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Sentence 1: In September 1939, the| Nazis invaded Poland. Sentence 2: The Nazis remained in Poland for five years. | 11
Sentence 1: And by: drugs, .which have been’. “their, remedy... -for:. :. every, psyhological. LSD to shatter hang-ups; cocaine 16 °,alleviate. chronic ‘boredom; Prozac to lift depression. Senterme = 2: Depression” can) be dissipated by the. drug; Prozac | 00
‘Sentence 1: experience that will help them in whatever areas they go into, but will also help them understand and have the ideals of providing legal services to every citizen of the state. Sentence 2: It will help them provide legal services to people in the inner city, | 11
Sentence 1: Figure 7 provides. an-overview. of the strategy: that leading. organizations.-use’ to” secure ‘information management human capital. Sentence. 2: Figure. 8. continues’ some - of . the ~ information thardidn't fit in Figuee 7. | 11
Sentence 1: but you know i'm not so totally hung up on that that i wouldn't buy something else how about you Sentence 2: I am not interested in buying that Ipad because it costs $100 more than I expected, I can just buy an Asus tablet, what do you think? | 11
‘Sentence This is the level at which: the population living In that grid cell is ,assurned: to be exposed. . Sentence Phe population in: the: grid aré not affected by ‘the exposure. | 22
Sentence 1: Broad arcades surround a cobbled rectangle 200 meters long and 100 meters wide (656 ft x 328 tt). Sentence 2: Small arcades make up a paved parking lot that ‘ean only hold one ear. | 22
ry For a wonderful view of the whole town, talve the ‘Bonnie View Hotel, which is set on a hill fast to the ‘Sentence 2 His provide & great vantage paint for viewing the town. | 11
Sentence 1: These unspecified policy. actions are, left in place through, the. end of the simulation, period. Sentence 2: The sinugation period is not ending. | 22
Sentence: I; She. was wearing full body. armour;, the plain- clothes had disappeared.” . Sentence-.2:. She changed --inite armor.” nab oe | 00
Sentence 1: well what what kind of weather are you| having right now Sentence 2:| don't care about the weather. | 22
Sentence 1: OK gentlemen, I anr getting annoyed by those topes, and we still have the-fabric fo the canopy and the protective material t discuss. Sentence 2: He is getting annoyed .by those ropes. | 00
Sentence: 1: | NUP operates ‘CLBAR~~Coordihated Legal Education and Referral System-- to pravide telephone and : internet-based ‘referral, advice, bris. service, Jcommunity Legal’ education ‘and: Mtntake Services. throughout’ the state. Sentence 2: The -cizAR. ds? the parent’ -compahy of. the. ‘NIP. | 22
Sarees 1 weer te rie arth erp ned was Gitrost autumnal in #s shrewishress, Sortence 2:-The vind: botnerst” me becuse "| wax. werd esses | 11
‘Sentence t A thouight- projector!” Sarpance & A love incubator! | 22
Sentence: 1:- In ~ accordance... with Executive “Order 12866, the” analyses describe: the . regutatory °~ options] available "to ‘reduce. the “risk of...an outbreak’ of BSE in. tHe: United States lind:-the’. costs . and. benefits. ‘associated with each option. Sentence 23 The analysis’ describes ‘the regulatory: options: that are . available} to: reduce the “risk: ofan’, outbreak “o BSE, th: ths US: | 00
Sénterice 1: Alternative Méosires of: Personal Saving and Measures .of Change."in, Personal Wealth, prepared for"the, Novetber 17;.2000,. meexing of ‘the’ BEM Advisory, Lanmi ttee, Navetber: 200 Sentence 2:, Tie. conmittdé met in Nevenber’ 2 | 11
Sentence 1: The CIO also. views time off as a good incentive bonus because it does not cost the company very much. Sentence 2: The CIO thinks time off helps workers work harder when they retum. | 11
Sentence 1: By the time he was too tired to go on again, he had come to the beginnings of fertile land. Sentence 2: He had kept on going until his legs had given in. | 11
Sentence: 1 Ths: bas nefting Ie With-the Gernian-empérérs, bit “YES by, rsa Ras abr of te pal nane san Shimhere Rana Seine: 2: This wis "constrcted by a Fee Marshal sath a disor Nepali name. | 00
Sentence 1: yuih, how: many. timos shave. you ‘cand cr oF pirticipatod Sentence 2: Yai haira callad twice, | 22
