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Many things have changed since then. I made the transition to being a Unitarian Universalist minister because my theology and ideology have changed to be more inclusive than believing true religion is one god, one savior. My son, who was born in the midst of Amendment 2’s long weary journey to the SCOTUS is a grown man now, 21 years old, his own ideas and beliefs having been forged in the fire of this conservative town in which we live. And yet, today, I awoke feeling much the same as my friends did on that November morning in 1992.
The older one, who passed away years ago, made a good portion of my pre-teen and teen years a fucking hell at home. She was a hellion on crack at times. How bad? To this day, I cannot remember ANYTHING about her before the teen years when shit started hitting the fan. Nada. Zilch. Any memories I have of her are pretty much unflattering ones.
NARRATOR - Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Welcome to our pantomime. Tonight we are going to tell you the story of Cinderella, Once upon a time long, long ago, before McDonalds and mobile phones, in a far away land, up the M62 past Rochdale, there lived a pretty and cheerful child called Cinderella. (Ellie comes through the middle of the curtains, stands and waves at the audience and says)
It's good to see that the man widely expected to be the next mayor of New York has a sense of humor. Bill de Blasio and his son, Dante, were in the front row for controversial comic Russell Brand's show Thursday at Town Hall. Our spywitness says the pair laughed as Brand discussed in graphic detail just about every sex act imaginable, straight and gay, as well as his past drug abuse. When the show finished, Brand leaned down from the stage and hugged the would-be mayor, who followed Brand backstage for more gags.
“A few years ago, my family moved. I wanted to keep in touch with my friends, and they invited me to join a photo-sharing site. That seemed like a great way to stay connected. I would be talking only to people I knew, not strangers, so what could possibly go wrong?
Some years ago, botox began to be used for facial treatments because doctors saw that it helped to treat wrinkles and expression lines on the forehead. This made it a very popular treatment because it gives such favorable results in a very short time.
Jon Blake, the actor once described as “the new Mel Gibson”, suffered brain death at the time of the car crash that ended his career eight years ago, the Supreme Court was told yesterday.
Jon Blake, the 36-year-old actor once described as “the new Mel Gibson”, will receive a record damages payout well in excess of $10 million for severe brain injury received in a car accident nine years ago. In the Supreme Court yesterday, Justice Hulme found Mr Blake had the potential to become an international superstar like Mel Gibson, but it was more likely that he would have achieved the same level of stardom as Nicole Kidman.
It’s not only an RPG problem either, thinking back to your story of being given a powerful character so you could contribute while new and taking fun away from another player, I had the same thing years ago in archery, where I used to compete to international level. I was doing some practise head to head matches with someone of much lower level, and a coach decides it would be better to give them a boost by doubling whatever score they shoot. No problem, you think… until they then start telling everyone that they must be so good because they won, and people say he’s really good but what BS that is, etc. Not fun.
It’s changed a bit since my day. In my day, we used to get to go and choose pick and mix sweets and put them in a paper bag in the school hall. We then got to choose if we wanted a Panda Pop or a Calypso. Both full of e-numbers and other goodies certain to make you leap off the walls at home for a good few hours, before crashing and burning into a jibbering wreck on the living room floor shortly before tea time. I’m sure my mum loved it…ah, fond memories.
Thursday.24th: The Purser of the Sirius being down the Harbor to get Cabbage Tree, was met by some Natives who took an opportunity of stealing his Axes & running away on being pursued they left two children behind them, these were taken to the boat, very soon pacified & even went to sleep in the boat, one 7 or 8 the other not more than 2 years old, some considerable time after this, the Men appear'd again & were given to understand that they should
There’s something about buying for little ones that makes me feel extra festive each year (even if my god daughter does start reciting her wish list in September..!) and the excitement on their faces opening presents gets me every time (the Christmas I got it completely wrong for my little cousin, who promptly proceeded to drop my present in a heap straight away and jump on my sister who clearly nailed it, being the exception…!) When it came to putting this list together though, I’ve focused a bit more on pressies to buy new parents instead (because if I’m being honest, I don’t have kids, so have no idea what a 4/5/6/7/8/9 etc… year old boy/girl will want from indies this year!)
