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What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was evaluated in the ED. He underwent a an abdominal CT which revealed small bowel obstruction. He was admitted to the General Surgery Service for management with NGT decompression, IV hydration, and bowel rest. He was transferred to ___. . ABD:His serial abdominal exams improved over the course of a few days with decreased tenderness with palpation. His abdomen is currently large, soft, NT/ND with active bowel sounds. . AFIB:He was triggered per Nursing staff on ___ for HR >130s per telemetry. Patient remained asymptomatic. EKG revealed AFIB which is chronic condition for the patient. He converted to sinus with IV Lopressor 5mgx1. He had another episode of asymptomatic AFIB, HR to 140's on ___, and responsed to Lopressor 5mg x 1. His other vital signs remained stable. He continues with oral Lopressor. Email contact was made with his PCP, ___ for outpatient management. . NUT:He was NPO with NGT decompression for a few days. The NGT was removed once his bowel function resumed, and gastric output decreased. His diet was advanced gradually. He has been tolerating a regular diet without complaints of nausea and/or vomiting. His insulin regimen has been verified per his wife, updated in ___. . ELIM/UTI:He had a foley catheter inserted intra-op. The catheter was removed, and he was able to urinate without difficulty. Reported some burning & frequency. A sample was sent for analysis. He was diagnosed with a UTI, and treated with Ciprofloxacin. He reports passing flatus, but had a bowel movement on ___. . PAIN/Right shoulder:His abdominal pain was managed with an IV Morphine which was discontinued once abdominal pain resolved. He reported RUE shoulder pain/stiffness and back pain a few days after admission. He denied h/o gout. Rheumatolody was consulted. He underwent I&D of acronium joint with minimal aspirate that revealed possible crystals indicating pseudogout. Attempt to obtain MRI was unsuccessful due to patient's size. He has been managed with Flexeril. He reports his pain ___ which is well tolerated. He will follow-up with Rheumatology on an outpatient basis. . Coumadin: His coumadin dose was held during first few days of admission due to possible need for surgery. Th s/s related to small bowel obstruction resolved with non-surgical management, surgery was not indicated, and coumadin dose was resumed. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___: Admitted to ___ from ED; continued cipro/flagyl; sent type and cross. R radial a-line placed. OR with ACS. Found to have perforated diverticulitis. ___ and colostomy done. Became hypotensive, started on neo, levophed, vasopressin. Was also in afib with RVR. Dilt gtt increased to 15/hr. Got cipro/flagyl in OR. Lost 1L blood and given 6L crystalloid in OR. intraop ECHO showing poor EF (estimated ___ and poor biventricular function. Remained hypotensive upon return to the ICU and developed worsening renal function, increasing lactate which peaked at 7.0. Likely septic shock complicated by cardiogenic failure. Antibiotic coverage expanded to vanc and imipenem-cilastin. Given albumin. Adrenal insufficiency considered due to possible recent steroid use. Cortisol was elevated. INR continued to increase, no obvious source of bleeding. Given Vitamin K and FFP. Given cisatracurium. Respiratory rate increased due to elevated CO2 on ABG. Respiratory status improved. Initially anuric, now having some UOP. Neo and vasopressin weaned off overnight. ___: Code status changed to DNR per family (patient reported to have clearly expressed his wishes multiple times in the past). 500cc 5% Albumin given in AM for hypotension. Attempted to increase PEEP and wean FiO2 with resultant drop in BP to systolic in the 60’s. Vasopressin started in addition to already-administered Levophed for persistent hypotension. Oligouric. Imipenem dose decreased from 500mg q6hr to 500mg q8hrs for impaired renal function. Nephrology consult: rec d/c IVF but no indication for HD/CVVH for now. 1U FFP given in AM for INR 4.9 -> 3.9. LFTs persistently elevated but stable. INR trend: 3.9 -> 6.9: 2 more units FFP given. 10mg IV vitamin K given. Hct 27.8->23.9: 1U PRBCs given. 50cc of 25% Albumin given in ___ for persistent hypotension and inability to wean pressors. Short runs of V-tach. Fluconazole started for continued increase in WBC and worsening septic picture: WBC 24.2->31.6->37.5. Lactate increasing: 4.8->8.4->8.8->8.4. ___ Vanco level 23.4: not re-dosed overnight ___: On ___, the patient became further hypotensive and the decision was made to make the patient CMO. He expired shortly thereafter. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was evaluated by interventional radiology on ___ and taken to the radiology suite for ultrasound-guided placement of ___ pigtail catheter into the gallbladder. 78cc bilious fluid aspirated. Samples was sent for microbiology evaluation. Given his co-morbidities, recent surgery, overall functional nutritional status; and concern for sepsis with tachycardia, leukocytosis and recent instrumentation; he was subsequently transferred to the ICU for careful fluid resuscitation, IV antibiotics, and observation. He was cared for in the ICU for approximately one day and then transferred to the ward on post-procedure day two. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented to person and place throughout his hospitalization; He demonstrated confusion at times, though overall his mental status improved with each day of his admission. His pain was initially managed with IV and PO pain medications though transitioned to PO pain regimen only by post-procedure day 2. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable on 3L NC during his admission; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. He was noted to have some dyspnea with bibasilar crackles on HD#3, for which a CXR was obtained which was negative for pneumonia or acute pathology, though noted some unusual atelectasis. More frequent incentive spirometry was encouraged, and formal repeat CXR demonstrated low lung volumes with atelectasis. Radiology recommended a formal PA/Lat CXR series in ___ for re-evaluation. GI/GU/FEN: Since his recent prior hospitalization, Mr. ___ was d/c to SNF with NPO status and NGT. he had been receiving SLP services for swallowing tx at rehab. He was maintained NPO and restarted on tube feeds on post-procedure day 1. ON HD#3, per the recommendation of the Inpatient Nutrition service at ___, the patient was placed on a continuous tube feed regimen of Jevity 1.2 at 80mL/hr. He was re-evaluated by ___ on HD#3 with suspected oropharyngeal dysphagia most notable for reduced hyolaryngeal elevation/excursion, occasional soft s/s of aspiration with nectar thick liquids, and overt s/s of aspiration with thin liquids. Given presentation at the bedside, improvement in mental status, and prolonged NPO status, ___ recommended another videoswallow evaluation to further work-up his oropharyngeal swallowing abilities objectively. A videoswallow study was obtained on ___ and the patient was cleared for thin liquids and soft solids in small quantities while upright. Given increasing po intake, his tube feedings were discontinued prior to discharge. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of worsening infection, of which there were none. Cultures of the blood urine, and bile fluid collected from ___ procedure were collected. At the time of Mr. ___ discharge, all cultures remained no growth to date. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a soft solid and thin liquid diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted from ___ Rehab on ___ for his elective right craniotomy. Consent was obtained from his wife for the procedure. His VP shunt setting was changed from 1.5 to 2.5 preoperatively. His VP shunt sutures were removed. He was taken to the OR for a right cranioplasty which was completed without complication. See operative note for more details. Postoperatively he was taken to the Neuro ICU for q1h neuro checks, which were stable. His post-operative CT scan showed expected postoperative changes. He was continued on PO vancomycin for his diagnosis of C-diff. On ___ he was stable and was transferred to the step-down unit. He was restarted on the tube feed regimen he was on during his prior admission (replete with fiber with goal rate of 90 cc/hr) and Nutrition and Speech and Swallow were consulted to reassess his dietary plan. On ___ he underwent a CT max/face which showed an increase in the subdural space with accompanied midline shift. His exam remained stable. Speech and Swallow recommended continued g-tube nutrition. Nutrition recommended that Mr. ___ continue his current tube feed regimen with Replete w/ Fiber @ 90 ___s take daily multivitamin with minerals via his tube feeds pending the recommendations of speech and swallow. Mr ___ removed his own trach tube. It was replaced without incident. On ___ CT scan was stable. Exam was unchanged. On ___ the patient threw multiple PVCs. He denies chest pain. Electrolyes were obtained that were within normal limits. An EKG was also gotten which did not show any significant changes. Speech and swallow evaluated the patient ___ and ___ there was no acute need for treatment while in-patient and he could continue treatment at rehab. On ___: At the time of discharge on ___, POD #5, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, stable neuro exam and pain was well controlled. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge and the patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** #Severe cervical stenosis s/p C4-C5 ACDF on ___: The patient presented to pre-op on ___. Patient was evaluated by anaesthesia in pre-op. The patient was taken to the operating room for C4-C5 ACDF. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated in the OR, taken to the PACU where she had an uneventful stay, then transferred to the ward for close neurologic monitoring. The patient was alert and oriented at her baseline throughout her hospitalization; pain was well managed with IV+PO and then only PO pain regimen. Both AP and lateral C-spine XR were obtained on ___ and showed no signs of hardware complication. Physical Therapy evaluated Ms. ___ on the morning of POD1 and recommended discharge to rehab. She was discharged on ___. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. #Difficulty swallowing: On the morning of POD1 Ms. ___ complained of difficulty swallowing with a sensation as though "something were stuck in [her] throat. The inpatient Speech and Language Pathology service evaluated the patient on POD1 through POD3, and ultimately recommended a diet of pureed and thin liquids, that her medications be delivered PO crushed in applesauce, as well as standard aspiration precautions. She was deemed fit for discharge to rehab/SNF with follow-up evaluation by SLP at that facility with advancement of diet guided by videofluoroscopic swallow study. These recommendations were shared with the patient, nurse and medical team. See swallow guide. Copies of reports were placed in her chart for d/c. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SAFETY: The pt. was placed on 15 minute checks on admission and remained here on that level of observation throughout. She was unit-restricted. There were no acute safety issues during this hospitalization. LEGAL: ___ PSYCHIATRIC: The patient's cymbalta was changed to 120 mg PO morning (instead of lower dose BID) because patient was feeling difficulty sleeping at night. She was continued on abilify 20 mg PO daily, trazodone 100 mg PO qhs, wellbutrin SR 200 mg PO in morning and at 2PM, and Ativan 0.5 mg PO TID. Her ECT was delayed initially for medical reasons (high BP that was brought down to 140s/90s and SOB on exertion that was stable). She was found by medicine and cardiology to have likely decompensation due to severe weight gain (60 lbs within past 3 months ___ severe anhedonia and immobility), and cleared for ECT as BP improved. During her hospital stay we explored Ms. ___ extreme feelings of guilt regarding past life events, including alcohol/cocaine use and previous stealing from family/friends when she was intoxicated. We also explored complex relationship with a friend who passed away last year, which may have caused a spiraling of her anhedonia. She had been unmotivated to the point where she could not get out of bed or out of her house for weeks. During hospitalization, we set goals of increasing laps around unit. Ativan was decreased to 0.5 mg PO BID to allow for more effective ECT treatments. Hydroxyzine was started ___ mg PO qhs PRN anxiety/insomnia, and increased to QID PRN anxiety/insomnia. She was planned to have ECT #6 on ___, but this was held because of concern on ___ for new-onset left arm swelling by PICC line site (inserted due to difficulty with access), left arm U/S limited by body habitus showed no DVT and cellulitis was found more likely, PICC line was removed and cellulitis treated with PO keflex. She continued with ECT on ___ and continued until final ECT # 8 on ___. The team filed a 51-A during hospitalization given child being in her home, finding of cocaine-positive UTox on ED arrival within the context of severe cocaine/alcohol abuse in the past, and patient denial of cocaine use. On day of discharge, patient appeared brighter, denied SI, reported that though she was anxious about the future that she was feeling "better" and "less sad". She was increasingly future-oriented, asking appropriate questions about transportation to outpatient appointments, as well as desire to spend time with her daughter, do work around house, ambulate more and follow-up with outpatient providers. -Cymbalta 120 mg PO daily -Bupropion 200 mg PO QAM and at 2PM -Lorazepam 0.5 mg PO BID -Trazodone 100 mg PO qhs -Hydroxyzine ___ mg PO QID PRN anxiety/insomnia GENERAL MEDICAL CONDITIONS: #)SOB on exertion/morbid obesity/severe decompensation: During hospitalization, pre-ECT medicine consult was concerned for dyspnea that occurred on exertion when walking around the unit. EKG, CXR, and TTE (limited due to body habitus) were negative for signs of CHF, ischemia, or acute pulmonary process such as pneumonia. She was ordered for PRN albuterol nebulizer Q6hrs for any worsening SOB on exertion, which she did not need as breathing on exertion very slowly improved with encouragement of increased ambulation while on unit. This was likely severe decompensation from immobility and subsequent 60 lb weight gain within 3 months before admission. Her breathing remained stable throughout the hospitalization. -Continue to strongly encourage ambulation in the outpatient setting. -Given morbid obesity and difficulty sleeping at night, consider outpatient polysomnography study. -Setting up ___ for medication compliance and care at home. #) HTN: Patient's BP went up to max of 160s/100s and went down afterwards on ___ was 133/83, medicine consult recommended starting HCTZ at 12.5 mg PO daily. Lisinopril 5 mg PO daily and nadolol 20 mg PO BID were started. Because BP had become well-controlled, HCTZ was removed. On day before discharge, BP decreased to 102/150, then was 120/65 and 107/53. We decided to discontinue lisinopril on discharge. If BP goes back up, lisinopril can be re-started again in the outpatient setting. Discharge BP was 131/84. -Nadolol 20 mg PO BID -If BP becomes elevated in outpatient setting, can consider re-starting lisinopril. #) New Onset left arm swelling, erythema, pain by ___ site, hx of DVT: On ___ patient had new onset of left arm swelling and erythema by ___ within the context of ___ days of left arm discomfort by ___ site. She had a DVT in ___, previously requiring 6 months of coumadin. Platelets and INR from ___ were normal. There was no chest pain or worsening shortness of breath, though patient was previously quite decompensated related to immobility and morbid obesity. Left arm U/S was limited but showed no apparent DVT. Medicine team believed patient had cellulitis, left arm PICC line was removed, keflex ___ mg PO Q6hrs for 7 day course was started on ___ and completed. Left arm swelling improved. -Monitor left arm clinically in outpatient setting. #) Bilateral hand numbness/tingling of ulnar distribution: Patient complained of new-onset bilateral hand numbness/tingling, exam showed ulnar distribution of symptoms, nurse had observed patient often sleeps directly on both hands. Mild-to-moderate ulnar nerve neuropathy was diagnosed, medicine consult was called, Chem 10/CBC were unremarkable, bilateral wrist splints were recommended. -Continue with bilateral wrist splints. #) Groin Rash/Candidiasis: patient had pruritis with erythematous rash of groin and under breasts at baseline, was started on nystatin cream BID PRN itching. On ___, she complained of worsening rash, on exam showing erythematous maculopapular satellite lesions throughout groin focused on right side spreading to right thigh and right suprapubic region with mild white exudate. This was believed to be likely uncomplicated candidiasis, and after EKG was taken (NSR with QTc 397) a one-time dose of fluconazole 150 mg PO was given on ___. She was seen by wound nurse and given critic-aid ___ topical BID, extra large net panties and ___ pads for urinary incontinence, and more frequent washing at site. Her groin rash was beginning to improve at time of discharge. Her nystatin was continued. -Continue nystatin cream BID PRN itching #) Access: During hospitalization, ECT team reported extreme difficulty with access related to body habitus. A midline was placed on left arm. Because midline did not allow for proper medications/fluids during ECT, it was converted by IV nurse to ___ line. On ___, patient reported new-onset redness and swelling by ___ line site. A left arm duplex U/S was acquired to r/o DVT, especially given history of DVT in ___. Left arm U/S limited by body habitus did not show DVT, diagnosed cellulitis at site, PICC line on left arm was removed. #) Leg edema: She has likely dependent edema, related to decompensation after gaining 60 lbs over the past few months ___ depression/anhedonia). Echo from 4 wks ago, though limited, showed intact LV function. This remained stable throughout hospitalization. -Encourage ambulation. #) Back and leg pain: Chronic, well-controlled with home medications. Gabapentin was decreased from QID to TID to allow for better ECT seizures during hospitalization. She also had PRN tylenol during hospitalization which was discontinued on discharge. -Continue gabapentin 800 mg PO TID -Lidocaine 5% patch 2 patches TD daily PRN pain PSYCHOSOCIAL: #) GROUPS/MILIEU: Pt was encouraged to participate in unit’s groups/milieu/therapy opportunities. Use of coping skills and mindfulness/relaxation methods were encouraged. Therapy addressed family and social issues. #) COLLATERAL CONTACTS: Her psychiatrist Dr. ___, endorsed the patient having severe depression refractory to medications, requiring her to call Dr. ___ to discuss ECT treatment. Out-patient ECT was complicated by the fact that patient had no means of transportation and was so depressed/anhedonic that she had not left her house for months. Dr. ___, and confirmed that patient never had CHF, also discussed complex family arrangements. #) FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: Social worker received collateral from patient's husband, who discussed complex family situation. Husband agreed to come in for family meeting to help with discharge planning. #) INTERVENTIONS: - Medications: Cymbalta was changed to earlier in the day to help with sleep, gabapentin and ativan decreased to allow for more effective ECT treatments, hydroxyzine started and increased, abilify, trazadone and wellbutrin continued. - Psychotherapeutic Interventions: Individual, group, and milieu therapy. - Coordination of aftercare: Outpatient appointments were made. -ECT: 8 treatments total - Behavioral Interventions (e.g. encouraged DBT skills, ect): Encouraged DBT skills, encouraged participation in group therapy sessions, individual therapy. INFORMED CONSENT: The team discussed the indications for, intended benefits of, and possible side effects and risks of starting these medications, and risks and benefits of possible alternatives, including not taking the medication, with this patient. We discussed the patient's right to decide whether to take this medication as well as the importance of the patient's actively participating in the treatment and discussing any questions about medications with the treatment team, and I answered the patient's questions. The patient appeared able to understand and consented to begin the medication. RISK ASSESSMENT: #) Chronic/Static Risk Factors: Chronic mental illness, past suicide attempts, past trauma, Caucasian ethnicity #) Modifiable Risk Factors: depressed mood-medication management, ECT, group/individual/milieu therapy, intermittent SI-medication management, ECT, group/individual/milieu therapy, interpersonal difficulty with close family and friends-individual/group/milieu therapy. #) Protective Factors: dedicated outpatient providers, desire to follow-up with treatment PROGNOSIS: Guarded. Patient is very agreeable to treatment. I feel guarded about prognosis because there have been multiple hospitalizations, multiple suicide attempts, interpersonal difficulty with close family and friends, and very refractory depression. She also previously had difficulty with follow-up because of worsening anhedonia before hospitalization. However, at this time, patient denies, is more future oriented, and she expresses authentic desire to follow-up with treatment. If she is able to follow-through with outpatient follow-up, especially therapy, her condition has the chance to reasonably improve. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic Hand surgery team. The patient was found to have L thumb near complete amputation and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for: 1. Irrigation and debridement down to necrotic bone. 2. Primary IP joint arthrodesis with autograft. 3. Repair of the radial digital nerve. 4. Repair of the ulnar digital nerve. 5. Repair of the ulnar digital artery with a 3 cm vein graft from the foot. 6. Full thickness skin graft measuring 5x1.5cm , which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and was monitored for 24hours there w/ q1h NV exams to his L thumb. After 24h he was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications including a supraclavicular nerve catheter. He was initially kept NPO in case there was a need to potentially take him back to the OR for a revision. He progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#2. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine and antibiotics were continued while he was in house. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient was discharged home with followup in 1 week. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is NWB on the LUE, and will be discharged on ASA 162mg for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up in Hand Clinic per routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was seen in ___ clinic on ___ for an urgent appointment for evaluation of cough, shortness of breath, weakness, chills and sweats. He was subsequently admitted to the oncology service. CTA showed large right hemothorax and pneumothorax, no evidence of active extravasation, pseudoaneurysm or other source for bleeding. ___ was consulted, and felt that there was no intervention to offer given lack of identified bleeding source. R sided pleurX continued to drain sanguinous pleural fluid. His hematocrit dropped from 42 to 22 preoperatively and he received blood transfusions. IP was following and recommended a thoracic surgery consult. Thoracic surgery was consulted and later that day the patient underwent VATS washout. No active bleeding was identified, 450cc of old blood was evacuated. The lung appeared fibrotic and trapped. The pleurX catheter was removed and replaced with a ___ chest tube which was put to suction with minimal output. HIs post operative course was complicated by atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response in the setting of hypotension requiring ICU transfer for rate control and blood pressure support. He continued his recovery in the ICU. His chest tube was removed and per IP recommendation, it was not replaced with a pleurX catheter with plans to replace when he becomes symptomatic from recurrent effusion. He was seen by OT who cleared him for discharge. ___ evaluation recommended home ___ services which were set up. A visiting nurse and home oxygen were arranged prior to discharge. At the time of discharge, the patient was tolerating a regular diet, voiding appropriately, and ambulating with a walker. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the inpatient unit after completion TAC and LAR. She was stable on the floor post-operatively. On post-operative day one, the patient was started on sips, which was tolerated well in the morning and was advanced to clear liquids in the afternoon. Her pain was adequately controlled with a Dilaudid PCA until she was tolerating a clear diet in the evening at which point she was changed to PO pain medications. On post-operative day two she tolerated a regular diet and was discharged home with appropriate discharge instruction. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ w/h/o HTN, GERD, HCV (on Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir) allergic rhinitis/asthma since childhood who presented with asthma exacerbation, fever and diarrhea after several days of progressively worsening URT symptoms found to have an asthma exacerbation. ACTIVE ISSUES: # ASTHMA: Patient's asthma was suboptimally controlled. Patient was treated with nebulizers, steroids and a 5 day course of azithromycin with improved Peak flows (up to 250 at discharge - self reported 'good' Peak flow was 300). Patient was also started on Advair for maintenance therapy. She was discharged on along taper of steroids given her prolonged symptoms and poor baseline lung function. # ANXIETY: Patient's hospitalization was complicated by significant anxiety and panic attacks. Her anxiety was likely worsened by albuterol and steroids. With reassurance and taper steroids, her anxiety improved. She would like benefit from outpatient mental health counselling. # MICROCYTOSIS with IRON DEFICIENCY: Patient presented iron deficiency in absence of anemia. Work-up was deferred as an outpatient however would likely benefit from EGD/colonoscopy and possible hematology referral for Hb electrophersis. # HEPATITIS C: patient was continued on harvoni while admitted. # Transitional Issues: - Patient will complete a long steroid taper in the beginning of ___ - Patient will need outpatient work-up for iron deficiency. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY STATEMENT: ___ year-old man with a PMH of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and HFrEF (EF ___ with ventricular tachycardia s/p ablation and ___, HTN, DM2, CKD, transferred from the ___ with intermittent slow symptomatic VT, admitted for monitoring and quinidine washout. After more than 48 hours without slow V-tach on telemetry the patient was considered stable for discharge, with plan for alcohol septal ablation in near future with Dr. ___. ACUTE ISSUES: ============ #Nonsustained VT #Hx VT s/p aplation ___ and ___ ___ Sxs of chest burning corresponded to episodes of slow VT. Device interrogation showed that episodes characterized as NSVT since they fell below the rate threshold for detection. When episodes were detected as VT, they were terminated with 1 round ATP. In the CDAC, the patient's detection threshold was decreased to 130 and quinidine was stopped given that it may have been slowing his VT to a rate below the level of detection. He was sent for direct admission from the ___ for closer monitoring after stopping quinidine, and for possible further adjustments of his ICD. Of note, the etiology of his increased episodes of VT was not clear. His coronary arteries were clean per report ___ years ago, however with his history of diabetes and recent ___, it is likely that he is a vasculopath. Stress test has been understandably deferred due to his VT. His case was discussed with electrophysiology, who recommended monitoring off quinidine. The last run of v-tach was noted on ___ at 1015, 15-second run of v-tach, paced-out. The patient did not have recurrence of VT following this episode. Electrolytes were monitored and repleted and thyroid work-up was unremarkable, as below. CHRONIC ISSUES: ============== #HTN #Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy #HFrEF (EF ___ Patient remained euvolemic on exam. Continued home torsemide, lisinopril and metoprolol (fractionated during admission) and eplerenone. Quinidine was discontinued as above. #History of thyroiditis: History of thyroiditis on amiodarone, followed by Endocrinology. Recent complaint of thyroid swelling. Likely subclinical hypothyroidism vs normal age. Thyroid panel normal this admission: TSH 2.8, free T4 1.4, T3 89. #T2DM A1c 7.1% in ___. Diet-controlled, off insulin and glipizide. Controlled on ISS during admission. #HLD: Continued home atorvastatin 10mg daily. #History of ___ Continued home ASA 81mg daily and Plavix 75mg daily.. #Normocytic anemia Hgb was 13.2 on admission and remained stable, 12.7 at discharge; similar to recent baseline. #CKD: Creatinine 1.5 at discharge (baseline Cr 1.6.) #Gout: Continued home febuxostat 40mg daily. