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Sentence 1: Where do thousands of early tombs still exist’? Sentence 2: Elaborate tombs were built for the dead. | 11
Senténce'L: Uho, “at Ue Stadt of thé. primaries, ad: the inost Single caiipa ign'contr ibutors? Sentence. 2:° According’ to’. -the Fedefai Election ‘Commission: statistics, Lafouche’ had more - individual contf ihutors to: his: 2004 presidential campatgy.than any other candidate, : until the final quartér:of the prisiaty ‘season, uhen-John Kerey “surpassed him, | 11
Sentence 1: What are all ‘dogs susceptible to?: . Sentence 2: Two serious medical conditions particularly affecting dogs are pyometra, affecting unspayed. females of all. types: and ages, arid bloat, which. affects: the larger breeds or deep-chested dogs: | 11
‘Sentence & Whot does He btick wotiast give cut thot kilts plants? Sentence 2 Note thet these intrients become ovatoble because 0 the saplings decomposition. rather fran from the tring sapling which would be a case of parastism/cloton needed) | 11
Sentence 1 What is the only barrier to withdraval contained in ‘many treaties? Sentence 2: Article 56 of the Vienna Conventian on the Law of Treaties provides that where a treaty 4s silent over whether or ‘not it can be denounced there Is a rebuttable presumption that it canuot be unilaterally denounced unless: | 11
Sentence 1: What is Germany's position on wether or not Greece shoud be in the eurozone? By, Sentence 2: Their position is to keep Greece within the eurozone, but not at any cost. | 11
Sentence 1: Between 1974 and 1979, how “many immigrants arrived in Israel? Sentence 2: Between 1974 and 1979 nearly 227,258 immigrants arrived in Israel, about half being from the Soviet Union. | 00
Sentence 1: NICE decides the availability of drugs in which two countries? ‘Sentence 2: In many non-US western countries @ ‘fourth hurdle’ of cost effectiveness analysis has developed before new technologies can be provided. | 11
Sentence: t How mary tonnes .of ftinwane: eS Oe | 11
Sentence 1: The Palace of Fine’ Arts’ hosts what:main ‘symphony? i Sentence.2: These include the Mexico City Philhatm onic, which performs at the Sala Ollin. Yoliztli;: the’ National) Symphony. Orchestra, wliose home base is the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of.the Firie:Arts), a mastérpiece-of art nouveaw and ‘art decé styles; the Philharthonic Orchestra ofthe National «Autonomous *) University ‘of. Mexico’. (OFUNAM),. and’ ‘the ““Mineria Syiipliony. Orchestra; both: of.) which Perform.:at the “Sala _ Nezahualcoyotl, | 00
Sentence t Pamlico and Cape fear indians are examples of what? Sentence 2: Historically documented tribes in the North Carolina region included the Carolina Algonquian-speaking tribes of the coastal areas, such as the Chowanoke, Roanoke, Pamlico, Machapunga, Coree, Cape Fear Indians, and others, who were the first to encounter the English; Iroquoian-speaking Meherrin, Cherokee and ‘Tuscarora of the interior; and Southeastern Siouan tribes, such as the Cheraw, Waxhaw, Saponi, Waccamaw, and Catawbafcitation needed] | 00
Sentence 1: When was the frst wrap-around concert hall in the Western Hemisphere opened? Sentence 2: Mexico City is home to a numberof orchestras offering season programs. | 11
Whot. mochine. strips of F the entire head of: the.cotten. plont?: ». Rion Sentence &. Most=:cotton ‘in ‘the ‘United “States. Europe and’ Austrclia is “horvested mechanically either: by. “6. cétton” -picter, .-a°'mechine ° that. femoves. the’ cotton’ From the: boll without dorriaging. the. cotton “plant, or.by. @ ‘cotton i oo Wwhich.strips. the éntire ‘boll of f the nt y | 00
[Sentence 1: What turned the batie for Ctmutz against Frederick? [Senamce 2: Fast Prussia had been occupied by Russian forces over the winter and woekd remain under thee control anal 1752. athough Frederick did not see the Rossians as an immediate threat and instead entertained hopes of first fighting a decisive batie against Austria that would knock them cut of the war | 11
