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The first stop was in Cedar Rapids on Sunday. I stopped to meet with Stan, Jeff, and other folks who hang out at the local Hy-Vee grocery store. We still stay in touch though the frequency of visits has diminished a bit since I’ve moved. So what do we all have in common? Most of our group is retired or disabled and nearly all have lived in vehicles… One guy currently resides in a storage garage. My buddy Jeff loves to tell the story about how he was in jail many years ago and the judge asked his address. Jeff said “53… Ford Panel Van” and the judge let him out on his own recognizance. I guess that makes my address “2007 Chevy Express”…
The point is homosexuality spreads like wild fire when it gets started. Just a few years ago, there was some ‘play kissing’ among actors of the same gender, now look at the real thing happening in movies and television sitcoms. I know at the high school in our area they want to start a homosexual club. In another high school near here, there are young girls openly kissing on the lips in public, and claiming to be lesbians. A few years ago this would be unthinkable!
I am glad you are pulling back from the brink of a civil war ;)! IMO that would be the worst thing that could happen to us, destroying the wealth and lives that are needed for more creative undertakings… If people had pulled away from the civil war 150 years ago, all the slavers could have gotten recompense (like in Britain) and all the slave families their 40 acres and a mule, and there would have been money left over. Instead, we got a devastated South and apartheid.
It was a pleasure to meet John on the bus from the Brattleboro airport to the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference a few years ago. What a lovely surprise to discover we both lived in Washington, D.C. and be able to continue our conversation both virtually and in-person. While a fiction writer, today he writes about poetry, specifically his grandmother's work.
I just stumbled across your website yesterday and OH MY GOSH I am sooooo glad I did! your love for Boston Terrier’s has me reading your blog like a crazy blog reader! I just love it! And your food looks AMAZING!!! We have a 3 year old BT and he is THE BEST thing that has EVER happened to me. He was my daughters Christmas gift 3 years ago, but quickly become my 3rd child. :)
I was at work years ago talking to a female colleague, probably about some issue we were working on. A guy who thought of himself as way cool, an over-the-top feminist kind of guy (except he was sadly clueless) approached, interrupted us, and said “What are you two talking about?” “Mansplaining.” To which he replied “Oh I know what that is” and started making up a definition. We stared at him blankly until even he realized what an idiot he was being, pouted “That was a setup, wasn’t it?” and stomped off. So brilliant. I’ve loved the word ever since.
This look so good! I bought a set from Ebay a couple of years ago and i still use them to this day they are such good quality. I think i got my for about £4/5 :)
This was a town that Manuel from the Casa Ciclista had told us to avoid as a cyclist had recently been robbed there- but Diego knew another professional cyclist that we could stay with so we decided we would go in. Julian and his family were incredibly kind and sweet, they looked after us and fed us until we all literally passed out on the blow up air mattresses they had set up for us on the living room floor. It was like a bike girl sleep over, complete with Disney cartoon bed sheets, but no energy for ghost stories or mid night feasts.
We all went to sleep in the apartment but the coca cola he had given us with our food meant I was wide awake, then we ended up looking through some pics we had taken and ended up in hysterics recounting things that had happened. I’m 29 years old, you think I would have learnt sugar before bed is a bad idea…. I wonder if one day I will stop being such a fool.
Years ago, when I taught 5th and 6th grade, a girl came to me after Christmas with her brand new Sponge Bob watch on her wrist. "Miss," she said. "I think my watch is broken." She held out her wrist. "It says '8 S L'" "Here, sweetie," I responded as I unbuckled the buckle. "Let's put that on right-side up for you." - Jennelle Zarn
After originally leaving the UK for Thailand over 10 years ago, to start a new life in the sun, Ray's parents felt they had no choice but to pack up, close the family business and return to England. His family wanted Ray to receive the education, empathy and therapeutic support he was entitled to.
