Frequently Asked Questions classifier
This model is trained to determine whether a question/statement is a FAQ, in the domain of products, businesses, website faqs, etc.
For e.g "What is the warranty of your product?"
In contrast, daily questions such as "how are you?"
, "what is your name?"
, or simple statements such as "this is a tree"
from transformers import pipeline
classifier = pipeline("text-classification", "timpal0l/xlm-roberta-base-faq-extractor")
label_map = {"LABEL_0" : False, "LABEL_1" : True}
documents = ["What is the warranty for iPhone15?",
"How old are you?",
"Nice to meet you",
"What is your opening hours?",
"What is your name?",
"The weather is nice"]
predictions = classifier(documents)
for p, d in zip(predictions, documents):
print(d, "--->", label_map[p["label"]])
What is the warranty for iPhone15? ---> True
How old are you? ---> False
Nice to meet you ---> False
What is your opening hours? ---> True
What is your name? ---> False
The weather is nice ---> False