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http://www.ntsb.gov/aviationquery/brief2.aspx?ev_id=20001207X02908&ntsbno=NYC95FA050&akey=1 | 2014-11-24T21:45:43 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-49/segments/1416400382386.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20141119123302-00001-ip-10-235-23-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.964432 | 3,521 | CC-MAIN-2014-49 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2014-49__0__141331859 | en | HISTORY OF FLIGHT Use your browsers 'back' function to return to synopsisReturn to Query Page
On January 18, 1995, about 1805 eastern standard time, an Agusta A109C, N1WD, owned by Leffler Transportation Company and piloted by Charles E. Baird, was destroyed when it impacted in an open field near the Deck Airport, Jackson Township, Pennsylvania. The pilot and both company employee passengers were fatally injured. Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed, and an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan had been filed for the flight conducted under 14 CFR Part 91.
The flight originated from a company helipad (PS96) in Richland, Pennsylvania, about 1300. The first destination was a helipad located 1 1/2 miles west of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to pick-up company personnel. During this IFR flight, N1WD was given a clearance direct to the Picture Rocks Radio Beacon (PIX) to conduct the ILS approach to the Williamsport-Lycoming Airport (IPT). According to Air Traffic Control records, N1WD turned away from PIX during the approach, and the pilot complained of a bad signal from the radio beacon. A vector was provided back towards PIX by the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), and N1WD resumed it's own navigation.
At 1333, N1WD flew over PIX and began the instrument procedure turn. New York ARTCC terminated radar services and instructed N1WD to contact the IPT tower. Five minutes later, N1WD reported crossing PIX inbound to New York ARTCC, and was told again to contact IPT tower. The pilot contacted the tower and continued the approach without further incident. At the completion of the approach, the helicopter proceeded to a helipad, west of IPT.
The Williamsport Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) received a telephone call from the pilot of N1WD, at 1613. The pilot filed an IFR flight plan for a return flight from IPT to PS96, and received an update on the current weather conditions at the Reading, Lancaster, and Harrisburg-Olmstead Airports.
The IPT tower received a radio call, at 1707, from the pilot of N1WD. He stated that he was at a helipad 1 1/2 miles west of IPT, and was ready to depart under VFR conditions. The pilot stated that he would obtain his IFR clearance directly from New York ARTCC by radio when airborne. At 1709, N1WD contacted New York ARTCC and requested an IFR clearance. When the New York controller asked if he could climb to 4,000 feet under VFR conditions, the pilot advised ARTCC that 1,800 feet was the highest he could climb. The New York controller then informed N1WD that he could not issue an IFR clearance, and the pilot stated he would return to IPT to "pick it up."
After returning to IPT, N1WD received an IFR clearance from the tower and departed, at 1727. The pilot contacted New York ARTCC and was cleared to 6,000 feet. New York established radar contact with N1WD and issued a frequency change to Harrisburg (MDT) Approach Control.
After initial contact with N1WD, the Harrisburg (MDT) controller asked what his on course heading was to his "landing site." The pilot replied with "on course is about...150 I guess," and further stated that he was currently flying a heading of 180 degrees. The controller then inquired if N1WD was navigating direct to the "site" via Loran navigation. The pilot stated, "Ah yes Sir, and ah if we could go direct down to Ravine [VOR], we'll take that, and ah we could try the Deck approach."
The MDT controller transmitted, at 1745:29, "Ok, one whiskey delta, understand you want to do the approach to Deck--ah proceed direct Ravine, plan the VOR approach to the Deck Airport, altimeter three zero two zero."
The reply from N1WD was, "Three zero two seven, direct Ravine, one whiskey delta."
After a frequency change to another MDT controller, the pilot was issued a clearance for the VOR/DME Alpha approach to the Deck airport. The pilot reported, at 1756:44, "One whiskey delta's VOR inbound."
The MDT controller stated, at 1756:47, "Copter one whiskey delta, roger radar service terminated, frequency change to advisory approved forward your cancellation via the telephone as soon as feasible after landing."
At 1756:54, N1WD replied, "One whiskey delta." This was the last transmission received from N1WD.
In a written statement, the MDT Controller said, "...The aircraft was approximately 3 NM northwest of 9D4, on the approach course. Over the next few minutes I observed what appeared to be normal completion of that approach. Target went into coast track at some altitude below about 700 feet MSL, at which point radar contact was lost..."
A set of parallel railroad tracks ran east and west near 9D4. The Leffler Helipad (PS96) was located about 3 miles east of the airport, along the railroad tracks. A witness, midway between the airport and PS96, reported seeing a helicopter, about 1750, proceeding west along the railroad tracks at approximately 150 feet above ground level. The helicopter circled the witness's barn once, then proceeded west along the railroad tracks at a high rate of speed. The witness estimated the cloud base to be about 400 feet.
About 1800, a witness, approximately 2/10 of a mile northwest of 9D4, reported a helicopter circled over his house. He observed the helicopter depart to the northwest at about 200 feet AGL, and lost sight of it when, "He [the helicopter] then flew into a dense cloud."
Two other witnesses, about a mile northwest of the airport, heard a helicopter circle overhead, after 1800. One of the witnesses stated that when the helicopter flew overhead, it was in the clouds and he could not see it. This witness, and the witness near 9D4, both observed the helicopter descend out of the clouds in a steep descent, and impact the ground. The helicopter struck the ground about 3/4 mile northwest of 9D4, in the vicinity of the VOR/DME Alpha instrument final approach course.
The accident occurred during the hours of darkness, about 40 degrees, 21 minutes north latitude, and 76 degrees, 20 minutes west longitude.
The pilot, Mr. Charles E. Baird, held a Commercial Pilot Certificate with ratings for airplane single and multi-engine land, rotorcraft helicopter, and instrument airplane and helicopter.
His most recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Second Class Medical Certificate was issued on May 11, 1994.
Mr. Baird's current pilot log book was not located. Mr. Baird's total flight time was estimated to be about 11,000 hours, of which approximately 250 hours were in this make and model helicopter. Instrument currency could not be determined.
Mr. Baird completed his initial Agusta 109 qualification training during June 1993, with the Agusta Training Department in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also completed a 2 day Pilot Recurrent Ground Course for the A109C, on October 12, 1994.
The Decks Airport was located on a valley floor, that ran northeast/southwest. The airport elevation was 520 feet above mean sea level. The valley was about 15 miles wide, with hills ranging from 1,000 feet to 1,800 feet high on both sides.
The single paved runway was 01/19, and had pilot controlled lighting installed. To activate the lights the pilot had to key the aircraft radio on the Unicom frequency of 122.8, 7 times in 7 seconds. When tested, the lights activated.
There was no weather reporting facility at the Decks Airport.
Weather reported at local airports was as follows:
Harrisburg (MDT), 21 miles southwest of Decks. At 1750, ceiling indefinite 600 foot sky obscured, visibility 2 miles with light drizzle and fog. Temperature 44 F, dewpoint 44 F, and the winds from 090 degrees at 7 knots.
Lancaster (LNS), 14 miles south of Decks. At 1750, ceiling measured 700 foot overcast, visibility 2 miles with light rain and fog. Temperature 43 F, dewpoint 41 F, and the winds from 090 degrees at 6 knots.
Reading (RDG), 16 miles east of Decks. At 1750, partial obscuration, ceiling measured 900 foot overcast, visibility 2 with fog. Temperature 46 F, dewpoint 41 F, and the winds from 360 degrees at 6 knots.
The helicopter was approved for single pilot, VFR and IFR land operation, under day and night, during non-icing conditions.
The helicopter wreckage was examined at the accident site, on January 19 and 20, 1995. The examination revealed that all major components of the helicopter were accounted for at the scene.
The helicopter was contained in an impact hole about 12 feet in diameter, and was destroyed during impact and post crash fire. The major components above ground level were; the last 12 feet of the tail boom, with the tail rotor gear box, hub, and blades; one main rotor blade standing vertical from the impact hole, attached to the main rotor hub; and both main landing wheels.
Debris within 50 feet of the wreckage hole included; the pilot's door, windshield fragments, numerous layers of composite material from the main rotor blades, and a briefcase. The debris was located on the southeast side of the hole, and the scatter path indicated a magnetic bearing of 150 degrees.
The extended main landing wheels were imbedded in the ground, on the west side of the impact hole. The main rotor hub and transmission were imbedded on the east side of the wreckage hole.
The distance between the top of the main rotor hub and the landing wheels was about 11 feet. The alignment of wheels and transmission indicated a magnetic bearing of 060 degrees.
The main transmission and both engines were removed from the impact hole for further examination.
One main rotor blade attached to the hub was standing vertically above ground and was missing about the last 3 feet of the blade tip, which was located about 350 feet northwest of the main wreckage. The next blade in rotation was also attached to the hub and was horizontal to, and imbedded in, the ground. The third blade in rotation was separated from the blade root and was imbedded in the ground parallel to the second blade. The fourth blade in rotation was broken and bent at its root. This blade was imbedded in the ground parallel to the second and third blades. The three blades imbedded in the ground were on a magnetic bearing 150 degrees from the main rotor hub. No ground scars were visible on the northwest side of the main rotor hub, beyond the impact hole.
The tail boom was laying on its left side, with the aft end of the tail pointing in a magnetic direction of 360 degrees. The left and right horizontal stabilizers remained attached to the tail boom. The right horizontal stabilizer was mud-splattered, but undamaged. The left horizontal stabilizer sheet metal was bent, ripped, and compressed inward towards the fuselage. The horizontal stabilizers moved up and down freely, and remained connected to the stabilizer push-pull tube inside of the tail boom.
The lower vertical stabilizer was intact and undamaged. The upper vertical stabilizer was intact. The top of the stabilizer was imbedded 2 to 3 inches in the ground and bent.
The open end of the tail boom was burned in the vicinity of the points of separation. The four corners of the tail boom were burned, and the structural metal was curved downward. The tail rotor drive shaft was separated at the tail boom opening and displayed rotational twisting at the point of separation.
The tail rotor gear box was located on the ground below its normal point of attachment to the tail boom. The tail rotor blades and hub assembly were separated from the gear box and were directly below the damaged left horizontal stabilizer. Both blades were attached to the hub and displayed similar bending. The tip of one blade was separated.
Excavation of the impact hole revealed helicopter components buried 7 feet down in the ground. The dual torque meter and caution panel section indicators, with light bulbs, were removed from the wreckage for further examination.
An autopsy was performed on Mr. Charles Baird, on January 19, 1995, by Dr. Robert M. Kline, of the Lebanon County Coroner's Office, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
The toxicological testing report, from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC., was negative for drugs and alcohol for Mr. Charles Baird.
Engine Tear Down
On February 23 and 24, 1995, the number one and two engines were disassembled at the Airwork Facility, Millville, New Jersey. The NTSB IIC and the parties to the investigation were present during the examination. The damage to both engines was extensive, and neither engine was capable of a test run.
The examination of the number one and two engines revealed the presence of oil in both accessory gear cases, and bearing lubrication throughout both engines. Three of the four chip detector plugs examined were free of debris. The lower chip plug of the number one engine was missing.
The compressor blades of both engines were either broken or, displayed evidence of bending and rubbing. The compressor case liners of both engines displayed rotational rubbing. The compressor spur adapter gearshafts were sheared in the number one and two engines. The turbine to compressor coupling shafts of both engines were sheared.
Main Gear Box, Components and Systems Examination
On February 21, 1995, the main gear box (MGB) and airframe components were examined at the Agusta Aerospace Facility, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The NTSB IIC and the Agusta party representative were present during the examination.
No pre-impact failures were noted during examination of the main rotor hub. All severed control rods and rod ends displayed bending near their separation points.
The internal components of the MGB were intact and lubricated. There was no evidence of internal failure. Examination of the chip detector plug and oil filter revealed no debris. The number one and two engine input sections of the MGB displayed forward crushing. Both inputs were frozen and could not be rotated. The number one and two engine Thomas couplings, that connected the engines to the MGB, displayed rotational scratches and torsional twisting. When the tail rotor output shaft of the MGB was rotated by hand, the main drive to the internal sun gear rotated freely.
The number two hydraulic pump was removed from the MGB. The pump drive shaft was not sheared and turned freely. The number one hydraulic pump was partially separated from the MGB and was removed from the case. The pump drive shaft was not sheared; however, the shaft was difficult to turn by hand.
Three of the four hydraulic filter by-pass buttons, from the number one and two hydraulic systems, remained retracted. The return filter button from the number one system was extended and bent. Examination of the four hydraulic filters revealed no debris or metal particles.
The number two engine airframe oil filter by-pass button was extended. Examination revealed the filter was fire damaged inside and out.
The tail rotor gear box input shaft turned freely when rotated by hand, and drove the output shaft. The tail rotor flap bearing would not rotate. When disassembled, the axle was observed to be bent in a "U" shape.
Investigation revealed N1WD was not equipped with the optional engine fire extinguishing system that used these indicators.
The Company Operations Specifications were reviewed. They revealed that except when necessary for take-off and landing, the following apply to operations under VFR conditions: "There will be no operations unless the visibility is at least 1/2 mile by day or 1 mile at night, at an altitude of 1,200 feet or less in uncontrolled airspace."
There is no published instrument approach procedure to PS96 in Richland, Pennsylvania.
According to the Headquarters, Department of the Army Field Manual, Aeromedical Training for Flight Personnel, it stated:
"Spatial Disorientation is an individual's inaccurate perception of position, attitude, and motion relative to the center of the earth. When it occurs, pilots are unable to see, believe, interpret, or process the information on the flight instruments. Instead, they rely on the false information their senses provide."
The majority of the wreckage was released on January 20, 1995, to Kyle D. Moore, a representative of the owners insurance company. The remainder or the wreckage was signed for by Mr. Moore on May 3, 1995. | aerospace |
https://businesstravelerusa.com/news/north-american-carriers-urge-faa-to-extend-5g-upgrade-deadline/ | 2024-02-22T13:53:31 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947473819.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20240222125841-20240222155841-00272.warc.gz | 0.955112 | 862 | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-10__0__116775899 | en | Major U.S. airlines are pushing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to give them more time to upgrade their aircraft’s instruments to prevent interference from 5G wireless networks and warn that the current February 2024 deadline will lead to flight cancellations and delays.
Airlines 4 America (A4A), a trade group representing 10 U.S. carriers, including American, Delta, and United, has ‘strongly urged” the FAA to push the deadline for the altimeter retrogrades to June 2024 “to reflect technical realities and the continued safe operation of many aircraft.”
The group said that failing to do so could mean a “material number of aircraft” aren’t modified by the deadline, which could “severely limit operations,” with flight cancellations and delays.
At issue is the potential interference between 5G cellular networks and radio altimeters, which measure the altitude at which a plane is flying over the ground—crucial for landings in poor visibility. Altimeters and the country’s 5G networks operate at nearby frequencies, meaning that altimeters without up-to-date filtering technology could pick up interference from devices on nearby 5G networks.
Worries about 5G C-band networks interfering with altimeters on international aircraft led to disruptions at some U.S. airports last year. To address the problem, the FAA requires all commercial and cargo aircraft operating in the U.S. to be fitted with 5G C-band tolerant radio altimeters. The aviation regulator initially proposed a July 2023 deadline for the retrofit, which trade body the International Air Transport Association (IATA) denounced as an “ad hoc unilateral and unrealistic pronouncement.”
In January, the FAA instead proposed a February 2024 deadline for the upgrades. The IATA warned that many airlines would fail to meet that timeline, too, due to supply chain disruption, certification delays, and logistical challenges.
The IATA also says the FAA’s estimate that upgrades will cost airlines $26 million is a considerable underestimate. The FAA’s calculations omitted the cost of already completed retrofits on 6,000 planes and the modifications required on non-U.S. registered aircraft that operate in the country, it said. It maintains the true bill will be at least $637 million and that airlines shouldn’t be footing it alone.
‘The aviation industry, rather than the [Federal Communications Commission] or the telecommunications companies, is being told to pay to upgrade its certified radio altimeters. The unfairness of this cannot be overstated,” said the association.
The IATA, which represents more than 300 airlines worldwide, has also pressed for 5G spectrum signal to be limited around airports and says its concerns about interference are being dismissed.
The “Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as well as AT&T and Verizon refused to accept that any limitations on the 5G spectrum signal around airports were necessary to ensure the continued safe operation of commercial aviation,” the trade body said in a filing with the FAA.
CTIA, a telecommunications trade association representing Verizon and AT&T, disputes the safety risks and dismissed the call for an extension to the deadline. “Wireless carriers in nearly 40 countries throughout Europe and Asia now use the C band for 5G, with no reported effects on radio altimeters that operate in the same internationally designated 4.2-4.4 GHz band,” it said in a filing with the FCC.
Cellular networks spent more than $80 billion when the FCC auctioned C-band spectrum for 5G in 2021, along with a 220-megahertz guard band intended to prevent interference with incumbents on neighboring frequencies. AT&T and Verizon agreed to delay implementing 5G near airports and modify equipment.
However, airlines’ calls for an extension to the retrofit deadline have been echoed by plane manufacturers and crew. The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), which represents Boeing, Airbus, and pilots’ unions, said that the FAA has not provided “sufficiently robust controls to ensure safety as both aviation operations and wireless services co-evolve.” | aerospace |
http://www.satnews.com/topic.php?number=1080949676&menu=3 | 2014-10-25T07:43:03 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-42/segments/1414119647884.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20141024030047-00066-ip-10-16-133-185.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.85938 | 896 | CC-MAIN-2014-42 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2014-42__0__16388968 | en | Recent Regulatory/Government News
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https://www.griffincg.com/project/norsk-titanium/ | 2021-07-24T21:16:08 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046150308.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20210724191957-20210724221957-00324.warc.gz | 0.929412 | 528 | CC-MAIN-2021-31 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-31__0__299057540 | en | Norsk Titanium is the world’s pioneering supplier of aerospace-grade, additive manufactured, structural titanium components. Its patented Rapid Plasma Deposition™ (RPD™) process transforms titanium wire into complex components suitable for structural and safety-critical applications. Norsk is a tier-1 supplier to Boeing and is committed to cost-reducing aerostructures and jet engines for the world’s premier aerospace manufacturers. RPD™ is the world’s first FAA-approved, 3D-printed, structural titanium, delivering substantial lead-time and cost savings for aerospace, defense, and commercial customers.
While Norsk already had noted customers, including Boeing and Spirit, the company wished to make its debut on the international stage via a huge splash at the 2016 Farnborough International Air Show (FIA).
Griffin produced Norsk’s appearance at FIA, serving as overall project manager. Tasks included:
- Overall strategic planning, budgets, timelines, status meetings
- Developing floorplan concept and structural design with exhibit booth company
- Coordinating booth fabrication logistics
- Securing audio/visual, power and furniture rental needs for booth
- Managing customer events – securing venue, menu, transportation, invitations, RSVP coordination
- Securing Norsk team travel arrangements, including hotel, ground transportation, conference badging, credentials, meals, daily itineraries/area maps/etc.
- Creating promotional items, including branded shirts and VIP gifts
- Producing and shipping marketing collateral
- Overseeing media relations, including: media lists, pitching, news releases, interview coordination, on-site media events, post-event coverage reports
- Providing on-site supervision throughout duration of the show
Norsk made a dynamic impression at FIA. The booth was a popular destination to trade visitors as it showcased a replica RPD™ machine to visually explain the patented process, as well as a museum area allowing guests to handle the machined and finished pieces first-hand. Norsk was featured in each Aviation Week show daily through advertisements and editorial coverage. The company made several announcements during the Airshow including the plans for their Plattsburgh facility and a long-term agreement with Mecachrome.
The success at FIA 2016 led to subsequent appearances at the 2017 Paris Air Show, FIA 2018 and plans to attend the 2019 Paris Air Show, with Griffin on board as their tradeshow producer (doing all of the tasks outlined above). Today, participation in both internationally recognized shows is part of Norsk’s annual marketing strategy. | aerospace |
https://www.canewsottawa.ca/chinas-space-flight-taykonauts-back-after-six-months/ | 2022-12-02T07:02:51 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710898.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20221202050510-20221202080510-00362.warc.gz | 0.948994 | 458 | CC-MAIN-2022-49 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-49__0__203015171 | en | Status: 04/16/2022 08:39 AM
After six months on the “Tiangong” space station, three Taikonauts have landed safely in the Gobi Desert. The Chinese completed field missions and experiments and taught physics lessons from space.
Chinese astronauts Wang Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu have returned to Earth after 183 days. Their capsule landed safely in northern China’s Gobi Desert just before 10 a.m. Beijing time (4 a.m. CEST). As reported by state television broadcaster CCTV, it ended the country’s longest manned space mission ever.
Television broadcasts live and showed images from inside the capsule, which flew at 200 meters per second over Africa before entering the atmosphere.
physics lesson from space
Zhai, Wang and Ye spent six months aboard the Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) space station, with military pilot Wang becoming the first Chinese to complete a spacewalk. The mission was led by Wang Zhai Zihang, who in 2008 became the first Chinese to walk in space.
In addition to a total of two field trips to work on the station, Taconauts conducted a number of scientific experiments and technical tests. In December, the crew gave physics lessons to Chinese students from space.
The team was the second crew on the station, which is set to join two more modules this year. In recent years, China has invested billions in its space programs to catch up with the United States and Russia.
The space station’s core module was launched into orbit only last year. According to Chinese plans, “Tiangong” should be fully operational this year. China then wants to maintain a permanent human outpost there. The Chinese government plans to send humans to the moon for the first time in 2029.
After the former Soviet Union and the United States, China is only the third country to have brought astronauts into space with its technology. China has been barred from the International Space Station because its space program is run by the military, which the US opposes.
Introvert. Proud beer specialist. Coffee geek. Typical thinker. Pop culture trailblazer. Music practitioner. Explorer. | aerospace |
https://hobbiesandhobbies.info/best-starter-drone-with-camera-2019-best-drone-with-camera-2018-under-500.html | 2019-10-23T00:46:41 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-43/segments/1570987826436.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20191022232751-20191023020251-00008.warc.gz | 0.952546 | 895 | CC-MAIN-2019-43 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-43__0__192741293 | en | The Hubsan X4 makes the number four spot on our list. On the other end of the spectrum of affordable drones, the Husban X4 offers what few others in its category can. The first thing you'll notice is its size, as the Husban X4 is hardly bigger than a standard smart phone. Due to its smaller frame and lighter weight, this tiny drone is best when used indoors, or outside on a calm day with no wind, as it could get carried away by any particularly large gusts.
the first thing we do when we get a new drone is beat it up a little bit. We don’t kick it down the stairs or anything, but we’ll give it a few knocks, twists, and shallow drops to assess the build quality and durability. Does it feel flimsy, or does it feel like it could survive a crash landing in the park? We give each review unit a light beating (and usually a couple unintentional crash landings) before we give you a definitive answer on how durable it is.
Best Drones With Camera Under $100: We are in the age of 21st century innovation and the invention of the era is drone. We have many drones to consider when we are buying the best drones with camera under $100 or under a specific budget. It should be analyzed how much money could be spent for the purpose of buying a drone before buying this wonderful flying machine. Drones under some specific budget does some spectacular works in the aerial flight time and some drones are very much portable to go with everywhere. People need a drone with camera for specific purpose like filming, photography, only enjoyment, flying a kite like functioning buy a drone, kid’s gift etc.
If you’re searching for an amazing professional autopilot drone, the DJI Mavic 2 Pro is a great option. Aerial photographers are going to love this drone and its features. It comes equipped with a Hasselblad L1d-20c camera that produces stunning photo and video. It’s 3-axis gimbal technology paired with a maximum 30 minutes of flight time, create a smooth and stable flight every time.
I spoke to these guys when I wrote my complete review of the Altair Aerial AA108 which you can read here. They picked up their customer service phone line on the 2nd ring, which in itself is amazing when you’re talking about drone companies. I’m so used to trying to reach a company only to find out they operate out of China!They have a great product, with specs at least as good as any other drone in this category.
One of the cheaper options for an autopilot drone is the Hubsan H501S. It doesn’t have as many camera features as some of the more professional drones, but it is still equipped with some great auto features. It comes with a 1080p HD camera and has automatic return, altitude mode, and follow-me capabilities. It’s small, compact size makes it good for traveling and you get an average of 20 minutes of flying which is great for the price you’re paying. While more professional drone features are missing, you’re still getting a nice drone for less than $300.
All of these multirotors include the essentials; a battery, charger, remote (more commonly referred to as a transmitter), and of course the quadcopter itself. All of these are controlled using a standard mode 2 style transmitter with the throttle on the left and adjustable trim settings. They all also handle using the same basic control scheme and the same basic auto-leveling flight mode, but much like a car, they all feel distinctly different to control.
For any newcomer interested in diving into the world of drones, look no further. RC Hobby Review has compiled a list of some of the best affordable, and not a single one that follows will be priced higher than one hundred dollars. As beginner it can be a bad idea to jump right into a mid-range or expensive drone, that you could easily crash and total. There are even affordable cheap drones with camera attachments that we'll look into. We'll break each one down, exposing the pros and cons, and ins and outs so that even complete beginners will be able to find the perfect drone for them. Without further ado, here are is the list. | aerospace |
http://tass.com/non-political/757042 | 2017-09-19T19:33:56 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-39/segments/1505818685993.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20170919183419-20170919203419-00453.warc.gz | 0.936527 | 687 | CC-MAIN-2017-39 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-39__0__13731112 | en | ECHR rules not to revise its judgement on Beslan hostage taking caseWorld September 19, 19:18
Trump vows to 'totally destroy North Korea' if threatenedWorld September 19, 17:50
Russian top brass calls on US to not hamper Damascus’ fight against terrorismMilitary & Defense September 19, 17:49
Zapad-2017 exercise puts Russian army’s "nervous system" to testMilitary & Defense September 19, 17:33
Ukrainian conflict led to spike in hate speech, Russophobia — Council of EuropeWorld September 19, 17:00
Russian regions contribute scores of natural stones for memorial to Gulag victimsSociety & Culture September 19, 16:45
Warsaw police hunting vandals who desecrated Soviet military cemeteryWorld September 19, 16:39
Donbass truce first step towards lifting anti-Russian sanctions — German top diplomatWorld September 19, 16:36
Moscow court arrests man suspected of stabbing hiker to deathSociety & Culture September 19, 16:34
NEW YORK, October 29. /TASS/. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is investigating the cause of the explosion of the Antares rocket with the US cargo spacecraft Cygnus during the blastoff from the Wallops Island launch facility in Virginia.
The unmanned Antares rocket exploded seconds after liftoff at 22:22 GMT on Monday (01:23am Moscow time on Tuesday).
The Cygnus, equipped with an AJ-26 engine, a rebuilt version of Soviet NK-33, was to deliver to the International Space Station (ISS) more than 2 tons of payload, including food, equipment and materials for scientific experiments.
Frank Culbertson, the vice president of the Orbital Sciences company that manufactured the Antares rocket, said at a press conference on Wednesday that an investigation board has been formed to determine the cause of the incident.
The Antares engine had earlier passed all the necessary testing, including in Russia, which found no problems, Culbertson said. “It is far too early to know the details of what happened,” the company’s statement also quoted Culbertson as saying. “We will conduct a thorough investigation immediately to determine the cause of this failure and what steps can be taken to avoid a repeat of this incident,” he said.
A team of experts is due to arrive on the island later on Wednesday.
Culbertson said the explosion has no harmful impact on the environment, as the Antares rocket was designed to burn a mixture of liquid oxygen and kerosene shortly after the launch.
The US space agency said in a statement NASA “will continue to move forward toward the next attempt once we fully understand today's mishap.”
The crew of the ISS, a $100 billion research laboratory owned and operated by 15 nations, is in no danger of running out of food or other critical supplies.
“Launching rockets is an incredibly difficult undertaking, and we learn from each success and each setback. Today's launch attempt will not deter us from our work to expand our already successful capability to launch cargo from American shores to the International Space Station,” NASA said.
