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Sentence 1: What had Rutherford been before being elected the group's president? Sentence 2 His election’ vias disputed, and members Of the Board of Directars accused him of acting in an ‘autocratic and secretive manner. | 11
Sentence’1: What.was the average veitical. slip: ithe Beictiauri Fault? Sentence .2: This: earthquaké’ fiupturéd’ at least two imbricate structures inLongmen Shan Fault Systein, i¢_ ‘thie Béichuan Fault and the Guanxian Anxian Fault. | 11
Sentence I: Wha suggested that hydride anions enisted? character does the H atom have in a hydride? Sentence 2: The term “hydride” suggests that the H atom has acquired @ negative or anionic character, denoted H-, and is used when hydragen Forms a compound with a mare electrapositive element. | 11
Sentence 1: When did Kerry and his wife get an annullment? Sentence 2: They were divorced on July 25, 1988, and the marriage was formally annulled in 1997. | 00
Rana wads te Feta hea atime te Sate operons of Pativaree & be I Vibha attended bat Sake Oper: Pats Ue Tid tie stare Allerts tbat | 00
Sentence i: Wher di the Olympic Game begin? 22° ‘Sentance 2: in S08 BC Ceisthenés instituted the world’ first democratic system. ‘of governi in Athens: ° | 11
‘Sentence t What were two of Marvels comic heroes in fantasy swords and mage settings? ‘Sentence 2 Marvel pulied ahead of rival DC Comics in 872, uring a time when the price and format of the standard newsstand comic wertfin flux. | 11
Sentence 1: What did the English settlers get in return for their labor? Sentence 2: Most of the English colonists had arrived as indentured servants, hiring themselves out as laborers for a fixed period to pay for their passage. | 00
Sentence 1: Does self-examination begin early or late in adolescence? Sentence 2: Research since reveals self- examination beginning early —in adolescence, but identity achievement rarely occurring before age 18. | 00
Sentence 1: Whga were the 30 team members sworn in? Sentence 2: The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee sent out a team of 30 unarmed attendants selected from ‘the Peoples Armed Police to escort the flame throughout tts Journey. | 11
Sentence 1: How much was casino revenue in 20062 Sentence 2: In the wake of the closures and declining revenue from casinos, Governor Christie said in September 2014 that the state would consider a 2015 referendum to end the 40-year-old monopoly that Atlant City holds on casino gam! other municipalities. | 11
Sentence: 12 "Wien are: poiins ‘in. ‘Czech Inflected?, ‘Senténce 2:lp. Czech, nouns dnd-adjéctives-oté ‘declined into one of seven gramimiatical cases. | 11
Sentence, 1: What.is uncertain about the Cretaceous? Sentence 2: Higher. levels. of carbon dioxide in the. atmosphere. are thought, to, have caused the world, temperature gradient, From,.north to. south to, become. almost, Flat: temperatures were . about. the same across the planet. | 11
Sentence 1: When did the rebels regain the south- east of England? : Sentence 2: By the end of the summer the rebels had regained the south-east of England and parts of the north. | 00
‘Sentence:1: ° What.is the name of bird excrement? od! ‘ Sentence: 2: Guano (bird exerémenty is harvested For use.as a fertilizer. | 00
Sentence 1: What hs been maincoined by the Gisele theoughabt their extended histary 2...°°° * Sentence 2: Paideia’ was- afi of the: hi scone _ Volugs.in-the Gok ‘ond Héllenistic iuorld while the first :European. institution -descrkedas_ ¢ university utes founded: in Sth century Constantinople arid operated in: vorioys iAtarnations unit -the “city’s foll :to? the: - Ottomans jn}453 - ° : | 11
Sefiterice "1:: jn. what, “geographical 'ragior’ of he Unites "States is. NewYork City located? Séntencs:2. New Yeik City’s. situated ig’ the Northeastern United: States,” Th southeastbin® . New). York...” Sate: approxbnotely halfway “between, weshinatn, OG, and, Boston | 00
Sentence 1: Khat wa: Binigize the impact of crisis? Sentence 2: This changed with the recent sovereign-debt crisis. | 11
sentence t: Wheres the lake located in Atenco? sentence 2 Onl a small section of te original ake remains, located outside sre Federal Dt nthe municipaly of Renco, State of Mexico | 00
