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Semtence 1: In which European countries do. many Rossan ummigrants live? : Searence at The, United. Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Frances Italy, Belgium, . Greece, | 00
Sentence I: What was society in the Tokugawa period based in? Sentence 2: Taxes on the peasantry were set at fixed amounts which did not account for inflation or other changes in monetary value. | 11
Seokener 1: Yow cid theenrtish anni faut? Soler x Nido some lke Lacan Pot may mpraen aels te olde nowt Fol Uae & identified with confidence comes from abouk $8 milion year apm early Cmdr pred | 00
Sentence |: Which type of eclectic music had @ huge variety. large innovations and an "anything goes" mentality? Sentence 2: Bands such as Joy Division Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus and the Cure played in a darker, more morose style of post-punk that lead to the development of the gothic rock genre | 11
Sentence 1: What is Miami's world rank in terms of how impressive its skyline is? Sentence 2: Miami's skyline is rankéd third- most impressive in the U.S, behind New York City and Chicago, and 19th in the world according to the Almanac of Architecture and Design. | 00
Sentence # When Was the Auguste Rodine exhibit? Sentence. 2: In addition (6 its extensive colections of ‘inetican JA, European Art and ancient Get, the niuseum ‘recently has fhosted major exhibitions featuring ‘Auiguiste Rodin (#1 2000) and) [Claudé. Monet ‘in 2006-07 |:each attiacting more than'290.000 visitors. | 00
Sentence 1: What was the value of Apple's cash assets at the end of 20077 Sentence 2: On October 22, 2007, Apple reported quarterly revenue of US$6.22 ‘billion, of Which 30.65% came from Apple notebook sales, 19.22% from desktop sales and 26% from iPod sales. | 11
Serena I: Wher did the beret tnay drei: distelaute throughout Eutope te ge hoe ayett ‘Seifens Ziky Piiepe'pbd abilabn, asym Ga _Feleated 10 No separate marketing ctgions... | 11
Sentence 1: Which company introduced hybrid incandescent bulbs? Sentence 2: Laboratory proof-of-concept experiments have produced as much as 45 [m/ approaching ‘the efficacy of compact fluorescent bulbs. | 11
Sentence % What other area was mentioned regarding Prussian dominion in the Russian-Austrian pac? ‘Sentence 2 They also agreed to a secret clause that Promised the restoration of Silesia and the Countship of Glatz (now Ktodzko, Poland) to Austria in the event of hostilities with Prussia. | 00
Sentence t Why is it difficult to measure Corruption? Sentence 2: While “c tion” indices first appeared in with the Corruption Darceptions, Index CPI, all of these metrics ess different proxies for corruption Such es Public perceptions of the oxtent art the probii | 11
Sentence 1: In the 2009 election, who was the candidate of the PRS? Sentence 2: He was killed on 2 March 2009, possibly by soldiers in retaliation for the assassination of General Batista Tagme Na Waie, the head of the joint chiefs of staff, killed in an explosion. | 11
Sereence 1: What & on leader from the polsh lthuanian common, weoah. Sentence 2 In 1413, following 2 sértes of tentative personal untiens between the Grand Ouchy of Lithuania and the Grown Kingdom of. Poland, the existing Lithuanian nobility formally joined tis hass-211 | 11
Sentence 1: Where was Karadzic when he was finally arrested? Sentence 2: On 21 July 2008, Karadzié was arrested in Belgrade, and he is currently in The Hague on trial accused of genocide among other crimes. | 00
Sentence & Where was the satelite dish instatted? Sentence 2 A satelite ground station with s 7é-cneere {25 40 satelite dish inatated iri 1989 at The Briors is the ‘only international connection Providing satellite links through Intelsat 707 t0 Ascension iland and the United Kingdom. . ‘ | 00
