stringlengths 3
| label
int64 0
i recently upgraded fisheyecrucible to use crowd for authentication but not my jira instance yet application linksauth between the atlassian applications will no longer work from a specific jira project i attempt to create an application link i first get authorizepng when i click authorize i get approvepng and when i allow it i get failedpng i no longer have integration with my software project and associated repos this prevents my team from creating reviews in a streamlined fashion and has a major impact on my organization | 1 |
i tried to fork a a private repository yesterday and it has been stuck on cloning for the last hours with no option to cancel the jobi tried to do a new fork in case i face the same issue | 1 |
login using chrome or firefox access agile tab click report on right hand side of ui on top toolbar click create issue error occurs this is consistently reproducible in chrome or firefox does not seem to be reproducible in ie | 0 |
there is no way to correctly implement a service account on bitbucket cloudformerly ssh keys on teamorganization account could be used for this purpose but for some time now the server is emitting this sort of warningscodepythonremote warningremote you are currently connecting with your team accountremote this is no longer supported so please connect using your user accountcodethe recommended way of providing automation seems to be using ssh access keys but these only allow readonly access no write accessasking on the atlassian community the only answer i got was to use my personal account as a service account which is unsatisfactoryplease provide ssh access keys with readwrite access on bitbucket cloud | 0 |
bring up go to crowd add a user into jira go to jiras user click the newly added user never comes through to jiras user browserive tried to debug this seems like the sync button in ui successfully calls quartz to schedule the sync job but the job never gets executedas a result of this any changes made on crowd do not come through to jira | 1 |
summary cannot contact marketplace to import workflows steps to reproduce navigate to project create project choose view marketplace workflow select a workflow comes up with a search but says it cannot reach atlassian marketplace expected results ability to search atlassian marketplace for workflows to import actual results select a workflow comes up with a search but says it cannot reach atlassian marketplace manually visit the marketplace and search for workflows | 0 |
when i try to upgrade to jira i get the following errors this error i get when i export the old db and import it in to a new db failed to import data error in action result error adminerrorserrorimportingdata when we point the install at the exsiting db i get the following error see attached screen shot please let me know thanks chris callow | 1 |
i made an upgrade from jira to jira and after that directly to on our testsystem in a dashboard project list i try to show all issues from a project see appendix allissuespng the result is an empty list also when i try the other options everytime an empty list see emptylistpng | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwe receive this error lucidchart macro the rich viewer is unavailable for this macro to enable this functionality you must update the macro to the most recent version of the diagram without being able to access the diagrams from our documents confluence is basically unusable for you for instance | 1 |
getting error when trying to create a pull requestdebug | 1 |
hi i created a new repository on the push command was aborted while processing for new pushes i am getting the following errors enlurepohg push newbranch pushing to searching for changes abort abandoned transaction found run hg recoverenlurepohg recover no interrupted transaction availableneed to fix this in order to add new branches to this repository | 1 |
issue summary when excerpting a table from a page to another one the macro preview for the excerpt include macro shows the table in the old editorstyle though it embeds the content correctly withing the page steps to reproduce create a page page a add the excerpt macro and insert a table within it publish page page a create a page page b insert the excerpt include macro and inform the page page a in the page containing the excerpt field hit the preview button expected results the content is shown as it is in page a actual results the content is shown in the old editing style note as far as we could test it it doesnt affect the content in the view mode of the page workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available | 0 |
issue summary clicking on user or group menu from general settings fails with page not found error the error shows like this on two different cloud sites screen shot at pmpngthumbnail screen shot at pmpngthumbnail screen shot at pmpngthumbnail steps to reproduce navigate to click on users or groups under security menu expected results it should take you to the user management page actual results it takes you to url like and fails with a error workaround use url instead | 1 |
if a user has made a comment on a changeset on a pull request or directly on a line comment a strip operation may fail in this case support can help strip the changeset but the user will no longer have any access to the comments or pull requests that the changeset was present on | 0 |
the atlassian documentation currently mentions this bq you can add file and image attachments to any issue to add an attachment when you first create an issue copy a file from your computer and paste it directly in the create issue dialog the problem is that this is not true you cannot simply copy a file and paste it in the dialog for images in order to copypaste you must first open the image file and copy the actual image itself | 0 |
reset please | 1 |
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report problem description the sd incoming mail stops processing further at times if the issue is already created it returns error as unable to create comment note this does not halt the email from further diagnosticon the logs with incoming mail debug enabled it seems to stuck on a particular debug servicerunner starts processing mail item debug servicerunner checking if mail item is a mail loop debug servicerunner detected mail item as a mail loopnoformati the example above shows id whether is the id being returned from the query belownoformatselect countmailitemid from where mailitemid in select id from where status new group by mailitemid having order by count descnoformatif yes then it is most likely to hit into this explanationemail stores attachment as embedded to the mail body when the mail process trying to process it only process the first row where it ends up halt due to the incomplete data to decode the attachmentat times when the email is detected to be added as comment it will not halt the email processing but will return as error the cause for it is the same it somehow error out when decoding the workaroundif you wish to recover the email content before deletion follow the kb below then you can proceed with deleting the affected id that stuck refer to the steps below backup the database delete following the command belownoformatdelete from where mailitemid delete from where id noformatnote for cloud customer please inform support team to perform troubleshooting and workaround for this bugjepp version | 1 |