The Orbital Sciences company said it will resume rocket launches only after the causes of the blast are found. | aerospace |
https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/926666/view/moons-orbiting-jupiter | 2019-10-14T06:12:56 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-43/segments/1570986649232.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20191014052140-20191014075140-00297.warc.gz | 0.832004 | 227 | CC-MAIN-2019-43 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-43__0__157209814 | en | NASA / ESA AND G. BACON, L. FRATTARE, Z. LEVAY, AND F. SUMMERS (STSCI / AURA) / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY NASA / ESA AND G. BACON, L. FRATTARE, Z. LEVAY, AND F. SUMMERS (STSCI / AURA) / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
This simulation illustrates the orbits and positions of Jupiter s four largest moons on January 24, 2015 during a rare triple-moon transit where three of Jupiter s largest moons were seen parading across the banded face of the gas giant planet. The three moons are Europa, Callisto, and Io. The animation starts with a polar view of Jupiter and its moons - including the moon Ganymede, not seen in the transit - and tilt down to the orbital plane of the moons. The satellites move from left to right across the frame, casting shadows onto the face of Jupiter.
Model release not required. Property release not required.
Contact us if you require the original or other formats. | aerospace |
https://financial-news.co.uk/tyonek-gets-usd-154m-contract-to-support-us-coast-guard/ | 2021-09-18T05:10:29 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780056297.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20210918032926-20210918062926-00333.warc.gz | 0.925617 | 314 | CC-MAIN-2021-39 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-39__0__9141253 | en | TFab Defense Systems, LLC (TFD), a subsidiary of Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc. (TMG) and Tyonek Native Corporation (TNC), has been awarded a contract by the US Coast Guard to manufacture and deliver HC-144B Minotaur mission system operator consoles, aircraft integration kits, and spare parts to support US Coast Guard aviation requirements, the company said.
For the Minotaur program, TFD will manufacture and deliver up to 32 HC-144B Minotaur mission system operator consoles (two per aircraft), and up to 16 HC-144B Minotaur mission system aircraft integration kits in accordance with government-provided specifications and tolerances. All manufacturing and support work for this program will be conducted at Tyonek´s Madison, AL facility.
Tyonek Native Corporation (TNC) is the parent company to a variety of subsidiary businesses in industries including ISO 9000 certified defense manufacturing and engineering, aircraft maintenance, information technology services, land and resource development, and construction. The company owns and manages over 200,000 acres of land, primarily on the West side of Cook Inlet in South Central Alaska.
An Alaska Native Corporation formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA), the company is governed by a board of nine directors and a management team who are accountable to a community of more than 900 shareholders.
The corporation´s headquarters is in Anchorage, Alaska, with offices in Madison, Alabama, and subsidiary facilities located throughout the continental United States. For more information, visit www.tyonek.com. | aerospace |
https://loginslink.com/workabroad-com-login | 2022-08-18T11:09:59 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573193.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20220818094131-20220818124131-00682.warc.gz | 0.944363 | 352 | CC-MAIN-2022-33 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-33__0__190190912 | en | How do I access af mil from home?
Open browser (Edge/Chrome), go to site: https://owa.us.af.mil/ Select the email certificate to access your email via the internet.
What is myPers af mil?
myPers, the Air Force official online source for personnel policies, day to day transactions, and empowering members to manage their careers. my Pers is a great tool for a series of information, communicating with ARPC personnel or your Detachment.
What is af A3?
Commonly referred to as the A3, it is held by a lieutenant general who serves as the operations deputy to the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. The position is one of ten senior positions in the Headquarters of the U.S. Air Force. As such, the officeholder of this position serves in the Air Staff.
What is AF a4?
- Security Forces (A4S), which develops security forces policy and strategy. This directorate has oversight for protecting Air Force resources from terrorism, criminal acts, sabotage, acts of war and ensuring Security Forces are trained, equipped and ready to support contingency and exercise plans.
How do I access LeaveWeb from home?
The recommended method for accessing LeaveWeb is through the direct link: https://leave.af.mil LeaveWeb is also accessible through the Air Force portal, but the direct link provides the most reliable means of access.
How many 4 star Air Force generals are there?
There have been 227 four-star generals in the history of the U.S. Air Force. Of these, 223 achieved that rank while on active duty, 3 were promoted after retirement, and one was promoted posthumously. | aerospace |
https://deepstash.com/article/90259/the-wildest-moon-landing-conspiracy-theories-debunked | 2022-10-06T00:30:10 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337680.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20221005234659-20221006024659-00229.warc.gz | 0.955605 | 1,076 | CC-MAIN-2022-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-40__0__166678254 | en | The Wildest Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, Debunked
Keep reading for FREE
The Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969 was one of the most astonishing achievements in human history. That day, an estimated 530 million TV viewers watched U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take their first steps on the moon . Afterward, the two men and third crew member Michael Collins flew safely back to Earth and landed in the Pacific Ocean.
Yet just a few years later, some people claimed the "giant leap for mankind" had been faked.Conspiracy theories that the moon landing was actually a hoax that the U.S. government had staged to win the space race with the Soviets began to gain traction in the mid-1970s.Although these claims were false and easily debunked, they have persisted to this day.Most of the deniers' "proof" is based on perceived anomalies in the images transmitted back to Earth from the moon's lunar surface.
If you look at the American flag in still pictures from the Apollo 11 mission, it appears to be flapping in the wind.But how can that be, since there's no wind on the moon?The simple answer is, it isn't flapping, Fienberg says.That's because it isn't an ordinary flag.If the astronauts had planted a regular flag on the moon, it would've hung slack like flags do on Earth when there's no wind.The Apollo 11 astronauts had trouble extending the rod all the way, and in still pictures, this creates a ripple effect that makes the flag look like it's waving in the wind.
"One of the first arguments I heard and one of the easiest to debunk…is the fact that there are no stars in the lunar sky," Fienberg says."All of the exposures of the astronauts on the moon are daylight exposures,"."The surface was brightly illuminated [from the sun].And the astronauts are wearing bright white space suits that are highly reflective."The exposure on the astronauts' cameras was too short to capture the space suits and the moon's surface while also capturing the comparatively dimmer stars.The same thing happens if you go onto someone's back porch at night and turn on the lights.
In images from the moon landing, it is possible to see certain objects even though they are in shadow.Skeptics argue that if the sun were the only source of light, this wouldn't be the case.Therefore, the fact that you can see some objects in shadow must be the result of special Hollywood lighting.The problem with this theory is that although the sun is the main source of illumination on the moon, it isn't the only source of illumination.
In one of the pictures from the moon landing, you can see Armstrong clearly reflected in Aldrin’s visor. Some skeptics have pointed out that Armstrong does not appear to be holding a camera, so someone else must be taking the picture. But that isn’t true.Armstrong couldn’t walk around the moon with a regular hand-held camera. In his bulky suit, he needed something that was easy to manipulate. The camera he used on the moon was mounted on the front of his suit, which is where his hands are in the reflection.
Director Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey wowed audiences in 1968 for creating a realistic image of outer space.It was so compelling that some conspiracy theorists later wondered if the government had actually hired Kubrick to film the moon landing in a soundstage (possibly like the one James Bond ran through in the 1971 film Diamonds Are Forever).The thing is, the moon landing footage didn't look real because Kubrick filmed it—Kubrick's movie 2001 looked real because Kubrick enlisted astronomical artists and aerospace engineers to help him with it.
The only “evidence” that Kubrick filmed the moon landing has itself proved to be a hoax.Denial of America’s great progress in space exploration and belief in these myths is “more of an ideological thing—a political thing—than it is a scientific thing,” Fienberg notes.To those who know the moon landing was real, conspiracy theories that it was a hoax may seem silly and innocuous. But their consequences aren’t: they spread misinformation, make people susceptible to other false theories and could earn you a punch from Buzz Aldrin.
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Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. | aerospace |
https://kidata.app/ohio-birthplace-of-the-wright-brothers-and-astronaut-icons-to-manufacture-hundreds-of-flying-taxis/ | 2023-11-28T10:45:26 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00534.warc.gz | 0.92371 | 793 | CC-MAIN-2023-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-50__0__190037113 | en | Ohio, known as the birthplace of aviation with the legacy of the Wright brothers, is set to usher in a new era in transportation. In a significant development, Joby Aviation Inc., a California-based company with support from partners like Toyota, Delta Air Lines, Intel, and Uber, will establish its first scaled manufacturing facility in the state.
Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, expressed enthusiasm about this pioneering move, emphasizing its potential for job creation and Ohio’s commitment to embracing the future. Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which promise efficient urban mobility, are gaining traction globally, and Joby’s investment underscores Ohio’s readiness to lead in this transformative industry.
Situated on a 140-acre site at Dayton International Airport, close to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratories, Joby’s choice of location builds upon two decades of groundwork by Ohio’s leaders. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, had their roots in Dayton, where they launched the first U.S. airplane factory in 1910. To honor this legacy, Joby’s announcement was made at Orville Wright’s home, Hawthorn Hill, and featured a ceremonial flypast of a Wright Model B Flyer replica.
Joby’s aircraft, designed to transport a pilot and four passengers at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour with a maximum range of 100 miles, boasts a quiet noise profile that aligns with urban environments. Plans are in place to integrate these vehicles into aerial ridesharing networks by 2025.
Backing Joby’s endeavor is a substantial investment of $500 million, with up to $325 million in incentives provided by the state of Ohio, JobsOhio, and local governments. This funding will facilitate the construction of a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Ohio, capable of producing up to 500 aircraft annually and generating 2,000 jobs. Joby has also been invited by the U.S. Department of Energy to explore a loan opportunity, recognizing the facility’s significance as a clean energy project.
CEO JoeBen Bevirt highlighted Ohio’s appeal, citing its position as a leading supplier of parts to Boeing and Airbus, as well as its ranking as the third-largest state for manufacturing jobs in the nation. The robust manufacturing expertise in Ohio makes it an ideal location for Joby’s manufacturing facility.
JobsOhio President and CEO J.P. Nauseef emphasized Ohio’s resilience in the face of economic challenges, from the loss of auto manufacturing jobs to the relocation of NCR Corp.’s headquarters. Nauseef sees this venture as a fusion of aviation heritage and manufacturing capabilities that holds immense promise for the Dayton community.
Bevirt confirmed that operations and hiring will commence immediately in existing buildings near the development site, subject to standard legal and regulatory processes. The site’s vast expanse offers the potential for 2 million square feet of manufacturing space.
Construction is slated to begin in 2024, with production set to start in 2025. Toyota, a long-term investor in Joby, continues to be a valued partner, providing support in the transition to scaled production of commercial passenger air taxis.
This landmark announcement aligns with Ohio’s concerted efforts to attract the U.S. Air Force’s new U.S. Space Command headquarters or Space Force units, underscoring the state’s rich aerospace history, epitomized by the Wright brothers and Ohio-born astronauts John Glenn and Neil Armstrong. Ohio’s legacy in aviation and space exploration continues to evolve as it embraces cutting-edge transportation solutions.
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Stay updated on environmental data and insights by following KI Data on Twitter | aerospace |
https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/a-method-of-separation-of-an-aircraft-motion-on-a-roll-and-sidesl-2 | 2021-05-12T21:46:20 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243989705.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20210512193253-20210512223253-00001.warc.gz | 0.885345 | 191 | CC-MAIN-2021-21 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-21__0__184121280 | en | The requirements to maneuver a modern aircraft involve the development and realization of advanced control of a longitudinal and lateral aircraft motion. The manual control system for independent motion control of an aircraft on rolling and sideslip angles is studied. The system depends upon a real‐time measurement of air‐dynamic coefficients of the aircraft or requires the information from the tabulated parameters on all regimes of the aircraft motion. The exact parameters for all regimes of the aircraft motion cannot be obtained from a priori measurements either. In this paper, the solution for a decoupled motion of an aircraft is obtained in the class of non‐searching adaptive control systems with a reference model. The new algorithms developed in this paper achieve a decoupled motion with desirable dynamic precision even in conditions of high non‐stationary of parameters. The robustness of the control system to the interaction of subsystems is accomplished as well.
Bibliographical noteThis paper is not available on the repository | aerospace |
https://hughesaerospace.com/demonstrations/ | 2024-04-13T10:41:27 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296816587.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20240413083102-20240413113102-00456.warc.gz | 0.94585 | 190 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__47952217 | en | Aside from the FAA, Hughes has more Flight Inspection capability and experience than any other Air navigation Services Provider. Only Hughes operates it own state-of-the-art flight inspection aircraft, equipped with the latest avionics and automation. Our aircraft feature the absolute latest avionics available, as well as operating the only flight inspection helicopter in the industry. Hughes is better able to service our customers, by not imposing on the use of their aircraft and crews to perform flight inspection activities. Customers forced to use their own aircraft understand quickly the true intrinsic & opportunity cost that can be avoided when their aircraft are left to support their own businesses. Hughes saves our customers money and provides a true value proposition with our staff of FAA certified of IFPV – Instrument Flight Validation Pilots and PEP’s – Procedure Validation Pilots. Hughes also assumes maintenance from the FAA as well as other service providers, saving time, cost and delays for our customers. | aerospace |
https://en.regalalamal.com/22448/ | 2023-05-28T09:05:14 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224643663.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20230528083025-20230528113025-00359.warc.gz | 0.940381 | 527 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__152994843 | en | Saudi astronauts Rayana Barnawi and Ali Al-Qarni arrive at the International Space Station
The two Saudi astronauts, Rayana Barnawi and Ali Al-Qarni, arrived. Accompanied by the crew of the AX-2 space mission to the International Space Station (ISS), today, Monday, at 4: 16 pm Mecca Al-Mukarramah Time, as NASA announced The spacecraft carrying the crew successfully docked with the International Space Station, about 16 an hour after its launch from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida.
The Saudi Space Authority stated that the crew of the mission was greeted and welcomed by the crew of the International Space Station after docking their vehicle with it, as the pilot became Rayana Bernawi, the first Saudi woman to fly into space and reach the station, and Ali Al-Qarni became the first Saudi astronaut to reach the International Space Station, while the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became the first Arab country from which a woman participated in a scientific mission in space, writing her name among the few countries In the world that can send two astronauts of the same nationality aboard the International Space Station at the same time.
And within the special protocols With space missions, the authority indicated that the AX-2 mission team joined the crew of the International Space Station after replacing space suits with residence suits inside the International Space Station, in preparation for the start of their mission, and conducting A pioneering scientific research experiment in microgravity, the results of which will contribute to providing answers that will assist scientists in sending manned exploration trips to the Moon and Mars, and strengthen the Kingdom’s global position in the field of space exploration and service to humanity. The two pioneers will also conduct three educational experiments. Awareness.
661192 The authority affirmed the full readiness of the two Saudi astronauts, Rayana Barnawi and Ali Al-Qarni, to carry out the mission for which they were sent, expressing It expresses its confidence in their successful implementation of the mission and return to the homeland to achieve all the previously planned goals, as the Kingdom, represented by the Saudi Space Authority, seeks, through the Astronauts Program, to activate scientific innovation at the level of space sciences, and to enhance the ability to conduct its own research in an efficient way. Independent, which will positively affect the future of the industry and the country, and increase the interest of graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the development of human capital by attracting talent, in a way that achieves the objectives of the Saudi vision 857 in the field of space. | aerospace |
https://www.side-design.uk/projects/aerospace-component/ | 2023-06-07T06:20:20 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224653608.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20230607042751-20230607072751-00727.warc.gz | 0.933458 | 233 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__122085986 | en | Aerospace component reference and measuring solution.
The remit for this project was to resolve ongoing inconsistencies between original drawings and final production outcome of an Aerospace Component. Due to manufacturing processes used final production parts could not with great accuracy meet the drawing specification but did meet the physical need of the components purpose. Therefore, our task to carry out a series of complex scans in order to recreate the manufactured physical part and retrospectively show with great accuracy all critical measurement points.
Given the larger size of the project and the great detail needed it was necessary to carry out the majority scanning in a blackout room.
All crucial detailed points of the project were close scanned to ensure higher detail, broadening out for the less detailed bulk.
Having achieved a combined high quality scan, we again convert the project into an STL file and was then refined in CAD software.
The adding of “pins” to numerous hole centres ensured the absolute accuracy meaning that measurements could be taken from absolutely any point to point giving a true reading of the actual part.
On completion this mesh was reduced to an appropriate file size for transition to the client. | aerospace |
https://russiabusinesstoday.com/economy/russias-aircraft-builders-eye-major-score-as-u-s-pulls-out-of-iran-deal/ | 2020-09-23T12:55:53 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400210996.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20200923113029-20200923143029-00396.warc.gz | 0.936344 | 494 | CC-MAIN-2020-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-40__0__87441175 | en | A decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to pull out of an international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program could open unexpected opportunities for Russia’s aircraft manufacturing industry, pro-Kremlin news outlet Sputnik reported.
Trump’s Tuesday announcement that the U.S would seek to reimpose sanctions on Iran left little hope that two western airplane giants, Boeing and Airbus will be able to consummate $40 billion in aircraft deals struck by Iranian carriers during the brief trade thaw. Both companies’ export licenses to Iran will be revoked, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters.
After the U.S. and Iran signed the deal with China, Russia, and European allies in 2015, Boeing signed a $17 billion deal with Iran Air to deliver 80 aircraft and another $3 billion deal with Iran’s Aseman Airlines. Airbus also inked a deal to sell Iran Air 100 planes for $19 billion, only three of which have been delivered.
According to Russian media, President Trump’s decision on Iran may actually be a stroke of good fortune for Russia’s state-owned United Aircraft Corporation, the aircraft manufacturing holding that has made substantial efforts to revive and modernize its civilian aircraft offerings in the last four years.
The Il-96-400M, a comprehensive modernization program for the Il-96 wide-body airliner is one such project. With a seating capacity of 390 passengers and a range of 12,000 km, the plane is expected to compete directly against Boeing and Airbus for the Russian market.
UAC signed a contract with Ilyushin Aviation Complex to develop the Il-96-400M in 2017, with the aircraft expected to be ready for flight testing in 2019. If all goes to plan, the plane will be fitted with four powerful, fuel-efficient Russian-made engines and feature advanced avionics, and will be able to compete on tenders abroad, including in Iran.
There’s no word yet on how much the new Il-96 will cost, with predecessors hovering in the $40 to $50 million price range. However, accounting for inflation and new technology costs, even a doubling, tripling or quadrupling of the price would still put the Il-96-400M well below the cost of the A350 (priced from $317 million to $336 million), and the Boeing 777 ($295 million to $361 million). | aerospace |
https://www.safran-group.com/country/safran-canada | 2019-01-22T04:15:11 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-04/segments/1547583826240.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20190122034213-20190122060213-00287.warc.gz | 0.925257 | 718 | CC-MAIN-2019-04 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-04__0__121276268 | en | Presence established over
Safran is one of the main engine suppliers for Canadian airlines, through CFM International, the 50/50 joint company between Safran Aicraft Engines and GE which develops and produces CFM56® engines, the benchmark powerplant for single-aisle jetliners. In addition, the LEAP® engine – the successor to the CFM56 – has already been chosen to power Air Canada's upcoming Boeing 737 MAX twinjets.
Safran's plant in Ajax (ON) specializes in the design, development, production and maintenance of aircraft landing systems, while the Mirabel (QC) site manufactures large landing gear components. In the landing gear segment, the Group supplies systems for Boeing (military and commercial), Bombardier and most Airbus (military and commercial) aircraft.
In addition, Safran provides the thrust reversers for the Bombardier Global 5000 business jet, designs and produces onboard avionics systems, and ensures customer support for nacelles deployed in the North American region.
Safran is recognized for its expertise in the engineering and design of electrical, hydraulic and mechanical systems, as well as satellite communications solutions for helicopters.The Group provides technical assistance and engineering services for Bombardier's Global and Challenger Business jet programs, as well as CRJ and Dash-8 legacy programs.
Safran's Peterborough (ON) plant is a foremost supplier of avionics solutions and support services for onboard computers and steering, landing gear and brake control systems for North American aircraft and engine manufacturers.
Safran is strongly positioned to meet the modernization and development requirements of Canada's armed forces. Our solutions and services, developed alone or in partnership, include high-performance optronic equipment and systems, drones, guidance and navigation systems, and safety-critical software.
Safran also designs pc boards and sights for certain naval systems ordered by the American Department of Defense. Following an international competitive bid process, Safran was awarded the contract to deliver the inertial navigation systems for the Royal Canadian Navy's six Harry DeWolf-class arctic/off-shore patrol vessels (AOPS).
While Safran's success in Canada is largely based on our technological expertise, it also reflects the relations of mutual trust we have established with local partners. We provide seamless support to these companies, including their own research and innovation initiatives.
Safran has worked for many years with the major primes in Canada, including Pratt & Whitney Canada, Bell Helicopter Textron Canada and Bombardier, and is also active in a number of strategic think tanks. Safran holds a seat on the board and executive committee of Aéro-Montréal, a cluster bringing together leaders in the Québec aerospace industry. We serve on several other executive committees, as well as boards of directors, including the boards of the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ), the Downsview Aerospace Innovation and Research (DAIR) Consortium and Ontario Aerospace Council (OAC).
We are working with CRIAQ on several large-scale R&D projects. In 2013, Safran teamed up with the École Polytechnique de Montréal and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to endow an industry chair for 3D woven composites for the aerospace industry. In addition, Safran is a member of the Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries (CADSI) and the Helicopter Association of Canada (HAC). | aerospace |
http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/big-brother.html | 2018-08-18T18:12:50 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213693.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818173743-20180818193743-00126.warc.gz | 0.767666 | 157 | CC-MAIN-2018-34 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-34__0__43957929 | en | The Bruce Murray Space Image Library
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Pad 39B flame trench, looking northward
Tanked turkey vulture
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Enceladus in eclipse; Titan, not
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Support the Bruce Murray Space Image Library and help us share the wonders of other worlds. | aerospace |
https://www.helicoptersmagazine.com/helijet-achieves-140-000-fleet-hour-milestone-accident-free-with-sikorsky-1424/ | 2024-02-24T22:53:09 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474569.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20240224212113-20240225002113-00478.warc.gz | 0.929872 | 455 | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-10__0__39545729 | en | Safety & Training
Helijet achieves 140, 000 fleet hour milestone accident free with Sikorsky
February 24, 2009 By Corrie
Feb. 24, 2009 – In an event at Heli-Expo today, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. recognized Helijet International Inc. for achieving an accident-free 140,000 fleet hour milestone with its S-76A helicopters.
In an event at Heli-Expo today, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. recognized Helijet International Inc. for achieving an accident-free 140,000 fleet hour milestone with its S-76A helicopters. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).
Helijet reached the milestone on Feb. 15, 2009. The company has used Sikorsky helicopters for more than 20 years, with Sikorsky delivering the first S-76A helicopter to Helijet in 1987. Helijet currently operates five S-76A and one S-61™ aircraft along with several other helicopters and Learjet aircraft.
"The fact that they have logged such a tremendous number of flight hours safely is a great testament to the durability and attention to safety that everyone in the industry sees in our products today,” said Carey Bond, Sikorsky Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. ”We commemorate this remarkable achievement and salute the total professionalism of Helijet’s aircrews and maintenance staff. We are proud that Helijet is flying our product.”
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacture, and service. The company’s long commitment to safety and innovation is reflected in its mission statement: “We pioneer flight solutions that bring people home everywhere … every time™.“ United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.
Helijet International Inc., a Canadian-owned company, is North America’s largest scheduled helicopter airline and a major provider of air ambulance services as well as numerous charter operations in the tourism and recreational markets, all within the Province of British Columbia. | aerospace |
https://generalaviationnews.com/tag/human-factors/ | 2023-06-07T11:55:34 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224653764.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20230607111017-20230607141017-00272.warc.gz | 0.948294 | 414 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__169297282 | en | In a strange case of life imitating art, an Oregon pilot crashes into the ocean after learning he has Stage 4 cancer. Can we learn anything from this crash?
Human Factors: Say it out loud
In his report on the gear-up accident to the NTSB, the pilot said that he was alone in the airplane and “I did not state my GUMPS checks out loud,” adding that he normally “religiously” says a minimum of two out loud and sometimes three.
Human Factors: Whose fault, really?
When a mechanic’s error leads to an accident, does the pilot and aircraft owner share some of the responsibility?
Human Factors: No one in command
It wouldn’t be until after the crash that either one of them would have any clue that no one was flying the plane.
When it comes to radio communication between flying objects, the single most important thing a pilot can do is be on the right frequency.
A tool of the trade
The Leatherman multi-tool is one I’ve seen many a pilot sport. Apparently, it’s so well loved it’s even found its way into reports to NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System.
Inattention to detail
Inattention to detail can lead to accidents.
Now that’s something to get excited about
Excitement while flying can be good and bad.
Fear: Real or imagined
Our fear is largely self-induced — and what we fear drives our thinking and how we behave.
Human Factors: Mindset
When it comes to mindset, pilots must possess a fixed mindset, but be able to adapt when needed.
Miscommunication common at airshows
Even when NOTAMs are issued, the human factor leads to miscommunication.
Self-doubt is a good thing
Our ability to trust our inner doubt can be the difference between an NMAC and an uneventful flight. | aerospace |
http://col3negoriginals.live/watch.php?id=136771 | 2019-02-21T04:38:39 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-09/segments/1550247499009.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20190221031117-20190221053117-00046.warc.gz | 0.909407 | 150 | CC-MAIN-2019-09 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-09__0__5925048 | en | Recently Added Videos
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Resource : Ada Derana | aerospace |
https://www.sciencenews.org/article/men-mars-possible-60%E2%80%99s-experts-say | 2019-06-18T13:05:25 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-26/segments/1560627998724.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20190618123355-20190618145355-00298.warc.gz | 0.96067 | 137 | CC-MAIN-2019-26 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-26__0__94837158 | en | January 16, 1960 | Vol. 77 | No. 3
Men to Mars Possible in 60’s, Experts Say
THE UNITED STATES will be able to send three men on a 14-month expedition to Mars in a nuclear-powered two-stage rocket ship during the 1960’s, three space experts assert.
The rocket ship would go into orbit around Mars, and the exploring party would use a chemically propelled “taxi” to go down for a close look at the Martian landscape. After exploring for two months, the party would refuel their orbiting space ship and head back to earth.
Tanks of hydrogen, for refueling purposes, woul | aerospace |
http://imgur.com/a/84gR7 | 2014-09-19T16:41:43 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-41/segments/1410657131545.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20140914011211-00260-ip-10-196-40-205.us-west-1.compute.internal.warc.gz | 0.979025 | 161 | CC-MAIN-2014-41 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2014-41__0__137256683 | en | I sent a science mission to Minmus, thinking that since its gravity was so low, I'd have no problems to take off again and get back to Kerbin. Turns out I was wrong, 10 units of fuel aren't quite enough.
Sheprey got out to give a little push to the vessel, in order to get out of Minmus' sphere of influence and avoid crashing to his death. Also to save all the tasty science since I decided to get it back instead of sending it. (which, in hindsight, was a pretty stupid idea)
First time I've ever tried something like this. In theory, I should be able to catch the ship, secure it with the landing legs, then burn my orbit down and land with enough parachutes to save the original vessel. | aerospace |
http://www.stuckmic.com/news/21247-olympic-flight-restrictions-effect.html | 2013-12-12T08:48:37 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-48/segments/1386164573346/warc/CC-MAIN-20131204134253-00021-ip-10-33-133-15.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.941741 | 205 | CC-MAIN-2013-48 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2013-48__0__71006197 | en | Olympic Flight Restrictions In Effect
Flight restrictions for the London Olympics went into effect Sunday and while the Bobbies on the street still don't carry guns, those enforcing the no-fly zone will be packing plenty of heat. Air Vice-Marshal Stuart Atha, the Olympics air security commander showed reporters some of the equipment that will at first dissuade and then, if necessary, prevent aircraft from violating the closed airspace. It includes fully-armed Typhoon fighters and Puma helicopters carrying snipers. "As a last resort, we will have lethal force as an option," said the Air Vice-Marshal. Intercepted aircraft will first get a wing wag and an invitation to turn away from the restricted zone. If that doesn't work, flares and lasers will be fired and if the aircraft keeps going the fighters and helicopters, with help from ground-based missile batteries, will do their thing.