‘Sentence 1: | left something to be analysed. Sentence 2: No further actions need to be taken. | 22
Sentence .-j: Its. a H'expression, * si - explained Albert: : Tr, Sentence 2: Albert was alone, | 22
Sentence® 1: According. to biblical, ‘accounts, Jesus... Sentemthis. He ministering. inthe, Galle, Vale. Sentence’: 2: "As: “the: Bible: recbunts,”- Jesus ministered In the-Gallee Valey' during bis iifetime: | 00
Sentence 1: However; the extent io which the differences Creaté additional-constrainis an'the Clos depends on how , they and agenéy leaders respond ta them Senterice 2: Héw.meich 610s create additional consirairits deperids-on Kow they respond to ther, | 00
Sentence 1: Well, Monita Honey, .I-think: it’s. Snack tithe; the president ‘said. with a sexy growl in his voice: Sentence 2:,Well Monica; 7 guess. you're. nat hungry, the president said ina disappointed voice. : | 22
I:it Shouldn't have ‘been -true believe it was | 11
Sentence 1: It takes real commitment to the importance of the work, said Mr. Gray. Sentence 2: It take a drive and serious commitment to the importance of the work, said Mr Gray, | 11
Sentence 1: They’ve--” Sentence 2: They’. have . been: here. “before! : * | 11
Sentence 1: A draft summary of the Health Security Act, released in September of 1993, contained a chart showing projected growth for Medicare slowing to less than 6 percent by 1997, and less than 5 percent by 1999. Sentence 2: the 1993 draft summary showing projected growth for Medicare increasing rapidly over the coming years. | 22
‘Sentence 1: they didn’t fight together they fought individually and they failed individually and then that was it then they had to have the master beat him Sentencé 2: They didn’t fight together and they falled individually because of their racial differences. | 11
Sentence 1: Then two figures hastily huddled in cloaks appeared on the steps and were hustled into the car. Sentence 2: Then two men emerged on the stairs, and were hurried into the limousine. | 11
Sentence 1: Fair enough. Sentence 2: That is ok. | 00
‘Sentence 1: More generally, the key conditions and strategies can be thought of as addressing specific aspects of the six primary principles, which CIOs from all sectors agree are critical to the successful execution of their responsibilities ‘and realization of the potential benefits of information technology investments. Sentence 2: t is critical to their success. | 11
Sentence, ° 1: Sentence 2; | 22
‘Sentence 1 Many participants suggested that Woolsey vexed Helms with her unladylike display of proto-male behawior—spitting, cursing, and scratching your balls. Sentence 2: Proto-male behavior is also considered | 22
‘Sentence 1° know i guess they think that people’ don't watch TY but"i mean if-you watich'it ike five minutes then i repents the ‘some thing over'and aver and over Sentence 2 It reriéats the sarie thing four tines. | 11
‘of itself, ‘whether on rsereen or in eal life, Seniterice: The town is _cohatanty iinder Pressure toremaina spectacle, | 00
Sentence 1: so he just gets in trouble everywhere Sentence 2: He's just a mischievous person. | 00
Sentence + A spolesrnan for Gov-elect Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. said the incoming administration could = =omake = no funding promises Sentence 2: There are promises of funding, as per a spokesman for Gov.-elect Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. | 22
Sentence 1: Fan faces challenges, including the need to enhance communication and teamwork, and .:to provide employees with the training and skills they “need to operate effect ively. Sentence 2: fit present, majority of the workforce, lacks college educat ion. | 11
Sentence x it's got the the the good old three fifty stinda: engine in it regular gas engine and thet engine | undersea: ‘ican {can actually work on thar engine Sentence 2 | con actually work on @ three fifty because I understand chem. | 00
“ie Th ‘would! stoke .W-caie Nii ‘of theie’ ‘papeis, | 11
Sentence 1: right right oh yeah i-can weteh those National [Geographic ones over and over again : Sentence’ 2:1 ioould never ge. tired of watching the National Geographic ones. | 11