seen on chrome osx steps to repro do ctrlclick on the issue key link for example to open the issue in a new tab observe that the issue is now being dragged although you have finished the mouse up impact when opening an issue in a new tab like this it is easy to accidentally drag the issue to another springranking position workaround press esc when the issue is in drag state and it will return to its original sprintranking position | 0 |
while the macro works with english language settings it seems that the german translations provided for communitymacrofollowingmy communitymacrofollowersmy are not evaluated correctly due to a in the translation text this leads to unexpected behaviour when using layouts inside a page see attached image workaround used on our side use translation plugin to change translation to as a placeholder is needed use the following css rule to hide the networkmacro description display none | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira service desk server using jira service desk cloud see the corresponding bug report panel steps to recreate mark the log work field as required include the log work field on the respond to customer screen try move a support desk issue from waiting on support to waiting on customer | 0 |
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in the confluence tasklist macro an attacker might take advantage of the vulnerability to steal other users session cookies or other credentials by sending the credentials back to such an attackers own web server an attackers text and script might be displayed to other people viewing the confluence page this is potentially damaging to your companys reputation this issue is reported in our security advisory on this page you can read more about xss attacks at cgisecurity cert and other places on the web | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhi full name should be the same like in answers currently is used from confluence i suppose thanks | 1 |
having the whole site backed up in and trying to restore it somewhere else on a clean newly setup version causes saxparserexception and some npes although the application says that everything has been restored successfully seems the exception is catched without any proper reaction but the whole site is unusable then all corrupted db you can not even login since the previous data have been deleted to restore the new ones which has been unsuccessful theni guess the problem is that the backup xml format the table structures and even data formats are different in and so the restore module gets into problems on the other hand its not correct to blindly restore the whole table structures and data they may be different which is so in our case so a migration is needed from the old to new format both from table structure and data format point of viewanyways here is the exception log on server adminrestorestartaction alter table attachments drop constraint alter table spacepermissions drop constraint alter table spaces drop constraint alter table pagetemplates drop constraint alter table pagetemplates drop constraint alter table links drop constraint alter table osusergroup drop constraint alter table osusergroup drop constraint alter table pages drop constraint alter table pages drop constraint alter table extrnlnks drop constraint drop table attachments if exists drop table osuser if exists drop table spacepermissions if exists drop table spaces if exists drop table osgroup if exists drop table ospropertyset if exists drop table pagetemplates if exists drop table links if exists drop table osusergroup if exists drop table pages if exists drop table extrnlnks if exists create table attachments attachmentid bigint not null title not null contenttype not null pageid bigint creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key attachmentid create table osuser id bigint not null username not null passwd email primary key id unique username create table spacepermissions permid bigint not null spaceid bigint permtype not null permgroupname permusername creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key permid create table spaces spaceid bigint not null spacename spacekey not null spacedesc homepage bigint creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key spaceid unique spacekey create table osgroup id bigint not null groupname not null primary key id unique groupname create table ospropertyset entityname not null entityid bigint not null entitykey not null keytype integer booleanval bit doubleval double stringval longval bigint intvalinteger dateval date primary key entityname entityid entitykey create table pagetemplates templateid bigint not null templatename not null templatedesc content spaceid bigint prevver bigint version integer not null creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key templateid create table links linkid bigint not null destpagetitle not null destspacekey not null srcpageid bigint not null creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddatetimestamp primary key linkid create table osusergroup groupid bigint not null userid bigint not null primary key userid groupid create table pages pageid bigint not null pagetitle not null spaceid bigint pagecontent prevver bigint version integer not null creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key pageid create table extrnlnks linkid bigint not null viewcount integer not null url not null srcpageid bigint not null creator creationdate timestamp lastmodifier lastmoddate timestamp primary key linkid alter table attachments add constraint foreign key pageid references pages alter table spacepermissions add constraint foreign key spaceid references spaces alter table spaces add constraint foreign key homepage references pages alter table pagetemplates add constraint foreign key spaceid references spaces alter table pagetemplates add constraint foreign key prevver references pagetemplates alter table links add constraint foreign key srcpageid references pages alter table osusergroup add constraint foreign key userid references osuser alter table osusergroup add constraint foreign key groupid references osgroup alter table pages add constraint foreign key prevver references