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The twitch streamer I watch a lot just got canceled Feels bad man | non-suicide |
Fuckin nothing to live for anymore after what I saidI made a slightly sexist statement about the new WAP song and dance and have now had the entire year level and more worth of girls send me threatening messages as well as a public feud with one girl in particular about it and had my one main female friend group cut me out as they all hate me now. To make it even better my girl best friend told me she isn't going to talk to me much until I sort my self out although within the arguments had my opinion had changed but no one believes. All I had before this was my two guys best mates and her but now with her pretty much ditching me, it makes it so hard to have anything to look forward to. Where I live we are in a stage four lockdown and have no will to live at all as all I hear is hate and can't talk about it to my mates as they are opposed to me. I have nothing to look forward to or get excited about. I have nothing left and just pain. Would kill myself in an instant if it meant my mother and brother and father would not have to live with the pain. JUST WANT TO END IT ALL AND NO ONE KNOWS and no one would care because I'm public enemy # | suicide |
QuestionDoes anyone else think that if someone is fundamentally sad that suicide may be the correct choice? I do support euthanasia and with that in mind I watch people I know struggle with depression and suicidal ideation. I wonder if it would be more humane to let people die instead of encouraging them to stay alive. I've watched people struggle through treatments that haven't worked. I've watched my mum have suicidal ideation for my entire life. I am aware she tried to kill herself a few times before she had children as well. Because we have hope as humans we encourage others to live and that "it will get better, this is only temporary" "permanent solution to a temporary problem" but with the suicide rate so high in the elderly I'm pretty sure it doesn't get better and if it does there will still be the point where it heads back down. I feel guilty for trying to keep my friend alive. What makes me so special that he has to keep feeling like this just because I need him and so I feel less alone. That's so fucking selfish of me. I've had suicidal ideation for years. I can't do this for another . Abject misery interspersed with moments of " in this moment it's ok" or having a cat snuggle up to me. It's not worth the pay off. I have my plan. My sister is about to give birth so I have to wait for a least a year. I can't be that much of a cunt. Just pretend everything is ok and then I'll be swinging in a tree on the golf course. | suicide |
Reason number why band class is great A girl in my band class was talking about a greek survival house she was building minecraft for a history project, and my band teacher thought she said grapefruit bible house. Anyways now everyone in the chat is worshipping the church of citrus. Band class has become even more culty than it already was. | non-suicide |
I just want to die so badlyI've tried hanging myself over and over but it doesn't work. My life is pathetic and I hate who I am. | suicide |
Uhh someone help me decide So I got paid today and my account is now at $. I see that Airpod Pros are $ ($ w. Tax) and I really want to get them. I already have nd Gen Airpods, and I feel like this is way too good of a deal to get. I would have like $ left in my bank account | non-suicide |
my brother's putting together a PC with our dad in the next room I heard my dad say "Don't force it", my brother angrily replying "I know, that's why I'm not" and then I hear a plastic-snapping noise | non-suicide |
Not attractive with no worthso much in my life has been taken away from me because im not pretty. i dont want to be alive because of my looks. i didnt know i would do this | suicide |
Are we really weakI sometimes wonder if we are really weak to be thinking about suicide or life has just dealt a bad hand. | suicide |
I'm a white male survivor of an attempt, reconsidering...I want to be a writer but I can't get a job, I'm trying to break into some kind of industry, I took too much time doing nothing, too much time depressed about doing nothing, too much deliberating my future, I don't feel anyone wants to hear anything I have to say, the world feels so cur shingly indifferent to me, I have projects with friends that I do but I get distracted, I can't do anything right, no one wants to talk to me, I live at home and even though my parents mean well, they are filled with hate and love Trump, it's hard to like them, sometimes I feel like I may be bisexual but I've been assaulted by gay men and I have been molested by my teacher, I feel contaminated by this, I feel like no one will ever love me romantically again, my ex left me for someone with more money, I don't feel like I have anything to offer anybody, even though I have problems with my parents I'm scared of losing them, scared of moving out, I feel like I can't do anything right, I hate myself and I feel that I'm fighting a meaningless battle against a wave of indifference that just simply doesn't care for me. I hate that I feel so much self pity and hate, I don't feel like I can ever get out of this, I hate that I tried once but sometimes I feel like maybe I was right in the first place. I lost a friend to suicide... I saw the warning signs but I didn't think she'd do it. I don't think there was anything I could do. I met others that attempted suicide at the clinic, I don't know what happened to them, I'm scared they're all dead, I wanted to save them but you can't save anyone, I can't even seem to save myself | suicide |
The 's would look like the littest decade If it weren't for like the racism and war and shit like that. I've always loved the 's retro futurism asthetic. This isn't one of those 'le wrong generation' post I'm just saying I would like the 's if it weren't for the shit I mentioned earlier. | non-suicide |
Day of posting the phrase liquid whales until I get a girlfriend (or more likely forget to post) Id do anything In my power To see you see you just smile I want you to come prosper And come proper Even if that means I aint by your side Devil on my shoulder tellin me Ill die soon I dont really want that to impact you But I dont know, maybe Im just paranoid I just want whats best for you, I just want whats left of you Oh, youre telling me youre sad inside Im sad that I cant satisfy Yeah, I pray I get it right this time Maybe well be alright *and todays filler was brought to you by Juice WRLD and The Weekend and their song, Smile* | non-suicide |