Finally, there’s a long daylight sequence in my movie that is entirely modeled on the look and feel of Antonioni’s BLOW-UP. I was watching that movie again a few years ago and realized how much Argento took from it for BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE – the movie that kicked off the wonderful wave of all those gialli. So it’s a kind of Euro Cult reference in a more oblique way.
The Roseland stage was covered in roses and vines, extending out to a New York City subway car built for the show and jutting out into the excited audience. I haven’t heard that much shrieking at Roseland since Madonna did a promo show there a few years ago. The difference, though,is marked: while Madonna is the better dancer/choreographer, Gaga is the musician. She sings live, full force, no fooling around. She plays that piano very much in the style of Elton John, serious but so organic that she can move around freely at the same time.
“[in Anderson, Indiana]… Pence is sending a message to those with ears to hear—that he recognizes the absurdity of his situation; that he knows just what sort of man he’s working for; that while things may look bad now, there is a grand purpose at work here, a plan that will manifest itself in due time. Let not your hearts be troubled, he seems to be saying. I’ve got this.
Im pretty sure i didn’t get it cause i was too nervous. My nervousness was probably visible and i said “um uh” a lot which obviously looking back (this was about two years ago) is bad and just an obvious no no. and i just didn’t give good answers–its one of those things where your brain is saying say this say this but you say something other because you’re nervous.
We took a seat and there was a girl probably 19-21 years old springy and cheerful – showing us videos and trying to pick the group for reactions, answers etc.. while the main management stood in the back of the room with clip boards and (iPads) docking notes on each person who spoke out…
The arrival of Miss Wymondham made me get up to leave. She was still the same odd-looking creature, with a mass of tow-coloured hair piled above her long white face. She had been dancing somewhere, and looked at once dog-tired and excited. "Mary has been having such a good time," she told me. "Even I can scarcely keep pace with her ardent youth. Can't you persuade her to do her hair differently? The present arrangement is so démodé and puts her whole figure out of drawing. Nancy Travers was speaking about it only to-night. Properly turned out, she said, Mary would be the most ravishing thing in London. By the way, I saw your friend Sir Archie Roylance at the Parminters'. He is lunching here on Thursday. Will you come, Richard?"
As reported in The New York Times: “In a country where turtle eggs are traditionally slurped in bars from a shot glass, uncooked and mixed with salsa and lemon, biologists are also promoting cultural change. “Of course 25 years ago, you went out with your friends or family and dug up the eggs,” said Héctor García, 42. “It is a tradition. They are delicious, cooked or raw.” Today egg collecting is illegal in Costa Rica, but poaching is still common in many towns.”
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a gluten free, keto friendly, bread alternative to stuffing. I tried it for the first time a few years ago and it came out way better than I expected. I’ve been making it ever since! The only problem is that there’s never enough 😢. Make sure to mix it periodically while it's in the oven to prevent burning while the hazelnuts caramelize (car-a-mel-aiz not car-mull-aiz)
Time goes by so fast, but it was probably about 6-7 years ago I met this mid 20 some year old named Ben Peterson who at that time was just getting connected to a CBMC Trusted Advisors/Forums Team.
Introduced to hip-hop through skateboarding, he fell in love with albums like Nas’ “Illmatic,” Method Man’s “Judgement Day” and Mobb Deep’s “The Infamous.” On his first mixtape, “Trapped In The Streets,” SonReal emulated these artists, rapping about selling drugs and killing people. While he understands he was just trying to find his place in hip-hop, SonReal is thankful that little beyond the music was documented. “I’m so happy I didn’t have a YouTube account at the time because I would have so many videos that are so bad,” he said.
It could have been a disaster. An implausible story from a book of often improbable events written by desert-dwellers 2,000 years ago. A man lives to be 950 years old. He has children when he is 500 and builds an ark to survive a worldwide flood which wipes out the rest of life on earth.
