stringlengths 9
| label
int64 0
using this example run via qmlscene code import qtquick import qtquickcontrols item button text hi enabled false onclicked consoleloghi code and hitting alt h on the keyboard will trigger onclicked of the button imo the shortcut should respect the enableddisabled state like in qpushbutton | 0 |
if i happen to get two modal dialogs open at the same time i cant interact with either and the application is essentially dead this is reproducible by loading a file in qt creator opening one of the settings dialogs and touch the file to get the file has changed externally dialog neither dialog can be closed nor otherwise interacted with neither mouse nor keyboard | 1 |
the attached screenshot shows that the zapfino font which is one of the standard fonts on macos is being rendered incorrectly by qt on macos on the left the font is rendered in the macos textedit application on the right the font is rendered in the qt textedit application both are running on macos as you can see on the right the angle of the font is considerably more oblique the descender of the g in the word oranges is cut off on the lefthand side my impression is that qt is synthesising an italic weight of the zapfino font even though the font declares itself as a regular ie roman weight this is incorrect behaviour | 0 |
hello i have some issues with mysqlopenssl libs when compiling qt on windows cmake parameters noformat cmake dcmakebuildtypedebug dbuildsharedlibsoff dqtbuildexamplesoff dinputstaticruntimeon dfeatureltcgoff dbuildqtwebengineoff dinputsqlmysqlon dinputopenssllinked dopensslusestaticlibson g ninja it can not find mysql libraries by cmake i have tried and also it finds the wrong openssl library noformat found openssl cstrawberrycliblibcryptoa found version libcryptoa it is a static lib for mingw but i use vs compiler should be libcryptomtdlib i have found out that it reads the path and it have found this wrong library in strawberry perl directory i have attached the cmake output file cmdoutputlog | 0 |
we have a few updates to webkit that the webkit team would like to integrate into especially since they are abi affecting | 1 |
make a build with tried debug with any qml application that uses quick will crash on startup do to types not being registered properly see screenshot name and possibly other things in the qmetatype are null which should not happen reverting fixes it for me | 1 |
latest binaries build for used in translations missing for msvc desktop and winrtwinphone and mingw linux and macos targets have those as well as qnx and android on windows msvc had translations in previous build done in enterprise installer coin log | 1 |
currently our test coverage report upload mechanism is completely oblivious to the ci system logicfor example our ci system might do a test run of qtqtintegrationgit branch masterintegration then upload a coverage report to nokia lan only if the test results are good the ci system will integrate to qtqtgit branch masterit will also copy the masterintegration test results to master test resultsso this can be thought of as promoting a candidate qt to stable qt and at the same time promoting the test results similarly we should promote the test coverage reportin other words this link should work for the latest qtqtgit master which it currently doesnt | 1 |
hello in source of ultracopier is crash on sur its qt bug in particular condition i unable to reproduct it at all timei can crash too qmutexlockerqmutexlockerand other placeqmutexunlock is already mentionned in the backtracethats do week what i search isolate the bug i have particular this king of bug with visual studio installed but my compilation use for windowsthanks | 1 |
license file not found license file not found license file not found files missing from enterprise and opensource tarxz and zip source packages | 1 |
the context menu for a file in the projects pane provides the open terminal here plus environment and open folder actions however when clicking on a projects node these entries are missing i often find myself wanting to do a file operation in the projects directory and then i need to click on an existing file to open a terminal i would expect to have the menu entries for the project also | 0 |
noformat fail opcua emitting signals on node changestestchangeidentifier uncaught exception cannot assign to property identifier of readonly object loc noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtopcua | 1 |
after installing the binarysource offline dmg package on macos building it and then uninstalling with the maintenancetool the directory is left undeleted contain two files links default and defaulthost | 0 |
in many places in auto tests we do this code compareqtestcompareinternalnull null true null code or after refactoring from code comparecomparecompareinternalnull null true null code which actually could be a useful public api something like comparea b bool expected msg or maybe comparenotequal as alternative for compare which compares for isequal and fails if it is not and maybe this automatic failure behavior is the reason for the following hack from code bool compareconst qvariant act const qvariant exp const return act exp code which is not really an alternative because it is hackish non public api it compares qvariants which is different from comparison algorithm used by js implementation this function also doesnt seem to be used anywhere which indicates that it is not very useful or maybe just well hidden but see that two reasons above | 0 |
update submodules on in with other changes code tstdefault o o txt start testing of tstcontrolsdefault config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstcontrolsinittestcase pass tstcontrolstestdelegatewidth qwarn tstcontrolstestdisplay previously registered enum will be overwritten due to name clash qquickswipedelegateleft recipe for target check failed make segmentation fault core dumped process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status code | 1 |
trying to build any related change fails with the could not mount yocto cache see | 1 |
on windows the content window does not appear in alttab task list or taskbar if the window is in the background there is no way to switch to it without minimizing all other windows first | 0 |
create a simple qwebview and add as url run the application play the video and put it into fullscreenesc or double tape on the fullscreen window to exit itresultapplication no longer responding but no crash | 0 |
after porting an application that plays many video files in a loop from desktop to android i noticed that sometimes the video stops playing on androidthis happens when switching files the state property of the video element is still reporting that it is playing but nothing is drawn on the screen not even a black rectangle if the video element is in this state calling videoplay does not make a differencei managed to reproduce that behavior using the following code the code expects two video files inside the qml dir named and my desktop those two files are played in a loop without end on my android devices it stops at some point or does not even start the behavior is quite random so i expect it to be a timing issuecodeimport qtquick qtmultimedia id root width height color yellow property int index video id vid source rootindex autoload true autoplay true anchorsfill parent anchorsmargins onstatuschanged if status mediaplayerendofmedia rootindex rootindex vidplay onsourcechanged consolelognew source source onerrorstringchanged consolelognew error errorstring for debug purpose only mousearea anchorsfill parent onclicked consolelogsource vidsource consolelogerror viderrorstring consolelogstate vidplaybackstate consolelogstatus vidstatus vidplay code | 0 |
entities other than digia should be able to participate in a metrics system providing test results for other configurationsone option is to use the current qt metrics system or develop a new one | 0 |
since one of the latest update no font rendering is working at all for the winrt port this effects all platforms desktop and mobile | 1 |
depending on where the viewports is placed picking doesnt always work | 1 |
update submodules on in code homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlquerytargetwrappersh tstqxmlquery evaluatetoreceiver start testing of tstqxmlquery config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstqxmlqueryinittestcase fail tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverallatomicsxq compared values are not the same actual produced expected stringedbaseline loc pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverallatomicsexternallyxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivercompletelyemptyqueryxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverconcatxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiveremptysequencexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivererrorfunctionxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverexternalstringvariablexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverexternalvariablexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverexternalvariableusedtwicexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverflworxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverinvalidregexpxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverinvalidregexpflagxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverliteralsequencexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivernodesequencexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivernonexistingcollectionxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiveroneelementxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiveroneplusonexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiveronlydocumentnodexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiveropendocumentxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverreportglobalsxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiversimplelibrarymodulexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverstaticerrorxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiversyntaxerrorxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverthreevariablesxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivertwovariablesxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceivertypeerrorxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverunavailableexternalvariablexq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverunsupportedcollationxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverwrongarityxq pass tstqxmlqueryevaluatetoreceiverzerodivisionxq pass tstqxmlquerycleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqxmlquery recipe for target check failed make error code | 1 |
