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Missing Niobrara Woman Alive, Now In Police Custody
A Niobrara woman missing since Sept. 25 has been found alive.
Boyd County Sheriff Chuck Wrede confirmed Thursday night that 37-year old Amy Heiser has been arrested and is now in custody of law enforcement. More details on the arrest will be released Friday.
A press release issued shortly after disappearance stated that the sheriff's office located her black 2000 GMC Yukon Denali at the public landing of Sunshine Bottom on the Missouri River on September 26 at approximately 12:30 p.m. Heiser was not found near the vehicle, but the sheriff's office says that items obtained in the vehicle lead authorities to believe she may have gone into the river.
The Boyd County Sheriff's Office then contacted numerous other agencies to assist in the search for Heiser, including the Nebraska State Patrol, who lists Heiser as a missing person with an active search out to locate her.
Thousands of man hours, hundreds of people and more than a dozen agencies joined the search to locate Heiser. Air patrol units and water units also assisted in the search of the area from the Sunshine Bottom public landing northeast of Lynch to an area near Verdel in northwestern Knox County.
Authorities had been looking for Heiser for more than a month. She was set to appear in Holt County District Court on September 29 on a charge of possession of a controlled substance. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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Per-Pupil Spending Over Time
Posted on 2015-03-03 by perryadmin
Are We Spending More or Less on Kids?
It's stated frequently, the statistical factoid (statoid? statisticoid? hmmm.) that per-pupil spending in Brookline Schools has fallen during the enrollment boom, i.e. between 2006 and now. We've added kids, so of course, we are spending less on each kid. We've cut to the bone. We're already underfunding our schools. Only the maximum extent possible override (MEPO) will retain your property value or keep our schools excellent.
And looking at the data, yes, we're spending less. But on what?
Less on interest payments for building the New Lincoln School in 1990 (Brookline's first override ever after prop 2 1/2) and renovating the High School in 1995 (Brookline's second override ever).
Less on health care because Brookline joined the GIC, saving us a bunch.
Less on out-of-district special education placements by providing equivalent services at less cost in-district.
But not less on School Budgets or teachers or kids. The Brookline School Budgets keeps going up. In fact, we'll see that from 2006 to 2014:
Enrollment in Brookline Public Schools went up 21% from 6014 to 7288 kids;
The Brookline School Budget increased 41.7%, from $60M to $85M;
The Brookline School Budget increased 4.48% per year on average.
Per-pupil the School Budget is doing just fine, too, thank you very much, having increased 17%, from $10,046 to $11,751;
Yes, even inflation-adjusted per-pupil spending is just around 0% (-0.67%) over the last 8 years.
I guess we do love our kids here in Brookline.
Let's dig into the data.
Types of Spending
What kind of spending are folks talking about when they say we are spending less?
Per-pupil average spending including the CIP
Hmm…that sounds a little wonk-ish. Per-pupil means you're going to do an average anyways. Let's mention that averages are often misleading, especially when there is a skew in the distribution, i.e. the level of spending on the special needs population skews the average "per-pupil spending" quite a bit. But let's stay with it.
Why do folks point to that? The argument is easy – each new child in school means our fixed dollars are spread thinner per pupil. It is also trying to build a subtle connection between spending and "spending on kids". That is an important distinction which we'll tease apart below.
And what about the "including the CIP" bit. Recall the CIP is the Town's "Capital Improvement Plan". The Town pays interest when it borrows money to build buildings, including School buildings. But there are a good number of other costs the Town pays on behalf of Schools beyond just the CIP. They are all factored into that "including CIP" bit.
So overall that is an …. interesting but hard to understand metric.
Who says Per-Pupil Spending is Down
First written history of it seems to be from the Override Study Committee's Schools Program Task Force, which had the executive summary item:
Average per pupil inflation-adjusted spending (including CIP) has in fact declined since the 2008 override. Spending was $17.4k per student in FY06, $17.9k per student in FY09 (increased following the override), and $16.9k per student in FY14.
And that position justifies the minority position for a large override – we're falling behind in how much we spend on our schools.
That leaves out a bit of important nuance. Let's look at the data at the Massachusetts Department of Education and the Brookline School Departments Budget.
Department of Education Data
Before we go to the source, let's get familiar with the Mass Dept. of Ed report for Brookline on spending for 2010 / 2011, the year when folks say things really went down hill for our spending.
Function 2010 2011
Total Exp Per Pupil Total Exp Per Pupil
Administration $4,740,885 $725 $5,012,395 $750
Instructional Leadership $7,077,144 $1,082 $7,626,542 $1,141
Classroom and Specialist Teachers $41,626,534 $6,362 $42,039,477 $6,292
Other Teaching Services $10,936,364 $1,672 $11,249,982 $1,684
Professional Development $1,617,351 $247 $1,909,144 $286
Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology $2,498,293 $382 $3,179,712 $476
Guidance, Counseling and Testing $3,668,930 $561 $3,642,439 $545
Pupil Services $4,799,039 $733 $5,249,669 $786
Operations and Maintenance $9,467,236 $1,447 $9,655,472 $1,445
Insurance, Retirement Programs and Other $18,410,963 $2,814 $16,489,499 $2,468
Payments To Out-Of-District Schools $8,138,531 $119,509 $5,952,865 $70,952
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $112,981,270 $17,090 $112,007,196 $16,556
Which which items did we spend less money on between 2010 and 2011. The things I colored red in the table above:
Insurance/Retirements – almost $2M dollars. Good results from Brookline joining the state's GIC insurance pool.
Special Education (SPED) Payments to Out-of-District Schools – slightly more than $2M. This amount is highly variable from year to year based on the kids in the system. The per-pupil costs on those out-of-district placements went from $110,000 to $71,000, with the state average for that per-pupil out-of-district cost being… $20,000. At least we're on par with Newton in this metric.
What things did Brookline Schools spend more money on? Well, almost everything else.
Public School of Brookline Budgets
There are some good nuggets in the budgets that the Public Schools of Brookline publish.
[Aside: It seems that the PSB does not go back and publish "final" budgets, just leaving the previous "preliminary" available.]
Let's look at pages 317, 319, and 322 of the Superintendent's Preliminary 2014 Budget (beware 24MB pdf) to get some data on spending from the Schools and the Towns contribution.
Here are screen shots of the PDFs of those pages, starting with page 322, which is all about…per-pupil spending! Yeah, we found the source.
So the Per-Pupil Spending, using the somewhat complicated methodology described therein, does show a dip from 2010 to 2011 from $17,090 to $16,556. It does mention it includes costs carried by the Town of Brookline spent in support of schools.
Let's look at page 316 of that document showing net school spending, which shows a high level break out of the "School Department Budget" and "Town Spending on Behalf of Schools":
As the School Budget points out, the Town contributes to the Schools by paying for things like: school administration, utilities like oil & natural gas for the schools, maintenance of school grounds and buildings, insurance for retired and active employees, pension benefits for employees, principal and interest on loans for school building projects.
We find a detailed breakout of what categories the Town spends money on behalf of the Schools on Page 319.
Let's pull out some of that data from those various sources. And let's also join that with yearly student enrollment data from the DOE so we can get at per-pupil values for those spends. And for good measure, let's do some inflation adjustments using the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The full table of data used to make these graphs is available at the bottom of this article.
Student enrollment over time and the yearly growth. Yes, it is definitely positive over time.
Brookline Public School Enrollment over time
Here is the Public School of Brookline Budget per year, not including what the Town pays. The line in the graph shows the year-over-year change. Note the jump in 2009, which came from the 2008 passed in to add Elementary World Language and lengthening the school day by 20 minutes.
Absolute Brookline Public School Budget.
What has happened to the Town contribution over time?
Absolute dollars Town Contribution to Brookline Schools
Now let's look at both those values on a per-pupil basis, starting with the School Budget. The School Budget per-pupil growth is positive year-over-year. That means the Schools are spending at least the same per-pupil over time.
Brookline School Dept. Budget Per-Pupil
Now let's look at the Town share of spending on schools per-pupil. Almost neutral except for a big drop in 2011, the year we stopped paying debt payments for Lawrence and the High School.
Brookline Town Share of School Spending Per-Pupil
Finally, what about the comment that per-pupil inflation adjusted spending has gone down? A quick detour to the Bureau of Labor Statistics for an inflation calculator and let's run the per-pupil School Budget dollars through that to give us that:
Per-pupil School Budget inflation adjusted
The large increase in all those School Budget numbers in 2009 is due to the 2008 Override. The negative year-over-year change in 2011 was due to the items we talked about above: retiring debt from New Lincoln School and also joining the GIC insurance.
Back to the question at the top – are we spending more or less on our kids? That's kind of the wrong question. Are we spending more or less on the things that affect our kids education?
From 2006 to 2014, we had:
A 21% increase in enrollment from 6014 to 7288 from Pre-K to 12th grade;
A school budget increase of 41.8%.
Yes, that includes a previous override. But that's because we increased spending on schools.
A 17% school budget increase per-pupil over that time.
a hair below 0% change in per-pupil inflation adjusted change in the school budget since 2006.
Are our kids worse off because we we finished paying off debt and saved a bundle on health insurance? Absolutely not. If the metric you use for "average per-pupil spending" goes down when those two costs go down, then you've got a really stupid metric. And that, folks, is what the "average per pupil (including CIP)" metric is when justifying why the next override should be the Maximum Extent Override Possible (MEPO).
A "debt exclusion", by definition, is a temporary (albeit long ~ 20 – 25 years) measure. It goes away when the project is paid off. But more importantly, there should be zero surprise factor that the debt is retiring. As in – you can forecast it and build a budget around it. Thanks New Lincoln School and High School renovation, we're glad you're off the books.
The Town stopped spending $5M dollars. Did we spend less on teachers? No. Did we have to let go of librarian assistants because of this "reduction"? No. Did we have to increase user fees in Town? No. Did we have to reduce services to kids because we were "spending less money" on debt service? No.
Table combining data from the Dept of Education site, the Brookline School Budget, and the Bureau of Labor statistics:
Brookline School Spending By Year
Enrollment Pre-K to 12 6014 6142 6168 6321 6472 6627 6875 7112 7288
Yearly % Change 2.13% 0.42% 2.48% 2.39% 2.39% 3.74% 3.45% 2.47%
School Department Budget $60,414,544 $62,916,637 $64,786,212 $70,987,572 $72,515,419 $75,346,929 $78,443,875 $82,086,987 $85,643,933
Inflation Adjusted School Dept Budget $71,152,170 $72,046,830 $71,445,050 $78,562,930 $78,958,860 $79,531,010 $81,121,270 $83,663,190 $85,643,933
Yearly % Change 1.26% -0.84% 9.96% 0.50% 0.72% 2.00% 3.13% 2.37%
Per-pupil School Budget $10,046 $10,244 $10,504 $11,230 $11,204 $11,370 $11,410 $11,542 $11,751
Yearly % Change 1.97% 2.54% 6.92% -0.23% 1.47% 0.35% 1.16% 1.81%
Inflation Adjusted Per-pupil School Budget $11,831 $11,730 $11,583 $12,429 $12,200 $12,001 $11,799 $11,764 $11,751
Yearly % Change -0.85% -1.25% 7.30% -1.84% -1.63% -1.68% -0.30% -0.10%
Town Spending on Behalf of Schools $26,824,273 $27,188,868 $30,136,626 $31,937,918 $33,264,116 $29,765,693 $31,829,842 $33,362,664 $35,306,932
Yearly % Change 1.36% 10.84% 5.98% 4.15% -10.52% 6.93% 4.82% 5.83%
Per-pupil Town Spending $4,460.30 $4,426.71 $4,885.96 $5,052.67 $5,139.70 $4,491.58 $4,629.80 $4,691.04 $4,844.53
Yearly % Change -0.75% 10.37% 3.41% 1.72% -12.61% 3.08% 1.32% 3.27%
* MEPO = "Maximum Extent Possible Override" , an homage to the BSPACE report findings that several expansions should be done to the "maximum extent possible".
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Ram Pam
There is a flutter, the heart skips a beat and the sensation travels downwards towards the stomach, a tingle rushing across, as butterflies make a home and begin to dance. We know this feeling all too well - this is a new love. In Ram Pam, we find a girl in the throes of such a love, a love that our girl wants to shout from the rooftops to anyone who will listen - with earnestness, she declares the state of her heart to Baba Bhatti, a man who has decided to be a mentor and friend to her restless condition.
At Coke Studio, it is Zoe Viccaji's voice that embodies the character of this girl. She tells Baba Bhatti of a newfound love that is making her heart go, "bam bam," and, "taara ra ram pam pam". The song's lyrics are lined with the slightest hint of melancholy. The object of her affections is not present, yet continues to occupy her thoughts obsessively. As she implores her love not to cause her sorrow or forget her, our girl declares that the loneliness caused by his absence has taken over her nights. Plagued by incessant dreams of her love, she tells Baba Jee that she belongs now completely to her dholna, that in her attempts to be with him, she could even court death for him. Her life now begins and ends with him: "tum pih shuru, tum pih khatum," she calls out to her absentee beloved.
Stepping in to console his young mentee is Baba Bhatti, in the form of vocalist Shahab Hussain. For Shahab, this is his first time on the mainstage as a featured artist on Coke Studio. With his wisdom and foresight, Shahab's fictional, "najoomi" Baba recognizes the sincerity in Zoe's affections and promises to be her friend as she pursues her beloved. In this way, the girl finds a humsaya in Baba Bhatti and the two sing together in what becomes a fun, upbeat duet between two members of the Coke Studio family.
Ram Pam is the creation of Sahir Ali Bagga, a songwriter known for his versatility with the theme of love, presenting it in soulful ballads, Punjabi bhangra duets and, now, quirky Urdu banter. "Sometimes in romance, you can be funny too, right?" says Bagga. "You can be happy, but you don't have to be dancing around like crazy, you can just be chilled out and funny with it," he explains the thought process behind Ram Pam. For Bagga, the lyrics came straight from a sentiment, from a mood of merriment and innocence that he decided to pen down, and the poetry made its way to Coke Studio's mainstage in Zoe and Shahab's voices.
When asked to give the song's protagonist her voice, Zoe was drawn to it because of its happy, playful vibe and mix of genres. "It's a pop song ... and goes into a jazz section. Because I come from a jazz background, and that's the kind of music I really love ... I get to show my jazz chops. Then it goes into a very Eastern section, so it's really a mix of different genres [and] that's essentially what pop is." Mixing these genres was also challenging for the singer, a challenge that only added to the fun of the song, "Murkis (eastern singing technique) don't come naturally to me so it's been really fun to see how I can play with them and merge them with [contemporary] styles."
Shahab happens to be an old friend of Zoe's so, for the two, this was a duet they fell into with ease. "Shahab and I go way back. We used to write songs together, like 7 years ago. I was really happy to find out that he was doing the part with me," says Zoe. The chemistry between the artists is important, Shahab explains, because of the unusual, quirky nature of the relationship between the characters of the song: "That relationships needs to show [in the performance]. We've tried our best to show our connection, through our words, our singing and also our actions."
For Shahab, while performing with an old friend was a welcome leap onto the mainstage, the nerves still existed while preparing: "It was a transition, going from a chorus of four people to standing, just me, next to the artist. Everyone is treating me like an artist and trying to buck me up. Everything is happening around me, I'm not working around the artist, everyone is working around me." As he starts performing however, Shahab's nervousness falls away, and the thrill of the performance takes over: "My hands started moving along to the song, I seemed to grow four extra hands," he laughs, "From inside, I think I felt the same because when I stand at the backing vocalists' space, I'm giving it my 100%, I'm singing from my heart, I'm like that 5-year-old kid who is singing with all he's got, and I felt the same on the mainstage."
The production experience behind this song is one of friendship and collaboration, in the end turning out to be as fun as the song's lyrics, a collective experience between colleagues and friends who have worked together, on and outside of Coke Studio. Shahab's fellow house band members tease and encourage him during the recording. Coke Studio resident Rachel Viccaji chimes in as Zoe rehearses, telling her sister to be less nervous, sharing inside jokes. "It's like coming back home," Zoe says of the experience, "It was a lot of fun, especially with the band because [they] were very upbeat. Everyone was laughing, interacting, there was good energy, so I had a really great time."
Ultimately, Ram Pam is a light-hearted take on romance, a reminder that, maybe, love need not always be a serious or tragic business, and much like the protagonist of the song needs a friendly ear to hear her plight, at the end of the day, we all need our friends in times of angst, excitement and silliness. Ram Pam is a song that invites listeners to participate in the fun that was had during the experience of creating it.
Read About Zoe Viccaji
Read About Shahab Hussain
Listen to Ram Pam | {
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Home | Navy | Which is better Army or Marines?
Which is better Army or Marines?
Which is harder Army or Marine?
What is higher than a Marine
Which is bigger Army or Marines?
Do Marines ever fight
Do Marines switch to Army
Do Marines get paid better than Army?
Why is a Marine not a soldier
What do Marines do in war
What do Marines call Army soldiers?
Can Marines be Navy SEALs
Do Marines and Army fight together
What is Marine salary
Is a Marine considered a soldier
Do Army and Marines get paid the same
Which branch of the military is the best
Who sees more combat Army or Marines
What is the death rate of Marines
Can a Marine go to war
Do Marines get trained to fight
Why are they called Marines
Can you leave the Marines after 4 years
Who is the highest paid soldier
Who pays more Marines or Navy
Why are Marines so special
Do Marines guard the president
What type of soldier is a Marine
Are Marines always first to fight
Do Marines shoot guns?
Are the Marines difficult?
Why are Marines called First to Fight
What do you call boss Marines
Army vs Marines? The Army wins by a long shot when it comes to varying professional opportunities, both full- and part-time but the Marines are still a viable option for someone looking for part-time service. The Marine Reserve Forces have approximately 38,500 personnel in it.
The Marine Corps members are called marines, not soldiers, and they typically have to go through much more intense basic training than those in the Army do, creating a reputation for being some of the toughest and most highly trained fighters.
U.S. Navy SEALs are an elite unit, more exclusive and harder to be admitted to than the U.S. Marines.
The Army is the largest branch among the United States Armed Forces, and the Marine Corps is one of the smallest. While the Army has significantly more troops than the Marines, their counterpart possesses a more diverse aviation arm due to the Marine's relationship with the Navy.
Driven by an innate desire to answer our Nation's call, an unwavering commitment to emerge victorious, and a collective purpose that defines our unbreakable bond, Marines win the battles in front of them with an inner fight running through them.
By transitioning to the Army National Guard, Marines can continue their service and take advantage of the flexibility and other benefits the Guard offers its Soldiers. The Guard needs experienced warriors. And the skills and experience you earned in the Marines can transfer easily to the Army National Guard.
The Army and the Marine Corps have the same pay. All of the branches of the U.S. military use the same pay structure based on years of service and pay grade.
Marines aren't called soldiers because they aren't in the Army. Each branch of the military has its own mission, training, history, uniform, and esprit de corps.
The Marines' mission is unique among the services. Marines serve on U.S. Navy ships, protect naval bases, guard U.S. embassies and provide an ever-ready quick strike force to protect U.S. interests anywhere in the world.
See also How many tanks does the Canadian army have?
Three such words are "gyrenes," "jarheads," and "grunts." Their times of origin and usage differ somewhat, but each has the same role in the Marine Corps culture. They have become a source of pride for all Marines. ties to the U.S. Navy, Marines interacted with sailors more and more.
No, a Marine can not become a Navy SEAL.
For an individual to become a Navy SEAL, they must first be an enlisted member of the Navy.
Do Marines and Army Work Together? Yes, joint operations between multiple branches of the military are an important aspect of keeping Americans safe. Despite the difference between Army and Marine personnel, their work can still overlap, and, when combined, their training and capabilities can complement each other.
While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $121,500 and as low as $11,500, the majority of salaries within the Marine Corps jobs category currently range between $37,500 (25th percentile) to $73,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $103,500 annually across the United States.
Marines are not soldiers, though they have been referred to as "soldiers of the sea" in past recruiting posters. In the U.S., people not in the Army are not soldiers, especially so for Marines — who will strongly protest being painted with that brush.
In the U.S. military, a service member's individual pay grade and years of service are the factors that determine basic pay. In other words, enlisted or military officer salary are equivalent whether you're in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy or Coast Guard.
1 United States Marine Corps.
2 United States Army.
3 British Army.
4 French Foreign Legion.
5 United States Navy.
6 Australian Army.
7 United States Air Force.
8 Canadian Army.
There are 5 main branches in the military: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Usually, the Army has the most members responsible for land-based operations. As such, they are most likely to see combat.
The Marine Corps experienced the highest fatality rates per 100,000 for all causes (122.5), unintentional injury (77.1), suicide (14.0), and homicide (7.4) of all the services. The Army had the highest disease and illness-related fatality rate (20.2 per 100,000) of all the services.
Those in the Marine Corps Reserve are trained in combat and can be mobilized for active duty in time of war, national emergency, or contingency operations.
But there is much more training required to ensure they become combat trained and ready to join the ranks of Marines in our Operating Forces. This is the training newly minted Marines must overcome to fight and win the battles of today and into the future for our Nation.
Did you ever wonder why the Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy? Historically, marines serve as a navy's ground troops. In fact, the word "marine" is the French word for sea, which may be why the French military historically called English troops — who all had to arrive by sea — "marines."
See also Who is the No 1 air force in world?
When you sign you will serve 4 yrs of active duty. You then have a choice to re-enlist or get out of the Marine Corps. This is called the end of active service, however you are still obligated to serve 4 years in the inactive ready reserve.
Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officers.
Armored Assault Vehicle Officers.
Artillery and Missile Officers.
Command and Control Center Officers.
Infantry Officers.
Special Forces Officers.
Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders.
Medical, Pharmacy, and Dental Services.
The United States Air Force, Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force are all equal in terms of basic pay. The basic military pay you earn is determined by military rank and years of service.
Marines are trained to improvise, adapt, and overcome all obstacles in all situations. They possess the willingness and the determination to fight and to keep fighting until victory is assured.
The White House Military Office is an amalgamation of several previously independent offices and agencies. White House sentries, four Marine Corps non-commissioned officers who act as a ceremonial guard outside the West Wing of the White House.
marine, member of a military force especially recruited, trained, and organized for service at sea and in land operations incident to naval campaigns.
marines are the first to fight and determined to succeed.
Since 1775, Marines have valiantly fought and died to protect our nation and advance its ideals. Our long and proud heritage of faithful service is fueled by an uncommon fighting spirit and the grit to continue on when others quit.
Since the Marines focus on close combat and fire assaults, all members of the Marines must qualify with their rifle during the Marine Corps Rifle Qualification test. This occurs during basic training to ensure every Marine possesses the capability of firing their weapon during battle conditions.
There are few reputations more storied and none more deserving than that of Marine Corps Recruit Training. The difficulties this process presents to every recruit are as deliberate as they are legendary, as physical, mental and moral toughness are prerequisites to fight among our ranks.
In World War I, the battle-tested, veteran Marines served a central role in the U.S. entry into the conflict, and at the Battle of Belleau Wood, Marine units were in the front, winning the Marines a reputation as the "First to Fight". This battle cemented the reputation of the Marines in modern history.
CAPTAIN – responsible for leading entire companies of Marines, serving as company commander, leading tactical operations with the support of junior commissioned officers and senior enlisted noncommissioned officers.
Previous: Can you have tattoos and be a Marine?
Next: How hard is it to get into the US Military Academy? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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Tablets, iPads, and Slates - Oh My!
Tablets, iPads, and Slates – Oh My!
Interest is very strong right now with using the current array of tablet computers in the classroom – both with the use of Apple's iPad and, to a lesser degree, Android-based tablets. Many educators say they are finding success with these devices in the classroom, and we decided that it's time to find out for ourselves.
About mid-February, using funds from a grant from the Seven Trees Foundation, two Apple iPads and two Samsung Galaxy Tab computers were placed in the hands of our third and fourth grade teachers, Mrs. Quigley, Mr. Leary, Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Bender. The only instructions were to use them as they wished, and to pass along these instructions (and encouragements) to their students. We also provided a list of "functions" that we expected they could do or try with these devices, hoping that they would find these functions useful, and would then report back how well they performed.
During this evaluation time, the Tech team visited with the teachers on several occasions to answer questions, and provide tips and help as needed. At the end of the "pilot" period, the teachers participated in a feedback session to share their thoughts with the technology department and the lower school division head.
As expected, the tablet devices had all the attributes we had heard about – that also make them easy-to-use in a lower school classroom setting: light-weight, intuitive, long battery life – and they were fun and entertaining. They made good research tools, were good for reading e-books and were good for playing educational games. The Samsung had some minor advantages over the iPad, and the iPad had some minor advantages over the Samsung. Deficiencies were also noted – including the lack of anything that was acceptable as a substitute for MS Office, problems saving files and knowing where they were located at a later time, difficulty in collaboration, and problems printing.
Overall, the iPads and Galaxy tablets are fun and useful machines, but they are not regarded as useful enough for third and fourth grades to replace the need for more traditional laptop, netbook, and desktop computers. Having said that – we'll keep our eyes and ears open, and look forward to running more tests and trials in the coming 20012-13 academic year to see how the technology – and our opinion on them – has changed. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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Drew Estate Tabak Especial Belicoso Negra Cigars Online - Cigars City Get the best cigars for sale with fast shipping and cheap prices here at CigarsCity.com!
If you have become bored with the same old cigars with the same old boring flavors, then it is time for the Tabak Especial Negra Belicoso by Drew Estate! These uber delicious and wildly popular smokes have all the quality of a traditional premium cigar with the added infusion of intensely satisfying flavors that only Jonathan Drew could deliver.
The Tabak Especial Negra Belicoso is an expertly blended 5" x 54 cigar that shows off a gorgeously dark and oily Maduro wrapper leaf which surrounds a plethora of sensuous Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. Infused with richly textured coffee beans from Nicaragua, the Negra Belicoso becomes a finely crafted smoke of 45 minutes to an hour.
Once the Tabak Especial Negra Belicoso is set to flame, silky earth, cedar and sweet cocoa flavors caress the palate, clearing the way for lavishly rich espresso flavors that effortlessly roll through a most impeccable draw. The complex flavors swirl into a medium-to-full bodied festival of goodness that cruises to a thick and velvety finish.
The Tabak Especial Negra Belicoso by Drew Estate is truly a cigar for everyone, engaging the senses with a smooth character and exuberant flavors that bring a prolifically enjoyable experience. Enjoy these scrumptious smokes with dark roast coffee splashed with amaretto for a most divine escape. | {
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Чемерник (Helleborus) — рід рослин родини жовтецевих (Ranunculaceae), що нараховує близько 20 видів вічнозелених багаторічних трав'янистих квіткових рослин, родини лютикових. Рід дав назву трибі Helleboreae. Люди, захоплені квітуванням серед зими і схожістю з дикими трояндами чи рожами наділили рослину назвами "зимова рожа", "різдвяна роза", "сніжна троянда". Не зважаючи на народні назви, чемерники не є близькими до родини троянд (Rosaceae) чи руж (Malvaceae). Багато видів отруйні.
Опис і поширення
Рід є поширеним на більшій частині Європи: Велика Британія, Іспанія і Португалія, Середземноморський регіон, Центральна Європа, Східна Європа (Україна та Румунія) а також вздовж північного узбережжя Туреччини аж до Кавказу.
Найбільша концентрація видів спостерігається на Балканах. Один атиповий вид (H. thibetanus) походить із західного Китаю, ареал іншого атипового представника (H. vesicarius) — невелика територія на кордоні між Туреччиною і Сирією.
Квіти мають п'ять пелюсток (чашолистків), що оточують кільцем тичинки. Чашолистки не
опадають, як пелюстки, а залишаються на рослині іноді протягом багатьох місяців. Нещодавні дослідження в Іспанії підтверджують, що стійкі чашечки сприяють розвитку насіння (Herrera 2005).
Види і підвиди
Рід був описаний Карлом Ліннеєм в томі першому його Species Plantarum in 1753.
Види зі стеблом
Ці чотири види мають стебла з листям (у H. vesicarius стебла щороку відмирають), а також базальне листя.
Helleborus argutifolius — корсиканський чемерник
Helleborus foetidus — смердючий чемерник
Helleborus lividus
Helleborus vesicarius
Види без стебла
Ці види мають базальне листя. У них нема справжніх листків на стеблах (є листкові приквітки в місці розгалуження квітконосів).
Helleborus atrorubens
Helleborus croaticus
Helleborus cyclophyllus
Helleborus dumetorum
Helleborus abruzzicus
Helleborus liguricus
Helleborus boconei
Helleborus multifidus
Helleborus multifidus subsp. hercegovinus
Helleborus multifidus subsp. istriacus
Helleborus multifidus subsp. multifidus
Helleborus niger — різдвяна троянда або чорний чемерник
Helleborus niger subsp. macranthus (H. niger major)
Helleborus niger subsp. niger
Helleborus odorus
Helleborus odorus subsp. laxus
Helleborus odorus subsp. odorus
Helleborus orientalis — Lenten rose, Lenten hellebore, oriental hellebore (N.B. Lenten hellebores в садах визнані гібридами)
Helleborus orientalis subsp. abchasicus (H. abchasicus)
Helleborus orientalis subsp. guttatus
Helleborus orientalis subsp. orientalis (H. caucasicus, H. kochii)
Helleborus purpurascens
Helleborus thibetanus (H. chinensis)
Helleborus torquatus
Helleborus viridis — зелений чемерник або нога ведмедя
Helleborus occidentalis (H. viridis subsp. occidentalis)
Інші назви видів (в даний час вважаються недійсними) зустрічаються у старих виданнях (в тому числі Н. hyemalis, Х. polychromus, Х. ranunculinus, Х. trifolius).
Роди квіткових | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
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Banjo music is often associated with Americana, bluegrass, folk, and country music, but the instrument has its roots in Africa as African American slaves in America created the banjo based on similar African instruments. Although we're most familiar with the fast, upbeat sound of banjo loops and dueling banjos found in Western banjo music, the banjo can also produce haunting, sad, melancholy sounds. The sharp, arpeggiated plucking of banjo stock production music can add a sense of flurries or action to your next video production. Banjo background music evokes that "down home" feeling, so add it any time you want to create a happy, nostalgic feeling. Search by specific mood, genres, and instruments to filter your search. | {
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Lowell's Sponsors Trailapalooza
August 6, 2010 April 8, 2016 Rob Morris 1 Comment Community
In its early days, Lexington was built along the Middle Fork of South Elkhorn Creek, which was eventually known as Town Fork or, more commonly today, Town Branch. Lexington's early streets were oriented along the banks of this stream.
If you don't remember a stream in downtown Lexington, you're not alone. Much of what was Town Branch is now buried under present-day Vine Street. Running underground along Vine Street and under the Lexington Center, Town Branch re-emerges in the Cox Street parking lot, and meanders along Manchester Street and Leestown Road. This area includes some of Lexington's most historic sites, such as McConnell Springs.
Town Branch Trail, Inc. has been leading the efforts to build a greenway and urban trail along this historic corridor. Town Branch Trail recently completed its second phase of construction, with nearly two miles of completed trail for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Lowell's is pleased to support these efforts. We think that initiatives like Town Branch Trail are an important part of making Lexington even more attractive and livable. So we are one of the sponsors of Trailapalooza, a festival along Town Branch Trail on Sunday, August 15th from 1 to 5 PM.
The Big Maracas and the inimitable March Madness Marching Band will be entertaining. And PRESTO, the People-Powered Pianobike (which we are pleased to keep here at Lowell's), will be there as well. On top of that, we'll have games and prizes, too.
Trailapalooza promises to be great fun for all ages. Lowell's encourages our friends and customers to come celebrate and support Town Branch Trail at Trailapalooza on August 15th.
Visit Trailapalooza to get all of the details.
Lowell's Wins 2010 Readers' Choice Award
August 2, 2010 April 8, 2016 Rob Morris 1 Comment Awards
Lowell's is honored to win our third consecutive Readers' Choice Award for "Favorite Auto Repair Place" in voting submitted by Lexington Herald-Leader readers.
Lowell's won the voting even when matched up against other finalists (our good friends at Auto Tech and S&S Tire) who service all brands or who have multiple locations around the region.
We are grateful to our loyal customers for voting for us. We are especially grateful to our very talented employees who earn this award through their thoughtful hard work and excellent service every day. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The bestselling, critically acclaimed miniseries by Ian Bertram (House of Penance) and Darcy Van Poelgeest—Little Bird: The Fight for Elder's Hope—will be collected, in its entirety, into a hardcover edition and available from Image Comics this November.
In the world of Little Bird: The Fight for Elder's Hope, North America has been devastated by three decades of war as the American Empire expands under an ultra-nationalist, theocratic government. But from the ashes of defeat rises Little Bird, a 12-year old girl who sets out to reignite the Canadian Resistance and discover her own identity in a world on fire.
Bertram first burst onto the scene with his haunting, macabre collaboration with Peter J. Tomasi on House of Penance, the eerie, unsettling comic series about the Winchester haunted house. He brings a similarly intricate inking style to the pages of Little Bird.
With the same limitless scope as a new East of West or Saga—and the drama and surrealism of Akira—Little Bird follows a young resistance fighter in a science-fiction style reminiscent of Alejandro Jodorowsky and Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale.
Little Bird: The Fight for Elder's Hope hardcover edition (ISBN 978-1534313453, Diamond Code AUG190079) collects all five issues of the miniseries and will be available in comic shops on Wednesday, November 20 and in bookstores on Tuesday, November 26. It can be pre-ordered with your local comic shop or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, IndieBound, and Indigo.
The digital edition of Little Bird: The Fight for Elder's Hope will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including the official Image Comics iOS app, Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
Select praise for Little Bird:
"It. Is. Amazing." —Patton Oswalt
"Packed with rich ideas and executed with precision and passion. It's a comic that could be a cool movie in the future, but it succeeds because the creative team values the things that make comic books a unique form of storytelling." —The Onion's AV Club
"We'll accept any excuse for more of Bertram's horror-tinged Otomo-esque aesthetic." —Paste Magazine
"Little Bird is nothing short of a masterpiece...once you read this thing you'll see what we mean." —Nerdist
"Powerful and thought-provoking...clever and well-rounded and the art is lovely in a surrealistic way. I highly recommend this series." —Impulse Gamer
"Dark, surreal, and addictive." —Comic Book Resources
Darcy Van Poelgeest is a multi-award winning writer and director living in Vancouver, B.C. His film work has screened internationally at festivals, broadcast on TV, shown in galleries, and become a best seller on iTunes. His debut comic series Little Bird released through Image Comics and Glènat Editions in the spring of 2019.
Ian Bertram is an artist living and working in New York. By combining a love of storytelling with precise, meditative mark making, he creates mystical, grotesque, and primal portraits of the strange. He has published with Marvel, DC, Image Comics, and Dark Horse Comics. He has shown work in New York, Sri Lanka, and Paris.
Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of bestselling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. Image currently has six individuals on the Board of Directors: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Jim Valentino, and Eric Stephenson. It consists of five major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline Comics, Skybound Entertainment, and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, fantasy, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit www.imagecomics.com.
Labels: Image Comics
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Global regularity for a model of Navier-Stokes equations with logarithmic sub-dissipation
KRM Home
Mathematical modeling of a discontinuous solution of the generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck problem in a two-phase medium
February 2018, 11(1): 137-177. doi: 10.3934/krm.2018008
The derivation of the linear Boltzmann equation from a Rayleigh gas particle model
Karsten Matthies 1,, , George Stone 1, and Florian Theil 2,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
* Corresponding author: Karsten Matthies
Received March 2016 Revised March 2017 Published August 2017
A linear Boltzmann equation is derived in the Boltzmann-Grad scaling for the deterministic dynamics of many interacting particles with random initial data. We study a Rayleigh gas where a tagged particle is undergoing hard-sphere collisions with background particles, which do not interact among each other. In the Boltzmann-Grad scaling, we derive the validity of a linear Boltzmann equation for arbitrary long times under moderate assumptions on higher moments of the initial distributions of the tagged particle and the possibly non-equilibrium distribution of the background. The convergence of the empiric dynamics to the Boltzmann dynamics is shown using Kolmogorov equations for associated probability measures on collision histories.
Keywords: Derivation, Boltzmann equation, semigroups, Rayleigh gas.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 82C40; Secondary: 35Q20, 37L05, 60K35, 76P05, 82C22.
Citation: Karsten Matthies, George Stone, Florian Theil. The derivation of the linear Boltzmann equation from a Rayleigh gas particle model. Kinetic & Related Models, 2018, 11 (1) : 137-177. doi: 10.3934/krm.2018008
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Figure 1. The collision parameter $\nu$
Figure Options
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Figure 2. Two example trees
Figure 3. In the case $v'=0$ we are calculating the volume of $\Delta$, since we know the background particle cannot start in $\Delta$. For $v'\neq 0$ the cylinders get shifted but the principle is the same. (Diagram not to scale)
Tong Yang, Seiji Ukai, Huijiang Zhao. Stationary solutions to the exterior problems for the Boltzmann equation, I. Existence. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2009, 23 (1&2) : 495-520. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2009.23.495
Pierre-Etienne Druet. A theory of generalised solutions for ideal gas mixtures with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, 2020 doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2020458
Ágota P. Horváth. Discrete diffusion semigroups associated with Jacobi-Dunkl and exceptional Jacobi polynomials. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis, , () : -. doi: 10.3934/cpaa.2021002
Do Lan. Regularity and stability analysis for semilinear generalized Rayleigh-Stokes equations. Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 2021 doi: 10.3934/eect.2021002
Hai-Liang Li, Tong Yang, Mingying Zhong. Diffusion limit of the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system. Kinetic & Related Models, , () : -. doi: 10.3934/krm.2021003
Hao Wang. Uniform stability estimate for the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2021, 41 (2) : 657-680. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020292
Mehdi Badsi. Collisional sheath solutions of a bi-species Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann boundary value problem. Kinetic & Related Models, 2021, 14 (1) : 149-174. doi: 10.3934/krm.2020052
Pavel Eichler, Radek Fučík, Robert Straka. Computational study of immersed boundary - lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, 2021, 14 (3) : 819-833. doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2020349
Marc Homs-Dones. A generalization of the Babbage functional equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2021, 41 (2) : 899-919. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020303
Bilel Elbetch, Tounsia Benzekri, Daniel Massart, Tewfik Sari. The multi-patch logistic equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2021 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2021025
Peter Poláčik, Pavol Quittner. Entire and ancient solutions of a supercritical semilinear heat equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2021, 41 (1) : 413-438. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020136
Jianhua Huang, Yanbin Tang, Ming Wang. Singular support of the global attractor for a damped BBM equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2020 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2020345
Stefano Bianchini, Paolo Bonicatto. Forward untangling and applications to the uniqueness problem for the continuity equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2020 doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020384
Anh Tuan Duong, Phuong Le, Nhu Thang Nguyen. Symmetry and nonexistence results for a fractional Choquard equation with weights. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2021, 41 (2) : 489-505. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020265
Maicon Sônego. Stable transition layers in an unbalanced bistable equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2020 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2020370
Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov, Jean Pierre Puel. On global controllability of 2-D Burgers equation. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2009, 23 (1&2) : 299-313. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2009.23.299
Biyue Chen, Chunxiang Zhao, Chengkui Zhong. The global attractor for the wave equation with nonlocal strong damping. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2021 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2021015
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Karsten Matthies George Stone Florian Theil | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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Police said the accident and subsequent fire and explosion injured between 60 and 70 people, some with severe burns.
MILAN – A tanker truck carrying a highly flammable gas exploded Monday after rear-ending a stopped truck on a crowded highway near the northern Italian city of Bologna. At least two people were killed and up to 70 injured. Part of the raised expressway collapsed in the fireball.
Many people had evacuated the area, because of the thick black smoke, but also while firefighters checked to see if buildings where windows had been blown out were safe to enter.
Simone Somekh and Frances D'Emilio contributed from Rome. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Smooth round wooden oak knob on a satin chrome stem and rose. A superb choice for a traditional or modern environments. Very practical and easy to maintain as well. Comes with a 10 year mechanical guarantee and is Fire door rated. | {
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PSS Sleman vs Persipura Prediction 07.12.2021
PSS Sleman vs Persipura prediction and betting tips ahead of this Indonesia Liga 1 clash on Tuesday.
Indonesia Liga 1 December 07 9:15
PSS Sleman
PSIS Semarang vs PSS Sleman
Persita vs PSS Sleman
PSS Sleman vs Bhayangkara
PSM vs PSS Sleman
PSS Sleman vs PS TNI
Borneo vs PSS Sleman
Persipura vs Bhayangkara
PSM vs Persipura
Persipura vs PS TNI
Borneo vs Persipura
Persipura vs Bali United
Persib vs Persipura
PSS SLEMAN OR DRAW Double Chance @1.25 Bet Won FT: 1 - 1
PSS Sleman will welcome Persipura to for a matchday 16 fixture in Indonesia Liga 1. The last meeting on 19th September 2019 ended in a 1-1 draw. Both sides have met two times in the most recent seasons. PSS Sleman has won 0 matches, and Persipura failed to win on every occasion. Recent outings average 2.00 goals, while both teams score 100% of the time.
PSS Sleman's latest fixture against PSIS Semarang ended in an away 2-1 win. PSS Sleman was very effective while counter-attacking. In the end, it was enough to make the difference between the two teams. PSS Sleman scored in both halves in the 16th and 66th minute.
Persipura's recent game against Bhayangkara ended in a home 0-2 loss. Mutiara Hitam (Black Pearl) had plenty of possession, but not so much in the final third of the pitch.
Since the start of the season, PSS Sleman is more dominant at home. They have four wins out of 10 games on home soil. Although PSS Sleman is among the most solid home teams in the league, they are far from perfect. Their defence is not as good as expected with just 10% home clean sheets.
Persipura has picked up 9 points from the previous six league games. It is quite intriguing that they prefer playing on the road. Persipura has collected 1.00 points on average per away game, compared to 0.82 at home. To improve results, they have to be more compact in defence. Persipura kept a clean sheet in just 0% of their visits.
It is hard to choose a favourite in this one. Both teams look evenly-matched and have their strengths. I am not willing to take a risk and prefer a double chance bet. My prediction is PSS Sleman or Draw.
Both teams struggle in defence and concede on regular occasions. PSS Sleman failed to keep a clean sheet in 10% of home games, while Persipura conceded in 0% of away games. On average, both teams score in 64% of PSS Sleman's home and Persipura's away games. My prediction is Both Teams to Score: Yes.
PSS Sleman vs Persipura Betting Tips
PSS Sleman vs Persipura Head to Head
Average stats between PSS Sleman and Persipura in most recent 2 outings in the Indonesia Liga 1.
PSS Sleman Persipura
Persipura PSS Sleman
PSS Sleman vs Persipura Stats
Results and Table Indonesia Liga 1 Form Half Goals Corners Cards
Average stats between PSS Sleman and Persipura across current season. Calculated from PSS Sleman's Home stats and Persipura's Away stats.
PSIS Semarang
Persik Kediri
Madura United
1 Bhayangkara 20 /13-4-3/ 43
2 Arema 20 /11-8-1/ 41
3 Persib 20 /12-4-4/ 40
4 Persebaya Surabaya 20 /12-3-5/ 39
5 Bali United 20 /11-5-4/ 38
6 PSIS Semarang 20 /8-7-5/ 31
7 Borneo 20 /8-6-6/ 30
8 Persija 20 /7-8-5/ 29
9 PSS Sleman 20 /6-7-7/ 25
10 Persita 20 /7-4-9/ 25
11 PSM 20 /5-9-6/ 24
12 PS TNI 20 /5-8-7/ 23
13 Madura United 20 /5-7-8/ 22
14 Persik Kediri 20 /4-7-9/ 19
15 Persipura 20 /4-6-10/ 18
16 Barito Putera 20 /4-4-12/ 16
17 Persela 20 /3-7-10/ 16
18 Persiraja Banda Aceh 20 /1-4-15/ 7
Indonesia Liga 1 Form
Coming into this game, PSS Sleman has picked up 8 points from the last 5 games, both home and away. That's 1.6 points per game on average. BTTS has landed in an intriguing 3 of those games. PSS Sleman has scored 7 times in the last 5 fixtures.
PSS Sleman has enjoyed playing at home recently, with the side currently unbeaten in 2 games.
PSS Sleman will be looking to keep up the momentum today against Persipura, having lost just 1 game from the last 5. They have won 2 and drawn 2
Things have not been going that well in front of goal for PSS Sleman recently, with the side failing to score in 2 of the last 5 games. Will the manager change his tactics today, or throw in another forward?
In the last 5 matches for PSS Sleman, 3 of those games has ended with both teams scoring. This season 10 matches (67% of all matches) involving PSS Sleman has seen BTTS landing.
Coming into this game, Persipura has picked up 4 points from the last 5 games, both home and away. That's 0.8 points per game on average. BTTS has landed in just 2 of those games. Persipura has scored 3 times in the last 5 fixtures.
Things have not been going that well in front of goal for Persipura recently, with the side failing to score in 3 of the last 5 games. Will the manager change his tactics today, or throw in another forward?
Persipura has fired blanks in 8 games this season. That's 53% of games where they have not been able to find the back of the net. Do they need a new forward? In the last 5 games, they have scored just 3 goals.
Just 2 of the last 5 games for Persipura has ended with both teams scoring. They have won 1 of those 5 games. Overall, BTTS has landed in 7/15 games for Persipura this season.
PSS SlemanIndonesia Liga 1, Place: 9 / 18
Fouls 0.00 / 0.00 0.00 0.00
PersipuraIndonesia Liga 1, Place: 15 / 18
Scored in Both 10% / 17% 0 % 22 %
PSS Sleman vs Persipura Odds
Thailand Thai League T1 Ratchaburi January 22View Tip 12:00 Muang Thong United View Tip
Thailand Thai League T1 Prachuap January 22View Tip 12:00 Chiangrai United View Tip | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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This protective roll-on deodorant is made with active ingredients and carefully chosen anti-bacterial plant oils which neutralise odour, to leave skin soothed and scented with a masculine, citrus fresh fragrance. This is a natural deodorant, not an anti-perspirant and is free from parabens, aluminium and sulphates.
Aloe Vera extract, soothes delicate skin whilst providing protection.
Cucumber extract, leaves skin feeling fresh and revitalised.
Rosemary oil, has natural anti-bacterial properties to help combat odour.
Sage oil, works effectively with the sweat glands to help to reduce odour.
Aqua (Water), Alcohol Denat, Glycerin, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Caster Oil, Saccharomyces Ferment, Parfum (Fragrance), Hydroxyethylcellulose, Lactic Acid, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Oil, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Oil, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Linalool, Benzyl Salicylate, Hydroxycitronellal, Citronellol, Alpha-isomethyl Ionone, Limonene. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This recipe uses a pre-made mix that will keep for several weeks. You can look at the recipe for Basic Cookie Mix here at Cookierecipe.com! Use 2 cups for this recipe. Add the following ingredients to the mix to make Chocolate Drop Cookies.
Sift cocoa into Basic Cookie Mix. Beat egg lightly and stir into mixture. Melt butter over low heat and stir into mixture. Add water and vanilla and mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheet.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Utah activists rally for immigration reform
By: Caroline Connolly
SALT LAKE CITY -- While Washington remains silent on a decision, the call for immigration reform is getting louder in Utah.
Shouts of, "yes we can" came from the Latino community of Salt Lake City, who were rallying for change Friday night.
"There's a lot of people who really deserve the chance to become a part of this country," said Edith Fernandez, one of dozens who attended.
Fernandez moved to the United State from Mexico City with her husband in 1997. She now has two children, who were both born in Salt Lake, but she still lives here on work permits.
"I have to go reapply, and I don't know: I just play it by ear, you know, by ear," Fernandez said.
The path to citizenship continues to remain unclear for people, like Fernandez, as lawmakers continue to disagree on immigration legislation.
"We've lived the worst of it in terms of a lot of the rhetoric that has happened over the last four of five years," said Tony Yapias of Proyecto Latino de Utah.
On Wednesday, House democrats put pressure on republicans and unveiled their own bill for reform, which is nearly identical to the one the Senate passed in June. It includes a pathway to citizenship plan for the 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally, language that has not seen support from lawmakers in the past.
"Our immigration system is broken. It needs to be fixed," Yapias said.
But even if the proposal goes nowhere, those rallying Friday remained optimistic about their future in the U.S.
"It`s time for a change, and it's time to give a lot of people a chance," Fernandez said. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon: Which Late Night Talk Show Host Has the Higher Net Worth?
Julia Mullaney
The late-night talk show game has been seriously ramped up by the likes of Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon. Both of these hilarious guys have fan bases that overlap, but there are also people who tend to pick favorites. Although they have each found plenty of success, we can't help but wonder: Which of these hosts has the higher net worth?
Jimmy Kimmel (left) and Jimmy Fallon | Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Both men have built similar careers
Kimmel and Fallon essentially have the same job: They're both late-night talk show hosts who get paid to make us laugh by making light of current events and other hilarious endeavors. Kimmel hosts Jimmy Kimmel Live! While Fallon hosts The Tonight Show. Both have branched out to make appearances in movies or television shows beyond their own show, and the two appear to get along well. "My only complaint about Jimmy Fallon is the first name: Jimmy," Kimmel once said in an interview. "People get us mixed up all the time." Besides the beef about the same name, the two actually get along well.
Jimmy Kimmel net worth: $45 million
Kimmel's career started before he was even out of high school. He had a position on a radio show that aired on University of Nevada at Las Vegas' radio station. He hopped around several radio stations before getting involved with Comedy Central in the late 1990s. Working with the channel was what eventually drove him toward his own late-night talk show. In January 2003, Kimmel was given his own show, Jimmy Kimmel Live! (though it isn't actually aired live anymore). The show faced a few scandals now and then, including when it was briefly pulled from the air in 2004 after a comment Kimmel made during the NBA championship. However, Kimmel has mostly remained in society's good graces and is a widely respected comedian. His impressive career has built him an estimated net worth of around $45 million.
Jimmy Fallon net worth: $45 million
Fallon knew from a young age that he wanted to pursue comedy full time. He dropped out of college in 1995 to move to Los Angeles, where he instantly started booking shows. In 1998, Fallon landed a role on Saturday Night Live, and he was featured on the show up until 2004. He tried to break into the movie scene in the 2000s, and was the starring role in "Fever Pitch" alongside Drew Barrymore. However, he fared better in the comedy world, so he stuck to it. In 2009, Late Night With Jimmy Fallon made its debut, and Fallon was the host up until 2014, when he then took a job as the host of The Tonight Show (the show was formerly hosted by Jay Leno). Fallon, like Kimmel, has become a widely respected comedian and has a net worth that's estimated to be very similar to Kimmel's at $45 million.
The two men have always been friendly.
Despite the similar net worth, Fallon has a higher salary
Although Kimmel and Fallon have similar careers and similar net worths, Fallon actually has the higher salary. According to CNBC, Fallon makes an estimated $16 million annually from his late show, while Kimmel makes an estimated $15 million. Kimmel tied with Stephen Colbert, while all three men edged out Conan O'Brien, who makes an estimated $12 million. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Home Editorials of Interest Taipei Times Tsai must defend nation's integrity
Tsai must defend nation's integrity
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 06:52 Taipei Times Editorial Editorials of Interest - Taipei Times
Military might and diplomatic influence are two important political tools through which a nation demonstrates its power within the international system and shows its determination to safeguard its interests.