Use this thread to discuss the article above. What are your thoughts about: Olympic Flight Restrictions In Effect? | aerospace |
https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2022-12-08/space-exploration-artemis-is-forgotten-passengers.html | 2024-04-25T01:25:16 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296820065.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425000826-20240425030826-00557.warc.gz | 0.951579 | 1,171 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__103412180 | en | Despite being unmanned, NASA’s Orion capsule is monopolizing the attention of those who follow space exploration, especially through its spectacular views of the Moon. As soon as the last stage of the rocket was shut down, with the capsule already en route to the Moon, 10 small satellites acting as passengers on the trip were ejected.
Almost all of these satellites are based on a common design: the Cubesat. These are vehicles composed of cubic modules with sides measuring only 10 centimeters in length. These CubeSats have been sent to various destinations including the Moon and asteroids. The idea is for them to study various facets of the Moon and interplanetary travel, ranging from navigation techniques to radiation and biology. One of them is even set to conduct a landing on the lunar surface.
Some of these satellites have been promoted by special agencies such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) or by NASA itself; others represent the interests of private citizens, such as the so-called Team Miles, a shoebox-sized device equipped with a set of four newly designed ion engines. They emit iodine ions and provide barely half a gram of propulsion – enough to slowly alter position or trajectory.
LunIR and Lunar Ice Cube will operate from lunar orbit, searching for the signature characteristics of certain base emissions, in particular water. Of course, their journey will be a long one. Lunar Ice Cube, for example, follows a trajectory that will require three months to reach the Moon. This is because it has to do so at a very low speed so that the small on-board engine, which is also electrically propelled, can slow it down and force it into orbit.
The presence of water on the lunar surface is the holy grail of many of these explorations. The LunaH-Map satellite will attempt to detect hidden ice to a depth of one meter. Its orbit will cause it to pass successively over the Moon’s poles, in particular the Shackelton crater, one of the most promising areas in terms of water presence, located at the south pole.
To locate water a neutron detector is deployed – basically a crystal of lithium, cesium and yttrium that flashes briefly upon impact. This method has already been used in other probes, specifically in the search for water on Mars, but in the case of LunaH-Map, taking advantage of the fact that it will fly at a very low trajectory, it will allow for the composition of ice distribution maps with a much higher resolution.
JAXA has contributed two satellites to this mission. EQUULEUS will analyze the plasmasphere around the Earth, an important factor in the protection of future astronauts. It will also make several lunar fly-bys and analyze the flashes produced when a meteorite hits the Moon.
Like the other satellites, EQUULEUS also carries its own propulsion system: a water-powered engine that heats its liter and a half of water to boiling point, with the resulting steam expelled through the nozzles. It doesn’t provide much thrust – more or less the same as an ionic motor.
The other Japanese satellite, OMOTENASHI, is the only one of the 10 satellites that was designed to land on the Moon, albeit using a somewhat precarious method. The plan was for the 700-gram capsule to slow its descent by firing a small motor at an altitude of only 100 meters. From there, it would continue in free fall, cushioning the impact with an airbag. OMOTENASHI carried just two instruments: a radiation detector and an accelerometer to measure the impact of the landing.
This is not the first time this method has been used. Back in the 1960s, NASA sent three Ranger probes to plant a seismometer on the Moon. The instrument was to be wrapped in a balsa wood sphere, a material that was to deform on impact, thus absorbing much of the energy of the shock. None of the three probes completed their mission.
For ham enthusiasts, and all over the world:— OMOTENASHI Project (@OMOTENASHI_JAXA) November 21, 2022
Though we tried to recover OMOTENASHI and start the landing sequences today, the communication didn't come back, and we gave up our UHF operation on the landing phase. Thank you for the excellent cooperation from everyone. https://t.co/gMdOPLlUWs
OMOTENASHI has also been unsuccessful. After a series of communications problems, JAXA announced via Twitter at the end of last month that it was writing off its mini explorer.
The NEA Scout, a small satellite equipped with a deployable solar sail, may have more luck. Like a racing yacht, it was designed to sail through space powered only by the slight pressure of the solar wind. Its target: a tiny asteroid discovered a couple of years ago that doesn’t even have a name, just the code 2020 GE. The asteroid is 18 meters in diameter and would be the smallest Solar System object ever explored by a spacecraft to date.
2020 GE’s orbit brings it close to Earth: in September 2023, it will be only six million kilometers (3.7 million miles) away. Around that time, the solar sailboat is scheduled to approach it in a slow-motion fly-by at barely 100 km/h, which would allow its cameras to see details on its surface. However, it is unclear whether the operation will be successful as, so far, the tracking stations have not been able to establish contact with the satellite.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get more English-language news coverage from EL PAÍS USA Edition | aerospace |
https://fossbytes.com/website-shows-live-footage-earth-space/ | 2023-03-29T06:56:27 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296948951.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20230329054547-20230329084547-00278.warc.gz | 0.913609 | 253 | CC-MAIN-2023-14 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-14__0__287998466 | en | Short Bytes: Imagine, if you get the chance to watch the earth from the outer space. Well, you can do so now directly on your web browser. NASA’s Hight Definition Earth Viewing Project is meant to stream the live earth footage from the International Space Station.
Now, with the advancements in the technology, you can experience the same feeling. Immerse yourself into the scenic view of the mother earth. Experience what it looks like from the space in real time, sitting on your couch.
The US space agency NASA has done a commendable of providing the live-footage of the earth through cameras placed on the International Space Station (ISS). Their project titled as High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) uses four high-definition cameras to capture the earth from outer space. The feed is then streamed through Ustream, an IBM managed video hosting platform.
NASA’s Ustream channel also displays prerecorded feeds which differ by a matter of few hours from the real time. The project was launched back in 2014 and is doing pretty well.
Check out the ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment.
Did you watch the live earth footage? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. | aerospace |
https://ga.de/ga-english/news/two-dead-after-plane-crash-in-sankt-augustin_aid-43924421 | 2023-09-30T22:21:55 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510730.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20230930213821-20231001003821-00523.warc.gz | 0.964175 | 665 | CC-MAIN-2023-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-40__0__186939232 | en | Sankt Augustin · A small aircraft crashed in Sankt Augustin on Tuesday afternoon. Two people died. The pilot reported engine problems before the crash.
The two-seat machine of the Tecnam type had taken off in Hangelar and was on a training flight when it crashed onto a field just south of the residential estate „Am Pleiser Wald“ around 3pm. It burnt out entirely.
Several eyewitnesses saw the crash happening. When there are westerly winds aircraft on their way to the Hangelar airfield usually turn over this field in a last left bend from the transverse into the final approach.
„This plane was unusually low, way lower than normal. It did not fall from the sky but it did look as if the pilot wanted to land on the field“, says resident Gerlind Palm, who became an eyewitness to the crash just seconds later: „The plane came over the field too low, then it struck the ground with a bang and it started burning straight away.“
Residents who came to help could not get the people on board out due to the flames. Within seconds the machine was entirely ablaze. Any help for the two men, who are thought to be a flight instructor and his student pilot, came too late.
The immediately alerted fire brigade followed the black smoke column to the crash site. Within minutes 48 fire officers under commander-in-chied Herbert Maur arrived at the scene of the accident and extinguished the burning plane wreck. Several ambulances, emergency doctor vehicles, the rescue helicopter Chritoph 3 from Cologne as well as an SAR army helicopter were called to the location within the shortest time. The police diverted the traffic, closed off the scene, also to avoid rubberneckers getting to the site.
Residents gathered at the side of the field
Many residents gathered at the side of the field. A lot of them expressed their sympathy about the accident, but some also spoke of their worries. Pilots would sometimes not perform the required traffic pattern of a circuit and would fly over the residential area despite being prohibited from doing so. One resident said: „Such a plane could crash into our house anytime.“
In the meantime, police spokesperson Stefan Birk said, when asked about the cause of the crash, that there have been no conclusions yet: „We have informed our colleagues of the criminal investigation department as well as the aircraft accident investigation team (BFU) who will investigate the scene and determine the cause of the crash.“
According to the Hangelar airfield, the pilot noticed engine problems and informed the tower of those via radio. No details have been given about the identities of the pilot and his student.
The last time a fatal plane crash happened near the Hangelar airfield was on November 1, 2011, when a small aircraft crashed into the Meindorf Siegaue.
Statistically, fatal plane crashes are rare in civilian aviation, as the aircraft accident investigation authority reported in its annual report. In 2017, they counted 22 serious incidents with 24 people killed and 25 people seriously injured. The numbers have been decreasing for years.
(Original text: Thomas Heinemann / Translation: Mareike Graepel) | aerospace |
https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/business/cobalt-aerospace-makes-specialist-stretchers-for-aircraft-2670036 | 2021-01-19T17:51:59 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703519600.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20210119170058-20210119200058-00600.warc.gz | 0.962682 | 705 | CC-MAIN-2021-04 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-04__0__239083671 | en | Manufacturer makes specialist aircraft stretchers to transport coronavirus patients
- Credit: Archant
Aerospace engineers at an East Anglian manufacturer are using their skills to make vital specialist stretchers to enable coronavirus patients to be transferred by air.
Cobalt Aerospace, based at Hingham in Norfolk, was selected by UK-based GVH Aerospace to make their AeroStretchers, which enable aircraft to be transformed into “air ambulances” without the need for permanent changes to the cabin.
The firm’s first batch of stretchers will be used for Covid-19 patient transfers in the UK, and the £2.3m turnover company – which employs nine staff – is hoping the product will encourage operators to use their grounded aircraft to support the NHS and emergency services and ease the strain on air rescue services.
MORE – Greene King slashes rents for tied tenants as sector faces ‘existential threat’The team of engineers and designers – led by director and co-founder Ben Brown – makes specialist products for commercial aircraft.
Mr Brown said they were “proud” to have been chosen for the contract.
“We have worked with GVH Aerospace before on the manufacture of their AeroStretcher Mk IV aeromedical equipment, and we are thrilled to be selected by them again for such a timely and important project,” he said.
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“Our hope is that civil aircraft that would otherwise be grounded during this time may be able to easily, reversibly convert their cabins into aeromedical transportation facilities and help to ease the pressure on our emergency transportation services.”
The GVH stretcher design means that no permanent modification needs to be made to aircraft, with only seats needing to be removed to clear the cabin ready for the equipment.
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“The medical situation around the Covid-19 pandemic is constantly changing, and a major concern during this time is the ability of medical facilities to cope with such a large influx of patients. Airborne emergency services are a vital asset during this time, but they also are becoming quickly overstretched,” said Mr Brown. “The system can be installed in minutes.”
As well as nine people at its Hingham facility, the firm’s Miami-based USA division – Cobalt Aerospace Inc – has a further two full time employees. It is working on a strategic partnership with GVH Aerospace that will see Cobalt Aerospace Inc become the first port of call for aircraft operators in the USA, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean who are seeking to quickly adapt their aircraft into air ambulances using AeroStretcher Mk IV. | aerospace |
http://turtledove.wikia.com/wiki/Fieseler_Fi_156 | 2017-08-23T07:59:24 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886117911.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823074634-20170823094634-00003.warc.gz | 0.982582 | 167 | CC-MAIN-2017-34 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-34__0__62374156 | en | The Fieseler Fi 156Storch (English: Stork) was a small German liaison aircraft built by Fieseler before and during World War II. Production continued in other countries into the 1950s for the private market. It remains famous to this day for its excellent STOL performance.
While Hans-Ulrich Rudel was stationed near Philippeville, he grew frustrated being stuck on the ground without any missions to fly. He managed to talk himself onto a Fieseler Storch for a reconnaissance flight. Sgt. Albert Dieselhorst accompanied him as a rear gunner. Rudel was impressed with the manoeuvrability of the aircraft, comparing it to flying a dragonfly. Dieselhorst also enjoyed himself and fired a defiant burst from his machine gun when they were fired upon by French ground troops. | aerospace |
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/passengers-refuse-to-board-thrice-delayed-flight/articleshow/69104525.cms | 2019-08-23T21:06:54 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027318986.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20190823192831-20190823214831-00020.warc.gz | 0.9827 | 513 | CC-MAIN-2019-35 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-35__0__145111540 | en | AHMEDABAD: There was chaos at the domestic terminal of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International (SVPI) airport in Ahmedabad on Sunday night, as passengers travelling to Bengaluru by SpiceJet
flight SG-928 refused to board
the aircraft after the airline announced a delay thrice. The flight – originally scheduled to leave at 9.40pm on Sunday – that was already delayed by four hours, finally departed at 3.25am due to the protests by the passengers.
Rahul Dankhara, a cyber-security professional who was to take the flight, said, “On Sunday morning, I received a message from the airline saying that the flight would depart at 12.40am. When I got to the airport at around 11.30pm, I was told it would depart at 1.05am and later another 35-minute delay was announced, pushing the departure to 1.40am.”
“When the airline announced the third delay, some flyers who had flew by the same flight recently, alleged that the this particular flight is perpetually delayed by three hours. Infuriated, all the passengers demanded refunds and refused to board the flight,” he added.
Sources confirmed that there was indeed a ruckus at the city airport as passengers, including wheelchair-bound senior citizens, were forced to wait for a long time. Heated exchanges between certain passengers and airline officials continued till the airline finally issued a letter, promising a 50% refund on the fare, one flier said. The airline cited operational issues as the cause of the delay.
“The aircraft on its earlier flight, was held up at Silchar due to bad weather. This had a spillover effect leading to a delay in the next flight. Passengers were duly informed of the delay and the revised departure time,” an airline spokesperson said in a statement.
A video recorded by a passenger shows an airline official saying, “The delay occurred because the aircraft was undergoing a service-check for safety.” TOI however, could not verify this claim.
“After the aircraft arrived in Ahmedabad, a group of passengers did not allow the others to board the aircraft, leading to a further delay. SpiceJet apologises for the inconvenience caused to passengers due to this delay,” the airline spokesperson added.
Sources confirmed that the flight finally left SVPI at 3.25am and landed at Bengaluru airport at around 5.30am. | aerospace |
http://www.govconwire.com/2012/01/boeing-secures-376m-satcom-satellite-contract-modification/ | 2013-05-23T12:03:31 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368703298047/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516112138-00065-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.899885 | 195 | CC-MAIN-2013-20 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2013-20__0__150665881 | en | The U.S. Air Force has awarded Boeing‘s (NYSE: BA) satellite systems subsidiary a $376,523,860 contract modificationTypes: Administrative Change : A unilateral contract change that does not affect the contractual rights of the parties. Change order: A written order, signed byBudget Year the CO, directing that the contractor to make a change authorized byBudget Year the "changes" clause. Not issued without contractor consent. for work on the Wideband Global SATCOM satellite system, the Pentagon said Friday.
The awarded option calls for Boeing to produce, process, launch and activate on-orbit Satellite Vehicle 9.
WGS serves as the military’s highest-capacity satellite communications system, providing 10 times the communications capacity of its predecessor, the DSCS III satellite, according to Boeing’s website.
Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas, and is expected to be completed byBudget Year May 2013. | aerospace |
https://tmwmedia.com/product/comet-visitors-from-space/ | 2023-06-01T18:45:44 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648000.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20230601175345-20230601205345-00423.warc.gz | 0.954302 | 163 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__156883776 | en | Comets have been causing fear in the minds of humans for millennia. Now spacecraft are helping us to understand what they are made of and how they behave. The time it takes for a comet to make one complete orbit around another object is known as the orbital period. The range of a comet's orbital period may be from a few years to hundreds of thousands of years. Short-period comets originate in the Kuiper belt, or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. Longer-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort Cloud, a spherical cloud of icy bodies in the outer Solar System. Comets allow us to study what the solar system was like in its formative period. This program will help students understand why comets cause both fear and fascination. | aerospace |
https://jobs.dynetics.com/job-view.php?p=3954 | 2018-02-25T11:33:37 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891816370.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20180225110552-20180225130552-00527.warc.gz | 0.897648 | 442 | CC-MAIN-2018-09 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-09__0__179225597 | en | In order to apply for this or any other job you will need to log in.
Dynetics, an employee-owned company, is seeking a talented Aerospace Engineer to join a diverse team to create unique solutions for complex problems. With offices across the United States engaging in the defense, space, cyber and commercial fields, Dynetics provides responsive, cost-effective engineering, scientific and IT solutions.
This position entails detailed analysis, design, modeling and simulation, integration, and testing of aircraft, particularly unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and munitions. Primary disciplines involved include flight dynamics, guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), aerodynamics, computer programming, and flight testing. A successful applicant will work closely with a highly technical multi-disciplinary engineering team to design, develop, customize, integrate, and test software, hardware, and systems.
Position requires a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering or a related field. A Master's degree or relevant experience is a plus.
Candidate must have interest in analysis of aircraft, UAS, and munition systems, which will include simulation development and maintenance, hardware-in-the-loop testing, ground testing, and flight test support.
Candidate must be flexible and adaptable to new tasks and challenges in the aerospace field.
Experience with Matlab required.
Excellent communication skills and ability to work in collaborative team environments or independently, including multiple simultaneous projects and tasks
Experience with Simulink is highly desirable.
Experience with programming languages such as C++, Python, and Java, and experience with Windows and Linux OS is desirable.
A passion for aviation, and full-scale or RC/sUAS piloting experience/qualifications are a plus.
Experience working with Group 1, 2, or 3 UAS highly desirable.
Experience developing, customizing, or implementing open-source UAS software, such as Ardupilot, PX4, MAVlink, DJI SDK, or ROS is desirable.
Candidate must be a US Citizen and possess (and be able to maintain) a Final Secret Clearance or meet the eligibility to obtain (and maintain) a Secret Clearance. | aerospace |
https://epos-ip.org/news-press/news/epos-esas-upcoming-living-planet-symposium-2019-milan-italy-13-17-may-2019 | 2020-10-20T20:25:37 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107874135.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020192039-20201020222039-00249.warc.gz | 0.84802 | 165 | CC-MAIN-2020-45 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-45__0__96509426 | en | The European Space Agency’s 2019 Living Planet Symposium will take place on 13–17 May 2019 in Milan, Italy.
The Symposium is organised with the support of the Italian Space Agency.
This symposium focuses on how Earth Observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth Observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.
On Wednesday 15th May 2019, h. 09:45 Michele Manunta, researcher at CNR IREA in Naples (IT) will present “EPOS Thematic Core Service Satellite Data: the Contribution of Sentinel Missions to Establish a Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Research Platform for Solid Earth Sciences” . More information about the programme here.
More information on the ESA website. | aerospace |
https://thehill.com/policy/transportation/aviation/477124-boeing-settles-with-american-airlines-to-compensate-for-737/ | 2022-08-10T20:20:22 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571210.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20220810191850-20220810221850-00774.warc.gz | 0.969428 | 430 | CC-MAIN-2022-33 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-33__0__47648830 | en | Boeing settles with American Airlines to compensate for 737 Max losses
Boeing has settled with American Airlines in a confidential agreement to compensate for the losses the airline experienced without the 737 Max last year, the airline announced Monday.
American Airlines has designated a “discretionary portion” of the settlement to the 2019 profit-sharing program, with an additional $30 million that will be distributed to American Airlines employees starting in March.
The airline estimated its losses from the grounding of the 737 Max at $540 million in September, Forbes reported. The news outlet noted that the profit-sharing program usually consists of 5 percent of the carrier’s profits, which would amount to about $600 million.
“Our ability as an airline to weather these unprecedented times is thanks to our phenomenal team, and it was important to us that we get a deal done before the end of the year,” American Airlines CEO Doug Parker said in a statement.
The carrier did not address 2020 losses from the grounded plan as the Boeing 737 Max is expected to fly again in early April.
Unions, like the Allied Pilots Association (APA) and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, have been involved in the process to ensure pilots and flight attendants get a fair share of compensation. APA spokesman Dennis Tajer described the agreement to Forbes as a good first step but “one of several steps we need to see happen.”
Southwest Airlines also reached a confidential compensation agreement with Boeing last month, adding that it would provide $125 million to its profit-sharing plan, according to Forbes. During the plane’s grounding, Southwest had 34 Max aircraft and American had 24, but they were supposed to be flying 68 and 40 respectively by the end of 2019.
The Boeing 737 Max was grounded last year after the aircraft was involved in two fatal crashes. So far, the company has designated $6.1 billion in compensation to customers of the aircraft, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Boeing told The Hill that it does not comment on “private discussions with customers.” | aerospace |
http://careertransitionvancouver.com/2023/06/16/3-signs-that-flight-school-is-right-for-you/ | 2024-04-12T17:02:49 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296816045.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412163227-20240412193227-00685.warc.gz | 0.941742 | 503 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__24629846 | en | Embarking on a journey to become a pilot is an exhilarating decision, but it's essential to determine if flight school is the right fit for you. While the idea of flying may be enticing, it's crucial to evaluate certain indicators that can help you gauge your suitability for this path. Take a look at these three key signs that indicate flight school may be the perfect choice for you and the first step on your new career path.
1. Unyielding Passion: One of the primary signs that flight school is right for you is an unwavering passion for aviation. Ask yourself if the thought of piloting an aircraft and soaring through the skies ignites a deep sense of excitement and joy within you. Do you find yourself constantly reading aviation literature, watching documentaries, or seeking out aviation-related activities? If your passion for flying is genuine and fuels your drive to learn and grow in the field of aviation, it's a strong indication that flight school may be the ideal path for you.
2. Natural Curiosity and Aptitude: Successful pilots possess a natural curiosity about aircraft and a strong aptitude for technical subjects. If you find yourself constantly questioning how planes work, or if you enjoy tinkering with mechanical systems, you likely have the inherent curiosity necessary for a career in aviation. Additionally, having a knack for understanding spatial awareness, quick decision-making, and problem-solving can further indicate your suitability for flight school. Recognizing and embracing your natural inclination towards aviation-related knowledge and skills can confirm that flight school is the right choice for you.
3. Resilience and Discipline: Flight training requires immense resilience and discipline. The journey towards becoming a pilot can be demanding, both mentally and physically. Long hours of studying, rigorous flight training, and navigating challenging situations necessitate a strong work ethic and unwavering commitment. If you possess the ability to stay focused, follow protocols, and persevere through setbacks, it suggests that flight school is well-suited for you. Demonstrating discipline and resilience in other aspects of your life can also serve as a positive indicator of your readiness to embrace the challenges of flight training.
Recognizing these three signs—unyielding passion, natural curiosity, aptitude, resilience, and discipline—can provide valuable insights into whether flight school is the right path for you. By considering these indicators, you can make an informed decision that sets you on the path toward a fulfilling and successful career as a pilot. | aerospace |
https://time.com/3585528/amazon-drones-prime-air/ | 2021-08-04T23:47:19 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046155188.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20210804205700-20210804235700-00206.warc.gz | 0.968823 | 176 | CC-MAIN-2021-31 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-31__0__9935582 | en | It seems Amazon is getting serious about delivering packages to its customers via drone.
The e-tailer has posted a job listing for a flight operations engineer on its Amazon Prime Air drone delivery team. The new job, based at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters, will involve working with regulatory authorities, planning out test flights and executing the flights themselves. Several years of flight test experience are required for the job.
The company is also seeking a flight safety manager to work on the same program.
Amazon first announced its intentions to begin a drone delivery program via a 60 Minutes episode about a year ago. The plan has been met with much skepticism because the commercial use of drones is heavily regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration. However, the agency recently permitted the use of drones on certain movie sets, which could pave the way for wider use of the vehicles at businesses such as Amazon. | aerospace |
http://dml.cmnh.org/2003Jan/msg00247.html | 2017-09-20T23:51:47 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-39/segments/1505818687582.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20170920232245-20170921012245-00339.warc.gz | 0.881458 | 233 | CC-MAIN-2017-39 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-39__0__161460542 | en | [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][Subject Index][Author Index]
Re: Archaeopteryx gliding
As an aside to my previous response to this post, a turbulent atmosphere
can be an asset to evolving flapping flight, and to an evolving
transition from flapping to gliding flight. And, as we all know, with
some constraints, a turbulent atmosphere is an asset for soaring flight
(I'm not advocating soaring in tornados, hurricanes, or even
thunderstorms). Perhaps in some species other than flying squirrels,
flapping flight may have evolved first? That sure seems to be easier
than transitioning from gliding to flapping flight.
G Martin Human wrote:
> All, from the little I have seen of flying squirrels, they do their
> stuff in forests where the air is _very_ still, maybe a general gentle
> updraft of warm air but essentially _calm_. Maybe this is true of all
> true gliders? I can't see gliding evoolving in a turbulent atmosphere. | aerospace |
https://www.smore.com/g9qv | 2018-11-15T10:59:35 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-47/segments/1542039742666.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20181115095814-20181115121814-00354.warc.gz | 0.866447 | 161 | CC-MAIN-2018-47 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-47__0__23114628 | en | Sean M. 8-513
The Future of Space Travel
Scientists are begining to reasearch new designs for space ships. The chemical fuel used in space ships right now is not efficiant enough to continue using it. So scientists are trying to come up with new ways of powering space ships. These new designs include, antimatter engene, solar sails, ion drives, nuclear propulsion, nuclear fusion, and a warp drive desine that would allow space ships to travel faster then the speed of light!
Future Of Space Travel by nmssoundcloud
NASA's New Space Ship Design
NASA unveils future of space travel
Future Warp Drive Design
scientists are reasearching how to create a warp drive which would allow space ships to travel faster then the speed of light! | aerospace |
https://personbio.org/umberto-guidoni/ | 2020-10-29T13:01:14 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107904287.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20201029124628-20201029154628-00319.warc.gz | 0.944874 | 63 | CC-MAIN-2020-45 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-45__0__195753213 | en | The first European up to speed the International Space Station. He proved helpful in the Italian Space Company and the Western european Space Company. He flew on two Space Shuttle missions before learning to be a politician. He wedded and had one young child. He flew on STS-100 with Chris Hadfield. | aerospace |
https://products.kitsapsun.com/archive/1997/02-23/0003_the_intruder_folds_its_wings.html | 2022-11-26T12:48:24 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446706291.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20221126112341-20221126142341-00500.warc.gz | 0.958244 | 2,437 | CC-MAIN-2022-49 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-49__0__40704809 | en | The Intruder folds its wings
This week, the last two squadrons of Navy A-6 attack jets will be retired for good, following a
36-year history of
service to the nation.
Role: U.S. Navy's primary carrier-based medium attack bomber from the 1960s until mid-1990s.
Capabilities: Able to attack by day or night in all weather conditions against fixed or moving targets at sea or ashore. Has low-altitude attack capabilities.
Payload: Can carry up to 28 500-pound bombs -- second only to the Air Force's massive B-52 bomber.
Armament: Free-fall or laser-guided bombs, HARM air-to-surface missiles, Harpoon cruise missiles and cluster bombs.
Sensors: TRAM (Target Recognition/Attack Multisensor), AMTI (Airborne Moving Target Indication), FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red), Norden APQ-148 multi-mode radar
Range: 1,010 miles
Speed: 500 to 600 mph
Climb: 7,620 feet per minute
Ceiling: About 41,000 feet
Propulsion: Two Pratt & Whitney J52-P8B jet engines with 9,300 pounds of thrust each
Crew: Two (pilot and navigator-bombardier) who sit side by side
Length: 54 feet, 9 inches
Wingspan: 53 feet
Empty weight: 28,000 pounds
Max. Weight: 58,600 pounds (maximum carrier take-off gross weight) or 60,400 pounds (maximum land take-off gross weight)
Builder: Grumman Aerospace Corp.
By Lloyd Pritchett
Strapped in his Navy A-6E Intruder attack jet on board the supercarrier USS Carl Vinson, Capt. Terry Toms was acutely aware of what was about to happen.
Through the jet's bubble windshield, he could see the flight deck crew lining up along the adjacent catapult, standing at parade rest in their vividly colored jerseys.
Ahead stood the carrier's catapult officer. Toms locked eyes with him and fired off a salute. The flight deck crew erupted in cheers.
Then the jet blasted off the carrier and into the annals of naval aviation.
After nearly 37 years in the fleet, it was the last time an Intruder would take off from a carrier in the Pacific -- and two weeks before the last squadron of Intruders would be retired for good.
As he roared off the carrier, throttling from zero to 200 mph in under two seconds, "I was screaming into my gas mask," said Toms, who has flown A-6 Intruders for 20 years. "I was pretty emotional for a lot of reasons."