Being bullied at school, what should i do? There are three persons who are constantly trying to put their fingers in my ass, and i cant live normal bc of that, any help? | non-suicide |
i always smell like victorias secret & weed. just a lil bit i rly became the stoner chick i always dreamed of being woooooow. ok. it's pretty lame honestly | non-suicide |
QnA Go ahead | non-suicide |
I almost got a six pack by laughing at memes Ye that's my life But also though pe in school so ye ... | non-suicide |
Whats so cool about virginity? Im genuinely curious Filler filler Filler filler Filler filler Filler filler Filler filler Filler filler Filler filler | non-suicide |
One way or another, I'll finally find peaceIt's permanent but if the treatment isn't working I can see myself checking out soon. I've been looking it up alot lately, dying doesn't seem too bad. I always switch between feeling positive and wanting to kill myself, it's a coin flip now. Learning I have depression really put icing on my cake. Not surprised, don't care about people anymore, no less than they care about me. I'm not angry, sad or happy. Just numb or guilty and afraid. This had been getting worse for years. But I know Mum'll blame herself. So I'll get better once citalopram kicks in or I disappear. Fuck me, I can't do this. | suicide |
If you are depressed please for the love of god stay off twitter.Its the most toxic place to ever exist .. i hate to be the "i was born in the wrong generation guy" and as much as i appreciate my generstion (gen z) for being somewhat more accepting than generations before, i would've loved to be a teen in the early s or the s in general it just seemed less stressful. Maybe im looking at it with rose tinted glasses but i dont think teen culture or people on social media have ever been this bad. | suicide |
Im super paranoid I have a project in school where I have to talk to basically my entire school (my school is new so theres not that many people but still). Im fucking scared | non-suicide |
I have to stay alive for tonight at leastugh. im a ballet teacher at a local studio and i have exactly one child in my class. so i guess im not killing myself tonight even though i want to really really badly. that little girl wants to learn to dance and i need to be there for her, its not her fault her teacher is a suicidal mess nor does she need to know about it. i lost my one support system a few days ago and now i guess i need to post on reddit to get any kind of help. i dont want to burden or trigger my friends because most of them struggle with the exact same things. i started self harming again too which is just fucking dandy, can't wait to have mutilated ass legs in a couple weeks i guess. but i mean on the bright side i got an appointment with a therapist, but her name is "Dr. Slaughter" so that's uh. comforting. i guess. working with kids genuinely brightens up my life, so im excited to start working again. maybe ill have some purpose in my life again? ive been missing that purpose for a very long time and have been struggling really really badly. i hope working with my students helps. i really do. i know im gonna kill myself one day, but today is not that day. | suicide |
what makes a man distinct from a woman? I'm not entirely sure, but I hear there's a vas deferens | non-suicide |
I just thought of this I should be doing homework but I just realized, if skyscrapers are made of concrete and glass and because those things (concrete and glass) are made of sand then skyscrapers are just very tall sandcastles. | non-suicide |
Please helpHow do I find a doctor who can approve my assisted suicide? Would I just be going to my regular doctor and starting there? It is legal in the country I live in | suicide |
I'm extremely hurt. ok so yesterday I was vibin doing my school work and stuff and my Father comes upstairs and takes my phone, and I'm like ok..- then I go downstairs and I see him reading through the messages with me and my boyfriend and after a few minutes, he reads through the messages with me and my friend Sprite. After that he forced me to block them on everything, insta, messages and ps-. After that I starting crying knowing that I hurt them. My dad asked me 'What's wrong" and I said "You hurt me." And then he didn't respond and I went back upstairs and did the rest of my school work. A couple of hours later I finished my school work and played Rainbow Six Siege, Rocket League and Minecraft with one of my friends. Once we played for about hours he left and I got off, then I started remembering all the good times me and my boyfriend and Sprite had- I started to cry and shit and my dad came upstairs asking me what's wrong and I'm like "IT HURTS, IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS" then he proceeds to give me a lecture on how it's not his fault. Then I have a hour long mental breakdown, and now I really want to die. This is not the first time he has done this, he has done this other times. Idk what to do..- | non-suicide |
Deep voices kinda hot ngl Oh and uh, red kinda sus he just did the sex | non-suicide |
What should i do ? I am an emo teen boy. And people bully me cuz im emo, they beat me, steal my things, try to make my friends against me, spread rumors. One time i got to the hospital cuz a group of girls beat me so hard. What should i do ? | non-suicide |
anyone wanna join a epic group chat? its pretty epic pm me or comment if you wanna join | non-suicide |
To my fellow pokenerds. How has the anniversary Pokmon card collecting been going? Just wondering if anyone else is collecting. | non-suicide |
Ill give gold to the top comment on this post in hours When this post is hours old, even if theres only one comment, Ill give gold to that comment. The top one gets it, so may the odds be in your favour :) Also, Ive done this before and still have it on my profile if you want proof that its legit. Anyways, have fun | non-suicide |
It's one of those days and I'm backA lot has changed for me over the past year. I've achieved a lot, I've grown a lot. On days like this though, it feels like it's all just one step off a bridge away from being pointless. Which it is. It's just exhausting being so alone all the time. I've created such a good facade for myself that I, me, the real me is just invisible. No one knows that I exist, the version of me that would end my career, and destroy what little in the way of human relationships that I have. I've heard that it's quite unlikely that a trans woman of colour will make it to thirty. I have less than a year left now, but it truly feels like I've overstayed my welcome in this world, an abomination that never should have existed. | suicide |
