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Helper module for image processing.

These functions and classes are only used internally, meaning an end-user shouldn’t need to access anything here.


Kind: static class of utils/image

new RawImage(data, width, height, channels)

Create a new RawImage object.

dataUint8ClampedArray | Uint8Array

The pixel data.


The width of the image.


The height of the image.

channels1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The number of channels.

rawImage.size β‡’ <code> * </code>

Returns the size of the image (width, height).

Kind: instance property of RawImage
Returns: * - The size of the image (width, height).

rawImage.grayscale() β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Convert the image to grayscale format.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - this to support chaining.

rawImage.rgb() β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Convert the image to RGB format.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - this to support chaining.

rawImage.rgba() β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Convert the image to RGBA format.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - this to support chaining.

rawImage.putAlpha(mask) β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Apply an alpha mask to the image. Operates in place.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - The masked image.

  • Error If the mask is not the same size as the image.
  • Error If the image does not have 4 channels.
  • Error If the mask is not a single channel.

The mask to apply. It should have a single channel.

rawImage.resize(width, height, options) β‡’ <code> Promise. < RawImage > </code>

Resize the image to the given dimensions. This method uses the canvas API to perform the resizing.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: Promise.<RawImage> - this to support chaining.


The width of the new image. null or -1 will preserve the aspect ratio.


The height of the new image. null or -1 will preserve the aspect ratio.


Additional options for resizing.

[options.resample]0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | string

The resampling method to use.

rawImage.split() β‡’ <code> Array. < RawImage > </code>

Split this image into individual bands. This method returns an array of individual image bands from an image. For example, splitting an β€œRGB” image creates three new images each containing a copy of one of the original bands (red, green, blue).

Inspired by PIL’s Image.split() function.

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: Array.<RawImage> - An array containing bands.

rawImage.clone() β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Clone the image

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - The cloned image

rawImage.convert(numChannels) β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Helper method for converting image to have a certain number of channels

Kind: instance method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - this to support chaining.


The number of channels. Must be 1, 3, or 4.

Save the image to the given path.

Kind: instance method of RawImage


The path to save the image to. β‡’ <code> * </code>

Helper method for reading an image from a variety of input types.

Kind: static method of RawImage
Returns: * - The image object.

Example: Read image from a URL.

let image = await'');
// RawImage 
inputRawImage | string | URL

RawImage.fromCanvas(canvas) β‡’ <code> RawImage </code>

Read an image from a canvas.

Kind: static method of RawImage
Returns: RawImage - The image object.

canvasHTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas

The canvas to read the image from.

RawImage.fromURL(url) β‡’ <code> Promise. < RawImage > </code>

Read an image from a URL or file path.

Kind: static method of RawImage
Returns: Promise.<RawImage> - The image object.

urlstring | URL

The URL or file path to read the image from.

RawImage.fromBlob(blob) β‡’ <code> Promise. < RawImage > </code>

Helper method to create a new Image from a blob.

Kind: static method of RawImage
Returns: Promise.<RawImage> - The image object.


The blob to read the image from.


Helper method to create a new Image from a tensor

Kind: static method of RawImage



Helper function to load an image from a URL, path, etc.

Kind: static constant of utils/image


Mapping from file extensions to MIME types.

Kind: inner constant of utils/image

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