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34,366 | 34,366 | Local Charlotte, NC news station WSOCTV is reporting that sources tell them dash cameras captured Keith Scott getting out of car and coming towards officers with a gun in his hand:#BREAKING: Sources tell Channel 9 dash camera video shows #KeithScott getting out car, coming toward officers with gun in his hand WSOCTV (@wsoctv) September 21, 2016For a second night, protests over a deadly officer-involved shooting in Charlotte, North Carolina, turned violent, with police firing tear gas and demonstrators throwing objects and trying to damage vehicles.Keith Lamont Scott, a father of seven, was killed by police in an apartment complex parking lot Tuesday as officers looked for another man named in a warrant they were trying to serve. The shooting set off a long night of violent protests and Wednesday the demonstrations continued for a second night, starting off as a peaceful march through downtown Charlotte. But when the demonstrators neared an Omni Hotel, some people climbed the roof of an outdoor mall and started throwing objects at the crowd.Other people were banging on the doors of the hotel, and police in riot gear emerged in the entrance.His family said Scott, an African-American, was unarmed and sitting in his car reading a book, waiting for his son to come home from school.But Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said Scott exited his car with a gun, not a book. He said officers couldn t find a book at the scene. It s time for the voiceless majority to stand up and be heard, said the police chief, who is black. It s time to change the narrative because I can tell you from the facts that the story s a little bit different as to how it s been portrayed so far, especially through social media. CNNBut b b but what about the book?Neighbor who says she saw police shoot #KeithScott disputes CMDP's claim that he was armed with a gun. She says he had a book. @wsoctv Mark Barber (@MBarberWSOC9) September 21, 2016And of course, there s Hillary s irresponsible tweet confirming that the cops were in the wrong, without even having any facts to back up her ignorant statement:Keith Lamont Scott. Terence Crutcher. Too many others. This has got to end. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 21, 2016 | 1 |
41,656 | 41,656 | The tsunami has started President Obama s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again so he s voting for Donald Trump. I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart, Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him. Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his deep disappointment in his brother Barack s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to the party of Lincoln. The last straw, he said, came earlier this month when FBI Director James Comey recommended not prosecuting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private e-mail servers while secretary of state. She should have known better as the custodian of classified information, said Obama.He s also annoyed that Clinton and President Obama killed Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy, whom he called one of his best friends.Malik Obama dedicated his 2012 biography of his late father to Khadafy and others who were making this world a better place. I still feel that getting rid of Khadafy didn t make things any better in Libya, he said. My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard. But what bothers him even more is the Democratic Party s support of same-sex marriage.Obama plans to trek back to the US to vote for Trump in November. Obama used to live in Maryland, where he worked for many years as an accountant and is registered to vote there, public records show. Mr. Trump is providing something new and something fresh, he said.For entire story: NYP | 1 |
26,726 | 26,726 | The only reality show Donald Trump should have ever been featured in is The Biggest Loser because he just got his ass handed to him in court.Two years ago, Trump National Doral Miami golf resort signed a contract worth $200,000 for a local business called The Paint Spot to provide paint used to renovate the golf course.Well, guess who tried to stiff The Paint Spot of the final $34,863 payment in the deal?Yeah, that would be Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.Trump and his company refused to honor the contract by not paying the final payment, saying that they ve paid enough for the paint. In other words, Trump negotiated a deal that ended up costing him more in the end, just like the kinds of deals he wants to negotiate for America with the rest of the world.Anyway, Paint Spot owner Juan Carlos Enriquez filed suit against Trump in court, and Judge Jorge Cueto just slapped Trump and his company with a $300,000 hit to cover The Paint Shop s attorney and court fees, nearly ten times more money than the $34,863 owed. And Trump STILL hasn t paid that debt, so how are we supposed to trust him to pay down the debt of en entire nation if he can t meet his own obligations? I m happy I have a judgment, Enriquez told the Miami Herald. But he [Trump] hasn t paid yet. You know how he says he ll surround himself with the greatest people if he is president? In this case, he might not be surrounded by the right people. This isn t even the first fine Trump has been ordered to pay this month.On the same day as his coronation as the Republican Party nominee last week, the National Labor Relations Board slapped Trump with an $11,200 fine for treating employees like shit because they tried to join a labor union.As it turns out, one employee was wrongfully fired and the other was retaliated against by denying them the promotion they had earned.For someone who claims to be the law and order candidate, Trump sure does break the law a lot.Featured Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images | 1 |
81,585 | 81,585 | No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious | 0 |
4,016 | 4,016 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here are some of the highlights of the Reuters interview with U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday. “There’s a chance that we could end up having a major, major, conflict with North Korea, absolutely.” QUESTION: Is that your biggest global worry at this point? “Yes, I would say that’s true, yes. ... North Korea would be certainly that.” ON GETTING SOUTH KOREA TO PAY FOR THAAD MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM “On the THAAD system, it’s about a billion dollars. I said, ‘Why are we paying? Why are we paying a billion dollars? We’re protecting. Why are we paying a billion dollars?’ So I informed South Korea it would be appropriate if they paid. Nobody’s going to do that. Why are we paying a billion dollars? It’s a billion dollar system. It’s phenomenal. It’s the most incredible equipment you’ve ever seen - shoots missiles right out of the sky. And it protects them and I want to protect them. We’re going to protect them. But they should pay for that, and they understand that.” ON WHETHER THE WAR AGAINST ISLAMIST EXTREMISM WILL EVER END “Yours is the toughest question. Because at what point does it end? But we can’t let them come over here. I have to say, there is an end. And it has to be humiliation. There is an end. Otherwise it’s really tough. But there is an end. We are really eradicating some very bad people. When you take a look at what’s going on with the cutting off of the heads. We haven’t seen that since Medieval times. Right?” ON CHINESE PRESIDENT XI’S EFFORTS TO REIN IN NORTH KOREA “He certainly doesn’t want to see turmoil and death. He doesn’t want to see it. He’s a good man. He’s a very good man and I got to know him very well ... We’ll see how it all works out. I know he would like to be able to do something. Perhaps it’s possible that he can’t. But I think he’d like to be able to do something.” “He’s 27 years old, his father dies, took over a regime, so say what you want but that’s not easy, especially at that age. You know you have plenty of generals in there and plenty of other people that would like to do what he’s doing. So I’ve said this before and I’ve, I’m just telling you, and I’m not giving him credit or not giving him credit. I’m just saying that’s a very hard thing to do.” “As to whether or not he’s rational, I have no opinion on it. I hope he’s rational.” “I get a call from Mexico yesterday, ‘We hear you’re going to terminate NAFTA.’ I said that’s right. They said, ‘Is there any way we can do something without you – without termination?’ I said, ‘What do you want to do?’ He said, ‘Well, we’d like to negotiate.’ I said we’ll think about it. Then I get a call, and they call me, I get a call from Justin Trudeau and he said, ‘We’d like to see if we can work something out,’ and I said that’s fine. Because I’ve always - I’ve been very consistent. It’s much less disruptive if we can make a fair trade deal than if we terminate.” “It’s unacceptable. It’s a horrible deal made by Hillary. It’s a horrible deal. And we’re going to renegotiate that deal, or terminate it.” QUESTION: When will you announce it? “Very soon. I’m announcing it now.” “By the way, with South Korea, just so you know. They’re ready for it. Mike Pence was representing me, he was just over there, he’s told them. And we have the five-year anniversary coming up very shortly. And we thought that would be a good time to start ... It’s a great deal for South Korea. It’s a terrible deal for us.” “Frankly, Saudi Arabia has not treated us fairly, because we are losing a tremendous amount of money in defending Saudi Arabia.” “Well, my problem is that I’ve established a very good personal relationship with (Chinese) President Xi. And I really feel that he is doing everything in his power to help us with a big situation, so I wouldn’t want to be causing difficulty right now for him ... So I would certainly want to speak to him first.” “If there’s closure, there’s closure. We’ll see what happens. If there’s a shutdown. It’s the Democrats’ fault. Not our fault. It’s the Democrats’ fault. Maybe they’d like to see a shutdown.” ON TRUMP’S PLAN TO GENERATE REVENUE TO OFFSET TAX CUTS “We will do trade deals that are going to make up for a tremendous amount of the deficit. We are going to be doing trade deals that are going to be much better trade deals ... “There will be other ways that we are going to raise revenues. But we are going to run the country properly, and we are going to be reimbursed when we do things. Why should we be paying for somebody else’s military?” ON MIDDLE EAST PEACE AND POSSIBLE TRIP TO ISRAEL, SAUDI ARABIA “It’s a possibility, we’re talking to both. It’s a possibility, but I want to see peace with Israel and the Palestinians. There is no reason there’s not peace between Israel and the Palestinians - none whatsoever. So we’re looking at that and we’re also looking at the potential of going to Saudi Arabia.” | 0 |
22,321 | 22,321 | House Speaker Paul Ryan finally admitted the reason he is refusing to hold town hall meetings: He s too afraid of protesters. Speaking at a Boy Scouts event in Wisconsin, Ryan told the crowd that he just doesn t have the guts to face his own constituents when he knows they are p*ssed that he s trying to steal their health care. Aside from the obvious security concerns, what we have found is there are people who are trying to come in from out of the district to disrupt town hall meetings and not have a civil discussion, so what I have been doing is looking for new and creative ways to interact with my constituents in a civil way, Ryan said. That s why I have done a number of telephone town hall meetings, which I find very effective as people don t have to travel. I do office hours. I just did them this morning in Janesville. In addition, I am doing a lot of business ones, the Speaker said.Ryan said that he has found other ways to meet with his constituents, like the town-hall style meeting he held on Thursday that was closed to the public with only 25 employees of the business he was touring in attendance. I find when you guys are there, people kind of clam up. They get a little nervous, but when you do business town halls without media it is very interactive, so I am finding a lot of different ways to have a good civil dialogue with constituents, he continued.Ryan then said that if people want to talk to him, that s what his office hours are for, which he explained help keep him safe from all those big, mean protesters. Additionally, if you want to come do office hours, they schedule office hours because I don t want to have a situation where we just have a screaming fest, a shouting fest where people are being bussed in from out of the district to get on TV because they are yelling at somebody. That does nobody any good, and what I want to do is have a civil, good conversation with constituents, and that s why I do all these different things, whether it s planned tours, telephone town halls, office hours and the rest, he said.So, that s Ryan s master plan to deal with the ever increasing public anger over his plan to take health care from millions. He s just going to hide like the spineless coward that he is. Sounds legit.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images | 1 |
27,661 | 27,661 | Donald Trump just can t accept that he has completely demolished any and all chances of winning over the Hispanic vote.Refusing to be discouraged by the fact that he s offended the Hispanic community since day one of his disgraceful presidential campaign and continuously pummeled the minority group throughout the election cycle, the presumptive Republican nominee is trying to reach out to the very community that he said was made up of rapists and drug dealers. Trump gave his first direct message to Hispanic conservatives over the phone, while sitting alone on a private plane. It s truly bizarre and uncomfortable to watch, but then again so is everything else The Donald does. During his 2-minute message, which was aired at the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference in California, Trump promised to do away with minority unemployment and stop illegal drug cartels. While Trump rattled off a few more talking points, the business mogul s main message to Hispanics could be summed up in these few sentences: National. Hispanic. Christian. Three great words. We re going to take care of you. We re going to work with you. You re going to be very happy. You re gonna like President Trump. You can watch Trump s awkward message below:The idea of Trump sincerely trying to portray himself as a great candidate for Hispanic voter is, quite frankly, hilarious. As much as Trump loves his polls, he must be absolutely oblivious or in severe denial it s been widely reported that Trump is still struggling big time to get support from the Hispanic community, and that s probably not going to change anytime soon.Many Hispanic voters have pledged their support to Trump s rival, Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton, with only 23% of them stating that they would vote for Trump in November. In fact, many Hispanics registered for the first time this year for the sole purpose of voting AGAINST Trump. No matter how hard Trump tries to undo the damage he did in the beginning of his campaign, his attempts will likely fall short. The Hispanic community will not forget his offensive, hateful rhetoric, and neither should the rest of us.Featured image via Scott Olson / Getty Images | 1 |
82,666 | 82,666 | Would-be looter in Hurricane Michael-ravaged Florida shot, killed after trying to steal law enforcement vehicle: report …
... All looters need to be handled the same way! | 0 |
76,637 | 76,637 | His argument is correct. Hurricane Rita killed over 100 people on the road, drowned them in their own cars. | 0 |
