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Senteneé..12 'Cofrupt... pedple’ ” tray Manipulate, what. :to.' receive’ | mare assistance? : Seniterice: 2 Egil ly. those ablé-td:do.s6 may: frignipulate. Statistics “to inflate" the number of- beneficiaries: and “siphon. off additional. assistance ve | 00
Seatence $ Shek ins accepted reaponmiy So Lergang f pipes viet condita? Seater & Stel ine schocwledyes te eespensbilty Soe heepng te pigelines sew bat es wtp dene espe Sr ecm cae | 00
Sentence’ t: In 1920, how: mary acres were jpurchased for. $8 million for ‘a new. central. Chicago. campus? Sentence 2: In connectiori with a 1917) Imaster plan. for. a central ~ Chicago campus *. arid . President.’. Walter. : Dill Scott's capital. campaign, 8.5" . acres} (3:44:ha) of land were purchased at. the corner: of Chicago‘ Averiue: and: Lake| Shore Drive: for $15 million in.1920, | 00
Gentenice 1; What ie the Maj Sort Movement? “Sentence 2° By the time “of the Ltibat Revolution ia 1911, there mete many calls, such ag. the May Saurth] IMoucrnent, “to: coraplétely,abolisty “the -old’ finpetin| inistitutions.anb practices: of China. | 00
Sentence 1: When did King Sobhuza I! die? Sentence 2: Following the elections of 1973, the constitution of Swaziland was suspended by King Sobhuza Il who thereafter ruled the country by decree until his death in 1982. | 00
Sentence t How does an NPO have to handle surplus money? Sentence 2 In some countries, where there is a token fee, in general it Is used to meet legal requirements for establishing ao contract between the executive and the orgenization. | 11
Sentence sony abe Pym ers birthday? sani On 19/20 Apt 56% ri ant of Hie S2m try er syrah ve ret sono | 00
Sentence 3: What actor featured in Winchester '73? Sentence 2: When one of those films, ngeme! ule many future productions at Universal, and eventually at other Studios as well. | 11
Sentence 1: Was the emperer able te reject an epinien that was made by the ceurt conference? Sentence 2: Nevertheless, emperers sometimes did reject the majerity epinien reached at court conferences. | 00
sentence 1: What' does a. B:mus.. of. M-mus. degree include? . + éentenéé* 2: This” training, may be from private.” Teszons fram instrument of voice teachers or, fram completion ,.of .¢ formal. program, offered. by..@ Conservatory, _college’or university, such a5 2. B.mus: or M:mus: ; NWA | 11
Sentence I: According to the 2000 United States Census, how many housing units were there in Atlantic City? Sentence 2: There were 20,219 _housing units at an average density of 1,781.4 per square mile (687.8/km2). | 00
Sentence 1: Wriy couldn't the Franch’ arid English ‘take control of the fila? Sentence 2: In the:center, the Russidn force's: crossed the Danube atid 18d, siage!to Stlstra fram “4 ‘April with 60,000° troops, the defenders “with 15;000 had. supplies':for threé: manths:415 “The siogewas lifted or: 23.dne 1854 | 11
Sentence 1: Who was acquired in a trade with Florida for Hee-seop Choi? “Sentence 2: The offseason acquisition of Derek Lee (who was acquired in a trade with Florida for Hee-seop Choi) and the return of Greg Maddux only bolstered these expectation. | 00
Sentence k Which year did PETA spark controversy with Beyonce? ‘Sentence Pe released fas a) ‘esperson magazine ‘sai jleyoncé’s look was “far from, the glamorous Sasha Fierce® and that it was “a return to her African roots”. | 11
Sentence 1: What secondary school did Nasser attend? Sentence 2: In 1928, Nasser went to Alexandria to live with maternal grandfather and attend the city's Attarin elementary school. | 11
entence 1: How much. the the President-of ester Union want to pay for the patent later on?. : fentence 2: Two years later,. he. -told olleagués that-if he could:get the: patent for $25 million’ he: would, consider it a argain. | 00
adramatic,‘Los ¥ Atlantic City: | 00
‘Serténce t.Héw many avards di Beyérice take Hom! wal heat the S7th’Graminy Awards? Sertonce .2: She ies. nominited for Atbich the: Year ut the awarchnaa won-by Baek far his Necning Phase abun | 11
Sentence 4s What: do girparts use: to assure ‘Smooth traffic flow: between departing ‘and “arriving aircraty———— — Sentence 2: All ainsoris use a traffic pattern fo assure smooth’ tiaffic: flow: between departing andarriving aircraft. - u i | 00
Seatenen’ te tlow ‘any. sci vai! Aang Omi. Sports Center's “gyinnasiunn Seems 2 haat a spociy of 13,00, ani natatorium. of capagiy: 3 | 00