Sentence 1: How many times have the Leeside Lions won the Australian Rules Football League of Ireland Premiership? Sentence 2: Cork Racing, a motorsport team based in Cork, hhas raced in the Irish Formula Ford Championship sincé 2006. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the name of the national rugby union stadium located in South-West London? * Sentence 2: Twickenham Stadium in south-west London is the national rugby union stadium, and has a capacity of 82,000 now that the new south Stand has been completed. | 00
Sentence “Oni which rivers’ iss “the Three Gorges Dan built? Gentence : 2 I The Three Gorges Dam He linet = den er | 00
Sentence ‘1: Who wrore. the -nowel Stover at Yale? Seritenice'2: Yale University also is featurédin F Scott Fitzgerald'snoyel, "The-Great Gatsby"; | 11
‘Sentence 1: What is: the location: of ‘the _Gwamile, Vecational and Catmercial Training tnstitute ? ‘Sentence 2:-Thie mgjn centre for technical training ia ‘Swaailand isthe Swaziland college of Technolegy. WHICH dated te Become a full university. ee: age : ; came eid | 11
J Sentence 1: What is the fargest ethnic group in liberia? 7 et Sentence 2: The Kpelle comprise more than 2or%: of the, population “and are the, largest ethnic group. in. Liberia, residing mostly in Bong County and: adjacent areas “in central Ebert . : | 00
Sentence & What features ot, miuinum, did Ruskin insist on fora builing to be consdewed function? Sentence, 2: for Huskin, a. yel-constructed, yelF proportioned. functional, uilding needed string courses or rustication, atthe very least, | 00
Sentence 1: What type of donations'did the Jetkins‘ Orphanage accépt?.’* ’ ‘Sentence. 2:' Orphanages. :around, * the country began’ to develop: brass: bands- in ‘the wake of the Jenkins Orphanage Band's success. | 11
Sentence 1: About how long ago did modern human beings first come into existence? Sentence 2: Its present form in humans differed from that of the chimpanzees by lonly a few mutations and has been present for about 200,000 years, coinciding with the beginning of modem humans (Enard et al. 2002). | 00
ferice St: ‘Whet isa mammal whose’ genome nas been seqlienced?’: rence 2: Anicnig ttie.thousands henome sequencing: project ide. those: for ice, @ mouse; the plant Arabidopsis‘thaliana, the puffer fish, ;and-tne bacteria E. ‘col. | 00
Sentence 1: When did the Soviet Union develop Transformator? Sentence 2: In 1958, the Soviet Union developed Transformator (Russian: Tpaicopmarop, meaning Transformer), the first high-resolution (definition) television system capable of producing an image composed of 1,125 lines of resolution aimed at providing teleconferencing for military command. | 00
Sentence 1: Who would engrave the master disc pot a vinyl record? Sentence 2: For the first several decades of disc record manufacturing, sound was recorded directly on to the "master disc" at the recording studio. | 11
Sentence 4: What is digestion? Sentence 2: Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble Food molecules so_ that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. | 00
Sentence 1: For the first quarter of 2009, what was the annualized rate of decline in GDP in Mexico? Sentence 2:. The Brookings Institution reported in June 2009 that U.S. consumption accounted ‘for more. than a third of the growth in global consumption _ between. 2000 and 2007. | 11
Sentence 1: when did cancers usually. havea cattle found up? Sentence 2: Much. of the Great Plains became. ‘open range, of rangeland where caitie roamed _fr@@,hosting ranching, operations where: anyone ‘wos Iheoretically free to run cate. - . | 11
4..Why ate ~ “hydrocarbon sticides not excreted? 2: Since :chiorinated hydrocarbon most indefinitely. | 00
Sentence 1: How many Attributes of Mercy are in Judaism? Sentence 2: For example, attributes of God in Christianity, attributes of God in Islam, and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy in Judaism share certain similarities arising from their common roots. | 00