As he doubled back for a flyby of the carrier, Toms could see the white peaks of the Olympic Mountains in the distance beyond the carrier. Then he flew the jet -- squadron number 500, serial number 159579 -- back to its home base, the Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island.
"I had an incredible feeling of humility and gratitude about being able to do this. For all the sadness involved, I felt incredibly lucky," he said.
To the thousands upon thousands of Navy people who have flown, maintained and crewed the venerable A-6 aircraft since it first entered service in the early 1960s, these are emotional times indeed.
In a few days, the last two remaining squadrons of Intruders -- one in the Pacific Fleet and one in the Atlantic Fleet -- will be decommissioned in simultaneous ceremonies, ending an era of naval aviation history that started in the early '60s.
The last Pacific Fleet squadron, known by its naval designation of VA-196, will be decommissioned Friday at Hangar 6 of the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. The ceremony starts at 2 p.m. and the public is invited.
"It's been the greatest airplane in the history of naval aviation," said Capt. James D. Kelly, a former A-6 pilot who until Friday served as commanding officer of the Bremerton-based fast combat support ship USS Sacramento.
The Navy is retiring the Intruder not because it is no longer capable, but for budget reasons.
Original plans called for upgrading the jet and keeping it in service until about 2007. But that proposal was cancelled due to its cost.
The permanent grounding of the Intruders will leave the Navy with no pure attack jet in its inventory. Instead, the attack role will be assumed by the F/A-18 Hornet, which doubles as a fighter or an attack jet.
In prepared statements, Navy aviation officials say the supersonic Hornet is fully capable of taking over the role.
But A-6 aviators point out, correctly, that is so only because the potential threat now is less than it was during the Cold War. In many respects, the Hornet is an inferior attack vehicle than the workhorse Intruder.
The Hornet carries a smaller payload than the Intruder, can't fly at low altitudes or in adverse weather conditions and has only about half the range.
Because of these shortcomings, U.S. Navy aircraft carriers now must operate closer to shore to launch Hornets on attack missions.
A-6 pilots also say the single-seat Hornet is less suitable for attack missions because it has no second seat, like the Intruder does, for a bombardier-navigator who can focus on the mission without being distracted by piloting duties.
On top of all that, the A-6 is simply a stronger airframe -- "like a Mac truck," said Capt. Kelly.
"When you want to do the job right, you bring the big freighter -- not the little fruit fly," he said.
The Hornet does have advantages -- it can fly faster and higher than the Intruder. The newest generation F/A-18 Super Hornet, not yet on line, also has a two-person crew.
But many aviators question whether that makes up for the aircraft's deficiencies.
And they also question how the Navy let itself lose an air attack capability it has had for decades.
The answer can be found in the 1980s, when the service spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to develop a successor to the A-6 that would be designed for a pure attack mission.
But the new-generation aircraft, known as the A-12, was overweight and had a price tag higher than the jet could fly. In many respects it was symbolic of the excesses of the era. The program was cancelled and a new attack jet, dubbed the A-X, went onto the drawing boards.
Then that, too, was cancelled because of flaws similar to those with the A-12. All the development money was spent, in effect, for nothing.
Now, it will be at least 10 years -- if ever -- before the Navy has another pure attack jet.
One thing is for sure, however. There will never be another aircraft like the A-6.
"It's the best attack bomber that ever was," said Lt. Mark McLaughlin, 32, an A-6 pilot at Whidbey Island. "They started flying before I was born. It's been in service all these years because nothing better has come along."
The first Intruder rolled off the Grumman Aerospace Corp. line in April 1960. Over the years, 693 were built.
All Intruders in the Pacific Fleet were based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island when they weren't deployed overseas aboard a carrier. At its peak, the Whidbey Island base had as many as seven A-6 squadrons and more than 125 aircraft.
A motion picture was even made about the A-6 -- "The Flight of the Intruder," based on a novel of the same name by Stephen Coonts.
The venerable A-6 played a crucial role in Vietnam, Libyan air raids and Operation Desert Storm. It often was the weapon of choice for many reasons:
n With a range of about 1,000 miles and in-flight refueling capabilities, the A-6 could reach a vast array of targets from the mobile deck of an aircraft carrier.
n The Intruder could carry an incredible seven tons of ordnance off the deck of a carrier, including gravity bombs, laser-guided bombs, cluster bombs and three kinds of air-launched missiles. Only the Air Force's huge B-52 bomber could carry more bombs.
n Using its sensors, the A-6 could operate at night and in all weather conditions, flying low to escape detection until it reached its target.
Despite its advantages, the plane wasn't perfect.
The metal wings started wearing out after years of use. So the Navy had to replace them with new wings made of composite materials.
In addition, the Intruders were plagued with a string of crashes in the 1980s that caused the Navy to change its pilot training methods.
Despite those shortcomings, the venerable jet was called on time and time again over the decades to project American power overseas.
Capt. Toms, with 4,200 hours of A-6 flying time and 950 carrier landings under his belt, remembers it all with first-person clarity.
"It's not just an airplane. It's been my window on the world. I just think about the number of significant events I've seen through that bug-eyed windscreen," he said.
"The nights over Operation Desert Storm, with nothing but tracers coming up at you, the missiles flying, and I thought, 'This is not fun.'
"I've seen people die from that airplane. But there are the good things, too. Coming off a good day. ... The beautiful nights at sea, seeing things that nobody else gets to see."
Now those days are over.
Staff photo by Bruce Moyer
CLIMB ABOARD: Lt.j.g. Greg Smith, top, prepares for a training flight from Whidbey Island Naval Air Station as ground crew personnel put the finishing touches to his A-6E Intruder. The last Intruder squadron on the west coast, VA-196, will be decommissioned Friday.
Staff photo by Larry Steagall
END OF AN ERA: An A-6E Intruder from Whidbey Island makes one of its final landings on the carrier deck of the Bremerton-based carrier USS Carl Vinson before the jets are retired from active service.
limited edition: Ground crew personnel fuel one of the last four A-6E Intruders from VA-196 that fill out the flight line at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.
Staff photo by Bruce Moyer
Staff photo by Larry Steagall
LAST OF THE BREED: Flight deck crew members on board the USS Carl Vinson direct an A-6E Intruder into position for take-off from the carrier for the last time. The steam is from a previous jet launch.
Staff photo by Bruce Moyer
READY TO GO: Lt. Cmdr. Steven Nakagawa, right, an A-6E Intruder bombardier-navigator, adjusts his helmet prior to a training flight from Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.
Ground crew personnel fuel one of the last four A-6E Intruder's from VA-196 that line the flight line at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. | aerospace |
http://www.airutopia.com/news_detail.php?id=1126 | 2019-01-21T02:25:49 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-04/segments/1547583745010.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20190121005305-20190121031305-00460.warc.gz | 0.928728 | 153 | CC-MAIN-2019-04 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-04__0__1702978 | en | ST. LOUIS, Oct. 2, 2015 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] has completed its upgrade of all U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Mission Training Centers with its high-fidelity Constant Resolution Visual System (CRVS). The system trains pilots in a more realistic visual environment than current simulators and allows them to experience extreme maneuvers that typically are only practiced in a simulator.
The final CRVS installations were recently done by Boeing and the Air Force at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Simulators at Hawaii’s Hickam Air Force Base, Alaska’s Elmendorf Air Force Base and Virginia’s Langley Air Force Base, also have the system.
See the full article at Boeing | aerospace |
http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123207101 | 2013-05-22T03:11:53 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368701233842/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516104713-00075-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.948094 | 1,845 | CC-MAIN-2013-20 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2013-20__0__103690694 | en | News>Units make history with Air Force's first homeland defense ORI
Senior Airman Robert Amburgey provides watch over the main gate at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center during an operational readiness inspection May 20, 2010, in Gulfport, Miss. Airman Amburgey is with the 123rd Airlift Wing's security forces squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Dennis Flora)
Master Sgt. Michael Ludke up-channels information during an evacuation of his building following a simulated attack during an operational readiness inspection May 20, 2010, at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center in Gulfport, Miss. Sergeant Ludke is the nuclear, biological and chemical warfare cell chief from the 123rd Airlift Wing. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Dennis Flora)
Members of the 123rd Airlift Wing render first-aid to an Airman from the 317th Airlift Group after a simulated attack on their shared facilities during an operational readiness inspection May 20, 2010, at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center in Gulfport, Miss. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Dennis Flora)
Members of the 123rd Airlift Wing fire department respond to a simulated fire during an operational readiness inspection May 20, 2010, at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center in Gulfport, Miss. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Dennis Flora)
by Maj. Dale Greer
123rd Airlift Wing Public Affairs Officer
6/1/2010 - GULFPORT, MISS. (AFNS) -- Three units representing each component of the Air Force made history here May 16 through 23 when they successfully completed the first homeland defense operational readiness inspection.
The ORI, held at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center here, was administered by the Air Mobility Command Inspector General on a trial basis, but it may help pave the way for future inspections, officials said.
"For the very first time, the U.S. Air Force has validated a unit's wartime capability to defend the homeland by fighting an enemy right here on U.S. soil," said Col. Greg Nelson, the commander of the Kentucky Air National Guard's 123rd Airlift Wing, which served as the lead organization for the ORI.
"That represents a major shift in the way Air Force (leaders evaluate) unit readiness, because it puts the focus in our own backyard, rather than a simulated overseas location where these evaluations are usually staged," he said.
The inspection was a total force effort, with the 123rd Airlift Wing representing the Air National Guard; the 317th Airlift Group from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, providing active-duty forces; and the 70th Aerial Port Squadron from Homestead Air Reserve Base, Fla., contributing Air Force Reserve members and equipment.
As with traditional ORIs, this one tested the ability of each unit to mobilize Airmen and equipment, fly to a remote site, operate in a hostile environment, defend against enemy attacks, and redeploy back home, all while AMC inspectors evaluated every phase of the operation.
Unlike traditional ORIs, in this one the participants were tasked with supporting civil authorities while fighting an unconventional foe in the United States. In the past, ORIs have typically required units to deploy to simulated overseas bases and defend against conventional military forces.
"I'm pleased to say that all three units passed this new test with flying colors," Colonel Nelson said. "We are ready to perform our mission of theater airlift anytime, anywhere, whether it be in support of our allies abroad or here at home in defense of the United States of America."
The ORI scenario that played out in Mississippi required more than 300 Kentucky Air Guard members to establish operations in concert with about 175 Airmen from the Texas and Florida units, forming the notional 104th Air Expeditionary Wing.
All three organizations worked seamlessly to launch theater airlift and medical evacuation sorties across the Gulf Coast region, supporting U.S. Northern Command missions and civil authorities, while foiling multiple attacks by well-organized terrorists.
The inspection posed an unusually challenging environment because of extreme weather conditions and several eleventh-hour changes caused by the non-availability of infrastructure, Colonel Nelson said.
"We didn't flinch. We didn't whine. We didn't push back to any challenge, from changes in taskings, to changes in locations, to changes in facilities at the last minute," he said. "(With temperatures hovering near 100 degrees), it also was the hottest ORI the team chief had even seen. But we maintained a great attitude, we operated safely, and we performed our mission with a level of excellence that makes me proud.
"Even more significant, this inspection marked the first time that any Air Force unit has been wartime validated in support of the security and defense of the United States of America. That's huge," Colonel Nelson said.
Col. Dan Dagher, the 317th Airlift Group commander, agreed.
"The 317th (AG), 123rd (AW) and 70th (APS) are ready -- and now tested -- to meet the challenge, reduce human suffering and save lives," he said. "If an attack on the homeland happens, we will be the first responders. Americans can sleep better knowing that the 317th (AG), 123rd (AW) and 70th (APS) can provide defense support to civil authorities in the United States, and that the very survival of thousands of ... Americans rests on our now-tested ability to immediately respond and perform mass-casualty medical evacuations after a chemical attack."
Colonel Nelson said the idea for a homeland defense/homeland security ORI originated at the Kentucky Air Guard, whose leaders asked AMC to consider using the alternate approach because it better reflects the realities of a post-9/11 world in which homeland defense has taken center stage.
"Almost everything that an airlift wing would do in support of a real-world homeland security/homeland defense mission, whether it be response to a terrorist attack on U.S. soil or humanitarian aid following a hurricane, would be in support of a lead civilian agency at the federal, state or local level," Colonel Nelson said. "As a result, the overall command and control aspects are completely different from those of an overseas operation.
"So we took our plan to the IG and said, 'You need to evaluate us on this,'" Colonel Nelson said. "They thought our approach had a lot of merit, and agreed to implement it on a trial basis. A lot of changes were required to make this approach work, but the IG developed new scenarios to test the interoperability of Department of Defense, federal, state and local agencies in defense of the homeland. As a result, our ORI provided a unique opportunity to validate how we provide tactical airlift during an emergency in the United States."
6/11/2010 12:11:27 PM ET I agree with the Major from Fort Meade. Who are these terrorists we were fighting on US soil? Since when do we federalize military action on US soil, that is up to the govenor of each state to call out the National Guard. Be skeptical of what they are training us to do and remember when it is a lawful order.
6/11/2010 3:31:49 AM ET This was an awesome experience. Working with the 317th and the 123rd was a great experience and I would go to war with these units any day. Aerial Port Lead 70 APS Homestead Fl. Capt John Weeks.
John Weeks, Homestead Fl.
6/3/2010 7:12:35 AM ET Jerry perhaps you misunderstood. This scenario WAS an ORI it was just a brand new scenario instead of the classic Korean scenario. It wasn't some additional inspection and it wasn't just a Guard unit participating. This was active guard and reserve all working together to show that we are always ready to handle any homeland as well as foreign situation that may arise.
Adam , Kentucky
6/2/2010 3:05:39 PM ET The objectives listed are standard and I understand them except against whom did they defend themselves from? Since this is the first time fighting an enemy on US soil, who was this 'enemy' ?
Major Robert Reiss, Fort Meade
6/2/2010 12:57:08 PM ET What's the matter we don't we have enough inspections? Now they have to start making up new ones. Lets hope this stays with the guard units.
6/2/2010 12:36:12 PM ET Way to go 104th One Total Force Team One Fight
Diana Echols, Fort Worth TX
6/2/2010 9:31:12 AM ET Great news Thank you USAF AMC. Robert Thomas White II MSgt USAFR Air Transportation Craftsman Deployed Joint Base Balad Iraq | aerospace |
https://www.justshowbiz.net/watch-the-extended-sneak-peak-of-the-upcoming-sci-fi-thriller-life-lifemovie/ | 2023-06-01T23:12:40 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648209.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20230601211701-20230602001701-00150.warc.gz | 0.886213 | 343 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__277000720 | en | The makers of ‘Life’ have released an extended sneak peak of their upcoming sci-fi thriller.
From the writers of ‘Deadpool’- Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick, Directed by Daniel Espinosa, Life has a stellar ensemble cast in the shape of Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson, Ryan Reynolds, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ariyon Bakare and Olga Dihovichnaya.
About the movie:
Life is an epic, terrifying thriller set in space and most of the action takes place on the International Space Station (ISS) where a six man crew – all drawn from different nations – are tasked with examining a single cell life form that has been discovered on Mars and brought back to the ISS by an unmanned space craft, modelled on the Curiosity Rover, the NASA vehicle that has explored the surface of the Red Planet.
In the video, we get to see the first experiments being done on this new life form and things go downhill pretty fast. The alien lifeform, though small, turns out to be quite strong and puts Ariyon Bakare’s character in a pretty bad situation. The clip is super tense and doesn’t give away too much, but definitely shows us that this exciting and groundbreaking discovery won’t be all peaches and roses. It might actually result in lots of dead astronauts.
Sony Pictures Entertainment India’s LIFE releases in India on 24th March,2017. #LIFEmovie | aerospace |
http://zeenews.india.com/news/space/nasas-curiosity-rover-to-travel-across-mars-moving-dunes_834069.html | 2017-10-21T10:31:10 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-43/segments/1508187824733.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20171021095939-20171021115939-00123.warc.gz | 0.946819 | 442 | CC-MAIN-2017-43 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-43__0__301945669 | en | NASA`s Curiosity rover to travel across Mars` moving dunes
NASA`s Curiosity rover has been exploring the region for over seven months around its landing site, investigating the Martian surface with its impressive suite of scientific tools.
Washington: NASA`s Curiosity rover has been exploring the region for over seven months around its landing site, investigating the Martian surface with its impressive suite of scientific tools.
Over the course of 208 Sols (Martian days), the rover has traveled nearly 500 meters (almost a third of a mile) across the pebbly terrain of Gale Crater toward its ultimate goal: Aeolis Mons, the crater`s 18,000-foot-high central peak.
But in order to get there, Curiosity must first cross a wide swath of sand dunes that wrap around the mountain`s base - dark, windswept dunes that move, Discovery News reported.
While dunes here on Earth are known to be migratory landforms, sculpted and steered by a region`s prevailing winds, it wasn`t always known that dunes on Mars were also actively in motion.
It wasn`t until long-term observations could be made with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that scientists were able to see Mars` dunes change over time, their fine grains gradually shifting and sliding under the faint but relentless force of the thin Martian wind.
Recently, researchers from the SETI Institute have discovered that the dunes that surround the base of Aeolis Mons are influenced by winds from both the east-northeast and northwest, causing the dunes in Curiosity`s path to move in a southwesterly direction at a rate of about 0.4 meters a year.
While a foot-and-a-half shift per year may not sound very dramatic, remember that it wasn`t known until recently if Martian dunes moved at all.
So as Curiosity traverses Gale`s dune field it will have a chance to get a good look at these features up close, hopefully giving us our first close-up images of their ponderous shuffle across the crater floor.
The research was published in the journal Geology. | aerospace |
https://myrandomnote.wordpress.com/category/space/ | 2017-10-23T02:19:30 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-43/segments/1508187825510.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20171023020721-20171023040721-00354.warc.gz | 0.957208 | 734 | CC-MAIN-2017-43 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-43__0__282611466 | en | Another week another recap. I missed the recap for last week so I will include somethings from the previouse week.
We are going to Mars. You read that right for the first time in human history we will really get to Mars. Well the not until the next Ten to fifteen years. But on a much more honest note for the first time there really is a plan to get humans to Mars. Nasa has a Journey to Mars plan, Boeing has another plan to get humans to Mars and SpaceX has a very very ambitious Mars Colonial Transport plan. I will let you in on a secret, I am also working on a secret plan to get to Mars 😉
I will give my thoughts about Elon Musk’s plan in a later post but here is a short video illustrating what Space X has planned.
Full Video Presentation by Elon Musk
If you have been following my weekly recap you would notice that I love EDM and I have some more EDM music to share. Leave me a comment if you like it and if you have some suggestions on some music then let me know. This weeks songs come from some of my favorite EDM artists, Rameses B and WRLD.
Hope you got something from my recap, leave a comment if you have something interesting to share.
Today NASA is launching OSIRIS-Rex into space. This is one of the more interesting space mission NASA has done. The OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Mission is an asteroid sample return mission . Since I am not a NASA scientist I will just leave this video to do the explanation.
FYI you can watch the launch live here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdmHHpAsMVw
If you are into space like I am you should have heard this pretty cool announcement by Blue Origins( a space company owned my Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos). Blue Origin successfully launched their New Shepherd launch system into space and landed it safely for RE-USE!!! This kind of thing gets me excited!
Up until now rockets have never been reusable. After launch the entire system is discarded or burns up in space and a new one is created but with the New Shepherd system it is possible to reuse the entire system. Literally refuel it and launch again. Whats really important is that this greatly reduces the cost of space transport making it more likely that in the near future space travel will be affordable.
Since the New Horizons flyby of Pluto a lot has been put out in the media. Its easy to understand all the excitement if you a little geeky but if you don’t know that much about Pluto then stick with me.
Here are a list of things you should know about Pluto
1. Pluto was discovered in 1930.
2. It is called a dwarf planet because of its small size. it is about half the width of the United States of America and a little smaller than the earths moon.
3. It is found in the region of our solar system called Kuipers Belt along with other icy objects.
4. Pluto has three moons, Charon Nix and Hydra.
5. Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet because of its small size. Similar objects even bigger than Pluto have been found beyond Pluto causing scientist to reconsider if Pluto was really a planet.
6. Pluto is a very cold planet with temperatures of 390 degrees below zero.
7. The gravity on Pluto is smaller than the earth. Its gravity is one fifth of earths gravity..
I hope these few points helped you to know more about Pluto. | aerospace |
https://game-news24.com/2022/09/23/he-made-a-detailed-technical-report-of-an-iranian-made-drone-with-a-horde-of-a-halt/ | 2022-09-26T22:50:36 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334942.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20220926211042-20220927001042-00711.warc.gz | 0.901432 | 399 | CC-MAIN-2022-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-40__0__178824454 | en | Today, an alleged Shahed drone exploded over the head of the author of that material. One is killed and four buildings are damaged in the attack. Four drones were destroyed over the ocean. To increase the power of kamikaze drones, we will publish a translated technical report on the Iranian-made shaled-131 drone, provided by the American Pikhotinets telegram channel, by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The document includes a detailed technical specification and a photo report of a drone shot down by somebody somewhere.
One way bomb (OWA) unmanned aerial vehicle IRN-05 (Shahed-131) manufactured by Shahed Aviation Industries Research Center (SAIRC) is made of carbon fiber and reinforced with metal support. This device measures two million square metres, two wingspan and one35 kg in size.
The engine uses an internal combustion engine for a fixed pitch wooden propeller. This design allows for a fast launch with static rails or truckes. Among the passengers, they are:
the Flight Control Unit (FCU), which contained five custom printed circuit boards (PCBs) containing the Texas Instruments TMS320 F28335 processors; Commercial off-the-shelf GNSS transceiver; Automatic takeoff and landing system ATOL (Automatic take off and landing); Power distribution unit; Battery; Inertia measurements (IMU); Piston internal combustion engine; Engine control unit (ERC).
Payload. The cost of the system was a high explosive warhead, a copper cone charger and a fragmentation cartridge. The conical charge of copper had an ot. 111mm diameter and a depth of 162mm. The fragmentation preformed is 7 cm. The ounce of BP is estimated to contain 10-15 kg of cast explosive substance.
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https://www.gowatertown.net/new-january-boarding-numbers-in-for-watertown-regional-airport/ | 2023-01-31T14:18:27 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499871.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131122916-20230131152916-00144.warc.gz | 0.950843 | 186 | CC-MAIN-2023-06 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-06__0__277337528 | en | February 9, 2022
WATERTOWN, S.D.–The new year started with more than 1,000 passenger boardings at Watertown Regional Airport (ATY).
Airport Manager Todd Syhre tells KWAT News there were 968 boardings on Denver Air Connection flights in January, and another 91 boardings on United Express, for a monthly total of 1, 059 boardings.
United Express served Watertown for just three days in January, before ending service.
Denver Air Connection has been Watertown’s Essential Air Service provider since July 1, 2021. They provide non-stop jet service to Denver International Airport and Chicago O’Hare.
Just last week, they announced a ticketing and baggage agreement with American Airlines. They also have a similar agreement with United.
ATY ended 2021 with a record-high 12,284 boardings. | aerospace |
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=12132 | 2017-01-19T23:29:04 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-04/segments/1484560280761.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20170116095120-00221-ip-10-171-10-70.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.932414 | 101 | CC-MAIN-2017-04 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-04__0__115776523 | en | Astronaut Ed Lu captured this broad-view photograph of Hurricane Isabel from the International Space Station on September 13, 2003, at 11:19 UTC. At the time, Isabel was located about 450 miles northeast of Puerto Rico and packed winds of 150 miles per hour with gusts up to 184 miles per hour. The image, ISS007-E-14750, was taken with a 50 mm lens on a digital camera.
Image courtesy of Mike Trenchard,
- ISS - Digital Camera | aerospace |
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https://www.cheapflightsdeal.net/flights/dubai-airport-dxb/rajiv-gandhi-international-airport-hyd/ | 2020-10-22T17:24:38 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107880014.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20201022170349-20201022200349-00232.warc.gz | 0.700864 | 594 | CC-MAIN-2020-45 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-45__0__38443008 | en | Mon, Oct 26
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https://diydrones.com/video/fpv-drifter-ultralight-beyond-the-sky | 2020-02-24T06:50:23 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145897.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20200224040929-20200224070929-00529.warc.gz | 0.71282 | 86 | CC-MAIN-2020-10 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-10__0__165540148 | en | Another exciting FPV flight on 950mm wingspan HK/ES Drifter Ultralight in most rural places on the island, flying in our club field.
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https://spacearchive.info/news-2011-12-28-nasa.htm | 2023-09-28T07:10:54 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510368.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20230928063033-20230928093033-00295.warc.gz | 0.918859 | 958 | CC-MAIN-2023-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-40__0__279885657 | en | NASA News Release
2011 December 28
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's twin spacecraft to study the moon from crust to core are nearing their New Year's Eve and New Year's Day main-engine burns to place the duo in lunar orbit.
Named Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL), the spacecraft are scheduled to be placed in orbit beginning at 1:21 p.m. PST (4:21 p.m. EST) for GRAIL-A on Dec. 31, and 2:05 p.m. PST (5:05 p.m. EST) on Jan. 1 for GRAIL-B.
"Our team may not get to partake in a traditional New Year's celebration, but I expect seeing our two spacecraft safely in lunar orbit should give us all the excitement and feeling of euphoria anyone in this line of work would ever need," said David Lehman, project manager for GRAIL at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif.
The distance from Earth to the moon is approximately 250,000 miles (402,336 kilometers). NASA's Apollo crews took about three days to travel to the moon. Launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Sept. 10, 2011, the GRAIL spacecraft are taking about 30 times that long and covering more than 2.5 million miles (4 million kilometers) to get there.
This low-energy, long-duration trajectory has given mission planners and controllers more time to assess the spacecraft's health. The path also allowed a vital component of the spacecraft's single science instrument, the Ultra Stable Oscillator, to be continuously powered for several months. This will allow it to reach a stable operating temperature long before it begins making science measurements in lunar orbit.
"This mission will rewrite the textbooks on the evolution of the moon," said Maria Zuber, GRAIL principal investigator from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge. "Our two spacecraft are operating so well during their journey that we have performed a full test of our science instrument and confirmed the performance required to meet our science objectives."
As of Dec. 28, GRAIL-A is 65,860 miles (106,000 kilometers) from the moon and closing at a speed of 745 mph (1,200 kph). GRAIL-B is 79,540 miles (128,000 kilometers) from the moon and closing at a speed of 763 mph (1,228 kph).
During their final approaches to the moon, both orbiters move toward it from the south, flying nearly over the lunar south pole. The lunar orbit insertion burn for GRAIL-A will take approximately 40 minutes and change the spacecraft's velocity by about 427 mph (688 kph). GRAIL-B's insertion burn 25 hours later will last about 39 minutes and is expected to change the probe's velocity by 430 mph (691 kph).
The insertion maneuvers will place each orbiter into a near-polar, elliptical orbit with a period of 11.5 hours. Over the following weeks, the GRAIL team will execute a series of burns with each spacecraft to reduce their orbital period from 11.5 hours down to just under two hours. At the start of the science phase in March 2012, the two GRAILs will be in a near-polar, near-circular orbit with an altitude of about 34 miles (55 kilometers).
When science collection begins, the spacecraft will transmit radio signals precisely defining the distance between them as they orbit the moon. As they fly over areas of greater and lesser gravity, caused both by visible features such as mountains and craters and by masses hidden beneath the lunar surface. they will move slightly toward and away from each other. An instrument aboard each spacecraft will measure the changes in their relative velocity very precisely, and scientists will translate this information into a high-resolution map of the Moon's gravitational field. The data will allow mission scientists to understand what goes on below the surface. This information will increase our knowledge of how Earth and its rocky neighbors in the inner solar system developed into the diverse worlds we see today.
JPL manages the GRAIL mission. MIT is home to the mission's principal investigator, Maria Zuber. The GRAIL mission is part of the Discovery Program managed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver built the spacecraft.
For more information about GRAIL, visit:
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https://sdw-blog.eun.org/2021/04/26/mission-earth/ | 2024-04-22T20:03:15 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818337.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20240422175900-20240422205900-00620.warc.gz | 0.902124 | 720 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__51591460 | en | Stardate: April 2021
Quest: World Earth Day
Prologue: Just STEM!
Just STEM! is an eTwinning project focused on STEM based learning.