ar appene en other countries condemded Armenian genocide? ee lation : in Passage of teal Sarlous foreign countries condommng g the persceution ‘oF the Bemenions as genocide is often provoked diplomatic eanthiet | 00
Seqtenee It Who was in conflict with’ the prince bishopric Sentence’ 2: The prince-bishopric ‘was jnvolved -in almost continuous conflicts with the Counts ‘of Hollajd and the: Dukes oF Guelders. | 00
Sentence 1 TAPE Tasmania started a three-year restructuring in what year? - Sentence 2: In Tasmania in 2009 the old college system and TAPE Tasmania have started a 3-year restructure to become the Tasmanian Polytechnic | 00
Sentence t: who released the track “little fluffy clouds"? Sentence 2: Two distinctive tracks from this era were the Orbs ‘Little Fluffy Clouds” (with a distinctive vocal sample from Rickie Lee Jones) and the Happy Mondays’ "Wrote for Luck" ("WFL") which was transformed into a dance hit by Vince Clarke. | 00
Sentence 1: Who bought 80% of Vjyendi Universal Entertainment in 2004? Sentence 2: After that deal, GE owned 80% of NBC| 19 20%, with an} | 11
Sentence 1: How much higher is the rte of execution in Texas versus the national average? Sentence i terranes however, executed 40 percent 0 ‘of those sentenced, which h was about percent of igher than the national average. | 00
Sentence 1: Which state send members to the parliament in Edinburgh? Sentence 2: In addition to this, voters in Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland return members to a parliament in Edinburgh and to assemblies in Cardiff and Belfast respectively. | 00
Sentence What automatic right do™ Australian citizéns~ and residents ‘have on Norfolk Island after meeting the crite Immigration (Amendmre: 20127 Sentence 2; Australian citizens and residents from other parts of the. nation latic right sich land after meeting criteria @mmigration Act 2012). Iment No. 2) | 00
Seritence 1: Whiatis the imost profninent feligion in New Haven? Sentence 2: New ‘Haven is a predominaiitly ‘Romian Catholic. city, ‘as the city's. Dominican, Irish; Italian, Mexican; Ecuadorian, and Puerto Rican popiilations are- overwhelinisigly Catholic. | 00
Sentence 1: The :government-wanted Nanjing-to be.what kindof industrial. city? Sentence. 2! In the 1950s. aftér: PRC was éstablished ‘by CPC, the. government invested, heavily: i the: city ‘to- build a’ series: of state- gwried heavy industries, as.part:of the national plan. of rapid industtialization; converting it into. g heavy industry production ‘centre. of East. china. : | 11
Sentence 1: What was the origin of Hindu philosophy? Sentence 2: Ancient and medieval India was also the source of philosophies that share philosophical concepts but rejected the Vedas, and these have been called nastika (heterodox.or. non- orthodox) Indian philosophies. | 11
Sentence 1: The empress Eirene had what color hair? Sentence 2: It must be a lifelike portrayal because: Eirene was really a redhead as her original Hungarian name, Piroska shows. | 00
"Sentence % Which natural digaster-occurred ‘on October 29, 2012 in NYC? : a | 11
Sentesice &vitien are'thd oldest-beads tought te havebeeivmiade Sehttenci 2: Naturally occurving tags, especially Ae votcanic-glass? ‘obsidian has beén-used by many Storie Age sicieties dcivss the gisbe ofor the production oF sharp ciatting.toolé and, due to its limited'sodrce: areas was extensively tad. 5 | 11
Senjehce® fs: Where ise does,“ Trcingie Transit: 90" fo?” | Sehfence’ 2: Raléigh’ ig - aise: setved by Triangle. Trarisit’."(knawn © formerly. :.as fhe. Triangle... Transit?" Authority, :or° > TTA). | 11
‘Senteie 1: Wnat“Go: "eich histovins, cominsniy cathe Ag of Enligitenment?. : ch . tence 2 As fb XS end mo schiclrs vise the last years of ite century, choosing the. French Revolutlc: of ¥789-or the begnning of tie lpolecnic Wars {18D4- 15) 85, doavéniert point fr-tine with whlehto ate the end of theeightenmerk | 11
Sentence 1: What do the stamps give the purchaser o license to do? Sentence 2: The stamps serve os a license to hunt migratory birds, on entrance pass for all National Wildlife Refuge areas, ond are also considered collectors items often purchased for aesthetic reasons outside of the hunting and birding-coiifnunities. | 00
Sentence 1: What member of.the Fujiwara attempted to rebel in the mid-twelfth century? Sentence 2: Fujiwara no *prinaga sided with the retired emperor in a violent battle in 1156 against the heir apparent, who was supported by-the Taira and Minamoto (Hégen Rebellion). | 00