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: [ ] Discharge Hgb: 12.7 [ ] Discharge Creatinine: 1.5 [ ] Discharge weight: 193.12 lb/87.6 kg [ ] Baseline blood pressures: 90s-100s/50s-70s [ ] Baseline heart rate: 60s-70s [ ] If VT recurs, can consider trial of dolfetilide as per EP [ ] Per EP, the best option to control recurrent VT is likely to be alcohol septal ablation if a suitable artery can be identified. Plan for procedure with Dr. ___ in the near future. [ ] Consider need for further CAD work-up, including nuclear stress test in the outpatient setting vs. cardiac catheterization given high VT risk [ ] Will need Endocrinology appointment rescheduled (was scheduled for ___ with Dr. ___ #CODE: FULL CODE #CONTACT: ___, Wife, ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with history of refractory epilepsy of right medial frontal lobe origin s/p vagal nerve stimulator implant and metastatic colon cancer on FOLFOX who presents with BRBPR. # BRBPR: BRBPR most likely due to colon mass or hemorrhoids. GI was consulted in ED, and felt there was no indication for scope/intervention at this time. After admission she had a few additional loose bloody BMs, however these resolved. Her H/H remained stable throughout her admission. She had no additional abdominal pain or other symptoms above her baseline chronic symptoms. # Constipation. The patient had constipation prior to admission. Throughout her admission she had multiple loose bowel movements. She was continued on senna, docusate and miralax PRN. # Metastatic Colon Cancer # Secondary Neoplasm of Liver # Secondary Neoplasm of Lung # Secondary Neoplasm of Lymph Nodes During her admission the team remained in contact with the patient's outpatient oncologist, Dr. ___. Plan is for family meeting with Dr. ___ nutrition and palliative care as outpatient on ___. # Seizure Disorder Continued on home Zonisamide, keppra, and lacosamide # Anemia/Thrombocytopenia Likely secondary to malignancy and chemotherapy. Her platelet counts uptrended throughout her admission. Her H/H remained stable. # Coagulopathy INR found to be elevated to 2.2, most likely secondary to nutritional deficiency. She was treated with 10mg PO vitamin K with improvement in INR to 1.5 by the day of discharge. # Hyponatremia On admission, the patient's Na level was within normal limits. On the day of discharge she was mildly hyponatremic to 132. Her sodium level should be followed up on her outpatient oncology appointment on ___. # Severe Protein-Calorie Malnutrition She has had poor PO intake prior to admission and continued to have very poor PO intake throughout her admission. She was continued on her home remeron and marinol for appetite stimulation. In discussion with outpatient oncologist, plan for outpatient meeting with nutrition and discussion of nutrition plan on ___. # Cancer-Related Abdominal Pain Continued on home oxycontin with oxycodone PRN # Goals of Care: She has now had 3 hospital admissions within the past month. During last admission palliative care met with the patient and family, who were interested in continuing to pursue cancer-directed treatment and were not interested in hospice at the time. Additional conversation with multidisciplinary team planned for outpatient meeting on ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== [ ] Continues with insufficient nutrition. Multidisciplinary meeting planned for outpatient visit ___. [ ] Discharge Na 132; Mildly hyponatremic the day of discharge. Please recheck Chem-7 this week to ensure normalization. [ ] Discharge Hb 8.7; Repeat CBC within 1 week of discharge to ensure stability. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== [ ] Continue anti-hyperglycemic treatment with Januvia. - Check Cr at first follow up: If GFR > 50, continue current dose, If GFR < 50, decrease dose to 25mg PO daily - Stop Januvia when steroids are finished [ ] Continue planning for radiation treatment of new brain lesion. [ ] Continue Dexamethasone, 4mg Q6H, follow up with radiation oncology for future taper. [ ] Continue seizure prophylaxis with BID ___ Keppra. [ ] F/u serum electrolytes and kidney function the week following discharge and monitor CKD (baseline SCr 1.1-1.3, ___. [ ] Continue follow up and care with outpatient oncology. ASSESSMENT & PLAN: ___ is a ___ year old female with a past medical history notable for uroepithelial bladder cancer with mets to lung (diagnosed ___, now on Atezolizumab C2 ___, previously on cisplatin and gemzar x2 cycles with progressive disease in lungs), severe hematuria following tumor biopsy (___) requiring transfusion and fulguration, hypertension, and diabetes presenting with right hand spasm and was found to have a new 1.8 x 1.4 cm metastatic lesion in the left frontal lobe with associated vasogenic edema. ACUTE ISSUES ============ #Right-sided hemorrhagic brain lesion with associated vasogenic edema: most consistent with metastatic disease. Exam on admission was notable for right facial droop and right upper extremity weakness. Brain MRI re-demonstrated this hemorrhagic, vasogenic metastasis and additional subcentimeter foci of avid contrast enhancement within the right centrum semiovale and right cerebellar hemisphere are concerning for additional regions of metastasis. Has been consulted for by neurosurgery, neuro-oncology and radiation oncology, as well as continued involvement of her primary oncologist. The patient prefers to pursue radiation with the intent of being able to taper off steroids as quickly as possible so that she could resume Atezo treatment. While in the hospital, her neurologic status was frequently assessed and precautions were taken to prevent deterioration, including maintain blood pressure, seizure prophylaxis with Keppra and treatment with Dexamethasone to reduce the vasogenic edema. The patient was scheduled to begin radiation planning with radiation oncology, which she will pursue as outpatient following her discharge. She was evaluated by the physical therapy service, received teaching in exercise specific to her current condition and assessed to be independent for discharge to home pending continued care. # Sterile Pyuria: # Hematuria: patient with signs and symptoms of UTI including dysuria, hematuria. UA with >182 WBCs, large leuks, large blood, but no bacteria (may be consistent with sterile pyuria following outpatient treatment of UTI, immunotherapy response or local irritation d/t primary disease). Was started on CTX for UTI symptoms pending UCx. UCx with mixed flora supports a diagnosis of sterile pyuria. Blood cultures collected during this admission did not grow any bacteria. The patient received three doses of intra-venous ceftriaxone that was later discontinued without deterioration in her condition or appearance of any new symptoms. Her blood counts were monitored throughout hospitalization given her history of massive hematuria, were stable, and she did not require transfusions. # Elevated blood glucose While hospitalized, the patient was treated with low doses of sub-cutaneous insulin for elevated blood glucose, most likely secondary to steroid administration. The ___ was consulted prior to discharge to evaluate for outpatient needs following discharge and recommended Januvia, on which the patient is being discharged. She will likely require this medication until her steroids are tapered off and will follow up with her PCP and outpatient ___ clinic for monitoring. Prior to discharge, the patient received carbohydrate counting and nutrition teaching as well. CHRONIC ISSUES ============== # HTN: Chronic HTN treated with home atenolol, has been normotensive during hospitalization. Blood pressures were frequently monitored and were kept below a systolic blood pressure of 160 for neurological prophylaxis. The patient was normotensive throughout her admission and did not require any pharmaceutical intervention for hypertension outside of her home atenolol. # Anemia: Anemia may be secondary to hematuria, more likely secondary to chronic disease. Blood counts stable, TIBC low with Tsat=35% more supportive of diagnosis of anemia of chronic disease. Blood counts were monitored throughout the admissions and remained stable. # Chronic Kidney Disease: Has had outpatient serum creatinine around 1.1-1.3 at baseline, during her inpatient course has had creatinine elevated as high as 1.4 with a pre-renal component (FeNa=0.5%), and elevated BUN. Judicial hydration was given as necessary and oral intake of fluids was encouraged. The patient will follow up her serum electrolytes, creatinine and blood urea within a week of discharge to monitor her CKD. #HCP/CONTACT: ___ ___ #CODE STATUS: DNAR, DNI This patient was prescribed, or continued on, an opioid pain medication at the time of discharge (please see the attached medication list for details). As part of our safe opioid prescribing process, all patients are provided with an opioid risks and treatment resource education sheet and encouraged to discuss this therapy with their outpatient providers to determine if opioid pain medication is still indicated. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PRIMARY REASON FOR ADMISSION: ___ with metastatic prostate ca presenting wtih acute onset right upper quadrant pain with imaging suggestive of worsening tumor burden in the liver. ACUTE ISSUES: # Abdominal pain: The patient presented with acute onset right upper quadrant pain. CT imaging did not show any acute pathology but did show increasing metastatic disease of the liver. He was continued on his home oxycontin with an increased dose of oxycodone 10mg for breakthrough pain and symptoms were much better controlled. He was encouraged to take the oxycontin as prescribed (q12h standing) rather than as needed to better provide long-acting pain control. # Prostate cancer - patient is s/p multiple chemotherapy regimens as well as palliative XRT. continued flomax, finasteride, prednisone. # Hypertension - CHANGED metoprolol tartrate 100mg daily to metoprolol succinate 75mg daily - continued lisinopril TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - patient to have outpatient ___ per the inpatient physical therapy recommendations - decreased beta blocker to metoprolol succinate 75mg daily from metoprolol tartrate 100mg daily given borderline hypotension and occasional bradycardia with metoprolol tartrate 25mg q6hr - emergency contact/HCP: ___ (son) ___ - code during hospitalization - full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. ***RIEF HOSPITAL COURSE: ================================ ___ year old man with hx of HTN, obesity, DMII, left septic knee status post washout, chronic lower extremity wounds and mild cognitive delay presented with bilateral leg pain and swelling consistent with superinfection of his chronic wounds, complicated by group A strep bacteremia. He completed a two week course of ceftriaxone/flagyl. He was also found to have severe bilateral arterial insufficiency, left sided DVT, and intermittent atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter for which he was started on warfarin. His course was complicated by influenza A, and he completed 5 day course of Tamiflu. ACTIVE ISSUES: ================================ # Complicated cellulitis # Chronic venous stasis and lower extremity wounds # Severe bilateral arterial insufficiency Patient with history of chronic bilateral lower extremity wounds which were superinfected on admission, with exam notable for purulent drainage and swelling ___ the setting of known venous insufficiency and arterial disease. X-rays and MRI showed no evidence of underlying necrotizing infection or osteomyelitis. He was found to have group A strep bacteremia likely translocated from wounds, and he completed a 2 week course of ceftriaxone/flagyl per infectious disease team. Wound cultures grew MSSA. Wound care was continued at discharge. # Influenza A Found to be influenza A positive. He completed a 5 day course of Tamiflu ___ ___ - ___ AM]. Chest xray ___ showed retrocardiac opacity, and he received 1 dose of vancomycin. This was discontinued given low clinical suspicion for pneumonia. He remained stable and continued to improve without additional antibiotics. Flu symptoms mostly resolved, with mild residual cough at discharge. He was discharged on benzonatate and dextromethorphan for symptomatic treatment. #Atrial flutter/Atrial fibrillation #Second degree type I AV block Patient with reported history of paroxysmal AFib with EKG from ___ showing AFib. He had episodes of A flutter on telemetry and EKG this admission. CHADS2Vasc 3. Patient will need to be on long term anticoagulation after DVT course of warfarin is complete. He had few episodes of 1st degree AV block on telemetry which were asymptomatic. His INR was labile at discharge, likely due to fluctuating PO intake ___ the setting of influenza. Last four INR and Coumadin doses as below. No clinical signs of bleeding. This will need to be closely monitored as outpatient and warfarin dose adjust with goal INR ___. ___ - INR 2.9 - warfarin 2.5mg ___ - INR 3.7 - warfarin 0mg ___ - INR 3.4 - warfarin 1mg ___ - INR 3.7 - warfarin 0mg # DVT Nonocclusive DVT found on lower extremity ultrasound ___ left mid and distal femoral vein. ABIs confirmed bilateral severe arterial insufficiency of lower extremities. CTA showed patent grafts, although with focal arterial thrombus within the proximal popliteal artery above the level of the graft, with associated severe stenosis. Severe arterial insufficiency and DVT likely contributed to ___ swelling and impaired blood flow, pre-disposing to ulceration and infection. Per orthopedic, vascular and podiatry consults, no need for surgical intervention. He started on warfarin for DVT, which he should continue indefinitely for paroxysmal atrial flutter/fibrilation and CHADS-VASC 3. Goal INR ___, supratherapeutic on discharge. Continued Tylenol for pain control. Will need active titration of warfarin on discharge. ___: Cr 1.3 on arrival, most recently 0.7 ___ ___. Per renal team, original insult on admission was likely multifactorial secondary to acute tubular necrosis and contrast induced nephropathy. Renal ultrasounds showed no evidence of hydronephrosis. SPEP/UPEP were negative. His ___ worsened later during admission, which was likely due to hypovolemia ___ the setting of poor PO intake and insensible losses with the flu. His Cr improved with IV fluid and was 1.3 at discharge. CHRONIC ISSUES: ================================ #Type 2 Diabetes: Has not been on treatment, A1c 9.2%. ___ was consulted for recommendations on starting regimen. He was initially started on metformin and glipizide. Stopped metformin due to ___ and ___ due to hypoglycemia. He was found to have with proteinuria so started on lisinopril 2.5mg daily, which was held at discharge due to ___. He was discharged on insulin sliding scale, but was not requiring any insulin during later half of admission, likely due to poor PO intake ___ the setting of flu. His blood sugars should be monitored closely, and oral regimen re-started as appropriate. Patient not amenable to insulin at home. Lisinopril should also be re-started as ___ continues to improve. #?CAD #Atypical chest pain Patient endorsing intermittent substernal exertional chest pain prior to admission. Also says he had "5 heart attacks" ___ the setting of surgery ___ ___ and received chest compressions at that time. EKG without obvious ischemic changes. Trop <0.01 x 2. TTE without without evidence of focal wall motion abnormality to suggest prior MI, normal ejection fraction. ASCVD 14.6% based on lipid panel. Began medical optimization by starting aspirin 81mg daily, moderate intensity atorvastatin 40mg daily. He will benefit from outpatient stress test. #Macrocytic Anemia Presented with Hgb 14.7/Hct 43.3 on ___. Developed macrocytic anemia during admission. Possible etiologies include reduced folate absorption ___ the setting of drug administration (ASA, antibiotics), Folate/B12 deficiency, or marrow suppression ___ setting of underlying infection. This should be re-checked as an outpatient to ensure resolution. #HTN: Patient remained normotensive off medications. Initially started on lisinopril 2.5mg, ___ the setting of proteinuria and uncontrolled diabetes. This was held due to ___. Please re-start as appropriate ___ outpatient setting. #Bright red blood per rectum: Patient reports recurrent episodes of bright red blood per rectum, which tend to occur when constipated. No prior colonoscopy. His constipation with aggressive bowel regimen. Will need colonoscopy as an outpatient. #Folliculitis #Cutaneous ___: Presented with pruritic grouped papules noted on both arms and trunk. Most likely folliculitis given distribution. No evidence of superinfection and patient completed antibiotics course as above. Also with erythematous rash ___ left axilla and ___ the groin consistent with cutaneous candidiasis. Symptoms improved with miconazole powder. #History of positive PPD Chest xray obtained without evidence of active tuberculosis. Quantiferon gold ___ ___ was indeterminant, Repeat quantiferon gold was indeterminate. Will need outpatient follow up with infectious disease. #History of ?partial complex seizures: Off anti-epileptics since ___. No episodes this admission. Discharged without anti-epileptics. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ================== DISCHARGE LABS: -Cr: 1.3 -Hgb: 9.7 -INR: 3.7 LAB MONITORING: [] INR will need to be checked ___ and closely monitored, with adjustment of warfarin as an outpatient. Last 4 days of warfarin/INR below. ___ - INR 2.9 - warfarin 2.5mg ___ - INR 3.7 - warfarin 0mg ___ - INR 3.4 - warfarin 1mg ___ - INR 3.7 - warfarin 0mg FOLLOW UP [] Patient needs primary care doctor to coordinate care and manage multiple medical issues as above. Please set up on discharge from rehab. [] Please ensure patient has access to and can afford new medications, especially warfarin. [] Patient needs to follow up with podiatry for foot wounds. He will need ongoing foot care, and will likely benefit from visiting nurses for help with this when discharged from rehab. [] Monitor blood sugars and start oral diabetes regimen if blood sugars become elevated, as patient is not amenable to insulin at home. [] Re-start lisinopril when ___ resolved, as appropriate given hypertension and proteinuria ___ the setting of uncontrolled diabetes. [] Please re-check CBC to ensure resolution of macrocytic anemia, otherwise consider additional workup. [] Given the discrepancy ___ size of the kidneys on inpatient ultrasound, consider repeat ultrasound as an outpatient. [] Follow up incidental CT findings (Uncomplicated cholelithiasis, Left-sided nephrolithiasis without evidence of obstructive uropathy, Hepatic steatosis). [] Consider outpatient sleep study for OSA. [] Consider outpatient stress test for ?CAD. [] Consider outpatient screening colonoscopy given reports of intermittent bright red blood per rectum. [] Consider follow up with vascular surgery for DVT and arterial/venous insufficiency . [] Consider follow up with cardiology for atrial flutter and AV conduction defect. [] Consider follow up with infectious disease for reported positive PPD and indeterminent quantiferon gold x 2. #CODE: Full (confirmed) #CONTACT: Sister ___ ___, c: ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt. was sent to ___ over concern for abdominal distension representing ascites. A CT of the abdomen and pelvis was performed, and not ascites or other pathology were identified. I discussed this with the MD from ___. Additionally noted during this admission is that his wt. was up to 76.9 kg (2.5 kg over his dry wt. of 74.5 kilograms). He was given one IV lasix dose of 40 mg, and his usual dose of lasix will be resumed on discharge. His WBC were elevated to 13k, this has been an intermittant phenomenon at the ___ and Dr. ___ is aware. He has no fever, no sob to suggest pulmonary or other infection. Blood cultures were performed by the ED for unclear reasons and are pending at the time of discharge. His hct was noted to be 29 on HD # 2 here, although he had no overt bleeding. His INR was therapeutic. Dr. ___ is aware of the leukocytosis and anemia and will continue to monitor this at the ___ following discharge. Dr. ___ if I would discuss prognosis with pt. and famlly, and severe nature of heart disease. I met with dtr and pt. with a ___ Interpreter. I attempted to discuss specifics of pt.s heart disease at this time, however, the daughter continually asked that I not relay any specifics to the pt for unclear reasons. I answered the patients questions. Pt. discharged back to ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** F PMHx dementia, bipolar disorder, urinary incontinence s/p pessary, hypothyroidism, who was discharged on ___ for syncope thought to be ___ UTI who re-presented after recurrent syncopal episode with ___ monitor showing sinus arrest/junctional rhythm s/p PPM placement # Syncope: patient has had multiple syncopal events over the past year, thought ot be ___ infection in the setting of (+) UTI. She was recently admitted ___ syncope; she was found to have a UTI. She was treated with a course of cefopoxime and was discharged with ___ monitor. Following discharge, patient suffered recurrent syncopal episode; ___ monitor at time of syncope showed sinus rhythm followed by sinus arrest and a junctional escape at ___ bpm, thought to be the likely cause of syncope. Other syncopal work-up was unrevealing; thyroid function was well controlled on current levothyroxine dosing, her medication list was reviewed and unrevealing for contributing medications (donepezil was recently discontinued), and she had no new infectious symptoms. She was evaluated by EP for palliative PPM placement; following discussion with the patient and her family she underwent successful PPM placement on ___. She will complete x3 day course of Keflex (last day ___ for ___ protection after infection. Given PPM placement, following discussion with her outpatient PCP, her donepezil was restarted on discharge. She will follow up in Device clinic and with her PCP # UTI: Patient was diagnosed with UTI during her last admission; urine culture with pansensitive E.coli. She was continued on her previously determined course of cefpodoxime and completed the regimen in the hospital (last day ___. #Dementia, moderate: patient was started on donepezil as outpatient due to memory impairment. Due to concern for contribution to syncope this was stopped on admission; however, after PPM placement and email correspondence with outpatient PCP the decision was made to restart this medication. She will continue on donepezil 5mg qd. #HLD: Simvastatin was discontinued during her last admission due to limited data to support stating as secondary prevention in patients older than ___ #Hypothyroidism: TSH:7.4 Free-T4:1.3. She was continued on levothyroxine 50 mcg PO daily TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: [] Complete Keflex ___ q8h x3 days (last day ___ [] Our discharge department is in process of making Urogynecology appointment for evaluation of pessary #CODE: DNR/DNI #EMERGENCY CONTACT HCP: son ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo female with h/o CAD s/p CABG, DM, Asthma, presents with worsening SOB and fatigue. . SYSTOLIC CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE: Pt presents with increasing dypsnea, BNP 57,925 and evidence of fluid overload on exam with JVP to 12cm-all suggesting a low output state. Low output state is also likely exacerbated by her anemia and ASD. She was started on dopamine as well as lasix drip. Central access was obtained on admission and discontinued on ___. Lasix and dopamine drips were weaned following a modest diuresis. She was discharged on increased dose of torsemide and started on hydrochlorothiazide, with oupatient follow up scheduled. . CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE: On admission, she was without chest pain, EKG unchanged, Trop 1.07 likely in setting of acute renal failure. She was continued on aspirin, plavix. Her beta blocker was temporarily held. . FATIGUE: She was admitted with significant fatigue that was most likely multifactorial secondary to chronic heart failure, anemia and Myelofibrosis. She was transfused 1 U PRBCs, with significant releif of symptoms. . ACUTE ON CHRONIC RENAL FAILULRE: She had a creatinine of 4.2 on admsission, thought to be likely related to poor forward flow in the setting of a CHF exacerbation. Her creatinine improved with diuresis and was 1.6 on discharge. . PNEUMOTHORAX: She developed a pneumothorax following RIJ line placement. This was followed by serial chest x-rays and resolved spontanously. . DIABETES: Diet controlled at home, she was started on an insulin sliding scale in house. . ASTHMA: She was continued on her home nebs . MYELOFIBROSIS: She has chronic amemia and a 26 mo prognosis from myelofivrosis. She is on Aranesp injections weekly at home, last documented ___ and missed recent appts. She has a chronically low Hct and, as a consequence, has been transfused previously. Likely part of her fatigue/weakness may be ___ profound anemia. She was transfused with 1 U prbcs. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ was admitted to the hospital and taken to the Operating Room where she underwent a right thoracotomy and tracheobronchoplasty with mesh, bronchoscopy with lavage. She tolerated the procedure well and returned to the TSICU in stable condition. She was gradually weaned and extubated from the ventilator and hr voice was strong. Her pain was controlled with an epidural and she was using her incentive spirometer and flutter valve effectively. Her ___ tube was removed on post op day #2 as her drainage had decreased and there was no air leak. She subsequently had her epidural removed. She was transferred to the Surgical floor but within 24 hours required transfer to the TSICU for pulmonary toilet and possible bronchoscopy. She had notable congestion and some difficulty bring up her secretions. While in the TSICU she briefly improved but eventually her O2 requirements were growing and she was tachycardic to 140. There was also a question of aspiration. She was reintubated on ___ and placed on broad spectrum antibiotics after being pan cultured. Her WBC was 14K and she had a possible right basilar opacity. On ___ she had bronchoscopy and modest secretions were aspirated. her sedation was gradually weaned and she began weaning from the ventilator. She was also vigosously diuresed daily and her chest xray began to improve after a negative balance was obtained. She was eventually extubated on ___ and diuresis continued. Her O2 saturations were 92-97% on 3 LPM. She was evaluated by ENT and a fiberoptic exam showed no gross evidence of vocal cord paralysis. Following transfer to the Surgical floor she continued to progress well. She continued on schedsuled nebulizers, Mucinex was added and she was eventually on room air with saturations of 95%. Her right thoracotomy site was healing well and she was evaluated by the Speech and Swallow service on multiple occasions. She was initially placed on ground solids and nectar thick liquids but after a few days all restrictions were eliminated. She was up and walking independently and her blood sugars were in the 160-180 range on a reduced NPH dose. Her antibiotics were stopped after 4 days as all cultures including BAL were no growth. She was discharged to home on ___ and will follow up in the Thoracic Clinic in 2 weeks, prior to returning to ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** w/ T1N0Mx cholangiocarcinoma, large ascites admitted or diagnostic lap liver bx with course c/b R hydrothorax requiring chest tube drainage (s/p chest tube removal ___, S. epidermidis bacteremia and malnutrition requiring transfer to Medicine. # Cholangiocarcinoma: S/p Y-90 radioablation and portal vein embolization ___, now status post diagnostic laparoscopy and liver biopsy on ___. Surgery notable for no mets visible metastasis. Liver biopsy revealed no evidence of underlying cirrhosis or malignant cells, suggesting Y-90 was successful in shrinking tumor. Patient was found to have marked pleural effusions and ascites, but cytology revealed no malignant cells. Patient significantly deconditioned with severe malnutrition, so there are no current plans for surgery to treat her malignancy, but Dr. ___ is optimistic she can be treated if her functional status improves. She will continue to follow with liver clinic and hematology/oncology as outpatient. # Ascites/Hepatic Hydrothorax: Patient found to have hepatic hydrothorax and ascites, likely due to obstruction of biliary system. Liver biopsy did not reveal any evidence of underlying cirrhosis. No evidence of malignancy cells in fluid from either location and ascitic fluid not consistent w/SBP. Patient had chest tube place with IP on ___ with drainage of >5L fluid prior to removal on ___. Patient subsequently started on 40mg PO Lasix daily and CXR on ___ showed no evidence of re-accumulation of hydrothorax. Patient remained stable from respiratory standpoint throughout admission and never required supplemental oxygen. She will be followed closely by liver clinic as outpatient. # S. epidermidis bacteremia: Thought to be secondary to line infection from ___. Patient had several positive cultures, making contamination less likely. She was started on Vancomycin 1g q12h on ___ with plan for 14 day course. Last positive blood cultures was ___. ___ placed ___ to continue IV antibiotics as outpatient. She remained afebrile, hemodynamically stable throughout admission. # Severe Malnutrition: Patient was found to be severely malnourished, so underwent placement of NJ tube with initiation of tube feeds. She was also continued on home Mirtazapine and Methylphenidate for appetitie stimulation. Tube feeds to be continued as outpatient. # Depression/Bipolar disorder: Patient has underlying depression/anxiety and exhibited significant difficulty coping with her diagnosis and prognosis. She was continued on her home Bupropion, Lamotrigine, Mirtazapine 15mg QHS. We increased the frequency of her home Ativan for significant anxiety. In addition to medical therapy she was seen by SW and palliative care, both of whom will continue to follow as outpatient. Transitional Issues: [] patient is significantly depressed and anxious. She should continue to be seen by palliative care and consider SW follow up as outpatient. [] patient should complete 14 day course of Vancomycin (last day ___. PICC may be removed after course of antibiotics. []Patient started on 40mg Lasix daily to prevent re-accumulation of fluid. She should be continued on this medication with titration by outpatient liver doctor. [] She should continue tube feeds for significant malnutrition. Jevity 1.5 @55ml/hour continuous. [] Patient has follow up in liver clinic (see appointments above). #COMMUNICATION: ___ Relationship: husband Phone number: ___ #CODE: Full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Summary Statement ================== ___ PMH CAD, afib on Coumadin, CHF, recent admission for cellulitis and CHF exacerbation, p/w left leg swelling with erythema and pain, afebrile with normal vital signs, nontoxic appearance. She has volume overload with lower extremity edema and laboratories consistent with HFrEF exacerbation and UTI. She is growing E coli and Kleb in her urine with various resistances but currently on macrobid (___). Patient with persistent ankle pain thought to be due to gout. Ankle X ray negative. Continues to have diarrhea--c diff negative so may be from colchicine/CTX. Active Issues ============== #left lower extremity pain: #Gout Given patient previously unsuccessfully treated for cellulitis of bilateral lower extremities, presentation felt to be more consistent with chronic venous stasis than overt cellulitis. The patient has point tenderness over the left ankle joint space which may be more consistent with the diagnosis of gout given her previous arthrocentesis. The patient's left lower extremity pain decreased significantly on colchicine suggesting this is a gout flare. The patient was transitioned to steroids after diarrhea. Discontinued colchicine and steroids following resolution of symptoms. #HFrEF #chronic systolic heart failure Patient with an ejection fraction of 40-45% on ___ with systolic dysfunction consistent with distal LAD territory and mild to moderate mitral regurgitation. She has noted that she has not been taking metolazone at home and has been increasing her diet. She also noticed some left-sided chest pain and worsened lower extremity edema has been present for the past several weeks. On initial exam her lower extremities had 2+ edema although her lungs were clear to auscultation and her JVP was difficult to assess. Her chest x-ray shows mild/moderate pulmonary edema. Her BNP was almost 9000 in the emergency department. She was given Lasix 20mg, 40mg IV in ED. The patient was transitioned back to her home diuretic which she tolerated well. Recommend further adjustment of diuretic on outpatient follow up. #Normocytic anemia Patient is a long-standing history of anemia there is been thought to be due to chronic kidney disease and acute inflammation. The patient presented at her baseline of near 8 but down trended to the mid sevens. There is no active signs of ongoing bleed. The patient's iron studies are suggestive of iron deficiency anemia. Would consider further evaluation in the outpatient setting. #Urinary tract infection Patient complains of dysuria as well as frequency of urination consistent with her previous urinary tract infections. A Foley catheter was placed in the emergency department. The patient was initially started on empiric CTX. The patient's urine speciated to be E. coli and Klebsiella that was sensitive to nitrofurantoin. She will complete a 7-day course with nitrofurantoin (last dose = ___. #DMII Patient with a history of insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes who was last discharged with Glargine 20 nightly, and Humalog 10 with each meal. Blood sugar levels increased during current hospitalization in the setting of treatment with steroids. Therefore, switched to NPH, but transitioned back to lantus and Humalog prior to discharge. Discharged on lantus 20u qhs and Humalog 3 units with breakfast and lunch, and 5 units with dinner. On this regimen, pre-prandial blood sugars were well controlled between 140 and 190. She will need further adjustment of her insulin regimen in the outpatient setting as needed. #Diarrhea Patient has had multiple episodes of watery diarrhea since admission. This occurred in the setting of starting colchicine for gout flare as well as ceftriaxone urinary tract infection. Given patient's recent clindamycin course, there was some concern for C. difficile. However, C-diff was negative. Resolved prior to discharge. #Hypokalemia Patient with hypokalemia in the setting of active IV diuresis. Repleted prn. Chronic Issues =============== #Afib Patient was a history of atrial fibrillation currently on warfarin with a goal of INR ___. Discharged on home Warfarin 2.5 mg daily. #CKD Last discharge summary notes Cr 1.2. Stable #CAD Continued on home atorvastatin and metoprolol #HTN Continued on home losartan 50mg Daily. Held amlodipine given normal to only slightly elevated blood pressures. Outpatient follow up recommended. #Hypothyroidism Continued on home levothyroxine 150 #GERD: Continued on home omeprazole 40 Transitional Issues ==================== [] Completing 7-day course with nitrofurantoin (___) for UTI [] Follow up volume status and adjust diuretic accordingly [] Changed insulin regimen of lantus 20u qhs and Humalog 3 units with breakfast and lunch, and 5 units with dinner. Please follow up blood sugar measurements and adjust insulin regimen accordingly. [] Held home amlodipine in the setting of normal to only slightly elevated blood pressure measurements in the hospital. Please follow up blood pressure and adjust blood pressure regimen accordingly [] Given the patient's age and iron deficiency anemia, the patient would likely benefit from follow-up colonoscopy [] F/u INR and dose accordingly Code: FULL Contact: ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the podiatric surgery service from. The emergency room for a left ___ digit infection on ___. On admission, he was started on broad spectrum antibiotics. He was taking to the ___ for Left ___ digit amputation on ___. Pt was evaluated by anesthesia and taken to the operating room. There were no adverse events ___ the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Afterwards, pt was taken to the PACU ___ stable condition, then transferred to the ward for observation. Post-operatively, the patient remained afebrile with stable vital signs; pain was well controlled oral pain medication on a PRN basis. The patient remained stable from both a cardiovascular and pulmonary standpoint. He was placed on vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, and flagyl while hospitalized and discharged with oral antibiotics. His intake and output were closely monitored and noted to be adequtae. The patient received subcutaneous heparin and pneumatic boots throughout admission; early and frequent ambulation were strongly encouraged. The patient was subsequently discharged to home on ___ with infection resolved. Patient seen and evaluated by physical therapy. Patient was instructed to remain partial weight bearing to left heel. Patient was given a prescription for augmentin. Patient will follow up within 1 week of discharge The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** SUMMARY/ASSESSMENT: Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M with MDS ___ chronic neutropenia and transfusion-refractory thrombocytopenia, GIST, PMR, hypothyroidism, and HTN who presented to ___ fever and RUQ abdominal pain and was transferred to ___ for management of cholecystitis ___ febrile neutropenia and abscess vs. perforation now s/p perc chole placement. ACUTE/ACTIVE PROBLEMS: # Febrile neutropenia # Cholecystitis with pericholecystitis collection: ACS and ___ consulted on admission. Due to the risk of surgery in the setting of his transfusion-refractory thrombocytopenia, ___ performed a percutaneous cholecystostomy. As far as antibiotics, he received cefepime/Flagyl (___). Cultures from ___ fluid collection aspiration grew mixed bacterial flora. On ___ he was transitioned to Augmentin to take through ___ (to complete 7 days of treatment after source control). Blood cultures had no growth to date. He was given instructions for drain care and monitoring. Once the drain is putting out <10 mL/day for 2 consecutive days, he was instructed to call ___ so the drain can be evaluated/possibly removed. He was given contact information to follow up in acute care surgery clinic with Dr. ___. # MDS # Chronic neutropenia on filgrastim # Chronic thrombocytopenia refractory to platelet transfusion He received 1 pool platelet transfusion during ___ procedure and was given pre-treatment due to his prior transfusion reactions (diphenhydramine 50 mg IV x1 and famotidine 20 mg IV x1). He was continued on his home acyclovir ppx. He received one dose of his weekly Zarxio 480 mcg given ___. # Cervical rash: no s/s superinfection. Awaiting outpatient Bx path. Sutures were removed. CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS: #GIST/GERD: continued home sucralfate, PPI #PMR: continued home prednisone 5 #HTN: initially held home atenolol I/s/o infection; this was resumed on discharge #hypothyroid: continued home levothyroxine >30 minutes spent on complex discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ w/ ESRD on HD, HTN, cardiomyopathy with dCHF, SLE, BOOP, DCIS s/p lumpectomy, seizure d/o (___), R renal transplant and removal, who presented w/ recurrent SOB and blood-tinged sputum. #HCAP: Recently discharged ___ for DOE (started Levoflox for RLL infiltrate), but left AMA to attend nephew's funeral. Returned ___. On ___, she was febrile and started Vanc/Cef for HCAP based on physical exam and CXR findings of persistent RLL infiltrate. She was broadened to Vanc/Zosyn for anaerobic coverage on ___ for continued fevers. CT chest ___ demonstrated a R-sided effusion, which was tapped and found to be non-complicated exudative effusion. She completed an 8-day course of antibiotics and her cough and blood-tinged sputum had resolved by discharge. #Dyspnea: Patient admitted with symptoms of SOB on exertion with elevated BNP with differential diagnosis including fluid overload, PNA, SLE vasculitis, PE (normal d-dimer). Most likely etiology was fluid overload, but evaluation difficult with new HCAP. She had a negative ANCA, negative Anti-GBM, normal SPEP, and a CT without evidence of vasculitis. It is likely that her dyspnea was a combination of fluid overload and PNA concominantly. #AMS: Upon readmission on ___, she was noted to be acutely encephalopathic, with word finding difficulties and extreme emotional lability. She was transferred to the MICU, where she returned to baseline MS (___) and received brain MRI per neuro recs (no acute stroke, but chronic microvascular disease). She had sick euthyroid (TSH 9.1 but normal T4 1.6) and sedating meds were held (i.e. Zolpidem). EEG from ___ (after patient returned to baseline) was abnormal suggestive of a focal cerebritis or focal infectious process, but neuro felt this was nonspecific and could be related to her prior stroke. The most likely etiology of her AMS was hyperactive delirium secondary to toxic metabolic encephalopathy (possibly due to HCAP, however, the inciting factor is unclear), however seizure is also possible. Neurology recommends 24 hour EEG should another such episode occur. She was discharge ___, relating appropriately. #FUO: Of note, Ms. ___ has been having low grade fevers since ___ with no clear etiology. She was admitted twice previously, and was seen by GI (who on her admission had noted liver hemosiderosis on MRCP, considered cardiac hemosiderosis for her SOB, no clear source for fever) and ID (who considered prosthetic joint infection). A skin biopsy on ___ prior to this admission revealed a leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Although Dr. ___ steroids for presumed lupus flare with vasculitis, she never took prednisone, and the lesions resolved on their own. In this admission, she continued to be febrile to as high as 103 while on Vanc/Zosyn, for several days, which prompted us to consult hematology and perform a CT Abdomen/Pelvis, which revealed extensive para-aortic LAD that had increased in size from a prior CT in ___. She received CT-guided LN biopsy on ___. Results were pending at the time of discharge. #Abdominal pain: She also has chronic abdominal pain (RLQ), which had been ongoing for ___bdomen/pelvis revealed what appear to be post-surgical changes in the RLQ, without anything else to explain her pain. CHRONIC ISSUES: #ESRD: Ms. ___ also received HD while she was in the hospital and we continued here on her home CKD medications (Nephrocaps, Epoetin, Sevelamer. Her elevated Alk Phos is most likely ___ renal osteodystrophy. #SLE: Followed by Dr. ___. ANCA neg, anti-dsDNA negative, ESR 58, CRP 27.4, C3 165, C4 49, negative HFE. Of note, her ferritin was ___. #Shoulder pain, bilaterally: Ms. ___ has a history of avascular necrosis, torn rotator cuffs, and osteoclastic activity in her shoulders bilaterally. She was treated with low doses of IV Dilaudid and PO Oxycodone. #Thrombocytopenia: H/o HIT with positive PF4 in ___ but neg on follow-up, h/o TTP in ___. - Stable on this admission #Normocytic Anemia: On epoetin at HD, h/o autoimmune hemolytic anemia, positive anti-E Ab against RBC, thalassemia trait based on microcytic indices and peripheral smear review (teardrops) by Dr. ___. -Stable on this admission #Hypertension: We continued home antihypertensives (Lisinopril 80 mg daily, Metoprolol 100 mg TID and Nifedipine CR 90 mg daily) TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: [] Please make sure to follow up on pathology results of LN biopsy [] Consider further work-up for patient's FUO, which may be due to underlying malignancy, as she is at an increased risk for Lymphoma given her diagnosis of SLE and previous immunosuppresive therapies (for failed R kidney transplant) [] Pt needs stress echo and PFTs as outpatient (which are scheduled) [] Med changes: Re-started patient on Aspirin 81 for cardiac protection. Decreased dose of Hydromorphone to 1 mg q8h PRN to avoid sedation/confusion. Discontinued Zolpidem as it appeared to precipitate an episode of delirium/confusion. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M with h/o melanoma s/p wedge resection and IL2, who presents with generalized weakness and dyspnea on exertion, and is found to have too numerous to count new lung nodules, liver nodules, and a new lesion in T9. # Metastatic melanoma: He has wide spread metastatic disease that has progressed on IL2. A new right frontal parafalcine lesion was noted on MRI but is not causing him to have any symptoms. His clinical status improved and he was started on dabrafenib and trametinib. Palliative care and social work followed him regarding his end of life issues and concerns. His symptoms of nausea, pain, and anxiety were treated. # ? Pneumonia: He was afebrile, without leukocytosis but he developed a new productive cough and was hypotensive. He was initially started on vanc/cefepime and flagyl given concern for postobstructive PNA. He was transitioned oral levofloxacin and his cough resolved. He completed his antibiotic course on ___. # Right sided pleuritic chest pain: Most likely due to lung pathology on the right side (s/p wedge resection) as well as enlarged liver compressing on diaphragm. Oxycontin and oxycodone helped control the pain. On ___ he had a new onset of chest pain. EKG at the time was normal and cardiac enzymes were negative. His chest pain resolved after several hours and did not return. # Failure to thrive: Improved with Ensure, Megace, and a bowel regimen. # Atrial fibrillation: He went into Afib with RVR on ___. His heart rate at the time was 130-140s with hypotension to ___. Cardiology was consulted and recommended discontinuing his home diltiazem and switching him back to sotalol (which was discontinued prior beginning treatment with IL-2). He spontaneously converted to normal sinus rhythm on sotalol. Anticoagulation was held because his CHADS2 score is zero. # Hypotension: Multifactorial but the exact etiology was unclear. Differential diagnoses included dehydration, adrenal crisis in setting of illness requiring higher doses of steroids, pericardial effusion given low voltages on EKG (echocardiogram normal) and/or afib w/ RVR (may have exacerbated but not the primary cause). He has history of chronic adrenal insufficiency and hypopituitarism for which he is on chronic prednisone. His prednisone dose was increased and he was given fluid boluses with minimal response. Fludrocortisone was also added with minimal effect. The fludrocortisone was discontinued and his blood pressure improved on midodrine. He will follow up with his outpatient endocrinologist regarding midodrine and tapering his prednisone. # Transaminitis/hyperbilirunemia: Most likely from metastatic disease to the liver. He does not report alcohol use. His liver function should be monitored as an outpatient. # T9 vertebral metastasis: No symptoms of neuro compromise now, no evidence of fracture on CT imaging. Continued home pain regimen and vitamin D. He will discuss with his oncologist about starting bisphosphonates as an outpatient. # Hypothyroidism: Continued home levothyroxine TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ======================= [] monitor for adequate nutrition and hydration [] new T9 lesion: address need for bisphosphonate initiation [] adrenal insufficiency and hypotension: prednisone taper and midodrine dose will need to be adjusted by his outpatient endocrinologist ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** with PMHx of Hep C, MVA s/p splenectomy, and Hodgkins lymphoma in remission ___ years who was discharged ___ from ___ after a month long stay for fungal endocarditis requiring aortic root reconstruction, AVR and MVR who presented from rehab with hypotension. BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ====================== # Respiratory Failure On readmission to the MICU he developed tachypnea and hypoxemia requiring intubation. This was felt to be secondary to bilateral pleural effusions, respiratory muscle weakenss in the setting of malnutrition, and volume overload. He had chest tubes replaced and was eventually extubated successfully on ___. Patient required reintubation on ___ for worsening hypoxia, found to have necrotizing Klebsiella infection. Patient able to be weaned from vent, but required several reintubations secondary to respiratory muscle weakness, decreased functional parenchyma, and restrictive lung physiology. Family meeting held, at which time wife, daughter and other family members decided to make patient DNR and CMO. Patient passed on ___ after terminal extubation. # Septic Shock He presented with leukocytosis, tachycardia, and finitially fluid responsive hypotension. Multiple infectious etiologies were considered, and he was treated for HCAP with an 10-day course of vancomycin/meropenem and JP drain placement into a deep pelvic abcess. He continued to have fevers and leukocytosis with concern for lack of source control. Bilateral thoracenteses showed culture-negative pleural effusions, blood cutlures were initially negative, and urine culture was negative. He had BAL twice without evidence of recurrent pneumonia. He eventually defervesced and was transferred to the medical floor. After completion of treatment he had recurrent hypotension and fevers requiring readmission to the MICU and he was found to have VRE bacteremia treated with linezolid. JP drain was reassessed and removed on ___ given resolution of pelvic abscess. Pressors were weaned. Subsequently on ___ he was noted to have worsening respiratory status and hypotension requiring four pressor support. Patient able to be weaned off pressors. # Pulmonary Embolism and Right Subclavian Artery Thrombus CTA on ___ showed PE in the RML segmental arteries. He also developed right arm swelling and was found to have a right subclavian artery thrombus. Vascular surgery consulted and given his multiple comorbidities, no intervention was planned. He was started on a heparin drip, eventually bridged to warfarin. # Anemia Anemia was multifactorial secondary to chronic desease and gastritis. He required intermittent blood transfusions. He had no evidence of DIC or hemolysis. # Hypothyroidism: He was noted to have elevated TSH > 20 during hypotension work-up. Endocrine consulted and concerned about hypothyroidism beyond normal fluctuation seen in the ICU. started on IV synthroid 50 mcg and later uptitrated to 75 mcg daily (PO interfered with by tube feeds). # Ileus Dilated bowels seen on imaging, and patient with abdominal pain, thought to be in setting of sepsis/narcotic use. This resolved with bowel rest, TFs later reinitiated. C diff sent and negative when having loose stools. # Malnutrition Poor PO intake previously and had been made NPO for aspiration. speech and swallow consult prior to last discharge recommended strict NPO, concern for continued aspiration. Video swallow on ___ was without evidence of aspiration, however, he was placed on ground food restriction due to absence of teeth. His appetite was poor, which required NGT placement on ___ for tube feeds. Patient subsequently reintubated due to necrotizing Klebsiella pneumonia, most likely due to aspiration event. Tube feeds reinitiated. # Hepatitis C LFTs stable during previous hospital stay and overall stable throughout this hospital course # Endocarditis s/p repair of MV and replacement of AV Patient was fungemic with cultures growing canidida sensitive to fluconazole. Patient will continue fluconazole. Patient has not been spiking fevers however has been hypotensive and tachycardic with downtrending leukocytosis. He was transitioned to PO fluconazole after his extubations. Transitional Issues ------------------- Patient expired ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** # Bacteremia: Admission cultures grew group G strep bacteremia. The infectious disease team was consulted was consulted and recommended six weeks of IV ceftriaxone therapy. We had concern for endocarditis given pt's already damamged and vulnerable valves, so TTE was performed and was negative for vegetations. It was decided not to perform TEE as the results would be unlikely to change management as pt would already receive six weeks of IV antibiotics. After initiation of ceftriaxone, pt was never febrile and his blood pressures were stable. He received a PICC for post-discharge antibiotic administration. # Clavicular osteomyelitis: Pt complained of pain in his right shoulder and clavicle. After blood cultures returned positive for group G strep, ID recommended MRI of this area. MRI showed osteomyelitis of R clavicle with edema at SC joint. Orthopedics was consulted and the SC joint was tapped. Gram stain was negative as was the joint fluid culture. Orthopedics did not feel that washout or debridement of the SC joint for clavicle was necessary. Thoracic surgery was consulted and agreed that no surgical intervention was required. Patient's pain slowly improved and this area was less tender to palpation at time of discharge. # Cellulitis: Pt presented with severe cellulitis of left lower extremity with swelling and erythema extended from ankle to below the knee. The ankle architecture was not able to be visualized due to swelling, and although pt has full range of motion without pain at this joint, MRI was obtained to rule-out septic joint and osteomyelitis. MRI showed only soft tissue involved without effusion at the ankle joint. Pt received IV ceftriaxone for his infection and the swelling, erythema, warmth, and pain in the area declined greatly. He was treated with tramadol and acetaminophen for pain. # Elevated INR: Mr. ___ INR became supratherapeutic several days after admission, so coumadin with withheld. Despite this, his INR continued to rise for three days, peaking at 6.0, before beginning to trend down again. DIC was considered, but fibrinogen was elevated. He had no signs or symptoms of spontaneous hemorrahge. On ___, he was given a small dose of PO vitamin K (2.5mg) so that INR would be in acceptable range for placement of PICC line on ___. INR became subtheraputic and he was re-started on coumadin with lovenox bridge until he again becomes theraputic. # Atrial fibrillation: Patient remained in atrial fibrillation throughout hospitalization and was monitored on telemetry. His beta-blocker was held due to concern for possible sepsis, but he was never tachycardic. Coumadin being restarted with lovenox bridge. # Chronic diastolic CHF: Lasix and acetazolamide were initially held due to concern for possible sepsis. Home Lasix was restarted ___ when blood pressures were able to tolerate a diuretic. BPs were stable after addition of this medication. Acetazolamide was held throughout admission to avoid making patient hypotensive but will be restarted upon discharge. # Gout: Initial concern for possible ankle joint effusion related to gout, but no effusion was shown on MRI and Mr. ___ uric acid level was within normal limits. Allopurinol was continued throughout admission and disease was inactive. Colchicine was held for concern for renal damage. # Incidental thyroid nodules on CT: Mr. ___ was without signs of hypo or hyperthyroidism. TSH was within normal limits. Will require outpatient follow-up. # L wrist tumor: Lesion noted on wrist highly suspicious for basal cell ___ need to be followed as outpatient. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Thyroid nodules: Will need to follow as an outpatient. Discuss with PCP # ___ blood cultures: pending; will require follow-up # Medications held: Colchicine not given during admission. Please determine when it will be appropriate to restart this medication. # IV ceftriaxone and labs: Pt will be followed by infectious disease in outpatient antibiotic clinic. # L wrist tumor will need to be investigated as outpatient. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** with h/o of non-epileptic seizures, depression, anxiety and mild developmental delay who is brought to the ED by EMS after reporting two seizure-like episodes. She was found to have 2 scalp lacerations which were sutured and multiple thoracic spine fractures. #Non-epileptic seizure disorder: She was evaluated by neurology and had an EEG. Neurology concluded that the events are non-epileptic in nature and do not require any change in management. #Cervical and Spinal Fractures: A CT spine of the neck and thorax was done and she was found to have fractures in T1-T4. An MRI of the cervical and thoracic spine ruled out major ligamentous injury or compresion to the spinal cord. Orthopedics considers that the fractures are stable and there are no limitations to physical therapy. #Auto-aggressive behavior: The pseudo-seizure events do not clearly explain a high energy trauma mechanism that could cause vertebral fractures, there is concern for auto-aggressive behavior to which the patient does not admit. It is the opinion of the team that she will not be safe in an independent living situation for now. This assessment is shared by the neurology consulting team and her outpatient providers. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES #Deconditioning/Vertebral Fractures: As evaluated by ___ she would benefit from rehab. #Disposition / Living situation: Due to concern for the patient's safety a conference was held with the representatives from ___, ___, ___ ___, ___ and the medical team. It was consensual that her previous living situation was no longer a safe option. It was agreed that she would go to ___ for <30 days and then transition to suitable living arrangement such as a group home. FAMILY CONTACT: Multiple attempts to contact ___, patient's sister were made, with no success. No voicemail was left as there was no identification on the phone number listed. ___ (sister) - ___ (primary contact) ___ (mother, HCP) - ___, ___ ___ (care coordinator) - ___ DDS Director ___ ___ ___ ___ # Health care proxy: Patient currently has her mother listed as health care proxy, who apparently has progressive dementia. Patient would like to make her RN at ___. Please continue to address in coordination with DDS and the family. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old woman with history of NASH cirrhosis c/b esophageal varices s/p banding, hypertension, diverticulitis, with ___ week history of abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea with negative work-up and grossly normal endoscopy/colonoscopy. # Abdominal pain/diarrhea: Patient reported history of loose stools since ___ that became watery after beginning antibiotics on ___ associated with lower abdominal pain and epigastric pain. CT A/P done on ___ showed unchanged chronic fat stranding extending from the sigmoid colon to the left adnexa with trace surrounding free fluid which was thought to be due to a prior episode of diverticulitis and fibroid uterus, also unchanged from prior. UA was positive for moderate leuks and few bacteria with 1 epi, but she complained of increased urinary frequency so she was empirically treated with IV ceftriaxone for 3 days. UCx was negative. Abdominal/Pelvic Doppler was done to r/o mesenteric ischemia. It was a technically limited study, and only a small segment of the superior mesenteric artery was visualized and this artery was patent and demonstrated normal velocity. However, radiology commented that the contrast-enhanced CT of ___ shows patency of the mesenteric vessels. TTG was negative, C diff, fecal culture, gram stain, O+P, Giardia were negative. Lipase was mildly elevated to 146, concerning for mild pancreatitis. Endoscopy and colonoscopy were performed. EGD was grossly normal, biopsies taken. Colonoscopy significant for edematous sigmoid colon without any gross lesions, unable to pass colonoscope so gastric scope used and only advanced to distal end of ascending colon. Biopsies are pending. Patient's diet was advanced to regular and she was discharged with GI f/u in 1 month. # Increased urinary frequency: Patient had increased urinary frequency and a UA with moderate leuks and few bacteria. She was treated with 3 days of IV ceftriaxone empirically but UCx was negative. Low probability that patient had a true UTI. # Vaginal/anal itching: 1 day prior to discharge patient had vaginal and anal itching that she says was similar to previous yeast infections. Exam showed external erythema on vulva and near anus. Given 1 dose Diflucan and ketoconazole cream for symptom relief. # NASH cirrhosis: continued nadolol. # Diabetes: was on basal-bolus regimen. # Hypertension - continued losartan #CAD - continued simvastatin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Patient will have GI appointment ___ to follow up EGD/colonoscopy biopsy results - Patient complained of vaginal and anal itching. Given Diflucan and ketoconazole cream. Follow up symptoms. - do a f/u UA. Pt had microscopic hematuria (RBC 6) on admission UA. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with history of remote breast and esophageal cancer in addition to progressive lung cancer who presents with dyspnea on exertion. #DYSPNEA ON EXERTION #ACUTE HYPOXIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE likely secondary to acute systolic heart failure, improving #New Cardiomyopathy EF 18% #LUNG CANCER: Patient came in with sudden worsening in dyspnea on rest and exertion, exam in ER notable for diffuse ronchi. Felt better after methylprednisone and nebulizer treatments. In the light of this new low EF, etiology now seems to be acute systolic heart failure leading to sudden worsening of her dyspnea on exertion. She hasn't had any chemotherapy since ___ and her EF was around 50% in ___. Regarding her malignancy, she is planned to start immunotherapy this month following her PET-CT. Discussed with oncology covering service for Dr. ___ they have moved up her staging to expedite initiation of immunotherapy. -ACS ruled out with trops negative times 2, no chest pain now -received IV Lasix, now euvolemic, PO Lasix just as prn for home per cardiology -stress test came out abnormal, underwent angiogram with no significant CAD and no stents were neeed -Etiology of her heart failure is though be secondary to her LBBB and dys-synchrony. She will be following with Dr. ___ as outpatient, would need further workup as outpatient including maybe a cardiac MRI and consideration for a pacemaker placement. -Lisinopril 2.5 mg and Metoprolol 25 mg PO XL to continue through discharge #Hypomagnesaemia: repleted Her Oncologist Dr. ___ has been in the loop with these development, she plans to follow her as outpatient. Plan discussed with patient and cardiology team today. Patient agreeable with the discharge plan. Time spent on the discharge process, spent in counseling patient and discharge coordination is great than 30 mins. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ underwent a ___ total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy ___. Please see OMR for full operative note with surgical details. She was admitted to the gyn oncology service post-operatively. Her post-operative course was uncomplicated. She was discharged home on postoperative 1 when she was tolerating a regular diet, voiding spontaneously and had her pain was controlled on oral pain medications. Her pathology was consistent with Stage IIIA endometrial cancer. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo male with ischemic cardiomyopathy s/p ___ 2 to LAD complicated by cardiogenic shock and multi-organ failure, s/p Centrimag to Heartware implant. S/P Orthotopic heart transplant on ___ (PHS increased risk), with biopsy that showed 2R/3A moderate rejection ___, s/p 3 days pulse dose steroids ___, with subsequent biopsies in ___ and ___ showing ISHLT of 0R, 1R. He was admitted from home after surveillance endomyocardial biopsy on ___ showed evidence of Grade 2R rejection. He was asymptomatic and echocardiogram demonstrated normal biventricular function. He was admitted ___ for 3 days of intranvenous pulsed-dose steroids, and is being discharged with planned follow up ___ RV biopsy and steroid taper. Review of his biopsy specimens with Dr. ___ of ___ revealed that there were areas consistent with a large ___ lesion as well as regions consistent with cellular rejection sufficient to satisfy 2R criteria with 2 areas of myocardial damage. Of note during hospital stay iron studies were checked which were normal. Home oral iron stopped given infection risk with concurrent immunosuppressives. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ================= - Patient to be on 50 mg prednisone on ___ and ___, 40 mg on ___ and ___, 30 mg on ___ and ___, and then 25 mg prednisone standing starting ___. - Stopped home oral iron given normal iron studies in house - F/U with endocrinology ___ for bone health given steroid exposure - EBV quant PCR and CMV viral load pending at d/c; Donor Specific Antibodies drawn and sent to B&W. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the psychiatry inpatient service for further care. He was maintained on his home regimen of Effexor 150 mg daily and Neurontin 1200 mg daily. He was also continued on Depakote but his dose was increased from 750mg PO Qday to 1500mg PO Qday. He was also started on risperdal 1mg po BID. Screening labs including TSH, RPR, and valproic acid level were also all checked on admission. These labs were notable for an elevated TSH, however the FT4 was wnl. Mr. ___ initially slept over the course of hospital day # 1. Then he was noted to have improved mood the following morning however by the afternoon he reported significant anxiety. He was then treated with Clonazepam 0.5 mg PRN for his anxiety which he found helpful. His mood improved over the following 24 hours and he participated in groups. Klonopin was d/c'd and he was monitored for another 24 hours to evaluate if his mood and anxiety remained stable. His long-standing OP psychiatrist, Dr. ___ was also contacted and per his description the patient was felt to be close to his baseline. The patient was discharged in stable and improved condition. He will follow-up with Dr. ___ ___. Legal: ___ Disposition: The patient was discharged to home, in stable and improved condition. Outpatient follow-up was arranged with Dr. ___ at ___ at 3:15PM. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** # Cervical stenosis s/p C3-7 posterior fusion ___ is a ___ yo M who presented ___ for elective C3-C7 posterior fusion. The OR was uncomplicated, please see OMR for detailed operative report by Dr. ___. He was extubated in the OR and transferred to PACU for post-anesthesia monitoring. He remained hemodynamically and neurologically stable on post-operative check. He was transferred up to the floor on ___. A JP drain was placed intraoperatively, and was removed ___. AP/Lateral C-spine XR performed on ___ after drain removal and showed intact C3-7 posterior fusion and no evidence of retained drain. Patient had acute pain post operatively and was started on home tramadol and other pain medications were titrated to treat pain. Acute pain consulted on this patient. He was started on Oxycontin for long acting pain relief, with oxycodone for breakthrough with plans to down titrate as appropriate. He was started on Tramadol, Gabapentin, Tylenol and Valium in addition to this. On ___: Recommending down titrating diazepam from 5mg to 2mg if patient becomes somnolent after administration. Pt currently with no somnolence - will not require down titration today prior to discharge. # Urinary retention A foley was placed intraoperatively, and was removed ___. Patient required straight catheterizations x3 for retention. Foley was left in place ___ on the ___ straight cath attempt per patient request. Patient was started on Flomax QHS. Foley was removed on ___ and patient was able to void independently. # Dispo OT evaluated the patient on ___ and recommend an additional evaluation with ___ on the following day. ___ and OT evaluated the patient on ___ and recommended discharge to rehab. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ F with hx of CAD, dCHF with EF 50-55%, poorly controlled DM2 c/b retinopathy and neuropathy, hyperthyroidism s/p resection presented to ___ for AMS in ___, transferred to ___ where there was a concern for cardiac arrest and seizures prior to transfer here. # R/O Post-Cardiac Arrest; Unclear per OSH whether truly loss of pulse versus cyanosis. Could be ___ to seizure and then post-ictal and difficulty palpating pulse. However, patient may have also had respiratory arrest leading to PEA arrest. Patient is complaining of chest pain likely ___ to CPR. Normal electrolytes at time of discharge. Remained normothermic in the ICU. Primary cardiologist aware, no suggested intervention at this time. No further inpatient workup requested. Outpatient follow up scheduled. - Monitored on Tele with no events - Lidocaine patch and oxycodone for pain control # Possible seizures: Patient with episodes of possible tonic-clonic seizures. Unclear if real seizure or not, could be ___ to metabolic encephalopathy given recent DKA. Also treated with levofloxacin which can lower seizure threshold. No history of seizures, no infarcts on MRI. Electrolytes stable, not hypoglycemic. Patient also with small ischemic vessel disease (HTN, HLD, DM). EEG here did not show seizure activity. MRI brain with high T2 signal in the left temporal cortex, adjacent to the sulci. - LP was unremarkable. Cytology negative for malignant cells, HSV and ___ PCR negative, cultures prelim negative. - Consulted Neurology, recommended outpatient follow-up - No antiepileptics indicated given unconvincing history of seizures - MRI lesion of unclear etiology, will discuss at neurorad conference and follow up in clinic. # CAP: Patient with LLL vs retrocardiac opacity. Transferred on ceftraixone. No cough, fevers. - Completed course of ceftriaxone x 7 days and azithromycin x 5 days # DKA: Patient remarks very erratic sugars in the home, ranging from 70-500. Diabetes is managed by PCP, though patient was previously seen at ___. - Consulted ___, appreciate recs: - Glargine 42 units QAM, 26 QHS. 12 units humalog with breakfast, 10 units with lunch and dinner. - Insulin sliding scale in house. - Consider patient high risk, will need close f/u with PCP and ___. Home ___ for Diabetes management arranged. # Hypertension: Patient is having anti-hypertensives held in the setting of cardiac arrest. - Continue to monitor blood pressures and restart as indicated. - Started lisinopril 2.5 mg daily for renal protection. # Diastolic dysfunction, EF 50-55%: no signs of acute exacerbation. ECHO with mild to moderate global left ventricular hypokinesis (LVEF = 40-45 % which is new from previous. Will need f/u with Dr. ___ cardiologist) to continue to ___. Likely will require ECHO as outpatient for interval resoultion. Likely related to toxic metabolic insult in post-arrest setting and chest compressions. Cardiac enzymes flat, no ACS. # Hyperparathyroidism s/p resection; Patient had OSH PTH and calcium which returned normal. # CAD s/p PCI: Patient had EKG non-specific T wave changes in lateral leads. Trops and CKMB negative. - Continued home aspirin and simvastatin TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: [ ] will need f/u of blood pressure control and likely resumption of home anti-hypertensives. Discharged on lisinopril 2.5 mg daily. Titrate up as needed. [ ] neuro follow up for contrast-enhanding left temporal T2 hyperintensity noted on MRI, as well as other patient concerns [ ] ___ follow up for continued management of T2DM, patient given contact information to make an appointment [ ] Home ___ for diabetes management [ ] Consider life alert bracelet [ ] f/u with Dr. ___ cardiologist, for repeat TTE # Communication: ___ (nephew, HCP) ___ # Code: Full ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the plastic surgery service on ___ after he underwent L side rib fracture repair. The patient tolerated the procedure well. . Neuro: Post-operatively, the patient IV pain medication with good effect and adequate pain control. When tolerating oral intake, the patient was transitioned to oral pain medications. . CV: The patient was stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. . Pulmonary: The patient was stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. . GI/GU: Post-operatively, the patient was given IV fluids until tolerating oral intake. His diet was advanced when appropriate, which was tolerated well. She was also started on a bowel regimen to encourage bowel movement. Intake and output were closely monitored. . ID: Post-operatively, the patient was started on IV cefazolin ___. The patient's temperature was closely watched for signs of infection. . Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin during this stay, and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. . At the time of discharge on POD#2, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs, tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___: Admitted to thoracic surgery service s/p right thoracotomy and right lower lobectomy for stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer. She was extubated in the operating room, monitored in the PACU prior transfer to the floor. On POD2 she developed respiratory distress and required tranfer to the SICU. A chest CT was negative for pulmonary embolism. With diuresis, aggressive pulmonary toilet, nebs she improved. She transfer back to the floor in stable condition. Respiratory: With aggressive pulmonary toilet, schedule nebs, incentive spirometer and ambulation she titrated her oxygen requirement to 4L nasal cannula with oxygen saturations of 94%. She was discharged home on supplemental oxygen. Chest-tube: 2 anterior basilar and posterior apical on suction converted to water-seal without leak Chest films: serial chest films showed right lower lobe effusion (see reports) Cardiac: She had intermittent atrial fibrillation with rates of 140-150 and hypotensive. Her cardiac enzymes were negative for ischemia. She was started on diltiazem drip once rate control hypotension resolved. IV lopressor was given and she converted to sinus rhythm 79-80s with blood pressure of 120's. Once stable her home dose of 240 Diltiazem and Atenolol 25 bid were restarted, she remained in sinus rhythm 70-80's. She was started on Aspirin 325 mg daily. GI: mild nausea immediate postoperative which resolved with antinausea medication. PPI and a bowel regime were continued Nutrition: diabetic diet was restarted, she tolerated. Endocrine: type 2 diabetes BS were well controlled 103-140 with insulin sliding scale. She will resume her home regime once discharged. Renal: Foley was removed when Epidural was removed. She voided without difficulty. Her renal function remained normal Pain: Bupivacaine Epidural and Dilaudid PCA with good pain control was managed the acute pain service. Once removed she converted to PO pain medication with good control. Disposition: she was seen by physical therapy who deemed her safe for home with physical therapy for pulmonary rehab. She was discharged to home with her husband and ___ on oxygen 4L and will follow-up with Dr. ___ as an outpatient. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ was admitted to the Neurology Service for further workup of his multifactorial gait disorder. His MRI showed slightly increased ventriculomegaly from his exam in ___, however he does not have any other signs of NPH including dementia/cognitive decline nor urinary retention. Upon admission he was found to be orthostatic likely due to dehydration secondary to recent URI. The orthostasis resolved after rehydration. CXR was performed and was not concerning for Pneumonia. Pt was evaluated by Physical Therapy and was deemed stable for discharge home with a rolling walker and with home ___. The patient should follow up with his PCP ___ 1wk. He will have followup in Neurology Clinic on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ yo woman with hx migraine and remote R zoster opthalmicus c/b residual R V1 numbness and OD mydriasis who presents to the ED with one day of vertigo superimposed on months of increased clumsiness and walking into walls. #Peripheral vestibulopathy ___ is a ___ year old female with a history of migraines without aura and remote R zoster opthalmicus c/b residual R V1 numbness who presents with acute dizziness (vertigo) as well as gait instability for several months. Her initial exam was notable for L dysmetria, mismeasuring and overshoot on mirroring. Of note, no nystagmus and chronic right V1 sensory loss. There were no vesicles in either ear. Gait was notable for cautious with some sway. Given the acute onset and dysmetria, there was concern for a cerebellar process There was concern for a brainstem or cerebellar process such as vascular or demyelinating lesion. Given her additional more subacute issues w/ gait instability there was also concern for a mass. MRI with and without contrast was obtained which showed no acute process on preliminary review. Otherwise, she had unremarkable labs including UA without infection. Before next steps could be addressed patient left against medical advice. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: =================== [] Trend symptoms of dizziness as outpatient. If symptoms do not improve, consider referral to ENT. [] Patient expressed wish to possibly transition off of gabapentin given possible side effect of unsteadiness. She would be willing to trial ___ or other medication for her bipolar disorder. Please continue to discuss as outpatient. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was admitted to the general surgery service on ___ for management of a small bowel obstruction. The patient was made NPO and on IVF. Vital signs and intake/output were monitored closely. She remained afebrile and hemodynamically and clinically stable. Serial abdominal exams were performed to monitor her clinical status, and her bowel function was monitored closely. Her pain was managed by IV-pain medications, and she was given anti-emetics for occasional nausea. She required several doses of ativan secondary to anxiety and nausea. Patient's diet was advanced when appropriate, which she tolerated well. Patient received subcutaneous heparin and SCD boots for DVT prophylaxis. At the time of discharge, the patient was tolerating PO, ambulating independently, voiding independently, and alert. She was able to verbalize understanding and agreement with the discharge plan and instructions. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with h/o asthma, Grave's presenting with severe chest pain and vomiting last night now with trops at OSH elevated at OSH concerning for NSTEMI. #NSTEMI: New diagnosis for patient, EKG without significant ST changes although anterior leads possible submm changes, trops at 0.18 at OSH now down at 0.03 -> 0.01. MB not trended in ED, but low at 4 on arrival to ED. Chest pain sounds typical: substernal, qhour, lasts minutes. Non-radiating no associated GI symptoms. Has not happened to patient before. Discussion of stress test in ED but will HELD off given that NSTEMI has already been ruled in. PCI done in left main, continued on aspirin, atorva 80 (after clarifying that pravastatin led to allergic reaction). Also continued on metop and Plavix. #headache: notably mild headache in setting of NPO but resolved at discharge. Controlled on Tylenol while hospitalized. #Chronic #asthma: continued advair #allergic rhinitis: continued zyrtec, Flonase #depression: continued Prozac #OSA: continued home CPAP #Graves: continued on synthroid ***Transitional issues***: - patient instructed to continue losartan 50 mg, this does not have the same cardioprotective effects as an ACE inhibitor. However she also does not have a reduced EF. ___ discuss switching to lisinopril or titrating losartan dose as blood pressure allows in the outpatient setting. - discharged on 80 mg atorvastatin, monitor for adverse side effects. Confirmed with PCP's office that adverse reaction was to pravastatin. - patient will need to continue on ASA indefinitely and Plavix for at least ___ year (may consider life-long after weighing risks of bleeding) - A1C checked during this hospitalization: 5.5% - metoprolol increased to XL 25 mg qd ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** 1. Acute cholangitis with pan-sensitive E. coli septicemia - s/p unsuccessful ERCP. The etiology of the obstruction was unclear. He was admitted and maintained on IV antibiotics, transitioned to PO cipro/flagyl. He underwent abdominal CT as above. He underwent PTC with ___ on ___, and the drain was capped on ___. Repeat blood cultures were negative. 2. Portal vein thrombosis: Appears related to site of biliary obstruction on OSH imaging. He was maintained on IV heparin goal PTT 60-85. Would have transitioned to coumadin, however as the patient is changing PCP's and does not even have a follow up appointment, coumadin is too risky. He is recommended to start this with his new PCP, and will be reffered to a hepatobilliary specialist. 3. Complete heart block s/p DDD pacer, Benign Hypertension - Home antihypertensive was held although low dose beta blocker was started perioprocedurally. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** PRIMARY REASON FOR HOSPITALIZATION: ___ yo ___ speaking male from ___, here vising family presented to the Emergency Department with L-sided chest pain, found to have bilateral PEs on CT scan. ACTIVE ISSUES: #Pulmonary embolism: CTA performed in Emergency Department consistent with bilateral nonocclusive PEs. Patient described chest pain for several weeks prior to flying ___ from ___. Had been treated for presumed pneumonia in ___ without resolution of chest pain. He had no personal or family history of blood clots or blood disorders. In the ED as well as throughout his admission he was hemodynamically stable. He was initially started on a heparin drip, which was discontinued once he arrived to the floor. He was then put on Lovenox and warfarin. His symptoms diminished and on hospital day 3 he was discharged. He was seen that day in Health Care Associated primary care clinic and will followup in the ___ clinic here to establish a therapeutic INR. We stressed the need for his close followup with a PCP once he returns to ___. CHRONIC ISSUES: #Hemochromatosis: Patient reported having a disorder in which he has too much iron, which was presumed to be hemochromatosis. He normally is phlebotomized every 2 months. We did not address this issue during his hospitalization. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -Has followup scheduled with ___. -Advised to followup closely with PCP in ___, patient acknowledged understanding. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ woman with PMHx CAD s/p CABG, HTN, depression was initially admitted for fever, chills, and body aches with subsequent development of multi-organ failure requiring transfer to ___ MICU. There she was discovered to most likely have disseminated adenovirus as underlying cause for her presentation, subsequently improving on steroids with plan to complete ___ week taper following discharge. # DISSEMINATED ADENOVIRUS # MULTIORGAN FAILURE Initially presented to ___ for mild confusion, poor PO intake, fevers, chills, body aches, and lightheadedness. There her clinical status was initially tenuous with subsequent development of multi-organ failure with ferritin ___ raising concern for possible HLH. Subsequently transferred to ___ where she was started on high dose steroids with improvement. The etiology of her pro-inflammatory state was not entirely clear, however, per hematology, she did not meet the criteria for HLH despite positive IL-2 given absence of persistent fevers, splenomegaly, normal triglyceride level, no cytopenias and decreasing ferritin level. The leading hypothesis at this time is that her acute decompensation was secondary to disseminated adenovirus for which she was supportively managed. Given her improvement she was transferred to the medicine floor team where she continued steroids with plan to complete taper gradually over the ___ weeks following discharge. Steroid plan as directed by rheumatology service. Started on atovaquone, vitamin D, and calcium for steroid prophylaxis. # ACUTE RENAL FAILURE Developed worsening renal function due to acute tubular necrosis. Remained on CRRT while in MICU, later transitioned to intermittent hemodialysis while on floor. Her urine output subsequently improved and she was determined to no longer require hemodialysis. Temporary HD line was removed on ___. Discharge Cr 2.7 and down-trending. # TOXIC METABOLIC ENCEPHALOPATHY MICU course notable for severe encephalopathy. Extensive workup included MRI brain, LP, and multiple CT heads were reassuring. Initially was on IV Keppra BID given concern for seizure activity (lip smacking) while intubated, however this later resolved. Latest EEG demonstrated rare generalized epileptiform discharges but no electrographic seizures. Her mental status improved over later course of hospitalization though still had intermittent episodes of near-somnolence. Initially on Zyprexa and Seroquel for agitation; later discontinued Zyprexa and Seroquel. Mental status at time of discharge was oriented to self and location as "hospital", easily arousable to voice and interactive. # RESPIRATORY FAILURE Initially intubated due to encephalopathy and multi-organ failure with concern for inability to protect airway. Required mechanical ventilation for approximately 2 weeks. Subsequently improved and so was extubated with gradual improvement in respiratory status during remainder of hospitalization. # ATRIAL FIBRILLATION New onset during this hospitalization. CHADs-VASc 4. Initially received amiodarone load later transitioned to metoprolol. Remained in normal sinus rhythm during the days prior to discharge. Initiated anti-coagulation with warfarin until her true burden of a-fib can be further evaluated as an outpatient following resolution of acute illness. # SEVERE PROTEIN CALORIC MALNUTRITION # DYSPHAGIA Following extubation was noted to have significant dysphagia with inability to protect airway. Made NPO with Dobhoff placed for tube feeds. Evaluated by Speech & Swallow on ongoing basis with gradual improvement in dysphagia. At time of discharge was cleared for pureed (dysphagia) diet with thin liquids. Continued tube feeds for adequate nutritional support and for PO medication administration. # HYPERGLYCEMIA In setting of high-dose steroids. Received sliding scale insulin. # ANEMIA Multifactorial. Likely poor production from anemia of inflammation in setting of recent illness. Large amount of phlebotomy over recent weeks. Required 1u pRBC ___ with more than adequate bump in Hgb. No evidence of acute blood loss and hemodynamically stable. CHRONIC / STABLE ISSUES ================================= # CAD s/p CABG - Atorvastatin 40 mg PO/NG QPM - aspirin 81 mg daily # HYPERTENSION Held home Lisinopril TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ================================= [ ] Steroid plan: ___ - Prednisone 20 QD ___ - Prednisone 15 QD ___ - Prednisone 10 QD ___ - Prednisone 5 QD ___ - Prednisone 4 QD Starting ___ please drop by 1 mg weekly [ ] STARTED warfarin for anti-coagulation in setting of new atrial fibrillation during acute illness. Please titrate for goal INR ___. Please see attached anti-coagulation sheet for details. [ ] Once steroid course is completed please discontinue or re-evaluate need for PPI, Vitamin D, calcium supplements. [ ] Once steroid dose is less than 10 mg prednisone daily please discontinue atovaquone. [ ] Please obtain repeat echocardiogram in ___ weeks following discharge to ensure resolution of acutely reduced LVEF while in the medical ICU. [ ] Recommend event monitor following resolution of acute illness to determine burden of atrial fibrillation. If resolved would re-consider need for ongoing anti-coagulation. [ ] Please repeat Chem-10 in 1 week to ensure continued improvement in renal function. Discharge Cr: 2.7. [ ] Persistently anemic at time of discharge. Please repeat Hgb/Hct in ___ days to ensure stable. Discharge Hgb: 7.8. [ ] Discovered to be hepatitis B non-immune. Consider repeat vaccination course following resolution of acute illness. [ ] When able to tolerate taking PO medications, please stop metoprolol TARTRATE 12.5mg Q6H and start metoprolol SUCCINATE 50mg daily [ ] If SBP persistently greater than 140 and renal function back to baseline, then please restart lisinopril 10mg daily. If hypertensive, but renal function not back to baseline, then please start amlodipine 5mg daily. #CODE STATUS: full (confirmed) #CONTACT: ___ (HCP, son) ___, ___ (son) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with array of risk factors for coronary atherosclerosis and remote history of left MCA aneurysm, left ICA aneurysm complicated by TIA, and chronic kidney disease stage IV admitted for NSTEMI. Coronary angiography revealed culprit RCA lesion. #) NSTEMI, type I: while features of her chest pain were atypical, rising cardiac enzymes and new T-wave inversions in anteroseptal precordial leads on background said risk factors were suggestive of true unstable plaque rupture in probable LAD distribution. She was empirically heparinized when cleared by neurosurgery. TTE was obtained, which instead demonstrated hypokinesis of the basal inferior and inferoseptal segments, but globally preserved biventricular systolic function. She thus proceeded with coronary angiography, which revealed 100% occluded RCA with well established left to right collateralization, which was not intervened upon, as well as non-obstructive LCx (50% stenosis) and D1 (40% stenosis) disease. She received periprocedural hydration as prophylaxis against contrast induced nephropathy. She was also pre-medicated for idoniated contrast allergy per ___ protocol. Heparin was later discontinued in favor of aspirin and clopidogrel. Metoprolol was converted to carvedilol 12.5 mg BID for better alpha antagonism in the absence of home lisinopril, which was held for renal insufficiency above baseline and impending contrast load. #) Cerebral aneurysm: once deemed an absolute contraindication to anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy. Surveillance head CT obtained after therapeutic PTT was unremarkable. MRA head revealed a single 3 mm left ICA aneurysm, which was considered at minimal, and thus, acceptable risk of hemorrhage. No intervention was warranted. Neurosurgery cleared patient for heparin and dual-antiplatelet therapy in that regard. ___ on chronic kidney disease, stage IV: presumably secondary to hypertensive nephropathy. Creatinine 2.8 on arrival from baseline creatinine 2.0-2.5. She received gentle hydration in anticipation of catheterization, which was then continued for low-normal LVEDP, albeit minor contrast load. Lisinopril was held at discharge for unchanged creatinine. #) Alcohol use disorder: notably, has history of withdrawal seizures. Last drink reportedly evening prior to admission. Monitored on CIWA without benzodiazepine needs. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: #) Anemia: near-macrocytosis at baseline 10-range. Presume secondary to chronic kidney disease and alcohol myelotoxicity. #) Hypertension: home lisinopril 5 mg held, as above. Carvedilol 12.5 mg BID added for alpha antagonism. =================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES =================== NEW MEDICATIONS -Aspirin 81 mg daily -Atorvastatin 80 mg daily -Carvedilol 12.5 mg BID -Clopidogrel 75 mg daily CHANGED MEDICATIONS: none. HELD MEDICATIONS: -Lisinopril 5 mg daily DISCONTINUED MEDICATIONS: -Pravastatin [ ]Ensure follow-up with cardiology and neurosurgery (see appointments above). [ ]At discharge, creatinine = 2.8; recommend repeat chem-10 at primary care follow-up on ___. [ ]Consider titrating carvedilol and/or resuming lisinopril, if renal function has returned to baseline. [ ]Facilitate smoking and alcohol cessation. #CODE: Full, presumed #CONTACT: ___, daughter (___) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with Stage IIIB CRC (s/p right hemicolectomy (___) on FOLFOX (today C2D15), who presents for a third round of oxaliplatin desensitization. She tolerated the infusion well without any side effects. She will return for her next round of oxaliplatin desensitization per protocol on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with FLT3+ AML s/p allo MUD SCT (___) with early relapsed disease, s/p treatment with sorafenib, DLI and MUC1-inhibitor + decitabine in past, also with recent admissions for pseudomonas and recurrent VCRE infection, on chronic suppressive therapy, and recent admission for rising blasts and LFTs complicated by hemolysis and mucositis. She was admitted for diarrhea and found to have supratherapeutic digoxin level. # diarrhea: Patient presented with 2 days diarrhea after having started digoxin. She was supported with fluid resuscitation and her digoxin held. An infectious workup was negative including C. Diff PCR, and she received loperamide to good effect. She was no longer having diarrhea at the time of discharge and tolerating her baseline PO intake. # fluid overload: The patient who has baseline depressed LVEF was given ample fluid resuscitation in the setting of diarrhea. She became mildly fluid overloaded on exam which was treated with ___ IV Lasix several times during her inpatient stay. She had mild desaturation to low ___ with good response post-diuresis. She received diuresis on day of discahrge, and will be evaluated as outpatient during follow-up visits on ___ and ___ for additional volume reduction. # thrombocytopenia: In setting of receiving hydroxyurea and AML the patient had low and downtrending platelets throughout her stay. Requiring HLA matched platelets for effect, she received intermittent platelet infusion but continued to downtrend. With mild mucositis she was infused on day of discharge and blood bank was alerted she would be evaluated on ___ and ___ for potential transfusion. # AML (FLT3+ post allo MUD SCT): Patient with FLT3+ AML s/p allo MUD SCT (___) with early relapsed disease, recently s/p 4 cycles of decitabine and recent cycle of decitabine + Ara-C. Patient had been awaiting initiation on new clinical trial but since clinic visit for diarrhea was found to have increased blasts (65% blasts, WBC 16.3). She was started on Hydrea 1g PO BID which was increased as high as 3g PO BID. After several doses of Hydrea 3g PO WBC and blasts downtrending. Switched to Hydrea 1g PO daily. She was placed on IVF first to support through diarrhea, then to prevent TLS and monitor TLS labs. Bone marrow biopsy performed ___, and IPT showed blasts in marrow. Patient to begin Trial ___ with Revlimid. # Chemotherapy-related cardiomyopathy: Patient has LVEF 40%, evaluated by Echo this admission. In setting of IVF she had pulmonary edema by CXR during this hospitalization and received Lasix ___ IV several times to good effect. Low voltage EKGs raised concern for malignant effusion, and repeat Echo showed preserved EF at 40% and no effusion. Patient enrolled in study ___ with EF>40% no disease related effusion. # Adrenal insufficiency: Patient continued on home dose hydrocortisone 15mg PO QAM and 5mg PO QPM through admission. # History of recurrent Pseudomonas, VRE: Patient continued on home daptomycin/cipro suppressive therapy. Dapto IV and ethanol locks continued upon discharge. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - new medications: loperamide 2mg QID PRN diarrhea - stopped medications: digoxin - held w/ supratherapeutic levels - appointments: ___ and ___ in ___ please check CBC/diff, BMP, TLS markers, and LFTs and contact Dr. ___ the ___ attenting/fellow if any issues or sick appearing - please transfuse PRBC and platelets as needed at clinic visits - please diurese with IV Lasix as needed at clinic visits - finalize re-admission date for ___ or ___ - check HCG on ___ for trial - Code: Full - Contact: ___ (HCP/Husband) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the orthopaedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Postoperative course was remarkable for the following: 1. Hypotension requiring pressors in PACU- resolved on its own and patient successfully managed on floor. 2. Patient kept in a locked ___ brace as her operation required both a patellar tendon and quad tendon repair. 3. Post op blood loss anemia - POD2 Hct 20.7 -> Transfused 2u PRBCs with good effect. 4. Lovenox bridge to coumadin 5. Constipation - POD3 hypoactive bowel sounds and -RF -> KUB showed no ileus. POD4 Increased bowel regimen with good effect. +BM ___ prior to discharge. Please continue to minimize narcotics. Otherwise, pain was initially controlled with a PCA followed by a transition to oral pain medications on POD#1. The patient received Lovenox and Coumadin starting POD1 for DVT prophylaxis. The foley was removed on POD#2 and the patient was voiding independently thereafter. The surgical dressing was changed on POD#2 and the surgical incision was found to be clean and intact without erythema or abnormal drainage. The patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was acceptable and pain was adequately controlled on an oral regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign. The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity in a locked ___ brace. She is being discharged on Keflex x 7 days for infection prophylaxis. She is discharged to rehab in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient was transferred to the ED with a right chest tube and multiple known rib fractures. Following evaluation int he ___ emergency department, he was admitted to the trauma service. He had an MRI on ___, and on ___ his c-spine was clinically cleared. His chest tube was continued on wall suction. He had serial hematocrits drawn, which showed an intial drop, but then were stable. On the morning of ___, his hematocrit decreased to 20. Patient was consented and transfused 2 units PRBCs with appropriate response (Hct 20 -> 26.9), and taken to interventional radiology for embolization of a presumed pelvic vessel, as extravasation had been seen on the initial CT. The embolization attempt was unsuccessful, and patient had a large O2 requirement following extubation and was transferred to the ICU. There he had continued nebs. ___ patient went to OR with orthopedics for ORIF R hip/pelvis and was transfused 2 units PRBCs (Hct 25.8 ->26.9). He was kept intubated overnight and extubated on ___. Pain Control: The acute pain service was consulted for pain control. A thoracic epidural catheter and a right sided lumbar pain pump catheter were utilized. They were both removed on ___ and the patient had his pain well controlled on PO Dilaudid with IV Dilaudid for breakthrough. He was also started on neurontin. Events in the TSICU: ___: tx'd from OSH, admitted to TSICU ___: C-spine cleared, tx'd to floor, reg diet ___: Hct 20, ___ unable to find bleeder, tx'd 2U PRBC, tx'd to TSICU postop for resp distress ___: epidural placed ___: ORIF of pelvis, 100 cellsaver, 2U PRBC, EBL 1000, left intubated, bronch: showing thick secretions, CT d/c'd ___ extubated, Lasix 10 x 2, lumbar plexus catheter, inc RISS, adv diet Pleural effusion: the patient was found to have a right pleural effusion and some peripheral edema. Diuresis with lasix and acetazolamide began ___, and continued through his discharge. His foley catheter was removed on ___. A UA at that time was suspicous for a UTI and he was started on PO Cipro 500 mg BID. He received one dose at ___ and should continue for 3 days. The patient was discharged to a rehab facility on ___. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Transitional Issues ==================== [] No definitive source for patient's bleeding was found. ENT felt this was most likely due to nasopharyngeal dryness. Please monitor for symptom resolution with saline nebs. Counseled patient to return immediately to ED in case of recurrent significant bleeding. If bleeding recurs, consider repeat laryngoscopy and CT angiogram to identify source. [] Left thyroid nodule measuring up to 2.5 cm. Ultrasound follow up recommended. [] Patient was normotensive during hospitalization off home BP meds. Held HCTZ on discharge, restart as needed. [] Consider colonoscopy in ___ months after resolution of diverticulitis to assess for underlying malignancy. [] Patient is taking otic antibiotics and steroids for unclear indication. Please clarify when patient should stop this. [] Continue to encourage smoking cessation. Prescribed nicotine patch. [] Consider replacing buproprion with alternative anti-depressant. ___ be worsening patient's anxiety. [] Fluticasone IH discontinued since redundant with Fluticasone-Salmeterol IH. SUMMARY STATEMENT ================== This is a ___ with PMH of lung adenocarcinoma in remission, COPD, transferred from ___ for further evaluation of intermittent pharyngeal bleeding of unclear etiology. There was initially concern for carotid-pharyngeal fistula as the patient was noted to have left oropharyngeal fullness that was pulsatile on fiberoptic exam performed by ENT. CTA of the head and neck was performed which showed no active extravasation but did demonstrate medialized left carotid. The patient remained hemodynamically stable throughout her hospital stay. ACUTE ISSUES ============ #Nasopharyngeal bleeding The patient was transferred from ___ as providers were concerned about carotid-pharyngeal fistula. The patient was seen by ___ who performed a fiberoptic exam which demonstrated left oropharyngeal fullness that was pulsatile. CTA performed here demonstrated a medialized left carotid artery but no evidence of active extravasation. ENT recommended nasal saline for likely venous source in the posterior nasal cavity. The case was discussed with ___ and ___ who felt that there was no role for additional carotid imaging or interventions. After starting nasal saline, the patient's bleeding resolved. The patient remained hemodynamically stable with stable hemoglobin during her admission. CHRONIC ISSUES ============== #Recent Diverticulitis Previously treated for diverticulitis with course of amoxicillin. Still endorsing mild LLQ pain that continues to improve. No indication to image and no signs of toxicity. #Ear Pain: Continued outpatient steroid + antibiotic otic regimen. # MDD/Anxiety - bupropion, escitalopram - Ativan PRN 0.5 mg PRN - Ativan 1 mg QHS daily #COPD/Asthma Not on O2 at home. -albuterol -Home Advair 500/50 -Discontinued home Fluticasone IH (redundant with Advair) -PRN home duoneb #HTN -Holding amlodipine, HCTZ -Continue metoprolol #GERD Continue home pantoprazole #ECZEMA Continued Clobetasol for elbows #SPINAL STENOSIS History of chronic pain, had been prescribed hydrocodone-APAP, but no longer taking. Continued Tylenol. #Tobacco use: nicotine patch ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old female with history of hypertension, GERD, hiatal hernia, anxiety, s/p CCY (___) presenting with chest pain for one day. # Chest pain: right-sided shoulder pain seems consistent with her known rotator cuff injury, which has been a persistent problem for many years. With respect to her left-sided shoulder and arm pain, it is not reproducible on exam, but has fully resolved by the time of her arrival to the floor. EKG and cardiac biomarkers x 2 are both without evidence of ischemia, and description of burning pain without associated shortness of breath, nausea, diaphoresis argues against cardiac etiology. Suspect potential musculoskeletal component, although pain is not reproducible on exam at time of arrival to the floor. Her pain was not present the following morning, and exam was again unremarkable. Diet was advanced. She was continued on her home statin. She is no longer on her home beta blocker due to hypotension and bradycardia, and her aspirin has also been discontinued. She has been advised to follow up with her PCP in one week. # Dilated intrahepatic ducts: Per CT done in ED, there is suggestion of modestly dilated intrahepatic ducts. Exam is entirely reassuring. Of note, she had a very similar pattern of very modest LFT elevation in the past - ___: ALT/AST 88/46, alk phos 131; ___: ALT/AST 109/28, alk phos 134; Tbili always WNL. She underwent MRCP on ___ which did not reveal any pathology of the remnant biliary system at that time. LFTs were downtrending at the time of discharge. There is currently no indication for MRCP. This issue should be followed up as an outpatient with repeat LFTs, and possibly further imaging. # Low back pain: Chronic pain, followed by Dr. ___ with pain ___. - Continue home gabapentin, lidocaine patches, tylenol, and vicodin - vicodin is apparently prescribed by Dr. ___ who has now retired, and patient is aware that she will need to find a new outpatient prescriber for this medication, if it is to be continued # Hypertension: continued home amlodipine and lisinopril with hold parameters # GERD/hiatal hernia: continued home PPI and ranitidine # Hypothyroidism: continued home levothyroxone 50 mcg daily # Constipation: continued home docusate and polyethylene glycol PRN # Anxiety/depression: continued home escitalopram, olanzapine, and diazepam # Chronic nausea: Has been extensively evaluated by GI for this issue. She was continued on her home ondansetron. # Code status: DNR/DNI - confirmed on admission # Follow-up: patient should follow up with her PCP within one week, at which time LFTs should be repeated and chest pain should be re-evaluated. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Please see discharge summary from yesterday. EMS sent patient back during transporation to his rehab because of a leakage from J tube. The J tube stopcock was left open and was simply closed on the floor without any more leakage. The ED could have simply done that. His tube feeding was restarted without any problems such as leakage or residuals. In regards to his anemia, he has known abdominal hematoma that previously required transfusion. CT abdomen from yesterday with stable hematoma size. Patient was hemodynamically stable with stable hematocrit and nio signs of internal or external bleeding. During this 24 hour admission, he was changed to ___ antibiotics to finish his course of pneumonia treatment. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ==================== PATIENT SUMMARY: ==================== Mr. ___ is an ___ year old ___ speaking man with PMH of HTN, non-insulin dependent DM2, HLD, referred by his PCP at ___ (Dr. ___, who presented to the ED with BLE weakness of 2 weeks' duration, found to be profoundly hyponatremic to 110, likely secondary to hypovolemia and SIADH perhaps due to an underlying pituitary mass. ==================== ACUTE ISSUES: ==================== #Hyponatremia: The patient was profoundly hyponatremic on admission with Na of 110. There was almost certainly some component of hypovolemic hyponatremia initially given the robust initial response to IVF. However, given sustained elevated urine Osms and lack of continued response to volume resuscitation alone, the continued hyponatremia was likely driven by SIADH. The etiology for SIADH is also unclear, though possibly related to pituitary mass (discussed below). There was also likely some component of Type IV RTA secondary to Lisinopril use, and Lisinopril was held which we continued to hold on discharge. The patient continued treatment for SIADH with 1L free water restriction and TID ensure shakes with a high salt diet as well as 20mg PO Lasix. The patient was refusing ensure shakes while in the hospital, however we discharged him with TID shakes and recommended that he continue to take these with every meal. His TSH and AM cortisol (x2) were normal. He was discharged with primary care follow up and should have his sodium checked at his first follow up. #Pituitary lesion: MRI showed 14mm lesion in the anterior pituitary with ddx including cystic macroadenoma with possible subacute hemorrhage vs Rathke's cleft cyst (less likely based on location of lesion). Macroadenoma may be non-functioning or functioning (with excess secretion of LH/FSH vs ___ vs prolactin; TSH or ACTH-secreting microadenoma is less likely given normal TSH and AM free cortisol on this admission). Unclear if this lesion is responsible for hyponatremia leading to excess ADH secretion but so far there is no other possible explanation for SIADH. Visual field testing normal by ICU team and ophtho. Neurosurgery consulted and given no optic chiasm compression no need for intervention at this time. Will need f/u MRI as outpatient in 6 months and neurosurgery follow up. ___ Weakness/fall, resolved Neuro exam intact. Good rectal tone. No spinal tenderness. Most likely Hyponatremia related as improved with treatment. Of note, he was found to have some orthostatic hypotension though was asymptomatic and was ambulating well with physical therapy. #Metabolic Acidosis, resolved #Ketonuria, resolved Patient with bicarb 16, gap 16, pH 7.34, 10 ketones urine, normal lactate. Given poor diet most likely some element of starvation ketosis. His blood sugar was 400 on initial check, but has been low 200s on repeat checks, and type II diabetic not on SGL-2 inhibitor, less concern for DKA/HONK. #Abdominal distension #Constipation Abdominal exam benign. Likely due to constipation. TSH normal. Given bowel regimen. #Urinary retention/incontinence Normal rectal exam, less concern for neurological process. Sugars have been more elevated lately, so could be symptomatic from glucosuria/osmotic diuresis. Improved. ==================== CHRONIC ISSUES: ==================== #HTN: Held Lisinopril i/s/o hyperkalemia on admission. Blood pressure was normal during admission. If needs better BP control as outpatient, would recommend starting on a non-Ace inhibitor regimen. #DM: Held home oral medications and gave sliding scale insulin during hospitalization. Restarted home meds on discharge. #Microcytic anemia: Unknown baseline. Iron studies consistent with anemia of chronic disease. Consider colonoscopy as outpatient ==================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== [ ] 14 mm pituitary mass: Will need f/u MRI as outpatient in 6 months and neurosurgery follow up. [ ] Lisinopril held with stable blood pressure due to hyperkalemia on admission as well as possible contribution to Type IV RTA, can consider starting different antihypertensive if needs better BP control as outpatient [ ] Found to have mild asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension. Can consider midodrine if develops issues with pre-syncope/syncope [ ] Found to have stable microcytic anemia. Ensure he is up to date on colonoscopies. - New Meds: lasix - Stopped/Held Meds: lisinopril - Changed Meds: none - Follow-up appointments: PCP, ___, neurosurgery - Post-Discharge Follow-up Labs Needed: chem 10 - Incidental Findings: pituitary mass - Discharge weight: 194 lb. - Discharge creatinine: 0.9 # Communication: ___ (son, lives with him) ___ ___ (son) ___ # Code: Full confirmed ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt underwent APR, cystectomy, RP, ileal conduit, bilateral gracilis flaps. Post operatively pt remained electivley intubated and was transferred to the ICU where he remianed NPO, IVF with PRN boluses.Neosynephrine was titrated to keep MAP >65. Epidural was placed in conjunction with PCA to aid in pain contol. NGT to LWS.Tight glycemic control, TID HCT. Famotidine was started for Gi porphylaxis. . ___ Neosynephrine weaned off. Pt hemodynamically stable. ___ extubated . Toradol added to epidural for better pain relief. NGT dc'd. Pt allowed ice chips. Pt transfused 1 Unit PRBCfor HCt of 23.4. . ___: Pt required increased FIO2 after fluid resuscitation. Lasix 20 mg started with good diueresis. ___ consult placed. Pt transitioned from PCa to IV dilaudid. Epidural remianed in placed. Neosynephrine briefly restarted for SBP in the ___ after pain medication administration and then dcd again once pressures were >110/50s. . ___: Pt had improved oxygenation with diueresis. Transferred to floor. Cxr showed mild pulmonary congestion. . ___: Diet advanced to clear liquids for breakfast, tolerated well. Medications converted to all PO's. Restarted on most home medications. Epidural removed per Acute pain service. Pain well controlled with oral medication. Flatus and stool production noted in ostomy. Diet advanced to regular food for dinner. Tolerated well. Continued to work with Physical Therapy. Steady on feet, but deconditioned. Continues to benefit from ___ rehab. Awaiting bed availability. Plan to discharge to Rehab on ___. . ___: Developed Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention. Ostomy continues to function, but decreased amount. NGT inserted with over 1 liter of thick, bilious output. IV fluid restarted, and made NPO. Medications converted back to IV. KUB revealed ileus. Urine output stable. . ___: NGT removed. Started on clears. Tolerated well. Ostomy output increased. Abdominal distention decreased. Continued to ambulate with nursing & RW. Minimal assist. Otherwise stable. Repeat abd xray revealed resolving ileus. Diet advanced to regular food in evening. Tolerated well. . ___: Tolerating regular food. Denies N/V. Adequate ostomy & urine output. Ambulating with minimal assist using walker. Re-screened per ___, cleared for discharge home with services. . ___: Vitals stable. Abdominal incision, ostomy, ileal conduit, and gracilis flaps intact. Pain well controlled with oral medication. Hemodynamic status stable. ___ Ureteral stents removed. Pt discharged to home with ___, ___, & home health aide. Also with planned follow-up with Dr. ___ in a few weeks, and with Dr. ___ Service in 10 days for assessment of groind JP drain output, and readiness for removal. In addition, patient will see Dr. ___ in ___ weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ woman with a history of DMII not on insulin, CKD, OSA, HTN, HFpEF, CAD w/ MI who presents with 1 month of worsening nausea/vomiting and abdominal pain after eating and weight loss, found to have gastritis and constipation. ACUTE/ACTIVE ISSUES: ==================== # Gastritis # Nausea/vomiting Most likely presentation from constipation and gastritis. EGD identified gastritis but no PUD or obstruction; Pantoprazole 40 mg daily initiated ___. Malignancy unlikely given no findings on CT or EGD, however not definitively ruled out. CT did reveal increased stool burden and she was initiated on Miralax, Bisacodyl, Polyethylene Glycol, and Senna. Gastroparesis was not assessed during admission but will follow up with outpatient gastric emptying study. CTA not pursued to assess for chronic mesenteric ischemia in light patient's ability to eat without pain. Patient to be continued on optimized bowel regimen to reduce pain contribution secondary constipation. TSH and cortisol within normal limits. At this time, H. Pylori biopsy test pending. For symptomatic management of nausea, patient was treated with Zofran. Per nutrition recs, patient was initiated on multivitamin. Of note, patient with gram negative rods in urine but asymptomatic so was not started on treatment. # Unintentional weight loss Suspect secondary to nausea/vomiting and abdominal pain causing reduced appetite. EGD procedure did not demonstrate concerning mass or other obstructive lesion. Patient was evaluated by nutrition and initiated on multivitamin. # Pyuria Asymptomatic. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES: ====================== # Irregular Heart rate: One episode of "single period of Wenckebach second degree AV block possibly high-grade (and likely vagal)." on Ziopatch but no CHB or AF. AV conduction delay seen on EKG. Cardiology follow-up scheduled and no events on telemetry. # CAD # HFpEF Was continued on home medications: aspirin, clopidogrel, atorvastatin, isosorbide dinitrate 10 mg PO TID, metoprolol succinate. Nifedipine held on discharge given normotension. # DMII Recent A1C reportedly 7.3%. Has not required insulin. Held home duraglutide, metformin and was put on insulin sliding scale while inpatient. Resumed metformin/glipizide on discharge. Dulaglutide held given family concern that contributing to nausea/vomiting. # Hypertension Home regimen includes Losartan 100 mg PO daily, Nifedipine ER 30 mg PO daily but was held during hospitalization due to stable BPs. Losartan resumed prior to discharge. # Osteoporosis Held alendronate during admission and given Lidocaine patch and Tylenol as needed. # Obstructive sleep apnea CPAP contraindicated while patient has nausea and vomiting, so was held on first night but resumed on second night. # Depression Continued on citalopram 40 mg PO daily TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ===================== [] follow up H. Pylori biopsy results [] please perform gastric emptying study as outpatient [] continue bowel regimen for constipation [] initiated on Pantoprazole for gastritis, continue to assess need for PPI as symptoms improve [] establish care with GI specialist [] monitor blood pressures, resume nifedipine/other blood pressure medications as needed [] dulaglutide held on discharge given concern from patient/family that contributing to nausea/vomiting, please monitor A1c and consider alternatives # CODE: full (presumed) # CONTACT: ___ (daughter) ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient was admitted to the orthopaedic surgery service and was taken to the operating room for above described procedure. Please see separately dictated operative report for details. The surgery was uncomplicated and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient received perioperative IV antibiotics. Postoperative course was remarkable for the following: 1. post op delerium -> ___ consult. minimize narcotics and sedating meds. encourage family by bedside for frequent orientation 2. urinary retension -> pt pulled his own foley out on POD1. failed void trial several times requiring multiple straight caths. currently with foley in. repeat void trial at rehab sun/mon. 3. hypokalemia -> K 3.1 on POD4 -> gave 60meq x 1 Otherwise, pain was initially controlled with a PCA followed by a transition to oral pain medications on POD#1. The patient received lovenox for DVT prophylaxis starting on the morning of POD#1. The foley was removed on POD#2 and the patient was voiding independently thereafter. The surgical dressing was changed on POD#2 and the surgical incision was found to be clean and intact without erythema or abnormal drainage. The patient was seen daily by physical therapy. Labs were checked throughout the hospital course and repleted accordingly. At the time of discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet and feeling well. The patient was afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient's hematocrit was acceptable and pain was adequately controlled on an oral regimen. The operative extremity was neurovascularly intact and the wound was benign. The patient's weight-bearing status is weight bearing as tolerated on the operative extremity. Mr ___ is discharged to rehab in stable condition. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ was admitted to the thoracic surgery service after endobronchial valve placement x3 to the LUL by interventional pulmonology on ___ (please see operative note for details). She tolerated the procedure well. Post operatively, CXR showed no evidence of pneumothorax. She was started on her home nebulizers and home meds on POD1. Per IP, she was started on prednisone 20mg daily, and azithromycin 250mg daily. Diet was advanced as tolerated. On POD2, she desaturated to mid ___ while ambulating on room air, but quickly recovered with rest, and otherwise was satting well on room air for the remainder of her post op course. Pain was well controlled. She had daily CXR done to monitor her progress. On POD4, CXR was stable, she was ambulating independently without desaturating, tolerating a regular diet, had normal bowel function, and pain was well controlled on oral medications, and was therefore ready for discharge to home. She was instructed to continue taking her home medications as she was previously was, until further instruction at her 1-month follow up with IP, and to wear her pneumothorax risk alert bracelet for the next 2 weeks. Azithromycin and higher dose prednisone were stopped at discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have a R Vancouver B3 periprosthetic femur fx and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for R periprosthetic femur ORIF, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient was co-managed by the Medicine service for intermittent agitation, most consistent with hospital-acquired delirium She required IV Haldol on POD1 but otherwise was managed by PRN Seroquel and frequent reorientation. The Medicine team also decided to hold the patient’s home Diovan until her follow-up appointment with her PCP because of relatively low blood pressures. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is protected weight bearing in the right lower extremity, and will be discharged on subcutaneous heparin twice daily for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo female with h/o IVDU, hepatitis C, EtOH abuse, HTN and right knee tibial plateau fracture with hardware initially presenting to ___ orthopedics with tibial hardware drainage, found to have MSSA infection treated with nafcillin, complicated by hepatic encephalopathy. # HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY: On HD #5 (POD #4 from removal of tibial hardware), ___ became increasingly obtunded and encephalopathic, and developed severe asterixis of her bilateral upper and lower extremities. Her AST, ALT, AP and Tbili all acutely trended up. She was transferred to medicine service, where she had a right upper quadrant ultrasound which did not show ascites, portal vein thrombosis/distension, or liver/gallbladder abnormalities. She had head CT which did not show any acute intracranial abnormalities. She was started on lactulose and began putting out copious liquid stools, with gradual resolution of her asterixis and clearing of her mental status over the next several days. Hepatology was consulted and recommended the addition of rifaximin, which was started on HD #6. Neurology was also consulted for concern that pt's severe asterixis was actually myoclonus and that she was suffering nonconvulsive status epilepticus; they examined the ___ and found this to be unlikely, and did not make any recommendations. As ___ has h/o HCV (viral load 16,300,000), IVDU and EtOH abuse, it is believed that she most likely has cirrhosis although this has not been confirmed with biopsy. An extensive liver fibrosis workup was performed: thus far she has found to be HBsAg negative, HBsAb negative, HBcAb negative, AMA negative, ___ negative, IgG 707. Alpha 1 antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin, and liver fibrosis panel are all currently pending. It is still unclear what acutely precipitated ___ hepatic encephalopathy, but most likely she had a transient bacteremia at some point which exacerbated her liver pathology and caused her to become encephalopathic. In addition, as ___ had been started on nafcillin for her MSSA infection 4 days prior to becoming encephalopathic, it was believed that ___ liver injury may have also precipitated her hepatic decompensation. Therefore, nafcillin was stopped and replaced with IV cefazolin on HD#6. Opioid withdrawal was also considered as an additional etiology aggravating ___ symptoms, given that she was actively abusing PO morphine up until day of hospitalization and did receive opiates ___ she also had dilated pupils, tachycardia and hypertension which further supported this diagnosis. ___ mental status, neurologic function and liver function tests gradually improved over the course of hospitalization on the lactulose and rifaximin. On HD#13, she was back to her baseline and her LFTs had almost completely normalized (with the exception of alk phosph, which remains elevated), so the lactulose and rifaximin were discontinued. ___ continued to complain of diarrhea after this, and C. diff toxins A+B and C. diff PCR were all negative, so she was started on prn loperamide. . # LEUKOCYTOSIS: ___ developed fever, tachycardia, hypertension and leukocytosis with left shift on HD#7. The leukocytosis peaked at 17.5 on HD#9. She had extensive workup by primary team and infectious disease team, with negative blood cultures, urine cultures and chest ___. Knee ___ was also done to assess for potential osteomyelitis, and this was negative. As ___ primary complaint once her mental status cleared was diffuse abdominal pain, ___ infection, abscess, and pancreatitis (due to elevated lipase/amylase) were all considered, so ___ had a CT abdomen with contrast on HD #11 (unable to perform this earlier as ___ pulled out her PICC several times, had poor IV access, and it took several days to get power PICC placed by ___ in order for her to get IV contrast). CT abdomen was also unrevealing, although potentially may have missed something as it occured late in hospital course. C. diff was also considered as symptoms developed ___ course, and ___ was started on PO vancomycin for empiric coverage. However, C. diff toxins A+B and C. diff PCR ultimately all returned negative, so vancomycin was stopped on HD#13. Ultimately, ___ white count trended back to normal, her fevers resolved, and she became normotensive again. However, she remains tachycardic on discharge - this is most likely secondary to her extensive history of anxiety which she does endorse. . # RIGHT KNEE MSSA INFECTION: pt admitted to the Orthopedic service on ___ for right leg hardware removal and I&D after being evaluated in Dr. ___ on ___. She underwent hardware removal and I&D without complication on ___. She was extubated without difficulty and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. In the early ___ course Ms. ___ did well and was transferred to the floor in stable condition. The infectious disease service was consulted to help manage and recommend treatment course for the ___. With cultures pending, the ___ antibiotic course began with Vancomycin 1000 mg IV Q 12H. A PICC line was ordered for ___ antibiotic use. Cultures returned showing MSSA, so antibiotics were switched to Nafcillin per ID recommendations. When pt developed hepatic encephalopathy, she was switched to Cefazolin 2 grams IV q8 hours due to concern for ___ liver injury. Per ID, she will need to complete a 6 week course of Cefazolin (last day ___. . # ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: Creatinine rose to 2.0 on HD#5, with UA unrevealing and FENa 1.1 indicating intrinsic renal damage. Workup did not show any clear etiology of her renal failure, and renal function was restored to normal by end of hospitalization. Most likely etiology at this point is believed to be prerenal insufficiency secondary to infection. . # TACHYCARDIA: Pt became tachycardic on HD#7, the same time at which she developed fever, hypertension, and leukocytosis. She also developed tachypnea on HD#8. Pulmonary embolism was considered initially as ___ had been sedentary for several days, but LENIs were negative and CTA could not be performed due to poor IV access at that time. Pneumonia was considered as well, but CXR was negative. She was found at that time to have a respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis, for which numerous etiologies were all worked up and found to be negative, including salicylate toxicity. Ultimately, all of her vital signs and labs returned to normal, but her tachycardia still persists at discharge. Etiology of this is unclear, but felt to be likely to either her pain, anxiety (which pt strongly endorses) or some continued amount of withdrawal from opioid use (less likely). . # HEPATITIS C: ___ has viral load of 16,300,000. An HCV genotype was sent and results are currently pending. . # SUBSTANCE ABUSE: ___ states that she has not abused alcohol in several years. She takes antabuse at home. She also denies IVDU for the past several years. However, she does admit to taking high doses of morphine bought on the street, and to frequenting many ERs in order to obtain IV dilaudid. She states that she is very interested in quitting. During hospitalization she received social work consult to help her find resources at home to assist with drug rehab and support groups. . # HYPERTENSION: ___ has history of essential hypertension. She was taken off her home lisinopril during hospitalization; was restarted on final day with no complications. . # DEPRESSION: stable on home buproprion and fluoxetine. . # HYPERLIPIDEMIA: ___ zocor was discontinued during hospitalization secondary to her acute liver injury. She remains off it at discharge, and will need lipid panel checked as outpatient to determine whether statin should ultimately be restarted. . TRANSITION OF CARE - liver fibrosis panel labs need to be followed up by hepatology and PCP - HCV viral load currently pending; needs to be followed up by hepatology and PCP - ___ does NOT have a PCP in ___ has offered to set her up with a PCP during rehab (confirmed with ___ case management). Please make sure that this happens while she is there. - ___ has back pain secondary to her long convalescence at the hospital. We are treating this with acetaminophen. Please avoid opioids due to ___ history of opioid abuse. - We stopped pt's zocor secondary to her liver injury; will need lipid panel checked by PCP in future to determine whether statin should be restarted - ___ is currently on neurontin 600mg qHS, but home dose is 900mg qHS. This may need to be uptitrated at rehab as she does still have some neuropathic pain (did not return to home dose here due to concern for altering mental status) - we discontinued seroquel 100mg qHS during hospitalization in order to avoid altering mental status. Reason for seroquel prescription is unclear but may be for sleep. Can call pt's outpatient psychiatrist Dr. ___ at ___ ___ Counsel (___) for further info. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Pt was admitted to the SICU ___ for resp compromise d/t rib fractures, clavicular fractures. Neuro: awake, alert on arrival. head CT neg for acute process. Sedated after intubation. Presently wake conversant and approp. Resp: Required intubation on HD#3 after failing BIPAP and CPAP support. Failure to wean from the vent d/t ARDS and required trach and peg on ___. Weaned from vent. Trach down sized ___. Passey muir valve placed and ___ well. CTA was done to r/o PE which was neg. IVC filter was placed prophlactically given relative risk on ___. Right hemothorax was drained and a chest tube was placed for continued drainage and PTX. Chest tube was removed ___ after resolution of PTX and fluid collection drained. COR: approp tachy initially controlled w/ betablockaide. TEE nl w/ EF 60% intermittant lasix diuresis and pressor requirement. OF note, during removal of arterial line - line cut and slipped into artery. plastics consulted and line tip retrived w/adeq profusion. Nutrition: ___ placed for nutritional support and then peg tube placed. currently ___ TF and reg diet after being seen by speech and swallow pathology. Can wean from tube feed after approp po nutrition established. Heme/ID: Transfused PRBCs for HCT 23.1 w/ approp stabilzation of HCT- presumed source of loss - right hemothorax. Cipro was started prophlactically and d/c'd after neg culture data. Pt spiked on HD #8 pan cultured and started on broad spectrum IVAB for suspected VAP- vanco, cipro, ceftaz. sputum ___- staph coag postive- sensitive to vanco. cipro cetaz d/c'd and completed vanco course. Pain:An epidural was placed for pain control, PCA and toradol were added. Now on metadone w/ good coverage. Rehab: working w/ ___ to return to baseline level of functioning. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo male with a history of CAD (s/p CABG ___, sCHF (EF 50% ___, PAD, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, ventricular ectopy, sinus bradycardia who presented with left sided weakness and falling x3, here for pacemaker placement. # Left Sided Weakness: Concerning for TIA given risk factors of HLD, PAD, CAD, HTN and history of CEA. Pt had normal CT head on ___ and CTA/CTP with showed no perfusion abnormalities. Toxic-metabolic workup has been negative. Neuro consulted, and is considering possiblity of watershed areas caused by bradycardia, vs baseline hypoperfusion from history of CEA/orthostatic hypotension. Non contrast MRI completed ___, no evidence of acute stroke, recommend follow up outpatient. D/C'd plavix 75 mg daily ___ given stroke risk factors. Continued home ASA 325 daily, rosuvastatin 40 mg daily. # Sinus Bradycardia: Pt found to have HR in the ___. Here for pacemaker placement. Pt is now symptomatic s/p falls 3x. An MRI compatible pacemaker was placed ___. # CAD: Pt is s/p CABG in ___, DES in RCA. He is currently without chest pain. Troponin <0.01 on admission. Was on home carvedilol which was d/c'd two weeks prior due to concerns of bradycardia. Continued home ASA 325mg daily, home SLN prn, rosuvastatin 40 mg daily. # Systolic HF with preserved EF: EF of 50% on ECHO ___. Home carvedilol held 2 weeks prior due to bradycardia. Pt allergic to ACE-Inhibitors (angioedema--so also not on an ___. # Hypertension: Pt was on home Carvedilol, but was discontinued 2 weeks prior due to bradycardia. He has a reported allergy to ACE-Inhibitors, which was angioedema. He was normotensive on this admission. # Hypercholesterolemia: Continued home rosuvastatin 40 mg daily. Lipid panel ___: ___ Total Chol: 103 LDLcalc: 35 LDLmeas: 51 HDL:44. Transitions of Care: Full code #Plavix is being held going forth #He will follow up with neurology in 6 weeks #He will follow up with the device clinic on ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ is a ___ year old male who presents for elective craniotomy for clipping of MCA aneurysm. #MCA Aneurysm The patient underwent left sided craniotomy. The procedure was complicated by significant calcification of the aneurysm and was unable to be clipped. For further procedure details, please see separately dictated operative report by Dr. ___. He was extubated in the operating room and transported to the PACU for post-procedure monitoring. Post-operative NCHCT showed mild diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. Once stable, he was transferred to the ___. On ___, the patient complained of significant headache that was uncontrolled with oral and IV pain medications. He was given steroids x 24 hours. On ___, he remained neurologically intact with better control of the headache. He was transferred to the floor. The patient was discharged to home on ___. #Pneumonia Post-operatively, the patient had an episode of O2 desaturation to the high ___. He was placed on high flow oxygen and a chest xray revealed right middle lobe pneumonia. He was placed on a seven day course of Levaquin. Oxygen was weaned as tolerated. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ year old man with PMH of CAD, end-stage CKD, HTN, DM 2, here with ___ edema, weight gain, dyspnea concerning for acute decompensated heart failure. Initially, the edema improved with IV diuretics; however, his kidney function worsened, requiring operation for AV graft and a tunneled HD line to initiate dialysis. ACTIVE ISSUES: ==================================== # Acute decompensated heart failure, LVEF 37% He presented with weight gain and lower extremity edema, dyspnea, refractory to outpatient treatment. Patient had an ECHO during a prior admission which showed an EF of ~35%. His systolic dysfunction was thought to be related to ischemic injury as his p-MIBI results showed evidence of focal wall motion abnormalities also during the last admisison. His afterload was maintained with hydralizine and isordil which were increased for goal MAP 65. He was started on aggressive diuresis with Lasix gtt, and later transitioned to po torsemide. He was continued on carvedilol. Unfortunately, his edema worsened and he had to be transitioned back to iv Lasix boluses. His kidney function worsened iso cardiorenal syndrome and decision was made to transition the patient to HD for fluid removal. Prior to discharge, he was started on 10 mg lisinopril daily and hydralazine/isordil were discontinued. As an outpatient, can continue to uptitrate lisinopril as needed. He had torsemide 40 mg started for non-HD days for additional diuresis. # CKD, end-stage Mr. ___ has end-stage kidney disease; he initially declined dialysis but later agreed after his BUN/Cr and electrolytes worsened. He received an AV graft in his L arm. He was continued on nephrocaps, sodium bicarbonate, calcitriol, and sevelemer. His sevelamer was held on discharge as per renal recs due to low phosphate and his bicarbonate was held due to normal bicarb levels. He should continue to receive calcitriol and EPO with HD as per renal recs. Unfortunately, his electrolytes worsened while his graft was still maturing, requiring a tunneled HD line for dialysis. He was started on dialysis session #1 on ___, session #2 on ___ and session #3 on ___. He was switched to a ___ schedule and he received his first session of this schedule on ___. His creatinine improved and was 3.0 on the day of discharge. He should take torsemide 40 mg every other day on non-dialysis days. PPD placed and read as negative. Hepatitis serologies also negative. Patient given the first Hepatitis B vaccine during hospitalization. #Hyponatremia: Initially thought to hypervolemic hyponatremia iso decompensated heart failure. Sodium improved to the 130s with diuresis. His Na on discharge on 129. It was unclear if this was hypovolemic vs. hypervolemic as a decline was seen with initiating torsemide along with HD. Renal recommended continuing to monitor this outpatient with removal fluid with HD and possibly uptitrating torsemide. If his sodium worsens with this, consider discontinuing torsemide. #CAD, HLD: He was maintained on his home atorvastatin 80 mg and home ASA 81 mg. # HTN: His hypertension was controlled with hydralizine and isordil as above. Hydralazine was discontinued prior to discharge and he was started on 5 mg lisinopril daily. As an outpatient, lisinopril can be further uptitrated and isordil can be discontinued if his blood pressures tolerate it. # DM Type 2: His home glipizide was held in the hospital and he was initiated on SSI. # Pulmonary Hypertension: Monitored. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ==================== [ ] DISCHARGE WEIGHT: 73.2 kg (possibly unreliable) [ ] DISCHARGE DIURETIC: 40 mg torsemide on non-HD days [ ] FOLLOW UP LABORATORY TESTING: Continue to monitor serum Na, Cr at dialysis sessions. [ ] MEDICATION CHANGES: [ ] NEW: torsemide 40 mg QOD on non-HD days, lisinopril 10 mg daily [ ] STOPPED: hydralazine, isordil [ ] CHANGED: holding sevalamer, holding sodium bicarbonate, calcitriol to be dosed with HD, EPO with discharge [ ] Given hepatitis B vaccine for negative serologies, 1st dose given ___. Please complete course. [ ] Decreased glipizide to 2.5 mg PO daily as patient transitioned to HD. Recommend repeat glucose check at next PCP follow up and titration of glipizide if tolerated, with addition of other DM medications as needed. [ ] Consider weaning off omeprazole / PPI as outpatient with up-titration of H2 blocker as needed for GERD symptoms. #CODE STATUS: Full (confirmed) #CONTACT: Wife ___ ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: This is a ___ yo female with progressive breast cancer metastatic to the liver, bones, with ascites and right sided hydronephrosis currently on eribulin (C1) now admitted for rising T bili. # Rising T bili: RUQ US showed no biliary obstruction. The exact etiology was unclear but thought due to liver dysfunction from metastases +/- hemolysis. Her bili peaked at 4.9 (2.8 direct, 2.1 indirect) and then improved to 3.3 on day of discharge. if this is all related to liver failure, might expect transaminases and synthetic function to be worse than they are. The hepatology service was consulted regarding this question and they felt that her LFT abnormalities are most consistent with infiltrative liver metastases. There is a possibility that some level of hemolysis may be contributing, see below. Lactulose was considered but she had no evidence of hepatic encephalopathy during this hospitalization so not started. # anemia: hgb 6.2-->9.3, responded to 2 unit PRBC transfusion ___. She was admitted approx 1 week from last eribulin, so much of this likely chemo related. however, many nucleated reds on peripheral smear raises possibility of a marrow infiltrative process or RBC destructive process. she was mildly thrombocytopenic but WBC and hgb were normal on metastatic presentation in ___. She has been on chemo since which makes interpretation more difficult. LDH high, hapto low, retic 4%. could be related to hemolysis, though malignancy could explain high LDH and liver dysfunction could cause low haptoglobin. Coomb's test was negative so even if she has hemolysis it does not seem to be autoimmune. review of peripheral smear showed many nucleated reds, moderate reticulocytosis, anisocytosis, rare spherocytes and schistocytes, normal appearing myeloid cells. # thrombocytopenia: likely chemo related. held pharmacologic DVT prophylaxis # shortness of breath: R base dullness on exam. last CT shows R effusion. likely malignant but no diagnostic thoracentesis has been done yet. CXR ___ possibly increasing effusion. symptoms only with climbing stairs so she does not want to pursue thoracentesis at this time. explained that we may see improvement if this is malignant and responds to chemotherapy, otherwise will need thoracentesis if symptoms worsen. # breast cancer: Stage IIB (T2N1M0) infiltrating carcinoma with predominantly lobular features, ER+/PR+/Her2 non-amplified, with three of four positive lymph nodes of the R breast, S/p chemo, b/l mastectomy and xrt, found to be widely metastatic ___. treated with Xeloda, did not tolerate. Evaluated for trial at ___ but ineligible due to LFTs. started eribulin ___. Her case was discussed with outpatient oncologist Dr. ___. though she has increasing bili and significant cytopenias, we think that given her underlying disease burden and the possibility that some of her current lab abnormalities may be related to advancing malignancy, we should go ahead with chemotherapy. however, we gave reduced dose 0.4mg/m2 = 0.75mg Eribulin for C1D8. She will resume treatment as an outpatient. Greater than 30 minutes was spent in discharge planning ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with a hx of metastatic osteosarcoma s/p chemotherapy with neadjuvant Cis/Adria, followed by surgical resection, then etoposide/ifosfamide for metastatic disease. He was recently admitted for DVT/PE and discharged 2 days ago. He re-presents with fever of 101.7 and chills. His elevated WBC suggests infecious etiology. ACTIVE DIAGNOSES: ================= # Fever: Differential includes infectious etiologies, new pneumonia seen on CXR, worsening DVT or PE, or metastatic osteosarcoma. He has no respiratory symptoms of pneumonia, although he does have an opacity on CXR and fever. He has no symptoms to suggested worsening PE and his HR was elevated the last admission as well. PNA treated as below. Blood and urine culturs with no growth. DVT/PEs treated with lovenox as below. C. diff negative. Etiology of fevers never fully elucidated, at time of discharge he had been afebrile >24 hours. # PNA: Patient with new consolidation on CXR not present on recent CT, consistent with PNA. Started on vanc + cefepime in ED. Pt was febrile to 101.6 on admission, has been afebrile since although with intermittent elevated temp. Pt also with DOE worse than baseline when working with ___, likely related to PEs vs PNA. Patient was transitioned to PO Levaquin on ___. Leukocytosis on ___ to 12.5, on day of discharge downtrending to 11.8. Levofloxacin continued on discharge to complete a ___HRONIC DIAGNOSES: ================== # Anemia: Patient with anemia at baseline, likely multifactorial. Crit has been relatively stable between 22.4 to 25.3. On discharge, crit= 21.8. No concern for acute bleed. Patient may have symptomatic benefit to transfusion, however would be transient. Not transfused on this admission. # DVT/PE: found on last admission, pt currently on lovenox BID which was continued in house. Factor Xa level ordered with concern of anemia as above, and pt not supratherapeutic. # Osteosarcoma: Stage III osteosarcoma s/p 4 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherpy followed by surgical resection of the primary tumor at ___ by Dr. ___ on ___. Pt received adjuvant chemotherapy with etopaside and ifosfamide ___. Cycle 2 adjuvant chemo with etopaside and ifosfamide started ___, ___nded ___. Pt did have significant CNS side effects and renal toxicity. Previously, plan was to rescan him this week and tentatively admit for high dose MTX during the week of ___ however now with metastatic disease progression and plan to be seen for second opinion/trial at ___ on ___. # Hip pain: Chronic right sided hip pain ___ osteosarcoma and resulting resection/transplant. Patient does not feel that pain is currently much different from baseline. Exam notable for area of induration and significant tenderness on anterior R thigh, unchanged from prior admission where CT showed large seroma. may actually be improving. Per Dr. ___ says no utility of draining seroma as it will rapidly reaccumulate. Patient's home meds were continued for pain control, morphine sulfate ER 45mg PO q8h, oxycodone 20 q6h PRN, gabapentin, and tylenol prn with good relief. # Tachycardia: Sinus tachycardia, patient has chronic tachycardia with baseline HR in the low 100s. Likely ___ PE, pain, anemia, and pro-inflammatory state. Controlled pain control with home meds, however pt remained tachycardic on this admission. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: ==================== - Unclear source of fevers, patient is likely to be readmitted with fever which may very well be from his malignancy vs. PEs vs. infectious - Patient has appointment to ___ on ___ for possible enrollment in trial - Contine levofloxacin at home to complete 10 day abx course ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have an open L tib/fib fx and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for I&D, open reduction, and application of external fixator, which the patient tolerated well (for full details please see the separately dictated operative report). The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given perioperative antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patients home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient was afebrile with stable vital signs that were within normal limits, pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is NWB in the LLE extremity, and will be discharged on lovenox 40mg x2wks for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up in two weeks per routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course, and all questions were answered prior to discharge ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** year old woman with a history of pAF on warfarin, sick sinus syndrome s/p pacemaker, GI bleed ___ antral polyps, who presented with several weeks of constipation and abdominal pain, and found to have rectal mass on exam. Underwent colonoscopy with biopsy on ___. # Rectal mass: CRS consulted, concerning, advised colonoscopy with biopsy; required 2 days of prep to become clear. Underwent colonscopy with biopsy on ___. Will f/u closely in ___ for further evaluation and treatment of this rectal mass. She had minimal bleeding post-biopsy (blood on toilet paper, no overt bleeding). Warfarin was held at discharge but can be resumed on ___ if bleeding has resolved # Severe Constipation w/ fecal impaction: resolved manual disimpaction by GI followed by aggressive bowel regimen and then, ultimately, with nearly 48 hours of colonoscopy prep # Abdominal pain: resolved with resolution of constipation Discharged on bowel regimen. Advised that she titrate to ___ BMs per day and to call her MD if ___ had a BM for 48 hours. # 2 weeks of decreased appetite + night sweats: suspect due to yet unconfirmed rectal malignancy (primary vs. metastatic) # pAFib/SSS/pacer: held home Coumadin on admission due to reports of BRBPR. She did not have significant BRBPR during this hospitalization (nor significant blood loss anemia), but coumadin continued to be held given the plans for colonoscopy with biopsy. Her INR did not decline significantly despite holding coumadin for several days, which we suspect was related to decreased PO intake recently in setting of abdominal pain and severe constipation with resulting poor nutritional status/decreased Vit K intake. Coumadin held at discharge given she had some mild post-biopsy bleeding (CHADSvasc of 4, 4.8% yearly risk of stroke). She will need repeat INR on ___, and can resume anticoagulation at that time if Hg is stable and bleeding has resolved. Discussed risks and benefits of holding anticoagulation with the patient. She is in agreement to hold and has previously held warfarin in the past # Pancreatic mass: 12 mm hypodensity on prior imaging. Patient reportedly did not attend GI follow up appointment and/or MRCP. This will need additional evaluation going forward. # Difficulty getting to appointments: based on our discussions with her, there seems to be a complex psychosocial history to this issue, originating from patient's facial birthmark which she says she is very ashamed of (since childhood) leading to chronic self-induced isolation from others, as well as, I suspect, fear of receiving bad news. SW was involved and discussed resources that were available to help her get to appointments. The patient generally goes to the gym each morning (5 days per week), so is definitely physically capable of leaving her house and getting to appointments. Transitional Issues: - needs INR and Hg checked on ___. She will call ___ clinic on ___ to receive guidance on dosing - warfarin held at discharge, can resume on ___ if Hg stable and mild post-biopsy rectal bleeding has resolved - biopsy of rectal mass pending at discharge. She will follow up in ___ clinic. The clinic will call her to schedule an appointment > 30 minutes spent on discharge coordination and planning ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with history of severe asthma (s/p 4 prior intubations, one hospital admission last year) who presented with dyspnea due to an asthma exacerbation. Prior to admission, patient did not improve on home nebulizers and prednisone 50mg PO x 5 days, after reaching out to her pulmonology team. On admission, patient remained afebrile, had no leukocytosis, and had a chest x-ray not concerning for infection. She was treated with a steroid burst (prednisone 70mg PO x 5 days, followed by a taper), Mg 2mg IV, albuterol and ipratropium nebulizers, in addition to her home regimen (montelukast, azithromycin). Her home regimen prior to admission #Asthma Exacerbation: Patient has FEV1 0.81L, 40% of predicted at last exam (___). On admission exam, patient had poor air movement and wheezing with vital signs stable. Patient continued her prednisone burst of 70mg PO x 5 days, to be completed outpatient with a taper. She was also placed on Ipratropium-Albuterol Neb 1 NEB NEB Q6H, Albuterol 0.083% Neb Soln 1 NEB IH Q2H:PRN dyspnea, and continued on home Montelukast 10 mg daily, Cetirizine 10 mg PO DAILY, Azithromycin 250 mg PO QD, Flovent HFA (fluticasone) 110 mcg/actuation inhalation 4 puffs BID, Fluticasone-Salmeterol Diskus (500/50) 1 INH IH BID. Patient was clinically improved on ___ with improvement of peak flow to 275cc, total resolution of dyspnea (patient reports being at baseline w/ breathing) and improved pulmonary exam. # Insomnia: Continued home Trazadone 50 mg PO ___ tablet QHS PRN Insomnia. # Obstructive Sleep Apnea: continued home CPAP, after tolerating nebs >2hr apart. # GERD: Continued home Omeprazole 40 mg capsule, delayed release PO BID. # Misc: Continued home Aspirin 81 mg PO DAILY. Held Ascorbic Acid ___ mg PO DAILY and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)) 2,000 unit oral. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - steroid taper as below: Prednisone 70mg daily x 5 days total (last dose ___ Prednisone 60mg daily x 2 days (___) Prednisone 40mg daily x 2 days (___) Prednisone 20 mg daily x 2 days (___) Prednisone 10mg daily maintenance dose per prior regimen - patient already has scheduled pulmonary function assessment ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented pre-operatively on ___. Patient was evaluated by anaesthesia. The patient was taken to the operating room for a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for obesity. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable, then transferred to the ward for observation. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization; pain was initially managed with a PCA. Pain was very well controlled. The patient was then transitioned to crushed oral pain medication once tolerating a stage 3 diet. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO. Afterwards, the patient was started on a stage 1 bariatric diet, which the patient tolerated well. Subsequently, the patient was advanced to stage 2, and then stage 3 diet which the patient was tolerating on day of discharge. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a bariatric stage 3 diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo M who is nonverbal at baseline who comes from group home with L hand cellulitis. # Cellulitis He was started on vancomcyin but contiued to have low grade temps and thus cefazolin was added. An X ray was negative for fracture. US was negative for abscess.He was seen by hand surgery who agreed with the management of hand elevation. He was not given a splint since he appeared comfortable. He was switched to oral abx on ___ and observed for more than 24hrs with continued improvement. He was discharged to complete a 10 day course of keflex and bactrim. He can be started on florastor supplementation to prevent cdiff. # Glaucoma -His home meds were continued. . # ASA use: Discussed with his PCP and given his many ecchymoses in the L hand surround the cellulitis and his history of easy bleeding (coags normal) his ASA was held. He does not have a history of CAD per PCP. . # Osteoporosis He was continued on vitamin D and calcium. He received fosamax on ___ prior to admission. . # HLD: His statin was continued. FEN - pureed diet, no thin liquids PPX - sqh Code - FULL code per RN at group home. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** A ___ yo male with PMH ESRD and DM1 here with recurrent left flank pain that began during dialysis and found to have apparently new L>R ansiocoria. # Flank pain: Patient reports similar to previous episodes which have also occurred in association with dialysis and have resolved after ___ days. The etiology has never been identified. It has been previously thought to be diabetic thoracic polyneuropathy gastroparesis or chronic mesenteric ischemia. Pancreatitis was considered unlikely given that lipase was not elevated on admission. ACS was considered given the elevated troponins on admission however the patient is anuric and on dialysis which elevates troponins, EKG was unchanged and repeat troponins did not trend up. His pain was managed with Morphine ___ PRN and Oxycontin 10mg BID. Lidocaine patch did not provide relief. His pain improved overall throuhgout his admission but was still present at discharge. As his pain improved, he was transitioned to PO oxycodone and discharged with a prescription for Ultram. # Hypertensive urgency: Patient was admitted from dialysis due to pain and elevated SBP. At dialysis, his SBP was 185 and it increased to 200 at the time that he left dialysis and was not treated. He complained of blurry vision and headache while in dialysis. In the ED, a head CT was performed which was negative for acute bleed. On arrival to the floor, he was noted to have apparently new ansiocoria with an unractive left pupil. Concern for stroke was raised and neuro was consulted who recommended maintaining his SBP between 140-160 until etiology of ansiocoria was determined. Once the ansiorocia issue was addressed, his home BP meds were resumed at their usual dose with better control of BP. # L>R ansiocoria: On arrival to the floor, patient was noted to have apparently new left sided ansiocoria in the setting of hypertensive urgency. His left pupil measured ~6mm and was unreactive to light. Possible etiologies included hypertensive retinopathy, stroke or aneurysm. Neurology was consulted who did not note any additional neurological deficits aside from decreased visual accutiy and recommended ophthalmology consult and MRA. MRA was negative for aneurysm or other concerning findings. Ophthalmology was consulted who obtained additional history revealing that patient sustained traumatic injury to the eye earlier that year. This is likely the cause of ansiocoria Left > Right ansiocoria. # ESRD: Patient continued to go for hemodyalisis while in hospital, he was maintained on a renal diet and his Renagel was continued. # Diabetes: Mantained home insulin regimen (Humalog Mix ___ 6 units QAM and 6 units QPM) and metoclopramide for history of gastroparesis, will continue metoclopramide. # Depression: Continued Citalopram 20 mg PO Daily and Doxepin 25 mg PO HS ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ y/o female with a past medical history of depression who presents with chest pain secondary to stress induced cardiomyopathy. # Chest pain: presented with chest pain on exertion, initially concerning for unstable angina v. stress induced cardiomyopathy. She did report a significant amount of stress over the past few months. TTE was notable for an EF of 35-40%, with mild to moderate regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with near-akinesis of the distal ___ of the left ventricle. EKG initially revealed deep T wave inversions in the precordial and lateral leads. Three sets of troponins were negative. She was managed with aspirin, atorvastatin, metoprolol, and a heparin drip. She subsequently developed 2mm ST elevations in V1-V3, and went for emergent cardiac catheterization, where she was found to have clean coronaries consistent with a Takotsubo stress cardiomyopathy. Aspirin and atorvastatin were stopped. She was continued on metoprolol, and started on lisinopril given newly reduced EF. She was also started on warfarin with a lovenox bridge given wall motion abnormalities and concern for embolic risk. # L facial droop: On evening of admission she was noted to have a left sided facial droop. She had normal activation of CN VII, and no other cranial nerve deficits. Strength was full and symmetric. Heparin was stopped and non-contrast head CT was obtained, which was negative for any acute hemorrhage. Heparin was then restarted. MRI/MRA head was notable for an area in the R parietal lobe consistent with a small acute to subacute infarct, likely embolic in nature. She was evaluated by neurology, who felt that this was unrelated to her symptoms. They felt that her facial droop was most likely secondary to Bell's palsy, and she was started on a 10 day prednisone taper. She will require Lyme serologies post discharge. # Depression: continued home lexapro 10 mg daily Transitional Issues: - started on metoprolol XL 25mg daily and lisinopril 5mg - given distal near akinesis and concern for embolic potential, started on warfarin with lovenox bridge. Needs INR check on ___ ___ - will check chem-7 on ___ as well given lisinopril started. - discharged on prednisone, 60mg for five days finishing on ___, then decreasing by 10mg per day. Taper will finish on ___ - needs Lyme serology given Bell's palsy - will need cardiology follow up, and repeat echo in ___ months. If EF has normalized then anticoagulation can be discontinued - if any questions, call Dr. ___ at ___ ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ who underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on ___. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable, then transferred to the ward for observation. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization; pain was initially managed with a preoperative TAP block and postoperative gabapentin, acetaminophen and ketorolac. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. CPAP was utilized while sleeping per OSA protocol. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO with a nasogastric tube in place for decompression. On POD1, the NGT was removed and the patient underwent both a methylene blue dye test and UGI series, which were both negative for leak. Therefore, the patients was started on a stage 1 bariatric diet, which the patient tolerated well. Subsequently, the patient was advanced to stage 2. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. There was oozing from one of his laparoscopic incisions which was resolved via an additional SC suture. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a bariatric stage 2 diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient is an ___ woman with a long-standing hiatal hernia, who was transferred from an outside hospital with acute abdominal and chest pain, and the inability to vomit. CT scan disclosed a massively dilated intrathoracic stomach, and we were unable to pass a nasogastric tube in the emergency room. She was fluid resuscitated in the Emergency Department and then brought her urgently to the operating room for repair of the hernia, and endoscopy to decompress the stomach. She had an Emergency laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernia, Repair of esophageal perforation, Buttressing of esophageal perforation with adjacent tissue and Esophagoscopy with endoscopic-directed placement of nasogastric tube. She tolerated the procedure and was taken directly to the ICU for close postoperative management. IV antibiotics were started for her Esophageal perforation. Her pain was managed with IV fentanyl and IV dilaudid. On Post-operative Day #1, she was extubated and did have demand ischemia with elevated troponins but no EKG changes. She was started on TPN and placed on a lasix drip for fluid management. Her troponins and CK trended downward. The lasix drip was stopped on POD #3. By POD # 5, the patient was ambulating in her ICU room with assistance. On POD# 6, and esophogram revealed a persistent contained leak. Her A-line was removed. Her mental status had improved. On POD #8, she was transferred to the floor, her PICC was placed and her CVL was dc'd. Her foley was DC'd on POD #9 and she was able to void without difficulty. She had yeast on a bronchial washing which was treated with fluconazole when her CXR began to worsen on ___. Her WBC also spiked on the ___ to 16.2 on Vanc/Zosyn/Fluconazole. However, this WBC drifted down over the next few days without a new source being identified. On ___, POD #13, she had a persistent leak in gastrofaffin swallow. LFT's were ordered due to persistant R sided abdominal pain. Her amylase and lipase were elevated at 262 and 401, but a RUQ ultrasound only demonstrated gallbladder sludge with no ductal dilation and her enzymes trended down without treatment. On POD #14, the patient slipped off her chair, but did not have any evident injuries. A T-spine x-ray was obtained which demonstrated no acute injury. On POD #15, GI was consulted for an EGD for evaluation of the leak for possible clipping. Clipping could not be completed, but they identified ulcerations and 2 fistulous areas. Her NGT was removed without difficulty as the bile output had significantly decreased. The two JP's were kept in place and there was no increase in output without the NGT in place. A CT scan was obtained on ___ that did not show any evidence of esophageal perforation. Because the patient would require long term nutritional support, on POD#21, the patient was taken to the OR for a laparoscopic J tube placement and EGD. There was no perforation visualized on EGD. She tolerated the procedure without difficulty and was started on Tube Feeds 24 hours later. Once tube feeds were at goal, the TPN was discontinued. On ___, a esophagram was attempted, but not completed due to patient cooperation. The limited study showed a small leak. She was advanced to sips of water for comfort on ___. The Chronic pain service was consulted due to her longstanding issues with headaches and neck pain. She actually is seen by a pain physician on the outside. Unfortunately many of her pre op medications could not be restarted due to her inability to take oral medications, nor could they be crushed and placed down her J tube. Only liquid medication can go through the J tube. The pain service recommended restarting Gabapentin in liquid form and a Lidoderm patch which seemed effective. She is also receiving Roxicet through her J tube. These are helpful but her baseline issues persist. She will be following up with her pain doctor at ___ in ___ later this month. ___ Physical Therapy service worked with Mrs. ___ on many occasions to improve her mobility and endurance and recommend a short term rehab prior to returning home. She will be discharged to rehab today and will remain on tube feedings via her J tube. Please do NOT put any crushed medication down the J tube, liquid medication is acceptable. Mrs. ___ will return on ___ for a barium swallow to assess the esophagus ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ yo male with pmh of CAD s/p CABG, atrial flutter, DMII, COPD, prostate cancer s/p XRT, CKD, MDS with newly found generalized LAD concerning for lymphoma s/p LN biopsy showing necrosis presented with 3 days of abdominal pain. # Generalized LAD/concern for lymphoma/history of MDS/CMML: The patient has a history of MDS and ? of CMML with pancytopenia at baseline. He was recently found to have generalized LAD and underwent a biopsy which only showed necrosis. He underwent a biopsy of a LN in his neck during this hospitalization for to allow for further diagnosis. He also had an infectious workup sent including HIV Ab (neg), and HIV VL, Hep B, Hep C, and RPR which are pending. Heme/onc were contacted, however they prefer to follow up with him as an outpatient. # Abdominal pain: The patient describes abdominal pain radiating to his back, constant, causing his to avoid food. He underwent a CT abd/pelvis in the ED which showed no cause for his pain. His lipase was WNL. His pain was controlled with his home pain regimen as below and dilaudid prn. The patient's pain slowly improved. It is unclear what had caused his pain. # Atrial flutter: The patient was found to be in atrial flutter during a recent hospitalization and was to undergo ablation in the near future when his lymphadenopahty was discovered. His heart rate was well controlled on his outpatient meds. His Toprol was decreased from 150 mg daily to 100 mg daily given a few low blood pressures. His coumadin was held and he was given 5 mg po vitamin K and FFP to reverse his INR for the biopsy. He was discharged off coumadin and asked to follow up with his cardiologist prior to restarting it due to bleeding risk while thrombocytopenic. # CAD: The patient has a history of 3 vessel disease previously in ___ and s/p CABG in ___. No chest pain during this admission. His ASA was held for biopsy and he was discharged off ASA and asked to follow up with his cardiologist prior to restarting it due to bleeding risk while thrombocytopenic. He was continued on metoprolol (dose decreased prior to discharge as above). # Chronic renal failure: The patient's Cr on admission was 1.4. His basline Cr appears to be 1.0-1.2, but during a recent admission he had ARF with a Cr of 2.0. Since then 1.4 is the lowest value it has reached. His Cr remained 1.3-1.5 during this admission. # Anemia: The patient's Hct on admission was 35.2. He has a history of chronic anemia related to his MDS and has receives ___ as an outpatient. This appears to be at his baseline. He was due for an ___ shot during this admission, but it is not on formulary so he was given an equivalent dose of epo in its place and asked to make an appointment for his next shot which is due on ___. # DMII: The patient is on nph and SSI as an outpatient. He was continued on his home medications and monitored with qid fingersticks. # Pain: The patient has diabetic neuropathic pain. He was continued on his home regimen of a fentanyl patch, neurontin, and percocet prn. # Chronic arthralgias and myalgias: Patient on 2.55 mg of prednisone daily as an outpatient for muscle aches. This was stopped during this admission due to concern that it could be interfering with the biopsy results. # CODE: Full code ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with PMHx of Alzheimer's dementia, Herpes Zoster presenting from ALF with fever, cough, generalized weakness, and encephalopathy, likely consistent with community-acquired PNA with delirium. # Fever: # Rhinorrhea: # Cough: # Generalized weakness: # Encephalopathy: # Community-acquired PNA: Presented from ALF with rhinorrhea, cough, generalized weakness, encephalopathy, and fevers. No leukocytosis or hypoxia, but CXR with possible bibasilar opacities, consistent with community-acquired pneumonia with likely delirium superimposed on baseline dementia. Possibly viral pneumonia given concurrent rhinorrhea, but flu A/B negative and cannot exonerate bacterial infection vs superinfection. CURB65=2, c/w 6.8% 30d mortality warranting inpatient treatment. Legionella Ag negative, BCx and Strep Ag pending at discharge. Was unable to produce sputum sample. Treated with CTX/azithromycin ___. She defervesced on this therapy, and her respiratory symptoms were improving at the time of discharge. Her encephalopathy fluctuated during her admission with intermittent sundowning, consistent with improving delirium that will likely benefit from return to familiar surroundings. Antibiotics were transitioned on ___ to cefpodoxime 400mg BID and azithromycin 250mg daily to complete a 5d course through ___ (will require cefpodoxime 400mg ___ ___ and 400mg BID on ___ and azithromycin 250mg on ___ medications were faxed to pharmacy to allow for blister pack delivery to ALF on day of discharge). She was seen by ___, who recommended using a walker for a few days (provided) and home ___. ___ appointment with PCP scheduled for ___. # Encephalopathy: # Alzheimer's dementia: Presented with increased confusion, likely in setting of PNA as above with delirium superimposed on baseline Alzheimer's dementia. No headache or meningismus to suggest CNS infection, and no obvious medication culprits. Mental status fluctuated during her hospitalization, with intermittent sundowning, but was overall improving at the time of discharge (AOx2, pleasant, oriented to Trump). Suspect that she will benefit from return to a more familiar home environment. Home mirtazapine and galantamine were continued during her hospitalization. Ramelteon QHS was added in hospital and on discharge to assist with regularization of sleep/wake cycle. She should ___ with her outpatient cognitive neurologist after discharge (currently scheduled for ___. # Atypical cells on CBC differential: # Mild lymphocytosis: CBC w/diff on the day of discharge revealed WBC of 5.8 with 17% lymphs (1450 abs lymphs, WNL) and 8% atypical cells (hematology review pending at discharge). Suspect artifact (given diff previously normal ___ and ___ vs atypical lymphocytosis from viral infection. Lower suspicion for infectious mononucleosis in absence of pharyngitis or lymphadenopathy or pertussis given improving cough. Will need to ___ hematology review and would consider repeat CBC w/diff at PCP ___. # L scapular excoriations: Presented with pruritic excoriations on L scapula. No vesicles or pustules to suggest recurrent Zoster or bacterial infection. Resolved with topical moisturizer. # Opacity R lung apex: CXR revealed "vague opacity at the right lung apex," for which outpatient CT could be obtained to further evaluate if within patient's GOC. # Microscopic hematuria: Consider outpatient UA to document resolution. # Contacts/HCP/Surrogate and Communication: ___ (daughter) ___ # Code Status/Advance Care Planning: FULL (confirmed with patient and HCP on day of discharge); would address further as outpatient in setting of dementia ** TRANSITIONAL ** [ ] cefpodoxime 400mg BID and azithromycin 250mg daily to complete a 5d course through ___ (will require cefpodoxime 400mg ___ ___ and 400mg BID on ___ and azithromycin 250mg on ___ [ ] ___ hematology review of atypical cells on differential from ___ [ ] ___ BCx, pending at discharge [ ] ___ Strep pneumo Ag, pending at discharge [ ] consider non-emergent outpatient CT chest for further assessment of "vague opacity R lung apex" if within ___ [ ] consider outpatient UA to document resolution of microscopic hematuria [ ] ___ sleep wake cycle on ramelteon QHS (new med on discharge) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ ___ male with PMHx of GERD who presents with 4 days of headache, photophobia, neck stiffness, myalgias, fevers & chills, and lumbar puncture consistent with a viral meningitis. . # Aseptic Meningitis: Patient with 4 days of headache, photophobia, neck stiffness, myalgias, fevers/chills, and CSF with elevated WBC & elevated protein, consistent with aseptic meningitis. In the context of a painful, erythematous, somewhat vesicular rash in the ___ dermatomal distribution over left hip, varicella zoster virus felt to be most likely diagnosis. Given recent sick contact with ___ illness in his child, enteroviruses are also a possibility. ID team was consulted for recommendations on management. Symptomatically improved in 24hours after initiation of IV acyclovir. Meningismus and photophobia resolved at time of discharge - pt was also afebrile >24 hours. Plan to treat empirically with IV acyclovir for VZV meningitis for 7 days. Lyme serology negative. Parasite smear of CSF negative. He was discharged home with short course of ___ morphine, bowel regimen. Home infusion services set up for dispo with acyclovir to be administered at home. Labs pending at time of discharge: HIV antibody, HIV viral load PCR, HSV and VZV pcr, CSF lyme, ___ (serum and CSF samples sent to state lab), Anaplasma/ehrlichia of CSF all PENDING. Plan for tests to be followed up at PCP office ___ with NP ___ ___ ___. Patient was discussed with ___ ___ over phone and DC summary was faxed to Dr. ___ office at time of discharge. . # GERD: Continued home lansoprazole. . #FEN: No IVF, replete electrolytes prn, regular diet #Access: PIV, picc #PPX: heparin sq, bowel regimen (colace/senna/miralax) #Code: FULL CODE (confirmed) #Contact: wife (___) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented as a same day admission for surgery. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for revision ORIF of left humerus fracture, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is NWB, ROMAT in the left upper extremity, and will be discharged on aspirin for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ was admitted to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit for weaning of her medications and characterization of her events. She was noted to have interictal activity, more prominent during sleep, with epileptiform discharges. Her topiramate was gradually weaned. She had no increase in epileptiform activity and no clinical or electrographic seizures. Her lamotrigine level had been low prior to arrival, so her dose was increased. Her zonisamide was continued unchanged. She complained of urinary frequency. She had multiple urinalyses performed due to contaminated specimens. Multiple cultures were notable for e coli and she was treated for a urinary tract infection with bactrim. Her symptoms improved. She was discharged to complete a seven-day course for complicated urinary tract infection given her history of urinary retention. Her TSH was noted to be slightly elevated and her free T4 level was low. She was instructed to follow up with her primary care provider regarding adjustment of her levothyroxine. For her atrial fibrillation she was continued on warfarin. Her INR became supratherapeutic and her warfarin dose was decreased. She was discharged on the lower dose to follow up with her ___ clinic. She was seen by the EMU psychiatry service who recommended increasing her cymbalta dose. She was seen by social work who discussed coping mechanisms with her. She will continue to work with her outpatient therapist after discharge. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** The patient presented to pre-op on ___. Pt was evaluated by anaesthesia and taken to the operating room where she underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gasrtrecotmy and Tru-Cut liver biopsy. There were no adverse events in the operating room; please see the operative note for details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable, then transferred to the ward for observation. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO with a nasogastic tube. On hospital day 1, the nasogastric tube was discontinued and the diet was advanced sequentially which was well tolerated. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none.Her coumdain was held. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a diet, passing gas, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___, patient was admitted initially to Podiatry service for non-healing ulcer, Vascular surgery was consulted. Started on IV broad spectrum antibiotics. Routine labs, ECG and wound care. Foot x-ray was done-did not show acute osteomyelitis. ___, patient continued on IV broad spectrum antibiotics. NIAS was done- showed monophasic waveforms suggestive of inflow disease. Arterial duplex of RLE was done that confirmed NIAS showing- Patent right femoral-to-dorsalis pedis bypass graft with monophasic inflow suggesting proximal occlusive disease and possible distal anastomotic stenosis. Ulcer not responding to antibiotics therapy, scheduled for TMA in the next day. Patient was pre-oped and consented for procedure, made NPO after MN and IV hydrated. ___, patient underwent R TMA, tolerated procedure well, recovered in the PACU then transferred back to ___ 5 floor w/ telemetry. Pain was well controlled w/ oral pain medications. Diet and oral meds resumed. ___, patient remained on bedrest. HCT was down to 25, transfused with 1 unit PRBCs. Dressing taken down, incision well anastomosed, IV antibiotics d/c'd, switched over to Bactrim that the patient will be discharged on. Rehab screening started. Home meds resumed except for Lisinopril, held due to rising creatinine 2.7. ___, creatinine coming down, 2.4, patient's baseline is 2.2, Lisinopril continued to be held, to ___ w/ PCP to monitor creatinine and BP. Patient worked with physical therapy, recommended rehab placement-since non-weightbearing for 3 weeks. Rehab bed became available. Patient was discharged to rehab in good condition, ___ with Dr. ___ in 4 weeks. Patient was also instructed to ___ with PCP after discharge from rehab. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with PMH of HTN, HLD and thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms who presented after an episode of L arm heaviness, found to have R Frontal lobe stroke likely embolic. CTA showed occluded right vertebral artery at the origin, which appears chronic and is unlikely contributing to her presentation. Right frontal stroke likely cardioembolic in origin. Started ASA/Clopidogrel per POINT trial. Discharged with ZIO Patch for atrial fibrillation monitoring. Noted to have frequent junctional premature beats on telemetry. New diagnosis of diabetes with an A1c of 6.7. LDL was 59. Started on metformin 500 mg twice daily. Just prior to discharge the patient had an episode of hypoxemia. Therefore to have acute bronchitis and was started on a course of azithromycin. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES -Discharged on DAPT (ASA/Clopidogrel) for 3 months followed by ASA 81 mg only thereafter per POINT trial. -Follow-up with ZIO Patch monitoring for evidence of supraventricular arrhythmia. Patient noted to have frequent junctional premature beats on telemetry, but no evidence of atrial fibrillation. -Please continue to monitor A1c/blood sugar and titrate diabetes medications as appropriate. -Discharged on a 5-day course of azithromycin for acute bronchitis -Refilled hydrochlorothiazide/valsartan on discharge due to slightly low blood pressures. Please resume when ___ to be tolerated. -Please ensure follow-up with stroke neurology. AHA/ASA Core Measures for Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack 1. Dysphagia screening before any PO intake? (x) Yes, confirmed done - () Not confirmed () No. If no, reason why: 2. DVT Prophylaxis administered? (x) Yes - () No. If no, why not (I.e. bleeding risk, hemorrhage, etc.) 3. Antithrombotic therapy administered by end of hospital day 2? (x) Yes - () No. If not, why not? (I.e. bleeding risk, hemorrhage, etc.) 4. LDL documented? (x) Yes (LDL = 59) - () No 5. Intensive statin therapy administered? (simvastatin 80mg, simvastatin 80mg/ezetemibe 10mg, atorvastatin 40mg or 80 mg, rosuvastatin 20mg or 40mg, for LDL > 70) (x) Yes - () No [if LDL >70, reason not given: [ ] Statin medication allergy [ ] Other reasons documented by physician/advanced practice nurse/physician ___ (physician/APN/PA) or pharmacist [ ] LDL-c less than 70 mg/dL 6. Smoking cessation counseling given? () Yes - (x) No [reason (x) non-smoker - () unable to participate] 7. Stroke education (personal modifiable risk factors, how to activate EMS for stroke, stroke warning signs and symptoms, prescribed medications, need for followup) given in written form? (x) Yes - () No 8. Assessment for rehabilitation or rehab services considered? (x) Yes - () No. If no, why not? (I.e. patient at baseline functional status) 9. Discharged on statin therapy? (x) Yes - () No [if LDL >70, reason not given: [ ] Statin medication allergy [ ] Other reasons documented by physician/advanced practice nurse/physician ___ (physician/APN/PA) or pharmacist [ ] LDL-c less than 70 mg/dL 10. Discharged on antithrombotic therapy? (x) Yes [Type: (x) Antiplatelet - () Anticoagulation] - () No 11. Discharged on oral anticoagulation for patients with atrial fibrillation/flutter? () Yes - () No - If no, why not (I.e. bleeding risk, etc.) (x) N/A ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mrs. ___ was taken to the operating room by Dr. ___ on ___, where she had a VATS left upper lobe wedge resection which revealed adenocarcinoma on frozen, therefore Dr. ___ to left upper lobectomy and lymph node dissection. The patient recovered in the PACU, and then transfered to the floor. She progressed well in her recovery with foley which dc'd on POD 1 with good urine output. Her chest tube was placed to water seal on POD 2, and dc'd with stable postpull film. She ambulated well, tolerated meals, passed gas and had adequate pain control on po pain medication. Verbal and written discharge instructions were given which she verbalized understanding. She went home with her husband and will followup in outpatient clinic in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient is a ___ retired hemato___, ___, h/o HTN, afib, RA on prednisone, secondary adrenal insufficiency recently discharged ___ on 10 day course of oral cipro for bacteremia secondary to UTI, presenting with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. # Abd pain/cramping/N/V: Ms. ___ was admitted with N/V/D, abd pain, leukocytosis (WBC 13.8) and abd CT showing fat stranding on the L hemiabdominal location. Given recent PO cipro, C.diff colitis was considered a possibility - however, the fat stranding was localized to the small bowel, making this less likely. Ischemic etiology (i.e. emboli from afib) were also considered unlikely since she was already on Apixaban. She was observed and given supportive care (IVF, antiemetics, low dose Tylenol) with improvement in her overall status. The leukocytosis resolved without any intervention. Stool cdiff was ordered but Ms. ___ had no more diarrhea to be sent for studies. She did have a small formed bowel movement prior to discharge. KUB was unconcerning. These self-limiting sxs most c/w viral gastroenteritis. # Hyponatremia # ___ Cr 1.4: Ms. ___ was admitted with Na 122, Cr 1.4 in setting of poor PO intake, nausea and GI losses. Both Na and Cr improved with hydration. Both Na, Cr normalized on the day of discharge. # Recent bacteremia ___ UTI: Pt was hospitalized ___ for UTI with pansensitive E. coli bacteremia. She received her first dose of antibiotics (aztreonam - given anaphylaxis to penicillins) on ___, then transitioned to ciprofloxacin), so has received total course of 12 days of antibiotics. # Erosive arthritis, fibromyalgia: Followed by Dr. ___, appears to be at baseline. - Continued home tramadol, prednisone # Afib: Pt requesting to resume atenolol. It appears that this medication was held in the setting of recent bacteremia. The atenolol was held since HR continued to be low in the 50-60s. She was continued home apixaban. # Hypertension: Home triameterene/hctz was restarted on discharge. # Hypothyroidism: - Continue home levothyroxine # Advance Care Planning/Code status: FULL, presumed # Contact: Health care proxy chosen: Yes Name of health care proxy: ___: son Phone number: ___ Greater than 30 minutes were spent on discharge planning and coordination. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Patient is a ___ yo F with HTN, HLD, PAF on coumadin also with history of tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy who has had difficult to medically control symptomatic A.Fib with RVR who presents to ___ for pulmonary vein isolation. # A.Fib: Patient admitted in sinus rhythm, though tachycardic. She does have anxiety treated with clonazepam at home and she endorsed feeling anxious about procedure. Tachycardia was treated with PO Diltiazem 90mg QID. Patient received pulmonary vein isolation afternoon of ___ which was successful and she is discharged in sinus rhythm at ~100bpm continuing disopyramide. There was concern for hematoma/retroperitoneal bleed after procedure because patient was orthostatic on exam and had a crit drop (after 1.5L bolus). Repeat crit improved and CT abd/pelvis did not show bleed but did show hematoma, US of groin did not suggest pseudoaneurysm. She was not orthostatic on exam and her groin sites exam were benign on day of discharge. # Hypertension: Chronic, Well controlled as an outpatient, patient does report she has hypertension in the AM and when she is anxious. She was hypertensive on the floor though on manual recheck her BP is ~130 systolic. She was treated with Diltiazem 90mg QID as above and Valsartan 40 mg PO/NG BID # Asthma: Chronic, well controlled, no recent severe exacerbations or intubations. Continued Albuterol-Ipratropium 2 PUFF IH Q6H:PRN SOB TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: - Discharged on Disopyramide - She will be followed by EP as an outpatient and will need a Holter monitor to be set up in 2 weeks. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with history of chronic abdominal pain possibly secondary to crohn's vs celiac disease, GERD, gastritis, pancreatitis, presenting with sudden onset of hypoxia during EGD today, and found to have infiltrate on CXR. # Aspiration pneumonitis/pneumonia: Per report from GI, patient thought to have been observed aspirating during EGD. After the event, he was hypoxic, tachycardic, febrile, with leukocytosis. He initially received antibiotics for empiric treatment of aspiration pneumonia. Because he rapidly improved his antibiotics were discontinued as his hypoxia was likely due to aspiration pneumonitis rather than pneumonia. He was told that he should call his PCP if he develops fever, cough or shortness of breath as he would require evaluation for aspiration pneumonia. Additionally he should have his WBC count checked as an outpatient to ensure that it is trending down. # Chronic abdominal pain: He did not have have any abdominal pain during hospitalization. EGD revealed no abnormalities and biopsy samples were within normal limits. He was started on mesalamine per GI and continued on amitritptyline. He will follow up with GI as an outpatient. # GERD/gastritis: The patient was continued on his home omeprazole. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** This is a ___ old female with past medical history of chronic abdominal pain attributed to chronic pancreatitis admitted ___ w acute on chronic abdominal pain and nausea, being managed conservatively, clinically much improved and discharged home # Epigastric Abdominal Pain / Chronic Pancreatitis / Pancreatitic Insufficiency - patient admitted ___ with abdominal pain, similar to prior episodes that have been attributed to her chronic pancreatitis: predominantly in the RUQ and right flank with associated nausea. Labs and exam were not suggestive of acute intra-abdominal process. Patient was seen by her outpatient gastroenterologist Dr. ___ case was discussed with her PCP ___. Patient managed conservatively with IV fluids, pain control, and NPO. Based on review of prior labs and PMP, there was concern for prior inappropriate use of opiates. Per discussion with PCP ___. ___ felt safe with tapering patient to Oxycodone 5mg PO q8 hours prn pain, with plan for further outpatient tapering. She was able to be tapered with her diet concurrently advanced to liquids with toast and crackers, with demonstration of her ability to stay hydrated at home. Per discussion with outpatient GI, patient felt comfortable continuing to slowly advance diet at home. Continued creon, prn diazepam for nausea, prn oxycodone as above (discharged with 7 day supply), prn Zofran. # Depression - continued home escitalopram # ADHD - continued home amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine # Tobacco Abuse / Dependence - on nicotine Patch while inpatient Transitional Issues: - Discharged with new prescriptions for oxycodone (7 day supply) and Zofran (at 4mg dose per patient request) ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Ms. ___ is a ___ y/o F with history of chronic diarrhea, ischemic colitis s/p partial colectomy, recurrent UTI's and psychogenic seizure disorder presenting with 2wks of diffuse diarrhea and RLQ abdominal pain, who was found to have acute renal failure and pyelonephritis. In summary, her pyelonephritis was treated with ceftriaxone, which was d/c'd after repeat UA was negative. While her chronic diarrhea continued, her C-diff tests were negative X2, and her chronic diarrhea will be followed on an outpt basis. . ACTIVE ISSUES: . # Sepsis ___ pyelonephritis: Patient initially met SIRS criteria with leukocytosis (with left shift and 1% bands) and fever to 101; an infectious source was identified as pan-sensitive klebsiella on urine Cx ___ and with evidence on CT of pyelonephritis. C. diff toxins came back negative, and CT Abd/pelvis did not show evidence of colitis, diverticulitis, or bowel inflammation. There was concern for relative hypotension as the pt is normally has SBP 150-160s. However, her lactate was normal and decreased to 0.6 after admission. She was volume resuscitated with 3L in the ___, and has been euvolemic and hemodynamically stable throughout her admission. For her pyelonephritis, the patient was initially given aztreonam for Proteus coverage which was cultured in her urine 2 months prior. She also received Vancomycin for empiric gram positive pyelonephritis coverage, an for presumed C.diff, flagyl was started in ___. Later as per pharmacy recommendations, the pt's cephalosporin allergy was found to be anxiety and she had received a cephalosporin several months prior with no reaction. Thus, she was started on ceftriaxone for pyelonephritis. Vanc was d/c'd once her urine grew GNR's, and flagyl was d/c'd once the c-diff toxin test was negative. She had a negative Urine Cx on ___, and her condition remained stable. Her urine Cx speciated as pan-sensitive klebsiella. She was treated with ceftriaxone. She continued to have occasional low-grade fevers, and further w/u including CXR, renal U/S, and repeat Cx's was unrevealing. As per infectious disease recs, all antibiotics were stopped as she had a negative repeat UA and there was concern for drug fever. She had several low-grade fevers up to 100.4, which have resolved and were likely due to drug fever or possibly mild atelectasis from bedrest. Infectious disease signed off as there was no further evidence of current infection. Blood Cx and urine Cx were pending as of ___. . # Acute on chronic diarrhea: Pt has a h/o chronic diarrhea and ?h/o Crohn's (Dx was later cancelled as per pt). She p/w about 2 wks of watery, nonbloody diarrhea as well as RLQ pain. She received empiric flagyl treatment for c-dif given recent aztreonam administration for UTI, which was d/c'd after her c-dif toxins came back negative x2. Her diarrhea was nonbloody and was guaiac negative. CT scan showed no diverticulitis or colitis, her lactate was normal, and a KUB showed no evidence of obstruction. Her diarrhea waxed and waned throughout admission. While her RLQ pain occasionally persisted, her abdominal exams remained benign and nonfocal and her WBC remained stable, and her pain regimen was adjusted to keep the patient comfortable. . # Acute on Chronic Renal Failure: Her baseline Cr is 1.4-1.7. On admission Cr was 4.2, down to about 2.1 throughout admission. After liberal fluid administration, her Cr trended down and her ___ was likely mostly prerenal with a volume contracted state in the setting of poor PO intake and increased diarrhea. She received aggressive hydration in ___ and was euvolemic throughout admission. Some renal failure could be related pyelo as well, given CT scan findings and pyuria on UA. There was no evidence of muddy brown casts on urine analysis to suggest ATN. She did have positive urine eos, which supported the decision to d/c Abx as above. . # Metabolic Acidosis: Present in previous admissions in ___. Likely secondary to chronic diarrhea, but patient may also have possible RTA as suggested by urine electrolytes. Normal lactate (although this was obtained after received fluid). ABG on admission showed 7.___, and a bicarb drip of two amps was given; her acidosis improved throughout admission. SPEP/UPEP were both negative. She may take a tablespoon of baking soda daily as an outpatient following her discharge from rehab. . # Contact dermatitis: On ___ patient developed a pruritic, erythematous rash on her left arm in the distribution of the tape that had been used to secure her left PICC in place. Rash was felt to be secondary to contact dermatitis from chlorhexadine wash. PICC was d/c'd, and the area was closely monitored. There was no evidence of infection, including no fluctuance or purulent drainage. Erythema did not expand. Rash improving with application of topical triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% cream. . # Delirium: Patient had waxing and waning mental status during her hospital course. She was sometimes AAOx2 (forgot date), but was sometimes AAOx3 and normally conversant. Her confusion was likely multifactorial in the setting of acute infection, volume depletion, electrolyte abnormalities, pain, and ongoing diarrhea (which is chronic). She did not require any sedating medications. Mental status was improving at time of discharge. . INACTIVE ISSUES: . # Hypertension: Upon admission, there was concern for relative hypotension in the setting of sepsis as the pt is normally has SBP 150-160s. Her SBP's trended in the 140's, and her home regimen of oral antihypertensives was resumed. . # Depression/Anxiety: As per recommendations of her cognitive neurologist ___, her home meds were continued with the following changes: aripiprazole was discontinued, and paroxetine was decreased to 20mg daily, and then decreased 3 days later to 10mg daily. . # History of seizure disorder: ___ have psychogenic component to disorder as per neuropsychiatry. Home medications were continued. . # GERD: Omeprazole was continued. . TRANSITIONS OF CARE: - Blood Cx ___ pending - Urine Cx ___ pending -Patient's code status was DNR/DNI this admission ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** MENINGITIS/CEREBRITIS/BRAIN ABSCESSES: brain abscesses were not in locations which were amenable to biopsy per neurology. No organism was found as the cause for the patient's meningitis/cerebritis but a dental source was suspected. The patient was treated empirically initially with vanc/ceftriaxone/acyclovir/bactrim/flagyl. Acyclovir was discontinued when HSV PCR returned negative. Subsequently bactirm and vancomycin were discontinued and the patient was treated with PO flagyl and IV ceftriaxone (2g q12 hours) and did not show any evidence of worsening infection. Toxo antibodies were negative, as were lyme serologies. TB PCR was pending at the time of discharge. HTLV I/II were negative. CSF ___ and culture were negative. EBV PCR returned positive, this was of unclear significance. Given the possibility of CNS lymphoma a repeat LP was performed, fluid was sent for cytology and flow cytometry and extra fluid was saved in the lab. The patient's fever, leukocytosis, and headache markedly improved. He was discharged on a ___ and follow up appointments were recommended to the patient and he said he will call and make these appointments for within 2 weeks with Dr. ___ from ID and with a new PCP at ___. He was told not to drink ETOH with flagyl. The patient was told that there are some studies still pending and that he will need to follow these up with his PCP when this is established and with Dr. ___. Given the likely dental source the patient was seen by a dentist inpatient who recommended outpatient tooth extraction. The patient stated that he has a dentist outpatient and has already been planning on this tooth extraction. He is HIV negative. He was discharged on 6 weeks of antibiotics and will follow up with ID, he will likely require repeat MRI imaging of his brain prior to cessation of antibiotic therapy. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ female with CVID (on monthly IVIG) and a initially 3B follicular lymphoma originally treated for 3b FL in ___ with 6 cycles of R-CHOP, relapsed in ___ with DLBCL. autologous transplant ___, relapse ___, got 2 cycles R-GemOx with significant cytopenias and persistence of circulating lymphoma cells, changed to lenalidomide-rituximab. She has been on lenalidomide and now admitted for allogeneic stem cell transplant w/brother as donor, MRD AlloSCT w/RIC (day 0 = ___. Had mucositis which improved before discharge, was briefly on TPN for nutritional requirements, had vaginal rash resolving with nystatin. No complications or evidence of acute GVHD. Had chronic cough, CT-sinus showing chronic sinusitis, started on nasal steroid and afrin. # DLBCL w/ relapse x 2 here for MRD RIC alloSCT. Her brother is her donor. She was cleared by ID with VATS shows non-necrotizing granulomas and no evidence of active infection. Counts slowly recovered while inpatient. Cyclosporine dose adjusted to 75mg PO QAM, 50mg PO QPM prior to discharge. #Diarrhea-started ___ with new increased frequency of BMs loose, mushy consistency, relatively small volume, w/ nausea, may represent acute gvhd of gut; over weekend patient has been able to tolerate soup, rice w/ no more loose stools. C.dif negative. ___: Had Cr bump to 1.2 I/s/o decreased PO intake when TPN stopped, resolved with fluids and encouraged PO intake. #Cough: Pt reports minor cough with dripping down back of her throat. CT sinus w/ chronic sinusitis. Tx w/ Afrin & nasonex. # Rash on mons pubis: Diffuse papular itchy rash improving w/ Nystatin cream bid as per Derm. # H/o recurrent C diff: c/w po vancomycin 125 mg bid # CVID: IVIg monthly or as indicated clinically/based on levels throughout her transplant course. (___) IgG = 531. No need to replete at this time. # hypothyroidism - cont levothyroxine # CODE: Full # EMERGENCY CONTACT: Name of health care proxy: ___ Relationship: husband Phone number: ___ ___ Issues =================== -Pt will f/u in ___ for labs on: ___ -Pt will f/u with Dr ___ ___ clinic on ___ -Started on Flonase and afrin for chronic sinusitis, and afrin to stop on ___ -Continued on PO Vanc for hx of C Diff -Has required TPN for issues with nutrition, requiring intermittent IVF for pre-renal ___, please check electrolytes to ensure resolving ___ upon hospital follow-up. - Re-evaluate aspirin at follow-up with platelet levels/indication ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** ___ with history of anorexia requiring medical admission for concern for asymptomatic bradycardia and hypoglycemia. # Anorexia - Patient with ___ year history of eating disorder. Her electrolytes were normal throughout her stay. Psych, social work, nutrition, and case management were involved in her care. She was started on an eating disorder protocol and was adherent to the protocol in spite of her understandable anxiety. # Bradycardia - She remained asymptomatic throughout her stay. She was initially bradycardic to the ___. During her stay her daytime heart rate improved to the ___. Overnight she would dip down to the ___. She would be woken up and each time would be asymptomatic. No medical intervention was needed given her lack of symptoms. # Hypoglycemia- She had concern for asymptomatic hypoglycemia prior to admission. Upon admission her glucose fingersticks were greater than 50, earlier on she required one glucose tab for asymptomatic hypoglycemia. She then maintained her glucose levels in the high ___ throughout her stay with no symptoms. ***.
What is the most likely Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) based on the following discharge summary of a hospitalization? Provide the complete text description of the DRG code without including the numerical code. *** Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M who presents w/ a bullous rash and biopsy findings c/w pemphigus, who is stable w/ improving rash. ACTIVE ISSUES: # Bullous skin rash: Most consistent with pemphigus vulgaris-like drug related skin rash (pemphigus foliaceous) given bullous cutaneous rash sparing the mucosa, marked initial eosinophilia, and pt's ___ heritage. Ddx includes pemphigus vulgaris and paraneoplastic pemphigus, though these are both less likely given sparing of mucosa. Steroid responsive but has recurred in the past when tapered. On admission, all potentially offending medications (ACE, dilantin, calcium channel blockers) were held. After holding these medications, his marked eosinophilia normalized the following day. In consultation with dermatology, he was started on 40mg po prednisone BID. Over the next couple of days, his bullous skin rash appeared to improve both objectively and subjectively. He never had any evidence of super-infection of his ruptured blisters. No leukocytosis or recent fever. He will continue on prednisone as well as prophylactic medications while on prednisone including omeprazole, atovaquone, calcium, and vitamin D. A PPD was also placed which was read as 2mm and negative. He will continue to receive daily dressing changes with xeroform from ___ we have been doing while in the hospital. He will continue to hold these home medications pending further improvement in his rash, and he will be followed closely by dermatology as an outpatient. # Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Onglya was stopped on admission given concern for contribution to his rash. His sugars began to elevate at times to high 200s and low 300s after starting on prednisone. He was started on SSI initially and in consultation with ___ placed on Humalog 75/25. This was titrated up to 28 units before breakfast and 15 units before dinner. He received diabetes and insulin education before discharge. He will be followed by ___ as an outpatient for further titration. # HTN: Suboptimally controlled, especially after starting prednisone. All of his BP medications were held given concern for his rash. In consultation with dermatology, labetalol was felt to be the safest option. He was started on 100mg BID with improved BP control though still with some SBP readings to the 140s. He will be followed by his PCP for further titration. # Seizure disorder: His dilantin was held on admission due to his rash. He reported only remote seizure activity, and the decision was made to hold off on initiating alternative anti-epileptic medications for now. The decision regarding whether to initiate alternative medications can be made by his PCP as an outpatient, given that he has not had seizure activity for a very long period of time. # Normocytic anemia: Hematocrit stable but low around 33-35. Etiology unclear, initially thought to be due to fluid shifts from his IV fluids. He may need work-up for underlying anemia, especially in the setting of pemphigoid rash. While it is not favored, paraneoplastic pemphigus can occur and may sometimes be associated with blood cancers. Further work-up per PCP. CHRONIC ISSUES: # BPH - No acute issues, cardura held. Further management per PCP. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: # Pemphigus work-up: Given rare possibility of association with malignancy (paraneoplastic pemphigus) as well as his anemia, recommend age-appropriate cancer screening, consider repeat colonoscopy as well as SPEP, UPEP, and serum free light chains. # Hypertension: Will likely need further titration of labetalol. # Diabetes: Will be followed by ___ for further insulin titration # Follow-up Strongyloides Antibody: Was initially ordered due to eosinophilia. Send-out lab and has not yet returned result. ***.