Sentence % What is a huge concer tor SASO? Sentence 2: Major criticisms of the SASO have not been established, but a concern is | 00
Sentence How many records has Beyonce sold in t 19 year career? Sentence @: She has won 20 Grammy Awards and is most nominated woman in the awards history. | 11
Sentence 1: Which two space missions were the first to successfully dock each other? Sentence 2: It was the first-ever docking of two manned spacecraft, and the first transfer of crew from one space vehicle to another. | 11
Sentence 1: How do burfowing: marine annelids hélp océan ecosystems? Sentence 2: Scientists observe annetids to monitor the quali of marine and fresh. water. | 11
wb Sentence trigger with Sand aethma r severity Sentence | 11
Sentence t Wht country did Cardinal archbishop Anibal Munoz Duque represent? fey Se ep Pima mnt teachings. we prefer not to receive | | 00
Sentence I: What did_a Peking professor say about Chinese media coverage? Sentence 2: This is the first time [that] the Chinese media has lived up to international standards” | 00
sentenice ot thats. Pranemiade, of | swatet jas sv designed! ody, i part by George washington? bgntence. BE le 3 yacnitate fhe! ranefars 27 OF “cargo: from. FRE flat-bottomed bateasx above. the fall 1, tine tO ‘thie- ‘ocaan' faring: ships George Washington - “helped: s-7 Rivet and’ 2, the yeth “century to” bypass: Richmond's, Tapids: sath «She intent » water Foute across ENS Appalaid Kanawhe River: *: : " | 00
Sentence. 1; What theory aa'e Einstein have Fesérvations. about? ‘ Sentence.” 2:. Despite his’! reservations: about. “its “jnterpretation, «Einstein also made Contributions: /-:te-" quantum: mechanics: ahd;-indirectly; quantum, field “ thébry,.primdrily.<through. bis theoretical pee studies ofthe photon. | 00
Sentence 1: Where did Stain engage in an aggressive political strategy? Sentence 2; Stalin began a more aggressive strategy. in Asia based on these developments, including promising economic and military. aid jo China through the Sino-Soviet Friendship, Alliance; and Mutwal - Assistance “Breaty: | 00
Sinton tha ate ‘anda as meant oe ‘Sentence 2 tocke: i ds famauly attributed: with holding: the’proposition. that: the hishian imind is.0 tabula: rasa,‘ “plattk tablet’, in “ the experiences derived ‘from sefise: impressions asa. ; person 's life maceeds ore. weitten, : | 00
Sentence 1 What happens outside the 1/1000 second to WVsecond exposure range? Sentence 2: However, this relationship breaks down outside these limits, a phenomenon known as reciprocity failure. | 00
Sentence 1: What percentage of BYU students are from Utah? Sentence 2: Approximately 99 percent of the students are members of the LDS Church, and one-third of its US students are from Utah. | 00
Sentence 1: On what TV station did Red Nose Day appear? Sentence 2: On 13 March 2015, several members of the cast and crew, including Craig, Whishaw, Wilson and Mendes, as well as previous James Bond actor, Sir Roger Moore, appeared in a sketch written by David Walliams and the Dawson Brothers for Comic Reliefs Red Nose Day on BBC One. | 00
Sentence t what was the prototype of ghetto house? Sentence 2: Another US hit which received radio play was the single “Time for the. Peraulator” by Cajmere,. which| became the prototype of ghetto house subgenre. | 00
Sentence 1: Who helped Albert improve in public speaking? Sentence 2: Because of his stammer, Albert dreaded public speaking. | 11
Penemie x What four areas have not quarters of that figure were people whe live in urban and suburban neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city limits of Ketchikan, Kodiak, Palmer and Wasilla. | 00
Sentence 1: When were the mosaics at the Basilica... of oe | 00