32,898 | 32,898 | At around the 4:00 mark in the video, Maxine points out that Obama will become more aggressive in his second term. Waters suggests Obama s ability to push immigration and some of the other radical issues on his agenda during first term were thwarted by the opposition, or more specifically by the Right and by the Tea Party . Martin then tells Waters that Obama better get busy and get done what needs to be done during his second term. Roland tells Waters, The inauguration represented the beginning of the second term, but it also represented the countdown of the end of his presidency. And the reality is, uh, like anything else, you better get what you can while he s there, because look come 2016, that s it. Waters responds, Well you know, I don t know. And I think some people are missing something here. The President has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That s going to be very, very powerful. Martin asks, In terms of the Organizing for America that he s now shifting to become a 501C4 ? Waters responds, That s right. That s right. And that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it s never been done before. Here is the shortened clip:Here is the full interview. The bombshell revelation by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) starts at around the 4:00 mark: | 1 |
6,509 | 6,509 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies obtained what they considered to be conclusive evidence after the November election that Russia provided hacked material from the Democratic National Committee to WikiLeaks through a third party, three U.S. officials said on Wednesday. U.S. officials had concluded months earlier that Russian intelligence agencies had directed the hacking, but had been less certain that they could prove Russia also had controlled the release of information damaging to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. REUTERS RECOMMENDS: Amazon, Forever 21 kick the tires at American Apparel Child monks in the Indian Himalayas The timing of the additional intelligence is important because U.S. President Barack Obama has faced criticism from his own party over why it took his administration months to respond to the cyber attack. U.S. Senate and House leaders, including prominent Republicans, have also called for an inquiry. At the same time, President-elect Donald Trump has questioned the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia tried to help his candidacy and hurt Clinton’s. Russia has denied the hacking allegations. A U.S. intelligence report on the hacking was scheduled to be presented to Obama on Thursday and to Trump on Friday, though its contents were still under discussion on Wednesday, officials said. They said the post-election intelligence gave the Obama administration greater certainty about the full role of the Russian government in the hacking and leaks of documents than it had on Oct. 7, when the U.S. intelligence agencies had said they were “confident” Russia orchestrated the hacking. The additional intelligence also informed U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to retaliate on Dec. 29 by expelling 35 suspected Russian spies and sanctioning two Russian spy agencies, four intelligence officers and three companies, a decision that capped four months of debate at the White House about how to respond, the officials said. The officials declined to describe the intelligence obtained about the involvement of a third-party in passing on leaked material to WikiLeaks, saying they did not want to reveal how the U.S. government had obtained the information. In an interview with Fox News, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he did not receive emails stolen from the DNC and top Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta from “a state party.” Assange did not rule out the possibility that he got the material from a third party. Trump on Wednesday sided with Assange and again questioned the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia tried to help his candidacy and hurt Clinton’s. Concern by U.S. officials over the hacking first spiked in August, when intelligence agencies concluded that Russian intelligence, with the direction of President Vladimir Putin, had been trying to disrupt and discredit the presidential and congressional elections. Obama in August rejected recommendations from some of his advisors to disclose the Russian link and take some limited covert action as “a shot across Putin’s bow to knock it off,” one official with knowledge of the matter said. Instead, Obama warned Putin privately, arguing that a similar private message to Chinese President Xi Jinping had reduced Chinese hacking into U.S. agencies and companies. In October, Obama again declined to take action, arguing such a move could be seen as an effort to help Clinton and discredit Republican Trump, one that could stain a Clinton presidency, one official said. Obama took public action on the issue only after Trump was elected and began disparaging the intelligence community’s reporting on the Russian hacking, another official said. | 0 |
20,502 | 20,502 | LONDON (Reuters) - Britain could bring in tough new controls on immigration from the European Union without actually having to leave the bloc, former prime minister Tony Blair said on Sunday. Concerns over the impact of high levels of immigration on public services and housing were cited as a factor by many who voted to leave the EU in last year s referendum. Prime Minister Theresa May s Conservative government has said free movement of EU citizens coming to Britain must end. Many Brexit supporters blame Blair s government, which allowed citizens of former communist states to settle immediately in Britain despite a long transition period implemented by other EU countries, for a big influx of EU migrants from 2004. There is no diversion possible from Brexit without addressing the grievances that gave rise to it. Paradoxically, we have to respect the referendum vote to change it, Blair, who has said Brexit can and should be stopped, wrote in the Sunday Times newspaper. We can curtail the things that people feel are damaging about European immigration, both by domestic policy change and by agreeing change within Europe to the freedom of movement principle, added Blair, who led a Labour government for a decade from 1997. Asked about Blair s proposals, defense minister Michael Fallon said the government had to get on with delivering Brexit. The country has taken its decision, we are leaving the European Union now and that means freedom of movement has to end ... there have got to be restrictions on those coming here, he told BBC Television. A leaked government document last week said Britain was considering measures to restrict immigration for all but the highest-skilled EU workers, plans some companies called alarming. A paper published on Sunday by Blair s Institute for Global Change said the government could take steps including registering EU migrants when they arrive to keep track of whether they meet EU rules about finding work. EU migrants could also be forced to show evidence of a job offer before being allowed to enter Britain, and those without permission to reside could be banned from renting, opening a bank account or accessing welfare benefits, it said. The paper also proposes seeking an emergency brake to implement temporary controls on migration when services are stretched a strengthened version of a deal offered to former Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of the referendum. | 0 |
75,659 | 75,659 | im praying for all of my friends down in the Caribbean who have no where else to go and are forced to ride through the hurricane. be strong … | 0 |
72,525 | 72,525 | To all my Texas streamers: PLEASE be safe if the hurricane comes to you! I’d hate to’t be a hero. Take shelter. | 0 |
7,277 | 7,277 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump recently announced the first major appointments to his administration but still has many positions to fill ahead of his inauguration on Jan. 20. Trump announced on Sunday he will hire Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as White House chief of staff and named Stephen Bannon, former head of the conservative web site Breitbart News, as his chief strategist and senior counselor. The selection of Bannon drew sharp criticism from Democrats, who criticized Breitbart News’ ties to racist messages. Below are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles. * Bob Corker, Tennessee senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee * John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush * Newt Gingrich, Republican former U.S. House Speaker * Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq * Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City * Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump’s campaign finance chairman * Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican congressman and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee * Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer * Tom Barrack, founder and chairman of Colony Capital Inc * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency * Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser under President George W. Bush * Jon Kyl, former Republican senator from Arizona * Jeff Sessions, Republican senator from Alabama and early Trump supporter, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee * Kelly Ayotte, outgoing Republican senator from New Hampshire and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee * Duncan Hunter, Republican congressman from California and early Trump supporter, member of House Armed Services Committee * Jim Talent, former Republican senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee * Rudy Giuliani * Jeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigration * Chris Christie, Republican New Jersey governor * Pam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney General * Trey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya * Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate * Newt Gingrich * Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive and former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie * Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor * Michael McCaul, U.S. Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee * David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff and vocal Trump supporter * Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who campaigned for Trump * Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute who is overseeing environmental policy on Trump’s transition team * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general * Carol Comer, commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management * Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil and gas mogul, CEO of Continental Resources Inc * Larry Nichols, co-founder of Devon Energy Corp * James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush * U.S. Representative Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota * Robert Grady * Sarah Palin, Republican former Alaska governor who ran for vice president in 2008 * Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor * Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil * Harold Hamm * Robert Grady * Linda McMahon, former world Wrestling Entertainment executive and two-time Senate candidate * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn * Mike Rogers, Republican former representative from Michigan who chaired the House Intelligence Committee * Pete Hoekstra, Republican former representative from Michigan * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn * Stephen Hadley * Kelly Ayotte * Richard Grenell, former spokesman for the United States at the United Nations * Peter King, Republican representative from New York * Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp * Jeff Miller, retiring congressman from Florida and chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee | 0 |
4,936 | 4,936 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key Republican lawmaker said on Wednesday he did not believe the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower during the 2016 election campaign, adding to pressure on FBI Director James Comey to provide evidence supporting or debunking Republican President Donald Trump’s claim. “We don’t have any evidence that that took place,” House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes told a news conference. “I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower.” Trump made the claim on Twitter on March 4 without providing evidence. Nunes’ congressional committee is one of at least four that have added the startling accusation to investigations of possible Russian meddling in the election campaign and Russian ties to Trump and his associates. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under Obama, has said he knew of no warrant to wiretap Trump Tower. Nunes said if Trump’s tweets were taken literally, then “clearly the president was wrong.” With his statements, Nunes, who served on Trump’s transition team, joined other lawmakers, including some of his fellow Republicans, who have been skeptical about the president’s claim, and frustrated with what they see as federal law enforcement’s failure to provide them with information. The top Democrat on the House intelligence panel, Adam Schiff, said at the news conference with Nunes that Comey would be asked about wiretap evidence at a rare public hearing on Monday. “It deeply concerns me that the president would make such an accusation without basis,” Schiff said. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia conducted cyber attacks on Democrats in an effort to influence the 2016 U.S. election on Trump’s behalf. Russia has denied this. At the same time, Trump has been dogged by allegations that his associates had ties to Russian officials. Trump fired his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, last month after he failed to disclose contacts with Russia’s ambassador before Trump took office on Jan. 20. Trump seemed to back away from his accusation of wiretapping in a Fox News interview on Wednesday, saying “wiretap covers a lot of different things.” Without providing details, the president added, “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks,” according to excerpts of the interview, which will air later on Wednesday. Schiff and Nunes said they sent a letter asking Comey, Rogers and CIA Director Mike Pompeo to provide by Friday information on leaks of classified information, including names of any Americans that might have been gathered. Schiff said he expected the Federal Bureau of Investigation to cooperate. The committee leaders said they were prepared to issue subpoenas if they did not. In Richmond, Virginia, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told reporters that he never gave Trump any reason to believe he was wiretapped by the previous administration, according to a transcript provided by CBS News. While White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters Trump “feels very comfortable” that information existed regarding surveillance conducted during 2016, a number of Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress remained unconvinced. Spicer told reporters traveling on Air Force One on Wednesday that Trump had not meant wiretaps specifically. “He was very clear that he used the word ‘wiretap’ generally, he put it in quotes to mean that it counts for surveillance and all types of activity of that sort,” Spicer said. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he had no reason to believe a judge ever issued a warrant, which would have reflected there was probable cause that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians. If it is not true, he said, the FBI should confirm that. Graham and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism, asked Comey two weeks ago to provide information on Russian activities and the wiretapping by Wednesday. Graham said on Wednesday that the FBI had responded that it would provide an answer to him and Whitehouse at a future classified briefing. “The bottom line is a lot of Americans are wondering what’s going on here,” Graham said at a subcommittee hearing, titled “The Modus Operandi and Toolbox of Russia and Other Autocracies for Undermining Democracies Throughout the World.” Whitehouse said he would prefer an unclassified briefing. Comey met on Wednesday with the Judiciary Committee chairman, Chuck Grassley, and its top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein. A law enforcement official said the meeting was an opportunity for the senators to ask Comey about subjects that concern them, expected to center on FBI investigations of Trump and associates’ Russia contacts, as well as the wiretap claim. | 0 |