Senteffle 1: Which street runs. from Broadway to West Street? Sentence 2: West Ith Street runs from| Broadway to West Street. | 00
Brity sh gover nbt of Now fey VtHie.§ swaiy slave: | 11
Sentence 1: The winner also receives a management contract with which company? |Sentence 2: The winner receives arecord deal with a major label, Jwhich may be for up to six albums, and secures a management Jcontract with American Idol-affiliated 19 Management (which has the right of first refusal to sign all contestants), as well as various lucrative contracts | 00
[Sentence ‘what major ocean is Bermuda located? Sentence 2: Bermuda is a group of low-forming volcanoes Hocated in the Atlantic Ocean, near the western edge of the Sargasso Sea, roughly $78 nautical miles {1,070 kan (665 mil] | 00
Sentence I: Where’wece turtles-ocquired from Sentence 2: Turtles ond fish were token from-streams ond lokes. | 00
Sentence x During transmission does. the. slectr¢ field wave moye'closer to the antenna? Sentence 2:"These timé-varying fields radiate away from the ‘antenna into: space.” as. a’ moving . transverse ¢lectromagietic field wave: | 00
‘Sentence t How much of the Bronx speaks Chinese at home?" Sentence 2 As of 2010, 46.29% (584,463) of Bronx ‘aged five and older spoke Spanish at home, ¢ 49.02% (555.767) spoke English, 248% (31,361) ricont tanguages; 0.91%. (11.455) French. 0.90% 1,355) Italian, 87% (10.946) various Indic ages, 0.70% (8,836). other Indo-European ages. and Chinese was spoken at home by ‘50% (6,610) of the population over the age of five. | 00
Sentence & What comedy production did Spectre actors appear in? Sentence 2 In the sketch, they film a behind-the- scenes mockumentary on the of Spectre. | 11
Sentence £ What is the source of the theme song of Battlestar Galactica? Sentence 2:'rhe theme song of Battlestar Galactica 2004 is the Gayatri Mantra, taken From the Rigveda | 00
Sentence 1: When was the North lost to the Jurchen Jin dynasty? Sentence 2: After the north vas lost to the Jurchen Jin dynasty in 1127 folloving the Jingkang Incident, Hangzhou becane the capital of the Southern Song under the name Lin'an. | 00
Sentence 1: What was the GPC accused of being vis-a-vis Gaddafi? Sentence 2: On rare occasions, the GPC opposed Gaddafi’s suggestions, sometimes successfully; notably, when Gaddafi called on primary schools to be abolished, believing that home schooling was healthier for children, the GPC rejected the idea. | 11
Sentence What, isthe , lowest altitude _ where. acclimatization or a, suit is, not needed. to. prevent sickness in humans? Sentence EAbove this alutude oxygen enrichment is necessary to. prevent altitude sickness in humans that did not undergo, prior acclimatization, and spacesuits are necessary to prevent ebullism above 19 km. | 11
sentence 1: Where does Tuscon rank in terms of the fargest city inthe US.in 2009? in the Arizona Sun Corridor, Secon is the Largest city in southern ‘Arizona, the second largest inthe state | 11
entence 1: What is Washington University's closed) rreult velevision network? WUTV is the university's dosed-circult| Sentence 2: television channel. | 00
Sentence I: What infrastructure has benefited — greatly from capital investment? venture. ‘between the government and Virgin Australia (then Virgin Blue), | 00
Sentence 1: What was the median age of non-Hispanic whites in 2008? Sentence 2 As of January 1, 2008 estimates by the San Diego Association of Governments revealed that the houschold median income for San Diego rose to 566,715, up from $45,733, and that the city population rose to 1,336,865, up 9.3% from 2000. | 11
‘Sentence 1: What type of degree can you get from @ high schoo! in Releigh? ‘Sentence 2: There are four early college high schools in Raleigh. | 11
tence How much light does the bulb emit? tence Zhe relationships above are valid for only few percent change of voltage around rated conditions, but they do indicate that a lamp operated it much lower than rated voltage could last for uundreds of tiines longer than at rated conditions, Ibeit with greatly reduced light output. | 11
Sentence 1: Dering which years @ Alenka? tholal Darkin-visit Sentence 2: Some researchers. believe that. the first Destian setti¢ment iG Alaska wis extablishet il the A7th ceatery. | 11