‘Sentence 2: Whot popular Sémoon bood hab. a 8 nome? umber ia 2 ip musi, popular locat dads. include The ive Stors, Pering 6 Tiatou und Purioiovaa. | 00
Sentence I: Why wasn't agriculture successful? Sentence 2: The colony of Virginia far surpassed Bermuda in both quality and quantity of tobacco produced. | 00
Sentence. Ii’ What ore these. test: (level it typically: grouped by? - Sentence 2:-Tests: oe treaertly greuped by “where. they.are.added-in the software-development process; or by.the: evel oped oFihetest, | 00
Sentence 1: How ty, people worldwide Russell's movement by ‘foue? Sentence 2: He identified the religious movement “Bib. Students," and sore formally, as tl International Bib Students Association. | 11
Sentence 1: IBM has worked with architects and designers such as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, LM. Pei, and Van der Rohe, name one more. Sentence 2: The company's contributions to architecture and design, which include works by Eero Saarinen, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and LM. Pei, have been recognized. | 00
Sentence 1: What elements in 19th century European literature were a reaction to the romanticism movement? Sentence 2: But as the 19th-century went on, European fiction evolved towards realism and naturalism, the meticulous documentation of real life and social trends. | 00
Sentence. 1: When was. the first USAF dress uniform introduced? Sentence _ 2: .USAF ~ personnel assigned to Base Honor. Guard duties wear, for certain occasions, a modified version of the standard service dress uniform, but with silver trim, onthe sleeves and trousers, with the addition of a ceremonial belt (if necessary), wheel cap with silver trim and Hap Arnold Device, anda silver aiguillette placed. en the left shoulder seam and all devices and accoutrement. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the name of BYU's fight song? Sentence 2: The school’s fight song is the Cougar Fight Song. | 00
sentence What isan example ofasolar-mediated weather | 00
Sentence 1: Along with slongs, potois and pidgins, shat is another type of smiilor speech voriety? Sentence 2: Other types of speech vorieties include peragns which gre characterized | by differences in lexicon (vocabulary); slang; patois; pidgins; and argots. | 00
Sentence 14: What region of Lithuania was to be turned over to the Nazis? Sentence 2: Elections were held with single pro-Soviet candidates listed for many positions. with resulting peoples assemblies immediately requesting admission into the USSR, which was granted by the Soviet Union. | 11
Sentence 1: What year was the Third French Republic established? Sentence 2: In late November 1871, at the height of the republican movement, the Prince of Wales contracted typhoid fever, the disease that was believed to have killed his father, and Victoria was fearful her son would die. | 11
Sentence 1: What were the net profits of the Premier League in 2013-14? Sentence 2: The Premier League has the highest revenue of any football league in the world, with total dub revenues of €2.48 billion in 2009-10. | 11
Sentence. I: Polyphionic: intisic inet voicing of wat? Sefitence ,2: Palyphcitic: muttivoicad music developed. hanj thrqygfiout the late Middle Ages ing the mioré compl [cicirigs.of matets, | 00
Sentence 1: Who established the College Park Airport? Sentence 2: The title of “world's oldest airport” is disputed, but College Park Airport in Maryland, US, established in 1909 by Wilbur Wright, ‘s| generally agreed to be the world's oldest| continually operating airfield, although it serves) ‘only general aviation traffic, | 00
ming entry on the father boing British by birth, | 11
Sentence “1 WHé'sérved :a8°ME. for thé “first | BBC2:Broadcast? | Sentence 2: BBC “TV” was: renamed:BBO1" in 1964,after the laurich of .BBC2 (now, BEC. Two); the third’ television station ITV was’ the second) fof. the UK’. its rémit, to. provide: more niche programming: | 11
Sentence t vvhat are the audiobooks with wartime made avalabie on audiobooks such as The Bitz, The Home Front ond Brith Wor Broadcasting | 00
Sentence [fide from shils, uhat is required in order to have the means for building? Sentence 2s human cultures developed and Hrouledge began to be Formakzed through oral traditions and practices, buling became 2 craft, and ‘architecture’ is the name given fo the most highly Formabzed and respected versions of that craft. | 11
