stringlengths 3
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int64 0
using firefox on ubuntu and seeing the same thing that was reported in for opera namely that the source code viewer in a pull request is not the full width of the screen another one the exhibits this behavior in my browser one that apologies if this has already been reported elsewhere | 0 |
summary when using bitbucket cloud as a repository in bamboo bamboo sends a post request to bitbucket upon completion of a build to update the build status of those commits this post request contains the url of the bamboo instance that completed the build so that it can link back to the build result upon changing the base url of the instance and performing a new build this request still contains the previous base url until bamboo is restarted steps to reproduce create a plan that uses a bitbucket cloud repository build the plan check the commits in the bitbucket cloud repository and the url behind the build status link optional make a new commit to the repository for comparability of the url this actually updates if you build the same commit so not necessary now change the base url in bamboo administration overview general configuration build the plan again check the commits in bitbucket cloud and the url behind the build status link still the old base url expected results bitbucket cloud links to the new base url actual results bitbucket cloud still links to the old base url notes its important to note even after bamboo is sending the correct url to bitbucket the build status for past commits builds will not point to the new instance you will need to build the plan again for the url to be updated you can set trace all logging on the following classes to inspect request contents noformat comatlassianbamboopluginsbitbucketimplbitbucketapiserviceimpl comatlassianbamboopluginsbitbucketeventsbitbucketbuildstatusupdater noformat restart bamboo after changing the base url so that the new url is used instead | 0 |
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in the confluence office connector an attacker might take advantage of the vulnerability to steal other users session cookies or other credentials by sending the credentials back to such an attackers own web server an attackers text and script might be displayed to other people viewing the confluence page this is potentially damaging to your companys reputation this issue is reported in our security advisory on this page you can read more about xss attacks at cgisecurity cert and other places on the web | 1 |
note this bug is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug panel summary adding the sprint health gadget or days remaining in sprint gadget will not work correctly when selecting the auto sprint option when the users preferred language is not english environment jira cloud i dont have a permission to add new affects versions thats why i wrote here jira server steps to reproduce create a board create a sprint add an issue to the backlog start the sprint change user language to japanese confirmed this happens in spanish korean and chinese as well but possibly all other languages add sprint health gadget スプリントヘルスガジェット in japanese or days remaining in sprint gadget スプリントガジェット内の残り日数 in japanese to a dashboard set sprint as next sprint due auto 次のスプリント期限(自動) in japanese in the configuration press save button expected results the gadget should display the sprint health info correctly actual results an error リクエストしたボードを表示できません。ボードが存在しないかまたは表示する権限がありません。 was shown the requested board cannot be viewed because it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it in english just changing the user language back to english didnt solve the problem notes this problem never occurred on jira this problem never occurred on sprint burndown gadget investigation when pressing the save button i can find the following accesses in developer tool when it comes to the one in japanese setting sprintid seems to be corrupted pressing the save button in japanese setting pressing the save button in english setting change the user language back to english edit the gadget on the dashboard and save it this should immediately show the data once more on the gadget change the user language back to their preferred language once again | 0 |
problem definition on the old issue view hovering on the workflow transition button will show a tooltip of the description of the workflow transition this is missing on the new issue view screen shot at suggested solution implement a tooltip that shows the workflow transition description when hovering over a transition name on the new issue view | 0 |
code an error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getsummaryforboard in class compyxisgreenhopperjiraactionsversionboardaction threw exception javautilnosuchelementexception at templatesgreenhopperjiraboardsplanningboardcolumnpagevm at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javautilnosuchelementexception at at at at at method at at at at at at at more code | 1 |
when im creating a new local repository and choose to create remote repository too and the repository name is using special chars in my case it was etický tender i am not able to create the remote and i get this weird error message see the screenshot i am then able to return and create new repository etickytender and it is successfully created but is not linked to the local | 1 |
i tried to create repository climberrouteguide and receive error then i tried again it told me name already however i just access this repositoryi tried the exact process with a new name and came across the same errorplease advicethanksandrew | 1 |
gbac test results are produced in a standard directory which is in my case i tried few different options in bamboo look in the standard test results directory specify custom results directories noformat reportsxml testreportsxml targettestreportsxml targettestreportsxml noformat none of the above works | 1 |
i cant use the bdac dashboard any more because it locks up firefox and eventually crashes it it immediately shoots to of memory and maxes out one of my four cpus | 1 |
events which cover daylight savings change do not reflect properly in the team calendar macro list view to reproduce add an all day calendar entry for october october add the team calendar macro to a page edit it to use list view result you will see one entry for october and two entries for october screenshot attached | 0 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel | 1 |