In STEM lessons, the students don’t sit back and watch. They investigate, resolve problems and learn how to make things happen. During the project, the teachers-captains challenge the students-astronauts to accomplish missions by investigating the Earth from outer space and solving real life problems such as Global Warming and the humans’ need of sustainable development.
The fourth and final quest of the Just STEM! eTwinning project
The students work in multinational teams which are formed according to their preferences for jobs of the future (based on STEM skills).
Level One: The mission starts with an online workshop via Zoom. The students-aerospace engineers teach their peers to build paper rockets which will be used `to fly` the astronauts above the clouds.
Level Two: The students-environmental engineers coordinate the crew to perform proficiency Earth observations. They use online apps to access ESA and NASA satellites data base (Sentinel Hub EO Browser and EOSDIS Worldview). The aim of the investigation is to identify Global Warming problems and to find solutions to solve them. The students open Notebookcast whiteboards for a collaborative writing and drawing activity: a description in pictures and words of the Earth seen from outer space. The final result is a common story, `Our special planet`, presented in an E-book.
Level Three: Global Warming is a delicate topic for young students. Our courageous participants face all the problems and, even more, they find an interesting and enjoyable way to present them: Comics created in Toony Tool and Birds Dessines.
Level Four: The crew decides to gather all the solutions for the Global Warming problems in one unique concept: sustainable development. As result, the students-systems engineers coordinate their peers to use Minecraft and MS Paint to design Green Cities of the future. The final designes are presented in the Green City E-book. The mission ends with students-astronauts sharing their common products via social networks, on World Earth Day, in an online awareness campaign.
By the end of the mission, the students grew a better understanding of the world they live in, developed critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills. They became more confident in themselves and learned to take responsibility for their own decisions.
Using innovation and a wealth of knowledge, the participants dreamt of the future, acted like young responsible citizens and understood that daring is the first step to success.
Crew: 70 students and 5 teachers from 5 European Schools
- 27 astronauts aged 10, coordinated by captain Alina Marilena Buduleanu from Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 29, Galati, Romania
- 21 aerospace engineers aged 9, coordinated by captain Necla Avci Sezen from Hurriyet Ilkokulu, Dalaman, Turkey
- 12 environmental engineers aged 11, coordinated by captain Oxana Coroleac from Centrul de Creatie Tehnica pentru Copii, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
- 15 systems engineers aged 10, coordinated by captain Vida Sarauskiene from Dubysos aukstupio mokykla, Aukstelke, Lithuania
- 8 biologists aged 9, coordinated by captain Derya Yalciner from Ciftlik Ilkokulu, Dalaman, Turkey | aerospace |
https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/Tianwen-1 | 2023-02-04T00:44:57 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500076.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20230203221113-20230204011113-00068.warc.gz | 0.92493 | 5,575 | CC-MAIN-2023-06 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-06__0__147541371 | en | The mission's scientific objectives include: investigation of Martian surface geology and internal structure, search for indications of current and past presence of water, and characterization of the space environment and the atmosphere of Mars.
On 22 May 2021, the Zhurong rover drove onto the Martian surface via the descent ramps on its landing platform. With the successful deployment of the rover, China became the second nation to accomplish this feat, after the United States. In addition, China is the first nation to carry out an orbiting, landing and rovering mission on Mars successfully on its maiden attempt.Tianwen-1 is also the second mission to capture audio recordings on the Martian surface, after United States' Perseverance rover. The "smallsat" deployed by the Zhurong rover on the Martian surface consists of a "drop camera" which photographed both the rover itself as well as the Tianwen-1 lander. With a mass of less than 1 kg, the Tianwen-1 remote camera is the lightest artificial object on Mars as of May 2021. On December 31, 2021, the Tianwen-1 orbiter deployed a second deployable camera (TDC-2) into Mars orbit which captured photographs of the Tianwen-1 in orbit to celebrate its achievement of the year and a selfie stick payload was deployed to its working position on orbiter to take images of the orbiter's components and Chinese flag on 30 January 2022 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. In September 2022, the mission was awarded the World Space Award by the International Astronautical Federation.
China's planetary exploration program is officially dubbed the "Tianwen Series". "Tianwen-1" (Chinese: 天问一号) is the program's first mission, and subsequent planetary missions will be numbered sequentially. The name Tianwen means "questions to heaven" or "quest for heavenly truth", from the same classical poem written by Qu Yuan (c.340–278 BC), an ancient Chinese poet.Tianwen-1's rover is named Zhurong (Chinese: 祝融号), after a Chinese mytho-historical figure usually associated with fire and light. The name was chosen through an online poll held from January to February 2021.
China's Mars program started in partnership with Russia. In November 2011, the Russian spacecraft Fobos-Grunt, destined for Mars and Phobos, was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. The Russian spacecraft carried with it an attached secondary spacecraft, the Yinghuo-1, which was intended to become China's first Mars orbiter (Fobos-Grunt also carried experiments from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the American Planetary Society). However, Fobos-Grunt's main propulsion unit failed to boost the Mars-bound stack from its initial Earth parking orbit and the combined multinational spacecraft and experiments eventually reentered the atmosphere of Earth in January 2012. In 2014, China subsequently began an independent Mars project.
On 14 November 2019, CNSA invited some foreign embassies and international organizations to witness hovering and obstacle avoidance test for the Mars Lander of China's first Mars exploration mission at the extraterrestrial celestial landing test site. It was the first public appearance of China's Mars exploration mission.
As the mission preparation proceeded, in April 2020, the mission was formally named "Tianwen-1".
Artist's Rendering of Tianwen-1 mission components
In September 2020, the Tianwen-1 orbiter deployed the Tianwen-1 First Deployable Camera (TDC-1), a small satellite with two cameras that took photos of and tested a radio connection with Tianwen-1. Its mission was to photograph the Tianwen-1 orbiter and the lander's heat shield. Due to the time when it was deployed, it trajectory predicted to do a flyby of Mars with that happening around the orbit insertion date.
During its cruise to Mars, the spacecraft completed four trajectory correction maneuvers plus an additional maneuver to alter its heliocentric orbital inclination; it also performed self diagnostics on multiple payloads. After payload checkouts, the spacecraft began scientific operations with the Mars Energetic Particle Analyzer, mounted on the orbiter, which transmitted initial data back to ground control.
The lander/rover portion of the mission began its Martian landing attempt on 14 May 2021. About nine minutes after the aeroshell housing the lander/rover combination entered the Martian atmosphere, the lander (carrying the rover) safely touched down in the Utopia Planitia region on Mars. After a period spent conducting system checkouts and other planning activities (including taking engineering images of itself), the lander deployed the Zhurong rover for independent surface operations. This rover is powered by solar panels and will probe the Martian surface with radar and conduct chemical analyses on the soil; it will also look for biomolecules and biosignatures.
From a scientific point of view, the mission must meet five objectives:
Study the geological structure of Mars and that structure's historical evolution. To do this, the probe will analyze topographical data from characteristic regions such as dry riverbeds, the reliefs of volcanoes, glaciers at the poles, areas affected by wind erosion, etc. The two cameras present on the orbiter are dedicated to this objective.
Study the characteristics of both the surface and underground layers of Martian soil, as well as the distribution of water ice. This is the role of the radars present on the orbiter and the rover.
Study the composition and type of rocks on the Martian surface, carbonate minerals present in ancient lakes, rivers, and other landscapes resulting from the past presence of water on the planet, and weathering mineral such as hematites, lamellar silicates, sulphate hydrates and perchlorate. The spectrometers on board the orbiter and the rover as well as the multispectral camera are dedicated to this objective.
Study the internal structure of Mars, its magnetic field, the history of its geological evolution, the internal distribution of its mass, and its gravitational field. The magnetometers as well as the radars present on the orbiter and the rover are dedicated to this objective.
The aims of the mission include searching for evidence of current and past life, producing surface maps, characterizing soil composition and water ice distribution, and examining the Martian atmosphere, particularly its ionosphere.
The mission also serves as a technology demonstration that will be needed for an anticipated Mars sample-return mission proposed for the 2030s.Zhurong will also cache rock and soil samples for retrieval by the later sample-return mission, and the orbiter will make it possible to locate a caching site.
The orbiter's transfer orbit and trajectory correction maneuvers (TCM)
In late 2019, the Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, a subsidiary of CASC, stated that the performance and control of the future spacecraft's propulsion system has been verified and had passed all requisite pre-flight tests, including tests for hovering, hazard avoidance, deceleration and landing. The main component of the lander's propulsion system consists of a single engine that provides 7,500 N (1,700 lbf) of thrust. The spacecraft's supersonic parachute system had also been successfully tested.
CNSA initially focused on the Chryse Planitia and Elysium Mons regions of Mars in its search for possible landing sites. However, in September 2019 during a joint meeting in Geneva, in Switzerland, of the European Planetary Science Congress-Division for Planetary Sciences, the presenters announced that two preliminary sites in the Utopia Planitia region of Mars have instead been chosen for the anticipated landing attempt, with each site having a landing ellipse of approximately 100 by 40 kilometres.
In July 2020, CNSA provided landing coordinates of 110.318° East longitude and 24.748° North latitude, within the southern portion of Utopia Planitia, as the specific primary landing site. The area was chosen for being both of scientific interest and being safe enough for landing attempts. Simulated landings have been performed as part of mission preparations by the Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity.
By 23 January 2020, the Long March 5 Y4 rocket's hydrogen-oxygen engine had completed a 100-seconds test, which was the last engine test prior to the final assembly of the launch vehicle. It successfully launched on 23 July 2020.
Entering Mars orbit
The three Tianwen-1 spacecraft were launched by Long March 5Heavy-lift launch vehicle on 23 July 2020. Having traveled for about seven months, it entered Mars orbit on 10 February 2021 by performing a burn of its engines to slow down just enough to be captured by Mars' gravitational pull. The orbiter spent several months scanning and imaging the surface of Mars to refine the target landing zone for the lander/rover. It approached at about 265 km (165 mi) (periareion, or periapse) to Mars' surface, allowing a high-resolution camera to return images to Earth and to map the landing site in Utopia Planitia, and to prepare for landing.
The landing area selection was based on two major criteria:
Engineering feasibility, including latitude, altitude, slope, surface condition, rock distribution, local wind speed, visibility requirements during the EDL process.
Scientific objectives, including geology, soil structure and water ice distribution, surface elements, mineral, and rock distribution, magnetic field detection.
Three initial areas were selected by the site selection team after a global survey of Mars; the three areas were: Amazonis Planitia, Chryse Planitia, and Utopia Planitia. All three candidate landing areas were between five degrees North and thirty degrees North latitude.
According to the site selection team, Amazonis Planitia was dropped from consideration upon further analysis due to the area's small thermal inertias and the possible presence of thick dust in the region; Chryse Planitia was eliminated next due to its rough terrain in terms of elevations, slopes, crater densities, and rock abundances. Finally, a region measuring approximately 180 km (110 mi) x 70 km (43 mi) in Utopia Planitia and centered on 24°44′53″N110°19′05″E / 24.748°N 110.318°E / 24.748; 110.318 was selected as the primary target for further analysis (a backup target with about the same total area and centered on 26°28′01″N131°37′34″E / 26.467°N 131.626°E / 26.467; 131.626 was also selected at that time.) The target landing regions in Utopia Planitia were favored by the selection team also because they present higher chances of finding evidence for the possible presence of ancient ocean on the northern lowlands of Mars.
The primary target region was further constrained in extent using the high-resolution camera (HiRIC) on board the Tianwen-1 orbiter after it entered Martian orbit in February 2021. The HiRIC camera collected high resolution stereo images of the primary landing region; these images were built into mosaics of varying resolutions (e.g. digital elevation models with a resolution of 5 meters per pixel, and maps for automatic crater detection with a resolution of 0.7 meters per pixel.) The accuracy of some of the HiRIC image results were evaluated by comparing them with images generated by the cameras on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
(a) Hazard index map (5 m/pixel) of the main landing region and candidate landing ellipses 16 and 128; and (b) parameters for the calculation of the hazard indices for candidate ellipses 16 and 128.
Using the HiRIC mosaics, the selection team conducted various terrain analyses on potential candidate landing ellipses within the primary target region in an iterative manner; these analyses included the determination of the candidate ellipse's average slope, the percentage of slope with an angle greater than 8%, average rock abundance, the percentage of area within the candidate ellipse with a rock abundance greater than 10%, and the percentage of cratered area. A 'hazard index' is then distilled from the analyses for each candidate ellipse. Cadidate ellipse 16, with the lowest hazard index, emerged as the paimary target (candidate ellipse 128, with the next lowest hazard index, was the backup). See the following figure produced by the landing selection team intended to illustrate the calculation of the hazard indices for candidate ellipses 16 and 128.
Ellipse 16 was selected for the attempted landing in May 2021; it is centered on 25°07′08″N109°55′50″E / 25.1188°N 109.9305°E / 25.1188; 109.9305 with major and minor axes of 55 km (34 mi) and 22 km (14 mi) respectively (the boundary of the ellipse is defined by a landing probability uncertainty of 3 sigmas); also, the major axis of the landing ellipse is tilted with respect to the Martian north by 1.35 degrees to the west, this is a consequence of the planned orbital descent path. On 14 May 2021 (UTC), the Zhurong rover and its landing platform touched down at 25°03′58″N109°55′30″E / 25.066°N 109.925°E / 25.066; 109.925, at an elevation of −4,099.4 m (−13,449 ft), about 3.1 km (1.9 mi) south of the center of landing ellipse 16.
The two landing site candidates of Tianwen-1 mission are enclosed by red lines on Martian map. The one on the left is located in Chryse Planitia and the one on the right in Utopia Planitia.
EDL sequence of Tianwen-1 lander and Zhurong rover
At 23:18 UTC, on 14 May 2021, the Tianwen-1 lander successfully landed in the preselected landing area in the southern part of the Mars Utopia Planitia. The landing phase began with the release of the protective capsule containing the lander/rover. The capsule made an atmospheric entry followed by a descent phase under parachute, after which the lander used retro-propulsion to soft-land on Mars.
On 19 May 2021, CNSA released for the first time images showing the preparation of the final transfer of the Zhurong rover from the platform of the lander to the Martian soil. The photographs show the solar panels of Zhurong already deployed while Zhurong is still perched on the lander along with two circular windows on the deck under which n-undecane wad stored in 10 containers that absorbs heat and melts during the daytime and solidifies and releases heat at night. The long delay for the publication of the first images is explained by the short periods of time when the Zhurong rover and the orbiter are in radio contact and can effectively communicate and transfer data.
On 11 June 2021, CNSA released the first batch of scientific images from the surface of Mars including a panoramic image taken by Zhurong and a group photo of Zhurong and the Tianwen-1 lander taken by the drop camera. The panoramic image is composed of 24 single shots taken by the NaTeCam before the rover was deployed to the Martian surface. The image reveals that the topography and rock abundance near the landing site was consistent with previous anticipations from the scientist on typical south Utopia Planitia features with small but widespread rocks, white wave patterns, and mud volcanoes.
Exploration of Martian surface
Photo of lander on Mars taken by Zhurong rover
Zhurong selfie with lander, taken by the deployable Tianwen-1 Remote Camera.
On 22 May 2021 (02:40 UTC), the Zhurong rover descended from its lander onto the Martian surface to begin its scientific mission. The first images received on Earth after the rover deployment showed the empty landing platform and the extended rover-descent ramps. During its deployment, the Rover's instrument, Mars Climatic Station, recorded the sound, acting as the second martian sound instrument to record Martian sounds successfully after Mars 2020Perseverance rover's microphones.
The Zhurong rover deployed a drop camera to the surface which was able to photograph both the Zhurong rover and the Tianwen-1 lander.
The Zhurong rover and Tianwen-1 lander (above) as seen by the High Resolution Imaging Camera (HiRIC) of the Tianwen-1 orbiter on 2 June 2021
The Zhurong rover and Tianwen-1 lander (above) as seen by NASA MRO on 6 June 2021
The rover is designed to explore the surface for 90 sols; its height is about 1.85 m (6.1 ft) and it has a mass of about 240 kg (530 lb). After the rover deployment, the orbiter would serve as a telecommunications relay for the rover while continuing to conduct its own orbital observations of Mars.
On 12 July 2021, Zhurong visited the parachute and backshell dropped onto the Martian surface during its landing on 14 May.
From mid-September to late October 2021, both the Tianwen-1 orbiter and Zhurong rover entered safe mode due to a communications blackout around solar conjunction. Both devices were back to active mode after the ending of the blackout.
HiRIC on Tianwen-1 orbiter
To achieve the scientific objectives of the mission, the Tianwen-1 orbiter is equipped with eight scientific instruments, while the Zhurong rover is equipped with six, which include:
The configuration and layout of payloads on board the Tianwen-1 orbiter
Moderate Resolution Imaging Camera (MoRIC) with a resolution of 100 m from a 400 km altitude. It takes color photos in visible band.
High Resolution Imaging Camera (HiRIC) with a resolution of 2.5 m from a 256 km altitude in panchromatic mode, 10 m in color mode.
Mars Orbiter Magnetometer (MOMAG) is used to map Martian magnetic field.
Mars Mineralogical Spectrometer (MMS) utilizes the visible and near infrared imaging spectrometer with detection wavelengths ranging from 0.45 to 3.4 µm to investigate and analyze the Martian surface composition. It also investigate the distribution of regolith types and subsurface structure of Mars.
Mars Orbiter Scientific Investigation Radar (MOSIR) aims to explore the Martian surface and subsurface water-ice by means of the dual-polarization echo characteristics of radar.
Mars Ion and Neutral Particle Analyzer (MINPA) measures the flux of ions in space environment, distinguishes the main ions and obtains their physical parameters such as the density, velocity and temperature.
Mars Energetic Particle Analyzer (MEPA) obtains the energy spectrum, flux and elemental composition of energy electrons, protons, α particles and ions.
Unknown payload, likely the Mars Orbiter Status Monitoring Sensor (MOSMOS), to monitor and evaluate the condition of key components, the Chinese flag and the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics logo on the orbiter. The selfie rod, 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) in weight and 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in) long, is made from shape memory composite material, solar heat makes it extended to working position with two cameras fixed at one end and attached to orbiter on another end along with some degrees of freedom to the arm.
The configuration and layout of payloads on board the Zhurong rover
Mars Rover Penetrating Radar (RoPeR) Ground-penetrating radar (GPR), two frequencies, to image about 100 m (330 ft) below the Martian surface It was one of the two very first ground-penetrating radars deployed on Mars, along with the one equipped by NASA's Perseverance rover launched and landed in same years.
Mars Rover Magnetometer (RoMAG) obtains the fine-scale structures of crustal magnetic field based on mobile measurements on the Martian surface.
Mars Climate Station (MCS) (also MMMI Mars Meteorological Measurement Instrument) measures the temperature, pressure, wind velocity and direction of the surface atmosphere, and a microphone to capture Martian sounds. During rover's deployment, it recorded the sound, acting as the second Martian sound instrument to record Martian sounds successfully after Mars 2020Perseverance rover's microphones.
Multispectral Camera (MSCam) Combined with MarSCoDe, MSCam investigates the mineral components to establish the relationship between Martian surface water environment and secondary mineral types, and to search for historical environmental conditions for the presence of liquid water.
Navigation and Topography Cameras (NaTeCam) With 2048 × 2048 resolution, NaTeCam is used to construct topography maps, extract parameters such as slope, undulation and roughness, investigate geological structures, and conduct comprehensive analysis on the geological structure of the surface parameters.
The lander did not have a scientific payload, but carried a Mars Emergency Beacon designed to survive the force of a catastrophic crash. The beacon would have allowed critical engineering data to be collected to aid future design. The lander also carried the Chinese flag and 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics mascots with it like the orbiter.
Tianwen-1 Deployable Cameras, two secondary Payloads deployed in September 2020 in deep space and 31 December 2021 in Mars orbit respectively, that took photos of and tested a radio connection with Tianwen-1. The first camera's mission was to photograph the Tianwen-1 orbiter and the lander's heat shield while the other one had to image the orbiter and Northern Mars Ice Cap from Mars orbit.
Tianwen-1 Remote Camera, secondary Payload deployed on 1 June 2021 that took photos of and tested a wireless connection with Zhurong rover like the deployable cameras did with orbiter. Its mission was to take a group selfie of the Zhurong rover and the Tianwen-1 lander. The photo was released on 11 June 2021, confirming their Martian landing success.
For their Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument, we have delivered a calibration target that is a French duplicate of a target which is on [NASA's] Curiosity [Mars rover]. The idea is to see how the two datasets compare.
You were brave enough for the challenge, pursued excellence and placed our country in the advanced ranks of planetary exploration. Your outstanding achievement will forever be etched in the memories of the motherland and the people.
The landing of China's spacecraft on the surface of Mars is "a great success" of China's fundamental space research program [and] welcome[d] the resumption of exploration of the planets of the solar system by the leading space powers.
^ ab"我国首次火星探测任务着陆火星取得圆满成功". cnsa.gov.cn (in Chinese). China National Space Administration. 15 May 2021. Archived from the original on 15 May 2021. Retrieved 15 May 2021. 科研团队根据“祝融号”火星车发回遥测信号确认,5月15日7时18
^ ab"天问一号成功着陆火星!" (in Chinese). China News Service. 15 May 2021. Retrieved 19 June 2021.
^ ab"祝融号火星车成功驶上火星表面" [Zhurong rover successfully descended onto the surface of Mars] (in Chinese). Xinhua News Agency. 22 May 2021. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
^ abcZhou, Bin; Shen, Shaoxiang; Ji, Yicai; Lu, Wei; Zhang, Feng; Fang, Guangyou; Su, Yan; Dai, Shun (2016). "The subsurface penetrating radar on the rover of China's Mars 2020 mission". 2016 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). 2016 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Hong Kong, China. pp. 1–4. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2016.7572700. ISBN978-1-5090-5181-6. S2CID306903.
^ ab"科学影像图揭幕,一次性绕着巡!我国首次火星探测任务取得圆满成功" [The scientific image map was unveiled, and it was a one-time tour! my country's first Mars exploration mission was a complete success]. China Space News (in Chinese). 11 June 2021. Retrieved 19 June 2021 – via WeChat. The picture of the "touring group photo" shows the rover traveling about 10 meters south of the landing platform, releasing the separate camera installed at the bottom of the vehicle, and then retreating to the vicinity of the landing platform.
Launches are separated by dots ( • ), payloads by commas ( , ), multiple names for the same satellite by slashes ( / ). Cubesats are smaller. Crewed flights are underlined. Launch failures are marked with the † sign. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are (enclosed in brackets). | aerospace |
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https://theavtimes.com/2014/07/11/foxs-aerospace-tax-credit-bill-signed-into-law/ | 2022-05-19T12:48:23 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662527626.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20220519105247-20220519135247-00677.warc.gz | 0.892603 | 298 | CC-MAIN-2022-21 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-21__0__297991048 | en | SACRAMENTO —Assemblymember Steve Fox (D-Palmdale) announced Thursday that Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 2389, a measure to create and retain aerospace industry jobs in California.
“We have been focusing on economic recovery and job creation,” said Fox. “This tax credit will help California gain and retain high-paying jobs for our people.”
AB 2389 will directly create 1,100 aerospace jobs in California, and will indirectly create 4,782 jobs in supporting fields.
Assemblymember Fox, working in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Business Development, Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), and the aerospace industry developed this credit to specifically help aerospace companies currently bidding on Federal Department of Defense projects.
Assembly District 36 is home to Plant 42, the Mojave Air and Space Port, Edwards Air Force Base, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Space X, Virgin Galactic, and hundreds of other aerospace companies.
Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are the two largest private employers in the district.
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More information is available at www.asmdc.org/fox. | aerospace |
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Probabilistic analysis of aircraft gas turbine disk life and reliability
by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, National Technical Information Service, distributor in [Cleveland, Ohio], Springfield, VA
Written in English
|Statement||Matthew E. Melis, Erwin V. Zaretsky, Richard August.|
|Series||[NASA technical memorandum] -- NASA/TM-1999-107436., NASA technical memorandum -- 107436.|
|Contributions||Zaretsky, Erwin V., August, Richard., NASA Glenn Research Center.|
|The Physical Object|
Orthopaedic implants, as well as other physical systems, contain inherent variability in geometry, material properties, component alignment, and loading conditions. While complex, deterministic fin. “Probabilistic fretting fatigue assessment of aircraft engine disks,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ASME, (7), pp. Enright, M.P., et al. (). “Probabilistic treatment of crack formation and growth for gas turbine engine materials,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ASME, (8.
In the present work, a probabilistic framework for fatigue life prediction and reliability assessment of an engine high pressure turbine disc is proposed to incorporate the effects of load variations and mean stress, which provides a reference for engine structural design under a given target failure by: AbstractFuzzy and probability-box (p-box) variables exit widely in aerospace engineering. To evaluate the reliability of turbine discs under the mixture of these two types of variables and guarantee safety, the critical point lies in how to deal with the fuzzy variables. In this paper, a novel method based on equivalent transformation of entropy and saddlepoint approximation (SPA) is Cited by: 1.
WEIBULL PROBABILITY ANALYSIS A typical scenario that can be adopted to design an aircraft engine for life and reliability is to assume a typical flight (pro-file) cycle and specify a life in flight hours and a reliability for FIGURE 2 Cutaway of E3-engine flight propulsion system (FPS) illustrating its features. (From Davis and Stearns, ). denotes the allowed LCF life of the gas turbine disc. The reliability probability value of the LCF life of gas turbine disc should be greater than or equal to % and the corresponding reliability index is which is obtained by: 1.
Inservice training program for teachers and aides of deaf-blind children, summer 1975, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
The personall reign of Christ upon earth
Department of Mental Health, Bridgewater Treatment Center
An engineers guide to costing.
Employment survey of the tourism industry in Ireland, 1996
Lebanon Community Library
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U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Minnesota
PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS OF AIRCRAFT GAS TURBINE DISK LIFE AND RELIABILITY Matthew E. Melis and Erwin V. Zaretsky National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio and Richard August NYMA, Inc.
Brook Park, Ohio ABSTRACT Two series of low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) test data for two different groups of File Size: 1MB. Probabilistic fatigue-creep life reliability assessment of aircraft turbine disk 7 December | Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.
32, No. 11 Probabilistic failure risk assessment for aeroengine disks considering a transient processCited by: Probabilistic analysis of aircraft gas turbine disk life and reliability (OCoLC) Material Type: Government publication, National government publication: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Matthew E Melis; Erwin V Zaretsky; Richard August; NASA Glenn Research Center.
Damage fraction summation is used to calculate the low cycle fatigue creep life and estimate the reliability assessment of turbine disk of civil aircraft . A control theoretic simulation.
A NASA Glenn Research Center developed probabilistic computer code Probable Cause was used to predict disk life and reliability. A material-life factor A was determined for titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy based upon fatigue disk data and successfully applied to predict the life of the disks as a.
Two series of low cycle fatigue (LCF) test data for two groups of different aircraft gas turbine engine compressor disk geometries were reanalyzed and compared using Weibull statistics.
Both groups of disks were manufactured from titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy. A NASA Glenn Research Center developed probabilistic computer code Probable Cause was used to predict disk life and reliability. The low cycle fatigue of turbine disk coming from the creep and their interaction has a direct influence on life and reliability of an aero engine.
So, in this paper, the finite element analysis fatigue creep on Nickel base super alloy GH turbine disk at °C is computed based on the material properties, load and performance parameter of the low cycle fatigue as a random by: 2.
Life prediction methodology for aircraft gas turbine engine disks. Probabilistic Analysis of Aircraft Gas Turbine Disk Life and Reliability. Matthew E. Melis, Probabilistic analysis of aircraft gas turbine disk life and reliability.
Matthew Melis. A probabilistic Physics of Failure-based framework for fatigue life prediction of aircraft gas turbine discs operating under uncertainty is developed.
On The Application of Probabilistic Methods for Gas Turbine Engines June 11 - 13, APPROACH--For Turbine Disks c_ Test to Failure in Spin Rig 10 Disks Retired for Time Develop Statistical Database for Disk Material For Life Prediction Purposes Apply Statistical Database to Disk Life PredictionAuthor: Jonathan S.