53,334 | 53,334 | RT @Stacy_Spencer: There is a Tornado warning. Service is canceled. Get to shelter and be safe. ¬´ praying for memphis. | 0 |
79,932 | 79,932 | WTF? » No food, no FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s survivors are furious - The Daily Beast … | 0 |
71,962 | 71,962 | The aftermath of a hurricane is horrific. The heat/humidity is excruciating, no water/ice, no bathing, complete darkness, bugs, no warm food | 0 |
30,295 | 30,295 | Someone, at some point in time, made the mistake of telling Ted Cruz that he s a funny impressionist. If you recall, Cruz previously regaled us with a totally not-funny re-enactment of the Miracle Max scene from The Princess Bride. Correction: Cruz nearly ruined that scene for all time. There s something especially repulsive about a squishy-faced right-wing zealot hamfistedly performing a scene from one of the most beloved comedies of our time.And now, he s trying to sully the memory of one of the most beloved presidents in modern history by doing another one of his let s face it really, really awkward, flopsweat inducing impressions.The second place contender for the Republican nomination appeared at a diner in Iowa the other day and unexpectedly broke into his impression of John F. Kennedy.And it sucked. Sucked, sucked, sucked, sucked.Not only that, but he insisted, JFK would be tarred and feathered and thrown out of the modern Democratic Party. Um, no. There s no justification for that, whatsoever. Once again, Ted Cruz is totally lying. In many ways, JFK is more liberal than our current Democratic president, and he s absolutely more liberal than the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton.Cruz continued, You know, JFK said [in JFK voice], Some men see things as they ahhh, and ask why. I see things that nevah wuhhh, and ask Why not? STOP! For the love of all that is holy, can someone please tell Mr. Cruz to never, ever do that again? Ever? Along those lines, stop trying to be funny, conservatives. You can t do it without sounding like Lt. Hauk from Good Morning, Vietnam.The whole thing was made worse by the fact that Cruz was flanked by one of the most extreme Republicans in Congress, Steve King. Together, they form a Voltron of awfulness both of whom routinely exploit the proud ignorance of their supporters. I can t even imagine the seismic disaster that would ve occurred if King had launched into a Reagan impression at the same time. Suddenly the fabric of space and time would ve collapsed and formed a singularity of unfunny that not even light could escape.Again, stop it, senator. Before you kill the universe.[youtube]Featured image via video screen grab. | 1 |
80,975 | 80,975 | No food, no FEMA: Hurricane Michael's survivors are furious - The Daily Beast … | 0 |
10,169 | 10,169 | (Reuters) - Presidential candidate John Kasich, the governor of Ohio and a former congressman, has positioned himself as a conservative Republican who is nonetheless willing to listen to all sides in order to solve problems. Kasich is challenging outsiders Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who is known for antagonizing his party, as an alternative who can win the party’s support in the July convention ahead of the Nov. 8 election. These policies are drawn from his website, statements made at debates and interviews. Kasich has said it is “silly” to think the United States could round up more than 11 million undocumented immigrants and send them back to their home countries. While he does not support a path to full citizenship for undocumented immigrants, Kasich believes the focus of immigration policies should be keeping families together and creating a path to a legal status for those already in the country who are working and have not committed violent crimes, including establishing a guest worker program. Kasich does believe this should be underpinned by sealing U.S. borders and has said he would support building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. “I’m a free trader,” Kasich said in a January presidential debate, saying he supported both the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He has supported granting the president authority to fast-track trade deals in the past. He has opposed withdrawing from the World Trade Organization. Kasich’s top priority is a balanced budget and he did a national “balanced budget tour” last year; his presidential campaign events often have a clock with numbers ticking upward, tracking the level of national debt. Kasich has pledged to cut taxes for individuals and families and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit, along with eliminating the estate tax. Kasich would also like to lower taxes and create incentives for those who create jobs, including by lowering the top business tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent. Under Kasich’s tax plan, the highest individual tax rate would be lowered to 28 percent from 39.6 percent. He has said he would launch a “top-to-bottom review” of the Internal Revenue Service to eliminate inefficiencies. Kasich wants to increase defense spending by $102 billion. He has called for a no-fly zone over Syria and a “combat coalition” to fight the Islamic State militant group. He has said the Syrian refugee crisis is a fundamentally European problem, but the United States should play a role. He believes the United States should “pause” accepting Syrian refugees and that there should be stringent checks. | 0 |
55,435 | 55,435 | You know they hate you at work when the TV manager picks you to go out with a camera and operate the LIVE DRIVE car in a tornado. | 0 |
3,387 | 3,387 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump outlined a plan on Monday to privatize the U.S. air traffic control system to modernize it and lower flying costs, but his proposal drew immediate criticism from Democrats who said it would hand control of a key asset to special interests and big airlines. Trump’s proposal to spin off air traffic control from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was part of a weeklong White House focus on infrastructure. The administration is looking to shift the spotlight back onto Trump’s agenda and away from a growing probe into alleged ties between his campaign and Russia. “We’re proposing reduced wait times, increased route efficiency and far fewer delays,” Trump said. “Our plan will get you where you need to go quickly, more reliably, more affordably, and yes, for the first time in a long time, on time.” Executives from United Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines [HAII.UL], American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, all represented by the Airlines for America lobbying group, attended the Trump speech. The group praised the Trump plan, which most airlines back. The proposal, which would require congressional approval, is opposed by many Democrats and some Republicans. The FAA spends nearly $10 billion a year on air traffic control funded largely through passenger user fees, and has spent more than $7.5 billion on next-generation air traffic control reforms in recent years. Trump said current air traffic reform efforts have failed and were a “total waste of money.” It is unclear if privatization would speed the rollout of new systems such as satellite-based aircraft tracking that replaces ground radar dating back to World War Two. Proponents say a private entity could sign contracts with vendors more quickly than if deals are put through the FAA’s procurement process, which also is subject to budget instability. Opponents, including Delta Air Lines, say the U.S. system is so large that privatization would not save money, and would drive up ticket costs and could create a national security risk. Opponents also say technology upgrades would be sidetracked while the private entity was set up, potentially adding years to awarding contracts. There also are concerns that airlines would dominate the private-company board and limit access to airports by business jets. The new systems would represent major wins for U.S. companies that have been positioning for the shift. Technology company Harris Corp is a leading candidate to supply the FAA with real-time aircraft tracking data in partnership with satellite operator Iridium Communications Inc. Harris already provides a similar data feed using 640 ground-based antenna towers, and the FAA is its largest customer, Chief Executive Bill Brown said in an interview. Iridium has a joint venture that has partnered with air traffic control authorities in Canada, Italy, Ireland and Denmark to provide air traffic surveillance, in cooperation with Harris. Under Trump’s proposal, a board made up of airline, union and airport officials would oversee the nonprofit entity that would assume oversight after a three-year transition. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement that Trump was recycling “a tired Republican plan that both sides of the aisle have rejected” and would “hand control of one of our nation’s most important public assets to special interests and the big airlines.” The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association said it will not support a plan that imposes fees on small plane owners. “The U.S. has a very safe air traffic system today and we don’t hear complaints from our nearly 350,000 members about it,” said Mark Baker, the group’s president. The infrastructure push comes as the White House seeks to refocus attention on core promises to boost jobs and the economy Trump made last year during his presidential campaign. Those pledges have been eclipsed by the furor over Russia’s alleged meddling in the election. That drama will come to a head on Thursday when former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, who was leading the Russia probe until Trump fired him last month, testifies before a Senate panel. Trump has denied any collusion between Russia and his campaign. He has struggled to keep the spotlight on plans that could give him a political boost. On Wednesday, Trump will travel to Cincinnati to talk about improvements to the 12,000 miles (19,300 km) of inland waterways, dams, locks and ports critical for shipping farm products. | 0 |
58,654 | 58,654 | @john19071969 It's unwise to flood the food supply and environment with new plant varieties. Good science requires more prudence. | 0 |
32,840 | 32,840 | (From CNN) New video captured hours before Michael Brown was killed shows the 18-year-old exchanging marijuana for cigarillos with the clerks of a Ferguson, Missouri, store, a documentary director told CNN on Monday.Director Jason Pollock, whose film Stranger Fruit debuted at the South by Southwest festival in Austin over the weekend, said the video shows that Brown did not rob the store before being stopped by police and that surveillance footage purporting to show Brown engaged in a robbery at the Ferguson Market and Liquor stores was actually video of Brown returning to the store to retrieve the cigarillos the clerks gave him. This is a shady store. We ve asked a lot of people in this community. You can buy weed at the store, Pollock said. Pollock suggests that had this footage been released, it would ve altered the notion that Brown was shot after robbing the store. He learned of the footage from a St. Louis County police report that mentioned a video from 1:13 a.m. the day of Brown s death.In an earlier interview, in which he appeared alongside Brown s father, Pollock said, What this video shows is that (police) lied to the world about what happened. They wanted to make Mike look bad, so they put out half a video to destroy his character in his death. Police say the new footage is irrelevant to their investigation. Investigators have previously said Officer Darren Wilson initially stopped Brown for walking in the street, not because the store reported a robbery.Watch CNN s explosive interview here:About 100 protesters gathered at the store Sunday night, forcing it to close, and gunshots were heard before midnight, but no one appeared to be injured, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.Gunfire erupted last night in front of the Ferguson store where Michael Brown was captured on surveillance video shoving the store clerk around, and now seen exchanging marijuana, as rioters gear up for a new fight in Ferguson. Pray for this city! BREAKING: Gunfire erupts during protest at #FergusonMarket after CNN broadcasts new, heavily edited CCTV footage of #MichaelBrown. Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) March 13, 2017 | 1 |
38,002 | 38,002 | Now it beings the government has changed who is a refugee to include climate refugees. Does anyone else see the insanity in this? This could mean just about anyone who simply claims they fear climate change has harmed their very existence. Watch out for this one to be used by anyone and everyone. OF COURSE THE UNITED NATIONS IS BEHIND THIS REDISTRIBUTION SCAM ALONG WITH JOHN KERRY:The United Nations Institute for Environment and Human Security and the International Organization for Migration estimated that climate change could displace as many as 200 million individuals by 2050. Most of these would likely be fisherfolk and farmers relying on the environment for their livelihood.SLICK SCAM: John Kerry Warns Global Warming Will Produce Millions Of Climate Refugees Climate change, particularly unprecedented sea level rise, is already creating refugees in the United States.Back in January, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it will allocate $1 billion in grants to 13 states to help them adapt to climate change. The projects will include building stronger dams as well as drainage systems. Among those grants was $48 million for Isle de Jean Charles, the first time federal tax dollars were reserved for moving an entire community mired with the impacts of climate change. The low-lying island on the Gulf coast of Louisiana is already sinking. The island is home to a few dozen people whose way of life is rooted from generations back. They are now getting displaced and turned into climate refugees. We re going to lose all our heritage, all our culture. It s all going to be history, mourned Chief Albert Naquin of the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw, the tribe where most of the island s residents belong, in a New York Times report. From once being 22,000 acres in size, the island has now been reduced to only 320 acres. According to 2009 data reported by Northern Arizona University, only 25 houses remained occupied, down from 63 only five years earlier.In a release, Louisiana Office of Community Development executive director Pat Forbes said that the tribe is frontlining the disaster of Louisiana s coastal land loss. The grant, she added, will help them resettle to a safer location and serve as a model for resettlement of endangered U.S. communities. Since the 1950s, the Native American tribe has already lost some 98 percent of its land to climbing sea levels, flooding and coastal erosion, with the island suspected to be totally submerged in a matter of 50 years. Naquin expressed excitement in an Indian Country Today interview over their chance to reunite the family and keep the culture intact. According to reports, the tribe will remain owners of the island even after relocating to its new community, something that could take place as soon as 2019. The first-of-its-kind grant must be spent by 2022. Read more: Tech Times | 1 |