running the command quuidcreateuuid on unix now takes times longer than before it takes to perform the operation on qt it takes in qt this is because in we check to see if devurandom exists on unix systems and if it does we use this to generate a uuid with cryptographic quality otherwise we fall back and use qrand as before which is not cryptographic quality and not guaranteed to be unique but much faster if you want to patch quuid to be use the old method then comment out the following lines in ifdef qosunix qfile devurandom if devurandomopenqiodevicereadonly numtoread sizeofuint devurandomreadchar data numtoread should read of data else endif benchmarkcodeinclude include include include class uuidbenchmark public qobject qobjectpublic uuidbenchmark private qdatastream stream qbuffer bufferprivate slots void inittestcase streamsetdevicebuffer void uuidbenchmark qbenchmark stream quuidcreateuuid qtestmainuuidbenchmarkinclude mainmoccodethis is not to say that this is not a more correct way of handling the proper creation of uuids but such a large performance regression as a cost is unacceptablean effort should be made to make the performance of this call better for those who need to generate uuids frequently this could for example be done by reading more than one uuid at the same time caching or keep devrandom open for some time to reduce qfile overhead | 0 |
when running in release mode a black screen with statusbar is shown in debug mode it crashes with this backtrace see attached image running on device works as expected running the installed app from simulators home screen without going through creator works as expected running on simulator from xcode works as expected | 1 |
it has been nearly impossible to get anything into for the last days due to randomly failing tests the root cause seems to be that integrations cause a high load which causes random flakyness in auto tests the system has to be able to manage its load so that a single userintegration cannot cause excessive load which causes random auto tests to fail | 1 |
neither f nor are respected as formfeed in qtextbrowser especially with print this is incredibly easy to test in a vm with no printers defined so printing defaults to pdf file since nobody worked on this in version attached is a completely self contained project it even fills in the text for you the only effort required to verify this bug is unzip the file build the project click print then doubleclick on the pdf wherever you saved it | 0 |
building with cmake then building another project like the examples produces build errors for some targets it uses the wrong library name like rather than quoteapplicationsxcodeappcontentsdevelopertoolchainsxcodedefaultxctoolchainusrbinclang stdliblibc headerpadmaxinstallnames arch isysroot wlrpathexecutablepathframeworks wlrpathusersshareddeveloperbuildqtdevmacosqtbaselib o simplecppappcontentsmacossimplecpp objmaino objorbittransformcontrollero objmocorbittransformcontrollero framework appkit framework imageio framework metal framework diskarbitration framework iokit framework agl framework opengl ld library not found for quote in particular the generated contains those wrong lib names module depends on and | 1 |
if i add a mappolygon to a qml map sometimes i got some artefacts in this case i got a rectangle in the background of my polygon they are completely random and sporadically please refer the video | 0 |
run tests in a sequence code debugtstdialogsexe filedialogdefaultmodality filedialognonmodal nocrashhandler code note warning code there are still items in the process of being created at engine destruction code and crash | 1 |
have an application which uses nodeinstanciator to create number of entities which may change at run time on macos clicking the fullscreen in new space window icon causes a crash in entityscenechangeevent type is propertyvalueadded crashes when calling inherits on the metaobject dragging from one screen to another doesnt seem to affect it unplugging a screen sometimes causes the crash might be related to the qpa needing a new surface while all the other things are being updated tested on and prerelease | 1 |
windows tests are crashing in multiple different modules these are blocking and openssl update remote objects and xmlpatterns logs attached qtbase codejava a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautonetworkaccessqhttpnetworkconnectionreleasetstqhttpnetworkconnectionexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol rtlfreeheap stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautonetworkaccessqhttpnetworkconnection error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status executing instruction of setexecutionphasename executing instruction of runqtunittest running tests in directory cusersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautonetworkaccessqnetworkreplytest generating test results with testargso o txt f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautonetworkaccessqnetworkreplytest cd d call cusersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautonetworkaccessqnetworkreplytesttargetwrapperbat tstqnetworkreplyexe o o txtcode qtdeclarative codejava a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmllanguagereleasetstqqmllanguageexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol rtlfreeheap stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmllanguage error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status executing instruction of setexecutionphasename executing instruction of runqtunittest running tests in directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmlopenmetaobject generating test results with testargso o txt f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmlopenmetaobject call cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmlopenmetaobjecttargetwrapperbat releasetstqqmlopenmetaobjectexe o o txtcode qtremoteobjects codejava a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclienttstexternaliodeviceexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol rtlfreeheap stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclient error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status rerunning testsautoexternaliodevicetstclient with testargstestrun f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclient call cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclienttargetwrapperbat tstexternaliodeviceexe testrun maxwarnings codejava a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclienttstexternaliodeviceexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol rtlfreeheap stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoexternaliodevicetstclient error process finished with error exit status executing instruction of setexecutionphasename error reading from stdouterr exit status executing instruction of runqtunittest running tests in directory cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoqmlintegration generating test results with testargso o txt f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoqmlintegration call cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoqmlintegrationtargetwrapperbat releasetstintegrationexe o o txt create could not initialize egl display error create when using angle check if is availablecode qtxmlpatterns codejava finished testing of tstqxmlquery a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlqueryreleasetstqxmlqueryexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol rtlfreeheap stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlquery error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status executing instruction of setexecutionphasename executing instruction of runqtunittest running tests in directory cusersqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlresultitems generating test results with testargso o txt f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlresultitems call cusersqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoqxmlresultitemstargetwrapperbat releasetstqxmlresultitemsexe o o txtcode | 1 |
noformat the following tests failed tstqquickpixmapcache failed errors while running ctest output from these tests are in homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativestandaloneteststestingtemporarylasttestlog use rerunfailed outputonfailure to rerun the failed cases verbosely process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment executing scheduled instruction of print sccache statistics false true compile requests compile requests executed cache hits cache misses cache timeouts cache read errors forced recaches cache write errors compilation failures cache errors noncacheable compilations noncacheable calls noncompilation calls unsupported compiler calls average cache write s average cache read miss s average cache read hit s failed distributed compilations cache location bucket bucketnamecache baseurl executing scheduled instruction of upload test results collecting test results archiving and uploading them collecting test results test failed error building exit status agent finished fail noformat build log details tested changes blacklist flaky tstqsequentialanimationgroupjob test on macos update dependencies on dev in qtqtdeclarative | 1 |
