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‘Sentenée’i: Try. Xerekampos’ south: of Zakros, ‘or ead east front Mona Préveli to:the sandy stieiches round tiny-Agaa Fotini. sntence2: Agaa Fotini hasa very small population: nd | 11
Sentence. Their areqges; fluted’ pilidrs, and mosaic tiles. ‘ate; teetering last ‘legs; praying: for Féstoration miracles. - “Bentance 2 Their arctides, uted pillars, ‘ond, mesic tiles “oré teetering «on. ‘last - iegs, praying ‘for restoration mirdcles. because’ of years of neglect: | 11
denance Keep forcyng ter’s some ene fosowsng wt” Seraance 2 | heep tinting somebody is fowing ws | 00
|sonteniie.2-A.ctn | 00
Sentence u It is in fact the astrologico that is, the astronomical observatory of Rajput prince Jai Singh II from Jaipur. Sentence a Jai Singh II was a Rajput prince from Jaipur | 00
Sentence. 4: mind = wandering, suddenly driving very Mozart, in the car Sentence 2: His mind. started to wander. | 00
‘Sentance ti ‘Sentince 27 | 00
yeah ste n gengra, « Santana 3: Refeiind ts fe’ d.aengial sense : : an % *: See a | 00
ISentencé'1: One of the reasons why the Germaris and Ithe French have fought for possession of this province is that it's such a good place'to live. ISentence 2: The Germans didn't bother ta fight for the province, because the'land isn't good for much. | 22
Seatence North of the squate, rue: Bonaparte téadé past the-Ecole Nationale. Supeoue tes Beaux-Arts (Fine Arts Sched), Bantence2: The art: school ig the best in.the entire courtry. | 11
Sentence 1: The: while” point “of the fashion’: was “the ‘tension between.’ the. force of female: ‘personality and’ the delicacy. of the: ferninine body: Sentence.2: The point of fashion was the balance“ between female personality anid the delicacg-of a female body. | 00
‘Sentence 1: G.W. is rich, and that seems to be the Trump card in any Ccomrersation, at least with a fashion model. ‘Sentence 2: The Trump Card in any conversation is just saying that youare stupid. | 22
Sentence:'t:-yes and ‘you ‘wouldn't want to.,have to: walk: uh. You. ‘knowin high heels it's:hard to. walk: a long: way’and the campus is pretty large. :: *-.. Sentence, 2: It's ‘easier. to wai around campus in, Jow- heel shoes: | 11
Sentencé. iii deinite sémeone that can-do. that you know i realty.can Sentence. 2! You. know. |: really ean, ‘| ‘admire someone that can-do that. | 00
1: She made the sounds jain, and it rose reluctantly, curling up it the front, like a crazy toboggan. 2: She made strange sounds id it rose reluctantly again. | 00
Sentence I: Further At the end of the match, when Brandi Chastain tore off her shirt, ABC did not go to a split- screen shot of the president drooling. Sentence 2: The president drooled when Brandi Chastain tore off her shirt. ee | 11
Sentence tl examitied | the wreckage: Sabine 2 | looked. at é the vireckage tofind the way | 11
| Sentence 1: Let's give Tommy a Surprise! | murmured Tuppence, and hailed @ taxi, Sentence 2: Let's be straight up. with Tommy, Tuppence yelled. | 22
Sentence 1: Large schools with acres of grounds, playing fields, and recreation areas ore interspersed with sumptuous houses set in leaty lanes. | 00
safety means only one car seat will do, the Britax. Sentence 2: Some people have a maximalist position on safety. | 11
Sentence tino i cant either really cantum Sentence 2 | most definitely can do that. | 22
1A friend him fo see a coffee farm remain AA iriend talked him ing any ting there. | 22
» Setence 1: His Bose 901 loudspeaker’; the compaiiy's premium the for 30-yeais; have nine speaker cones, ‘Positioned aif over {he Cabinet, so that the sound bounces erouid yoUr oom just dike tea éoncert hall ~ Sentence 2: His Bose Speakers dre‘ery juiet and cana. be _ Heard viry wellét a distance.” ¥ | 22
saint it a ois ete bane deeiend eo doa just that: developing, Senne entry pnd ie ie seni eg | 22
started to use Haveli needed stopover. ropeans and Americans have om long trips since convenient, much- long before Cook. | 22
Sentence 1: Gray Davis to Los Angeles Superior Court, April 2000; partner, Morrison & Foerster, 1991-2000; partner, Hufstedler, Kaus & Ettinger (and predecessor firms), 1983-91; associate, Beardsley, Hufstedler & Kemble (and related firms), 1977-82 Law Harvard Law School 49 Sentence 2: Kaus & Ettinger won a case in court. | 11
Sentence 1: Once on a particular island, you can easily get around on foot or rent a car for more in-depth exploring. Sentence 2 You can also access the islands greatest spots by boat. | 11