Litt, Sherry Soditus, Robert C. Hendricks, Erwin V. Zaretsky. A probabilistic Physics of Failure-based framework for fatigue life prediction of aircraft gas turbine discs operating under uncertainty is developed.
The framework incorporates the overall uncertainties appearing in a structural integrity assessment. A comprehensive uncertainty quantification (UQ) procedure is presented to quantify multiple types of uncertainty using multiplicative and additive UQ Cited by: Abstract. The second HP turbine rotor blade and disk are the key components of a type of aeroengine, for comparing the value of life consumption of the type of aeroengine in endurance test case with field service case, used finite element method to analyze the simulative steady temperature field and stress field of the second HP turbine rotor blade and : Yongqi Wang, Haibing Zhang, Shenhui Zhang, Tao Qin, Zhide Yu.
Various safety analysis methods have been proposed involving key structural components like engine cylinder heads, aeroengine disks, and aircraft spars.Variable amplitude loads, were considered to simulate the actual complex working conditions of aircrafts during the service period.
All these methods provide effective tool for the safety design of aircraft, and are thus : Shuiting Ding, Ziyao Wang, Tian Qiu, Gong Zhang, Guo Li, Yu Zhou.
Probabilistic analysis of aircraft gas turbine disk life and reliability (OCoLC) Material Type: Document, Government publication, National government publication, Internet resource: Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File: All Authors / Contributors: Matthew E Melis; Erwin V Zaretsky; Richard August; NASA Glenn Research Center.
Application of Probabilistic Sensitivities to Probabilistic Fatigue Analysis of Gas Turbine Engine Disks R. Wesley Osborn*, Harry R. Millwater† University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas A methodology is presented and applied that determines the sensitivities of the probability-of-fracture of a gas turbine disk fatigue Cited by: 2.
Koul, Ashok K., Bhanot, Saurabh, Tiku, Ajay, and Junkin, Brent. "Improving Component Life Prediction Accuracy and Reliability Through Physics Based Prognosis: A Probabilistic Turbine Blade Case Study." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo Power for Land, Sea, and by: 4.
Abstract: Risk and reliability assessment of aircraft gas turbine engines for the evaluation of component failure has received increasing interest in the last few years, fueled by the greater appreciation of stochastic models and the concern for airworthiness issues.
This report reviews the current status of probabilistic methods available for the risk and reliability assessment of gas. Over the past two decades there has been considerable effort by NASA Glenn and others to develop probabilistic codes to predict with reasonable engineering certainty the life and reliability of critical components in rotating machinery and, more specifically, in the rotating sections of airbreathing and rocket engines.
These codes have, to a very limited extent, been verified with relatively Author: Jonathan S. Litt, Sherry Soditus, Robert C. Hendricks, Erwin V. Zaretsky. A methodology is developed and applied that determines the sensitivities of the probability-of-fracture of a gas turbine disk fatigue analysis with respect to the parameters of the probability distributions describing the random variables.
The disk material is subject to initial anomalies, in either low- or high-frequency quantities, such that commonly used materials (titanium, nickel, powder Cited by: the current safe-life approach for low-cycle fatigue design of titanium disks/rotors in aircraft gas turbine engines.
DARWIN is a computer program that integrates finite element stress analysis, fracture mechanics analysis, nondestructive inspection simulation, and probabilistic analysis to assess the risk of rotor failure. It computes the. Fretting fatigue is a random process that continues to be a major source of damage associated with the failure of aircraft gas turbine engine components.
Fretting fatigue is dominated by the fatigue crack growth phase and is strongly dependent on Cited by: Probabilistic analysis of aircraft gas turbine disk life and reliability, (). Probabilistic risk analysis of a cemented hip implant.The Implementation of Probabilistic Methods for Uncertainty Analysis in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Engine Executive Summary DSTO has developed a risk and reliability management capability for mechanical components in . | aerospace |
https://indianmoney.com/news/category/mit | 2019-07-16T07:53:34 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195524517.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20190716075153-20190716101153-00544.warc.gz | 0.938924 | 201 | CC-MAIN-2019-30 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-30__0__24752818 | en | MIT's sensor-packed glove helps AI identify objects by touch
Friday, May 31, 2019, 6:27 PM
MIT researchers have created a "scalable tactile glove" (STAG) that carries over 550 tiny sensors which help AI identify objects through touch alone, for about $10. STAG's system predicted each object's identity on touch alone with up to 76% accuracy when trained on a dataset of 26 objects. It was able to predict most objects' weight within about 60 grams.
First-ever 'Star Trek plane' with no moving parts built
Friday, November 23, 2018, 7:59 PM
MIT scientists have built and flown the first-ever Star Trek-inspired plane with no moving parts, paving the way for quieter, simpler aircraft with no combustion emissions. Instead of propellers, the light aircraft is powered by an "ionic wind" a silent but mighty flow of ions, which generates enough thrust to propel the plane over a sustained, steady flight. | aerospace |
https://smad.com/sprite-mini-lift-vehicle-performance-cost-schedule-projections-first-scorpius-low-cost-launch-vehicles/ | 2024-04-19T06:26:54 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817289.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20240419043820-20240419073820-00857.warc.gz | 0.917976 | 345 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__32359864 | en | Scorpius® is a Microcosm program, under two Phase III Small Business Innovation Research contracts at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate. The Scorpius® program is to develop an entirely new launch vehicle family with the objective of reducing total launch cost by a factor of 5 to 10. This paper reports on status and substantial progress of the program since our last USU update. Specifically, the Sprite Mini-Lift Vehicle is projected to have a first DT&E flight in the first quarter of 2001 and first production flight in the first quarter of 2002. It has a planned payload capability of 440 lb. to low Earth orbit (due east launch). Total cost to orbit of the system is projected at $2 million (FY99$) after 10 launches.
System development has focused initially on smaller suborbital and orbital vehicles, although system level design has been done for vehicles ranging from a small, single engine suborbital, the SR-S, to massive heavy lift vehicles capable of putting 160,000 lb. into low-Earth orbit. The first test vehicle, the SR-S suborbital, was successfully launched at White Sands Missile Range on Jan. 27, 1999 and a larger single stage suborbital is scheduled for launch in late 1999.
Berry, J., R. Conger, and J.R. Wertz, 1999. “The Sprite Mini-Lift Vehicle: Performance, Cost, and Schedule Projections for the First of the Scorpius Low-Cost Launch Vehicles.” Paper No. SSC99-X-7 presented at the 13th AIAA/USU Small Satellite Conference, August 25, 1999. | aerospace |
http://entrance-exam.net/how-to-join-iaf-in-the-flying-branch-after-graduation/ | 2017-04-24T05:21:11 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917119080.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031159-00252-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.929669 | 858 | CC-MAIN-2017-17 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-17__0__230860566 | en | How to join IAF in the flying Branch after Graduation?
As one of the most prestigious wings of the Indian defense service, the Indian Air force, offer career opportunities to people who are interested in the same. A career with the Indian Air Force can be considered as not only challenging but also as lucrative. The details on how to join the Indian Air Force subsequent to the completion of graduation is given below.
Branches Available For the Candidates to Join In the IAF
Aspirants have the chance to join 3 branches in the Air Force. They are:
- Flying Branch
- Technical Branch
- Ground Duty Branches
Training Institutes in India
- Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
- Air Force Administrative College, Coimbatore.
- Air force Training Technical College, Jalahali.
- Airmen Training School (ATS)
- College of Air warfare, Sikandrabad.
- Communications Training Institute
- Electronics Training Institute
- Elementary Flying Training School, Beeder (AP).
- Fighter Training Wing, Hakimpeth.
- Flying Instructors School, Tambaram
- Mechanical Transport Training Institute
- Paratrooper Training School, Agra
- The Administrative Training Institute
- The Electrical And Instrument Training Institute
- Workshop Training Institute
Qualification to Joining the Indian Air Force as Officer
Candidates who join the Combined Defence Services Examination must be graduates with specialization in science. Those students who are going to write their final year paper will also be allowed to sit for the exam. Candidates must be no less than 19 years of age. They should also not be above 23 years of age.
Candidates who are holders of Air Wing Senior division ‘C’ Certificate can join the Air Force. They should also be graduates in any discipline. Those students who have finished their BE or B.Tech course can also apply by this method. The aspirants must not be below 19 years and not above 23 years when they apply.
Candidates who wish to join by the Flying (Pilot) Short Service Commission must be graduates with a background in science. Those students who have finished their graduation from any other discipline are eligible to apply by this procedure too. These students must have passed their higher secondary with a minimum of 60 percent in Mathematics and Physics. The aspirants must be no less than nineteen years when they join and they ought not to be above 25 years. The first two methods of entry can be selected only by men. The third method can be opted by both men and women.
Modes of Entry
There are 3 modes by which a candidate can join the IAF. They are:
- Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
- National Cadet Corps Special Entry ( Through CO NCC Unit / DG NCC )
- Flying (Pilot) Short Service Commission (For Men & women) with Term of Engagement of 14 Years with no further extension
Selection procedure of the IAF
The selection of the students is done by 4 steps. They include:
- Scrutiny of Applications
- Testing Officer Like Qualities
- Conducting of Medical Examinations
- Preparing All India Merit List
The Air Head Quarters will issue instructions to those candidates who pass successfully in all four methods to join the training on the basis of the seats that are available.
- Eligibility Criteria for women to join Indian Air Force
- Procedure to join Indian Air Force after B.Tech
- List of Flying Clubs in India
- How to join IAF as an Officer after Intermediate 10+2?
- How to join IAF in the Technical Branch after Graduation?
- Opportunities in Indian Air Force for girls
- Salary Packages for Air Force Officers
- A glance at Commercial Pilot License
- CPL after 12th
- Career Options in Air Force
- Commercial Pilot – How to become a commercial pilot?
- Indian Air Force, Career in Indian Air Force
- Eligibility Criteria for AFCAT -2013 (for men)
- How to get Commercial Pilot License in India?
- Difference between Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering | aerospace |
http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2006/08/08/midmorning1 | 2013-05-23T14:34:15 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368703334458/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516112214-00022-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.940944 | 160 | CC-MAIN-2013-20 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2013-20__0__31427618 | en | Air traffic controllers' contract in dispute
Twenty-five years ago this August, Ronald Reagan fired 12,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization who went on strike after unsuccessful contract negotiations. The Federal Aviation Administration and air traffic controllers once again can't agree on a new contract. We'll look at the current labor dispute and the 1981 strike that changed labor relations in America.
- John Hansman: Professor of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT where he is head of the Humans and Automation Division . He is also director of the International Center for Air Transportation.
- Joseph McCartin: Associate professor of history at Georgetown University. He's also working on a book about the 1981 strike by more than 12,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization. | aerospace |
https://xpg-alliance.fandom.com/wiki/Group_Survival:_Season_One | 2019-02-18T21:04:07 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-09/segments/1550247488374.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20190218200135-20190218222135-00488.warc.gz | 0.942139 | 82 | CC-MAIN-2019-09 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-09__0__152063161 | en | Group Survival: Season One starts at a space dock where the ship the USS Constitution is preparing to launch with an experimental hyperdrive. The captain, Captain Shack soon authorizes the launch of the ship. Their route was a routine test route but the hyperdrive overloaded, and shot them far from their intended route. Suddenly the hyperdrive exploded blasting dozens of holes in the ship. Captain Shack order and immediate evacuation. | aerospace |
https://naijaroko.com/2018/02/27/chinas-new-hypersonic-plane-could-make-the-beijing-new-york-route-in-2-hours/ | 2018-09-18T19:53:13 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-39/segments/1537267155676.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20180918185612-20180918205612-00211.warc.gz | 0.964622 | 425 | CC-MAIN-2018-39 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-39__0__212280725 | en | A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has tested a hypersonic aircraft in a wind tunnel at speeds ranging from Mach 5 to Mach 7 . The so-called I Plane would only need a “couple of hours” to travel from Beijing to New York. A commercial flight that usually takes at least 14 hours.
As reported by the South China Morning Post , the I Plane’s cargo was about 25% of that of a Boeing 737. Compared with the ability of the Boeing to transport up to 20 tons or 200 passengers, an I Plane of the same size could transport 5 tons or 50 passengers.
Apparently, and as confirmed by a researcher familiar with the project (who remained anonymous), the plane could also be used to transport bombs, explaining that it could be ” something like a heavy hypersonic bomber “.
By the way, China also recently developed hypersonic missiles capable of traveling at speeds over 11,000 km / h. So everything points to the development of I Plane reflects that desire of China to be a leader in the career of hypersonic weapons.
What does the United States think of this? US Captain Harry Harris had already spoken in Congress in February about China, warning that the country was investigating hypersonic technology. Of course, the United States is in the same phase in the search for its own hypersonic projects.
In fact, NASA researchers discovered last year that boron nitride nanotubes could be a material that makes hypersonic air travel more feasible, and could even allow NASA aircraft to cross the country in less than one hour.
In addition, the US Navy is testing hypersonic weapons that could hit anywhere on Earth in one hour, and Lockheed Martin hinted in January that the SR-72 , the successor to the SR-71 Blackbird , is already in development, and that this hypersonic aircraft could be flying by 2030. It seems, therefore, that it is only a matter of time before hypersonic flights and their commercialization become a reality. [ Popular Science ] | aerospace |
https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?o=275&year=2008 | 2021-07-23T15:23:36 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046149929.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20210723143921-20210723173921-00239.warc.gz | 0.867477 | 1,422 | CC-MAIN-2021-31 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-31__0__257412401 | en | Boeing Support and Services
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A China Eastern Airlines (CEA) Boeing (NYSE: BA) Next-Generation 737-700 (http://www.boeing.com/commercial/737family/index.html) today completed a flight...
The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) and International Lease Finance Corp. (ILFC) on Monday celebrated the delivery of the leasing company's 400th Boeing 737...
SEATTLE, May 13, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and International Lease Finance Corp. (ILFC) on Monday celebrated the delivery of the leasing company's 400th Boeing 737 airplane, a...
SEATTLE, May 13, 2008 -- A China Eastern Airlines (CEA) Boeing [NYSE: BA] Next-Generation 737-700 today completed a flight into China's Lijiang Airport to validate the capability and benefits of...
Boeing (NYSE: BA) will webcast on May 21 the presentations given by Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer Jim McNerney, Chief Financial Officer...
ST. LOUIS, May 13, 2008 -- QinetiQ and Boeing [NYSE: BA], leaders of Team ACTIVE (Aircrew Collective Training through Immersive Virtual Events), have successfully linked the U.S. Distributed...
Click image to view Photo Release. ST. LOUIS, May 12, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that the U.S. Air Force has placed the first Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite into operation...
The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) and El Al Israel Airlines have completed an order for four 777-200ERs (Extended Range). The Israeli airline has secured...
Boeing (NYSE: BA) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today began negotiating a new labor contract for more than...
ST. LOUIS, May 08, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] joined the wing assembly and fuselage of the first P-8A Poseidon for the U.S. Navy on May 1 in Renton, Wash. Boeing Integrated Defense Systems (IDS)...
Boeing (NYSE: BA) Chairman, President and CEO Jim McNerney has named Timothy J. Keating senior vice president for Public Policy, effective June 2. He...
ST. LOUIS, May 08, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today dedicated a new test and evaluation facility in Huntington Beach, Calif., that provides the technology and capability to support both...
ST. LOUIS, May 06, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is seeking talented mission operations specialists with current NASA experience in the Houston area in support of its bid for NASA's...
SEATTLE, May 05, 2008 -- The Boeing Company's [NYSE: BA] Global Corporate Citizenship function in the Northwest Region has made a targeted investment of $750,000 in a three-year grant to the...
ST. LOUIS, May 05, 2008 -- A team comprised of The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], the U.S. Army's Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, AMRDEC Aviation Systems Integration Facility, Harris Corp....
BAGHDAD, Iraq, May 05, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Government of Iraq today announced an order for 30 Boeing 737-800 commercial airplanes, the first step in re-establishing that country's...
EVERETT, Wash., May 01, 2008 -- Final assembly began today on the third flight-test airplane for the all-new Boeing [NYSE: BA] 787 Dreamliner. This is the fifth Dreamliner to be loaded into the...
Boeing (NYSE: BA) Chief Financial Officer James Bell will speak at the Merrill Lynch Global Industries Conference on Thursday, May 8, at approximately 7:10...
SEATTLE, April 30, 2008 -- Progress continues on the first Boeing 777 Freighter as the company's newest cargo airplane was towed out of its factory in Everett, Wash. and onto the flight line...
ST. LOUIS, April 30, 2008 -- After a thorough review of Switzerland's requirements for partial replacement of its Tiger fighter aircraft, Boeing [NYSE: BA] has decided not to enter the competition...
KUWAIT CITY, April 30, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and the Australian College of Kuwait have completed a joint vocational training project, satisfying an offset requirement of Kuwait's...
ST. LOUIS, April 29, 2008 – The ScanEagle unmanned aircraft (UA), a joint effort of The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Insitu Inc., this month logged a pair of service milestones as it...
SEATTLE, April 28, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Jakarta-based Lion Air today celebrated the delivery of the airline's 10th Next-Generation 737-900ER (Extended Range) airplane. The...
SEATTLE, April 28, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Museum of Flight (MoF) joined together on April 15 to honor the work of Wong Tsoo, the company's first engineer and an early aviation and...
EVERETT, Wash., April 25, 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE:BA] moved the 787 Dreamliner static test airframe from its Final Assembly facility in Everett to its structural test rig this evening. The test rig... | aerospace |
https://mobileidworld.com/qualcomm-unveils-5g-drone-development-platform-081806/ | 2023-12-01T10:59:36 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100286.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20231201084429-20231201114429-00426.warc.gz | 0.947827 | 496 | CC-MAIN-2023-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-50__0__232976113 | en | Qualcomm is trying to kickstart the development of industrial drone solutions. To that end, the company has unveiled a new drone platform that will enable the creation of drones with 5G and edge AI capabilities.
The Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G platform aims to accelerate development for commercial, enterprise, and industrial drones to help enterprises capture data from drone cameras and process that data at the edge of the network. The reference design for the solution is currently available for presale through ModalAI, and features a Qualcomm QRB5165 processor that can power drones with as many as seven cameras. Those cameras can be used to capture data, or to make sure that the drone doesn’t hit anything while in flight.
The goal, of course, is to turn that data into actionable information. In that regard, Qualcomm believes that the drone platform will have applications in a number of different industries, though it emphasized industrial and manufacturing industries where drones can be used to monitor a large facility that is difficult to patrol manually. That information can then be sent to a local operator (or transferred over a longer distance) through a 5G or Wi-Fi 6 connection.
The drone platform’s AI capabilities, meanwhile, allow the drone to filter some of that information on device. Drones built with the Qualcomm solution can analyze data locally and highlight the most desirable information before sending it, which in turn minimizes the volume of traffic on the network itself.
In terms of specs, the drone platform comes with eight CPUs, a GPU, and a neural processing engine, and it can capture footage in 4K. The partitioning of AI tasks makes the drones more power efficient, and will eventually support the development of fully autonomous drones that can still navigate outside of a human’s line of sight. Qualcomm is also installing a Secure Processing Unit to fend off cybercriminals.
According to Qualcomm, more than 200 robotics and drone companies have already expressed interest in the new drone platform. The company is hoping that the platform will help inform drone technology standards, and help Qualcomm capture a major portion of a drone market that is expected to skyrocket in the next few years. On that front, the number of devices shipped is expected to grow from one million devices shipped in 2021 to as much as 5 million by 2025.
Qualcomm is currently conducting network testing with Verizon. It expects to make the drone platform available through the Verizon Thingspace Marketplace once that process is complete. | aerospace |
https://www.mblisting.com/mig-29-fighter-jets-fuel-tank-dislodges-from-aircraft-mid-air-falls-in-forest-area-in-kolkata-aviation-news/ | 2023-06-06T07:14:25 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224652235.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20230606045924-20230606075924-00221.warc.gz | 0.970335 | 328 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__279830349 | en | An additional fuel tank of a MiG-29 aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) got dislodged during a training session on Monday and fell in a forest area near the Kalaikunda base in West Bengal’s Paschim Medinipur district, a defence official said. There was no loss of life or damage to property as a result of the incident, he said. The MiG-29 aircraft was on a routine training mission.
“While returning to Kalaikunda airbase, ventral drop tank which is used to carry additional fuel got dislodged and fell into an uninhabited forest,” the defence official said.
The drop tank was being brought to the Kalaikunda airbase in coordination with the civil administration, he said. An investigation was started to find out the cause of the incident, the official said.
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Meanwhile, in another update, Indian Air Force (IAF) has grounded the entire fleet of MiG-21 fighter aircraft. According to the IAF, until tests are completed and the causes of the incident over Rajasthan are known, the aircraft will be grounded. The MiG-21, which has a dubious safety record, is the oldest fighter jet still in use in India. Due to the fighter’s numerous collisions over the past five decades, it is also known as the “Flying Coffin” and the “Widow Maker.” | aerospace |
https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/uv-online/lockheeds-indago-3-supports-isr-missions/ | 2022-12-07T20:14:01 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711218.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207185519-20221207215519-00276.warc.gz | 0.922076 | 399 | CC-MAIN-2022-49 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-49__0__295948526 | en | Lockheed Martin enhances Indago UAS
Lockheed Martin has integrated TrellisWare Technologies' MANET software into its enhanced Indago 3 UAS to enable military customers to undertake sensitive intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions securely, the company announced on 8 May.
The latest version of the Indago UAS has improved propulsion technology for reduced noise signature and extended flight time, military-grade encrypted and secure data link, secure and mesh capable video dissemination across multi-node networks; and extended range radio for long distance operation at low-flight altitudes. Its minimal radio frequency footprint is attained by using the TW-600 Ocelot module by TrellisWare.
The UAS, which has a low acoustic and visual signature, is also available in haze grey, which minimises visual detection during missions. Indago 3 has a flight time of up to 50 minutes, a range of 10kms and a cruise speed of 25mph depending on payload, and can operate at temperatures as low as 30-degrees below zero, and as high as 120 degrees.
Weighing less than 5lbs, the manpackable UAS can be unfolded in 60 seconds and airborne in 2.5 minutes.
More from Uncrewed Vehicles
The UK Royal Navy envisages large uncrewed submarines will one day operate alongside their crewed counterparts.
Under the award, Seebye will support the USN’s MK18 UUV family of systems programme.
PESCO said the project would take lessons learned from trials during REPMUS and look to build closer cooperation with industry for further testing of new technologies.
The US Army live-fire test evaluated the performance of the C-UAS system of systems before operational use.
With the Arabian Gulf representing a vast maritime area for crewed vessels to patrol, USVs and UUVs could become the US Navy's eyes and ears in the region. | aerospace |
https://www.aerondrone.com/the-drone-blog-dji-models | 2019-08-25T15:39:47 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027330750.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20190825151521-20190825173521-00420.warc.gz | 0.906701 | 865 | CC-MAIN-2019-35 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-35__0__161429833 | en | The leisure drones
Spark & Trello
The Mavic Pro Platinum features a sleek design and compact body that is both powerful and alluring. A new and improved 30-minute flight time coupled with 60% noise power reduction makes the Mavic Pro Platinum DJI’s best portable drone yet.
Our dream has always been to make a drone that exists where engineering, technology, and the needs of the aerial photographer converge. A drone that embodies all of DJI's advanced, signature technologies, and is able to redefine what is possible for the world of aerial photography.
In creating the Mavic 2, we have made this dream come true.
Standart, Advanced, Pro, 4K, SE
The Phantom 3 SE is the most streamlined addition to the Phantom 3 series yet. It connects to the DJI GO app via Wi-Fi with maximum a video transmission range of up to 2.5 mi (4 km), and it has a 4K video camera. Also, its vision positioning system helps the Phantom 3 SE hover and fly stably indoors or in areas without GPS.
The Phantom 3 Standard also connects to the DJI GO app via Wi-Fi. However, its camera only shoots 2.7K video, its video transmission range is only 0.5 mi (1 km), and it has no vision positioning system.
Standart, Advanced, Pro, V2
The new Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 features an OcuSync HD transmission system, which supports automatic dual-frequency band switching and connects to DJI Goggles wirelessly. Like the Phantom 4 Pro and Advanced, the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 is equipped with a 1-inch 20-megapixel sensor capable of shooting 4K/60fps video and Burst Mode stills at 14 fps. Plus, its FlightAutonomy system includes dual rear vision sensors and infrared sensing systems for a total of 5 directions of obstacle sensing and 4 directions of obstacle avoidance.
Inspire 1 - Pro/Raw & 2
The Inspire 1 was a revelation. The first filmmaking drone in the world to integrate an HD video transmission system, 360° rotating gimbal and a 4K camera,as well as the simplicity of app control. The launches of the Zenmuse X5 and X5R cameras further cemented the Inspire as a critical tool for filmmakers around the globe.
The Inspire 2 takes everything that was good about the Inspire 1 and improves it. The image processing system CineCore2.0 has been upgraded to CineCore2.1,recording video at up to 6K in CinemaDNG/RAW and 5.2K in Apple ProRes when used with Zenmuse X7 camera. It goes from 0 to 50 mph (80 kph) in just 5 seconds andhits a maximum speed of 58 mph (94 kph) and has a max descent speed of 9m/s for unheard of speed and agility in an aircraft this size. A dual battery systemprolongs the flight time to a maximum of 27 minutes (with an X4S), while self-heating technology allows it to fly even in low temperatures.FlightAutonomy has been revised and developed specifically for the Inspire 2, providing two directions of obstacle avoidance and sensor redundancy.Increased intelligence adds multiple intelligent flight modes, including Spotlight Pro, giving even single pilots the ability to create complex, dramatic shots.An upgraded video transmission system is now capable of dual signal frequency and dual channel, streaming video from an onboard FPVcamera and the main camera simultaneously, for better pilot and camera operator collaboration.
AGRAS MG-1P - MG-1 & MG-1S
The Agras MG-1S integrates a number of cutting-edge DJI technologies, including the newA3 Flight Controller, and a Radar Sensing System that provides additional reliability duringflight. The spraying system and flow sensor ensure accurate operations. When used withthe MG Intelligent Operation Planning System and the DJI Agriculture Management Platform,a user can plan operations, manage flights in real-time, and closely monitor aircraft operatingstatus. The MG-1S is a high performance aircraft capable of offering comprehensive solutionsfor agricultural care. | aerospace |
https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-easyjet-idUKBRE95H04520130618?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews | 2017-12-17T06:32:40 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-51/segments/1512948593526.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20171217054825-20171217080825-00697.warc.gz | 0.969247 | 175 | CC-MAIN-2017-51 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-51__0__81667236 | en | LONDON (Reuters) - British budget airline EasyJet Plc said on Tuesday it would expand its fleet with more Airbus jets, with an order for 35 current generation A320 aircraft and 100 new generation A320neo.
The A320 aircraft would be delivered between 2015 and 2017 under an existing agreement, it said, and the next generation aircraft would be delivered between 2017 and 2022 under a new deal.
It said it had also agreed rights to buy up to a further 100 A320neo family aircraft.
Chief executive Carolyn McCall said both Airbus and Boeing competed hard for the easyJet business.
“Ultimately, Airbus offered us the best deal, and at a price with a greater discount to the list price than their landmark fleet purchase with easyJet in 2002,” she said.
Reporting by Paul Sandle; Editing by Neil Maidment | aerospace |
https://www.theregister.com/2018/05/04/nasa_mars_insight_ready_for_launch/ | 2022-06-25T19:17:00 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103036099.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20220625190306-20220625220306-00635.warc.gz | 0.932672 | 596 | CC-MAIN-2022-27 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-27__0__77268093 | en | The Rocky Planet Picture Show: NASA Mars InSight ready for launch
80% chance you won’t see an Atlas V through the California fog
NASA's Mars InSight will launch from California’s Vandenberg airbase tomorrow morning, with the aim of discovering how rocky planets form.
InSight will lift off at 1105 UTC and is intended to be the first mission to peer beneath the Martian surface, studying the planet's interior by measuring its heat output and listening for mars-quakes - seismic events similar to earthquakes on Earth.
The Insight team intend to record up to 100 quakes, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of how similar planets, such as Earth, were formed. The mission will also send a hammer-drill up to five meters into the planet in order to measure heat flow from the interior of Mars. Results from the sensor should give an indication of how energy from within the planet drives changes on the surface.