the multitouch input is broken on touchscreens which are not correctly parsed for capabilities without the position capability the touchinteraction example like any other touch based application gets stuck the qt qpaxinput debug output noformat qtqpainputdevices input device elan touchscreen qtqpainputdevices has buttons qtqpainputdevices has valuator abs x recognized true qtqpainputdevices has valuator abs y recognized true qtqpainputdevices has valuator rel horiz scroll recognized true qtqpainputdevices has valuator rel vert scroll recognized true qtqpainputdevices its a scrolling device qtqpainputdevices has touch class with mode qtqpainputdevices its a touchscreen with type capabilities max touch points noformat the output of xinput looks like noformat xinput list long elan touchscreen reporting classes class originated from type xibuttonclass buttons supported button labels button left button middle button right button wheel up button wheel down button horiz wheel left button horiz wheel right button state class originated from type xivaluatorclass detail for valuator label abs x range resolution unitsm mode absolute current value class originated from type xivaluatorclass detail for valuator label abs y range resolution unitsm mode absolute current value class originated from type xivaluatorclass detail for valuator label rel horiz scroll range resolution unitsm mode relative class originated from type xivaluatorclass detail for valuator label rel vert scroll range resolution unitsm mode relative class originated from type xitouchclass touch mode direct max number of touches noformat | 0 |
noformat qdebug tstqquickdrawerflickabletouchdiagonal qtquicktouch unknown actually delivering qtoucheventtouchupdate device test touch device states updated points ts scene global updated pressure ellipse x angle vel start last delta to qquickoverlay parent fail tstqquickdrawerflickabletouchdiagonal flickableisdragging returned false loc noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in | 1 |
in qqmlimportcpp a qurl is converted to a temporary qbytearray and its internal constdata then stored in a const char this then points to already released memory as the temporary qbytearray is destroyed again the dangling pointer is passed to initializeengine and eventually accessed in eg webkitqmlplugininitializeengine inside the qassertthus when you compiled webkit with assertions enabled you get random startup assertions as the const char pointer is dangling and thus its contents are undefinedheres a valgrind log from a current build of qt dev invalid read of size at strlen in by const in by webkitqmlplugininitializeengineqqmlengine char const by qqmldataloaderthreadinitializeenginemainqqmlextensioninterface char const by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinmainvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmlextensioninterface char const qqmlextensioninterface const char const constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadinternalcallmethodinthreadqqmlthreadmessage by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob const by qqmldataloaderthreadloadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmlcomponentprivateloadurlqurl const qqmlcomponentcompilationmode by qqmlcomponentqqmlcomponentqqmlengine qurl const qobject by qquickviewprivateexecute by qquickviewsetsourcequrl const by quicktestmainint char char const char const by main address is bytes inside a block of size at free in by qarraydatadeallocateqarraydata unsigned long unsigned long by qtypedarraydatadeallocateqarraydata by qbytearrayqbytearray in by qqmlimportdatabaseimportpluginqstring const qstring const qstring const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateimportextensionqstring const qstring const int int qqmlimportdatabase qqmltypeloaderqmldircontent const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateaddlibraryimportqstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qqmlimportdatabase qlist by qqmlimportsaddlibraryimportqqmlimportdatabase qstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qlist by qqmltypeloaderaddimportqqmlscriptimport const qlist by qqmltypedatadatareceivedqqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypedataresolvetypes by qqmltypedataalldependenciesdone by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent by qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent by qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qguiapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent in by qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata by qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int by posteventsourcedispatchgsource int void void by gmaincontextdispatch in by in by gmaincontextiteration in by qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopexecqflags by qthreadexec by qqmlthreadprivaterun by qthreadprivatestartvoid by startthread in by clone in invalid read of size at strlen in by const in by webkitqmlplugininitializeengineqqmlengine char const by qqmldataloaderthreadinitializeenginemainqqmlextensioninterface char const by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinmainvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmlextensioninterface char const qqmlextensioninterface const char const constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadinternalcallmethodinthreadqqmlthreadmessage by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob const by qqmldataloaderthreadloadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmlcomponentprivateloadurlqurl const qqmlcomponentcompilationmode by qqmlcomponentqqmlcomponentqqmlengine qurl const qobject by qquickviewprivateexecute by qquickviewsetsourcequrl const by quicktestmainint char char const char const by main address is bytes inside a block of size at free in by qarraydatadeallocateqarraydata unsigned long unsigned long by qtypedarraydatadeallocateqarraydata by qbytearrayqbytearray in by qqmlimportdatabaseimportpluginqstring const qstring const qstring const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateimportextensionqstring const qstring const int int qqmlimportdatabase qqmltypeloaderqmldircontent const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateaddlibraryimportqstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qqmlimportdatabase qlist by qqmlimportsaddlibraryimportqqmlimportdatabase qstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qlist by qqmltypeloaderaddimportqqmlscriptimport const qlist by qqmltypedatadatareceivedqqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypedataresolvetypes by qqmltypedataalldependenciesdone by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent by qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent by qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qguiapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent in by qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata by qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int by posteventsourcedispatchgsource int void void by gmaincontextdispatch in by in by gmaincontextiteration in by qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopexecqflags by qthreadexec by qqmlthreadprivaterun by qthreadprivatestartvoid by startthread in by clone in invalid read of size at bcmp in by in by webkitqmlplugininitializeengineqqmlengine char const by qqmldataloaderthreadinitializeenginemainqqmlextensioninterface char const by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinmainvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmlextensioninterface char const qqmlextensioninterface const char const constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadinternalcallmethodinthreadqqmlthreadmessage by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob const by qqmldataloaderthreadloadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmlcomponentprivateloadurlqurl const qqmlcomponentcompilationmode by qqmlcomponentqqmlcomponentqqmlengine qurl const qobject by qquickviewprivateexecute by qquickviewsetsourcequrl const by quicktestmainint char char const char const by main address is bytes inside a block of size at free in by qarraydatadeallocateqarraydata unsigned long unsigned long by qtypedarraydatadeallocateqarraydata by qbytearrayqbytearray in by qqmlimportdatabaseimportpluginqstring const qstring const qstring const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateimportextensionqstring const qstring const int int qqmlimportdatabase qqmltypeloaderqmldircontent const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateaddlibraryimportqstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qqmlimportdatabase qlist by qqmlimportsaddlibraryimportqqmlimportdatabase qstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qlist by qqmltypeloaderaddimportqqmlscriptimport const qlist by qqmltypedatadatareceivedqqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypedataresolvetypes by qqmltypedataalldependenciesdone by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent by qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent by qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qguiapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent in by qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata by qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int by posteventsourcedispatchgsource int