pages alter table pages add constraint foreign key spaceid references spaces alter table extrnlnks add constraint foreign key srcpageid references pages warn initialcontext did not implement eventcontext error error parsing xml xml orgxmlsaxsaxparseexception document is invalid no grammar found at orgapachexercesutilerrorhandlerwrappercreatesaxparseexceptionunknown source at orgapachexercesutilerrorhandlerwrappererrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlnsdocumentscannerimplscanstartelementunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlnsdocumentscannerimplnscontentdispatcherscanrootelementhookunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplfragmentcontentdispatcherdispatchunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscandocumentunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersdtdconfigurationparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersdtdconfigurationparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersxmlparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserparseunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterparsepageunknown source at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterdofilterunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at error error parsing xml xml orgxmlsaxsaxparseexception document root element hibernategeneric must match doctype root null at orgapachexercesutilerrorhandlerwrappercreatesaxparseexceptionunknown source at orgapachexercesutilerrorhandlerwrappererrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlnsdocumentscannerimplscanstartelementunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlnsdocumentscannerimplnscontentdispatcherscanrootelementhookunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplfragmentcontentdispatcherdispatchunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscandocumentunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersdtdconfigurationparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersdtdconfigurationparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersxmlparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserparseunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterparsepageunknown source at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterdofilterunknown source at at at at at at javalangnullpointerexception at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterparsepageunknown source at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterdofilterunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at rethrown as netsfhibernatepropertyaccessexception nullpointerexception occurred while calling setter of comatlassianconfluencespacesspacename at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterparsepageunknown source at comopensymphonymodulesitemeshfilterpagefilterdofilterunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javalangnullpointerexception at method at at at at more adminrestoreaction | 1 |
needs verification the question is if the work around described in the comments is enough or if there is more work needed heredynamic content macro with output type set to inline renders as block create a macro set the outputtype to inline render the macroexpectation is that the macro will be rendered inlineactual is that the macro is rendered as a blockits pretty much the same problem as this guy has | 0 |
hi i have a repo which shows size and i cannot push there i had at one time invalid justified size due to one of the members push videos to the repo but i made everything as in manual to remove the mentioned commit and force recalculating sizeeverything was fine until today repo has size pushes disabledi just removed last commit line change and made push force something had changed and repo has size obviously repo one line commit is not help us recover repository which has no large files and had size approximately before problems started | 1 |
when using dual monitors with different resolutions jira does not display the create button at the bottom of the screen after moving window to the other monitor steps to reproduce monitor x monitor x any browser open a new browser window and maximize it on monitor on the jira dashboard click create issue in the description field enter multiple lines of text until the textbox grows enough that it includes a scrollbar move the browser window to monitor and maximize notice now that you cant scroll to the bottom part of the popup which includes the create and cancel buttons | 0 |
weve detected a number of crashes where has failed when trying to read the head of a repository if you experience this crash could you please upload any localappdataatlassiansourcetreesourcetreelog files covering the time of the crash to this issue thanks | 1 |
when running the installer an attempting to login to atlassian account the error message opps youve made a malformed request appears | 1 |
if you select a rowcolumn with your mouse and then click the highlight row or column buttons they dont work if theyre just clicked in a single cell it works fine | 0 |
when i search for reviewers when creating new pull requests it searches all users not the sensible choices of users who have access to the repository team really make sense to add global users who have permission to view the repo to a pr which you do of course but i have to filter them out when typing | 0 |
from the editor feedback page quoteif you apply an italicized color format to two words that represent a selected list value or menu item such as patient discharge the formatting is applied to only one word especially when in a string of values usually requires having to delete entire text block and retyping clear formatting doesnt always workquote i couldnt reproduce but full steps to reproduce to be provided john | 0 |
if you create a permission scheme named for example permissionscheme you cannot rename neither delete it this is thrown in the debug logs when i try to rename it noformat debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get error fisheyeapp editpermschemeactiongetactions permission scheme not found permission scheme debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request get debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request post debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request post noformat it says it could not find the permission scheme this is thrown in the debug logs when i try to delete it noformat debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get adminlistpermschemesdo debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request get adminlistpermschemesdo debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheyeperf profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request get noformat no error message only start end requests this can be seen in the web interface when i try to rename it or delete it permissionschemejpg workaround edit the permission scheme name directly in the database please shutdown your fisheyecrucible instance and create a safety backup of your database before running the following sql queries search for the permission scheme id codesql select from crupermscheme code annotate the value of the crupsid column corresponding to the problematic permission scheme name supposing that the value is rename the permission scheme codesql update crupermscheme set cruname mypermissionschemename where crupsid code please replace mypermissionschemename in the query above by a name of your choice without special characters start the fisheye crucible instance again | 0 |