Officially known as the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, InSight was derived from NASA’s successful Phoenix Lander, which spent six months sat on Mars nearly a decade ago, looking for signs of water in the soil before succumbing to the Martian winter.
The 358kg lander features a robot arm measuring 2.4 metres, which scientists will use to position instruments on the surface, and solar panels able to generate 600 – 700 watts.
Assuming the launch goes well, InSight will arrive at Mars on 26 November and will stay for a full Martian year - until November 2020.
International partners contributed $180m (£133m), with Germany providing the instruments for measuring heat flow and France equipping InSight with the seismic payload.
A two stage Atlas V 401 will send InSight on its way.
Since its first flight in 2002, the Atlas V family of rockets, has suffered just one failure in 2007, when under-performance of the upper stage left two NRO satellites in the wrong orbit (PDF.)
In that instance, both satellites were able to manoeuvre themselves to their intended orbits, but NASA will not have quite the same flexibility with a spacecraft bound for Mars.
Hitching a ride with InSight are two CubeSats, called Mars Cube One. The briefcase-sized spacecraft will test out new deep space communication equipment and, if they survive the journey, could also relay data from InSight as it makes the plunge into the Martian atmosphere.
During a pre-launch briefing, First Lieutenant Kristina Williams of the 30th Space Wing, the Weather Officer for the launch, reckoned that there was an 80 per cent chance that the launch would be shrouded in fog, which would be disappointing for viewers but not a constraint for getting the rocket off the ground.
The launch will be the first NASA interplanetary mission from the US West Coast. ® | aerospace |
https://monch.com/indra-3d-radar-passes-nato-tests/ | 2022-09-29T23:24:15 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335396.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20220929225326-20220930015326-00424.warc.gz | 0.967634 | 219 | CC-MAIN-2022-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-40__0__227623124 | en | Lanza Confirms Capability Against Tactical Ballistic Missiles
Indra has announced that its Lanza 3D deployable air-defence radar has successfully completed a series of tests conducted by NATO to assess its capability against a range of different tactical ballistic missile threats.
The tests were carried out in Guadalajara, at the Radio-Electric Assessment and Analysis Center (CEAR) of Spain’s National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA). A tool developed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to certify and test such systems was used to check the radar’s capabilities. A number of different flight profiles, representing different missile motor characteristics and ballistic trajectories, were run during the tests.
Lanza “delivered highly satisfactory results and demonstrated accurate and continuous target detection and tracking capability during all test flights,” Indra stated. The system will be used by NATO as part of its deployable air command and control component, and is also due to go in to service with several air forces, including those of Spain and the UK. | aerospace |
https://www.tgdaily.com/19434-armada-to-scale-mount-everest/ | 2019-11-15T08:29:03 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-47/segments/1573496668594.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20191115065903-20191115093903-00514.warc.gz | 0.933702 | 227 | CC-MAIN-2019-47 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-47__0__104482653 | en | Three Compaq Armada 7400 Series notebook PCs will accompany a team of scientists who plan to climb Mount Everest.
The climbers are health-science experts who are studying the the challenges of human survival in extreme and remote environments, as part of the Everest Extreme Expedition (E399).
The mission of the six-week expedition is to push the limits of equipment and technology that will accompany astronauts to the International Space Station, as well as to explore approaches to healthcare delivery here on Earth.
The Armada units will be used for tasks such as data compilation, IP videoconferencing, and e-mail.
According to an expedition member, the Armada PCs were tested in a U.S. Army environmental chamber simulating up to 18,000 feet of altitude – which is equal to the base camp of Mount Everest – and down to a temperature of minus-30 degrees F.
The notebook computers reportedly passed “without a hiccup.” Details about the E399 expedition can be found at www.everestextreme99.org.
The team departed for Nepal on April 21st. | aerospace |
https://www.israelandstuff.com/tag/ofir-akunis | 2024-04-25T08:31:53 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297290384.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425063334-20240425093334-00825.warc.gz | 0.900583 | 501 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__187613031 | en | The Venµs, a vegetation & environment monitoring micro-satellite is scheduled to be launched into space from French Guinea in August.
• It’s a collaboration between Israel’s Aerospace Industries, Elbit Systems, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and France’s space agency.
By Ilan Gattegno and Dan Lavie
The construction of Venus, Israel’s first environmental research satellite, has been completed, and it is set to be launched into space this summer.
Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis introduces the Venus – Facebook/Yakov Saar
Venus, a vegetation and environment monitoring micro-satellite, was assembled by the Israel Aerospace Industries in collaboration with CNES, France’s space agency. Continue Reading »
Israel’s Knesset Subcommittee on Space says restarting satellite program must be made a national priority
after the loss of Amos-5 & Amos-6 satellites, leaving Israel with only 2 working communication satellites.
Israel will have only two communications satellites in space in 2017, but it needs to maintain four satellites in orbit, a new report by the Knesset Subcommittee on Space said.
The panel, reporting to the Knesset Science and Technology Committee, was set up following the loss of the Amos-5 and Amos-6 communications satellites.
AMOS 6 explodes Sept. 1, 2016 – YouTube Screenshot
Communications with Amos-5 was lost in November 2015, while Amos-6 was destroyed in Sept. Continue Reading »
British Ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey said, “The UK is proud that more Israeli students & scientists will now be working together with their British peers,” collaborating in bilateral programs.
Hundreds of British and Israeli researchers will benefit from new bilateral programs announced by the British government during UK-Israel Science Day last week.
A woman holds a Union flag umbrella in front of the Big Ben clock tower (R) and the Houses of Parliament in London. – Photo: REUTERS
The Science, Technology and Space Ministry in Jerusalem announced on Monday that the NIS 1.5 million funding will enhance research in water, medicine, agriculture, nanotechnology and other sciences and increase the number of scientists from the two countries who work together; at present, hundreds of researchers are already collaborating in existing bilateral programs. Continue Reading » | aerospace |
https://thetourisminternational.com/2020/01/06/qatar-airways-cargo-has-introduced-its-second-boeing-777-freighter-from-dhaka-to-luxembourg/ | 2023-03-30T20:25:39 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949387.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20230330194843-20230330224843-00571.warc.gz | 0.961665 | 221 | CC-MAIN-2023-14 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-14__0__224105350 | en | The second frequency commenced recently and operates on Mondays, flying non-stop directly from Dhaka to Luxembourg, said a press release.Guillaume Halleux, Chief Officer Cargo said: “We are delighted to launch the second freighter from Dhaka to Europe. The readymade garment (RMG) industry is a major contributor to the economy of Bangladesh and Europe is one of its largest customers.”
Qatar Airways Cargo is the only airline to offer direct freighter services from Dhaka to Europe. The first frequency from Dhaka to Zaragoza was launched in October 2019.
The direct freighter services offer dedicated cargo capacity of 200 tonnes each week from Dhaka to Europe.
The cargo carrier has an export market share of over 20 percent in Bangladesh. It will soon be introducing its fourth belly-hold cargo flight, starting 15 February 2020, adding an additional 20 tonnes of cargo capacity. In addition to the huge cargo capacity, the fourth belly-hold flight will also benefit passengers travelling to and from Dhaka as it offers passengers with an additional frequency to the country. | aerospace |
https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2012/11/29/socialAffairs/Launch-of-Naro-rocket-delayed/2963141.html | 2020-11-29T09:59:19 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141197593.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20201129093434-20201129123434-00070.warc.gz | 0.955038 | 257 | CC-MAIN-2020-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-50__0__89795655 | en | Launch of Naro rocket delayed
NARO SPACE CENTER - South Korea's third attempt to send a space rocket from its own soil was again pushed back Thursday due to problems in the upper second-stage rocket of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1.
When the launch will be possible was to be determined later, according to Cho Yul-rae, vice minister for science and technology.
"Abnormal signals from the thrust vector system of the upper (second) stage rocket of Naro have been detected," he told a press briefing.
Thrust vectoring refers to the ability of an aircraft or rocket to manipulate the direction of the thrust from its engine, and thus control the altitude or angular velocity of the vehicle.
The rocket, also known as the Naro-1, was earlier set to be launched at 4 p.m., but the countdown was halted with less than 17 minutes left before the scheduled launch.
More in Social Affairs
From dentist to lawyer to anticorruption advocator
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As life is upended by the pandemic, inequalities deepen in Korean society | aerospace |
https://www.bostonherald.com/2018/10/12/astronauts-survive-fall-to-earth/ | 2019-05-20T09:42:57 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-22/segments/1558232255837.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20190520081942-20190520103942-00151.warc.gz | 0.958109 | 690 | CC-MAIN-2019-22 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-22__0__1347643 | en | An American astronaut and his Russian counterpart survived an emergency landing after their rocket failed midair during launch and careened back to Earth in the skies above Kazakhstan yesterday morning.
The Soyuz MS-10, a Russian spacecraft, was transporting NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin, when it launched from Kazakhstan. What was expected to be a six-hour flight to the International Space Station was abruptly curtailed when the rocket reached an altitude of approximately 164,000 feet, at the cusp of space. The booster carrying them failed within two minutes of flight, forcing both astronauts to make a “steep ballistic descent,” NASA said.
“It’s like shooting a bullet out of a rifle barrel,” said NASA deputy chief astronaut Reid Wiseman during a press briefing. “It starts slowly spinning … and then the parachute comes out and they land.”
Paulo Lozano, an MIT professor of aeronautics and astronautics and director of the university’s Space Propulsion Laboratory, said the capsule “went down like a free fall. Everything that goes up must come down.”
Wiseman said the astronauts were alerted about one second in advance by a warning light inside the capsule before it was separated from the malfunctioning Soyuz rocket.
The astronauts reported a brief period of weightlessness, then jettisoned back to Earth at a sharper angle than what is normal, putting Hague and Ovchinin under more than six times the force of gravity. Livestream video of the incident show the two astronauts jerked around in the spacecraft before the video feed cut off.
“My heart was beating hard,” Wiseman said when he saw the abort play out in real time. “ ‘I hope they get down safe.’ That was the only thing going through my mind.”
NASA said the incident was the first time a crew has failed to reach orbit after liftoff. More importantly, the incident could have easily been a nightmare for the space program — another Challenger. Instead, the two astronauts landed safely a half-hour later, rescued by the capsule’s “automated abort systems” that “is designed to be effective,” said Kenny Todd, the International Space Station manager.
Lozano agrees. “Soyuz rockets are relatively low in risk and the safety record is astounding,” he said. “We don’t normally pay attention to launches like this because they happen so often. In this case, the protocols in place worked.”
Hague is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force with ties to Boston. In 2000, Hague graduated from MIT with a Master of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. In 2013, he joined NASA’s astronaut corps and is the first member of his class to be assigned to a mission and fly into space, Wiseman said.
New NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine, who watched the launch at the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome along with his Russian counterpart, said Hague and Ovchinin were in good condition. He added that a “thorough investigation into the cause of the incident will be conducted.”
Herald wire services contributed to this report. | aerospace |
https://spaceref.com/press-release/virtuoso-prepares-to-send-passengers-into-sub-orbital-space-as-virgin-galactic-completes-successful-spaceshiptwo-rocket-motor-testing/ | 2022-12-06T02:58:16 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711069.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206024911-20221206054911-00407.warc.gz | 0.933891 | 1,354 | CC-MAIN-2022-49 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-49__0__237059073 | en | - Press Release
- Dec 5, 2022
Virtuoso Prepares to Send Passengers into Sub-orbital Space as Virgin Galactic Completes Successful SpaceShipTwo Rocket Motor Testing
July 20, 2009 will mark the 40th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s historic moonwalk. Having successfully won the race to the moon, the world, and Americans in particular, watched in awe as Armstrong bounded out of Apollo 11 and took the first steps on the moon’s surface. Children everywhere expected their turn would surely come in the not-so-distant future and budding, or at least daydreaming, astronauts were born.
Although a moonwalk is still out of grasp for most, the private sector is making historic progress, itself, as technology to launch passengers into sub-orbital space advances. Virtuoso(R), the leaders in luxury and experiential travel, have teamed up with Virgin Galactic, Sir Richard Branson’s commercial space tourism project, to offer the space experience exclusively to Virtuoso’s clientele throughout the Americas at a cost of $200,000. At present, fewer than 500 people have ventured into space, but Virgin Galactic already has nearly 300 people from 42 countries waiting in the wings, including Virtuoso CEO, Matthew D. Upchurch.
Upchurch is a “Virgin Galactic Founder,” meaning he will be one of the first 84 people to take the ride into sub-orbital space. As he eagerly awaits his 1-in-14 chance to take the first ride – travelers are selected through a lottery process – Upchurch says his reasons for signing up are twofold.
Says Upchurch, “If you’re of a certain generation, you certainly remember the excitement of seeing someone first walk on the moon. Who hasn’t dreamed of taking that step yourself? For me, though, my interest extends beyond a fascination with space to a driving passion to further travel in general for generations to come. Virgin Galactic’s technology has the ability to transform travel as we know it, creating new flight routes that could literally take you half-way around the world in a couple of hours instead of full days and multiple stops. From a scientific standpoint, Galactic will have the ability to carry payload as well, advancing studies at a fraction of the cost or the environmental impact. This is truly an opportunity to help pioneer an industry shift, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the first transatlantic flights.”
Lending support to Upchurch’s comments, Virgin Galactic continues to announce advancements in their program that squarely position them ahead of their competitors. On May 28, 2009, Virgin Galactic announced the successful completion of the first phase of tests of the rocket motor that will propel space tourists, scientists and payloads into space aboard their SpaceShipTwo craft.
In the desert of southern California, Virgin Galactic’s key supplier, Scaled Composites, and its subcontractor, SNC (Sierra Nevada Corporation), successfully completed the first tests of its innovative rocket motor. The hybrid Nitrous Oxide system being used is the largest of its kind in the world and it will send customers into sub-orbital space at speeds over 2500 mph (4000kmh), to heights over 65 miles (110km) above the Earth’s surface, before the spaceship descends back down through the atmosphere using its revolutionary feathered re-entry system.
Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic said, “As Virgin Galactic gets ever closer to the start of commercial operations, we are reaching and passing many important and historic milestones. The Virgin MotherShip (VMS) Eve, the first of our amazing, all carbon composite, high altitude WhiteKnightTwo launch vehicles, is flying superbly. SpaceShipTwo, which will air launch from Eve, is largely constructed and awaiting the start of its own test flight program later this year.”
The rocket motor burns for a very short period of time because the spaceship is launched from VMS Eve in the upper atmosphere, rather than from ground level. This means much less fuel is required, and the fuel burn is more environmentally benign than the solid rockets used in most ground based systems.
While the rocket motor is extremely powerful, it is also completely controllable. This system can – if necessary – be shut down at any time, allowing the spaceship to glide back down to land at a conventional runway. This is a significant feature in the overall safety of the Virgin system for human space flight.
So where does this leave aspiring astronauts? Ever closer to their dream, in fact, as Virgin Galactic looks to start sending passengers in late 2010 or early 2011, depending upon the success of its extensive test flight schedule. For Virtuoso, the excitement continues to build, both for Upchurch who anxiously awaits his turn at seeing the curvature of the earth, and for Virtuoso’s clientele who have “the jump” on everyone else for the out-of-this-world experience.
To view broadcast quality footage of the tests and other Virgin Galactic video and images, please visit
www.virgingalactic.com/press or www.virgingalactic.com/rocketmotor .
Virtuoso(R) is the industry’s leading luxury travel network. This by-invitation-only organization comprises over 300 agencies with more than 6,000 elite travel specialists in 22 countries in North and South America, the Caribbean, Australia and New Zealand, as well as over 1,200 of the world’s best travel providers and premier destinations. The network’s member agencies generate over $5.1 billion annually in travel sales, making the group the most powerful in the luxury travel segment. Their relationships with the finest travel companies provide the network’s affluent clientele with exclusive amenities, rare experiences and privileged access. Virtuoso is the exclusive network of travel services and benefits provided by MasterCard(R) for participating World Elite MasterCard(R) programs. For more information, please visit www.virtuoso.com.
For further press information, please contact:
Virtuoso – Director, Public Relations
Ph: 212.588.8242 or m: 206.484.8022 | aerospace |
https://en.topwar.ru/187141-amerikanskij-palubnyj-bespilotnik-mq-25-stingray-proizvel-dozapravku-istrebitelja-f-35c.html | 2023-12-09T19:28:51 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100942.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20231209170619-20231209200619-00055.warc.gz | 0.945529 | 439 | CC-MAIN-2023-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-50__0__263227246 | en | American carrier-based drone MQ-25 Stingray refueled F-35C fighter
The US Navy continues testing the MQ-25 Stingray carrier-based unmanned tanker. The next stage was the air refueling of the fifth generation F-35C fighter from the US Navy. This is reported by the command fleet.
The tests took place on September 13, the MQ-25 Stingray drone was in the air for about 3 hours. During the tests, the F-35C carrier-based fighter approached drone and joined the boom, after which the ground operator gave the command to transfer fuel. Refueling took place at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters and a speed of 225 knots.
The US Navy Command recognized the tests as successful. Earlier, the drone transferred fuel to the F / A-18 Hornet fighter and refueled the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye early warning aircraft.
Developing the #AirWingoftheFuture- US Navy (@USNavy) September 14, 2021
The #USNavy completed the first aerial refueling of an # F35C Lightning II by the Boeing MQ-25, a broader initiative to field unmanned systems to enhance capability, capacity and lethality. #FlyNavy # MQ25
DETAILS: https://t.co/WG0A8CnWaj pic.twitter.com/K692RT8DlR
According to the Boeing concern, the tests of the MQ-25 Stingray will last for several more months, during which it will be tested in different modes, as well as take off and landing on an aircraft carrier. Next year it is planned to start production, and the first drone MQ-25A the Pentagon intends to enter into service in 2024.
In total, the US Navy plans to purchase 72 Stingray units, allocating a total of about $ 13 billion for their purchase. This will ease the burden on the F / A-18F Super Hornet fleet that refuel other aircraft.
Subscribe and stay up to date with the latest news and the most important events of the day. | aerospace |
http://www.novamuse.ca/Detail/objects/308223 | 2018-12-12T11:08:18 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-51/segments/1544376823817.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20181212091014-20181212112514-00064.warc.gz | 0.887664 | 146 | CC-MAIN-2018-51 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-51__0__263929250 | en | Accession number: 2015.159.1
Object type: Men's
Date: 1950 – 1979
Materials: Polyester, wool
Measurements: 53 cm L x 47 cm W
Description: Flight lieutenant-rank blue military dress jacket. RCAF uniform jacket used for formal occasions. Double-breasted with black colar. Seven buttons down the center for closing. Two stripes on the sleeve indicate the rank. Crest on shoulder indicates flight engineer. Shoulders have Canadian crest v-shaped front and back. Used by Lorne Black (born in Manitoba).
Manufacturer: Hubberlin, Hamilton, Tailored in Canada
History of Use: Used in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a dress uniform | aerospace |
https://piperowner.org/faa-adds-piper-cherokees-to-the-stc-groups-supplemental-type-certificate-for-the-trio-pro-pilot-autopilot/ | 2024-04-14T20:13:12 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296816893.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20240414192536-20240414222536-00873.warc.gz | 0.930325 | 397 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__139496660 | en | On October 20, 2017, the Federal Aviation Administration, Chicago Aircraft Certification Branch, approved the application by the STC Group LLC to add Piper Cherokee PA 28 aircraft to the list of certificated aircraft eligible for installation of the digital, two-axis “Pro Pilot” autopilot.
This approval adds these popular Pipers to the complete line (all models) of Cessna 172s, 175s and 182s approved in connection with The STC Group’s initial STC application. Orders are being taken now for delivery in 3-4 weeks (as soon as parts can be produced.) Further ordering information is available at www.thestcgroup.net.
The certificated version of the Pro Pilot has all of the features at a moderate price that have made it a favorite of the experimental and amateur built aircraft market since it was introduced more than 12 years ago. These features include a control panel easily read in bright daylight (no annoying LCDs), GPS steering, envelope protection (minimum and maximum airspeed limits), G force limits, course tracking, intercepting and paralleling, altitude climb/descend and hold with selectable rate of climb and a potentially life-saving wing leveler and 180 degree turn. The Pro Pilot has unique, smart servos that prevent any type of run-away and incorporate slip clutches that enable low effort manual override of the autopilot.
Over 3,000 of these autopilots are currently in experimental and amateur built aircraft. Since receiving its original STC earlier this year, The STC Group has installed the Trio autopilot in AOPA’s 2017 Sweepstakes Cessna 172 and has sold dozens of autopilots to Cessna 172 and 182 owners.
The STC Group is working on approvals for a long list of other legacy aircraft including Cessna Cardinals, 206s and 210s, the Grumman American fleet, Piper Comanches and Mooneys. | aerospace |
http://www.sawyerairport.com/airline-flight-info.html | 2018-11-14T11:53:40 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-47/segments/1542039741979.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20181114104603-20181114130603-00323.warc.gz | 0.75864 | 223 | CC-MAIN-2018-47 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-47__0__218868885 | en | Airline & Flight Information
Delayed Baggage: 1-800-535-5225
Automatic Flight Information: 1-800-223-5436
Customer Relations: 1-800-433-7300
American Airlines proudly operated by Envoy serves Marquette with non-stop service to Chicago O'Hare on a CRJ-700 regional jet aircraft with First Class and Economy Class service available.
Delta Air Lines
Delayed Baggage: 1-800-325-8224
Automatic Flight Information: Please visit www.delta.com
Customer Relations: 1-800-221-1212
Hubs Served: Detroit Metro and Minneapolis/St. Paul
Delta Air Lines proudly operated by Skywest Airline serves Marquette with daily non-stop service to Minneapolis/St. Paul and Detroit Metro on a Canadair Regional Jet Aircraft (50-seat capacity).
UP North Airways
Upper Midwest and Beyond!
All flights, aircraft and flight crews are managed and operated by UP North Airways, FAA Air Carrier Certificate: 9UPA415N | aerospace |
https://salwanjuniorschool.com/exploring-beyond-the-stars-a-glimpse-into-space-exploration/ | 2024-02-29T12:57:04 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00232.warc.gz | 0.930786 | 228 | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-10__0__76768667 | en | “The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, but queerer than we can imagine.”
On Thursday, August 24, 2023, an engaging session on space exploration captivated the engaging attention of the students of classes IV and V. During the week of Chandrayaan-3 landing, students were engrossed in the significance of space exploration through imaginative storytelling, igniting their curiosity about the cosmos. These activities provided impetus into their knowledge and watching the landing live, made the learning process even more stronger in the impressionable minds.
A young, enthusiastic student A. Rehan of class V-B from Salwan Junior School, Naraina showcased his passion for space exploration by creating an informative video on the Chandrayaan mission, inspiring others with their curiosity and knowledge.
Shivansh Gosh, V-A a talented young child’s video on the Chandrayaan mission not only impressed viewers with their knowledge but also gained recognition when the organisation: Adobe India shared the same on their Twitter platform, highlighting the power of igniting curiosity and scientific temperament in the youth of today. | aerospace |
http://projecterebus.weebly.com/blog/it-doesnt-always-go-to-plane | 2019-05-19T14:29:45 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-22/segments/1558232254889.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20190519141556-20190519163556-00164.warc.gz | 0.974514 | 519 | CC-MAIN-2019-22 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-22__0__88715890 | en | There was a little time between Christmas and New Year when it was possible to nip out for a test flight of a new trainer plane.
The trainer is exactly as it sounds: a plane to aid the training of new pilots. This would potentially help both of us (Tom M and Tom A) to be able to fly and aid the training of others who wanted to invest in their very own bat drones (we're not aiming to sell anything but we can help people with building aircraft or provide advice on what to buy).
It's worth pointing out that we would always recommend that people start out with a simulator on a computer and then move onto a trainer plane. The first plane that we flew, the Bix 3, is actually a trainer. Check out one of our first blog posts here to see more about it.
There was a little spare foamboard left over after the build of the Mark 3 plane so we thought it would be useful to build a trainer aircraft with it.
The maiden flight of the plane was successful in that the plane landed in one piece. However, the weight of the plane is quite high relative to the wing area leading to a high wing loading and therefore relatively high cruise speed. This doesn't make for a perfect trainer and a lighter plane would be more desirable (either bought or built).
The design used was one from experimental airlines on Youtube; have a look at their channel here if you're interested. It was discovered recently that the foam we're using is circa 2.5x heavier than the foam experimental airlines uses which has lead to heavier than expected aircraft.
There's not many photos of the completed plane unfortunately so here's one of the better ones:
And, getting to the bit where it all went wrong, take a look at the video below:
So at least we know what the issue was and have learnt a lesson or two.
For a trainer we'll probably fix up one of the Bix 3's that we've been using as these are light and fly well.
When building further aircraft we'll use lighter foamboard. There's some available on Hobby King which is even lighter than the experimental airlines foamboard so this seems like a good option.
And finally, we'll not fly too far away from our transmitter without an autopilot failsafe in place! The flight controller for this plane doesn't have the ability to return to launch so this was not an option in this case.
Next up, we'll be test flying a new airframe - the Talon! Watch this space.... | aerospace |
http://www.alaskapublic.org/2014/01/03/era-alaska-renames-itself-ravn-alaska/ | 2020-10-31T08:30:03 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107916776.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20201031062721-20201031092721-00074.warc.gz | 0.946831 | 125 | CC-MAIN-2020-45 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2020-45__0__123598516 | en | A regional air carrier in Alaska is undergoing a name change.
Era Alaska says in a Thursday release that it will rename itself Ravn Alaska.
Other airlines in the company also will get new names. Era Aviation will become Corvus Airlines. Hageland Aviation and Frontier Flying Service will now be known as Ravn Connect.
The company says the change is to decrease confusion and distinguish the airline from others in the industry that also carry Era in their names.
The new names will be phased in over the next few months.
The company says it provides daily passenger and cargo flights to nearly 100 Alaska communities. | aerospace |
https://www.netairspace.cc/onthisday/year/1909?sid=7ffd3499580c1ae9fb612f9186b66594 | 2022-05-18T14:03:07 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662522270.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518115411-20220518145411-00709.warc.gz | 0.929658 | 1,835 | CC-MAIN-2022-21 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-21__0__187561995 | en | Wilbur Wright, his brother Orville and sister Katharine, having just arrived from America, move to Pau in the south of France after completing flying demonstrations at Camp d’Auvers.
The first book to treat the work and accomplishments of the Wright brothers, Les Premiers Hommes-Oiseaux: Wilbur et Orville Wright, is written by François Peyrey (1873-1934) and published in France.
The first flight of the French Bleriot XI, one of the most successful monoplanes designed and built before World War I, is made.
An important pioneer in developing aviation in New Zealand, Vivian C. Walsh pilots a Howard-Wright biplane on what is generally considered the first flight in New Zealand by a powered airplane.
John A. McCurdy flies the Aerial Experimental Association’s Silver Dart biplane 40 feet over the frozen Bras d’Or lake at Baddeck Bay – the first flight of a heavier-than-air machine in Canada.
President William Howard Taft approves Congressional Gold Medals for the Wright brothers.
The International Aero and Motor-Boat Exhibition opens in London. Among the exhibits is a Wright airplane for sale at $7,000.
The Wright brothers found a school in the USA to train pilots for exhibition flights. The first pupil is a childhood friend, Walter Brookins, 21, from Dayton. Because Dayton’s weather is not good enough, Orville Wright sets up the school at Montgomery, Alabama, where winds are generally light.
The first machine wholly designed by Anglo-French air pioneer Henry Farman takes to the air at Bouy, France. Called either the Henry Farman III or, because it represents a new departure, the HF1, the biplane is the first aircraft to incorporate practical ailerons attached to the trailing edges of the wings.
A crowd at the Centocelle Field, Rome, Italy, sees Wilbur Wright make a 10-minute flight in which he reaches an altitude of 98 feet.
Wilbur Wright makes five flights in Centocelle, Italy with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy present. During one flight, a Universal News Agency cameraman accompanies him and takes the first motion pictures from an airplane in flight.
