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Sentence 1: Who was blamed for the week long rebellion of 1866? Sentence 2: The ‘majority of Sicilians preferred independence to the Savoia kingdom; in: 1866, Palermo became the seat of a week-long popular rebellion, which was finally crushed after Martial law was.declared. Spm | 11
Senet spent aren 0 pistor,.whio ts t0 ratty? * Bentwice’ 2 congregiion tseues 0° ci for thw: pastor's Serre bt Co us bacco bye col presi. . | 00
Sentence 1: How did the streets of downtown Boston grow? Sentence 2: The elevated portion of the Central Artery, which carried most of the through traffic in downtown Boston, was replaced with the O'Neill Tunnel during the Big Dig, substantially completed in early 2006. | 11
Sentence : What group is conducting exploration for Rajasthan’s crude oil?? Sentence 2: Once this limit is achieved Rajasthan will become a_ leader in Crude extraction in Country. | 11
Sentence 1: According to the INSEE what is Paris Urbain Area population? Sentence 2: The Paris Urban Area, or “unité urbaine", is a statistical area created by the French statistical agency INSEE to measure the population of built-up areas around the city. | 11
Sentence % Around what year dd construction continue afer a Period of francia! struggle? ‘Sentence 2: As tie school sidfersd reduced income white st under constuction, the’ completion ‘and futher evelopment of he school. has. since depeaded to. some. extent on wealthy benefactor. 7 —$—__ i | 11
the ah owas Vi Sentence 1 ectures,; 1 fel D oa [am Q: 3 oD Bo | 00
Sentence -L: What’-.are . the.’ best’. knowin’ gymnastic events? Sentence 2: Gyimnastics evoliied from exercises uséd by the ancient Greeks that: included ‘skills for’ mounting and dismounting a horse,’ dnd from eircus performance skills. | 11
Sentence 1: Why did Steele think people were not attacking Barrack Obama? Sentence 2: Reacting to media criticism of Michelle Obama during . the 2008 presidential election, Charles Kenzie Steele, Jr., CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference said, "Why are they attacking Michelle Obama, and not really attacking, to that degree, her husband? | 11
Sentence 1: Where were the envoys sent? Sentence 2: According to Chen, the Ming officer of Hezhou (modern day Linxia) informed the Hongwu Emperor that the general situation in Dbus and Gtsang "was under control" and so he suggested to the emperor that he offer the second Phagmodru ruler, Jamyang Shakya Gyaltsen, an official title. | 11
Sentence 1: By -what ‘percent is Yale committed . to, reducing - greenhouse’ gas emissions below 1990" levels. by the year 20207 . Sentence 2: As pait of this: commitment, ‘the. university'<allocates renewable energy” credits: to- offset some of. the energy used by sidential ‘colleges: 7 ; | 11
Sentence. 1: Who ..-recorded - the. trip aboard the Janet Nicoll? Sentence 2: The Janet Nicoll. visited three of the Ellice Islands; while Fanny records.” that :they.” made’ -landfalk. at Funafuti, Niutao° and Nanuwiea, Jane Resture suggests. that it-was. more'likely they landed ‘at .Nukiufetau rather“ than Funafuti | 11
Sentence 4: What ; worsened. “the situation:at the ei ‘of 2012? Sentence 2 Further “problems hampered. the’. Arctic: project: dfter:the commencement: of -drilling .in-2012,. as Shell deatt with.a, series of issues that involved air permits, Coast .Guard certification of. a..marine. vessel :and- severe damage. to.. essential, .oil-spill quipment. | 11
ee | 11
Sentence t What year did the "Stupid Motorist Laur come in effect? Sentence 2: Arizona traffic code Title 28-918, the ‘so-called "Stupid Motorist Law”, was instituted in. 1998 to discournge people from entering flooded roadways. | 00
entence’ 1: ‘What. percent of ‘the Manhattan jopulation . has .a: university:.degree;. .as.-of| 000? ce’ 2: These. percentages: were’ lower han those for: Mew’ York's” other boroughs, hich: ranged ‘for. 68.8% _ (Brooklyn) to 2.6%. (Staten * Island) ~".for, high ‘school raduates over 24; and from’ 21.8% (Brooklyn) 049.4% (Manhattan) for college graduates. | 00
‘Senterice 1: What was the functionality called that.gove users the ability to’save a snapshot of asite? . Sentence 2:.in’ October 2013 the. ‘compiany -announced ‘the “Save-a "Page" feature which , gllows . any Internet “ user’ to archive the contents of URL, | 00