37,083 | 37,083 | 1 |
69,570 | 69,570 | Someone parked their car in the living room because of Hurricane Matthew | 0 |
22,079 | 22,079 | While it seems like Donald Trump hasn t worked a single full day since he stepped foot in the White House, the former reality television star apparently feels differently.Currently, Trump is busy enjoying his 17-day vacation, despite the fact that he s already spent approximately 20% of his presidency on the golf course, and much more time glued to cable news and his Twitter account. If there s any POTUS that doesn t deserve to take time off, it s certainly #45.Trump has gotten a lot of backlash over taking time off, especially considering how much Trump criticized former president Barack Obama for taking a little bit of time off. It s quite hilarious, because Obama worked his a** off for America. Trump hasn t done a damn thing besides create chaos and humiliate the country, and he s already taken three times as much time off than Obama! Here s a quick refresher of how Trump has trashed Obama over the years: Now that Trump is being outed for being the laziest POTUS we ve ever had, it s no wonder he threw an absolute FIT today in response to the criticism. This evening, Trump took a break from his golf outing at New Jersey s Bedminster Golf Resort to whine about how he s working hard and NOT on vacation, despite the fact that this is totally a vacation.Seriously pathetic. Trump even left work early to begin his golfing holiday today. The hypocrisy that follows everything Trump does is just mind-blowing. He truly lives in his own world, far removed from reality and any sort of logical thought.Trump does not deserve to be taking a holiday right now. He is ignoring America s pressing issues and the American people while creating disturbance everywhere he goes. Deep down, he knows he doesn t deserve it or else he wouldn t be so damn defensive.Featured image via Ian MacNicol / Getty Images | 1 |
39,290 | 39,290 | An online radio station based out of Oklahoma gave veterans free car washes with the NFL treatment on Saturday. Volunteers at the event used NFL jerseys and other sports gear to wash down veterans vehicles for three hours as a response to NFL players protesting the national anthem before games. We met some great people, heard some wonderful stories from the veterans and their spouses, Blake Wolney, owner of the rock station Bladerunner Radio, told KOCO in an email.Wolney said that radio station employees came up with the idea after thinking about how to create an event that would help people in need and start a trend on social media. We started off with the idea of doing an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and we thought we ll take a bunch of NFL gear and destroy it and start it on fire and burn and donate money to veterans, like they do with ALS, Wolney said Friday. And then we thought, you know, there s so much negativity and animosity the way it is. Instead of burning the merchandise, they came up with the idea of using NFL jerseys and other accessories to wash cars. Breitbart | 1 |
95,152 | 95,152 | President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC via @gatewaypundit | 1 |
46,648 | 46,648 | Motorcyclist bicyclist injured in Denver collision on Broadway: At least two people were taken to a localÛ_ | 0 |
25,911 | 25,911 | Win or lose, the fact that Donald Trump was able to win the Republican presidential primary says a lot about the future of the GOP. As much as many Republicans don t want to admit it, they ve allowed their party to slip into the hands of the extreme far right, and at this point, there s really no turning back.Appearing on Real Time with Bill Maher, Former Mitt Romney adviser Lanhee Chen explained that there are Republicans, like Romney, you seek to right the ship, so to speak. He said: After this election, the Republican Party does have some soul-searching to do. But to say that it is permanently changed implies that I think [Trump] will have some permanent influence on how we think about the world, and I think, from the perspective of someone who hopes that isn t true I hope that isn t true. However, Maher pointed out that the problem isn t so much coming from within the establishment of the Republican party, but rather from the voting base it s been so desperate to attract to gain power. Maher said: I mean they didn t want Trump, a lot of them. And we see a lot of these Vichy Republicans who go along because they don t want to upset the apple cart. They know better. They know where their bread is buttered, where their voters are. But you can get rid of the Trump, you can t get rid of the voter. That s who they want. Then when Chen desperately tries to say that all they need to do is reach out to more people and attract new voters, Maher said: That s not what the base wants. The base is deplorable. The current GOP base, the base that elected Trump to be its party s nominee, wants it to be the white power organization that it has drifted into becoming. The Republican Party had the chance to oust the far-right crazy mindset, but they allowed a circus of a primary with 17 candidates. Which then led to a small majority gaining behind Trump while all the other votes were dispersed. They should have unified behind a solid candidate and Trump wouldn t have stood a chance. Talking about outreach now is way too little too late. The Republican party, as it was, is over, especially if Trump wins in November.Watch the full segment here:Featured image via video screen capture | 1 |
65,828 | 65,828 | “The effect of Hurricane Matthew on Haiti is catastrophic" -food + water crisis... by #WSJ via @c0nvey | 0 |
63,728 | 63,728 | i understand everyone has to make a buck, i would encourage you to think if food delivery during a blizzard is the best choice. | 0 |
18,534 | 18,534 | PARIS (Reuters) - A man suspected of carrying out a knife attack in the French city of Marseille, in which two women were stabbed to death, had been arrested and then released by police the day before the incident, the Paris public prosecutor said on Monday. The prosecutor, Francois Molins, told a news conference that the suspect, who was shot dead by a French soldier, went by seven different identities. One such identity named him as Ahmed H , born in 1987 in Tunisia. He had shown a Tunisian passport when last stopped by police in the city of Lyon on Sept. 29 on suspicion of robbery. He was subsequently released by police for lack of evidence on Sept. 30, the day before Sunday s attack. The attacker had been pointed out on seven different times since 2005, under seven different identities. The last time, on September 29, related to an arrest in Lyon over shoplifting, Molins told a news conference. Molins said none of the suspect s seven different identities had thrown up any alert on French anti-terrorist check lists. The authorities were trying now to establish his real name and the authenticity of the Tunisian passport he had shown. Police sources said the suspect had shouted Allahu Akbar (God is greatest) in Arabic as he attacked the women at Marseille s main railway station on Sunday, in what officials described as a probable terrorist act . The militant Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack but did not name the assailant. Molins did not confirm or deny any suspected involvement by Islamic State. Molins added that the suspect had told police he lived in Lyon, was homeless, divorced and had problems with drug abuse. The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from the military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country under a state of emergency declared after Islamist militant attacks began almost two years ago. Multiple attacks by militants killed 130 people in Paris in 2015. In 2016 a gunman drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people. Both of these attacks were claimed by Islamic State. | 0 |
73,917 | 73,917 | Yeah, but it's also unthinkable to tell hurricane refugees to "have a great time," and to brag about the size of the crowd at shelter. | 0 |
62,616 | 62,616 | Birds in a blizzard. We put out extra sunflower seeds since their usual food sources just got…  | 0 |
77,477 | 77,477 |  for those that have had their cars towed due to the Hurricane in Houston. #hurricaneharvey | 0 |
57,494 | 57,494 | At the 'Wet n Wild' water park, where half the rides are shut due to the wind from Hurricane Sandy; on a ride called 'Storm'! Ah, the irony. | 0 |
66,236 | 66,236 | All honeys that are gonna be affected by hurricane Matthew are welcome to come stay at 1505 W tharpe we have food,water and me | 0 |
44,448 | 44,448 | 21st Century Wire says Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive action removing legal obstacles holding up the completion of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. This story will certainly be a hot button for a lot of people. Reactions will likely depend on one s perspective on Trump, understanding of land issues, thoughts on cultural preservation, energy, US jobs, water quality and ecological harmony.With Progressive Leftwing attacks in full overdrive, post Trump s inauguration, many people are looking to the Trump administration to either confirm their worst fears or their greatest hopes, with every move he makes. But remember, Trump s Art of the Deal, is in play now and things may not always be black/white or good/bad, as this administration performs their first set of actions setting the foundation for the next 4-8 years.Many following the issue are not taking into consideration that the pipeline is more than 90% complete when Obama put a hold on the completion of the DAPL via the US Army Corps of Engineers. Obama s move was hardly one of stopping development of this pipeline but was likely politically motivated.It is worth noting that they had previously approved all plans for the completion of the DAPL in June of 2016 and appears to have been put a hold on the completion in the wake of the elevated protests at the Standing Rock location and the US Presidential election.Regardless, both pipeline projects are divisive political hot potato issues which have now fallen into the hands of Donald Trump. Expect Trump s reaction to generate renewed protests and opportunities for negative press.RT explores the topic further in the report below:RTPresident Donald Trump ordered the removal of obstacles to the construction of two major oil and gas pipelines, which the Obama administration had reluctantly blocked after protests from environmentalists and Native Americans.The construction will be subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated by us, Trump said, citing as an example the need for pipe components to be built in the US.Other presidential actions signed on Tuesday included expediting environmental reviews for critical infrastructure projects and streamlining the extremely cumbersome regulatory process for domestic manufacturing. The regulatory process in this country has become a tangled-up mess, Trump said.Tuesday s actions weren t technically executive orders but presidential memoranda, an executive action ranked just below but with equal force. Unlike an executive order, a presidential memorandum does not have to be numbered, include a cost estimate, or cite the authority under which it is issued.White House spokesman Sean Spicer reminded reporters on Tuesday that the Dakota Access Pipeline is 93 percent complete. Trump intends to sit down with all the parties involved with the pipeline, including Native Americans, and negotiate the best deal that benefits everyone, Spicer said.The new administration wanted to start on the Keystone XL approval process as soon as possible, Spicer said.TrumpDAPLReactions Trump s decision was quickly condemned by environmentalists, Native American activists, the American Civil Liberties Union and a number of Democratic lawmakers. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) said the US can t afford to build new pipelines that lock us into burning more fossil fuels and vowed to do everything to stop both pipelines.A lawyer for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said the decision was made hastily and irresponsibly. The tribe said it intended to pursue legal action against Trump s order, adding that the pipeline posed a risk not just for their water supply but also for millions of Americans living downstream.One of the leading organizations in the Standing Rock protests, the Indigenous Environmental Network, called Trump s actions insane and extreme, and nothing short of attacks on our ancestral homelands. Trump is portraying his true self by joining forces with the darkness of the Black Snake pipelines crossing across the culturally and environmentally rich landscape of the prairie lands of America, the IEN said in a statement.The North Dakota Petroleum Council, representing the state s oil producers, hailed the presidential action as a great step forward for energy security in America, the organization s president Ron Ness told Reuters.Keystone XL is a shortcut proposed for the existing system that carries oil and gas from Alberta s shale fields in Canada to Steele City, Nebraska. The segment would have run through Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska. Despite being initially in favor of the pipeline, the Obama administration rejected it in November 2015, citing its overinflated role in [US] political discourse. Obama likewise blocked the final stretch of the Dakota Access (DAPL) pipeline in December, after US military veterans joined Native Americans protesting the construction under Lake Oahe, the principal water source for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota. Most of the 1,172-mile-long pipeline from North Dakota s Bakken shale fields to Illinois has already been completed.Asked about #DakotaAccessPipeline & #Keystone, Spicer says #Trump's focus is jobs, the economy & using US resources RT America (@RT_America) January 23, 2017Both Trump and his nominee for Energy Secretary Rick Perry held shares in Energy Transfer Partners, the company building DAPL, but have since divested of them, according to their attorneys.Following media reports that Trump would revive the pipeline projects, shares of TransCanada, Energy Transfer Partners LP and Energy Transfer Equity LP went up 1.1 percent, 3.3 percent and 1.7 percent respectively, Bloomberg noted.Continue this report at RTREAD MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | 1 |
524 | 524 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate plans to vote on its tax overhaul package this week, the No. 2 Republican in the chamber said on Monday. “The current plan this week is to vote on the Senate tax bill that was voted out of the Finance Committee last Thursday night,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn told reporters. The bill is a major priority for both Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump. | 0 |
76,921 | 76,921 | Nambe. This stupid hurricane comes and goes I am still here waiting for it to take me car | 0 |
54,674 | 54,674 | Drove thru NC last week & experienced my first tornado - went right in front of our vehicle, people on the hwy freaked out more than my kids | 0 |
56,061 | 56,061 | *eats the medicine @mlp_twilight gives him* whats a solar flare anyways? does the sun explode?! | 0 |
58,191 | 58,191 | I wonder how many professors would accept my "hurricane sandy got my car stuck" excuse Monday. | 0 |
85,048 | 85,048 | I'm getting used to seeing a layer of ash on my car each morning - and I'm in AB. We've only seen a red sun this week. The smoke is as far as Sask.
