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Sentence 1 Just how widespread is anti-American ‘sentiment in Canada? Sentence 2: Is it just me, or do other Americans have a ‘special lave just for Canada? | 00
‘Sentence 1: IT Roorkee has one of the largest rooftop solar Projects among any campus How do they monitor the performance of the solar plant on each rooftop in their campus? Sentence 2: Why cant | rectify these given solar panel output values against my calculations? Im an EE student working with a utity to install rooftop sola | 00
Sentence'i: Whiat should ido4d startYearning German? Sonieficé 2: Whai’ tie best stay to leit Gerinaie | 00
Sentence. 1: Why’ are my all questions marked for iiriprovemént? Senterice 2: Why Was my.quiestion marked as néeding improvement? : | 11
Sentence 1 What is ut the Netherlanx st Cup team in their mate Sentence 2 What is the about Spain's World Cup Netherlands? nterest | 00
Sentence 1: Who really his all the power-and directs, the critical deéisions of Caria? Sentence 2:\Who ieally has ail the power:and directs the critical csi’ of Inia? | 00
Sentence I: How dic Clinton, call Trump?, Sentence 2: What -favors ‘did’ donors to thie Clinton’ Foundation attempt to get? | 00
‘Sentence 1: What is the use of ahard disk in acomputer? Is it technical or managerial? Is this job suitable for technically oriented candidates? | 00
bentonce. Mens Is. the jdiffenence hecbivean ,.': belting, . “evapersrtion, cand yaporisnttiegs? rs it Sarbence 2 Why. !s the bailiyy pela, different fran phe flash. pole t? <22-°:) | 00
Sentence 1:| am 19 years old girl and my height is 5'3. How can | increase my height? Sentence 2: How do | increase my height? | 11
‘Santon co 1: Wich i thi est -cociching institute for CAF and GHAT.in Delhi? Seatonoe 2: What sig ihe" test eéiching stitute: forthe CAT: PedpacaoninDeb | 00
Sentence I-tiriat are Soiné of the best hoirorimauies? Seftshice’2 Catt soinetioay a im ie ist Bestop “nofior movies of alt wine? | 11
Senterice 1:Whrut’ are ome. of thie’ best Ways"to thaw’ Lobster. tails? °° Sentence 2:'How do you: thaw - froze: lobster! tile? 02 ESS : ; | 11
Sentence’ 1:. What are the . major differences in.Wahhabism and Hanafi beliefs and practices? Sentence. 2: Is’. Wahhabism . and Salafism the same in practical terms? | 00
Sentence I: What makes creative mind? Sentence .2:. What: makes.<a -person creative? Aren't we all creative? | 00
Sentence 1: How do’you tie a tie? Sentence 2: How do you tie-a simply tie? | 11
Sentence 1: is mba better than engineering? Sentence 2 4s mba harder than engineering? | 00
‘Sentence: 1: How does Google. Maps know. about. traffic details? ‘Sentence 2: How do traffic maps work in Google? | 11
Sentence 1: Will Katrina Kaif marry Salmon Khan? Sentence 2: Will Salman Khan sove Katrina Kai's coreer? | 00
Sentence 1: Which is a suitable solar panel installation providér. near Kingsburg, California CA? Sentence 2: What’ is a suitable solar panel - installation provider ‘near Atascadero, California CA? | 00
entence 1: What should | do to reduce hair loss? entence 2: How should we reduce hair loss? What are the methods for this? | 00
Sentence {:!Hov should: I’configure'a Beetel 4507C3 WIFE modem to"vork with: BSNL: connection? Seiitence 2: tov’ should: 1 coiPigure'a Bestel 450TC3 WiFi moden:'to. work with Airtel corinéction? | 00
Sentence «: Why So companies Spenl foe money for ASvertisement’ Sentence a How So I boy Jets foom OSa? . | 00
Sentence 1: How do you tnake frosting without butter? Sentence .2: How. do You, ‘make homemade frosting without bittet? | 11
‘entence:iWhct tighi Cause my, gf td'bleed after sex?: jentence Why would my gf bleed ‘iltér sex? | 11
Sentence 1: Which is best graphic card under Rs 7000? (in India) Sentence 2: Which is best graphic card under Rs 7000? | 11
Sentence What-are the bist’ chsé scheaits’ir Indi? Sentenicé2: Vichy are’ thé’ bes! if Inte? | 11
Sentence What happened to te Miceeul Drama subscription of tian Uesbtute at lectnatngy, angus? Sev 2 at wt hao wine mata VA | 00
Sentence 1s it safe to give dogs 1b bones? Sentence 2: Can my dog eat rib bones? | 11
comes ee me ee | 11
Sentence 1: ‘What are the’ best: answers for rwhy, should a: Bye. you?™in a dol» way? Sentence 2: ‘What is the. best answer: for why I shoule hire you? 7 | 11
Sentence © 1. Why, is. the entertaincneat “business concentrated. in only.a feus places like Neus » York, “Los | .Angeleés, and Mumbai? Sentence. 2: What-are the largest classes ‘at-Saint Mary's College of California? Are’, they ».worth taking? What-is ‘the workload like for ‘them? | 00