‘Sentence 1: The New York Observer ‘s John Heilpern says it's too long, too weighty for a somewhat preachy story that was always slefider. ‘Sentence 2: John Heilpern, who works for the New York Observer, says it's too weighty and long. | 00
Setence I Deskkes Dod and year father are going anoy 2nd | guess it's about inch time: Sentence 2:Dod and your father wil not cat kench with us, | 11
Sentence 1: Best. Practices of Leadiag Commercial Compianiesi2 DOD's Traditional Approach to Product ‘Developinenti$: DOD's ‘Adoption of Best: Practices|6 Objectives, Scopé, atid Methodology 17 Sentence 2: The DOD has best practices that it follows. | 00
‘Sentence 1: But attacking the problem requires u strategy ‘appropriate to the organization involved and its particular risks, including a consideration of the legal requirements ssuerounding security and privacy issues. ‘Sentence 2: The same attacking strategy can be used for all organizations. | 22
‘Sentence t He must have found a bargain rate, Sentence 2 He must have paid full ticket price, | 22
Sentence + inex area tev good schools, even in Hark, whic hve succeeded by cig end ns rund ibe uionled bureaucracy ofthe cen sje Sentence 2 Ine col in places oer than Harlem are much beter. | 11
Sentence 1: The'recreational pleasures that ordinary, islanders enjoy have. become synonymous: vith the name: dancing to the heavily rhythmic musical beat; taking. a little marijuana‘.(or’ ganja, . ds. it's" known: here), Which many Jamaicans view. as. a kind’ of. medicinal’ herb; ar simply sitting back arid chaiting.with friends on a bench or ‘street corner,..where the situation. is described’ ds “Irie™’.the equivalent . of. Everything's just fine! Sentence 2: Marijuana. is known as ganja in Jamaica. | 00
Sentence I In fact, it is almost universally admired for its professionalism and efficiency. Sentence 2 The civility it exuggs is respected by nearly everyone. | 00
‘Sentence Tommy continued to stare at him. Sentence 2: Tommy stopped looking at him after a second. | 22
Senitence® %: Sailing. north: to find ‘ind: claim islands for the Spanish crown, Columbus named one , Saint-Barth?? lemy- after’*his. brother :-and another |Saint-Martin, probably -after. the saint lpingvhose feast day He had spotted it. Sentence 2: Columbus sailed ‘north to lind islands for the Spanish crown. | 00
inne 1: tis 0 hai af Anton Pala 0505 1400, tin od po Ee oho Ben Resi 9 mis cba. akg nas ‘asym in ety ad oan 2 Aare Plo. titi bing! nhs i tn | 11
Sentence 4The ‘next working, session was 4 failure. Senterice 2:4 subsequent, meeting was resouriding sucesss. | 22
Sentetice.t: Plie.issués ve: dealt with throtigh the years:Itave* been on. the® side of: helping” people maintain the basics of life. home. healt tate, jobs and family. . aay Sentéenee°2; For’ years” iow: Ive conducted: my ‘Dusiness. Out-Of ar’of ficesin the ‘locat, courthouse biilding: 20 os Ties | 11
Sentence I: He was wrong. Sentence 2: He had no idea that he was wrong. | 11
ntence 1: The thriving city has long since pread beyond the fifth-century Byzantine walls built by the Emperor Theodosius I, ind now spraivls for miles along the shores of the Sea of Marmara on both the European ind Asian sides. ntence 2: Byzantine has expanded over the years. | 00
Sentence 1: Oh, yes; they are identical. Poirot nodded, and| gently taking the photographs from me locked them up again. Sentence 2: These pictures are completely different, Poirot said as he tossed them onto the desk. | 22
Sentence.’ Based” on | the.~information ~ resented “during public hearings “aad ‘in Conimerits -receivéd’ ori. ‘the. proposed ‘rule; EPA published -a supplemental: notice of proposed. rulemaking ‘ji,-: the. Federat: Register. on March 13, 1995. i Sentence '2: The Federal. Register: had’ to .Sperid.2 ‘months: before “actepting what the EPA. had publistred. | 11
Sentenice- “1: Overnight. “stays “are organized -at several observation-hides in. the: region, ‘namely. at. Kumbang, Yong, Tabing;:Belaui;and €egar Anjing: Sentéricé 2:, One’ of the: observation- hides in the region is: Kumbang. | 00
Sentence z our estimate|of the total _.ounber of premature mortalities .In,/2020, would, be reduced by approximately. 80. percent, from approxinately, 12,000 amually to approximately 2,200 annually Sentence 2 The nunber-of premature, moralities.in, 2020 would go doun 80% | 00
Sentence 1: To them, Timon, Pumbaa, and Pee-wee are just goofy characters. Sentence 2: To them, Pumbaa is the funniest of the bunch. | 11