i can not publish artifact in bamboo project build finished successfully but artifact not shown i recieved such log unable to determine publishers for job artifact pattern anchored at i attach file with configuration artifacts | 1 |
helloi am a member of a team which has several private repos since i do not see any commits which are made in this repos on my overview page my email is verified and i see commits which made before but all following commits appear in my list is this a known bug | 0 |
steps to reproduce start adding a new label there should be more than a few already added while doing this before saving zoom in the browesrs window actual result labels are broken see the screenshot expected result labels are properly zoomed in | 0 |
every time i open sourcetree i get a login prompt for bitbucket the save password in your keychain checkbox is checked by default but it never appears to get saved at this prompt i am able to log in normally and continue to use the app without any further issues until the next time i open the app i reported this issue to you via twitter after which i was advised to log it in jira cheers jono hayward | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhey guysheres a feedback from my side the thing i dont like is the default order of questions by popularity i havent found a way to have the order changed as my default order when i click on questions the old order is restored so i have to click twice questions and recent in order to refresh the list of questions in my favorite order beside that it actually looks awesomecheersudo | 1 |
sourcetree crashes on startup after update to latest version see attached log symptoms after completing the update wizard sourcetree starts and loads bookmarks but then crashes cause sourcetree has not correctly initialized its connections to the githg installs and is unable to correctly initialize its representations of the repositories workaround restarting sourcetree should put it in its correct state able to open repositories we are working on a complete fix | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelgetting an error when trying to add an event in all calendar when adding a user it happens since i upgraded to and on any calendar with any user thanks for your prompt answer elise | 1 |
there is another bug created for this bug but it is marked as resolved whereas it clearly is not resolved | 1 |
if rte is standard editor or when you do a round trip between rte and markup copycreate page with anchor link page contains a corrupted anchor link instead of | 1 |
throwscodejavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at | 1 |
i could visit the following page as an anonymous user but after logging in i get the following errorquoteyour request was unable to be processedjavalangruntimeexception cell merge off end after find cellnum cell merge off end after find cellnum are running release please report your release number when reporting bugsgot a problem or a suggestiondiscuss it in the online forums or visit the support website for your support optionsquotescreenshot attached | 0 |
while having the app in the background i removed a repository from the filesystem the repo was not opened in sourcetree but it was present in the bookmarks tree when the focus to the app was restored i got these errors or times in a row one after another in a loop before being able to do anything | 0 |
logging in as user via ldap works fine the profile summary under the profile link shows read only account creating a new article works editing the same article again leads to the attached exception read only configuration when clicking on save the exception comes up with every existing article | 1 |
trying to clone a repository made sourcetree crash with an error message just when the clone process completed the repository was cloned successfully and the code was undamaged error trace from log file attached | 0 |
when you learn spell from trainer trainer still have that spell | 0 |
seen in probably because jira is using the noopclientproperties | 1 |
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in the action links of confluences attachments lists all versions from to are affected xss vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own javascript into a confluence page you can read more about xss attacks at various places on the web including these cgisecuritycom the web application security consortium this issue is reported in our security advisory on this page the page also includes detailed patch instructions | 1 |
im trying to setup confluence with caucho resin and mysql i took correct webxml from when i ran setup and was enter licence key i saw screen only with left menu and nothing in content ared screenshoot attached i was setup another instance of confluence on tomcat and i didnt have such problem | 1 |
to recreate this you need to have first created your page and then saved it rough steps create a page which has some text and then a table if you cursor to beyond the table and hit return then you will get a newline as you expect save the page and then edit it again now cursor to beyond the table and hit return the cursor will move to the top of the page being edited | 0 |
multiple users are facing the issue where they are not able to login to atlassian account in source tree inspite of having an atlassian account they are getting the same error message something went wrong while attempting to validate credentials please look at it as this is turning out to be a critical issue for us | 1 |
issue summary trying to select text from a single header row cell does not work we need to either select nothing or all header cells steps to reproduce create a page insert a table with header row try to select the text within that header row expected results only the desired text is highlighted actual results no text is highlighted or every header cell is highlighted workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available | 0 |
