP to assess for ongoing pancreatitis or repeating an EGD to reassess severity of gastritis. Initially pain was controlled using IV dilaudid and then transitioned to extended release oxycontin with percocet as needed for breakthrough pain. This regimen balanced pain with functional status, allowing the patient to remain alert but relatively symptom free. Patient was discharged with a 2 week prescription for oxycontin 10 mg BID and percocet 5 mg BID as needed for breakthrough pain. The patient signed a narcotic agreement adhering to the goals and terms of her treatment regimen. #2. Urinary Tract Infection: Upon presentation, patient complained of dysuria and was found to have acute cystitis. This infection might have precipitated acute pain episode that brought patient to the emergency department. Treatment was initiated with ciprofloxacin but changed to linezolid once culture results showed >100,000 colonies of VRE. Patient was discharged with instructions t complete a 5 day course of linezolid. #3. Coronary Artery Disease: As stated above, it was felt to be very unlikely that pain was secondary to an acute cardiac etiology. However, given the patient's multiple risk factors for myocardia ischemia (PVD, known CAD, Diabetes, HTN) the patient was ruled out with normal EKG and baseline cardiac enzymes. She was continued on her home aspirin, plavix, statin, beta blocker, Ace-inhibitor and isosorbide. # 4. End stage renal disease (on hemodialysis)- The patient went for dialysis on ___ and ___. Blood pressure targets were systolics in the 130s given concern for hypoperfusion exacerbating her chronic ischemia. She was continued on clacitriol, calcium acetate. # 5. Hypertension: Systolic blood pressure in the emergency department was 200 in the context of having vomited or missed her morning meds and significant pain. This came down to the 150s with pain control. Systolics were running high in the 190s on the morning following admission again in the context of having refused her morning antihypertensives and pain and again resolved to the 130s-140s with IV pain control. She was otherwise continued on her home amlodipine, lisinopril, furosemide, metoprolol and hydralazine. #h/o Peripheral vascular disease-- Patient was continued on her home aspirin 81mg, and plavix # asthma- She was continued on her home fluticasone/salmeterol, albuterol, and ipratropium. # Schizoaffective d/o- She was continued on her home abilify and citalopram # anemia- She was continued on her home iron ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is an ___ y.o. M with h/o CVA, prostate cancer h/o hematuria, CVA in ___ on aggrenox, prostate cancer s/p XRT, assistant ___ to wife who presents s/p unwitnessed fall/syncopal episode. He had no clear cause for his syncopal episode. His orthostatics were normal, he had an EKG which was unchanged from prior with two negative sets of cardiac enzymes. He had no evidence of arrhythmias on telemetry. He was noted to have tachypnea, and a D-dimer was checked, which was elevated, and he had a CT of his chest which did not show a pulmonary embolus. His head and neck CT were negative as well. For his hypoxia and tachypnea, an echo was performed which showed evidence of diastolic dysfunction, for which he was diuresed with furosemide. He was started on a standing dose, with oral potassium supplements. Physical therapy cleared the patient for going home. Patient was felt to be depressed during his hospital stay, likely situational secondary to increased stressors related to his wife's illness. His thyroid function was normal. He had one episode of a fever to 102, with a negative evaluation for the source of the fever, including a urinalysis and culture, blood cultures, and chest x-ray. It was felt to be secondary to a viral infection. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the hospital with right upper quadrant pain. She underwent an ultrasound which showed cholecystitis. Upon admission, she was made NPO, given intravenous fluids and started on ciprofloxacin and flagyl. She had a white blood cell count of 18 upon admission. She was taken to the operating room on HD # 1 where she underwent a cholecystectomy. The operative course was notable for a very large gallbladder that tracked down into the right lower quadrant which was inflammed and adherent to the abdominal wall. Because of the adhesions, it was difficult to distinguish between surrounding tissues and inflamed peritoneum. The gallbladder was difficult to decompress and for this reason, the patient underwent an open cholecystecomy. At the close of the procedure, ___ drain was placed in the gallbladder fossa. The patient was extubated after the procedure and monitored in the recovery room. The patient's antibiotics