Partners founded a whopping 94%, and many of those had three or more founders.” “In a poll taken a few years ago, Inc. asked business people if they thought partnerships were a bad idea. Two-thirds of the respondents said they were. When asked why, the majority said they disliked co-ownership because of the partners’ ‘inevitable conflicts’ and ‘unmet expectations’.”
I don't drink at all, I stopped drinking about 24 years ago after getting so drunk that I went on a crying jag for 4 or 5 hours and when I looked in the mirror I saw my mother and from that day on I stopped drinking. I may have a drink occasionally but that's it.
A few weeks ago, Ed Easterling and I updated the work we published almost ten years ago about secular bear and bull markets. This week I am in Maine at the annual Shadow Fed fishing trip (for those of us whose invitation to Jackson Hole keeps getting lost in the mail). Ed has graciously agreed to do another piece with me on the earnings, or business, cycle, which is different in timing than the secular stock market cycle but is part of the total warp and woof of the markets. When you combine them, you get a much clearer picture of the markets.
The first human species is believed to have evolved only about 7 million years ago. Data indicated that the blood proteins of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas are equally different from each other. Scientists believed that there were all kinds of minerals and gases likely to have been present billions of years ago. Before I created my time machine I read about a experiment last year, the German team combined iron, nickel, HS, CO, and boiling water, and succeeded in generating parts of amino acid molecules. In this new experiment, they started with fully formed amino acids, added them to their boiling slurry of metals, gases, and water, and got peptides.
A few years ago, Tsitsipas was swimming with a friend on a day off at a Futures event in Greece. He soon drifted out too far amid high waves, and struggled to stay afloat. His father pulled him to safety from the swirling sea, discovering a rock jutting out from the sea to support them above the waves and keep his son from drowning.
The idea for doing anything on Kickstarter definitely did not happen overnight. Years ago, I was helping a good friend with her own Kickstarter campaign for a documentary film called Living Quechua. She asked me if I was interested in launching one some day. At the time, my mind went blank, having no clue what I could even do. It felt huge and daunting. But the idea was planted and it was just waiting for the right time to wake up.
Back to Journalism. Working ridiculous hours, getting underpaid for a large proportion of your initial career, spending hours upon hours building your portfolio, volunteering, networking and still trying to find time to work some casual retail hours just to pay rent and if you’re lucky, splurge on two-minute noodles for dinner. It may not be the glamours cocktail-drinking, bar-hopping, sleep all day, shop all afternoon and do yoga in between lifestyle that is portrayed in Sex and the City, but it is definitely way more empowering, satisfying and worth the trouble.
My mother has been diabetic since she was 19 years old. My cousin, all her life. My father just recently, and both sets of my grandparents.
I had a feeling all week the deal might just fall through, & it did. Nothing to do with finances & everything to do with our kinda wild southwest interior paint & décor & the fact we had got rid of all the rig’s uncomfortable furniture years ago etc. etc. (I’m sure some of you already expected that) I may write more about today’s ordeal in the coming days but for now it is what it is. My biggest regret is that we missed out on the super good deal with that particular low mileage & upgraded 2013 Chevy Sunseeker we were after.
Breakfast was followed by a walk around the stalls, this must be the best selection of Triumph spares of the year, I even got a dial to fill my hole in the dash which has been there since I bought her many years ago. Nice to see the old girl caused a bit of interest with the odd huddle of people gathering around every now and then. Probably due to the “spot the difference” card I’ld put in the window.
“Some scholars have described [John] Locke as the father of modern education in England.? His 1692 ?Some Thoughts Concerning Education? provides us a base line for assessing present-day educational practices.? Harvard at that time was 56 years old.? The Pilgrims had landed at Plymouth 72 years earlier.
She shakes her head. "If it were that easy, the Fraternal Order would have removed them years ago. They just burrow away as soon as we try to storm their position. They move through the ground like water. But the governor has authorized me to tell you that he has your niece working on a project to finish them off once and for all, without a chance for escape."
"I believe Chivalry's condition comes from a case of lead or salt poisoning from the pollution around the mansion. He left the house two years ago and lived in recluse during that time. Why the dislike for Gentile, father?"