sentence 1: When. Africa was. colliding. with Eurasia which seaway ceased fo 'be'during. the Miocene? Lhe Sentence 2: During ‘the Miocene continents continued” to.“ drift ‘toward’ their ‘present positions. | 11
Sentence t: Ethnohistory can study the history of what ‘¥Pes of groups which may or may not exist today? Sentence 2: Its historical methods and. materials 90 Peyond the standard use of - documents and ‘manuscripts. | 11
Sentence t What is a superpower? Sentence 2 Foremost among these is the concep! of the superpower, used to describe those with overwhelming power and influence in the re’ of the wortd. | 00
ng rican ‘Sentence 2 They ohenced a my eT in the and. | 11
Sentence.t: Sentence 2 | 11
‘Sentence 1: What was éfre? 1969 arid 197% ibya Between Séntence 2 initidliy jdbofogicaliy-cominittéeh to: Arab nationatigm and ‘Aréb,-socialisme, she come. t0 .rule nig to his Bw Thitd international Theory: b ary.t érhbrocinig: Pan-Abicahisn: and Serving’ cs ‘Chairperson the African Union trom 2608 10-2010 | 11
Sentence 1: The exhibit inaugurated by the Dalai Lama opened when? Sentence 2: It also houses temporary exhibits; one on_ Tibet inaugurated by the Dalai Lama in in September 2011. | 00
Sentence 1: Where was a parade held for the President of South Vietnam? Sentence 2: This was due to North Vietnam's support of “uprisings” in the south and concern the nation would fall. | 11
Sentence Where does Rsridas'GDP rank Sentence 2: its. GDP-is, the fourth largest economy inthe. hited States. : fe ™ | 00
nterice -* z-Namve the. four Pponents of Prussia. niience 2: : First, Frederick levasiated Princé Soubise's French orce at the Battle of Rossbach on 5) Noweinber.1757 ‘and! then routed a’ astly superior Austrian: force at the stile of Leuilien: on. 5 “December 757-With these wictories; Fiederick née again established himself. as. Europe's. premier. general aiid his | 11
ince t Raeder convinced Hitler to do what? 2: Hitler had beet convinced. by Raeder it this: was the right course of action due tothe igh success rates of the U-Boat. force during this fi6d of the wat. | 11
Sentence 1: What caused the death of Emperor Auranzeb? Sentence 2: The "classic period” ended with the death and defeat of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 by the rising Hindu Maratha Empire, although the dynasty continued for another 150 years: | 00
E Who recommended Nasser sutrender himisttt jo the Brtish? 2: Naseer berated Amer’ and Salem, and 14, "Nobody is going fo surrender.” | 11
; Sentence 2: However, that number is lower than that OF Prison inmates, which is 4 7 percent. | 00
Sentence I: Whit is the. second busiest airport in the Neiw York nietro area? Sentence’ 2:' Nei York's airspace ‘is the’ busiest. in’ the United ‘States and ane. of the. world’s” busic transportation: corridors: stair. | 11
Sentetice 1: When did.’ patents required to implement MPs éxpire in most countries? ‘Sentence 2:In most countries, patents cannot be. filed after prior art/has'been made. public, and. =patents expite 20 Years ‘after the initial. filing date,’ which’ can be up td 12 ‘months.later for filings in other countries: | 11
Sentence 1: Who: blotked John's’. relief operation? Sentence. 2: Johin.. iccetsspully. devastated much “of Brittany, ‘but: did: not::deflect Philip's main thrust ‘into. the east~of Normandy: ve | 11
‘Sentence 1: When did Diana die? ‘Sentence 2: —wanted ‘to attend church and so the Queen and Prince Philip took them that morning. | 11
Sentence 1: How did the world respond to Libya in 1986? Sentence 2: A particularly hostile relationship developed with the United States and United Kingdom, resulting in the 1986 U.S. bombing of Libya and United Nations- imposed economic sanctions. | 00
‘Sentence 1: in what year did the New Zealand gowernor-general last personally grant the royal assent in parliament? Semtence 2: in Australia, the formal ceremony of granting assent in partiament has not been regulary used since the early 20th century. | 11
Settencé't; When-do the maic-eveits ofthe Christan Testval occu?” Séntince 2: Caimiyal isee'cther Speltngs and mates) 4s, a: Chvistian Festi ‘Season that occur3 befare'the Christan Season of Lent | 11
Sentence 1: What is considered to have counteracted the prestige of the senatorial aristocracy? Sentence 2: Caesar then raised the membership of the Senate to 900. | 00