Sentence 1: What position was Titd appointed to in 1941, hy the Central Committee? Sentence 2: On 27 June 1941, the.Central Committee of the Cominunist Party of Yugoslavia ‘appointed. Tito Commander in’ Chief ‘of all project national liberation militar force’, | 00
Sentence 1: What foreign programming is shown on the CBC after 1998? Sentence 2 Since then, it has restricted itself to Canadian programs, a handful of British programs, and a few American movies and off-network repeats. | 00
Sentence ‘1: ‘Tanasi‘is ‘know ‘to have’ been located and mapped by’ British traders by. which’ year? Sentence 2: It is hot. known whether. this. was the same town'qs'the one encountered: by ‘Juan. Pardo,” although recent’ research ‘suggests: that - Pardo's'” "Tanasqui* was located: at ‘the corifluence.: of ‘the’ Pigeon. River’ andthe’ French. Broad: River, near modern Newport. | 11
Sentence & What code eventually became ? 2: The Model 33 was also notable for the description of ControlbG (BEL, mudibly alert the operator) literally as unit contained an actual bell which it rang it received a BEL character. | 11
Sentence 1: What is a typical argument in favor of affirmative action? Sentence 2: Many opponents argue that this form of reparation is morally indefensible because if blacks were harmed for being black in the past, then preferential treatment for this same trait is illogical. | 11
‘Sentence 1: For what area are a new boathouse and dock being planned? Sentence 2: A new boathouse and dock is planned for New Haven Harbor, and the linear park Famington Canal Tr set to extend into downtown New Haven within the coming year. | 00
Sentence 1: What is being caused by links between sover'gn debt and faking national banks? ‘Sentence 2:6ut the German government has resisted this proposal, and other analyses indicate that "the sickness of the euro” ts due to the linkage between sovereign debt ‘0nd failing national banking systems. | 00
Sentence t What oes the acronym EPA Stand for? Sentence 2 Antimicrobial copper dlloy products. are pow being installed in healthcare fciities in the UK. Weland, fepan, Korea, France Denmark, ond Brazil{citation needed] and in the subway transit | 11
Seintenies 1: What tragedy ‘did Victoria face in July ‘of 19002 ‘Sentence 1a iy sedi tr Affe”) died;"Oh, Gad! | 00
Sentence 1: In what year was Melbourne Chinatown founded: Sentence 2: An infux of interstate and overseas migrants, particularly Irish, German and Chinese, saw the development of siums incluling a temporary “tent city" established on tie southern banks of the Yarra. | 11
Sentence 1: What organization did Montini, Maglione and Tardini belong to? Sentence 2: As war broke out, Maglione, Tardini and Montini were the main figures in the Vatican's State Department, as despatches originated from or addressed to them during the war years.[page needed] | 00
Sentence 1 Between i948 and 1970, how.‘many, Jewish refugees relocated to Israel? Sentenéé . 2° Between. “1048 mid | 1970, approxiziatély 13501000 . Jewish . -rehigées relocated to Israel, " | 00
Sentence 1:In what year did the Liverpool city council reject Everton FCs new stadium proposal? Sentence 2 Late in 2004, driven by Liverpool Council and the Northwest Development Corporation, the club entered talks with Liverpool F.C. about sharing a Proposed stadium on Stanley Park, | 11
Sentence 1: Where were native earthworms killed by glaciers? Sentence 2: Northern hardwood forests are especially negatively impacted by invasive worms through the loss of leaf duff, soil fertility, changes in soil chemistry and the loss of ecological diversity. | 11
Sentence 4: When did the Romans leave Utrecht Sentence 2: Utrecht is First spoken of again several centuries after the Romans left. | 11
Sentence -T,.Flow. many. people Imiilany auiditioried?” Sentence: rounds, 121 castestanté Were Sejectéd fromy-around 10,000 who attended the:stiditions:* | 00