This reminds me of the horror I experienced trying to re-position the Gaulrauch two-headed chaos dragon from years ago. Since it was a metal model and I didn't have my dremel yet, I spent a very, very long time chopping away at the log bit to get it positioned the way I wanted it and keep it from being top heavy.
“Both of my parents tied,” Drew said as we began talking about his fly-tying career. “They started back in the 1970’s for something to do. There was a big fly-tying bench in our basement. We lived in Upstate New York, which is basically frozen eight months out of the year, so they tied flies. They got me into it when I was six or seven years old.”
The wind dropped a bit on the 4th so we motor sailed for 2 hours to charge the batteries passing the Desroches islands on our starboard side. In the afternoon we passed over the Amirante trench with Alphonse island on our port. As this is the area the Chandlers were taken by pirates 7 or 8 years ago we kept a good look out.
When I moved out and into a house with my boyfriend at age 19, my mother encouraged me to dress for him when he came home from work. Brush your hair. Fix your face.
Granted, in the past it was always difficult for me to find shoes, but never like this time where in sheer despair I even considered buying "fashion" exercise shoes at more than 1,000 Bs.!! Fortunately in that store they did not have 13. Even in San Felipe I did find two years ago a pair of rather ugly walking shoes but that was OK. From my inquiry, since CADIVI became a problem they stopped importing and making size 13 and above and sizes 12 come in very short supply.There are stores that simply told me they have stopped receiving size 13. Period.
This is a movie I need to see again. I only saw it once, a million years ago, and liked it – but I barely remember it at this point. I also like all of these cars, but I’m sooooo into the fastback Caddy, which is in the perfect color for that model. The Hudson and Mercedes share a very close second place. Boolie had good taste…
It's been about a decade since I was ten years old, but I feel like sometimes my thinking isn't all that different; so I can only imagine if someone came to my door offering a tree I'd immediately picture myself hanging off branches, or swinging from a tire tied from a rope to sturdy limbs covered in pretty leaves that rustle when it's windy and give my play-space some nice shade in the middle of the summer....Needless to say, I think the ultimate decision of whether we get a tree in our front lawn would probably not be left up to me!
Texan Judge Randall Rogers knows the true sanctity of marriage. After a man got assault charges filed against him for beating up his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, Judge Rogers demanded the young man marry his 19-year-old girlfriend and write out some bible verses or go to jail. So, the couple ended up having a shotgun wedding with so little preparation time, even the groom's father and siblings couldn't attend. As we all know, forcing teenagers to marry before they're ready is precisely how to ensure a long happy marriage that God wants. All of this is, of course, illegal, but Texans don't care much for your civil liberalities.
He was right behind her, as they came into the living room. In the foyer hall, a tall man with dark hair was speaking quietly to Dean. Dean was in a t-shirt, and even in the dim hall-light, Castiel could see the old, green and yellow bruises on his arms.
Talking to the police took a long time, or at least it seemed so. At one point they asked when John had come to the door and Cas had glanced at his watch. It was only an hour since he'd been woken.
I stopped playing golf about eight years ago, about the time I started taking photography seriously again. I simply made a decision that if I had four hours of free time, I’d rather spend it driving down gravel roads than driving a Titleist.
Twenty years later, some friends of the by-then best-selling author and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner bumped into Chi Chi at a Florida golf resort. They asked if he remembered who caddied for him at the 1970 Open. "Tommy," Chi Chi said, right away. Surprised, Friedman's friends then teased the old pro a little bit. "Do you know that Tommy’s more famous than you are today?" Chi Chi pondered that for a moment and said: "Not in Puerto Rico."
And, in case you missed this in our comment sections the other day, the late cinematographer Jamie Livingston, who died at age 41 in 1997, left an archive of almost 6,000 Polaroid SX-70 shots, taken one per day (with only minor lapses) for 18 years. "Photos of friends, girlfriends, objects, landscapes, ball games, and New York City scenes, are interspersed with shots of famous people like Philip Johnson, Keith Richards, Lionel Richie and many others Livingston met in his career as a music video and commercial director and cinematographer." Hugh Crawford is now putting them online. There is no way to describe or even indicate the breadth and richness of this vast archive with one picture, so please don't nitpick my almost random single selection; go spend some time with the archive. Brief background information can be found here.