‘Sentence. 4: What mountain “range. is north of Tucson? Sentence 2: Tucsoit is “situated: on an alluvial plain the Sonoran. -desert, surrounded: by: five” minor: ranges “of mountains: the: Santa’... Catalina ‘Mountains and: the Tortolita Mountains to the north;-the Santa Rita Mountains to the south, ‘the Rincon Mountains. to the east, and the Tucson Mountains ‘to the west. | 00
Sentence 1: How many Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers and Jabos were used? Sentence 2: On occasion, only one-third of German bombs hit their targets. | 11
stench itn tary ea Terminal Suny oi stage? toca One ote Duss! a sates Ine Uke Stes Cat Gur i cae atte Catt Sania Sate Cy, | 11
Sentence 1:.How mony piccees did Chopin compose in 1842? Sentence 2: Whereas. in 1841 he. hod written a dozen works, only six were written “in 1842 and. six. shorter pieces in 1843. | 00
Sentence 1: The imperial system Napoleon Created was based on what model? b Sentence 2. Te expand - his, power, Napoleon used these assassination pebh se haaiuesine serch cates rey based on the Romen model: ie | 00
Sentence 1: What type of sensation is pitch? Sentence 2 Pitch is each person's subjective Perception of a sound. which cannot be directly measured | 11
Samer Ee te epee cn Nunes Cuts et ee ot SD | 00
sentence 12° In reibniz~ propose vis viva? what century did he idea: of Latin: pei a view shared BY Seweon, although: it would :be fore than” a, century’ uneil ‘this. was y accepted. _generall) | 11
Sentence 1: When did James Bennett Pritchard write his textbook? Sentence 2: The last great book written by Leonard Woolley, British archaeologist, excavator of ancient Ur and associate of T.E. Lawrence and Arthur Evaris, was The Art of the Middle East, Including Persia, Mesopotamia and Palestine, published in 1961. | 11
‘Saenca when wis te ek tow ofnader tsttedimd esstence? Settence 2 Geir the slishinen ofthe Madam Grek ste, the ink nazn cient nd mode Greks wos pins by tesco ren Enigenné sicily Rus, Fess | 11
Sentence 1: Among which group is a capella becoming more prominent? Sentence 2: a cappella groups are also gaining in popularity. | 11
Sentence I: How many boroughs had high (not very high) HDI scores? Sentence 2: Benito Judrez borough had the highest HDI of the country (9510) followed by: Miguel Hidalgo “which: came’ up 4th nationally with a HDI of (.9189) | 11
Sentence 1: How old was. Jovanka Broz when she married Tito? Sentence 2: His best Rnown wife was Jovanka Broz. | 11
Sentences: What dopant roi, prevent? Sentende 2: The stu offplants is vilalnéeaissé they ‘ander ‘almost all animat ife off Eaith by generating a large proportion of. the: ‘axygeri “and food that ‘pigvide. humans” and. other. Stganisins wit aerobie respitation wit the cheinical<erey they needtto.éxist | 11
Sentence : How mudh did dhe popularion grow during dhe 18th century? Sentence 2: The most significant fact of early and mid- Qing social bistorp was population growth. | 11
Sentence 1: When did the FDA approve Enovid? Sentence 2: Based on fundamental research performed by Gregory Pincus and synthetic methods for progesterone developed by Carl Djerassi at Syntex and by Frank Colton at G.D. Searle & Co., the first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was developed by E.D. Searle and Co. and approved by the FDA in 1960. | 00
Sentence t: At what age may students be admitted to Hellenic university through lottery? Sentence 2: Students are admitted to these Institutes according to their performance at national — level examinations taking place after completion of the third grade of Lykeio. | 11
‘Sentence | What is the eases! peri the Rational drt Gallery bas pieces from? 2, The anal fet Galley in Yerevan has mare tha 16.008 works tha” bark to the Middle lips, whieh indieate Armenia rich takes and stories of. ines. | 00
Sentence 1: Wh at did Dorgon declare in ‘uly of 1845? Serene 2: the nd of-the'thind, massacre, there was hardly any living person left if this city. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Who became the CEO of RCA Records? Sentence 2: The RCA Music Group closed down Arista, J Records and Jive Records in October 2011, with the artists from those labels being moved to RCA Records | 11
Sentence 1: Which. chemical ‘of the brain is involved with arousal? Sentence 2: There are dozens of other chemical neurotrarismitters that’ are used’ in ‘more -limited areas’ of the brain, often: areas” dedicated ‘to ‘a particular function. | 11