It is sad to see Taiwan's weakness in those two fields as demonstrated by the President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) administration's reaction to recent developments in the Taiwan Strait.
Beijing on Thursday last week unilaterally announced that it was opening the M503 and other connecting routes to northbound commercial flights.
Given that M503 runs almost parallel to the median line of the Strait and is only 7.8km from it, Beijing no doubt has a military and strategic agenda that serves its political objectives.
China's one-sided action not only contravenes the 2015 cross-strait agreement that opened the M503 route to southbound commercial traffic, but blatantly changes the "status quo" in the Strait.
One day after the announcement, the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning, accompanied by other warships, sailed southwest along the Strait's median line and left Taiwan's air defense identification zone later that evening.
While China's saber-rattling at Taiwan is nothing new, the latest move, in addition to the increased frequency of Chinese military aircraft circling Taiwan's international airspace, suggests that Beijing is taking advantage of what it perceives as a weak Tsai government.
The Tsai government's responses to various acts of harassment from China tells not only Taiwanese but also Beijing that it is at its wits' end.
Tsai has since Friday convened two national security meetings and Mainland Affairs Council Minister Katharine Chang (張小月) has lodged a protest against China over the route's opening.
Tsai also tweeted that "Recent unilateral actions by #China — including M503 flight route & increased military exercises — are destabilizing & should be avoided. #Taiwan will continue to safeguard the status quo. We call on all parties to do the same."
However, such reactions have no deterrent effect and most of the international community remain unaware of China's bullying of Taiwan.
The government should hold international news conferences and make the severity of the situation known to the world. It should voice the nation's concerns and warn the international community of the threat China poses to peace and stability in the Strait.
If the government remains quiet, how can it expect other nations to support Taiwan?
At a news conference on Dec. 29, Tsai spoke of her determination "to foster an indigenous defense industry and defend Taiwan's democracy," adding that her administration would make reasonable annual increases in military spending.
While Tsai's words were encouraging, budget figures tell a different story. The Executive Yuan has reduced the Ministry of National Defense's budget for fiscal 2018 from NT$3.9 billion to NT$3.27 billion (US$132.1 million to US$110.8 million), comprising 1.84 percent of GDP, down from the previous year's 1.86 percent and lower than the budget allocated during former president Ma Ying-jeou's (馬英九) administration.
American Institute in Taiwan Chairman James Moriarty in October last year urged Tsai to heed US concerns about Taiwan's defense budget.
While Taiwan should avoid an unnecessary arms race, an adequate and reasonable defense budget is called for, as it tells the public, as well as the world, that Taiwan is taking its defense seriously.
Tsai can speak softly if she wants to, but as the head of state, she must demonstrate a tough attitude that asserts the nation's integrity — acting weak will only encourage China to continue its harassment of Taiwan.
A handout photo provided by the Office of the President of Taiwan on 12 July 2016 shows an aerial photograph of Taiping Island, also known as Itu Aba Island in the South China Sea on March 23, 2016.
Taiwan yesterday refused to accept a ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands,which included a statement that Taiwan-controlled Itu Aba Island (Taiping Island, 太平島) in the Spratly Islands (Nansha Islands, 南沙群島) is a "rock," saying the verdict has severely infringed on Taiwan's rights over the South China Sea island and its surrounding waters. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: In usb C to audio jack systems, is the DAC in the dongle or in the host? I'd like to design my usb-c audio preamp, but that would be possible only if the analog audio comes directly from the phone, so that my piece of hardware can take the power supply from the usb-c and spit out an amplified version of that signal
I looked around the internet and found a lot of contrasting information.
Do the dongles receive a digital stream and convert it to analog audio, or are the dongles just a mechanical conversion between connectors and the dac is in the system (typically a phone)?
What is the industry standard practice? What does the USB-IF say about audio via usb-c? How an host can recognize when an analog output is required?
A: It depends. There are a few different ways to send audio over USB-C.
The first way is the same way USB to Audio dongles work right now: The dongle is an actual USB device itself, one that supports one of the USB Audio profiles. This is a DAC that appears on a USB bus as an audio device, and will work just as readily on a desktop or any other device with USB-C and an OS that supports it.
So, in this case, the DAC is very much in the dongle itself. It's more like a USB 'sound card', and will often be a little bulkier and more expensive.
However, for most phones with a USB-C to 3.5mm dongle, the DAC is in the host device, meaning that the signals going out of the USB-C port and into the dongle are, in fact, analog ones. They're the exact same signals that get sent through any other 3.5mm headphone jack, and generated in the exact same way, by some kind of DAC inside the device with the USB C port. So in most cases, yes, the dongle is merely an electrical/mechanical connection that is adapting a USB-C port to a 3.5mm audio jack directly.
It would not make much sense to use a dongle that had an entire DAC and USB audio profile chipset inside it, as this would incur a good deal of cost, consume more power, and be physically bulkier. If the device is a phone, then it already must have a DAC of some kind or it would be unable to drive the speaker that lets you hear the person on the other end of a phone call. These usually come in the form of single chip solutions and will include multiple input and output channels, so this can be done effectively for free.
I do not know why, but there seems to be a ton of misinformation regarding this online which it sounds like you've likewise encountered. What I see most often is something along the lines of 'USB-C is digital audio only' or 'USB-C doesn't have any audio pins'.
...and neither statement is true, at least according to the USB-IF, the only body who has any authority on the matter.
Or just download the official PDF (warning, 20MB .zip) and scroll down to page 213, there is a whole section on it.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Bill McGovern, né le à Sligo (Irlande), est un pilote automobile anglo-irlandais sur circuits.
Il a remporté trois fois consécutivement le championnat britannique de voitures de tourisme (sous l'appellation de SaloonCars), en 1970, 1971 -avec alors au passage la classe A-, et 1972, à bord d'une Sunbeam Imp Sport préparée par George Bevan (le propriétaire de l'écurie), pour affronter les compétiteurs de la classe D.
Il a aussi disputé quatre éditions du RAC Tourist Trophy ( en 1973).
Notes et références
Liens externes
Bill McGovern sur RacingSportsCars.
Pilote automobile anglais
Naissance en janvier 1937
Vainqueur du championnat britannique des voitures de tourisme
Naissance à Sligo | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
Duncan Cameron: 'Happy campaigner' Trudeau makes it Black Monday for the NDP
Duncan Cameron | On the campaign trail, the personality contrast between Trudeau and the two other main leaders was enough to push the new prime minister ahead.
A Liberal victory may improve fortunes of First Nation communities across Canada
Krystalline Kraus | The voter turnout for this election has been the highest we've seen since 1993, with more than 17 million Canadians casting a ballot, hoping to improve their fortunes with a change of power in Ottawa.
The Liberal 'Red Tide' promises politics as usual
J. Baglow | When the euphoria and the schadenfreude wear off, what has really changed since yesterday?
Prime Minister-Designate Justin Trudeau has many promises to keep
Karl Nerenberg | Progressive voters who gave Trudeau his majority will have to be vigilant and let the new Liberal government know they expect it to keep its promises, starting with electoral reform.
Democracy isn't just about politics; it's about all of us
David Suzuki | Canadians sent a loud and clear message that they want to live in an open, progressive country that promotes diversity, social justice, environmental protection and respect for First Peoples.
This election may prove there's a limit to Canada's regard for the NDP
Gerry Caplan | Many Canadians seemed somewhere between reconciled to and delighted with the prospect of an NDP government. Then they weren't.
Young people: Vote like a geezer and change Canada's future
Armine Yalnizyan | An eleventh-hour message to voters aged 18–30: in this election, you've got the power.
Brent Patterson | The 2011 election's low voter turnout only benefited the Conservatives. Let's ensure those numbers are much higher this election.
The federal election can change the lives of Indigenous peoples
Krystalline Kraus | Ours is a sad history where members of Indigenous communities across Canada weren't even allowed to vote in Canada until the 1960s.
Why I'm doing all I can to make sure our Nation members vote
Ken Watts | Ken Watts, vice president of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, tells us why he is urging the members of his community to vote in this election.
Harperism is finally facing the end, and just in time
Ralph Surette | It's election day and, at last, hope that what has to happen if this country is to recapture its integrity is actually about to happen.
No matter what happens on election day, the climate can't wait
The Canadian Youth Delegation to COP21 | The government might be different after October 19, but, when it comes to climate action, we can't assume that anything will change. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
This database has articles from a few dozen criticism journals and contains some full-text articles. Please note that it only covers articles written since about 1990.
This reference resource provides access to critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline. Our subscription also includes LitFinder.
This database from the Modern Language Association indexes drama and literature journals back to the 1960s. Please note that search results include only citations and abstracts, not full-text articles.
This database was developed with the help of the Modern Language Association and includes the full text of 58 core journals in the diverse fields of literary criticism (including drama and theatre) that have emerged in the last thirty years. Please note that coverage dates vary from journal to journal.
This database indexes articles about America and Canada written since 1954. Search results include citations and abstracts, not full-text articles.
This database indexes articles about world history, excluding the United States and Canada, written since 1954. Search results include citations and abstracts, not full-text articles.
This full-text database provides access to many North American and international newspapers.
This database provides access to many full-text magazine and newspaper articles.
Doctoral dissertations and master's theses may be useful to your research.
This is a comprehensive collection of scholarly research in the humanities and social sciences covering more than one million dissertations and theses, many in full text.
This reference resource provides full-text access to biographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline. The database covers more than 90,000 novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and other writers, with additional in-depth coverage of 2,500 of the most studied authors. Our subscription also includes LitFinder and MLA International Bibliography.
This literary reference resource series provides literary criticism for nearly 600 authors.
If you are looking for specific information on the World Wide Web, visit a search engine like Google and type your keywords in.
This manual is the definitive source, but you will find some online guides as well.
Try a Google search of "MLA Style" to see other guides. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Bad Static explore sweet-and-sour duality on "Cherry Cyanide" EP
Hey, did you know you can get poisoned and maybe even die from eating too many cherry pits? Well neither did I, that is, until hearing the new Bad Static EP Cherry Cyanide released today. Because, as hinted at in the title, cherry pits contain a chemical that once ingested gets converted into the toxic compound hydrogen cyanide. The more you know!
But this EP isn't a science lesson, instead it taps into the longstanding status of cherries as a metaphoric device. So it makes sense Cherry Cyanide is a concept album (erm, concept EP) based around the notion that some things (or even people) in life may be sweet on the outside but then turn out to be not-so-sweet on the inside if not downright toxic. Take the EP's eponymous opening song, for instance, which starts with a familiar three-chord major-key progression that sounds like the band's about to launch into a fun-loving cover version of "Louie Louie" or "Wild Thing" or "Walking on Sunshine."
But then there's a sudden shift when the drums kick in alongside a low-key menacing minor-key descending guitar riff, and lyrics about how you'll soon be "foaming at the mouth / oh there is no doubt / my cherry cyanide / will make you wanna die." Meaning when the chorus returns to those major chords from before with entreaties to "Kiss me! Kiss me!" and "Drink me! Drink me!" you may have second thoughts given what you've learned about cherry pit consumption and the consequences of fatal kisses even though the "bittersweet ending" is still tempting and it's this seductive-yet-dangerous vibe that the song really captures. The more you know!
Fake I.D. / Bad Girls In Love (1980) by The Anemic Boyfriends
And speaking of surface prettiness/inner menace it's fitting the Cherry Cyanide press release namechecks bands like the Runaways and the lesser-known Anemic Boyfriends as influences–the latter being an underage Anchorage-based early '80s punk rock trio (!) led by one "Louise Disease" whose über-bratty, sneering leering delivery is appropriate to her moniker–because here are two bands who used surface prettiness to get a foot in the door in order to kick your teeth in with their take-no-prisoners 'tude and music, a strategy used by many female rock musicians past and present to fight the frequent sexism of rock audiences and the music industry (except for "emerging artist music blogs" which are hardly part of the "industry" and always enlightened!) plus either way it's pretty cool to be a glamorous savage no matter your gender.
The next song "Ectoplasm Nightmares" continues this theme of inner/outer duality–except the narrative perspective is switched to that of the victim–with lyrics about being possessed by an outside presence, i.e., "feeling haunted by people from your past and going to drastic measures to try and forget." Bad Static put this across musically by starting off with a plodding beat and doomy Sabbath-y sorta riff before kicking into a driving double-time rhythm with lyrical pleas for demonic exorcism and warnings of crumbling sanity before lead singer Nicol Maciejewska (whose vocals up to this point alternate between sedated and sneering) tops off the song with a growling "you're making me go insaaaaane!" and a burst of crazy-kookoo-train manic laughter as the music disintegrates behind her.
The third-and-final song "Reanimation" is inspired by necromancy with "little whispers building up inside…calling you from the gra-a-a-ave" and here again the narrative perspective changes, but this time switching to the entity or entities haunting the narrator in the previous song, which is a neat way to put across the loss of a grounded, singular perspective that's inherent to some forms of mental illness (and to modern art natch) which is another theme of the song and again the music nails the vibe cuz I've got scenes from Evil Dead playing in my head when this plays.
And this one's the most Runaways-esque of the bunch with its throbbing power chords and stuttering vocal delivery (from "ch-ch-cherry bomb" to "I've been calling you from the gra-a-a-ave") and one can only hope that the galvanizing musical presentation here by Nicol (vox, rhythm guitar) Kelsie (backing vox, bass) Mario (lead guitar, production) and Demetrio (drums, percussion) and the not-so-subliminal mantra of "reanimate me!" don't lead to an epidemic of children playing with dead things despite the PSA message contained in the opening lyric. (Jason Lee)
Bad Static
Lil Woo "Lanor"
Lil Woo (aka Andre Allen Jr) has released a tender and hopeful new single called "Lanor". This is the latest in a series of single the talented emcee released in 2021, and it finds him enlisting the help of the award-winning vocalist Alita Moses.
"Lanor" is produced by DreProducedit and is accompanied by a video from Ninety5 Directed.
Lil Woo
Caleb Taylor "Let Go!"
Vocalist and Producer Caleb Taylor has released his latest single, "Let Go!". This past year has been Taylor's most prolific with the release of several beat collections and a series of fantastic singles.
Caleb Taylor
Seasonal record roundup: The Heart Attack-Acks drop a "Love Bomb" and an Xmas banger
Love Bomb by The Heart Attack-Acks
On "Love Bomb," the debut single by The Heart Attack-Acks, the Queens-based duo of Candice and Cody bring an energy and dynamism to the disco-new-wave number that the world hasn't witnessed since Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley danced around awkwardly in front of a car repair shop circa 1983—a car repair shop that just happened to employ a small crew of line-dancing mechanics plus a couple crop-top-wearing-popping-and-locking breakdancers—and by the way this is the second song called "Love Bomb" to be reviewed on this blog in the past several months so please no confused letters to the editor!
And if this seems like a pretty random comparison to draw just check out the Heart Attack-Acks press photo above and tell me there's not a downtown-guy-uptown-girl dynamic at work there–except since they're from Queens it means Cody must live in Glendale, or maybe Ridgewood, whereas Candice must live up in fancy-pants Astoria Heights. And oh yeah there's the matter of the band's name too.
As far as "Love Bomb" goes, well, it doesn't sound a whole heckuva lot like "Movin' Out" that's true. But it's clearly indebted to the music Billy J. was likely vibing to that same year (1977) on nights when he'd put on the ol' Groucho Marx disguise and drive from Long Island to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to hit the 2001 Odyssey discotheque with Tony and the boys. And also on nights when he'd drive into Manhattan to hear some next phase new wave down on the Bowery. Which is all just a way of saying that "Love Bomb" is a twitchily danceable mutant punky-disco-party-tune. And since there's nothing more inherently New Yawk in musical terms than a twitchily danceable mutant punky-disco-party-tune it's really quite a smart career on the part of T.H.A.A. to pay homage to their hometown musical heritage right out of the gate.
Not to mention "Love Bomb" is a great kiss off song and that's very NYC too—but one that's not so much about "creeps in the street" (see above) as it's about the creeps we all carry around in our pocket these days, like pick-up-artist wannabees who bombard potential victims with digital bum crumbs of approval and affection until suddenly withdrawing if-and-when the conquest is achieved ("first off, you blow up my phone / but in a month, you'll leave me all alone").
But the song's narrator is clearly too astute to fall for such cheap tactics (unlike over at @thedelimag where we gladly accept transactional praise!) and instead turns the tables on her love bomber ("so in the meantime, I'll take what you can give / train you like you'd do me, if I gave in") which is clever (love bomber, bomb thyself!) and also clever because the majestically-adenoidal NYC-accented call-and-response overdubs make for a nice callback to classic empowered '60s girl group anthems except updated for the iPhone Generation.
No Sleigh Bells Tonight by The Heart Attack-Acks
And speaking of updating, the Heart Attack-Acks also have a new Christmas single out called "No Sleigh Bells Tonight" and yes I know I know Christmas is over already but hey you're well within your rights to play Christmas music up 'til New Year's Day at least just like people keep their trees for that long so why not. And the song itself will get you back in that Santa spirit from the moment it hits you with a Motown-style bass line and some sleigh bells too in the intro (see what they did there!) soon going on to evoke a Phil Spector Christmas Album kinda vibe (peep that "Be My Baby" beat!) while lyrically dispensing with all this "Birth of the Messiah" business and instead rightfully focusing on the true meaning of Christmas just as God intended, which involves a mixture of devastating bone-chilling loneliness, forlorn romantic pining, and, quite possibly, murder (ok I'm inferring the latter, but Phil Spector!) all set to a jaunty sleigh-worthy beat. (Jason Lee)
The Heart Attack-Acks
La Armada "La Fé No Abasta"
Hardcore punk group La Armada has released visuals for the fifth single, "La Fé No Abasta", from their forthcoming album Anti-Colonial Vol. 2 which is due out on February 11th via their own label Mal De Ojo Records.
For the video the group enlisted the expertise of Director Jamezz Hampton to bring to life the song that bluntly paints a picture of a world with out hope and faith.
La Fé No Abasta by La Armada | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
In the Byzantine Rite St. John the Baptist is venerated above all other Saints and right below the Angels. Of course, we do not include the Blessed Mother of God, the Theotokos, who being " more honorable than the Cherubim and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim," enjoys a unique veneration (hyperdulia) over and above all the Angels and Saints.
The greatness and the veneration of St. John the Baptist, who at the time of his conception the Archangel Gabriel prophesied would be " great in the sight of the Lord" (Lk. 1 :14), is based on :
1) the direct testimony of Christ, 2) his austere ascetical life, and 3) his testimony of blood in defense of divine rights.
1. St. John the Baptist was sent by God " in the power of Elijah" (Mt. 17:9-13) to prepare the people for the coming of the promised Messiah (Mal. 3:1). In his role as God's messenger (in Greek-angel) he was expected to point out to the people their Redeemer, the " Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world" (In. 1 :29).
He also was to baptize Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, initiating our Lord in His messianic mission (Mt. 3:13-15).
In this way the Baptist was the last of the Prophets (Mt. 11 :13), uniting by his mission the Old and New Testaments. He was also the Precursor (Forerunner) of Christ. Since he baptized Jesus, he was surnamed the Baptist. As the messenger (angel) of God he was to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven in the person of Jesus Christ. Rightly then, our Lord testified of St. John the Baptist: " I tell you that of all the children born of women there is no one greater than John" (Lk. 7:28) .
To these words of exaltation St. Theodore Studite (d. 826) adds: " Is there need for us to extol John the Baptist when he was so highly extolled by Christ Himself, Who is the Truth and the Eternal Word of God?" (cf. P.G. 99, 748).
2. The second reason for St. John's early veneration was his innocent and austere life in the desert, for which he was hailed by the Fathers as an " earthly angel in human body" (St. Sophronius, P.G. 87, 3340).
Filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb (Lk. 1 :15), st. John the Baptist spent all the years of his youth in the desert, preparing himself with fasting and prayer for his unique mission.
When he appeared in the Jordan region to preach penance, he was clothed in a garment of camel 's hair (Mt. 3:1-6), which was the traditional garb of the Prophets.
John came out from his solitude as a " voice crying in the desert" (In. 1 :23), preaching moral reform in preparation for the advent of the Messiah:
" Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand" (Mt. 3:2). He gathered a group of disciples and, having initiated them into the ascetical life, he taught them how to pray. In this way st. John the Baptist was an inspiration to the Desert Fathers, who considered him as their Founder and true model of the eremitical life. To quote once more St. Sophronius of Jerusalem, St. John the Baptist "went into the desert to imitate not men but the angels" (cf. P.G. 87, 3352) .
The Desert Fathers, imbued with this great admiration, were the first to promote the veneration of the Baptist among the people of the East as well as the West.
3. The early veneration of St. John the Baptist was also enhanced by the repeated recovery of his relics, which were glorified by God with numerous miracles.
The popularity of the Baptist was testified to not only by all the Evangelists, but also by a contemporary Jewish historian, Joseph Flavius, who, around 90 A.D., recorded that on account of the Baptist's popularity King Herod Antipas feared an uprising of the people. He continued:
" Herod ordered to kill this John, surnamed the Baptist, although he was a just man and had encouraged the Jewish people to a virtuous life as they kept coming to him to be baptized. He exhorted them to be just toward each other, and devoted to God" (ct. Jewish Antiquities VIII, 5). After st. John's beheading, the disciples took his body and, according to oral tradition, they buried it in the Samaritan town of Sebaste, outside of Herod's jurisdiction (cf. St. Jerome, PL 25, 1156). Soon the Baptist's tomb became a great attraction for pilgrims, since God glorified His faithful servant with many miracles. This was the reason why Emperor Constantine the Great (d. 337 A.D.) ordered a magnificent basilica to be built over John's tomb in Sebaste.
Unfortunately, in a futile effort to restore paganism, Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363) burnt the venerable relics and dispersed their ashes in the wind (cf. Theodoret, P.G. 82, 1092). Nevertheless, the grave of St. John the Baptist continued to be venerated until the final defeat of the Crusaders in the 12th century.
According to another pious tradition, Venerable Johanna, the wife of Herod's steward Chuza (Lk. 8:3), took the head of St. John the Baptist and buried it on the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem.
Almost 300 years later, the venerable head was found for the first time (confirmed by a miracle), and transferred to Emessa, Syria. After some time the heretics took possession of John's head and concealed it in some monastery. In 453 A.D. it was discovered for the second time in the Arian monastery of Spelaion, near Emessa, and solemnly transferred to Constantinople.
During the iconoclast repressions (the eighth century) , the venerable relic was taken by some monks and hidden in Comana, the Province of Pontus, where St. John Chrysostom died (d. 407).
During the reign of Emperor Michael III, in 857, it was discovered for the third time and once again solemnly brought back to Constantinople, where it was deposited in the church of the imperial palace.
St. John's head finally disappeared during the Fourth Crusade (1204 A.D.) , when it was taken by crusaders to the West. At the present time several churches in Western Europe claim its possession.
It would be hard to prove which of them is authentic.
The veneration of St. John the Baptist is very ancient and became widespread in the East and the West from the early centuries. In the Byzantine Rite every Tuesday is dedicated to his memory, with some special commemorative days:
1) On January 7th-THE SYNAXIS OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, the most ancient feast in commemoration of him who " baptized Our Lord in the Jordan River."
2) On February 24th-THE FIRST AND THE SECOND FINDING OF THE VENERABLE HEAD, in commemoration of the first discovery of the precious relic in Jerusalem and then, for the second time, in Spelaion, near Emessa. It was on February 24, 457, that the venerable head of the Baptist was solemnly transferred to Constantiniple and deposited in the church of Prodromos (Precursor) for publ ic veneration.
3) On May 25th-THE THIRD FINDING OF THE VENERABLE HEAD is observed, since it was on May 25, 857, that the precious relic was solemnly translated from Comana back to Constantinople.
4) On June 24th we celebrate the feast of THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, which was introduced at the end of the fourth century.
5) Also since the fourth centu ry we celebrate the feast of THE BEHEADING OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST on August 29th, the anniversary of the dedication of his church in Sebaste. The Byzantine Church, in commemoration of John's beheading, prescribes a fast on that day.
6) On September 23rd-THE CONCEPTION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST is commemorated, on account of the special intervention of God in his birth (Lk. 1 :5-25) . The Roman Church discontinued this commemoration by the end of the 15th century.
The liturgical veneration of St. John the Baptist in the Byzantine Rite received its definite form by the ninth century. There are some ancient sticheras in honor of the Baptist, perhaps from as early as the end of the fourth century. But, the main glorifiers of St. John were the famous Byzantine hymnographers of the eighth century: St. Germanus of Constantinople (d. 733), St. Andrew of Crete (d. 740), and St. John Damascene (d. 749) . Two ninth century hymnographers, the holy nun Cassia and the holy monks of Stud ion, also contributed to the Baptist's litu rgical veneration.
The most famous ecomium in honor of St. John the Baptist belongs to St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (d. 638). which supplied the hymnographers with some lofty expressions (cf. P.G. 87, 3321f.).
Here the panegyric of St. Andrew of Crete, delivered on the feast of the Beheading (cf. P.G. 97, 1109f.), should also be mentioned as well as two eulogies of St. Theodore Studite (d. 826)-one for John's Nativity, and another for his Beheading (cf. P.G. 99, 747f.) .
There are some earlier eulogies of St. John the Baptist, starting with that of St. John Chrysostom (d. 407) , and continuing with those of some famous orators like Antipater of Bostra (d. ca. 458) or Basil of Seleucia (d. 459) . All the Fathers were convinced that " to praise the Baptist meant to praise Jesus, for he gave a moving witness to Our Savior!"
o prophet and forerunner of Christ's coming , we who devJtedly honor you are unable to fittingIv extol you, for through your glorious and noble birth, your mother's childlessness was ended, your father's tongue was released, and the incarnation of the Son of God was proclaimed to the world.
How shall we call you, 0 Prophet? Perhaps Angel? Or Apostle? Or maybe Martyr? An Angel, since you lived as though being bodyless ; an Apostle, for you have preached to the people ; and a Martyr, since you were beheaded for the sake of Christ. Pray, therefore, to Him for the salvation of our souls. (St. Germanus, d. 733).
" Generally speaking, men are praised by other men, but St. John the Baptist was praised by Christ, the Eternal God and the Truth, saying : 'Of all the children born of women a greater than John the Baptist has never been seen' (Mt. 11 :11). Since he was praised by the autho rity of the Eternal Word of God, I will ask you :-Is he yet in need of our praises?" (St. Theodore Studite, P.G. 99, 749).
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Protection of Children
Current Feast Day
Circumcision of Our Lord Basil the Great - Archbishop
Circumcision of Our Lord Basil the Great - Archbishop January 1, 2020
Solemn Holy Day
Col 2:8-12; Heb 7:26-8:2
Lk 2:20-21 & 40-52; Lk 6:17-23
Sylvester Pope
Sylvester Pope January 2, 2020
Our Holy Father, Sylvester, Pope of Rome, under his Pontificate was held the first Ecumenical Council at Nicea A.D. 325, the decrees of which were approved by him. He died A.D. 325 during the reign of Constantine the Great, Emperor.
Malachy Prophet
Malachy Prophet January 3, 2020
Heb 4:1-13
Lk 21:12-18
St. Malachy, Prophet. 400 B.C - St. Gordius, Martyr, who suffered
death A.D 320, during the reign of Licinius, Emperor.
Synaxis of the 70 Apostles
Synaxis of the 70 Apostles January 4, 2020
Heb 5:11 - 6:8
Lk 21:5-7.10-11.20-24
whose names St. Dorotheus recorded. - Our venerable father, Theoktistus, Hegumen-Abbot in Cucume of Sykeleia.
Sunday Before Theophany Circumcission of our Lord Basil the Great - Archbishop
Sunday Before Theophany Circumcission of our Lord Basil the Great - Archbishop January 5, 2020
Feast and Circumcision of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The name of Jesus given to the child on this occasion means "Saviour". The Feast Of Saint Basil The Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, most famous of the Byzantine Church, and one of the four great Doctors: called also "Patriarch of the Eastern Monks," He died A.D 379 (Confer January 30).
Theophany of Our Lord
Theophany of Our Lord January 6, 2020
Titus 2:11-14 & 3:4-7
Mt 3:13-17
Synaxis of St. John
Synaxis of St. John January 7, 2020
The glorious Prophet, Precursor and Baptist, who baptized Our Lord Jesus Christ in the River Jordan.
George, Dominica & Emilian Venerables
George, Dominica & Emilian Venerables January 8, 2020
Heb 10:1-18; Mark 8:30-34
Polyeuct Martyr
Polyeuct Martyr January 9, 2020
St. Polyeuct, Martyr, suffered death A.D. 255, during the reign of Decius or Valerianus. - Eustratius, Venerable, endured death in the reign of Leo Iconomachus, Emperor.
Gregory of Nyssa Bishop
Gregory of Nyssa Bishop January 10, 2020
Our Holy Father, Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, consecrated in A.D. 372, brother of Saint Basil the Great. Died A.D. 395. - Dometian, Venerable, Bishop of Melite, died A.D. 570, in the reign of Justinius the Younger. - Our venerable father, Marcian, Presbyter and Treasurer of the great Church of Holy Wisdom; died A.D. 489.
Saturday after Theophany Theodosius-Venerable
Saturday after Theophany Theodosius-Venerable January 11, 2020
Sunday after Theophany
Sunday after Theophany January 12, 2020
Hermolaus and Stratonicus - Martyrs
Hermolaus and Stratonicus - Martyrs January 13, 2020
SS. Hermolaus and Stratonicus, Martyrs; Deacon of Singudunum (Belgrade) and his servant were tortured and drowned in the river Danube A.D. 315 under Licinius, Emperor.
Venerable Fathers of Sinai and Raitho
Venerable Fathers of Sinai and Raitho January 14, 2020
Our Venerable Fathers of Sinai and Raitho, suffered martyrdom from the Saracens A.D. 296, during the reign of Dicoletian, Emperor.
Paul & John Venerables
Paul & John Venerables January 15, 2020
Venerable Paul the simple, A Solitary of wonderful patience and meekness, he passed away about A.D. 339 in the reign of Constantine II, Emperor.
Our venerable father, John, a disciple of St. Gregory Decapolites, died in the reign of Theophilus the Iconoclast A.D. 829-842.
Venerable Cosmas, Bishop of Chalcedonia who died A.D. 816 during the reign of Leo the Armenian, Emperor.
Our holy father, John, Archbishop of Antioch who went to his rest A.D. 436.
Venerations of the Chains of Peter
Venerations of the Chains of Peter January 16, 2020
Veneration of the venerable Chains of St. Peter, the all Praiseworthy Apostle. The chains with which St. Peter was bound in the prison were preserved at the stational Church on the Esquiline in Rome and in the Middle ages attracted numerous Pilgrims.
Anthony the Great Venerable
Anthony the Great Venerable January 17, 2020
Our venerable and divinely inspired father, Anthony the Great, was Egyptian by birth, who went into the desert during the reign of Constantine the Great in the year A.D. 312. Living to the age of 105 , he died A.D. 356. He was a friend of St. Paul the Hermit, and was one of the founders of the Cenobitical life.
Athanasius & Cyril Archbishops
Athanasius & Cyril Archbishops January 18, 2020
Our holy fathers, Athanasius & Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria. St. Athanasius is one of the four great doctors of the Byzantine Church: called the "Father of Orthodoxy." He opposed the Arians with Admirable zeal and endured exile for 46 years. He died in A.D 373. (Confer May 2). - St. Cyril opposed the Nestorians and taught that the divine and human natures in Christ are united in oneness of person, and that the Theotokos ought truly to be called the Mother of God. He presided over the 3rd Ecumenical Council at Ephisus A.D. 431. He died in A.D. 444. (Confer June 9).
32nd Sunday after Pentecost
32nd Sunday after Pentecost January 19, 2020
1 Tim 1:15-17
Euthymius the Great Venerable
Euthymius the Great Venerable January 20, 2020
Our Venerable and divinely inspired father, Euthymius the Great, Hegumen - Abbot, lived at the time of the reign of Arcadius and Honorius, Emperors: died in the year A.D 473.
Maximus the Confessor Venerable
Maximus the Confessor Venerable January 21, 2020
Our Venerable father, Maximus, Confessor; died from totures A.D 662, in the reign of Constans II. His tongue torn out and right hand cut off, he died in prison.
St. Timothy & St. Anastasius
St. Timothy & St. Anastasius January 22, 2020
Apostle, was the most famous disciple of St. Paul, during the reign of Emperor Nero, and the first Bishop Of Ephesus in Asia Minor.
Venerable-martyr of Persia, suffered martyrdom A.D. 619, at the hands of Chosroas, during the reign of Heracleus, Emperor.
Clement of Ancyra Martyr
Clement of Ancyra Martyr January 23, 2020
St. Clement, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Ancyra, lived in exile for 28 years under several persecutors and died by the sword A.D 296. - St. Agathangel, Martyr, suffered death also in the reign of Maximian and Diocletian Emperors.
St. Xenia
St. Xenia January 24, 2020
Our venerable mother, Xenia, was of a noble and famous Roman family. Her former name was Eusebia, and her parents planning her marriage, she escaped from her bridegroom and with two handmaids she fled to Alexandria for refuge.
Gregory the Theologian Bishop
Gregory the Theologian Bishop January 25, 2020
Our holy father, Gregory the Theologian of Cappadocia in Asia Minor, Archbishop of Constantinople is one of the greatest writers and poets and one of the four great doctors of the Byzantine Church. He died in A.D. 389, in the reign of Theodosius the Great: he presided in Constantinople in the Church of Holy Wisdom for 12 years. He died at the age of 80. (Confer Januar 30).
33rd Sunday After Pentecost Sunday of Zacchaeus
33rd Sunday After Pentecost Sunday of Zacchaeus January 26, 2020
Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom
Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom January 27, 2020
This took place in A.D. 435, (Confer January 30 and November 13.)
Ephrem the Syrian Venerable
Ephrem the Syrian Venerable January 28, 2020
Our Venerable Father, Ephrem, "Prophet of Syrians and an instrument of Holy Spirit," a great poet, orator, exegete and defensor of Orthodoxy.
Translation of the Relics of St. Ignatius
Translation of the Relics of St. Ignatius January 29, 2020
The "God-Bearer", Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Antioch. He was devoured by lions at Rome. His disciples carried his relics to Antioch into his church in the year A.D. 109, in the reign of Trajan, the persecutor. (Confer December 20).
Three Holy Hierarchs
Three Holy Hierarchs January 30, 2020
Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs, i.e., The Three Great Fathers of the church; namely St. Basil the Great,(See 1st of Jan) St. Gregory, the Theologian (See 25th of Jan) and St. John, the Chrysostom, (see 13th of Nov.) - Sy Hippolytus, Priest-Martyr. Bishop of Porto. He was put to death by drowning, under Alexander Severus, Emperor.
Cyrus and John Unmercenaries
Cyrus and John Unmercenaries January 31, 2020
SS. Cyrus and John, Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, i.e., Physicians without remuneration: (Confer June 28.) suffered death with Athanasia and her three daughters: Theodotia, Theopista and Eudokia, in the year A.D. 292 in the reign of Diocletian.
BCW – January Vol. 65 No. 1
86th Annual Pilgrimage Cantor Form | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
On 17 May 1791, King Christian the Seventh gave his permission to smallholder Peter Andresen to run a brickworks at Nybøl Nor. Already the owner of a small farm at the place, Peter Andresen was therefore the first brick maker in the Petersen family. Today, the brickworks is run by Christian A. Petersen and his daughters, respectively the seventh and eighth generation in a direct line.
The 6.5 km² large Nybøl Nor was then, as now, ideal for brickwork industry. The coastline of the cove had rich glacial clay deposits and the cove had a direct navigable connection to Flensborg Fjord. Back in the 1700s, several brickworks were lying side by side. With about 50 brickworks, the concentration was then the largest in Northern Europe. Today, six brickworks remain.
From being a local brickworks founded more than 220 years ago, Petersen Tegl has developed into a highly specialised company with global exports. Developments have been achieved - and still are - in cooperation with architects from all over the world. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
NS-Capture Theory
The Key Concepts
The Theories
The Proofs
Predictions of NS-Capture
How to Use the Website
Analogy: "You can't go down the up escalator!"
Rich Levinson
In science, it is generally useful to come up with easy-to-understand analogies, or metaphors that relate to the subject being discussed.
In this context what we are trying to do is come up with an analogy that helps us understand the problems with:
the existing theory of pulsars (which we refer to as the NS-Creation Theory (neutron star creation theory))
and why these problems force us to consider:
a new theory of pulsars (which we refer to as the NS-Capture Theory (neutron star capture theory))
The analogy can be summarized as follows:
Isolated pulsars found in the midst of supernova remnants are found to be spinning rather fast but also slowing down:
so we can consider this state of affairs as the neutron star pulsar being on the "down escalator", i.e. slowing down (spinning down).
Pulsars found in binary systems are found to be spinning rather slow but also spinning faster:
so we can consider this state of affairs as the neutron star pulsar being on the "up escalator". i.e. speeding up (spinning up).
So we can consider:
slow, spinning-up binary pulsars as being on an "up escalator"
(where the presence of the binary companion can be considered to be an "up escalator" as far as the neutron star is concerned)
fast, spinning-down isolated pulsars as being on a "down escalator"
(where the absence of any companion (i.e. being isolated) can be considered to be a "down escalator"
The problem uncovered by this state of affairs has to do with how a pulsar is "created".
NS-Creation theory claims that a pulsar is created as a result of a supernova explosion, i.e. an isolated star explodes and the corresponding implosion creates a neutron star in a fast spinning state, albeit, slowing down from the moment of its birth.
Since there really can't plausibly be two completely different ways to create a neutron star, NS-Creation theory must apply also to the creation of the neutron stars found in binary systems, i.e. the slow spinning up neutron star pulsars found in binary systems.
Therefore, the only plausible way to create a neutron star in a binary system using NS-Creation theory is to assert that the binary system originally consisted of two more or less normal stars (there are billions of normal binary star systems in the Milky Way galaxy), and that one of those normal stars experienced a supernova explosion which transformed the previously normal star into a neutron star pulsar, thus transforming binary system from being a system containing two normal stars into a system containing one normal star plus on neutron star pulsar.
This is where the basic problem with NS-Creation theory becomes somewhat obvious:
NS-Creation theory produces a fast spinning neutron star pulsar as one member of a binary system with a normal star companion.
Unfortunately for NS-Creation theory, this fast-spinning pulsar finds itself on an "up-escalator", which will cause it to spin faster and faster.
Therefore NS-Creation theory has failed because by being a fast pulsar that is spinning up, there is no way for the pulsar to get into the state that pulsars in binary systems are generally found: i.e. slow-spinning
i.e. there is no way for a fast spinning pulsar in a binary system to slow down to become a slow-spinning pulsar, because it is born on an "up escalator" and cannot possibly slow down.
The above logic shows that NS-Creation theory leads to a self-contradiction, and that logic compels us to find a new explanation for the creation of pulsars that begin their life in a slow-spinning state.
The result of this logic is the assertion of the NS-Capture Theory that is what all the discussion on this web site is about.
One thought on "Analogy: "You can't go down the up escalator!""
Elizabeth Clement says:
"The Binary X-Ray Pulsar Guy"
Supernova Explosions (SNE) Explained
What is X-ray Astronomy?
What is a pulsar?
Pulsars (index)
Giant Stars and NS-Capture Theory
SuperGiant -> SuperNova
Binary Pulsars: What they really are
Binary Pulsars Don't Slow Down
What are the Be Stars?
Be X-Ray Binaries
Classification of the Pulsars
How NS-Capture Theory explains the P/P-dot diagram
P/P-dot Evidence for NS-Capture
Cen X-3: The Pulsar Spin Contradiction
Her X-1 (Hercules X-1)
Millisecond Pulsars
The Be X-ray Binary General Data
List of References for Be X-ray Binary Data Collections
The Be X-ray Binary Spin Orbit Data
What about the Double Pulsar?
Theory Overview
NS-Capture Basic Theory
NS-Capture Theory – Explained
NS Capture Theory (index)
Simple explanation of theory
NS-Capture vs NS-Creation
Population problems with NS-Creation
The Critical Theoretical Choice
Analogies: Automobiles, propellers, muffins
Properties of the NS-Capture Theory
Proof of the Neutron Star Capture Theory
Logical Proof of the NS-Capture Theory
Definitive Empirical Proof of NS-Capture
Empirical Proof: Population Analysis
Analytical Proof of the NS-Capture Theory
Pre-Diagrammatic Proof of NS-Capture
Diagrammatic Proof of NS-Capture
NS-Capture and the Empirical Spin-up Process
How to Disprove the NS-Capture Theory
What does an isolated neutron star look like?
What does an active galactic nucleus look like along with its surrounding galaxy (AGN)?
Could an isolated neutron star look like an AGN?
What predictions did NS-Capture Theory make about the X-ray Background in 1974?
What predictions did NS-Capture make about the existence of the class of Be X-Ray Binaries?
What about PSR B1259 -63?
What about black holes?
NS-Capture Theory predicted the existence of dark matter in 1974
NS-Capture Theory predicted that a supermassive black hole exists in the center of the Milky Way in 1974
NS-Capture Theory predicted the constant galactic rotation curve in 1974.
What is the model of galactic evolution predicted by NS-Capture Theory?
Calculate Number of NS's in Galaxy
NS-Capture Explanation of SNEs
Calculating an Impact Parameter
Simulation of NS-Capture Theory
NS-Capture Simulation: Part 2
Misc Diagrams
Diagram of NS-Creation vs NS-Capture
Full Diagram
NS Capture vs NS Creation Diagrams
Diagram of NS Creation & NS Capture
Full Creation Process
NS-Capture vs NS-Creation Diagrams 2
The Necessity of NS Capture
Alternate Diagrams: MSP's
Misc Pages
Origin of "Rock 'n Roll"
Simulation of the NS-Capture Theory
How binary x-ray pulsars introduce a whole new way of thinking about neutron stars, supernova explosions, all other pulsars and the dark matter in the Milky Way galaxy.
How to use the Secret of the Pulsars website
© Copyright 2021 Secret Of The Pulsars. All Rights Reserved. | {
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Tired of Boring Jack-O-Lanterns? Spice UP Your Home With a Crayon Melt Pumpkin This Fall!
Although it is hard to believe, Halloween is just over 2 weeks away! Decorating for autumn and Halloween can be so much fun. However, the same old DIY fall decor can get a little boring. This year, why not spice things up a bit with with a rainbow crayon pumpkin!
My very favorite Youtuber, Joey Graceffa, and his pal Tiffany dedicated a video specifically on the 411 on how to create a rainbow pumpkin by melting crayons with a hair dryer! The process to making a decorated crayon pumpkin is simple but a little messy (probably messier than traditional pumpkin painting)! Read on to find more.
Newspaper or some sort of floor cover/wall cover (this is optional, but if you are doing this project inside you will definitely want to cover your floor and the walls around you).
Begin by peeling the wrappers of the crayons you plan to use. You can use whatever colored crayons you want, just keep in mind the colors will bleed together and may create undesirable colors.
Glue the crayons around the top of the pumpkin. You can either break the crayons in half or into smaller pieces as you glue them.
Once the glued on crayons have dried on, turn on your hairdryer and start melting those crayons!
Move the hairdryer around the pumpkin and watch the crayons melt!
Allow the wax to dry, and your pumpkin will be all ready to go!
Happy rainbow crayon pumpkin decorating!
If you live along the upper east coast of the United States, you are probably preparing for the impending snow storm that is expected to hit sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning. Hopefully at this point you have all the food and supplies you might need during the storm. Snowstorms like this one are good excuses to spend your weekend relaxing at home. You can get cozy in your warmest pajamas and heat up a nice cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the snow day (or days!) Although snow storms can be relaxing or romantic, they can also make some people feel bored and even a little stir-crazy. To deal with those feelings of boredom, why not do some fun, cheap crafts that will preoccupy you and your family while the flakes fly! We even have some fun and easy ideas for DIY crafts for kids.
Have your children create edible snowmen out of marshmallows. This project works best with jumbo sized marshmallows. You can use chocolate chips, mini M&Ms, or food coloring to make eyes and pretzel sticks or spaghetti noodles for arms. Microwave your snowman for a few seconds to make an ooey gooey treat.
Make a beautiful decoration for your front door from pine cones, paint, glitter, ribbon, hot glue, and plastic snowflakes. Paint white paint down over your pine cones. Before the paint dries, sprinkle white or silver glitter over the pine cones. At one end of each pine cone, tie or hot glue ribbon (it looks best with white ribbon) to the base of the pine cone. Attach a piece of ribbon to your small plastic snow flakes. Once your pine cones have dried, tie the ribbons from each pine cone and plastic snow flake together in a knot. Hang this lovely winter decoration from your door!
Put food coloring in spray bottles with water and have your children create beautiful works of art out in the snow.
Create detailed paper snowflakes by folding white paper into a square. Make numerous cuts into your paper with scissors to create a beautiful snowflake that can be hung from your ceiling or windows!
Your children might enjoy these FREE printable coloring pages for kids. These pages are winter weather themed, but there are other types of coloring pages as well.
Create your own easy winter wreath with a foam hoop, tulle (in white, blue, and/or silver), small plastic snow flakes, and small color coordinating colored balls (Christmas balls work well). Cut strips of tulle that are all the same length. Then, tie them tightly around the foam hoop. Alternate colors as you tie the tulle around the hoop. Continue tying the tulle until you have it completely encircling the hoop. Then, hot glue the snowflakes and Christmas balls around the perimeter of the hoop. Voila, you have a beautiful winter wreath!
Indoor picnic ideas are also great for snowy days. You can let your children help you plan and prepare the food. Get a nice picnic blanket out and feast on your tasty indoor picnic meal while you watch the snow fall.
Have a safe and enjoyable snow day (or multiple snowy days if you live in the mid Atlantic region too)! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Het archief Henry Morton Stanley bevat honderden manuscripten geschreven of verzameld door Brits journalist en ontdekkingsreiziger Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) en bevindt zich in het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (KMMA).
Het Stanley-archief werd na de dood van Henry Morton Stanley nog jarenlang bewaard op het familiedomein Furze Hill in Groot-Brittannië. Het KMMA was natuurlijk erg geïnteresseerd in de nalatenschap van Stanley. Door bemiddeling van directeur Frans Olbrechts ontving het museum in 1954 van Stanley's stiefzoon een schenking van ongeveer driehonderd voorwerpen. Het was dankzij de goede contacten tussen de familie en het museum dat de Generale Maatschappij in 1982 de nagelaten papieren kon aankopen. Zij werden in 1987 ondergebracht in het speciaal daarvoor ingerichte 'Stanleypaviljoen' naast het KMMA.
In 2000 doken nog vier dozen met archiefmateriaal op in Furze Hill. Ditmaal zorgde de Koning Boudewijnstichting voor de verwerving ervan, dankzij haar Erfgoedfonds. Toen in 2002 en 2003 de inboedel van Furze Hill werd geveild, kon de Koning Boudewijnstichting nog aanvullende stukken kopen. Vervolgens schonk de Generale Maatschappij in 2003 zijn deel van het archief aan de Koning Boudewijnstichting, zodat het archief integraal in bruikleen kon worden gegeven aan het KMMA. Daar werden ze verenigd met de stukken met betrekking tot Stanley die het museum ondertussen in zijn bezit had kunnen krijgen.
In 2005 werd een inventaris van het archief voltooid. De verschillende deelcollecties werden hierin samengebracht. De dagboeken en notitieboekjes, brieven, manuscripten en andere stukken in het archief bieden informatie over de vier expedities die Stanley ondernam:
zoektocht naar Livingstone
transcontinentale expeditie
opdrachten onder Leopold II
reddingsoperatie voor Emin Pasha
Daarnaast getuigt de inhoud ook van zijn betrokkenheid met de Zuidelijken tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Het archief bevat brieven van onder meer koningin Victoria, Bismarck, Chamberlain, Gladstone, Baden Powell, Auguste Rodin, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Mark Twain, Georges Bernard Shaw, Cecil Rhodes en Livingstone.
Het archief bevat ook stukken van Dorothy Tennant, kunstenares en vrouw van Stanley.
Externe link
Inventaris van het Stanley-archief
Archief in België
Geschiedenis van Afrika
Collectie Koning Boudewijnstichting | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
The history of universities almost always begins with a collection of wise individuals who fund the foundation of an institution to ensure that learning can occur freely and benefit the community.
The HTET Founders' Fund Fund invited 100 individuals, businesses and organisations with the foresight to understand the value that a new university will bring to Herefordshire, to make a minimum donation of £5,000 to realise the vision of a university in Hereford. The Fund enabled the Herefordshire Tertiary Education Trust to retain the breadth of professional expertise required to launch a unique university that will support the revitalisation of Herefordshire, drive educational aspiration in the county, and help our businesses and young people be ready for the challenges of the 21st Century.
The Founders' Fund is now closed. Thank you to our current Founders who have made the development of NMiTE possible.
British Cassis – Whittern Farms Ltd.
Impact Print & Design Ltd.
Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd.
H Weston & Sons Ltd. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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The great purge: Hindutvas Cultural Revolution
Ganesh Devy
Two apparently unrelated yet deeply interconnected events of July invite serious reflection. One belongs to an unending story of crime, the other a not-so-interesting bureaucratic muddle. One will continue to fetch headlines for long and the other will survive, if it does at all, in footnotes for researchers. Yet, both are of a piece in a larger plot threatening our republic. One is a murder story, the other is a sordid saga of a genocide of a kind.
Throughout the month of July, reports of arrests of the suspects in the Gauri Lankesh murder featured in the news. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) constituted by the Karnataka government deserves praise for getting closer to cracking the conspiracy behind the murder of several intellectuals. Those involved in the Gauri Lankesh murder are believed to have had a hand in killing Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Pansare and MM Kalburgi. Press reports tell us that many others are on the hit list. Some reports say that the list has some 50 names. The SIT will be able to ascertain or deny this.
As a result of the recovery of the list of to be murdered writers and thinkers, some 15 writers in Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra had to be provided special security. In recent weeks, I have met several writers and thinkers who have had to move around with these security men accompanying them.
The whole sequence of murders and their fallout sends a clear signal to writers, journalists and thinkers: do not speak or write anything that will critique the Hindutva forces and the government that tacitly supports them.
It is another thing that many writers and journalists still show the courage to speak up when it is necessary to do so.
Yet, the atmosphere of intimidation and fear is pervasive. Earlier this week, the Goa assembly witnessed a on the threats made to writers. While Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar assured the legislature that security was being provided to the writers, he avoided answering why the organisation issuing the threat, which is located in Goa and is clearly named by the investigating agencies in Maharashtra and Karnataka is not being banned or restricted. And, therein lies the rub. Several times, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stated that violence and mob-lynching will not be tolerated. That is admirable. The only difficulty is, every time an assault takes place, it is the victim that is placed in the dock. The perpetrators continue to roam all over, unhindered, free. I now turn to the relatively less eye-catching event of July 2018. The Census of India 2011 data related to languages was released by the Census office. With all its tables and charts, it looks perfectly harmless. But, scratch the surface and you find that it is heavily doctored. It tells us that in 2011, our countrymen stated a total of 19,569 raw returns (read, non-doctored claims). Out of these, close to 17,000 were outright rejected and another 1,474 were dumped because not enough scholarly corroboration for them exists. Only 1,369, or roughly 6% of the total claims, were admitted as classified mother tongues. Rather than placing them as languages, they were grouped under 121 headings. These 121 were declared as languages of India.