Sentence & Who first brought a postal service into Umayyad lands Sentence 2 Primarily the service met the needs of Government officials, but travellers and their Important dispatches were also benefitted by the system. | 11
Sentence 1: How many enumeration areas are there in Namibia? Sentence 2: These areas do not overlap with constituency: boundaries to get reliable data for election purposes as well. | 11
Senfence 1: What did a bunch of Germanic tribes celebrate? Senfence 2: Several Germanic tribes celebrated the refurning of the daylight. | 00
‘Sentences 2: About fiow many Somalis moved to Minnesota ten years ago? ‘Sentencé 2: An estinated 20,000 Soméils emigrated ta'the-U.S. state-of ‘Minnesota some ten years ago and the Twin Cites (Minnédpots und Saint Paul} nw have the highest population of Somais in Nort America. | 00
Seyteaces4 What was’ the intended purpose of youttibe's shows’ seetion? SegtOace.2 The ‘move was intended to. Create, competition with websites’ such as Tals, which features material from NDC material From NB Fox.and Disney, | 00
Sentence I Recording to Dodgson, what people. is mostl, » “descended from Echio- Somalis? Sentence 2h. reaches. a frequene"' peaks" eamong echnic Somalis, | 00
Senténce 1:.In, what years was CP1251, en¢oding| used in, most Russian-onling usage? Sentence 2: This encoding was,and still is widel lused- in’ UNIX-like operating systems, | 11
Sentence 4: When Wasithe edictiweitten? Sentince, 2j.-Zhicngteng’: had: the following tnesiage.. d red: to the teat: Treasure Prince of Dharma;the Kactnapet | 11
Sentence 1: In what coursework is, ‘ond still Jikely to, encounter’ the works of these dlassie scientists? ‘Senlence 2: As advances arid--.” ”) $pecialization hve ihade new scientific os tesearch, inaccessible to, miost-udiences, the "literary" nature; +, of v8 science writing: has become léss’ pronounced. over the> last two centuries. | 11
Sentence 1 usual what? its. coinpdunds. istry. Of 4 er though it has ad frosty colo Serteiice 2: 2 fitst-row translit | 00
Sentence 1: Visitors to what region's beaches often stop at Plymouth? Sentence 2: Plymouth is often used as a base by visitors to Dartmoor, the Tamar Valley and the beaches of south-east Cornwall. | 00
Sentence 1: Whey’ wos the doctrine of Erte Rot rood Co. Tompkins put into effect? “Sentence 2: Under the doctrine of Erie. Raitrood Co, v. Tompkins (1938); there is no. general federol common tow: oo - | 00
Sentence 1: Who voted in favor of an official investigation of the accusations? investigation following accusations by former member of the Hellenic Statistical Authority that the deficit had been artificially inflated in order to justify harsher austerity measures. | 00
‘What year was the third edition 2 In Decenter, the second generation Digital Monster was released, followed by a edition in 998. | 00
Sentence! What sort of response does: the stimulus eanse?: Sentence x: ‘The’ issue’ With the Jaines-Limge theoiy “is ‘thar of causation “(bodily states causing emotion’ and being a priori, not that of ‘the. ‘bodily “influeness.” on emotional experience (which; can be argued and. is°still quite: prevalent today’ in biofeedback, studies and cimbodiinent theory). | 11
Sentence :1; Where did: the ‘New York, times report say towers with guns should go? ‘Sentence 2: The: Royal: Garrison. Artillery (RGA) was given responsibility for AA defence in. the Sield, using motorised... two-gun sections. * | 11
Sentence £ Who won a border war with Libya? Sentence 2 Ip July, a border war broke out with Egypt, ip which the Egyptians defeated Libya despite their technological inferiority. | 00
Sentence 1:W/hat does HDI stand for?. Sentence, 2: While the simple HDI remains. useful, it stated thot, "the IHDI is the actual level of Aumari Sabb (accounting for inequality),” and. ."the .HDI,.can.be viewed’ as-an index.of spotential’ human development, (6, the. maximum, IHDI. that could be.achieved, if there .were ‘no inequality).” | 11
jentence £ Who are the theoretical allies of the huringians? jentence 2: An older theory claimed that they were successors of the Hermunduri, but later research ‘ejected the idea. | 11
