class label
3 classes
ronnis ‘and class ‘only relax so inthe Sentence 2: The fashionable restaurants are a few years old.
Sentence 1: Sfie's spent the (ast nine years tafking on television. Sentence 2: Television fias shown the same woman talking for nine years.
Sentence 2: yeah i much prefer ham than i do turkey on Thanksgiving Sentence 2: | like ham better than turkey. on Thanksgiving.
Sentence I:tie suggested the recommendation encourage the emergency medicine academic organization fo help its members find other funding opportunities, Sentence." 2: “The _ emergericy " medicine: ” academic ‘organizatioii does not want to help its members.
[Sentence 1 Sentence’ 2
‘Sentence t But other than that, the illusion was unimpeachable. Senbence 2 There is an exception to the Musior’s ability to be impeached.
‘Senice ‘Unie Rubi, Sumer’: balives” in its: of government: intervention i, the exonomy. and does, not trust Wall Street. ‘Sentence 2: Siimmers’ believes ‘ian. unfettre, unrated ~fithancial industry. a ,
Sentence 1: Despite its huge size, the| ca?the?dral achieves a remarkable} balance in its proportions and harmony| in its facade. Sentence 2: The cathedral is small.
Senfence, 1 Suddeniy, every fhrd person | saw sepried 10 look ke’ deco Wij, Sanfence 2 | actualy-sow Jacob Wate
Sentence 1: Thé-authors claitii to'demonstrate that high ,10: is- more. predictive of econdmic. suctess thar" atiy dther factor, and ‘that. low: IQ. is-more predictive.of poverty and'gocial breakiowri Séntefice'2! the: authors-ciaim that id'is:pésitively related to economic success,
Sentence 1: Toji was established just after the imperial capital moved to Kyoto in 794, built with wood from sacred Mt, Sentence 2:Toji was destroyed by bombing in the Second World War.
Sentence t ond this person's teaching my children Sentence 2 My children ore being tought by this person.
Sentence 1: In addition, the CFO Councif's numerous outreach efforts andggPRArelated education events have helped to win the acceptance of program managers. Sentence 2: The CFO council has no outreach efforts.
‘Sentence L Until the advent of Coritionity Samatrakiowas 2 very impartant ted dee ‘eatunca 2 The advent of Cirstiaity emant religious pomer sifted aany trom Smut brakia.
Sentence 1: But you're io mandrakeman.” A load of| sickness seemed to leave Hanson's mind. Sentence 2: Hanson was completely certain that the person] was a mandrake man, we * ©
| Sentence 1: The Gandhara Room displays the earliest sculptures representing Buddha in human form (first century a.d.). Sentence 2: Sculptures from the first century |a.d. are on displayed at the Gandhara Room.
Sentence f: Fahermen and angers teem to have the edge Over mont. but pomticams and journamts are actualy barmed from taking part, wince they are regarded as profemsonat. Sememe Z Furermen and anglers dont have an edge became theyre ol. «
‘Sentence 1: They waited expectantly, but Hanson could think of nothing to do. ‘Sentence 2: They waited for Hanson impatiently, but he could not create an idea of what to do next.
Sentence 1: um-hum ‘um-hum yeah yeah like maybe if-if there. wes something you know they: could do-in: theif own own you ksiow their own town or city Sentence 2: They might: enjoy. touting’ the city on theirown,
Sentence 1: Drew, ‘member that time we took them river steamen an’ had us a real feed? Sentence 2: We got into big trouble with the captain of the steamen.
¢ Both France and Finland include the costs of ‘cancellation and ‘mail preparation in ¢ counter costs. Sentence 2: France and Fins cancellation costs. dland do not include
‘Sentence 1:Oh' | stood up. Sentence 2:] was dead silent as | began to sit down, ts *
Sentence 1 Private and public gardens burst with orchids, bougainvillea, and jacarandas, while orchards heave with mangoes, passion fruit, watermelons, and avocados. Sentence 2: The orchards rarely. if ever. produce any fruit
1: fo that end, attorneys are expected, although net required, contribute 25 bowrs a year pre bane - free - for the commen goed. 2: Ht in net required fer attorneys te Ge pre bone werk.
Sentence : 1::- Sociologists... have noted - that... the .-.transplanited southerners..tend to support, the populist. ‘Juventus football: team, owned by. Fiat's Agnelli... family; while’ ..the .other, - more bourgéois local -téam, Torino, is :favared..by the ‘Longer-established Turin citizenry. . Sentence’ 2: ‘Juventus: . Supporters: usually.” ‘are ‘southerners,’ - while Torino supporters’ ‘ate: from ‘Turin according to: sociologists.