Sentence t: What may be the earliest vocabulary that the word "dog" came from? Sentence 2: The term "domestic dog’ is generally used for both of the domesticated and feral varieties. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the total number of possible sRGB colors? Sentence 2: The intensity of each component is measured on a scale of zero to 255, which means the complete list includes 16,777,216 distinct colors and shades. | 00
‘Semmnce What ater Pecsen satay oe mes? ‘Sentence 2: An scaton trom the Central Arteana Project Aqundect (CAP), which (ses are an (A en acres the Gert rem the Cesente ve Bas bee seonpor sted ats Oe ony sm kee wey erway proving over 28 me paths of “recharge” mee heh pepe te the cand trepeah matte pumped oat | 11
Sentence 1: What was'one of the most important ways’ that. post-punk artists created their new sound? Sentence’ 2: Thrabbing Gristle's ‘independent label Industrial Records would become’a hub: for this gcene and provide itwith it$ namesake. | 11
Sentence t: What gonre of music is played on The Breeze? 2: Commercial radio stations broadcasting to the include The Breeze, previously The Saint and currently ing Hot adult contemporary music, Capital, ly Power FM and Galaxy and broadcasting popular ic, Wave 105 and Heart Hampshire, the latter previously FIV and hoth broadcasting adult contemporary music, 108 Jack FH (www.jackradio.com), previously The Coast | 00
Sentence '4: Sometimes. un¢ountable.:ouris."in Datch get a -dimimitive ending to: make them refer to what, like an-ice cream cone? Sentence .2::A diminutive: can’ ‘sometimes ‘be added. to an uncountable’ noun to ‘refer ‘to-a single portion: ijs.(ice, ice cream) =>. ijsje {ice cream treat, cone of icé cream), bier- (beer; “ biettje | 00
Sentence 1: What is the main driver of reduced costs? Sentence 2: As of 2014, China leads the world in the production and use of wind power, solar| photovoltaic power and smart grid technologies, generating almost as much water, wind and solar energy as all of France and Germany's power plants combined. | 11
Sentence 1: What do the Tibetans call traditional idealistic paintings? Sentence 2: Kathmandu is a center for art ‘in Nepal, displaying the work of contemporary artists in the country and also collections ' ef historical artists. | 11
Sentence. L.Chopins: . relations. .:with whom. have... been. fictionalized .. im movies? ° Senténce'2: The 1945, biographical film A Song to Remember earned Cornel, Wilde an. Academy.-Award nomination as Best Actor for. his: portrayal of the composer. | 11
‘Sentence t Why did blacks fear to identify as African? Sentence 2: Though initially a source of pride, many blacks feared that the use of African as an identity would bea hindrance to their fight for full citizenship in the US. | 00
Sentence 1: In tran‘s western Zagros Basin, what are the average daily temperatures during winter? Sentence 2: To the west, settlements in the Zagros basin experience —tower temperatures, severe winters with below zero average daily temperatures and heavy snowfall. | 00
Sentence 1: About* How ‘long. has Kathmandu ‘existed? Sentence 2: There’ are people of other religious beliefs as well, giving Kathmandu‘a cosmopolitan culture. | 11
Sentence 1: What object’ was’ assumed to’ block sunlight during 'aunar eclipse? Sentence 2: Han-era astrijnomers. adopted: a geocentric model of the. universe,, thedrizing that it was shaped like a sphere surrounding the earth in the center. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Who reigned during the most affluent period of Bourton rule? Sentence 2: The Palau de Justicia is an example of the affluence manifested in the most prosperous times of Bourbon rule (1758-1802) during the rule of Charles Ii. | 00
Sentence: Who offered, Spielberg..,.a ontract: at’ Universal, Studios?. Sentence, 2:, Studio, vice | president, Sidney heinberg was; impressed. by the. film, which: had -won,a number of awards, and. offered pielberg.a_ seven-year, directing contract, | 00
m hols how many peop! Sentence 2 Other popular pop artist per 3.000 seal Metropolitan, — the » los Deport 50,000 seal m. whe and th al ° popular al artists perform on a na regular bas: | 00