Sentence 1: When did Max Weinrich write "A shprakh iz a dialekt mit an armey un flot"? Sentence 2: "A language is @. dialect with an army and navy”) in YIVO Bieter 25.4, 1945, p. 13: | 00
Sentence What type of tolerances does thé USB stariardt specify for conipliant USB connecctirs?. ‘Sentence 2: Compiant devi Size restrictions or support a compliant extengion cable that oe : must either fit-within“the | 11
Sentence L:What was ie nante ofthe treaty that ended the war? ‘Senne 2: The. wat wes offal ended by the Treaty. Pas Sg oy 0 Maret F855. | 00
Sentence 1: What share of the US digital music player market does iPod hold? Sentence 2: In January 2007 the iPod market share reached 72.7% according to} Bloomberg Online. | 11
Sentence 1: What’ age’ ranges does Finnish comprehensive school cover?. Sentence 2: Finland’ has: ‘used comprehensive ‘scliools since’ .the 1970s, in ‘the. ‘sense’ that everyone .is expected. to. complete the nine grades ‘of peruskoulu, from the.age 7 to 16. | 00
entence 1: When did Queen release The iracle? e entence 2: After working on various solo rojects during 1988. (including Mercury’s| collaboration with - Montserrat Caballé, arcelona), the band released The Miracle in 989. | 00
fenterice ih vihat, nz" publish rvs thE hook Gut. jenténce 2:. This, eoxperinjsnt lias" bi Piinz’s (2064) | 00
Sentence. E About what “was ‘the popullation of Boston’ in 2010?. Sentence 2 Int. 2010, Boston . was estimated to have 617,594 residents (a density’ of” 12,200: persons/sq inile, or 4700/2) -tiving: in 272481 -housing’ units. 5% population increase over 2000. | 00
‘Sentence 1: What type of Gothic architecture iis the Malbork Castle an example of? ‘Sentence 2: Partial survivals of foment royal residences include the Palace of Venice, the Palau de la ‘Generalitat in Barcelona, built in the sth for the kings of Aragon, onthe famous rie, ernst palace of the kings of France, in aris. | 11
‘Setsoo traistenFascmer? ‘Stene 2 The may, cy tame and come menbers are ceed to furyear terms, witha ‘woderminit | 11
Sentence I gyhat transformed Arabic languages? Sentence "ty longer was legitimate knowledge” efined by texts in the religious schools, interpreted for the most part with stultifying literalness. * | 11
BaMenge sd. what: i... Newton! Natur Bhitesophye’ *- : 2 - Sefitence: 2. Newton's natural philasophy combined. & pathematics Of axiomatic: proof With the mec! wielding “a coherent System: “of. verifiable Predictions and rey facing @. previous reliance “onrevelation ana oo | 00
Sentence 1: What sciences use bacteria? Sentence 2: By making mutations in| bacterial DNA and examining the resulting phenotypes, scientists cai determine the function of genes, enzymes and metabolic pathways it bacteria, then apply this knowledge to} more complex organisms. | 11
te ot expanding ito obal regions prod copie, Del was berily Sepenieit on, US corporate PC market, as desktop POs sold to both commercial ‘od corporale customers counted for 32 percent of its revenue, 85 percent of its revenue comes businesses, and Sixty-four percent of ils revenue comes from. North and South America, according to ils 2006 third-quarter results | 00
tence 2: Soon chine-gun based | 00
Senteneé 1 Whj is glass.annealed? Sentence. 2: The ‘obtained glass’ is: iigually ‘annealed : to «prevent _ breakage * during processing. : 8 7 | 00
Sentence 1: When was litigation brought to South Africa? Sentence 2: Jn March 2001, 40 multi-national pharmaceutical companies brought litigation against Bouth eAfrica for Ita Medicines At, which allowed the generic production of antiretrowffl drugs (ARVs) for treating HIV, despite the fact that these drugs were on-patent. | 00
Sentence 1: Who it the tarch’in Africa? h was lit by Vice-President Sentence 2: The tore! ‘Ali Mohamed Shein. | 00
Sentiénéé I: Low’ tall-dreBadte Rock ‘and-ban’ - Mouiitating Sentence 2: On-the ‘samie. side" ofthe’ Great Valley: ° squth . of «the... Ptoriag,.: are: “the Pinnacle 3007sfeet (OIF tn) anc Brdgegn Roost "3.400, te | 11
