class label
2 classes
Sentence /: What are’ some “examples of ‘human behaviors?. Sentence 2>What are examples of human
Sentence 1: What was Adolf Hitler's view on China? Sentence 2: What are some facts about Hitler?
Sentence 4: What are examples of perzgeal selling? Sentence 2: What is personal ‘log? What are some examples?
Sentence I: How does the vinyl player work? Sentence 2: How does a record player work?
Sartenca t: Da college'interyiawers find Dit i you gat ir? Saitenei 2: D0” schocis: which do. auinhi- interviews ‘far’ new. [students ‘report ‘back ta ‘their’ alumni: interviewers “after” the fadmission decisions?
Sentence : Why would you think that tr is God? why would you think that there is N° God? 2 why do you Sentence |e not God? think you 3m
Sentence i: What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island? Sentence 2 What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire US. including it’s territories and possessions? 3
Sentence’ I: Why dogs: the “inequality sign change when both sides are“multiplied or. divided. by a negative ‘numbér?. Does: this happen with équations?: Why or why not? Sentence. 2::Does the’ sign of an. inequality change. when multiplied by-a. variable? Why or why not?
; Sentence 1: annual i Should I cancel my no annus, fee credit card? ) Sentence 2: Are crpaip cards with no ae good?’ .
Sefitence a2 Seniterice'2-1)))
Sentence 2:aithig 8 Sicaiiecare Cal ridin yan ew J, Telated ith the Roman RepUbtican cateratar? ‘Seimenck 2: Whikis 4.cortsecutive catondar Say and how i it ‘laked with the French Republican Calendar?
dantance What's “it-Uike- climbing. Mount Kiliraanjaro? anton 2 wht nyu reve ima
Sentence 4: What ‘is."the’ truth. behind withdrawal. of 1080 and’ 500 ‘rs notes .in India? Seritence 2 What is the main reason behind jabalishing ‘Rs’ 500 :and .Rs 1000. notes. in india? :
Sentence: k What is the total ed Segiens ora et.al prey ies in Sentence 2: Can sound energy be produced by light energy? ~ ,
Sentence 1: Do we get to see apple trees when we visit Kulu Manali Shimla? Sentence 2: What should | vi Manali or Shimla or Dalhousie?
2: How ca | al ashe at wi? 2 What can do to fall asp sight momentary?
enténce. 1! How do ‘you properly put. on .a| condom? entence, 2: How do I'put on a Condom?
‘Sentence I: Conyou- gel cat sératch fever’ it the eat ‘didnt break the skin’ fie “Sentence 2° Wve Been‘ scidiched by @ stray-cat.. it’ was a mninor.seraich-and if bied:“Can'lg8t rabies?
Sentence 1: Who is the richest Big Bang theory scar? Sentence 2: Is The Big Bang Theory (TV Show) overrated?
Sentence 1: How many steps are to be climbed to reach Tirumala from Tirupathi? Sentence 2: Which is a better route, Alipiri or Sri Vaari?
Smntence t What is the importance of independence for sharenowers? Sentence 2 It seamed obvious she wasnt interested. Did she Say one thing but mean something else?
Sentence I: Can time travel ever be possible? Sentence 2: Is time travel still theorized as being possible?
Sentence I: How cai I'get Instagram followers? Sentence 2: How-do I-get so many Instagram followers?
Sentence 1: Do ISPs want to block websites? Senrrasie Sy wibia renames etna block anything they want?
‘Sentence % What it's like to lose your virginity? ‘Sentence 2: What was it like to lose your virginity?
Sentence t: what positives can an electronics ‘engineer provide in banking sector? Sentence 2: I'm in late 20s, lately quit fol in finance, want to do many things but aren’ at any. What shall ido?
Sentence: Why ‘should the government not: own companies even if they rriake profit? Sentence: (2: What is an. example of..a government: owried/nationalized company: that is both profitable and. efficient?
‘Sentence 1: Which is the best quality Condom in India? Sentence 2: How do | ask for a condom in a medical shop in India?
Sentence 1 What are the most followed and most discussed Quora topics till 2016? Sentence 2: What are the most followed topics on Quora 20167
Sentence: i:’How™ often :do “stars: in our universe die?. Sentence 2: How: does :a star die?
Sorenaé 11) eve 6 bachetors degre in Biology, Now Gant Sertence 3 rat tyres af fda con't ont wits Bochebir of
Sentence 1: Do employees at Noble have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Sentence 2: Do employees at Netflix have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments?
Settee: What ae wees ant haw ttc thy repre? ae ta ths mom ‘Seanece tom da ees repre?