One may ask, but how does this matter? It matters because the data for Hindi has been bolstered shown at 52 crore-plus people by adding to its core figure of speakers, the speakers of nearly 50 other languages
These include Bhojpuri, claimed by over five crore people, and many languages in Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Bihar, claimed by close to a total of six crore people. At the same time, 17 of the 22 scheduled languages are reported by the Census as showing a downward trend in their rate of growth in comparison to the growth in the previous decade.
The architecture of the presentation of the language census data has at its foundation the principle of exclusion.The exclusion is imposed on the languages that the people of India have claimed in the census exercise as being their languages. To use a term from the medical sciences, this act amounts to imposing an involuntary aphasia on citizens. In this instance, the numbers on whom it is imposed run into crores of people. And that is no small matter.
Since our Constitution gives us the fundamental and non-negotiable right to free expression, and since it not only accepts but encourages the idea of a multilingual India, is there not something profoundly unconstitutional in writers and thinkers or in wilfully suppressing peoples languages? The UNESCO brief for language rights describes denial of mother tongues or any wilful concealment of a mother tongue by the member-states as equivalent to genocide A strong word, indeed, but necessary, the UNESCO thinks.
Quite ironically, the justification for both actions is drawn from a common source; and that is, a deeply flawed idea of nationalism. It holds that anyone critical of the current regime is an enemy of India, an anti-national trying to spread disaffection towards the State, or in simpler words, seditious.
With respect to languages, the argument says that if we have a large multiplicity of languages,
it may result in disintegration of our national territory. Love for the nation and its integrity are, of course, of prime importance. But a nation becomes great by the thought and knowledge it produces, by nurturing freedom of the mind and by the fearlessness of its citizens. States that consciously encourage creating societies that are incapable or cannot critique the system generate what in ancient Latin is described as hegemony. And, governments that become intolerant of differences of opinion become heavy with hubris. Hubris and hegemony produce a pervasive mediocrity. Excessively proud rulers, intellectual mediocrity and lynch-mobs form a combine that threatens speech and forces civilisations to close their minds.
Courtesy: Deccan Herald
Previous Post:Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism
Next Post:Indian rationalism, Charvaka to Narendra Dabholkar
Rise from your knees; cease your mindless murmurs to a god who does not exist or, at best, does not care; and accept the world as it actually is. There is learning to do, there are discoveries to be made and there is knowledge to win. The blackness has not yet fully lifted, but we can only strive for greater illumination when we clutch science as, as Carl Sagan might have said, our candle in the dark.
— Dan Ferrisi | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
this jawn
"Keep your Marxist hands off Gritty": WSJ writer fumes over allegations that a furry mascot is antifa
By Rex Santus Oct 8, 2018
Gritty, the bright orange, furry, 7-foot creature of Philadelphian origin, is no longer a simple mascot for a hockey team: Antifa activists have co-opted him as their own. In fact, they so effectively claimed Gritty as a working-class, leftist icon that the Wall Street Journal was forced to publish an anguished op-ed Monday demanding that these people keep their "Marxist hands off Gritty."
"The same leftists who want statues of Thomas Jefferson removed are now petitioning for Gritty to replace Mayor Frank Rizzo on a downtown mural," Jillian Kay Melchior said in the Wall Street Journal op-ed.
"Gritty belongs to Philadelphia, not to far-left activists. Still, in an era when everything from Nike and the NFL to your local restaurant is a political battlefield, this development is as predictable as it is sad," she said. "Not only can't we have nice things; we can't even have silly, creepy things."
Leftist activists immediately latched on to Gritty after the Philadelphia Flyers introduced him as their new mascot in late September. The socialist magazine Jacobin, for example, tweeted on Sept. 26 that "Gritty is a worker."
An anti-capitalist Gritty parody account sprouted up on Twitter on Oct. 2, and it has already amassed thousands of followers.
The Daily Beast reported last week that Gritty is an "anti-fascist now, and there's nothing you can do about it." But it's more than just a joke on the internet. When Donald Trump visited Philadelphia last week, protesters showed up carrying signs that showed Gritty waving an antifa flag and wearing anarchist imagery.
"Gritty is a symbol of Philadelphia," Philadelphia-based group The Liberation Project told the Daily Beast. "It's not that he's an anti-fascist character; it's that he's representative of the people, and the people of Philadelphia are grittily anti-fascist."
And in a twist that may become even more troubling to op-ed writers at the Wall Street Journal, the Twitter love for Gritty has taken on a distinctly romantic edge, with some even calling for sexy Gritty Halloween costumes.
Is NOTHING sacred?
Cover image: PHILADELPHIA, PA - SEPTEMBER 27: New Flyers mascot Gritty entertains fans during the Preseason game between the New York Rangers and Philadelphia Flyers on September 27, 2018 at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA. Photo by Kyle Ross/Icon Sportswire via AP Images. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Sarah Grey Bio, Parents, Boyfriend
Sarah Grey was born on 19 May as per her bio...the young age of 22...height of 5 feet 8 inches...with a weight of 54 kgs...Of Canadian nationality...embraces an ethnicity of...her on-screen parents...less girly and more like a tomboy...important occasions together...is interested in singing...hiding her secret boyfriend or...to reveal her dating status...
Sarah Grey is an actress known for her role in TV shows like Bates Motel, where she plays the role of young Norma Bates.
Her appearance in other shows like Legends of Tomorrow, Almost Human and the 2018 Netflix show, The Order has won her a lot of adoration from her fans. Her portrayal of Alyssa, the female lead, in The Order is exemplary!
Sarah Grey Bio: Age, Parents
Sarah Grey was born in Nanaimo, Canada on 19 May 1996. Of Canadian nationality, she has not revealed her ethnicity yet. When she was young, Sarah was less girly and more like a tomboy- she was a climber and used to climb walls and trees!
The actress is very close to her mother and her sister Allison Grey, who is a photographer, hairstylist, and makeup artist. She regularly posts pictures with her family, which shows that she shares a special bond with them.
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Sarah Grey spends quality time with her family on 28 August 2016 (Photo: Sarah Grey's Instagram)
Sarah Grey's popularity is only increasing and today she has become an important person in the industry. However, she still has not forgotten her parents and their contributions in her life. She regularly visits them and even goes on trips and celebrates important occasions together.
Sarah is not only close to her biological parents but is also very close to her on-screen parents. Her on-screen father Jack Wagner is constantly featured in her Instagram and Twitter posts, which shows that she likes to have a good bond with all of her coworkers.
At the young age of 22, Sarah stands at a tall height of 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) and maintains her weight of 54 kgs (119 lbs). Her body is of ideal shape, and her good looks and demeanor just compliment her body. No wonder many men are already going crazy about her!
An interesting fact about the actress- she believes music is the best therapy and is interested in singing.
Is The Actress Dating A Boyfriend?
Sarah is a very private person and does not like to reveal much information about her love life. Sarah is very active on social media, but her Twitter and Instagram posts rarely involve any men that can be suspected of being her boyfriend.
Peek Inside: Jodhi May Married, Lesbian, Parents
Even in the past, Sarah Grey's name has not been associated with any men. Either she is very good at hiding her secret boyfriend, or she has not been involved in any of the serious relationships until now. But, she is only 22 right now, so the latter one seems more plausible.
It seems like Sarah is currently focusing on her career and is not dating anyone. If she finds any man with whom she wants to share a relationship with, she will undoubtedly introduce him to her fans. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Amber Waves is a 4 x 6 set of 9 individual stamps.
Beautiful wheat stalks and pretty borders are simply waiting for ink and cardstock.
Create stunning Thanksgiving cards as well as gorgeous thank you cards throughout the year.
For a fun design element glue burlap threads over the tops of the wheat image. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Home > Experts > Lorenzo Pagani
Navigating Uncertainty in Inflation Markets: The European Case
Eurostat's recent revision of the HICPxT index could have two potentially wide-reaching effects for euro area inflation-linked bonds (ILB) investors.
inflation, europe, real return
By Lorenzo Pagani April 2019
Navigating Uncertainty in Inflation Markets: The UK Case
Investors in UK inflation-linked bonds are facing two critical sources of structural uncertainty: Brexit-induced volatility and questions about the deeply entrenched (yet problematic) Retail Price Index (RPI).
inflation, uk, macro & markets, real return
By Lorenzo Pagani March 2019
January 2016 January '16
Inflation, Growth and Politics Will Guide Central Banks' Hands in Europe in 2016
We expect the result will be alternating periods of stability and volatility.
By Mike Amey, Andrew Bosomworth, Lorenzo Pagani January 2016
September 2015 September '15
Has Europe Turned a Corner?
We expect above-trend real growth in the eurozone over the cyclical horizon, but challenges remain to achieve longer-term inflation targets.
inflation, central bank, bank of england, european central bank
By Mike Amey, Andrew Bosomworth, Lorenzo Pagani September 2015
Can ECB Policy Heal Europe's Ills?
We expect the eurozone to benefit from a number of cyclical tailwinds that will likely see above-trend growth and help to reverse the decline in core inflation.
By Mike Amey, Andrew Bosomworth, Lorenzo Pagani March 2015
Lorenzo Pagani
Head of European Government Bond Portfolio Management
Dr. Pagani is a managing director and portfolio manager in the Munich office and head of the European rates desk. He is a member of the global bond and global real return portfolio management teams. Additionally, he is a member of the European Portfolio Committee, the Counterparty Risk Committee and the Best Execution Committee. He also serves as head of talent management for portfolio management outside of the U.S. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2004, he was with the nuclear engineering department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and with Procter & Gamble in Italy. He has 16 years of investment experience and holds a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from MIT. He graduated from the Financial Technology Option program of MIT/Sloan Business School and holds a joint master of science degree from the Politecnico di Milano in Italy and the Ecole Centrale de Paris in France. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Together, we can work it out with Mediation.
I want to help you get through your divorce or the breakup of your relationship.
I am a family law attorney who has worked with divorcing families for almost 35 years.
There is nothing pleasant about getting a divorce or breaking up with your significant other. It can be very difficult. Are you feeling anger, hurt, pain, guilt, shame, or sadness? You are not alone.
So, how can you, who are going through one of the worst experiences of your life, be expected to make decisions that will affect you for the rest of your life? You are at your worst when you need to be at your best.
I can help. I will explain the legal issues that you and your significant other need to talk about… And, I can help you talk about them in a safe, respectful environment. This doesn't mean that mediation won't be free from emotions, but wouldn't you rather meet with your significant other in a private conference room than in a courtroom? Couples that work out their own agreements emerge with fewer scars than those who fight tooth and nail. They save time, they save money, and most importantly, they are able to remain civil to each other.
What if you and your significant other are getting along, in spite of the decision to separate? I can help you by giving you legal information to make certain all of your legal issues are being addressed. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Is it a must-win for Slippery Rock?
I think it is. Even if Hillsdale loses next week to Indy;they are in with their win today.
Yea, A one loss Kutztown gets in over a two loss SRU. An SRU win makes it interesting. WCU and SRU in and Ktuz out?
Crazy to think a 1-loss PSAC team could be left out.
The playoffs have started for Slimey. There is no luxury for a loss now.
A lot depends on the Gmac games, and who loses the Post New haven game. Its very possible that both Hillsdale and Tiffin lose next week. If Rock wins, Hillsdale loses and new haven loses, I think the Psac gets 3 teams in. THough Edinboro is not a gimme for KU.
Tiffin loses again they may be out, too.
If Edinboro can't figure out it's passing attack they'll nudge Kutztown toward the playoffs. The teams are too similar statistically speaking for Edinboro's offense to be as one dimensional as it was against IUP.
I would say 4 teams have already locked their playoff participatation. Notre Dame, West Chester, New Haven, Post. Hillsdale is probably the only team that may get with 2 losses. I think the only way the Psac gets 3 teams is if Findlay beats Tiffin.
Opens the door for a 9-2 Ohio Dominican.
Maybe. They took an SOS anchor yesterday. Another one next week.
You may have Shepherd, ODU, IUP and Fairmont all with 2 losses. The math can sort it from there.
Unless the both get in the rankings this week; they have no chance.
The loser of Post/New Haven will fail only to 6th or 7th depending on other results. The NE-10 is getting 2 teams in.
Its possible that no 2 loss teams get in. Rock, WCU, KU, New haven, Post NDC Tiffin, and even Hillsdale could have 1 or 0 losses.
and 6 of those teams are average squads!
That's what sitting in the back of my mind. SR1 has - if I counted correctly - eight teams with no more than one loss.
That never seems to matter come selection time.
I know this. This is why this region won't have a chance in the final 4. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Friday is traditionally a far busier day than Thursday at the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, and so it proved this year with crowds flocking to the paddocks and race routes.
The 70th Anniversary celebrations for Porsche continued with a display at the front of the house of cars, music and fireworks.
It wasn't the only display centring on the house on Friday. Renowned trials bike rider Dougie Lampkin put on a show on the roof of the house. Back on terra firma, the Borg-Warner Trophy – an impressive 1.6-metre tall trophy awarded to the winner of the Indianapolis 500 – made an appearance on the front steps. It's the first time the trophy has been to Europe, and only the second time it has left the USA, in 82 years.
There was lots of action on the hillclimb too, with F1 cars from past and present taking part for the first time this year.
Some of the contenders for Sunday's timed runs were putting down early markers too. Andy Reid driving the BAC Mono headed the time sheets, followed by Peter Dumbreck in the electric NIO EP9.
Slightly slower were two autonomous efforts. A classic Mustang converted by Siemens took a gentle drive up the hill, along with the completely unmanned Roborace car.
The Bonhams auction saw action of a different kind. An Aston Martin DB4GT Zagato that has been in one owner's collection for 47 years sold for £10m, while a BMW 507 owned from new by John Surtees sold at £3.8m.
It's been an eventful day, as you can see from the gallery below. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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H. D. Macleod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in Economic Development
H. D. Macleod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in Economic Development Skaggs, Neil T. 2003-09-01 00:00:00 History of Political Economy 35:3 (2003) before 1870.3 With few (but important) exceptions the period between 1870 and 1914 was no different. The modern literature on the relationship between financial development and economic growth and development is rooted in research conducted during the 1950s and 1960s. Much of this work was applied analysis done by policy advisers employed by international agencies (e.g., the study of the Colombian economy directed by Lauchlin Currie [1950]). Some research by academic economists specializing in problems of economic development touched on financial issues (e.g., Gerschenkron 1962), and Raymond Goldsmith's collections of empirical data on financial variables (e.g., 1955, 1969) provided fodder for theorizing. However, the modern academic literature stems largely from the work of such monetary economists as Edward S. Shaw and his student John G. Gurley (e.g., Gurley and Shaw 1955; Shaw 1964). Shaw (1908–1994) was drawn to analyze the monetary problems of developing economies both by his personal approach to monetary theory and, later, by his dissatisfaction with the orthodox Keynesian and monetarist views that dominated the field.4 Having failed to obtain acceptance of his ideas as applied to the monetary systems of developed economies, Shaw turned to the analysis of http://www.deepdyve.com/assets/images/DeepDyve-Logo-lg.png History of Political Economy Duke University Press http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/duke-university-press/h-d-macleod-and-the-origins-of-the-theory-of-finance-in-economic-SbLFo2UXS0
Skaggs, Neil T.
History of Political Economy
, Volume 35 (3) – Sep 1, 2003
History of Political Economy /
Copyright 2003 by Duke University Press
History of Political Economy 35:3 (2003) before 1870.3 With few (but important) exceptions the period between 1870 and 1914 was no different. The modern literature on the relationship between financial development and economic growth and development is rooted in research conducted during the 1950s and 1960s. Much of this work was applied analysis done by policy advisers employed by international agencies (e.g., the study of the Colombian economy directed by Lauchlin Currie [1950]). Some research by academic economists specializing in problems of economic development touched on financial issues (e.g., Gerschenkron 1962), and Raymond Goldsmith's collections of empirical data on financial variables (e.g., 1955, 1969) provided fodder for theorizing. However, the modern academic literature stems largely from the work of such monetary economists as Edward S. Shaw and his student John G. Gurley (e.g., Gurley and Shaw 1955; Shaw 1964). Shaw (1908–1994) was drawn to analyze the monetary problems of developing economies both by his personal approach to monetary theory and, later, by his dissatisfaction with the orthodox Keynesian and monetarist views that dominated the field.4 Having failed to obtain acceptance of his ideas as applied to the monetary systems of developed economies, Shaw turned to the analysis of
History of Political Economy – Duke University Press
Published: Sep 1, 2003
Skaggs, N. (2003). H. D. Macleod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in Economic Development. History of Political Economy, 35(3),
Skaggs, Neil T. "H. D. Macleod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in Economic Development." History of Political Economy 35.3 (2003). | {
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CA Ct. App.
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Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 7, California.
Gerald SANTANTONIO, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. WESTINGHOUSE BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC., et al., Defendants and Respondents.
No. B070149.
Decided: May 25, 1994
Inman, Weisz & Steinberg, Drew E. Pomerance and Hali E. Ziff, Beverly Hills, for plaintiff and appellant. Hill, Farrer & Burrill, Kyle D. Brown, Jack R. White and Ronald W. Novotny, Los Angeles, for defendants and respondents.
Plaintiff and appellant, Gerald Santantonio ("Santantonio"), appeals from an award of costs against him in the sum of $96,883.12, following his unsuccessful suit against defendants and respondents.
Santantonio and two other plaintiffs, Gerald A. Velona ("Velona") and Joseph R. Cochrane ("Cochrane"), were former account executives employed by Los Angeles radio station KFWB, owned by defendant and respondent Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Inc. ("WBC"). Santantonio and Velona claimed that they were terminated by KFWB because of their age. Cochrane claimed that age discrimination forced him to leave KFWB for another job which did not pay as well. Plaintiffs also sued WBC's parent corporation, Westinghouse Electric, Inc. and two managerial employees of KFWB, Jack Hutchison ("Hutchison") and Joanne Cunha ("Cunha"). Cunha was dismissed as a defendant at the start of the trial.
On September 6, 1991, defendants served on plaintiffs' counsel an "offer to compromise," pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 998 1 as follows:
"Pursuant to C.C.P. § 998, defendants Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Westinghouse Electric, Inc., Jack Hutchison, and Joanne Cunha hereby offer that plaintiffs Gerard Velona, Joseph Cochrane, and Jerry Santantonio take judgment against them in the following amounts:
"1. That plaintiff Velona take judgment against defendants in the amount of $100,000, exclusive of taxable costs incurred to the date of judgment;
"2. That plaintiff Cochrane take judgment against defendants in the amount of $100,000, exclusive of taxable costs incurred to the date of judgment; and
"3. That plaintiff Santantonio take judgment against defendants in the amount of $100,000, exclusive of taxable costs incurred to the date of judgment.
"Pursuant to C.C.P. § 998(b), this offer shall remain open for a period of thirty (30) days, during which time plaintiffs may file a proof of acceptance of the judgment and the court may enter judgment accordingly."
It is undisputed that the offer to compromise was rejected by plaintiffs.
Following a lengthy jury trial, the trial judge granted a motion for directed verdict in favor of Westinghouse Electric, Inc. On February 13, 1992, the jury then returned verdicts in favor of WBC and Hutchison as to the claims of Santantonio and Velona. The jury also returned a verdict in favor of WBC on Cochrane's claim against it, but found in favor of Cochrane on his claim against defendant Hutchison. The jury awarded Cochrane past economic damages in the sum of $85,000 and emotional distress damages in the sum of $100,000. The trial judge then awarded Cochrane an additional sum of $68,844 for future economic losses.2
In post-trial proceedings, Cochrane was also awarded costs in the sum of $3,220.60 and attorney's fees of $176,962, for a total judgment of $434,026.60. Additionally, the trial court granted Cochrane's motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict against WBC, thereby making WBC jointly and severally liable for the damages awarded against Hutchison. On April 23, 1992, the judgment was amended to reflect the aforementioned post-trial rulings.
On February 28, 1992, defendants filed a memorandum of costs claiming $365,948.21 as recoverable costs against all of the plaintiffs. Plaintiffs moved to strike and tax defendants' memorandum of costs. Before the hearing on plaintiffs' motion to strike and tax costs, Velona filed a petition in bankruptcy and the trial court granted Cochrane's motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict against WBC. In view of these developments before the hearing, defendants conceded that an allocation of costs only against Santantonio was being sought.
On May 20, 1992, the court made an order reflecting rulings on various pending post-trial motions and issues, including the matter of costs. At the request of Santantonio's counsel, a further order was made on June 1, 1992, to clarify certain parts of the May 20 order. As a result of the May 20 and June 1 orders, defendants were awarded costs against Santantonio in the sum of $96,883.12, consisting of the following:
Regarding the expert fees and support costs allowed under section 998, the court explained its reasons as follows:
"The recovery of expert witness fees depends first on whether the CCP 998 offer was valid. Court finds that it was. There existed a sufficient joint interest here in that all defendants were sued jointly on all causes of action. Further, the court relied on a commonality in determining plaintiff's successful motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict. The amount of the offer was also reasonable based on the substantial evidence of poor performance documented by defendants.
"The question of the reasonableness of the amounts claimed remains. Defendants claim that Mr. Welch is the leading figure in the industry and that his firm was not retained until shortly before trial and that all the preparation and staff time was necessary and reasonable. Court will accept that the status of the two expert witnesses is sufficient enough to justify their fees. Therefore, fees for Mr. Welch are allowed in the amount of $47,162.50 and fees for Mr. Ward are allowed in the amount of $40,668.75. One-third of that amount is payable by Mr. Santantonio; to wit, $29,277.08. However, they seem to have hired some very high-priced talent to perform tasks which require skills that do not appear that awesome. For purposes of allowing staff fees, economists will be reimbursed at $75.00 per hour, programmers at $75.00 per hour, research assistants at $60.00 per hour, data entry clerks at $12.00 per hour and photocopy people at $8.00 per hour. If the calculations are correct, those allowable costs for staff time amount to $179,629.75, one-third of which is $59,867.58."
Santantonio attacks the judgment on the ground that the trial court improperly awarded costs under section 998 and, in any event, abused its discretion as to the particular items and amounts which were allowed. As hereinafter discussed, there is no merit to these contentions.
Santantonio's principal contention is that the trial court should not have awarded any costs under section 998, on the ground that defendants' offer to compromise was not valid.3 In summary, Santantonio states three basic reasons for his contention: (1) the offer only provided for acceptance by plaintiffs jointly; (2) it was made jointly by defendants who are not united in interest; and (3) it was not intended to be a realistic offer to each plaintiff, but rather to provide a basis to shift litigation costs to plaintiffs under the guise of expert fees.
1. The Section 998 Offer Did Not Require Acceptance By All Plaintiffs. In Any Event, This Issue Has Been Raised For The First Time On Appeal And Should Not Be Considered.
Santantonio correctly points out that under interpretative decisions, a section 998 offer ("998 offer") made to multiple parties is valid only if it is expressly apportioned among them and not conditioned on acceptance by all of them. (See, e.g., Randles v. Lowry (1970) 4 Cal.App.3d 68, 74, 84 Cal.Rptr. 321; Meissner v. Paulson (1989) 212 Cal.App.3d 785, 791, 260 Cal.Rptr. 826; Hutchins v. Waters (1975) 51 Cal.App.3d 69, 73, 123 Cal.Rptr. 819; Taing v. Johnson Scaffolding Co. (1992) 9 Cal.App.4th 579, 586, 11 Cal.Rptr.2d 820.) A single, lump sum offer to multiple plaintiffs which requires them to agree to apportionment among themselves is not valid. (Randles v. Lowry, supra, 4 Cal.App.3d at p. 74, 84 Cal.Rptr. 321.) Likewise, a lump sum offer by a plaintiff to multiple defendants may be invalid for the same reasons. (Taing v. Johnson Scaffolding Co., supra, 9 Cal.App.4th at p. 586, 11 Cal.Rptr.2d 820.)
The instant case does not involve a lump sum or unapportioned offer. Rather, since defendants expressly offered $100,000 to each plaintiff, the plaintiffs did not have to agree among themselves as to how the offer would be apportioned. Santantonio concedes as much, but argues that this case is like Hutchins.
In Hutchins, two plaintiffs sued one defendant for damages arising out of an automobile accident. The defendant made a 998 offer to both plaintiffs for an aggregate sum which was expressly apportioned between the two of them. But the offer also expressly provided that neither plaintiff could accept unless the other also accepted. The court held that the offer was invalid because section 998 does not contemplate that kind of "conditional settlement offer" to two plaintiffs "to become effective only if accepted by both." (Emphasis deleted.) (Hutchins v. Waters, supra, 51 Cal.App.3d at p. 73, 123 Cal.Rptr. 819.)
The offer made by defendants in this case is distinguishable from the one made in Hutchins. Nothing in defendants' offer specifically stated that the $100,000 offered to Santantonio, individually and by name, could be accepted by him only if the other two plaintiffs accepted their offers. We discern that Santantonio is really suggesting that the offer made in this case should now be judicially construed as impliedly imposing a condition that all three plaintiffs were required to accept, since the offer did not expressly provide that the plaintiffs could accept separately. We decline the invitation to imply such a condition.
Initially, it should be noted that the record on appeal does not reveal that this issue was raised in the trial court. In his moving papers in the trial court, the only grounds asserted by Santantonio for his claim that the 998 offer was invalid were that "there was no unity of interest between defendants Westinghouse Electric and Westinghouse Broadcasting and thus no possible joint or respondeat superior liability," and "the § 998 offers to plaintiffs were invalid because they were not reasonable or good faith offers." The record reveals that those two points only were urged by Santantonio's trial counsel during oral argument on Santantonio's motion to tax costs. Having failed to raise the issue in the trial court, the issue was waived, and we will not consider it for the first time on appeal. (Evers v. Cornelson (1984) 163 Cal.App.3d 310, 315, 209 Cal.Rptr. 497.)
Secondly, Santantonio has cited no case which supports his present interpretation of defendants' offer, and we note that such an interpretation would not serve the policy of section 998. The purpose of the statute is to encourage settlements, and it "achieves its aim by punishing a party who fails to accept a reasonable offer from the other party." (Original emphasis.) (Elrod v. Oregon Cummins Diesel, Inc. (1987) 195 Cal.App.3d 692, 698–699, 241 Cal.Rptr. 108.) A reasonable inference from the record is that Santantonio rejected the offer by defendants because he and his counsel considered it to be far too low, and not because they thought he was precluded from accepting unless the other two plaintiffs also agreed to take $100,000. We note that Santantonio reiterates all of the reasons why he did not consider the $100,000 offer to him to be reasonable. The comments of his counsel during oral argument in the trial court reflect similar reiterations.
Accordingly, we infer that Santantonio is attempting to avoid the cost shifting purpose behind section 998 based on a claimed procedural defect devised by his appellate counsel for the first time on appeal. If the statutory purpose behind section 998 is to be served in this case, we cannot permit Santantonio to avoid the consequences of his decision by claiming now that the offer ought to be construed as one which he could not have accepted anyway. Such a construction would be strained, and we decline to do so.
2. It Was Proper For Defendants To Make A Joint Offer.
Santantonio next contends, as he did below, that defendants' offer was invalid because it was jointly made. He asserts that a joint offer by multiple defendants is not permissible "unless the Defendants' interests are identical and indivisible, referred to in the case law as unity of interest." Based on that view of the law, he concludes the defendants' joint offer was rendered invalid because defendant Westinghouse Electric was granted a directed verdict on the ground that it had no joint or respondeat superior liability.
Santantonio is mistaken. The case of Hurlbut v. Sonora Community Hospital (1989) 207 Cal.App.3d 388, 254 Cal.Rptr. 840, cited by Santantonio, involved a suit by parents and a child against a hospital for injuries resulting from the hospital's alleged negligent failure to perform a timely caesarean section procedure. The plaintiffs' joint 998 offer to the defendant was held to be invalid pursuant to the following reasoning:
"Unlike the cases sanctioning a plaintiff's joint offer to multiple defendants where they are held to be jointly and severally liable for the total judgment [citations], plaintiffs' interests were not identical. There was no single, indivisible injury to evaluate for settlement purposes." (Id., at p. 410, 254 Cal.Rptr. 840.)
In the instant case, each plaintiff did claim to have suffered a single, indivisible injury, for which the defendants were alleged to be jointly and severally liable. Hence, the case of Brown v. Nolan (1979) 98 Cal.App.3d 445, 159 Cal.Rptr. 469, cited by the court in Hurlbut, is much more like the instant case and the court's rationale is apposite. In Brown, a joint offer by two defendants to a plaintiff was held to be valid under section 998 under the following reasoning:
"The parties to this appeal agree that in this action a single plaintiff sued two defendants on a theory of joint and several liability. 'Contributory wrongdoers, whether joint tortfeasors or concurrent or successive tortfeasors, are ordinarily jointly and severally liable for the entire damage. [Citations.] [¶] Hence, when they are joined in an action it is improper to apportion compensatory damages among them; judgment for the full amount should be rendered against each.' [Citation.] When the facts of this case are viewed within the context of these general principles it becomes clear that the offer in issue was one contemplated by section 998.
"Plaintiff's argument that if section 998 is strictly construed it cannot be read as providing for joint offers because it speaks in the singular ('any party may serve an offer․ If an offer made by a defendant ․ [Italics added.].') is not persuasive. Where, as here, defendants are sued upon a theory of joint and several liability, each is potentially liable for the full amount of any judgment. Therefore, the offer of compromise in question is properly read as an offer by each defendant to plaintiff that judgment in the amount of $12,500 may be taken against each one of them, jointly and severally. Thus, the statute's speaking in the singular makes perfect sense when it is applied to defendants sued on such a theory. The trial court erred in holding that section 998 was inapplicable." (Emphasis added and deleted.) (Fns. omitted.) (Id., 98 Cal.App.3d at p. 451, 159 Cal.Rptr. 469.)
To the same effect see Winston Square Homeowner's Assn. v. Centex West, Inc. (1989) 213 Cal.App.3d 282, 294, 261 Cal.Rptr. 605, where the court upheld a joint 998 offer as follows:
"Joint offers by more than one defendant fall within the provisions of section 998 when defendants are united in interest and are sued on a theory of joint and several liability. [Citations.] Here, all defendants were not united in interest. Nevertheless, the application of section 998 appears appropriate in this case. Though the joint offer did not break down the offer as to particular areas of damage or defendants, Wilsey & Ham received a judgment in its favor. Wilsey & Ham was an absolute prevailing party—it was completely absolved of any liability. As Wilsey & Ham contends, the subsequent settlement between plaintiff and the other defendants on issues other than drainage was irrelevant as far as Wilsey & Ham was concerned." (Fn. omitted.)
Thus, Santantonio misconstrues the application of the cited cases when he suggests that defendants' 998 offer was rendered invalid when Westinghouse Electric ultimately avoided liability through a directed verdict. Santantonio has not included the pleadings in the appellate record. However, by judicial notice under Evidence Code section 452, subdivision (d), it is seen that all of the defendants, including Westinghouse Electric, were sued on the theory that they were jointly and severally liable for the alleged age discrimination asserted by all of the plaintiffs, and defendants filed a joint answer to the complaint. Hence, this case is governed by the rationale of Brown.4
3. The Offer Was Reasonable.
As a last attack on the validity of defendants' 998 offer, Santantonio argues that it was not reasonable. Santantonio misconstrues the law.
a. Defendants' offer was prima facie reasonable. Santantonio has the burden of showing an abuse of discretion by the trial court on appeal.
It is true that the courts have held that a good faith requirement must be read into section 998. In Wear v. Calderon (1981) 121 Cal.App.3d 818, 175 Cal.Rptr. 566, an offer of only one dollar by a defendant in a personal injury action was held not to serve the purpose of the statute because there was no chance the plaintiff would accept such a nominal offer to settle the case. Similarly, in Pineda v. Los Angeles Turf Club, Inc. (1980) 112 Cal.App.3d 53, 62–63, 169 Cal.Rptr. 66, both the trial court and court of appeal held that a settlement offer of $2,500 made by a defendant was so disproportionate to plaintiff's demand of $10,000,000 that it was unreasonable to expect that it would be accepted. The court of appeal held it was not an abuse of discretion for the trial judge to have denied defendant's claim for expert fees under 998, even though the defendant was absolved of liability by the jury. (Id., at p. 63, 169 Cal.Rptr. 66.)
Based on like reasoning, in Elrod v. Oregon Cummins Diesel, Inc., supra, 195 Cal.App.3d 692, 241 Cal.Rptr. 108, a $15,001 offer by one of several defendants in a case where the plaintiff's personal injury damages ultimately were determined to be in excess of $1,000,000 was found to be an invalid "token" by the trial court, and that determination was upheld by the Court of Appeal. In so doing, however, the Court of Appeal acknowledged the following rules which are relevant to the instant case as well:
"It is the general rule that where a party shows a prima facie entitlement to costs, the burden is on an objector to prove the costs should be disallowed. [Citations.] Where, as here, the offeror obtains a judgment more favorable than its offer, the judgment constitutes prima facie evidence showing the offer was reasonable and the offeror is eligible for costs as specified in section 998. The burden is therefore properly on plaintiff, as offeree, to prove otherwise.
"Finally, whether a section 998 offer was reasonable and made in good faith is a matter left to the sound discretion of the trial court." (Id., at p. 700, 241 Cal.Rptr. 108.)
In Elrod, facts very different from the instant case led both the trial court and Court of Appeal to conclude that the offer was not good enough to qualify as a reasonable one. The plaintiff had been rendered a paraplegic in a trucking accident. The jury ultimately determined his damage to be $1,183,350, but also determined that he was 60 percent at fault. The defendant who made the $15,001 settlement offer was found to be 10 percent liable. However, the plaintiff's damages ultimately were required to be reduced by a $500,000 settlement received from other defendants and by $137,504 received as worker's compensation benefits. As a result of these fortuitous offsets, the net recovery against the defendant who made the $15,001 offer turned out to be zero. In view of those facts, the Court of Appeal held—"In this case, no abuse of discretion has been shown. The trial court could conclude plaintiff carried his burden of proving that, at the time the offer was made, it was not a reasonable prediction of the amount Cummins would have to pay plaintiff following a trial." (Id., at p. 700, 241 Cal.Rptr. 108.)
In the instant case, the shoe is on the other foot on appeal. Here, the trial judge who heard all of the evidence and presumably was in the best position to evaluate defendants' $100,000 offer to Santantonio concluded that it was reasonable. The court's ruling expressly states: "The amount of the offer was also reasonable based on the substantial evidence of poor performance documented by defendants." Indeed, it is significant that in this case, Santantonio's failure to obtain a judgment more favorable than the defendants' offer did not result from fortuitous offsets like those in Elrod. Rather, it was the result of a complete defense verdict against him on the issue of liability. For that reason alone, the offer must be regarded as prima facie reasonable.
b. The trial court did not abuse its discretion in concluding that defendants' offer was reasonable.
We find no merit to Santantonio's arguments as to why defendants' $100,000 offer was not a realistic one at the time it was made. Santantonio's brief states: "To Mr. Santantonio, the Defendants made an entirely unreasonable offer [because they offered him] less than one-ninth of his projected economic losses." But the mere fact that Santantonio claimed projected economic losses of over $900,000 does not mean that defendants' $100,000 offer was unreasonable or unrealistic. Defendants contended that they had no liability to Santantonio at all, and the jury ultimately agreed. Moreover, defendants contended that the damage estimates by plaintiffs' expert were greatly excessive, especially in Santantonio's case.
Defendants' expert economist, Michael Ward, testified that he estimated Santantonio's past economic losses to be between $120,624 and $198,959, depending upon whether it took Santantonio one year or two years to obtain another job in radio or television sales. Based on his survey of available jobs in the industry, Dr. Ward testified that there was no good reason why Santantonio should not have been able to get another sales job within one to two years after being terminated by KFWB.
Dr. Ward further testified that he estimated Santantonio's projected future economic losses to be no more than another $79,674 to $87,273. Dr. Ward explained that the projected future losses were attributable to Santantonio's loss of pension benefits at KFWB and the slight differential in pay he might have on another job based on the average salary for account executives in the industry, projected out to the time of his expected retirement under Department of Labor tables. Thus, Dr. Ward's highest estimate of the combined past and projected future economic losses for Santantonio amounted to $286,232. Defendants offered to settle for approximately 35 percent of that, even though they strongly believed (as the jury found) that they had no liability at all.
Santantonio also seeks to justify his rejection of the $100,000 settlement offer because defendants offered the same amount to Cochrane, even though Cochrane's claimed economic losses were only one-third as much as Santantonio's, and Cochrane then recovered more than four times the offer. Santantonio argues: "There could be any of a hundred reasons why the jury did not find for Mr. Santantonio, none of which have anything to do with the value of his claim." Any evaluation of Santantonio's claim, however, would prudently take into account the possible reasons why a jury might find defendants were not liable for any claimed age discrimination against him. A complete transcript of the record has not been provided to this appellate court, but a reasonable inference is that there were indeed very good reasons why the jury found against him and Velona, but in favor of Cochrane. Poor performance on the part of Santantonio and Velona is evident from Judge Leahy's statement that "the substantial evidence of poor performance documented by defendants" supported his ruling that defendants' $100,000 offer to Santantonio was reasonable.
c. Santantonio's claim that defendants attempted to trick plaintiffs with their section 998 offer is non-meritorious.
Santantonio maintains defendants attempted to "trick Plaintiffs by their 998 Offer," and he was unaware when he rejected it that defendants would use it as a "ploy" to "shift the bulk of their litigation costs" to him. He says he would have considered the offer differently if he had thought rejection would expose him to such exorbitant amounts for defendants' expert fees.
Santantonio overlooks the fact that section 998 expressly allows a party to shift part of his or her litigation costs to the other side when the statutory conditions are met; and those costs may, in the court's discretion, include expert fees. Experienced litigation counsel know that expert fees can be very substantial, depending on the nature of issues litigated. We assume Santantonio's trial counsel competently explained this exposure to him at the time defendants' 998 offer was evaluated and rejected. Santantonio's complaints about the nature and amount of the expert fees ultimately allowed by the trial court are not relevant to the issue of whether the 998 offer was valid. Those complaints go only to the separate question, which we discuss later, of whether the court below abused its discretion in determining what should properly be allowed under section 998, given the fact that Santantonio did not obtain a more favorable judgment than what was offered to him.
Santantonio mistakenly relies on Elrod in support of his argument that he should now be relieved of the statutory consequences of his rejection of defendants' 998 offer because he misjudged how much exposure he might have for defendants' costs. The argument is out of context. The Elrod court's discussion about viewing the reasonableness of an offer in the light of what the offeree knows or does not know at the time the offer is made has reference to facts bearing on the evaluation of the offeree's own claim. The discussion did not involve an evaluation of what the cost exposure might be if the offer were to be rejected. This is made clear when the language quoted in Santantonio's brief is placed back in proper context:
"If the offer is found reasonable by the first test, it must then satisfy a second test: whether defendant's information was known or reasonably should have been known to plaintiff. This second test is necessary because the section 998 mechanism works only where the offeree has reason to know the offer is a reasonable one. If the offeree has no reason to know the offer is reasonable, then the offeree cannot be expected to accept the offer.
"Thus, suppose defendant's files contain 'dynamite' information likely to insulate it from liability. However, the information is subject to a privilege and is not discoverable by plaintiff. Defendant intends to waive the privilege and use the information at trial. Defendant makes a low offer premised on its exclusive knowledge; an objective appraisal of other circumstances, including defendant's likely liability for damages, would indicate the offer is patently unreasonable. Unless defendant communicates its exclusive knowledge to plaintiff with its offer, the offer is not reasonable and does not qualify as a valid section 998 offer. Since defendant knew or reasonably should have known plaintiff lacked information necessary to evaluate the offer, defendant did not make the offer in good faith for purposes of section 998.
"However, we emphasize the reasonableness of defendant's offer does not depend on information actually known to plaintiff but rather on information that was known or reasonably should have been known. The latter standard is an objective one: would a reasonable person have discovered the information? A contrary conclusion would make defendant's good faith incongruously depend on plaintiff's subjective knowledge and would reward plaintiffs who are dilatory in pursuing discovery. Thus, if a defendant makes a low offer shortly before trial based upon potent evidence likely to insulate defendant from liability, and if the evidence was reasonably available to plaintiff, defendant's offer may qualify as a valid section 998 offer even though plaintiff did not in fact know of the information because he failed to investigate or pursue discovery." (Emphasis added.) (Elrod v. Oregon Cummins Diesel, Inc., supra, 195 Cal.App.3d at pp. 699–700, 241 Cal.Rptr. 108.)
There is nothing in the record to suggest that the facts which defendants believed would prove that they had not terminated Santantonio because of his age were not as well known to him as they were to defendants. But Santantonio consciously disputed defendants' reasons by taking the matter to trial, thereby making it necessary for defendants to engage experts to help prove their case. Under section 998, defendants are entitled to recover a share of those costs from Santantonio, and nothing in Elrod provides him with a legitimate excuse for failing to properly evaluate his statutory exposure.
Santantonio repeatedly asserts that the trial court improperly allowed the expert fees as a recoverable cost under section 998, because (a) they were not actual expert fees; (b) they were not reasonably necessary in the defense of defendants' case; and (c) they were not sufficiently described in defendants' cost memorandum.
Santantonio does not dispute that the trial court's determination on these issues can be reversed only for an abuse of discretion. The governing rule is set forth in Evers v. Cornelson, supra, 163 Cal.App.3d 310, 314–315, 209 Cal.Rptr. 497, as follows:
"Defendant complains that certain items of costs awarded by the trial court were exorbitant and, therefore, unreasonable and the only evidence presented to support these costs was the hearsay declarations of plaintiff's counsel. On the issue of whether the costs were exorbitant and unreasonable, the courts have consistently held that where a trial court has been vested with discretion to perform an act, and it so acts, its actions can only be set aside for an abuse of discretion. [Citations.] As this court stated in Huber, Hunt & Nichols, Inc. v. Moore (1977) 67 Cal.App.3d 278, 315 [136 Cal.Rptr. 603]: 'The trial court has discretion under Code of Civil Procedure section 998 to allow a prevailing party (as defined in the section) a reasonable sum to cover the costs of the services of expert witnesses. [Citation.] The trial court was in a far better position, having heard the entire case and observed the demeanor of witnesses, to exercise this discretion and determine what was a reasonable amount and what was reasonably necessary.' As in the Moore case, we should not substitute our judgment over the judgment of the trial court in the absence of a clear showing of an abuse of discretion. Here, there has been no such showing on the issues of what was a reasonable amount and what was reasonably necessary.
"As to defendant's attack on plaintiff's proof of her costs, generally, '[i]f items on their face appear to be proper charges, the verified memorandum of costs is prima facie evidence of their propriety, placing the burden of proof on the party attacking them.' " (Emphasis added.)
To the same effect, see Balfour, Guthrie & Co. v. Gourmet Farms (1980) 108 Cal.App.3d 181, 192, 166 Cal.Rptr. 422; Stiles v. Estate of Ryan, supra, 173 Cal.App.3d 1057, 1066, 219 Cal.Rptr. 647.)
Here, the trial judge was justified in concluding that the amounts awarded as expert fees were in fact for expert services and that those services were reasonably necessary to defendants' case. Santantonio's arguments to the contrary appear to rest primarily on references to a few selected items described in the bills of Welch Associates. However, the most reliable evidence of what services were performed is the actual trial testimony of Finis Welch and Michael Ward, which Santantonio largely ignores.
The record reflects that Dr. Welch, the founder of Welch Associates, is an economist specializing in statistics and labor economics. His testimony focused on various issues concerning the liability side of plaintiffs' claims of age discrimination. Defendants contended that Santantonio and Velona were terminated and that Cochrane had been threatened with possible termination because they all failed to meet certain specific performance goals for account executives set by KFWB's management. In particular, beginning in 1987, KFWB required each account executive to meet a specific annual budget for new business production as a condition of continued employment.
Although we are not provided with a complete reporter's transcript of the trial it is undisputed in the briefs on appeal that throughout the trial plaintiffs made numerous charges to the effect that their alleged poor performance was a subterfuge for age discrimination. Some of their claims included the following: that there was no business justification for management's decision to require account executives to meet specific goals for new business production to keep their jobs; that the new business budgets established for plaintiffs were more burdensome than those set for other account executives; that management engaged in numerous acts to favor other account executives and make it impossible for plaintiffs to achieve their new business budgets; and that management even skewed the records to make it appear that plaintiffs performed poorly in comparison with other account executives, when plaintiffs actually were performing better than others who were not terminated or threatened with termination.
Dr. Welch was engaged by defendants to examine all of these contentions and to express his opinions concerning them as an economist. His testimony was supported by some 34 exhibits, consisting of charts and graphs prepared under his direction. As a sampling, he testified that there was a legitimate business need for KFWB's rigorous insistence upon the production of new business as a condition for retaining one's job as an account executive; there was no pattern of age discrimination in the setting of new business budgets for plaintiffs and other account executives, and plaintiffs' budgets were not more burdensome than others; plaintiffs, including Santantonio, performed poorly in relation to the goals set for them; at the time he was discharged on April 13, 1989, Santantonio ranked last in new business production and he had been below his budget and on a steady decline since August of 1987; and there was no disparate treatment of plaintiffs, nor any pattern of age discrimination in how management dealt with other account executives who failed to meet their performance goals.
Dr. Ward also was an economist and was employed by Welch Associates. He was engaged primarily to estimate the amount of economic loss that might have been suffered by plaintiffs by reason of their leaving KFWB. His testimony was needed to counter the testimony of plaintiffs' own damage expert, Dr. Joyce Pickersgill, and the testimony of Santantonio and Velona as to why they could not get comparable employment to mitigate their claimed damages. Dr. Ward's preparation included conducting a survey of available jobs for experienced sales people in radio and television in Los Angeles and the average salary paid for such available jobs.
From the foregoing summary of testimony by Drs. Welch and Ward, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in determining that the services of Drs. Welch and Ward were expert witness services and that those services were reasonably necessary for presentation of defendants' case. Santantonio's argument that some of the preparation, and some of the testimony, could have been provided through defendants' own staff, is not compelling. We conclude that it was reasonable for defendants to have Drs. Welch and Ward independently develop and analyze the evidence relied upon for their expert opinions with the aid of their own staff economists and other support personnel and then present such evidence through their trial testimony and the illustrative exhibits prepared under their direction.5
Lastly, Santantonio argues without merit that costs allowed under section 998 must be limited to the actual time consumed in examination in court. The reference to Government Code section 68092.5 in section 998, subdivision (h) is interpreted to mean that any fees charged for trial time must not exceed the expert's normal rate. Costs recoverable under section 998, subdivision (c) expressly include "a reasonable sum to cover costs of the services of expert witnesses, ․ reasonably necessary in either, or both, the preparation or trial of the case by the defendant." (Emphasis added.)
In Evers v. Cornelson, supra, 163 Cal.App.3d 310, 317, 209 Cal.Rptr. 497, the court expressly held that section 998 does indeed cover trial preparation by an expert.
"It appears reasonable to expect an expert witness who is going to testify at trial to prepare to be able to assist the jury on difficult issues. The more prepared the expert witness is, the more help he will be. The question is really whether the amount of time spent by [the expert] in preparing for trial was reasonable. The trial court found that this preparation was reasonably necessary and that the total cost was a reasonable amount. Again, absent a showing by defendant of an abuse of discretion, the trial court's findings will not be disturbed on appeal. [Citations.]" (Ibid.)
The court in Evers went on to further hold that section 998 also covers the cost of experts who aid in the preparation of the case for trial, even if they do not actually testify. (Id., at p. 317, 209 Cal.Rptr. 497.) The court observed: "Since the statute does not specify precisely the services for which costs are recoverable, the determination of allowable costs is largely within the trial court's discretion." (Id., at pp. 317–318, 209 Cal.Rptr. 497.)
Based on these principles, we conclude that the trial judge acted within his discretion when he allowed not only the amounts charged by Drs. Welch and Ward for their own preparation and trial time, but also a portion of their separately itemized charges for staff economists and other skilled employees who helped them in that preparation.
Santantonio contends he should not have to bear one-third of the costs simply because there were three plaintiffs. He concedes that the allocation of defendants' costs among the plaintiffs was a matter for the trial court's discretion, but he argues that the court abused its discretion.6
Santantonio makes the following statement in his brief in support of his argument that the trial court abused its discretion: "Substantial evidence supports a far different conclusion; that Defendants did not believe that Mr. Santantonio would prevail, and instead concentrated their efforts on defending against the other Plaintiffs, especially Mr. Cochrane." The statement is devoid of any reference to the record before this court. As noted previously, we have not been presented with a complete reporter's transcript on appeal. We assume that if the record supports the argument then Santantonio surely would have perfected the relevant portion of the record on appeal. But we are presented with a record which demonstrates what the defendants said on the subject by examining their memorandum of costs filed in the trial court. The memorandum contains the following:
"The $100,000 offer made to each of the three plaintiffs in this case was entirely reasonable and proper under the circumstances. The offer was consistent with offers made to the plaintiffs in mandatory settlement conferences before the court, and with the defendants' realistic exposure in terms of economic losses to each of the three plaintiffs. In this regard, although plaintiff Santantonio alleges that his economist projected economic losses in excess of $900,000, the projection did not take into account either Santantonio's nonexistent efforts to mitigate his damages or his alleged stellar reputation in the industry which would presumably have enabled him to find other work in the broadcasting field had he attempted to do so. Defendants' offer also took into account the common overriding defense to the action based on all the plaintiffs' subpar work performance, in addition to the relatively small possibility of an award of emotional distress or punitive damages to any of them. The $100,000 offer to each of the plaintiffs was therefore justified, particularly in view of the strength of the company's defenses and the similarity of the fact patterns to all three cases."
Thus, from what we can discern from the record provided to this court and contrary to Santantonio's argument, the fact that defendants considered their $100,000 offer to be reasonable in part because they believed his $900,000 claim of economic loss was overstated, does not logically compel the conclusion that they concentrated their efforts on defending against the claims of the other two plaintiffs. The record is clear that the defendants placed exactly the same $100,000 value on the claims of Velona and Cochrane.
Lastly, Santantonio argues that it is a matter of simple arithmetic that he should have the lowest prorata portion of defendants' recoverable costs, because he was offered the lowest percentage of his claimed economic losses. The argument presents an obvious non sequitur when we review the record and find that the $100,000 offered to each plaintiff represented a smaller percentage of Santantonio's claim than that of the claims of the other two plaintiffs since Santantonio's claimed economic losses were the greatest. The record is highly suggestive that, if anything, Santantonio had the largest claim and that he would be the focus of intense defense efforts, since defendants had more to lose if he prevailed.
To reiterate, the trial judge was in the best position to allocate a fair share of the recoverable costs to Santantonio. The court concluded that one-third of the total costs ultimately found to be allowable (after various reductions) was a reasonable allocation. Santantonio has not demonstrated that the allocation by the trial judge was an abuse of discretion.7
The judgment is affirmed. Costs of appeal are awarded to respondents.
I respectfully dissent for two reasons. First, in my view the trial court erred in shifting any costs since the Code of Civil Procedure section 998 1 offer was not unconditional as required by that statute. Second, assuming it were appropriate to shift some costs, the court erred in failing to take account of appellant's means in setting the amount of the award.
