import torch |
import logging |
import numpy as np |
import torch.nn as nn |
from typing import Callable, List |
from accelerate import Accelerator |
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression |
class eval_mode: |
def __init__(self, *models, no_grad=False): |
self.models = models |
self.no_grad = no_grad |
self.no_grad_context = torch.no_grad() |
def __enter__(self): |
self.prev_states = [] |
for model in self.models: |
self.prev_states.append(model.training) |
model.train(False) |
if self.no_grad: |
self.no_grad_context.__enter__() |
def __exit__(self, *args): |
if self.no_grad: |
self.no_grad_context.__exit__(*args) |
for model, state in zip(self.models, self.prev_states): |
model.train(state) |
return False |
def embed_trajectory_dataset( |
model, |
dataset, |
obs_only=True, |
device=None, |
embed_goal=False, |
): |
if type(model) is nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel: |
return embed_trajectory_dataset_ddp( |
model, |
dataset, |
obs_only=obs_only, |
device=device, |
embed_goal=embed_goal, |
) |
else: |
result = [] |
accelerator = Accelerator() |
device = device or accelerator.device |
with eval_mode(model, no_grad=True): |
for i in range(len(dataset)): |
obs, *rest = dataset[i] |
obs = obs.to(accelerator.device) |
obs_enc = model(obs).to(device) |
if obs_only: |
result.append(obs_enc) |
else: |
if embed_goal: |
goal = rest[-1] |
rest = rest[:-1] |
goal = goal.to(accelerator.device) |
goal_enc = model(goal).to(device) |
rest.append(goal_enc) |
rest = [x.to(device) for x in rest] |
result.append((obs_enc, *rest)) |
return result |
def embed_trajectory_dataset_ddp( |
model: nn.Module, |
dataset, |
obs_only=True, |
device=None, |
embed_goal=False, |
): |
assert type(model) is nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel, "Model must be DDP" |
embeddings = [] |
accelerator = Accelerator() |
dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( |
dataset, |
batch_size=1, |
num_workers=1, |
shuffle=False, |
pin_memory=True, |
) |
dataloader = accelerator.prepare(dataloader) |
max_T = max(dataset.get_seq_length(i) for i in range(len(dataset))) |
with eval_mode(model, no_grad=True): |
for obs, *rest in dataloader: |
obs = obs.to(accelerator.device) |
obs_enc = model(obs) |
obs_enc = pad_to_length(obs_enc, max_T, dim=1) |
obs_enc = accelerator.gather_for_metrics(obs_enc) |
if obs_only: |
embeddings.append(obs_enc) |
else: |
if embed_goal: |
goal = rest[-1] |
rest = rest[:-1] |
goal = goal.to(accelerator.device) |
goal_enc = model(goal) |
rest.append(goal_enc) |
rest = [x.to(accelerator.device) for x in rest] |
rest = [pad_to_length(x, max_T, dim=1) for x in rest] |
rest = [accelerator.gather_for_metrics(x) for x in rest] |
embeddings.append((obs_enc, *rest)) |
device = device or accelerator.device |
result = [] |
if obs_only: |
embeddings = torch.cat(embeddings, dim=0) |
assert len(embeddings) == len(dataset) |
else: |
embeddings = [torch.cat(x, dim=0) for x in zip(*embeddings)] |
assert len(embeddings[0]) == len(dataset) |
for i in range(len(dataset)): |
T = dataset.get_seq_length(i) |
if obs_only: |
result.append(embeddings[i, :T].to(device)) |
else: |
result.append([x[i, :T].to(device) for x in embeddings]) |
return result |
def pad_to_length(x: torch.Tensor, length: int, dim: int = 0): |
""" |
Pad tensor x to length along dim, adding zeros at the end. |
""" |
pad_size = length - x.shape[dim] |
if pad_size <= 0: |
return x |
pad = torch.zeros( |
*x.shape[:dim], |
pad_size, |
*x.shape[dim + 1 :], |
device=x.device, |
dtype=x.dtype, |
) |
return torch.cat([x, pad], dim=dim) |
def repeat_start_to_length(x: torch.Tensor, length: int, dim: int = 0): |
""" |
Pad tensor x to length along dim, repeating the first value at the start. |
""" |
pad_size = length - x.shape[dim] |
if pad_size <= 0: |
return x |
first_frame = x.index_select(dim, torch.tensor(0, device=x.device)) |
repeat_shape = [1] * len(x.shape) |
repeat_shape[dim] = pad_size |
pad = first_frame.repeat(*repeat_shape) |
return torch.cat([pad, x], dim=dim) |
def nn_lookup( |
query: torch.Tensor, |
pool: torch.Tensor, |
metric: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], |
): |
pairwise_query = query.repeat_interleave(len(pool), dim=0) |
pairwise_pool = pool.repeat((len(query), 1)) |
dist = metric(pairwise_query, pairwise_pool) |
nn_dist, nn_idx = dist.view(len(query), len(pool)).sort(dim=1) |
return nn_dist, nn_idx |
def batch_knn( |
query: torch.Tensor, |
pool: torch.Tensor, |
metric: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], |
k: int, |
batch_size: int, |