Liu Can said to Liu Cong, "Do you suppose that when King Wu of Zhou killed King Zhou of Shang all those years ago, he was happy at having to perform the deed? But I am truly concerned that many evildoers are plotting to help each other now, and they will become a threat sooner or later. Every rebel who rises up with soldiers these days proclaims they are acting on behalf of this boy Sima Ye. It would be best if you did away with him at once!"
New pillows for the eyesore of a sectional that lives in my living room - I can't get rid of the couch due to budget restraints (more accurately, K loves the thing), but I could replace the sad pillows from years ago with brighter ones that make more sense with my undecor.
The deepening drought conditions here in the north should be raising red flags for gardeners who rely on summer watering. Where I live, drought is pretty much unheard of – until this summer at least. But much of the Waikato was in severe drought a few years ago and there are warnings coming from meteorologists that these are likely to become more common. Maybe it is time for thinking gardeners to lighten their heavy hoof prints on the planet and actively explore other ways of creating beautiful and pleasing gardens without following what are, at times, downright bad environmental practices. A clarion call, no less.
The problem with your claims about naturopaths copying work earlier MDs did is that the work in question is OLD. It’s been supplanted by more recent knowledge and understanding. Sometimes good work, and yes work that is reproducible, doesn’t actually prove to be useful. Vitamin C was regarded as having promising potential about 40 years ago . . . until it didn’t. Because the research done by people who knew what they were doing found no benefit.
we going to lara beach in a hotel complex which may sink on its maiden voyage saw it being built a few years ago and managed to book it at right price last year .all the family and others going .
I would actually guess that a pretty large proportion of the decline in power consumption was via the demand destruction of all of the new energy efficient light bulbs (first CFL’s, then LEDs) replacing the old incandescent and halide bulbs, and then not having to run the AC to cool these things in the summer. In addition AC units themselves have gotten crazy-efficient compared to 20 years ago.
You can create great looking layouts with some random supplies....to show a "theme". I never really liked one picture layouts...but when one picture does what it needs to do, why not. In this time, we have all these photos available. 15 years ago, we had film and only film...you only got one shot. Now we are overloaded with 10 pictures of the same shot. Sometimes it makes it extremely diffiult to cut down on the AMOUNT of pictures you NEED on a layout. Sometimes less is more!
Something I realized, years ago, is that most people look at your cards, say "awww" for about 2 seconds, maybe hang them up for the holidays and throw them out afterward. Most people are not like me, who save every handmade card....and every picture card, year after year, with the intention of putting them all in a book to look at. Right now, they sit in plastic ziplock bags, awaiting an album.
There will be weeks when this place goes silent. There will be times when I'll feel like packing it in. And then someone will drop a comment on something I've written - maybe an old post from two years ago they found on Google. And I'll smile. And think a little. And knock out another post. Thanks, and many happy returns.
One of my formative early childhood memories is the Christmas morning when I woke up early, went down to the living room, and decided to open all of my presents right away, not considering that my father's name is the same as mine and that not everything which said "Clifton" would be for me.
PROFFESIONAL- Pics a lot better. Maybe 30 out of 100 pics OK, but can critique their own photos for self improvement. Feels they can now be considered an expert. For driving, conscious competancy. Less time to think through the process, but occasionally selects the wrong gears. ( Bit like the setting on the SLR under pressure, but using today's technology, smart enough to review each and every photo with sufficient people skills to request a re-take immediately). In the old days, we didn't have this ability with film. You have to know exactly what you were doing & hoped you were right. As a driver, knows what the car can do. Normally has a big sign on their back advertising they are proffessional and turns red when the flash doesn't work.
After nearly 400 comments, what more is there to say? All I know is that in response to such a request a few years ago a friend of mine (who is a professional photographer) and I (who would be considered an amateur) put together a book on the subject to help out some friends. We made it available on line for those who were interested. Take a look at http://www.ezweddingphotography.com.