In my view the section 998 offer in this case was conditional and its rejection therefore cannot serve to shift the costs of defendant's expert witnesses to appellant. The offer was conditional because it required acceptance by all three plaintiffs. As such, it is not effective to shift costs under Hutchins v. Waters (1975) 51 Cal.App.3d 69, 73, 123 Cal.Rptr. 819 and Meissner v. Paulson (1989) 212 Cal.App.3d 785, 791, 260 Cal.Rptr. 826.
My first problem is with the fact respondent did not serve a separate 998 offer on each of the three plaintiffs. Instead it combined the three offers in a single joint document and served it on the attorney who happened to be representing all plaintiffs.
Hutchins dictates before a party can claim the benefits of cost shifting, it must be shown that party "served an unconditional offer in writing upon any other party to the action, or to each of several other parties to the actions." In my view, this language clearly requires that in multi-plaintiff litigation the defendant must serve a separate offer on each individual plaintiff, even if all plaintiffs happen to be represented by the same attorney. Not only is this requirement compelled by the language of the statute, but it serves important policies. This rule is the only way to ensure each offer is individual to a given plaintiff and can be accepted by that plaintiff even if the others reject their offers. Furthermore, it is the best way of avoiding any ambiguity whether each of these offers is unconditional and not dependent upon acceptance by all parties. Indeed the instant case is a good example of what happens when the offer is a combined offer to several parties.
A still more fundamental objection, however, is the nature of the offer embodied in this single document. At many critical places, the offer is written in the plural and the conjunctive. Indeed it is not only a tenable but a most reasonable inference the document sets forth a joint offer to all three plaintiffs and that all three plaintiffs had to accept the offer. The only instance where the offer does not speak in the plural is where it apportions the total amount among the plaintiffs, setting it at $100,000 to each plaintiff.
When read in context the offer to compromise looks clearly conditional. For example, in its most critical passages, the document states defendants "hereby offer that plaintiffs ․ take judgment against them in the following amounts" and "plaintiffs may file a proof of acceptance." The proper inference is the offer must be accepted by all three plaintiffs. This inference is reinforced by other portions of the document. The first reference to the plaintiffs is to all three, Mr. Velona, Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Santantonio. The numbered paragraphs apportioning the 998 offer at $100,000 each are also stated in the conjunctive. The only other reference to the plaintiffs or to any of them is collective, stating the "Plaintiffs" [plural] "may file a proof of acceptance" [singular]. The plaintiffs had to act together to accept the 998 offer rendering it conditional and, therefore, invalid for purposes of assessing costs against any of the plaintiffs under Hutchins.
The majority is prepared to dismiss this entire argument because "the record on appeal does not reveal that this issue was raised in the trial court." (Maj. opn. at p. 490.) However, the interpretation of an integrated instrument or writing is a question of law, as is the interpretation of a statute. (9 Witkin, Cal.Procedure, Appeal § 242 (3d ed., 1985); Parsons v. Bristol Development Co. (1965) 62 Cal.2d 861, 865, 44 Cal.Rptr. 767, 402 P.2d 839; Matter of Estate of Butler (1988) 205 Cal.App.3d 311, 317, 252 Cal.Rptr. 210.) Accordingly, whether the section 998 offer was valid on its face may be reviewed de novo in this court. Extrinsic evidence would have been irrelevant if tendered in the trial court. Consequently, any failure to raise this particular issue below does not deprive this court of any information required to properly interpret the document presenting this section 998 offer.
Even if I agreed it was appropriate to shift some costs to appellant pursuant to section 998, I would reverse and remand for reappraisal of the amount of the costs which properly could be shifted. In my view, the trial court erred in failing to assess appellant's economic resources and to include that factor in its calculation of the cost award. Unless trial courts include this factor in setting the costs to be shifted under section 998, they will distort settlement incentives and unduly discourage individual litigants from pursuing reasonable courses of action in the courts.
There is no doubt cost shifting performs a major purpose in the section 998 process. It gives the party receiving the offer an added incentive to behave reasonably. Reasonable behavior means accepting a reasonably generous offer. But it also means rejecting an unreasonably stingy one. To encourage reasonable behavior, therefore, the amount of the costs which may shift also must be reasonable. Not just reasonable in absolute terms, but reasonable in comparison with the resources of the offeree. If modest income litigants are required to risk the imposition of $100,000 in costs if they reject a section 998 offer, they will feel compelled to accept any such offer, even if it is far below what they have a reasonable prospect of winning at trial. Particularly if the opposing party is a large institution, as it was here, the average person can't afford to gamble. It is like going to a casino and entering a no limit game against the "house" with only one week's paycheck in the bank.2
The courts have recognized the need to adjust cost assessments to the parties' means in other contexts. For example, this court in In re Marriage of Norton (1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 53, 253 Cal.Rptr. 354, held family courts are required to determine the parties' comparative financial resources before shifting legal fees from one to the other, even when the reason for the shift is to encourage the parties to behave reasonably during the litigation. In Norton, the trial court found the wife had behaved unreasonably during settlement negotiations with her husband and in other proceedings before the court. A then newly enacted provision, Civil Code section 4370.5, authorized family court judges to require spouses who had behaved unreasonably to pay the legal fees their other spouses incurred as a result. Using this law, the court shifted a part of the husband's legal fees to the wife, but only after being careful to determine the parties were of equal means.
This court affirmed the shift of legal fees from the husband to the wife. But we took care to emphasize we would have reversed if the trial judge had not ascertained the wife's economic situation before placing this burden on her. We held this was a requirement, despite the fact Civil Code section 4370.5 at that time failed to mention anything about the respective needs or financial resources of the competing litigants.3 As we explained:
"The purpose of Civil Code section 4370.5 is to encourage reasonable litigation and settlement behavior in marriage dissolution proceedings. The purpose is not to cause undue hardship nor to discourage parties from pursuing meritorious actions. Therefore, the other party may not be entitled to an award of all fees and costs he or she expended in the proceedings."
"Less affluent parties, typically wives, may be unduly discouraged from vigorously prosecuting legitimate claims and defenses if they face the prospect of having to pay substantial cost and fee awards to the other side. This problem will be compounded if there is a gross disparity of resources. The other side will not feel the same inhibitions since this wealthier party will not find it nearly so hard to pay any award the court may impose for its litigation behavior. This creates an imbalance in the incentives to behave appropriately during settlement negotiations and litigation. Economic analysis suggests the less affluent party will behave too timidly during litigation and accept unfavorable settlement terms when facing a party who is less concerned about the possible economic disincentives of taking a hard line. (See Covenant Mutual Ins. Co. v. Young (1986) 179 Cal.App.3d 318, 325–327 [225 Cal.Rptr. 861], and authorities cited therein.)" (In re Marriage of Norton, supra, 206 Cal.App.3d 53, 59–60, 253 Cal.Rptr. 354.)
In a pair of recent decisions, appellate courts also have recognized trial courts must take account of a party's economic status before imposing other litigation costs on them. Both of these cases arose when trial courts ordered discovery matters to be heard by "private judges" pursuant to sections 639 and 645.1. As is typical in such "references," the court ordered the parties to divide the private judge's fees for performing this task.
In the first case, Solorzano v. Superior Court (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 603, 22 Cal.Rptr.2d 401, one of the parties was indigent. The appellate court reversed the order, holding the indigent party could not be compelled to pay these fees because of the state's in forma pauperis provisions. The second case, McDonald v. Superior Court (1994) 22 Cal.App.4th 364, 27 Cal.Rptr.2d 310, involved a person of modest means rather than an indigent. In an opinion which resonates in this case, the court emphasized cost assessments cannot be used to discourage middle class citizens from having effective resort to the courts either.
"As stated in Solorzano in discussing in forma pauperis plaintiffs:
" 'Fees of $200 to $300 per hour charged by privately compensated discovery referees allow affluent litigants to avoid discovery compliance by pricing enforcement of legitimate discovery demands beyond the means of indigent plaintiffs. This advantage based on wealth flows directly from the trial court's order imposing equal division of fees between indigent plaintiffs and an adverse litigant of far superior financial means.' (Citation omitted.)
" 'The same policy considerations apply where one party has financial resources far superior to an opposing party who, while not proceeding in forma pauperis, has clearly limited financial means.' " (McDonald v. Superior Court, supra, 22 Cal.App.4th 364, 369, 27 Cal.Rptr.2d 310.)
Just as trial courts must avoid imposing unreasonable discovery costs on modest income litigants they must avoid shifting other types of unreasonable litigation costs to those same litigants if the litigation process is to be fair and to produce just results.4 In order to properly balance litigation incentives to produce fair and reasonable settlements under section 998, the amount of the fees shifted must be scaled to be proportionate to the comparative financial resources of the competing parties. The prospect of a $100,000 cost shift may represent a reasonable incentive to accept a section 998 settlement offer if the offeree has ample resources. For persons of only modest means, however, that $100,000 will loom as a terrifying threat, one calculated to distort their decision-making and force them to cave in to unreasonably low section 998 offers.5 Since the trial court made no inquiry into appellant's financial status, we do not know for sure whether $100,000 was a reasonable disincentive for someone like appellant or whether the amount of this cost shift must be scaled back in order to avoid irrational and unfair results in this and future litigation. (On the other hand, we do know one of the other three plaintiffs in this case had to declare bankruptcy, presumably in whole or in part because of the threatened assessment of the $100,000 in costs.)
Civil Code section 4370.5 construed in Norton and sections 639 and 645.1 construed in Solorzano and McDonald expressly allow the trial court discretion in imposing fees, costs, or other expenses on litigants. In both instances, appellate courts have held trial courts abuse this discretion if they fail to take account of the adverse impact substantial cost shifts visit on the average citizen who is trying to use the courts. Similarly, section 998 confers discretion on trial courts in deciding whether and how much of expert witness fees and pre-offer costs an unsuccessful litigant must pay. That section provides: "[T]he court, in its discretion, may require the plaintiff to pay the defendant's costs from the date of filing of the complaint and a reasonable sum to cover costs of the services of expert witnesses, ․ actually incurred and reasonably necessary in either, or both, the preparation or trial of the case․" (§ 998(c), italics added.)
The bulk of the costs the trial court shifted to appellant in this case consisted of expert witness fees.6 Under the terms of 998, the trial court had discretion to refuse to shift these fees at all. Moreover, since the amount shifted for this purpose is to be "a reasonable sum" the trial court also had discretion to reduce this element of the cost award to a sum below what respondents reasonably paid for expert witness services. Construing comparable laws, Norton, Solorzano, and McDonald held it was proper, indeed essential, that trial courts in exercising their discretion determine how the proposed cost shifting would affect the litigant who would be paying those costs not just whether the costs were otherwise reasonable in amount.
What this court said in 1986 about Civil Code section 4370.5 applies with equal force to section 998. "Nothing in the language of section 4370.5 [nor of section 998] suggests it is designed to encourage unfair settlements or inappropriately timid litigation behavior. Indeed it is entirely consistent with [either of these code sections] for trial courts to take account of the comparative wealth of the competing litigants and the effect of wealth disparities on litigation behavior when they fashion any fee and cost awards they may impose pursuant to [these sections]. What is a reasonable award for one party ․ may be unreasonable if imposed on the other. For, unless trial courts 'scale' any such awards to the comparative wealth of the parties they may discourage the economically weaker party from filing actions she or he should and from pursuing those actions with the vigor they deserve." (In re Marriage of Norton, supra, 206 Cal.App.3d 53, 60, 253 Cal.Rptr. 354.) 7
Since section 998 so clearly allows trial courts discretion to take account of these considerations implicating fairness and litigation behavior when deciding cost shifting awards, I find it unnecessary to discuss a statute not now before us, one which mandated substantial cost shifting against unsuccessful litigants. Suffice it to say, in my view such a law would raise grave constitutional issues. For reasons discussed above and at greater length in Covenant Mutual, supra, and Norton, supra, there is great danger such a provision would deny the average citizen the access to the courts which due process and equal protection of the laws guarantee. It would make California's regular civil courts the exclusive province of litigants with the resources to play a high stakes game of litigation poker.
There is another reason we should be especially careful to ensure cost shifting under section 998 is not permitted in amounts which might discourage plaintiffs from filing and vigorously pursuing litigation of the type involved in this case. Appellant and his fellow plaintiffs brought this case under civil rights statutes designed to enforce government policies against age discrimination. Allowing section 998 cost shifting in amounts which distort settlement incentives is counterproductive to the governmental purpose of encouraging what typically are modest income individuals to pursue private relief under these laws. By sanctioning such cost shifting, courts discourage those same modest income individuals from seeking relief and thereby from enforcing those important public policies against discrimination.
To sum up, I would reverse this cost shifting award outright based on the fact it was the product of a conditional section 998 offer which required or appeared to require the acquiescence of all three plaintiffs. But assuming the section 998 offer were proper, I would reverse and remand for a determination whether the amount of that award was proper. I would instruct the trial court to reconsider that question in light of its impact on litigation between average Californians of modest income and economically powerful institutions or individuals.
1. Unless otherwise stated, all statutory references are to the Code of Civil Procedure.
2. The issues regarding damages were bifurcated. The issue of plaintiffs' "past economic damages" (lost compensation and benefits up to the time of trial), if any, was submitted to the jury. The issue of whether a plaintiff could also recover projected "future economic losses" was reserved for decision by the court.
3. This contention by Santantonio necessarily involves only the costs awarded for "expert fees" claimed in item 7(c) of defendants' memorandum of costs. Costs were also awarded against Santantonio under items 1(a) and (b), 3, 7(a) and 10 of defendants' memorandum in the aggregate amount of $7,471.74. Those costs are allowable under section 1033.5 irrespective of whether defendants' section 998 offer was valid.
4. It is reasonable to assume that Santantonio has apparently misunderstood the meaning of the words "unity of interest" used in some of the authorities cited herein. It does not mean that there must be a "unity of interest" between a parent corporation and a subsidiary corporation in an alter ego sense. Nor does it mean that the claimed basis for joint and several liability must be sustained or conceded to support the validity of a defendants' joint offer. Rather, it simply means what was being discussed in Brown, i.e., that the defendants were sued on a theory of joint and several liability. Here, it was claimed that Westinghouse Electric and WBC were, in essence, joint employers of the plaintiffs. It would be a strained result to hold that defendants' joint 998 offer was rendered invalid simply because plaintiffs failed to sustain their claim that Westinghouse Electric was in fact an employer.
5. We find unpersuasive Santantonio's contention that he should not have to pay $3,345.76, or one-third of the cost of the experts' exhibits, because they were "merely illustrative and of little value." The trial judge was in the best position to judge their value. The costs are recoverable under Balfour,Guthrie&Co.v.GourmetFarms,supra, 108Cal.App.3d181,192,166Cal.Rptr.422.
6. We note the inconsistency of the argument with the position taken by his trial counsel in plaintiffs' motion to tax costs. When trial counsel filed his moving papers concluding that defendants were seeking to recover two-thirds of their recoverable costs from Santantonio, he argued that Santantonio should only have to bear 50 percent of any costs awarded under section 998 and one-third of any costs awarded under section 1033.5. In fact, however, defendants' memorandum in opposition to plaintiffs' motion to tax costs asked that only one-third of all of the claimed costs be awarded against Santantonio.
7. In reading the dissent, paragraph II gives us considerable concern. Section 998 already permits the trial court, via exercise of discretion, to consider a party's ability to pay costs. No matter how well intended, to judicially graft such a requirement on the statute itself, goes beyond mere statutory interpretation and improperly invades the province of the legislature.
1. All statutory references are to the Code of Civil Procedure unless otherwise indicated.
2. In Covenant Mutual v. Young (1986) 179 Cal.App.3d 318, 326–328, 225 Cal.Rptr. 861, this court discussed some of these economic incentives in a different context, a one way fee-shifting statute. The basic principles, however, remain the same. The average individual considering litigation or involved in litigation is "risk aversive," indeed cannot afford to be anything else. Institutional litigants and other "repeat players," on the other hand, can afford to be "risk neutral" and indeed against individuals often can adopt a "risk preference" strategy. This means the average individual, when confronted with a litigation choice which carries a risk that costs will be shifted should that individual lose, will accept an unreasonably unfavorable offer in order to avoid that risk.Even if the "expected value" (damages sought X probability of obtaining those damages) of a case is $200,000 or more individual litigants might well feel compelled to accept an offer of $100,000 or less just because they are risk averse and unwilling and unable to accept the risk of having to pay $100,000 in expert witness fees to the other side if they lose. Indeed for many individuals of modest means the risk they might be required to pay the other side $100,000 in costs should they lose will dissuade them from filing a case in the first place. As one economic analyst observed, "given risk aversion and the diminishing marginal utility of income and wealth, the threat of having to pay the other side's fees can loom so large in the mind of a person without considerable disposable assets that it deters the pursuit of even a fairly promising and substantial claim or defense." (Rowe, Predicting the Effects of Attorney Fee Shifting (1984) 47 Law & Contemp.Probs. 139, 153.)Even if they do embark on the litigation modest income litigants may well feel compelled to drop the case when that cost-shifting possibility appears during the course of the proceedings. Lacking the resources to absorb this kind of financial burden, they would feel compelled to accept a nominal sum, or nothing. It is as if in the final hand of a poker game with everything in the pot the "house" suddenly raises the ante to an amount most players can't afford. No one would regard that as fair. In the world of litigation, it is not only unfair. It leads to unjust and economically unjustified settlements.
3. Subsequent to our decision in Norton, the Legislature amended Civil Code section 4370.5 to include express language requiring courts to ascertain the parties' respective means before setting the direction and amount of any fee shifting under that code section.
4. Notably, the McDonald court held it was unfair to impose costs of a few hundred or at most a few thousand dollars on modest income litigants. In the instant case, we are considering the effect of imposing $100,000 or more in costs on this same class of litigants. Obviously, the concerns which led the McDonald court to prohibit discovery references when modest income litigants are involved, apply with much greater force to massive cost shifting awards granted pursuant to section 998.
5. There is empirical support for this proposition in a study of the English version of California's section 998 procedure, which in that country is called the "payment into court" system. As is true under section 998, a plaintiff must obtain a judgment more favorable than the defendant's statutory offer or suffer the consequence. In England, however, that means paying the defendant's reasonable legal fees as well as costs. The study revealed that out of a sample of 664 personal injury cases studied in four cities, 41 percent involved a payment into court. In fully 90 percent of those cases the plaintiff accepted the "payment in" money the defendant tendered. In virtually all the remaining 10 percent, however, the cases where plaintiffs had the courage to refuse the "payment in" and went to trial, they received damages larger than the amount paid in. This led the author of the study to conclude many of those who had accepted the "payment in" also would have won more at trial than the figure they settled for, but decided against trial because they could not afford to risk the possibility of having to pay the defendant's fees and costs. (Zander (June 25, 1975) Costs of Litigation—A Study of the Queen's Bench Division, Law Society's Gazette 680; Zander, Is the English Payment–Into–Court Rule Worth Copying? (1976) 40 Rabels Zeitschrift 750.) This study is discussed in Cappelletti and Garth (ed.) Access to Justice: Emerging Issues and Perspectives (1979) pages 44–46, 54–56.
6. Since I consider the two alternative grounds argued in this dissent more than sufficient to justify reversal of this cost award, I do not discuss yet a further reason for reducing the expert witness component of the award. A substantial percentage of that award represents payments to nonexperts who compiled and analyzed data respondents' experts used in preparing and giving their testimony. It is not at all clear to me these payments to nonexperts fall within the statutory definition of "costs of the services of expert witnesses" entitled to recompense under section 998.
7. In footnote 7 of the majority opinion, it is conceded the trial court had discretion "to consider a party's ability to pay costs." This footnote, however, then suggests it somehow is beyond the role of the appellate judiciary to require trial courts to consider this factor when exercising their discretion to set the amount of cost awards under section 998. If so, this court exceeded its role in Norton as did the courts which decided Solorzano and McDonald. As discussed above, in all three of these cases the appellate courts imposed a requirement trial courts consider this factor when exercising their discretion, even though it was not explicitly mentioned in the statutes at issue in those cases. I suspect there are literally thousands of appellate opinions, some of them written by my Division Seven colleagues, spelling out factors which trial courts are expected to consider when exercising their discretion under various statutes, even though those factors are not mentioned explicitly in the statutes themselves. Indeed this is one of the primary functions of the appellate courts.
FRED WOODS, Associate Justice.
LILLIE, P.J., concurs. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Q: Progressive Company: Do you need Active Directory for a 100 person company? We are a progressive company (about 100 employees) and would like to hear other's input.
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The entire notion of getting Windows Servers to manage single sign on, software updates, restrict user access to their machines, seems all very IT 1.0.
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A: You don't need it — you never did, there were always other ways — but you will find that Active Directory is exceptionally helpful at keeping 100 workstations operational, efficient, and working together. You will also find there are some things you do need, such as dns and dhcp services, that Active Directory makes very easy.
Once you're up past about 50 machines, your name resolution and dhcp services aren't going to live on a consumer level cable modem any more. You're gonna need a old-school server of some kind to handle this. Active Directory can do that for you. Of course, so could OS X server, CentOS, or a few other free linux alternatives.
What Active Directory is really good at for a Windows shop that the alternatives don't do yet is that, as an administrator, when you join your computers to the domain a random person off the street can't just walk up and log in to one of your employees machines. There's a certain amount of real security there. This isn't a whole lot out of the box, as there are tools that can trivially reset passwords, but if you're willing to go with whole-disk encryption, which AD can enforce, you can get there. At the same time, as an administrator you can walk up to any machine you're responsible and log in with an account that will grant you administrator privileges on the machine. Your users will be able to log in to any computer you control (including the brand new one you just gave them because they broke their old one) and easily find their old files. If you want to restrict the users to only their assigned computer, that's easy to do also.
As the company grows, this kind of segmentation will become more important. Most data breaches are inside jobs, and one of the functions of IT that is important is to help prevent this kind of leak.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Q: Filtering nested arrays and selecting specific properties using az cli JMESPath I am trying to query a response from the following az command:
az provider operation show --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault
I want to query all operations that relate to secrets to be able to build a custom role for a RBAC enabled key vault. This is a short excerpt from the entire response:
"displayName": "Microsoft Key Vault",
"id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.KeyVault",
"name": "Microsoft.KeyVault",
"operations": [
"description": "Registers a subscription",
"displayName": "Register Subscription",
"isDataAction": false,
"name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/register/action",
"origin": null,
"properties": null
"description": "Unregisters a subscription",
"displayName": "Unregister Subscription",
"isDataAction": false,
"name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/unregister/action",
"origin": null,
"properties": null
"resourceTypes": [
"displayName": "Secret",
"name": "vaults/secrets",
"operations": [
"description": "View the properties of a secret, but not its value.",
"displayName": "Read Secret Properties",
"isDataAction": false,
"name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/read",
"origin": null,
"properties": null
"description": "Creates a new secret or updates the value of an existing secret.",
"displayName": "Write Secret",
"isDataAction": false,
"name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/write",
"origin": null,
"properties": null
"type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations"
I would like to extract the description as well as the name from the object in the array resourceTypes where resourceTypes.name=="vaults/secrets".
I am trying to build this gradually, but I am stuck on even filtering out this object. This is where I'm at, and I've derived this from the JMESPath documentation on filtering arrays:
az provider operation show --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault --query "[?resourceTypes.name=='vaults/secrets']"
This is just empty however.
The end result I am after is a tabular output with the description and name from each operation within the operations array.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A: The issue in your current query is that doing [] would assume you address an array at the root of your JSON, when what you have at the root of your JSON is a map:
"resourceTypes": [
"name": "vaults/secrets",
So, the beginning of the query to address your JSON should rather be
resourceTypes[?name == 'vaults/secrets']
While your query would work on a JSON looking like:
"resourceTypes": {
"name": "vaults/secrets",
From there on, you need to query the operations array, so operations[] and do a multiselect hash to trim down the map to the fields you are looking for.
We end with the query:
resourceTypes[?name == 'vaults/secrets']
description: description,
name: name
And, lastly, to format it in table, you can use the table output format of the Azure client.
We end up with the line:
az provider operation show \
--namespace Microsoft.KeyVault \
--query "resourceTypes[?name == 'vaults/secrets']
description: description,
name: name
}" \
--out table
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} |
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This Week in Gun Rights: Dec 13, 2019
Non-citizens owning guns is not a "loophole", background checks STILL don't work, Illinois pulls millions in funding from firearms licensing program, Northam threatens "Consequences" for 2A Sanctuaries, Philadelphia's big bedroom sweep turns up dust.
Gun Owners, Dealers Seek Injunction Against California "Assault Weapons" Ban on Common Semiautomatic Firearms
Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a motion for a preliminary injunction in the case of Miller, et al. v. Attorney General Xavier Becerra, et al., a federal Second Amendment challenge to California's Assault Weapons Control Act (AWCA) ban on common semiautomatic arms with common characteristics, including those with ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds.
This Week in Gun Rights: Dec 8, 2019
New York State Rifle & Pistol - Will the city succeed in avoiding review? Major Businesses Under Fire From Gun-Free Zone Advocates, FBI Failed to Complete Hundreds of Thousands of Background Checks, Philly asks parents to sweep kids' rooms for guns.
FPC and FPF Urge Maine Supreme Judicial Court to Find Mere Possession of Marijuana Does Not Render a Person Prohibited From Possession of Firearms
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Firearms Policy Foundation (FPF) filed a "friend of the court" brief in the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, sitting as the Law Court, in the case of State of Maine v. Richard A. Tonini, asking the Court to hold that the mere possession of marijuana does not render a person prohibited from possessing firearms. The brief is available online at FPCLegal.org.
This Week In Gun Rights: Nov 29, 2019
florida fights municipalities, fingers point at ghost gun used in Saugus High School murders, Colorado Sheriffs on Red Flag Laws, Hi-Point Lo-Point.
This Week in Gun Rights: Nov. 16, 2019
THIS WEEK: Trump Admin. SG Noel Francisco tells Supreme Court NYSRPA v. NYC isn't moot; Rep. Bass uses Santa Clarita murder to push gun control agenda; more 3D gun speech drama in Washington; scary new US DOJ gun control policies; and more...
Law-Splainer - Part 3: The Lawsuit is Filed: What Happens Next? Responses
Litigation law-splainer, Part 3: Assume that the criteria to bring a lawsuit has been met. What happens next? FPC's Adam Kraut breaks it down in this continuing series to understanding federal litigation.
Briefing, Arguments Concluded in Two FPC and FPF-Supported Second Amendment Appeals in Third Circuit
Both Folajtar and Holloway are challenges to the federal government's lifetime ban on firearm possession for "any person . . . who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year"
Gun Owners, Dealers Seek Injunction Against Age-Based Ban After Gov. Newsom Signs Gun Control Bills
"Mere months after Senator Anthony Portantino's unconstitutional SB 1100 (2018) ban went into effect, Governor Newsom signed Senator Portantino's SB 61 (2019) to further ensure that law-abiding legal adults are denied their fundamental human rights," said the plaintiffs' attorney, John Dillon. "We filed the amended complaint and a new motion for preliminary injunction to address the expanded scope of California's unconstitutional and discriminatory age-based gun control scheme enforced against young legal adults and licensed dealers."
Gun Policy Round-up: November 9, 2019
Change in firearm export controls inches closer, New Hampshire Firearms Coalition attacked over political sign about "red flag" laws, Nebraska town goes after unsecured firearms, Florida gun ban news, and Florida's first gun "sanctuary" county
FPC Urges Supreme Court to Restore the Human Right to Carry Arms in Public Throughout the U.S.
"By now, nearly every federal circuit court has addressed the right to bear arms in public. The courts have taken a variety of different approaches and have reached an even greater variety of outcomes. The result has been a different right from state to state, with the right essentially banned in many—leaving millions of Americans unable to exercise a fundamental right. Several courts have gone so far as to expressly request additional guidance from the Supreme Court in their opinions, and we hope that the Court will take this opportunity to provide that guidance."
BREAKING: Court Blocks Pittsburgh, PA Gun Control Scheme in Lawsuit Brought by FPC, FPF, FOAC, and 3 Gun Owners
Another illegal law struck down.
FPF, FPC Sue State Department Over FOIA Violations Regarding Requests For Records About '3-D' Gun Blueprints, CodeIsFreeSpeech.com
"This lawsuit is the result of the government yet again failing to follow the law and do their job."
FPC to Supreme Court: Massachusetts's Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms and Standard Capacity Magazines is Unconstitutional
"In holding that the Second Amendment protects arms 'in common use' in D.C. v. Heller, the Supreme Court made clear that the Amendment reserves to the people, rather than the government, the decision of which arms the people may select for self-defense and other lawful purposes," explained FPC Director of Research and brief author, Joseph Greenlee.
FPC Statement: FPC Demands Police Training, Policy Reforms in the Wake of Another Unjustifiable Killing of Armed and Innocent Person
The tragic and unjustifiable killing of Ms. Jefferson underscores why law enforcement must be better trained to safely encounter people with guns and other constitutionally protected weapons.
Weekly Gun Policy Roundup: October 11, 2019
This week, the Supreme Court set New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. New York City for oral arguments. This comes after the respondents begged the Court to stay out in every conceivable way -- even promising that, should the case continue, they would not argue anything beyond their assertion that the case is moot.
CA. Gov. Newsom Signs 15 Anti-Gun Bills into Law
In a move that we haven't seen since July 2016, when then Governor Jerry Brown signed "Gunpocalypse", current California Governor Gavin Newsom signed FIFTEEN antigun bills into law earlier today.
Law-Splainer - Part 2: Structure of the Federal Courts
In Part 1 of our Law-Splainer series, we covered what it takes to file a federal lawsuit and a number of factors that need to be considered before filing a complaint in a federal district court. In this part, we'll discuss the structure of the federal court system.
Plaintiffs Seek Injunction in Second Amendment Lawsuit Challenging California Gun Ban for Young Adults Under Age 21
WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 7, 2019) — Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a motion seeking a preliminary injunction in the case of Matthew Jones, et al. v. Attorney General Xavier Becerra, et al., a federal Second Amendment challenge to the State of California's ban on gun purchases by young adults over age 18 but under age 21. The court filings are available online at www.firearmspolicy.org/jones.
FPC Supreme Court Brief: Non-Violent Felons Have Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms
"Since countless non-violent felons are being denied their rights every day—including many who have been law-abiding for several decades, like Mr. Medina—we are hopeful that the Court will accept the case and clarify its intent."
Presidential Candidates Admit At Town Hall: We're ALL Coming For Your Guns
Every Democrat candidate for President admitted Wednesday "Hell yes, we're still coming for your AR-15!"
Second Amendment Protects So-Called "Large-Capacity" Gun Magazines, Firearms Policy Coalition Argues in Important 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Brief Joined by Second Amendment Foundation, Armed Equality, Others
"Magazines are inherent, operating parts of all semi-automatic firearms, and it is indisputable that the so-called 'large-capacity magazines' at issue in this case are in common use for lawful purposes and protected by the Constitution," explained George M. Lee
FPC Rejects Gun Control Proposals, Expanded Background Checks, Registry in Purported Trump Admin. "Idea" Document; Publishes Policy Memo Detailing Dangers, Flaws
Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) published a new Policy Memorandum addressing gun control proposals contained in a new document captioned "Idea for New Unlicensed-Commercial-Sale Background Checks".
An Awful, Horrible, No-Good Expanded Background Check "Idea"
On September 18, 2019, a purported "idea" document reportedly being circulated among Republican senators and congressmen was leaked to the media. The document, entitled "Idea for New Unlicensed-Commercial-Sale Background Checks", is both frighteningly vague and callous in its disregard for the Second and Fourth Amendments, as well as the federalist principles that animate the Commerce Clause.
FPC: Why Politicians Are Dead Wrong About Red Flag Laws
In the era of "just do something" public policy, legislators on both sides of the aisle are pitching red flag legislation as a moderate form of gun control; one having a positive impact on mental health reform while simultaneously keeping Americans safe. Nothing could be further from the truth, and what these politicians won't tell you is that their position is unsupported by evidence and riddled with far-reaching, unconstitutional implications for everyone.
On their first day back in session, California lawmakers unleash 3 anti-gun bills
On their FIRST DAY back in session, Reps. Levine, Irwin, and Ting introduced a freedom-infringing trifecta of bills that would have devastating effects on 2A rights.
Gov. Brown vetoes "fake news" study bill
Doctor and California State Senator Richard Pan thought that prescribing 1984-style mass censorship on a healthy populace would be a winning idea in 2018.
Guns.com: Texas Congressman wants $10K fine for selling guns at gun show without license
U.S. Rep. Al Green, who has represented southwestern Houston on Capitol Hill for the past decade, introduced H.R. 6654 to the House earlier this month which would punish those without a federal firearms license should they try to move a gun at a gun show.
Guns.com: Ohio drops CCW fees for vets without Kasich signature on Bill
The Republican allowed SB 81 to become law without his signature on Friday, arguing that lawmakers missed the chance to enact gun control measures this session in the wake of a high-profile school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Guns.com: Dems file at least 3 bills in Congress to block 3D printed guns
The brawl over downloadable gun manufacturing code reached Capitol Hill on Tuesday with a group of Democrats in both chambers vowing action.
DOJRegWatch.com: Firearm Regulation News & Updates
California officials warn: Only days left to register all 'bullet button assault weapons'
"The State of California has made gun ownership a Hobson's choice, wherein one must either accept registration that may yet lead to a confiscatory ban like Prop 63 and heavy-handed law enforcement or waive fundamental rights by not having guns at all," said Combs.
Bearing Arms: Florida candidate promises to ban 'assault rifles' by decree
[Former U.S. Congresswoman Gwen] Graham pledged to ban assault weapons sales using a little-known state law. "I have found a public safety statute that allows the governor, whoever she may be, to sign an executive order for public safety reasons banning that sale of military-style assault weapons," Graham said.
NJ.com: Phil Murphy's attorney general fires warning shot at 'ghost gun' makers
"These weapons are illegal in our state," Attorney General Gurbir Grewal wrote in the letter. "Your actions violate the laws of New Jersey and, if you do not stop these activities within 15 days, I will bring legal action against your company."
Guns.com: DOJ Releases Regulation Banning Bump Stocks
"All bump stock-type devices are 'machine guns' under the GCA and NFA because they convert a semiautomatic firearms into a firearm that shoots automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger."
Guns.com: Gun Rights Proponents Challenge New California 'Assault Weapon' Regs
A group of individuals and Second Amendment groups has filed suit against the state's pending new regulations on "bullet-buttons" and assault weapons. In a complaint filed in a Riverside County state Superior Court, four gun owners– George Holt, Irvin Hoff, Michael Louie, and Rick Russel– contend many the firearms they have legally owned or built are now subject to new retroactive mandates from an out-of-control California Department of Justice that is flexible with the enforcement of new laws passed last year.
Guns.com: North Dakota Attorney General Gives Thumbs Up to Storing Loaded Guns in Vehicles
State Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem on Thursday released an opinion that changes in North Dakota's gun laws allow more people to leave guns in their cars.
California's new gun laws: What every gun owner should know before Jan 1
What the heck is going on with gun laws in the People's Republic of California? Here's what every gun owner should know before January 1.
Washington Free Beacon: Gun-Rights Groups File Suit Against New California Assault Weapons Regulations
A number of gun-rights groups joined forces to file a lawsuit against California's latest assault weapons regulations on Thursday.
BREAKING: New Legal Action Challenging California's "Assault Weapon" Regulations
"The State of California is nothing short of bipolar with its gun control policies," commented FPC President Brandon Combs. "On one hand, the State is requiring people to register virtually all of their guns. On the other hand, the DOJ is doing everything it can to suppress compliance and prevent people from registering their guns."
The Declaration of Independence — and What It Really Claimed
It has become a tradition for us to read aloud the Declaration of Independence on July 4th to put our celebration into a proper historical, philosophical, and emotional context. As law professor Josh Blackman correctly notes, "while you are enjoying your hotdogs and fireworks, praise the Declaration, which even today retains legal vitality."
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
CA legislators have returned to enact more gun control
After a month-long recess, California lawmakers have returned to their posts to infringe on even more of your rights. With only weeks to go until adjournment, this is our last chance to take a stand.
Virginia AG Dismisses Rural School District's Plan to Arm Employees as a "scheme"
For months, the Lee County (VA) School Board has been studying ways to ensure the safety of teachers and students on campus. The county, located in the southwestern corner of the state, only has four school resource officers for 11 schools, and don't have funding to hire more. In the mountainous, rural area there isn't always a Sheriff's deputy nearby, so administrators can't count on a quick law enforcement response to an active shooter situation.
CA Democratic Party Disses Di-Fi, Endorses "Ghost Gun" De Leon Instead
It's always fun to watch anti-gunners squabble amongst themselves. But it's even more fun to watch them publicly cannibalize each other. And that's just what happened to 2A public enemy Dianne Feinstein this week. In a humiliating snub, Kevin "Ghost Gun" DeLeon garnered a whopping 65% of the vote among the Democrat Party's executive board members, according to news reports. Feinstein, however, only managed to attract 7% of the vote.
CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Gun Storage Bill Into Law in Victory for Gun Owners
Firearms Policy Coalition is pleased to announce that California Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 1382 by Senator Andy Vidak (R-14), a bill making it easier to transport firearms, into law.
AP: Baker signs 'red flag' gun bill
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Tuesday signed a bill that will allow for the temporary removal of guns from people considered a danger to themselves or others.
FPC, FPF Join Law Professors, Scholars in Supreme Court Brief Urging Protection for Second Amendment Industry Against Frivolous Lawsuits
FPC's coalition amicus brief encourages the Supreme Court to restore the PLCAA's protections of fundamental, individual human rights.
BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Rein in Federal "Administrative State" and Clarify or Overturn Chevron Precedent
In the petition for review, Supreme Court counsel for the petitioners, Erik S. Jaffe of Washington, D.C., boutique firm Schaerr | Jaffe LLP, argues that the "Court should grant the Petition for three reasons: (1) the decision below conflicts with multiple decisions of [the Supreme] Court by elevating Chevron deference above the rule of lenity as applied to ambiguous criminal statutes; (2) the decision improperly finds Chevron deference to be unwaivable; and (3) the decision so grossly interprets Chevron deference as to raise the question whether Chevron should be overruled."
BREAKING: Second Amendment Lawsuit Challenging California "Assault Weapon" Ban Filed in San Diego Federal Court
The State of California's ban on these so-called "assault weapon" firearms will fail constitutional scrutiny for the same reasons that the ban on firearm magazines did. "This is a straight-forward case to protect our clients' constitutional rights and property," explained attorney John Dillon.
The Federalist: Former Gun Control Candidate Charged With Shooting Her Campaign Manager
Kellie Collins, a former congressional candidate in Georgia's 10th District, was charged with the murder of her former campaign treasurer, Curtis Cain. The allegations of murder follow Collins' advocacy for "responsible" gun control laws during her campaign. WSB-TV reports that she argued for stricter legislation "to protect the community."
Guns: Politican who protested Dallas NRA show pleads guilty to corruption charges
The outspoken Dallas mayor pro tem who balked at the National Rifle Association coming to town earlier this year resigned on Thursday after entering a guilty plea in federal court.
Guns.com: NY SAFE Act sponsor gets 7 years on federal graft, corruption charges
For the second time since 2015, Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, was unanimously found guilty after a jury trial in May of making millions off private schemes conducted in part through his public office. The ruling came following a retrial after his first conviction was overturned by an appeals court. In all, Silver is believed to have taken $4 million in bribes as well as pocketing another $1 million through money laundering the proceeds.
Anti-Gun Teacher Arrested After Leaving Gun in Bathroom Stall
Simpson told the authorities that he had forgotten the loaded weapon in a stall in the bathroom at the Deerfield Beach pier. But before he could retrieve the pistol, the Sun-Sentinel reports, "a drunk homeless man found it and fired it, according to an arrest report from the Broward Sheriff's Office."
#WearOrange: Ex-Stockton, CA mayor arrested on firearm charge
Silva was taken into custody by the California Department of Justice and booked into the San Joaquin County Jail on a felony weapons possession charge and a misdemeanor charge for possessing ammunition
#WearOrange: Anti-Gun State Rep. Katherine Rogers Pleads Guilty to Assault
State Rep. Katherine Rogers, D-Concord, pleaded guilty to assault and was sentenced on Friday in Concord District Court in connection with a confrontation last year with well-known gun-rights advocate Susan Olsen.
Anti-Gun Congresswoman Corrine Brown Gets 5 Years in Federal Prison
The Florida lawmaker was a reliable and vocal supporting voice for President Obama's assault on the Second Amendment. Gun groups from all over the country consider her among the worst in Congress thanks to her semi-regular call for an "assault weapons" ban.
Guns.com: Two Mayors, Champions of Gun Control, Indicted on Corruption Charges
Two Pennsylvania city leaders — a current and former member of gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns — have been charged with violations of federal public corruption laws.
LA Times: Ex-L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Jail Corruption Scandal
Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, once a towering, respected figure in policing, was sentenced Friday to three years in federal prison for his role in a scheme to obstruct an FBI investigation of abuses in county jails, marking an end to a corruption scandal that has roiled the Sheriff's Department for several years.
Firearms Policy Coalition Announces Another Gun Rights Victory in Federal Court
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced today an important victory in the federal Second Amendment lawsuit Wilborn v. Attorney General William Barr, et al.
Virginia Dodges a Bullet from the Gun Controllers
Earlier this week, we told you about VA Republican Majority Leader Norment's turncoat maneuver in support of gun control. This tyrant legislator betrayed his oath of office by proposing to ban firearms in state and local government buildings, and along with Gov. Ralph "KKK" Northam, set the stage for a gun debate in the Legislature.
BREAKING: South Dakota Governor Signs Constitutional Carry Bill
SB 47, proposed by Senator Greenfield (R-2), did away with South Dakota's requirement for a concealed carry permit, instituting "Constitutional Carry" in the state.
LA City Council President Mitch Englander Un-Blocks Critics of His 3D Gun Blueprint Ban After FPC Threatens Litigation
Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has scored another important victory for free speech. According to an e-mail from the office of Los Angeles City Council President Mitchell Englander, they will no longer block FPC and the other individuals who were barred from viewing or responding to his official government Twitter account. Englander, a Republican, is a proponent of gun control and bans on free speech.
BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Panel decides that the Second Amendment extends beyond the home
The majority opinion was written by Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain (appointed by Reagan) and joined by Judge Ikuta (appointed by George W. Bush). Judge Clifton (appointed by George W. Bush) dissented.
Oregon Gun Ban Measure is Dead
The Oregon Supreme Court proved Wednesday that when it comes to firearms, definitions actually DO matter! The court ruled in favor of a lawsuit that challenged Initiative Petition 43 on the grounds that it was overbroad in applying the term "assault weapon" to common firearms.
FPC Scores Double-Barreled Victory for the Second Amendment in California
In a one-two punch, Firearms Policy Coalition has again knocked the gun grabbers to the mat. This week, FPC is happy to announce it has officially defeated two more gun control measures! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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Movies you've seen lately
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Author Topic: Movies you've seen lately (Read 400183 times)
Re: Movies or films you've seen lately
« Reply #125 on: August 04, 2013, 11:33 AM »
And I'd like to see At the Mountains of Madness get made so badly that I don't think I really care who (within reason) makes it at this point.
-40hz (August 04, 2013, 10:54 AM)
I was kind of hoping that it would get made well!
(Sorry - that was just such a wonderfully low-hanging dangling participle that I had to pick it~! )
-Renegade (August 04, 2013, 11:06 AM)
I'm just happy whenever I throw such an easy ball that somebody out there takes a swing at it. (What's the point of words if there's no wordplay to go along with them?)
And that's not a dangling participle. That's a dazzling participle, I'll have you know.
One way we could guarantee a film never gets made: Let briliant Terry Gilliam direct, the masterful Joss Whedon write the script, and for the coup de grâce cast the lovely Summer Glau in there someplace. Ever notice how any time one of those three show up the project suddenly experiences an incredible string of bad luck?
If Joss Whedon was writing I'd rather it died in pre-production. Don't get me wrong, I love his glib dialog, but for Lovecraft? Might as well make it a romantic comedy.
Wait, did you just call me old? I'll have you know I didn't get Basic D&D until Christmas of 1983 which means I had to buy my original cover PHB used. That makes me a kid compared to most of the other Champions players I know. I'm certainly not old enough to remember any version of Deities and Demigods with Cthulu in it.... if something like that existed.... which I wouldn't know.....
Just get off my lawn!
-Vurbal (August 04, 2013, 11:08 AM)
I have an original Deities & Demigods with all that in it. Though I bought it well after it came out - found it in a store one day and snatched it up real quick.
(I also have Chainmail in my collection.)
Posting here reminds me why the Hero System forum has been my main haunt for more than a decade. In Champions years I'm almost a kid. In Internet years I should be in a nursing home.
In my day I was lucky to have access to a PDP-8 from a wide format teletype terminal when I started learning Basic. The first year comp-sci students at Iowa State were still stuck with punchcards.
And if anyone does want some good advice on writing there's a lot of it in that book. It helped me improve my writing immensely and I don't write fiction.
+1. An excellent writing book. I own dozens. King's book is one of the best.
I think the best advice for me was when he talked about going through his first draft to identify themes so he could focus on them. It really helps make your writing a lot more cohesive.
Hmm. Maybe. But glib isn't an absent element with Lovecraft. He was enamored of witty exchanges and slangy dialog in his letters. And some of his earliest works threw in a little comedy.
Er...I'm also from New England, and FWIW, much of the dialog with (and between) the common gentry in Lovecraft's stories could pass for glib and/or funny dialog around here. Guess it's one of those regional things though.
But no worries. If Joss gets involved it will die. Despite everyone's best efforts. It's just the way it goes.
« Reply #131 on: August 04, 2013, 12:01 PM »
Michael Bay? How about Cameron? Or Ridley Scott!
Sorry for that visual
I totally agree. I love Whedon, but some things just weren't meant to mix.
I bought mine new from the store. I was like 10 or so at the time... but still.
The funnier thing... I worked at that same store 8 years later... and the person I bought it from was still working there. And he wasn't the owner. Flash forward 20 or so years with me working part time there sometimes (for credit, natch)... and that guy was still working there when the store closed down.
[Hmm. Maybe. But glib isn't an absent element with Lovecraft. He was enamored of witty exchanges and slangy dialog in his letters. And some of his earliest works threw in a little comedy.
Yeah he definitely had some humor and I wouldn't put anything past Whedon. He just tends to remind me more of 40's Cary Grant, cute rapid-fire repartee but I guess Firefly's humor had a more serious edge.
Jayne, your mouth's talkin. You should see to that.
-wraith808 (August 04, 2013, 12:01 PM)
What the hell. Why not Uwe Boll. He can turn any movie into a horror story.
Sorry, I forgot that's horrible not horror. My mistake.
Lucky you! I was stuck with punch cards until I finally decided to declare CS as a second major. You had to be a CS major to be given access to a terminal- or allowed to use PL/I (or Stony Brook Pascal or all those other "new" languages) in my college back then. Otherwise it was punch cards and COBOL or WATFOR/WATFIV and SPSS for "the civilians."
I was just lucky to have parents who saw it as a good creative outlet instead of being ignorant about it. I really had no idea how cool my Mom was.
We didn't have a game store in town though. There was a weird little store called Varsity News Stand that carried the 3 main AD&D books plus modules and dice. Actually they carried quite a bit of Traveller too now that I think about it. The PHB I only got by chance when I went to a Mensa meeting with my Dad. The guy hosting it had a 17 year old son who had stopped gaming.
This thread makes me feel like a nerd. That's what happens when your childhood idle is Bob Noyce and you game with one of the pioneers of distributed cracking. Better an old nerd than just plain old.
-40hz (August 04, 2013, 12:25 PM)
It helps when the local college is insanely expensive. The funny thing is Grinnell is a liberal arts school. It wasn't until quite a while later I appreciated the irony of a school where Bob Noyce got introduced to transistors not buying PCs for the students until 1999 or maybe 2000.
-Vurbal (August 04, 2013, 12:09 PM)
One of my favorite quotes. But one of my favorite dark episodes was War Stories. The part while they were getting tortured? There was some comedy gold there... but you felt bad for laughing.
OMG... I'm just hoping that Uwe Boll never gets another cent to make a movie. I swear, he must have some really good dirt on someone to get the names and the money and the rights to continue to slaughter movies.
Nope. Just a clever business model. According to Wikipedia:
Boll's movies have often performed poorly at the box office in the United States. House of the Dead, which was budgeted at $12 million, made $5.73 million in its opening weekend,[6] Alone in the Dark, which was budgeted at $20 million, made $5.1 million,[7] and BloodRayne, which was made for $25 million, made $2.42 million.[8] The least profitable commercial performance of his career was In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, which made barely $10 million worldwide at the box office on a $60 million budget.
Until the law was changed in 2005, Boll was able to acquire funding for his movies thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allowed investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allowed them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor was then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor would get a tax writeoff.[citation needed]
In the DVD commentary of Alone in the Dark, Boll explains how he funds his films: "Maybe you know it but it's not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany, and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the government."
Boll has received a lot of negative publicity regarding this funding method.[9]
More details on how it works then and now can be found here.
Speaking as a person with a degree in accounting (yes, there really are such people!) it's actually pretty fascinating how this all works. Learn something new every day!
But what I don't get is his cast. Everyone knows who Uwe Boll is and what kind of movies he makes. But they still sign up for it... do they need the paycheck that bad?!?
And I'm not talking the bit people... he gets some pretty big names, and drags them along with him.
Some of them baffle me. Others not so much. I think the best answer I've ever heard to a question like that was when some bobble head entertainment "reporter" asked Ice-T why he agreed to be in the brilliant satirical farce Leprechaun In The Hood. It was a farce, right?
Anyway his answer went something like, Who am I to turn down [$whatever] to be in a movie?
The last Uwe Boll movie I saw, was titled: Attack on Wallstreet and I must say that is wasn't that bad, story-wise or in the acting. Actually, I liked the end-scene...for a "Boll" it was rather clever.
And if you must know, I did see quite a lot of Uwe Boll movies...mainly because I want to see how bad a game-concept can be tortured.
Having said that, I did like some of the jokes in the movie Postal, where he also features as an actor and makes jokes about his movies being financed with Nazi-gold...
97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary:
Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis:
-panzer (August 07, 2013, 04:58 AM)
Downloaded 'em! Got "Overdose" playing now... Not sure if I've seen them or not, but they're right up my alley. (Oooh! Gerald Celente! Love that guy!)
Topical, but not a film, you might like a series of articles I wrote on banking. They have some accompanying software (simple stuff - Windows, Mac, Linux, Web, Android versions) to go along with them to help demonstrate. This is the best place to start:
The general category for them is here: http://cynic.me/tag/...nal-reserve-banking/
I add a couple new perspectives in there, but a lot of it has already been said numerous times before.
The last article in the series lists a number of documentaries and films that are similarly themed to what you've posted above. (They were also published at The Activist Post and reposted quite a few times, which made me happy! )
I have recently seen the film "No limit" with Bradley Cooper. At the beginning I thought this is gonna be another boring comedy movie, however this movie turned out to a lot of fun. It was maybe just me that had that picture of Bradley Cooper as the "Hangover Guy" in my mind.