Sentenced: Ei” nécessaty. they ‘could séal. yout Tips -with, a-threat. ef. what might .happen,:to.-hér." “Tommy nodded. Séntence-'2: ‘They ‘te’ prepared to’ make thieatis "Ain. éxehange..? for ~yaur silence, : See | 00
Sentence 4: I con't even know how to quilt. Sentence 2: they are'ant expert when it comes to quilting. | 22
Setance 1 Individuals moking Key contbutions to tis testinsey included | rls right Deborah June, Susan Ragland ond Willom Reinsbery. Sentence 2 Bright and Junod refused to porticate | 22
Sentence 1: t's hard to recoll a more chilling stretch in modem movies than the one before the last big bottle, hen the American soldiers, surrounded by the debris of 0 devastated town, listen to the echoey, piped-in strains of ‘on Edith Piof recording--and then heor the first low rumbles of approaching German tanks, each mon alone in the shored knowledge that this foreign music will likely be the last they'll hear. Sentence 2: It is hard to wotch the soldiers listen to the music and wonder if it is the last thing they will hear. | 11
sentence 1: Central America have wel ever ved in Central Am lived sentence 2: - Have uo vel Senterrer country, like Central America? | 00
Sentence § They each ate a chunk of the bread, enjoying every crumb. Sentence 2: They enjoyed every crumb of the chunk of bread they found in the alley. a — | 11
‘Sentence 1: Now. under the control .of the Forestry, ‘Commission, the forest. has mgny kLOmeters of Footpaths and eycle-ways to enjoy. Sentence 2. The Forestry. Commission received. a generous ‘gavernment grant to build cytle-yiays. | 11
‘Sentetice.t: A'float drifted by; beatitig sédntily clad mascots, Sentence 2: A float’ wént by in the parade. | 00
Sentence 1: That's O ‘Sentence 2: Thor's not OK. | 22
Sentence |: It means that she has discovered Monsieur Lawrence does not dislike her as much as she thought, replied Poirot philosophically. Sentence 2: It means, Poirot replied, that Monsieur. Lawrence dislikes her even more than she thought he did. | 22
8 Sentence» Church of ie Holy Sepulchre | 11
Sentence & oh yes i don't watch her anymore not after that Star Spangled Banned thing Sentence 2: I started watching her after that, Star Spangled Banned thing, | 22
Sentence 1: but i put it in a nice glass bowl and um some people don't like that that film on the pudding so you can put uh Saran Wrap over the top Sentence 2: Saran Wrap can be used to cover the film that some people don't like. | 00
Sentence 1: As an alternative, DOD is now testing the feasibility of training staff at its GPRA pilot agencies via satellite. Sentence 2: The DOD is cénsidering testing out staff training via satellite at its GPRA pilot agencies. | 00
Sentence 1: Charles Krauthammer blamed it on all those nature shows. Sentence 2: He put the blame on all those nature shows. | 00
Sentence 1: This is Spain's official altitude-measuring point. Sentence 2: The official altitude- measuring point for Spain is easy to find. | 11
Sentence 1: yeah you sure did what grade did you teachor Sentence 2: You did not teach. | 22
Sentence 1: The critics are not amused. Sentence 2: The critics are rolling over in tears because it's so funny. | 22
Sentence-1: While Buchanan correctly notes that nmiany non-bigots opposed the war, Lindbergh isn't so easily exonerated. Sentence 2: Buchanan is ‘good. at finding details. : | 11
Sentence.“ During “his 15, mitutes..now. thiarikfully. past He was: not in;4, position :ta “advise“anybne” to avoid: the carreras’. 4 ‘Sentence 2: Befére’ it-began tié had forgolien, ta, tell people tc. avaid: the’ camera’ | 11
Sentence mih that go spend all day at work: and they -want to ‘come home and they want some’ quiet Sentence 2fhere:.is too much noise at‘ wark so they are’sick’ of it when theg: get home. | 11
‘Sentence I; Senate Republicans last month Killed a reforni bill that would have craekéd down on PACS, soft moitey, and other éurrént drrarigements some peopile don't care for: Sentence 2: The bill had already passed through thé house, | 11
Sentence 1:than to get that two cents when you take it to the ‘store we still hae bins atthe grocery stores where you. can turnin bottles and cans, Senténce 2: There's a Timit‘to hot inany bones and cans you can briitg into the stére, | 11
