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10.1111/cdev.12250 | Psychology_easy_334 | For these teens, being popular was their highest goal, Allen said. | This theory suggests that efforts to attain status with peers via superficial, pseudomature behaviors might lead to future difficulties because these pseudomature behaviors replace efforts to develop positive social skills and meaningful friendships and thus leave teens less developmentally mature and socially competent over time. | What researchers found was that the kids considered cool in the 8th grade had already peaked by the time they reached high school. For these teens, being popular was their highest goal, Allen said. According the study, by the time they reached the age of 22, the once-popular teens were perceived as less competent, and were more likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol. | One potential explanation for these findings is provided by cumulative continuity theory . This theory suggests that efforts to attain status with peers via superficial, pseudomature behaviors might lead to future difficulties because these pseudomature behaviors replace efforts to develop positive social skills and meaningful friendships and thus leave teens less developmentally mature and socially competent over time. Early pseudomature behavior also predicted higher adult levels of more serious criminal behavior, alcohol and drug use, and problems associated with such use. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/jcr/ucw012 | Psychology_easy_335 | When the people in the study were then asked to recall the color of the highlighted square and identify it on a color wheel, the people who had been distracted were much more likely to pick the wrong color. | In the condition in which the hot chocolate was positioned as appropriate for the outdoors, we expected significant mediation only at moderate and high levels of a priori interest in outdoors products (i.e., when targeting was at least moderately accurate). | Some of this research hints at the memory-distorting power of brief visual distractions. When the people in the study were then asked to recall the color of the highlighted square and identify it on a color wheel, the people who had been distracted were much more likely to pick the wrong color. Even though their guesses were often way off, many of the distracted folks indicated that they had high confidence in their choice. | In support of our expectation, the analyses revealed that the outdoorsy labeling index mediated the effect of targeting on purchase intentions for the solar charger (b ¼ .04, SE ¼ .02, 95% CI, .0064-.1146]) but not the hot chocolate (b ¼ À.01, SE ¼ .02, 95% CI, À.0578 to .0309). In the condition in which the hot chocolate was positioned as appropriate for the outdoors, we expected significant mediation only at moderate and high levels of a priori interest in outdoors products (i.e., when targeting was at least moderately accurate). In contrast, in the condition in which the hot chocolate was positioned as appropriate for the indoors, purchase intentions should be noncontingent on self-perceptions at any level of a priori interest in outdoorsy products because perceiving oneself as more or less outdoorsy should not have much influence on interest in purchasing hot chocolate for indoor useeven outdoorsy people may drink hot chocolate indoors. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.1941 | Psychology_easy_336 | While this particular study found strong neural connections in the association of depressive problems with poor sleep quality, rather than the other way around, in general the effects can work both ways. | In other words, the increases of the 39 functional connectivities shown in Fig. | From the other side, people with insomnia also have a higher risk of depression and anxiety. While this particular study found strong neural connections in the association of depressive problems with poor sleep quality, rather than the other way around, in general the effects can work both ways. Getting to the bottom of exactly what's going on will require more research, but one of the more promising avenues to explore is the role of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex. | S4 ) than for the effect in the opposite direction described above. In other words, the increases of the 39 functional connectivities shown in Fig. 1D mediated the effect of depressive problems on sleep quality, and the effect was weaker in the opposite direction. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-018-30980-y | Psychology_easy_338 | Overall, the authors report, "results of this study are consistent with those in procedural memory consolidation in preschool-aged children." | If such were the case, REM in subsequent overnight sleep may support delayed emotional memory processing. | Together, "these results suggest that sleep bouts can interact to benefit memory in early childhood," they conclude. Overall, the authors report, "results of this study are consistent with those in procedural memory consolidation in preschool-aged children." As in observations by others, "both a nap and subsequent overnight sleep was necessary to observe performance benefits." | Thus, naps may not be sufficient for emotional memory consolidation. If such were the case, REM in subsequent overnight sleep may support delayed emotional memory processing. For example, selective memory for negative aspects of complex scenes is positively correlated with both SWS and SWA during a nap, although correlated with nocturnal REM sleep . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2856 | Psychology_easy_339 | Eye checkups could be used to screen people with a greater risk of Alzheimer's perhaps - and while there's no cure yet, appropriate care could be provided earlier. | Limitations of our study include a geographically confined cohort. | "The main message from this study is that ophthalmologists should be more aware of the risks of developing dementia for people with these eye conditions, and primary care doctors seeing patients with these eye conditions might be more careful on checking on possible dementia or memory loss." Eye checkups could be used to screen people with a greater risk of Alzheimer's perhaps - and while there's no cure yet, appropriate care could be provided earlier. Age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma were the three eye conditions that showed a strong link with Alzheimer's. | Cataract is as strongly agerelated as the other conditions we studied, and we found no association between cataract and AD risk. Limitations of our study include a geographically confined cohort. The study population's ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics are similar to the surrounding county, but whether these associations would hold in nonwhite ethnic groups is unknown. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.005 | Psychology_easy_340 | This meant that voters were relatively well informed about both sides. | misinformation, whereas the two other dimensions go beyond this purely instructional level by also affecting people's motivation to rely on the post-event account versus their own memory of the event. | "[T]hey are likely to 'remember' scandals that reflect poorly on the opposing candidate." This meant that voters were relatively well informed about both sides. Even so, Murphy and her colleagues found that voters, after seeing fake news stories, tended to form false memories about stories that particularly aligned with their political beliefs. | The first dimension affects participants' knowledge about the prevalence and nature of [79] [80] misinformation, whereas the two other dimensions go beyond this purely instructional level by also affecting people's motivation to rely on the post-event account versus their own memory of the event. A particular difficulty resulted from the fact that some studies explicitly compared a post-warning condition to a standard, no-warning condition, whereas others just used a post-warning as part of their general procedure, without focusing on the warning in its own right. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1002/eat.20625 | Psychology_easy_341 | Dieting is no longer a necessary problem of vanity, as it has been historically termed, but a problem of knowledge and efficiency--a rhetorical shift with broad implications for how people think of themselves. | Our findings suggest that inappropriate compensatory behaviors occur at disconcertingly high levels among women and men. | Dieting is no longer a necessary problem of vanity, as it has been historically termed, but a problem of knowledge and efficiency--a rhetorical shift with broad implications for how people think of themselves. The firm found that that was due to two things: the growing popularity of the size-acceptance movement, and dieter fatigue. For new companies, laundering what are often fairly conventional diet practices through the language of technology provides the imprimatur of newness in the eyes of seasoned dieters, as well as a Trojan horse to reach consumers who, for whatever reason, were never interested in dieting qua dieting. | We note, however, these differences, although statistically significant, are weak: for every 50 women studied one more case that meets the particular binge eating criterion would be expected than for every 50 men studied. Our findings suggest that inappropriate compensatory behaviors occur at disconcertingly high levels among women and men. For example, almost 4% of women reported vomiting "often" during the past three months in order to compensate for overeating. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.005 | Psychology_easy_344 | Participants voting yes to repeal the ban on abortion, for instance, were more likely to recall the fabricated poster scandal about the opposing campaign. | The corresponding reduction in terms of Original Memory (cf. | Even so, Murphy and her colleagues found that voters, after seeing fake news stories, tended to form false memories about stories that particularly aligned with their political beliefs. Participants voting yes to repeal the ban on abortion, for instance, were more likely to recall the fabricated poster scandal about the opposing campaign. "[T]hey are likely to 'remember' scandals that reflect poorly on the opposing candidate," Murphy told the Association for Psychological Science. | As an aside, we can derive from these figures (and the corresponding ones for Original Memory), another way of expressing the reduction of the misinformation effect after post-warning, which is perhaps more intuitive than the measure derived from the odds ratios earlier (in the main results I section): The initial performance difference of 42.3% -17.7% = 24.6% was reduced to 28.5% -19.5% = 9.1% (rounding error) after post-warning. The corresponding reduction in terms of Original Memory (cf. Table 2 ) was from an initial 23.2% difference to an 8.1% difference after post-warning. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_345 | "Perhaps," Avins wrote of the Trumps-holding-hands incident, "it's time to acknowledge a new norm: Some of us just really don't want to hold hands." | To conclude, we show here that touch regulates physiological coupling during pain, suggesting that interpersonal coupling is affected by various contextual social cues. | The whole thing seems so nice -- to be able to think of this gesture first and foremost as emotionally empowering, rather than physically limiting. "Perhaps," Avins wrote of the Trumps-holding-hands incident, "it's time to acknowledge a new norm: Some of us just really don't want to hold hands." This is very true. | Finally, reporting pain for both emotional and intensity components may shed more light on our findings. To conclude, we show here that touch regulates physiological coupling during pain, suggesting that interpersonal coupling is affected by various contextual social cues. Although this simplified approach allows analyses of human responses, it lacks the sensitivity to capture elements involved in real-life social interactions. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_346 | My hand got sweaty. | Thus, future research should test the role of oxytocin in touch-related analgesia. | Almost immediately, I was acutely aware of all the two-handed things I could no longer do: fix my ponytail, uncap the water bottle in my purse. My hand got sweaty. I'd spent so long with a man who resisted any attempts at hand-holding that it had never really occurred to me that I might not like it, either. | It was demonstrated that warm touch can increase the levels of plasma oxytocin, and reduce stress 78 and depression 79 . Thus, future research should test the role of oxytocin in touch-related analgesia. It is important to note that our findings of interpersonal coupling during touch can also be explained by the phenomenon of Huygens synchronization of two connected pendulum clocks 83 . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2856 | Psychology_easy_347 | Another degenerative eye condition, a cataract, wasn't an Alzheimer's disease risk factor, the researchers found. | Restricting the "recent" diagnosis window to 2 years resulted in a higher HR for recent glaucoma ( Table 3 ). | Another degenerative eye condition, a cataract, wasn't an Alzheimer's disease risk factor, the researchers found. "This study solidifies that there are mechanistic things we can learn from the brain by looking at the eye." The eye even has the same type of tissues as the brain, the researchers said. | Risk estimates assessing each disease on its own model were similar to those in primary models (Supplementary Table 2 ). Restricting the "recent" diagnosis window to 2 years resulted in a higher HR for recent glaucoma ( Table 3 ). Use of alpha agonists did not confound associations between glaucoma and AD (Supplementary Table 4 ). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1186/2045-5380-3-19 | Psychology_easy_348 | This, in turn, helps improve focus and attention in those with ADHD. | Interestingly, as in the parabolic flight study, this study also reported that lower basal levels of AEA predicted increased HPA responses to stress, again suggesting that eCB signaling negatively relates to the magnitude of the stress response . | It works by heightening CNS connections to control hyperactivity and impulses. This, in turn, helps improve focus and attention in those with ADHD. The overall effect is to bring the brain down from a state of over-stimulation to a normal, baseline stimulation level. | Hill and colleagues demonstrated that exposure to the Trier social stress test resulted in a significant increase in 2-AG concentrations (and a small trend toward increased AEA concentrations) in the circulation. Interestingly, as in the parabolic flight study, this study also reported that lower basal levels of AEA predicted increased HPA responses to stress, again suggesting that eCB signaling negatively relates to the magnitude of the stress response . As such, these studies demonstrate that eCB signaling in humans is responsive to stress, and that failure of this system to be appropriately engaged results in increased responses to stress. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_350 | " " Holding hands can actually ease pain, helping to regulate responses to stress, while increasing trust and emotional well-being. | Similar to respiration fluctuations, trait empathy showed a pattern of moderation similar to that of empathic accuracy. | " " Holding hands can actually ease pain, helping to regulate responses to stress, while increasing trust and emotional well-being. They probably had no idea that their poppy little ditty had a basis in scientific fact. That's almost as many as the entire population of Texas. | However, these contrasts were not significant in the no-touch conditions (Δζ nt(p) = 0.003, p = 0.67, males), (Δζ nt(p) = 0.022, p = 0.17, females). Similar to respiration fluctuations, trait empathy showed a pattern of moderation similar to that of empathic accuracy. However, the moderation effect of trait empathy did not contribute beyond empathic accuracy and women's analgesia. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.10.028 | Psychology_easy_351 | But the focus is positive, not punitive, on how to build healthy relationships. | Of these participants, 61% were female, with a mean age of 20.03 (SD = 0.76). | At a larger scale, Temple believes one promising approach is school-based teaching of relationship skills. But the focus is positive, not punitive, on how to build healthy relationships. Temple believes this work is relevant to the national conversation on sexual assault and harassment. | One factor that merits additional attention is the association between a youth's history of experiencing corporal punishment and perpetration of dating violence. Of these participants, 61% were female, with a mean age of 20.03 (SD = 0.76). Participants were Hispanic (32.6%), white (28.8%), African American (26.0%), and other (12.7%). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.nicl.2013.09.001 | Psychology_easy_352 | "If a diagnosis is already attached to an image from the data bank, that could steer the physician in the right direction. | Like volumetric measures, statistical shape analysis based on the diffeomorphometry allows us to transfer morphometry changes across coordinate systems to template coordinates across which statistics can be obtained in the dataset. | The new pediatric brain imaging data bank, Miller said, will be useful in at least two ways. "If a diagnosis is already attached to an image from the data bank, that could steer the physician in the right direction. Also, the scans in our library may help a physician identify a change in the shape of a brain structure that occurs very early in the course of a disease, even before clinical symptoms appear. | Longitudinal MRI data in cognitively normal individuals who have progressed to mild impairment is extremely limited, but also suggests that volumetric measures of medial temporal lobe regions may be useful in predicting progression from normal cognition to mild or moderate impairment. Like volumetric measures, statistical shape analysis based on the diffeomorphometry allows us to transfer morphometry changes across coordinate systems to template coordinates across which statistics can be obtained in the dataset. This allows for the detection of changes in brain structures which are not uniformly distributed, and may be locally occurring. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/chemse/bjt066 | Psychology_easy_354 | Specifically, participants described the odours as pleasant and edible (even those associated with non-food items) when associated with positive labels. | There were no outliers for the intensity and pleasantness measures. | The result was that all participants rated the four odours more positively when they were presented with positive labels than when presented with negative labels. Specifically, participants described the odours as pleasant and edible (even those associated with non-food items) when associated with positive labels. Conversely, the same odours were considered unpleasant and inedible when associated with negative labels - even the food odours. | We also removed 7 outliers from 460 data points for the edibility measures. There were no outliers for the intensity and pleasantness measures. Missing data points led to a listwise exclusion of the participant's data. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1111/cdev.12370 | Psychology_easy_355 | Regulating emotions