PLEEEEEEEEEEASE, that is as old as my grannys shoes. There were already 20 years ago 2 german young engineers presenting a simple machine/process, returning all platic waste back into crude oil. They ve been in the media some days to make folks happy and then only been heard of to be threatened to be sued there shoes off if they will continue their work. There is nobody in big business interested in this kind of machine, WE THE PEOPLE NEED THAT. So why not publish all plans leading to free energy, recycling and other usefull machines /processes on the web? that s the only way to prevent them from being hidden in a drawer, or do you have any better idea?
The article you linked to from the New York Times is from several years ago when people widely believed that hook up culture was real. It’s a qualitative and not quantitative “study.”
But their day is done. People are turning to alternate websites for their news, and blogs for their reading of choice. It is a wonderful time to be alive - years ago it cost me a small fortune in newspapers and magazines so I could follow my favourite writers. Now they are only a click away and I have discovered hundreds of new ones!
Four-hundred-seventy-nine years ago, on December 9, 1531, the Blessed Virgin Mary "set out and traveled to the hill country" (Lk 1:39) this time not of Judah, but of Mexico. Her visitation was not to her kinswoman Elizabeth but to Juan Diego. "How does this happen to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Lk 1:43).
Maybe five or six years ago I bought this gnome at Jo-Anne's because he called to me and I thought he was cute. He looks happy and I put him in our fern garden. At first Cody barked at him every time he went outside. He finally realized that the little guy wasn't going anywhere or cut into his squirrel chasing territory. I don't usually go in for garden ketch but love this gnome.
Woodpeckers can be very damaging to trees. We found this tree while walking in the woods next door. This particular tree is dead and must be full of bugs. Years ago our house had cedar shingles before we had it sided and the woodpeckers loved it. Why did we have it sided? Carpenter ants, spiders and other bugs would make their way inside.
Next story; women who have their babies like they did in pioneer days, meaning at home or outside under a tree with out any pharmaceuticals and no medical personal present. I agree that birthing a baby on your back in a bed is hard work. I know I felt better standing or sitting up and I think hospitals have gotten better about deliveries such as water births or birthing chairs. Yes, woman have been giving birth in caves, fields, houses or just about anywhere without medical care since the stone age but in this day and age why would you tempt fate? Maybe I feel this way since my second pregnancy became very high risk midway through and the two of us almost died at delivery but for me there's no shame in being in the hospital or having an epidural.
Long B4 I ever heard of John McPhee, while I was still playing albums over the headphones in my parents' living room, I thot there was plenty of room 4 an in-depth book on the Moody Blues. 4 me, they opened a huge door in2 Strange Music -- from their launching pad there wasn't any kind of music I wouldn't try.
Thanks for the great learning experience. I just wish you were doing videos forty years ago. I saw you at a roadshow last year and the info was invaluable, on hanging doors. I have sped up my install like crazy. That being said, I don’t think many carpenters have much say about ordering Kd units unless they are the GC or owner of the company. Also I would bet ordering kd would add to lead time. Thanks again for sharing the knowledge.
I grew up in church. I’m 27 years old. I fell away from church in high school and started getting into worldly things. Drinking, drugs, sex and alcohol. I thought I was living the fun life, staying high and drunk all the time, treating girls like objects instead of the jewels that they are. I had a son when I was 19.
I like to start each day spending time with my dog, a Pitbull that I rescued from PAWS 6 years ago. We usually take a walk by Wrigley Field, then have breakfast and start to connect with my clients.
First stop was, of course, Thursday Party. This was my first time at Thursday Party in Haeundae Beach, however I had been to the location in Changwon and then in the KSU area as well. We saw some locals from Hwamyeong, which was unusual because Haeundae is so far away. After a drink and some beer pong with a strapping young Air Force man we headed out in search of TAO.