jira jira agile go to project overviewversions or project administrationversions and observe a release date for certain version in my example on the it will be go to appropriate agile board where this release will be represented expand versions from the left and observe the date of the same release release date will be shown one day back in my example on the second it will be release date steps to reproduce we simply need to make jiras default user time zone mismatch with javas recognized system default lets assume the current java system default is americalosangeles gmt reproduce create a new agile board using the sample scrum project this will automatically include versions with release dates within jira modify jira administration system general configuration default user time zone change the region to australia and gmt now compare the version dates on the agile board vs the project administration page notice that they are a day off reproduce modify the jvm parameters to include dusertimezoneaustraliaperth restart jira and compare versions workaround ensure that both default user time zone and jvm timezone match | 0 |
when using the dropdown in the top right of the dashboardoverview page to switch sort order the dashboard breaksit now shows some welcome screen and there is no way to revert this happened to a colleague of mine too | 1 |
i cannot find my recent commits and the branch in my repo cannot create a pull request it is shown no changes while actually it shows commits ahead | 1 |
summary when upgrading jira service desk from to in jira a warning message will appear saying environment jira jira service desk steps to reproduce we currently have not found a way to consistently reproduce this issue expected results the upgrade of the addon succeeds actual results the error box as provided above appears in the universal plugin manager the atlassianjiralog file will display an error similar to the one below noformat error xxxxxxxx obr resolver has unsatisfied requirements for installing noformat notes i is currently being suspected as the cause of this try downgrading the upm to the bundled version per uninstalling an addon by removing its jar file | 1 |
im using the demo space on the first page i click on edit then go to rich text view then back to wiki markup the problem each time i do this the wiki markup shows more pxs at the image macros it may be an issue with firefox i dont see the issue with ie | 1 |
using git version on windows to clone or pull anything from a repository getting the following messageremote counting objects doneremote compressing objects doneselect not enough mib kibsffatal the remote end hung up unexpectedlyatal early eoffatal indexpack failedusually fails after getting to around of objects receivedeven tried deleting the master branch which was but it did not helpfailed also using sourcetree and git bash in windowscloning the same project a few weeks ago in another systemworked well more then once | 1 |
note this bug report is for jira software cloud using jira software server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen exporting data on a machine with timezone and importing it again on a machine with timezone all timestamps are off by hours note they will show eg pm on both machines regardless of the timezone this causes issues with jira agile data which is stored as unix timestamps and does not contain a timestamp by definition those are imported correctly with the right offsetsteps to reproduce set timezone to export data stop jira set timezone to start jira import datasymptoms agile charts do not list the correct issues and the graphs are also incorrect issue dates such as created updated are also incorrect | 0 |
the database query performed by repositoryservicefindbyoriginrepository pagerequest does not apply an order by clause this means forks are returned in arbitrary order which makes paging for this call unreliable since theres no explicit order theres no guarantee forks on the second and subsequent pages didnt appear on a previous page or that any given fork will ever appear on any page if the number of forks exceeds the page limit this has a knockon effect in that it makes fork syncing which uses it unreliable if a given repository has more than forks syncing may not be performed for some of them | 0 |
issue summary when typing a long inline comment autoscrolling stops making you type offscreen also the left grey bar do not scrolls taking up some horizontal space steps to reproduce create a new inline comment on new pr screen type a longe comment making the textbox scroll expected results textbox scroll as you type actual results do not scroll making you type offscreen workaround no workaround | 0 |
the documentation claims that for an inactive user a forbidden is returned but crowd actually returns bad request we should change one or the other example code httpproxy curl x post h contenttype applicationxml data bob pass u credentials d code returns code bad request server setcookie pathcrowd secure httponly xembeddedcrowdversion targetfilterlifecycle true contenttype applicationxml contentlength date thu jan gmt connection close inactiveaccountaccount with name ltbobgt is inactive code | 0 |
our company switched form to confluence by doing a fresh install and importing a backup afterwards because update failed now we see our content as before but all spaces using the documentation theme show a distorted header bar with texts being not aligned vertically see screenshot also the colors do honour the colour schema as set by the logo in contrast in the default theme there are no such problems any way to fix this except for the obvious possibility to change all spaces to default theme update hr later this issue has somehow fixed itself after playing with the wiki and installing a missing macro arsenale lockpoint i noticed the header bar now has the texts all correctly aligned you may therefore close this ticket or give an explanation what could have caused this if you like | 0 |
in the wysiwyg editor on the insert image page there are no scoll bars so i cant get to the ok cancel buttons | 0 |
after doing a reindex as recommended when i went into jira administration i could not access any of our agile boards it appears our ondemand agile subscription on account oceanehr has been removed i hope that we have not lost all our project boards please fix asap | 1 |
hii get this error abort error protocoli have set my proxy properly so it is not a proxy error my hg version is and using xp bitsuminda | 1 |