Samuel Cody makes the first powered airplane flight of more than one mile in Britain. He flies the British Army Aeroplane No.1 from Laffans Planin to Danger Hill in Hampshire at average height of 30 ft.
John Berry and Paul McCullough win the U.S.’s first National Balloon Race, covering 377.9 miles – from Indianapolis, Indiana to Fort Payne, Alabama – in 25 hours 35 minutes.
The first monoplane flight of over one hour is made by Englishman Hubert Latham on the Antoinette IV for one hour, seven minutes, 37 seconds.
Louis Blériot flies his Blériot XII monoplane at Issy-les-Moulineaux with two passengers, Alberto Santos-Dumont and André Fournier. This is the first time a pilot has flown with two passengers.
A two-day celebration in Dayton, Ohio marks the homecoming of the Wrights.
Wykoff, Church and Partridge, a car sales firm, becomes the USA’s first airplane sales agency.
The first commercial sale of an airplane in the United States is made as Glenn H. Curtiss sells one of his planes to the Aeronautic Society of New York for $7,500. This action spurs the Wright brothers to begin a patent suit to prevent him from selling airplanes without a license.
Three New York Papers (the Sun, Times and Herald) carry the world’s first advertisements of a practical airplane for sale to the general public.
In opening demonstration flights before the U.S. Army at Fort Myer, Virginia, Orville Wright makes the first flight with the new Wright A built to replace the one destroyed in September 1908.
If brief hops by Alliott Verdon Roe on June 8, 1908 are discounted, the first flight made by an Englishman in an English airplane takes place when Roe flies his Roe I triplane for the first time at Lea Marsches in Essex. He flies only 100 ft., but on July 23 he extends the distance to some 900 ft. off the ground.
The first international Zeppelin (airship) show is held in Frankfurt, Germany.
Louis Blériot of France, who flies his Blériot No.XI monoplane from Les Baraques to Dover, England in 37 minutes, makes the first airplane crossing of the English Channel. The event increases public and government awareness of the possible military aspects of the airplane.
Van den Schkrouff makes the first flight in Russia in a Voisin biplane at Odessa.
Orville Wright makes the first official test flight of the U.S. Army’s first airplane in Fort Meyer, Virginia. President William Howard Taft, his cabinet, and 10,000 spectators witness the flight.
Georges Legagneux makes the first airplane flight in Sweden in his Voisin biplane in Stockholm.
The Rinji Gunyo Kikyu Kenkyu Kai (Provisional Committee for Military Balloon Research) is formed in Japan.
The first flying machine purchased and put into service by a government is the Wright Flyer. The US Army accepts its first airplane and pays the Wrights $25,000, plus a $5,000 bonus, because the machine exceeded the speed requirement of 40 mph.
The first woman passenger to fly in a powered airplane in Great Britain is the wife of Samuel F. Cody. She is taken for a 3-minute flight from the Royal Engineers Balloon Factory at Farnborough in Cody’s British Army Aeroplane No.1.
The first great aviation meeting in Bétheny, France, opens as 23 European airplanes make 87 flights during one week. The meeting will have a strong influence on the technical and military aspects of flight.
At the end of a two-day flight from Lake Constance during which Count von Zeppelin travels a total distance of more than 400 miles, he makes a spectacular flight in his dirigible LZ5 over the city of Berlin, Germany.
The U.S. Army's 1st "aerodrome", an airfield or airport, is established in College Park, Maryland.
More than a million New Yorkers watch as Wilbur Wright makes a flight along the Hudson River.
Glenn Curtiss becomes the 1st American to hold an FAI airplane certificate.
German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin forms the world’s 1st commercial airline.
Charles Comte de Lambert, Wilbur Wright’s 1st aviation pupil, flies around the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Mrs. Ralph van Denman flies for four minutes with Wilbur Wright at College Park, Maryland, becoming the U.S.'s 1st female passenger.
Claude Moore-Brabazon wins a £1,000 prize offered by the Daily Mail for a circular flight of one mile.
Wright Company is incorporated with a capital stock of $1,000,000. Formed to manufacture airplanes, the company’s president is Wilbur Wright and his brother Orville is the vice president.
George Taylor makes the first manned glider flight in Australia in a glider of his own design. He eventually makes a total of 29 flights at Narrabeen Beach in New South Wales.
American Dr. Henry W. Walden makes the first flight with his triplane known as the Walden III. It is powered by a three-cylinder, 22-HP Anzani engine and takes off from Mineola, Long Island, N.Y.
Two men become the first Australians to fly from Great Britain to Australia direct. Cruising along as an average speed of 83mph, it only took them 135 hours for the 11,340-mile trip. They purportedly ran out of Terra chips in the second hour. | aerospace |
https://in.news.yahoo.com/flying-fortresses-worlds-leaders-travel-075410534.html | 2019-03-25T13:06:34 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-13/segments/1552912203947.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20190325112917-20190325134917-00301.warc.gz | 0.974037 | 1,525 | CC-MAIN-2019-13 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2019-13__0__202816733 | en | With their jet-setting lifestyles and high powered trips, the world’s leaders are known for their penchant for travelling in style. While some may rely on just one type of aircraft, others may have multiple aircraft and modes of transportation that they use while travelling around the world. We take a look at the powerful, and luxurious, forms of transport that the world’s leaders use for travelling:
North Korea: North Korean leader Kim Jong recently made his first international trip after assuming power when he visited China in his official green, heavily armoured train. While his trip to Beijing was kept a secret and was only announced after he left the country, the presence of the green train at the station led to much speculation.
The ubiquitous dark green train, with golden piping, has been used by Kim Jong’s father and grandfather. Kim Jong Il, the father of the current president, hated to fly, and was known to use his train to travel around North Korea and abroad, usually to China. He was also known to deck the train for lavish parties, with lots of exclusive food and alcohol, and karaoke. The train is also designed to avoid interception by US spy satellites and has a mobile office.
The United States of America: The official air traffic control sign for an aircraft carrying the President of the United States is the Air Force One, which is among the most powerful aircraft in the world. Currently, the Air Force One refers to one of two highly customised Being 747-200B series aircraft, which are capable of refuelling midair and have unlimited range. The aircraft has 4000sq feet of space, spread across three levels. It is fitted with a Presidential suite which boasts of a large office, lavatory and a conference room. Airforce One also has a doctor on board and a medical suite where emergency surgeries can be performed.
While former President Barrack Obama used Air Force One for all his trips, President Donald Trump has his own private jet – a Boeing 757-200, which is informally called Trump Force One. The jet is equipped with seating for 24, winglets, a master bedroom, bidets, galley, dining room, conference room and multiple lavatories. However, Trump mostly uses the Air Force One for his official travels. The White House had also placed an order for two refrigerators to replace the current ones for the aircraft, which is expected to cost the country’s taxpayers nearly USD 24 million.
United Kingdom: The British Government inducted the Royal Air Force Airbus Voyager to carry its VIP Government officials, including the Prime Minister, and the Royal Family. The Voyager fleet is typically used for the purpose of mid-air refuelling, however, the official one has been refitted at a cost of GBP 10 million. According to Air Charter Service, May’s aircraft holds the record for the aircraft with the highest capacity – that of 160 people. The redone aircraft has a small VIP area with two chairs, apart from 58 business class seats for accompanying officials and 100 seats in the economy class for journalists. The aircraft also has missile defence systems. Till 2016, British heads of state and VIPs used to travel on chartered and commercial flights.
The Royal family travels in a more luxurious manner. They have the Royal Helicopter and a Royal train at their disposal. The Royal Train, which has been a part of the family for 150 years, is used by the Queen and the Royal family while travelling across the UK. The train is fitted with sleeping quarters, bathroom, a sitting room, a kitchen and comes with the Queen’s personal chef and railway steward.
India: Despite all the problems Air India has been going through, our leaders are loyal to the airline and use it for all their international trips. The Air India One is the call sign for any aircraft that the Prime Minister or President of India travels in. PM Narendra Modi has used the Boeing 747 extensively for his trips abroad. The aircraft is equipped with a bedroom, a conference room, a satellite phone, fax, internet and everything else that is needed to make it a functional office. The aircraft is divided into three sections – the first class seating for the cabinet ministers and senior officials, the VVIP suite for the PM, and the business section for the media. Modi, however, has been quite restrictive when it comes to the media and usually does not allow them onboard.
Saudi Arabia: The Saudi Arabian king, Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud, is known for his love of the luxurious, opulent life. For all his travels abroad, the King is known to take an entourage of close to a 1,000 people, a fleet of luxury cars, luxury carpets and even his own furniture. The luxury private plane carrying the King is equipped with a golden escalator instead of stairs, for the King to descend. The internet was flooded with jokes recently when the King’s escalator stopped working mid-way, while during a trip to Russia, and he was forced to walk the rest of the way down.
Kuwait: US President Donald Trump reportedly expressed his displeasure over the fact that the private jet of the Emir of Kuwait, Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, was larger than his. Whether he was referring to the Airforce One or his own private jet, is still clear, however, the Emir of the oil-rich state is the owner of one of the biggest VIP jets among leaders of states. The Emir flies on a Boeing 747 aircraft which is 250 feet long and is equipped with military defence equipment, to ward off any potential attacks.
Russia: According to a global comparative analysis by Air Charter Service, Russian President Vladimir Putin has the largest fleet of aircraft at his disposal – the Russian Aerospace Forces’ special squad has 68 aeroplanes and 64 helicopters at its disposal. Putin travels with a fleet of four identical aircraft during every trip, so that no one will be able to figure out which one he is in. The aircraft also has its own jamming system, disorienting radars and anti-aircraft defence system. Putin’s IL-96-300PU is 65 metres long, with a wingspan which exceeds 65 metres.
Brunei: Among the world’s richest people, the Sultan of Brunei is the owner of a Boeing 747, nicknamed the ‘Flying Palace’, that he bought from Lufthansa and pilots himself. According to the Air Charter Service, the Sultan spent an additional USD 100,000,000 to get it reconstructed and modernised. The cabin is uber-luxurious and is fitted with precious metals, gems and wood. While the basic model is capable of flying 12,500 kilometres, the Royal aircraft has a non-stop flight range of 15,000 kilometres.
China: The President of the People’s Republic of China has the distinction of travelling modestly. President Xi Jinping does not own a personal aircraft, and instead uses either of the two Boeing 747-400’s that belong to Air China. These aircraft, when not is official use, are used for commercial purposes as well. Whenever the President needs to travel the aircraft is scrutinised and sent for refitting. Some of the seats are then removed and a living room, a bedroom and an office are fitted inside. Once the President completes his journey, the plane is returned to Air China and converted back to its original state. | aerospace |
https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1981/12/04/sgt-albert-conners/9609560f-1d13-4ead-990e-e44d0510afd6/ | 2018-10-17T22:54:06 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-43/segments/1539583511314.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20181017220358-20181018001858-00318.warc.gz | 0.971464 | 295 | CC-MAIN-2018-43 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-43__0__223489084 | en | Retired Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Albert J. Conners, 51, a lobbyist for the Air Force Sergeants Association in Marlow Heights and the author of two handbooks for veterans' legislative groups, died Sunday at Physicians Memorial Hospital in La Plata, Md., after a heart attack. He lived in Bowie.
Sgt. Conners, who joined the association's staff in 1975 as deputy for state legislation, was credited with helping develop the organiztion's lobbying system throughout the country. He was a charter member of the American League of Lobbyists.
Born in Baltimore, he entered the Army Air Force at age 16 and later transferred to the Air Force. He did several tours as an administrative officer in South America. He was senior enlisted adviser at the Air Force Headquarters Command at Bolling Air Force Base here when he retired from active duty in 1975.
In 1962, Sgt. Conners was chosen as the command's outstanding airman of the year.
He was a member of Oxon Hill Post No. 248 of the American Legion.
Survivors include his wife, Idona, and two sons, Wayne and Troy, all of Bowie; two other sons, Albert J. Jr., of Glen Burnie, and Donald L., of Galesburg, Ill.; a daughter, Pamela Conners Rubin of Columbia, Md., and two half-brothers, Donald and Dennis Conners, both of Dundalk, Md. | aerospace |
https://aerials.jonhope.com/blog/2015/10/helicopters-vs-drones | 2023-12-08T03:18:52 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100710.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20231208013411-20231208043411-00490.warc.gz | 0.955046 | 119 | CC-MAIN-2023-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-50__0__104858254 | en | Helicopters vs. Drones
October 19, 2015 • Leave a Comment
I took part in a discussion on the pros and cons of using a helicopter or drone for aerial photography which was featured on Zenfolio's blog page.
Olympic photographer Jeff Cable made some good points and has some cool aerial photography and video that is very different from what I can get from a helicopter. Maybe there is room for a DJI Phantom or Inspire in my camera kit after all. Yet another thing to try and fly !
Check out the complete post here
No comments posted. | aerospace |
http://fds.duke.edu/db/pratt/mems/faculty/demant/publications/60053 | 2017-04-30T09:11:43 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917124478.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031204-00187-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz | 0.86113 | 182 | CC-MAIN-2017-17 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2017-17__0__233842915 | en | - Tang, D. M. and Dowell, Earl H., EFFECTS OF NONLINEAR DAMPING IN LANDING GEAR ON HELICOPTER LIMIT CYCLE RESPONSE IN GROUND RESONANCE.,
Journal of the American Helicopter Society, vol. 32 no. 1
pp. 45 - 53 .
(last updated on 2007/04/10)
An approximate theoretical method is presented which predicts the limit cycle behavior of a simplified helicopter model in ground resonance, considering the effects of one or two nonlinear dampers in the landing gear. The relationship between lagging motion of the blades and fuselage motion during ground resonance is discussed. The theoretical predictions agree reasonably well with experimental results obtained for three model configurations selected to provide physical understanding of the dynamic phenomena involved.
VIBRATIONS - Damping;AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR - Design; | aerospace |
https://flight-study.com/helicopter-stability-augmentations-and-environmental-systems/ | 2024-04-21T13:40:41 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296817780.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20240421132819-20240421162819-00036.warc.gz | 0.934109 | 1,488 | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-18__0__146265614 | en | Some helicopters incorporate a stability augmentation system (SAS) to help stabilize the helicopter in flight and in a hover. The original purpose and design allowed decreased pilot work load and lessened fatigue. It allowed pilots to place an aircraft at a set attitude to accomplish other tasks or simply stabilize the aircraft for long cross-country flights.
Force trim was a passive system that simply held the cyclic in a position that gave a control force to transitioning airplane pilots who had become accustomed to such control forces. The system uses a magnetic clutch and springs to hold the cyclic control in the position where it was released. The system does not use sensor-based data to make corrections, but rather is used by the pilot to “hold” the cyclic in a desired position. The most basic versions only applies to the cyclic requiring the pilot to continue power and tail rotor inputs. With the force trim on or in use, the pilot can override the system by disengaging the system through the use of a force trim release button or, with greater resistance, can physically manipulate the controls. Some recent basic systems are referred to as attitude retention systems.
Active Augmentation Systems
Actual systems use electric actuators that provide input to the hydraulic servos. These servos receive control commands from a computer that senses external environmental inputs, such as wind and turbulence. SAS complexity varies by manufacturer, but can be as sophisticated as providing three axis stability. That is, computer based inputs adjust attitude, power and aircraft trim for a more stabilized flight.
Once engaged by the pilot, these systems use a multitude of sensors from stabilized gyros to electro-mechanical actuators that provide instantaneous inputs to all flight controls without pilot assistance. As with any other SAS, it may be overridden or disconnected by the pilot at any time. Helicopters with complex Automatic Flight Control Systems (AFCS) and autopilots normally have a trim switch referred to as “beeper trim” or a “coolie hat.” This switch is used when minor changes to the trim setting are desired.
Stability augmentation systems reduce pilot workload by improving basic aircraft control harmony and decreasing disturbances. These systems are very useful when the pilot is required to perform other duties, such as sling loading and search-and-rescue operations. Other inputs such as heading, speed, altitude, and navigation information may be supplied to the computer to form a complete autopilot system.
Helicopter autopilot systems are similar to stability augmentation systems, but they have additional features. An autopilot can actually fly the helicopter and perform certain functions selected by the pilot. These functions depend on the type of autopilot and systems installed in the helicopter.
The most common functions are altitude and heading hold. Some more advanced systems include a vertical speed or indicated airspeed (IAS) hold mode, where a constant rate of climb/descent or IAS is maintained by the autopilot. Some autopilots have navigation capabilities, such as very high frequency (VHF) OmniRange Navigation System (VOR), Instrument Landing System (ILS), and global positioning system (GPS) intercept and tracking, which is especially useful in instrument flight rules (IFR) conditions. This is referred to as a coupled system. An additional component, called a flight director (FD), may also be installed. The FD provides visual guidance cues to the pilot to fly selected lateral and vertical modes of operation. The most advanced autopilots can fly an instrument approach to a hover without any additional pilot input once the initial functions have been selected.
The autopilot system consists of electric actuators or servos connected to the flight controls. The number and location of these servos depends on the type of system installed. A twoaxis autopilot controls the helicopter in pitch and roll; one servo controls fore and aft cyclic, and another controls left and right cyclic. A three-axis autopilot has an additional servo connected to the antitorque pedals and controls the helicopter in yaw. A four-axis system uses a fourth servo which controls the collective. These servos move the respective flight controls when they receive control commands from a central computer. This computer receives data input from the flight instruments for attitude reference and from the navigation equipment for navigation and tracking reference. An autopilot has a control panel in the cockpit that allows the pilot to select the desired functions, as well as engage the autopilot.
For safety purposes, an automatic disengagement feature is usually included which automatically disconnects the autopilot in heavy turbulence or when extreme flight attitudes are reached. Even though all autopilots can be overridden by the pilot, there is also an autopilot disengagement button located on the cyclic or collective which allows pilots to completely disengage the autopilot without removing their hands from the controls. Because autopilot systems and installations differ from one helicopter to another, it is very important to refer to the autopilot operating procedures located in the RFM.
Heating and cooling the helicopter cabin can be accomplished in different ways. The simplest form of cooling is by ram air. Air ducts in the front or sides of the helicopter are opened or closed by the pilot to let ram air into the cabin. This system is limited as it requires forward airspeed to provide airflow and also depends on the temperature of the outside air. Air conditioning provides better cooling but it is more complex and weighs more than a ram air system.
One of the simplest methods of cooling a helicopter is to remove the doors allowing air to flow through the cockpit and engine compartments. Care must be taken to properly store the doors whether in a designed door holding rack in a hangar or if it is necessary to carry them in the helicopter. When storing the doors, care must be taken to not scratch the windows. Special attention should be paid to ensuring that all seat belt cushions and any other loose items are stored away to prevent ingestion into the main or tail rotor. When reattaching the doors, proper care must be taken to ensure that they are fully secured and closed.
Air conditioners or heat exchanges can be fitted to the helicopter as well. They operate by drawing bleed air from the compressor, passing it through the heart exchanger and then releasing it into the cabin. As the compressed air is released, the expansion absorbs heat and cools the cabin. The disadvantage of this type of system is that power is required to compress the air or gas for the cooling function, thus robbing the engine of some of its capability. Some systems are restricted from use during takeoff and landings.
Piston-powered helicopters use a heat exchanger shroud around the exhaust manifold to provide cabin heat. Outside air is piped to the shroud and the hot exhaust manifold heats the air, which is then blown into the cockpit. This warm air is heated by the exhaust manifold but is not exhaust gas. Turbine helicopters use a bleed air system for heat. Bleed air is hot, compressed, discharge air from the engine compressor. Hot air is ducted from the compressor to the bleed air heater assembly where it is combined with ambient air through and induction port mounted to the fuselage. The amount of heat delivered to the helicopter cabin is regulated by a pilot controlled bleed air mixing valve. | aerospace |
https://dronedirectory.s3.amazonaws.com/California/Where-Can-You-Buy-Drones-Visalia-CA-93279.html | 2021-06-15T03:02:50 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487616657.20/warc/CC-MAIN-20210615022806-20210615052806-00601.warc.gz | 0.923228 | 785 | CC-MAIN-2021-25 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2021-25__0__148567507 | en | Where Can You Buy Drones for Dummies Visalia California 93279
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https://www.emergenresearch.com/press-release/global-aircraft-generator-market | 2023-12-08T00:00:39 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100705.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20231207221604-20231208011604-00462.warc.gz | 0.9239 | 921 | CC-MAIN-2023-50 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-50__0__278524869 | en | Aircraft Generator Market Size Worth USD 10.46 Billion in 2032
Rapid adoption of aircraft generators in manufacturing of commercial and fighter aircraft is a major factor driving market revenue growth
Market Size – USD 5.20 Billion in 2022, Market Growth – at a CAGR of 7.2%, Market Trends –Rapid procurement of aircraft generators in aircraft modernization
Vancouver, B.C., May 09, 2023 - The global aircraft generator market size was USD 5.20 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a steady revenue CAGR of 7.2 % during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Rising demand fora aircraft Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) generators for continuous power supply in aircraft instrumentation is major factor driving market revenue growth. Aviation Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are rapidly importing aircraft generators for new aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. According to Airbus SE, a major European aerospace OEM, worldwide aviation operators are replacing older and less fuel-efficient aircraft to attain zero emissions by 2050. Airbus anticipates producing 39,000 new civil and cargo aircraft by 2040. In addition, Rising investments in production of hybrid-electric airships is also expected to drive market revenue growth over the forecast period. New ecologically friendly electric propulsion technologies are hastening adoption of aircraft generators in the aviation industry, with the goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Globally, aircraft OEMs are working hard to produce 500KW motors to suit the demand for future applications across numerous aircraft segments. Collins Aerospace, a major aerospace and defense equipment manufacturer, has developed a prototype 500KW electric motor for hybrid air vehicles. However, rising procurement and raw material costs is a major factor, which could restrain market revenue growth. Manufacturing an aviation generator necessitates the procurement of numerous parts and components from all over the world.
Some Key Highlights From the Report
The Alternating Current (AC) segment accounted for largest revenue share in the global aircraft generators market in 2022. This is because majority of multi-engine, high-performance turbine-powered aircraft and transport category aircraft employ AC electrical systems to deliver electricity over longer distances more easily and cost-effectively than Direct Current (DC). AC systems provide electricity to many aircraft systems, including hydraulics, cabin lighting, avionics, environmental control systems, and fuel pumps. Several large aircraft carriers across the world are progressively using AC generators for new aircraft production as well as Maintenance, Repair, And Operations (MRO).
The fixed wing segment is expected to register significantly fast revenue growth rate in the global aircraft generator market during the forecast period. This is because aircraft generator is a critical equipment in fixed-wing aircraft. AC and DC electric generators are widely used in fixed-wing aircraft to provide power to various aviation systems such as pumps, hydraulics controllers, fuel injection pumps, brake control hydraulics, and other equipment.
The North America market accounted for largest revenue share in the global aircraft generator market in 2022. This is due to significant investments in defense aircraft manufacturing and maintenance programs. The U.S. Department Of Defensive (DOD) is investing in its defensive aircraft portfolio to create contemporary tactical aircraft and modernize older aircraft. According to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Department of Defence (DOD) plans to spend USD 100 billion over the next five years on major enhancements and revisions to its current tactical aircraft mix by December 2022. Furthermore, major aircraft manufacturers are receiving contracts from the U.S, Air Force, which is expected to drive market revenue growth in this region.
Some major companies in the global market report include Honeywell International Inc., Dayton-Granger, Inc., Chelton Limited, Lockheed Martin Corporation, The Boeing Company, Haigh-Farr, Inc., L3Harris Technologies, Inc., HEICO Corporation, Cobham Aerospace Communications, R.A. Miller Industries, Sensor Systems, Inc., HR Smith Group of Companies, Collins Aerospace Systems, Astronics Corporation, Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG, and others.
In March 2023, GE Aerospace, Major market player of aircraft generators market invested USD 450 million in its existing manufacturing facility in the U.S. GE Aerospace's investment in U.S. manufacturing facility will improve efficiency and quality of solutions and provide assembly improvements, capacity expansion and maintenance, and safety infrastructure upgrades. Also, this strategy will help to expand its manufacturing output, which in turn, helps GE Aerospace to capture market share across North America. | aerospace |
https://alaskapublic.org/2013/12/02/officials-documenting-wreckage-of-st-marys-crash/ | 2023-06-07T08:48:18 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224653631.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20230607074914-20230607104914-00679.warc.gz | 0.938642 | 187 | CC-MAIN-2023-23 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2023-23__0__73009984 | en | The National Transportation Safety Board says investigators have started documenting the wreckage of a plane crash in remote southwest Alaska that killed four people and injured six Friday night.
The chief of the agency’s Alaska office, Clint Johnson, said an investigator with the NTSB and another from the Federal Aviation Administration on Sunday
reached the site where a single-engine aircraft went down near the village of St. Marys.
He said investigators will be at the accident site for a day or two. They’ll collect evidence and interview witnesses.
Johnson says it’s too early to draw any conclusions about why the plane crashed. Another NTSB investigator in Anchorage also is hoping to interview survivors of the crash.
The Hageland Aviation Cessna 208 crashed at around 6:30 p.m. Friday. It left Bethel on a scheduled flight for Mountain Village and eventually Saint Marys but never reached Mountain Village. | aerospace |
https://www.onlineathens.com/story/news/state/2014/06/02/delta-orders-15-new-airbus-planes/15529759007/ | 2022-09-27T10:16:51 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335004.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20220927100008-20220927130008-00766.warc.gz | 0.954935 | 164 | CC-MAIN-2022-40 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2022-40__0__87820205 | en | Delta orders 15 new Airbus planes
ATLANTA - Delta Air Lines Inc. said Monday that it has agreed to buy 15 new Airbus A321 planes to replace older, less-efficient jets in its domestic fleet.
The Atlanta-based airline didn't say how much it was paying for the new planes, but each one had a list price of $110.1 million, according to the Airbus website. That would value the order at about $1.65 billion, but discounts for buyers of multiple airplanes are common.
Delivery of the 15 planes is expected to begin in 2018.
Delta now has a total of 45 A321s on order from the French aircraft maker. The first one will begin start service in early 2016, and has 169 seats, live satellite TV and in-flight wireless Internet service. | aerospace |
https://www.airflite.com.au/careers/ | 2024-02-28T02:11:20 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474690.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20240228012542-20240228042542-00515.warc.gz | 0.932906 | 110 | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2024-10__0__165465659 | en | Are you a team player? Can you think outside of the box? Do you love a challenge? Yes? Then we’d love to hear from you.
Beware, aviation can be contagious – you will catch the bug! Airflite supports new apprentices, we regularly roll out new apprenticeship vacancies, assisted by our training department, we work to develop all our employees into highly-skilled and quality-focused aircraft maintenance engineers.
Our values are the fabric of our culture; the framework for all decisions made within Airflite: | aerospace |
https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr6540/text | 2018-04-20T03:36:52 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-17/segments/1524125937113.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20180420022906-20180420042906-00198.warc.gz | 0.939553 | 346 | CC-MAIN-2018-17 | webtext-fineweb__CC-MAIN-2018-17__0__18507314 | en | H. R. 6540
December 21, 2010
December 22, 2010
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services
To require the Secretary of Defense, in awarding a contract for the KC–X Aerial Refueling Aircraft Program, to consider any unfair competitive advantage that an offeror may possess.
This Act may be cited as the
Defense Level Playing Field
Consideration of unfair competitive advantage in evaluation of offers for KC–X aerial refueling aircraft program
Requirement To consider unfair competitive advantage
In awarding a contract for the KC–X aerial refueling aircraft program (or any successor to that program), the Secretary of Defense shall, in evaluating any offers submitted to the Department of Defense in response to a solicitation for offers for such program, consider any unfair competitive advantage that an offeror may possess.
Not later than 60 days after submission of offers in response to any such solicitation, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on any unfair competitive advantage that any offeror may possess.
Requirement To take findings into account in award of contract
In awarding a contract for the KC–X aerial refueling aircraft program (or any successor to that program), the Secretary of Defense shall take into account the findings of the report submitted under subsection (b).
Unfair competitive advantage
In this section, the term
competitive advantage, with respect to an offer for a contract, means a
situation in which the cost of development, production, or manufacturing is not
fully borne by the offeror for such contract.
Passed the House of Representatives December 21, 2010.
Lorraine C. Miller, | aerospace |
Subsets and Splits