I wouldn't a stockpile of those pills myself
I'm now taking a look at the Hannibal TV series...interesting in ways Bones never was.
Snitch. Based on a true story... I hope not too closely, because though the movie was excellent (and they didn't make a typical The Rock film out of it), the subject matter was sickening.
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Free Picks » NBA Picks » Washington Wizards vs Phoenix Suns Prediction, 12/20/2022 Preview and Pick
Washington Wizards vs Phoenix Suns Prediction, 12/20/2022 Preview and Pick
Game: Washington Wizards vs Phoenix Suns
Location: Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ
TV: Bally Sports Arizona
Footprint Center is the site where the Phoenix Suns will try to defeat the Washington Wizards on Tuesday.
The Wizards stepped onto the hardwood against the Lakers and walked away from this one with a loss by a score of 119-117 in their last game. In the matter of fouls, the Wizards finished with 20 and the Lakers totaled 18 fouls. They also converted 11 of 27 tries from beyond the arc. Los Angeles ended up shooting 72.7% at the free throw line by knocking down 16 of 22 tries. Additionally, Los Angeles pulled down 43 boards (6 offensive, 37 defensive) and had 6 blocks. Los Angeles earned 29 dimes and had 4 steals in the matchup. In relation to defense, Washington allowed 50.0% from the floor on 46 out of 92 shooting. They also dished out 24 dimes in this contest as well as forcing the other team into 9 turnovers and getting 5 steals. When discussing hauling in boards, they compiled 48 with 10 of them being offensive. From the free throw line, the Wizards converted 19 of 24 tries for a rate of 79.2%. Washington finished the game having earned a 46.3% FG percentage (44 of 95) and buried 10 out of their 39 3-pointers.
Bradley Beal is a guy who had an impact for the contest. He ended up finishing with 29 points on 9 of 17 shooting. He was on the hardwood for 32 minutes and collected 2 rebounds. Beal went 52.9% from the floor and recorded 3 assists.
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Washington will enter this contest with a record of 11-20 this year. They average 110.6 pts per contest (23rd in the league) while hitting 47.2% from the field. The Wizards are hitting 34.5% on 3-point shots (345 of 1,000) and 76.3% from the charity stripe. As a team, Washington is grabbing 43.8 boards per game and has accounted for 770 dimes on the season, which is 11th in basketball in terms of passing. They are turning it over 13.7 times per contest and as a basketball team are committing 20.0 fouls on a nightly basis.
When they are on defense, the Wizards are forcing 12.8 turnovers on a nightly basis and they draw 19.4 fouls. They concede 37.4% on shots from beyond the perimeter while they are 16th in the NBA in PPG allowed (113.7). The Wizards defensively are giving up a FG percentage of 46.5% (1,286 of 2,764) and they relinquish 43.8 rebounds per contest as a unit. They currently rank 13th in the league in giving up assists to the opposition with 747 relinquished for the campaign.
The last time they took the hardwood, the Suns took home the win by a final score of 118-114 against the Pelicans. The Suns were able to corral 25 defensive rebounds and 10 offensive boards totaling 35 for the contest. They turned the ball over 8 times, while getting 6 steals for the contest. The Pelicans committed 27 fouls for the game which took the Suns to the charity stripe for 35 shots. They were able to knock down 25 of the free throw attempts for a clip of 71.4%. With respect to shots from beyond the perimeter, Phoenix made 15 of 41 attempts (36.6%). At the conclusion of this game, the Suns went 39 for 83 from the field which gave them a shooting percentage of 47.0%. The Suns allowed the Pelicans to convert 45 of their 77 attempts from the floor which gave them a percentage of 58.4% in this game. They finished 46.7% from distance by hitting 14 of 30 and finished the game at 10 out of 13 at the charity stripe (76.9%). Regarding rebounding, Phoenix permitted New Orleans to collect 36 in total (4 on the offensive side).
Devin Booker was important for the Suns for the contest. He knocked down 21 out of 35 in this game giving him a rate of 60.0%, and accounted for 6 rebounds. Booker scored 58 points in his 42 mins on the hardwood and had 5 dimes for the contest.
Phoenix has a mark of 18-12 so far this year. The Suns commit 21.3 fouls per game and they connect on 80.1% from the charity stripe. They are getting an assist 27.3 times per contest (4th in the league) and they are turning it over 13.3 times per game. Phoenix has scored 3,461 points so far this season (115.4 per game) and they average 43.2 boards per game. When it comes to executing on offense, the Suns are shooting 47.0% from the floor, which is 15th in the NBA.
The Phoenix defense gives up 36.4% from downtown (334 of 918) and their opponents are converting on 80.4% of their shots from the free throw line. They give up 23.2 assists and 43.1 total boards per game, which ranks them 5th and 10th in the NBA. The Suns on the defensive side of the court are 7th in basketball in points allowed per contest with 110.8. They are forcing their opponents into 16.0 TO's per game and have allowed teams to shoot 46.9% from the field (16th in the league).
Tony Sink's Pick: Take Washington
Phoenix Suns - Twitter
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The Wildcat Voice
Drama Club takes a bow at sixth annual recital
Ilana Miller, Staff Writer
On Wednesday, March 21, twenty-four students performed in a theater recital in the Mayfield Middle School auditorium as a part of the Drama Club's culminating event.
The recital consisted of nine scenes which were narrated by eighth grade student, Hailey Nelson.
Each scene was a fractured fairy tale, so they included characters and events from fairy tales and nursery rhymes but added twists to the plots. For example, one scene, called "Lost and Found," was about Little Bo Peep meeting Mary (from "Mary Had a Little Lamb") while looking for her lost sheep. Another scene, "You Lookin' at Me?" depicted Little Red Riding Hood teaching a self defense class, which was attended by Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella.
Students had costumes and props for their scenes that ranged from pig ears, noses, and tails to pumpkins to a crown and cape.
Mariana Quinones, an eighth grader who acted in the recital, stated that she really likes performing, explaining, "Getting to turn into this whole new person is really fun."
"A Party to Die For"
Mary Jo Baetzold, seventh-grade Drama Club member, described performing as "a little scary as you're coming on the stage" but added "because we've practiced so much…you forget about the people who are watching you because you are so engaged with the play."
As fun as performing can be for many Drama Club members, it takes a lot of work to put on a recital.
Students participating were each assigned one or two scenes for which they had to rehearse, memorize lines, and learn blocking. Scenes were assigned based on the actors' personalities and what role the club advisers believed would be best for them.
He Called for His Fiddlers…Two?
Students met directly with their partners and one of the club advisers to work on their scene. They also attended meetings in which they ran through the recital; this included one dress rehearsal the day of the performance.
Many students spent time outside of school preparing for their scenes, too. Seventh grader Angie Marvaldi looked over her scripts a lot and ran lines with her family members. Sarah Fricke, also in seventh grade, also practiced her lines with her family as well as over the phone with her scene partners.
Mrs. Saunders stated that seeing the hard work that the students put in to being performance-ready was one of her favorite things about the recital, adding, "I like the energy of it… [and] the sense of accomplishment that students feel when it's finally done."
Mrs. Bean agreed, saying she likes seeing students feel successful after performing. She also enjoys seeing kids coming out of their shells and having the chance to feel like they belong.
A copy of the program
Mrs. Bean and Mrs. Saunders held the first recital when they started Drama Club six years ago. They wanted to give students some drama experience for fun and possibly aid their pursuits of participating in high school or community theater. They chose to have a recital, as opposed to a play, so everyone would be able to participate equally.
Mrs. Saunders remarked, "I was really happy with [the recital]. The students did a great job…and the audience enjoyed it."
Now that Apple's ScreenTime is charting your hours on your phone, what is your daily average?
about 1 hour/day
2-4 hours/day
5-7 hour/day
more than 7 hrs/day
MMS new upper learning space
MMS offers two different gym courses for students
The new ceramics class
Our school's history: Approaching a century old
MMS introduces new "Level Up Learning" program and new counselor
MMS Teachers: Where have you been?
Renovations to MMS to happen this summer
Mayfield wrestlers go to states
8th graders visit Orange High School to learn about Excel TECC
"Like a Family": Inside the performances of MMS choir group, Vocal Dimensions
The student news site of Mayfield Middle School | {
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} |
Established in 2020, the PRSA Chicago Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship Program is designed to attract, recruit and retain people of color to the practice of public relations and communications.
Four Awards of $2,500
PRSA Chicago has expanded the Diversity Fellowship Program and will award four individual scholarships in the amount of $2,500. Current freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors are eligible to apply.
Students must be:
Hispanic or Latina/o/x/e
Arab/West Asian
East & Southeast Asian
Indigenous/Native American
The award will also include a summer internship at a Chicago agency affiliated with PRSA Chicago. Membership in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is preferred, but is not a requirement.
A quick, interactive guide designed to help you understand the application process better and fill out the application form.
Be registered as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited four-year college or university in Illinois.
Be enrolled in public relations studies, journalism, communications or courses preparing for a career in public relations.
Be a current freshman, sophomore, junior, or non-graduating senior.
Have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
To apply for this award, submit the following:
A completed online application process found here.
Contact information: address, email, phone
University name
A 500-word essay that explains why the applicant feels they are a top candidate for the Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship and how they uplift Diversity and Inclusion within their university and among their peers.
A recommendation letter of no more than two pages from a faculty member or advisor.
An official transcript of all college/university courses completed that clearly indicates current overall GPA.
All materials should be error free and thoroughly proofread. All application materials must be posted to the electronic portal (click here) by January 31, 2023. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Applications will be judged by members of PRSA Chicago, public relations educators and professionals using the following criteria:
Writing skills as demonstrated throughout the application and essay
Academic achievement in overall studies, with an emphasis on industry applicable courses
Awards or honors received for academic or extracurricular achievements, with an emphasis on PR or communications recognition
Applicants will receive notification by March 2023 and fulfillment of the scholarship funding will occur by April 2023.
The Importance of Diversity in PR
PRSA Diversity Action Alliance
PRSA Chicago is committed to educational development
Diversity Fellowship Program helps attract and train diverse professionals
The Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship pays tribute to the meaningful contributions that she has made as a leading African-American pioneer in the PR industry, as well as her deep dedication to diversity for more than 30 years.
About Michelle Flowers
A visionary public relations and marketing entrepreneur, Michelle Flowers Welch is an award-winning expert in the field of multicultural communications. She founded Flowers Communications Group, one of the nation's top multicultural integrated marketing agencies, in 1991. Her firm was named to Forbes America's Best PR Agencies 2021 list. One of her firm's core values is focused on cultivating the next generation of multicultural communications practitioners. In support of Flowers Welch's lifelong commitment to diversity in the public relations industry, Flowers Communications Group is a founding sponsor of the PRSA Chicago Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship Program.
A strategic, innovative thought leader, Flowers Welch serves as a trusted senior counselor to clients and an inspiring mentor to young professionals. Before she discovered her love of agency life, her career included PR roles in corporate, nonprofit and government sectors. She began her career in agency public relations at Golin/Harris and later joined Burrell Communications Group to pursue her desire to work in ethnic marketing.
Flowers Welch holds a master's degree in advertising from Northwestern University and is a magna cum laude graduate of Winston-Salem State University. Her firm has received more than 100 industry awards for communications excellence. A charter inductee into Northwestern University's Medill Hall of Fame, Flowers Welch is the recipient of the Publicity Club of Chicago's Lifetime Achievement Award, a member of the PR News Hall of Fame, and was named PRSA Chicago's 2017 Distinguished Senior Leader. A member of The Economic Club, she currently serves on the boards of The Salvation Army, PRSA Chicago and the PR Council.
In 2021, she was named as the PRSA Chicago Diversity & Inclusion Team Champion, as one of Chicago United's Business Leaders of Color, among the PRNEWS Top Women in PR and to iHeartMedia's Women Who WIN Class of 2021. Michelle was also inducted into the PR Week Hall of Fame.
Most recently, Michelle was recognized with the 2022 Chicago Defender Lifetime Achievement Award and named the 2022 Plank Center Agency Mentor of the Year. Her firm received two prestigious awards – the 2022 PRSA Chicago Organization of the Year and the 2022 PRNews Platinum Award Medium Agency of the Year.
Let Us Unlock Your Fullest Potential
The Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship Program is in partnership with PRSA Chicago. Click here to learn more.
©2022. All Rights Reserved. Michelle Flowers PRSA
Michelle Flowers PRSA Diversity Fellowship | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Michael Hugh Sketch, MD
Professor of Medicine
Campus mail 7402 Hosp North, Durham, NC 27710
Email address [email protected]
My current research interests are focused in the area of diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterization. In the arena of diagnostic cardiac catheterization, I am currently evaluating the role of Prostaglandin E1 in the prevention of contrast induced renal dysfunction. In the arena of interventional cardiac catheterization, I have been actively involved in both the development and subsequent determination of potential niches for new interventional technologies in the management of coronary artery disease. These interventional technologies include balloon angioplasty, the perfusion balloon catheter, transluminal extraction catheter, and several intracoronary stents.
Fellow in Cardiology, Medicine, Duke University, 1987 - 1990
Medical Resident, Medicine, Ohio State University, 1985 - 1987
M.D., Creighton University, 1984
Halabi, Abdul R., Michael H. Sketch, James E. Tcheng, Punit Goel, Kul Aggarwal, David Ramsdale, Shahid Aziz, Rajbir S. Sangha, and Peter Y. M. Hui. "Which is the true channel?." J Invasive Cardiol 16, no. 12 (December 2004): 716–18.
Halabi, Abdul R., Michael H. Sketch, and James P. Zidar. "The bifurcation stent.." J Invasive Cardiol 16, no. 8 (August 2004): 436–38.
Fuster, Valentin, John W. Hirshfeld, Alan S. Brown, Bruce H. Brundage, W Bruce Fye, Richard P. Lewis, Ira S. Nash, Michael H. Sketch, and George W. Vetrovec. "Working group 8: Defining the different types of cardiovascular specialists and developing a new model for training general clinical cardiologists.." J Am Coll Cardiol 44, no. 2 (July 21, 2004): 267–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2004.05.027.
Waters, Richard E., Kanwar P. Singh, Matthew T. Roe, Mat Lotfi, Michael H. Sketch, Kenneth W. Mahaffey, L Kristin Newby, et al. "Rationale and strategies for implementing community-based transfer protocols for primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.." J Am Coll Cardiol 43, no. 12 (June 16, 2004): 2153–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2003.12.057.
Konstance, Richard, James E. Tcheng, Marilyn B. Wightman, Larry P. Kelly, Annette Moore, J Kevin Harrison, and Michael H. Sketch. "Incidence and predictors of major vascular complications after percutaneous coronary intervention in the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa platelet inhibitor era.." J Interv Cardiol 17, no. 2 (April 2004): 65–70. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-8183.2004.00295.x.
Berger, Peter B., Michael H. Sketch, and Robert M. Califf. "Choosing between percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass grafting for patients with multivessel disease: what can we learn from the Arterial Revascularization Therapy Study (ARTS)?." Circulation 109, no. 9 (March 9, 2004): 1079–81. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.CIR.0000121313.22131.41.
Kong, David F., Eric L. Eisenstein, Michael H. Sketch, James P. Zidar, Thomas J. Ryan, Robert A. Harrington, Mark F. Newman, Peter K. Smith, Daniel B. Mark, and Robert M. Califf. "Economic impact of drug-eluting stents on hospital systems: a disease-state model.." Am Heart J 147, no. 3 (March 2004): 449–56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2003.11.005.
Mehta, Rajendra H., and Michael H. Sketch. "Percutaneous coronary revascularization in diabetic patients with multivessel coronary artery disease: importance and feasibility.." J Invasive Cardiol 16, no. 3 (March 2004): 107–8.
Klem, Igor, John F. Heitner, Dipan J. Shah, Sherrie Spear, Michael H. Sketch, Michele A. Parker, Michael Elliott, et al. "1169-152 Clinical evaluation of patients with suspected coronary artery disease using a multimodality stress magnetic resonance imaging protocol." In Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 43:A365–A365. Elsevier BV, 2004. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(04)91546-x.
Krasuski, Richard A., Thomas M. Bashore, and Michael H. Sketch. ""It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future".." Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 61, no. 3 (March 2004). https://doi.org/10.1002/ccd.10787.
Learn how to manage online faculty profiles and keep information up-to-date.
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'Full House' house for sale for $4.15 million; you will never achieve your childhood dreams
Caroline Linton
Are you a widower with three children and some (possibly) freeloader friends who want to live with you allegedly to take care of your children?
Then we've got the perfect house for you! It's slightly used: Not only was it originally constructed in 1883, but it once (and now again) houses the Tanner family from Full House and it's for sale for $4.15 million.
Wait, what? $4.15 million?!! Didn't Danny Tanner turn 30 years old in the first season of Full House?
It's time for a brutal life lesson: Your childhood television shows lied to you and you will never achieve your dreams of living in that world. You will never afford the apartment on Friends either, and oh hey remember Cliff Huxtable? No, don't do it.
Although under further review, it appears that on a show where Danny Tanner is a widower with three children with a successful journalism career before he turned 30 that the biggest fiction is the house itself.
While there is a finished basement with a bathroom where Joey lived and then later become a recording studio, the real estate listing mentions no attic for Uncle Jesse and Rebecca and the twins. There are three bedrooms, not four, so all three girls would have to share a bedroom or something. And there's apparently a "formal dining room," which we never once saw because why eat in a nice dining room when you can sit on a bench in the kitchen?
The house is being re-filled with DJ's family in the Netflix sequel, Fuller House. The listing does not mention if they will come with the house, since this family does not like to move or become less co-dependent.
Given the differences between the house's interior and the set that actually doesn't make sense (how can there be four huge bedrooms above those two regular-sized rooms on the first floor?), it's perhaps unsurprising that the show was filmed on a lot in Burbank.
As you start crying about your lot in life since you not only can't afford the house at 1709 Broderick St. but you also could never support friends and family members who don't appear to pay rent in it, San Francisco in the past 30 years has undergone a dramatic change due to gentrification and the booming tech industry. A 2014 Brookings study named the city has having the fastest-growing income inequality in the nation, and San Francisco was recently named the least affordable city in the world
Besides, some dark things happen when you live in a Full House universe. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Developed thousands of years ago in India, Ayurvedic - also known as Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems. Ayurveda is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and soul. The Orchard Ayurveda Programmes focus in promote good health, rather than fight disease. But treatments may be recommended for specific health problems.
In Ayurveda theory, everything in the universe -- living or not -- is connected. Good health is achieved when your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe. Disruptions (injuries, age, emotions, genetic or birth defects, climate and seasonal changes) of this harmony can lead to poor health and sickness.
Experience holistic healings and become whole again in body, mind and soul.
Ayurveda is beneficial in restoring balance, improving spiritual healing, boost immunity and reduce disease symptoms.
Our Ayurveda Programs include aromatherapy, breathing exercises, diet and lifestyle changes, herbs, plant-based oils and spices, meditation, stretching and yoga. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Part Two. a Reply by Cormac Burke
Part Two. b. Response by Rik Torfs
Part Two. c. Cormac Burke: Concluding words.
Home › English › Married Personalism - a Debate (publication pending)
It is now time to try and see where these intricate and very helpful considerations are leading us. It would be tempting simply to present a synthesis, taking elements from both sets of presentations and weaving them together into a tissue that could cover many situations, or channeling them into a river with different currents that would meander through our countryside giving life as it flows, and then saying that this is the Church's present understanding of the laws relating to marriage.
However, it is obvious to any reader that such might not be appropriate nor practical, since we would be trying to combine two different approaches which, to some extent, defy unification. Both have their exceptional merits; both have their place in the life of the Church; both derive from the same doctrinal statements. Yet, the consequences are often so different. One view approaches marriage more from the perspective of the underlying canonical doctrine; the other, more from that of direct pastoral assistance given to those in need. They are not contradictory, but the purposes are different.
Msgr. Burke has taken great pains to bring out the personalist dimensions of matrimonial consent. The recognition of the dignity of the human person, as understood according to the principles of sound anthropology, appears to be foremost in his approach, and rightly so. Indeed, as St. Irenaeus tells us, "The glory of God is man fully alive"[1]. The human being is at the center of creation and is its crowning glory. Although some animals remain partnered for life, we do not speak of marriages among other beings. Rather, this "great Sacrament" is reserved for humans. It is based on the complementarity of man and woman [2].
Pope John Paul II addresses this issue in his 1997 address to the Roman Rota: "The personalist aspect of Christian marriage implies an integral vision of man which, in the light of faith, takes up and confirms whatever we can know by our natural powers. It is characterized by a sound realism in its conception of personal freedom, placed between the limits and influences of a human nature burdened by sin and always sufficient help of divine grace. [...]
In the handling of marriage cases it would be a mistake to have too "idealized" an idea, so to speak, of the marital relationship, which could lead one to interpret the normal exertion that can occur as the couple progresses towards full, reciprocal emotional integration as though it were a genuine incapacity to assume the obligations of marriage" [3].
One area in which the two authors appear to differ concerns the bonum coniugum and its future implications. It would seem that Professor Rik Torfs insists more than Msgr. Burke does on the future implications of the bonum coniugum, a conciliar expression now enshrined in canon 1055 [4]. Rather than seeing the bonum coniugum simply as the sum of the three traditional Augustinian bona. Professor Torfs asks whether or not we should be looking at this bonum as the basis for the other bona matrimonii. Or, might it be that the bonum coniugum is the consequence of the other three, rather than their basis, as Msgr. Burke seems to suggest? This is not yet fully worked out, but there is a lot of potential in investigating this approach because the Legislator would not have included the words in the Code if they did not have significant meaning. Indeed, canon 776 of the Code of Canons for the Eastern Churches also uses the same expression.
Accepting as a starting point that the bonum coniugum has indeed juridical relevance distinct from the other terms used in the Code, one of the challenges, then, would be to define it and determine the elements required in any true bonum coniugum, the absence of some of which could compromise the validity of the Sacrament. Likewise, in so doing, we should ever keep in mind "the minimum without which one cannot speak of the capacity or sufficient consent for a true marriage" [5]. The same challenge is faced when attempting to determine the content of the "communion of life" [6] or listing the "essential" elements of marriage [7]. It could well happen some day that all three will be considered equivalent. But, in the meantime, when examining separately the elements of the bonum coniugum, and trying to refine the understanding we have of these terms, it would be important to keep in mind the relationship of the bonum coniugum to marital consent itself. Is this bonum the object of consent (being another term for "marriage" as used in canon 1057), or rather is it an integrating element? Would a recognition of its place as a distinct good of marriage imply a change or a reordering in the understanding of the content of marriage itself, as was probably the case with the move from "contract" to "covenant"? Possibly so, but it would not be the first time that the Church has successfully addressed new situations and come up with new answers.
I believe that canonists would agree that the will of the partners cannot determine the essential content of the bonum coniugum, turning it into something very flexible, varying from one marriage to another. But, at the same time, these same canonists would have to allow for certain legitimate differences, perhaps based partly on cultural expectations and social circumstances [8], as is already the case today when dealing with certain marriages [9].
What frequently appears to move the partners to marriage is affectivity; this "personal" value is naturally present in all decisions to enter into marriage although its expression may differ. The partners do not reach this value through a process of reasoning; rather, it seems to be an intuition that presents the other "person" as an object of the will [10]. Is this "affectivity" simply an expression of the bonum coniugum? No matter whether the bonum coniugum is eventually considered to be distinct in itself, or the foundation or pinnacle of the other bona, and no matter which elements are retained to describe it juridically, the content of marriage would certainly have to include a number of fundamental and unequivocal elements that are to be found in any valid marriage, be it sacramental or not [11].
Even though the task of developing a new understanding of the content of marriage based on the bonum coniugum would be difficult, this does not mean that it should not be attempted. Nor does it mean that there will not be mistakes and possible exaggerations along the way until such time as the canonical doctrine is held in peaceful possession throughout the Church.
In fact, when speaking of the bonum coniugum, we can ask ourselves whether we are dealing with an "ideal" understanding of marriage, or simply with the regular content we would expect to find in every matrimonial union. There is a tendency to present our teachings in an "idealized" situation (to use Pope John Paul II's words). We have to make certain that any eventual understanding of marriage based on the bonum coniugum is one that can apply to the vast majority of human beings, and not simply to an elite. Are all couples able to make the sacrifices entailed in making the marriage successful? Msgr. Burke tries to bring out this significant dimension in his studies.
Our present understanding of marriage — or of its juridical elements - might have to be challenged or "re-modeled", again to use Msgr. Burke's words. It is quite possible, for instance, that many tribunals have, for all practical purposes, bound themselves into a "canon 1095" mode, so that for them nothing exists outside of the ramifications of this canon - as they interpret it. Yet, a careful and methodical re-examination of the numerous implications of canon 1101 on simulation is certainly called for, and Msgr. Burke's insights are of particular importance here. But, also, the potential of the canons dealing with error and dolus, and perhaps even more particularly with ignorance, should not be overlooked [12]. There is much possibility here for new understandings and applications. Can we really presume today that young couples, although they have the required knowledge relating to sexual matters, have the requisite knowledge of the implications of marriage as a consortium of which canon 1096 now speaks?
When speaking of the consortium of conjugal life, we could ask ourselves whether this word is simply the legal term used to cover the bonum coniugum as it is lived out in reality - like the matrimonium in facto esse of the past - or is it something radically different from a simple contract involving an exchange of rights? Again, since the expression is used in the Code in a distinct fashion, we have every right to presume that the word has a meaning distinct from that used in other canons when referring to marriage as a lived reality. Here again, it looks as though a re-interpretation or even a new understanding of the content of the term is called far, although in the end it might not be radically different from the substance of our current approach.
Then, going one step further, when we add in the personalist dimensions of marriage - as distinct from what could be called "individualistic" dimensions - and try to apply them to the law, it does not take long to see that they are not designed to be presented in a legal framework. Nevertheless, some canonists feel that they have no choice but to try and combine the two into one. Fortunately, both authors in our study seem to imply that even though personalism should indeed be the cornerstone of the matrimonial system, its content and characteristics are not yet fully defined. This too leaves room for growth.
We cannot legislate for love, let alone for conjugal love [13], nor can we declare when it is to exist. Although we can see its consequences, breathe its fragrance, and enjoy its harmony, we cannot measure it or divide it in parts. Yet, love is one of the unifying forces behind marriage, whether it be there at the beginning (particularly in the Western world where persons marry someone they think they love), or blossom forth as the partners come to know and appreciate each other more (as is often the case in those parts of the world where marriages are arranged by parents or elders and where the spouses come to love the person they married). Msgr. Burke notes, however, that the question of the juridic relevance of conjugal love has not in fact been fully settled; in large part because the analysis of the issue has moved on too narrow a ground (identifying conjugal love with "felt emotion"). So, to try and translate this and the other integrating elements of marriage into legal concepts is probably doomed to failure, at least for now unless the terms are carefully defined or if we are able to move out of a legal construct. It is something like legislating for generosity - an expression that is used so frequently in this work - or for concern for others. Against such, there is no law! [14]
In spite of the limitations imposed by a legal system as such, we must nevertheless recognize that there is indeed a law governing marriage. At times, it is quite evolved and even too complicated for the non-initiated, at least in practice. For instance, the numerous distinctions made in relation to consent, the intricacies surrounding the canonical institution of convalidation, the attempts to evaluate personal capacity, the particular focus on a given instant when consent was considered to have been expressed, have all occupied judges and will probably continue to do so for years ahead. There still is confusion in these areas in spite of the most valiant efforts to bring the marriage legislation into step with the implications of the conciliar teachings.
Therefore, perhaps the time has come to recognize that, in addition to the legal approach with which the Church is quite familiar, there might be other ways of looking at the reality of marriage and its validity. Professor Torts ends his presentation with a call for a re-examination of the laws governing the celebration of marriage and its nullity, so that the Church could offer a legal system that is credible to the Christian faithful, as well as to non-believers.
But, it will not be enough to focus on the laws governing the institution of marriage. The accompanying procedural laws would also have to be radically revised. In so many parts of the world, they can no longer respond to the legitimate needs and rights of the faithful. Obviously, by their nature, the law and its accompanying procedures are rather limited in their perspective. Tribunal personnel have been given an almost impossible task: to analyze a spiritual reality, to dissect it, to determine in the external forum how internal realities are to exist, and to pronounce judgment on the situation. When, in addition, the adjudication of the validity of a marriage is placed in a so-called artificial "contentious" context, it becomes evident that we are sometimes trying to place round pegs in square holes. Yet, such is the law at the present time, and it has to be observed while it is still in effect. But this does not prevent us from dreaming.
Although it seems evident that Msgr. Burke did not have as his goal to call for an eventual revision of the legislation as it now exists or is applied, it must be kept in mind that many canonists will look at his considerations from the practical perspective of trying to determine whether a given union constituted a valid marriage or not. His insights will lead them to question certain assumptions which have been taken for granted. On the other hand, Professor Torfs approaches the question more directly from the side of the tribunal practitioner and looks at future possibilities. I think we must recognize the fact that, because of the prevailing interest of canonists for marriage nullity, it is in the context of tribunals that these two studies will probably influence the life of the Church more than in relation to preparation for marriage. In one respect, this is sad, for so much of the underlying doctrine, expressed so clearly in the preceding pages, could be given to future spouses, applying as it were the teachings of canon 1063 to their proposed union. Incidentally, we could say that for every dollar or pound that the Church spends on marriage tribunals, it should spend at least an equivalent amount on marriage preparation. Yet, such is not always possible today.
Through the centuries, the Church has suffered much to defend the sanctity and dignity of marriage. It has borne the brunt of many attacks against its teachings. Obviously, it has no intention of changing its general position on the indissolubility of marriage, although in the past twenty or so years it has twice formally adjusted its teaching and practice on what constitutes the consummation of marriage [18].
Within this core doctrinal context that is at the heart of the Church's treasury of spiritual gifts, and for which it is a "light of the nations", there remain many possibilities for drawing out new insights and applying them in the examination and adjudication of cases of marriage nullity. This is what was done in the late 1950s and subsequent years in regard to the contribution of the behavioral sciences and the recognition of the influence of personal incapacity on the validity of matrimonial consent. Possibly, what could be carefully considered at this time is a new or a renewed approach to the accompanying procedural questions along with a renewed understanding of the applicable canonical doctrine.
Could a new system be envisaged that might be able to integrate the salient elements of both authors' approaches? [16] If our examination of marriage cases were to be removed from a "tribunal" context, and transferred into another arena where the search for truth would be more predominant, where the doctrine relating to marriage would be given pride of place, and if we were to move from procedures that have so many prescriptions for validity attached to them, we might be able to address the issue from a new light [17]. As our understanding of the implications of the bonum coniugum develops, and as our awareness of the personalist and spiritual elements of marriage is refined, we will have to be careful to avoid pouring this new wine into old skins [18]. Every canonist will agree that it is not the marriage tribunal which makes the marriage null. If it is null, it is null ab initio. Therefore, the declaration of nullity does not change the underlying reality. Rather, it gives it external coherence and recognition. Yet, it frequently happens that because a given procedural act did not occur, or if the wrong tribunal studied the case, the declaration has no canonical effect. This can lead to incongruous consequences where one tribunal declares another's acts to be invalid and the process has to be started anew [19]. It seems that we are to be looking more for the truth of the situation, than for the observance of minute prescriptions which have little, if any, bearing on the issue being examined. As an illustration of this point, it could be said that our present system of competence even makes it practically impossible in many instances for a bishop to examine the cases of his diocesans, if they were married in another country. This is particularly frustrating in a country where so many persons are either immigrants or refugees from elsewhere. Yet, since the decision of the tribunal does not make the marriage null, would it not be appropriate for any bishop to be able to have a potential cause of nullity examined in his diocese? [20] After all, the bishop, by virtue of his office, is responsible for the spiritual well-being of all those entrusted to his care (see canon 383, §1). The apparatus of "judges", "defenders", "advocates" and the like is certainly outdated. It speaks of ages past when decisions of Church courts had civil effects. Today, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world, there are so many other ways of providing for the civil effects.
Three gradual steps could be envisaged in an eventual revision of the procedural laws. The first two are minor and would be rather simple to implement.
First, the time might be appropriate to revise canon 1690, to allow for marriage nullity cases to be heard according to the oral contentious procedure [21]. This procedure, in fact, goes back in many respects to that adopted by Clement V, in the Decretal "Saepe" of cl306 [22], and which remained substantially in effect until the promulgation of the 1917 Code. Such a provision would be in the line of canonical tradition and safeguard the present tribunal system, if it were considered appropriate to uphold this system. Yet, so many procedural norms which now hamper the proper processing of the cases without undue delay, would then not have to be observed [23].
There should also be a second intermediate step. As the present law stands, it is weighted too much in favor of the respondent. Indeed, a respondent who does not agree with the very fact of having a case heard, or who wishes to spite a former spouse, can raise numerous objections against an affirmative decision and lodge continuous appeals, which, in practice, can take over ten years to resolve, thus preventing the other partner from a marriage to which he or she would have a right. Pope John Paul II even alluded to this situation in 1996 when he called for "corrective measures" to be adopted in the present procedures [24]. I am not speaking here about a person who, throughout the process, intervenes and participates actively. But, a person who formally and without legitimate reason refuses to cooperate with the court during the processing of a case (c. 1592) should lose the right to intervene at further stages once the process has been completed in first instance. If this provision were adopted, it would remove a lot of anguish from the consequences of our present system and would let justice shine forth more directly.
But, there could be a third step. Here, again, it is time to dream [25]. I would propose that consideration be given to replacing tribunals as the place where marriage nullity cases are heard, and, in their stead, establishing pastoral boards (by whatever name they are called) in dioceses, or in groups of dioceses. Tribunals would then retain their role for true contentious and criminal cases. These pastoral boards would examine, to the best of their ability, the values underlying the union of the former spouses, its quality, the human condition, and the objective validity of the first union. They would not be fettered by procedural norms which, at times, do very little to promote the reality of the sacrament. Rather, they would conduct an inquiry for truth, based on the Gospel values of faith and truth.
At the same time, because we are dealing with a sacrament, which presupposes faith, it is somewhat surprising to see that the spiritual dimension is not readily put forward in our present procedural norms. Would it not be essential to be able to take into account the spiritual state of the parties concerned when considering such cases? Msgr. Burke insists so much on this often overlooked dimension. In some places, those who have maturely dealt with their own responsibilities in a marital breakdown are treated in almost exactly the same manner as those who have taken little or no time to reflect on their state in life [26]. Also, the anguish through which many of the parties who come to the courts have to experience is not always justified. It would seem that so many of our practices are now turned toward the law as in end in itself, when it is but a means to a higher end.
The Church has invested so much in the sacrament of matrimony. The overwhelming majority of canonists are involved - sometimes exclusively — in matters relating to marriage. But, it can be asked whether the means we are using are indeed the most appropriate; there are serious stewardship issues to be considered here: use of persons, time and material resources. An acquired comfort with past ways of doing things can prevent us from looking objectively at current situations. Or, even worse, we could take our present practices as ends in themselves and develop an ideology justifying what is being done. The temptation is very strong.
Msgr. Cormac Burke and Professor Rik Torfs have rendered a great service to the canonical world - and, eventually, to numerous couples - by raising issues that have not been so clearly raised in the past and that perhaps canonists have not dared to raise in formal circles. Neither of them pretends to have uttered the final word. But, if through their efforts they have enabled us to reflect on our present legal reality and on possible future adjustments, then they have achieved their purpose.
One thing is certain after reading this work. There are many ways of looking at the same reality. Because one way is different from what we presently know and experience, this does not necessarily mean that it is wrong, or disloyal, or even heretical. There are many rooms in the Father's house [27], and there are many ways of examining doctrine and ensuing practice. We should not be afraid of raising new issues, nor should we be afraid of examining their ramifications in detail, to see whether it is not time for another aggiornamento in canonical law and practice.
[1] Adv. haer., IV, 20. 7.
[2] See GS, no. 48.
[3] John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, 27 January 1997, No. 4, Origins, 1996-1997, 597-598,at 598.
[4] See Gaudium et spes, No. 48.
[5] John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, 27 January 1997, Origins 1996-1997, 597- 598, at 598.
[6] See SRR coram Pompedda, 11 April 1988, Decisiones 1988, 200: "... libenter concedimus hucusque nondum traditam fuisse claram notionem eiusmodi vitae communionis in sua substantia..."
[7] John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, 26 January 1984, in W.H. Woestman (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, Ottawa, Saint Paul University, 1994, 181-186, at 185: "In the new Code, especially in the matter of marriage consent, not a few explanations of natural law from the Rota Jurisprudence have been codified. There still remain canons of great importance in matrimonial law, however, which have been necessarily formulated in a generic way and which await further determination, to which especially the expert jurisprudence of the Rota could make a valuable contribution. I am thinking, for example, of [...] the 'essential matrimonial rights and obligations' mentioned inc. 1095..."
[8] The 1991 Papal allocution to the Roman Rota (28 January 1991) addresses this particular issue; see W.H. Woestman (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, 214-218.
[9] For analysis of tendencies in the Roman Rota in this regard, see A. Mendonca, "Recent Rotal Jurisprudence from a Sociocultural Perspective", Studia canonica 1995, 29-83, 317-355.
[10] See J. Gabiola, "Bonum coniugum'", Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland Newsletter, No. 115, September 1998, 31-37, at 36.
[11] A statement of the Apostolic Signatura expresses this succinctly: "The Catholic Church holds that certain elements belong to the very nature or essence of marriage itself as determined by the Creator and are not optional elements that can be included or excluded at will; consequently their positive exclusion from marriage consent would make that consent invalid." CLSA, Roman Replies and CLSA Advisory Opinions, Washington, DC, CLSA, 1997,26.
[12] See, for instance, SRR coram Boccafola, 4 May 2000, Prot. No. 18.061 (not published), which addresses the question of ignorance in a renewed context, raising certain warnings: "Tamen in eorum sententia ne plus praebent illam ignorantiam quae irritat utpote minimam necessariam cognoscentiam, sed a contra transformant hanc minimam cognoscentiam in plenam ac perfectam naturae dualis ac paritariae matrimonii Christiani cognoscentiam quae a Concilio Vaticano II, utpote idealis, laudata est. Ita facientes, velint suggerere quod natura ipsa matrimonii de facto mutata est post Concilium Vatican II ita ut ilia eadem scientia minima naturalis quae ante Concilium in postpubertalibus praesumebatur ac ad valide contrahendum superabundebat, nunc post Concilium minime sufficieret ad validum matrimonium gignendum. Sed quomodo hoc possibile sit? Velint indices appellati revera asserere naturam fundamentalem instituti omnino naturalis utpote matrimonii in his ultimis annis revera omnino profunde mutatam esse?"
[13] This was addressed in detail by Pope PAUL VI, in his Rotal allocution of 9 February 1976, in W.H. Woestman (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, 133-137: "We must, therefore, reject without qualification the idea that if a subjective element - among these especially conjugal love - is lacking in a marriage, the marriage ceases to exist as a juridical reality, which originated in a consent for once and forever efficacious. No, this reality, which is juridical, continues to exist and does not depend on love; it remains even though love may have totally disappeared" (at p. 136).
[14] See Galatians, 5:23.
[15] See, for instance, the decree of the Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, 13 May 1977, AAS 1977, 426, on the nature of "verum semen". See also canon 1061, §1 which now prescribes that consummation take place "humano modo". See also the Allocution of Pope John Paul II to the Roman Rota, 21 January 2000, Origins 1999-2000, 553-555, at 555.
[16] For instance, Pope paul VI, in the Rotal allocution of 4 February 1977, said: "Finally justice will be protected in the new Code in that in the latter, the juridical will no longer appear to dominate every area of the Church's life. It will appear rather as but one facet of that life - truly an important one - but also one serving the life of the communion as such and leaving to the individual believer the freedom and responsibility - as they say - needed to build up the body of Christ", in W.H. Woestman (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota] 939-] 994, 141.
[17] See, for instance, the prescriptions of canons 1620 and 1622, as well as many other instances in the Code where a given act implies validity or invalidity of the entire process.
[18] See Matthew, 9:17.
[19] For instance, the Apostolic Signatura, in a letter to a tribunal commenting on this practice, states that "the proposed practice of 'pursuing complaints of nullity' against sentences given 'during the previous administration' that now 'resurface' would be very imprudent and would not at all re-establish the credibility of the Tribunal"; see CLSA, Roman Replies and CLSA Advisory Opinions, Washington, CLSA, 1994, 32.
[20] This situation was already addressed in 1972 by the United States Bishops: UNITED STATES BISHOPS' COMMITTEE ON CANONICAL AFFAIRS, "Report of the Committee for Canonical Affairs", letter to Cardinal J. Villot, Secretary of State, December 12, 1972, 3: "Answers given to the questionnaire indicate a strong sense of injustice and confusion when a person with a deserving case must be told that, due to a technicality of Law, he cannot have his case handled on the local level."
[21] The matter was addressed during the process of revision of procedural law. However, the proposal was simply dismissed - "Propositio admitti nequit. Processus contentiosus oralis not dat satisfationes ("garanzie"), quae processui matrimoniali propter vinculum sacramentale necessariae sunt", see Communicationes 1984, 76, at c. 1642. However, if the oral process does not give sufficient guarantees, it could be asked why this was approved for other cases where justice is at stake.
[22] See Clement V, Decretal, Saepe, in Corpus iuris canonici, A. Friedberg ed., II, col. 1200, See also Dispendiosam prorogationem (ibid., col. 1143) which applies the procedure of Saepe to marriage nullity cases.
[23] Pope John Paul II addressed this issue of delay in his 30 January 1986 address to the Roman Rota: "I would also say something about the appropriateness that examination of causes should not be delayed too long. [...j May none of the faithful take the excessive duration of the ecclesiastical court process as grounds for not presenting his own cause or for giving up on it and choosing solutions in clear contrast with Catholic doctrine", in W.H. woestman (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, 190.
[24] See John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, 22 January 1996, Origins 1995-1996, 615-616, at 616. Speaking of delaying tactics, pointless actions, and those which impede the attainment of the common good, the Pope says: "They also call for corrective measures by the legislator or for specific norms for the application of the Code, as occurred in the past..."
[26] This is not a new dream! See G. Lesage, "Pour une renovation de la procedure matrimoniale", Studia canonica 1973, 253-279.
[27] In this regard, see R. Bourgon, The Presiding Judge: Present Legislation and Future Possibilities for Marriage Nullity Cases, Ottawa, Saint Paul University, 1997, 184-185.
[27] See John, 14:2.
‹ Part Two. c. Cormac Burke: Concluding words. up The Cardinal Virtues: Feminine Perspectives › | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Reading Made Easy
Have a struggling reader? Why it&s perfectly okay if your kid doesn&t master reading until later and what you can do at home to nudge it along.
By Erin Zammett Ruddy
A facebook friend recently posted a note from her 4-year-old's pre-K congratulating her on her son's ability to read — then added a few hashtags (#sorrybutsoproud, #Jackrocks, #readingisthebest!!!). Several thoughts ran through my head: 1) Wow, that's impressive. 2) Is he, like, reading reading? 3) Apologizing for a humblebrag does not make it any less braggy (#gagme). 4) C***, my 4-year-old can't read!
Fortunately, that last one didn't take up too much mental space. I have a second grader who reads beautifully now but was nowhere near crushing it until well into first grade, when he was able to navigate the pages without placing a finger under each word and sa-sa-sounding them out.
That's not to say I didn't squirm as I watched him struggle. The anxiety sets in quickly when the bar is set so high — not just on social media but also in school, where kids are expected to be able to read "with purpose and understanding" by the end of kindergarten. It's no wonder we worry if our child isn't keeping up with the others.
Here's why we all can relax. Learning to read in kindergarten (or even before) isn't a sign of intelligence, says Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Ed.D., professor emerita at Lesley University and author of Taking Back Childhood. Not only is there no research showing that kids reap long-term rewards from decoding words at 5, there are numerous studies showing that by fourth grade, "early readers" are reading at the same level as those who mastered the skill in second grade.
Besides, learning to read is a developmental milestone, and some 5- and even 6-year-olds aren't there yet. "Children have to go through a process where they become ready, and it happens at different speeds," says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. In order to truly read and comprehend, kids must be able to recognize and use individual sounds to create words (known as phonemic awareness), understand the relationship between written letters and spoken sounds (known as phonics), and understand, remember, and communicate what they've just read. Has your child nailed all that? Mine hasn't.
Pressuring your kid doesn't help, either — and, in fact, does more harm than good. "If you torture kids with flash cards, reading becomes a job and it's not fun anymore," says Elissa Mostransky, of West Babylon, NY, a mother of three and a K–5 reading specialist.
Instead, kids need a good foundation so the components that make up reading can click into place. Luckily, the way to lay the groundwork isn't about sounding out letters or even pointing to words in books. It's much simpler than that. And — bonus! — you're probably setting the stage without even knowing it. Read on to learn what literacy experts, teachers, and parents recommend.
Encourage Make-Believe
Long before my children could read or write, I'd play "restaurant" with them. They'd create menus and have jobs and give themselves new names. I just thought it was a way to keep them busy while I cooked. Turns out, I was fostering pre-reading skills.
One of the many perks of pretend play is that it helps kids learn and use new words, says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. "Oral language is the whole basis for written language, so we want to give children lots of chances to develop theirs," she explains. My 5-year-old now knows what a sous chef is because her older brother is always the chef/owner/boss.
To take these games one step further, set out art supplies. When kids draw, say, wanted posters for bad guys or "keep out" signs for forts, they are grasping the relationship between spoken words, symbols, and the printed word, notes Dr. Carlsson-Paige. "And while you don't want to force it, it's great if kids can naturally incorporate writing activities into their imaginative play."
Take Turns Telling Tales
You probably regale your child with stories already. Now trade off the narrative so the two of you are creating it together in a continuous manner. Doing this will help him understand that stories have characters; a beginning, a middle, and an end; and certain conventions, such as "once upon a time."
Cheryl Boccard, a mom and a pre-K teacher in Huntington, NY, swears by this trick for teaching spontaneous storytelling skills: "I put random objects in a bag — an apple, a toy car, a feather — and one child picks an item and begins a story about it," she says. "Then the next child has to continue the tale with a new object that he picks." Totally stealing this idea for road trips!
Use "Juicy" Words
We tend to use simple language when talking to little kids, but it's better if you mix in a wide variety of words and constantly define and point out new ones. For instance, if your child asks to see the "picture," tell her it's a special kind called a "photograph" (Boccard calls this a juicy word). And, it almost goes without saying, talk to your kids as much as possible so they hear more words every day.
The reason: A bigger vocab is more closely correlated with reading comprehension than knowledge of letter sounds. "A 5-year-old who has an enormous vocabulary but doesn't know any letters is more likely to do well on his third-grade reading comprehension test than a child who knows letter sounds at 5 but has a smaller vocabulary," says Shanna Schwartz, of the Reading & Writing Project at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Read Books Every Night
You knew this one was coming, and it can't be overstated. "This is how kids learn that you hold a book a certain way, that the book goes from left to right, that you turn the pages," says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. And while you may tire of hearing the same story night after night, books that use repetition are key for reading readiness.
"It's called predictable print," Dr. Carlsson-Paige explains. "When kids hear the same line over and over, eventually they start to match the words they hear with the little squiggly black things on the page and they figure out how reading works."
Rhyming books (thank you, Dr. Seuss!) are particularly useful because they help with phonemic awareness. "Being able to hear that words rhyme, even made-up ones like shanna, fanna, bo banna, gets kids to tune their ear to all the different sounds they need to identify before they can read," says Schwartz. "You can't put a letter to a sound until you can recognize it first, which is why word games are so important, too."
Choose Quality Books
Interesting plots and characters help your child develop a richer command of language, also known as literary vocabulary, notes Mary Ehrenworth, Ed.D., deputy director of the Reading & Writing Project at Teachers College, Columbia University. For example, we tend to say "hungry" when speaking, but a character might be described as ravenous — that's literary vocabulary, and children get the vast majority of it before age 6.
What defines a "good" book? You want parts that the kids can chime in on ("I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow the house down"), some repetition, a strong story line, and illustrations that provide clues to what's going on. "When I talk to parents I tell them, it's the books you read when you were a kid," says Schwartz.
Of course, some kids will gravitate toward movie or TV tie-ins, and while those can't really compete with the classics, they're okay, too. "If a book gets your kid excited about reading, be happy," says Dr. Ehrenworth.
Get Interactive
No, we don't mean interrogate your kid until he spots the letter b. Instead, say things like, "Wow, I can't believe that just happened — what do you think about that?" Exaggerating your emotional response helps kids engage with the story, Dr. Ehrenworth says, a key ingredient for reading comprehension. "In order for the story to have any meaning at all, a child needs to notice how the characters are changing and to consider the implications of the story for his own life," she says.
It also turns out that comprehension, along with vocabulary development, is often more crucial than decoding letters when kids are learning to read — another reason to skip the "what letter is this?" quizzes.
That said, if your child is really into the alphabet, it's fine to playfully point out letters on the cereal box or street signs ("I spy with my little eye a letter that looks like a circle with a tiny tail!"). "I'm a literacy expert and neither one of my children learned their letters until kindergarten," says Schwartz. "I wanted them to hear 1,000 books and be able to talk about them."
Keep a Soundtrack Going
"Songs give children rhyming skills and expose them to the rhythm of reading," says Schwartz. It doesn't have to be kid songs, either (hallelujah!). As long as they can understand the words, they're in good shape.
When you need a change of pace, pop in an audiobook: "Listening to a book is great for fluency and for children to grasp how to read — that you use intonation and change your voice, rather than staying monotone," says Mostransky, who has The Cat in the Hat on heavy rotation. "It's not so different from listening to you read, but it gives you a break."
The bottom line? Keep reading fun. The biggest mistake parents make once their kids start school is that they get into teacher mode, putting their fingers under the words or having their kids sound things out, says Dr. Ehrenworth. "The next thing you know, your child doesn't want to read with you anymore."
The beauty of allowing your child to learn at his own pace is the pride and joy you'll both feel the first time he deciphers a whole page of print on his own. And he will. "Eventually, reading just clicks," says Mostransky. "I see it happen every day."
Photo Credit: Stephanie Rausser/Trunk Archive | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
With its bold veining, endless colors and durability, granite has been the star of kitchens for the past 10- 15 years. Though it does its job well and continues to look great for years to come, granite countertops have decreased in popularity with the rise of alternative options. From natural soapstone to high-tech laminate countertops, there are new materials available for every kitchen that strays away from the been-there-done-that granite option. Let's take a peek at a few alternatives that still provide the durability, function and beauty we all love to see in a kitchen countertop.
Quartzite is a natural stone produced when sandstone is pressure-cooked in the earth's crust. The end result is a beautiful stone with a wide variety of streaks, patterns and rich colors. Some varieties, like Taj Mahal and Mother of Pearl, offer a similar look to traditional marble without as much maintenance and upkeep.
Quartzite can withstand heat, but not for an extended time, so make sure to use trivets for prolonged exposure. Though slightly more durable than granite, some quartzite does still require sealing once or twice a year for stain resistance so make sure to check with your stone fabricator on the details, as it varies by type. The beauty of quartzite is all its variations: vein-cut styles look more contemporary and sleek, while cross-cut styles have a more organic feel. Depending on the fabrication, expect your quartzite countertops to start from $80 per square foot and up.