‘Sentence 1: Was this what we fought for when we battled the fascist invaders? Sentence 2: Did we wage war against. the fascist invaders only to become like them? | 11
‘Sentence: And maybe, he thought, they'd overlooked the obvious in their own system. ‘Sentence 2: He was certain that this system was carefully thought out in every aspect. | 22
Sentence 1: Much of the furniture inside} belonged to the family. Sentence. 2: The furniture inside will be auctioned’off next month. | 11
Sentence 1: except ‘typas of property’ plant, and lequipment that are expensed. Sentence 2: Somé.types. of property and .iterris are| costly. | 11
sentence I:.f jentence. 2: | 00
Sentence-1: A’deem smiled at him as the two ate. ‘Sentence 2: Ais the two ate; A'deem smiled | 00
Sentence It This implies that the surface mailstream is composed oi flats and small packets. Sentence 21 This means the. surface mailstream includes small packets. | 00
‘Sentence 1:-except we might haye uk bad casé of paladium péisoning now Sentence:2: I'm glad ‘something’ is being” done, but Wwe still probably have palladium poisoning: | 11
Sentence 1: yout else notice that sanbt passion, whether it be cards. the lottery. ‘orthe horses. Sentence 2: Youll notice people do not gamble in any way here. | 22
Sentence 1: This glossary is presented as the last appendix to the volume. Sentence 2: The volume is nearly 800 pages long and has at least eight authors. | 11
Sentence 1: If the team perceived a person did not agree, it developed an individual plan to fet this person's sapport. Sentence 2: When someone didn't agree with the them the team put into action campaign to win their backing. | 00
Sentence 1: yeah yeah well see i belong to the fitness center so i fee! like i have to go to the aerobics class to get my money's worth you know Sentence 2: I'm a member of the fitness center, and I got to aerobics class. | 00
Sentence t 86 Japp's face grew grave, though Summerhaye gave an incredulous snort. Gentence 2: Jape face brightened as Summerhaye laughed. | 22
Sentence 1: yeah that that can’ really be a problem i know in in in New York there's a problem with the Koreans: that uh that that the uh black community is complaining that the Koreans are taking over Sentence 2: In New York’ there is tension between the black community and the Korean population. | 00
Sentence. 1: li, was rebuilt, in’ 629 but partially} destroyed: by an insawe. Egyptian taliph in’ths jearly Uth century. | 11
is denied: il tin yg “you're going, tase force ae thet sing it; t | 00
Sentence 1: All very well, but this is very dull for ME! Sentence 2: This is especially interesting for me. | 22
Sontence t: It is also a comfort if the message comes from a total stranger, as long as the message is for you specifically and personally and not for a name on mailing list. Sentence 2: Some people would prefer to get. the message from someone they did not know, | 11
262 § att a plez 43 bea hi | 11
Sentence Jon shrugged. Sentence 2: Jon threw his hands up in the air. | 22
Sentence 1: Jf you want to go farther out to sea without getting your-feet wet, Coral World also has a state-of-the-art yellow submarine. ‘Sentence. 2: Coral World features a’ modern ‘yellow submarine: . | 00
Sentence Eat they erent ver’ y. pe ‘bat they. was uh Sonics 2: They:were. ‘not adeiguiiie’: ‘ell. wn Bele? | 00
Sentence 1: For most other museums this would be treasure enough, yet in Iraklion there are also impressive Greek and Roman artifacts to enjoy. Sentence 2: This. set of Minoan artifacts are the only type of artifact which-can be seen in Iraklion. | 22
Sentence 1: But such giddy stuffisn't really beach wear, great though Helmut, Eva, and Galliano all are to} contemplate at length. Sentence 2: They are supposed to contemplate the clothing that isn't} beach wear. | 00
Sentence 1: Not that she was a bad sort really, old Mother Greenbank! Sentence 2: Other people think that Mother Greenbank is bad. | 11
Sentence 1: The local hero, called Joaqu?n Vara de Rey, was a Spanish general who died defending the colony of Cuba ‘against the Americans in the war of 1898. Sentence 2: A Spanish general perished in the defence of Cuba. | 00
‘Sentence 1: which thought was prettyneat ‘Sentence 2:| thought itwas absolutely horrible. | 22
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