British Columbia declares state of emergency as over 500 wildfires burn … | 0 |
17,524 | 17,524 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he wants to see action to fix the flaws he sees in the Iran nuclear deal in a short period of time, adding that he could end the deal instantaneously. We ll see what happens over the next short period of time and I can do that instantaneously, Trump told reporters when asked why he did not choose to scrap the deal now. I like a two-step process much better, said Trump, who was speaking shortly after he announced he would not certify the 2015 deal, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, in a major shift in U.S. policy. | 0 |
20,465 | 20,465 | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hurricane Irma s path of destruction up Florida s Gulf Coast on Sunday threatens to disrupt a thriving state tourism industry worth more than $100 billion annually just months ahead of the busy winter travel season. Some of the state s biggest attractions have announced temporary closures, including amusement park giants Walt Disney World s Magic Kingdom, Universal Studios, Legoland and Sea World, which all planned to close through Monday. About 20 cruise lines have Miami as a home port or a port of call, according to the PortMiami website, and many have had to move ships out of the area and revise schedules. Carnival Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean have canceled and revised several sailings as a result of the storm and have offered credits and waivers on trips where passengers are unable to travel. A Carnival spokesman said the situation in Florida on Sunday was still not clear enough to fully assess how widespread the effects will be. We will know more in the hours ahead since the hurricane is active in Florida right now, spokesman Roger Frizzell said. Irma made a second Florida landfall on Sunday on southwestern Marco Island as a Category 3 storm bringing winds of 115 miles per hour (185 kph) and life-threatening sea surge. Disney canceled the Monday sailing of one of its cruise ships and said it is assessing future sailings, which stop throughout the Caribbean and in the Bahamas. Florida is one of the world s top tourism destinations. Last year nearly 113 million people visited the state, a new record, and spent $109 billion, state officials said earlier this year. The first half of 2017 was on track to beat that record pace, officials said. The damage Irma s winds and storm surge do to Florida s 660 miles (1,060 km) of beaches and the structures built along them during more than 30 years of explosive population growth will be critical to how quickly the state s s No. 1 industry recovers. The Gulf beaches west of St. Petersburg and Clearwater, are squarely in the storm s path. In 2016, more than 6.3 million people visited Pinellas County, which encompasses those cities, and generated more $9.7 billion in economic activity. Up and down the wide, sandy beaches of Pinellas County are traditional old Florida waterfront hotels such as the Don Cesar, a coral pink 1920s hotel on St. Pete Beach, which was closed by the storm. There are also modern high-rises and resorts that are part of the nation s biggest chains and brands including Hyatt Hotels, Marriott International, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Hilton Hotels & Resorts and Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. The low-lying barrier islands would be inundated if Irma s storm surge reaches forecast heights of as high as 15 feet (4.6 meters). While some newer structures in the area are built on elevated pilings, many older homes and businesses are not. | 0 |
84,155 | 84,155 | Cars melt, power down as wildfire turns California town into ‘burning hell’ … | 0 |
59,720 | 59,720 | @SteveLayman I was able to salvage my Titans Superbowl football from Nashville flood. Lost my house & Car. I need Neil's autograph How Can I | 0 |
10,117 | 10,117 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who is visiting Washington to take part in a nuclear summit, will meet on Thursday, the White House said. Biden and Poroshenko will hold a working lunch, the White House said in a statement on Wednesday. President Barack Obama will convene leaders from more than 50 countries in Washington this week for his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit. | 0 |
49,509 | 49,509 | Dante Exum's knee injury could stem Jazz's hoped-for surge back to ... | 0 |
101,421 | 101,421 | White House tweet wrongly says #Obamacare led to fewer insurance options #ProtectOurCare #DemForce | 1 |
57,308 | 57,308 | Many states along the Mid-Atlantic and the East Coast have shelters open in response to Hurricane Sandy. Search for an open shelter by... | 0 |
3,305 | 3,305 | (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey testified before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8 about Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. President Donald Trump’s abrupt firing of Comey on May 9 renewed attention to allegations by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. It also raised questions about the motivations behind Comey’s dismissal. The following describes what is publicly known and not known about U.S. investigations into meddling and possible collusion between Russia and members of the Trump campaign: How did the investigations begin? Former President Barack Obama ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to assess whether Russia tried to intervene in the election after a cyber attack on the Democratic National Committee in July 2016 and the publication of thousands of hacked personal emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in the month before the Nov. 8 election. Obama told intelligence officials to deliver a report on possible foreign interference before he left the White House in January 2017. What did the intelligence agencies find? The Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency concluded in a report declassified in January that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system but to affect the outcome. The agencies said Putin and the Russian government had a clear preference for Trump to win the White House. Putin’s associates hacked information, paid social media “trolls” and backed efforts by Russian government agencies and state-funded media to sway public opinion, the agencies said. The report stopped short of assessing whether Russia succeeded in swaying the election result. Putin and other Russian officials have repeatedly denied interfering in the U.S. election. How many U.S. investigations are there into Russian election meddling? Comey told the House Intelligence Committee on March 20 that the FBI was investigating Moscow’s role in the election, including possible collusion with Trump’s campaign. The Justice Department announced on May 17 that it had appointed Robert Mueller, a former FBI director, as special counsel to lead an independent Russia probe. Mueller would, if the evidence merits, work in tandem with the FBI to handle any related criminal prosecutions. In addition, there are multiple committees in the Senate and House of Representatives investigating various aspects of Russian election meddling. What has Trump said about Russia’s role in the election? He has not taken a clear public position. At a July 2016 news conference, Trump addressed an FBI probe into Clinton’s use of a private email system when she was secretary of state and emails that had possibly been deleted by saying: “I will tell you this, Russia: if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” He subsequently dismissed reports, including from U.S. intelligence officials, that Russia had attempted to intervene in the election on his behalf. The first time Trump said he accepted the findings of the intelligence agencies was at a Jan. 11 news conference ahead of his inauguration. “As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,” Trump said, although he added: “It could have been others also.” Trump said in May that China may have hacked the emails of Democratic officials to meddle with the election, offering no evidence and countering the view of intelligence officials. Trump has made clear on multiple occasions he believes the Russia investigations have run their course and should be closed. “The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end?” he wrote on Twitter on May 8. On May 30, Trump tweeted: “Russian officials must be laughing at the U.S. & how a lame excuse for why the Dems lost the election has taken over the Fake News.” Did the FBI probe continue after Comey’s dismissal? There is no evidence that the FBI ended or paused its investigation after Comey’s departure. Andrew McCabe, who is leading the agency as acting director, promised the Senate Intelligence Committee that Comey’s firing would not affect the investigation and that he will notify the committee of any attempt to delay or derail it. Trump on June 6 chose former U.S. Justice Department official Christopher Wray, who represented New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the so-called Bridgegate scandal, to be the next FBI director. Wray will need Senate confirmation. Why was Comey fired? The White House cited a May 9 letter to Trump from Attorney General Jeff Sessions that attached a memo from Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, on “Restoring Confidence in the FBI” that recommended Comey’s dismissal. Rosenstein’s memo said Comey erred in July 2016 by announcing the FBI had been examining Clinton’s use of a private email server and that the case should be closed without prosecution. Rosenstein’s view was that Comey’s decision to make a public statement broke with longstanding FBI precedent and should have been handled by the then-U.S. attorney general, Loretta Lynch. Trump called Comey a “showboat” and “grandstander” in an interview with NBC News on May 11, saying that he would have fired Comey regardless of Rosenstein’s recommendation. Was Comey’s firing related to the FBI’s Russia probe? Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee he believes his dismissal was directly related to the FBI’s Russia probe. “I know I was fired because of something about the way I was conducting the Russia investigation, was in some way putting pressure on him, in some way irritating him, and he decided to fire me because of that,” Comey said in his June 8 testimony. Trump asked Comey to end the agency’s investigation of Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser, and also to make some sort of public statement that he was not personally under investigation in order to clear “the cloud” hanging over his presidency, according Comey’s testimony. Comey said he found it concerning that Trump would ask him to drop the agency’s probe of Flynn and declined to state publicly that Trump himself was not under investigation, in part because it would create a “duty to correct” if that changed. “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” Trump told Comey at a Jan. 27 dinner, according to Comey. Less than a week before he was fired, Comey told a congressional panel that it made him “mildly nauseous” that he may have affected the outcome of the election by publicly re-opening and then re-closing the Clinton email probe days before the election. In an unorthodox move, Great America Alliance, an offshoot of a pro-Trump super PAC devoted to promoting the White House agenda, developed a television ad called “Showboat” to air as Comey testified. The ad claims Comey was “consumed with election meddling” at the expense of fighting terrorism. Has there been any fallout for Trump associates over contacts with Russia before, during or after the election campaign? Flynn was fired in February. The White House said he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about the contacts he had with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, before Trump took office. On May 9, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas seeking business records from people who worked with Flynn when he was a private citizen. On May 10, the Senate Intelligence Committee issued the first subpoena in its Russia investigation, demanding documents from Flynn. He provided the first batch on June 6. Sessions had to recuse himself from involvement in Russia-related probes at the Justice Department because he had not told Congress of his own contacts with Kislyak in 2016. Rosenstein is handling matters related to Russia and it is he who appointed Mueller as special counsel. Is Trump himself under investigation? In the short letter Trump sent to Comey dismissing him from the FBI, he thanked Comey for informing him on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Comey has confirmed that Trump was not personally under investigation at any point before his dismissal from the FBI. Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, said Comey’s Senate testimony proved the president was not under investigation. Kasowitz denied Trump ever told Comey he needed and expected his loyalty. | 0 |
64,883 | 64,883 | Thank you @CVS_Extra for making non-essential employees go in during a blizzard I really wanted to try and not crash my car today | 0 |
12,576 | 12,576 | LILLE, France (Reuters) - A P&O ferry with more than 300 people on board which had run aground in Calais harbor in northern France has been refloated and all passengers have disembarked, a P&O Ferries spokesman said on Sunday. The Dover-bound Pride of Kent had run aground on a sand bank around midday as she tried to leave the Calais harbor in stormy weather. Nobody was injured. The ship, supported by two tug boats, was refloated as the tide came in early evening and all passengers have disembarked. The spokesman said most passengers would continue their journey to the UK on other P&O ferries tonight, while some would stay overnight in Calais on P&O s expense. UK-based P&O operates 20 ferries which carry nine million passengers per year between France, Belgium, The Netherlands and across the Irish Sea. | 0 |
53,157 | 53,157 | Proud if Eastwood students organizing collections for Eclectic Shelter to help tornado victims | 0 |
73,059 | 73,059 | Hurricane Harvey evacuees forced out of storm shelter  | 0 |