Used in laboratories due to its resistance to stains, bacteria and chemicals, there's no wonder soapstone is becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking for a durable, natural countertop. Always a dark charcoal or almost black color, its non-porous, honed surface can both hide and repel dark stains while still remaining slightly soft to the touch. Soapstone is a great choice for those who love to cook and households with little sticky fingers, as it's unaffected by heat and easy to wipe clean. Keep in mind that like any natural stone, soapstone can chip and scratch. It also darkens over time, but sanding can easily return it to a lighter shade. Starting at $80-100 per square foot, soapstone is a slightly more expensive choice over granite, but it comes with a lifetime of durability.
Also known as "engineered quartz," quartz composite is a material comprised of crushed quartz and polymer binders that are tinted and compressed under high pressure. The end result is a surface that is non-porous and resistant to stains, scratches and heat. Even better, a simple wipe with warm water and soap is all you'll need to worry about in regards to maintenance. Because it is a manufactured material, quartz composite is consistent with color and patterns. This durable countertop material does come at a price—around $90-110 per square foot installed.
High-pressure molded plastic countertops—who would have thought that these would be a durable and long-lasting alternative to granite? Laminate countertops are a blend of acrylic or polyester resins, powdered fillers and pigments. This unique mix allows for easy buffing of scratches and marks and its surface keeps stains away. The beauty of laminate countertops is their unique ability to be molded into unusual shapes and sizes, which works especially well in sleek, state-of-the-art contemporary kitchens. Because this material is plastic, it is sensitive to prolonged heat exposure, so make sure to use trivets and cutting boards to extend the longevity of the countertop. These high-tech countertops start at around $50 per square foot installed.
What granite alternatives have you used in your kitchen?
***Guest Blog by Kerrie Kelly. Interior designer Kerrie Kelly is an expert on countertop materials in the kitchen and writes about her knowledge for The Home Depot. If you are interested in researching many of the materials Kerrie discusses in her article, you can visit Home Depot's countertops page online.
With almost all of my clients, the toughest part of designing a kitchen is choosing the countertop. As manufacturing technology grows, so do the number of choices—each with its own set of pros and cons.
The decision really comes down to how you live and work in your own kitchen. Let's cut to the chase with our top six countertop choices—in order of my own preference.
Quartz: Also called engineered or manufactured stone, this is the surface I install in the most homes—and the reasons are simple. It's available in so many patterns and colors, is very simple to clean, and is more resistant to heat, scratches and stains than almost any other surface. It requires no sealing or treating over time. Best of all, my clients are always surprised that it's no more expensive than granite.
Dekton: This is the new super surface brought to you by modern technology. Its ultra-compact surface means it's non-porous, and extremely resistant to heat and drastic changes in temperature—not to mention scratches, chips and stains. For durability, you can't do better. Colors and patterns are catching up with other options on the market. You will pay a bit more per square foot, but you will not regret it.
Natural Stone: Though this category includes marble, lime and soapstone, we're really talking about granite here. Its natural beauty is simply undeniable, which makes it the other big favorite among my clients. As it has proven in nature since the beginning of time, it's very durable and heat resistant. Because it's porous, it just needs to be sealed when it's installed (and will need some resealing over the years), but the effort there adds real stain resistance to the list of its benefits—not to mention real value to the home that will never go out of style.
Stainless: I often envy the simplicity of stainless steel when we install it. So clean and simple, its industrial-grade durability is completely antibacterial, and stain and heat resistant. Even scratches really blend in over time. Surprisingly, installation takes this one to the higher end of the cost scale, but it's also very flexible in terms of design. It brings a cool edge to a more traditional kitchen and can even soften the edge of an ultra contemporary style.
Wood: Wood is pretty straightforward in terms of pros and cons. It's very budget friendly, and most of my clients who choose it do so knowing that its imperfections only add to its beauty, over time. Scratches and burns can even become part of the charm. However, if you treat it with oil a few times a year, it's a very durable and practical choice, too. Remember, it's available in many grains and stains, and you don't necessarily need butcher block thickness to get the same great look.
Laminate: Laminate countertops can't be beat if budget is the primary factor. Available in a wide array of colors and patterns, you can go with bold, bright, primary colors or choose a finish that replicates stone and wood. It's made with a sheet of resin laid over particle board and is resistant, though not impervious to heat, stains and scratches. It is easy to clean and easy to repair.
What's on your wish list for that new kitchen countertop?
** Kerrie Kelly is a guest blogger from The Home Depot. Kerrie Kelly draws from her experience of consistently designing amazing kitchens to provide tips for The Home Depot and Kerrie Kelly Design Labs, to help you make the right kitchen choices. To view a big selection of countertops that Kerrie talks about in this article, visit The Home Depot.
We believe in aging gracefully, but when it comes to your home, we want you to keep it looking new.
Here's a quick reference guide to cleaning your home's surfaces. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
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Week 14 is now over. 97 runners checked in for the previous race.
14 Races
Avg Place
Darren Winchenbach 24.0714 04:57:03 00:21:13 02:04:11 00:20:41
Jim Bickford 29.4286 05:07:08 00:21:56 02:09:48 00:21:38
Your Mom 36.6429 05:22:54 00:23:03 02:14:08 00:22:21
Marilyn Bell 84.2857 07:00:40 00:30:02 02:59:00 00:29:50
Susan Dolliver 91.4286 07:17:11 00:31:13 03:01:10 00:30:11
Michael Benar 97.4286 07:33:34 00:32:23 03:05:22 00:30:53
Alice Sandzen 58.1538 05:42:59 00:26:23 02:25:38 00:24:16
Rebecca Herrigel 65.4615 05:57:08 00:27:28 02:35:30 00:25:55
Philip Carr 94.4615 06:49:45 00:31:31 03:03:32 00:30:35
Brian Conrad 98.3077 07:04:19 00:32:38 03:01:20 00:30:13
Bill Vickerson 124.0769 09:32:19 00:44:01 04:18:37 00:43:06
Will Lundquist 11.4167 03:49:21 00:19:06 01:50:31 00:18:25
Tarek Hammour 38.8333 04:37:54 00:23:09 02:16:15 00:22:42
Dereck Tuttle 48.1667 05:00:23 00:25:01 02:26:00 00:24:20
Chip Peters 70.5833 05:41:58 00:28:29 02:48:55 00:28:09
Victoria Pierson 88.2500 06:13:11 00:31:05 03:01:34 00:30:15
Nick Ciciretti 108.0000 06:53:28 00:34:27 03:24:08 00:34:01
Jeff Betts 113.0000 07:02:58 00:35:14 03:25:44 00:34:17
Hank Lopez 110.4167 07:03:30 00:35:17 03:27:46 00:34:37
Philip Pierce 113.6667 07:13:28 00:36:07 03:32:20 00:35:23
Short Ribs 110.1667 07:24:42 00:37:03 03:37:58 00:36:19
Crissy Suitor 116.5833 07:42:53 00:38:34 03:43:04 00:37:10
Blaine Moore 12.7273 03:33:31 00:19:24 01:54:08 00:19:01
Taylor Bickford 21.2727 03:45:32 00:20:30 01:59:25 00:19:54
Andrew Portwine 20.6364 03:46:14 00:20:34 02:02:01 00:20:20
Banton Heithoff 36.2727 04:15:45 00:23:15 02:17:11 00:22:51
Ralph Carmona 40.9091 04:19:30 00:23:35 02:20:49 00:23:28
Jose Padua 53.0909 04:45:53 00:25:59 02:32:53 00:25:28
Keith Parker 61.0909 04:53:04 00:26:38 02:36:44 00:26:07
Randy Moore 62.8182 04:55:30 00:26:51 02:37:47 00:26:17
Paul Boutin 71.0000 05:08:55 00:28:05 02:43:12 00:27:12
Bob Dunfey 75.8182 05:14:26 00:28:35 02:47:00 00:27:50
Doug Bailey 72.5455 05:16:40 00:28:47 02:51:04 00:28:30
Mark Duval 87.0000 05:37:27 00:30:40 03:00:21 00:30:03
Barbara Romano 97.8182 05:53:32 00:32:08 03:10:35 00:31:45
Annemarie (carmie) Heisler 109.8182 06:19:08 00:34:28 03:21:16 00:33:32
Marc Cole 84.1818 06:21:36 00:34:41 02:45:29 00:27:34
Joe Sanderson 112.9091 06:34:01 00:35:49 03:30:11 00:35:01
Martin Duval 6.0000 03:01:16 00:18:07 01:47:45 00:17:57
Bruce Goodwin 17.0000 03:19:11 00:19:55 01:58:21 00:19:43
Doug Suitor 51.2000 04:18:20 00:25:50 02:31:50 00:25:18
Ann Vincent 79.8000 04:48:41 00:28:52 02:49:31 00:28:15
Victoria Frankl 79.9000 04:54:25 00:29:26 02:54:00 00:29:00
Margaritt Mcnulty 99.2000 05:23:50 00:32:23 03:12:59 00:32:09
Carol Hager 106.3000 05:35:54 00:33:35 03:19:12 00:33:12
Erin Irish 112.1000 05:55:54 00:35:35 03:31:11 00:35:11
Deven Abrams 15.2222 02:56:04 00:19:33 01:55:06 00:19:11
Luke Merkel 17.2222 02:59:07 00:19:54 01:57:41 00:19:36
Jesse Bishop 46.4444 03:44:03 00:24:53 02:26:38 00:24:26
Christopher Brooks 54.3333 03:50:14 00:25:34 02:29:35 00:24:55
Anthony Romano 51.7778 03:50:53 00:25:39 02:31:09 00:25:11
Matt Dragos 60.5556 03:51:00 00:25:40 02:32:58 00:25:29
Nellie Honan 55.3333 03:53:17 00:25:55 02:32:17 00:25:22
Cecilia Ziko 59.0000 03:57:57 00:26:26 02:35:13 00:25:52
Parker Swenson 78.4444 04:19:09 00:28:47 02:50:35 00:28:25
Ralph Cryan 80.7778 04:27:21 00:29:42 02:54:02 00:29:00
John Rand 91.3333 04:27:34 00:29:43 02:56:21 00:29:23
Pam Cates 86.4444 04:30:16 00:30:01 02:58:20 00:29:43
Tara Mullen 98.1111 04:52:18 00:32:28 03:08:05 00:31:20
Mac Brucker 91.8889 05:12:23 00:34:42 03:11:09 00:31:51
Jeff Edwards 118.0000 05:53:26 00:39:16 03:51:37 00:38:36
Jacob Brady 2.8750 02:18:29 00:17:18 01:43:34 00:17:15
Adam Hallett 5.7500 02:22:22 00:17:47 01:45:44 00:17:37
Marah Borgman 8.6250 02:27:55 00:18:29 01:50:06 00:18:21
Nevin Duffey 23.0000 02:45:44 00:20:43 02:03:40 00:20:36
Bob Zager 29.3750 02:53:18 00:21:39 02:09:27 00:21:34
Morgan Adams 29.1250 02:53:54 00:21:44 02:08:42 00:21:27
Carrie Mccusker 28.8750 02:54:55 00:21:51 02:10:30 00:21:45
Steve Lee 38.3750 03:06:36 00:23:19 02:18:11 00:23:01
Rachel Lukas 35.0000 03:07:27 00:23:25 02:19:36 00:23:16
Daniel Hoffman 38.6250 03:12:01 00:24:00 02:20:45 00:23:27
Amy Bouchard 44.6250 03:13:04 00:24:08 02:24:03 00:24:00
Anna Griffin 54.2500 03:27:00 00:25:52 02:31:03 00:25:10
Tom Hatch 60.6250 03:42:40 00:27:50 02:45:03 00:27:30
Sarah Wissler 72.3750 03:43:00 00:27:52 02:45:40 00:27:36
Richard Caron 72.0000 03:44:47 00:28:05 02:43:13 00:27:12
Joanne Martin 82.1250 03:54:29 00:29:18 02:52:48 00:28:48
Cindy Harris 69.5000 03:55:28 00:29:26 02:55:01 00:29:10
Emily Lane 81.5000 03:58:21 00:29:47 02:56:42 00:29:27
Erin Woodbury 83.2500 04:01:10 00:30:08 02:59:01 00:29:50
Chris Baba 101.7500 04:09:09 00:31:08 03:04:51 00:30:48
Henry Quintal 99.5000 04:09:58 00:31:14 03:05:05 00:30:50
Susan Gillis 104.2500 04:26:38 00:33:19 03:18:21 00:33:03
Stephanie Lull 113.1250 04:30:50 00:33:51 03:21:50 00:33:38
Michelle Orne 113.6250 04:43:39 00:35:27 03:30:41 00:35:06
Cherylyn Brubaker 126.0000 05:06:59 00:38:22 03:48:58 00:38:09
Nicholas Denari 1.5714 01:54:44 00:16:23 01:37:54 00:16:19
Zach Boyce 4.2857 02:01:55 00:17:25 01:44:19 00:17:23
Matthew Methot 8.7143 02:11:54 00:18:50 01:51:16 00:18:32
Sam Hamilton 11.8571 02:12:54 00:18:59 01:53:16 00:18:52
Grady Kemp 11.5714 02:14:35 00:19:13 01:54:33 00:19:05
Kali Mcgown 12.7143 02:16:45 00:19:32 01:56:00 00:19:20
Haley Plante 31.5714 02:33:37 00:21:56 02:10:54 00:21:49
Mitch Darrow 34.4286 02:39:02 00:22:43 02:16:08 00:22:41
Jared Bourget 38.0000 02:42:38 00:23:14 02:18:23 00:23:03
Jonathan Graham 41.2857 02:46:02 00:23:43 02:21:41 00:23:36
William Dow 51.0000 02:55:26 00:25:03 02:28:46 00:24:47
Michael Dunnigan 58.8571 03:02:01 00:26:00 02:34:10 00:25:41
J M 55.8571 03:04:04 00:26:17 02:36:53 00:26:08
Jean Fahey 71.8571 03:14:47 00:27:49 02:45:55 00:27:39
Amanda Barbo 70.1429 03:17:09 00:28:09 02:44:08 00:27:21
Eric Knutsen 74.8571 03:18:56 00:28:25 02:50:05 00:28:20
Lindsey Towle 72.5714 03:19:11 00:28:27 02:48:58 00:28:09
Peter Lowell 78.7143 03:23:57 00:29:08 02:51:34 00:28:35
Paul Griffin 83.8571 03:26:25 00:29:29 02:55:15 00:29:12
Angela Viola 89.4286 03:27:03 00:29:34 02:55:20 00:29:13
Natalie Beck 87.1429 03:30:28 00:30:04 02:57:01 00:29:30
Lisa Maxwell 100.0000 03:33:40 00:30:31 03:00:41 00:30:06
Michael Lynch 97.4286 03:52:06 00:33:09 03:17:46 00:32:57
Lydia Cole 112.7143 04:58:43 00:42:40 04:11:21 00:41:53
Sam Chick 3.6667 01:44:20 00:17:23 01:44:20 00:17:23
Chris Cutler-wood 5.6667 01:47:18 00:17:53 01:47:18 00:17:53
Shane Eherts 8.1667 01:50:51 00:18:28 01:50:51 00:18:28
Ambrose Mccullough 13.8333 01:57:04 00:19:30 01:57:04 00:19:30
Ian Britt 12.6667 01:59:05 00:19:50 01:59:05 00:19:50
Annabelle Brooks 18.5000 01:59:39 00:19:56 01:59:39 00:19:56
Ezra Gronlund 19.3333 02:01:09 00:20:11 02:01:09 00:20:11
Sean Fitzpatrick 22.3333 02:01:42 00:20:17 02:01:42 00:20:17
Joe Chateauneuf 19.6667 02:04:37 00:20:46 02:04:37 00:20:46
Robert Brooks 27.8333 02:05:54 00:20:59 02:05:54 00:20:59
Erin Mcguire 24.0000 02:07:11 00:21:11 02:07:11 00:21:11
Kalie Dunn 25.6667 02:08:49 00:21:28 02:08:49 00:21:28
Caroline Ginsberg 29.0000 02:10:05 00:21:40 02:10:05 00:21:40
Tadhg Lake 27.3333 02:11:11 00:21:51 02:11:11 00:21:51
Lena Wood 40.5000 02:22:24 00:23:44 02:22:24 00:23:44
Dan Kary 41.1667 02:23:27 00:23:54 02:23:27 00:23:54
Luigi Scarcelli 47.0000 02:25:37 00:24:16 02:25:37 00:24:16
Gregory Lull 45.8333 02:27:33 00:24:35 02:27:33 00:24:35
Raffaella Peters 58.1667 02:35:16 00:25:52 02:35:16 00:25:52
David Benham 59.0000 02:36:38 00:26:06 02:36:38 00:26:06
Jack Woodbury 53.6667 02:38:35 00:26:25 02:38:35 00:26:25
Summer Mowry 64.5000 02:41:24 00:26:54 02:41:24 00:26:54
Rachel Harbottle 66.3333 02:45:38 00:27:36 02:45:38 00:27:36
Noah Downs 75.3333 02:51:26 00:28:34 02:51:26 00:28:34
Dariya Polyakova 74.0000 02:52:35 00:28:45 02:52:35 00:28:45
Carrie Croft 79.1667 02:54:29 00:29:04 02:54:29 00:29:04
Oscar Sullivan 84.6667 02:58:14 00:29:42 02:58:14 00:29:42
Jillian Wright 87.8333 03:04:40 00:30:46 03:04:40 00:30:46
Laura Vecchio 90.5000 03:06:44 00:31:07 03:06:44 00:31:07
Heidi Mctigue 124.3333 03:34:02 00:35:40 03:34:02 00:35:40
Theresa Dragos 118.5000 03:35:26 00:35:54 03:35:26 00:35:54
Michael Brown 129.3333 03:44:56 00:37:29 03:44:56 00:37:29
Eliza Britt 129.6667 05:05:33 00:50:55 05:05:33 00:50:55
Ian Maclellan 10.2000 01:35:33 00:19:06 n/a n/a
Rob Olson 18.2000 01:40:38 00:20:07 n/a n/a
Will Pratt 35.8000 01:50:43 00:22:08 n/a n/a
Megan Mcandrew 34.8000 01:50:50 00:22:10 n/a n/a
Daniel Chuhta 56.8000 01:51:19 00:22:15 n/a n/a
Patrick Mahoney 36.6000 01:54:12 00:22:50 n/a n/a
Ethan Boxer-macomber 47.2000 02:03:14 00:24:38 n/a n/a
Logan Whitmarsh 48.0000 02:03:43 00:24:44 n/a n/a
Eric Gottlieb 55.4000 02:09:13 00:25:50 n/a n/a
Delaney Whitmarsh 63.0000 02:13:56 00:26:47 n/a n/a
Jason Paquette 73.6000 02:16:25 00:27:17 n/a n/a
Briar Bouthot 72.4000 02:19:55 00:27:59 n/a n/a
Anne Umphrey 74.2000 02:19:59 00:27:59 n/a n/a
Anne E O\'brien 101.4000 02:32:09 00:30:25 n/a n/a
Abigail Dunnigan 110.2000 02:40:20 00:32:04 n/a n/a
Jessie Muldoon 112.4000 02:42:46 00:32:33 n/a n/a
Fiona Clifford 109.6000 02:58:49 00:35:45 n/a n/a
Emily Way 98.0000 03:18:23 00:39:40 n/a n/a
Drew Taylor 1.2500 01:06:09 00:16:32 n/a n/a
Jeffrey Oliver 4.2500 01:09:40 00:17:25 n/a n/a
William Mill 9.0000 01:14:00 00:18:30 n/a n/a
Marcus Goodbody 9.5000 01:15:21 00:18:50 n/a n/a
Duncan Umphrey 13.2500 01:16:15 00:19:03 n/a n/a
Ryan Harkleroad 10.7500 01:16:47 00:19:11 n/a n/a
Jesse Billingham 18.2500 01:20:18 00:20:04 n/a n/a
Cash Kellen 22.2500 01:21:00 00:20:15 n/a n/a
Annavitte Rand 36.0000 01:29:26 00:22:21 n/a n/a
Mark Eherts 38.0000 01:31:20 00:22:50 n/a n/a
Matt Forsyth 46.2500 01:36:14 00:24:03 n/a n/a
Josh Francis 49.7500 01:38:54 00:24:43 n/a n/a
Leska Whitmarsh 54.7500 01:40:46 00:25:11 n/a n/a
Tessa Cutler-wood 42.2500 01:41:15 00:25:18 n/a n/a
C Harmon 55.5000 01:44:00 00:26:00 n/a n/a
Christopher Scontras 59.2500 01:44:50 00:26:12 n/a n/a
Miranda Richardson 73.5000 01:48:47 00:27:11 n/a n/a
Scott Martin 55.7500 01:51:46 00:27:56 n/a n/a
Kevin Smith 83.7500 01:52:22 00:28:05 n/a n/a
Lawson Condrey 80.0000 01:52:55 00:28:13 n/a n/a
Andrea Cuddy 85.5000 01:53:07 00:28:16 n/a n/a
Eric Hager 61.5000 01:54:47 00:28:41 n/a n/a
Ginger Reoch 91.0000 01:57:11 00:29:17 n/a n/a
Hope Hall 90.0000 01:58:01 00:29:30 n/a n/a
Beth Rawson 98.7500 01:58:59 00:29:44 n/a n/a
Steve Chabot 91.2500 02:05:32 00:31:23 n/a n/a
Bill Umphrey 109.7500 02:10:39 00:32:39 n/a n/a
Barbara Szatkowski 122.5000 02:19:24 00:34:51 n/a n/a
Rose Glennie 130.7500 02:27:51 00:36:57 n/a n/a
Shelby Mc Donnell 132.5000 02:28:19 00:37:04 n/a n/a
Patricia Francis 135.5000 02:34:01 00:38:30 n/a n/a
Allyn Genest 145.0000 02:38:01 00:39:30 n/a n/a
Kimberly Briere 137.7500 02:51:08 00:42:47 n/a n/a
Andrew Prunk 13.0000 00:56:38 00:18:52 n/a n/a
Thomas Meehan 9.3333 00:57:00 00:19:00 n/a n/a
Andrew Word 13.6667 00:57:48 00:19:16 n/a n/a
Caitlin Patterson 18.6667 00:59:29 00:19:49 n/a n/a
Jeff Sires 20.6667 00:59:50 00:19:56 n/a n/a
Jesse Keck 17.0000 01:00:28 00:20:09 n/a n/a
John Clark 22.0000 01:02:31 00:20:50 n/a n/a
Kela Fetters 24.0000 01:03:59 00:21:19 n/a n/a
Scott Jason 30.6667 01:04:15 00:21:25 n/a n/a
Melissa Lobaccaro 29.6667 01:06:11 00:22:03 n/a n/a
Lucy Olson 31.3333 01:06:54 00:22:18 n/a n/a
Zack Mccartney 37.0000 01:07:23 00:22:27 n/a n/a
Emma Scudder 56.3333 01:15:36 00:25:12 n/a n/a
Ron Hunt 62.0000 01:16:56 00:25:38 n/a n/a
Keith Cunningham 61.6667 01:17:24 00:25:48 n/a n/a
Kevin Conley 62.3333 01:17:49 00:25:56 n/a n/a
Clare Cline 64.0000 01:21:54 00:27:18 n/a n/a
Kaleisha Towle 62.0000 01:22:59 00:27:39 n/a n/a
Joel Glockler 88.3333 01:25:08 00:28:22 n/a n/a
Jake Jacobson 78.3333 01:25:34 00:28:31 n/a n/a
Mark Brooks 86.6667 01:27:14 00:29:04 n/a n/a
Zachary Nelson 96.0000 01:27:58 00:29:19 n/a n/a
Alicen Brooks 104.6667 01:28:31 00:29:30 n/a n/a
Tess Hall 99.0000 01:30:07 00:30:02 n/a n/a
Ann Darling 90.6667 01:30:32 00:30:10 n/a n/a
David Leblanc 101.0000 01:34:47 00:31:35 n/a n/a
Anjana Maharjan 92.6667 01:36:15 00:32:05 n/a n/a
Beth Peary 95.3333 01:36:58 00:32:19 n/a n/a
Jay Wilson 118.6667 01:38:27 00:32:49 n/a n/a
Timothy Braun 102.0000 01:39:13 00:33:04 n/a n/a
Chandler Chabot 103.3333 01:40:38 00:33:32 n/a n/a
Claire Walsh 140.0000 01:49:15 00:36:25 n/a n/a
Lori Lindner 139.6667 01:50:59 00:36:59 n/a n/a
Dora Anne Mills 135.6667 02:02:20 00:40:46 n/a n/a
Amy Smith 144.6667 02:13:38 00:44:32 n/a n/a
Donna-rae Crowell 143.3333 02:25:01 00:48:20 n/a n/a
Patrick Hoagland 2.5000 00:34:05 00:17:02 n/a n/a
Craig Robinson 5.0000 00:35:43 00:17:51 n/a n/a
Aidan Quattrocchi 8.5000 00:36:26 00:18:13 n/a n/a
Andreas Quattrocchi 10.0000 00:37:45 00:18:52 n/a n/a
Emma Sloan 15.0000 00:41:00 00:20:30 n/a n/a
Trevor Laverriere 23.0000 00:41:24 00:20:42 n/a n/a
Jacob Furey 24.0000 00:41:28 00:20:44 n/a n/a
Christopher Strout 32.0000 00:41:56 00:20:58 n/a n/a
Brian Way 22.0000 00:41:57 00:20:58 n/a n/a
Daniel Frey 27.0000 00:44:56 00:22:28 n/a n/a
Noah Fishman 31.0000 00:45:37 00:22:48 n/a n/a
Jason Ryan 47.5000 00:47:51 00:23:55 n/a n/a
Jacob Hardy 42.5000 00:48:05 00:24:02 n/a n/a
Nick Wallingford 38.5000 00:48:18 00:24:09 n/a n/a
Julie Forsyth 65.0000 00:49:35 00:24:47 n/a n/a
Johanna Anderson 56.5000 00:50:20 00:25:10 n/a n/a
James Nunan 48.5000 00:50:51 00:25:25 n/a n/a
Sam Rush 69.5000 00:57:13 00:28:36 n/a n/a
Lori Wilson 90.0000 00:57:40 00:28:50 n/a n/a
Victoria Hynes 76.5000 00:58:09 00:29:04 n/a n/a
Zeke Zucker 86.5000 00:59:34 00:29:47 n/a n/a
Katie Keenan 87.5000 00:59:47 00:29:53 n/a n/a
Sara Olson 97.0000 00:59:48 00:29:54 n/a n/a
Christopher Hall 104.5000 01:01:05 00:30:32 n/a n/a
Christina Finley 98.0000 01:03:00 00:31:30 n/a n/a
Helen Hemminger 117.0000 01:03:07 00:31:33 n/a n/a
Lillian Tessier-hill 103.0000 01:04:17 00:32:08 n/a n/a
Angeline Brown-wilson 84.5000 01:04:21 00:32:10 n/a n/a
Chandra Leister 114.5000 01:04:39 00:32:19 n/a n/a
Anmesh Gare 116.0000 01:07:59 00:33:59 n/a n/a
Ruth Dodge 141.0000 01:22:45 00:41:22 n/a n/a
Kristina Clarke 148.0000 01:25:49 00:42:54 n/a n/a
Crystal Stover 154.0000 01:36:43 00:48:21 n/a n/a
Aaron Willingham 1.0000 00:14:51 00:14:51 n/a n/a
Ben Pare 1.0000 00:14:59 00:14:59 n/a n/a
Matt Rand 1.0000 00:15:35 00:15:35 n/a n/a
Andrew Van Hoogenstyn 2.0000 00:15:53 00:15:53 n/a n/a
Harry Steinberg 1.0000 00:16:08 00:16:08 n/a n/a
Scott Easey 2.0000 00:16:43 00:16:43 n/a n/a
Levi Lilienthal 3.0000 00:16:58 00:16:58 n/a n/a
Chris Harmon 4.0000 00:17:04 00:17:04 n/a n/a
Peter Dininno 5.0000 00:17:06 00:17:06 n/a n/a
Christopher Vermilion 5.0000 00:17:24 00:17:24 n/a n/a
Aly Ursiny 6.0000 00:17:25 00:17:25 n/a n/a
Greg Schroeder 4.0000 00:17:58 00:17:58 n/a n/a
Ben Klingle 5.0000 00:18:15 00:18:15 n/a n/a
Brent Doscher 12.0000 00:18:59 00:18:59 n/a n/a
Max Waldron 16.0000 00:19:21 00:19:21 n/a n/a
Hayley Germack 13.0000 00:19:22 00:19:22 n/a n/a
Seth Crockett 7.0000 00:19:28 00:19:28 n/a n/a
Brian Crabtree 14.0000 00:19:31 00:19:31 n/a n/a
Kenzie Ryan 18.0000 00:20:50 00:20:50 n/a n/a
Jane Frederick 25.0000 00:21:48 00:21:48 n/a n/a
Matt Sither 41.0000 00:22:46 00:22:46 n/a n/a
David Tucker 30.0000 00:22:54 00:22:54 n/a n/a
Rebecca Nisetich 35.0000 00:23:05 00:23:05 n/a n/a
Libby Davis 38.0000 00:24:05 00:24:05 n/a n/a
Emma Schwartz 52.0000 00:24:58 00:24:58 n/a n/a
Anna Whitaker 54.0000 00:25:04 00:25:04 n/a n/a
Morris Mccall 37.0000 00:25:12 00:25:12 n/a n/a
John Moran 39.0000 00:25:18 00:25:18 n/a n/a
Mason Frey 47.0000 00:25:37 00:25:37 n/a n/a
Arielle Oosten 65.0000 00:25:48 00:25:48 n/a n/a
Stephanie Birdsall 44.0000 00:25:54 00:25:54 n/a n/a
Lauren Ashwell 46.0000 00:26:04 00:26:04 n/a n/a
Hillary Umphrey 58.0000 00:26:33 00:26:33 n/a n/a
Jenna Kapschull 81.0000 00:26:37 00:26:37 n/a n/a
Heather Doolittle 51.0000 00:26:40 00:26:40 n/a n/a
Parker Killion 65.0000 00:27:18 00:27:18 n/a n/a
Camille Nelson 89.0000 00:27:26 00:27:26 n/a n/a
Casey Andersen 71.0000 00:27:33 00:27:33 n/a n/a
Lauren Tierney 81.0000 00:27:51 00:27:51 n/a n/a
Jane Schwartz 78.0000 00:28:21 00:28:21 n/a n/a
Erica Mccormack 65.0000 00:28:25 00:28:25 n/a n/a
Robert Morse 66.0000 00:28:29 00:28:29 n/a n/a
Clif Smith 80.0000 00:29:15 00:29:15 n/a n/a
Ellen Honan 80.0000 00:30:15 00:30:15 n/a n/a
Maureen Sylvia 87.0000 00:30:39 00:30:39 n/a n/a
Diane Dusini 92.0000 00:31:09 00:31:09 n/a n/a
Maureen Lamoria 93.0000 00:31:32 00:31:32 n/a n/a
Raymond Finley 95.0000 00:31:59 00:31:59 n/a n/a
April Sither 114.0000 00:33:16 00:33:16 n/a n/a
Marjorie Mclaughlin 81.0000 00:33:16 00:33:16 n/a n/a
Yuen Na Chun 117.0000 00:33:24 00:33:24 n/a n/a
Chuck Hall 93.0000 00:33:25 00:33:25 n/a n/a
Cindy Perkins 117.0000 00:33:30 00:33:30 n/a n/a
Sarah Gallo 115.0000 00:34:40 00:34:40 n/a n/a
Marian Sagona 99.0000 00:34:59 00:34:59 n/a n/a
Christopher Byrne 104.0000 00:36:04 00:36:04 n/a n/a
Lila Cole 124.0000 00:36:49 00:36:49 n/a n/a
Michele Grover 130.0000 00:37:11 00:37:11 n/a n/a
Shawna Lapierre 131.0000 00:37:14 00:37:14 n/a n/a
Willys Devoll 135.0000 00:38:13 00:38:13 n/a n/a
Anna P 134.0000 00:38:13 00:38:13 n/a n/a
Livy Olson 144.0000 00:45:57 00:45:57 n/a n/a
Erika Cole 137.0000 00:46:41 00:46:41 n/a n/a
Rebecca Weston 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Kara Alesi 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Julia Brown 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Chris Whitney 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Han Solo 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Samantha Wood 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Justin Davis 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Alexandra Morrow 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Renee Crabtree 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Jason Lavigne 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Thomas Mclaughlin 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Christina Roberts 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Richard Labauve 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Mark Peltier 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Liz Brown 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tom Dressler 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Chris Dyer 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tamara Jones 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Herb Coolidge 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Caroline Empey 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Isabella Detchmendy 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Kayla Morrison 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Lauren Adey 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Jodi Benvie 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Martin Donlon 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Maxwell Auger 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Dava Davin 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Anne Murdoch 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Ramona Ervin-dickson 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Florent Hoxha 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Michael Gordon 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Rick Pernal 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Cameron Pernal 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
M Moriarty 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Spencer Empey 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Laura Empey 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Peter Hendrickson 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Victoria Foley 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Julie Corbeau 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Jim Otis 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Lilly Braun 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
John Herrigel 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tamlyn Frederick 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Rae Chalmers 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tanya Holbrook 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tenley Flint 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Madison Dinsmore 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Kristin Jordan 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Paul Greene 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Tracy Libby 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Michael Neff 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Akossiwa Alognon 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Lila Gaudrault 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Rob Gomez 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Andrew Corsello 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Michael Komich 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a
Heather Mcgeough 0 00:00:00 n/a n/a n/a | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Home»Forums»Games»Other Games»Bot9 Video Game»Bottom of the 9th- Videogame
Bottom of the 9th- Videogame
April 20, 2017 - 12:58pm
Handelabra have just tweeted about Bottom of the 9th. If you have any interest in it you might want to answer their survey.
If you have 5 minutes, we're looking to learn some more about our players!https://t.co/3eWIkWXmT0 pic.twitter.com/lYaJolywGF
— Handelabra Games (@handelabra) 20 April 2017
Edited by: Paul on Aug 7 2017 - 1:44pm
"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting;
but never hit soft."
- Theodore Roosevelt
"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal
Until we have an H emoticon:
Sorry -- what was the question?
Get it? it means NO, also sounds like Nine, and continues the thread!
I filled it out. *feels proud*
I THOUGHT I was the the last Scion but it's actually .....
Not to break up the silliness, but where can I learn more about Bot9? I'm not really interested in baseball, or baseball-themed card games, but if GTG made it and Handelabra's adapting it, I feel obligated to at least give it a shot sometime.
Watch It Played did a how to play video and a play through of the game. You can watch it Here.
Last seen: 1 min 47 sec ago
Third base!
Most people who play it find it to be a very fun game whether they care about baseball or not, for what it is worth. :)
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
@TalkWalkerMost people who play it find it to be a very fun game whether they care about baseball or not, for what it is worth. :)
I agree as someone who has no intereste otherwise in baseball. It's a fun and quick game when I've played it solo or with others.
This is what I'm hoping for. I've played a lot of fun games with themes that didn't immediately appeal to me before!
grysqrl wrote:
I don't give a darn!
Arcanist Lupus
Trajector wrote:
He's our shortstop.
When I was a little kid, whenever I asked my mother "Do y'know what?" she would replay "No, but I hear he plays second base." I heard this for years before I finally learned what it was a reference to.
"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
Arcanist Lupus wrote:
He's our shortstop. When I was a little kid, whenever I asked my mother "Do y'know what?" she would replay "No, but I hear he plays second base." I heard this for years before I finally learned what it was a reference to.
That there? Good parenting. Except the part where she didn't share it with you.
I have it come up in my random list of favorite music pretty frequently, just because it's awesome.
Matchstickman wrote:
Having watched this, I think I can say this is not the game for me. I prefer things like Sentinels because the strategy doesn't involve trying to outdo your opponent in real-time.
That said, this is so well-designed that it captures the feeling of baseball for me right down to "more fun to watch than to play". I hope I see this at my local game club sometime, because I think it would be fun as heck to spectate. :D
Two great things about that Abbott & Costello routine:
1. They never actually called it "Who's on First," they only referred to it as the baseball routine/bit.
2. They would improvise the entire exchange once they got going, knowing the basic gags, and could make it go as quickly as 3 minutes and as long as 15-20.
jffdougan wrote:
They would improvise the entire exchange once they got going, knowing the basic gags, and could make it go as quickly as 3 minutes and as long as 15-20.
Yeah, I've watched a few videos of them performing the routine, and it's impressive how much they improvised it! Of course, as improv, some performances are better than others.
TakeWalker wrote:
Having watched this, I think I can say this is not the game for me. I prefer things like Sentinels because the strategy doesn't involve trying to outdo your opponent in real-time.That said, this is so well-designed that it captures the feeling of baseball for me right down to "more fun to watch than to play". I hope I see this at my local game club sometime, because I think it would be fun as heck to spectate. :D
one thing I have done with the rules is each player can only roll at the same time. No race. Makes the game go a little bit smoother imo. I have found though its a nice relaxing game.
I enjoyed the game but found it quite difficult to learn because it by necessity has terminology I didn't understand and therefore had to learn at the same time, and I didn't have a "foundation" of baseball rules to hang the game rules on. I'm sure it's easy if you know the slightest thing about baseball!
Disclaimer: I know almost nothing about baseball.
I agree, and would qualify it as easy to teach. It is easy to learn if you understand what balls, strikes, hits, runs all refer to.
It's hard as an American to think that anyone wouldn't know those terms, but that's because it would be hard to grow up here without hearing them.
I also turn the roll-off into a staggered roll off, where the defense rolls first, then the offense, and then back.
But that's because my kids love the game and my 4 year old son doesn't stand a chance at beating his incredibly competetive 9 yr. old sister with the regular rules.
I agree, and would qualify it as easy to teach. It is easy to learn if you understand what balls, strikes, hits, runs all refer to.It's hard as an American to think that anyone wouldn't know those terms, but that's because it would be hard to grow up here without hearing them.
It's just not a thing over here. Never played it (although rounders is commonly played at school and that's a similar use-a-stick-to-hit-a-ball-that-someone-throws-at-you-and-then-run-to-get-points kind of game), it's never on TV, never seen a game, don't know where I'd even find a diamond!
Yeah, definitely understandable. I see this with folks here in the USA when it comes to soccer (football everywhere else). It's been getting better, but still not something that's as well-understood as baseball or (what we call) football.
I definitely don't know any of the rules to soccer/football except "some number of guys run around a field, and if one of them kicks a ball into a net it is a point." I also know that the point thing tends to happen only once or twice a game, but that other interesting things must be going on during the running that I don't understand.
In summary, I am confident that I could like soccer if I lived somewhere where people were really excited about it and I could go to professional games and had friends who could explain to me why they like it!
How to soccer:
1) Spend an hour and a half drinking
I played soccer as a kid (which is where all my knowledge comes from, so it may not always apply to professional play), and one of the things I like about it how simple it is, rules-wise. Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms (except for the goalie within a specific zone), and they are not allowed violent contact with other players (shoving, tugging, tripping, etc). There's one more rule that says that players can't be passed the ball if they're already beyond the defenders. That's pretty much it. The rest is about how to restart play after the ball went out of bounds or the referee stopped play, and about how many players can be on the field at the time, and when they can be switched out.
The other thing I like about soccer is that play mostly doesn't stop. Unlike a football game, where each 15 minute quarter takes an hour, soccer just goes until it's done, with the exception of the half-time break. They might stop the clock for player substitutions, or particularly long pauses, but I'm not actually sure. Either way, the players are mostly on their own. They're not stopping every five seconds to consult with their coach, and the field's too big for anyone to communicate significant detail while they're playing.
Despite being American, I understand soccer just fine and it's American football that confuses the heck out of me.
As for the Bot9 game, I too am a little bit put off by some of the more reflex-y parts of the game. I like my games as turn-based as possible. Not really sold on the whole metagamey rock-paper-scissors guessing either. But that's less a criticism of the game and more the game might not be for me personally after all. Guess I'll see if they put out a limited Play the Tutorial app like they did with Sentinels.
"If life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon."
Not always the best at social skills; I apologize in advance. I don't apologize for any corny and morbid jokes, though.
Resident Argent Adept and Biomancer fangirl, be forewarned.
Thinking about it, I'm not sure how you could really implement a realtime roll-off in a video game. "Mash the dice button faster"? Streamlining that into something like what folks have suggested for house rules might make this more fun in digital format, especially if you can just play against an AI.
The digital version will likely have both real-time rolling and the official base-path variant from the rule book:
When Contact is made, players roll their dice (Control/Swing) once then apply any Speed and Fielding Abilities/Traits, and check the result. A 5 or 6 is a success, resulting in either the Pitcher throwing out the lead runner, or all runners reaching base safely. If both players roll a success, the higher number wins; any ties go to the runner. Repeat this until the Run phase is resolved.
The digital version will likely have both real-time rolling and the official base-path variant from the rule book:When Contact is made, players roll their dice (Control/Swing) once then apply any Speed and Fielding Abilities/Traits, and check the result. A 5 or 6 is a success, resulting in either the Pitcher throwing out the lead runner, or all runners reaching base safely. If both players roll a success, the higher number wins; any ties go to the runner. Repeat this until the Run phase is resolved.
Real time rolling is for the birds.
But in all seriousness, how does the "real-time rolling" translate into the digital version in a way thats fun and engaging? Tapping a "Roll!" button as fast as you can over and over until the RNG lords bless you with favor seems more painful than fun. I want funness in my digital games, not carpal tunnel.
Honestly, if it's only for the mobile devices, I would like to see an actual "shake" mechanic implemented for rolling. I have no problem having "real" dice roll, and not being able to roll again until after the dice have settled.
"But dice are dice, and Dice are Fickle"
Internet Pseudonyms: PseudonymTwitch, PseudonymTweetr, PseudonymGamer
That would be a neat mechanic, though there would have to be some other way to achieve the same effect as well, due to accessibility concerns.
Right. I think the main part of that is simulating the settling of the dice, as that's still a "fair" way to keep real-time events concurrent.
They could implement a button or shake to roll the die, then show an animation of the die bouncing on the table. You could let the for settle, or interrupt the die by pressing the button or shaking the phone again.
Just like watching the real die on the table, and reaching down to grab it and roll again.
We are iterating on it, but right now you have to tap the die to roll it and wait to see the result (similar to the analog version). If it's a success you need to tap a safe/out button to claim victory (like shouting safe/out in the analog version). If it's not you need to tap the die again to roll again. So there's a bit of a dexterity element to it, like the analog version.
What is the time frame like of pressing the roll button to seeing the result? 1-2 seconds of animation? Is it instant? Will lag time between opponents have an effect on the outcome?
As I said, we are iterating on it. Lag time between opponents will not have an effect on the outcome. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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With an S shape and holds a definite curl pattern even when not styled.
The hair is tightly coiled, often with a definite S or Z pattern. It can be stretched out and will return to its curled shape when released.
Once you have assessed your own hair and put it into one of the above 4 categories, you will then need to decide on the thickness of your hair.
One of the easiest ways to find out which of these 3 categories your hair will fall into, is to firstly wash and dry your hair and ensure no product is applied, then part it with a comb and look at the scalp where you have parted the hair.
Hair that has medium density and medium volume. If you can see a little bit of scalp then your hair is medium thickness.
Hair that is dense and heavy. If you can hardly see any scalp then your hair is thick.
Now that you can identify your hair type, finding the correct product for your hair will be a lot easier and your hair will look much better as a result.
One of the main reasons your hair generally looks great when you leave the barbershop and not quite as sharp when you try to replicate it at home is due to your barber knowing your hair type and using a product that's suitable for your hairstyle.
Don't be afraid to ask your barber for advice on hair type, hair styles and what products to use to get the best results. They will also advise you when picking a hairstyle, showing them a picture will also help as they know what styles will work for your hair type and which ones won't.
If you'd like bespoke advice tag @officialclosedonmonday in a recent photograph of yourself on Instagram and we'll respond in the comments. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
As fashion and its industry become more fashionable than ever, it's unsurprising that people want to know more about it. There's a real thirst for expertise, insight, insider stories and an understanding of the inner workings of it all. And of course, to be part of it. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
The host practice Educational Supervisor will receive a reduced (33%) trainer's grant for hosting a LEET trainee.
From a clinical point of view, the ES will continue to support their trainee as they would an ST3 trainee, including on the eportfolio.
In conjunction with the LEET, the mentor needs to produce a timetable of project work and supervision, to be drawn up within the first month of starting the post and submitted to the LEET, TPD or APD for approval.
Host practices need to provide a proposed timetable for the trainee to show how their week would be structured. Clinical work should not be undertaken at less than 10-minute consultations.
Training practices should provide a 1-2 hour CPD session per week. This should include time for face-to-face tutorials and problem case analysis. This time should be aimed at developing the trainee's PDP, including teaching them higher-level management; setting up a quality improvement project or running of a QoF area or practice team. The practice would also be expected to provide clinical support when required.
The ESRs should take place as normal every 6 months.
The WPBA expectation is halved for the clinical components (50% of the time is in clinical practice), however overall engagement should be the same as that of an ST3 and will therefore include significant events etc.
These are then taken in combination as evidence of them having engaged satisfactorily in the project component of their job plans, and can be used by the ARCP at each review.
Please see the LEET timeline for expectations.
LEET Leadership Mentors should support the LEETs to seek out and achieve as many of the opportunities (as listed on the main page) as they can. They should support the LEET in the development of their major project.
External Leadership Mentors can claim backfill to allow support of the LEET (up to 33% of a trainer's grant), subject to approval by the local APD.
The LEET leadership mentors will need to complete a modified Clinical Supervisor's Report (CSR) prior to the 6-month and 10-month Educational Supervisors Review (ESR).
These ESRs are used by the ARCP panel (Annual Review of Competence to Progress) – the process that checks up on satisfactory training completion.
Asking the LEET leadership mentor to do a CSR is analogous to a hospital consultant completing a CSR for a trainee's hospital post. The GP Educational Supervisor uses this paperwork as evidence that the trainee has made satisfactory progress for this element of training.
For the LEET programme, a modified CSR should be used. You can print this CSR template. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This fashionable and stylish blog is a collage of creative fresh ideas, filled with educated opinions, packed with flexible suggestions, stuffed with a lot of sense of humor and most of all, it is a place where people who enjoy fashion and style can use it as a resource, a channel to let out their passions or frustrations, a virtual mechanism to influence others with individualism and creativity. Anyone can use this blog to break the monotony of your lives—to have a good laugh or to initiate a thought. And if your life feels monotonous spice it up with a tiara or a new belt or a hat. This blog is not supposed to be the fashion police [never] because who can compete with Joan Rivers. This blog is not a serious literary document; instead, it is a fun registry about what we like to wear, our personal style and a life that's unique, fun and imaginative. WARNING: This blog is not your average and stereotypical blog, this blog offers honesty, choices, fun ideas and a good time. Criticism is welcomed. Cynicism is encouraged!
Yves Saint Laurent--Inimitable
I just finished watching for the fifth time in 4 years, the 2004 haute documentary about the legendary French fashion designer Yves St. Laurent. Yves St. Laurent: His Life and Time, by David Teboul is a personal look into the life and times of this iconic—the finest, fashion designer. Personal note-I had the great pleasure of meeting Monsieur St. Laurent in the fall of 1993 when I was living in Paris. It was a great honor and a humbling experience to meet the man who gave women "Le Smoking" tuxedo; the first designer to use black models in his runway shows, the originator of the shoulder strap bag (not the tote bag), and the man responsible for bringing other ethnic societies as a source of inspiration to fashion. His fashion designs have left an inimitable mark in the firmament of what is the fashion universe. His Mondrian dress stands alone in the cosmos of innovation and artistic interpretation of pop art; his safari jacket still remains a key item in women's wardrobes from Paris to New York, to Moscow and the vast landscape that makes up the stylish and fashionable macrocosm. And let's not forget the pea coat.
Pierre Boulat/Lancaster/Express/Getty Images (Hulton Archives)
In this provocative documentary we get a close look at how this master of haute couture began; his relationships with all those around him, most specifically with his partner Pierre Bergé and his right hand woman Loulou de la Falaise. We also get to intimately witness the creative world in which this masterful provocateur creates, produces and lives his fashion. "Ravishing," "ideal," "divine" and "sensational" are some of the statements St. Laurent and his most trusted friends and colleagues exclaim over and over throughout the film. The same adjectives can be used to describe the work and the life of one of the finest couturiers of the 20th century. It is extraordinary to watch St. Laurent carefully craft the most beautiful and wearable clothes; some of which are true classic standards which defined an era and will remain constant reference for the next generation of fashion designers. Incredible as it may sound, St. Laurent began his long career at the age of 17 when he was hired to be Christian Dior's assistant and who four years later (1958) after the sudden death of Dior became the creative mind of such prolific and perpetual couture house. In the film we are able to examine the kind of friendships St. Laurent cultivated and who he considered important, valuable and undeniably trusted confidants. We are guests to the most refined and theatrical fittings; we are told over and over that St. Laurent is like no other and his fashions are relics in the pantheon of fashion. "This dress is ravishing Georgette," he exclaims to his right hand assistant. "Thank you monsieur," timidly, yet gratefully she accepts a compliment from the master. Like this exchange there are many—many that are deserved and worth attributing.
Le Smoking by Helmut Newton, Vogue 1975 Fall-Winter 83/84 Ensemble, Metmuseum.org
His loyal friend, collaborator and muse, Loulou de la Falaise ever present, suggesting, admiring, protecting and loving him. I wish I had a loyal and loving friend like Mademoiselle de la Falaise. Their friendship was neither fiction nor a sham; it was real and genuine. Catherine Deneuve unselfishly and tenderly remained his true friend and muse for several decades—their collaboration(s) started in 1966 when he dressed Deneuve in the Luis Buñuel film Belle de Jour. We are invited to listen to his older sister tell stories about her beloved brother. "He was critical of what I wore from an early age," she reminisces "he knew from the age of three that he wanted to be a fashion designer," she tells. It is obvious even to the uneducated eye that his talent was grandiose and that his fascination for the dramatic-theatrical influenced his career. Saint Laurent's work influenced me greatly when I attended design school. How could he not? His work is undeniably like no other before him and timeless. His simple silhouettes and shapes that give reference to a masculine self and the refined tailoring—in his work you can see his influences too, the sculptural drama of Cristobal Balenciaga and the opulent romanticism of Christian Dior and the fabulous sensibility of Nina Ricci, which are exclusive qualities young designers these days look up to for potential design success.
The Mondrian dress defined an era. Metmuseum.org
Whatever your opinion might be of this the last couturier or if you don't know much or nothing at all about his life and times, this documentary will educate you and inspire you very much. I wish it could be longer, unfortunately, it is what is. Yves St. Laurent was a timid, shy person who lived a life filled with a lot of success and who throughout his career he maintained the highest standards for tailoring and for classic cut. His influence in the world of fashion and culture in general, will serve as the trademark for quality, creativity and aesthetic refinement. Now that I have offered you a glimpse about who Yves Saint Laurent was—a tremendous talented man, get to Netflix or Amazon and get yourself a copy of the documentary. You might really enjoy it. Actually, you will enjoy it greatly. You might be inspired and you might walk away more informed. Now I have to go and read a bunch of magazines to educate myself more and pass the legacy on to all of you.