Sentence 1 Which is’ the: laptop ‘for mechahiéal?, Sentence © 2:. Which “is ~the laptop for. engineers? best best
Sentence 1: What is top dawn programming? Sentence 2: What is top-down learning?
sentence: 1: Why do. guys: stare:at girls: themJook away? Sentence 2: Why do guysstare-t girls?
Sentence 1: Is it true that Molten tungsten will freeze if it comes into contact with lava? Sentence 2: What isthe chemical symbol for Tungsten?
Sentence t Is there an anime just like Ao Haru Ride (blue spring ride)? Sentence 2 What is the best anime of spring 2016?
Sentence 1: What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie The Son? Sentence 2 What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Saathiya?
Sentence 1:Which should I pursue first. CCENT or CCNA? I have to do CCNA but should I pursue two exam route or one exam just for CCNA? Sentence 2: How do I prepare for a CCNA certification exam?
Sentence 1: How effective was your Linkedin profile in finding a new job? Sentence 2: Has Linkedin helped you get job? If so, do you have any tips?
Sentence li What is aviotion course? Sentence 2: What is eviction? *
Sentenée 1:.To Donald: Frump,- when was America great? Sentence 2: "in: Doriald. Trump's mirid, when’ did America stop being "great?"
Sentence 1: What . is “tenure” of - America president? Sertence 2: What is. the tenure of USA president?
who iS:not a éntence’t; Would yo:marry: a wortén. virgin? Why, or: why.not? 5 enitence 2: Watiid you fiiarry’a dithwho.is not virgin’:
Sentence 1: What's the difference between 2 two stroke and four stroke motorcycle engine? occ moped. Can Ladd any 2-stroke oil 2: Thave a 5 y in the bike? ‘othe scented 2-stroke oil that's alread
Sentence 1: Who is the most cruel dictator throughout history? Sentence 2: Who were the most cruel men or women in history? What were their cruel acts?
Sentence 1: What can I do to increase my concentration in studies? Sentence 2: How do | read/study with focus/concentration and avoid distractions procrastination?
Sentence 1: What is the best budget hotels in Udaipur for accommodation lof me and my friends in this coming] INew Year eve? Sentence 2: What is the best budget hotels in Matheran for accommodation lof me and my friends in this coming| INew Year eve?
Sentence 1: What is best subject in it among engineering science, electrical engineering ‘and mechanical engineering? Sentence 2: Will a GATE rank within 108 be enough for a job? Do I need exclustve, preparation for G,PI etc
Sentence 1: How do you convert juniors clothing sizes to girls or women sizes? jentence 2: Why do clothing sizes at Hollister un small?
entence |: What is the relationship etween wisdom and humor? entence 2: 'What is the relationship etween “wisdem™ and “appreciation? ‘ould they be dependent upon each ether?"
Sentence 1: Which are the best compilers for C language (for Windows 10)? Sentence 2: Which is the best open source C/C++ compiler for Windows?
Sentence 1: How do | treat ticks in rabbits since local vets have no experience and most dog/cat tick medicine is lethal to rabbits? Sentence 2: How do | treat ticks in rabbits? Local vets have no experience and most dog/cat tick medicine is lethal to rabbits
Sentence..1: What: type: lasked-in froat nd deve Sentence 2: What ~ ‘are’ “gore “srriart
Sentence ‘1:'Who is’ the. most interesting Person::you've ever. Sat: next’ to on ‘an airplane?. Sentence 2: What” are: the’ most-weird- looking airplanés that ever flew?
Sentence 1:.Is: caste: reservation ‘system : still, nécessary in India?. Sentence 2: Do sc/st/obc really need reservation in India?
Sentence 1:, What sre some Model Mayhem ‘Scans? BSentense 2: What. are..soms. Model Mayhem’ Scans. 7 exauples. examples of of
Sentence’ 4: How /do:'l. debunk: “the. flat earth. theories? *. Séntence- “2: How. can If debunk thé: arguments: used. by. Flat. Earfh.advocafes?
Sentence 1: How can I know am ready to love someone? « tence 2: How do you know when ou are ready to love?
Sentence 1: How do recruiters get paid, and:-how much? Sentence 2: Why'do consultants get _ paid so much?
Senteiice 1: How do-I-get international internship’in éngineéring?. Sentence: 2:.: How": do. =I get. an interhational engineering?
Sentence 1: What: are the ‘places we can visit while: travelling: from Bengalunt to, Coorg?: ae Sentence 2 iy gan’ ‘technology ot, completely “eradicate | the impact’ of. geography?” ss
Sentence 1: What location did you get after selection in IOCL through GATE?: Sentence 2: Chelsea Clinton seems to:be very sincere and has done much charity. Why.do people pay less attention to her than Ivanka Trump?.