‘Sentence 1: What conflict was this agreement in opposition of? ‘Semence 2: Over time, the relative power of these five nations fluctuated, which by the dawn of the 20th century had served to create an entirely different balance of power. | 11
Sentence 1: Jn what province of South AMrica do Somalis congregate? Sentence 2: In addition, there is an historical Somali community in the general Sudan area. | 11
Sentence I: How much did han’ installed capacityrof pawer ‘increase (a.after if added, new hydroelectric power tn 2004? Sentence 2: In 2004, Iran, opened its first woind-povwe ved, and geothermal plants, andthe, first salar, thermal plant 48,0 come online in 2009. | 11
Sentence t How many Empires did the war couse destruction to? Sentence 2: The Allied powers before 1917 ore referred to as the Triple Entente. and the Central Powers are referred to as the Triple Alliance. | 11
Sentence 1: When did the Shahis switch from Buddhist to Hindu? Sertence 2: The Kabul Shahi dynasties ruled the Kabul Valley and Gandhara (modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan) from the decline of the Kushan Empire in the Sd century to the early 9th century. | 11
Sentence 1: IndyMac often made loans without verifying what? Sentence 2: IndyMac often made loans without verification of the borrower's income or assets, and to borrowers with poor credit histories. | 00
‘Sentence E What is the only professional team from forth carolina to have won a league championship? ‘Senbence 2 The Hurricanes are the only major professional team from forth Carolina to have won a league} championship, having captured the Stanley Cup in 2006. | 00
‘Sentence Who: is. “the” founder of: Spalding Sporting: Goods? Sentence’: 2: The ‘condept was: : for . the’ players to ‘have'training and _fitiiess before. the start.of the regular-season. | 11
Sentence... What is ‘the first period of thé three. that Western history is traditionally divided into? Sentence 2: The Middle Ages.is:‘the middle. period Of the ‘three..traditional divisions of| Western History: | 11
[Sentence 1: What dynamic weather does Neptune have? Sentence 2: Neptune's weather is characterised by extremely dynamic storm systems, with winds reaching speeds of almost 600 m/s (2,200 km/h; 1,300 mph)-nearly reaching supersonic flow. | 00
Sentence 1: What was the Saxon Royal Palace used for Sentence 2: The British held back Saxon advance into the south-west for some time longer, but by the early eighth century King Ine of Wessex had pushed the boundaries of the West Saxon kingdom far enough west to include Somerset. | 11
Sentence L:What. percentage of Aimericans supportlegal hunting? Sentence 2! Southerners in states aloig:the eastern. seaboard hunted at a:tate of five percent, slightly: Below, \the | national: average, and-while hunting was more common in-other parts of the South. at nine’ percent, these ‘rates did not ‘surpass. those..of the Pidins’ states,* where - twelve’ percent. of. ‘Miduesterners hunted. | 11
Sentence + Who founded Electro-Dynamic Liptt Company? Sentence 2 Weeks loter the Unted Stotes Hectic lighting Company was orpanized. | 11
Sentence 1: When were the first publishéd reports of bitumen extraction in Albania? Sentence 2: Since 1945, the mine was exploited by the Albanian goverment and from 2001 to date,.‘the management passed to-a’ Frérich company, which organized the mining process for the manufacture of the natural bitumen-on an industrial scale. | 11
Sentence 1: What does SAGW stand for? Sentence 2: In some armies the term All-Arms Air} Defence (AAAD) is used for air defence by non- specialist troops. | 11
Sentence 4; In what area did Catalan develop? Sentence 2: Catalan evolved from Vulgar Latin ground the eastern Pyrenees in. the th century. | 00
‘seni Wed dl tnd abe tei int Naltan speaking regions? | Sentence 2 Conversely. Inthe Frc patie regions “Ue “Hécal- dialects hit atest dtsappeared lanky. Gy of Ube popolalion of Valais. 3.9% of fribqury. and 3.1% of Joris sLil ‘spoke dialects al Use etid of the 20th century), while inthe. Wallan ‘speabing” regions dialects’ are seesty Unuled Far se ings ard cal coer, | 00