Top and Bottom Monday's
Styling a Mexican Soap Opera Star Isn't Easy
What Would Tim Blanks Say?
Women Who Rock: Vision, Passion, Power. Top & Bottom Monday's
A Boring Week for Fashion--Top & Bottom Monday's
Chic New Jail Uniforms
Top & Bottom Monday's
© 2011 Carlo Brando Zepeda. Awesome Inc. theme. Powered by Blogger. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
package duckdns
import (
// Config is used to configure the creation of the DNSProvider
type Config struct {
Token string
PropagationTimeout time.Duration
PollingInterval time.Duration
SequenceInterval time.Duration
HTTPClient *http.Client
// NewDefaultConfig returns a default configuration for the DNSProvider
func NewDefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
PropagationTimeout: env.GetOrDefaultSecond("DUCKDNS_PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT", dns01.DefaultPropagationTimeout),
PollingInterval: env.GetOrDefaultSecond("DUCKDNS_POLLING_INTERVAL", dns01.DefaultPollingInterval),
SequenceInterval: env.GetOrDefaultSecond("DUCKDNS_SEQUENCE_INTERVAL", dns01.DefaultPropagationTimeout),
HTTPClient: &http.Client{
Timeout: env.GetOrDefaultSecond("DUCKDNS_HTTP_TIMEOUT", 30*time.Second),
// DNSProvider adds and removes the record for the DNS challenge
type DNSProvider struct {
config *Config
// NewDNSProvider returns a new DNS provider using
// environment variable DUCKDNS_TOKEN for adding and removing the DNS record.
func NewDNSProvider() (*DNSProvider, error) {
values, err := env.Get("DUCKDNS_TOKEN")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duckdns: %v", err)
config := NewDefaultConfig()
config.Token = values["DUCKDNS_TOKEN"]
return NewDNSProviderConfig(config)
// NewDNSProviderConfig return a DNSProvider instance configured for DuckDNS.
func NewDNSProviderConfig(config *Config) (*DNSProvider, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, errors.New("duckdns: the configuration of the DNS provider is nil")
if config.Token == "" {
return nil, errors.New("duckdns: credentials missing")
return &DNSProvider{config: config}, nil
// Present creates a TXT record to fulfill the dns-01 challenge.
func (d *DNSProvider) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
_, txtRecord := dns01.GetRecord(domain, keyAuth)
return d.updateTxtRecord(domain, d.config.Token, txtRecord, false)
// CleanUp clears DuckDNS TXT record
func (d *DNSProvider) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
return d.updateTxtRecord(domain, d.config.Token, "", true)
// Timeout returns the timeout and interval to use when checking for DNS propagation.
// Adjusting here to cope with spikes in propagation times.
func (d *DNSProvider) Timeout() (timeout, interval time.Duration) {
return d.config.PropagationTimeout, d.config.PollingInterval
// Sequential All DNS challenges for this provider will be resolved sequentially.
// Returns the interval between each iteration.
func (d *DNSProvider) Sequential() time.Duration {
return d.config.SequenceInterval
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} |
What's Fresh in Florida
Florida Fairs and Festivals in April
What's Fresh in Florida in April?
What to plant in April in Florida
GateHouse Florida: 'DeSantis asks Legislature to ...
Warm up with a bowl of 'Khaddo,' an Afghani...
Guide to Winter Squash and Pumpkin Varieties
Florida Fairs and Festivals in March
Lake Worth Street Painting Festival set for Feb. 23-24
Posted by J.D. Vivian | Jan 13, 2019 | Events, Featured, News | 0 |
A chalk-work of actor Steve McQueen takes shape during the 2018 Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. / Katy Lynch
Hundreds of artists will soon transform the streets of downtown Lake Worth into colorful works of art during the city's Street Painting Festival, set for Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 23-24, 2019.
Using chalk, artists create a temporary gallery of art. Many of the artists are highly adept at creating three-dimensional (3-D) illusionist paintings.
Expect to see many colorful — and some not-so-colorful but always creative — works at the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. / Katy Lynch
This annual event — this year marks its 25th anniversary — attracts more than 100,000 visitors. During the festival, which begins at 10 a.m. both days, Lake and Lucerne Avenues — the main routes through downtown — are closed to vehicle traffic between Dixie Highway (U.S. 1) and Federal Highway. Admission is … free!
The event also features music on the Cultural Plaza Mainstage, a food court, vendors, the Children's Meadow, and plenty of restaurants and shops on Lake and Lucerne Avenues.
Proceeds from the nonprofit festival help to fund the event; in addition, they benefit the Street Painting Festival Scholarships. These are awarded each May to Palm Beach County graduating high-school students, as well as to community projects associated with the arts.
For more information, visit www.streetpaintingfestivalinc.org. For a site map, which includes the location of the free shuttle's drop-off and pickup points, visit www.streetpaintingfestivalinc.org/index.php/contact.
The shuttle runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days and will pick up passengers from the Lake Worth Tri-Rail Station, just west of Lake Worth High School; and from Palm Beach State College, 4200 Congress Ave., in suburban Lake Worth.
Previous'Florida Grower': '7 Food Trends to Watch for in 2019'
NextMounts exhibit is 'Twisted'
J.D. Vivian
Living in southern Spain in the late 1960s, J.D. Vivian -- who serves as a writer, editor, and photographer -- learned to appreciate local foods. "That's all we had. There was no distribution system to move food any great distance." He has shot photos and/or written for three daily newspapers since 1987: "The Miami Herald," "The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel," and "The Palm Beach Post." In the mid-1990s, he worked as a freelance stock photographer -- shooting, among other things, agriculture and deforestation in Guatemala. Vivian taught at Florida Atlantic University; he retired in 2014. Today, he still stays busy -- cruising around Florida to conduct interviews and shoot photos for "Florida Food & Farm."
What to plant in November in Florida
Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales releases 2018-19 schedule of events
Chef Tastemaker: Amy Freeze of Gourmet Everyday
Cravings: Smoked Pork Tostadas from Chef Clay Carnes
© 2015 - 2016 Florida Food & Farm, LLC | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
The Cardinals have signed wide receiver Kendall Wright, here catching a pass for the Bears last season.
In an effort to help a passing offense -- and an offense in general -- that has struggled through five games of the season, the Cardinals signed veteran wide receiver Kendall Wright Monday to a one-year contract.
To make room on the roster, the Cards released rookie cornerback Deatrick Nichols.
"I've been in a lot of offenses so it's not hard to pick it up," Wright said. "The stuff they are running here, I've done it before."
Wright had recently visited for a workout. Wright spent the first five seasons of his career in Tennessee, posting a 94-reception, 1079-yard season in 2013. Last year he played in 16 games for the Bears, making 59 catches for 614 yards and a touchdown. In his career, he has 339 receptions for 3,858 yards and 19 touchdowns. He was with the Vikings in the preseason but was cut prior to the regular season.
He said he's been working out at a Lifetime Fitness twice a day while out of the league, catching passes from fellow free agent Landry Jones.
"It's good to be back in a facility," Wright said. "It's been real weird. It'd probably be different if I felt like I can't play the game anymore, but I know I've got a lot left and I know I can play. It was hard just watching football on Sundays. If I wasn't watching some of my friends, I didn't really care about watching."
Wright also said he doesn't have strong feelings that the Cardinals were playing the Vikings Sunday.
"I mean, if I play I'll try to kill them, but it doesn't mean that much," Wright said. "It'll be a good game, and I can help them with the DBs and safeties after spending all training camp with them."
In five games, the Cardinals have generated only 786 yards through the air. Rookie Christian Kirk is the team's leading receiver with 19 catches for 234 yards and a touchdown. Larry Fitzgerald has 17 receptions for 176 yards. Quarterback Josh Rosen was inconsistent in his second start, completing only 10 of 25 passes with many incompletions coming with open receivers that he just missed. The Cardinals also had three more drops in the game by pass catchers.
Coach Steve Wilks said the offense simply needs to find more consistency.
"It's not just one guy," Wilks said. "Everybody is taking their turn making that one mistake. ... Whether it it a drop by a receiver, a lineman not executing the block, a running back not hitting the right hole.
"We have to make sure to correct that and get consistent in what we're doing." | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Trump Makes False Claims At Georgia Rally: 'We Won The Presidential Election!'
President Donald Trump took the stage in Georgia on Monday night to speak in support of Sens. David Perdue (R-Georgia) and Kelly Loeffler (R-Georgia) the night before crucial runoff elections in the state. Republican Georgia voters, however, may walk away from Trump's speech confused. Just days after Trump tweeted that the Georgia runoff elections were "invalid," in his Monday speech he said Georgians should still vote in the runoff election because "If the Left wins these Senate seats, they will abolish the Senate." The majority of Trump's stage time, however, was dedicated to continuing his …
Biden promises a new era with Latin America and the Caribbean. How much can he really do? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Stall owner washing and packing up utensils after the lunch rush, Kuala Lumpur. Down some grimy, dirty, little back alley whose name has been long forgotten by all except those whose lives revolve around there. Beautiful light from the holes in the roof and gaps between the buildings, though.
Leica M-Monochrom, 35/1.4 ASPH FLE. Look out for my full review (in three parts) starting from tomorrow. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
It was one more blessings that I got an opportunity to learn Sudarshan Kriya from Pujya Guruji over the weekend.
It is sometime difficult to find anything new when you have gone through many such processes. But I still managed to learn quite a few new things like the breathing excercise as directed by him which is called Sudarshan Kriya.
I have been using Sri Sri products also for sometime which are actually worth trying.
I managed to share something about my book series to the class mates. Also presented one to my coach who was quite helpful.
I am making the best use of my time in india. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Black and white, abstract photography explores very unusual object – a wrapped boat. Wrapped Boat I not only creates mystic, surrealistic vibes but also showcases wrapped boat as a sculpture, a work of art. Artwork also becomes a great example of artist's interest in Conceptual art and objects as solely pure forms. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Còrnabarriu (francès Cornebarrieu) és un municipi occità del Llenguadoc, situat a la regió d'Occitània, departament de l'Alta Garona.
Municipis del districte de Tolosa
Municipis del Llenguadoc | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} |
Last week, my eldest daughter asked me questions about Super Typhoon Yolanda. She told me she knew that Super Typhoon Yolanda devastated many towns in the Visayas Region and lots of families don't have houses to go home to or livelihood to start over again. Then, she asked me "What about their Christmas?" She wants to give some of her toys to the kids as a Christmas gift to them like Santa Clause. You see, children have the immense capacity to give love. They may still be young but they want to help even in their small way. It's never too early to start teaching our children to be compassionate to others.
On December 1 and 8, 2013, Make Believe Productions together with Fully Booked will be having their event called "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" – a benefit especially designed for children in Manila to take part in relief efforts and express love and compassion for their young counterparts in the Visayas region, affected by Typhoon Yolanda.
Our children can participate in their fun activities – interactive story telling by the Make Believe storytellers, A short discussion and sharing on the calamity and writing of letters and drawing of pictures to cheer up a friend.
To make the event more special, child actress and host Hiyasmin Neri will be there on December 1 and Mike Shimamoto from Where's the Sheep will be there on December 8.
Participants may bring donations in the form of clothing, blankets, easy to open canned goods, shoes, slippers, toys, and books. Children will also be given the opportunity to purchase books to include in their donations. Donations in kind will be turned over to the Villamor Relief Operations and ABS-CBN Foundation. Cash donations will also be accepted and turned over to World Vision Philippines.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow will be held on December 1 and 8, 3:00 p.m., at the Children's Section of Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street. Please see the attached poster for more details. We hope you and your little ones can join us and spread the message!
this is such a wonderful event! good luck..for sure the kids will be very happy for this!
Sounds like a great event. I'll see if we can go. Thanks for sharing.
What a nice gesture of your daughter. Keep it up!
This sounds like a fun event to attend to.
It's such a kind and altruistic gesture of your daughter to offer her toys to the young victims of the Typhoon Yolanda. It warms my heart how little kids can give so much love without asking anything in return.
This is a very good event sponsored by Make Believe Foundation and Fully Booked. If I was in the Philippines right now, I will take my nephews and nieces to that event.
You have a compassionate daughter.
this sort of events are the kind i would like for me + my little man to participate. i will be sure to bring him to one of these when he gets a bit older.
I believe kids are indeed full of love and so many in Youtube showed their heartache after what happened to Yolanda. This event is really something that will help the many who are in help at the same time will bring fun to children <3 Thanks for sharing! If I know anyone who can go I'll tell them about this!
Sounds like a great event. Hope we can go! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Austin kicking it up a notch. This is taller than any highrise built in Texas since the 80's, and mixed-use on this scale is not something I think we've ever seen in this state.
This strikes me as a 'Bank of the Southwest' type project. Overly ambitious as a result of the times and never gets built. Hope I'm wrong as this would be awesome, but it just feels that way. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Q: How to add a check constraint in django model that a field value startwith letter 'c' or 'e' or 'a' How to add a check constraint in django model that a field value startwith letter 'c' or 'e' or 'a'
like the bellow SQL check constraint
account_no varchar(12),
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int,
City varchar(255),
CONSTRAINT CHK_Person CHECK (SUBSTR(account_no,1,1) = 'c' OR SUBSTR(account_no,1,1) = 'e' OR SUBSTR(account_no,1,1) = 'a' )
i try with meta class of model. but i don't know how to specify the or case
class Meta:
constraints = [
check = Q(account_no___startswith=F('')),
name = 'check_start_wtih',
A: class Meta:
constraints = [
check = Q(account_no___startswith='c') | Q(account_no___startswith='e') | Q(account_no___startswith='a'),
name = 'check_start_wtih_cea',
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} |
Sidetracked by Dellani Oakes Part 58
Cover image from Free Stock Photos: Railroad Track On A Fall Day by Curtis Dean Wilson
Eoin went to get a shower. Aaron called Jasper, giving him a brief report. He heard the water cut off in the bathroom, and saw Eoin walk to his room and fall into bed. Lying face first on the bed, Eoin lay there naked, the light on. Aaron pulled a blanket over the other man and turned out the lamp, before settling for the night.
Luckily for everyone at the Partridge house, the night was quiet and uneventful. Deirdre still woke with a start, after a particularly disturbing dream, which faded as soon as she opened her eyes. Fred was curled at her side, looking so much like Aiden, she felt a lump in her throat. Somehow, the peace of the night made her more nervous. Unable to get back to sleep, she hobbled to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Tonight, Jasper was the one burning the midnight oil. He smiled up at her, offering her a cup of coffee. Since she didn't think she'd be going back to bed anyway, she accepted.
"Couldn't sleep, huh?"
"It's too quiet, like the calm before the storm. I had a nightmare, some faceless something was following me." She shuddered. "But it wasn't exactly running and chasing, more lurking in corners."
Jasper shuddered too. "Oh, you had to say that. My worst nightmares are like that. What's sparked it, you think?"
"We've put away some very bad people and solved Wendy's murder. But what I don't get is, whose idea was this? Bullock's not smart enough to do this himself. He's a great patsy, but not a lot of little gray cells to rub together."
Jasper put his elbows on the table, leaning toward her. "You figure there's a master mind we didn't roll in with the others. We had pictures of all those people, lists of names…."
"Yeah, but what if it's someone who never attended? Wendy would never know."
"True." His nod encouraged her to go on.
"It would have to be someone involved with the school. This sort of thing couldn't continue without a person to cover their tracks. But for the life of me, I can't think who." Shaking her head, she sighed. "I want to believe this is over, Jasper, but I'm simply not convinced that it is."
"We've got you covered, Dee. We'll watch your family."
"I know, but you can't do so forever. You have lives and families, and mine can't live like this. I learned a long time ago to stand up to my fears, but there's no one, nothing, to confront."
"I wish I knew what to tell you. I guess we'll have to figure it out together."
"Sooner than later."
They sat and talked until the boys got up. Fred got up with them. Nadeya followed a few minutes later. She and Jasper made breakfast. It was time for the boys to go, and Deirdre hugged and kissed them all three times before she allowed them to leave.
"Wow, Mom," Corin said. "We're okay. Chill, huh?"
"I'll chill when you're all home safely," she said, giving him another kiss.
"Ready?" Nadeya said from the living room.
"Yes!" the boys said loudly.
"Thanks, I'm feeling the love," Deirdre called after them.
"Mom, if we were openly affectionate, you'd think we were sick," Burl said as he went out the door.
"Boys!" Deirdre complained.
"Who wants a game of Cards Against Humanity?" Fred suggested.
"Anything to take my mind of things," Deirdre replied.
She, Fred, and Jasper sat down to play.
Aiden was getting weird looks from faculty and students. He wasn't entirely sure why, but figured it had something to do with Wendy's death.
"So, you're the one, huh?" One of his golf team buddies accosted him in the hall between classes.
"What are you talking about, Eddy?"
Eddy shoved him hard. "You're the one who ratted it all out. I was counting on that scholarship!"
"What they were doing was wrong, Ed. You were their whore."
"I wasn't doing anything I didn't want to. So why didn't you just mind your own business?" He shoved Aiden again.
"Maybe we should have arrested you along with the others," Aiden said, standing his ground. "You're so broken up about it, go cry to someone who gives a f**k. I did the right thing."
"Bullshit you did!" This time, Ed took a swing.
Dellani Oakes, Sidetracked, Florida, Murder,
← Sidetracked by Dellani Oakes Part 57
→ Sidetracked by Dellani Oakes Part 59 | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Will is thrilled with his new play The Taming of the Shrew in which a bright and strong-minded young woman is crushed and humiliated into submission by the man in her life. For some reason, Kate is less than impressed,Upstart Crow Season 3 DVD and back in Stratford his wife Anne isnt convinced either. Will thinks the solution is to try out a bit of taming on his very stroppy teenage daughter Susannah. But it turns out what works in a play there are two running gags in every episode; the casual sexism towards Kate's attempts to become an actress and Shakespeare's coach journeys between London and Stratford which refer to modern motorway and railway journey frustrations. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
LG Energy Solution targets $10.8 billion in IPO
LG Energy Solution targets $10.8 billion in IPO2 min read
By Stephen Posted on January 3, 2022 In Business No Comments
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va VCB - grez furrg" id="carouselImage" src="https://www.smartsrdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LG-Energy-Solution-targets-108-billion-va-VCB.wct" style="visibility:hidden"/>
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: LG Energy Solution's logo is pictured on a smartphone in front of the stock graph displayed in this illustration taken, December 4, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration
By Scott Murdoch and Joyce Lee
HONG KONG (Reuters) -Korean battery maker LG Energy Solution has opened the books to investors to raise up to $10.8 billion in the country's largest ever initial public offering (IPO), according to a term sheet seen by Reuters.
The shares will be sold in a price range of 257,000 won to 300,000 won ($216.19-$252.36) apiece to raise between $9.2 billion and $10.8 billion, the term sheet showed.
It will be the largest IPO in South Korea to date, beating the previous record held by Samsung (KS:) Life Insurance's 4.9 trillion won ($4.12 billion) IPO in 2010.
LG Energy Solution will be valued at $51 billion to $59 billion.
The company did not provide any further comment when contacted by Reuters.
LGES is LG Chem Ltd's wholly owned battery subsidiary and supplies Tesla (NASDAQ:) Inc, General Motor Co and Hyundai Motor Co, among others.
The company will sell 34 million primary shares and its parent company, LG Chem Ltd, will sell 8.5 million secondary shares in the IPO.
Institutional shareholders will be allotted 55% to 75% of the shares on offer, depending on the retail subscription and employee share ownership plans take up rates, the term sheet said.
Cash raised in the IPO will be mostly used to expand the company's current production facilities and debt repayment, according to the term sheet.
($1 = 1,188.7400 won)
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Gmail campaigns to stop running on June 28
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On February 11, the FLMS Eighth Graders will visit LHS to tour the school. FLMS will tour the school in the morning and will be back by lunch. Jamie Ensley will be coming to talk to the 8th graders during support 1 on January 24th to start getting them thinking about the transition to HS and go over graduation requirements.
That night, parents and students are invited to come to an informational question/answer meeting about the transition to High School. Watch here for more information. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
SKF PCM151712E Bearing is one of our main products. You are welcome to consult us about SKF PCM151712E Bearing. You can contact us by calling the hotline at the top of the page, emailing, . We have a very high degree of professionalism, you are welcome to become our partner.
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Dambudzo Marechera, (born 1952, Rusape, Southern Rhodesia [now Zimbabwe]—died Aug. 18, 1987, Harare, Zimbabwe), Zimbabwean novelist who won critical acclaim for his collection of stories entitled The House of Hunger (1978), a powerful account of life in his country under white rule.
Marechera grew up in poverty. He reacted against his upbringing and adopted an increasingly self-destructive lifestyle. He studied at the University of Rhodesia but was expelled after participating in a demonstration over the wages of black staff members. He obtained a scholarship to New College, Oxford, but he was expelled in 1977 for trying to set fire to the college building. While living in England, he wrote The House of Hunger, his name for his country. Despite critical and popular recognition brought by the publication of his book, Marechera remained disruptive and confrontational. In 1980 his novel Black Sunlight was published; less acclaimed than his first work, it is an explosive and chaotic stream-of-consciousness account of a photojournalist's involvement with a revolutionary organization. Marechera returned to Zimbabwe in 1981; his mental and physical condition deteriorated, and he was often homeless. Mindblast, or the Definitive Buddy (1984), the last collection published during his lifetime, includes four plays, a prose narrative, poetry, and a section of his Harare journal. A novel, entitled "The Depths of Diamonds," was rejected for publication reportedly because of its obscenity. Marechera's health deteriorated, and he soon died of AIDS. Posthumous publications of his works, compiled by Flora Veit-Wild, include The Black Insider (1990); Cemetery of Mind (1992), a powerful collection of his poetry; and Scrapiron Blues (1994), a collection of stories, plays, and a novella. | {
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Item 17 - Enter the name of the referring or ordering physician if the service or item was ordered or referred by a physician . All physicians who order services or refer Medicare beneficiaries must report this data. Similarly, if Medicare policy requires you to report a supervising physician, enter this information in item 17. When a claim involves multiple referring, ordering, or supervising physicians, use a separate CMS-1500 claim form for each ordering, referring, or supervising physician.
Enter the qualifier to the left of the dotted vertical line on item 17.
NOTE: Under certain circumstances, Medicare permits a non-physician practitioner to perform these roles. Refer to Pub 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, chapter 15 for non-physician practitioner rules. Enter non-physician practitioner information according to the rules above for physicians.
5. A chiropractor who is licensed as such by a State (or in a State which does not license chiropractors as such), and is legally authorized to perform the services of a chiropractor in the jurisdiction in which he/she performs such services, and who meets uniform minimum standards specified by the Secretary, but only for purposes of §§1861(s)(1) and 1861(s)(2)(A) of the Act, and only with respect to treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine (to correct a subluxation). For the purposes of §1862(a)(4) of the Act and subject to the limitations and conditions provided above, chiropractor includes a doctor of one of the arts specified in the statute and legally authorized to practice such art in the country in which the inpatient hospital services (referred to in §1862(a)(4) of the Act) are furnished. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Burlington man convicted of killing girlfriend
Christopher Piantedosi convicted in death of Kristen Pulisciano
Court justice law legal
A jury has rejected an insanity defense and convicted a Burlington man of killing his longtime girlfriend in her home, a slaying witnessed by a friend of the woman's teenage daughter who was video chatting with the girl.Christopher Piantedosi was convicted Monday of first-degree murder for the May 2012 stabbing death of Kristen Pulisciano.Prosecutors say the 40-year-old Piantedosi stabbed Pulisciano more than 30 times because he was angry she wanted to end their relationship.Authorities say minutes after the stabbing, Piantedosi texted a friend with what he had done. He then threw away his bloody clothes and changed into clean clothes, which prosecutors say showed he was fully aware of his actions.The defense said Piantedosi has a history of mental illness and was under the influence of prescription drugs.
WOBURN, Mass. —
A jury has rejected an insanity defense and convicted a Burlington man of killing his longtime girlfriend in her home, a slaying witnessed by a friend of the woman's teenage daughter who was video chatting with the girl.
Christopher Piantedosi was convicted Monday of first-degree murder for the May 2012 stabbing death of Kristen Pulisciano.
Prosecutors say the 40-year-old Piantedosi stabbed Pulisciano more than 30 times because he was angry she wanted to end their relationship.
Authorities say minutes after the stabbing, Piantedosi texted a friend with what he had done. He then threw away his bloody clothes and changed into clean clothes, which prosecutors say showed he was fully aware of his actions.
The defense said Piantedosi has a history of mental illness and was under the influence of prescription drugs. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Print | How do I become rich? Research shows that earning lots of money is only half the work done. Spending money wisely is just as important. This can mean that even a car-loving millionaire to be will search the market for the cheapest car. However, there is another solution: a car that gives the feeling of driving a top class touring car for only a fraction of the cost. At least, that is what Hyundai promises with the new Sonata V6. | {
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Bulgarian History
and defining moments,
people and places.
A short history of Bulgaria – part 4 – The dark ages of Ottoman rule
Vladislav III of Varna
After the Ottoman empire took over the Second Bulgarian kingdom and the Balkans, the life of all Christians, not only Bulgarians, changed for the worse – limited civil rights by the Turkish laws that were based on Islamic Sharia law, culture is limited to local folklore, education to the monasteries. The Ottoman rule in Bulgaria is referred to as slavery – "Robstvo". In these conditions, with the lack of education and almost no knowledge of their own history, the people were united solely by the language they spoke, Christianity and their own traditions. The Bulgarian people are incapable of organizing a rebellion against the powerful empire of the Ottomans for a long time – the most significant attempt to free the Balkans from Turkey is the military campaign of the Polish king Vladislav III of Varna. He was defeated and killed in the battle of Varna in 1444. In the following centuries there were few attempts to resist the strong Ottoman empire.
The Bulgarian Renaissance and a book of history
Paisius of Hilendar
As mentioned above, education and literacy were limited to monasteries. The Bulgarian Renaissance or National revival starts in the 17th century with a small book written by a Bulgarian monk. Paisius of Hilendar dedicated his life to collecting the fragments of Bulgarian history he could find in Bulgarian and Greek monasteries. The book was called "Slavo-Bulgar History"(Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya) and was distributed in handwritten copies. It was telling the people who had no knowledge of history about the glorious past and their kings, promoting love of one's own language and traditions. This was just one of the triggers of the National revival – soon many Bulgarians started getting education in foreign countries and a new intellectual elite began to take shape. Schools were established in many cities, the first printed books in modern Bulgarian language appeared and were sent for the purposes of education.
Typical Turkish Bashi-Bazouks
In the Beginning of the 18th century the Ottoman empire is weakened, the Bulgarians have witnessed and participated in the fights for political freedom of other Balkan peoples and will soon use this experience for their own purpose. Tensions between the Ottoman authorities and Bulgarians are increased by two factors: first is the introduction of Greek language in the Bulgarian churches and the attempt of the Greek ecclesiastics to impose it on all Christians – this is a reason for the first big political fight of Bulgarians and further unites them; the second major factor are the worsened living conditions after the Crimean war and raised taxes (1853-1856). Other reasons for further frustration of all Christians in the Ottoman empire were the lack of equality in justice and the presence of military units like the Bashi-Bаzоuk – irregular soldiers who were armed by the Ottoman government, but were not paid and relied solely on robbing locals.
The bloody April of 1876
Vassil Levski – the Apostle of Freedom
After the Crimean war, many Chitalishta (educational and cultural centers) were formed and they were the medium for exchange of nationalistic and illegal literature; they were also the places for discussion of current problems and became the basis of a complex revolutionary network. One of the most significant revolutionaries of this period is Vassil Levski , known as the Apostle of freedom. He is a former monk who participated in the Serbo-Turkish conflict of 1862 and later used the experience he got there. He traveled, often by foot, through entire Bulgaria to establish revolutionary committees. Although he spoke fluently Turkish and was a master of disguise, in September 1872 he was captured and hanged by Ottoman authorities. Nevertheless, his so called Inner Revolutionary Organisation continued to work for the liberation of Bulgaria.
Raina Knyaginya with the Bulgarian flag.
Following the example of Levski, the new leaders of the revolutionary organisation were also called apostles. Their goal was to liberate Bulgaria from Ottoman rule without the help of the Great Powers, because they knew this would lead to foreign interference in the politics of Bulgaria. The preparation for the an uprising was going well and with few incidents. In the beginning of 1876 the 4 main regional revolutionary committees had a large part of the population on their side and had managed to supply guns. The uprising was scheduled for May 1876, but because of betrayal the Turkish authorities learned about it and attacked the revolutionary committee of Koprivshtitsa on the 20th of April. This attack gave an early start to the April uprising – all four revolutionary districts were supposed to rise in rebellion at the same time and with equal forces, but it was strongest in the Plovdiv region. It started with some success – the city of Panagyurishte was taken over and Rayna Knyaginya (literally "Rayna the Queen") carried the Bulgarian rebel flag through the city streets.
The devastation at Batak
On the flag are written the words: "Freedom or Death". However soon the rebels in South Bulgaria realized that they were not strong enough to fight against the Ottoman army, while heavy rainfall made their flintlock guns useless against the supreme Winchester rifles that the Turks had. The rebellion was viciously defeated by the Turkish regular army and Bashi-bazouks who raided houses and killed thousands of civilians, women and children. Europe was shocked by the massacre of 200 civilians in the Battak church "Sveta Nedelya". At the end of May the remaining rebels fled to the Balkan or Romania, but few of them survived.
Russo-Turkish liberation war
The Ottoman army in battle
The inhumane suppression of the April uprising and the brutality of the Turkish army got a public response in many European countries; the strongest reaction was by Russia. For the purpose of solving the problems of Christians on the Balkans, in December 1877 the Constantinople conference was opened in Istanbul. The Great powers made decisions for the creating autonomous regions of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina within the empire and the adoption of a new constitution which would guarantee the equality juridical and legislative equality of all religious minorities in the Ottoman empire. The Ottomans failed to give any guarantees about the implementations of the requested reforms. No matter how hard the Great powers tried to solve the issues of the Eastern question, the Turks showed no will for change – Russia declared War on the Ottoman empire on the 24th April 1877 and on the very next day the Russian army started preparations for crossing the Danube river. Thousands of Bulgarians volunteered to fight with the Russian army.
The battle at Shipka peak
During the next months, the Russians pushed back the Turks from large territories in north of the Balkan. One less known fact of history is that Russia was attacking Turkey not only in the Balkans, but also in Asia – fighting for the territories of Armenia. Two key points defined the course of this war: The battles for Pleven were some of the the bloodiest – starting from July when fighting for this city the Russians lost more than 28.000 thousand men (including 3000 Romanians). After being cut of supplies and surrounded for a long time the Ottomans surrendered on the 10th of December. The other divisions of the Russian army were fighting for the passages through the Balkan (Stara Planina) – this mountain range divides the north and south of Bulgaria. The second most important fight is for the Shipka pass, lasting from July 1877 to January 1878 when the Turks were pushed back. After this victory, the Russians conquered South Bulgaria without major resistance.
Bulgaria according to the San Stefano treaty
The Great powers got really concerned about the success of Russia on the Balkans and forced her to to sign a peace pact with Turkey on the 3rd of March 1878. The San Stefano treaty was giving Bulgaria all lands that are inhabited mostly by ethnic Bulgarians. However Great Brighton was afraid of strong Russian influence on the Balkans, they did not want a new strong and independent country to be established and at the Berlin congress are made decisions in favor of the Great Powers – Bulgaria is divided in two separate countries – Eastern Rumelia and Principality of Bulgaria; many Christians are left in the Ottoman empire and face the wrath of the Turks who lost the war.
This is the first step for Bulgaria's political freedom, but in the following decades the fight for unity of all Bulgarians goes on. Read more about the Recent history of Bulgaria.
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Our partner in this effort, the Colon Cancer Coalition, is a national organization that helps oversee our efforts and provide guidance and support.
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World Desk
Sullivan: China Will "End Up Owning Some of The Costs" If Russia Invades Ukraine
Sullivan said sanctions would impact Beijing "because they will go at the financial system of Russia which, of course, engages the Chinese economy as well."
Screenshot: "Meet the Press"
Two days after Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi made a show of reinforcing their unity against Western "interference," U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the two would also be tied together in some manner if the Kremlin decides to invade Ukraine.
Driving the news: "We believe that Beijing will end up owning some of the costs of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and that they should calculate that as they consider their engagements with the Russian government," Sullivan told host Chuck Todd on NBC's "Meet the Press."
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The flooding of the Nile is the result of the yearly monsoon between May and August causing enormous precipitations on the Ethiopian Highlands whose summits reach heights of up to 4550 m. Most of this rainwater is taken by the Blue Nile and by the Atbarah River into the Nile, while a less important amount flows through the Sobat and the White Nile into the Nile. During this short period, those rivers contribute up to ninety percent of the water of the Nile and most of the sedimentation carried by it, but after the rainy season, dwindle to minor rivers.
Apparently, these facts were unknown to the ancient Egyptians who could only observe the rise and fall of the Nile waters. The flooding as such was foreseeable, though its exact dates and levels could only be forecast on a short term basis by transmitting the gauge readings at Aswan to the lower parts of the kingdom where the data had to be converted to the local circumstances.
The Egyptian year was divided into the three seasons of Akhet (Inundation), Peret (Growth), and Shemu (Harvest). Akhet covered the Egyptian flood cycle. This cycle was so consistent that the Egyptians timed its onset using the heliacal rising of Sirius, the key event used to set their calendar.
The first indications of the rise of the river could be seen at the first of the cataracts of the Nile (at Aswan) as early as the beginning of June, and a steady increase went on until the middle of July, when the increase of water became very great. The Nile continued to rise until the beginning of September, when the level remained stationary for a period of about three weeks, sometimes a little less. In October it often rose again, and reached its highest level. From this period it began to subside, and usually sank steadily until the month of June when it reached its lowest level, again.
Now meet Khnum.
Khnum was one of the earliest-known Egyptian deities, originally the God of the source of the Nile. In art, Khnum was usually depicted as a ram-headed man holding a jar from which flowed a stream of water.
I particularly love this depiction of Khnum, with water pouring out of a snake mouth. As I explained in my post "Apep", snake is the symbol of the sun's heat, the symbol of the sun's fire, which swallows the water (moisture). And here the snake seems to be offered to Khnum as a sacrifice. At the same time Khnum is holding the Was staff (the weapon that kills Apep, The Dragon, The destroyer of life) and Ankh (symbol of life). A very very interesting relief. If anyone knows where this relief is and if you have the full image, please let me know.
Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' uteruses. He later was described as having moulded the other deities, and he had the titles "Divine Potter" and "Lord of created things from himself". So he was also depicted working at a potter's wheel, with recently created children's bodies standing on the wheel...
The horizontally twisted horns show that we are dealing with a ram of the species "ovis longipes palaeoaegyptiacus".
This was the earliest type to be domesticated in Egypt, but became extinct sometime in the New Kingdom. Nevertheless, the shape of the horns was preserved even in later depictions of Khnum.
Now this type of sheep is a bit of a mystery. There are two thing you can find about its origin.
One says that it came from wild Barbery Sheep, which came from Numbia. The problem with this is that Barbery Sheep is not a sheep but a goat...And it doesn't look anything like the Egyptian sheep, Khnom's sheep. Look at the horns
The other says that it came from Iranian Red Sheep, and that it came to Egypt via Sinai. This sheep is indeed a wild sheep of a Muflon family. But this sheep also doesn't look anything like the Egyptian sheep, Khnom's sheep. Look at the horns
I don't know if any genetic analysis was done on the remains of "ovis longipes palaeoaegyptiacus", or if such remains were ever found. But considering that these two animals, one goat and the other sheep, neither of which looks like the depictions of the "ovis longipes palaeoaegyptiacus" were proposed as its ancestors, I could bet that we have no clue what "ovis longipes palaeoaegyptiacus" actually was...
If we disregard the horns, what is interesting is that both of these animals mate in late autumn and give birth to their young in late spring, finishing their birthing season in April...You will see why this is important in a sec. But first, have a look at this:
This is "Balkanska koza" (Balkan goat) also known as "Hrvatska šarena koza" (Croatian colored goat), direct descendants of wild goats. And like many other old Southern European goat breeds it has horizontal horns.
Balearic goat
Balkan black goat
Kalofer goat
Old Irish goat
What all goats have in common is that their natural mating season is in the autumn and that their kidding season is in the spring, ending in April...
Did such goat once live in Egypt too?
As I said, we don't have any data for the ancient Egyptian goats, but I would bet that their kidding season also ended in April...As is normal for most Northern Hemisphere wild goats and sheep...
And coincidentally, the monsoon that is the source of the nile flood, begins during the birthing season of the above animals (March/April). These are rain charts for two areas of the Ethiopian highlands...
I talked about this in my post "Menat"...
It is this rain that is the source of the Nile...And interestingly, the rise of the nile water level, the beginning of the annual inundation of the Nile starts right after that, in May.
Do you think that this is why Khnum, the God of the source of the Nile, has a head of the "ovis longipes palaeoaegyptiacus" ram (or male goat)???
Are there any other goats or sheep that look like this in Africa or Asia? This definitely needs more investigation...
Well I just found this representation of Khnum, harvesting wheat.
Harvest time in the Nile River Valley occurred between April and June, depending on the weather. So the harvest also starts after Aries (Ram) ends.
I came across this interesting article today: "EVOSHEEP: the makeup of sheep breeds in the ancient Near East". An in it, I read this:
In northern Mesopotamia, an important increase in sheep husbandry during the fourth millennium BC (Uruk period) can be identified. Zooarchaeological studies have shown that these animals are larger than earlier sheep. Their horns form horizontal spirals, which are similar in shape to those of contemporaneous Levantine and Egyptian sheep. At the beginning of the third millennium BC (Early Bronze Age), the average sheep size was smaller, and the horns were coiled.
I went and I checked the modem sheep breeds, and I came across this one, Damara sheep, which can today be found in Central and Southern Africa, but which arrived there from Egypt. Is this Khnom's sheep?
I also found out that sheep that were a result of back breeding with wild sheep, mouflon, have horizontal spiral horns...Like this Hawaiian black sheep...
Very interesting. So Khnum could have been a deified ram after all...
The thing is, that the reason why a deified ram would be worshiped as the god of the source of Nile stil stands, as these old sheep are also seasonal breeders, which mate in autumn and lamb in spring...
Posted by oldeuropeanculture at 14:00 3 comments:
Labels: Ancient Egypt, Egyptian mythology, Khnum, Origin of zodiac
Today I would like to talk about snakes. And the sun.
Apep or Apophis was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos. He was viewed as the greatest enemy of the solar deity Ra who as the bringer of light was seen as the upholder of order. This is why he was given the title Enemy of Ra.
Apep was seen as a giant snake or serpent leading to such titles as the Evil Dragon. Some elaborations said that he had a head made of flint.
The few descriptions of Apep's origin in myth usually demonstrate that it was born after Ra, usually from his umbilical cord. Combined with its absence from Egyptian creation myths, this has been interpreted as suggesting that Apep was not a primordial force in Egyptian theology, but a consequence of Ra's birth.
In his battles, Apep was thought to use a magical gaze to hypnotise Ra and his entourage, attempting to devour them whilst choking the river on which they travelled through the underworld with his coils.
But god Set, who always accompanied Ra on Atet (Solar barge) defended Ra and killed Apep with his spear.
The god Set was usually depicted as a man with a head resembling that of the sha, Set animal.
In ancient Egyptian art, the Set animal is usually depicted as a slender canid, resembling a greyhound or a jackal, usually with a long, slightly curved nose, and erect ears, squared at the tops, and a forked tail.
Set was often depicted carrying the so called "was" (Egyptian wꜣs "power, dominion") sceptre. It appears as a stylized animal head at the top of a long, straight staff with a forked end. Basically it was a stylised Set animal.
In one account, Ra himself defeats Apep in the form of a cat.
Egyptian believed that thunderstorms and earthquakes were caused by Apep managing to temporarily overwhelm Ra. They also believed that solar eclipses were caused by Apep managing to swallow Ra during the day. However Ra's defenders would quickly cut Apep's belly open and free Ra out, ending the eclipse within a few minutes.
Comparable hostile snakes as enemies of the sun god existed under other names (in the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts) already before the name Apep occurred. The etymology of his name ('pp) is perhaps to be sought in some west-semitic language where a word root "pp meaning 'to slither' existed. A verb root 'pp does at any rate not exist elsewhere in Ancient Egyptian.
Soooo. That's the story of Apep. How are we to understand all this?
Maybe this will help:
In Slavic languages the word for dragon "zmaj" is the masculine form of the word for snake "zmija". In Slavic mythology dragon is believed to be an "old male snake"...
Snake is in Slavic mythology described as "the enemy"of the sun. As the protector of the sun, who saves the sun from the snake, we often find swallow. In Serbia people believe that swallow saved the sun when snake tried to swallow it. In Bosnia people believe that the swallow hid one quarter of the sun under it's wing, to protect it from the snake. In Dalmatia people believe that once there were three or four suns in the sky and that the snake ate all but one, which swallow hid under its wing. Two "blind suns" which can sometimes be seen in the sky together with our normal sun are the ones which the snake ate. The one that heats us is the one that the swallow hid under its wing. There is also a story that once there were 9 rays on the sun, but that snake ate (sucked, drank) all but one. In Montenegro people believe that a huge dragon once sucked in two out of three suns which once existed. In Bulgaria people say that once snake bit the sun in the eyes when it bent down to drink water. Another version of this story says that the sun used to have two or more eyes, but that the snake "sucked" them all out.
Bulgarians believe that the sun celebrates the killing of snakes. because the snake sucked in one of sun's eyes. In Montenegro people say that every time a snake is killed, the sun happily exclaims "A dragon was killed".
Bulgarians believe that snakes eyes have magic affect on the sun. They say that the sun can't set unless the snake looks at it. In Poland people say that the sun would stop shining if the snake looked at it. This is because the snake's eyes can suck all sun's strength out. In Bosnia people believe that snake gets more poisonous if it often looks at the sun. The most poisonous are the snakes that look at the sun for nine days. God forbade snakes to look at the sun longer than nine days a year. A lot less poisonous are the snakes which look at the sun only six days a year. And even less poisonous are the ones which only look at the sun for three days a year.
In Belarus people believe that snakes, while lying outside and sunbathing, actually sucking the sun's strength out, and that this is why the sun gets smaller and smaller as the summer progresses. The sun replenishes it's strength during the winter when snakes are under the ground. This is why one should always kill a snake, or they will multiply so much that they will completely destroy the sun. The dead snake should be buried or hid in the deep shade so that sun doesn't see it. If the snake is not buried the sun will start to shine weakly and will start hiding behind the clouds, because it can't look at it's dead earthly enemy. The sun won't shine on a man who doesn't kill a snake for three days. People in Ukraine also believe that a dead snake should be hidden in a shade or buried so that it doesn't harm the sun in some way. Polish people believe that a dead snake should always be buried so that the sun can't see it. If the sun sees a dead snake it might get extinguished. Also if the sun sees a dead snake it will get sick and turn red. The sun will get sick and start crying, because the snake is poisonous. The setting sun is red if it had seen a dead snake which wasn't buried. If a live snake comes out of its hole to sunbath, the sun will get sick and get pale. In Pomerania people believe that snakes actually don't like looking at the sun. If a snake is lying still, staring at the sun, has gone mad.
There is also a belief, which is found in all Slavic countries from Baltic to Balkans, that if you kill a snake, it will twitch and jump around, even if you chop it in bits, until the sun sets.
In Bulgaria people believe that the snake bite wound should be exposed to the sun. In Poland people believe that the person who was bitten by a snake should be outside, in the sun, or he will get sick.
People in Ukraine and Poland believe that snakes once had wings and flew in the sky. But the sun burned their wings and they fell on the ground. There is a Polish legend that says that the solar eclipse happens because a dragon covers the sun with its body. There is also a Polish fairytale which says that it is a twelve headed snake which causes solar eclipse. Ukrainians have a legend about a dragon which feeds on the sun, which is why the sun gets smaller and weaker as the year progresses. The motif of a dragon swallowing the sun can be found in all Slavic countries.
How should we understand all this?
And why there are so many similarities between the Slavic and Egyptian stories about the sun and the snake?
The snake and the sun are intrinsically connected.
Snakes come out of the underground when the air and soil get warm enough. They stay outside during the late spring, summer and early autumn and during that that time they are visible to people.
This is why snake is the symbol of the sun's heat.
In Egyptian mythology we find snakes wrapped around the sun disk on the head of the young Sun god Horus.
They are all around Amun-Ra
They have wings to symbolised their link with the supreme deity Ra
And are called "the Uraei of goodness". You can read a lot more about the snakes in Egyptian mythology in the great book "The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt".
But let me continue with the analysis of the snake-sun symbolic relationship based on Slavic mythology and see how it fits with the Egyptian one.
The sun's heat is "young" week and beneficial at the end of spring, just before the summer starts. This is the good snake. The sun's heat is "old" strong and destructive at the end of summer, just before the autumn starts. This is the bad snake. Dragon, a heavenly being that breaths fire, the great old male snake, represents the burning heat of the Late Summer, Early Autumn, the "old sun", the sun which is threatening to turn everything into cinder.
In Slavic Pre-Christian religion this dragon was Veles, the great horned snake, who "Stole heavenly cows from Perun". Basically he is the late summer heat which dries the land and the sky and causes draughts. You can read more about this in my post "Lion killing Snake" and my post "Two crosses".
Just enough sun is beneficial but too much sun is destructive.
Just enough sun makes grain grow and creates order, but too much sun makes grain wither and burn and creates chaos.
This is why Apep, the great snake, the dragon, the destructive sun, the creator of chaos is the enemy of Ra, the beneficial sun, the creator of Order.
The great snake, the dragon, Apep, is the sun, is Ra in its destructive manifestation. This is why Apep is "a consequence of Ra".
The sun's heat increases all the way through the summer until we reach the hottest point of the summer, the 2nd of August. This point marks the end of the summer and the beginning of autumn, the end of the heating and the beginning of the cooling of the northern hemisphere. I talked about this in my post "Two crosses".
At that precise moment, The Great Snake, The Dragon, Veles (the summer heat) gets killed by Perun (autumn thunderstorms) whose weapon is lightning (spear). This day is celebrated in Serbia as Perun day.
But the thing is, Perun and Veles are one and the same. This can be seen from the fact that on the 2nd of August (the end of summer beginning of autumn), the day when Serbs celebrate Perun's victory over Veles, Serbs celebrate the day of St Elijah the thunderer. St Elijah is the burning sun of the late summer, Helios.
This is Helios
This is Elijah
Every year on his day he is about to burn the world to cinder. But he never does. Because St Elijah is also the thunderer, the one who makes lightning and the one who rides on storm clouds. Which arrive right on time, to cool the earth down. You can read more about this in my post "Thundering sun god".
This what is represented by Set killing Apep. The sun Ra, its protector Set and sun's enemy Apep are one and the same...
Set scores a small victory over Apep every day when the evening kills the heat of the day.
Set scores the big victory over Apep on the 2nd of August (the end of summer beginning of autumn) when he kills the heat of the summer and when the northern hemisphere starts cooling.
The 2nd of August, (the end of summer beginning of autumn) falls in the middle of the zodiac sign Leo. This is why Ra kills Apep as great cat (Lion).
This is also why we find the depiction of a lion headed deity (probably Pakhet or Pasht) killing great snake, dragon, on the above Set killing Apep scene.
Here is another depiction of Pakhet holding in one hand was staff (Set animal used to defeat Apep) and in the other hand two snakes.
Interestingly, in Serbian mythology, St Elijah doesn't burn the world down, because every year, in the middle of Leo, during the Dog days, he gets "calmed down" by his wife "Ognjena Marija" (Fiery Mary).
I wrote about this in my post Ognjena Marija.
I talked about the symbolism of the "Lion killing snake" image in my post Lion killing snake.
The 2nd of August, (the end of summer beginning of autumn), the hottest part of the year, the time when the great snake, the dragon is killed is known as Dog days. This is when Dog Star Sirius, rises before sun in the sky. Which is very interesting considering that Set, the Egyptian dragon slayer, the god of storms, is a dog faced deity...Knowing this, I wonder if the Set animal (dog really) has a forked tail because it is itself the "animal that ends the great snake, the dragon"???
Medieval standing stone from Ubusko, Hercegovina depicting dog fighting snake.
Just after the dog days and the slaughter of the great snake which choked the "river on which Ra's barge sailed", the Nile flooding reaches its highest level. This is still celebrated by Egyptians as an annual holiday for two weeks starting August 15, known as Wafaa El-Nil.
The Nile always followed the same water rise and fall pattern. First indications of the rise of the river could be seen at the first of the cataracts of the Nile (at Aswan) as early as the beginning of June, and a steady increase went on until the middle of July, when the increase of water became very great.
This is the beginning of Leo.
The Nile continued to rise until the beginning of September, when the level remained stationary for a period of about three weeks, sometimes a little less.
This is the end of Leo.
In October it often rose again, and reached its highest level. From this period it began to subside, and usually sank steadily until the month of June when it reached its lowest level, again.
Here is the The god Nilus or Hapimou encircled by the serpent...
From the dead dragon water, vegetation and life burst out...
What do you think about all this?
Labels: Ancient Egypt, Apep, dragon, Egyptian mythology, Lion killing snake, Perun, Set, Slavic mythology, St Elijah, Veles
Four living creatures
This is quarter shekel from the British Museum. Struck before 333 BCE, it is considered to be the first Jewish coin. Following the description in Ezekiel of the flying throne of Yahveh with wheels and wings, the image is interpreted as the representation of Yahveh, The God...
Ezekiel is a Hebrew prophet and the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible, which reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the first temple.
The author of the Book of Ezekiel presents himself as Ezekiel, the son of Buzzi, born into a priestly (Kohen) lineage. Apart from identifying himself, the author gives a date for the first divine encounter which he presents: "in the thirtieth year". If this is a reference to Ezekiel's age at the time, he was born around 622 BCE, about the time of Josiah's reforms. His "thirtieth year" is given as five years after the exile of Judah's king Jehoiachin by the Babylonians, which according to Josephus happened in 598 BCE.
The vision Ezekiel had "in his thirtieth year" and which turned him into a prophet was of Jahveh sitting on the throne carried by the "four living creatures".
As I looked, a stormy wind came out of the north: a great cloud with brightness around it and fire flashing forth continually, and in the middle of the fire, something like gleaming amber. In the middle of it was something like four living creatures. This was their appearance: they were of human form. Each had four faces, and each of them had four wings...As for the appearance of their faces: the four had the face of a human being, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle; such were their faces...
In the middle of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; the fire was bright, and lightning issued from the fire. The living creatures darted to and fro, like a flash of lightning...As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them...When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
In another part of his book, Ezekiel identifies the "living creatures" as cherubim, one of the unearthly beings who directly attend to God according to Abrahamic religions. The numerous depictions of cherubim assign to them many different roles; their original duty having been the protection of the Garden of Eden, and in particular the Tree of Life.
Interestingly the same vision appeared to the Christian prophet John, who described it in his Revelation:
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.
Day and night they never stop saying:
"Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty
who was, and is, and is to come."
The four living creatures from Ezekiel's and John's visions gave birth to the Christian "tetramorph".
In Christian art, the tetramorph is the union of the symbols of the Four Evangelists, derived from the four living creatures in the Book of Ezekiel, into a single figure or, more commonly, a group of four figures.