to customers who may be experiencing this issue this problem is caused because jira add a new entry into seraphconfigxml code code this line controls the brute force password protection facility customers who simply copy the old seraphconfigxml over the one that ship with jira will in effect remove this entry people will need to readd this line in order for the logingadget to work as expected has new code to ensure that this configuration is checked and messages will be logged and placed into the system info page the logingadget has also been made less brittle to this missing entry however it is essential that this entry be present since it controls the brute force password protection in jira and you system is less secure without it original description several users in support have reported that when they upgrade to that the login gadget stops working the behavior they see is loginjsp works fine attempting to login via gadget results in the gadget giving a failure message if you simply refresh the page however you have been logged in this appears to be a side effect of the changes to add captcha in and the resulting changes to the login gadget i dont know why crowdseraph are behaving like this but what happens is that a user gets put into the session the authstatuskey is success the lastloginresult is null in we just checked if there was a user in the session to declare login succeeded now we look at lastloginresult which is null for reasons yet unknown workaround to any customers affected by this bug the work around is to use the login link in the top right corner of the page this is a link to loginjsp and this is know to work as expected | 1 |
since we have upgraded from confluence to links inside the testplanplugin see wont get updated when the referenced site is renamed this is a regression for us because it worked with confluence any advice is welcome how to revert to the previous correct behavior | 0 |
i recently updated to the latest version since then i get i get ssh errors on loading sourcetree every time thumbnail attached it has fatally failed multiple times while just switching between commits launching external merge tool causes fatal failure debug or close program | 1 |
using the cvs head it cannot setup the embedded hsql databasei get this error messagethe following errors occurred configuring the database failed couldnt create the database schemaorgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean notifiercreatepage while setting property listeners on bean producercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean notifiercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessortarget while setting property target on bean useraccessor nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean notifiercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessortarget while setting property target on bean useraccessor nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessortarget while setting property target on bean useraccessor nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at rethrown as comatlassianconfluencesetupconfluencesetupexception configuring the database connection failed cant resolve reference to bean notifiercreatepage while setting property listeners on bean producercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean notifiercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessortarget while setting property target on bean useraccessor nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean notifiercreatepage while setting property listeners on bean producercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean notifiercreatepage nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessortarget while setting property target on bean useraccessor nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanager while setting property spacepermissionmanager on bean useraccessorbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean spacepermissionmanagertarget while setting property target on bean spacepermissionmanager nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfatalbeanexception cant resolve reference to bean useraccessor while setting property useraccessor on bean spacepermissionmanagerbasetarget nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryfactorybeancircularreferenceexception factory bean useraccessor returned null object possible cause not fully initialized due to circular bean reference at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more | 1 |
since the update last night we can no long apply values to the fixaffects version fields when creating a new issue i need this fixed as soon as possible | 1 |
please help me i login some error appears when i click on the google facebook button behaves the sameprintscreen available herethank you in advancenikola | 1 |
trying to access customer notifications servicedeskadmincustomernotifications the translation key is | 0 |
it is one thing to put out a version for a normal user but of your users are developers be very careful about the versions you put out version has more bugs than i ever saw in one place one cannot make a normal commit expected standing on uncommited changes adding to stage putting commit message clicking commit actual standing on uncommited changes window changes on occassion sometimes i actually get to put files on stage then window changes on occassion sometimes it goes back to the last made commit sometimes it opens just another window on top committing a message is a challenge one cannot open a window normally expected when you right click on the source tree icon a list opens clicking on an item of the list even if it is open its window comes to front actual nothing happens all the icons are gone you can hardly notice them anymore expected want to click add remove reset merge tag branch actual cannot find the buttons to do it command line is easier | 1 |
comintellijutiluitreetablelisttreetablemodeloncolumns comintellijutiluitreetablelisttreetablemodeloncolumns javalangnoclassdeffounderror comintellijutiluitreetablelisttreetablemodeloncolumns at method at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at | 1 |
in the last week the story points field disappeared from the rapid board and all the usual screens edit estimate analyse weve found the confluence doc describing this but it doesnt fit our situation we upgraded jira and greenhopper users found out about the story points via the rapid board the field disappeared some weeks after upgrade so even though were getting the documented error occasionally weve found its not related and is misleading what should we be looking into to determine what our problem is | 0 |
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in the confluence attachments macro xss vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own javascript into a confluence page you can read more about xss attacks at various places on the web including these cgisecuritycom the web application security consortium this issue is reported in our security advisory on this page | 1 |
