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2 classes
Sentence 1: Whats the best way to. simulate “j)sexual intercou if you're alone and only have household gooda? Sentence 2: What does sex feel like for women?
Why: Jajsanése. foods? “Sentence ey your ike ‘Sentence. Why is apaiiest: fe -populée?
‘Sentpce:1: banking, will be foy wiaigih business, vihy.do Londan-stil 3pite.to.be ti nancial gente? Sentence: 2: why i the stotk rarket RSE Going dovint be the la 7high margin nee ge days? What wil
Sentence E How can | get a girffiond if | am shy and socially ‘awkward? Sentence 2:How do you get a girifriond # youre socially ‘awkward?
Sentence 1: How are you different from you! partner? Sentence 2: How are you different from you spouse?
Sentence 1: What are the top ten must-see attractions im America? Sentence 2: What are the top 10 must-see places, sights & attractions in the USA? Why?
Sentence 1 What's th religion and spirituality? Sentence 2: What is the di being religious and being spiritual
Sentence 1: How long does THC stay in the body? Sentence 2: How long does Lorazepam stay in your system?
Sentence 1: Can we add 8 odd numbers to get 3? Sentence 2: Can you add 5 odd numbers to get 307
‘Sentence 1: Have you had coincidences in your life that make you wonder whether or not it's really explainable by luck? Sentence 2 In work or in life, when you are working against the powers that be, whether they are politically motivated antagonists, human indifference, bad luck, or constant Negative feedback what helps you show up every day and do your very best?
Sentence 1: How important is sound design in films? Sentence 2: What is involved in sound design for a film?
1: Who ig the great master astrologer in india? 2: Whois famous astrologer in india?
Sentence 1: What are some cute things beginner programmers do? Sentence 2: What are some tips for a beginner programmer who hits the tearning watt often?
What’ ave. mout afficient eal. { Sentence oo Hime. audio filtering -eldoy/ eomanand.,ling ccalr{tor ber negated WO my Ne firering “audio. vampley to “srickophone: ‘ahick i further to. be: “jereaiied von :tth live voted ‘chat?! nae nee ‘ape’ the most. efficent ‘filtering aldo /eominand pated: with my app) foe filtering’: 3 ample: from. 8 aieophone,: «which .* te. fusthed:: te, be otocol. for liga“ voice aigeamed. on: Pep, °P eke
Sentence 1: Is Jamie Azor Ahai? Sentence 2: 1s it possible that Jaime Lannister could be Azor Ahai?
Sentence 1: Some pages automatically got liked by my Facebook account. What should I do to avoid it? Sentence 2: How do I convert my Facebook personal profile into a fan page?
Seritenice: 1: What 'aré™; accourtt permanentl)?, Sie, ways: to delete ry’ Facebook. Sentence: i Hw idol get | “ebook fo, deletes fraldlene ae ee a
Sentence 1: What is the molar conductivity of sulphuric acid? ‘Sentence 2: What is molar conductivity?
Sentence 1: Nature: Does the Narilatha (flowers shaped like naked women) really exist? Sentence 2: Is there a colour that doesn't exist in nature becquse we made it up?
‘Sentence 1. What is the fastest and best way to upload Ja Video(s) to Youtube? Sentence 2 What is the best resolution to upload videos to YouTube?
Senterice 1: What: would, be the effect’of turbid water on the disinfectant ability? ‘Sentence 2: What are the effects-of drinking warm water?
Sentence 1 How lang does it take for regular mail to send fram Texas to Iincis on an average schedule? Sentence 2: Someone sent mea registered mail on Dec 6 from Virginia to ‘Anchorage, AK. stil havertt received it. Does ittake that long?
Sentence & Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? Sentence 2: What are some examples of sensation and perception?
Sentence ¢ IF I have an iCloud, can I delete all the photos from my phone? Sentence 2: Can I delete photos once | upload them to iCloud Drive?
Sentence 1: What are abiotic Factors and how do they affect the ecosystem? Sentence 2: How do biotic and abiotic factors work together to make an ecosystem?
Sentence.’ I: Why, do. people “put iculous ‘questions. on Quora.. when they’ can” just Géogle’ therm? Huh, Huh, Huh :-/ Sentence .2:°Why do:; people: ask questions. here in: Quora “instead: off just googling?
Senfnce 1:15 it impossible or sfclt for native Engh speakers (Anglojhones) fo lear foreign liguages? Sento sf possible for anative English speaker fo lear fen Finnish?
Sentence 1; If: Trump.” suppérters-catise disruptions: an Nov °B in Demoératic’ areas, altering*the, outcomé, can..the courts rule the Fesult. of the election invalid? Sentence 2: Witl:,Donaté “Trimp ‘supporters’. aGcept “the. results, of: the, 2016 presidential election if Frump loses?.
Sentence 1: if you roll a fair six-sided die and a four-sided die, what is the probability that neither die shows a 17 Semence 2: if | roll six a 6faced die 10 times, what is the probability of the sum equaling 27?