In their earliest appearances, the Evangelists were depicted in their human forms each with a scroll or a book to represent the Gospels. By the 5th century, images of the Evangelists evolved into their respective tetramorphs, each of the four Evangelists is associated with one of the living creatures, usually shown with wings. The most common association, but not the original or only, is: Matthew the man, Mark the lion, Luke the ox, and John the eagle. Christ in Majesty is often shown surrounded by the four symbols.
By the later Middle Ages, the tetramorph in the form of creatures was used less frequently. Instead, the Evangelists were often shown in their human forms accompanied by their symbolic creatures, or as men with the heads of animals.
In images where the creatures surround Christ, the winged man and the eagle are often depicted at Christ's sides, with the lion and the ox positioned lower by his feet, with the man on Christ's right, taking precedence over the eagle, and the lion to the left of the ox. These positions reflect the medieval great chain of being.
Now how are we to understand these strange creatures from Ezekiel's and John's visions? Well this has been bothering people for a long time.
In Judaism the four faces of the living creatures represent different creatures god created. The lion represents all wild animals, the ox represents domestic animals, the human represents humanity, and the eagle represents birds.
In the context of the Christian tetramorph, the winged man indicates Christ's humanity and reason, as well as Matthew's account of the Incarnation of Christ. The lion of St Mark represents courage, resurrection, and royalty, coinciding with the theme of Christ as king in Mark's gospel. It is also interpreted as the Lion of Judah as a reference to Christ's royal lineage. The ox, or bull, is an ancient Christian symbol of redemption and life through sacrifice, signifying Luke's records of Christ as a priest and his ultimate sacrifice for the future of humanity. The eagle represents the sky, heavens, and the human spirit, paralleling the divine nature of Christ.
Some however have connected Ezekiel's and John's visions with strange zodiacs found in synagogues built in holy land during the first few centuries after Christ's birth. Like this one from Beth Alpha, Israel:
The same type of zodiac wheel, with Helios or Sun in it's center, sitting in a chariot (throne) pulled by four horses (beings), just like in Ezekiel's and John's visions, is found in contemporaneous synagogues throughout Israel such as Naaran, Susiya, Hamat Tiberias, Huseifa, and Sepphoris.
Now when we look at the four faces of the "living creatures" and compare them with the zodiac symbols, we can see that these four faces match the four fixed points of the zodiac:
The man is Aquarius
The ox or cherub is Taurus,
The lion is Leo
The eagle is Scorpio (Few people know that Scorpio has another form, Eagle, sometimes Phoenix).
When we connect these four points we get a cross:
And so lets correct the four evangelist's positions around Christ:
But why did Jews adorn their synagogues during early Christian Era with these strange zodiacs? And what is the reason that these exact four zodiac signs were chosen to be the faces of the "four living creatures"?
In my post "Boaz and Jachin" I talked about the significance of the fact that Solomon built his temple on a threshing floor. The reason why this is significant is because in the past threshing floors were not only used for threshing and winnowing, but were also used as solar observatories and for ceremonies which were part of a solar cult. At the end of that article I suggested that the First Temple, whose entrance was oriented towards true east, towards the area of the horizon where the sun rises, was a temple dedicated to the sun and built by sun worshipers. And I said that we actually have indications that this could in fact have been the case.
In my post Sun god from the first temple I continued talking about this. Interestingly it was Ezekiel who told us explicitly that the First Temple was solar temple.
In Ezekiel 8:16 we read this:
"In the sixth year, in the sixth month on the fifth day, while I was sitting in my house and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, the hand of the Sovereign Lord came on me there. I looked, and I saw a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be his waist down he was like fire, and from there up his appearance was as bright as glowing metal. He stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the hair of my head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem...He then brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar, were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east."
Interesting right?
The fact that people still prayed to the sun during the time of Ezekiel is very interesting, because it shows how strong this solar cult was among the people of Judah. Ezekiel was born during the reign of Josiah (649–609 BCE). And it was Josiah, who according to the Hebrew Bible, instituted major religious changes aimed at eradicating the solar cult which flourished in Judah before and during his time. How strong the solar cult was in Judah just before the time of Josiah can be seen from the royal seal of the Kingdom of Judah from the time of the King Hezekiah (739 - 687 BC).
This means that the solar cult was not a minor religious curiosity. It was a state religion whose main temple was the First temple. A state religion supported by at least a significant part of the Judah's population.
So when Josiah started his religious reforms, not everyone was pleased. A lot of people saw these changes as sacrilege and continued to practice the old solar religion.
As part of his crusade, Josiah did the major cleanup of the First temmple. In 2 Kings 23:11 we read:
"He (Josiah) removed from the entrance of the LORD's Temple the horse statues that the former kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun... He also burned the chariots dedicated to the sun..."
This is most peculiar. We have a temple, build on a threshing floor (ancient solar observatory). The temple was oriented towards the east, and in the temple people prayed to the rising sun as if it was a god. And the temple housed a chariot and horses dedicated to the sun god???
Who was this sun god to whom ancient kings of Judah dedicated horses and chariot?
Well Helios of course.
Here is a depiction of Helios, the old titan (Old European) sun god. He is mostly depicted as a youth with sun ray halo driving the chariot pulled by winged horses across the sky, from east to west.
Official story is that Ezekiel really hated the solar worshipers...But now I am wondering...Is it possible that he was actually one of them? Is it possible that he saw Josiah's reforms as totally sacrilegious and that when he prophesied the destruction of of Jerusalem and the first temple, he did so because he believed that that was the fitting punishment for the Jews turning their backs to the Sun, their God? And is it because of this that he was hated by the same Jews? And is it because of that that his vision of god is basically Sun god sitting in a chariot pulled by four horses???
As I already mentioned, Ezekiel sees priests in the First Temple worshiping the sun. Interestingly, historian Josephus, who lived during the 1st century AD, records an Essene practice that he says was handed down to them by the forefathers where it appears that they were praying to the rising sun (War 2.8.5).
Qumran scrolls, which are attributed to the Essens, seem to confirm that Josephus was telling the truth. In the Hodayom, there are several references to prayer at dawn. 1QH 4:5 states: "I thank thee, O Lord, for Thou hast illuminated my face by Thy covenant, and I seek Thee, and sure as the dawn Thou hast appeared to me as perfect light."
And at the same time someone built synagogues with depictions of Helios surrounded by the Zodiac??? Like this one from the Hammat Tiberias Synagogue, dated to 286 and 337 CE, when Tiberias was the seat of the Sanhedrin. The mosaic floor is made up of three panels featuring the zodiac, and Helios, the sun god. Women who symbolise the four seasons of nature appear in each corner.
So were the synagogues with Helios built by Essenes? Essenes who wanted to "restore the first temple", the "temple of the sun god who rides in a chariot pulled by four horses"???
Well we don't know, but what we know is that the early Christian churches which were also oriented towards the east i.d. toward the Rising Sun, the same orientation found in the First temple.
And, at the same time when the helios synagogues were being built, the vision of a god in a chariot appeared to John who described it in Revelation:
In the centre, around the throne (chariot with four wheels), were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings.
Very interesting right? But the best part is yet to come.
Why Man, Bull, Lion and Eagle? Why are these four zodiac signs chosen to be the faces of the living creatures?
These four zodiac signs cover these four periods of the solar year:
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Leo 23 July – 22 August
Eagle (Scorpio) 24 October – 22 November
In my post "Two crosses" I talked about Earth's cross, whose hands point to the so called "cross quarter days" which mark the transitional points of the climatic, vegetative cycle in the northern hemisphere, more precisely Europe:
The four points of this solar cross are at the core of the Celtic calendar:
1. Imbolc- the beginning of the spring
2. Bealtaine - the beginning of the summer
3. Lughnasa - the beginning of the autumn
4. Samhain - the beginning of the winter
And the Serbian calendar:
1. St Sava - the beginning of the spring
2. St George - the beginning of the summer
3. St Ilija - the beginning of the autumn
4. St Mitar - the beginning of the winter
The sun cross (Solstices and Equinoxes) and earth cross (Cross quarter days) are out of sync. The earth cross is rotated forward by 45 degrees and the earth circle cardinal points fall right in between the sun circle cardinal points. This is because the earth climatic, vegetative cycle lags behind the solar cycle.
Winter solstice (21st of December) is the the shortest day. So we would expect that this is also the coldest day. We would also expect that from that day on, as the days start getting longer, the days also start getting warmer. But as we all know, this is not the case. The days do get longer, but the earth continues to cool. It is only at the beginning of February that we start seeing the first signs of the earth warming up. This is why the beginning of spring is at the beginning of February (Imbolc, St Sava (14th of January, but probably a replacement for the old Imbolc which is celebrated on the 1st of February)). The actual mid point is 4th of February. Which falls right in the middle of Aquarius (21 January – 19 February).
Spring equinox (21st of March) is the moment when the day is as long as night. From that day the days are longer than nights. We would expect that this would mark the beginning of the summer. But the real heat does not start until the beginning of May. This is why the beginning of summer is at the beginning of May (Bealtaine, which is today celebrated on the 1st of May, but there are indications that it was once celebrated on the 6th of May. Here we find St George's day celebrated on the 23 of April, probably replacement for old Bealtaine). The actual mid point is 6th of May. Which falls right in the middle of Taurus (21 April – 21 May).
Summer solstice (21st of June) is the longest day of the year. We would expect that this would also be the hottest day of the year. We would also expect that from that day on, as the days get shorter, the days also get colder. But again as we all know, that is not the case. The days do get shorter, but earth continues to warm. It is only at the beginning of August that we start seeing first sings of earth cooling down. This is why the beginning of autumn is at the beginning of August (Lughnasa which is today celebrated on the 1st of August but was once probably celebrated on the, 2nd of August. Here we find St Ilija's day celebrated on the 20th of July, probably replacement for old Lughnasa). The actual mid point is 2nd of August. Which falls right in the middle of Leo (23 July – 22 August).
Autumn equinox (21st of September) is the moment when the day is as long as night. From that day the days are shorter than nights. We would expect that this would mark the beginning of the winter. But the real cold does not start until the beginning of Novermber. This is why the beginning of winter is at the beginning of November (Samhain, St Mitar (26th of October, but probably the replacement for the old Samhain which is celebrated on the 31st of October)). The actual mid point is 5th of November. Which falls right in the middle of Eagle (Scorpio) (24 October – 22 November).
This is indeed incredible. The four points of the vegetative cross define climate, which is created during the continuous interplay between the Father Sun and Mother Earth. I talked about this in my post Yin and Yang. Interestingly these four points fall into four zodiac signs which are the four faces of the four living creatures described by Ezekiel. The four living creatures whom he identifies as cherubim, the guardians of the "Garden of Eden" and particularly "The Tree of Life". Garden of Eden is this earth and the Tree of Life is the life it produces. The life which can be only produced because the Father Sun and Mother Earth produce the ever changing climate whose change is marked by the four points of the Climatic cross Aquarius = Spring, Taurus = Summer, Leo = Autumn, Eagle = Winter...
The problem with his vision is that this climatic cross only corresponds with the climate in Europe. Not with the climate in Middle East and definitely not with the climate in Babylon...
I already said that this climatic cross is at the base of the Serbian and Celtic calendar. Ezekiel (allegedly) had his vision in the 6th century BC. Solomon who built the solar temple on David's threshing floor (allegedly) built it in the 10th century BC.
There is no mention of anything like it in Hebrew Scriptures or Tradition. So why would Ezekiel "see" it in his vision?
The thing is this climatic cross was already known and was already sacred during the early Bronze Age. In Ireland. The same place where we found the so called "Celtic calendar" based on the above four cross quarter days. How do we know this? Well because we have stone circles aligned with these cross quarter days.
This is Grange stone circle. It is located on Lough Gur in County Limerick, Ireland. Composed of 113 standing stones, the Grange Stone Circle is the largest and finest in Ireland. Seán P. Ó Ríordáin excavated the Grange Stone Circle in 1939. During the excavations he found more than 4,000 shards of pottery, dating from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age, spanning a period of some 2,600 years.
This is the ceremonial entrance. It is lined with stones in the same way as the Grange circle itself. The very entrance of the circle is marked with two large stones.
This ceremonial entrance is aligned with the sunrise on the first or second of August, the Day of Crom Dubh, Lughnassa, the day of Perun, Thundering sun Ilios.
This is Beltany stone circle. It is located at Beltany, Co. Donegal. The name Beltany is an anglicised version of the Irish Beltaine, Beltane. The stone circle dates from around 1400-800 BC. Some reports are even saying that the actual building date is 2000 BC. The complex comprises a stone circle of 64 stones around a low earth platform or tumulus, situated at the summit of Beltany Hill.
The stone circle has several alignments:
1. Alignment with the sunrise on the day of Bealltaine (6th May, middle of Taurus), the Beginning of Summer.
2. Alignment with the sunrise on the day of the Winter Solstice (21st of December).
3. Alignment with the sunrise on the day of Samhain (1st of November, middle of Eagle, Scorpio), the Beginning of Winter.
4. Alignment with the sunrise on the day of the Equinoxes (21st March and 21st September).
So Bronze Age Irish were already aligning their solar circles with the climatic cross at least a thousand years before Ezekiel had his vision of the "four living creatures pulling the throne of god". Interesting...
Since I wrote this article, my knowledge about these symbols expanded and I wrote another article about these symbols "Symbols of the seasons". Since then I learned that these animal markers are actually universal ancient calendar markers used all over Eurasia and North Africa since at least Neolithic.
Man - Aquarius - Jan/Feb - beginning of snowmelt
Bull - Taurus - Apr/May - beginning of the calving season of the wild cattle
Lion - Leo - Jul/Aug - beginning of the mating season of Eurasian lions
Eagle - Eagle - Oct/Nov - beginning of the mating season of Old World Vultures
Scorpion - Scorpio - Oct/Nov - beginning of the hibernation of scorpions
I wrote about this in many other posts on my blog.
Please check them out...
Labels: Ezekiel, Four living creatures, John, Origin of Christianity, Origin of zodiac, Tetramorph, YHW
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The curricula leading to degrees in nursing require students to engage in diverse and complex experiences directed to the practice, refinement and full acquisition of essential nursing competencies and functions. Unique combinations of cognitive, behavioral, sensory, communication, psychomotor, and communication abilities are required to perform these functions in a satisfactory manner and to consistently demonstrate these competencies. In addition to being essential to the successful completion of the requirements for the respective nursing degree, these competencies and functions are necessary to ensure the health and safety of patients, fellow students, faculty and other health care providers. This statement describes the minimum competencies and functions necessary for entrance to, continuation in, and graduation from the nursing degree programs of the School of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania. Candidates for nursing degrees must be able to meet these minimum standards with or without reasonable accommodation.
Candidates for degrees offered by the School of Nursing must exhibit all the following competencies and characteristics:
Behavioral Characteristics
Fully use his/her intellectual ability, exercise good judgment and promptly and accurately complete all responsibilities attendant to implementing an appropriate plan of care for patients across the life span.
Develop a compassionate, effective, professional and therapeutic relationship with patients.
Work constructively in stressful and changing environments with the ability to modify behavior in response to evolving events.
Demonstrate ethical behavior, including adherence to the Nurse Practice Act, the ANA Scope and Standards of Practice and the University Code of Academic Integrity.
Demonstrate emotional and interpersonal skills sufficient to:
adapt to changing environments.
function efficiently and effectively in conditions of uncertainty inherent in the clinical
problems exhibited by patients.
remain calm in an emergency situation.
function effectively and efficiently in times of physical and mental stress for short and/or for extended periods.
be aware of one's emotional responses and biases.
Communication Characteristics
Interrelate with colleagues, faculty, staff, patients and other professionals with honesty, sensitivity, integrity, respect and without bias.
Communicate effectively with patients and families of diverse religious, cultural and/or social backgrounds.
Express own ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback.
Communicate effectively in oral and written forms in person and/or when using telephonic devices.
Perceive and interpret non‐verbal communication and verbal cues.
Recognize and appropriately respond to emotions.
Demonstrate the following communication abilities: speech, hearing, reading, writing, and
electronic modality literacy.
Demonstrate skills/ability sufficient to:
Elicit and record relevant information about health history, current health status or responses to treatment from patients, family members, or others.
Convey information to patient, members of the healthcare team and others as necessary to teach, direct, and counsel individuals and groups.
Give verbal directions to or follow verbal directions from other members of the health care team and participate in health care team discussions/coordination of patient care.
Process and communicate information of the patient's status with accuracy in a timely manner to members of the healthcare team.
Psychomotor Abilities
Possess sufficient proprioceptive sense (position, pressure, movement, stereognosis, and vibration), physical strength and mobility to carry out nursing procedures, to conduct laboratory and diagnostic tests, and carry out physical examinations.
Possess the motor skills required for their specialty's scope of practice, as defined by therelevant accrediting organization(s).
Possess sufficient motor function to be able to demonstrate manual dexterity in order to coordinate fine and gross muscular movements sufficient to provide safe general care and treatment to patients in all areas of healthcare.
Demonstrate an appropriate and timely response in emergency situations, including any circumstance requiring immediate and rapid resolution.
Demonstrate physical abilities sufficient for carrying equipment, pushing, pulling, stooping, kneeling, bending, climbing stairs and moving within the confines of care delivery settings such as the patient room and the operating room and between settings such as clinic, classroom building and hospital.
Demonstrate ability to lift, push and pull with assistance (mechanical or coworker) the weight of the average patient specific to the area of clinical work; and possess sufficient flexibility, balance, dexterity, hand‐eye coordination, and stamina to deliver care and operate all related instruments and equipment.
Cognitive Characteristics
Demonstrate an aptitude for rapid problem solving, the capability to access and interpret medical files independently, evaluate physical examinations, and formulate a logical care plan in a timely manner.
Demonstrate good judgment in patient assessment, and the abilities to utilize prior knowledge and incorporate new information in the decision‐making process.
Possess the ability to comprehend three‐dimensional relationships and the relationships of structures as they pertain to practice decisions.
Possess the necessary short and long‐term memory function to retain and recall pertinent information (patient and other) in a timely fashion.
Possess the ability to read and understand written documents in English and solve problems involving measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis and synthesis.
Demonstrate the ability to gather, analyze and synthesize data, develop an appropriate plan of action, establish priorities, conceptualize plan of care, monitor treatment plans and modalities and provide in‐depth rationale for plan of care both in quiet environments and in areas where distractions, noise, and other stressors are present.
Demonstrate the ability to integrate and assimilate large volumes of information from multiple sources and multiple educational experiences in a timely fashion, and be able to apply that information to problem solving and decision making.
Sensory Characteristics
Ability to distinguish colors including the accurate interpretation of diagnostic tests, changes in skin color, nail beds, mucus membranes, bodily fluids and wound characteristics in all types of lighting conditions.
Ability to recognize three dimensional and spatial relationships.
Ability to discriminate physical examination findings using inspection, auscultation,percussion and palpation.
Ability to discriminate between sizes, shapes, temperature, and texture by means of touch.
Ability to discriminate changes in position, pressure, movement and vibrations in order to perform nursing procedures, conduct laboratory and diagnostic tests, and to perform the physical examination.
Ability to distinguish odors that may be related to a patient's condition, noxious spills, or fumes from a fire explosion or malfunction of equipment.
Ability to detect sounds related to bodily functions, monitoring devices, telephones and emergency signals.
Ability to prepare and dispense the correct quantity of medication or therapeutic agents in a syringe or therapeutic device
Possess sufficient visual acuity so as to be able to observe a patient's response at a distance and/or close at hand and to read lips when necessary.
Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the School provides reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified students with disabilities. However, the decision regarding appropriate accommodations will be based on the specifics of each case.
Students who seek reasonable accommodations for disabilities must contact the Office of Student Disabilities Services located at Stouffer Commons, Suite 300, 3702 Spruce Street, Philadelphia PA 19104‐6027. The office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Phone: (215) 573‐9235; TDD: (215) 746‐6320; FAX: (215) 746‐6326; Email: [email protected].
This office is responsible for assessing documentation and determining reasonable accommodations. Questions concerning these standards can be directed to the Assistant Dean for Admissions and Academic Affairs at [email protected].
Approved December 2011.
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Courses & Exam-Related Policies
Leaves, Transfers, and Withdraw
Immunization/CPR/Background Check Policies
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University of Pennsylvania Student Policies
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
Yesterday, I specifically went shopping for another thermometer. The greenhouse now has the sensor formerly in the tarp shelter. With a "cold front" moving in, I want to monitor the temperature in the tarp shelter. More than thirty plants under cover; I can't control the weather but I can protect the plants.
Note the time: Four in the morning. I was wide awake for about two hours before deciding to get up and "do something." Sometimes my mind is spinning with thoughts–and plans–and I can't sleep!!
Technology is so awesome!! The new thermometer automatically set itself to the correct date and time–from a satellite in the sky. So many features in that little instrument!! Walmart had it marked down from $17.88 to $10.00. I'd planned to buy another small single function (for $9.88) but couldn't resist a bargain.
I believe the greenhouse is "warmer" because a much smaller space and completely closed up. By contrast, the tarp shelter is very large with lots of ventilation around the sides, and large opening for a door. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
This page was printed on Apr 24, 2019. For the current version, visit https://help.shopify.com/en/api/graphql-admin-api/reference/scalar/storefrontid.
Represents a unique identifier in the Storefront API. A StorefrontID value can be used wherever an ID is expected in the Storefront API.
be used wherever an ID is expected in the Storefront API. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Richmond mayor to star in RCD talent show
Richmond Centre for Disability is hosting its second annual RCD Got Talent fundraising event
Richmond mayor Malcolm Brodie is among this year's RCD Got Talent performers
The second annual RCD Got Talent fundraising show is only a week away and the organizers have a stellar cast lined up.
One of the top attractions at the online show – broadcast on Richmond Centre for Disability's YouTube channel on Friday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. – will Richmond's mayor, Malcolm Brodie, on piano accompanying RCD's Elsa Wong on vocals.
The show organizers also have the likes of a choir from Vancouver and a moms' dance group among the 10 or 11 acts lined up.
RCD's Dave Thomson said he and his co-host will have multiple calls to action throughout the show to raise funds for the disability non-profit.
"It's a lot of fun and, of course, it's for a good cause, so we're hoping people will come watch some of the performances," Thomson told the News.
"Last year we took a flyer to see if it would work online; we were shooting for $3,000, but we made so much more, people just kept donating as the show went on."
Thomson the broadcast and fundraising will be live, while the performances have been pre-recorded.
"Viewers will be able to interact with us during the show and we're really looking forward to the mayor on piano with Elsa," said Thomson, adding that he's grateful to Long & McQuade for donating a keyboard for the performance.
To watch the concert, subscribe, for free, to the RCD YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZK8dnVzkRI&t=3s
You can support the performers by making donations on the night or make one early by going to RCD's website at https://www.rcdrichmond.org/NewsAndEvents/OnlineConcert2021/OnlineConcert2021.php
More In the Community
Photo: Can you guess which year this was at Brighouse Square in Richmond?
Applications open for Richmond Neighbourhood Celebration Grant | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
County gridiron teams reload with All-Region honors
Christmas is coming, college football is bowling and our three Region 11 football programs are busy reloading for next season. High school football never ends — especially when it comes to physical conditioning. To be more competitive, all three teams require player dedication in the weight room. Coupled with personal character and team leadership, this leads to competitive greatness which is a top priority for our county football squads.
Tooele High School has nowhere to go but up and they are looking forward to the challenge. Head coach Kyle Brady is trying to herd the Buffaloes back to their winning ways and Zac Coffman will be returning to help. As a defensive back, he had 43 tackles and four sacks while on offense he had seven receptions and a touchdown. Andrew Spendlove will be returning as a tight end. He led the Buffaloes in receiving with 229 yards and two touchdowns. The defense will build off of linebacker Seth Manning, while the line will look to Tony Leakehe, another junior. THS is young and searching for a foothold in Region 11 play. The Buffaloes had one first team all region player in senior Tyler McMain. a full back and strong-side linebacker.
The Buffaloes challenge is to gain some confidence and get the team moving in a positive direction. Coach Brady will find the answers and look to a more competitive season in 2012.
Stansbury is reloading with a number of returning starters, including Region 11 MVP Chase Christiansen. The sophomore quarterback led the Stallions to the Region Championship rushing for 1149 yards and 19 touchdowns, while passing for an additional 527 yards and four touchdowns. He will be joined by Dacota Case, a junior running back and defensive back who also received Region first team honors collecting five interceptions this season. Both he and Christiansen are garnering other post-season accolades as Christmas approaches.
The Stallions have a stable full of Region first teamers returning next season. Jackson Clausing rushed for over 600 yards and five touchdowns. Colton May lead the team with 103 tackles. Chandler Staley averaged 5.4 yards per carry along with 63 tackles. Allan Havili will anchor the line at 6'3" and weighing in at 290 pounds this season.
Graduating seniors receiving first team Region honors were linemen Atu Havili and Hunter Anderson (defensive end). Stansbury's Jeremy Café was the Region Defensive MVP and is garnering other post season honors throughout the state. The 6'1", 175-pound defensive end had 27 tackles and 13 sacks his senior year.
By the looks of it, Stansbury High School is in a good position to defend its title and is the team to beat in Region 11 in 2012.
Grantsville High School is determined to do just that. The Cowboys are returning 18 starters next season led by team captain Skyler Cloward, who was named Region 11 Offensive MVP, which is a rare feat for an offensive lineman. Don't be fooled, he can play defense too as the linebacker amassed 96 tackles, seven sacks, one interception, caused one fumble and recovered two others, not to mention blocking a couple of punts and scoring a couple of touchdowns. The 6'1", 210 pound linebacker is all ready getting looks from in-state college football programs. Other post season awards continue to come his way as we draw near the Christmas break.
Grantsville's quarterback Max Cook is a Region first teamer and is receiving other state honors as well. Cook threw for over 1000 yards and rushed for 383 yards and a couple of touchdowns. Defensively he had 43 tackles and one interception. Ky Fisher is a sophomore running back and linebacker making a name for himself as an All-Region player. Fisher rushed with 343 yards and ten touchdowns for the Cowboys while leading the team with 106 tackles. Other Region first team picks were Kelby Landon and Kaleb Ware. Landon had 34 tackles as a defensive back, while Ware averaged 4 yards a carry and had 50 tackles from his outside linebacker spot.
The Cowboys say goodbye to senior offensive lineman and Region first teamer Dakota Leetham and wide receiver Dalen Erickson. Both are getting looks from college teams as well as receiving other state post-season awards.
Head Coach Tony Cloward has turned the corner with a young team and a winning season. He expects more in 2012 and just by looking, the Cowboys chances seem pretty good.
So there you go. Enjoy the Christmas season and make sure you give all of our county athletes heartfelt thanks when you see them. To be a successful athlete takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. They deserve your praise! I'll see you from the sidelines. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
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CJM features a quirky array of Jewish T-shirts in new multimedia exhibit
By David A.M. Wilensky | October 9, 2015
In a corner of the Contemporary Jewish Museum gift shop stand two wooden frames with a clothesline strung between them featuring an array of T-shirts. A blue shirt bears a Star of David-shaped version of the unmistakable red and yellow Superman "S" logo. A purple tee from Camp Ramah in Ojai announces the camp's ZIP code. A gray shirt has the OU kosher symbol on the front and reads "As Kosher as You Wanna Be" on the back — an artifact of professor Ari Y. Kelman's college years at U.C. Santa Cruz. Kelman, the Jim Joseph chair in education and Jewish studies at Stanford, discusses some of the tees in a series of video features projected onto a white sheet behind the shirts.
This is "Hidden in Plain Sight! T-Shirts and the Curation of Identity," a multimedia exhibition "exploring T-shirts as canvases for meditation on contemporary identities." On display in the CJM shop through Nov. 1, the exhibit is the brainchild of Kelman, who developed it in collaboration with Sam Ball of the S.F. nonprofit Citizen Film, along with some of Kelman's grad students at Stanford.
"Hidden in Plain Sight!" includes T-shirts, video and a computer. photo/david a.m.wilensky
But the most interesting part of the exhibit is online. At the website www.ethnictshirts.org, you can watch each of the slickly produced videos, and everyone is invited to contribute to the exhibition by Instagramming a selfie wearing a favorite Jewish T-shirt and tagging it #ethnicteeshirts. A computer set up next to the exhibit in the museum shop allows visitors to engage with the online portion. "A lot of people stop to interact" with it, said Kevin Grenon, the store director.
For those who spent their childhood, adolescence or college years attending Jewish programs — and whose closets were at some point overflowing with Jewish tees — the very idea of T-shirts as ethnic or religious identity is immediately evocative. But the concept goes way back.
"When immigrant Jews arriving in the United States wanted to fit in, one of the first things they changed was their clothes," Kelman writes on the website. "Today, we curate our individual and collective identities every time we get dressed. For the majority of Jews, who 'pass' as ethnically white, wearing T-shirts bearing Jewish messages calls attention to an identity that might otherwise be invisible."
On Instagram, 10-year-old Solly appears wearing a 2009 Camp Tawonga staff shirt. "Camp Tawonga is one of my favorite places in the world. At Tawonga, I feel connected to nature and Judaism," he says. Instagram user zanykirz posted an image of a black T-shirt that reads "A challah in the oven," with the comment, "Maternity tee from my mother-in-law that announces and connects my enormous life changes with my Jewish identity." Another from zanykirz: "Tee from Sukkot sleep out for the homeless at UVA Hillel, where I learned to connect Jewishness with how I acted in the world."
In one video, Kelman talks about a shirt that depicts actor John Goodman as Polish-American Jewish convert Walter Sobchak from the Coen Brothers film "The Big Lebowski," which has a huge cult following, especially among younger Jews. The shirt quotes Goodman's most famous line from the movie, "I don't roll on Shabbas," which comes up in an argument about a bowling league game that has been scheduled for a Friday night.
"The decision between observing the laws of his bowling league and observing the laws of the Sabbath is a kind of classic Jewish dilemma between holding to a set of religious beliefs and a desire to participate in American culture more broadly," Kelman says in the video. "Walter's dilemma has made him a particularly beloved character to Jewish fans of the film."
Several of the shirts featured in the exhibit are on sale in the museum store. Grenon lamented that they can't sell all of the shirts in the exhibit because of copyright. His favorite, however, is on sale; it looks like it might be from Yosemite National Park, but it actually says, "Yo Semite."
"Hidden in Plain Sight!" is on exhibit through Nov. 1 at the Contemporary Jewish Museum store, 736 Mission St., S.F. Free. www.thecjm.org
David A.M. Wilensky
David A.M. Wilensky is the online editor of J. and "Jew in the Pew" columnist. He can be reached at [email protected].
Follow davidamwilensky
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The Tell
Where the top 7 Democratic candidates stand on Iran | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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EXPO 2019: May 16 - 19
Helping educate for tomorrow's agriculture
Expo Info
Insurance & Health
Vendors Expo Info
Kids Day 2019 Activities
Kids Day Sponsors
Livestock Pages
Show Classes
Youth New Entry Form
Cookoff & Other Contests
Feeder Calf Sale
Directions to Expo at Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor, Maine
From the East (Belfast, Camden, Rockland)
Traveling west on Route 17 out of Camden or Rockland, drive about 20 miles until you join Route 32 (17 and 32 are parallel). Then, after about four miles, turn RIGHT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north
From the West (Portland, Augusta, Lewiston, Norway, Gardiner, New York)
Get to Route 17, either from Augusta by crossing the "high" bridge or from Gardiner (Exit 27 on I-95, Then Route 201 into town, cross the Kennebec, then follow Route 226). Once on Route 17, travel east. After driving about 10 miles you will get to Route 32. Turn LEFT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the South (Bath, Damariscotta, Waldoboro)
Stay on Route 1 until you get to Waldoboro and the intersection of Route 32. Turn north on Route 32, continue through Jefferson and on up to where Route 32 joins Route 17, about 13 miles. Turn LEFT (west) and continue for about 4 miles to where Route 32 turns north. The fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the North (Bangor, Madawaska)
Drive down I-95, exit at Augusta, Western Avenue, and follow the instructions above. Or Exit I-95 at the Memorial Bridge in Waterville and get yourself over to Route 32. Drive South through Windsor (Hussey's) and the fairgrounds will appear just before you arrive at Route 17.
Google Map to the Windsor Fair | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
You can see it on the horizon, but you're too busy to address it right now. You're juggling life – a family, full-time job, pets, financials and everything else that goes with it. So when spending time with your aging parents, you probably can't imagine incurring something the size of their waning independence. And so it's easy to let it go, for now.
But the hard reality remains: most Americans do not have a plan for their aging loved one. When the problem with Mom or Dad worsens, many families endure the chaos and stress of trying to find a solution.
It doesn't have to be this way. Don't wait any longer. Find peace of mind by preparing yourself for what's ahead.
The first step toward maintaining your aging parent's well-being is to come up with a plan of care. With each passing year, your elderly parent may only require more assistance. A trusted caregiving agency can give an honest and experienced perspective on what to expect. Planning early for Mom or Dad will help you make better decisions.
Your elderly mom or dad make up the 'silver tsunami' dramatically impacting the demographics of the nation. "The number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to more than double from 46 million today to over 98 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group's share of the total population will rise to nearly 24 percent from 15 percent," according to Population Reference Bureau.
Aging parents face a higher chance of developing memory difficulties like dementia or Alzheimer's. "Demand for elder care will also be fueled by a steep rise in the number of Americans living with Alzheimer's disease, which could nearly triple by 2050 to 14 million, from 5 million in 2013," per the Population Reference Bureau.
You want the best for your mom and dad, so it's time to think about how to address the challenge of caring for them when they can no longer care for themselves.
The plan must be sustainable and realistic. Daily pressures from your work and personal life will prevent you from adequately addressing the needs of an aging parent. You're already a mom to growing children, a wife and a worker. When assuming the role of family caregiver to your elderly loved one, you represent the sandwich generation. You're dealing with extra emotional, financial and legal stress. According to 'Caregiving in the U.S.' by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP Public Policy Institute, "On average, caregivers spend 24.4 hours a week providing care to their loved one. Nearly one-quarter provide 41 or more hours of care a week (23%)."
Don't risk exposing yourself to dangerous burnout. Instead, a professional caregiver has the training to offer daily assistance to mom or dad. You can also rely on the caregiver to give you much-needed respite care.
A professional caregiver provides non-medical support for your aging parent. This person is a fully-trained professional. Compassion and patience underscore quality caregiving at home. When your mom or dad needs help with grooming, dressing, or preparing meals, the professional caregiver serves as the solution. The dedicated hire can also provide medication reminders, so your aging parent won't forget.
The benefits of the professional caregiver include better health and potentially lower medical bills for your parent. "Elderly Americans receiving home care generally need fewer trips to doctors and hospitals. As a result, home care reduces overall health care costs…" according to the joint report by the Home Care Association of America and Global Coalition on Aging.
As your elderly loved one ages, it's essential to keep stimulating his or her cognitive and social abilities. The friendly professional caregiver can energize your aging parent. This person is trained to support the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the elderly. The professional caregiver offers a host of care services that can including teaching mom or dad the basics of texting, surfing the internet and social media. Your aging loved one won't feel lonely or depressed. Instead, Mom or Dad will learn how to stay connected with you and the world.
Older people fall every second of every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The likelihood of a fall increases with age, up to 37 percent in people 85 years or older. So, it's smart to hire a professional caregiver to prevent a fall before it happens to Mom or Dad. You will get a thorough assessment of the risk factors.
Meanwhile, the professional caregiver provides customized care for Mom or Dad experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's. Your aging parent can avoid dangerous situations like keeping the stove on or getting lost while going to the grocery store.
It's natural to worry about your aging loved one; however, you can feel good knowing a professional caregiver is present, especially if you live a distance from Mom or Dad. Long-distance services give you the option to send care when you can't be there.
Planning now for your elderly loved one will save you from panic, guilt and stress. Don't wait for the dizzying chaos of a parent's life event that changes everything. Planning for home care services right now can save you from having to react to an incident, but instead allow a plan your family made to unfold as it should.
Click here for more ways to be proactive, including knowing the signs of decreased independence of which you cannot ignore.
You were such a comfort to me and my grandmother before her death. Your caregivers are a godsend! | {
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Ultra Convenient & Charming 2 Bedroom Semi!
Discover this immaculately presented 2 bedroom semi-detached house located on a lovely quiet tree lined street within a short stroll to all of Strathfield's amenities including transportation, restaurants and dining, shopping, schools and parklands.
Features include: 2 large bedrooms, living room, separate dining room opening out to a lovely paved courtyard perfect for alfresco entertaining, wooden cottage style electric kitchen with plenty of storage space, main bathroom with shower, spare wash closet for guests, internal laundry, hard wood timber floors throughout, high ceilings, Air- Conditioning, charming original features and a secure LUG with rear lane access.
Parking: LUG with rear lane access. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Phage typing or CRISPR typing for epidemiological surveillance of Salmonella Typhimurium?
Manal Mohammed1
Salmonella Typhimurium is the most dominant Salmonella serovar around the world. It is associated with foodborne gastroenteritis outbreaks but has recently been associated with invasive illness and deaths. Characterization of S. Typhimurium is therefore very crucial for epidemiological surveillance. Phage typing has been used for decades for subtyping of S. Typhimurium to determine the epidemiological relation among isolates. Recent studies however have suggested that high throughput clustered regular interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) typing has the potential to replace phage typing. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of high-throughput CRISPR typing over conventional phage typing in epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium.
In silico analysis of whole genome sequences (WGS) of well-documented phage types of S. Typhimurium reveals the presence of different CRISPR type among strains belong to the same phage type. Furthermore, different phage types of S. Typhimurium share identical CRISPR type. Interestingly, identical spacers were detected among outbreak and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains of S. Typhimurium. Therefore, CRISPR typing is not useful for the epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium and phage typing, until it is replaced by WGS, is still the gold standard method for epidemiological surveillance of S. Typhimurium.
Salmonellosis is one of the most common causes of foodborne disease worldwide. Nontyphoidal salmonellosis (NTS) is a zoonotic disease transmitted from animals to humans through consumption of contaminated food. Worldwide, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) accounts for most human infection of NTS and has been associated with foodborne outbreaks in developing and developed countries resulting in high morbidity and mortality [1]. Furthermore, the recent emergence of the multidrug-resistant (MDR) S. Typhimurium variant of a distinct Sequence Type ST313 in sub-Saharan Africa represents a major public health concern as it is associated with invasive illness and deaths [2]. An efficient laboratory system for epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of Salmonella Typhimurium is therefore very crucial.
Phage typing system is a phenotypical method that has been used for decades for subtyping of S. Typhimurium to determine the epidemiological relation among isolates [3]. Phage typing is a rapid and low cost approach for the epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium. The system distinguishes more than 300 definitive phage types (DT) of S. Typhimurium based on their patterns of lysis to a unique collection of Salmonella phages but it has shown some limitations including the maintenance of typing phages by the reference laboratory and the updating of the system furthermore it depends entirely on the experience of the individual laboratory for interpretation of the results [4].
Recent studies have suggested that high throughput clustered regular interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) typing and the microbead-based CRISPOL assay have the potential to replace traditional bacterial typing and subtyping systems including phage typing [5, 6]. CRISPRs consist of direct repeats (DRs) separated by variable spacer sequences that are derived from foreign phages or plasmids [7] while CRISPOL is a bead-based liquid hybridization assay for CRISPR polymorphism [5].
A recent study reported identical CRISPRs between two different phage types of S. Typhimurium; DT8 and DT30 [8] which reveals the limitations of CRISPR typing for epidemiological surveillance of S. Typhimurium.
This study aimed to analyze the CRISPR/CRISPOL type of well-documented phage types of S. Typhimurium in order to determine the efficacy of high-throughput CRISPR and CRISPOL typing over conventional phage typing in epidemiological surveillance of S. Typhimurium.
Whole genome sequence of different phage types of S. Typhimurium
The whole genome sequence of well-documented phage types of S. Typhimurium (Tables 1, 2) were obtained from Enterobase (https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/). Furthermore, a set of different phage types of S. Typhimurium that are used as control in Anderson phage typing scheme (Tables 1, 2) were selected for whole genome sequencing (WGS). Genomic DNA was extracted using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer's instructions and submitted for WGS using an Illumina MiSeq on 250 bp paired-end (PE) libraries. The quality of PE data was evaluated using FastQC toolkit (http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/). Adapter sequences were removed using ea-utils package (https://expressionanalysis.github.io/ea-utils/). PE reads for each isolate were de novo assembled using velvet [9]. The best assembly with the highest N50 value was obtained. Raw sequence data of control phage types of S. Typhimurium have been submitted to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under study Accession No.: PRJEB18673 (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB18673) and also available via Enterobase (https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/).
Table 1 Salmonella Typhimurium strains belonging to the same phage type show different CRISPR/CRISPOL type
Table 2 Salmonella Typhimurium strains belonging to different phage types show identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type
In silico CRISPR and CRISPOL analysis
PE reads of different phage types of S. Typhimurium were also assembled using Enterobase (https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/) where CRISPRs and CRISPOL were called directly from the raw reads rather than the assembly.
Enterobase was used to determine the CRISPR type and CRISPOL type of all phage types of S. Typhimurium. In Enterobase, each phage type of S. Typhimurium was assigned unique accession number (Tables 1, 2).
Previously, sequenced CRISPR loci of different phage types of S. Typhimurium using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [5] were also included in this study (Table 3).
Table 3 CRISPOL type among different phage types of S. Typhimurium
PE reads of S. Typhimurium phage type DT8 associated with a foodborne outbreak in the summer of 2013 in the States of Jersey [10] were downloaded from ENA; study Accession Number PRJNA248792 (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJNA248792) and assembled by Enterobase. CRISPR and CRISPOL types were determined for all outbreak strains using Enterobase (Additional file 1: Table S1).
Spacers sequence within the assembled genomes of outbreak and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains were also characterized using CRISPRFinder (http://crispr.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/Server/) (Additional file 1: Table S1).
In silico analysis of genome sequences of control and well documented phage types of S. Typhimurium revealed two CRISPR loci, CRISPR-1 and CRISPR-2, within all phage types of S. Typhimurium. Although DRs are almost identical among all phage types of S. Typhimurium spacers sequences within the CRISPR loci are not unique to the phage type as strains belong to the same phage type have different spacers and subsequently different CRISPR/CRISPOL type (Table 1) furthermore, different phage types have identical spacers and same CRISPR/CRISPOL type (Table 2).
Different CRISPR/CRISPOL type within the same phage type of S. Typhimurium
In Table 1, three strains of S. Typhimurium that belong to phage type DT1 including strains DT1, TM 68-619 and TM 65-111 have different spacers and subsequently show different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 8579/430, 2536/54 and 7387/90 respectively. Two strains belong to phage type DT10 have different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; MS34 (9509/1629) and S81-784 (9913/1688). Two strains belong to phage type DT15a have different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 9517/1634 in isolate MS41 and 9916/1756 in isolate S81-798. Moreover, three strains belong to DT41 have different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 9513/1630 in isolate M11-2004, 7434/223 in isolate CQ 41 and 9929/1766 in isolate S02-0321.
Identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type within different phage types of S. Typhimurium
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT8 and DT30
Identical spacers were detected among different phage types of S. Typhimurium. For example, three strains of DT8 including M12-2001, M15-2006 and MS32 have the same CRISPR/CRISPOL type (812/250) as a strain belongs to phage type DT30 (MS57). Moreover, different strains belong to phage type DT8 have different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; M18-2003 (1069/6) and MS150057 (2260/708) (Table 2).
Interestingly, S. Typhimurium DT8 strains associated with the foodborne outbreak in the summer of 2013 in the States of Jersey [10] showed identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type (1069/6) however, the same CRISPR/CRISPOL type were reported in other DT8 strains that do not belong to the outbreak as confirmed by WGS [10]. Identical spacers were detected among outbreak associated and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains (Additional file 1: Table S1).
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT104, DT104b and U302
Variations in the CRISPR/CRISPOL type among strains of the same phage type such as DT104 and DT104b have been also noticed (Table 2). Although three strains of S. Typhimurium phage type DT104 including TM75-339, MS150098 and MS150095, have identical spacer sequences and CRISPR/CRISPOL type (12/21) the same CRISPR/CRISPOL type is present in different phage types including U302 (M18-2006; 12/21) and DT104b (MS130531; 12/21).
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT40, DT56, DT99 and U319
Strains of S. Typhimurium belong to different phage types such as DT99, DT56, U319 and DT40 (S05-2864) have identical spacer sequences and identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type (7433/14). Moreover, several strains belong to phage type DT40 including S05-2864, M20-2006, M19-2003 and CQ 40 have different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 7433/14, 9520/1637, 9519/1636 and 745/18 respectively (Table 2).
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT7a, DT20a, DT120, DT193 and untypable strains
In Table 2, strains of S. Typhimurium belong to phage type DT120 have different spacers and subsequently different CRISPR/CRISPOL type including S02-3776 (9921/1759), 07_2198 (9911/1753), M16-2000 (9510/1428), and S/20160374 (322/1).
Interestingly, a strains of phage type DT120 (M16-2000) has identical spacers and CRISPR/CRISPOL type (9510/1428) as another strain belongs to phage type DT7a (MS120840). Moreover, some strains belong to phage types DT120 (S/20160374 and S/20160407), DT20a (MS150110), DT193 (MS150007) and untypable strain (MS150097) have identical spacers and therefore share the same CRISPR/CRISPOL type (322/1). Different strains belong to phage type DT193 have different spacers and CRISPR/CRISPOL type; MS150007 (322/1) and MS150252 (317/2).
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT3, DT12 and DT193a
Some strains of phage types DT12 (DT12) and DT3 (S81-482) have identical spacers and identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 5268/19. Moreover, a strain belongs to DT12 (S02-2651) has identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type, 774/46, as a strain belongs to phage type DT193a (MS120454) (Table 2).
CRISPR/CRISPOL type among phage types DT135, DT191a and RDNC
Identical spacer sequences and CRISPR/CRISPOL type (91/4) were detected in different phage types of S. Typhimurium including DT135 (MS150112 and MS150180), DT191a (DT19a) and strains that react with phages but do not confirm to recognized pattern (RDNC) (MS150102 and MS150230). Furthermore, other strains belong to phage type DT135 show different spacers and subsequently different CRISPR/CRISPOL type; 5753/396 in DT135 and 3247/66 in MS150100 (Table 2).
CRISPOL assay confirms the no relation among phage type and CRISPRs
CRISPOL assay developed by Fabre et al. [5] when carried out on representative phage types of S. Typhimurium it reveals that there is no relation among the phage type and the CRISPOL type as strains belong to the same phage type have different CRISPOL type as seen in DT104 strains (Table 3). On the other hand, different phage types including DT7, DT193, U311, DT41 showed identical CRISPOL type as '1' (Table 3).
Salmonella Typhimurium is the most dominant Salmonella serovar around the world and has been associated with foodborne outbreaks in both developing and high-income countries [1, 11] and infection can result in bacteraemia and invasive disease [12, 13]. Epidemiological characterization of S. Typhimurium is therefore very crucial for the surveillance and outbreak investigation.
Phage typing system [3] has been a very useful phenotypical, definitive method for epidemiological characterization of S. Typhimurium and identification of the source of infection [14,15,16,17]. Although it has been suggested that the high throughput CRISPR typing and subtyping have the potential to replace traditional phage typing [5] this study demonstrates that It is impossible for CRISPR typing and CRISPOl assay to replace phage typing for epidemiological characterization of S. Typhimurium as there is no correlation between the phage type and the CRISPR/CRISPOL type.
Interestingly, S. Typhimurium DT8 strains associated with the foodborne outbreak in the summer of 2013 in the States of Jersey [10] showed identical CRISPR/CRISPOL type however, the same CRISPR/CRISPOL type were reported in other DT8 strains that do not belong to the outbreak as confirmed by WGS [10]. Detection of identical spacers among outbreak associated and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains reveals the limitation of CRISPR typing and subtyping in investigation of outbreaks.
The MDR DT104 strain of S. Typhimurium has been associated with foodborne outbreaks all over the world and phage typing was very successful in epidemiological characterization of the outbreak and identification of the source [18,19,20] however in this study strains belong to DT104 showed different spacers and subsequently different CRISPR/CRISPOL type therefore CRISPR typing and CRISPOL assay cannot be used in public health laboratories to determine the epidemiological relation among S. Typhimurium isolates.
The presence of CRISPR/CRISPOL type within the same phage type and the presence of identical spacers among different phage types of S. Typhimurium confirms the limitations of CRISPR typing and subtyping for the epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium.
There is no doubt that rapid WGS will shape the future of diagnostic microbiology as it has the potential to replace the routine typing and subtyping methods including Anderson phage typing system for the surveillance of outbreaks caused by different Salmonella serovars in real-time [10, 21, 22]. However, in the meantime, traditional phage typing scheme of S. Typhimurium remains the gold standard method for subtyping of S. Typhimurium for laboratory surveillance and outbreak investigation despite its technical limitations. Furthermore, it represents an ideal model for studying the complex dynamics of phage-host interaction [8].
In conclusion, high throughput CRISPR/CRISPOL typing might be useful for the discrimination among different Salmonella serovars however it is not useful for the epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium and phage typing, until it is replaced by WGS, is still the gold standard method for epidemiological surveillance of S. Typhimurium.
More outbreaks of S. Typhimurium caused by phage types other than DT8 can be included to confirm the unsuitability of CRISPR typing in epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium.
clustered regular interspaced short palindromic repeats
phage type
multidrug resistant
National Salmonella Shigella Listeria Reference Laboratory
nontyphoidal salmonella
paired end
polymerase chain reaction
strains that react with phages but do not confirm to recognized pattern
Scottish Salmonella, Shigella and Clostridium difficile Reference Laboratory
S. Typhimurium:
Salmonella Typhimurium
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The author no competing interests.
Raw sequence data of control phage types of S. Typhimurium will be publically available via ENA under study Accession No.: PRJEB18673 (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB18673) and also available via Enterobase (https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/). All sequencing data is available on request.
Consent to publish
Ethical approval and consent
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, UK
Manal Mohammed
Correspondence to Manal Mohammed.
Additional file
Additional file 1: Table S1. CRISPR and CRISPOL types of outbreak and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains of S. Typhimurium. Identical CRISPR and CRISPOL types were detected among outbreak and non-outbreak strains.
Mohammed, M. Phage typing or CRISPR typing for epidemiological surveillance of Salmonella Typhimurium?. BMC Res Notes 10, 578 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-017-2878-0
CRISPR typing
Phage typing | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} |
After 5 or 6 visits to this years display it was finally quiet enough to photograph it. This years theme is a lot more traditional than in recent years. See the sidebar for links to previous years displays.
Three short video clips of Fenwicks Christmas window display.
I had to be there at 8 in the morning to be able to get anywhere near it as every other visit I made it was just too busy.
The window always seems to kick off the christmas frenzy in Newcastle.
Congratulations to you for posting these great photos and videos of Fenwick's wonderful Christmas Window this year. Further, a hearty "Thank You" to Fenwick's for returning to the real Christmas. Alternative stories can be fun, but...Hey!...It Is Christmas!!
Many thanks for posting these photos and videos. Its my only way og seeing the fenwicks window , as I now live in New Zeakand .
Thanks for the great photos, I love seeing them each year. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} |
Subsets and Splits