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10.1038/s41398-018-0319-z | Psychology_easy_582 | Identifying the downstream effects of the mutation could help identify new treatment targets for frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other tau-related illnesses, including Parkinson's disease. | 5a ; P-value < 0.0001). | The new findings zero in on the MAPT gene. Identifying the downstream effects of the mutation could help identify new treatment targets for frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other tau-related illnesses, including Parkinson's disease. The study is published Dec. 13 in the journal Translational Psychiatry. | The 61 genes were significantly enriched for FTD risk variants ( Fig. 5a ; P-value < 0.0001). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the SNPs within the 61 differentially expressed genes are more significantly associated with FTD risk than expected by chance (Fig. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/mp.2017.184 | Psychology_easy_583 | Abel notes that funding from the Simons Foundation was critical to the success of the project. | ERK1 protein levels reached approximately 75% of female WT levels, appreciably higher than the 50% of male WT ERK1 protein seen in male del/+ striatum (Figure 4) . | One emerging theme, supported by the new study, is that a deficit in reward learning may be a common feature of ASD, and males are specifically deficient in this type of behavior. Abel notes that funding from the Simons Foundation was critical to the success of the project. The impact they have had on autism research has been tremendous," he says. | Unexpectedly, female del/+ had higher ERK1 and ERK2 protein levels than would be expected by gene expression levels alone. ERK1 protein levels reached approximately 75% of female WT levels, appreciably higher than the 50% of male WT ERK1 protein seen in male del/+ striatum (Figure 4) . Likewise, total ERK2 protein levels were significantly elevated in del/+ females compared with WT females, despite similar levels of ERK2 mRNA expression in these groups (Supplementary Figure 8) . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1816581115 | Psychology_easy_584 | [Arvid Guterstam et al., Implicit model of other people's visual attention as an invisible, force-carrying beam projecting from the eyes]
Vision depends on light entering the eye...a form of ocular intromission, if you will. | Participants showed a significant bias that, in our interpretation, indicates an implicit belief in an invisible force that emanates from the eyes and mechanically pushes on objects. | That eye-opening finding appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Arvid Guterstam et al., Implicit model of other people's visual attention as an invisible, force-carrying beam projecting from the eyes]
Vision depends on light entering the eye...a form of ocular intromission, if you will. What the researchers found is that, when there was someone staring at the tube, subjects thought that the tube could tilt a little further before it toppled toward the fella looking at it. | It may depend on automatic, implicit models about gaze that are robust against intellectual knowledge . Participants showed a significant bias that, in our interpretation, indicates an implicit belief in an invisible force that emanates from the eyes and mechanically pushes on objects. The implied force was small in magnitude, corresponding to about a hundredth of a newton, comparable to a light puff of air. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/brain/awh577 | Psychology_easy_585 | And this brings us back to issue of control. | The success score of the medial group was not significantly different from that of controls both on type A and on type C problems (Fisher's exact test, P > 0.1). | Easy, it doesn't feel like we're doing anything to solve the problem. And this brings us back to issue of control. If you're the kind of person who wants to control a situation then the guilt of not doing anything is overwhelming. | Within the lateral group, A and C success scores were not significantly different from each other (McNemar test, P > 0.1). The success score of the medial group was not significantly different from that of controls both on type A and on type C problems (Fisher's exact test, P > 0.1). Within the medial group, A and C success scores were not significantly different from each other (McNemar test, P > 0.1). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1703920114 | Psychology_easy_586 | "We gave the intranasal vesicle spray twice over 24 hours, the first one at two hours after the onset of a status epilepticus episode, and such treatment was effective at reducing multiple adverse effects on the hippocampus," says Ashok K. Shetty, professor of molecular and cellular medicine and co-senior author of the paper. | Interneurons expressing SS exhibited reduced densities in the DH+GCL, CA1, and CA3 regions after SE (Fig. | It was able to ease inflammation of the neurons, prevent cognitive and memory dysfunction, and stop abnormal neurogenesis in the hippocampus, a vital part of the brain responsible for memory. "We gave the intranasal vesicle spray twice over 24 hours, the first one at two hours after the onset of a status epilepticus episode, and such treatment was effective at reducing multiple adverse effects on the hippocampus," says Ashok K. Shetty, professor of molecular and cellular medicine and co-senior author of the paper. "In fact, the vesicles were able to move to the hippocampus in six hours, and their neuroprotection was enough to prevent loss of normal cognitive and memory function as well as abnormal neurogenesis, one of the substrates involved in formation of new memories." | Because of the protection mediated by A1-exosomes, the SE-EVs group displayed 34-69% greater numbers of PV + interneurons than the SE-VEH group (P < 0.05; Fig. Interneurons expressing SS exhibited reduced densities in the DH+GCL, CA1, and CA3 regions after SE (Fig. 5 A1-C3 ). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s11682-010-9099-7 | Psychology_easy_587 | For me, that would mean managing time and getting around without a map more efficiently. | Results from these simulations indicated that only activation clusters thresholded at α≤0.001 with a volume greater than 496 μl would have global significance at p≤0.05 for the cortical data smoothed with an 8 mm filter. | These exercises may help declutter my overworked brain, so that the whole system functions more smoothly. For me, that would mean managing time and getting around without a map more efficiently. That said, he had mentioned nothing about goggles. | This method allows for a combination of thresholding and spatial clustering to produce a corrected p-value. Results from these simulations indicated that only activation clusters thresholded at α≤0.001 with a volume greater than 496 μl would have global significance at p≤0.05 for the cortical data smoothed with an 8 mm filter. Only clusters with volumes greater than these cutoffs are displayed in the figures and tables. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0956797614535810 | Psychology_easy_588 | They say that those nuances don't change the results. | Domain was a statistically significant moderator, Q(4) = 49.09, p < .001. | Some say that the authors didn't define practice clearly enough, lumping in casual play with serious lessons and thus diluting true practice's effect. The authors of the new paper, however, are sticking to their findings. They say that those nuances don't change the results. | Similarly, for studies with multiple performance measures, the result for each measure (M1, M2, etc.) Domain was a statistically significant moderator, Q(4) = 49.09, p < .001. Percentage of variance in performance explained by deliberate practice was 26% for games ( = .51, p < .001), 21% for music ( = .46, p < .001), 18% for sports ( = .42, p < .001), 4% for education ( = .21, p < .001), and less than 1% for professions ( = .05, p = .62; see Fig. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-019-40468-y | Psychology_easy_589 | Bisherige Annahmen gingen davon aus, dass sich die Fahigkeit zu Toleranz und Kooperation bei Hunden hauptsachlich im Lauf der Domestizierung ihrer wilden Vorfahren entwickelt hat. | This latter suggestion is further supported by the fact that highly trained pet dogs do cooperate with each other at least in their owner's presence that may mediate tolerance between the dogs . | (c) Bereitgestellt von Styria Digital One GmbH
Wann aus Wolfen Hunde wurden, ist bis heute nicht genau datiert, vermutlich geschah es irgendwann vor 20.000 bis 40.000 Jahren. Bisherige Annahmen gingen davon aus, dass sich die Fahigkeit zu Toleranz und Kooperation bei Hunden hauptsachlich im Lauf der Domestizierung ihrer wilden Vorfahren entwickelt hat. erschienen ist, zeigt jedoch, dass sich die Wolfe dafur keine neuen Merkmale aneignen mussen und daher vermutlich auch in der fruhen Sozialisation mit dem Menschen die Zusammenarbeit so gut funktioniert hat wie bei heutigen Hunden. | Interestingly though, in this task, our dogs performed rather poorly, which could be due to a reduction either in their cognitive understanding of different components of the task or in their tolerance towards conspecifics preventing dogs from working simultaneously at the apparatus . This latter suggestion is further supported by the fact that highly trained pet dogs do cooperate with each other at least in their owner's presence that may mediate tolerance between the dogs . These previous results raise a few additional questions regarding wolves' and dogs' cooperative abilities. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1186/1747-5341-4-2 | Psychology_easy_590 | But the research does create a precedent that shows a need for further investigation into the effects of anaesthesia on the developing human foetus. | No reasonable person who understands evolutionary biology, and who knows, for example, that rodents and humans have taken very different evolutionary trajectories since the lineages leading to modern humans and rodents, respectively, diverged over seventy million years ago, will expect qualitative identity. | Although there is a clear association in rats, that doesn't necessarily mean the effect is exactly the same in humans, since animal models are not always predictive for human responses. But the research does create a precedent that shows a need for further investigation into the effects of anaesthesia on the developing human foetus. It also indicates that perhaps care should be taken when choosing the best time for a pregnant woman to undergo surgery. | In a way, the whole issue of prediction comes down to the principle of uniformity. No reasonable person who understands evolutionary biology, and who knows, for example, that rodents and humans have taken very different evolutionary trajectories since the lineages leading to modern humans and rodents, respectively, diverged over seventy million years ago, will expect qualitative identity. But perhaps qualitative identity is an ideal that can only be approximated. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.203 | Psychology_easy_591 | We could envisage using a marker like this one to identify people who are least likely to respond to existing medications and focus our efforts on developing new medication specifically adapted to this group. | Unlike the curvaturebased methods used in some studies, 74 the method by Schaer and colleagues that we used provides a composite index that captures both the curvature or depth and the spatial fre-quency or density of sulcogyral patterns on the cortical surface. | It is possible that the alterations we observed are due to differences in the way the brain has developed early on in people who do not respond to medication compared to those who do." We could envisage using a marker like this one to identify people who are least likely to respond to existing medications and focus our efforts on developing new medication specifically adapted to this group. In the longer term, if we were able to identify poor responders at the outset, we may be able to formulate personalized treatment plans for that individual patient." | Our study has a number of strengths. Unlike the curvaturebased methods used in some studies, 74 the method by Schaer and colleagues that we used provides a composite index that captures both the curvature or depth and the spatial fre-quency or density of sulcogyral patterns on the cortical surface. Hence, the hypogyric regions we observed could reflect either a reduced number of sulcal formations or an increased width and reduced depth of the sulci themselves. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.neuron.2017.04.037 | Psychology_easy_592 | I think what researchers are saying is this: The next time someone gets on your case about how you lost your keys again, you can simply tell them that you're smarter than them. | The same manipulations bidirectionally modulated the stability of LTP, measured in CA3. | It might actually be healthier to forget certain memories, so that your brain can have the bigger picture and make more informed decisions. I think what researchers are saying is this: The next time someone gets on your case about how you lost your keys again, you can simply tell them that you're smarter than them. Regardless, regularly misplacing everyday items that you can't do without is a major pain a particularly when you're already late for work and you can't find your car keys, which you later discover somehow ended up in the refrigerator. | In contrast, hippocampal overexpression of a constitutively active form of Rac1 accelerated decay, with performance falling to chance levels within 24 hr of training (see also Jiang et al., 2016 for similar results using pharmacological inhibition of Rac1). The same manipulations bidirectionally modulated the stability of LTP, measured in CA3. Decreasing Rac1 activity prevented LTP decay, whereas increasing Rac1 activity accelerated loss of LTP . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1813588116 | Psychology_easy_594 | "It's a serious deficit we're all feeling," Baime said. | Although this study carefully controlled for nonspecific intervention factors, acceptance training may build on several of these contextual features. | The finding could be a step toward mitigating a nationwide problem of loneliness. "It's a serious deficit we're all feeling," Baime said. While one study is not enough to prove smartphone-led meditation is the solution, it's a promising start, he said. | In hopes of guiding further research that builds on the present findings, we highlight several considerations about the study design and interventions that may prove important for replication and extension. Although this study carefully controlled for nonspecific intervention factors, acceptance training may build on several of these contextual features. First, it is important to reiterate that monitoring and acceptance-rather than acceptance alone-act synergistically to reduce social risk factors. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/cercor/bhv043 | Psychology_easy_595 | A momentary lapse of concentration is all it takes for a finger to become trapped or sprain an ankle -- and it hurts. | The upper row of Figure 2A shows the topographies of this relationship for theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), beta (14-29 Hz), and gamma (30-100 Hz) frequencies. | A momentary lapse of concentration is all it takes for a finger to become trapped or sprain an ankle -- and it hurts. This method makes it possible to chronologically pinpoint which signals nerve cells use to respond to a pain stimulus. "We were absolutely amazed by the results: After just a few minutes, the subjective perception of pain changed -- for example, the subjects felt changes in pain when the objective stimulus remained unchanged. | This analysis yielded a statistical estimate of the strength of the relationship between brain activity and subjective pain intensity for each electrode and frequency band. The upper row of Figure 2A shows the topographies of this relationship for theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), beta (14-29 Hz), and gamma (30-100 Hz) frequencies. The results show that neuronal gamma oscillations at frontal electrodes encoded the subjective intensity of tonic pain (t max = 4.1 at electrode F3). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/geronb/gbs112 | Psychology_easy_596 | This can be done by focusing on getting people to intensify their engagement in a variety of cognitive activities even if they have lower levels of motivation to do so. | This interpretation is speculative but testable. | Says Baer, "it is my hope that these results will influence the design of future interventions aimed at maintaining the cognitive health of retirees. This can be done by focusing on getting people to intensify their engagement in a variety of cognitive activities even if they have lower levels of motivation to do so. It is equally important to address symptoms of depression to help fight against cognitive decline." | As discussed earlier, need for cognition might motivate individuals to seek further intellectual challenge within their chosen set of activities. This interpretation is speculative but testable. A future study should include a more detailed assessment of cognitive activity that includes indices of the variety and novelty of activities engaged in, as well as the level of engagement for each activity using ratings of challenge, effort, and duration as suggested previously. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41586-018-0647-4 | Psychology_easy_597 | And the same goes when you are an advocate trying to convince others to do the right thing. | 4) . | "If you are a salesman trying to sell something, you better be using it. And the same goes when you are an advocate trying to convince others to do the right thing. Furthermore, they show why actions matter so much: your actions help to reveal what you actually think, as opposed to just what you claim to think. | A random-effects meta-analysis on the four effect sizes reveals a significant positive effect of the ambassador engaging in the behaviour (d = 0.33, 95% CI = 0.21-0.44, Z = 5.63, P < 0.001), and no evidence of heterogeneity in effect size across behaviours (χ 3 2 = 2.37, P = 0.499) (Fig. 4) . Finally, aggregating over the four behaviours we find that the second-order-belief scale (α = 0.91) significantly and fully mediates the effect of ambassador engagement (89% of the effect) (see Methods, Supplementary Information section 5 and Extended Data Fig. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1704547114 | Psychology_easy_598 | They could reverse the behavior by reintroducing histamine directly into the striatum, confirming that this structure is a central contributor to the pathology. | (E) Striatal c-fos was also up-regulated in the dStr after CNO treatment: t(11) = 4.79; P = 0.0006; n = 7 saline, 6 CNO. | "It is easier to imagine how this insight might develop into a treatment than if the abnormalities arose during early development." The researchers were able to trigger excessive grooming in mice by shutting down histamine neurons projecting to the basal ganglia, an area of the brain previously linked to Tourette. They could reverse the behavior by reintroducing histamine directly into the striatum, confirming that this structure is a central contributor to the pathology. | A similar effect was seen in a larger open-field environment: chemogenetic inhibition of Mann-Whitney U = 12; P = 0.0375; n = 8 per group. (E) Striatal c-fos was also up-regulated in the dStr after CNO treatment: t(11) = 4.79; P = 0.0006; n = 7 saline, 6 CNO. (F) Because c-fos gave the cleaner result in the dStr analysis we selected it for counting in the mPFC. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.0705435104 | Psychology_easy_602 | Which is all to say that Baebraham Lincoln, the apple of social media's eye, shirtless in the Los Angeles courthouse, may very well be following an artistic tradition, born out of a pseudoscience, to make our political leaders' looks match their moral virtue. | The test for dependence of judgments and incumbency status was not significant [ 2 (2) ϭ 1.95, P ϭ 0.38] (see Table 2 for the relevant proportions). | In this case, "vigorous" can be translated to mean swashbuckling and 28. Which is all to say that Baebraham Lincoln, the apple of social media's eye, shirtless in the Los Angeles courthouse, may very well be following an artistic tradition, born out of a pseudoscience, to make our political leaders' looks match their moral virtue. Or, you never know, maybe it's as simple as what Hansen suggested: the president just looked better sans shirt and jacked. | Competence judgments were independent of incumbency status in predicting the outcome of the elections. The test for dependence of judgments and incumbency status was not significant [ 2 (2) ϭ 1.95, P ϭ 0.38] (see Table 2 for the relevant proportions). Collapsing across the races in which the incumbent lost and the races with no incumbent, the candidate who was perceived as more competent won in 62.7% of the races. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0956797615575277 | Psychology_easy_603 | For more information about this study, please contact: Maryam Kouchaki at [email protected]. | The remaining three word segments (F_ O _, B_ _ K, and PA_ _ R) could be completed with neutral words only. | The complete Open Practices Disclosure for this article can be found at More information about the Open Practices badges can be found at and For more information about this study, please contact: Maryam Kouchaki at [email protected]. | Three of the word segments (W_ _H, SH_ _ER, and S_ _P) could be completed as cleansing-related words (wash, shower, and soap) or as unrelated, neutral words (e.g., wish, shaker, and step). The remaining three word segments (F_ O _, B_ _ K, and PA_ _ R) could be completed with neutral words only. We averaged responses to the five cleansing products to create one aggregate measure (α = .86). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/070674370705200508 | Psychology_easy_604 | The MoCa is easy to ridicule, as many on the left are doing. | La sensibilité et la spécificité des deux mesures ont été évaluées pour la détection du TCL et de la démence. | It's also not the only, or necessarily best, way to assess cognitive decline. The MoCa is easy to ridicule, as many on the left are doing. It's also odd to boast about (see Donald Trump Jr's tweet below.) | Les diagnostics cliniques de démence et de TCL ont été posés d'après les critères du CIM-10 et de Petersen. La sensibilité et la spécificité des deux mesures ont été évaluées pour la détection du TCL et de la démence. Résultats : Avec un score d'inclusion de 26, le MMSE avait une sensibilité de 17 % pour détecter les sujets souffrant de TCL, alors que la MoCA en détectait 83 %. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0022022117698039 | Psychology_easy_605 | Having this unconscious sense of the space around the body helps us feel safe, says Graziano. | Details on the applied method can be found in Supplementary File 1. | It also helps us navigate social interactions, such as knowing where to stand with respect to other people at a party. Having this unconscious sense of the space around the body helps us feel safe, says Graziano. And it turns out we crave that margin of safety for others too--in fact, those "bubble wrap" brain neurons also fire when we see someone else's personal space invaded, he says: "You cringe because you're simulating what it would be like if it was happening to you--and all the same brain mechanisms are activated." | If the effect of temperature on personal distance preferences is direct, closer interpersonal distances should be observed in cultures of higher annual average temperature. Details on the applied method can be found in Supplementary File 1. Significant difference is suggested when the confidence intervals of two countries do not overlap. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3008 | Psychology_easy_608 | Though only proof-of-principle, Courchesne said the findings are encouraging. | From this process, 4 of 12 modules were identified (M1 is blue, M2 is black, M3 is purple, and M4 is green yellow in eFigure 1 in Supplement 1) that displayed the best area under the curve performance. | Our current work is aimed at recruiting sufficiently large samples of females to begin work to discover possible gene expression markers for them.aEUR
Courchesne emphasized that this was a first step toward a possible means of diagnosing autism much earlier than current methodologies, one that would greatly boost the efficacy of intervention and remedial treatments. Though only proof-of-principle, Courchesne said the findings are encouraging. Next steps involve further refinement of the process and identification of diagnostic risk markers for females. | The significant threshold of univariate tests was .05 (Supplement 2). From this process, 4 of 12 modules were identified (M1 is blue, M2 is black, M3 is purple, and M4 is green yellow in eFigure 1 in Supplement 1) that displayed the best area under the curve performance. Because of the differences in microarray platforms, only 2070 of 2765 discovery DE genes (75%) were present in the replication data set, and only 678 of 762 four-module classifier genes (89%) were actually represented by replication MEs and used in the classification test of the replication participants. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
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