javalangnullpointerexception exception when creating an issue steps to reproduce create user with user name johndoe and full name jhon doe sic assign johndoe user and developer project roles to project a edit johndoes full name to the corrected john doe open up the create issue form for project a while creating the issue assign it to johndoe user field is autopopulated with the original misspelled full name jhon doe click create null pointer exception the issue is created despite the null pointer exception but the ui doesnt reflect this in my case i wound up creating the issue because it didnt appear to be working looks like whatever lookup table the user dropdown field is using in the create issue form is not being refreshed when changes are made to users who are manually assigned project roles just a guess | 0 |
issue navigator prompts error the jira server could not be contacted this may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down when conducting search on the date picker field steps to reproduce create a custom field type date picker create issues and provide some value in the customfield created go to issue navigator add search criteria on the customfield select in range and input values at the field provided eg to search and error message noticed i same effect observed for when trying to search using search parameter more than xx minutes ago xx numeric value it does not affect the other two search option which is within the last x minute and date range | 0 |
due to a tiny mistake in stgpgsh gpg can sometimes fail to sign commits such as when rebasing with commitgpgsign enabled im only marking this as a high priority because its super easy to fix instead of codejava batch notty code it should be codejava batch notty code thats it no more issues like this stackexchange answer mentions should basically always be quoted | 1 |
the thread local caching permissionmanager maintains a cache of projects for which a user has the browse permission unfortunately the cache does not take the user into consideration and the getprojectspermission user method may return incorrect results if two different users make subsequent requests within the same thread this can happen if subscriptions are being mailed out if two subscriptions for different users are being sent at exactly the same time one of them may be empty even though it should contain some issues this happens because the subscription in question will retrieve projects used for the previous subscription to build up its permissions lucene query we should make the threadlocalpermissionmanager respect the user when caching we should also make sure the mail sender cleans up threadlocal caches properly when sending mail | 0 |
i want to move an issue from one project to another in the first screen i choose the destination project in the second screen i choose components version and customfields the next step would be confirmation but i dont get there i press the submit button but jira only gets to the second screen no error message nothing i had the problem with the beta too and thought i would be resolved for final as there were some problems with movingdid a reindex but still the same behaviourtested on two servers the second is for testing jira updates before going into livesystem | 0 |
this error is ocuring in all our cvs repositories error fisheyeapp comcenquafisheyecvsrepcachecvshistorychangedetectordorunonce problem with initial scan comcenquafisheyerepdbexception error during upgrade task on at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code ater that it continuously throws the following warning warn fisheyeapp comcenquafisheyerepimpltopologicalorderchangesetiteratoraddcsandparentstofront topologicalorderchangesetiteratoraddcsandparentstofront cyclic ancestry detected code it then causes the application to hang and in the admins repository view the currently being scanned repositories have the following code info upgrading ancestry for changeset x of n code although we can trigger individual repository indexing manually this bug prevents automatic indexing to occur and takes up all of the cpu core and then some its running on this seems to be a show stopper for our very active instance of fisheyecrucible and prevents any reviewswork to be done in coordination with this product if there is anything i can provide to help fix this bug please say so | 1 |
greetings i tried addingsetting a custom attribute on a group using both the soap and more recently the rest api am i doing something wrong or is there a bug here is there anything that needs to be done in the crowd ui to enable custom group attributes it works exactly as expected when setting a custom attribute on a user thanks ryan code final map attrs new hashmap final set vals new hashset valsaddpvalue attrsputpattributename vals restcrowdclientstoregroupattributespgroup attrs code | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli am trying to pull my jira events into my confluence calendar when i try to do so though i get the following error error occurred while validating project against can you please assist | 1 |
to replicate hit enter till at very bottom of editor the bottom of the cursor must be touching the bottom of the editor hitting enter until the page scrolls works use to insert macro start typing macro macro selector disapears left with plain text | 0 |
go to some editable page or create new one enter some mark up look preview all ok switch to mark up again an type here some path with folder names begining from symbol for example switch to preview and found some missing slashes it is very inconvinient | 0 |
i just noticed that my machine user name and password are on display above the commit dialog since this job site uses single sign on for everything thats my username and password for the entire system here i have three different repos loaded in sourcetree because of single sign on that is also my user name and password for the one of the repos the other two are hosted on github and use an ssh key however switching between repos doesnt affect the display of my user credentials i dont remember seeing this before the only thing i can think of that might have changed something is my password is about to autoexpire on the system yesterday i set a new password today i started up sourcetree for the first time after setting a new password and had to reenter my credentials for the company repo | 1 |