Bentence 2: Why should we ask questions on Quota; when we can Google it?. Sentande’: Why do péeaple ask baste Questions instead of searching them?” - i 3
Sentence What is the square root of 109%? Sentence What is the square root of 20?
‘Sentance'1: Why is my sperm lazy? ‘Sentence'2: What is the Basic definition of music?
Sentence 1z1s there any cure for cancer in india? Sentence 2: 1s ther¢ a cure for cancer?
Sentence 1: How: do I get a Starbucks gold card and what do I need todo? - Sentence 2: What. does the Starbucks Gold. ‘level rewards card ‘provide. people with? . 1
Sentence 1: What are some fraudulent startups? Sentence 2: What is »fraudulent misrepresentation? *
Sentence 1:.What is. the: .definition. of scholar-gentry? * Sentence 2! How. do. scholars know: the date of the Gospels?
Sentence 1: Can |.use.a Samsung $5 with the Gear VR?. Sentence 2: "I can't access or use my, available storage space on my "Samsung galaxy $5". What should | do2"
Sentence 1: How safe are investments in lokmanyo mu®ipurpose credit society’ Sentence 2: How would you invest in good home sofe?
‘Sentence. 1: How“ will the ban. of Rs‘600 and Rs ‘00 notes affect indian economy? ** < Sefitence 2: How’ will notes affect indi iscontirulig: ¢600" and. 1000 "3 economy?
Sentence 1: What is the ideal solution for Kashmir from Kashmiri's point of view? Sentence 2: According to Kashmiris what would be the ideal solution to the Kashmir conflict?
Sentence 1: What is purpose oF life? ‘Sentence 2: what is.your purpose oF life?
Sentence 1: Are we going to see Harsha Bhogle in the com-box again? Sentence 2: Will Harsha Bhogle ever do commentary for India again?
Sentence 1: What are the best webinar tools? Sentence 2: What are webinars best at?
Sentence I Which laptop would be better to buy now an iS 6200U with AMD R5 M330 or an i5 5200U with AMD R5 M230? Sentence 2 Which laptop would be better to buy now an i$ 6200U with NVIDIA 920M or an iS 5200U withl NVIDIA 920M/R5 M3302
Sentence x: Camping: What are the risks of sleeping in the middle of a forest? Sentence 2: Where is the best camping place Colorado?
Sentence 1:. Why: is “Saltwater -taffy ‘candy imported:in Australia? . Sentente 2: Why is “salt, water’ taffy ~candy unknown in Japan?
Sentence 1: What are some Quora hacks? Sentonce 2: Whet are the Core hecks you tow? fe
1: Femove the aps from plastic bottles . when ‘recycling them> $ ftles, one “is. supposed to ‘Pemove the (plastic) cap? . ‘Sentence 2 Why is it when, Fecycling plastic be
Sentence & what are some private things you have caught people doing? ‘Sentence 2 what are most private things that you have seen people doing?
I: On Facebook, how can I add wutual friends? 2: Can I sce an ordered list of people with whom I share the most friends on Facebook?
Sentence 1: How do | make my Quora news feed more interesting? Sentence 2: How do | make my Quora feed interesting again?
sentence 1: How many wars have India fought with te neighbours since independence and what was the outcomes? Sentence 2: How many wars have India and setfetan fought? And how many of them have been won by each side?
Sentence 1: How can I stop my dog from humping my furniture? Sentence 2: How do I stop my Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix trom “humping my furniture?
“Sentence t What war the worst time is Iusman history for, “Sentence 2 What was the worst time inhuman history?
Sentence 1: | have 26 backlogs with 2 current backlogs and GRE 314 . suggest me some colleges for MS in MIS in USA wt Sentence 2: What are the impact of monopoly in mixed economy?
Sentence 1: Why arén't Lipizzaner mares used for performances? Sentence 2: What are Appaloosa horses used for and why?
> Sentence 4 Why does my mother date so many mean men? Sentence 2 Why are so many men more interested in pleasing their controlling, rude, and nasty mothers than a woman they claim to love, who is bne of those things?
Sentence 1: What Is the Interview process for the position of "Technical Recruiter” at Uber: pes Sentence 2: What is the interview process like for the: technical recruiter position at Voor?
Sentence t What are the best ECGs to buy? 2: Should | buy Battlefield 4 at Best Buy?
Sentence I: Who wil vine US election is 016? Sentence’ 2::'Who is mast likely to win’ the US. presidential election gind why?
Sentence 1: How can. I-gr'ow my followers on Quora?: Sentence 2: How do 1 grow .my influence on Quora?.
Sentence 1: Is there any scope in mechanical engineering? Sentence 2: What is the future scope of mechanical engineering?
Sefitente’ “Sentence 2: