TRL documentation

DeepSpeed Integration

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DeepSpeed Integration

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TRL supports training with DeepSpeed, a library that implements advanced training optimization techniques. These include optimizer state partitioning, offloading, gradient partitioning, and more.

DeepSpeed integrates the Zero Redundancy Optimizer (ZeRO), which allows to scale the model size proportional to the number of devices with sustained high efficiency.

ZeRO Stages


To use DeepSpeed with TRL, install it using the following command:

pip install deepspeed

Running Training Scripts with DeepSpeed

No modifications to your training script are required. Simply run it with the DeepSpeed configuration file:

accelerate launch --config_file <ACCELERATE_WITH_DEEPSPEED_CONFIG_FILE.yaml>

We provide ready-to-use DeepSpeed configuration files in the examples/accelerate_configs directory. For example, to run training with ZeRO Stage 2, use the following command:

accelerate launch --config_file examples/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero2.yaml

Additional Resources

Consult the 🤗 Accelerate documentation for more information about the DeepSpeed plugin.

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