create a filter save sharecustom columns copy shared filter to create his own filter why the filters data use default template columnsnot use filter custom columns | 0 |
issue description in service desk we introduced the language support feature described in providing help in multiple languages the page to configure the language support is broken when service desk is installed from the page applications versions licenses or by uploading the service desk obr file the name of the page shows as sdprojectlanguagesupporttablabel instead of language support when clicking on this page the page does not load it spins forever and the following error is shown code sdlingoerrorunknown code steps to reproduce install jira software or jira core by using the installer from this page after jira is installed go to the page applications versions licenses click on try it for free under service desk to install it add a license to service desk create a new service desk project go to the service desk project setting page expected results the language support page should be called language support when clicking on it the page should open bugafterfixpngthumbnail actual results the name of the page shows as sdprojectlanguagesupporttablabel instead of language support when clicking on this page the page does not load it spins forever and the following error is shown code sdlingoerrorunknown code bugbeforefixpngthumbnail workaround the workaround consists in manually uploading the lingo integration jar file which was missing from the service desk obr file the steps are download the jar file from this ticket go to manage apps manage apps click on upload app and upload the jar file downloaded from this ticket go back to the service desk project setting page and you should now be able to see the language support page | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelpaneltitleatlassian status as of january hi everyone thanks for patience with us we have identified the root cause of this issue and a fix has already been deployed to jira cloud production the fix has been deployed to all instances at this point we consider this issue resolved if you have any questions please contact atlassian support regards oswaldo hernández jira bugmaster panel summary after the upgrade in jira on several customers were having a long delay in jira incoming email handlers which didnt seem to be running after analysis we found that a code change that inadvertently bypassed some bridging code that existed between jiras current scheduled job parameter format and the format that existed pre jira as a result schedules that have not been modified since before was deployed may not be read correctly by the scheduler editing the service to some other delay and back to rests the service and fixes the issue minuteservicepngthumbnail steps to reproduce after upgrade some scheduled jobs are not running the scheduler details page shows that the jobs parameters could not be read expected results remain running as scheduled actual results affected jobs do not run in the services page find the affected job go to the incoming email page edit the mail handler set the delay to the desired interval the handler should be executed in minutes if the value is already set to simply click on next and save check in services page if the service related to that was update correctly the service has the same name | 1 |
confluence server and data center had a local file disclosure vulnerability in the page export function a remote attacker who has add page space permission would be able to read arbitrary files in the confluencewebinf directory and its subdirectories which may contain configuration files used for integrating with other services which could potentially leak credentials or other sensitive information such as ldap credentials the ldap credential will be potentially leaked only if the confluence server ldap credential is specified in atlassianuserxml file which is deprecated way of configure ldap integration affected versions all versions of confluence server from before the fixed version for from before the fixed version for and from before the fixed version for are affected by this vulnerability fix confluence server and data center versions is available for download from confluence server and data center versions and are available for download from for additional details see the full advisory workaround please see the full advisory for mitigation information | 1 |
issue summary if a nextgen scrum software project has multiple epics with issues associated to them the sprint health gadget will only report on issues not associated to an epic steps to reproduce create a nextgen scrum project create multiple epics create several issues with story point estimates and associate some to the epics and leave some without a parent issue add these to a sprint and start the sprint create a dashboard add the sprint health gadget to the dashboard and select the current sprint from your nextgen project to report on expected results the gadget should report on all issues regardless of being a child of an epic or not actual results the gadget will only report on issues that are not part of an epic workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available | 0 |
problem occurs when selecting a version from the drop down which is over the plot area of the version report as soon as the drop down disappears the mouse hover event over the plot is triggered this causes the data to be reloaded but at the same time new data is being loaded by the change in version this does not affect the rendering of the chart but the error is displayed | 1 |
issue summary backups are failing with the following error export error internal error unable to create zip file but dont worry well fix it for you you just need to contact atlassian support and paste in this error message timestamp and your instance details timestamp environment confluence cloud steps to reproduce login to instance generate site backup expected results backup zip file generated actual results export error internal error unable to create zip file but dont worry well fix it for you you just need to contact atlassian support and paste in this error message timestamp and your instance details timestamp workaround perform backup without attachments | 0 |