void void by gmaincontextdispatch in by in by gmaincontextiteration in by qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopexecqflags by qthreadexec by qqmlthreadprivaterun by qthreadprivatestartvoid by startthread in by clone in invalid read of size at bcmp in by in by webkitqmlplugininitializeengineqqmlengine char const by qqmldataloaderthreadinitializeenginemainqqmlextensioninterface char const by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinmainvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmlextensioninterface char const qqmlextensioninterface const char const constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadinternalcallmethodinthreadqqmlthreadmessage by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob const by qqmldataloaderthreadloadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmlcomponentprivateloadurlqurl const qqmlcomponentcompilationmode by qqmlcomponentqqmlcomponentqqmlengine qurl const qobject by qquickviewprivateexecute by qquickviewsetsourcequrl const by quicktestmainint char char const char const by main address is bytes inside a block of size at free in by qarraydatadeallocateqarraydata unsigned long unsigned long by qtypedarraydatadeallocateqarraydata by qbytearrayqbytearray in by qqmlimportdatabaseimportpluginqstring const qstring const qstring const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateimportextensionqstring const qstring const int int qqmlimportdatabase qqmltypeloaderqmldircontent const qlist by qqmlimportsprivateaddlibraryimportqstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qqmlimportdatabase qlist by qqmlimportsaddlibraryimportqqmlimportdatabase qstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qlist by qqmltypeloaderaddimportqqmlscriptimport const qlist by qqmltypedatadatareceivedqqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderloadqqmldatablob qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypeloadergettypequrl const qqmldataloadermode by qqmltypedataresolvetypes by qqmltypedataalldependenciesdone by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobdata const by qqmldataloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmlfile by qqmldataloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob by qqmldataloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob by void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmldataloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread by qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent by qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent by qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qguiapplicationnotifyqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent by qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent in by qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata by qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int by posteventsourcedispatchgsource int void void by gmaincontextdispatch in by in by gmaincontextiteration in by qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopprocesseventsqflags by qeventloopexecqflags by qthreadexec by qqmlthreadprivaterun by qthreadprivatestartvoid by startthread in by clone in | 1 |
when using qlineargradient as qtbackgroundrole for a qstandarditem in qtreeview the gradient is not displayed as expectedcodejavaqstandarditemitemnew qstandarditemqlineargradient be displayed as colors divided along the diagonal but only the first color is displayedgood luck | 0 |
noformat cl c fiqtcreatorpchh yuqtcreatorpchh fpreleasesdktoolpchpch nologo zcwchart fs zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew md gr ehsc dunicode dqtcshowbuilddate drelativepluginpathlibqtcreatorplugins drelativelibexecpath drelativedatapathshareqtcreator drelativedocpathsharedocqtcreator didelibrarybasenamelib dqtcreator dqtnocasttoascii dqtrestrictedcastfromascii dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtusefastoperatorplus dqtusefastconcatenation dcrtsecurenowarnings ddatapathshareqtcreator dqtnodebug dqtcorelib dndebug isrc i irelease forelease hostosinfocpp warning moverridefilenamecasesensitivity inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von private static qtcasesensitivity utilsmoverridefilenamecasesensitivity error utilsmoverridefilenamecasesensitivity definition von statisches datenmember für dllimport nicht zulässig warning museoverridefilenamecasesensitivity inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von private static bool utilsmuseoverridefilenamecasesensitivity error utilsmuseoverridefilenamecasesensitivity definition von statisches datenmember für dllimport nicht zulässig warning utilshostarchitecture inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von hostarchitecture warning utilssetoverridefilenamecasesensitivity inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von setoverridefilenamecasesensitivity warning utilsunsetoverridefilenamecasesensitivity inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von unsetoverridefilenamecasesensitivity warning utilscancreateopenglcontext inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von cancreateopenglcontext savefilecpp warning mumask inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von private static qflags utilsmumask error utilsmumask definition von statisches datenmember für dllimport nicht zulässig warning utilssavefile inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von ctor warning utilssavefile inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von dtor warning utilsopen inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von open warning utilsrollback inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von rollback warning utilscommit inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von commit warning utilsinitializeumask inkonsistente dllbindung note siehe vorherige definition von initializeumask code wird generiert nmake fatal error cprogram files visual studio rückgabecode stop nmake fatal error cprogram files visual studio rückgabecode stop nmake fatal error cd rückgabecode stop nmake fatal error cd rückgabecode stop nmake fatal error cd rückgabecode stop noformat | 1 |
mdeclientdso is missing from qt sdk preventing linking to succeed | 0 |
recentlyweve used qwebengine to display an online mapand we also added menubar on the programit works great on normal pcbut on some laptopfor exampleone with a intergrated graphic cardweve tested intel graphic and intel graphic menubar will be hiden by the mapbut we still can click itif we drag the window and change its postionwe can find that the window does not refresh correctly its simple to reproduce this bugjust add a menubar and a webengine to the programthen display any web im sorry that my english is not very goodif qtteam need more details for this bugjust contact methanks for qtteams work | 0 |
the readmechromium files contain the attribution for thirdparty sources in the chromium project that is included in the qt webengine module however some of these files cannot be found in the qtqtwebengine repository thus preventing them from being correctly displayed in the licenses used in qt documentation page files these readmechromium files mention licenses files that are located in blacklisted directories src directories that are not included into qt because the qtwebenginetoolsscriptstakesnapshotpy script ignores them thirdpartywaylandreadmechromium these readmechromium files mention licenses files in a folder that isnt existing at all buildtoolsthirdpartylibctrunklicensetxt buildtoolsthirdpartylibcabitrunklicensetxt buildtoolsthirdpartylibunwindtrunklicensetxt thirdpartylibaomsourcelibaomlicense these folders contain only a readmechromium file and no code so we probably dont need them anymore so they could be removed thirdpartyglslangangle thirdpartyspirvheaders thirdpartyspirvtoolsangle thirdpartyvulkanvalidationlayers note all the mentioned paths are located in the folder | 0 |
qcompassstart call results in an exception note tested only on platformreference application for reproducing the bug | 1 |
when compiling qt with msvc with angle i get a runtime crash with qmlscene to open a simple hello world file this does not happen for debug build so only applies to release build i build it with msvc and there it works i attached a backtrace after building with forcedebuginfo | 0 |
ubuntu and windows are failing on this codejava configure summary assimp yes system assimp no cmake error at addsubdirectory the source directory does not contain a cmakeliststxt file configuring incomplete errors occurred see also see also process finished with error exit status | 1 |
when resizing on winrt pc modern ui angle is not informed of the size change this is due to an ifdef added in winrt qpa which was improperly scoped only to windows phone | 1 |
code usersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautocorelibioqfileselectortargetwrappersh tstqfileselectors basictest start testing of tstqfileselector config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqfileselectorinittestcase fail compared values are not the same actual fsselecttestpath platformsunixdarwinmacosxtest expected expectedpath platformsunixdarwinmacosxmacostest loc fail compared values are not the same actual fsselecttestpath expected expectedpath loc pass pass pass pass tstqfileselectorbasictestcustomxwithselectornofile pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass tstqfileselectorbasictestrelativepaths pass tstqfileselectorcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqfileselector code | 1 |
update submodules on in code qwarn qmltestunknowntestfunc graphpositionquery is not available due to component versioning scenegraphpositionquery make error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status code | 1 |