): |
""" |
Return the k nearest neighbors of query in pool using metric. |
Input: |
query: Tensor[N, D] of query points |
pool: Tensor[M, D] of pool points |
metric: Callable[[Tensor[N, D], Tensor[M, D]], Tensor[N, M]] distance function |
k: int number of neighbors to return |
batch_size: int batch size for computation. Batched over query. |
Output: (distances, indices) |
distances: Tensor[N, k] of distances to the k nearest neighbors |
indices: Tensor[N, k] of indices of the k nearest neighbors |
""" |
nn_dists = [] |
nn_idxs = [] |
for i in range(0, len(query), batch_size): |
batch = query[i : i + batch_size].to(pool.device) |
nn_dist, nn_idx = nn_lookup(batch, pool, metric) |
nn_dists.append(nn_dist[:, :k]) |
nn_idxs.append(nn_idx[:, :k]) |
return torch.cat(nn_dists), torch.cat(nn_idxs) |
def linear_probe_with_trajectory_split( |
X: torch.Tensor, |
y: torch.Tensor, |
train_idx: List[int], |
val_idx: List[int], |
): |
X_train = torch.cat([X[i] for i in train_idx]).cpu().numpy() |
y_train = torch.cat([y[i] for i in train_idx]).cpu().numpy() |
X_val = torch.cat([X[i] for i in val_idx]).cpu().numpy() |
y_val = torch.cat([y[i] for i in val_idx]).cpu().numpy() |
X_all = torch.cat(X).cpu().numpy() |
y_all = torch.cat(y).cpu().numpy() |
m = LinearRegression() |
m.fit(X_all, y_all) |
linear_probe_mse_train_all = np.mean((m.predict(X_train) - y_train) ** 2).item() |
linear_probe_mse_val_all = np.mean((m.predict(X_val) - y_val) ** 2).item() |
return { |
"linear_probe_mse_train_all": linear_probe_mse_train_all, |
"linear_probe_mse_val_all": linear_probe_mse_val_all, |
} |
def mse(a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor): |
return ((a - b) ** 2).mean(dim=1) |
def mahalanobis(a, b, VI): |
u = a - b |
v = u @ VI |
return (u * v).sum(dim=-1).sqrt() |
class OLS: |
""" |
OLS in torch |
NOTE: discrepancy with sklearn's LinearRegression when ill-conditioned; reverting to sklearn for now |
""" |
def __init__(self, bias=True, fallback_to_cpu=True): |
self.bias = bias |
self.w = None |
self.fallback_to_cpu = fallback_to_cpu |
def fit(self, X: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): |
""" |
Fit the model |
""" |
if self.bias: |
X = torch.cat([X, torch.ones(X.shape[0], 1, device=X.device)], dim=1) |
self.w = torch.linalg.lstsq(X, y).solution |
if torch.isnan(self.w).any(): |
cond = torch.linalg.cond(X) |
rank = torch.linalg.matrix_rank(X) |
msg = f"NaNs in OLS solution. Input shape: {X.shape}, cond: {cond}, rank: {rank}" |
if not self.fallback_to_cpu: |
raise ValueError(msg) |
logging.warn(f"{msg}; Falling back to CPU with gelss driver.") |
self.w = torch.linalg.lstsq(X.cpu(), y.cpu(), driver="gelss").solution |
self.w = self.w.to(X.device) |
return self |
def predict(self, X: torch.Tensor): |
""" |
Predict the output |
""" |
if self.w is None: |
raise ValueError("Model not fitted") |
if self.bias: |
X = torch.cat([X, torch.ones(X.shape[0], 1, device=X.device)], dim=1) |
return X @ self.w |
class SGDClassifier: |
def __init__(self, lr=1e-4, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, batch_size=2048): |
self.lr = lr |
self.max_iter = max_iter |
self.tol = tol |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
def fit(self, X: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): |
n_samples, input_dim = X.shape |
n_classes = y.max().item() + 1 |
self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, n_classes).to(X.device) |
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW( |
self.linear.parameters(), lr=self.lr, weight_decay=0.0 |
) |
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() |
for j in range(self.max_iter): |
total_loss = 0 |
n_batches = 0 |
indices = torch.randperm(n_samples).to(X.device) |
for i in range(0, n_samples, self.batch_size): |
batch_indices = indices[i : i + self.batch_size] |
batch_X, batch_y = X[batch_indices], y[batch_indices] |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
logits = self.linear(batch_X) |
loss = criterion(logits, batch_y) |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
total_loss += loss.item() |
n_batches += 1 |
avg_loss = total_loss / n_batches |
if avg_loss < self.tol: |
break |
if j + 1 < self.max_iter: |
logging.info(f"Converged at epoch {j+1}.") |
else: |
logging.info(f"Max iter reached. Final loss {avg_loss}") |
return self |
def predict(self, X: torch.Tensor): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
return torch.argmax(self.linear(X), dim=1) |
def score(self, X: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): |
return (self.predict(X) == y).float().mean().item() |