a question for the girls how the actual heck do you shave yuour legs and rear no seriously, how? I tried and now i have a bad rash | non-suicide |
It's never to late to get help.I have ptsd from sexual abuse, bi polar depression, and have had some brief periods of psychosis. It appears that I have suicidal ocd where I have the overwhelming craving to kill myself. The only reason I never fully went through with it, is because of my mom. I have struggled years of self harm, it being the only reason I didn't off myself for quite A while. I felt irremediable and hopeless, like nothing could ever get better. All day and night I felt and looked woebegone, it took ages just to feel even the slightest bit of joy, I was so close to killing myself...but then something changed. I met a girl that I fell in love with, I got the confidence to tell my family which i never had the willpower to do so, I am now in therapy getting A plethora of advice and ways to improve myself and mind, and also find ways to alleviate the pain instead of physically harming myself. I felt so lost, so low, so close to suicide, but I didn't give up, I stayed willful, and I didn't do it. Even now I still sometimes feel like dying, i'm not completely better, but I am improving, I am getting better, I once thought that was impossible. If anyone reading this feels terrible, feels alone, feels as if they are doomed to live a life of hell and want to die, try to take my story as some bit of hope. You never know how many people truly love and care for you, ask for help, if help doesn't come be patient, suicide is never the answer. | suicide |
Why shouldn't I kill myself?Here's a run down off my situation. I just moved back to Christchurch, New Zealand after ten years in Australia. I'm . I am staying with a distant relative on the presumption that I will get a job and move out soon. I have a job at a bar to help me get by until I get a real job. I don't get along with my family but they're helping me financially, too. I don't know anyone. I used to have friends but lost them all. I went to a good school and am plagued by thoughts of what my life could have been. I didn't finish my degree. I want to go back to uni but nothing I'm interested in will end up paying well (philosophy, politics, music engineering, fine art). I'm miserable all the time. I used to smoke weed all the time but have stopped now. I have nothing. I have no one. The only prospect I have is some office job I might get. I've had similar jobs before. They're not fulfilling. My family and I don't really get along. I'm just at a loss and I don't know what to do. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm on the verge of doing something drastic like killing myself or robbing somewhere and living relatively well for a while before killing myself or something. I want to do well and succeed. I want to live a normal life so I can exceed that and be exceptional. Please help. P.S. I am capable of writing very well but I threw caution to the wind with this post because I'm a bit manic right now. Also, articulating things well is actually emotionally exhausting so I decided to get everything out in a non-linear stream of consciousness for pragmatic reasons. Please help. Thanks | suicide |
So pissed off right now I saw this vid on tiktok where these two girls went I miss when men went to war and never came back like to you know how fucking offensive that is. And it had K likes aswell. My dads in the army and him going off to war is one of my biggest fears we live in Ireland so theres only a small chance of that happening, but hes been close to death before. Its just plain sexism that those girls think they have the place to say that and it really makes me sad. | non-suicide |
Never EndingIve been going through shit this past year. My mental health has plummeted these past months and Ive been fantasizing about self-harming all year. My oldest sister has been going at it with my mother and they sometimes get into heated arguments. My sister referenced her wanting to end it all after a fight with her boyfriend but the only thing my mother & father said was that people go to Hell if they do that. Thats the only thing that matters to them. For me, the road to Heaven is already ruined because of my sexuality. If Im going there anyway, whats the point of waiting? This isnt the first time she referenced this before. My mother has seen me look depressed and thought it would be best to tell me that if I commit suicide, I will burn it Hell. I was to self-destruct. I see why people take drugs. I need to feel. Dreaming about slitting my wrists only soothes me for so long. I cant wait to get away. years of living and no one has ever loved me. Im a worthless closeted homo and I feel that world is laughing at me. I will finally get the last laugh once I hang myself. Didnt want to ruin Christmas but now since Christmas is over, I have nothing holding me back. My depression has turn into anger. Most days, I feel rage and isolation. Nothing really brings me joy in this life. | suicide |
Update: Its COVID This is an update on [this]( post. So, my father just received a call from the lab he went to do the testing, it came out positive for COVID. It may not come as a surprise, but well, I had thought we made all great in terms of protecting us. Luckily it seems he is ok, for now, he gets degree fevers in the mornings but recovers to . after a short time, so thats great, he is just weak. And another thing, my sister, my mother and me have no symptoms, yet, but we were exposed so we are surely infected. If anything important happens I will update. And yes, this is completely real, I dont like karmawhoring. | non-suicide |
Does anyone do die hard coding/programming, or interested in entrepreneurship/stock investment? If you love coding or if you doing computer science and engineering or learning about stock exchange, then hmu. Our conversation gonna be cool. | non-suicide |
Failed uniFailed uni for the second time, can I kill myself now? | suicide |
Guys help I need some advice, i was raised in an abusive family without any emotion or affection untill months ago. When i was adopted by another family due to a jugde telling my parents to get their shit together. Its been months since and today is my birthday. I got presents and shit, its wonderfull really. But my (new) sis told me my (new) parents were dissapointed that i didnt show gratitude or happiness. HOW????? How do i show happiness guys wtf i dont know shhdbdodne | non-suicide |