39,406 | 39,406 | Eric Bolling tweeted out a heartfelt statement about the unexpected death of his only child, 19-year old Eric Chase Bolling only one day after he was fired from his position as a wildly popular host on FOX News. The Murdoch s appear to be cleansing the network of any passionate and outspoken Trump supporters. The allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced after a Huffington Post reporter Yahsar Ali interviewed women who said he sent them inappropriate texts that contained sexual content.Eric Bolling, like Fox News host Sean Hannity, decided to fight back, and not take what he calls false allegations sitting down. Sean Hannity was a target of washed up blogger and lawyer Debbie Schlussel until he hired a team of lawyers who threatened to sue her. Like magic, the false allegations went away.Eric Bolling tweeted about his decision to fight the allegations by suing the author of the story on August 9, 2017:I will continue to fight against these false smear attacks! THANK YOU FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT Eric Bolling (@ericbolling) August 9, 2017Huffington Post writer Yashar Ali responded:Just received a summons. Eric Bolling is suing me for defamation $50 million in damages. I stand by my reporting + will protect my sources Yashar Ali (@yashar) August 9, 2017On September 8, the increasingly left-leaning FOX News network announced the firing of the wildly popular FoX News host, Eric Bolling, based on ALLEGATIONS that were levied against him by Caroline Heldman (pictured in photo below, second from right in a pussy hat) a serial sexual misconduct accuser, who once held a sign at a Trump protest accusing him of being a rapist. Many brought up #pizzagate in response to my "good people don't vote for rapists" sign at Trump's inauguration. Caroline Heldman (@carolineheldman) June 22, 2017Bolling was hoping he would not go the way of the network s most popular conservative Bill O Reilly, who has since mocked the Murdoch s for their decision to can him. The Murdoch brothers also fired Roger Ailes, the then-head of Fox News Channel, for sexual harassment. Roger Ailes died shortly after his firing, many believed the firing took a huge toll on his health. It appears as though the Murdoch brothers have no intention slowing down on the firing of their most popular conservative hosts, regardless of the consequences.On September 9, Eric Bolling and his wife Adrienne lost their only son, 19-yr. old Eric Chase Bolling. The details of his death are still unknown, but rumors have been circulating that he took his own life after watching his father being smeared in the hate-filled, anti-Trump mainstream media. It wasn t enough that Fox News fired Bolling, or that he is suffering the unimaginable loss of his only son, the hate-filled alt-left liberals wanted him to suffer even more, as they took to Twitter to let Bolling know he deserved it.Bolling tweeted about the death of his son on September 9, making it clear that the details of his death were still unclear . Here are some of the vile and hate-filled comments that leftists posted under his request for prayers: Sad news about your son, BUT karma is a hot bitch when she visits.Think about what you've done and the affect it has on others. #repent Anthony (@Amgiv) September 9, 2017KARMA IS A BITCH !!! RACISM HOMOPHOBIC ECT WILL COME BACK TO GET YOU FIRST YIUR JOB THEN YOUR SON YOU SHOULD REALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE Samuel Defreese (@SamuelDefreese2) September 10, 2017Clearly sins of the father come to visit the son. The man was a dick pic sending creep. And Karma just hit him twice. Good riddance, lol White Jesus (@paleface_savage) September 9, 2017Eric Bolling lost his 19-year-old son and the response from these cretins? "karma" and "got what he deserved"It's truly disgusting. Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) September 9, 2017 | 1 |
8,565 | 8,565 | LONDON (Reuters) - A British man detained in the United States for allegedly trying to wrestle a gun from a police officer at a Donald Trump rally is suffering from severe mental illness and risks dying in prison, his mother said on Tuesday. Michael Sandford, 20, is due to face trial in Nevada on Aug. 22. He has pleaded not guilty to two felony counts of being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm and one felony count of impeding and disrupting the orderly conduct of government business. His mother, Lynne Sandford, told a news conference in London that her son, who has been diagnosed in the past with autism, depression and other mental health conditions, had been on suicide watch in a Nevada prison for the past three weeks. She portrayed her son as a compassionate, child-like man who enjoyed watching “Peppa Pig”, a British children’s television program, and who was bewildered and frightened by his incarceration. She said her son had attempted to take his own life when he was 14 years old and was suffering from anorexia. Michael Sandford was arrested after an incident at a Trump rally at the Treasure Island hotel in Las Vegas on June 18, and later told an investigator he wanted to kill the Republican presidential candidate, according to U.S. court papers. He has not been charged with attempted murder. “I accept that Michael has tried to do a bad thing but he is mentally ill and is not a bad or dangerous person,” said his mother, adding that she had last spoken to him on the phone on Sunday. “He kept breaking down and sobbing on the phone, saying ‘please, please, I just want to come home’. He’s very remorseful ... He’s just in a really bad way,” she said. Sandford has launched a campaign to have her son repatriated to Britain so he could be treated in a secure medical facility. She has raised $25,950 through the crowd-funding website Crowd Justice to pay for legal and other expenses. She said a British consular official who had visited her son in prison had reported that he was shackled and handcuffed. “It’s not clear that Michael actually understands what he has done,” said Saimo Chahal, the family’s British lawyer, speaking alongside Lynne Sandford. “Because of his Asperger’s, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and other psychological conditions there is a question mark over whether he’s fit to plead and to undergo the trial process in the States,” she said. Chahal said she was working to provide the public defenders’ office in Nevada with independent evidence of Michael Sandford’s mental illness. She expected the trial to be postponed by at least 56 days initially to allow time for that. She hoped a trial would not happen and that Sandford would be repatriated to Britain as part of a plea bargain agreement. | 0 |
7,750 | 7,750 | (Reuters) - An estimated 71.6 million people watched the final debate between White House contenders Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on TV on Wednesday, below the audience for their first encounter but the third-largest total ever recorded. The data supplied by the Nielsen ratings agency on Thursday covered people who watched Wednesday night’s debate on the four main U.S. broadcast networks plus nine cable and public television channels. The first Clinton-Trump face-off in September attracted a total TV audience of 84 million, the largest in the history of U.S. presidential debates. Last week’s second debate, which was broadcast opposite popular “Sunday Night Football,” was seen by 66.5 million. Wednesday’s audience ranked as the third-highest for a U.S. presidential debate since Nielsen started collecting TV viewership figures for the encounters in 1976. A 1980 debate between Democratic President Jimmy Carter and Republican challenger Ronald Reagan drew 80.6 million viewers. Nielsen data reflects only those who watched the debate on TV at home and did not include millions more who watched online, through social media or in bars and restaurants. The third debate ahead of the Nov. 8 election was marked by Trump’s refusal to commit to accepting the outcome of the election if the Republican candidate loses to his Democratic rival, challenging a cornerstone of American democracy. The presidential election debate, held in Las Vegas, was moderated for the first time by a journalist from Fox News, Chris Wallace. It gave Fox News cable channel the lead in number of viewers for the debate at 11.2 million, followed by broadcasters ABC and NBC with more than 10 million viewers each. Second and third presidential debates have generally attracted smaller TV audiences because many voters have already made up their minds after a presidential campaign lasting more than a year. | 0 |
88,520 | 88,520 | As Hurricane Dorian Impacts East Coast, Food Lion Invites Customers to Make In-Store #green #csr #sustainability | 0 |
96,184 | 96,184 | Un raggio di sole #AustraliaBurning Rescued koala brings 'ray of sunshine after nightmare' on fire ground di @smh | 1 |
100,142 | 100,142 | (1/2) Health DG Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah Noor on Friday said the government is likely to draft a policy that will make it mandatory for Malaysians to be vaccinated against #Covid19 when a #vaccine is successfully developed. | 1 |
48,249 | 48,249 | Rocky Fire | 0 |
24,609 | 24,609 | If you voted for Trump hoping for financial prosperity, you might want to take a look at how he is managing his transition team. The Donald says he is going to make America great again with a system of winning where everyone is a winner and they re going to win so much that they will be utterly and completely sick of it but apparently, he can t even make it from election to inauguration without bankrupting his transition effort.WBFO reports that Kellyanne Conway the Trump campaign manager whose utter vapidness has brought us much pain and joy will speak at a $5,000 per person fundraiser intended to keep the team afloat on Thursday. Mr. Trump held a fundraiser down in New York City a few weeks back and did raise some money, but they have I would use the word struggled to raise the private funds needed to pay these individuals who are working on behalf of the taxpayers but not being paid by the government, Congressman Chris Collins one of the first (and only) in Congress to back Trump from the very beginning and a leader in organizing the event explained. President-elect Trump knows I am a true supporter, said Collins. I m not asking for a job in the administration. I m doing this because I want to help America move forward, make America great again. This is being done because we re at a critical point in our country s future and this, like I say, is a very important piece to him, personally. By law, campaign cash can t be used to pay for transition efforts, and people haven t exactly been enthusiastic about funding Trump s transition. The Donald could use his own money, but he has apparently decided that it is better to cozy up to the same sort of people Trump openly pretends to hate something Erie County Democratic chair Jeremy Zellner was quick to point out. He hasn t even taken the oath, and Donald Trump is already breaking his promises to the American people. After campaigning on draining the swamp and a commitment to the working class, Trump is sending his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, to Buffalo to grab big money from the same elite he railed against for a year and a half, Zellner said in a statement. What is this money even for? Zellner asked, criticizing Trump for putting the system to work for himself after vowing that he would self-fund his campaign.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images | 1 |
34,659 | 34,659 | Communities like Ferguson, Baltimore and now Milwaukee, didn t ask for this war on cops, it was thrust upon them. It was organized, paid for and well-orchestrated by Obama and other Democrats players from a variety of backgrounds. Former Attorney General Eric Holder was caught paying protesters with taxpayer money to come to Sanford, FL to march against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case that got Obama s Race War/War on Cops started back in March, 2012. With so many stories about the violence and crime coming out of Milwaukee, a bright ray of hope comes from a prayer rally created by a community torn apart by Obama s war on cops.A young girl bravely speaks out against the violence in her neighborhood. The sadness and despair in her shaking voice is truly heartbreaking. These people are trapped in a neighborhood overrun with crime, violence and despair. They re trapped in a neighborhood run by greedy Democrat politicians who have substituted government control for self-respect and dignity. They have taken away these citizens desire to do better, they have stripped them of the belief that they truly can escape their situation. They ve set up Planned Parenthood abortion mills on every corner to keep their population down and have given them just enough to sustain themselves, but not too much to escape government control.Rotten school officials and union leaders tasked with improving their education are only out for themselves, always looking for the next pay raise or special perk that comes with the job. What these self-serving politicians and school administrators are giving to these communities of mostly fatherless kids are a poor education, low self-esteem and no hope for a better life.These young adults are choosing a life of crime over a job. They re choosing to drop out of school instead of getting a job at a local fast-food restaurant while attending a local community college or technical training center. These young adults don t know, or understand the value of sacrificing today for a future tomorrow, because the Democratic Party has convinced them they don t need to worry about the future. They ve convinced them they don t need to be self-sufficient. The only thing they need is the government and that s enough. That s also the reason this frightened little girl seen in the video below, is trapped in this tragic neighborhood filled with violence and crime and may never get out as long as Democrats continue to fool the voters in these crime-ridden cities they are on their side.Thank goodness these citizens, (who are truly a ray of hope in these uncertain times) are able to turn to God for guidance and to ask for protection for their community, and for law enforcement officers who keep their neighborhoods safe. | 1 |
17,835 | 17,835 | MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont should come back to the path of the law if he wants talks to take place and he has no right to impose a mediation with the government, Spain s Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said on Tuesday. Neither Mr. Puigdemont nor anybody else can claim ... to impose mediation. Any dialogue between democrats has to take place within the law, Saenz de Santamaria said after Puigdemont declared Catalonia s independence from Spain but immediately suspended it to allow time for a mediated solution with Spain. The Spanish government will meet on Wednesday to decide on its response to this declaration. | 0 |
88,218 | 88,218 | $Johnn4y44 would definitely be grateful if I can recover from the loss of food due to surges and storms causing power outage for two days from hurricane Dorian here in Florida. | 0 |
67,533 | 67,533 | In Manatee County, evacuees rush to shelter from Hurricane Matthew … | 0 |
73,397 | 73,397 | BF wasn't a floridian, but still. Warrants can be for something as stupid as forgetting a ticket. That will bar you from hurricane shelter? | 0 |
49,870 | 49,870 | Have you read this awesome book yet? The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown | 1 |
26,797 | 26,797 | Most of us are fully aware that Republican nominee Donald Trump is not only a racist, a misogynist and a bigot, but a complete psychopath and compulsive liar. But what happens when Trump is actually put through a clinical sanity test? Political commentator Keith Olbermann decided to find out.In a courageous attempt to understand the way Trump s disturbed mind works, Olbermann examined Trump using clinical psychology practices, which lead to his conclusion that Trump would not pass any of the sanity tests commonly used to identify criminal and antisocial tendencies.Olbermann released his findings on Thursday in Vanity Fair, and the results were not good for the future of America. The particular test Olbermann chose to evaluate Trump was The Hare Psychopathy Checklist , developed by Canadian criminal psychologist Robert D. Hare, which serves as a kind of triage device to separate the injured from the tripping from the psychopathic. This particular test goes through 20 different personality traits, awarding points for each. Such traits include a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of empathy, parasitic lifestyle, promiscuous sexual behavior, and a failure to accept responsibility for one s own actions. Just by that small sample of traits alone, you can probably already guess how Trump might have scored.The maximum amount of points you can get is 40, and clinical psychopathy is considered any score 30 or above. Trump scored a whopping 32 making him a certainty for a diagnosis of clinical psychopathy. Olbermann remarked on Trump s mental health: The implications are clear. Our Trumperor s New Clothes media rightly sees the latest Trump event whatever it is this time as one of the most unbelievable developments in American political history. But the simple mechanics of following, reporting, and writing the proverbial new high in low every single day means that they could be missing one overriding truth about the health of the most remarkable presidential candidate since at least 1864. In short, our amateurs exercise with the very professional Hare Psychopathy Checklist suggests that if you were betting on it, you d probably want to bet that Donald Trump couldn t pass a sanity test open book. If that isn t terrifying, I don t know what is. Trump is the GOP nominee, and although Clinton will probably wipe the floor with him in the election, the fact that someone as hateful and mentally unstable as Trump has gotten this close to the White House should worry us all.Here s a video from Olbermann, which goes through the test and Trump s results:Featured image via screenshot | 1 |
7,521 | 7,521 | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facebook said on Monday it would partner with 50 broadcast stations, print and online publications for an Election Day live video blitz, as the social media company aims to build on the momentum of its popular Facebook Live video streaming service. The move comes as Facebook and rival sites like Twitter increasingly embrace live video to draw in users and boost traffic. Facebook warned last week that revenue growth would slow this quarter because of “ad load,” or the number of ads that Facebook can put in front of customers without alienating them, offsetting strong earnings that handily beat Wall Street estimates. Each outlet partnering with Facebook will publish a 15-minute live video centered on the presidential election in one of the 50 states. The content will be featured on Facebook’s “Election 2016” site on Tuesday and include the hashtag #50states. While Facebook is not selling ads on the Election Day livestreams, it could generate more visits to the site, bolstering its reputation as a destination for live news and pushing back against Twitter, where users often “live-tweet” major events. Asked whether the Facebook Live initiative was a response to the popularity of “live-tweeting” events among social media users, Jason White, manager of U.S. news media partnerships at Facebook, said Facebook Live was something that “works really well on our platform.” “I think for us we really wanted to give the news media and especially local (outlets) something to raly around on Election day,” said White, regarding the 50 States project. He said the company is exploring the possibility of including advertising breaks in live video in the future but said that no specific plans had been made yet. Frank Mungeam, vice president of digital content for broadcast and digital media firm TEGNA, told Reuters that six of his company’s local broadcast stations, one each from Colorado, Washington state, Minnesota, Idaho, Maine and South Carolina, were participating. Mungeam, who said Facebook was not paying his company for the content, added: “Facebook’s platform offers an extended reach.” Twitter said last week its government-focused handle, @gov, would provide election information to users via direct message, while Snapchat on Sunday featured a photo filter encouraging people to vote. Facebook launched Facebook Live for selected public figures in 2015 and made it available to all users in April 2016, allowing members to broadcast video live from their smartphones. Social media sites have been seizing on live video content to attract users. In September, Twitter broadcast its first National Football League game, attracting generally positive feedback. It launched its livestreaming app, Periscope, in March 2015. Asked about live-streaming video and social media in general, Stefan Sideris, director of global social media operations at Amobee, a digital marketing technology company, said he saw a clear trend toward bigger companies adopting the technology. “Brands and media companies are interested in connecting and engaging with consumers to bring the conversation together over live video,” Sideris said. “Live will ultimately drive a lot of social activity.” | 0 |
45,994 | 45,994 | The U.S. bombed Hiroshima 70 years ago today. A look at how war has changed since: | 0 |
40,259 | 40,259 | Ed Murray has just been accused of alleged sexual assault of teenagers which took place in the 1980 s according to the lawsuit filed. The Mayor denies all allegations.A 46-year-old Kent man sued Seattle Mayor Ed Murray on Thursday, claiming Murray raped and molested him over several years, beginning in 1986 when the man was a 15-year-old high-school dropout.The lawsuit in King County Superior Court, filed under the man s initials, D.H., alleges Murray sexually abused the crack-cocaine addicted teen on numerous occasions for payments of $10 to $20. I have been dealing with this for over 30 years, the man, now sober for a year, said in an interview with The Seattle Times. He said he was coming forward as part of a healing process after years of the shame, the embarrassment, the guilt, the humiliation that I put myself through and that he put me through. A statement from Murray s personal spokesman Jeff Reading said, These false accusations are intended to damage a prominent elected official who has been a defender of vulnerable populations for decades. It is not a coincidence that this shakedown effort comes within weeks of the campaign filing deadline. These unsubstantiated assertions, dating back three decades, are categorically false. Mayor Murray has never engaged in an inappropriate relationship with any minor. Mayor Murray will vigorously fight these allegations in court. D.H. is not the first to accuse Murray, one of the state s most powerful politicians, of sexual abuse that occurred decades ago. Murray, 61, has known of other allegations for years, and has quietly, but vigorously denied them.Two men, Jeff Simpson and Lloyd Anderson, said they knew Murray when they were growing up in a Portland center for troubled children, and later as teenagers. They accuse Murray of abusing them in the 1980s when he was in his 20s. Simpson made the claim as a teen in 1984, and talked with a social worker and detective at the time. No charges were filed. | 1 |
25,803 | 25,803 | Trump, not surprisingly, took the bait during the first showdown between him and Hillary Clinton at the first presidential debate. He admitted to not paying income taxes (because it makes him smart ), and a recent bombshell report from the New York Times may confirm what we already know: he doesn t pay a time in federal income taxes because he, as a brilliant business man, lost almost $1 billion, allowing him to forgo paying federal income taxes for almost 20 years. However, because he refuses to release the rest of his tax returns, no one can confirm nor deny this.When you allegedly skip out on paying your federal income taxes (especially for 20 years), that doesn t make you a smart businessman, that makes you a shameless freeloader. When you skip out on paying your income taxes, you don t pay for:The list goes on and on. It doesn t matter what party one is from (that includes you, Al Sharpton), or how you feel about taxes, we all owe them and we all contribute to this great country called the United States. And to have a presidential candidate be smug enough to say that not contributing to these programs make him smart is an insult to the millions of business owners who play by the rules and pay their fair share. While even illegal immigrants pay $1.1 billion a year in personal income taxes (out of $12 billion overall), the Trump campaign and its merry band of deplorables still think he s done nothing wrong. Maybe he didn t do anything illegal, but just because something is legal doesn t make it right or ethical (we ve heard that for years from Republicans).And the last 18 years aren t the only times Trump has skipped out on paying his fair share. According to the Clinton campaign website, Trump payed zero, or nearly zero, in federal income taxes in 1978, 1979, 1984, 1991, and 1993. So these 5 years, plus alleged 18 years from 1995 to 2013, means there have been at least 23 years Trump paid virtually nothing. Ask the middle class and lower class how much they paid in 23 years.So don t ever tell me Trump cares about our troops, vets or military ever again. Don t ever tell me Trump cares about tackling the national debt ever again. Don t ever tell me Trump cares about Social Security or our retirees. Because if he really, truly did, he wouldn t take his irresponsible budgeting and turn it into a personal gain for himself at the expense of the American taxpayers. If he truly cared, he would have stepped up and fulfilled his obligation to the country that has given him so much. People who have less than him (and who aren t even citizens) are giving more than he is.People from both sides do this. But the man is running as President of the United States. The other person? She pays her taxes. Go on her website, there s over 15 years of full tax returns on there.I might be able to look past Trump s skipping on taxes for over 20 years if he wasn t such a sleazy businessman. If Trump was actually charitable (when there isn t legal contingencies attached to it), I might be forgiving. If he actually paid his independent contractors (which he doesn t), I might look the other way. If he didn t decimate local economies with his mishandling of money (he s done that several times), this wouldn t be as big an issue.For decades, local communities and economies have been cleaning up the messes he s made with his destructive, greedy behavior. For decades, small businesses have closed up shop, resulting in thousands of job losses, because he refused to pay them what they earned. And all the while this has been going on, we the taxpayers have been subsidizing his tax free lifestyle while he makes billions more. That right there is what s at the heart of this it s not the fact that he used an unfair tax system to his advantage, it s that it s unethical, and it s un-American, and he puts on a facade of caring when everyone knows he d do it again in a heartbeat.There is no difference between Donald Trump and the common small town snake oil salesman, and his supporters are the townspeople being manipulated into believing what he did (and will continue to do) is actually good for them. It s amazing that the same people who complain about lazy minorities and working poor not paying their taxes are all of a sudden A-OK with this guy skipping out on paying billions in taxes for 23 years.Some people can t afford to pay their taxes. Some people misfile their taxes and owe back-pay. But you want to know the difference between these people and Donald Trump? In Trump s own words, these people don t have seven billion fucking dollars in the bank! That little zinger was said in 2011 at his Comedy Central Roast 2011, one of the years Trump wasn t paying federal income taxes, yet he had seven billion f-ing dollars in the bank. Good to know.The 2016 Republican Presidential candidate is officially the Freeloader candidate, and we re all paying for his smart business savvy. I hope it was worth it. And if you think Trump is going to eliminate this little loophole, knowing who his friends in business are, you ve got another thing coming to you.Featured image via Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images | 1 |
84,781 | 84,781 | Hey all. Currently being evacuated from my work as there is a wildfire basically across the street. We havent made it far from the area due to lots of cars and road closures.
I'm hoping… … | 0 |
13,361 | 13,361 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Germany is withdrawing a third diplomat from its embassy in North Korea over increasing concerns about Pyongyang s missile program, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Thursday, a day after Pyongyang test fired a new missile. North Korea said on Wednesday it had successfully tested a powerful new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that put the entire U.S. mainland within range of its nuclear weapons. Berlin strongly condemned the test as a violation of international law. Speaking in Washington after meeting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Gabriel said he had offered support for taking a tough line towards Pyongyang. He wants our support for their efforts to pursue a hardline position vis a vis North Korea, and he has it. But it s our job to decide what we will do in diplomatic channels. Two diplomats had already been withdrawn from the German embassy in Pyongyang, and a third was being pulled out now, Gabriel said. Germany was also demanding North Korea reduce its diplomatic presence in Germany. Gabriel said Washington had not demanded that Germany, one of seven European countries with embassies in North Korea, shut its mission or withdraw its ambassador. It was not Germany s desire to shut down its embassy, he said, but added: that doesn t mean we are ruling it out. Gabriel said Germany would discuss North Korea options with fellow European countries to determine whether it s necessary to further increase the diplomatic pressure. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the United States had called on countries to scale back or cut ties with North Korea as part of an effort to pressure Pyongyang to give up its weapons programs. If they would be willing to close their missions in North Korea altogether, that is also something we would be supportive of, she said, while adding that Tillerson had not specifically asked in his meeting with Gabriel for Germany to recall its ambassador. Gabriel also told reporters that he had no information about reports that the White House planned to replace Tillerson, noting that he had already scheduled another meeting with Tillerson for next week. U.S. officials said on Thursday the White House had developed a plan for CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace Tillerson within weeks. | 0 |
92,668 | 92,668 | Tired: hurricane dorian
Wired: seasonal complimentary car wash | 0 |
74,427 | 74,427 | Social Media Claims Pastor Joel Osteen Won't Open Megachurch To Shelter Hurricane Victims  | 0 |
92,508 | 92,508 | As Floridians rush to fuel up cars and generators before Hurricane Dorian, gas stations across the state are running dry | @WFLAVictoria with a closer look | 0 |
96,684 | 96,684 | JUST IN: Trump on delayed response to Charlottesville: "I like to wait for the facts" | 1 |
51,213 | 51,213 | Lately I been stressing make me wanna put a fuck nigga on a stretcher! | 1 |
23,491 | 23,491 | Donald Trump just lost another one of his propagandists thanks to Fox News.Last week, Andrew Napolitano opened his big mouth and threw gasoline on a raging fire by claiming that President Obama enlisted British Intelligence agency GCHQ to wiretap Trump.Napolitano s desperate claim came after Trump and his team repeatedly were unable to produce any evidence that President Obama ordered such a wiretap.Rather than vet the claim, White House mouthpiece Sean Spicer repeated it to the press and a firestorm ensued as GCHQ issued a rare statement refuting the accusation. Thus, Napolitano helped create an international incident between the United States and one of our oldest allies.But when asked about the accusation during a press conference, Trump threw Fox News under the bus by blaming them directly instead of taking personal responsibility for repeating an accusation made by a pundit. We said nothing, Trump said. All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. That was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on Fox. So you shouldn t be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox. Fox News immediately scrambled to refute Napolitano. Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano s commentary, Fox anchor Shep Smith said. Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now-President of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way. Full stop. Fox anchor Bret Baier soon followed. We love the judge, we love him here at Fox, but the Fox News division was never able to back up those claims and was never reported on this show, Baier said.And now that FBI Director James Comey has put the nail in the coffin of Trump s wiretapping accusation, Fox News has moved to punish Napolitano.According to the Los Angeles Times, Fox News has removed Napolitano from their programming indefinitely. People familiar with the situation who could speak only on the condition of anonymity said Napolitano is not expected to be on Fox News Channel any time in the near future, the Times reported.Indeed, it appears that Napolitano really has been yanked off the air. After all, Monday has been a heavy legal news day considering Trump is being investigated by the FBI and Neil Gorsuch is being grilled on Capitol Hill. It s heaven for legal analysts but Napolitano didn t provide any analysis for Fox News. That s because instead of being an objective analyst, Napolitano chose to support Trump by tossing out unverified claims even though he damn well knew that Trump s accusation was a lie in the first place.Napolitano s credibility is now in shambles just like Trump s. The only difference is that while Napolitano has been removed from his job, Trump continues to remain in the White House.Featured image via screenshot | 1 |