when hardenedruntime is not set db drivers qsqlite qodbc qpsql db open true when it is set db drivers qsqlite qodbc qpsql qsqldatabase qpsql driver not loaded qsqldatabase available drivers qsqlite qodbc qpsql db open false since hardenedruntime is mandatory to have a valid notarized app it looks that it is not possible to have a qt app with psql libqsqlpsqldylib crossing the os x gatekeeper is this something particular in the qt plugins loading process which breaks apple policy under hardened runtime olivier | 0 |
android windows build fails error conflicting declaration typedef struct | 1 |
when opening qml streamer presentation using the qt studio the qml streamer to texture doesnt work qml streamer to layer seems to work qml streaming seems to work when used with self build binary | 1 |
following code causes the rows positioning functions to be called four times once after componentcomplete three times from itemvisibilitychanged ideally positioning would only be done once during constructioncodeimport qt spacing rectangle color red width height anchorsleft greenrectright rectangle id greenrect color green width height rectangle color blue width height code | 0 |
the about qt dialog points to codenot foundit looks like nothing was found at this location maybe try a searchcode | 1 |
the qaccessibleplugin class and the installfactory static method of qaccessible class are not included in pyside theyre required for implementing accessibility for controls along with other dependancies as a result developers cannot implement accessibility for custom widgets or customize the accessibility information of standard widgets in fact im facing some issues while developing an accessible application using the standard widgets and im blocked from customizing the accessibility for them in order to comply with accessibility requirements and guidelines | 0 |
i havent been able to reproduce it but heres the backtrace noformat thread crashed dispatch queue comapplemainthread libprojectexplorerdylib projectexplorerinitiatefinish libprojectexplorerdylib projectexplorerclosetabint projectexplorerclosetabmode libprojectexplorerdylib projectexplorercontextmenurequestedqpoint const int orgqtprojectqtcore qmetaobjectactivateqobject int int void libprojectexplorerdylib projectexplorerslotcontextmenurequestedqpoint const orgqtprojectqtcore qmetaobjectactivateqobject int int void orgqtprojectqtwidgets qwidgeteventqevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent orgqtprojectqtcore qevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qwidgetwindowhandlemouseeventqmouseevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qwidgetwindoweventqevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent orgqtprojectqtwidgets qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent orgqtprojectqtcore qevent orgqtprojectqtgui qguiapplicationprivateprocessmouseeventqwindowsysteminterfaceprivatemouseevent orgqtprojectqtgui qwindowsysteminterfacesendwindowsystemeventsqflags libqcocoadylib qcocoaeventdispatcherprivatepostedeventssourcecallbackvoid comapplecorefoundation comapplecorefoundation comapplecorefoundation comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplehitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode comapplehitoolbox receivenexteventcommon comapplehitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter comappleappkit dpsnextevent comappleappkit comappleappkit libqcocoadylib qcocoaeventdispatcherprocesseventsqflags orgqtprojectqtcore qeventloopexecqflags orgqtprojectqtcore qcoreapplicationexec orgqtprojectqtcreator main libdylddylib start noformat | 0 |
few tests fail on qt for android dev branch codejava fail tstqsslkeypassphrasechecksdes keyisnull returned false loc fail keyisnull returned false loc fail keyisnull returned false loc fail keyisnull returned false loc fail keyisnull returned false loc fail keyisnull returned false loc fail tstqsslkeynopassphrasechecks keyisnull returned false loc totals passed failed skipped blacklisted code | 0 |
with code executing instruction of executing instruction of f makefilerelease check entering directory call o o txt start testing of config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass a crash occurred in function time total time exception address exception code stack unhandledexceptionfilter etwreplynotification rtlinitializeexceptionchain recipe for target check failed error leaving directory recipe for target releasecheck failed error code at least failed twice in a row | 1 |
starting from the demosqmediaplayer from method void mediaplayeropenfile i read the tracks from an audio cd add them to queue and start playbackthe problem here is that when i try to go to next track it wont go also after playing something from an audio cd it wont play anything else audio or video no errors displayedif i compile it with everything goes wellhere is my audiocd playingvoid mediaplayerplayaudiocd const bool haspausedfordialog playpausefordialog qstringlist filenames int num char buff thisplayingtype playaudiocd num ifnum return forint sprintfbuff cddad filenamesappendbuff if haspausedfordialog mmediaobjectplay mmediaobjectclearqueue if filenamessize qstring filename filenames setfilefilename for int ifilenamessize i mmediaobjectenqueuephononmediasourcefilenames forwardbuttonsetenabledmmediaobjectqueuesize freebuff | 0 |
whenever a windows phone quick application build with the latest package is started it immediately crashes with an uncaught exception unhandled exception at in packagetestexe fatal program exit requested | 1 |
ive downloaded qt automotive suite images and from the installer see release dates in the attached screenshot booting the device with this images gives the same error message for both versions and codebash uboot sep cpu freescale at cpu industrial temperature grade to at reset cause por dram gib pmic device id revision id programmed mmc fslsdhc fslsdhc fslsdhc loading environment from mmc ok in serial out serial err serial model toradex apalis quad it serial net using phy at fec hit any key to stop autoboot setting bus to valid chip addresses invalid partition booting from sd card sdboot failed setting bus to valid chip addresses invalid partition booting from internal emmc chip emmcboot failed switch to partitions ok is current device scanning mmc bytes read in ms mibs card did not respond to voltage select starting usb bus usb ehci bus usb ehci scanning bus for devices usb devices found scanning bus for devices usb devices found scanning usb for storage devices storage devices found scanning usb for ethernet devices ethernet devices found code ive checked also image for version it does boot and neptune ui shows up properly | 1 |
open project is qtdeclarative crashes irregularly but often code line c line c mode line c line c mode line c qsharedpointer document line c futureinterface qmljsmodelmanagerinterface qmlmodelmanager const cplusplussnapshot snapshot const qhashbool documents line c line c line c line c qmljsmodelmanagerinterface cplusplussnapshot const qhashbool const qmljsmodelmanagerinterface cplusplussnapshotqhashbool runhelperstdintegersequence line c qmljsmodelmanagerinterface cplusplussnapshot const qhashbool const qmljsmodelmanagerinterface cplusplussnapshotqhashbool run line c line c code | 1 |
closely related to | 1 |
actually this is a double issue and concerns qttelnet repeatedly creating new and deleteing delete qttelnet objects while using them in between connecttohost senddata close sooner or later but rather sooner a crash will resulti decided to use new and delete because and this is issue going through the cycle connecttohost senddata close a second cycle is not possible anymore because the senddata doesnt work anymore | 1 |
code start testing of tstqscriptextqobject config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc red hat pass tstqscriptextqobjectinittestcase fail compared values are not the same actual mengineevaluatemyobjectmyinvokablereturningvectorofintiserror expected true loc pass tstqscriptextqobjectcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqscriptextqobject code it failed times in a row | 1 |
the following codeqfont font qtooltipfontqfontmetrics metrics qfontmetricsfontint width metricswidthtextcause an assertion to fail and subsequent sigabrt on os x dp | 1 |
tooling must generate safeimage with fillcolor definition of done unit tests are implemented quality gates passed reviews coverage optionally cve testrail entry done api documentation done for qml comments added in code architecture documentation is updated design documentation is updated | 1 |
gerrit was updated to version which wont work with coin because srcutilspy codejava return ver and ver | 1 |
on windows qlocalsocketwaitfordisconnected always times out in the attached test case on unix it works as expected my interpretation of whats going on qt on windows has a bug in qlocalsocketwaitfordisconnected it uses a separate thread to do the actual write via an internal qwindowspipewriter qlocalsocket is notified when the data has has been written via a connection from the pipe writer but this is a queuedconnection due to being in a separate thread so the signal never gets seen unless an event loop is used for a project im maintaining i made a workaround for this bug by writing my own limited event loop | 0 |
it should be somehow possible to allow greater precision on dynamic real properties defined view connections view two decimals is fine by default but if more is needed you need to manually edit the qml | 0 |