Sentence 1: How much did tourists spend in Boston in 2011? Sentence 2: Tourism also composes a large part of Boston's economy, with 21.2 million domestic and international visitors spending $8.3 billion in 2011; excluding visitors from Canada and Mexico, over 1.4 million international tourists visited Boston in 2014, with those from China and the United Kingdom leading the list. | 00
Santence 1: Which two ethnicities made.up the niajority of the Banner Atmies? Sentence. 2:it was in Qianlong’s reign that the Qiantong, ‘Emperor, . concerned, about. maintaining: . “Manchu identity, .re-emphasized. Manchu. ethnicity, ancestry, language, arid:culture.in the Eight Banners and started, ‘amass discharge of Han: Bannermen. trom. the Eight Banners; either askiirg them to voluntarily resign. from. the Banner rolis.r striking theirnamés-off. | 11
Sentence 1: What did the Eder-Hecht device measure? Sentence 2: The system was later extended to cover larger ranges and some of its practical shortcomings were addressed by the Austrian scientist Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) and Flemish-born botanist Walter Hecht (de) (1896- 1960), (who, in 1919/1920, jointly developed their Eder-Hecht neutral wedge sensitometer measuring emulsion speeds in Eder-Hecht grades). | 00
Sentence 1: What type of bands play for dancers in the streets? Sentence 2: Beautiful costumes, floats, Rara parades, masks, foods, and popular rasin music (like Boukman Eksperyans, Foula Vodoule, Tokay, Boukan Ginen; Eritaj, etc.) and kompa bands (such as T-Vice, Djakout No. 1, Sweet Micky, Kréy6l La, D.P. Express, Mizik Mizik, Ram, T-Micky, Carimi, Djakout Mizik, and Scorpio Fever) play for dancers in the streets of the plaza of Champ-de-Mars. | 00
+ Sentence 1: What year did the USsR |. disband? Sentence 2: The United States and Russia would | work together in Space with the Shuttle-Mir Program, and again. with the International Space Station. | 11
Sentence 1: The Buddhism practiced in Tibet, the Himalayan regions and Mongolia are often referred to as? Sentence 2: Native Mahayana Buddhism is practiced today in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, parts of Russia and most of Vietnam (also commonly referred to as Eastern Buddhism’). | 11
Sentence Whit ation provide the orefern—rerminns fir the Harford Line? Somme 2 mw amt, stare amt fede! were awinfed wo Cometfent Gant Massihuetts) constrict the Maefon tine, with there temims at Nw Havers Uni Staion sia nore erin at Springfet's Union Station | 00
mtence 1: An _ adolescent goi hrough a amily break up turning into n adult in gstable marriage is given as n example of change in what? Weinreich applies the y variant in a framework which allows for the transition from one another by. way of biographical periences and resolution of conflicted identifications .», situated in various ontexts — for example, an adolescent oing through family break-up may be n one state, whereas later in a stable arriage with a secure professidal role ay be in another, | 00
Sentence’ 4: What, atomic bomb test did. Feynman see? ‘Sentence 2: Feynman claimed to.be the only person to see the explosion without thie very dark glasses or welder's lenses provided, reasoning that it was safe to’ jook through ‘a truck windshield,’ as it. would ‘screen out the harmful ultraviolet radiation. | 11
Seivence Wh sh nan loadion i Tie Suits en pt Coniosiosee : Sentence The. Fronts’ page sad: saad! shes thi=tcay Ss Witénsby The’ Sun”, | 11
Sertence t Wrat 6 a more fuel efficient way for STOVL ‘ae cratt to take off rainer than vertcaty? Sentence 2: As catapuits are unecessary, carriers with INS arrangement reace weight, complenty, and space needed for complex steam or electromagnetic wunching aupmert, vertical nding aircratt alo remove ihe need for arresting cables and retated haraware | 11