Sentence t: What class of considerations did Pepper believe were net impertant in scientfic measurement? Sentence 2 And, in this way ene theery can be evaluated gs mere or less true than gnether en 9 quantitative basis which, Pepper emphasises fercefuly, has ngthing te de with ‘subjective prebabities" er sther marsly “epistemic” censiderations. | 00
Sentence Time has personal value due to awareness of i's limited nature in what? Sentence 2: Periodic events and periodic motion have long served os standards for units of time. | 11
Sentence 1: In what city and state did the arena football test game take place? Sentence 2: Interest was high enough following the initial test game that Foster decided to put on a second, “showcase”, game. | 11
Sentence 1: What! is: the ‘ame: ‘of CBC's television station.in St: John's? cok Sentence 2: GBC “has its ‘Newfoundland: and: Labrador headquarters. ini ‘the ‘city’and- their television’ station .CBNT-DT, broadcasts fromm, Univatsty Avenue: | 00
row “iy, people: died Frum -TR “Pentanen -15. in’ ati; b Sestenca Ue Ip-.20i4, “there wer active. TH which -resuifad: in°1.8 milion million.“ cases: oF | 00
Sentence 1: On which date did Arsenal name a fully foreign 16-man squad for a match? Sentence 2: Arsenal were the first to name a completely foreign 16-man squad for a match. | 11
Sentence 1: Where were ‘the vast majority: of| French language periodicals produced? Seritence 2:-This in turn gave précedence to} the publishing ‘industry’ in Holland, where the vast majority of these’ French language| periodicals were produced. ; | 00
Sentence I: Where had Napoleon advanced to when he received word that Paris was lost? Sentence 2; Alexander told the Sénat that the Allies were fighting against Napoleon, not France, and they were prepared to offer honorable peace terms if Napoleon were removed from power. | 11
Sentence 1: Who led the British militia to drive the French out of Fort Duquesne? Sentence 2: Peaceful British attempts to halt this fort construction were unsuccessful, and the French proceeded to build the fort they named Fort Duquesne. | 11
Seritence 1: Which range of months is -Tennessee's wettest? Sentence 2: Generally; the state has hot, sunwmers and crnlld. to, “€ool “Winters with generous - precipitation. ‘throughout the. year; with, highest™ average -monthiy, precipitation generally in the winter’ and spring months; between Deceniber and April. | 00
Sontonce } What is the highest resolution of video supported by youtube? Sontonce 2 In July 2010, YouTube announced shat it had Taunched a range of videos in YK format, which allows a resolution of up to 4096x3072 pixels. | 11
Sentence 1: Modern historians have been over lenient towatds what? Sentence 2: Popular historian Frank McLyrin maintains a. ¢counter-revisionist perspective on. John,” arguing. that-the ‘king's modem teplitation amongst historians is “bizarre”, ‘and that as a‘ monarch John."fails.almost all be legitimatelyset’. those[tests] thatcan | 11
Sentence 1: When did Procopius write that “the Sclaveni and the Antoe actually had a, single name in the remote past; for they were both called Sport in olden times“? Sentence 2: He describes their social structure and beliefs: | 11
“Sentence 1; What did the Qur'an permit? Senitence : 2:.‘The men intetpiéted Qurante permit sextial relations: hetivcérr ama le mastér antl his-feralé ‘slave outside’ ol -inatriage.. (see. Ma; malakat aymanukiny: and sex), leading “te, -nvany".mi: children | 00
Sentence’ 1: What ‘did. the Russians fear fosing without compensation? Sentence 2: Russia féared losing Russién America without “compensation in -some future Conflict, especially. to the Brilish. | 11
“met aca epoca Senin: pt ise cites tere wenger is ne, scl kt es ol oh eS pn ra pie cement de, | 00
Sentence i this, Arderétt thé cease tet effactively ended héstilities? 7 Senténce’:2:; Afier: just: 100: hatirs" of: erourie, ‘combat, Snel with, all of Kuwait rid’ Aah oF, ‘stiuthiern, rag cinder: coalition’ eoritral. US" : feEh. oidered™ cease-fire “and, nenetiations Began resulting Président SG&oraeH. iat dgreainant forsgessat ion‘ of. “hostilities: | 00
Sentence Aopie’s mevernie ee TG was generated by Pod SO BELL {afer eR ma ase ones Soe | 00
Sentence 1: What is the purpose of a pesticide? Sentence 2: This use of pesticides is so common that the term pesticide is often treated as synonymous with plant protection product, although itis in fact a broader term, as pesticides are also used for non-agricultural purposes. | 11