I should let you know that marriage is a not a play thing, permit me to use one of my cousin as the user case, though they got married on five years ago but since they got married there have not been peace among them, but they have given birth to four children. Will I call that love or something else?
In reply to Edward, as I remember it the last time anybody suggested we should build maglev high-speed trains in the UK was George Osborne about ten years ago. But Osborne would only be making such suggestions as part of David Cameron's "Vote Blue Go Green" campaign, where the Conservative opposition tried to appear to be even more Green-leaning than the Labour government of the time.
Professor Richard Marais, director of the Cancer Research UK Paterson Institute for Cancer Research based at the University of Manchester, says in a press release: “Forty years ago, only around half of those diagnosed with skin cancer were surviving, so 8 out of 10 is a massive improvement. More and more people are beating skin cancer but we canât stop there and we need to develop better treatments for the 2 out of 10 where things donât look so good.
On the last day I wanted to look my best. I told her I was going to go home and change. I didn’t live too far away, I thought today would be like any other. People had started staying home, doing very little. No one picked up trash, and it was amazing we hadn’t lost water over much of New York. I guess, unlike the garbage men, water treatment found someone willing to work during the apocalypse.
A few weeks later, a man knocked on the door of a home on Cedar Avenue on either Tuesday or Wednesday, July 20 or 21. He informed the 70-year-old woman resident that he had called to complete work on her roof and needed her to come outside and have a look.
I weep to think that this wasn’t taken care of 16 years ago when problems first started coming to light. How can this be happening again? How can good people have stayed quiet? The bishops, archbishops and cardinals we are supposed to look to for direction…how could they betray their flock, much less the victims themselves who needed their pastoral care more than anyone else?
That fabulous, regal existence came to an abrupt end in the mid-Sixties. The then Chief Executive of the Savoy Group, Ramón Pajeres, decided it would be more profitable to close the Causerie and re-open it as an expensive drinks bar, also selling rather pricey nursery food. When I reminded him of this dreadful deed a few years ago, he smiled and said, “Yes, it was crowded with your sort. But we could not afford to subsidise the hard-up genteel set any longer!’’
Army service had left its mark on every part of society. A couple of years ago I saw the last remnants of those days when I spotted a pensioner mowing his lawn in a battered leather jerkin and black beret—obviously his gardening clothes ever since demob. With him the fashions of the young men of WW2 will die. The individual flourishes of fashion—worn under the most trying of circumstances—by young men who wanted to express their status as civilians first rather than soldiers are forgotten by a society which instead remembers the fashions that came from across the Atlantic.
Here I end my tale, recounting events that happened many years ago, when I was a young man. Events that engulfed this remote area; saw this historic chapel desecrated; and which will still be remembered for years to come—at least every time you open your wallet to pay for a drink using paper money, not gold.
Years ago I had thought about becoming a teacher but wasn't interested in teaching K-12 students, so I never pursued it; at least until I watched the excitement and accomplishment of this young woman achieving the academic goals she had set for herself and her family. The experience was so profound for me that I decided I would work with adult learners in any capacity that would allow me to support achieving their academic goals and dreams.
These events, of course, are intimately related, and their inexorable and surprisingly-sensible unfolding makes this a delightful, unsentimental mystery with a superb sense of place and time. A friend suggested Wilson recently when I mentioned that I wanted to read something about Portugal, and I found that I’d purchased this book five or six years ago and somehow forgot to read it.
Don’t we all? Or intend to, anyway? Give us an eco-renovation, but not yet. That’s religion for you, isn’t it? We stray, occasionally, particularly where the smellier food waste is concerned. Even St Tim, one notices, does not disclose what part, if any, the car plays in his “low carbon lifestyle”. Or specify how cold it has to be before he turns on the central heating. Indeed, following his court victory , the great martyr admitted that, just five years ago, he walked in darkness. “I flew abroad on holiday and for work, drove fast cars and had no knowledge of or concern about carbon emissions.”
A childhood spent surrounded by native bush and wildlife influenced this local artist even before she created her first drawing at only a few years old. While there were years dedicated to studying and working in metropolitan areas as well as living overseas, Natalie Ryan never forgot her roots. Some five years ago she returned to Colbinabbin, reconnecting with her love of the local flora and fauna to establish Meander Designs.