Sentence 1: When did the securitization markets supported by the shadow banking system nearly shut- down completelyP Sentence 2: The securitization markets “Supported by the | 00
Sentencé. 17 what -percentaue. of electricity was Brosuced frorn sénewable energy i 20097 > Sentence. 2: Alternative enéray* souicces, suth’.as, vido: iets miaké-up épproxin atety 995 piggy Mendy cxoanex ot : | 11
‘Sentence “41 Whenidid ‘the. bank. move. to its new headquarteie? Sentenoe © 2:°. The. bank “noved’ : to * new! purposé-built headquarters. in| 2014 -which: were: -:; -designéd da Uienna=based architectural Office” nanéd Coop Hiinmet bau: g : 2 ee | 00
Sentence 1: Along with UO2, what is.the conimionest form of uranium oxide? Sentence 2: Triuranium, octoxide is. (depending .on conditions) the most stable compound.of uranium and is the form’ mast coniménly-found in-nature.. | 11
Senteiice 1¥.Whai Jargé hurriéane hit .New’ Orleans? Sentence’ 2:-New: Orlearis elected a White ‘mayor ‘aftér the widéScale disruption. “and /“dainage ©” 6) Hurricane: Katrina in 2005. | 00
Sentence t What. did the Royal Manchester College of Munic merge with? Sentence 2 ti merged "with the Northern College of Music (formed in 120) to form the Royal Northern College of Music in 1972 | 00
an the avian flu be-sread from wild birds to birds kept abana | 00
Sentence I: What does Link transform: into “when he enters the Twilight Realm? Sentence .2: When Link enters,the Twilight: Realm, the void that: corrupts’ parts .of Hyrule, he transforms:into a.wolf[h] | 11
Sentence. t Was. England suictessful.in ‘the «990 FIFA World-Cup? Séntehcé: 2: UEFA, European féotbia's overning| Body; lifted the five-year ban on English clubs playing in Européaht competitions” in’: 1999) [recuithg:io Manchester’ United lifting: the: UEFA| Cup Winners" ‘Cup .ifv-1991)-anid the Taylor. Report| on’ stadium’ safety standards, ‘which ‘proposed expensive “upgrades” to: ereate |. albseater ‘stadiums’ in, the. aftermath’ of ‘the Hillsborough} ‘disaster, was publishéd in january of that year. | 11
Sentence 1: Britain competed with which Country to fill the Asian power vacuum in the 19th century? Sentence 2: As far as Britain was concerned, defeats inflicted by Russia on Persia and Turkey demonstrated its imperial ambitions and capabilities and stoked fears in Britain of an overland invasion of India. | 11
Sentence 1: ocean is port located? Sentence 2: also has a on the Ocean at and others along the Brazzaville and Impfendo. On what a major The country large port Atlantic Pointe - Noire Congo River at | 00
© Sence 1: Whe beads the Royal Ae Pace see Cus eB (RCAF) w beaded by te Comat Ro ar few . | 00
Seateace ¥; Wat tien vas, clooeat: 1 the'aain epicinter? ‘Sentence 2: Thx'nip of carthqwate inthnsity published by. .CEX after. surveying $00,000 Ja2 of the. affectad “aren bus ¥ tarinée Liéda'ol II on the (hiss Seiswic Intensity Saal (SIS); described as tvery destructive” ce the, Beropéan’ Sactgstisnic Scale: (OS) trpe-which (SIS drew referent” | 11
tence 1: The structure also reinforced Moltke's bility contro! large formations spread out over what? tence 2: This was in large part due to the fact that the Prussian General Staff was created to study previous russian operations and learn to avoid mistakes. | 11
Sentence. 1: ‘What “long. ‘time. careers were Sperrle.dnd Jeschonnek’ involved- ind. SEEN SMR 4 -Sentence™ 2: However, it: would: seem thé. two: most: promifent ‘enthusiasts for the - "=. focus...) .on.:"' ground-support operations (direct, or indireci) were actually “Hugo: Sperrlé.: and-.-Hans Jeschoninek: ees “ | 11
Sentence £1 progam inside the now! of a Pe is called whate Sentonoo 2: in general, tho contents of navt are erased when the powor to the computer is turned off, but not Potains its data indefinitely, | 11
Sentence 1; Whaisie current Minorityleadér? jentencé 2:.The. current: Minority, ‘Leader. Nanéy elosi... “of. the:..United’: States’ House” of epreséritativés .serves -08."floor. ledder. of the, position party. and Ig the ‘counterpart ‘to Majority Leader. aes | 00