“Sentence i: ‘Thus, éhei.b inigé “he “an ié ‘questions tliat swered:.in “ciafting.’ a ‘mission “statemeut-what "is our’. purpose;.._ wheat, ‘product3and-s r to setvices inust we deliv and. how. will: that,e sént,.a ‘sigiificant -chiallenge. for, ineet : that. pirrpos I! pres inany ‘agencies. done-wi Séntérice.2! The basic. questions ‘tliat must. be. answered | “in, ‘crafting’ a. mission statement=what is.our. purpose
Sentencé.1: Four.’ haiku” translated and. ‘only “16. mote: 'to ‘go. for my Japanese final, . Sentence 2: Only. 16::more--haiku..f6 translate for. ‘my: Spring Japanese finals.
peri mc of mi he aly refs rae Pg Teoket and the Farag hoki: ‘Sector 2: The tsistrs ate witha sling dsnie of the
Sentenca Jr He feels guilty about the death af his wife, Sisan had replied when Jon mentioned it to her. Santenics 2-Susan:Soid the ian had- always been single.
Sentence 1: These statutes are laws that| comprise the letter mail monopoly. Sentence 2: These laws comprise the USPS| monopoly.
entence 1: For example, from the shareholders point off Hiew, many believe that board structures have not been working properly to both protect shareholders interests| ind grow share value. entence 2: Most shareholders believe that their Interests are being well-protected by current board| structures.
Sentence 4: From the bus station, signs in English. point the way to the path winding along a stream, past Many stalls and small shops selling Ohara's:famous pickles, to the temple's massive front gate. Sentence 2: The path between’ the. bus station and the temple is deserted
he world and we |
Sentence 1: oh fourteen well okay division one was worse because that's the biggest division and boy when we put them on oh my God the phone you'd hang up and it ring it was just bad Sentence 2: The phone was silent all day
Sentence 1: well do you do do you do recycling Sentence 2: We recycle all paper goods. *
Sentence and i.i guess ‘i see. such ..a. Gonerase ‘liKe as.. opposed ca. the - Middle Ease. War’. we. juse: ‘had whére Fresidene Bush. wene: (oun ‘and’ gow worldwide | .:suppoce for for Whar. was: happening Seneence 32: This * was doesn. have: the" same suppoce.
Senkence EA Brie o Forever those are relly rally mind expanding books his oonoeps are so diferent than what i would have ever creamed of Senbnoe 21 could never have quessed how mind expanding A Bridge to Forever would be ey
Sentence 1: If abortion is not wrong--irrespective of the circumstances--then the issue becomes a tradeoff among unpleasant alternatives. ‘ Sentence 2: Abortion is not wrong
Sentencé 1:.Some- respondents :were concerned ‘that ‘there would -be ‘doubfe counting, if,’ as*proposed’ by ‘the’, standards, "some ‘stewardship’ items ‘would’ ‘be. reported in: tivo: separate: categories: for “example, Yeliowstane National- Park would ‘be. reported. as’ a Heritage® asset’ and as-stewardship:land. Senterice: 2: Respondents: ‘are.-worriéd: ‘about the issie.of doublé counting:
‘Sentence +t In addition to using engineering prototypes © during « the Product integration phase’ of product idevetopment, Cummins: and other companies we visited used other protatupes-such “as” production Fepresentative: ‘prototypes-in the remaining: . product’ ° development Hae before production, as:shown in able 4, to demonstrate ~ product) retiability and process. control. ‘Sentence 2: Cummins.. employed engineering rototypes during their product develapment.
Sentence 111 was nat always this way, Sentence: changed ayear ago
Sentence ..a: This,..process) can ..occur, simultaneously, with the), processing.of |, the construction permit application. Sentence | 2:,The purchasing ,activities, can happen concurrently with permitting.
Sentence 1: This: is a land where different and sometimes ‘conflicting ““Lraditions continue ‘bo matler despite, heavy odds.. ~ : Sentence 2: This land has many. types -_-of. ethnigily. «so: different ‘culliire is formed.
Senténce..1- With -an -exhildvaring™ leap. “of. . the imagination, “you can stand among..the. celumuis, aches, ind poiticoes' of the: Roman Forum’ and pictute the-ehiic, coninitrctal; and-religious: hub-oF rhe greareity, the firse tH Europe’ {0 Moageca million. inhiabitants?, : . ‘Sentence 2'Ir's'tod ithe et even imagine har life’ ‘was. line ae that inte’, *
Sentence I: This is. shown_in-the re supply curve in Figure 9. Sentence 2: The.supply ouive in the book shows it.