issue summary in a nextgen board if you delete all your columns and you leave only one when trying to add new columns a generic error is displayed steps to reproduce in a nextgen leave just one column try to add a new column with the add column icon a video with an example expected results a new column is added actual results an error is displayed and the column is not created workaround create a new nextgen project and move your issues to it it seems that this bug is not triggered if more than column is present | 1 |
i was able to start the configuration setup process connect to the database using a datasource but failed when i tried to create the admin user see attached file for details | 1 |
i have a pipeline stuck in progress after the following errorcode failed to execute goal copy on project myprojectname an ant buildexception has occured warning could not find file optatlassianpipelinesagentbuilddevtargetclassesapplicationmyfileproperties to copy around ant part in optatlassianpipelinesagentbuilddevtargetantrunbuildremove config profiles that are not selected by profileconfigxmlcodei already tried stopping the pipeline but no successi tried running other builds they fail with the same error but at least they stop processingso i need to stop the stuck in progress pipeline and run my project successfully | 1 |
the time component of the creationdate of blog posts is always this produces confusing messages in the blogposts macro test created by max mustermann about hours ago it is now in the morning and max was definitively sleeping at night this must be a new behavior maybe since in previous blog posts the time is set correctly | 0 |
when i click create issue or try to move an issue switching the project never works it constantly resets to the initial value jira is nearly impossible to work with in this state please note that this same problem surfaced using this public jira instance so it appears that it has crept into jira user agent windows nt user agent windows nt | 0 |
summary when converting an issue from an issue type that does not require components and has no components to an issue type that does require components it does not allow you to set the components if the parent issue has subtasks this only occurs when the issues are not being moved within the same project when you change the issue type via bulk move steps to reproduce create two field configurations one with the field components as required and another one with the field set as optional change the field configuration from story issue type to set the field components as required make sure the parent issue has at least one subtask change the field configuration from bug issue type to set field components as optional make sure the parent issue has at least one subtask try to convert the issue from bug to story the field components has a greyed out field value not allowing to change it screenshot attached expected results jira should allow to update the field components actual results if we have subtasks in the parent issue the field components will not allow you to change it if the parent issue doesnt have any subtasks it will let you update the components field workaround move the issue to another project first then back to the target project and issue type | 0 |
this is an existing issue but it wasnt picked up until now because disabling and reenabling the fisheye plugin is not something users would normally do however with a la carte this will happen regularly as users enable and disable fisheyethe problem is due to applinksconfigchangelistener not being deregistered from applinks manager when the jira fisheye plugin is disabledthe fix is to make fisheyeconfigimpl which registers applinksconfigchangelistener into a disposablebean that deregisters applinksconfigchangelistener when it is destroyed | 0 |
i believe this duplicates but i want to make sure it is logged in the correct project thanks in advance for your attention to this blocking issue | 1 |
steps to reproduce open an issue in two tabs delete it in the second tab try to inline edit it in the first tab result an error dialog appears at the top but there are js errors the system gets into a bad state which makes it difficult for me to show nice error messages in | 0 |
steps to reproduce use a board like the basic board add some issues to epic view that issue in jira | 1 |
hii am getting the below error when teamcity checkout the branch before the build startsreceiving objects mib kibsfatal early eoffatal the remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal recursion detected in die handlererror rpc failed http code the below setting but it helpcodepythongit config global httppostbuffer | 1 |
issue summary agents fail to connect to bamboo due to a blocking activemq thread trying to run hipchat notifications hanging steps to reproduce setup hipchat notifications for agent online bamboo administration system notifications agent online try and connect a remote agent to the server expected results the remote agent connects actual results the agent hangs on noformat info registering agent on the server noformat eventually resulting in a timeout or the following noformat caused by orgspringframeworkbeansfactorybeancreationexception error creating bean with name agentregistrationbean invocation of init method failed nested exception is orgspringframeworkremotingremotetimeoutexception receive timeout after ms for remoteinvocation method name registeragent parameter types at at at at at more caused by orgspringframeworkremotingremotetimeoutexception receive timeout after ms for remoteinvocation method name registeragent parameter types at at at at at at source at at at at more noformat or noformat warn transport failed attempting to automatically reconnect javanetsocketexception connection reset noformat the agent appears in the bamboo administration as idle however it never builds with logs on the bamboo side showing the agent reconnecting after a period of inactivity everytime the agent wrapper restarts taking thread dumps of bamboo server reveals a activemq session task thread stuck on the following noformat activemq session tid nid runnable javalangthreadstate runnable at javanetplainsocketimplsocketconnectnative method at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at source at at at method at at at at at at source at source at at at at at at locked a comatlassianbamboobuildqueuemanagerremoteagentmanagerimpl at locked a comatlassianbamboobuildqueuemanagerremoteagentmanagerimpl at source at locked a javalangobject at at at at at at at noformat all other activemq session task threads are blocked on this workaround workaround disable the bamboo hipchat plugin navigate to manage apps select system find the bamboo hipchat plugin and press disable restart bamboo workaround remove any hipchat notifications at bamboo administration system notifications for agent online and agent offline restart bamboo | 1 |
the single word diff rendering needs more testing it often seems to get confusedone example | 1 |
all the links on the view project screen point to secureprojectblah however when the same screens are navigated to by going through the admin menus you end up on secureadminblah this causes grief for our reverse mappings of admin screens to web items which in most cases only has the secureadminblah path mapped and so results in the wrong tabmenu item being highlighted the mappings need to be overhauled such that web items are mapped for both possible pathsi suggest such that this be a programmatic thing instead of calling addwebitem in the path mapper initialiser call addjiraadminwebitem some urls green hopper configuration screens map to neither these need to be taken into consideration | 0 |
we have a project in our jira where anonymous users can create issues however when someone tries to add an attachment the upload bar in the create issue screen turns red and it says unauthorized when inspecting the requests in chromes network tab it shows were getting a response to a get request to group anyone has the following permissions in the projects scheme browse project create issue create attachment issue security scheme is disabled reporter field is optional accept remote api calls is enabledwhat else could we be missing | 0 |
if synchronisation with ldap directory fails due to unprocessed continuation reference jira reports in ui the success syncpng although the sync doesnt bring new users nor groups to jira in the same time jira reports the following error in the log file noformat info servicerunner full synchronisation for directory starting info servicerunner synchronisation complete in error servicerunner error occurred while refreshing the cache for directory comatlassiancrowdexceptionoperationfailedexception javautilconcurrentexecutionexception comatlassiancrowdexceptionoperationfailedexception orgspringframeworkldappartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references nested exception is javaxnamingpartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references remaining name at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javautilconcurrentexecutionexception comatlassiancrowdexceptionoperationfailedexception orgspringframeworkldappartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references nested exception is javaxnamingpartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references remaining name at at at more caused by comatlassiancrowdexceptionoperationfailedexception orgspringframeworkldappartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references nested exception is javaxnamingpartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references remaining name at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgspringframeworkldappartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references nested exception is javaxnamingpartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references remaining name at at at at more caused by javaxnamingpartialresultexception unprocessed continuation references remaining name at at at at at at more noformat workaround to the unprocessed continuation reference issue can be found in this kb article | 0 |
if you are using servicemix running mvn install fails with the following error noformat build error failed to inject dependencies embedded error javaioioexception file does not existnoformat if you use instead it will work i dont know if the problem is with clover as such but basically what happens is that when the build is running servicemix generates a bunch of files for each module eg when you include in the build the jar above gets created with a clover extension but the zip files get the usual name so it looks like the way we fork the lifcycle is just incompatible with servicemix | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelit seems that we found a problem with the css that is injected on the issue collector when using the trigger style subtle please use as example the atlwdgtrigger class bottom snippet has the color white important which is basically unreadable on a background color of the top level css tries to specify the correct background color however since the bottom css has the important flag it overrides any additional cssatlwdgtriggeratlwdgsubtlecodehtml right bottom border solid ccc borderbottom none borderright none backgroundcolor color fontsize padding boxshadow borderradius codeatlwdgtriggercodehtml position fixed background padding border solid white bordertop none fontweight bold color white important display block whitespace nowrap textdecoration none important fontfamily arial freesans helvetica sansserif fontsize boxshadow webkitboxshadow mozboxshadow borderradius mozborderradius codewhich results on thisissuecollectorpngwhen it should be looking like | 0 |
the following in the svn repo spec code code will mean that trunk will never be matched see screenshot attached adding anything to the eg regexxxx will allow trunk to match correctly this is counterintuitive if you wished to exclude all your tags from fe indexing say | 0 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelso far its been a pretty bad experience trying to get this plugin working trying to create a calendar now results in the following error there was a sql exception thrown by the active objects library database nameoracle versionoracle database enterprise edition release production with the partitioning olap data mining and real application testing options minor major driver nameoracle jdbc driver javasqlsqlexception an sqlexception was provoked by the following failure javalangarrayindexoutofboundsexception since about version weve not been able to create calendars this error message was not previously displayed the create calendar dialog would remain after clicking the button but the ajax response was some similar status error message so at least displaying an error message is a step in the right direction ive tried doubling the java heap space as that was the only advice i could find to resolve arrayindexoutofboundsexception in production we reverted to team calendars as this was the last known working version we evaluated this version and it worked since we purchased the product none of the more recent versions have been working for us so were sticking with version and monitoring the situation on our dev server | 1 |