Sentence 1: What typés: of livestock products does Portugal produce’. Sentence 2: The country produces a wide variéty of crops: and livestock products, including tomatoes, citrus, green. vegetables, rice, corn, barley, olives, oilseeds, nuts, cherries, .bilberry, table grapes, edible mushrooms, dairy products, poultry and beef, | 00
Sentence 1: Which disciple of Plato was considered the most important? Sentence 2: But while Plato had sought to elucidate and explain things from the supra- sensual standpoint of the forms, his pupil preferred to start from the facts given us by experience. | 11
Sentence 1: In what decade were more efficient ways of using sign language via video-telephony developed? Sentence 2: The use of sign language via, videotelephony was hampered for mianyyéars due te the difficulty of its use over slow analogue copper phone lines, coupled with the high cost of better quality ISDN (data) phone lines | 11
t oonatne2 § Sentence 1: Howis dateaccessec? en " | 00
| Sentence I: What causes diarrhea? | 2 ress ide effects include tio’ th ‘pce Ss Fr in te nt n of ie e bacteria ‘uk as Miu | 00
Sentence 1: Who eventually defeated the Arabs at Rajasthan? Sentence 2: The south Indian Chalukya empire under Vikramaditya ll, Nagabhata | of the Pratihara dynasty and Bappa Rawal of the Guhilot dynasty repulsed the Arab invaders in the early 8th century. | 11
sentence 1: In 1960, approximately hom ari} people of Irish extraction were New York? 2: There was aleo extensive inmigration Sentence 2 ran provinces, where revoluttons fe erupted societies, and Germans comprised ‘another eer bE New Yorks population by 286 | 11
Sentence. 1:: What’ ‘are’ thie. main “distinctive, ‘features of Islamic afchitecture? ‘Sentence 2: The-role of domes in: Islamic'architecture’has been Considerable | 11
Sentence t: When did the torch visit Malaysia? Sentence 2: The last time an Olympic torch relay was held in Malaysia was the 1964 Tokyo edition. | 11
“Sentendé' 1: Gauitamd ‘combined the’ yoga practice of what teacher? Sentence 2: The’ Four: mmeasurables “aré taught.as a forin.of meditation. that.cultivates Wholesome: atitudes towards all, Sentient “beings: "Web &]lweb 71. | 11
sente@e 1: In 1918 which way did the French idealogies shift that effectel Cubism? Sentence. 2: The occasionai return {o classicism—figurative work either’ - exclusivel}*® or alongside Cubist work— experienced by « many.’ artists during this period (called Neoclassicism) has been linked to the tendency to evade the realities of the war and also .to the cultural dominance of a | 11
Sentence 1: In the Soviet section to the north, what did they want to expel from their land? Sentence 2: In the Soviet part of the region, 3 policy of eliminating all remnants of German history was pursued | 00
LT Sentence 1: What could the sun's energy do to help limit climate change? Sentence 2 The energy from the sun could Play a key role in de-carbonizing the global economy alongside improvements in energy efficiency and imposing costs on greenhouse gas emitters, | 00
Sentence I: What do Australian citizens need in order to travel to Norfolk Island? Sentence 2: Citizens of all other nations must carry o passport to travel to Norfolk Islond even if orriving from other ports of Australia. | 11
‘Sentence I: What machine strips off the entire head of the cotton plant? ‘Sentence 2: Cotton strippers are used in regions where it is too windy to grow picker varieties of cotton, and usually after application of @ chemical defoliont or the natural defoliation that occurs after @ freeze. | 11
Sentence 1::'what* was “the office held ‘by George. Mosely? Sentence’ 2: He was. assigned. to the. Amérigan.... Battle -’ Monuments: Coimission: directed. by) General Pershing, ‘and with the--help..of| his.brother”-Milton *£isenhower, then. a journalist at the| Agriculture Department, he} produced”. -a- guide. .to. American battlefields’ in:Eurepe. | 11