Sentencelty fingers twitched out acs of Ughtning in heir general direction Sentence By fingers stot ightning at them because they had made me angry
Senteriag 't:-Jerusalem submitted peaceably to the rule Of the Greeks n 332-b:c! under Alexander the Great and, ‘subséquently. to: his Hellenistic successors os well as the Egyptian Ptolomieys and the Syrian Seleucid. Senténce: 2: Jerusalem’ néver. submitted to. the. cule oF the Greeks in 332 b.c:,* :
Sentence 1: It's built on undulating land that radiates out from a fishing harbor where a small fleet still moors and sells its catch. Sentence 2: A fleet of ten ships fishes there.
Isentence 1. Case said the passion to help others was instilled in| her in 1973. ISentence 2 Case has been committed to helping others since| i973.
Sentence 1: British engineers also set a port in operation at Pointe-? -Pitre, thus. establishing the importance of this advantageously located town. Sentence 2: British engineers established the importance of the town because it was located right on the trade route.
Sontches ote The - navel, ‘bur don't. expe lave Sain 2. Red adic {ot econ hiv hands: te write a novel ees
Sexitence fi Now suippoie anyone, wished, t0'pasé, biinset a8 Jolin or Lawrence Cavendish. 2s There was someoiie ‘who trict’, to" disguise ttisniselves as eitliér Jolin of Eaweence Cavendish: “~~
Sentence 1: Jim Kempner also claimed a misunderstanding, saying that his price| curiously enough, was really the same as} Pace's--$18,000. Sentence 2 Kempner said he charged $37,000.
Sentence ‘It. was besitflly done: soberly and “with perfect decorum. Sentenice'2: Two artists:had- collaborated on it.
Sibseror sitbvounding countryside fiom is eamparta Sentence: 2: Bi ciby‘ ad. couniyeide can’ be” veiyed fromthe éanipaits.
iletod Tu fefati ‘Bot thou Sentence 2: | fell like my rights were not adhered to. mm
Sentence 1: We don't. have much leeway around that ‘one or two drinks a day, he said, and what isn't” known is whether encouraging moderate drinking will also encourage excessive drinking. SEntence 2: Having more than one or two drinks a day is a
Senfence 4: ‘Sentence: 2;
sentendy tig ‘Sticks fell: away: clutching gushing Woiunds déep in their forearms. : Seritenee 2: They were lncky'they dit Nave Shy wounds ontheirarms. ee *.
Sentence teAriniol Life Oe Seritence 2 Plant we:
Sentence 1: The road dropping down into Funchal winds past some of the town's smartest villas. Sentence 2: Funchal’s best villas can be seen along the windy road.
Sentence 1: From Skiathos, you'.can reach Skopelos, Allonissos, and Skyros. Sentence 2: From Skiathos, you can not reach Skopelos, Allénissos or Skyros.
‘Sentence 1: Guadetoureans, who don’t aways oun tand, ke to move around. ‘Sentence 2: Lots of Guadetoupeans do not oun tand.
Sentence The abject of the-game ito come 2s dase 2s possi 109, the ‘nly eal skilinvohed ig deciding whether‘to bet othe player or the bank Aig, the dele’ ‘Sentence 2:Thé game invélves a player and abank
Béitiiind- tz The level of technology responsiveness grows for scenarios B, G, and D as a result of greater program spending. Sestisieds: 4 Technology responsiveness increases with Program spending.
Sentence 1: it was purple with rage, and the veins stood out on the forehead. Sentence 2: It was in a pleasant mood all day.
Sentence.1: This is becatise groups or.individuals can attack remotely. from’ anywhere ‘inthe world, over the Internet,’ other..nétworks; “or: dial-up. lines; and. .’they,. ‘can disguise. their identity, “location, and: intent” by. launching: attacks across’a_ span. of, communications: systems and computers; » Sentence’ 2: Groups or individuals cannot’, “attack ,:rérnotély «from anywhere’. in’ ‘the:. world, ‘as ‘the. Internet: does’ not, allow: them to’ ‘mask theif-identity;.:”
Sentence 1: Unless the federal investment for il legal services is substantially increased,..a large segment of the US. poputation will continue to be without! accesiiip the justice system. Sentence 2: Many people are unable to afford competent legal representation and lost wages required to seek legal remedies. *
‘Sentence 1: In addition, the useful life of heritage assets is generally not reasonably estimable for depreciation purposes. Sentence 2: To add to that, the useful life of heritage assets is generally not estimable when it comes to depreciation purposes.
tapacity for the product and other ritrogen. fertilizers derived from it, such as urea. 3 Senterce 2 There are no. substitute for ammoria.