reviewstatechange logitem may have no userid np on server and not handled in ui code exception orgcodehausjacksonmapjsonmappingexception javaxservletservletexception while processing crureviewdo referer javaxservletservletexception orgcodehausjacksonmapjsonmappingexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgcodehausjacksonmapjsonmappingexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more caused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at code | 1 |
the jira plugin development kit available at the following location is missing javadoc the api directory contains only two files javadocwarningsxml reporttxt | 1 |
sourcetree crashed it was open and when i tabbed to it to pull files it crashed not sure of any exact reason why ive attached the log file which contains a stack trace | 0 |
the embedded version of git used in sourcetree for windows was vulnerable to an attacker can exploit this issue if they can commit to a git repository linked in sourcetree for windows that has been recursively cloned or if a user interacts with a submodule this allows them to execute arbitrary code on systems running a vulnerable version of sourcetree for windows affected versions versions of sourcetree for windows from before are affected by this vulnerability fix upgrade sourcetree for windows to version or higher from for additional details see the full advisory | 1 |
creating a user without a password is not possible in crowd the clients will get an exception if trying to do this expected behaviour the problem is that jira confluence bamboo etc requires the ability to add a user without a password being supplied due to the osuser and atlassianuser interfaces | 1 |
fatal error systemargumentnullexception value cannot be null parameter name source stack trace at source at sourcetreeviewmodelfilestatusviewsfilestatusrootviewmodelrefreshdiffalways at data at end of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at state at systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs at msinternalthreadingexceptionfilterhelpertrycatchwhenobject source delegate method object args numargs delegate catchhandler | 1 |
pulling via ssh is really really slow today | 1 |
see the screenshotthis is caused by italicized lines having extra height than normal lines and accumulating down the page | 0 |
issue summary when a user views an sd ticket from customer portal jsd only shows attachments from the first comments that are viewable by the user for a customer this means the first public comments for an agent this means the first comments regardless of public or internal as long as the agent can view them all from jira issue view attachments added to any comment after the viewable one cant be viewed or downloaded as jsd throws a forbidden error steps to reproduce create a new sd ticket add public comments and internal comment to it without any attachments add comment as public with an attachment i this can be done by either agent or customer from either jira or portal observe these behaviors from portal customer can viewdownload the attachment as its in the comment viewable by him from portal agent cant viewdownload the attachment as its in the comment viewable by him from jira agent can viewdownloadmanage the attachment normally add comment as public with a different attachment that has a different file name i this can be done by either agent or customer from either jira or portal observe these behaviors from portal customer cant viewdownload the attachment as its in the comment viewable by him from portal agent cant viewdownload the attachment as its in the comment viewable by him from jira agent can viewdownloadmanage the attachment normally expected results attachments should be able to be vieweddownloaded from portal regardless of where it appears actual results a forbidden error is thrown for attachments added after the viewable comment relative to the user workarounds workaround recommended as an agent find a public comment that is among the first comments including both public and internal comments edit that comment and add wiki markup for the attachment this way the attachment is seen by jsd as appearing in of the first comments viewable by both customers and agents both customers and agents should then be able to view it from portal workaround only applicable to customers as an agent convert older public comments to internal so that the attachment now appears in one of the first public comments customers should then be able to view it flag this wont help agents as internal comments are still viewable by them workaround only applicable to agents view the ticket in jira instead of portal | 1 |
the crowdservice implementation being used in jira should be the filtered version of crowdservice so that hidden groups are not shown | 1 |
create a project with keyqa add an issue add public repo got to github tab of issue notice that commits are ordered from newer to older add private repo got to github tab of issue all commits to be ordered from newer to older actual commits from first repo appear first ordered then commits from second repo | 0 |
batches are no longer cached after generation due to the following commit in atlassianpluginswebresource noformat commit pass the hash part of shashblah urls as a statichash param to downloadableresource pluginresourcedownload assumes that statichash may be a request attribute and copies it into the params if necessary apps using urlrewritexml can add statichash as a request attribute quite easily eg s noformat | 0 |
ive attached a screenshot which shows the first hot referrer with referrals and the second with referralsconfirm this issue and fix it | 0 |