reddit is actually the worst social media reddit is literally the worst social media out there. yes its worse than instagram that you hate. all this is is neckbeards sitting on the computer hours a day with their ham and cheese sandwhich either telling you to fuck yourself and die because you choose to play fortnite, or posting about how you are better than everyone else because you use this dumbass app. go ahead and downvote this if you want to keep sucking reddits dick | non-suicide |
Lets see how many of you I recognize I wanna see how much of you guys I recognize just for fun. If I dont, then I will remember for next time | non-suicide |
Im getting cancelled for making a joke. How do I deal with backlash and hate? Ive already been doxxed, hacked, publicly humiliated, threaten, and been contacted by the school. What is the best way to handle this situation? | non-suicide |
you should, like, totally join my discord server hi ! me and some friends started a new server a few weeks ago bc we were bored :) we're at about members right now ! the community is pretty nice, we do events (hunger games simulator in progress rn !), and we don't have too many channels, so it doesn't get cluttered. and we're funny sometimes :) the link is on my profile - pinned post ! see you there \:) ps: don't worry about having missed this hunger games event - we'll have more in the future :) | non-suicide |
I hate myself, and I also hate myself for hating myself.I have been depressed for several months now. I'll just lay in bed all day, rotating between feeling emotionally numb and complete anguish. And I fucking hate myself for it. I feel so guilty, knowing that a lot of people have it worse than me. I have a steady income, a mostly peaceful family life, and I don't have to worry about getting killed in the streets.  I feel like such an ungrateful bitch, and this will probably be my last post here. I'm planning on throwing myself into a lake near my house. To anyone who sees this, you just wasted your valuable time reading a pathetic post about a waste of flesh and blood. I'm sorry. And to all the people suffering out there, I hope life gets better for you. | suicide |
anti capitalists, why are you anti capitalism anti capitalists, why are you anti capitalism | non-suicide |
My crush announced on her private spam account that she got a date days before I had a chance to ask her and I feel worse than when Ive been rejected by other people previously because I never even got the chance Ive been slowly getting closer to this girl I met at the beginning of this school year, building up the confidence to finally ask her out. I was never super excited about my chances since Im below average in the look department and shes about a year older than me, but I figured I had an ok shot since we have similar tastes in anime, music tastes, we both are in band, we watch similar movies, were both gamers, and we even shared playlists a few times. Today, after a band practice, I was feeling really good about her since we hung out and joked together the entire time. With that and the new medication I was put on for my mental health issues, I was finely confident enough to do it. After I got home I sat down and made a plan to ask her out for coffee and to go to a local place near us to hang out as a date. Thats when things went wrong. I checked my Instagram since I was messaging a friend. I see a post from her private spam account. Someone asked her out and she said yes. I feel... crushed. A type of emotional drain I havent felt in years. Ive been rejected a couple times by various girls for various reasons, and none have compared to what Im feeling right now. I didnt get rejected, my chance got taken away. I had an opportunity and I was too scared to take it because I was a coward who was scared to lose the one person who has brought him a sliver of happiness in more than a year. I cant stop thinking of her. I have a project due in the morning Ive been staring at for thirty minutes because I can only think of her and the opportunity I refused to take. But anyways, hows your guys day been? | non-suicide |
I can't... It's so stressful...I just can'tI just want it to end. I'm sick if being cold, stressed out and feeling overwhelmed and empty. I want to cut myself really badly but I can't. I can't cope right now it feels like there's something stuck in my throat and in panicking. There's nothing to be panicked about but I am. Why is life so awful? What's wrong with me? Why can't I just have a normal happy childhood? What happened. You dont need to reply to my bullshit, it was just a vent sorry for wasting your time. | suicide |
I want to end it, but Im so scaredEverything is going wrong and its all my fault. Im failing all my classes in college, I dont have any motivation to work or even do the things that used to bring me joy like reading or writing. Ive racked up so much credit card debt by trying to eat my problems away, making myself even more obese than I once was. Most of my friends stopped talking to me after high school. It seems like Im the only one who attempts to make plans to hangout or reach out to talk. I want to get help, but I cant afford it. A mental hospital would put me back thousands, therapists and psychologists all have waiting lists, and even without them I still couldnt afford it. The campus psychologist wont email me back, I think theyre all booked, but I havent gotten a response so I could be wrong. I hate talking to people about all this shit, and the suicide hotline has done me more harm than good. Its not the pain of dying that scares me, its what comes after. I have a sort of romanticized thought of being a ghost or spirit. Watching all my friends and family live their lives and seeing what comes next for them while I can just sort of exist without all the pain Im feeling now. Im scared if there being nothing. Im not religious, but I do believe in ghosts, but what if Im wrong? I cant comprehend the thought of my consciousness just being gone, and it absolutely terrifies me. I wish there was some sort of concrete evidence so I know what will happen. | suicide |
i dont even know this isnt gonna be long  im not suicidal or anything but sometimes i feel like not existing does anyone else ever feel this way | non-suicide |
I have a confession.. I fuck dogs I can't stop | non-suicide |