Sentence’ 1: What did Whitehead believe was the fundamental purpose of life? Sentence 2: In other words, Whitehead sees life. as directed toward the purpose. of increasing its own satisfaction: | 00
Sentence: Vitiat are.the two. int equivalents ofthe sie tera ""Thepkotos?” Sentence.2: The equivalent phrase "Mater bi inctee of (ii) is-moieMBmnidt in” Latin: and. s0.also in:the other languages} “used in. the: Westein €atholic-Churct, but this Same phase. in Greek (Mitta Bead), inthe abbreviated fornr of the first and| lust letter of the-tiwo trords (MP OY), is the indication attactied| to’herimage:in'Byzantine feons. ay > * | 11
Sentence 14Vhat is the FBI comparable to? Sentence 2:Unlike the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has no law enforcement authority and is focused on intelligence collection overseas, FBI is primarily a domestic agency, maintaining 56 field offices in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. | 11
Sentence I: {> Short’ ex Sumerian “Renaissance in ea Dist ce Sealaty BC? ; Sentence 2: Classical Sumer ends with the te the Abibehan’Eimpire he century BE, | 11
Sentence t Was Texas a part of Mexico? Sentence 2 In 1836, the now largely. "“American’ Texans, fought a war of independence from the central government of Mexico and established the Republic of Texas. | 11
Sentence I: How cften do otizens need to get ther cass examined? Sernence 2 The ped industrial tech 3 Soct banal wee eneson mopeton ad (elermelaion of gasclne a Geel fot | 00
“Fertence E How many people had Boke Naren Kifed by May a0ur Aentence 1: At the same time neighbouring countries, Benin, Ched, Cameroon and Niger joined Nigeria in aunted effort te combat Boke Haram in the eftermath of @ work! media highlighted kidnapping of 276 scheolgirhs end the spread of Boke Haram attack ste these countries. | 11
Sentence 1: Who are the’ Madonna Companion Biographers? Sentence 2: He furtlier’ asserted: that "the most remarkable creation of MTV is Madonna. | 11
Sentence 1: wWhot time period did the Goronontes arrive in? Sentence 2: An urbon civilization, the Garanantes, arose around 500 BCE in the heart of the Sohara, in a valley that is now called the Wodi al-Ajal in Fezzan, Libyo. | 00
Sentence 4: What's the only antibiotic that might be effective against totally drug-resistant TB? Sentence 2: Bedaquiline is tentatively supported for use in ‘multiple drug-resistant TB. | 00
Sentence 1: What word is used to denominate nobility? Sentence 2: This word to this day is used in Lithuanian language to name nobility, not only for own, but also for nobility of other countries. | 11
Sentence 1: Me does thermoplasty consigg of? ‘Sentence 2: For. those’ with’ “severe persistent.. asthmia “not : controlled. “by inhaled. cortiéosteroids : and’ *“LABAs,. bronchial 'thermoplasty may bean option. | 11
fentence ‘i. \iiat is ‘the ‘current ‘official, name of ussia? : jentenee 3: This name arid, *Russid’ wete specifiedas the ‘official state, -names . i thé: April! -2,-1992 mendinént: to’ the’ existing’ constitution...and” were ‘tained a8 siueh in thé 1993 Constitution of Russia | 11
Sentence 1: What did Beyoncé and Jay Z name their daughter? Sentence 2: On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York under heavy security. | 00
Sentence 1: Who was the most famous stagecoach robber in the Tucson area? Sentence 2: Most notable, however, were the two holdups committed by masked road-agent William Whitney Brazelton. | 00
Aanvence 1 Wor nese she Bisse Ailled? Sear elle bat Se a | 00
Sentence 1: What do their studies consist of? Sentence 2: Continuous study of the scriptures, eological, writings, and understanding and pretation of church doctrine are embodied in i several si ments of faith and catechisms formally adopted by various branches of church, often rgferred to as “subordinat standards’. gf e | 00
Sentence t Oves Greg believe a later work can be substituted for a earlier one? Sentence 2 Gowers and Tanselle argue for rejecting textual vanants that an author inserted at the suggestion of others | 11
Sentence 1: What is unique about Tbilisi? Sentence 2: The P-700 systems will be removed in the coming refit to enlarge her below decks aviation facilities as well as upgrading her defensive systems. | 11
‘Beatence t Whal'was tlie name of the ‘song plaged | rg the ‘opening-credits? =~ . ‘Benteace: 2 Smitti’ said the ‘song. came together Pe ire Session dnd that he and Napes wrote it in’ under’ halt ‘an hour before recording a demo. | 11
Subsets and Splits