summary it is not possible to clone remote repositories on sourcetree anymore in the repository browser when a user clicks on remote in order to find their bitbucket and github accounts with the credentials for both accounts are correct and all repositories listed when clicking clone to clone any of them the user gets a popup titled clone a repository and all of the values are blank source url destination path and name even when trying to fill in the source url manually there is always a warning in the bottomleft corner saying this is not a valid source path url trying to clone a repo by clicking new repository clone from url then inserting a valid remote url will fail as well making it impossible to clone a repo on sourcetree sourcetreebuggifthumbnail | 1 |
summary if a customer only able to access one sd portal and log in to confluence it is actually possible for that customer to access other sd project kbs through a direct url link including navigating the space steps to reproduce prepare a jira instance that is connected to confluence with the same user base create two sd project and and connect it to a confluence space each and both sd projects have permissions set customers who are added to the project make sure the option below is enabled when connecting the spaces codejava all active users and customers can access the knowledge base without a confluence licensecode create a customer that only exists in and log in as the customer to portal search for an article in to clarify that it returns a result search for an article in to clarify that it should not returns anything log in to confluence using the customer credentials and clarify that there is no other menu beside the confluence logo to clarify that the customer does not have a confluence license open another session and log in to confluence as an admin access the space and copy the url back to the customer session and paste the link expected result with the customer is only allowed to access the connected will return the not permitted error actual result the customer will access the space and able to navigate around it | 1 |
issue summary if you start a sprint with a date before the completion date from the previous sprint the unresolved issues from the previous sprint will be added as a scope changed on the started sprint steps to reproduce complete a sprint with unresolved issues and send these issues to a sprint start the sprint with a date before the date you completed the sprint expected results the issues should be added to sprint without scope change actual results the issues will be added as scope change on sprint workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available | 0 |
an attacker is able to perform the billion laughs attack on a default jira installation including ondemand installations this attack can be executed without authentication and leads to the complete use of resources on the victim machine causing the server to crash or hang it is possible due to the ability of being able to inject malicious xml entities through pluginsservletgadgetsifrrawxml steps to recreate replace the values in the following url host and hostjirapath noformat noformat make a request to the above url and the dos exploit will be executed for example on a test ondemand instance the url to dos the instance would be noformat noformat note the above url is working and the instance is currently up you can see the exploit in action by visiting that link until the server hangs the original reporter of this security report was nir goldshlager ngoldshlagersalesforcecom | 1 |
summary it is no longer possible to edit the settings of the task report macro in the fabric editor this worked fine up until a few days ago so it was just recently broken environment fabric editor steps to reproduce create page in fabric editor insert task report macro clickselect macro on the page and click the editicon pen icon expected result a popup window where you can edit the settings of the task report macro actual result nothing happens when clicking the edit button pen icon workaround none | 0 |
version atlassian confluence issue receiving failure when converting editor format to storage format error when trying to save a page description when copying and pasting text from sprint jira into confluence editor that has markup icons like to insert a question mark image which is then deleted when i save the page i get this error steps to reproduce copy already savedposted text with markup icons from sprint jira such as the following without quotes test test test in jira this text will show up as a icon image followed by the text jirapng paste this text into the confluence editor delete only the icon character and not the entire string of text attempt to save the page and get the following error editorpng if i click the button to get into the xml editor i get the following error error loading source runtimeexception occurred while transforming editor format to storage format javalangnullpointerexception | 0 |
no email notifications are sent for pages that users are watching the mailserver test email works we have our usermanagement in jira | 1 |
to reproduce gocomatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception comatlassianconfluencerendererwikirenderexception javaxxmltransformtransformerexception comcauchoxmlxmlparseexception attribute nowrap expects value at xml requires attributes to have explicit values at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception comatlassianconfluencerendererwikirenderexception javaxxmltransformtransformerexception comcauchoxmlxmlparseexception attribute nowrap expects value at xml requires attributes to have explicit values at at at more caused by comatlassianconfluencerendererwikirenderexception javaxxmltransformtransformerexception comcauchoxmlxmlparseexception attribute nowrap expects value at xml requires attributes to have explicit values at at at more caused by javaxxmltransformtransformerexception comcauchoxmlxmlparseexception attribute nowrap expects value at xml requires attributes to have explicit values at at at more caused by comcauchoxmlxmlparseexception attribute nowrap expects value at xml requires attributes to have explicit values at at at at at at at more | 1 |
currently hangs due to this checking the logs shows that there are duplicate memberships in the dataset we should handle that more gracefully noformat error contextinitialized upgrade failed application will not start javalangruntimeexception netsfhibernateexceptionconstraintviolationexception could not insert comatlassianconfluenceupgradeupgradeexception javalangruntimeexception netsfhibernateexceptionconstraintviolationexception could not insert at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at caused by javalangruntimeexception netsfhibernateexceptionconstraintviolationexception could not insert at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at source at at more noformat | 1 |