Sentence ‘Who. signed. multiple peace treaties with the Tang? s Sentence’ Zhe Yarlung: rulers. of. Tibet also signed various Peace treaties with the Tang, . culminating in. a treaty in 821 that fixed the borders between Tibet. and China, : ——————————————— | 00
~ Sentenve:t: During whit’ séison were Arsenal’ away. Colors” white “shittes and swhite'or black Shorts " Sentetice. 2:,For’ many years, Krsehal’, away. colours” were white: shirts. and eithee’black oe, white-shiorts | 11
‘Sentence 1: How is the evacuation tube sealed? ‘Sentence 2: The bulb is then inserted into the lamp base, and the whole assembly tested. | 11
sentence 1: How big was the French- 3ritish army? Sentence 2: By the Jate 19th century, the most conservative elements within the Qing court could no longer ignore China's military weakness- ro | 11
Seutewce T: Whe played Mary Todd Lincoln in ‘Lincoln? Sewtewce 2: The Political Geuius of Abraham Liucelu, the film covered the final four moxths of Liucolw’ life. | 11
Seritencé 4: What was change. inade to corporate taxes. in 2005? Sentence, 2: A. new taxation law implemented’. i ...2005 . ‘decreased corporate’ taxes. from. 40%. to the current 20%, -resulting-in, d stated 400% increasé -inttax. reventie by. the year 2006: | 00
Sentence 1: Advances in what construction trade helped to increase global navigation? Sentence 2: The compass, along with other innovations such as the cross-staff, the mariner's astrolabe, and advances in shipbuilding, enabled the navigation of the World Oceans, and the early phases of colonialism. | 00
Sentence 1; What do Australian aborigines call a frigid night? Sentence 2: Dogs may have provided warmth, as referred to in ithe Australian Aboriginal expression "three dog night" (an exceptionally cold night), and they ‘would have alerted the camp to the| presence of predators or strangers, using their acute hearing to} provide an early warning. - | 00
Sentence |: How many terrorists survived the 1972 Munich attack? Sentence 2: He funded the Black September Organization who perpetrated the 1972 Munich massacre of Isracti athletes in West Germany, and had the killed militants’ bodies flown to Libya for a hero's funeral. | 11
Sentence 1: In 2013, how many people of Puerto Rican ancestry lived in New York City? ‘Sentence 2: Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Brazil were the fop source countries from South America for legal immigrants to the New York City in 2013; the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean; Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria from Africa; and El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala in Central America. | 11
Sentence 1: Of what nationality wos Michel Aflaq? Sentence 2: He read voraciously on the subjects of Nasser and the French Revolution of 1789, as well as the works of Syrian political theorist Michel Aflaqg and biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Sun Yot- sen, and Mustafa Kemal Atatirk. | 00
4: What rediscovered inheritance thought to invalidate Darwin's views evolution? 2 It was thought that the iscovery of Mendelian inheritance Fnvalidated Darwin's views. | 00
Sentence 1: Southampton’s railways provide freight services and what other important services? Sentence 2: Both this and its successor Southern Railway (U8) played played a significant bac in the creation modem port following ther purchase and development of the town's | 11
Sentence 1: "Ii what |. year, did von Neumann. become’. commissioner’ of th AEC? Sentencé.2: Despite his.disagreement with] Oppenheimer’ over :the, need ‘for ‘a crash| program’ to develop ‘the’ hydrogen. bomb, che testified on: the’ latter's behalf at’ th 1954: Oppenheimer " security: ‘hearing, ~ a4] which’ he asserted ‘that Oppenheimer wa: loyal, and ‘praiséd him for; his‘ Helpfillnes: once’ the program’ went. ahead | 11
Subsets and Splits