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstestsautoxmlpatternstargetwrappersh tstxmlpatterns xquerysupport start testing of tstxmlpatterns config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstxmlpatternsinittestcase fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporta simple math query compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportan unbound external variable compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column no variable with name externalvariable existsn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column no variable with name externalvariable existsn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportbind an external variable compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportbind an external variable query appearing last compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse fndoc compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse fndoc together with noformat last compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse fndoc together with noformat first compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportmake sure query paths are resolved against cwd not the location of the executable compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportcall fnerror compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column n expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column n loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportevaluate a library module compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column syntax error unexpected namespace expecting end of filen expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column syntax error unexpected namespace expecting end of filen loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporttrigger a static error compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column syntax error unexpected unknown keywordn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column syntax error unexpected unknown keywordn loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpass help fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportopen an nonexistent file compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportxqueryfunction message markups compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column fndocuri as xsstring as document requires at least arguments is therefore invalidn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column fndocuri as xsstring as document requires at least arguments is therefore invalidn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportxquerytype message markups compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column operator cannot be used on atomic values of type xsinteger and xsstringn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column operator cannot be used on atomic values of type xsinteger and xsstringn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportxquerydata xquerykeyword message markups compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column division div by zero is undefinedn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column division div by zero is undefinedn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportxqueryuri message markups compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column only the unicode codepoint collation is supported h expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column only the unicode codepoint collation is supported is unsupportedn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportxqueryexpression message markups compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column is an invalid regular expression pattern unexpected endn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column is an invalid regular expression pattern unexpected endn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportprint a list of available regexp flagsthe available flags are formatted in a complex way compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column i is an invalid flag for regular expressions valid flags areni matches are case insensitivenm and ma expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column i is an invalid flag for regular expressions valid flags areni matches are case insensitivenm and match the start and end of a linens matches newline charactersnx whitespace characters loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporttrigger an assert in qpatternistcoloroutput the query naturally contains an error compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnwarning in the variable a is unusednerror in at line column required cardinality is zero or one got cardinality one or more expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr warning in the variable a is unusednerror in at line column required cardinality is zero or one got cardinality one or moren loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporttrigger a second assert in qpatternistcoloroutput the query naturally contains compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column syntax error unexpected expecting end of filen expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column syntax error unexpected expecting end of filen loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportparam is missing so multiple queries appear compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportonly noformat fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportbasic use of output query first compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportbasic use of output query last compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporta single query that does not exist compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportspecify two identical query names compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportspecify no arguments at all pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse output twice pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportoutput with a nonwritable file fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse output on a file with existing content to ensure we truncate not append the content we produce compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportone query and a terminating dash at the end compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportone query with a preceding dash compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupporta single dash thats invalid pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke version pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportunknown switch unknownswitch pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportunknown switch d pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpassing a single dash is insufficient fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpassing two dashes the last is interpreted as a file name compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpass three dashes the two last gets interpreted as two query arguments compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in no such file or directoryn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in no such file or directoryn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportload query via data scheme compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportload query via ftp compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportload query via http compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportwe dont support format any longer fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportrun a query which evaluates to the empty sequence compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportrun a query which evaluates to a single document node with no children compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke with invalid param value pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke with colon in variable name pass tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke with missing name in param arg fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke with param that has two adjacent equal signs compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpass in an external variable but the query doesnt use it compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportinvoke with param that has no value compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportensure isuri can appear after the query filename compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse a native path compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportpass in invalid uri compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column syntax error unexpected unknown keyword expecting tpositionsetn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column syntax error unexpected unknown keyword expecting tpositionsetn loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse param twice compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportuse param thrice compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportspecify the same parameter twice different values compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdneach parameter must be unique duplicated is specified at least twicenunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr each parameter must be unique duplicated is specified at least twicen loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportspecify the same parameter twice same values compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdneach parameter must be unique duplicated is specified at least twicenunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr each parameter must be unique duplicated is specified at least twicen loc fail tstxmlpatternsxquerysupportopen a nonexisting collection compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnerror in at line column doesnotexistforsure cannot be retrievedn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr error in at line column doesnotexistforsure cannot be retrievedn loc fail literal sequence compared values are not the same actual fixedstderr unsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdnunsupported ioctl cmdn expected filterstderrrawexpectedstderr loc pass tstxmlpatternscleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstxmlpatterns recipe for target check failed make error code | 1 |