Sentence 1: How important is probability and statistics in computer programming? Sentence 2: How important is it to know computer programming? | 00
Sentence 1:How do“l--do éxtiemely well in ‘my mathematics degree? Sentence’: What is acleat description of the SOUL? ws i | 00
Sentence 1: What are structural proteins and what are some examples of them? Sentence 2: What are some examples of designer proteins? hall | 00
Sentence 1: Is it possible to build an app for a website if it doesn't have its own API? Sentence 2: Where do | as an Indian invest Rs. 30 Lakhs in India if! am residing in USA? | 00
Sentence 1: What aM@ some of the resources to learn about lor? * Sentence-2: "| -want.to lear about the'""Internet. things." "> What is ithe byt book to tearn-more?" ce | 11
Seriggee 1: Why did Germany lose WWII2 Sentence. 2: Why. did Germany, ‘and: Japan ‘become allies during WWII? | 00
1: Which is the best Mutual Fund in India? 2 Which is the by est. mutual funds.to invest in india? | 11
Sentence ow do get of my fat as . Sentence 2: tara he bet way tle wet? | 00
Sentence i I Tow! ain yous ‘dletermine a chemical: formula ilar cali Vicetat Sotince & bhi do you' dé Kemulalr alumnus carbonat cemine the: chemical | 00
entence I: What are your views on Donald Trump inning the USA elections 2016? entence 2: What is your reaction to Donald rump winning the 2016 US presidential election? | 11
Sentence: 1: How.can Lenter BIOS.mode in Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 2-14? 4 Sentence 2::Which-is. better, ‘the Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga or Lenovo Flex 2:14? | 00
Sentence 1: My girlfriend and | broke up ond she sold he wonts to be friends but | seid no to her. . if you wonne break up. its on your side but | wont. is It ok? Sentence 2 How do | send « complaint to consumer court bby registered post? | 00
Sentence 1: How many inches of the penis are cut off when g baby is. circumcised in judaism and lam? Sint). Sentence 2: Did Islam come from Judaism? | 00
Senterice 4° How do-T Stop ry Pomeraniary Shih Tu. mix from'humping my furniture? Seritence 2: How ‘do' sep my-Atherican: StaffyiKelpie imi from humping my furniture’ | 11
ee van I become’ a’ goor Sentence’ 1: How developer? Sentence 2, How can Software developer? become: a’ good | 11
Stes; went nt ney dS Google Now and Se? | See ont ey 8 . | 00
Sentence 1: Which are the best institutes in Mumbai for GMAT coaching? Sentence 2: What is the best GMAT and CAT coaching centre in Bangalore? | 00
1; How do I make money without using internet ‘and without any | investment? 2 How do I make money online without any investment? | 00
Sentence 1: I fold her I like her, now-what? Sentence 2: I told her I like her, now what do I da? | 11
Sentence 1: Cursency ban and its implications? Sentence 2: 'm so boved with my life. I'm ust 25. Shy Indian male living in MYC. Mly job is a burden fox me and it gts really boxing? | 00
Sentence 1: "Did Quora change from “Want Answers™ to "Follow"? Why?” Sentence 2: "Why did Quora change from “Follow™ to “Want Answers”?" | 00
Sentence & When will Apple release the next generation of MacBook Pros with redesigned hardware? Sentence 2 When will Apple relense the new MacBook Pro in 2016? | 11
Sentence 1: How will the human Species evolve? Sentence 2: How dees human Species evolve? | 11
Sentence k How successful is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ? Sentence 2 What change have you noticed because of Suachh Bharat Abhiyan? How successful it is tll date? Do| you think it will bring change to our society? | 11
jentence ‘1: ‘League of Legends: What aré the trengths. and weaknesses of Brand? jentence. 2: -Léague. of Legends: What are. the trengths' and: weaknesses of Vik | 00
t What is the reason behind not beleving Go? S ‘2 Whot are the reasons to beleve in | 00
Sentence 1: Is personal trainers: session 3 keiran Lee & kendra lust they can do this they ask that? Sentence 2: Are personal trainers worth it? | 00
‘Sentence 1: Do most CEOs comes from sales background? Sentence 2:Which CEO's own the most companies? | 00
Sentence 4: Why can't | make money through my blog? Sentence 2: How can one.make.money. starting a. blog?. | 00
Sentence.1: What are some. inspiring ‘storiés -of companies? ‘Sentence 2: What is your inspiring story? | 00
Sentence 1: Which is the best book for JavaScript? | 00