College ApplicationsWas just finishing up my last common applications for collage and at the end there was a step I didnt remember doing for my all other applications. I just checked and even though I paid and everything I didnt finish up the signature and I havent applied to a single college. Im panicking and feeling like I just fucked my whole life up. | suicide |
Painless means to die?I live with a family and my moves are watched, I want something painless that can be found in a normal household (I dont want anyone to suspect anything) | suicide |
So my job is mandating masks on the th For everybody, even night workers(me) Now, I have no problem with this but the thing that annoys me is that as far as i knew the company considered the pandemic over back in June when they took away our hazard pay and let go the majority of the extra staff they hired throughout the company. I just think that if they now want to enforce masks they should be paying the hazard pay again because clearly the pandemic isnt over. But i doubt thatll happen because the company has a bad reputation and the owners are greedy as fuck | non-suicide |
People take being normal for grantedTo have ambitions,goals,dreams. To hang out with friends. Finding joy in your hobbies. To not wake up everyday wishing that you didn't. For someone that feel like an outcast his entire life, normal people really don't know how good they have it. | suicide |
I'm chipper about suicide.I find it interesting how so many people on this subreddit are going through so much mental anguish with their approach to suicide, and I'm over here just pleased as punch that I have a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to. I'm not attempting to demean anyone, I wish I gave a shit about my life enough to have any significant pain when looking into the concept of suicide. I've grown up hearing the phrase "You don't want suicide, you want an end to the problem." And I mean, yeah for the vast majority of people struggling with ideation, that's probably the case, but here I am like "Nah, I just really want to be euthanised." Does anyone else have this view? Does it ruin your relationships with other people like it does to me? Is there any short term hope for us in the time that we have left on this world? | suicide |
Your turn i guessI just hope you are alright. You seemed to be ok. So idk what happened so suddenly. Guess i get to experience now how it is to not know if you are alive or not. Maybe you'll get back to me after a few months like i did. Or you'll stay away from me forever. Weird stuff. I won't forget you or Muru. If you are still out there, best of luck. | suicide |
bored are you ? any other lonely people want to talk? | non-suicide |
Hi.Hi guys. I don't know what there is to say. These days, I'm sad or apathetic all the time. Brief moments of happiness are had, but the sadness always comes back, and it's not even an intense depression - it's just some sort of throbbing constant ache. I hide it pretty well, and none of my friends have an idea other than the ones that I've told. I'm glad I'm not burdening my friends and that I can help them when they come to me with their problems, but I wish they would offer it instead of having to ask them for help. I feel like no one cares about me, but I know they do. Everything's a contradiction these days; I just spent half an hour counseling my friend out of killing herself and now I want to do exactly the same. I was looking up how to obtain cyanide because I was worried she'd get her hands on some, but now I know how to get it. I don't think I'll actually end up doing anything, just wanted to get this off my chest. | suicide |
preparing myself mentally and physicallyI don't know why i feel like this. i feel absolutely terrible right now and recently i started to have random light headaches aswell... i just want peace. i want this feeling to stop thats all i want but it never goes away. once a while i get this terrible feeling inside me that i dont know hot to explain. maybe its because im not social? because im home /? i dont know what else i can do. i dont enjoy anything anymore. i know i need help but i cant get any help.   I have started to accept that death may seems to be the only way out for me. i am prepared to die. mentally and physically.   i ate my last meal yesterday and right now i am going to drink just water to flush out my organs. after a week of drinking just water i am going to overdose myself with my epileptic pills (Depakine ethic & carbamazepine) in the hope that it may kill me. i used to take them a long time ago but i stopped because...I don't remember... i just didn't wanted to take them anymore. i got a bunch of these left.   i made this topic so i can write my last words. as soon as i decided that its time for me to go. i will write it up here, swallow my pills and enter my bed. in case i change my mind for whatever reason i wil try to write it down also. Thank you for reading | suicide |
It's not a temporary problem.I want to die. I want to get stabbed or shot or just die in some way. I want to die *now* so I don't have to fail this fucking class. If I somehow weasel my way out of failing, then I want to die because I don't want to have to struggle through even worse classes next quarter. If I get through that, then I want to die because I'll have even worse classes. And if I get through all of that, then I still want to die because I'm alone. It's not a temporary problem. It's a never ending supply of temporary problems. What's the prize at the end? Nothing. It's a choice. I can end it now and be freed of this suffering, or keep on taking this for years, overcoming obstacles and being in pain most of the time. It's an obvious choice. It's not like I was going to change the world. It's not like there's anyone I love who is worth fighting for. I don't want to die. I want to find someone to love, and fight through life so I can be happy with them, but I'm not fucking delusional and I know how unrealistic that is. Death is just the lesser of two evils. | suicide |
Feeling suicidal cause of internetSome people on the internet unfairly bashed a piece of entertainment I liked. They called me trash and that I like trash stuff. And also that I'm not a true fan for liking the trash I feel like just ending my life to stop the pain, it keeps on coming back no matter how hard I try to ignore it. It hurts so much | suicide |
Ok remind me to never talk about the Holocaust conspiracy theory around people ever again. I was talking to this girl about it and she got really mad and doesnt want to talk to me | non-suicide |