Scurrying down a gully and up the other side to take a better look, Robinson finds it is not a random blob but a crude figure of a man, a pictograph that he conservatively estimates someone drew with red oxide about 3,000 years ago.
Here is an example. A couple of years ago I woke up on the first of January raring to go exercise and get started on those New Year’s resolutions. As I hopped out of bed, I looked down to see that my knee was the size of a grapefruit. It didn’t hurt, per se, but as I tried to do extended walking, it would start to ache. I started using my natural remedies, sure I would be fine very soon. While this helped the immediate pain, I wasn’t solving the problem.
Think not? Take a look at a picture of yourself ten years ago and then look in the mirror! Better yet, get an old movie of one of your favorite actors and look at how young they were back when the movie was made!
Mankind is greatly concerned about dying, and rightfully so. We keep searching for the Fountain of Youth. It started with Ponce De Leon many years ago. But as you know, Mr. De Leon has been long since dead and buried. So obviously he never found it!
Bob: "Look. I know I'm the new kid on the block*, but I just want to be left the hell alone. Don't you get that? I'm a CAT. Not a DOG. Cats like alone time at least 23.99 hours of the day. I'll let you know when the .01 hours are available for us to socialize. But, if you smell my butt again? All bets are off." (Begins to walk away, figuring his work is done after the serious hiss and lengthy conversation.)
Aaanyway, life has been unforgiving the past few weeks. People have left work, causing my hours to get screwed up and down almost every day. Thankfully that seems to be calming down a little with the summer months coming into gear. Also, just this past week, most of my energy was spent in looking for and buying a car, which was thankfully completed not long ago. Not to mention about fifty side-projects begging to be monitored and updated with what little time I have left. Just all around, not that much fun to be me.
Mr. Randolph Reid: Yes. I actually applied for membership on the board three years ago and was not selected as a candidate. The committee doing the selection wisely chose Dr. Wilbert Keon instead. So when the vacancy came up, I threw my hat in the ring again this time.
As funny as it may sound, I find myself worrying about C.W. from time to time, like yesterday. I was minding my own business reading a magazine when a lone figure walks in, plops down on the couch, and folds his hands in his lap. It is a man of indeterminate age, casually dressed in a flannel shirt, rumpled khaki pants, and running shoes. His eyes formed two lifeless orbs that seem to watch something far away, something that he really wasn’t quite certain existed.
Two years ago, Silva, also the wine director for the restaurant, turned up the level of dining at Galley Beach a few notches when he brought in Neil Ferguson as executive chef, replacing long-time chef Scott Osif, who had expressed a desire to move on. The two met through the Nantucket New School, where both of their children were enrolled.
well maybe up to $30 or so... initially i was going to suggest you buy about 10 shares, then when i looked at what it cost i realized only one share is within your specified budget... man i wish i bought some apple about ten years ago...
Two weeks ago, I went to KL for work. And outfit-wise, this was one of most uncoordinated when it comes to looks. Check why here. First of all, I violated my self-imposed rule not to wear casuals in the airport (I dunno coz I feel like it should look different than vacay airport looks, lol!). What little time me and my team had for sight-seeing was ruined though by the ongoing SEA Games coz flags were everywhere and national practices (atleast for the place I'd like to see). But overall, this trip has been such a good gastronomic experience and it might be true when our client's CEO said that "all the best chefs are in Malaysia." Aaaah Malaysia, truly Asia. Haha!
Artificial trees are also much safer than organic ones as they are fire resistant (unless yours is over 4 years old) and not spiky! My friend had a horrible incident where her dog got a tree thistle stuck in her eye! Definately not what you want at Christmas time.
I would get the gorgeous box of macaroons packaged in natural hues, for my man. We got married in France 2 years ago and had macaroons as table gifts - what a beautiful reminder of the day :)
Guys from Reno-Ex did a great job. We bought an old house (1968) and it needed a lot of work to look like our dream house. We moved out for few weeks and they were working hard, often late and during weekends, to finish on time. The quality of work is outstanding, they also gave us many useful advices. Our friends are using them as well. We are definitely hiring them again, when we have another project!