Sentence 1: How come there's no physical evidence for sea dragons existing if they're the largest animal in the sea? Sentence 2: Why is there no evidence of sea dragons existing? | 11
Sentence I “Is there ao “Pind crus” provision for American Presidencs,] and how is ic enforced?” Sentence 2: Who will be the new American presidenc? Why | 00
Sentence 1: What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Camp Pendleton, California CA? Sentence 2 What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Three Rivers, California CA? | 00
Sentence 1: Is id War 3 on the way with the US Elections? Sentence 2: How likely is word War Ill in the future? | 11
Sentence 1: What sit like to have social anxiety disorder? sentence 2:What does it fel like to be'a mother with social anxiety disorder and have a child or children who do not have have social anxiety disorder? | 00
Seatence 2 het 4s’ he procddiure: to” ctiange ‘exal Ceiter, ti JEE/Malas?, Sentencd 2: “a does IEE“ Main ‘rank niclude’: ‘Board exam ‘score? | | 00
Sentence 1: What is the difference between CV apd resume? Sentence 2: What should | write for communication skills on a resume/CV? « | 00
‘Senteitce I: How do I monitor’ my competitors’ webiste trait Senfencé 2H do tind out my compéttors’ websig:srattic details? | 11
Sentence 1: How ood is civil engineering at an ' eptional in the upSc? Semsance 2: 1 | study civil engineer: where’ can | ‘work? What isthe best country with good salary? | 00
Sentence 1: Did Lyanna Stark love Robert Baratheon or Rheaegar Targaryen? Sentence 2: Would Lyanna have loved Jon? | 00
Sentence t Cai WhatsApp be hacked? Sentence 2: Has Google ever been hacked? | 00
sentence 1: Can time travel ever be possible? Sentence 2: Is time travel possible in next S years? | 11
Sentence 1: Has anyone read this book, The Legend of Sergius Bahira: Eastern Christian Apologetics and Apocalyptic in Response to Islam’, By Barbara Roggema Sentence 2: ‘Legend has it that several editions of a book were created using sheets of glass, a human body and embalming fluid; the body was sliced thinly in section and preserved in this book so you could physically pass through a human body in section as you "read" the book. Does this really exist?" | 00
Sentence 1: How should I prepare for SBI PO 20177 Sentence 2: How do Eprepare for SBI PO 20177 | 11
Sentence 1: Why is Mr. Krabs' daughter a whale? Sentence 2: What are the lyrics for the Krusty Krab Pizza song? | 00
Sentence 1: What will be the next big thing in technology in 2013? Sentence 2: What's the next big thing. in technology? | 00
© Mow de } carn more money theengh emtime? ‘2 Whot are the best ways te comm teom heme? | 11
Sentence t How da | deactivate my prepaid jio number? Sefiterice 2: Hoiv do | deactivate a postpaid sim of IO ? | 00
Sentence 1: What is the value of strain at yeild point of mild steel in the stress-strain curve? Sentence 2 How can upper yield point in stress strain curve of mild steel be avoided? | 00
Sentence 2: Are the new 500 rs and 2000 rs Indian currency notes really chip-based? | 11
‘Sentence 1: Are vaccinations for ‘children good or bad? Sentence 2: Are vaccines bad for you? ® | 00
Sentence ” ‘Specific Jobs ond: career \hot “does. on’ AVP. anda VP .in ‘the Bankitig” ‘Industry: cheoin?. Sentence: 2: Ls "it true. that you cordial get oobi. thé ‘banking “industry. if you hove’ declared bankrvptey in the past? : : | 00
Sentence 1: In love with two girls.at the same time. What to do? 7 Sentence 2: What. should I‘do-if E love.two girls atthe.same time?. | 11
Sentence t What ore some dolly routines of @ java Geveloper ot work? Sentence 2: What the daly routine and work for o quality engheer in indo? | 00
Sentence } Which is the best university for online machine learning course? Sentence 2: Which ore the best online courses] for Machine learning? | 00
Sentence. & What does it_meay te_have a 8 fevel ty a fest ‘Sentence 2 "What is the: meaning’ of _“*pot excluded" in a bleod test result?” | 00
do | get coming and offgoing cam particular prepaid number here in inde a I get my Prepad SIM past Cony my Mobile Operators | 00
Sentence 1: Has a student ever outsmarted you as a teacher? Sentence 2 Have you ever seen a student completely roasting. the teacher? | 00
Sentence 1 Sentence2 | 00
Senfence fs Can someone love two people ata time? Sentence 2: is it possible to be in love with 2 people at the same time? | 11
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