open simpleqml example move mouse over window animation stops resumes when mouse leaves the window | 1 |
the canvas below should be painted on startup but it has be resized before it will paint if you remove the loader it will workcodeimport qtquick qtquickcontrols qtquickcontrolsstyles id myrect width height loader anchorsfill parent rectangle anchorsfill parent color transparent bordercolor black button id previousmonth none of the following will result in the canvas being painted on startup width parentwidth height width parentwidth height parentheight width height parentheight but this will width height rectangle anchorsfill parent anchorsmargins color transparent bordercolor red style buttonstyle background item implicitwidth printsetting implicit width of button to controlwidthcontrolwidth implicitheight printsetting implicit height of button to controlheightcontrolheight rectangle anchorsfill parent anchorsmargins color transparent bordercolor blue canvas width mathminparentwidth parentheight height width anchorscenterin parent onxchanged printcanvas x x onychanged printcanvas y y onwidthchanged printcanvas width width onheightchanged printcanvas height height onpaint printpaint var ctx ctxreset ctxfillstyle ctxbeginpath width height codeoutputcodeqml canvas width canvas height setting implicit width of button to setting implicit height of button to canvas x canvas y canvas x canvas x canvas width canvas y canvas height setting implicit width of button to | 0 |
create a qt console application from the wizard if clangformat is loaded there is no indentation codejava include int mainint argc char argv qcoreapplication aargc argv return aexec code deactivate the plugin and create another qt console application the indentation is fine | 0 |
those tests have failed times within the last week one time on opensuse and the rest on windows and noformat pass qwarn incorrect nextconfiguration qwarn current configuration c qwarn expected configuration e qwarn after sending event fail runresult returned false failure location noformat and noformat qwarn incorrect nextconfiguration qwarn current configuration c qwarn expected configuration e qwarn after sending event fail runresult returned false loc noformat build log build log | 0 |
the and macos installation from the qt online installer are missing the mysql plugin older versions up to contain under libqsqlmysqldylib libqsqlmysqldylibdsym libqsqlmysqldebugdylib libqsqlmysqldebugdylibdsym and dont contain them this is particularly annoying for the minor release | 0 |
update submodules on dev in code g c pipe g og fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dreentrant fpic dqtbuildqmlchartslib dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtplugin dqtchartslib dqtquicklib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace i iinclude iincludeqtcharts ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objdeclarativeareaserieso in file included from from from error expected templatename before ‘’ token public iterator error expected ‘’ before ‘’ token in file included from from from error expected classname before ‘’ token error expected classname before ‘’ token error expected classname before ‘’ token error expected classname before ‘’ token in file included from from from error expected nestednamespecifier before ‘enableif’ enableifvaluetype error expected ‘’ before ‘enableif’ in member function ‘void qtchartsdefaultdeleteoperatortp const’ error ‘isvoid’ was not declared in this scope staticassertisvoidvalue note suggested alternative in file included from from from from from from from from from from note ‘stdisvoid’ struct isvoid in file included from from from error expected primaryexpression before ‘’ token staticassertisvoidvalue error ‘value’ has not been declared staticassertisvoidvalue note suggested alternative ‘valloc’ staticassertisvoidvalue valloc at global scope error expected nestednamespecifier before ‘enableif’ enableifvaluetype error expected ‘’ before ‘enableif’ error expected nestednamespecifier before ‘enableif’ typename enableifvaluetype error expected initializer before ‘’ token typename enableifvaluetype error ‘voidt’ was not declared in this scope ptrpointer code many more then half builds failed | 1 |
code start testing of tstqpluginloader config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqpluginloaderinittestcase fail tstqpluginloaderstaticplugins compared values are not the same actual metadatavalueversiontoint expected qtversion loc pass tstqpluginloadercleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqpluginloader code | 1 |
when using qwebengine to open a pdf file the application crashes in a debug build with the following error codejava permission denied for metricsprivaterecordvalue check failed checkfeatureidentityfeature rendererappcontainer code everything seems to work fine in a release build the pdf is properly displayed this can be reproduced with the example project compile execute the example in debug configuration within the qt simple browser example application use file open file to open any local pdf file the application apparently tries to load the file but crashes within seconds this works fine when doing the same in release configuration | 0 |
code project error unknown feature object qmldebug in expression featuresqmldebug code | 1 |
if you have a qtextedit with a sufficiently high enough line count the qtextedit widget will truncate the displayed text if you switch the linewrapmode to nowrap and you are using qtextcharformat to change the text color andor background color both mergecharformat and setcharformat behave the samei have replicated this on both qt and qt the environment was on windows with msvc as noted its believed to do the same on other platforms but i havent tested it on others yetattached is a small testcase that exhibits the behavior copy the included testdatatxt file to the same folder you are running the exe from as presented it will truncate what is shown if you either comment out line of mainwindowcpp with the setlinewrapmode to nowrap or if you comment out line with the call to mergecharformat it will display the entire content but without the desired wrap mode or text highlighting respectively | 0 |
selecting text in a qtextedit or qtextbrowser when rendering with the openvg graphics system results in a crash the root of the problem is clipping with a null path and when text is selected in one of the above widgets the rendering path will use a null path clip the openvg paint engine crashes when a null clip is usedtext selection is not the only way to reproduce this bug though any widget that paints content and happens to use a null clip path will immediately cause a crash webkit is the biggest user of path clipping in qt so it is possible that a null path clip code path could be hit there as well | 1 |
in the following example tdocument is a qobject defined in c it has a member documentmymodel which is of a qstringlistmodel type the example works fine and the repeater makes a text for each item as expected however if you uncomment the function foo line suddenly qml can no longer read documentmymodel with the error qmetaproperty unable to handle unregistered datatype qstringlistmodel for property steps to reproduce run attached example see that its working properly with a b and c on the screen uncomment the function foo line in mainqml observe that a b and c dont show up on the screen anymore and there is the error message on the console this is not a problem in version noformat tdocument id document uncommenting the following makes the sample not work anymore with the error qmetaproperty unable to handle unregistered datatype qstringlistmodel for property function foo column repeater model documentmymodel text text display noformat | 0 |
hovering over a qgraphicsscene will steal focus this occurs in the diagram scene example bundled with qt creator enter text in the font or font size fields then hover the mouse over the scene the focus will be taken away from field | 0 |
id expect it to be the case that code v v vv vnormalized vnormalize qassertv vv code but the source code clearly shows that in the case that qfuzzyisnulllen where len is really length squared normalized will return the zero vector but normalize will not change its input related | 0 |
the backingstore in eglfs uses glrepeat this cannot work for nonpoweroftwo sizes on systems where the opengl implementation does not support npot textures and glrepeat on themthis results in not rendering widget windows on such embedded systems at allthis can be fixed easily in eglfs since the use of glrepeat originates from some old restrictions in qopengltextureblitter which have been since lifted | 1 |