The extra perks were great -- shuttle service to the beach, free towels and beach chairs, complementary hot breakfast, all-you-can-eat chocolate chip cookies in the evening -- just to name a few! All staff members were nice, helpful, and accommodating. On arrival day, we got there at 11:30am, way too early for check-in, but we got to use the hotel pool while we waited for our room.
Eight years ago, while reading a magazine in a barber shop near his home in Frankfort, Ind., Denny Wainscott ran across an article about an engraving tool that he thought might be interesting to try on gourds. It worked, and a few years later he added stains, dyes and inlay to his gourd-crafting skills. In 2003, one of Wainscott’s pieces, “Path to Harmony,” (left) sold for $20,000, but he doesn’t think working with gourds is about money.
“Today’s ruling shows how Democrat leadership in the state legislature has created an environment that fails the poorest schools and the most vulnerable children, just like their fiscal policies have failed our state,” Fasano said. “For years Democrats in the legislature crafted budgets that moved further and further away from the original cost sharing formula to instead hand out money to whichever towns they needed to buy votes from to pass their bad budgets. Political favoritism has gone too far and has created a system that simply does not work.”
Stubhub is also barely above face before fees. Outside of very special events, I think we've passed peak ticket prices for CFB. Media breaks are more frequent than NFL games. The "get in" price for these games for two people on the secondary market exceeds what it would cost to buy a brand new 60"+ 4k HDTV to watch it from home. I could be wrong, but he number of buyers seems like it is quite reduced. Tickets barely over face for The Game to decide (essentially) the B1G seems unheard of 10-15 years ago.
Notable and worthwhile gains for women were obviously made, but there's a lack of context to help us understand the conditions we've lived in as best we can now know history. Good or bad, whatever conditions men and women were living in 100 or more years ago were mostly the product of how super-rich people anywhere managed everyone else. It's the same today.
With all the ridiculously large numbers being thrown around in the world today (the word "trillion" was barely ever used in public 20 years ago), over 200 million might not sound like much but if you think that isn't significant, you've got some serious problems.
This probably ran in the U.S. a few years ago; the plot, which takes three-quarters of the book to get moving, has a PDA Soul Energy Entity climb out from another dimension in his handheld and start blowing stuff up. It's a neat body, drawn androgynously and painted in Matrix Quadrata. But the thing that really put me off is Reed sets up shop with his little lab in Times Square, with Sue happily keeping him invisible because the ``constant distraction'' helps him think better.
Nearly eight years ago we had just moved to a new and unfamiliar town for my husband’s job, but the company that hired him was bought out, and the new owners fired everyone. Abruptly we found ourselves with eight children and zero income. Immediately both of us started searching. My husband quickly got a job answering phones for $8/hour, and since it was a month and a half before Christmas, I applied at a clothing store as seasonal help.
Charities spend a lot of time trying to find new and interesting ways of raising funds especially as government funding to many charities has been reduced so much over the last 6 years. Coffee Sacrifice came about in 2015 as a chance suggestion from a Secondary School student in Clontarf that he would gladly donate his coffee money if there was an easy way to do so.
Right then, I wanted to smack myself in the head. I'd never, ever used that goofball phrase before. What a dork!! I meant my teacher was a little new-agey, touchy-feely, took herself too seriously for my taste. Instead, I just blurted, "artsy-fartsy;" it's a phrase that might sound right coming from a 70-year-old woman who buys her living room paintings from Kmart to match her sofa.
Someday is the day I will look really great in my jeans again and finish the oil painting I started two years ago. It’s when I will grow an herb garden. It’s when I will learn French beyond the minimum I now get by with – which is just enough to keep me sheltered and fed in a small village.