Sept. 18th Nocchi went jogging for the first time in a while. Usually she goes with her family, but this time her parents were at work and little brothers at school. She ran the whole way going, but when she returned she half-walked. The jog took 1h 40min and was about 5km one-way. She ended up looking carefully at the surrounding scenery (because the distance was so long).
- Work on more detailed muscles. While being young, Hirano and Itou who worked hard for female table tennis these days are just 13 years old. They are still going up against adults in their battles without complaining, so young girls today who're going for singing, don't come up with excuses like "I'm young." Work hard!
The places I worked at about 20 – 25 years ago had a little sitting area like that, but then they got rid of them. I think it was to discourage people taking too many or too long breaks, or maybe it was an equality thing since guys’ restrooms didn’t have them. I used to love having a couch when I didn’t feel good.
As she follows a trail of clues he left behind, questions emerge… What was Joseph Rain really looking for that night all those years ago? What turned him into a mere shell of a man, confined to a wheelchair? What secret did a suicidal young artist take with her to the grave, and why are so many people in Conwell Springs going mad? The truth is dark and sinister…
I am 31 years old and two years ago I opened up a TFSA at Investment Group that I have just moved over to TD Waterhouse to invest in the e-series accounts. I currently have 31K in my account, I have never withdrawn any funds from it, nor have I made any contributions this year (2018).
I think he is in a local assisted living home or nursing home. His wife died 5 years ago. I will do some detective work and track Dr P down.
I am heading out to figure out supper.....had it figured out until my son came home from work an hour ago and said he was going to girlfriends for supper. So will leave steak tips marinating in frig until tomorrow. Pulled those lovely russets off the grill.....now what!
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here. A few years ago, my friend moved to India after college. He was a native U.S. citizen. After a few weeks, he became deathly ill and have to move back to the states. Aside from getting the right shots, are there any other things you can do to avoid illness as a U.S. traveler?
Still close but… nope. .. I’m sure some searchers out there would know. It was chosen by my long time poetry friend jdiggins…. and was talked about several years ago… I decided on it as a tribute to her, because of the influence she had on me early on in the chase on the poetry page. Without that my words never would have been heard….
Okay, we’ll start with “the” room. This is the first thing you see when you walk in my house. Sure, the arcade game in the corner is cool (it works too!) but Jim Henson covering a wide open heating duct, a creepy painting my father painted 40 years ago, a photo backdrop clamped to the, um, ceiling joists, and, well, a complete lack of walls or ceiling, yeah, that’s not cool at all.
A few years ago I jammed my other wrist playing hockey (and stupidly continued to play for months on end) and it took nearly a year before it felt 100%. This time, well, it’s *way* worse — one of those things where it’d probably have been a better outcome if I had just broken it…
That car sounds like a beauty – too bad, no pics. Curious, did it have power windows? They weren’t that common on cars in this class at the time but my friend’s 71 Cougar had them. Ford sure produced a lot of lousy carburetors, and for a very long time. I bought a dealer warranty (the long gone Walker-Buerge Ford in West LA) for the carburetor in my 82 Granada and it was well worth the money as it constantly needed work. My next car – an 85 300ZX Turbo (a big change, shall we say) – was my first fuel injected one and it was a revelation. Do not miss carburetors.
Tom Klockau, I can’t believe my luck: ten years after I bought my first ’89 Caprice Classic w/ fuelie and the F41 suspension,,,, I found another one. I just brought it home within the hour. Yeah, the price was pretty reasonable.. but more than my low-mileage one that I bought ten years ago. This one was well-maintained… but shows signs of the transmission converter clutch being rather reluctant to ‘let go’ when it’s appropriate. Thus, I anticipate the same repair on this one… to the tune of $350.. or so. Oh, the A/C even still blows cold air! No bad, eh?
Mitt Romney. He’ll run on his business record. He’ll try to look like the natural GOP succession candidate. He’s still pretty stiff on the stump, but getting better. He’s got a boatload of dollars and can help GOP candidates in many states. But a question remains: If he didn’t fire up conservatives four years ago, why will he in 2012? If he goes too far right, he’ll lose moderates and independents.