Sentence t What year did UK polytechnics start functioning in‘a binary education system? ‘Sentence 2 Sifce 1970": UK Polytechnics: Operated under the binary system of education along with universities. | 00
Sentence. -1;: The imaginary ‘audience’ and personal:fable péak at what age? Sentence 2: Being able to introspect ‘may lead te two forms. of adolescent’ égocentrism, which’ results in‘two distinct problems. in thinking; the imaginary audience and-the personal fable. | 11
Sentence 1: John had not been a chosen name in how long? Sentence 2: Roncalli's exact words were "I will be called John” | 11
‘Sentence t In addition to being used to build things, what has wood been used for over thousands of years? ‘Sentence 2 Wood is sometines defined as only the secondhry xylem in the stems of trees, or it i defined more broadly to include the same type of tissue elsewhere such as in the roots of trees or shrubs {citation needed} | 11
Sentence t When did regular broadcasts start in Europe? Seritence 2: Test transmigstons had been active since the IBC exhibition in September. 2003, bitt the New Year's Day broadcast rharked the official lainch of the HDi channel. and the official start éf direct-té-home HDTV iri Europe. | 11
Sentence How mary Aboriginal nations evcved trade: 5 well os spiritual and social hierarchies? Sentence 2: Hundreds of Aboriginal nations evolved | 00
Sentence {: What feotures do they have that mimic passenger elevators? Sentence 2: théy usually do not have the. some safely feotures found in passenger elevators. ike various ropes for redundancy. | 11
‘Sentence Whats the average rainfall in Bisa in mltimélr es? _Sentenee Biinea-Bissau fs warm all year eraund = | 11
Sentence 4: It was in commenvration of the tenth anniversary of what? Adolphe Nourrit i are appearance at the Schubert liad Die Ges playing a transcription of F | 11
utrc Abbott. and. Gestello Sentence “1; Alone ‘what’. fadio*” star and. Edgar Bergen. appeared insUnive sentence. 2: Some ‘star inoluding Edgar Bere”: ww: C.*Fields, and the. comedy team of: Abbott <a! (Bad Abbott afd: Lou Castello). - : ( | 00
Sentence L-In addition to ‘being carbon. neutral, what other adjective describes’ wood that makes it compelling. as a renewable energy source? * Sentence 2 Dogjnant uses were for furniture and building construction. @ | 11
‘Sentence 1, What : ‘year was. per he y pattern theory developed? . " i ba Sentence 2 In 1955, DC Sinclair oad G- Medel Beveloper pay ipheral ated “theory,” based ‘on ion’ by. “dotn Poul Nave - key " s | 00
Sentence t What kind of poetry inspired Ottoman Divan Poetry? Sentence 2: From the Persian poetry that largely inspired i, it inherited ‘a weath of symbols whose meanings and interrelationships—both of simiitude (li Clel,o mura’at- nazir were more or (tezad sLai) and opposition (tendsiib cuulil / less prescribed. | 00
2HfSentence 1 *. }] Sentence se | 11
Sentence 1: In which areas ane the four stendard Serbo-Crostion varants spoken? Sentence 2 Other hngutsts have argued that the dfferonces between the variants of Serbo-Croatian are less sigmificant than these betwan the vant of Emplsh, German, Dutch and Hindi Uda, | 11
+ Seatence i What does ty 2ROM sizod fare: | 00
Sentence 1 How is Victoria related to: Elizabeth? Sentence 2 In 2016, she surpassed the reign of her greatgreatgrandmether, Queen Victoria, fo bacome the Angestreigning British head of state and the Angestreigning queen regnant in world history. | 00
Sentence 1: How many public airports does Oklahoma have? Sentence 2: In total, Oklahoma has over 150 public-use airports. | 00
Sentence 1: Who did Diadochi plan to marry? Sentence 2: The first of the Diadochi wars broke out when Perdiccas planned to marry Alexander's sister Cleopatra and began to question Antigonus_ 1 Monophthalmus’ leadership in Asia Minor. | 00
Sentence What resils from’ methods ised ‘to. “encode aiid decode data? Sentence 2: Soite. codecs will analyze ‘a Wenger segment of the-data to optimize: efficiericy; and: dhen:code jt ina mariner that'requires. a'larger segtnent of data at onetime to decode: | 11
‘Sentence k Wher ws sgn of 4 ANUS Treaty te 01987 ‘Santon 2: HOGA dart te wary stapes off Cold Wr, Mzns spon wf fh pombiity ofa lomng ted warts | 11