Just a funny, small world. Of all places, I’m reminded of my high school via DesignCuts. I can definitely say it was NOT a great place for aspiring artists! SO glad to be gone. I vividly recall staring towards the open door. My fave place just down the street. The college, CSUN, with a super art dept. Although I still didn’t study graphic design. But I created a lot of art and loved it. That’s what I envisioned when I was at Granada Hills High. Learning and creating art. Long ago and far away.
I was born thirty years ago in the city of Voronezh, Russia. My parents stopped living together when I was about five, so I was raised by my mom on her own — a pretty common story. We had a great childhood together with my younger brother (he’s a rocket-scientist-smart iOS developer, ping me if you need an intro). We played together, read a lot of books, and did a lot of fighting — until he grew up and became obviously stronger than me.
Two years ago we did an exercise in Philadelphia with Amy Hoy and a few good friends. It was to describe your ideal situation you’re striving for. And here’s what I’m striving for, ranging from work to personal:
"In our time, unlike in the 1970s, oil price pressures have been countered by the entry of low-cost Asian labour into the global workforce. Not only are the things Asians make cheap and getting cheaper, competition from Asia also means that Western labour has lost the bargaining power it had 30 years ago. Stuff is cheap. Wages are pretty flat.
Neat idea! I don't think most students appreciate that the math they see collected in textbooks year after year is stuff that these guys had to make up from scratch years ago. I guess the same could be said for many of the subjects students study in school. There was a time before we knew x, y, or z. What was life like then? Thanks for sharing!
Very inspiring. I am in the same situation you were three years ago and everything you wrote is right. I am hoping that in 3 years time, the house we are renting will turn out into a beautiful home. Little by little, one step at a time. Thank you for this wonderful story. You have no idea how you touched our hearts.
11-12-12 - New pot laws in the face of the feds - John Stewart and Andrew Sullivan have both recently pointed to the giggles that frequently accompany this topic when covered by TV media, not taking it seriously. Obama brushed it off with a joke too when legalization was topic #1 on his Internet ask-the-president thing a few years ago. But surely he knows the suffering these pointless draconian laws cause - to millions, especially to the poor and minorities. Around 750,000 arrested last year in the US followed by jail time, sometimes many years, stigma, loss of jobs, job opportunities, Federal aid to education and housing. If Obama who was a pot head had been by chance he'd not be president. - dc
I hope your second try works out better for you! I didn’t apply all the way around simply because I didn’t like making my rings stick out a little more in front, but you’re right that it should be stronger! I completely understanding not wanting to send a ring back for resizing – we got engaged three years ago this weekend and I have never sent either of my rings off! Again, best of luck and thanks for stopping by. =)
“A couple years ago this economy hit me hard,” he said as I took out my notebook. “I lost my job. Got a divorce. Lost my kids. I came out here to put my daughter in a community college. Now I’m making more than I ever made.”
Yonatan shrugs. “I said it was a bad joke. Is it even a joke? Who knows how these things start.” Yonatan knows. He tried making a pun five or six years ago after a long night of drinking. “Shay might remember. Do you know Shay, uh…” He points at the name tag like he just noticed it. “Stephen?”
A: I have often thought about this question. Especially two years ago, when I was very ill (of undiagnosed diabetes), I thought to myself, "I can't die yet! Let me finish my work. My people are not ready yet!" But thanks to modern medicine, I have recovered, my health is under control now, and the future seems brighter.
Vilma said she was initially in shock about the meeting, "But overjoyed to know that I took care of him nearly 30 years ago and now he's a paediatric resident to the same population he was part of when he was born".
The story of their reunion at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto has gone viral on social media. He's now grown up and works in the same hospital he was born in. Brandon, one of our pediatric residents, was born 28 years ago in our NICU-then just 29 weeks old. She considers meeting Dr Seminatore for the second time the pay-off of her mission.
As much as I was won over by JP and Ash-face during this special, am I alone in getting completely grossed out to the max every time they kiss?? I figured out why their kisses are so weird. They french without tilting. They do the head on collision, mouths wide open, nom nom nom, french kiss. It's nasty! Watching them kiss makes me feel like I'm four years old again, back when I thought boys were gross and kisses got you preggers.
Subsets and Splits