I started this blog four years ago following a series of conversations with Canberra theatre folk who were particularly disappointed with the quality of theatre criticism in Canberra. My intention was to do what most Canberra critics didn’t do: write nice things about good theatre. Of course there were a few critics at the Crimes and other media outlets who tried to be constructive, but most just berated performers, writers and directors and like many others I found myself on the receiving end of their overwhelming efforts at comprehensive discouragement. I wanted to be an encouraging voice.
The Earth's birth, so to speak, may seem to have occurred a long time ago, but it's only "relatively recently" in the Universe's history. Estimates suggest the Big Bang occurred around 13.8 Billion years ago. The entire history of the Earth to date could have been run twice before the Earth was even formed, incredible. Are we helping you change your perspective on your existence yet? No? Let's carry on.
I bet you already know in what period I first got to know Guttermouth, it was during the “Friendly People” era, 22 years ago, an album I still consider a classic. How do you look back at that time in the band’s history?
16.05.2016 Who do you work for? levitra discount purchase Five years later, I decided to write a popular book about the universe. My intention was partly to earn money to pay my daughter’s school fees, but, mainly, I wanted to explain how far I felt we had come in our understanding of the universe: how we might be near to finding a complete theory that would describe the universe and everything in it. can i take levitra on a full stomach "We're thrilled," said Dan Fellman, Warner Bros president ofdomestic distribution, adding that opening on Wednesday"certainly paid off. We had great word-of-mouth going into theweekend," which helped deliver a box-office total severalmillion dollars beyond what the studio anticipated for thefive-day span.
16.05.2016 Would you like to leave a message? cheap propecia uk Investigators say they recognized signs of strangulation "on the victim's neck" but found no ligature or cord near the bed, and that "after a thorough search," detectives were "unable to determine" what kind of weapon might have used. comprar levitra generico online "These sacred artifacts were taken from the Iraqi Jewish community and thus do not belong to the Iraqi government,â€� the senior New York senator told the Daily News. “They belong to the thousands of Iraqi Jews, an ancient and once-vibrant community, who were exiled many years ago," Schumer said.
Half an hour later, Brent had already received a phone call from the producers of his hitherto hit tv show. Slumped in one of the avant-garde armchairs in the lobby, he tried to drown his sorrows in a bottle of Scotch that he took a long swig of from time to time. His pristine white shirt still hadn't been fully tucked into his black pants, but it didn't seem he was particularly interested in keeping up appearances.
He saw a young woman inspecting a dress inside a second hand shop, holding it up to her bosom. Closer inspection showed it to be a Terrarch officer’s dress coat too narrow at the shoulders for a man, but just right for a tall girl. She caught his glance, looked modestly away and then looked up again just to make sure he was still looking, by which time the cart had moved on.
I first read about how important dandelion greens our in our diet years ago. The hard part is now knowing what is good for you to eat, but actually convincing your family to eat it. This is the first time that we have all enjoyed our dandelions. In the past, I have sauteed them with success. I treat them like I would any other leafy green.
Hey, Everyone! Wowzas- long time, no seee! The last couple weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. I feel like I have just soo much to share- this may take multiple posts. We left off Sunday the 14th from our jots around SF. Monday the 15th – Wednesday the 17th I spent all day e’ryday chugging away on school work. Of course, Monday night Dancing with the Stars consumed the evening. But they didn’t even send anyone home! I’m sick of the participation trophies, haha. On Thursday the 18th I volunteered in the afternoon and then deep cleaned the apartment. Feels so refreshing to do that every couple weeks!
I’ve known Steve and Bobbie since the 70’s. Arlene is a prominent artist, but I only got familiar with her work and met her in the last 5 years. Ash was in residence at Skowhegan when I was faculty in 2012. I “curated” this group for Zing (almost 2 years ago) thinking the pages are the show, but it would certainly transpose to an excellent (if I do say so myself) bricks and mortar show.