About to (not) graduate from college.I just need to write this all down somewhere I think. I really don't know. I'm a senior in college in my would be last quarter. I've been doing poorly in my classes lately and I've slacked off much more than I really should have in a two quarter senior project course series. At absolute miracle of miracles best I pass all my classes, my senior project team mates are angels and pity pass me in their end of project reviews. More realistically I have to take two more quarters of classes starting this fall. I'm on anti-depressant, I'm married, my wife is graduating this spring too. And actually will compared to me. I'm addicted to a legal high called kratom that gives me bad depressive withdrawals all on its own, as if I didn't have enough legitimate reasons to be depressed anyway. I've been tapering down on kratom but I still know I've fucked up royally and the amount I'm taking barely keeps me from crying most times. Worse yet my wife and I had been planning on moving to Taiwan this fall to begin the next part of ours lives teaching english. Now all I can see is the pit I'm in I can barely keep it together most days. I feel like I've ruined my life, I'm going to lose my wife because I wasn't ready to move forward with my life. If I don't lose her after I fail my classes it just feels like I'll lose her down the road to the resentment she'll feel for me for holding her back. (Some kind of warning here ) I think about offing myself to just so I don't hold her back from her dream of living abroad. I'm so incredibly ashamed that I've not only wasted two quarters of my life, tuition, parental assistance, but I'm also holding my wife back and I was stupid enough to get addicted to something other than nicotine. Its just really a long ways down here, in this pit. I don't want to do it. I really don't. I don't. I just don't see a way out. And I'm so very alone down here. It hurts in a profound way I didn't know was even possible. | suicide |
Been comsidering suicide for a year... now i think is the timeI am reposting this as my phone erased my last post. to make it short here i am at my wits ends starting college no girl and just domt see a future in myself, Christian and of course losing my faith, I am just worthless as can be never done anything important just dont see a future in myself, been thinking about suicide for a year but i think ive reached the bottom of the barrel here and i want out I know where my grampas revolver is and i am planning on using it. Ive never been loved by a girl just had a shallow relationship once which really went out the roof in high school, I am pretty much done here in life im not motivated Bout starting college again I dont even think i will get accepted Im supposed to hear back from them but nothing i just dont care anymore about anything I had a plan about graduating college getting a job in cybersecurity finding a girl and starting a life have kids but alas i dont see that happening im too old job aint gonna want me anymore girls these days dont want a guy like me (they really never did ) I just want this whole thing to be over I am tired I wake up feel like crap and just want to end it all. | suicide |
So I waited until my depression got better but I still want to die.Got through one of the lowest points in my life recently and came out the other side intact. People constantly told me hang on and it'll get better. And it has. But I still want to die. I think I'll kill myself soon. I'm not depressed anymore but the world doesn't feel right. I think living doesn't suit me. I guess this is it for me. Got a birthday party for a friend next week so I'll wait til after. It'd suck if his birthday got ruined over me. | suicide |
Anyone wanna DM? Reallllyyy bored and I wanna talk to someone. Message me if youd like! | non-suicide |
Everyday the sameThey bully me, call me a crazy drug addict, I just smoke medical marijuana, Im not some strung out meth Beth somewhere, Im trying to cope with my crazy freakin childhood. They even smoke weed, fucking hypocrites, now I feel like dying, they dont even like it when I smoke with them I get attitude and abuse then they tell me its all my fault. Like what did I do to you, your so controlling and Im the crazy fucking addict. If I dont do what they say theyll just take me to the mental hospital, I get thrown through the ringer, they dont give a fuck, my brother pushed me around at work then called me delusional said I made the whole thing up and said I need to take more medicine, like who does that, having me think Im going crazy, dont hit me, then he air punches me in the head today out of anger. My little brother tells me that he wants to hit me too, so I tell him to do it, if that would make him happier, I just wish my life would end, Fuck these people already, they call themselves my family, thats a joke. | suicide |
I am the most worthless, useless, pathetic person on the planet.I'm not sure where to start. Everything about me is wrong. First, my physical deformities. My body is shaped unnaturally for a man, I have hips and buttocks like a woman's. It makes me feel like a warped freak. My shoulders are bony and jut out. I am scrawny and hunchbacked. Also my face is disgustingly ugly. Like, really, really repulsive. Then there are my mental conditions, I have severe anxiety, whenever a girl acknowledges me I start sweating and shaking. I once ran away when a friend needed by help against a bully. I also have mild autism which has made my life very difficult. The few times I've been comfortable around someone I just say stupid things or make weird noises like a freak. I am extremely obsessive and unwittingly behave stalkerish/perverted around girls sometimes. Not sure if it's related but I also twitch all the time. I also have no attention span and struggle in school. I am incompetent at everything. I have no skills. I screw up everything. I am physically pathetic, I can't even run for a minute and I am laughably weak. There is not one thing I can say that I am good or skilled at. Thanks to my disgusting body, inability to socialise and incompetence I have never or will ever meet a partner. I am and have not ever held a girls hands. Everyone I know is sexually active whereas I am stuck alone, with no option than to masturbate, a lot, and I mean a lot. I feel this may have contributed to my complete lack of motivation but if I try and stop I literally start shaking from the withdrawal. I will die a virgin guaranteed. In the past women have reacted to my mere presence with absolute disgust, and I don't blame them. In short, I am a disgusting, ugly, stupid, incompetent freak who fails at being human. I have no other option but to remove myself from the gene pool, if I only had the balls to do it. Is there any reason for me to live at all? | suicide |