Sentence 1: What tale is seen as cautions against disrespecting prey or impudent boasting? Sentence 2: Euripides’ tale of Artemis and Actaeon, for example, may be seen as a caution gainst disrespect of prey or impudent boasting. | 00
man authority in by Rome), before 'nion by the chief priests ofthe Jews | 00
Sentence 1: What, did Justice Jackson argue there.wereno grounds upon. which to support what? Sentence 2: Ruttedge,.on behalf of the four dissenting justices, took, the position that the majority had. indeed. permitted, a. violation of the wall of separation. in this case: “Neither so tigh’ nor\..so. impregnable, tuday as yesterday is the wall raised between church and. state by. Virginia's::greah statute \ of refigious freedom and the’ First. Amendment, now made applicable ta all the states. by the Fourteenth.” | 11
sendénce 1:Whio did the Gelug exchange gifts with? jfts with’ and ce 2: Even thouch the Geka exchenge fr ug ence aos, the Gelug ent rrissigns tothe Ming cat Ub i ent ms faned in.the Mingshi or the Mingshi Lu | 00
Sentence 1: Who did Rousseau stay with when visiting Britain? Sentence 2: Although he did nat meet Rousseau on his visit to Britain in 1766-7 | 11
Seitenge What ener live: fin coral? Sentrice” 2:. Endosymbiosis is | any symbiotic, . relattonship cin’ which. « one| syiabiont™ lives . within ‘the -tissues* of the} other," “either.””’ within,’ -the,cells. “or extracellularly. | 11
Sentence 1: What was the population in 2010 according to the Census Bureau? Sentencg 2: The Census Bureau population for Santa Monica in 2010 was 89,736. | 00
Sentence 1: How much the the President of Western Union want to pay for the patent later on? Sentence 2: By then, the Bell company no longer wanted to sell the patent. | 11
Sentence t With what did the college t hit the ‘shooter 2 Victoria ‘was. guitragedd whe he swan’ fpxind snot by reason Of itmapity, but was so: phoasest by the miaiyy if Joyal alter the attack that: ihe said i was wath hewng shor at « to see fiow seach one is leneet | 11
b Sentence 1: Who is the Australian Libera | Party's leader? Sentence 2: Adam Giles is also the Chief Minister Of the Territory, having leda Country Liberat minority Sovernment since 2015, | 11
Sentence 1: What type of federal assistance depends on Census data? Sentence 2: The Census Bureau changed its data collection by allowing people to self-identify as more than one ethnicity. | 11
Sentence 1: Who laid out the Grid Plan? Sentence 2: Streets that do continue farther west change direction before reaching the Hudson River. | 11
Sentence 1 Who became , Patriarch in Alexandria while Athanasius Sentence 2: When Emperor Constantine | died, Athanasius was allowed to return to his See of Alexandria. | 11
Sentence 1: How did the translation of Rubalyat achieve an Oriental flavor? achieved its Oriental flavar largely by using discreet Biblical echoes and actually drew little of its material fram the sian original | 00
‘Sentence 1: What was . Turkey: red -calléd in: France? Sentence 2: One papular color’ imparted into Europe from Turkey. and"India inthe 18th and early 19th:century was Turkey red, known ‘in France as rouge d’Adrinople...‘* | 00
" Séntence 1: What is the’ cajoling of certain market’ players to achieve specified outcomes also known as? Sentenop: 2: Fractional: deposit lending (changes-in the Fesorve: requirement); (ii) Moral’ Suasion' (cajoling ‘certain ‘market players to achieve specified outconies); (iv) “Open mouth “operations” {talking monetaty: policy: with the’ market). 7 | 00
‘Sentence 1: How ol6 was Petagte Belousave when Theo met her? Sentence 2 When Tho was jailed in 2928, she retuined to | 11
Sentence |: What was of the major urban development that affected several New Haven neighborhood? Sentence 2: Other parts of the city were affected by the construction of Interstate 95 along the Long Wharf section, Interstate I, and the Oak Street Connector. | 00
Sentence ‘1: Where: does the’ majority of youtube's revenue go? . Sentence 2:.Much of, YouTube's revenue goes to: the. Copyright holders. of..:the videos: | 00
Subsets and Splits