Sentence 4% They found that drivers of air-bag-equipped cars initiate a disproportionate number of crashes| involving fatalities, and that, as al result, the occupants of such cars| are at considerably higher risk than those in cars without air bags. Sentence 2: The study, conducted by the University of Arizona, found that cars without airbags are safer than those with them.
‘Sentence 2: You're ‘the genius: inveritor: Sentence. 2:° You invent ‘amazing contraptions.
\Sontome-I: As noted above, the 1SC case’ count for 1999: indides all casés that meet LSC eligibility criteria, regardless: of the finding imix jof ‘any. particular grantee. \Senbomte 2: The LSC didn’t track ‘cases.
Sentence Fou know a beef and broccoli or chicken or chicken and broccoli or something like that you know chicken: and cashews and she orders um bean curd Sentence 2 You don't know the beef arid broccoli do you?
ose oe es ste seme we HFA pregnant penta SOLE
: Stns Tay birt int ts sacred portal ag, bt his enthusiagm received acheck. << » Setanes 2 Tommy burst ht'aroigius sto eagiry nd i ‘excitement grew. 2 => ea
Sentence t: Two 1sth-century additions served as prisons for royal enemies. Sentence 2: In the 15th-certum Royal enemies were imprisoned in two additions.
Sentence 1: But she won't have to defend her praise Sentence 2: She will not have to defend her praise because everyone know that she deserves them.
Sentence J; On’ the, bright “side: ‘Forbes! ‘compaigh :mahager Says year Forbes cely-to.cun-the same’ k of negative Spots that Ke did agaist Dole, beeause four go he wasa message candidate. = 7 Sehterice 2: Forbes fio’ adimittéd that 1 or:TV.wos 0 mistake, : ng negotive spats
Sentence I: It impressed Jon greatly. Sentence 2: Jon was not impressed.
Sentence £ These hand-carved statuettes of saints or religious scenes are eminently portable. Sentence z The statues are carved oiff of wood barvested from local trees.
Sentence 1: Before he could cry out, the man squeezed. Sentence 2: He was being clasped by the giant.
- Sefitenice tne £68 ‘pstaigtes That mela niebe 325 resaon din fea On Satiheted burden dos or Sti9a simiespahgent orgy micseldistinted at ube: ‘Semante:d: 155 CC théygbt that tne ist resposisitte wai ie Wenatperitmaye | Ba
Sentence & do you yeah i pretty much i i gues i stick pretty much i got a couple of Moosewood books some Sentence 2: The books are very helpful.
Sentence * right see i-think that's exactly right you know -if if you're uh if youre dressed in a uh a suit and uh to me it make it} helps me feel uh sort of. like. you. were} saying a lot more confident in myself. Sentence 2: Im much more confident when | don't wear.a suit.
‘Sentence’ : Hope the: young, ‘lad “keeping well. sir?" . . Sentefice 2: Hope the young dys nv top.stape, Sir? .
Sentence 7 Ihe presentation of the financial audit chapters proposes. eliminating the term ‘ Faancial related’, audits. bY specifically recognizing the services in addition to financial statement audits that are covered by the AICPAS Statements om Auditing Standards 1" chapters 4 ‘and 5 or by the Statement on Standards® for Attestation Engagements in chapter 6. The term financial related audits was the source of considerable contusion to the users of Gi Sentence 2: There 38 been a lot of support for eliminating the term financial related audits in the auditing and financial professions
Sentence b: rate Sentence % The Busine: Week & * raisin
Sentence 1: Most Hindu temples in Nepal are dedicated to the great gods Vishnu and Shiva or their consorts and offspring Sentence 2: Nepal has many of these temples that are dedicated to the gods Vishnu and Shiva
jenténce I: ‘Poverty,’ Greuze shrugged; ‘is no excusé ‘ora lack of imagination enterice 2: Greuze said poor people could still have imaginations
Sentence 1: OAS! provides for the rotection from loss of income for aged as survivors of Sentence 2: Oasi gives protection against loss of income to elde Americans and survivors of de workers.
Senterice.: The iron-jawed-miari-dove'as the huge axe swig in and shifted:as. the: imoufitainotis man, advanced-but he did not swing. : Sentence 2: The giaint-man hit ‘the-héad. Of the smaller-man with his giant-ax:
Sentence.1:The Modern Researcher,.3rd ed. Sentence 2: The researcher is’ up to current imethods
Sentence’ 1: It, now. houses the’ castle café with-a good selection.of shdcks and hot imeals but was originally wed 10 store the’ provisions carts. ‘Sendence 2e1t has the cafe nit