You’ve often described New York City as serving as an extension of yourself. A few years ago you moved away from downtown to Mattituck on Long Island’s North Fork and have been raising your first child. Can you bring us up to speed on what life is like for you now?
Receive my hug dear Animal Lover (because your are vegan). Your work helped me a lot and you are like a far away friend. Hope your heart heals, time will make it better. I’m sure she’s in an amazing place now…
Bradley wanted to hire me away from a coffee table magazine as a food writer twenty years ago. We talked on and on at Silver Jones about ethics, food, restaurants, etc. It was all good.....I paid for the meal.
Mentally, she is negative, helpless, angry and – especially towards me – manipulative. She has always been this way. I always knew that Dad shielded me from a lot of the negative behaviour, but things have got much worse since he died a few years ago.
A truly good read. I read Candice Pert’s book Molecules of Emotion several years ago and it left me with a truly wonderful understanding of how our emotions can guide our health. We tend to look at diet alone but certainly must include our inner most thoughts. Many thanks for this wonderful read!!!
For someone who works in the wedding industry, it must not be very surprising that today’s revelation revolves around my obsession with a holiday that loves hearts, pink, and well, LOVE. Ever since sending 100s of roses in high school, I knew I always had to commemorate this special day. Valentine’s day isn’t just about celebrating the love of your soul mate (although that’s awesome too!) but just the love you have for everyone surrounding you. I took it upon myself a few years ago to make sure all of my friends always felt love throughout these holidays, thus how the Valentine boxes were started
"Components encapsulate complexity," Stack says. "For example, 20 years ago if you were putting a roof on a new house you would order two-by-sixes. Today you would call a truss company and they would send you prefabricated, load-tested, quality-assured components and much of the work would be already done."
“When I coached high school football for two years, it really wasn’t on basketball jersey price my radar. But my mom and dad helped me strike a good balance there, I say. “I think the best way I can say this is: I don’t understand what it’s like to be in that situation. Smith said Dylann heart is equally admirable, noting a time when Smith got her tickets to a Lakers NBA Finals game once, but Dylann thought a special needs student from her high school would appreciate it more, so she gave them away..
When Nathan and I got married nearly seven years ago (that long already!?!) we had just arrived home from our honeymoon and woke up that first Saturday morning hungry. Wanting to be the perfect new little wife I asked him what he would like for breakfast. He surveyed the pile of gifts still in our living room and eyed our new waffle iron.
Why did he think I had more money? Nothing about me screams out well-to-do. Let me paint a picture for you, baby: I work in downtown D.C. This part of the city is crawling with suits. Trent Lott eats lunch right next to my office. That’s the kind of person you’re dealing with in this area. I dress allright, but compared to most dudes around here I look like a business-casual pauper. How many Fortune 500 CEOs rock a grey polo with a raggedy beard? Another thing to consider: I have to dress down to cancel out my jaw-dropping good looks. Combining those two elements would be much too deadly for any D.C. skirt to overcome.
I used North American Van lines..They are actually pretty good..It was a local move...They dropped my TW56X81....They did pay in full, no questions asked....They paid what I orginally paid for it 2 and a half years ago and of course price have come down a bit..I replaced it with a Mits set..Good luck with the move..What part of Florida you heading to?
7 Easy Rules Of 7 X 7 Living Room Design Ideas) graphics, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We attempt to offer you update periodically with all new and fresh photos, like your searching, and find the ideal for you.
My name is Katie Kukla, 19 years old, from Berkshire. I study at The Academy of Contemporary Music, doing a degree in Contemporary Music Production.
Yes. Couple of years ago some major changes happened in my life which made me to stop being a geek. That means quit tinkering with Linux and fighting it as it rarely just works. I installed Windows 7 for my PC to just work and do the job. Plus I quickly noticed that Windows is much more stable and allows more convenient software management.