issue summary after customer is not able to configure ldap failover on crowd anymore the introduction of has removed the ability crowd had to configure ldap failover on native java method customer understands this is a bug as he lost funcionality with that fix environment customer upgrading crowd from to latest versions and found that he cannot use native support for ldap node failover steps to reproduce applicationxml would contain a line like this codejava code on access directories find one which would connect via ldap edit it and fill the url field with the two address for example codejava code save will work fine on access directories find one which would connect via ldap url field is not available anymore trying to add two hostnames brings this error message codejava uncategorized exception occured during ldap processing nested exception is javaxnamingnamingexception cannot parse url code tring to edit a directory on connector tab for one which has urls list the following error codejava cause javalangruntimeexception javaneturisyntaxexception illegal character in authority at index stack trace javalangruntimeexception javaneturisyntaxexception illegal character in authority at index at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code ui error screenshot expected results customer expected to be able to edit the connector fields to keep that functionality actual results not able to access connector tab while editing directory due to error mentioned above workaround the failover still works what is impacted is the editing of the directory via ui customer can update the database directly to add hosts codejava update cwddirectoryattribute set attributevalue where attributename ldapurl and directoryid code update the database to list only one directory in order to edit the parameters via ui and then update back to revert to directories | 0 |
when trying to access a repository source commits branches and pull requests the light gray sub side nav is completely blank and the content is completely blank there are no errors in the console and no responses in the network ajax requeststhe links from pipeline to settings are all functional and the size of the repository is under the max | 1 |
error failed to lazily initialize a collection no session or session was closed netsfhibernatelazyinitializationexception failed to lazily initialize a collection no session or session was closed at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at | 1 |
issue summary unable to add customers when permission scheme missing some permissions for certain roles steps to reproduce setup a permission scheme which is missing some permissions for certain rolesscreenshot attached try adding customers you will get an error screenshot at pmpngthumbnail screenshot at pmpngthumbnail expected results we should be able to add customers actual results we get an error while adding customers workaround fix the permission scheme and you will be able to add the customer or add the customer first in a different project and then you will be able to add customers in this project as well | 0 |
summary completing tasks from the task report macro does not yield the correct results sometimes the task checked is not marked as complete after refreshing the page in the task report macro other times the wrong tasks are marked as complete mark task as complete but other tasks are marked as complete on a different page instead and the user cannot checkuncheck the same in the original page steps to reproduce mark a task as complete from the task report macro or from the my tasks page in your confluence user profile check the page where the tasks is located expected results the task is properly marked as complete all the time actual results the task is not marked as complete and other tasks on the space are marked as such or no tasks are marked as complete at all notes this issue is triggered randomly it also happens with single tasks added to pages sometimes the following message is displayed when trying to check a task quote oops your task change couldnt be saved there could be a few reasons for this dismiss quote for pages using the task report macro it might help with simple tasks as well open the page on which the phantom tasks appear copy all of the content delete the page recreate it and paste in the original content | 1 |
on a unicorn instance both gapps and nongapps the greenhopper plugin cannot be seen the agile menu is not available | 1 |
update we have developed a fix for this incident and we are working on rolling it out to all affected customers right now the fix will be available within hours but in most situations much sooner summary there are several symptoms at play boards are not connected to projects leading to a missing backlog button and making the board very difficult or sometimes impossible to find startstop sprint functionality is not available agile reports are not available steps to replicate click on project from the top navigation bar click on any project backlog and active sprint buttons are missing from the project sidebar expected behavior the backlog and active sprint buttons should display on the project sidebar current behavior the backlog and active sprint buttons are not showing on the project sidebar workarounds there is no workaround | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panel summary the attachment button is not available when commenting in the same transition where attachment is uploaded to the issue the same happens when user is editing an existing comment scenario issue transition steps to reproduce edit a screen to have attachment field and comment field associate the screen with a workflow transition the issue to the point where it will use the screen add an attachment and upon commenting the attachment button is not available to be selected expected results the attachment button is available and can be selected actual results no attachment button is available scenario editing a comment steps to reproduce add a comment to an issue edit the comment and click on the add attachment option expected results browse attachment is displayed actual results browse attachment is not displayed notes the attachment button in comments will be available if there are existing attachments in the issue before the transition workaround add attachment first then in another screen add comment with embedded attachment drag and drop attachments to the comment field the attachment will be uploaded and embedded into the comment the attachment button will only appear on a transition screen when there are existing attachments in the ticket however theres no option to browse and upload the attachment by clicking on the browse link from the dropdown of the attachment button hence the workaround is to add the system attachments field to the transition screen | 0 |
summary page with page tree macro stay in refresh mode when a page is removed from the space steps to reproduce create a page with page tree macro edit the page tree macro to a page a in space a move the page a to space b the page keep refreshing every second expected results page stay still and display the content actual results page refresh every second workaround remove the page tree macro from the edit mode of the page instancenetwikispacespagesedit | 1 |
executed stages order is different than defined in chain configuration | 1 |
if they try to refer to an anchor set in the top level page the page that invokes include | 0 |