were discontinued on POD #1. At this time, she developed a fever and blood cultures were sent. The results of the bile culture showed sparse haemophilus species, and no antibiotic coverage was indicated. She was also noted at this time to have mild erythema around the umbilicus and on the staple. The area was assessed daily and no further evidence of extension of erythema was noted. Because bowel function was slow to return, the patient underwent an x-ray of the abdomen which showed a non-obstructive gas pattern. Her bowel function did gradually return and the patient was introduced to sips and transitioned to a regular diet. Her vital signs remained stable and she was afebrile. The drain in the gallbladder fossa was removed on POD #5. She was evaluated by physical therapy and recommendations made for discharge home with ___ services. The patient was discharged home on POD #5 in stable condition. Her white blood cell count had normalized. Appointments for follow-up were made with the acute care service. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ gentleman with history of severe nonischemic cardiomyopathy with LVEF as low as 10% in ___, up to 30%-35% after successful DCCV of his atrial fibrillation, now with recurrent atrial fibrillation and EF of 10% who presented for tailored therapy. ___ placed on admission and admitted to CCU for medication adjustment. ___ removed on ___ and transferred to floor where he was started on Entresto. He did very well and his renal function improved. CPET showed poor functional status and poor prognosis but otherwise he is feeling well. Close follow up scheduled. #) ACUTE DECOMPENSATED SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE: LVEF 10% ___ class III Patient with known non ischemic cardiomyopathy. Hospitalized twice in the past several months for CHF exacerbations and was found to be back in a-fib with his EF decreased to ___ again on his TEE. He was unable to be cardioverted due to ___ thrombus. ___ placed on admission and admitted to CCU for medication adjustment. ___ removed on ___ and transferred to floor where he was started on Entresto. He did very well and his renal function improved. Repeat TEE continued to show ___ thrombus and he was unable to be cardioverted. CPET showed poor functional status and poor prognosis. Patient discharged on the following medications for heart failure: aspirin 81 daily, bumex 1mg daily, digoxin 0.0625 daily, Entresto 97-103 Q12H, pravastatin 20 daily, metoprolol XL 50 daily, isosorbide 60 Q8H, hydralazine 100 Q8H. #) ATRIAL FIBRILLATION He was previously loaded with Digoxin, then started on 0.0625 mg daily. Plan was for ___ with cardioversion during previous admission, but ___ showed persistent thrombus, so cardioversion was not performed. He was discharged on digoxin 0.0625, metoprolol XL 50mg daily, amiodarone 200mg daily and apixaban. #Thrombocytopenia: Patient with negative bone marrow biopsy for cause of thrombocytopenia. Suspected to be drug related. He was switched from torsemide to bumex. #functional iron deficiency: Patient received IV iron x7 days and was transitioned to oral iron. #GOUT: Patient discharged on allopurinol and colchicine for gout flair while in the hospital. Colchicine should be discontinued after acute symptoms resolve. Celecoxib was discontinued on discharge secondary to cardiac disease ___: Secondary to cardiorenal. Cr down to 1.4 on discharge from high of 1.7. CHRONIC STABLE ISSUES: ============================ DMII - Patient discharged on home glipizide, please continue to monitor blood sugars and HgbA1c. Patient to continue home glargine 10u qPM. HTN: Hydralazine 100mg q8h, isosorbide dinitrate 60mg q8h, Entresto, metoprolol XL 50 HLD: Continued Pravastatin Hypothyroidism: increased synthroid to ___. Continue to follow as an outpatient TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== - Patient should be scheduled for a right heart catheterization in 1 month for follow up numbers. - Patient takes celecoxib for gout flares prescribed by rheumatologist, this medication was discontinued on discharge secondary to cardiac disease. - Consider outpatient CT chest for transplant workup when stable. - Patient discharged on allopurinol and colchicine for gout flair while in the hospital. Colchicine should be discontinued after acute symptoms resolve. - Patient discharged on the following medications for heart failure: aspirin 81 daily, bumex 1mg daily, digoxin 0.0625 daily, Entresto 97-103 Q12H, pravastatin 20 daily, metoprolol XL 50 daily, isosorbide 60 Q8H, hydralazine 100 Q8H. Please continue to monitor BP, HR and volume status. On discharge he was Euvolemic, BP range 93-114 / 50-70, HR range ___ in a-fib. - Patient discharged on digoxin 0.0625 daily, amiodarone 