To those of us without advanced degrees in the subject, physics can seem really weird. There might be nothing weirder, then, than the Groundhog Day supernova. Nine billion years ago, a star blew up. Gravity from intermediary galaxies have bent and influenced light rays from this doomed star in such a way that the light takes different paths to arrive here, some longer than others. This means we've seen the exact same moment in time on more than one occasion. So far, scientists have observed the same supernova four times and counting.
Hello! こんいちは! My name is Davontae. I'm 21 years old. I like movies, photography, dancing, games (sometimes), jogging, and meeting cool open minded people. A soon to be nursing student. I'm currently learning Japanese, I'm a beginner though sorta. I would love to find some language exchange partners/friends that wouldn't mind helping or teaching me. In return I can teach or help you with English. It'll be fun! Feel free to message.
Hi, My name's Cassandra I'm 19 years old, I'm currently a college student. I'm interested in making foreign friends and learning new languages. I would also like to learn more about the different cultures. Right now the language that I'm interested in studying is Korean, so if your interested we could do a language exchange and I could show you English or Spanish. Feel free to contact me! :)
Loved this girl. As a reviewer, she is, in my opinion the best one i have seen in your chanel so far. Good nose, great knowledge and also very articulated, more than once she gave you the word you were trying to find. Plus she is obviously stunning and very sensual. Usually you invite girls, this time you invited a woman. ;) Hope to see more of her.
Because of the cold weather forecast, I made sure that I was warm enough with at least 4 layers of clothes, including a fantastic leather jerkin that I found in our cellar. I've always been a bit snooty about the anoraky type that you imagine the heroines of aga-sagas wear. This one however, has a real worker's provenance. It used to belong to my dad when he drove a dustcart for the local council, over 20 years ago (John wears the donkey jacket, another workwear favourite of mine).
Iconic actor, John Hillerman passed away yesterday. He’s best known for playing the stuffed shirt pain in the ass to the freewheeling detective portrayed by Tom Selleck, in Magnum P.I. Hillerman bowed out from the spotlight years ago, but he’s still remembered for his timeless on-screen personas. Take a look at this star’s legacy, right here in our John Hillerman wiki.
17 years ago, Hillerman decided to retire from acting and return to his home state of Texas. He was last seen on screen for one episode of Murder, She Wrote in 1992 and an appeared in The Very Brady Sequel in 1996. According to his nephew, Chris Tritico Hillerman refused to work on another sitcom after Magnum P.I. because “he wanted to continue doing the serious work that he felt Magnum was.”
Brandi Todd, a 34-year-old mother of two with a habitual smile on her face, remembers the event that changed her life as if it happened yesterday. Almost six years ago, on a Sunday afternoon in March 2010, Todd took her kids to play at Stephenville City Park.
It's called a Record Convention. They stopped doing that years ago here, but at the time, when they came around (every 6 months) I bought a lot of great stuff.
Four years ago, I stood before you and told you my story - of the brief union between a young man from Kenya and a young woman from Kansas who weren't well-off or well-known, but shared a belief that in America their son could achieve whatever he put his mind to.
We live in an era of medical breakthroughs with new wonder drugs available to treat conditions that a few decades ago, or even a few years ago in the case of HIV/AIDS, would have proved fatal. Antimicrobial resistance and its global spread threaten the continued effectiveness of many medicines used today to treat the sick, while at the same time it risks jeopardizing important advances being made against major infectious killers.
She paused and listened with each step she took. One, two, three, four, remember to breathe, only nine stairs more. Stepping over the third stair from the top, which tended to creak under your weight, she reached the landing and looked around. Four doors, all closed. Three led to bedrooms, one to a bath. Glancing up the staircase, which continued toward the fourth-floor attic, she hesitated. The attic had been securely locked ever since she and her mother had moved in three weeks earlier. They’d tried to open it several times, but it had obviously become solidly rusted over the years, like a weathered seal on an ancient tomb. The handyman had informed them that the door would need to be removed; sometimes old locks became frozen with age.
Anyway. We saw maybe 15 min of the game then we fell asleep again until it was time to get up for work an hour later. As soon we came to work we looked up the result online, and surprise surprise Sweden won 5-2! Sorry Germany better luck next time. Or maybe in the Eurovision were you will kick Sweden's ass for sure.