hello everyone got error for builds using with shared codejava echo ok cd src if not exist makefile o makefile f makefile entering directory cd winextras if not exist makefile o makefile f makefile entering directory f makefilerelease entering directory g wls shared wlsubsystemwindows o lshlwapi ldwmapi objreleaseqwinthumbnailtoolbaroqwinthumbnailtoolbarcpptext undefined reference to dwminvalidateiconicbitmaps objreleaseqwinthumbnailtoolbaroqwinthumbnailtoolbarcpptext undefined reference to dwmseticonicthumbnail objreleaseqwinthumbnailtoolbaroqwinthumbnailtoolbarcpptext undefined reference to dwmseticoniclivepreviewbitmap error ld returned exit status error leaving directory error leaving directory error leaving directory error code and static layout codejava entering directory g wls static wlsubsystemwindows o releasequickplayerexe objreleasemaino objreleasequickplayerpluginimporto objreleasequickplayerqmlpluginimporto objreleaseqrcquickplayero lwinspool lshlwapi luxtheme ldwmapi ldnsapi liphlpapi lmpr luserenv lversion luuid lwinmm lz lsicuin lsicuuc objreleasequickplayerresourcereso entering directory g wls static wlsubsystemwindows o releasemusicplayerexe objreleasemaino objreleasemusicplayero objreleasevolumebuttono objreleasemusicplayerpluginimporto objreleasemocmusicplayero objreleasemocvolumebuttono lmf lmfplat lmfuuid levr ldmoguids lmsdmo lksuser lstrmiids lwinspool luxtheme lshlwapi ldwmapi ldnsapi liphlpapi lmpr luserenv lversion luuid lwinmm lz lsicuin lsicuuc objreleasemusicplayerresourcereso undefined reference to dwminvalidateiconicbitmaps undefined reference to dwmseticonicthumbnail undefined reference to dwmseticoniclivepreviewbitmap error ld returned exit status error leaving directory error leaving directory error waiting for unfinished jobs undefined reference to dwminvalidateiconicbitmaps undefined reference to dwmseticonicthumbnail undefined reference to dwmseticoniclivepreviewbitmap error ld returned exit status error leaving directory error leaving directory error leaving directory error leaving directory error relate to recently merged change reproduced for builds using not reproduced for builds using with reverted change builds using icc and msvc best alexander | 0 |
code homeqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautoquickinspectorservertargetwrappersh tstinspectorserver testpagelist start testing of tstinspectorserver config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstinspectorserverinittestcase qwarn tstinspectorservertestpagelist remote debugging server started successfully try pointing a chromiumbased browser to received signal illillopn basestacktrace baseanonymous namespacestackdumpsignalhandler sknxsknx sknxload skrectsetboundscheck skpathrefcomputeptbounds skpathrefcomputebounds skpathrefgetbounds skpathgetbounds skpathupdateboundscache skscalercontextinternalgetpath skscalercontextgetpath skglyphcachefindpath sktexttopathiternext skpaintgettextpath blinkgetskiaboundsforglyph blinkplatformboundsforglyph blinkboundsforglyph blinkinsertrun blinkextractshaperesults blinkshaperesult blinkshapewordwithoutspacing blinkshapeword blinkshapetoendindex blinknextword blinknext blinkwidth blinkfloatwidthforcomplextext blinkwidth blinktextwidth blinkcalculatewordwidth blinkhandletext blinknextlinebreak blinklayoutrunsandfloatsinrange blinklayoutrunsandfloats blinklayoutinlinechildren blinklayoutblockflow blinklayoutblock blinklayout blinkpositionandlayoutonceifneeded blinklayoutblockchild blinklayoutblockchildren blinklayoutblockflow blinklayoutblock blinklayout blinkpositionandlayoutonceifneeded blinklayoutblockchild blinklayoutblockchildren blinklayoutblockflow blinklayoutblock blinklayout blinkpositionandlayoutonceifneeded blinklayoutblockchild blinklayoutblockchildren blinklayoutblockflow blinklayoutblock blinklayout blinklayoutcontent blinklayout blinklayoutfromrootobject blinkperformlayout di si bp bx dx ax cx sp ip efl cgf erf trp msk fail tstinspectorservertestpagelist loadspysize webviewisloading returned false loc pass tstinspectorservercleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstinspectorserver make error code failed at least twice in a row | 1 |
qt fails to build on mac with configure option the attached qtbasesrcplatformsupportfontdatabasesmaccoretextpri resolves the build error | 0 |
when editing c text i get this crash gdb backtrace in cppfunctionhintmodeltext this at in texteditorupdatecontent this at in texteditorupdateandcheck this prefix at in texteditorupdateproposal this prefix at in texteditornotifychange this at in texteditornotifychange this at in texteditoreventfilter this obj e at in qcoreapplicationprivatesendthroughapplicationeventfiltersqobject qevent from in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent from in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent from in qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent from in from in from in from in from in gmaincontextdispatch from in from in gmaincontextiteration from in qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags from in from in qeventloopprocesseventsqflags from in qeventloopexecqflags from in qcoreapplicationexec from in main argv at p ftypecannot access memory at address | 1 |
hello i am trying to get the gps coordinates of the computer using the qgeopositioninfosource but it returns me location access failed this one is reproducible using the weatherinfo example program i am on windows update running the exact same example program with qt does work without any problem my computer does not have a gps dedicated chip thus is expected to get the coordinates from the network | 0 |
qt performs a configure test to determine if the openssl version is or greater the code then uses if to test for this however there are places in the code where if opensslversionnumber l is used instead two are in srcnetworksslqsslsocketopensslsymbolsph and one is in srcnetworksslqsslsocketopensslsymbolscpp these three should be converted to the qtconfig style for consistency patch attached | 0 |
error conan has requirement but youll have typedast which is incompatible full log same for windows | 1 |
commit brought grubupdate command to play that one isnt found and after enforcing script results we have a blocker here | 1 |
i tested on gravlaks hpuxi compiles fine but gives warnings when linking about unresolved symbolscant run any gui apps they all bork because of the missing unsatisfied code symbol in load module missing symbol is apparently xsyncqueryextensionxdisplay int int in this casethe compile output reveals the rest of the makeacc c dsitanium w dstrictansi dhpuxsource dreentrant mt dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iincludeqtcore iincludeqtnetwork iincludeqtgui iinclude i o ftpwindowo ftpwindowcppacc c dsitanium w dstrictansi dhpuxsource dreentrant mt dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iincludeqtcore iincludeqtnetwork iincludeqtgui iinclude i o maino dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iincludeqtcore iincludeqtnetwork iincludeqtgui iinclude i ftpwindowh o mocftpwindowcppacc c dsitanium w dstrictansi dhpuxsource dreentrant mt dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iincludeqtcore iincludeqtnetwork iincludeqtgui iinclude i o mocftpwindowo name ftp ftpqrc o qrcftpcppacc c dsitanium w dstrictansi dhpuxsource dreentrant mt dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iincludeqtcore iincludeqtnetwork iincludeqtgui iinclude i o qrcftpo qrcftpcppacc dsitanium wls o o qftp ftpwindowo maino mocftpwindowo qrcftpo lm lqtgui lqtnetwork lqtcore lpthreadld warning unsatisfied symbol xsyncsetcounterxdisplayunsigned longxsyncvalue in file warning unsatisfied symbol xsyncqueryextensionxdisplayintint in file warning unsatisfied symbol xsyncinitializexdisplayintint in file warning unsatisfied symbol xsynccreatecounterxdisplayxsyncvalue in file | 1 |
connect via ms remotedesktop to a aero style desktop and run follwing program running a vmware machine alsoinclude int mainint argc char argv qapplication aargc argv qwizard w wshow return aexec | 0 |
today i tried to use qt and could not use the examples nor the tutorial from the welcome screen what happens i click on the tutorial eg creating a qt quick and can see the tutorial web page for of a second which is then replaced by a message error downloading server replied not foundas usual i have blocked ads and tracking in my hosts file so the error message is no surpriseto confirm that the blocked google tracker is the reasn i allowed it once and tried the same tutorial it worked theni only want to learn and not communicate with google so this is a severe bug in qtcreator when searching for similar bugs i found that this issue had been closed prematurely with the careless remark cannot reproduce which obviously must be wrongso please look into that once more and release qtcreator from any dependence from google and similar sitesthis or a very similar bug can be seen inand other bugreports just search for analyticsthanks for your time | 0 |
code fail tstqwidgetmaskedupdate compared values are not the same loc code | 0 |
drag and drop stops when window is minimized during dnd operation steps to reproduce on be sure that you have at least two virtual desktops if you are using compositing be sure that always breaks minimization is not selected open the application from attachment on virtual desktop start drag from applications window now you can drop it everywhere change to the second desktop using keyboard the windows is in minimized state now see console output now the dnd icon cant move you cant drop the item go back into first desktop now you can dnd only inside applications window so you cant dnd into other application works ok with | 0 |
add qtincludepath to caexcludepath in order to avoid warnings from code analysis | 1 |
download the latest alpha release for mac used while testinginstall the qt with the attached qs scriptbuginstallation is jammed on the setup wizard pagefyi version information for the versioninstaller creation time version installer base build date sep is blocking mac installer testing on the rta release test automation | 1 |
like with qabstractbarseries user can set label precisión in bar charts with setlabelsprecision changes are done as part of but in other kinds of qabstractseries charts there are no such functions to set the precision of labels like in area series it is hardcoded to have precision up to it would be great to have a similar method for all series types | 0 |
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