sentence 1: The symmetry group of the general theory of | elativity includes what? Sentence 2: The syrmeti of the general theory of relativity 2 Modes al htiable transformations, te all properties of an object =e ynamical, in other words there 27 fo absolute objects. | 00
4: In what city was the 3rd Army jased in June of 1941? fence 2: In June 1941, he was appointed hief of Staff to General Walter Krueger, ‘ommander of the 3rd Army, at Fort Sam jouston in San Antonio, Texas. | 00
Sentence 1: If an object is black, what is known about m? s thermal light emi Sentence 2: If the object is black, absorbs all the light that hits it, then its thermal light emission is meaning maximized. | 00
Sentence 1: Over what time period were.the Western Kshatrapas in power? Sentence 2: It_is_believed that Western Kshatrapas (405-35 BC) were Saka rulers the western part of India (Saurashtra and Malwa: modérn Gujarat, Southern Sindh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan), | 00
‘Sentence |: What do Muslims think of Christianity? Sentence 2: The view that all theists actually worship the same god, whether they know it or| not, is especially emphasized in Hinduism and| Sikhism. | 11
Sentence 1: Which former liberal founded the Australian Democrats in 1977? Sentence 2: On the other hand, the Liberals have done increasingly well in recent years among socially conservative workifig- voters.[citation needed|However the Liberal Party's key support base remains the upper-middle classes; 16 of the 20 richest federal electorates are held by the Liberals, most of which are safe seats. | 11
mc 12, What type of levaidr:is: bette’ Siited aulic: freight -elevatars: Aléewie.elevatgis ‘are more “energy: eifident for thie: work oF freight Jifting. [citation néeded]: | 00
Sentence 1: Who has authority of school systems in Switzerland? Sentence 2: The minimum age for primary school is about six years in all cantons, but most cantons | 11
‘Sentence 1: How mony industry models ore followed for the production process of poultry? Sentence 2 Sixteen billion birds ore raised ‘annually for consumption, more than half of these in industriolised, foctory-like production units. | 11
Sota Is ihn in de Bop A Seay Se ediric? ‘Sentoice: 2: It. is spose that this wis the Tait eat of he Reiman Catholic Diocese of Sthasbouig, . | 11
Sentence k-What gun was the’ French Brocq systern: Used with? Sentence 2 The Fench broca systérn was eleétrical, the. operator. entered’ the target “rarige. and Had displays-at guns; it was used.with their 75 mm: | 00
Sentence: 1: What is the Londén-Outer Orbital Path, commonly. referred as? : ‘Sentence 2iOther’ slong... distance paths, linking green spaces, have. also: béen-éreated: including the Capital. Ring; :thé. Green. Chain Walk’; :Léndon™ Outer. Orbital’. Rath.("Loop");” jubilee: Walkway, “Led.“Valley Walk; and the _Diana.Princess of Wales Memorial Walk. | 00
sentence t What i the man di ference box tesfing ond white-box > 2: Biack-bo' sctoeatiy Wathout: any Kaowledge of terfot: imdementation, without seeng the irce code. : | 00
Sentence 1: What is the longest Contiguous Coastline in the US Sentence 2: Much of the state is at or near sea level and is characterized by sedimentary soil. * * * * | 11
| Sentence 1: How much money did the Marshall Islands receive yearly from the United States until 20135 Sentence 2: Under terms of the Amended Compact of Free Association, the Us is committed to Provide USS$577 million per year in assistance ‘to the Marshall “Islands (RMI) through 2013, and then USS62.7 million through 2023, at which time a trust fund, made Up of U.S. and RMI contributions, will begin Perpetual | 00
Sentence 1: What do female birds have that, allow, sperm from males, to.remain viable long after, copulation? Sentence, 2: Males..of Species that ,engage ;in. extra-pair, Copulations will closely. guard. their .mates,to ensure the Parentage of the offspring that. they raise, | 11
Sentence I in 1793-what wat.was the french ‘involded in“ even ‘without a big military presences? Sentence 2: Aihoogh these ‘small outposts remained. French: possessions” for the: next two: hundred: years,’ French “ambitions on India. tertifories “were effectively laid:“fo test,thus -eliminating’.a. major. source’ of economic coinpetition: for the company. | 11
Subsets and Splits