200 daily and apixaban 5mg BID for a-fib. Considered cardioversion but TEE on ___ showed left atrial appendage thrombus so no cardioversion attempted. - Patient with cardiorenal ___ during admission, Cr down to 1.4 on discharge, please continue to monitor and repeat Cr and electrolytes at next follow up appointment. - Patient discharged on home glipizide, please continue to monitor blood sugars and HgbA1c. # DISCHARGE WEIGHT: 66.5 kg # CODE: Full code # EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old woman with history of HTN, Raynaud's, and scoliosis s/p multiple surgeries, initially admitted for elective spinal fusion of T11-S1 with L3 osteotomy, admitted to the MICU with hypotension, found to have a PE, complicated by right heart strain and flash pulmonary edema; now improved. #Spinal fusion of T11-S1 with L3 osteotomy: Patient admitted for spinal fusion with osteotomy for symptomatic scoliosis with sicatica. Following surgery, patient's leg pain improved. Surgical site remained C/D/I and patient without evidence of hematoma. Neurologic exam remained intact throughout admission. The patient was evaluated by physical therapy, and was able to walk the hallway with a brace in place prior to discharge. She must wear the brace when getting out of bed. The patient was maintained on oxycontin, oxycodone, gabapentin, and cyclobenzaprine for pain control. She will follow up with Dr. ___ as previously arranged on discharge. #Pulmonary embolism - Patient with large pulmonary embolism, provoked by spinal surgery. At onset, pulmonary embolism caused hypotension with right heart strain as seen on EKG and ECHO. The patient was started on coumadin and a heparin drip to bridge (day 1 ___. She was continued on the heparin drip until therapeutic on coumadin for 24 hours. The patient should maintain INR between ___ at all times. As she recently had spinal surgery, INR not to exceed 3.0. If patient becomes subtherapeutic in the future, must be bridged with heparin, per spine surgeon. Lovenox contraindicated in this patient given history of spinal surgery. The patient should undergo transthoracic echo in 6 weeks to follow up cardiac function with resolution of pulmonary embolism. Please check INR on ___ and adjust coumadin dosing as needed. #Flash pulmonary edema/acute right heart failure - Due to large volume of fluids and blood administered for hypotension in the setting of massive PE. LVEF 55% on most recent TTE, however now with right heart strain. The patient was diuresed with IV lasix following episode of flash pulmonary edema, and volume status improved. Patient continues to have lower extremity edema and JVD to 1 cm below jaw, requiring further diuresis on discharge. The patient was discharged on lasix 20 mg PO daily. She should continue on this medication until she becomes euvolemic. Baseline weight 140lbs. Weight at discharge was 164.6lbs. She should undergo an electrolyte check on ___ for stability following diuresis. At that point, a decision can be made about whether it is necessary to continue oral lasix. Patient was not on any diuretic therapy prior to the current admission. . ___ - During admission, creatinine peaked at 2.7 in the setting of right heart failure. ___ prerenal due to poor forward flow based on urine lytes. Likely also a componenet of ATN given episodes of hypotension. Creatinine returned to baseline with diuresis from lasix, and possibly post-ATN autodiuresis. . #Hyponatremia - Sodium decreased from 135 to 126 in the setting of volume overload, consistent with hypervolemic hyponatremia. Resolved with diuresis. . #HTN - Home antihypertensives held in the setting of hypotension from PE. Following stabilization in the MICU, the patient was started on lasix. ___ was resumed at discharge. . # Gout - Chronic. The patient was continued on allopurinol. . # Code: Full (confirmed with patient) ========================================= TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Patient to continue lasix until euvolemic. Dry weight 140 lbs. # Patient should undergo INR and electrolyte monitoring every other day starting ___ while on coumadin and lasix. Goal INR ___. # Patient to follow up with PCP and ___ on discharge from rehab. # Multiple blood cultures pending at discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. ***: EKG - v-paced at rate ~70bpm. No change from prior. ___ CXR: No acute Cardio-pulmonary process ___ TTE: The left atrium is elongated. The right atrium is moderately dilated. There is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy. The left ventricular cavity size is normal. Overall left ventricular ejection fraction is normal (LVEF 60%). However, the apex appears hypokinetic. Right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. The