Young people who reflected on their experiences from a self-distanced perspective became less upset than those who reflected from a self-immersed perspective, according to the study in Child Development. | Rather, it led participants to approach the event with greater objectivity. | Regulating emotions
Young people who reflected on their experiences from a self-distanced perspective became less upset than those who reflected from a self-immersed perspective, according to the study in Child Development. In part, this was because adolescents who saw their experience from a distance thought about it differently. These teens were more likely to reconsider the events in meaningful and insightful ways and less likely to simply replay the upsetting events in their minds. | Importantly, despite some research in the clinical domain that equates distancing with emotional detachment (e.g., , self-distancing did not lead to avoidance in any of these studies. Rather, it led participants to approach the event with greater objectivity. If self-distancing follows a similar developmental trajectory to other regulatory strategies, such as distraction or reappraisal, its use should increase from childhood through adolescence . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.3402/ejpt.v5.22250 | Psychology_easy_356 | aAbove all your therapist should be someone who respects you and your whole system. | It distinguishes between interpersonal trauma inflicted by someone with whom the victim was close to (betrayal trauma) and the same trauma committed by not-close perpetrators. | This Is My Brave, Inc. on YouTube
If you are diagnosed with DID and seeking treatment, working with trauma-informed providers is essential, Joubert says. aAbove all your therapist should be someone who respects you and your whole system. Therapists who refuse to acknowledge alters or say their names, [and who] push you to remember trauma or integrate when you aren't ready, may do more damage than good. | TestÁretest reliability has been reported to range from 0.79 to 0.96 and split-half reliability as 0.83 () . It distinguishes between interpersonal trauma inflicted by someone with whom the victim was close to (betrayal trauma) and the same trauma committed by not-close perpetrators. The BBTS has good testÁretest reliability ). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1505114112 | Psychology_easy_357 | These findings suggest that musical training could keep that window open longer. | Both types of training required investment of time and effort and emphasized the development of self-discipline, dedication, and determination; however, only the music training targeted auditory function. | At the end of 3 years, those students who had played instruments were better at detecting speech sounds, like syllables and words that rhyme, than their JROTC peers, the team reports online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These findings suggest that musical training could keep that window open longer. But the benefits of music aren't just for musicians; taking up piano could be the difference between an A and a B in Spanish class. | Our results support the notion that the adolescent brain remains receptive to training, underscoring the importance of enrichment during teenage years. Both types of training required investment of time and effort and emphasized the development of self-discipline, dedication, and determination; however, only the music training targeted auditory function. The JROTC group exhibited the waning of response consistency characteristically observed between adolescence and young adulthood . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1111/cdev.12250 | Psychology_easy_358 | The teens' "pseudomature behavior," as the researchers call it, "predicted long-term difficulties in close relationships, as well as significant problems with alcohol and substance use, and elevated levels of criminal behavior," the study said. | Na€ ıve coding systems are designed to capture typical lay notions of constructs, and attain reliability by compositing ratings from multiple raters, and in this case yielded highly reliable ratings at ages 13 (ICC = .93), 14 (ICC = .89), and 15 (ICC = .87). | For these teens, being popular was their highest goal, Allen said. According the study, by the time they reached the age of 22, the once-popular teens were perceived as less competent, and were more likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol. The teens' "pseudomature behavior," as the researchers call it, "predicted long-term difficulties in close relationships, as well as significant problems with alcohol and substance use, and elevated levels of criminal behavior," the study said. | Dynamic physical attractiveness (i.e., capturing static appearance as well as movement and expressive behavior) was reliably coded using a na€ ıve rater strategy . Na€ ıve coding systems are designed to capture typical lay notions of constructs, and attain reliability by compositing ratings from multiple raters, and in this case yielded highly reliable ratings at ages 13 (ICC = .93), 14 (ICC = .89), and 15 (ICC = .87). Internal consistency of the combined measure across ages was good, Cronbach's a = .77. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1080/09500693.2018.1540897 | Psychology_easy_359 | The Report Card also showed that several STEM institutions had started programs like unconscious bias training to help female scientists flourish. | Therefore, such case studies or mixed method studies with a pre/post-test design were classified as 'weak causal evidence' as well. | "European institutions had significantly higher grades than North American institutions, suggesting that perhaps the well-known progressive policies of European countries aimed at supporting working parents and promoting work-life balance have some influence on the retention and promotion of women in science," Dr. Beeler says. The Report Card also showed that several STEM institutions had started programs like unconscious bias training to help female scientists flourish. Fixing gender inequality in STEM is a big ask, but the experts behind the Report Card are hopeful that it can happen, with the right policies and intervention. | However, because these outcomes are perceptions of changes, they cannot provide evidence for actual changes in interest or persistence in STEM due to the programme. Therefore, such case studies or mixed method studies with a pre/post-test design were classified as 'weak causal evidence' as well. The electronic search yielded 918 studies in total. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/chemse/bjt066 | Psychology_easy_360 | "Although descriptions appear to influence reaction time, this may be modulated by label fit and the edibility attributed to an odour or label," concludes Manescu. | We tested 50 subjects. | "We were surprised by this result because we expected reaction times to increase when all four odours were associated with positive labels," says Manescu. In this study, however, cumin -- which was rated positively when presented with the label "Indian food" -- did not result in a slower reaction time, unlike parmesan cheese, which yield slower reaction times and was rated positively when presented with the "parmesan cheese" label. "Although descriptions appear to influence reaction time, this may be modulated by label fit and the edibility attributed to an odour or label," concludes Manescu. | We tested 50 subjects. Because of a lack of fit, only 4 of the initial 5 odorants were analyzed. All odorants presented with positive labels were rated as being more edible than when they were presented with negative labels. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0963662516629749 | Psychology_easy_361 | and the mind-boggling behaviours of birds (such as the manakins shown doing a shuffle dance), Our Planet will engage a whole new generation. | These comments outlined the public as being comprised of many different kinds of people, but the nature of the responses suggested that the respondent was distinct from this group. | So many of us working in conservation were drawn in through watching Sir David Attenborough's other films as children. and the mind-boggling behaviours of birds (such as the manakins shown doing a shuffle dance), Our Planet will engage a whole new generation. However feeling connected with nature does matter. | Approximately 22% of the coded responses conceptualized the public as a neutral other. These comments outlined the public as being comprised of many different kinds of people, but the nature of the responses suggested that the respondent was distinct from this group. Responses in this category contained no positive or negative judgments or feelings about the public, with comments often linking the idea of the public to participation in social life and activities, such as voting, consuming media, or interacting with the government. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2856 | Psychology_easy_362 | "What we found was not subtle," said Dr. Paul Crane, professor of medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, at the UW School of Medicine. | However, cataract is a disease of the lens, so it does not share pathophysiological mechanisms with AD. | Cataract diagnosis was not an Alzheimer's disease risk factor. "What we found was not subtle," said Dr. Paul Crane, professor of medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, at the UW School of Medicine. "This study solidifies that there are mechanistic things we can learn from the brain by looking at the eye." | Cataract is similar in being heavily age-related. However, cataract is a disease of the lens, so it does not share pathophysiological mechanisms with AD. Procedures to address cognitive assessment of individuals with poor vision have been in place since the inception of the study; these procedures are detailed in the eSupplement. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s13524-014-0321-x | Psychology_easy_363 | "The fact that parental happiness increases before these children are born suggests that we are capturing broader issues relating to childbearing such as couples forming partnerships and making plans for the future. | The happiness trajectories of parents were quite similar in the pooled cross-sectional OLS regressions and the fixed-effects regressions. | Mikko Myrskyla, professor of demography at LSE and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, said: "Our results show a temporary and transitory gain in parents' happiness around the birth of first and second children. "The fact that parental happiness increases before these children are born suggests that we are capturing broader issues relating to childbearing such as couples forming partnerships and making plans for the future. "The arrival of a third child is not associated with an increase in the parents' happiness, but this is not to suggest they are any less loved than their older siblings. | Social norms and social policy may play some role in shaping parental wellbeing trajectories, but overall, the individual sociodemographic characteristics are more important than context. The happiness trajectories of parents were quite similar in the pooled cross-sectional OLS regressions and the fixed-effects regressions. This suggests that in the populations analyzed, there is relatively little selection that is not accounted for by our control variables. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1111/cdev.12250 | Psychology_easy_364 | The pseudomature behavior that seemed so admirable at a young age lost cache as the other kids gained actual maturity. | Several other potential limitations also apply to these findings. | But they were no longer viewed that way by peers by the time they were in their early 20's. The pseudomature behavior that seemed so admirable at a young age lost cache as the other kids gained actual maturity. Meanwhile, as the young James Deans and Miley Cyruses aged they had to engage in ever-riskier behavior to keep thinking of themselves as cool. | Rather, it is that engaging in these behaviors very early in adolescence, and as an apparent means of seeking peer status, is a significant marker of future risk. Several other potential limitations also apply to these findings. First, although the longitudinal and lagged analyses conducted in this study are sufficient to reject causal hypotheses, they cannot demonstrate the presence of causal pathways. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s13524-014-0321-x | Psychology_easy_366 | (c) iStock Sera que ter filhos e sinonimo de felicidade? | These results provide a new way of understanding the theories of fertility decline by showing that the fertility behavior that emerged during the second demographic transition would have been largely predicted by parents' subjective well-being response to childbearing. | (c) iStock Sera que ter filhos e sinonimo de felicidade? Outro, mais recente, aponta que o ideal esta nos dois e que mais pode contrariar o indice de felicidade dos pais. A maioria dos europeus adultos considera que a familia ideal e composta por dois filhos, nem mais nem menos. | Similarly, given that we find no positive gain in subjective well-being for third births, the documented differences by parity may help explain the low quantum of fertility. These results provide a new way of understanding the theories of fertility decline by showing that the fertility behavior that emerged during the second demographic transition would have been largely predicted by parents' subjective well-being response to childbearing. However, when the question is how children influence parental well-being, it is important to analyze individual changes over time instead of only comparing parents with the childless. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.005 | Psychology_easy_368 | It's a problem that psychological scientists may be uniquely qualified to work on." | It seems unlikely of course that the post-warning procedures used in eyewitness settings can be directly translated into corrections of initial misinformation, but there are some interesting resemblances. | "That the political orientation and cognitive-ability effects persisted... despite an explicit warning about possible fake news in the second part of the study suggests that these effects cannot simply be eliminated by encouraging stricter source monitoring," the authors conclude. In other political contexts, such as the 2020 U.S. presidential election, fake news may create similar effects in voters' recollections of campaign events. It's a problem that psychological scientists may be uniquely qualified to work on." | [87] It seems unlikely of course that the post-warning procedures used in eyewitness settings can be directly translated into corrections of initial misinformation, but there are some interesting resemblances. (2012, p. 117) state that "the continued influence of misinformation can be eliminated through the provision of an alternative account that explains why the information was incorrect", which reminds of the logic of the enlightenment procedure that also gives reasons for the presence of misinformation. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1080/09500693.2018.1540897 | Psychology_easy_370 | The pipeline wasn't the only issue revealed in the Report Card. | This observed difference in ability is too small to account for the large difference in STEM participation. | "Unfortunately, it appears that the pipeline is leaking a with a consistent drop in the proportion of women at each rung of the professional ladder. The pipeline wasn't the only issue revealed in the Report Card. Dr. Beeler tells Bustle that the Report Card also showed women were underrepresented at important committees and external conferences. | also conclude that the validity of the results in research on STEM ability is questionable. This observed difference in ability is too small to account for the large difference in STEM participation. They suggested that the underrepresentation of females in STEM education can be (partly) explained by the higher level of verbal ability of girls compared with that of boys. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_371 | Holding hands is the one form of PDA that you can almost always pull off without being obnoxious, and the only one that retains its sweetness across the entire human lifespan. | Interestingly, the difference in pain between the conditions with and without touch was higher in females than in males, who estimated their partners' pain. | And it's lonely being on the outside, especially when the experience in question is such a quietly lovely one. Holding hands is the one form of PDA that you can almost always pull off without being obnoxious, and the only one that retains its sweetness across the entire human lifespan. It's akin to the first time you sleep over at someone's place without actually sleeping with them -- an act steeped in intimacy because of, not in spite of, the fact that it's sexless. | Nevertheless, the moderation effects of empathic accuracy and pain analgesia reduce the probability of this explanation. Interestingly, the difference in pain between the conditions with and without touch was higher in females than in males, who estimated their partners' pain. These findings can be explained by the fact that female participants experienced the real pain and their male partners only guessed the females' pain level. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s13524-014-0321-x | Psychology_easy_372 | (c) iStock Sera que ter filhos e sinonimo de felicidade? | A test for whether the coefficients for 3-4, 5-9, and 10-18 years after birth are all 0 suggests increased long-run happiness (p < .05) in Germany and a borderline significant result (p < .10) in Britain. | (c) iStock Sera que ter filhos e sinonimo de felicidade? Outro, mais recente, aponta que o ideal esta nos dois e que mais pode contrariar o indice de felicidade dos pais. A maioria dos europeus adultos considera que a familia ideal e composta por dois filhos, nem mais nem menos. | Mature parents (ages 35-49) have increasing happiness before and during the birth year; then, after a small drop, happiness remains at or above baseline. A test for whether the coefficients for 3-4, 5-9, and 10-18 years after birth are all 0 suggests increased long-run happiness (p < .05) in Germany and a borderline significant result (p < .10) in Britain. Among both the partnered and unpartnered, happiness increases around the birth and then decreases 11 Parents aged 17 or younger are excluded because (1) teenage childbearing is a different process than having children at young adult ages; (2) our samples include very few people who had children before turning age 18; and (3) it is difficult to construct a meaningful pre-birth baseline happiness for teen parents. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2856 | Psychology_easy_373 | The researchers said several factors suggest the effects they uncovered were specific to ophthalmic conditions and not merely age-related phenomenon. | Recent and established AMD and DR were associated with allcause dementia, and risks for DR were much larger (Supplementary Table 1 ). | She said a better understanding of neurodegeneration in the eye and the brain could bring more success in diagnosing Alzheimer's early and developing better treatments. The researchers said several factors suggest the effects they uncovered were specific to ophthalmic conditions and not merely age-related phenomenon. "This paper is pointing to a new area of opportunity," he said. | Restricting to probable AD (n 5 522) resulted in similar estimates for recent ( For all-cause dementia, glaucoma risks were attenuated though still non-null for recent diagnosis. Recent and established AMD and DR were associated with allcause dementia, and risks for DR were much larger (Supplementary Table 1 ). Models with non-AD dementia that treated AD as a competing risk confirmed the expected strong relationship between DR and non-AD dementia (Supplementary Table 1 ). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_374 | Read Time:
Fathers-to-be, take note: You may be more useful in the labor and delivery room than you realize. | The partner's touch may also enhance inter-partner brain synchronization in areas related to the pain matrix, a hypothesis that should be tested in future research using novel hyperscanning techniques 73 . | Read Time:
Fathers-to-be, take note: You may be more useful in the labor and delivery room than you realize. When leaders and followers or therapists and clients have a good rapport, their brainwaves fall into a similar pattern. The authors hope it can inform the discussion as health care providers seek opioid-free pain relief options. | Moreover, tactile-induced analgesia 66 correlates with activations in brain areas related to multimodal neural activity 67 and emotional processes . The partner's touch may also enhance inter-partner brain synchronization in areas related to the pain matrix, a hypothesis that should be tested in future research using novel hyperscanning techniques 73 . The ACC appears to play a role in a variety of autonomic functions, such as regulating heart rate and blood pressure 76 . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.10.028 | Psychology_easy_375 | "We justify spanking, but there is no other relationship in the world that it would be okay to hit someone, even if they did something wrong." | Hence, the modeling may occur in childhood due to direct experience of parental violence, witnessing interparental violence, or both. | For example, although the fear of being hit can temporarily prevent a child from doing a problematic behavior, in the long run it may have psychological consequences. "We justify spanking, but there is no other relationship in the world that it would be okay to hit someone, even if they did something wrong." Werner-Wilson emphasized that research shows not all corporal punishment is negative, and if it is done under certain parameters, such as being conducted soon after the punishable act and being done without a strong emotional reaction from the parent, the results can be positive. | Due to item missingness, the sample sizes for sex, ethnicity, and highest parental education may not match. Hence, the modeling may occur in childhood due to direct experience of parental violence, witnessing interparental violence, or both. Our study has certain limitations. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.17111282 | Psychology_easy_376 | The tests they researched also didn't agree on what medical recommendations to make when they detected that a patient had a particular gene variant. | This step, in part, reflects an attempt to understand the patient's unique genetic background and biological "substrate." | The team analyzed four tests (CNSDose, Genecept, GeneSight, and Neuropharmagen) and found that they could reliably detect whether someone has a certain genetic variant, says Dunlop. The tests they researched also didn't agree on what medical recommendations to make when they detected that a patient had a particular gene variant. Even though 23andMe has been more successful than other companies in gaining FDA approval, that doesn't mean its test is useful or necessary. | They find that, at present, there are insufficient data to support the widespread use of combinatorial pharmacogenetic testing in clinical practice, although there are clinical situations in which the technology may be informative, particularly in predicting side effects. This step, in part, reflects an attempt to understand the patient's unique genetic background and biological "substrate." In the majority of cases, the clinician will be faced with a decision regarding alternative strategies to treat the patient's depression. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.005 | Psychology_easy_378 | "High cognitive ability may allow individuals to overcome the biasing effect of political orientation and more effectively monitor the sources of their memories," the authors note. | Similarly, post-warnings immediately after presentation of misinformation could still affect its encoding and certainly its rehearsal. | But participants who scored high on the cognitive ability test were more adept at identifying whether a story that aligned with their beliefs was fake. "High cognitive ability may allow individuals to overcome the biasing effect of political orientation and more effectively monitor the sources of their memories," the authors note. The current study, however, finds that even when fabricated events are presented with a warning about their legitimacy, false memories are easily created. | better scrutiny of the post-event information), enhanced remembering, or both. Similarly, post-warnings immediately after presentation of misinformation could still affect its encoding and certainly its rehearsal. By contrast, effects of post-warnings immediately before testing can only be due to an influence at the remembering (i.e., retrieval or reporting) stage. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_379 | When he was allowed to hold her hand, their rates fell into sync again and her pain decreased. | The finding of an increased pattern of heart rate coupling during the pain and touch condition indicates that touch may allow communication between the participants but only during pain. | But when she was subjected to pain and he couldn't touch her, that synchronization was severed. When he was allowed to hold her hand, their rates fell into sync again and her pain decreased. "It appears that pain totally interrupts this interpersonal synchronization between couples," Goldstein said. | Thus, in the current study the partners may have communicated their emotions via touch, as evidenced by an increase in physiological coupling. The finding of an increased pattern of heart rate coupling during the pain and touch condition indicates that touch may allow communication between the participants but only during pain. This indicates that coupling . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_380 | According to Goldstein, "it's unlikely that this research will solve the problem of painkillers." | Our findings confirm that interpersonal touch as compared to no-touch is associated with increased respiration coupling, during both pain and no-pain conditions. | There's more research to be done, for instance, focusing on clinical implications of these findings and even implications of empathy training. According to Goldstein, "it's unlikely that this research will solve the problem of painkillers." For now, it's worth a try. | In addition, the females' feeling of comfort during the touch did not moderate coupling in respiration fluctuations (F (4,28000) = 1.37, p = 0.24) nor heart rate (F (4,13000) = 1.47, p = 0.21). Our findings confirm that interpersonal touch as compared to no-touch is associated with increased respiration coupling, during both pain and no-pain conditions. Thus, in the current study the partners may have communicated their emotions via touch, as evidenced by an increase in physiological coupling. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.1941 | Psychology_easy_381 | Researchers found a strong connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (responsible for short-term memory), the precuneus (linked with ideas of the self) and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (associated with negative emotions). | The Shen atlas areas with functional connectivities related to sleep quality. | Researchers found a strong connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (responsible for short-term memory), the precuneus (linked with ideas of the self) and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (associated with negative emotions). An analysis of the records of 9,735 people living with depressive problems found that there was increased activity between these brain regions in people who also reported disrupted sleep patterns, and that's a crucial discovery in our understanding of these conditions. "These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified." | eFigure 4. The Shen atlas areas with functional connectivities related to sleep quality. There were 162 such links significant with NBS correction, p<0.05. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/jcr/ucw012 | Psychology_easy_382 | "Even when you think you're focused on a task and performing it, having a distractor that captures your attention very briefly can fundamentally change what you thought you were perceiving," she says. | This may have inflated effect sizes relative to a real-world scenario in which not all participants correctly identity a behaviorally targeted ad as such. | Her study's findings imply that visual distractions -- like the ones caused by the flash of a "new message" alert or a news update -- might distort a person's memory of an event or interaction without that person realizing it. "Even when you think you're focused on a task and performing it, having a distractor that captures your attention very briefly can fundamentally change what you thought you were perceiving," she says. "Consumers who knew they had received a targeted ad reported being more interested in the advertised product, and even changed their self-perceptions to be more in line with what the ad implied about them." | We also note that the results of this study reflect only those participants who correctly identified whether the ad they were shown was behaviorally targeted. This may have inflated effect sizes relative to a real-world scenario in which not all participants correctly identity a behaviorally targeted ad as such. However, effect sizes are likely to have also been lowered relative to a completely naturalistic setting because we do not use actual targeting software and instead show all participants the same ad. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.1941 | Psychology_easy_383 | So, whatever it is you're going through, remember you're not alone. | Most participants were healthy controls, and the depressive score was used as an indicator of depressive symptoms, not formal diagnosis; however, we did demonstrate a high correlation between the Depressive Problems score and whether a person had at some time been diagnosed with depression. | The crossover here goes some way to proving that sleep and depression are affected by similar parts of our brains a and suggests it is this link that causes us to feel down and more susceptible to mental health problems when we suffer from a lack of sleep. Jianfeng Feng and Edmund Rolls, who headed up the study, stressed the significance of their conclusions to Sleep Review, with Rolls stating that the results are likely to have "implications for a deeper understanding of depression," as the evidence highlights "a key brain area that might be targeted in the search for treatments." So, whatever it is you're going through, remember you're not alone. | Several limitations are considered. Most participants were healthy controls, and the depressive score was used as an indicator of depressive symptoms, not formal diagnosis; however, we did demonstrate a high correlation between the Depressive Problems score and whether a person had at some time been diagnosed with depression. We note that there is a strong association between depression and poor sleep, in that the correlation found in this study between the Depressive Problems score and PSQI score was high (r = 0.371, P <1.0×10 −10 , Figure 1B) ; however, this does not address the directionality of the association, which could be in both directions. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s13524-014-0321-x | Psychology_easy_384 | Mikko Myrskyla, professor of demography at LSE and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, said: "Our results show a temporary and transitory gain in parents' happiness around the birth of first and second children. | These differences may be moderated by the welfare state. | The increase in parental happiness surrounding the birth of a third child is negligible. Mikko Myrskyla, professor of demography at LSE and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, said: "Our results show a temporary and transitory gain in parents' happiness around the birth of first and second children. "The fact that parental happiness increases before these children are born suggests that we are capturing broader issues relating to childbearing such as couples forming partnerships and making plans for the future. | However, parents who already have children may be more confident in their skills and may be better able to cope with children, which would predict that parents' happiness response is more positive for higher-order births. These differences may be moderated by the welfare state. The differences in outof-wedlock childbearing and public support to parents may result in greater differences in parental well-being by marital status in Britain than in Germany. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0956797617692041 | Psychology_easy_385 | The regulation was ultimately overturned but it generated heated debate about the appropriateness and effectiveness of addressing public health issues through such means. | These were qualified by a significant interaction between portion limit and drink size, F(2, 335) = 15.42, p < .001 (Fig. | "Our research provides insight into the effectiveness of a portion limit policy," explains behavioral scientist Leslie John of Harvard Business School, first author on the research. The regulation was ultimately overturned but it generated heated debate about the appropriateness and effectiveness of addressing public health issues through such means. The results showed that bundling seemed to diminish participants' interest in buying the larger option: People were less likely to buy a large drink when it was bundled than when it was presented as one serving. | There were significant main effects of portion limit, F(2, 335) = 10.37, p < .001, and drink size, F(1, 335) = 126.59, p < .001. These were qualified by a significant interaction between portion limit and drink size, F(2, 335) = 15.42, p < .001 (Fig. Follow-up tests revealed that for the medium drink, consumption was similar across service styles, F(2, 197) = 1.07, p = .34. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s40519-017-0414-9 | Psychology_easy_386 | Questions around mental health showed high rates of depression and stress among the group, and anxiety levels were higher still. | Most frequently they perform: solo (46.9%), within small group (55.8%), within large group (32.3%), other (4.7%). | After analysing the questionnaire data, the researchers revealed almost one-third of the group (32.3%) reported having experienced an eating disorder, a higher proportion than the estimated 1.6 million adults thought to be affected in the UK. Questions around mental health showed high rates of depression and stress among the group, and anxiety levels were higher still. Dr Kapsetaki explained that the demand to perform and to look the part may also add to the stress of musicians, adding: "These pressures can also lead to anxiety and depression which are risk factors for eating disorders." | The stages they were in their musical careers were: music students (37.3%), music teachers (36%), professional performers (36.3%), amateur performers (35.6%), other (9.6%). Most frequently they perform: solo (46.9%), within small group (55.8%), within large group (32.3%), other (4.7%). The global score of the EDE-Q mean and SD was 1.67 ± 1.43 (17 musicians did not complete the EDE-Q so their EDE-QGS could not be calculated) and the specific items of EDE-Q: restraint (1.49 ± 1.60), eating concern (0.99 ± 1.29) (16 musicians did not answer all the restraint and eating concern questions), shape concern (2.28 ± 1.75) (14 musicians did not answer this category of questions), weight concern (1.95 ± 1.66) (15 musicians did not answer this category of questions). | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0963662516629749 | Psychology_easy_387 | So many of us working in conservation were drawn in through watching Sir David Attenborough's other films as children. | While it would be naïve to suggest that curriculum reform is a simple process, an approach to the lagging levels of public support for science that focuses on education enjoys at least one key advantage; it promises to be a largely bipartisan effort, at least relative to other approaches that might target values or employ persuasive messaging. | Perhaps the pure and unsullied vision is what makes them so popular. So many of us working in conservation were drawn in through watching Sir David Attenborough's other films as children. and the mind-boggling behaviours of birds (such as the manakins shown doing a shuffle dance), Our Planet will engage a whole new generation. | This approach also has the added benefit of working within the confines of established infrastructure, the education system. While it would be naïve to suggest that curriculum reform is a simple process, an approach to the lagging levels of public support for science that focuses on education enjoys at least one key advantage; it promises to be a largely bipartisan effort, at least relative to other approaches that might target values or employ persuasive messaging. In an era where science is becoming increasingly contentious politically, curriculum reform that is designed to produce a more educated citizenry represents an area of common ground for virtually all actors in the policy making process. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1080/08870446.2013.818674 | Psychology_easy_389 | Smokers who plan carefully and -- again -- receive the right kind of support from their partners are more likely to stop for good. | The analysis of the region of significance by the Johnson Neyman technique showed that the simple slopes were significant only at levels of social support higher than 1.86 (p < .05). | Careful planning
The same is true of the coping strategies that the smoker plans to apply in difficult situations (for instance, taking a chewing gum or being reminded of one's wish to quit when spending an evening in the company of smokers and feeling an uncontrollable craving for a cigarette). Smokers who plan carefully and -- again -- receive the right kind of support from their partners are more likely to stop for good. When occurring on their own, self-efficacy, coping strategies and social support did not increase the chances of quitting. | Again, the interaction of volitional self-efficacy and smoking-specific received social support was significant (p< .05, see Figure 2 ). The analysis of the region of significance by the Johnson Neyman technique showed that the simple slopes were significant only at levels of social support higher than 1.86 (p < .05). In sum, the results indicate that those individuals who reported high levels of smoking-specific received social support were more likely to be abstinent, the higher their volitional self-efficacy was, indicating a synergistic effect of smoking-specific received social support and volitional selfefficacy. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1007/s00213-014-3810-0 | Psychology_easy_390 | It's important to note that the idea of Leaky Gut Syndrome is debated in the medical community. | The increase of positive compared to negative emotional information processing in the B-GOS group provides initial evidence that behavioural effects of probiotics in rodent models can be extended to affective processing in humans using prebiotics. | It's important to note that the idea of Leaky Gut Syndrome is debated in the medical community. Despite this debate, there are a number of symptoms that do co-occur with a "leaky gut," and it's worth paying attention to improving your gut health regardless. If you suspect something is off with your gut health, you should be paying attention to possible symptoms. | b Participants showed decreased attentional vigilance to negative versus positive words in the unmasked condition of the dot-probe task after B-GOS but not FOS intake compared to placebo involuntary deployment of attention ), whereas at longer stimulus durations, it may further involve a difficulty to disengage from salient emotional stimuli . The increase of positive compared to negative emotional information processing in the B-GOS group provides initial evidence that behavioural effects of probiotics in rodent models can be extended to affective processing in humans using prebiotics. These results are also consistent with a recent fMRI study which reported that a 3-week probiotic administration reduced neural response in a network of areas (including the somatosensory cortex, insula and parahippocampal gyrus) to angry and fearful facial expressions . | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.1941 | Psychology_easy_391 | Jianfeng Feng and Edmund Rolls, who headed up the study, stressed the significance of their conclusions to Sleep Review, with Rolls stating that the results are likely to have "implications for a deeper understanding of depression," as the evidence highlights "a key brain area that might be targeted in the search for treatments." | However, for the following reasons, we chose to use the Shen atlas rather than HCP atlas. | The crossover here goes some way to proving that sleep and depression are affected by similar parts of our brains a and suggests it is this link that causes us to feel down and more susceptible to mental health problems when we suffer from a lack of sleep. Jianfeng Feng and Edmund Rolls, who headed up the study, stressed the significance of their conclusions to Sleep Review, with Rolls stating that the results are likely to have "implications for a deeper understanding of depression," as the evidence highlights "a key brain area that might be targeted in the search for treatments." So, whatever it is you're going through, remember you're not alone. | The AAL2 atlas is available with MRIcron ( However, for the following reasons, we chose to use the Shen atlas rather than HCP atlas. If we used the HCP atlas in our analysis, it would be difficult to perform this very valuable cross-validation analysis. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0956797617692041 | Psychology_easy_392 | But data from two additional experiments indicate that this unintended increase in consumption can be dampened somewhat by requiring people to get the refills themselves. | In the results from this full logistic regression model (which included two main effects and an interaction term), there was therefore no evidence that bundling led to a backfire effect (i.e., bundling did not increase purchasing). | This may have happened, the researchers surmise, because consumers wanted to get their "money's worth" - that is, they consumed more of the refill since they had already paid for it. But data from two additional experiments indicate that this unintended increase in consumption can be dampened somewhat by requiring people to get the refills themselves. "Taken together, these results suggest that this method of complying with a sugary-drink portion limit could have the perverse effect of increasing consumption," the researchers write. | However, the participants were marginally significantly less likely to order large drinks in the bundled condition than in the typical-portion condition, OR = 0.59, 95% CI = [0.32, 1.09], p = .09, d = 0.25 ( Fig. In the results from this full logistic regression model (which included two main effects and an interaction term), there was therefore no evidence that bundling led to a backfire effect (i.e., bundling did not increase purchasing). In fact, the result of a χ 2 test comparing only the bundled and typical-portion conditions, collapsed across serving style, was significant: Drink purchasers were 64.8% less likely to buy a large drink in the bundled condition than in the typical-portion condition (25.6% bought a large drink in the bundled condition, and 39.5% bought a large drink in the typical-portion condition), χ 2 (1, N = 362) = 7.90, p = .005. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/jcr/ucw012 | Psychology_easy_393 | Some of this research hints at the memory-distorting power of brief visual distractions. | On one hand, consumers are more interested in information about where they stand on traits and identities that are important to them, which may make the effects of behaviorally targeted ads stronger for important traits . | "Anything less than half full, however, induced feelings of profound anxiety and discomfort." Some of this research hints at the memory-distorting power of brief visual distractions. When the people in the study were then asked to recall the color of the highlighted square and identify it on a color wheel, the people who had been distracted were much more likely to pick the wrong color. | Additionally, it would be useful to investigate the role of the importance (to the self) of the trait implied from the label ). On one hand, consumers are more interested in information about where they stand on traits and identities that are important to them, which may make the effects of behaviorally targeted ads stronger for important traits . On the other hand, consumers' selfperceptions on traits that are very important to them are arguably less malleable , which may mute these effects. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-017-03627-7 | Psychology_easy_395 | "Touch brings it back." | As in the case of respiratory rate, touch and pain moderated the partners' velocity effect both in women and in men (F (4,25000) = 19.40, p < 0.0001, −ΔBIC = 7.7, ΔR 2 = 0.12), indicating that the partner velocity effect differed across experiment conditions. | "It appears that pain totally interrupts this interpersonal synchronization between couples," Goldstein said. "Touch brings it back." The more physiologically synchronized they were, the less pain she felt. | However, there was no difference between pain and no pain during both touch (Δζ t(p/np) = 0.004, p = 0.115) and no touch (Δζ nt(p/np) = 0.002, p = 0.637) conditions. As in the case of respiratory rate, touch and pain moderated the partners' velocity effect both in women and in men (F (4,25000) = 19.40, p < 0.0001, −ΔBIC = 7.7, ΔR 2 = 0.12), indicating that the partner velocity effect differed across experiment conditions. (Fig. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0141076814565942 | Psychology_easy_396 | "Furthermore, there are many potentially confounding variables which could explain raised ASD rates, which the authors do not explore or account for," Turk continued. | Among children operated for a variety of conditions, Levy noted a strong association between the age at operation and the frequency and severity of emotional sequelae. | While this is a valid way of doing a study, it means that we must be careful about any implications," he said. "Furthermore, there are many potentially confounding variables which could explain raised ASD rates, which the authors do not explore or account for," Turk continued. "Finally, I have some issues with the premise in that their speculations regarding early pain as a cause of autism are, to say the least, highly speculative." | Considering the widespread practice of non-therapeutic circumcision in infancy and childhood around the world, confirmatory studies should be given priority. Among children operated for a variety of conditions, Levy noted a strong association between the age at operation and the frequency and severity of emotional sequelae. Psychological problems were encountered in 4% of children aged < years at the time of operation, as compared with 0% among older children. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1080/08870446.2013.818674 | Psychology_easy_397 | Careful planning
The same is true of the coping strategies that the smoker plans to apply in difficult situations (for instance, taking a chewing gum or being reminded of one's wish to quit when spending an evening in the company of smokers and feeling an uncontrollable craving for a cigarette). | However, as levels of social support increased, attitude became a stronger predictor of intentions showing that as social support increased, the power of attitude to predict intentions increased as well. | Such support could involve their partner reminding them of their plan to quit as well as encouraging and supporting them in critical situations. Careful planning