Sentence 1: What are the essential physical tools that axe necessary for a fashion designer to have at al times to help with innovating an idea? Sentence 2:1 have an idea and a plan for an efficient cax. But my group consists of only a few engineering students. Is there any way we could contact ot get in touch with a cax company that aleady have all equipment necessary for designing the concept car that would help us do 30?
Sentence 1: ‘statement? Sentence. 2: What..éxactly) is. a thesis statement? .
there bed nucleor wor sop? Sentence 2: Whot could hoppen in o. nuclear wor? .
Sentence 1: How do | tell an Indian girl | like her? Sentence 2: How can you tell whether an Indian girl likes you?
“Gentince b Do employees at S &T Bonk hove «good worksite balince? Does this differ across: positions ond departments? * Sentince 2: Do employter at Creat Western Bank have a geod werk-We balance? Does Seay ere te and deportinents?
Sentence 1: What is the difference between a title ‘sponsor, associate sponsor and powered by in relation to abrand? ‘Sentence 2: Why do so many TV shows in India have their sponsor names associated with their show title? Say, ABC Presents RandomTVShow Powered byXYZ.
Sentence 1: Can Quora Overtake Stack Overflow: + Sentence 2: Can Quora replace Stack Overflow?
Sentence How shal stop wialching pom? Sentence:2: How’ can |'stop watching pérn?.
Sentence 1: Did the Inc: possess a knowledge of genetics far superior to the present one to create 5000 varieties of potatoes? Sentence 2: Has any engineering student felt bad?
Sentence 1: What makes Quora so addictive? Sentence 2: Why is Quora addicting?
ISentence 1: What is Management of Information ISystem? [Sentence 2: What is management information lsystem?
Sentence 1: What is the shape of an f-orbitaly Sentence 2: Why docs the electron orkit the nudeus?
Sentence 1: It is said that the flow of ene: in an ecosystem is unidirectional. Why is this so? Sentence 2: How does energy flow in an ecosystem?
Sentence bk How do | get rid off hairs on my anus and penis? Sentence 2: How do | get rid of an ingrown hair in my eyebrow?
om dimples cherished trail?
Sentence t: Does Palantir hire iOS Engineers? Sentence 2: Do Palantir new hires get signing bonuses similar to those at Facebook and/or Google?
Sentence t: What i:the difference between CSM, arid COMA sinysotsin my phone? Seritence. 2: Hov'cain- se my. veliance COMA haridset for GSM SiN?
Sentence 1: Is there a standard shower curtain size? Sentence 2: What is the size of a standard shower curtain?
Sentence 1: To what extent can matched betting be sustained? Sentence 2: What is best to perform matched betting?
entence 1: Can. lock 2, iphone passcode without 2 £ omputer? sentence 2; How.do Lretrieve aft iphone passcode”,
‘Senterioe: 1: How do |:crack BSNL JE ’éxam in one rmoath? ‘Sentenoe 2: How dol pépate for, BSNL JE exarit?
Sentence 1: Is TVS Jupiter scooter is reliable for many year? jentence 2: How is the TVS Jupiter's base model raking response?
Sentetice 1: Wiiat does ENE HIE ahean:in English? Sentence 2: What does seo niean in English?
based dare “They”: based on-real: events
Sentence 1: What does it feel like to grow up without a ‘mother figure in the family? Sentence 2: What does it feel like to grow up without a father figure in the family?
‘Sentence 1: Do long distance relationships work? ‘Sentence 2: How do I cope with a long distance relationship?
‘Senitence 1:: How Cana shy person betome contisent? Sentence 2: How would you help: a shy person to become 9 - confident one?,
Sentence : How do Ibecome emotionally and mentally strong? Sentence 2: How can become mertally stronger?
Sentence 1: Is burping (all, the time, even after standing up) a symptom of HIV? (aot ARS symptom but came.a bit later)? Sentence. 2: How. constant are. HIV. symptoms? Why?
Sentence 1: What is the difference between Spanish guitar and acoustic guitar? “Sentence Hi How do T change the chords in guitar?
Sentence i Is it wise.to pursue an ‘MS in- the . USA after ‘Trump's win? Sentence: 2: Would: Donald: ‘tvump's * having become . Président - adversely ‘affect . the" job Hrospects of noh-Aniericans. who: graduate, fromm miericain-universities? -
Sentence 1: Does superfuid dark matter ripple when galaxy clusters collide and wave in double slit experiments? Sentence 2: Is there evidence of the dark matter every time a double slit experiment is performed? Is the dark matter what wave a)
Sentence k : What is Quiora éredit2: ‘Semenice oa ‘What ‘ig ihe, del ie Quera Credits?. :
Sentence 1: What sales metrics should be. included on a SaaS company's Salesforce dashboard? Sentence 2: Have you heard about invisible muffler?
Sentence 1: How do you know if you're in love? ‘Sentence 2: How do you know when it is true love?
nce i: Why is the book The chemist so popular? ntence 2: What does the book The| chemist by Paulo Coelho teach us?