ascending aorta is mildly dilated. The aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened. There is no aortic valve stenosis. Mild (1+) aortic regurgitation is seen. The mitral valve leaflets are structurally normal. There is no mitral valve prolapse. Physiologic mitral regurgitation is seen (within normal limits). The estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is normal. There is an anterior space which most likely represents a fat pad. IMPRESSION: apical hypokinesis Compared with the report of the prior study (images unavailable for review) of ___ the apex now appears hypokinetic. STRESS MIBI: INTERPRETATION: This ___ year old man with a history of hypertension and A-V pacemaker ___ was referred to the lab for evaluation of chest pain and shortness of breath. The patient exercised for 10 minutes of a modified ___ protocol and stopped for fatigue. The estimated peak MET capacity was 8.2 which represents a good physical working capacity for his age. No arm, neck, back or chest discomfort was reported by the patient throughout the study. He did note shortness of breath which was appropriate for the task. The ST segments are uninterpretable for ischemia in the setting of A-V pacing. Several isolated apbs and vpbs were noted in recovery. Appropriate increase in systolic BP with a blunted HR response on beta blocker therapy. IMPRESSION: No anginal type symptoms or interpretable ST segments. No perfusion deficits on nuclear imaging. HOSPITAL COURSE: # CAD: Nl ETT in ___. CP similar to usual angina. Acute MI was ruled out with serial ekgs and cardiac enzymes. No events occured on telemetry. He was started on an aspirin and continued on his ___ and beta blocker. LDL cholesterol was checked and was 121. Because he had no evidence of CAD he was not started on a statin. After his TTE showed new apical HK he was sent for a stress test to r/o flow-limiting coronary disease. This showed excellent exercise capacity for age with no perfusion deficits on the nuclear imaging. He remained chest pain free while hospitalized. He was continued on beta blocker, ___. # Pump: Nl EF in ___. With possible pulmonary edema in ED with rales and HTN although CXRs negative. Could be from med/diet non-compliance although patient denied, tachy-arrythmias leading to cardiomyopathy, or atrial-tachycardias leading to poor diastolic filling and pulmonary edema. TTE showed new HK of apex with normal systolic function and lvh consistent with perhaps diastolic dysfunction. He underwent stress testing as above. He was continued on ace, beta blocker, and started on ___. LDL was 121 and has no evidence of CAD so did not start statin. # Rhythm: Previous h/p high-degree AV block now s/p ppm. The EP service interrogated his ppm to ensure no episodes ventricular tachycardia and to see if patient had atrial tachycardia that could have led to poor diastolic filling and poor forward flow and thus pulmonary edema. They found complete heart block with pacer dependent rhythm. # Asthma: patient has recent PFTs that show FEV1/FVC ratio of 94% of predicted with mild obstructive pulmonary disease. He reports recent increase in symptoms associated with a cold. Currently not wheezing. Continued home regimen of albuterol and flovent. # BPH: initially held tamsulosin for now given patient complaining of ___ at home and may be ortho-static hypotension although not orthostatic currently. Since continued to be stable restarted this medication. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Upon arrival to the ED, he was febrile to 102.7, BP 133/102, HR 112, RR 16, Sat 98% on room air. He was given approximately 1500 cc of normal saline, 1000 mg acetaminophen x2, cefepime ___ mg IV, and vancomycin 1000 mg IV. 1. Neutropenic fever: Patient with known idiopathic agranulocytosis and was admitted with with fever and ANC of 168. He complained of upper respiratory symptoms and had cervical lymphadenopathy. Blood cultures, U/A, and urine cultures and abdominal CT had no evidence of infection. He was continued on cefepime until his total granulocyte count was >500. He did not require broader coverage as he only had one further fever to 101.3 on the second day of admission. He was also given meperedine prn for rigors and placed on neutropenic precautions. He was seen by the hematology team who started him on neupogen 480mcg/day and his ANC went from 40 to 80 to 140 to 170 to 1050. He should continue on neupogen three times a week (___) until his heme follow up appointment with Dr. ___ on ___. 