The same is true of the coping strategies that the smoker plans to apply in difficult situations (for instance, taking a chewing gum or being reminded of one's wish to quit when spending an evening in the company of smokers and feeling an uncontrollable craving for a cigarette). Smokers who plan carefully and -- again -- receive the right kind of support from their partners are more likely to stop for good. | In the latter, perceived social support was positively related to intentions at all levels of attitudes. However, as levels of social support increased, attitude became a stronger predictor of intentions showing that as social support increased, the power of attitude to predict intentions increased as well. This interaction effect indicates a synergistic effect of individual regulation and social support. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1186/s13229-018-0246-0 | Psychology_easy_398 | This collaboration with colleagues in China is so valuable to help us understand what is universal and what is culture-specific in autism research." | After adjusting for the other factors, father's education and father's occupation (higher social status occupations were less likely to take part), and child's age were the strongest factors related to non-response. | This collaboration with colleagues in China is so valuable to help us understand what is universal and what is culture-specific in autism research." In Jilin City, from a total population of 7,258, the team identified 77 cases of autism, equating to a prevalence of 108 per 10,000, very similar to that found in the West. In Shenzhen and Jiamusi cities, only data for children in mainstream education was available; in Shenzhen City, 42 out of every 10,000 children in mainstream education had autism, and in Jiamusi City this figure was 19 per 10,000. | The following variables were not significantly related to response rate: mother's or father's age, who completed the questionnaire, or mother's occupation. After adjusting for the other factors, father's education and father's occupation (higher social status occupations were less likely to take part), and child's age were the strongest factors related to non-response. In addition, the higher the CAST score the less likely the child was to take part, though this effect was small. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1093/jcr/ucw012 | Psychology_easy_399 | "If you're a person who goes out hiking occasionally and you see a behaviorally targeted ad for hiking boots that suggests you're rugged and outdoorsy, our results suggest you will feel more outdoorsy and then be more likely to buy that product," Reczek said. | Study 2 sheds light on this process by measuring consumers' self-perceptions. | While the advertising industry has been reluctant to tout its use of targeted ads because of privacy concerns, this research suggests there may be benefits for companies that indicate to consumers that they are sending ads meant specifically for them. "If you're a person who goes out hiking occasionally and you see a behaviorally targeted ad for hiking boots that suggests you're rugged and outdoorsy, our results suggest you will feel more outdoorsy and then be more likely to buy that product," Reczek said. The study's findings have broader implications beyond advertising, Smith said. | The data also show that the effects of behavioral targeting are not due to differences in liking for the advertisement because consumers liked the ad equally in all conditions. Study 2 sheds light on this process by measuring consumers' self-perceptions. Second, we increase the external validity of our work by manipulating awareness of whether the ad is behaviorally targeted using the industry-standard AdChoices icon. | [1] | Psychology | train | 1 | news | |
10.1177/0001839213509590 | Psychology_easy_400 | Across three studies, well-educated graduates who entered the workforce during economic downturns were happier with their work than those who first searched for jobs during more prosperous times. | Across three studies, well-educated graduates who entered the workforce during economic downturns were more satisfied with their current jobs than those who entered during more prosperous economic times. | Across three studies, well-educated graduates who entered the workforce during economic downturns were happier with their work than those who first searched for jobs during more prosperous times. In fact, they were happier with their jobs both early and late in their careers, even when they earned less money. Author Emile C. Bianchi wrote, "people who entered the workforce in bad economies were less likely to entertain ... thoughts about how they might have done better, and more likely to feel grateful for their jobs, both of which mediated the relationship between economic conditions at workforce entry and job satisfaction." | Across three studies, well-educated graduates who entered the workforce during economic downturns were more satisfied with their current jobs than those who entered during more prosperous economic times. Study 1 showed that economic conditions at college graduation predicted later job satisfaction even after accounting for different industry and occupational choices. Study 2 replicated these results and found that recession-era graduates were more satisfied with their jobs both early and later in their careers and even when they earned less money. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/1533317514549411 | Psychology_easy_402 | "This may be due to the fact that adults who are able to continue consuming alcohol into old age are healthier, and therefore have higher cognition and larger regional brain volumes, than people who had to decrease their alcohol consumption due to unfavorable health outcomes." | This may be due to adults who are able to continue consuming alcohol into old age are healthier, and therefore have higher cognition and larger regional brain volumes, than people who had to decrease their alcohol consumption due to adverse health outcomes and become abstainers during old age. | In addition, exposing the brain to moderate amounts of alcohol may increase the release of brain chemicals involved with cognitive, or information processing, functions. "There were no significant differences in cognitive functioning and regional brain volumes during late life according to reported midlife alcohol consumption status," said lead author Brian Downer, UTMB Sealy Center on Aging postdoctoral fellow. "This may be due to the fact that adults who are able to continue consuming alcohol into old age are healthier, and therefore have higher cognition and larger regional brain volumes, than people who had to decrease their alcohol consumption due to unfavorable health outcomes." | There were no significant differences in cognitive functioning and regional brain volumes during late life according to midlife alcohol consumption status. This may be due to adults who are able to continue consuming alcohol into old age are healthier, and therefore have higher cognition and larger regional brain volumes, than people who had to decrease their alcohol consumption due to adverse health outcomes and become abstainers during old age. There also may be an accumulative effect of alcohol consumption on cognitive functioning and regional brain volumes, meaning a person needs to consume alcohol, but not abuse alcohol, for several years or even decades before differences in cognitive functioning and regional brain volumes are observed. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1016/j.brat.2017.09.010 | Psychology_easy_403 | "Mindfulness research in general could benefit from employing the SOBC experimental medicine approach," she said. | Mindfulness research in general could benefit from employing the SOBC experimental medicine approach. | Britton said the SOBC approach can make mindfulness more effective for people who practice it. "Mindfulness research in general could benefit from employing the SOBC experimental medicine approach," she said. The SOBC experimental medicine approach will not only help MBIs become maximally effective, but also provide essential mechanistic information that will help tailor the intervention and instructor training to specific populations and conditions." | Verification of target engagement with different assays of attention control and emotional non-reactivity, including behavioral, neuroimaging and peripheral biological assays, will promote cross-validation of reliable target engagement. Mindfulness research in general could benefit from employing the SOBC experimental medicine approach. The SOBC experimental medicine approach will not only help MBIs become maximally effective, but also provide essential mechanistic information that will help tailor the intervention and instructor training to specific populations and conditions. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-018-25951-2 | Psychology_easy_404 | The illusory body ownership was rated higher when the virtual gloves and socks moved synchronously with their own movements than the asynchronous condition. | Participants (n = 20) rated the illusory body ownership higher when the virtual gloves and socks moved synchronously with their own movements than the asynchronous condition (Q1 in Fig. | It can provide the illusory ownership over the invisible body at a distance, or enable the operation of one's own transparentized body in a virtual environment. The illusory body ownership was rated higher when the virtual gloves and socks moved synchronously with their own movements than the asynchronous condition. They felt as if their own had become increasingly transparent when the motion was synchronized as compared to when the motion was asynchronized. | When illusory body ownership occurs with the virtual invisible body in front of the participant, self-location will drift toward the virtual invisible body similar to the full-body ownership illusion 7 . Participants (n = 20) rated the illusory body ownership higher when the virtual gloves and socks moved synchronously with their own movements than the asynchronous condition (Q1 in Fig. The feeling of proprioceptive drift toward the invisible body was higher in the synchronous than the asynchronous condition (Q2). | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1027/1864-9335/a000198 | Psychology_easy_406 | "The present results demonstrate that patterns of general action may occur for reasons other than the desire to be active versus inactive," the researchers wrote. | Prior research has not made this distinction, but the present results demonstrate that patterns of general action may occur for reasons other than the desire to be active versus inactive. | Thus, compared with likers, haters could be characterized as less active because they do fewer things, or they could be characterized as more focused because they spend more time on the small number of things they do. "The present results demonstrate that patterns of general action may occur for reasons other than the desire to be active versus inactive," the researchers wrote. "Indeed, some people may be more active than others not because they want to be active per se, but because they identify a large number of specific behaviors in which they want to engage." | However, some people may be more active than others not because they want to be active per se but because they identify a large number of specific behaviors in which they want to engage. Prior research has not made this distinction, but the present results demonstrate that patterns of general action may occur for reasons other than the desire to be active versus inactive. In this vein, it is possible that completing a time use survey could prime a self-concept related to dispositional attitudes, and participants may consequently change their DAM responses after this concept is primed; as the present research did not restrict participants from modifying survey responses after completing each form, the present studies cannot rule out this possibility. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.5527 | Psychology_easy_408 | Further, a lower self-perception of scholastic competence was associated with a slower reading speed, and a lower self-perception of scholastic, social, and athletic competence was associated with worse performance of aiming and catching among children with amblyopia. | Among children with amblyopia, the self-perception of scholastic competence was associated with reading speed, and the self-perception of scholastic, social, and athletic competence was associated with aiming and catching skills. | The researchers found that children with amblyopia had significantly lower scores than control children on the scholastic, social, and athletic competence domains of the Self-Perception Profile for Children. Further, a lower self-perception of scholastic competence was associated with a slower reading speed, and a lower self-perception of scholastic, social, and athletic competence was associated with worse performance of aiming and catching among children with amblyopia. There were no significant differences between the groups regarding the self-perception of physical appearance or global self-worth. | In this cross-sectional study, children with amblyopia had lower scholastic, social, and athletic competence scores as derived from the Self-perception Profile for Children than control children. Among children with amblyopia, the self-perception of scholastic competence was associated with reading speed, and the self-perception of scholastic, social, and athletic competence was associated with aiming and catching skills. These results suggest lower self-perception and its association with reading speed and motor skills highlight the potentially wide-ranging influence of altered visual development in children in their everyday lives. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1098/rspb.2013.1724 | Psychology_easy_409 | However, the results were completely opposite: for both bold and shy individuals, the tendency to lead is much less flexible than the tendency to follow. | However, we did find that, for both bold and shy individuals, the tendency to lead is much less flexible than the tendency to follow. | The bolder fish was also rewarded every time it followed the shyer member, but not when it emerged from safe cover by itself. However, the results were completely opposite: for both bold and shy individuals, the tendency to lead is much less flexible than the tendency to follow. The bold fish readily adapted to following but the shy fish could not be trained to lead, even when it learnt to stop following the other fish. | Contradicting the predictions outlined in the Introduction , we did not find any difference in the adaptability of bold and shy individuals to changes in leadership. However, we did find that, for both bold and shy individuals, the tendency to lead is much less flexible than the tendency to follow. The tendency to initiate trips differed only between treatments by 27% in bold and 46% in shy fish (figure 3a; q 12 /q In summary, fish (whether bold or shy) can easily learn to follow, but they cannot easily learn to lead. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/0956797613514092 | Psychology_easy_410 | The scholars claimed that, according to their theory, "there is no reason why people lacking resources should make harsher judgments of non-harmful transgressions." | Thus, according to our theory, there is no reason why people lacking resources should make harsher judgments of non-harmful transgressions. | Statistical analysis demonstrated that both parameters are statistically associated with stronger value judgments. The scholars claimed that, according to their theory, "there is no reason why people lacking resources should make harsher judgments of non-harmful transgressions." Predictions of the theory were empirically supported. | For instance, regardless of the amount of resources a person has, this person will be similarly vulnerable to witnessing someone's indecent behavior in public. Thus, according to our theory, there is no reason why people lacking resources should make harsher judgments of non-harmful transgressions. If our explanation is correct, lack of material resources should only affect judgments of harmful, but not non-harmful transgressions. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1007/s00038-016-0900-2 | Psychology_easy_411 | Those rating communication with their mother as 'difficult' have 2.47 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as 'easy'. | Those rating communication with their father as ''difficult'' were estimated to have 2.14 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as ''easy'' ( | Those with low 'school sense of belonging' (SSB) have 6.70 times greater odds of reporting self-harm as those with high SSB, and 3.16 times greater odds than those with medium SSB. Those rating communication with their mother as 'difficult' have 2.47 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as 'easy'. Those rating communication with their father as 'difficult' have 2.14 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as 'easy'. | Those rating communication with their mother as ''difficult'' were estimated to have 2.47 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as ''easy'' (Table 2; Figs. Those rating communication with their father as ''difficult'' were estimated to have 2.14 times greater odds of reporting self-harm than those who rated their communication as ''easy'' ( Those with Low NSB are estimated to have 2.84 times greater odds of reporting self-harm as those with High NSB. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1093/schbul/sbx158 | Psychology_easy_413 | The findings suggest frequent adolescent cannabis use is likely to be a suitable target for interventions that may allay the risk of young people developing bipolar disorder. | Consistent with the stage specific model of mental disorders linking intervention to stage of illness, our findings suggest frequent cannabis use is likely to be a suitable target for interventions that may allay the risk of young people developing bipolar disorder. | Cannabis use was also found to mediate the association of both childhood sexual abuse and hypomania, and male gender and hypomania. The findings suggest frequent adolescent cannabis use is likely to be a suitable target for interventions that may allay the risk of young people developing bipolar disorder. Commenting on the research, Dr Marwaha said:
"Cannabis use in young people is common and associated with psychiatric disorders. | The study also identifies cannabis use as a candidate mechanism for explaining how childhood abuse may lead to hypomania in adulthood. This is important in the context of the push in many jurisdictions to legalize or decriminalize cannabis. Consistent with the stage specific model of mental disorders linking intervention to stage of illness, our findings suggest frequent cannabis use is likely to be a suitable target for interventions that may allay the risk of young people developing bipolar disorder. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.4249 | Psychology_easy_415 | "Our findings that WET is as efficient and efficacious as CPT for PTSD may reduce attrition and transcend previously observed barriers to PTSD treatment for both patients and providers," study corresponding author Denise Sloan said in a university news release. | The findings suggest that WET is an efficacious and efficient PTSD treatment that may reduce attrition and transcend previously observed barriers to PTSD treatment for both patients and providers. | Of these patients, 63 were randomly assigned to received WET and 63 received CPT. The investigators found that five sessions of written exposure therapy was just as effective as 12 sessions of cognitive processing therapy for people with post-traumatic stress. "Our findings that WET is as efficient and efficacious as CPT for PTSD may reduce attrition and transcend previously observed barriers to PTSD treatment for both patients and providers," study corresponding author Denise Sloan said in a university news release. | CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Although WET involves fewer sessions, it was noninferior to CPT in reducing symptoms of PTSD. The findings suggest that WET is an efficacious and efficient PTSD treatment that may reduce attrition and transcend previously observed barriers to PTSD treatment for both patients and providers. 3 Also included in this recommended group of treatments is written narrative exposure, which the clinical practice guideline notes is a simple, yet effective, way to deliver exposure therapy for PTSD. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1080/16066359.2017.1311877 | Psychology_easy_416 | By contrast, there was on average no change in perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes when using marijuana. | In contrast, there was on average no change in perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes when using marijuana (5.3 ± 2.7, t (199) ¼ 1.7, p ¼ .09). | But both alcohol and marijuana users reported increased pleasure from smoking cigarettes when drinking alcohol - and this pleasure was not heightened by binge drinking. By contrast, there was on average no change in perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes when using marijuana. Findings Could Help People Cope With Smoking Triggers
"Our findings point to different reasons why people co-use cigarettes with marijuana than with alcohol," said Johannes Thrul, PhD, co-first author of the study and a postdoctoral scholar at the UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. | Individuals reported an increase in perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes when drinking alcohol (7.0 ± 2.2 versus null hypothesis 5 ¼ "no increase or decrease in pleasure"; t (199) ¼13.0, p < .001). In contrast, there was on average no change in perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes when using marijuana (5.3 ± 2.7, t (199) ¼ 1.7, p ¼ .09). Perceived pleasure from smoking cigarettes did not differ by frequency of binge drinking (F (3,200) ¼ 0.84, p ¼ .47): nonbinge (7.1 ± 2.1), 1-3 binge days (6.8 ± 2.3), 4-8 binge days (7.0 ± 2.1), 9 þ binge days (7.6 ± 2.2). | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1152/jn.00839.2014 | Psychology_easy_418 | "Therapies that help to maintain peripheral nerve function, such as the peripheral nerve stimulation paradigm used in the current study, need to be incorporated into the mainstream neuro-rehabilitation program in the early phases of SCI," the researchers wrote. | Second, therapies that help to maintain peripheral nerve function (such as the peripheral nerve stimulation paradigm used in the current study) need to be incorporated into the mainstream neurorehabilitation program in the early phases of SCI. | According to the researchers, short-term peripheral nerve stimulation may be a new approach to preventing long-term changes in nerve and muscle function and improving rehabilitation outcomes. "Therapies that help to maintain peripheral nerve function, such as the peripheral nerve stimulation paradigm used in the current study, need to be incorporated into the mainstream neuro-rehabilitation program in the early phases of SCI," the researchers wrote. It is highlighted as one of this month's "best of the best" as part of the American Physiological Society's APSselect program. | First, assessment of peripheral nerve function must commence in the acute phase of SCI and needs to be investigated routinely, especially in patients with complaints of new motor weakness, sensory loss, or pain. Second, therapies that help to maintain peripheral nerve function (such as the peripheral nerve stimulation paradigm used in the current study) need to be incorporated into the mainstream neurorehabilitation program in the early phases of SCI. Last, peripheral nerve stimulation may be used as a preventative strategy to maintain neural function in peripheral nerves that are more prone to chronic compression, such as the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist and elbows, as well as the CPN near the fibula head and the posterior tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1111/add.12373 | Psychology_easy_419 | But the relationship between societal and family affluence and cannabis use appears to be changing. | However, gender patterns of consumption and the relationship between societal and family affluence and cannabis use may be changing. | But the relationship between societal and family affluence and cannabis use appears to be changing. The overall results showed a significant decline in cannabis use. Affluent countries in Western and Southern Europe and North America (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, USA) showed a decrease in frequent cannabis consumption among 15-year-old boys and/or girls. | However, gender patterns of consumption and the relationship between societal and family affluence and cannabis use may be changing. Across geographical areas and time, adolescent males report higher prevalence of cannabis use compared to females and a greater tendency to abuse and develop dependence on cannabis . Two cultural trends worked in the same direction. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1098/rspb.2013.2661 | Psychology_easy_420 | The behavior acts as a signal to others in the neighborhood that non-cooperation will not be tolerated. | The behaviour acts as a signal to potential co-players in the neighbourhood that non-cooperation will not be tolerated. | The results suggest when responsible third-party punishment evolves, it does so because the responsible punishers' actions are ultimately not altruistic. The behavior acts as a signal to others in the neighborhood that non-cooperation will not be tolerated. The results also show that responsible third-party punishment does not evolve in populations with weak social ties or high mobility. | When responsible 3PP evolves, it does so as an ultimately non-altruistic trait. The behaviour acts as a signal to potential co-players in the neighbourhood that non-cooperation will not be tolerated. High strength-of-ties and low mobility allow clustered agents engaging in responsible 3PP to induce cooperation in their neighbourhood. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/0361684315581169 | Psychology_easy_421 | "Women may also reason that other people can neither change their infertility status nor understand what they were experiencing," Ceballo says. | Women may reason that other people can neither change their infertility status nor understand what they were experiencing. | Some women, especially those with secondary infertility, stayed silent about being unable to conceive because discussing it did not elicit sympathy or empathy. "Women may also reason that other people can neither change their infertility status nor understand what they were experiencing," Ceballo says. The women may stay silent about their infertility because of cultural expectations about strong, self-reliant black women who can cope with adversity on their own and with notions about maintaining privacy in African-American communities, Ceballo says. | Moreover, because pregnancy is visibly located in women's bodies, women may be more likely than men to feel ashamed and to blame themselves for infertility. Women may reason that other people can neither change their infertility status nor understand what they were experiencing. In our sample, this sentiment was especially true for women who were struggling with secondary infertility. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1126/science.1152408 | Psychology_easy_422 | Authors Jeffrey D. Karpicke and Henry L. Roediger III explain:
Repeated studying after learning had no effect on delayed recall, but repeated testing produced a large positive effect. | Repeated studying after learning had no effect on delayed recall, but repeated testing produced a large positive effect. | There's a reason why practice tests are so effective. Authors Jeffrey D. Karpicke and Henry L. Roediger III explain:
Repeated studying after learning had no effect on delayed recall, but repeated testing produced a large positive effect. In addition, students' predictions of their performance were uncorrelated with actual performance. | Repeated studying after learning had no effect on delayed recall, but repeated testing produced a large positive effect. In addition, students' predictions of their performance were uncorrelated with actual performance. The results demonstrate the critical role of retrieval practice in consolidating learning and show that even university students seem unaware of this fact. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-018-27126-5 | Psychology_easy_424 | "Therefore we promote the concept of implementing regular music playschool lessons given by professional teachers in early childhood education." | Therefore we promote the concept of implementing regular music playschool lessons given by professional teachers in early childhood education. | According to the results, published in Scientific Reports, music playschool significantly improved the development of children's phoneme processing and vocabulary skills, compared to their peers either attending to similarly organized dance lessons or not attending to either activity. "Our data suggest that even playful group music activities -- if attended to for several years -- have a positive effect on preschoolers' linguistic skills," says the first author of the research, Tanja Linnavalli. "Therefore we promote the concept of implementing regular music playschool lessons given by professional teachers in early childhood education." | Our data suggest that even playful group music activities -if attended to for several years -have a positive effect on pre-schoolers' linguistic skills. Therefore we promote the concept of implementing regular music playschool lessons given by professional teachers in early childhood education. Musicians outperform non-musicians in syllable discrimination 1 and in detecting speech in noise 2,3 . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1517057112 | Psychology_easy_425 | The study's findings, however, suggest "power-disadvantaged actors effectively protect themselves by perceiving power holders in a positive light, even if little or no relevant information would support such perceptions." | Power-disadvantaged actors thus effectively protect themselves by perceiving power holders in a positive light, even if little or no relevant information would support such perceptions. | These results contradict predictions derived from "rational actor" models, Cook says. The study's findings, however, suggest "power-disadvantaged actors effectively protect themselves by perceiving power holders in a positive light, even if little or no relevant information would support such perceptions." Their hope that their powerful partners will be trustworthy dominates their cognition and decision-making, in support of motivated cognition theory, says the researchers. | In particular, with increasing dependence, people will be motivated to see their partner as more trustworthy to avoid the anxiety inherently attached to their feelings of dependence. Power-disadvantaged actors thus effectively protect themselves by perceiving power holders in a positive light, even if little or no relevant information would support such perceptions. Using different experimental paradigms and measures and confirming predictions based on motivated cognition theory, we show that people low in power are significantly more trusting than more powerful people and that this effect can be explained by the constructs of hope and perceived benevolence. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1186/2193-7680-3-1 | Psychology_easy_426 | "This has clear policy implications for policing these settings and highlights the importance of joint operations and information-sharing between transit agencies and local police forces." | This has clear policy implications for policing these settings and highlights the importance of joint operations and information sharing between transit agencies and local police forces operating near major transit systems. | "The findings suggest that offenders who operate below ground may also operate above ground on major transit systems," writes Dr Newton. "This has clear policy implications for policing these settings and highlights the importance of joint operations and information-sharing between transit agencies and local police forces." It might not be until the end of the journey that you realise you have been a victim." | The findings suggest offenders who operate below ground may also operate above ground on major transit systems. This has clear policy implications for policing these settings and highlights the importance of joint operations and information sharing between transit agencies and local police forces operating near major transit systems. Four potential settings of theft are identified; in the vicinity of a station but outside its boundary; inside a station boundary before the paid access barrier; within the paid access barrier outside of carriages, and; inside a rail carriage. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/0963721418763931 | Psychology_easy_428 | "Stripped of context, standalone statistics may simply be used as 'evidence' of the stereotype that blacks are prone to criminality," the researchers write. | Stripped of context, stand-alone statistics may simply be used as "evidence" of the stereotype that Blacks are prone to criminality. | They suggest providing other background information, like the fact that African Americans make up 28 percent of the city's population or that African Americans are stopped for less severe traffic offenses than whites are. "Stripped of context, standalone statistics may simply be used as 'evidence' of the stereotype that blacks are prone to criminality," the researchers write. It is important to offer information about the history of these disparities in the U.S. and how they came about, which might help convey that racial inequality is not natural or due to fixed stereotypical traits, the researchers said. | Future research should test whether a more effective way to frame inequality might be to present information about disparities alongside a description of how those disparities came to be. Stripped of context, stand-alone statistics may simply be used as "evidence" of the stereotype that Blacks are prone to criminality. Exposure to information about racial disparities in the criminal justice system may activate and strengthen implicit associations linking Blacks with crime, violence, threat, and aggression. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1002/hbm.22441 | Psychology_easy_430 | In a cohort of 85 subjects (all males, ages 15-55 years), we show very high correlation between age and "heterogeneity" (a measure of structural layout of tissue in a region-of-interest) in specific brain regions. | In a cohort of 85 subjects (all males, ages 15-55 years), we show very high correlation between age and "heterogeneity" (a measure of structural layout of tissue in a region-of-interest) in specific brain regions. | In a cohort of 85 subjects (all males, ages 15-55 years), we show very high correlation between age and "heterogeneity" (a measure of structural layout of tissue in a region-of-interest) in specific brain regions. Our findings from dMRI data connects the functional and structural domains and confirms the "retrogenesis" hypothesis of gray matter alterations while lending support to the neurofunctional PASA model of aging in addition to showing the preservation of paralimbic areas during healthy aging. | In a cohort of 85 subjects (all males, ages 15-55 years), we show very high correlation between age and "heterogeneity" (a measure of structural layout of tissue in a region-of-interest) in specific brain regions. Our findings from dMRI data connects the functional and structural domains and confirms the "retrogenesis" hypothesis of gray matter alterations while lending support to the neurofunctional PASA model of aging in addition to showing the preservation of paralimbic areas during healthy aging. Specifically, fMRI is a useful imaging modality that can capture resting state as well as task specific activation of neural processes in the cortical and sub-cortical areas of the brain. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.4271 | Psychology_easy_431 | "Our findings indicate that while individuals who use cannabis or cigarettes during adolescence have an increased risk of subsequent psychotic experiences, epidemiological evidence is substantively more robust for cannabis use than it is for tobacco use," the authors write. | CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study, our findings indicate that while individuals who use cannabis or cigarettes during adolescence have an increased risk of subsequent psychotic experiences, epidemiological evidence is substantively more robust for cannabis use than it is for tobacco use. | The researchers found strong evidence that early-onset cigarette-only use, early-onset cannabis use, and late-onset cannabis use were correlated with increased psychotic experiences compared with nonuse before adjustment for a range of potential confounders. The association for early-onset cigarette-only use was attenuated substantially after adjustment for confounders (unadjusted odds ratio, 3.03 [95 percent confidence interval, 1.13 to 8.14]; adjusted odds ratio, 1.78 [95 percent confidence interval, 0.54 to 5.88]); for early-onset cannabis use and late-onset cannabis use, the correlations remained consistent (adjusted odds ratios, 3.7 [95 percent confidence interval, 1.66 to 8.25] and 2.97 [95 percent confidence interval, 1.63 to 5.4], respectively). "Our findings indicate that while individuals who use cannabis or cigarettes during adolescence have an increased risk of subsequent psychotic experiences, epidemiological evidence is substantively more robust for cannabis use than it is for tobacco use," the authors write. | After adjusting for confounders, the association for early-onset cigarette-only use attenuated substantially (unadjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.03; 95% CI, 1. adjusted OR, 1.78; 95% CI,), whereas those for early-onset cannabis use (adjusted OR, 3.70; 95% CI, 1.66-8.25) and late-onset cannabis use (adjusted OR, 2.97; 95% CI, 1.63-5.40) remained consistent. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study, our findings indicate that while individuals who use cannabis or cigarettes during adolescence have an increased risk of subsequent psychotic experiences, epidemiological evidence is substantively more robust for cannabis use than it is for tobacco use. Individuals who use cannabis regularly have a 2-to 3-fold increased risk of a psychotic outcome. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.1600 | Psychology_easy_432 | Despite the distress elicited by engaging with memories of the death, this strategy does not lead to aversive responses. | Despite the distress elicited by engaging with memories of the death, this strategy does not lead to aversive responses. | Fewer patients in the CBT/exposure group at follow-up (14.8 percent) met the criteria for PGD than those in the group who received CBT alone (37.9 percent). "In the most valuable lesson from this study, optimal gains with PGD patients are achieved when the emotions associated with the memories of the death and the sequelae of the loss are fully accessed. Despite the distress elicited by engaging with memories of the death, this strategy does not lead to aversive responses. | In the most valuable lesson from this study, optimal gains with PGD patients are achieved when the emotions associated with the memories of the death and the sequelae of the loss are fully accessed. Although focusing on appraisals and developing future directions apparently was somewhat beneficial, directing patients to access their emotional memories appears to achieve the most effective outcomes. Despite the distress elicited by engaging with memories of the death, this strategy does not lead to aversive responses. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3028 | Psychology_easy_433 | "We conclude that liability to ASD and a more broadly defined high-level autism trait phenotype in U.K. twins 8 years or older derives from substantial genetic and moderate nonshared environmental influences," the study concludes. | We conclude that liability to ASD and a more broadly defined high-level autism trait phenotype in UK twins 8 years or older derives from substantial genetic and moderate nonshared environmental influences. | The authors found that on all ASD measures, associations among monozygotic (identical) twins were higher than those for dizygotic (fraternal) twins, resulting in heritability estimates of 56 percent to 95 percent. The analyses highlight the importance of genetic factors in the cause of ASD along with moderate non-shared (different experiences among children in the same families) environmental influences, according to the study. "We conclude that liability to ASD and a more broadly defined high-level autism trait phenotype in U.K. twins 8 years or older derives from substantial genetic and moderate nonshared environmental influences," the study concludes. | The present study combines the strengths of previous studies and provides a more complete picture than any of them individually by being nationally representative and incorporating dimensional and categorical measures using a systematic repeated screening method. We conclude that liability to ASD and a more broadly defined high-level autism trait phenotype in UK twins 8 years or older derives from substantial genetic and moderate nonshared environmental influences. Genetic influences on diagnosed ASD are shared with those on autistic traits in the general population. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.0747 | Psychology_easy_434 | "These findings highlight an important role of autonomic nervous system in the risk of depression and contribute new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of depression and cardiovascular disease," the authors write. | These findings highlight an important role of autonomic nervous system in the risk of depression and contribute new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of depression and cardiovascular disease. | In the opposite pathway, linking visit 1 BDI score with HRV at visit 2, the magnitude of the correlation was similar; this correlation was mainly explained by antidepressant use. For the path linking visit 1 HRV with visit 2 BDI score, significant correlations were seen in monozygotic and dizygotic twins; the correlations were slightly stronger in dizygotic twins. "These findings highlight an important role of autonomic nervous system in the risk of depression and contribute new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of depression and cardiovascular disease," the authors write. | The opposite causal pathway from depression to lower HRV is mostly driven by antidepressant use. These findings highlight an important role of autonomic nervous system in the risk of depression and contribute new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of depression and cardiovascular disease. Reduced HRV is a marker of decreased ANS flexibility and may reflect an increase in the sympathetic nervous system and/or a decrease in the parasympathetic nervous system modulation. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1038/s41598-018-30798-8 | Psychology_easy_435 | Reduced susceptibility in childhood supports the theory that sensory dominance shifts across development and reaches adult-like levels by 10 years of age. | Reduced susceptibility in childhood supports the theory that sensory dominance shifts across development and reaches adult-like levels by 10 years of age. | Adults and older children were more easily influenced by vision. Reduced susceptibility in childhood supports the theory that sensory dominance shifts across development and reaches adult-like levels by 10 years of age. Rebecca said: "Our findings show that children rely more on auditory information. | adults and older children were more easily influenced by vision). Reduced susceptibility in childhood supports the theory that sensory dominance shifts across development and reaches adult-like levels by 10 years of age. The McGurk effect exemplifies this, as hearing a voice say "Ba" and seeing a face say "Ga" often results in perception of an alternative syllable such as "Da" or "Tha" 1 . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.4277 | Psychology_easy_436 | "Dimensional and heritable general cognitive and psychopathology factors are associated with specific patterns of white matter properties, suggesting that dysconnectivity is a transdiagnostic brain-based phenotype in individuals with increased susceptibility and symptoms of psychiatric disorders," the authors write. | CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE Dimensional and heritable general cognitive and psychopathology factors are associated with specific patterns of white matter properties, suggesting that dysconnectivity is a transdiagnostic brain-based phenotype in individuals with increased susceptibility and symptoms of psychiatric disorders. | Across a range of clinical domains and cognitive test scores, this feature's transdiagnostic importance was confirmed with univariate analysis. Both the general psychopathology (16 percent; P = 0.05) and cognitive factor (18 percent; P = 0.01) were heritable, with a negative genetic correlation. "Dimensional and heritable general cognitive and psychopathology factors are associated with specific patterns of white matter properties, suggesting that dysconnectivity is a transdiagnostic brain-based phenotype in individuals with increased susceptibility and symptoms of psychiatric disorders," the authors write. | Both the general psychopathology (16%; SE, 0.095; P = .05) and cognitive (18%; SE, 0.09; P = .01) factor were heritable and showed a negative genetic correlation. CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE Dimensional and heritable general cognitive and psychopathology factors are associated with specific patterns of white matter properties, suggesting that dysconnectivity is a transdiagnostic brain-based phenotype in individuals with increased susceptibility and symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Whereas the boundaries of this maturational potential are likely regulated by genetic predispositions, experiences and environmental perturbations mediate the individual development of cognitive and mental characteristics. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1603865113 | Psychology_easy_437 | We conclude that an empirical understanding of the effect of slow motion on mental state attribution should inform the life-or-death decisions that are currently based on tacit assumptions about the objectivity of human perception. | We conclude that an empirical understanding of the effect of slow motion on mental state attribution should inform the life-or-death decisions that are currently based on tacit assumptions about the objectivity of human perception. | This slow motion intentionality bias occurred, in part, because slow motion video caused participants to feel like the actor had more time to act, even when they knew how much clock time had actually elapsed. Four additional experiments (n = 2,737) reveal that allowing viewers to see both regular speed and slow motion replay mitigates the bias, but does not eliminate it. We conclude that an empirical understanding of the effect of slow motion on mental state attribution should inform the life-or-death decisions that are currently based on tacit assumptions about the objectivity of human perception. | Four additional experiments (n = 2,737) reveal that allowing viewers to see both regular speed and slow motion replay mitigates the bias, but does not eliminate it. We conclude that an empirical understanding of the effect of slow motion on mental state attribution should inform the life-or-death decisions that are currently based on tacit assumptions about the objectivity of human perception. This slow motion intentionality bias occurred, in part, because slow motion video caused participants to feel like the actor had more time to act, even when they knew how much clock time had actually elapsed. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/0146167218781000 | Psychology_easy_440 | "Findings from Study 3 supported the benevolence as a mate-preference hypothesis by ruling out the protection racket hypothesis as an alternative explanation for our findings," the researchers concluded. | Findings from Study 3 supported the benevolence as a mate-preference hypothesis by ruling out the protection racket hypothesis as an alternative explanation for our findings. | Again, the findings in the Study b2 were consistent with the findings in Study b1. "Findings from Study 3 supported the benevolence as a mate-preference hypothesis by ruling out the protection racket hypothesis as an alternative explanation for our findings," the researchers concluded. Conclusions
Overall, despite knowing that BS men can be undermining, women still prefer them over non-BS men, Gul and Kupfer wrote, adding that the connection exists because the desirable effects of benevolent sexism, for women, outweigh the potential downsides. | The interaction of pHS and willingness to invest was also non-significant meaning that the relationship between perceived willingness to invest and attractiveness was not affected by high versus low pHS. Findings from Study 3 supported the benevolence as a mate-preference hypothesis by ruling out the protection racket hypothesis as an alternative explanation for our findings. Specifically, women's perceived level of male HS did not predict the attractiveness of the BS romantic partner, and neither did it moderate the relationship between perceived willingness to invest and attractiveness. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0627 | Psychology_easy_442 | "Tic disorders, including TS and CTDs, cluster in families primarily because of genetic factors and appear to be among the most heritable neuropsychiatric conditions." | CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Tic disorders, including TS and CTDs, cluster in families primarily because of genetic factors and appear to be among the most heritable neuropsychiatric conditions. | That being said, the results of the study may not be generalizable to other populations. "The heritability of tic disorders was estimated to be approximately 77 percent," the study concluded. "Tic disorders, including TS and CTDs, cluster in families primarily because of genetic factors and appear to be among the most heritable neuropsychiatric conditions." | There were no differences in familial risk or heritability between male and female patients. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Tic disorders, including TS and CTDs, cluster in families primarily because of genetic factors and appear to be among the most heritable neuropsychiatric conditions. Second, families were primarily recruited from specialist clinics, potentially resulting in the inclusion of more severe and impaired cases. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1073/pnas.1816076116 | Psychology_easy_443 | On the other hand, our diversity training successfully generated some behavior change among groups whose average untreated attitudes were already strongly supportive of women before training. | On the other hand, our diversity training successfully generated some behavior change among groups whose average untreated attitudes were already strongly supportive of women before training. | Among groups whose average untreated attitudesawhereas still supportive of womenawere relatively less supportive of women than other groups, our diversity training successfully produced attitude change but not behavior change. On the other hand, our diversity training successfully generated some behavior change among groups whose average untreated attitudes were already strongly supportive of women before training. This paper extends our knowledge about the pathways to attitude and behavior change in the context of bias reduction. | Among groups whose average untreated attitudes-whereas still supportive of women-were relatively less supportive of women than other groups, our diversity training successfully produced attitude change but not behavior change. On the other hand, our diversity training successfully generated some behavior change among groups whose average untreated attitudes were already strongly supportive of women before training. This paper extends our knowledge about the pathways to attitude and behavior change in the context of bias reduction. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1038/s41398-017-0067-5 | Psychology_easy_444 | "These findings suggest that patients with AVH have the ability to alter activity and connectivity in speech and language regions, and raise the possibility that rtfMRI-NF training could present a novel therapeutic intervention in SCZ," the researchers wrote in their study, which was published on Feb. 12.
c 2018 All rights reserved. | These findings suggest that patients with AVH have the ability to alter activity and connectivity in speech and language regions, and raise the possibility that rtfMRI-NF training could present a novel therapeutic intervention in SCZ. | "We want them to immediately put this aid into effect to lessen them, or stop the voices completely," Orlov said. The researchers said that the technique used in the study offered a novel approach that can potentially help patients with schizophrenia. "These findings suggest that patients with AVH have the ability to alter activity and connectivity in speech and language regions, and raise the possibility that rtfMRI-NF training could present a novel therapeutic intervention in SCZ," the researchers wrote in their study, which was published on Feb. 12.