The concept of the voucher system first received North American exposure 30 years ago through the work of University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman. Vouchers change the focus of school funding. Instead of sending money to school divisions, government treasuries send a grant or voucher to parents, who spend it at the school of their choice.
A few years ago, at Christmas time, we had a big snow storm. It took down an old trellis full of clematis. At the time I was very upset but it gave me a chance to redesign a part of the garden and that is always fun. Good luck with your clean up.
After trying on lots of different feller footwear, I chose the least man-like pair. ZTSM offered me the option of going outside and taking a jog to try them out; I almost rolled my eyes. He followed this suggestion with the explanation that a good exercise shoe should be one that makes you feel as if you aren't wearing a shoe at all. I'm not sure he got the joke when I pointed out how ironic that statement is for a non-exerciser. His final piece of advice was to replace my new shoes after 300 to 500 miles. I think I actually snorted from laughing so hard. I'm looking forward to breaking the 20 mile mark.
My home is roughly 16' x 6', or 96 ft2. That makes it a little smaller than your average bedroom. In other words, it's in my best interest to optimize how I use my limited space. Two years ago, I talked about consolidating and defragmenting how I laid out my room. The diagram I used looked like this:
My friend Mark just visited. We shared a house with 30 people a couple years ago. He's an artist and a good guy. When a bunch of crack heads (literally) who we had welcomed into our house turned cracky on us and stole all my stuff including computer, cds and tool box he told me material possessions didn't really matter and then gave me a tool box he had found and painted. The box turned out to be one of the most important things I own, it houses all my jewels, bike tools, hair clips and halloween supplies (green lipstick etc).
Several years ago, my consulting firm was about to launch a software tool to map the ecosystem in homelessness sector (see here for the general concept) and support real time collaboration between agencies. At the time, as far as I know, something like it had never been built anywhere. And at the time, I was tempted to think that I’ll just have to learn from the mistakes as I go along.
Please please dont smack or tap the puppies nose, this is the only place on a dog that the nerve endings come into contact with the outside world, its a very sensitive area. Touching gently to move the mouth away and a firm no would be ok, maybe a water spray BUT no vinegar please! its acidic and may get in their eyes and damage them causing extreme pain. The puppy needs to learn the word NO and or a NO signal. Try shaking a plastic bottle half full of coins or small stones to make a sudden noise. Personally found the yelping like another puppy works well if you dont mind people looking at you a bit strange lol good luck it wont last long.
"I was a big shot on campus," Turner said. "I was only 19 years old and I was friends with the college president and administrators who were in their 50s and 60s."
Wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) can account for 50% or more of municipal electrical costs. Many municipal WWTFs can reduce their energy use by 20-30% and often have a broad range of opportunities for saving energy. Many WWTFs are 30-40 years old and are due for major facility upgrades. Efficiency Vermont can work with your municipality to help it consider the most cost-effective, long-term solutions.
HAL: You've got to be kidding me. And what do I think about her claims? I should be in the Guinness Record Book. I'm 74 years old. I've got plumbing older than this building. Hmmm? And it don't work much better, either.
The project is a great opportunity for 18-30 years old to achieve an accredited certificate, to gain experience working and supporting other young people, and for personal development e.g. increasing confidence, skills, and experience that can be applied to work and other areas of life.
Five years ago our group had the opportunity to buy a bottle of 1993 Henri Jayer Cros Parantoux with excellent provenance from a local source, we split the bottle 8 ways and have been waiting for an appropriate time to open it since. Earlier this year we decided that 20 years from vintage was as good a time as any and a dinner was planned with plenty of advance notice at Tetsuya’s in Sydney.
I looked for a watch for a long time. Than I finally found slow and loved the concept and design right away. I took me quite some time to find my favorite style in their shop, but after receiving the watch I am sure I made the right decision. The dark brown leather and silver case looks so harmonic. Just perfect! Thanks slow!
Subsets and Splits