Sentence 1: The most important part of it was a test of & robotic Intelligence RQ, determining the level of robotization of a human mind regarding reliability in performing standard tasks, speed of work performed, error ratio, length of work performed without the need to restart, and the number of tasks performed simultaneously. : e sees 2 nha ida rp et of robotization, | 00
Sentence 1: Why not say 80? Sentence 2 Why not ¥ell them, they can't. fly. then? | 11
Sentence 1: Got away ‘cause they met th’ wagon train goin’ south on’ whoever wos eatin’ their dust huntin’ them didn't seem to like the odds. Sentence 2: The wagon train wos too fast for the| outhorities. | 11
Sentence 1:-And. once: involed:in a’ conflict, democracies may actually:be less willing than authoritarian regimes: to. erid it: short of total victory. ; Sentence. 2: Democracies: are usually” wat- ‘mahgerers. | 11
senate’: 4x te ned to respon 1915 Sentence 2 eeiponene this wad soqqetioa fet 1 woes dO. «5 | 00
Sentence 1: the yours is my second one Sentence @: 1 had one before you arrived. | 11
Sentence 1: Discos are also popular some of the most popular can be found at the major international hotels end ave @ regular Egyptian clientele in addition to attracting visitors. Sentence 2: You will need to pay a fee to enter the disco. | 11
Sentence t Over the years the Arc ce ‘Triomphe ' SO m (164 ft) high and 45 m (148 ft) wide ‘has become a symbol of the nation. ‘Sentence 2: Tne symbol! of the nation nas become the Arc de Triompne. | 00
‘Sentence 1: right well t's a shame that uh that even the politician who wants to give give out good information about himself uh has trouble in virtually everything he does say that's positive or or even mediocre gets attacked from the other side such that he spends more of his time defending than he can putting forth any decent information uh and then once you get off the candidate's personal information then you want to get into an actual issue and then how the candidate feels about that Sentence 2: | would never want to be a politician the pressure seems too high. | 11
Séntence 1:’Should |, like’Jenry and Elaine, make it, clear. that am there'for her?” Sehtence 2: Nebody is there for her: | 22
Sentence 1: However; there. was: sothing for if but to hope forthe best : Sentence: 2: However, all ey could ao. Weis hope for the. best: | 00
Sentence i: Hundreds of hotels have sprung ‘up: along the sandy’ beaches, ‘and’ these’ Have been followed ‘by restaurants, bars, and shops, making; today's: Sharni El-Sheikh . not just diving destination but. true: tourist “resort. ‘Sentence 2: Sharm: EUSheikh’, nes: transformed » from just. oa diving ‘destination to areal tourist resort. | 00
Sentence 1: uh but yeah i hope some of the local well that's what they they keep saying that it seems like people with it with old-fashioned values are the ones that aren't turning out at the at the booths they they say that these older voters that uh you know they they feel like the kids are running the the country so they they don't come out turn out to vote and they're the ones that uh you know really know what's going on have the experience and have seen you know how politicians can you know screw up or whatever Sentence 2: Older voters would come to the booths if they felt their old fashioned beliefs were valued. | 11
th ah tht’ of th oo rat thn it That's on tort thing abut | 00
‘Sentence..1; Even farther fromthe. lights.is: Bonnie Springs-Old Nevada,.a mack =H ghost town near Red Rock Canyon. ‘Sentence 2 Botte Spage “Old Neyada ‘is‘an. antsement park. ° | 22
Sentence 1: you know it’s either it's either you go out and you and you steal something or you you bash somebody over the head Sentence ‘ou usually steal something. | 11
Sentence 1: and it's usually out on a farm one of the girls has a farm and Sentence 2: ‘The tractor is usually parked at the farm that one of the girls has. | 11
[Sentence 1: four out of five hurt {Sentence 2: Five out of five hurt. | 22
Sentence 1 Exceptone. Sentence2 Excluding one. | 00
Sentence k it was pretty bad bad because i understood all ott Seatence 2 To me it wad pretty had that my dog’died becanse fumdersteed everything | 11
Sentence 1: The lake's southwest arm is the most attractive for youPexcugsions. Sentence 2: The most picturesque part of the lake isin the southwest. | 00
Sentence 1:b) Did not quit on principle after Clinton admitted lies. Sentence 2: Clinton admitted lies, but that wasm't the reason for quitting ‘+ | 00
Sentence 1: We must find out who did take that coffee to Mrs. Inglethorp eventually, or who passed through the hall whilst it was standing there. Sentence 2: It will be difficult to find out who gave the coffee to Mrs. Inglethorp. | 11