issue descriptioni have two repos tbmsurvey and tbmsurveygit the url for both should bebut every time i try to go to the page shows the content of not affectedin ssh repo tbmsurveygit appears like tbmsurveygitgit and i can pullpush without problem the dashboard shows the latest update without problembypassi changed the repo tbmsurvey to tbmsurveyoldhg then i can visit tbmsurveygit from web browser now | 0 |
no response when i click on add key on ubuntu | 1 |
display issue types in correct order in workflow scheme assignment screen add workflow to scheme presently subtasks are displayed first | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelin all cases ive seen so far the user is unable to view any issues in the state with that property or transition issues into another property without getting this stack tracenoformatjavalangruntimeexception error parsing meta attribute denied name format is jirapermission at at at at at at at source at at at at at source at source at at at at source at source at at at at source at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at is to remove that property from the step | 0 |
issue summary shape components added to ppt presentation are not rendered correctly in confluence preview steps to reproduce create new powerpoint presentation navigate to shape format menu and select of of the available shape formats components add some next within shape body and add additional shape component next to previously added text screenshot at save ppt presentation and upload it to confluence as attachment preview uploaded attachment file in expected results preview generated by confluence matches preview generated by microsoft powerpoint application screenshot at actual results preview generated by confluence differs from ms powerpoint screenshot at workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available | 0 |
reset sidebar to global configuration this would be better if it changed the fields values but did not automatically save the new values to allow further editing | 0 |
cname repositorybarnabirocom has been previously configured on a user that is no longer active it has been deleted still the cname seem to free up so that it can be used for a different account i was expecting the cname value to be automatically removed once an account is deleted clearly not the case and because the account is now inactive i login to remove the cname manuallysome assistance would be appreciated | 1 |
the workflow conditions in fisheye plugin in are broken check out they have been fixed in the latest plugin we need to upgrade this bundled plugin for the next release | 0 |
when i click create issue or try to move an issue switching the project never works it constantly resets to the initial value jira is nearly impossible to work with in this state please note that this same problem surfaced using this public jira instance so it appears that it has crept into jira user agent windows nt user agent windows nt | 0 |
investigating we are investigating increased error rates for some jira cloud and confluence cloud customers we will provide more details shortly identified we have identified the root cause of increased error rates for some jira cloud and confluence cloud customers we are working with our external service provider to resolve the issues we will provide another update shortly update september utc we continue to work with our service provider aws to resolve the root cause of increased error rates for some jira cloud and confluence cloud customers we will provide another update shortly resolved between utc to utc jira cloud and confluence cloud customers experienced connectivity issues to their instance the root cause was identified as a networking issue with our service provider the issue has been resolved and the services are now operating normally please watch this ticket to receive further updates | 1 |
i tried to clone a repository through the tytorial but the terminal window does not accept any character input when it asks for my password i can only press ctrlc or enter which end up in my command not being executed | 0 |
playing around with i noticed that the breadcrumbs demo page does not infact have correct breadcrumbsit has this dashboard demonstration space breadcrumb demonstration viewinstead of the documented ones location dashboard ds pages confluence overview creating pages and linking breadcrumb demonstrationmight be due to how the demo space was created it is possible someone imported it but i doubt it | 0 |
summary crowd sso users cannot login to confluence server after upgrading to after upgrading to all crowd using sso user cannot login to confluence error message in atlassianconfluencelog codejava login login tried to login but they do not have use permission or werent found deleting remember me cookie code environment confluence crowd and sso enabled steps to reproduce install confluence enable sso settings in confluence and crowd edit seraphconfigxml refer restart confluence expected results crowd users can log in actual results crowd users cannot log in notes workaround login crowd once before logging in confluence disabling sso allows the login by disabling the confluence crowd sso authenticator and reenabling the default confluence authenticator shut down confluence if it is currently running edit the file confluenceconfluencewebinfclassesseraphconfigxml uncomment the default confluence authenticator codejava code comment out the crowd sso authenticator codejava code restart confluence i note that this workaround is to allow users to log in to confluence however sso will not work with confluence | 1 |
i create à project in jira and i want to map it with bitbucket importation but only of my projects appear | 0 |
issue summary a hyperlink does not redirect a user to the anchor heading if it contains a slash in it steps to reproduce create a page add a heading with a slash in it ex hi hello copy it links and put it in a hyperlink on the same page publish the page expected results when a user clicks on a hyperlink the user should be redirected to the anchor heading with actual results the user is not redirected to the anchor heading when a user clicks on its respective hyperlink workaround remove from the heading | 0 |