2. Agranulocytosis: Despite extensive heme workup on the previous admission and as an outpatient the cause of his agranulocytosis remains idiopathic. Hematology was consulted and looked at his blood smear. Of note, he did not have any granulocyte precursor cells or granulocytes. They asked for a rheumatology consult and rheum asked us to add on c3, c4, ds-DNA, and IGD. He will get rheum and heme outpatient follow up. He may need a lymph node biopsy as an outpatient when he recovers. 3. Cervical LAD: LN biopsy may be helpful in the future after patient is no longer febrile or neutropenic. 4. Anemia: stable, no signs of bleeding. Likely ___ chronic dz. 5. Sciatica: During the end of the admission, pt was stretching in his room and developed a flare of his known sciatica. His symptoms were the exact same as he has with prior episodes of sciatica. He was discharged on a small supply of Percocet to use as needed for this. Full code ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo F with history of HTN, cholelithiasis s/p cholecystectomy, obesity s/p gastric bypass, who presents with fatigue and jaundice diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis. . 1. Alcoholic Cirrhosis: The patient presented with AST>ALT and tbili 9.0. Based on history, serologies, and liver biopsy, the diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis was made. The patient had only trace ascites, no encephalopathy, and no other chronic stigmata of liver disease. The patient had negative hepatitis serologies, negative smooth muscle, negative AMA, negative iron stain, and negative ceruloplasmin. The patient did have a positive ___ with high titer, but liver biopsy did not show evidence of autoimmune hepatitis. The patient was started on prednisone 40mg for acute alcoholic hepatitis. The patient will continue the prednisone for 30 days with a two week taper after that. The patient was educated about the necessity of abstaining from alcohol, maintaining her nutrition, and taking her medications as prescribed. The patient was set up with follow up in the liver clinic. . 2. Anemia: The patient's Hct ranged from ___ on this admission. She had no evidence of occult bleeding. Iron studies were performed that were most consistent with anemia of chronic inflammation. Her reticulocyte index was slightly low for her level of anemia. Hemolysis labs were positive, but Coombs was negative. Hematology was consulted who believed that the patient had bone marrow suppression from alcohol abuse in the setting of baseline microcytic anemia. An EPO level was sent that returned normal. The patient was transfused one unit of blood during her stay and responded appropriately to the transfusion. Her Hct on discharge was 31, however, her baseline is closer to ___. 3. Positive ___: The patient had a positive ___ with 1:640 titer during workup for autoimmune hepatitis. Rheumatology was consulted. Other serologies were sent including dsDNA, centromere, that returned negative. CK and muscle enzymes were negative as well. The patient also endorsed weight loss (see below). Rheumatology only recommended followup in clinic and no further acute management. 4. Unsteady gait: Patient with proximal muscle weakness of both upper and lower extremity on admission, with gait that reflects this weakness. Patient also with slight sensory loss in stocking/glove pattern, likely from alcohol v nutritional deficiency given gastric bypass. CK normal. B12, folate normal. Patient worked with Physical Therapy, who agreed with home discharge. . 5. Weight loss: Pt notes unintentional 50 pound weight loss over a few months. The most likely diagnosis is poor nutritional intake. CT neck/chest did not show Pancoast or SVC syndrome. TSH c/w hypothyroidism, though in setting of acute illness, so levothyroxine not started. The patient also had elevated ACE level and ground glass opacities on chest CT, concerning for sarcoid. The patient will f/u with rheumatology and her PCP. . 6. HTN: Discharged on home metoprolol. . 7. GERD: Continued home omeprazole TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - F/U appointments - The patient is working with social work about getting Mass Health - Ensure steroid taper after 30 days ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ was readmitted with rapid atrial fibrillation and subsequently found to have MSSA bacteremia. She was placed on antibiotics per the infectious disease service. Her atrial fibrillation was treated with Amiodarone and Lopressor. These medications improved her rate but she remained in Atrial fibrillation. She was also started on Coumadin. During the course of this hospitalization she had an echo to assess for endocarditis and chest CT to assess for other infective sources. By hospital day 9 she was ready for discharge to home with visiting nurses. SHe is to be followed closely by infectious disease department, ___ Home therapy will administer her antibiotics. She is to follow up with Dr. ___ in 3 weeks ***.