Sentence I: Freshwaler swimming pool and Iwo Fennis courls Sentence 2: The swimming pool is salt water | 22
Sentence't: If's nof a moral issue, it's just stupid. Sentence 2: itis considered stupid by some becouse they lack the understanding of what is moral | 11
Sentence bi love to wh i love to mow: it doit tke |weeding the Hower beds around the hoatse and my son's saipposedt to.do that tnd prety every once and a while they get ahead of him so Lend up doing thal for him dnd cand my wile semelimes lakes care of the Nowers Sentence 2.1 hate mowing more than any task! | 22
Sentence 'l: and uh.i've got:to i got to: reformat it i i did it-on my ‘word’ processor, and .now i've got to rédo the whole. thing again:and i'm trying to figure out a cheap way to a‘quick way to. do. it) without having: :to retype it | 11
Sentence 1: The following outlines the strategies that senior executives in leading organizations commonly use to promote information management leadership involvement in business decision making and maximize the benefits from their IT investments. Sentence 2: Some senior executives use strategies to get information management involved in downsizing. | 22
Sentence 1: Alexander the Great Sentence 2: The greatest Alexander | 11
Sencar a tomas conn the professors announced ‘Sentence 2: The professors would always be enthusiastic. | 22
Sentence 1: really that’s that's great how Sentence 2: That is so terrible; I feel sad for. thea. | 22
ISenitence . 1: “Fhe’ ° British: . began“to see * India’s: fidependence ‘as. ‘inevitable; ‘however; only-.a few’ seeniéd-to: understand the“vital tole’ of the ‘religious groups. gy Sentence 2: The British-decided India would never get its jindependenc and'rest assured in that fact: | 22
Sentence; Following . the avant. garde lead of big sister Guadeloupe : Saint-Martin has. introduced anudist beach, * Unlike, Guad isloupe, Saint-Martin OES Not have 4 Audist beach. eo | 22
Sentence t The notion of representatwe democracy (ook maltipte hits. ea 2 Representative deniocnicy is taking juts: | 00
Sentence I: Large and Little were not great friends; few in the south harboured love for the north. Sentence 2: Not many people from the south accommodate love for the north and because of that Large and Little werent good friends. | 00
Sentence I: uh-huh best friends now yes. Sentence 2: They're best friends and are. together every day. | 11
Sentence t;Minuses and Sentence 2 Math problems | 11
Sentence 1: The activities cited here would not be unusual, or even objectionable, if Gates imposed strict quality control standards upon them. Sentence 2: Gates regrets being lax with quality control standards. | 11
Sentence 1: that's true certainly not localized there Sentence 2: Itis localized there. | 22
Sentence ay ‘Follow ‘the “statis right: of the. entionce, to. the the Vidgin aty slept. ‘sentence 2: The. Virgin i | 22
Sentence t Upon graduation in. 1975, she entered private Law practice in Orford, joining NMRLS in 1978. Sentence 2. The time she spent in private law practice. were the best years of her lif. | 11
Sentence 1: RS travel officials did not have data on the savings achieved through their program because the program is less than a year old. Sentence 2: Data on the savings achieved by the program is not available because it is too new of a program. | 00
Sentence 1: Bermon sadly acknowledges it. Sentence 2: Bermon is not owore of it yet. | 22
Sentence t The Gritish Nationality Act (1961) had in effect prevented Hong Kong citizens from acquiring British citizenship, and thousands of people, anxious about their future under China's rule, were prompted to apply for citizenship elsewhere, notably in Canada and Australia. Sentence & The British Nationality Act Australia where they could try to gain citizenship in order to leave an uncertain future in China and this led to an influx. of | 11
Sentence |: The areas of most interest to auditors include. section Description/Specifications/Work Statement, section Sentence. 2: The Description/Specifications/Work Statement is one of multiple sections of interest to auditors. a | 11
Sentence t The militarist regime of the 1938s blatantly manipyioted the cencept te Prepere the country fer war and regiengl deminatien. and te cenvince the peeple of their innete superierity ever the enemy. Sentence 2: The militorist regime frem pre-war times cenvinced the Japanese people that they were superier te their ‘enemies. | 00
Sentence t in a way. the one-wortd Sentence 2: There are n0' battle bs over: mare one-word battles. | 00
Subsets and Splits