19,891 | 19,891 | MADRID (Reuters) - Armed police in Spain have raided several print works and newspaper offices in Catalonia in recent days in a hunt for voting papers, ballot boxes and leaflets to be used in an Oct. 1 independence referendum which Madrid vehemently opposes. The searches are part of a concerted effort by the government to prevent the ballot from going ahead, amid fears that a vote to break away could trigger a political crisis even if Spain does not recognize the outcome. On Friday, the government passed measures to tighten control over the region s spending to stop it using state cash to pay for the ballot, and earlier this week Madrid summoned over 700 Catalan mayors for questioning over their support for the vote. They ve lost the plot, said Albert Batet, mayor of the town of Valls and one of those summoned for questioning. They are persecuting mayors, the press, printers. They are stretching the limits of democracy. Catalonia s president Carles Puigdemont, who faces criminal charges for organizing the referendum, says he has over 6,000 ballot boxes ready to deploy next month, but their whereabouts are a secret. Right now, we have no idea where they are, said Toni Castejon, spokesman for the Catalan police force union. A spokesman for the Catalan regional government declined to say where the ballot boxes were or how the government was going to get them out of hiding to voting stations on Oct. 1. On Friday, police confiscated 100,000 campaign leaflets in a raid in Catalonia, the Interior Ministry said, without saying where. Catalonia s top court issued a warning on Friday to seven newspapers, many of them online, not to publish campaign notices for the referendum, a court spokesman said on Saturday. At the offices of Catalan newspaper El Vallenc in Valls, some 50 km west of Barcelona, six armed police knocked on the door last Saturday with a warrant to search the offices, said its editor, Francesc Fabregas. The search lasted five-and-a-half hours. They didn t say what they were looking for, Fabregas told Reuters, adding that he had not printed any voting papers. The raid led to an impromptu crowd gathering outside the building, with people singing the Catalan anthem and waving slips of paper chanting Where are the ballot papers? . When people saw that the streets had been cut off they started coming over with banners, they handed out roses to the police - the street turned into a party, said Fabregas. For some supporters of the independence movement, the search for the ballot boxes and voting papers has become a symbol of what they see as state repression. Images of the Catalan police force - the Mossos d Esquadra - seizing what for many are symbols of democracy would be highly inflammatory, police say. The Mossos report to the Catalan regional government and are highly regarded by Catalans, particularly after their handling of the Islamist militant attacks in the region in August that killed 16. But Spanish state prosecutors have ordered all police - including the Catalan force - to act. What no one wants is the image of the Mossos taking away the ballot boxes, said Castejon of the police union. That would lead to a lot of anger and even civil unrest. Madrid has the constitutional power to take over a regional government or send in the police to force Catalonia to drop the vote, but either step would rock Spain s decentralized model of government where power is devolved to 17 self-governed regions. Although polls show less than half of Catalonia s 5.5 million voters want self-rule, most in the wealthy northeastern region want the chance to vote on the issue, causing unease that is beginning to be felt in financial markets. The Budget Ministry said that uncertainty created by the stand-off could damage the economy and push up sovereign borrowing costs. Some investors sold Spanish government bonds and switched to Italian debt earlier this week. Puigdemont and Barcelona mayor Ada Colau on Friday appealed to the Spanish government for dialogue to avert a crisis. But Puigdemont has shown no signs of backing down. Does anyone think we re not going to vote? What kind of people do they take us for? he said to cheering crowds from a stage in a bull-ring in Tarragona to launch the referendum campaign on Thursday. | 0 |
65,374 | 65,374 | Why are so many cars and buses stranded on the highway? Stay off the highway in a blizzard! | 0 |
61,518 | 61,518 | I've had THE WORST luck. A broken windshield, dropped my phone in the flood tonight, and lost my car key all in just two days. Awesome. | 0 |
64,707 | 64,707 | Shelter & warm clothing especially needed in blizzard areas. Open your hearts. … | 0 |
28,983 | 28,983 | If you ve ever raised a child while living in poverty you know the struggles it entails. Food and formula are expensive, but often there is help available. Clothing needs change week to week it seems, but again, help is available through charitable organizations and often times family hand-me-downs. Shelter, utilities; all the things people who have never experienced being poor take for granted become not just necessities but a constant source of worry.There is one particular item that poverty is not kind to: disposable diapers. Diapers are often all that stand between your child being warm, dry and comfortable and in complete misery. For far too many parents, this one commodity has to sometimes be treated like a luxury due to the cost. You re faced with a dilemma from the moment you walk into the store to that first changing afterward: Do you buy the cheap store brand that will need to be changed immediately or do you invest in premium brands that your child can wear a little bit longer if she just had a little bit of a pee?Think that s an exaggeration or a choice nobody makes? Think again. Diapers are expensive and they go fast. Getting as many miles as possible out of a wet diaper is a choice poor parents are faced with every day.The Obama administration has unveiled a plan to aid non-profit companies in streamlining the packaging and sale of disposable diapers to low-income families. According to the White House blog, one in three families struggle with the cost of diapers. Under the new program, which should be underway by the end of April, non-profits will save big buying diapers in bulk, allowing them to distribute them to families at costs about 25 percent less than retail.That 25 percent means more diaper changes and happier, cleaner babies. Thanks, Obama.Featured image via | 1 |
84,288 | 84,288 | Death Toll In California Wildfires Climbs To At Least 31
As the Camp Fire burns nearby, a scorched car rests by gas pumps on Sunday near Pulga, Calif., a community located... … | 0 |
71,460 | 71,460 | Famine: extreme scarcity of food.
Grocery store shelves emptied for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.
North Korea, Brexit, Syria, etc.. | 0 |
97,223 | 97,223 | .@FaizaPatelBCJ w/ crucial context for Trump claim that 300 refugees now subjects of counterterrorism investigations | 1 |
7,193 | 7,193 | NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meeting in New York on Thursday between U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has ended, a Trump transition team official said. The hastily arranged meeting was an attempt to smooth relations following Trump’s campaign rhetoric that cast doubt on long-standing U.S. alliances. | 0 |
62,065 | 62,065 | @jihettly @esd2000 good morning! Yes I'm in the middle of the blizzard. I have plenty of food so I'm happy! Lol. Stay warm. | 0 |
56,610 | 56,610 | Hurricane Sandy & Seamless Food Ordering | The Delivery Bag … via @Seamless | 0 |
Dataset Card for Twitter Misinformation Dataset
Dataset Description
Dataset Summary
This dataset is a compilation of several existing datasets focused on misinformation detection, disaster-related tweets, and fact-checking. It combines data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive dataset for training misinformation detection models. This dataset has been utilized in research studying backdoor attacks in textual content, notably in "Claim-Guided Textual Backdoor Attack for Practical Applications" (Song et al., 2024).
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
The primary supported task is binary text classification for misinformation detection. The model should classify text as either factual (0) or misinformation (1).
The dataset is primarily in English.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance in the dataset contains:
- text: string feature containing the tweet or news content
- label: binary classification (0 for factual, 1 for misinformation)
Data Fields
- text: Text content to be classified
- label: Binary label (0: factual, 1: misinformation)
Data Splits
- Training set: 92,394 examples
- Testing set: 10,267 examples
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
The dataset was created by combining multiple existing datasets to provide a comprehensive resource for misinformation detection. It incorporates both news and social media content to capture different types of misinformation.
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
Data was compiled from four main sources:
- Fake and Real News Dataset
- Source:
- License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets
- Source:
- Created by: Addison Howard, devrishi, Phil Culliton, and Yufeng Guo
- Natural Hazards Twitter Dataset
- Source:
- Created by: Lingyu Meng and Zhijie Sasha Dong
- MuMiN Dataset
- Paper: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference
- Created by: Dan Saattrup Nielsen and Ryan McConville
Who are the source language producers?
The text content comes from:
- News organizations (for real news)
- Social media users (Twitter)
- Various online sources
Annotation process
The dataset's binary classification (factual vs misinformation) was created through the following mapping process:
- Fake News Dataset:
- Original "True" news labeled as 0 (factual)
- Original "Fake" news labeled as 1 (misinformation)
- Direct mapping based on existing true/fake labels
- Disaster Tweets Dataset:
- Original labels were inverted in preprocessing:
- Non-disaster tweets (0) → factual (0)
- Disaster-related tweets (1) → misinformation (1)
- Natural Hazards Twitter Dataset:
- All tweets were labeled as 0 (factual)
- This decision was made since these were real disaster event reports
- MuMiN Dataset:
- Used claim-tweet relationships from source dataset
- Direct mapping where:
- "factual" claims → 0
- "misinformation" claims → 1
The final dataset combines these sources with the unified labeling scheme where:
- 0 = factual content
- 1 = misinformation
Who are the annotators?
The final labels were programmatically assigned based on the original datasets' classifications, with a consistent mapping applied across all sources to create a binary classification task.
Personal and Sensitive Information
This dataset contains publicly available tweets and news articles. While personal identifiers like usernames have not been explicitly removed, the content comes from public sources. Users of this dataset should:
- Be aware that tweets may contain usernames, handles, and personal information
- Follow Twitter's terms of service when using tweet data
- Consider privacy implications when using the data for research
- Not attempt to deanonymize or identify individual users
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
This dataset was created to help develop better misinformation detection systems. Potential impacts include:
Positive impacts:
- Improved automated detection of misinformation
- Better understanding of how misinformation spreads
- Development of tools to combat fake news
- Enhanced public awareness of misinformation
Potential negative impacts:
- Risk of false positives in misinformation detection
- Possible perpetuation of existing biases in labeling
- Privacy concerns for users whose content is included
- Potential misuse for censorship or content control
Discussion of Biases
The dataset may contain several inherent biases:
- Source Bias:
- News articles primarily from mainstream media sources
- Twitter content may not represent all social media platforms
- Geographic bias towards English-speaking regions
- Label Bias:
- Binary classification may oversimplify complex truth values
- Different definitions of "misinformation" across source datasets
- Potential bias in original labeling processes
- Content Bias:
- Temporal bias due to when data was collected
- Topic bias towards certain types of news/events
- Language bias (English-only content)
- Platform-specific bias (Twitter conventions and culture)
Other Known Limitations
- Dataset Constraints:
- Limited to English language content
- Binary classification may not capture nuanced cases
- Historical content may not reflect current misinformation patterns
- Technical Limitations:
- No multimedia content analysis (images, videos)
- No context beyond text content
- No network/sharing information preserved
- No temporal ordering of content
- Practical Considerations:
- May require periodic updates to remain relevant
- Limited coverage of emerging misinformation topics
- May not generalize well to other languages or cultures
- Does not account for evolving nature of misinformation tactics
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
Dataset Sources:
- Natural Hazards Twitter Dataset: Lingyu Meng and Zhijie Sasha Dong
- MuMiN Dataset: Dan Saattrup Nielsen and Ryan McConville
- Disaster Tweets Dataset: Addison Howard, devrishi, Phil Culliton, and Yufeng Guo
- Fake and Real News Dataset: Clément Bisaillon
Licensing Information
- MuMiN Dataset: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Fake and Real News Dataset: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Natural Hazards Twitter Dataset: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Disaster Tweets Dataset: Academic, Non-Commercial Use Only (as specified in competition rules)
Note: This dataset is intended for academic and non-commercial use only, in compliance with the most restrictive license terms of its component datasets.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite both the original source datasets and any relevant papers using this compiled dataset:
Research Using This Dataset:
title={Claim-Guided Textual Backdoor Attack for Practical Applications},
author={Minkyoo Song and Hanna Kim and Jaehan Kim and Youngjin Jin and Seungwon Shin},
Source Datasets:
title={MuMiN: A Large-Scale Multilingual Multimodal Fact-Checked Misinformation Social Network Dataset},
author={Nielsen, Dan Saattrup and McConville, Ryan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
title={Natural Hazards Twitter Dataset},
author={Meng, Lingyu and Dong, Zhijie Sasha},
title={Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets},
author={Howard, Addison and devrishi and Culliton, Phil and Guo, Yufeng},
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