c 2018 All rights reserved. | Successful down-regulation of left STG activity can increase functional connectivity between speech motor and perception regions. These findings suggest that patients with AVH have the ability to alter activity and connectivity in speech and language regions, and raise the possibility that rtfMRI-NF training could present a novel therapeutic intervention in SCZ. In 0% of patients with AVH, traditional antipsychotic drugs have little or no effect . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/0956797614527114 | Psychology_easy_445 | According to the researchers, the findings "support the notion that pleasant touch plays a vital role in human social interactions by demonstrating that the sensitivity to pleasant touch emerges early in human development." | These findings support the notion that pleasant touch plays a vital role in human social interactions by demonstrating that the sensitivity to pleasant touch emerges early in human development. | The researchers note that this link between caregiver and infant could be supported by both "nurture" and "nature" explanations:
"One possibility is that infants' sensitivity to pleasant touch stems from direct or vicarious experience of differing levels of social touch as a function of their caregiver's sensitivity to social touch," explains Fairhurst. According to the researchers, the findings "support the notion that pleasant touch plays a vital role in human social interactions by demonstrating that the sensitivity to pleasant touch emerges early in human development." They argue that the ability to perceive and sensitively response to pleasant touch is likely vital early in life because of the fundamental role that touch plays in affiliation, bonding, and synchrony between infants and caregivers. | In line with our predictions, the current results revealed that only when stroked at medium velocity, (a) infants' heart rate decelerated, which reflects increased parasympathetic activity and is indicative of a decrease in arousal, and (b) infants' behavioral engagement with the stroking object (brush) increased, which is indicative of an increased interest in the stroking object. These findings support the notion that pleasant touch plays a vital role in human social interactions by demonstrating that the sensitivity to pleasant touch emerges early in human development. Critically, infants' selective physiological (decrease in heart rate) and behavioral (increased engagement) responses to medium-velocity brushing are in line with the response profile of a special class of nerve fibers in human adults-the CLTM afferents (which show preferential activity in response to medium-velocity brushing; see . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1016/j.sleh.2017.09.004 | Psychology_easy_446 | "Teens starting school at 8:30 a.m. or later were the only group with an average time in bed permitting eight hours of sleep, the minimum recommended by expert consensus," said lead author Orfeu Buxton, associate professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State. | Teens starting school at 8:30 AM or later are the only group with an average time in bed permitting 8 hours of sleep, the minimum recommended by expert consensus for health and well-being. | / no comments
Medicine, Health Care Teens Get More Sleep When... "Teens starting school at 8:30 a.m. or later were the only group with an average time in bed permitting eight hours of sleep, the minimum recommended by expert consensus," said lead author Orfeu Buxton, associate professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State. "Later school start times were associated with later wake times in our large, diverse sample." | Conclusion: Later school start times are associated with later wake times in our large, diverse sample. Teens starting school at 8:30 AM or later are the only group with an average time in bed permitting 8 hours of sleep, the minimum recommended by expert consensus for health and well-being. Data collected from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 205 showed that 73% of high school students reported less than 8 hours of sleep on school nights. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1186/s12888-018-1613-2 | Psychology_easy_447 | The thing that made me stop was wondering what the rabbits would do. | The thing that made me stop was wondering what the rabbits would do. | I never got really bad, but I was suicidal at one time. The thing that made me stop was wondering what the rabbits would do. That was the first thing I thought of, and I thought, 'Oh, yeah, I can't leave because the rabbits need me.' | I never got really bad, but I was suicidal at one time. The thing that made me stop was wondering what the rabbits would do. That was the first thing I thought of and I thought, oh yeah, I can't leave because the rabbits need me. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1098/rspb.2011.1373 | Psychology_easy_448 | "When laughter is elicited, pain thresholds are significantly increased, whereas when subjects watched something that does not naturally elicit laughter, pain thresholds do not change," the authors of the paper wrote. | In both cases, the results confirmed that when laughter is elicited, pain thresholds are significantly increased, whereas when subjects watched something that does not naturally elicit laughter, pain thresholds do not change (and are often lower). | "Many of these same things also happen when you sleep right, eat right, and exercise," Berk said, which is why he categorizes laughter under traditional healthy lifestyle activities. "When laughter is elicited, pain thresholds are significantly increased, whereas when subjects watched something that does not naturally elicit laughter, pain thresholds do not change," the authors of the paper wrote. Physical workout
Do not take this to mean that laughing can replace physical activity or help you lose weight. | There was a significant effect of condition (comedy versus drama: F 1,38 ¼ 3.86, p ¼ 0.022 onetailed), but no effect owing to status (actor versus audience: In both cases, the results confirmed that when laughter is elicited, pain thresholds are significantly increased, whereas when subjects watched something that does not naturally elicit laughter, pain thresholds do not change (and are often lower). These results can best be explained by the action of endorphins released by laughter. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1002/da.22208 | Psychology_easy_449 | "These findings have important implications for public health, as exercise as a treatment for sexual side effects is accessible, cheap and does not add to burden of care," study researcher Tierney Lorenz, an Indiana University post-doctoral research fellow, said in a press release. | These findings have important implications for public health, as exercise as a treatment for sexual side effects is accessible, cheap, and does not add to burden of care. | The research, which was published on Dec. 10 in Depression and Anxiety, shows that moderately intense workouts may be able to help with one of the side effects that women who take antidepressants face: low sex drive. "These findings have important implications for public health, as exercise as a treatment for sexual side effects is accessible, cheap and does not add to burden of care," study researcher Tierney Lorenz, an Indiana University post-doctoral research fellow, said in a press release. The researchers saw that regularly exercising improved orgasms in all women. | Future trials will be needed to examine effectiveness in a clinical setting (as opposed to a carefully controlled laboratory-based trial). The results of the present study suggest that exercise improves sexual function in women experiencing sexual arousal side effects of antidepressants, with modest evidence of a specific benefit in exercising immediately before sexual activity. These findings have important implications for public health, as exercise as a treatment for sexual side effects is accessible, cheap, and does not add to burden of care. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.06.017 | Psychology_easy_450 | As expected in a longitudinal study of an inner city group of people, subject retention reduced over time, and at 1 year postnatal only 87 mothers and their infants (51 controls and 36 cases) were assessed. | As expected in a longitudinal study of an inner city group of people, subject retention reduced over time, and at 1 year postnatal only 87 mother-infant dyads (51 controls and 36 cases) were assessed. | This study highlights the importance of pregnant mothers seeking treatment for clinical depression, as it could have long-term beneficial effects for children.' There are limitations to this research as the researchers had a small sample study, and the researchers would recommend replication in a larger sample. As expected in a longitudinal study of an inner city group of people, subject retention reduced over time, and at 1 year postnatal only 87 mothers and their infants (51 controls and 36 cases) were assessed. | Of the total sample, 41 (84%) had a past history of MDD. As expected in a longitudinal study of an inner city group of people, subject retention reduced over time, and at 1 year postnatal only 87 mother-infant dyads (51 controls and 36 cases) were assessed. However, there was no statistically significant difference at any time point between the proportion of cases and controls remaining in the study; furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences in socio-demographic information at baseline between those who did and did not complete the 1 year assessments, either for cases or for controls (data not shown). | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.0296 | Psychology_easy_451 | The multivariable population-attributable risk proportions were 14.2 and 4 percent for deployment within the first 12 months of service and DT of six months or less, respectively. | Multivariable population-attributable risk proportions were 14.2% for deployment within the first 12 months of service and 4.0% for DT of 6 months or less. | There was no correlation for duration of first deployment with subsequent SA. The multivariable population-attributable risk proportions were 14.2 and 4 percent for deployment within the first 12 months of service and DT of six months or less, respectively. "Time in service before first deployment and DT are modifiable risk factors for SA risk among soldiers," the authors write. | Analysis of 2-way interactions indicated that the associations of early deployment and DT with SA risk were not modified by other characteristics. Multivariable population-attributable risk proportions were 14.2% for deployment within the first 12 months of service and 4.0% for DT of 6 months or less. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Time in service before first deployment and DT are modifiable risk factors for SA risk among soldiers. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.08.023 | Psychology_easy_453 | "These results appear to suggest that avoiding car driving may be beneficial to wellbeing," write the study's authors. | Together, these results appear to suggest that avoiding car driving may be beneficial to wellbeing. | The study also reports a similar finding for commuters who ditch their car for public transport. "These results appear to suggest that avoiding car driving may be beneficial to wellbeing," write the study's authors. "This view complements existing evidence of a negative association between driving and physical health and is consistent with the hypothesis that car driving (a non-passive travel mode that requires constant concentration) can give rise to boredom, social isolation and stress." | Besides, only a small journey time mean and variance was observed amongst car drivers in the sample (mean = 22.9 min, withinindividual SD = 12.03). Together, these results appear to suggest that avoiding car driving may be beneficial to wellbeing. This view complements existing evidence of a negative association between driving and physical health , and is consistent with the hypothesis that car driving (a non-passive travel mode that requires constant concentration ) can give rise to boredom , social isolation and stress ONS, 2014; . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.06.006 | Psychology_easy_454 | The investigators recommend additional research to model the relationship between early adversity and genetic risk that contributes to social cognitive development. | This remains a priority for future research that seeks to model the relationship between early adversity and genetic risk in contribution to social cognitive development. | Of these, 25 research articles were found to meet the study's strict criteria and were included in the review. The investigators recommend additional research to model the relationship between early adversity and genetic risk that contributes to social cognitive development. Understanding the mechanisms by which neurocognitive and biological factors come into play is also an important subject for future study. | ). This remains a priority for future research that seeks to model the relationship between early adversity and genetic risk in contribution to social cognitive development. Furthermore, there is some evidence that this relationship may be conditional on genetic variation at the 5-HTT locus . | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1177/1948550617750737 | Psychology_easy_455 | Maher and Igou conclude that "to halt the slide into cumulative polarization, the underlying causes of mass disillusionment should be addressed." | To halt the slide into cumulative polarization, the underlying causes of mass disillusionment should be addressed. | This was true for both liberals and conservatives. Maher and Igou conclude that "to halt the slide into cumulative polarization, the underlying causes of mass disillusionment should be addressed." That won't be easy: It'll require reversing the prejudice-reinforcing media habits we've acquired in the cable news and Internet eras, and opening ourselves to a range of ideas. | Our research provides evidence of disillusionment-induced political polarization, using naturalistic quasi-experimental and experimental designs. These intriguing findings advance insights into the effects of disillusionment and the important practical implications of this experience. To halt the slide into cumulative polarization, the underlying causes of mass disillusionment should be addressed. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1093/alcalc/agv096 | Psychology_easy_456 | "It is possible that alcohol may only affect perception of attractiveness at a higher level of alcohol consumptions, which was not observable with the naturalistic design used here," write the researchers. | It is possible that alcohol may only affect perception of attractiveness at a higher level of alcohol consumption, which was not observable with the naturalistic design used here. | People in the laboratory experiments tended to consume more alcohol than those in the pubs. "It is possible that alcohol may only affect perception of attractiveness at a higher level of alcohol consumptions, which was not observable with the naturalistic design used here," write the researchers. Limitations and implications
This study has several important limitations. | This mean BrAC arguably reflects a lower level of alcohol intoxication than in laboratory experiments where participants are administered 0.4 g/kg of alcohol . It is possible that alcohol may only affect perception of attractiveness at a higher level of alcohol consumption, which was not observable with the naturalistic design used here. We observed no evidence for the closing-time effect in our exploratory analyses. | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
10.1007/s11031-015-9507-9 | Psychology_easy_457 | "After the initial deterioration of mood following crying that is usually observed in laboratory studies, it takes some time for the mood, not just to recover, but also to increase above the levels that it had before the emotional event, a pattern of findings which corresponds to the results of retrospective studies," the lead author says, per the Telegraph. | After the initial deterioration of mood following crying that was observed in laboratory studies, it apparently takes some time for the mood, not just to recover, but also to become even less negative than before the emotional event, which corresponds to the results of retrospective studies. | This latest study may offer an explanation. "After the initial deterioration of mood following crying that is usually observed in laboratory studies, it takes some time for the mood, not just to recover, but also to increase above the levels that it had before the emotional event, a pattern of findings which corresponds to the results of retrospective studies," the lead author says, per the Telegraph. (Some people feel the urge to cry in this strange locale.) | The observed relation between crying and more long-term mood recovery reconciles seemingly contrasting earlier results and provides a simple and obvious explanation. After the initial deterioration of mood following crying that was observed in laboratory studies, it apparently takes some time for the mood, not just to recover, but also to become even less negative than before the emotional event, which corresponds to the results of retrospective studies. Theories on the functions of crying can be classified into two global categories ( ). | [5] | Psychology | train | 5 | news | |
Subsets and Splits