Sentence’ 1: Who.is Washington University's food provider on campus? Sentence, 2: Washington’ University's North Cantipus. and‘ West Campus principally house administrative ‘ furictions’ that. are.“ tiot student focused. * De * | 11
Sentence 1: What was the name of the White Rabbits’ album? | 11
Sentence 1: The ‘American. Library. associated ranked To Yall a Mockingbird ~ wkere oi its most frequently challenged books of 2000-2009? nae ‘ Sentence 2: To. Kill a. Mockitigbird has been a source of cant controversy, ‘since its being the subject of classroom “study as early as 19630800 vt | 11
Sentence 1: What street is mentioned in the movie Taxi Driver as the location where a cab driver is assaulted? Sentence 2: The street and the surrounding neighborhood of Harlem is then referred to as “Mau Mau| Land” by another character named Wizard, slang| indicating it is a majority black area. | 11
Sentence 1: What do unrecognized faiths and denominations in Eritrea have to undergo? Sentence 2: Among other «things, the government's _ registration system requires Peligious Groups to submit personal information on their membership to be allowed to worship. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Prior to 2014 when was the most recent longs sale of vinyl records? ‘Sentence 2: In 2014, the sake of vinyl records was the only physical music medium with increasing sales with relation to the previous year. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Some of the oldest private schools in Charleston date back how long? Sentence 2: Bishop England, Porter-Gaud School, and Ashley Hall are the city's oldest and most prominent private schools, and are a significant part of Charleston history, dating back some 150 years. | 00
Sentence 1: Out. of. alt African nations, which provided the most legal immigrants in 2013? ‘Séntence 2: Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Brazil were the top. source. countries. from South America for legal-immigrants. to. the New York City region in.2013; the Dominican, Republic, Jamaica, Haiti; ‘and ‘Trinidad’ and Tobago: in the. Caribbean, Egypt, “Ghana; and: Nigeria from Africa; and El Salvador; Honduras, and..Guatemala in: Central Ainerica, | 00
Sentence 1: What was an early version of the trombone galled? Sentence 2: As well, early versions of the organ, fiddle (or vielle), and trombone (called the sackbut) existed. | 00
Sentence What document was meant to resale ingering issues of cola? Sentence 2: He sucnetedin bbyng the atndes to pass restos on each of thes sss, mtaly securing te strong support of China and India | 11
Sentence 1: Who were increasingly included as African Americans in the 20th century? Sentence 2: In 20th-century changes, during the rise of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, the African-American community increased its own pressure for people of any portion of African descent to be claimed by the black community to add to its power. | 00
Ae | 00
Sentence : 1: In what year was the Unitéd Nations-Humian Rights Council report written? Sentence 2: According to Human Rights Watch, the government's, human. rights fecord is’ considered among-the worst in the world | 11
Sentence 1: What isthe namie of the Santa Monica Freeway? Sentence 2: The Santa Monica’ Freeway between Santa “Monica and downtown tos Angeles has the dstinaion of beieig ore ofthe Bustest highways in all oFNorth America: °° | 11
Sentence What aniount of government feveriue in Swaziland is fromthe SACU? Sentence 2: SACU revenues today account| for over'60% of total'governinent revenues. | 00
| Sentence 1° What characteristic of American cotton | Mtracted buyers after the end of the Chil wor? | 11
Sentence 1: Why cid Stein win a | >ulitzer? Sentence 2: | our non-profit, News, outlets, RerKood News, Mount Hope Monitor, Mott Never Herald and The Hunts Point, Express serve the borough's poorer cornmunities | 11
Sentence t What famous London gardens were named as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003? Sentence 2 in 2003, the gordens were put on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. | 11
Sentence 1: How did Avicenna want man to think of themselves as? Sentence 2: Avicenna believed his "Floating Man" thought experiment :demonstrated that the soul is a substance, and claimed humans cannot doubt their own consciousness, even in a situation that prevents all sensory data input. | 11
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