Sentence t What are some organizations thet help poor students in india? Sentence 2: Which is @ good school for students whe are very poor in education?
Sentence t: How do I get free coins in Pokemon: wr Sentence 2: How do | get (ree pokecoins?
Sentence 1: Is the dark side of the moon always dark? Sentence 2:.: Why is the dark-side .of:: .the “moon more cratered?
Sentence |: Where are thé%sex joints in Mumbai? Sentence 2: Which aretthe Famous places For 3 Foodie to visit Food joints in mumbai with name and address?
Sentence 1: Which is the 'safest train car to sit on average? Is. it. towards the “front by. the. engine ‘or towards: the back? Sentence °2: What: train: carriage is generally the safest to sit in?
Sentence 1; How is Kartik Aryan from the movie Pyaar Ka Punchnama in real life? Sentence 2: Was Rajat’s rant in pyaar ka punchnama taken in a single shoe?
Sentence 1:13. demonetisation helping. Indian economy? Sentence «21 Row (do you. |. think demonetisation will affect Indian « ui - ¥
Sentence 1: How will demonetization affect the money kept in Swiss banks? Sentence 2 What will be the effect ot. banning 500 and 1000 notes on people. having money in Swiss banks?
Sentence 1: What power does UN secretariat have? Sentence 2: What is your review of Secretariat?
Sentence & De banks finance vehicies without down paynent? ‘Santance 2 Can | connect my Apple TV to my MacBook to instal apps? *
Sentence 1: What -aré the. ‘safety deeatens ‘on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Florida? ‘Sentences. 2: What are the -saféty recautions ‘on handlling, shotguns proposed by the Kansas?
Sentence I: Her fiance passed away and I fell in love with her while supporting her. What should 1 do? Sentence 2: 1 fell in love with my crush. We are away from each other and I miss her so much. Should 1 try and get in ouch. If I do I might be done for it by her Parents and maybe mine because of our conservative desi culture ee
¢ntence 1: Microsoft Excel: How can | calculate NPS score in a Pivot Table so that | can slice and dice the data? ntence 2: Can an Excél pivot table be sonverted toa PDF?
Sentence 1: How marriage and sex are different? Sentence 2: How different is sex before and after marriage?
2 Sentence: iF MB
‘Sentence 1: Can we aitich a car in Uber without a driver? Sentence'2: Which kind of cars I can, attach in Ola and Uber in ‘Mumbai?
Sentence. 1::What.“are the -stryctural advantages of. ‘af arclated constriction? Sentence 2: Cair4 coristeutt’a partition wal. over midspan of the floorslab in framed structulred-building?: .
Sentence 1: What is. the most beautiful flag int world? Sr [Sentence 2: Which is the mast beautiful flag of t world?
Sentence t: What are the best things about Christianity? Sentence 2: What do you think is the best thing about Christianity?
eAtence t Is it @ better option for. chanical’ .. engineer. to be nat echrician?. ° 2 jentence. 2: Is\it a. better “aptionfor wechanical : enginéer ° to: °be ~ nat. echnician?: Lot
Sentence 2 Theoretically speaking, ‘what must France do to, change. its constitution? Sentence 2: Theoretically speaking, how does one change the French Constitution?
Smtence 31 I howe gt @ math exam day ofter temerresw and I still don't fal like studying, swhat com I de te be metivated? I want te sco at heat g0-0h, Hilp 2
Sentence 1: what Is the best routine I should follow to reduce 7 Ibs in 30 days? Sentence 2: How ehn I lose weight quickly?
‘Sentence t:What dé; NRIs misé'the:iost other than farily and friends india? , ‘Sentence 2 Are" Indians. currently tesiding’in’ India, Jedlous of NRIs?
Sentence 1: What are the supernatural lelements used in the poem The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner and how do they add to the levents that place in the poem? Sentence 2: What is the summary of the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
Sentence 1: Are controversial posts about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook automatically demoted rapidly ‘on Hacker News? Sentence 2: Hous do | post on hacker news?
[Sentence 1: How do | track someone using a 800 number? [Sentence 2: How can | track someone by his igense number?
Sentence 1: How do I recover my lost Gmail password if I don't have the same number and don't remember the recovery email? Sentence 2: How can I reset my Gmail password if I don't remember my recovery Email and current password?
Sentence i What are the best Mniversities that offer embedded systems Sentence 2: What are the top university in USA for embedded systems
Sentence 1: It company in Delhi? Sentence 2: Why transitioning to BIM makes sense for small firms?
‘Sentence 1: How do you develop patience? Sentence 2: What is the best way to practic patience?
Sentence 1: How was Ipcc tax November 16 paper? Sentence 2: Was it only me or someone else also find today's tax paper difficult? (Ipee CA nov 2016)?
Sentence 1 How can I apply in Google or Microsoft for job as a fresher? Sentence 2: Can you apply for a level 64 job in Microsoft if you are at level 61?