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Sentence I: What is weight/weight? Sentence 2: What is my weight? | 00
Sentence: 1: By: having .a: great’ customer Fervice system, will: Amazon open a bank in uture; ‘Sentence 2: Gpa for cmu? | 00
Sentence + Why did my cat bite me? Sentence 2: Why does my cat lightly bite me to get me to pet her? | 00
Sentence 1: Why do we walk? Sentence 2: Why can we not walk with time? | 00
/ Serterce tis ince chereang under PM Mos? Sertenee 2 's nda waky cheregng unc the leadship of PM Mocs ? | 11
Sentence 1: What percentile can I expect in XAT 2017 with a score of 40? Sentence 2: My score im XAT 2017 is 34. What percentile can I expect? | 00
Sentence a) Has anyone formed an ixvitimate relatibnmship with somebody that they met on Quora? Sentence 2: Have you ever met your love- interest on Quora? | 11
tence 1: Where is the first copy f book of Quran ever written? tence 2: Do most Muslims really lieve the Quran is a good book? | 00
Sentence 1: What are some good colleges/universities offering MBA in Business Analytics/Data Analytics in India? Sentence a: Is there a college that offers a degree in Business Analytics (or Big Data) and Finance? | 00
Sentence 1: What does an impact driver do? Sentence 2: What is an impact driver? | 00
sales jn China Sentence I: WheitwilAonle Over 2 Senterice ‘2 Haw'do. lat nay ze. Apple's erforpiance? <8 : | 00
Sentence 1: How can you get seats ata general election presidential debate? Sentence 2: How does one get to attend a presidential debate? | 11
Sentence & What are come of the moot intereeting lietle-hnoren things? Sentence £: What te the most intereoting thing in the world? | 00
"Sentence 1! How 'd6:1 keep, motivated:in the:gym? ~ Sentence 2: How do l-keep moti the gym?” : : | 11
[Sentence 4 Can I have a list of start ups or mid size Jcompanies in identity and access management domain? [Sentence 2 Which are the best startup companies in identity] jand access management? | 11
Sentence 1: Why highways don't have lights? Sentence 2: \Why don't highwaye have lights? | 11
Sentence 1: Why are NCDs an alarming matter? Sentence 2: How do you describe the size of the known universe? | 00
Sentence 1- Did the burming of lond by Aboriginal peaple increase desertification ond reduce habitability in Australia? Sentence 2-!s there ony FIM group here? | 00
tence. 1: What . is a ~ molecular pompound? mtence 2: What is. a © molecular pompound? What are some examples? | 11
Sentence 1: How did Dustin Moskovitz make his money? ntence 2: My boyfriend is obsessed ith making money, but he is not terialistic. (Uhat is his problem? nd what might be his cavse? Mow an I help him out? | 00
Sentience I: ilow mich gold is: presently stared at Foire nox? Who controls It? : Seritence2: How muchgoid-does.Fon Knoxttiotd? | 11
Sentence 1: Can a Rajya Sabha member stand for Lok Sabha elections? Sentence 2: How are Rajya Sablia’ members elected? | 00
Sentence 4: What are some’ mind-blowing fs about SRO of NASA? ‘Sentence 2: What aresome of the:mind blowing facts about NASA? | 00
Sentence 1: Which-coip anies use Mixpanel? Seiitence 2; What are’ some somnpaiiet ian ne Mixpanel? | 11
2Can yas share your perscral experience of converting te ‘Orthation Jurtaain? ‘Sanince 2 What ist to convert to Janice? % | 00
entence E sentence & | 00
Sentence b Should « 12 yeor okd have sex? Sentence 2+ Can 0 16 yeor old and 12/14 year old have sex? | 00
Sentence 1-Why'do feminists deny female privilege? Sentence :2: Do féininists think that female mig: ‘exists? | 00
Sentence 1:1 had just bought a Samsung Galaxy J7. I tried connecting it to my home WiFi and it gets connected and disconnected frequently. It works smoothly on other WiFi networks and my home WiFi works well on the devices of other members of my family. What should Ido? Sentence 2: wifi problem.. My Mtn! wifi router is frustrating me from the last one week. I use it to connect my galaxy ace plus to the internet. The porblem is that router is responding slowly while i surf the internet though i'm getting full speed | 00
Sentence 1: How should | propare for UPSC SE 20177 Sentence 2: How can | start proparations for the UPSC Ciwil Services Examinations 20177 | 11
‘Sentence + What is an otter? Sentence 2: Are otters mean? | 00
about? Clinton have health issues we, 36 | 11
Sentence 1: What are some cars that have paddle shifters? Sentence 2: What are some. cars with paddle shifters? a —————— | 11
Sentence 1: What is. the most fundamental | Philosophical question? | Sentence 2: Is there a fundamental question underlying ail other philosophical questions? | 00