List everything you hate in one comment I'm bored | non-suicide |
Ive given up on lifeThis is just too much for me, Im too weak for this shit. Ive been having some very strong suicidal feelings and I decided to seek treatment, lean on friends and start medication, none of it helped. Ive been taking a shit ton of Ambien recently and sadly its losing its effect, I cant even get proper sleep anymore. I feel more alone than ever despite seeking help from everybody, this is too much for me. Im looking into a sure way to end it all, I was thinking of purposely ODing but the survival rates arent good enough for me. I guess I need to find a way to hang myself, I broke the only fixture in my room trying to do it some time ago and now I need to find some place to do it. Id like to die in the middle of the woods at night but I dont like the thought of scaring anybody who finds me. Sorry for whining this much, I just dont have anywhere else to go | suicide |
Somebody made a post about telling the people here to rearrange her guts with their dicks Welp I only have one thing to say #**DIVER DOWN** !!! | non-suicide |
Starting today, I'm going to attempt to fix my sleep schedule before school starts in a couple days. My plan is to go to sleep at -: and get up at so yeah. Very interesting story ik. | non-suicide |
I need help.I'm , suffered from extreme depression and anxiety my entire life. I attempted suicide about three years ago and still haven't recovered. I've been unemployed for those three years and picked up an alcohol problem along the way.  I still live with my parents and spend my days sitting in front of my computer /. I need dental and physical therapy but can't afford it so I'm in constant pain.  Enrolled in college and dropped out within the first month. The few friends I have left emigrated. The future is bleak and I'm considering killing myself tonight. | suicide |
( -_) lemme snip ur cut G Nice cut G *slaps u across the face with a bullet* give me the number of ur barber | non-suicide |
I can't live in this world knowing there is no love and magic.I am hurting so much. After years on earth and countless relationships, I found someone with whom I connected so deeply that I cannot imagine that there is anyone else in the world that could make me feel 'right'. He is like my reflection and at the same time he is the calm to my storm and I am the excitement he was seeking. I was a diehard disbeliever with respect to 'love and soulmates' but this man changed my mind. He expressed mutual feelings. Then he dumped me. I am lost now. I just can't see ever being in any relationship where I can feel anything for anyone. I will subconsciously and consciously now prevent myself from feeling anything for anyone. I have no kids, no close friends, no real family to say I am loved by anyone. I could actually see a future with this man. Now I see nothing. Empty nothing in my future. We were on the same page and suddenly we are not. How can I stay in a world that is lacking in love and magic. I was very wrong in thinking all my life that maybe its possible. I found it and i lost it or it was never real or I was tricked by a man or by the universe or something. I can't do this again. All I wanted was to feel safe in a relationship and I am obviously never going to feel safe. I can't do it any more and I can't bear to be alone any more. | suicide |
Is it in Australia? I think it might be in Australia, so I am just checking out. If yes, happy new decade Aussies! | non-suicide |
Bro thats fucked My friend told me that he is on his way to get some head | non-suicide |
It wears me outI should of known someone who seemed too good to be true was indeed too good to be true. Underneath that white knight armor you're just like the rest, an abuser. I'm never going to be truly loved. My idea of love is unrealistic I suppose that the only way to be loved. To leave me when I need someone more than ever, to force me to have sex, to play mind games with me and mentally abuse me and then turn around acting like nothing happened... my fear of men just grows and grows, but I'm taught that is love and it's that or a life of solitude. I can't leave this home which is filled with negative vibes, I can't get a full time job or go back to school which are my two options because my mental state and physical state is so bad that I've already stopped my medicine that I "need" to take in hopes that it just kills me cause I don't see a point in going on. Things only get worse and it's not worth suffering for just a few glimpses of temporary happiness cause hell will come tenfold after that little reward to punish me for ever believing things would get better. I just am too exhausted. I just want to belong somewhere, to someone and be cherished and taken care of with the acknowledgement that I'm very fragile and broken. | suicide |
I like how my mom won't get accutane but when i Say that i want to be a "transformer" She actually wanted to buy me girl clothes. Fuck my life. Is there Something i can do to reduce it , this ear it got much worse my sides are litteraly red and swollen Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler | non-suicide |
ill rate your appearance (f ) dm me or comment an imgur link to your best selfie and ill give you a score /! dont take this seriously, its just for a bit of fun. | non-suicide |
Behind in schoolHas anyone ever been so behind in studying that it has caused them to become suicidal? I am years behind in my work and its getting to me. | suicide |
Friend died. Possible suicide.I testify that a chain reaction of suffering has been unleashed in this moment throughout her family. I witness that she has a close relative who suffers from severe depression and suicidal ideation currently who has just been holding on lately and I can see unfolding before my eyes how a determination of suicide plants itself into a family psyche, giving rise to the possible phenomena of contagion. | suicide |
All I do is bother everyoneEveryone that I care about the most makes fun of me and says negative things about me =( so I may kill myself soon. My online sister and sensei's girlfriend told me to "Die." and that she wishes that I was dead. She's one of the coolest people ever!! She likes Disgaea just like I do. Anyways my family irl keeps making fun of me!! My brother doesn't respond to me. I need to kill myself so that my best friends ever (who hate me and wish I was dead) will be happy. | suicide |