Sentence 1: Who is the best Bulk SMS service provider in Telangana? Sentence 2: Who is the best Bulk SMS service provider in Nepal? | 00
Sentence 1: What about taking M.S from germany after completing Bech in mechanical engineering from kerala? Sentence 2: What is best career plan after completing graduation in b.tech (mechanical engineering)? | 00
® | Sentence 1: ] jelete ano med a file w th perm ss ons? Sentence 2: How do I delete system files? | 00
Sentence i: What is your review of The Family Stone (2005 movie)? Sentence 2: What is your review of Stoned (2005 movie)? | 00
Sentence 1: Sbings: What is it Ike to have s brather? Sentence 2: Do you have a favourite ebiing? | 00
Sentence 1: What is the best way to celebrate woman's 30th birthday? Sentence 2: How should celebrate 300 birthday with your ‘win? your | 00
Sentence 1y-What are. the stéps taker! befre sanctioning the loan’ and after. 1. disbursérient lto reduce. NPA?. Sentence 2: What a are. ‘othe best Steps to, reduee : INBA? oP : . | 11
Serlence t Whol it poy coh? Serlence 2 Wha is Paylr cash lersl? | 00
Sentence 1: How can you increase referral trathc toa website? Sentence 2: How can we increase referral traffic formy website? | 11
Sentence t Does the 4-Hour Work Week by Tim } Ferriss really work? Sentence 2 What are the downsides of Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek? | 00
Sentence 1: What are the rules for Yahoo's fantasy hockey? Sentence 2: How do | join Yahoo! Fantasy Footbal 2013? | 00
Sentence t How people can find happiness? Sentence 2: How do people find happiness within themselves? | 00
Sentence £ Can a DC motor be converted into a DC generator? Sentence 2: \Vhat are the formulas to solve examples of all type of BC motor and generator? | 00
Sentence t: What are some thirgs new employees should know going into their first day at Lowe's? ~ Sentence 2: What ate some things new employees should know going into. their first day at Target | 00
‘entence 1: Which is the best Smartphone under INR 15000 ?, Sentence 2: What are the best smartphones under 15000? | 11
Sentence 1: Whot ore the hottest new startup perks| of 2013 in Siticon Volley? Sentence 2 How importont is It for a tech stortup to] bbe in Sticon Voliey? 4 | 00
Sentence 1: What is Dell's minimum service charge for laptop repair in Delhi/ NCR? “Sentence 2: 1s it ok to use Dell laptops while charging? | 00
Sentence 1: Is a reservation provided in cap round 3? Sentence 2: Is reservation in fees provided in cap round 3? | 11
Sentence I: What are the state capitals? Sentence 2: What is the state capital of china? | 00
Sentence t What software do photographers use? Sentence Z What software do photographers and Producers use to manage thelr shoots? | 11
sentence 1: How many hospitals are there in south Korea? sentence 2: How can I get donors for our hospital in Kenya? | 00
Sentence 1: “what does ""“low MCV and. MCH"" mean on a blood test?” Sentence 2: what is MCH in a blood test? | 00
Sentence a: How Soes the commission 7 stroctore for reps work at Braintree? Sentence a: If one sales rep has workeS on a leaS but fast not closes it an$ the leaS is reassignes to a another rep, How shoul I split the sales commission? | 00
Seritence 1: What was the influence of Thorstein Veblen beliefs in modern day economy? Sentence 2: What was the influence of Thorstein Veblen beliefs in modern day sociology? | 00
Sentence 4: s it better to call ér etal to Follow Up on sutter application?: Sentence 2: How’ goéd:ig the ‘eitcryption’on the best online chat: software available. today? | 00
entence 1s there any solution to the math roblem given below? ‘entence 2: What is the solution to this maths woblem? | 00
Sentence 1: Is humanity destined to doom? Sentence 2: Is huanity doomed? | 11
Sentence 1: How much of accounting is book keeping? 2: What is book keeping and accountancy? | 00
Sentence 1: What characteristics make & Maduraikaran unique and special? Sentence 2: What makes Tamil film Industry to stand alone in India? | 00
Sentence Ts How. do you know.a piece of. infomation-‘is si shorerd in long. term: memory? Sentencé ay Ar “there any, Ways te transfer,..information:. received. ; from short-term -. ‘memory: ta. long-term memory jmmediately? | 00
. Sentence 1; Can tachyon Scape - Frop black hole? Sentence 2: -¢. gravitons escape ‘an the event horizon of a black hole? If-not,. how-can we detect ‘the black hole's- gravity? | 00
sentence 4: what is a domain? sentence 2: what is domain in coding? | 00
Sentence i What's your opinion on GMO products? Do you feel theyre bad the for consumers? Why or why not? Sentence 2: What is your opinion on GMO products? Do you support it? | 11
ivate Equity fidnds: Clinton ited Parte any? | 00
entence 1: Why speed regulation of permanent agnet motors (10 to 15%) better than others? entenice 2: Why speed regulation of permanent jagnet motors good (10 to 15 %)? | 11
Sentence 1: Is the universé a system? Seittence’ 2: Is there -a_ universal oem for anything? | 00
Sentence & How can | get ‘id of unbearable menstrual cramps? Sentence 2: How can | deal with unbearable} ‘menstrual cramps? | 11
Sentence: “1: How. ‘can: 1 . convince’ a: customer with a’traditional mindset in implementing Scrum to deliver his project's outputs? Sentence 2: Who can play the role of. scrum master in agile project? | 00
Sentence 1:-Hoiv. cari‘ive identify a.wietal as cast iron? Sentence 2: Cookawvaie: How should ease tron pots be-cleiined?. . | 00
Sentenie trod one Sattvare courses 40, study: how. fo stinly? °° 2 Sentence -2 How cant pares niumber ‘hooroms in Liter? | 00
14: What are the challenges facing NGOS working ata grassroots level in india? 2: Do you really think that NGOs in India. ate working the way they should? | 00
Sentence 1: Sentence 2: | 00
1: How can I lose weight without jing excercise? Brow can I lose weight fast without vercise? | 11
Sentence 1: What is the average weight, height and penis size fora 14 year old? Sentence 2: Is 10 inches a normal/ average arm size for 14 years old boy? | 00
‘Sentence: 1: What i isthe latest technology in 20162 “Sentenice 2: What is the latest technology of 20167. " | 11
Sentence 1: How, far is Hawaii from, the nearest land mass? Sentence 2: What would the world be like.if land masses were swapped? Oceans are land and lands are ocean? | 00
Sentence 1: "How would Googlé name their new Android OS after-ail letters are used till "2" Sentence 2:'What ‘will Google -do afterthe- releasé of, Aidit 2? | 11
Senténée 1: Do people. with OCD repeat ivords| and’ ‘sentences? I “found . on es; that tig, 8° > multiple” webs symptom. ‘Repetitive Speech and ‘words? Sentence-2:-[s “it ‘a, symptom ‘of OCD to repeat | ivords?: (Repetitive, words--and speech) | 11
2 « Sentence..1; What is a ‘connection’ redis? f in . Sentence. 2: p, Redis. vs" My Consider Use’ Should ySQL: Redis from, Day One? wees | 00
ik." What phosiig I doit Sire forks. “question as “Needs Improvemaot™™* “Sentence 2°"Why does: Qvora mark questlovsos ‘oven:if the questions are | 11
Sentence 1: is.it possible to do Ms aerospace. after BS aviation technology? Senténce 2: A’person with a baseline temp'of 98:6 is considered to have a low giade fever at 99.5. tf someone has a baseline of 976 is 98.6.4 tow.grade fever? | 00
Sertaice turct ¥ | uroie mpal nts 9 corms wan, Eerertd compaigr fm the Dungenn Master)? "Sentence 2 Ourgsane 8 Dragsh fale plaline gore unt ae tnamoet uncercoer exated Ad earoogn eettros? | 00
Sentence # Why is Beowulf so important when studying English therature? Sentence 2: What s the most effective way to study AS English therature? . we | 00
Sentence 1: What are the major muscles in the body? Sentence 2: What are the main muscles of the body? | 11
Sentence 1: What will be the impact of the step taken to ban the 500 & 1000 rupee note on Indian economy? Sentence 2: What will be the consequences of 500 and 1000 rupee notes banning? | 11
Sentenes t Which csi’ services “ard ‘available ‘in Nashville? How. good ‘are they coimpared to taxis and relative t6-each other? Senterice 2° Which “car ‘services. ate’ available ° in Philadelphig? How good ‘are they’ compared 19 taxis and relative to eachother? | 00
Sentence 7;-Who is in the best intérest- for india? Hillary-or Trump? : Sentence 2: Who is better for India, Hillary or Trump? | 11
‘Sentence 1: Which are the best institutes for Civil Services Coaching in Hyderabad? Sentence 2: Which s the best IAS coaching _ centres in Hyderabad | 11
Sentence what shoulda mechanical eigineer do? ‘Sentence 2:what can aimechinical engineer do?, | 00
Sentence i When was the first porn moviéshot?- Sentence 2: How are porn mavies rinide | 00
Sentence 1: There is a decline in foreign tourists in Kerala. Apart from the civic amenities, what would make. you visit Kerala often? Sentence 2: Wigfit are tourists’ impressions about Kerala? What makes: it unique and what needs to be improved? | 00
Sentence + What is the most fantastic dream you have ever had? Sentence 2: What was the awesomest jream you had? | 11
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