What's worse: a relationship between subs or a relationship between doms And what's your reasoning | non-suicide |
Please....Anybody, just talkI should start by saying that I am currently on the verge of suicide, I have everythin. g I need with me and can attamept something at a moments notice, this is more of a way of distracting myself from my looming demise, to anyone who reads this, I don't need nor ask for comments, however it is heavily valued. I feel I have lost everyone, my family/step family are downright ignorant and unmerciful with the way they act towards me and my sister, although not physcially abused, it is mental abuse to some degree, My best friend who I always consider my brother, who Ive known for years now, I feel has grown distant and doesnt like me anymore, and then theres her, the girl I have feelings for, the one who I have made a suicide pact with, the one I slept with, the one I looked to for help as I thought she was a close friend, turned away, always blanking me, thinking Im just 'fine' Not saying constant talking is good but a message from her once in a while can hopefully help me keep the grandure up that she somewhat thinks of me as a friend. I feel like my life with no one in it is also going nowhere, probably gonna end up in a dead end - pecil pushing desk job that will drain me of what sanity I have left, not happiness though, I havent felt happiness for a long time Going every single day thinking no one loves me, no one cares about, people just tolerate me, I'd be better off dead than alive Thta not depression....thats hell, I'd trade mental pain for physical pain if it means post poning the intrusive and toxic thoguths my own mind buys into, Is it here knowing that next to me is my way out, it gurantess my release from this cruel world, a world I have tried to help so much, a world which contains my so called friends, the people who always said they'd never abandon me, I sometimes go over those messages and I dont know what hurts more? The fact theyve left or the messages they sent promising not to...... | suicide |
Im the last of kin im my family, and im too tired to keep up this frontMy grandparents who are close to being in hospice are my only remaining relatives in this world. They are my life and joy. I'm a bipolar and severely depressed year old that has a bad gpa, manic episodes, no income, and friends that have left me for better pastures. I am not envious nor jealous of the success of others, nor do I have the motivation to aspire to a modicum of success that would pay back the massive debt I'm in to pay for a life worth living. I'm single, gay, and do not have a person in life I truly care for. Posting here you may realize I do not have any career for my life either but being a pragmaticist and having studied economics for my life I see the trajectory that the variables in my life equate to. I'm so tired of having to be a "symbol of life and hope" for others because of the circumstances of aging this far. I'm tired and I don't see the point of living to . | suicide |
Suicide I want to kill myself because I am aware of my problems (ASD, learning disabilities, deficits in social skills, depression) and cannot find a solution to them, probably because there are no solutions. At least not any solutions to my learning disability. I know you guys won't respond because you don't respond to any of my posts, but I am just putting this out there. | suicide |
Hey girl are u a firefighter Cos u put yourself in dangerous situations for me | non-suicide |
I think Im going to do itI cant take it anymore. Im so empty. All the time. I feel guilty every time Im even slightly happy. I wake up and panic. Over nothing. Just anxiety tight in my chest and I can barely breathe. I just lie around. I cant be bothered with anything anymore. I wasnt going to do it for another couple of years. Push everyone away so it wouldnt hurt them as much. But Im so tired. Tired of everything. Of feeling like Im dragging myself through every day. I have rope. There is a balcony here. I think Im almost ready. | suicide |
my posts suck so bad i was way funnier years ago when i was completely unhinged would anybody like to gaslight me so i can start makin good content again | non-suicide |
Waking upDoes anyone wake up in the morning and be disappointed. | suicide |
*gets attacked by an experienced serial killer in my own home* *gets kicked in the stomach to the ground and manages to catches the knife in my right hand just as the attacker brings it down on me, and we both wrestled on the ground for the knife before the attacker gets the upper hand and stabs me in the chest and neck over and over again* Imagine dying like this. Ouch. | non-suicide |
This is dumb. My story.Just typing this as a form of therapy I guess. I tried to kill myself by lighting myself and my house on fire. I dont remember anything but that is what I was told. Fifteen days in an induced coma and months in the burn unit with about half my body burned. Then I was arrested for arson. Taken out of a psych ward to a local jail where I was denied medical attention and dragged into court seeping pus. Theres a lot more to the story but who gives a fuck? I was charged with the worst possible level of crime equivalent to capital murder but bargained down to state jail felony whatever that means. I was released from jail after approximately months. Spent almost years homeless and on probation with the court breathing down my neck expecting me to pay money I dont have and no means to get it. Now Im on disability, living in an apartment provided by a housing charity. Still on probation with an officer that wants to put me back in jail. Every day is a nightmare. My life is over and I have to keep living it. I dont know. I guess my point is that if you try to kill yourself you had better get it done right. No one cares. Youll live in rot if you fuck it up. | suicide |
A Poem About My Girlfriend Her cheeks are red She makes good pie You haven't met her And neither have I | non-suicide |
Though understanding uninfalters from connection, the idea remains And it festers in pure silence and resource | non-suicide |
My Hero music saved my life (post from the other day)I cant find the post but I wanted to say this: I read a post the other day to the tune of music saving one of your lives, when My Hero by the Foo Fighters came on & encouraged you to keep going. Nothings in vain: I heard it tonight, and Ill always think of the OP of that post, whoever & wherever you are. | suicide |
Subsets and Splits