an error displayed where review diffs should be noformat an error occured attempting to display this file javalangexception not enough revisions to diff noformat reproducable | 0 |
there were several errors while set up the environment with the mysql db main error could not create declared indices for entity groupattribute main error sql exception while executing the following create index idxgoupattrdirnamelval on cwdgroupattributes directoryid attributename lowerattributevalue error was specified key was too long max key length is bytes sql exception while executing the following create unique index ukgroupattrnamelval on cwdgroupattributes groupid attributename lowerattributevalue error was specified key was too long max key length is bytes main error could not create declared indices for entity membership main error sql exception while executing the following create index idxmemdirparentchild on cwdmembership lowerparentname lowerchildname membershiptype directoryid error was specified key was too long max key length is bytes main error could not create declared indices for entity userattribute main error sql exception while executing the following create index idxuserattrdirnamelval on cwduserattributes directoryid attributename lowerattributevalue error was specified key was too long max key length is bytes | 1 |
weve upgraded to confluence now many plugins ie scrolloffice wont work anymore upm shows error message this version of confluence is unrecognized by the atlassian marketplace it might be a nonstandard build or be too new to appear this renders parts of our confluence instance useless | 1 |
i see git being started times within a second when sourcetree window is active i cant work normally with cpu load and indexlock issue on every file operation stagepulletc im not sure how to help you with replicating related | 1 |
try to launch sourcetree on windows pro version build and it will not start there is an exception shown in the logs attached note i have tried deleting the appdatalocalsourcetree folder installed both and again and both of them exhibit this issue | 1 |
summarythe project link on top of the source view does not correctly encode the user uuid user will redirect to a error page when clicking steps to reproduce open repositories in bitbucketorg on the top click project name it will redirect to a error expected resultsit should redirect to the user project actual resultsclicking the project link redirect the user to a error page | 0 |
this issue is related with the fix of issue steps create a new issue and create some sub task for that issue suppose we have sub task blocking condition activated for the project in the workflow once all sub task are closed user closes the parent issue now user cant create new sub task for closed parent issue try reopening the subtask without reopening the parent issue result user can reopen the subtask for a closed parent issue expected user should nt be allowed to reopen the issue till parent issue is not reopenedopen | 0 |
summary on a workflow that requires more than one approval step a b the waiting for approval list for step b will still be displayed when it is already approved if step a is not yet approved steps to reproduce configure a workflow with two approval steps step a step b add different approvers for step a and step b create an issue using the workflow transition to step b without approving step a and proceed to issue closure expected results no more pending issues for step b approver actual results the issue is still pending step b approver notes if step a is approved the issue will no longer appear as pending for both step a b approvers approval shown in the approval list even though the step does not require that approval yet as soon as an approval is required for either steps it will show for all users which have approvals on other steps too | 0 |
the following code was found in sstdeserializer within poi code static public void addtostringtable binarytree strings integer integer unicodestring string if stringisrichtext stringsetoptionflags byte stringgetoptionflags if stringisextendedtext stringsetoptionflags byte stringgetoptionflags boolean added false while added false try stringsput integer string added true catch exception ignore stringsetstring stringgetstring code we upgrade poi to version for confluence which is thankfully free of this code which has the potential to become stuck in an semiinfinite until it ooms loop | 0 |
i get this when i create an issue assign it to someone then create a new one issue and i put this unassigned the issue is created but an error is shown regardless the fact the operation was successfully completed | 1 |
currently going through the great bitbucket tutorial however now come across a stumbling blocksubsequent to creating an account on bitbucket user i am now unable to access it due to the following error messageyour account has been deactivated please contact bitbucket support for assistancesee attachment can you please fix thisthankscassim | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthe mentions dropdown is triggered but no search results are ever returned from the server to populate itthe problem seems to be that the search rest resource is returning no content eg | 1 |
the cluster safety mechanism is not working for server editions of confluence this removes a safety net that prevents multiple confluence instances from inadvertently updating the same database which could lead to unexpected data corruption for example this can happen when cloning the production environment to create a test environment and the step to update the database connection to point to the test environment is missed in this scenario both the prod and test confluence instances would be updating the same db symptoms the clustersafety table contains no rows expected behavior contains row multiple server instances can connect to the same confluence database and not fail expected behavior cluster panic other notes confluence and below server and data center editions have working cluster safety mechanisms as expected confluence data center edition has a working cluster safety mechanism as expected this affects server and above testing notes start standalone nodes of confluence point them to the common db ensure that cluster safety job is scheduled and running ensure that one node panics when cluster safety job runs cluster configuration check set up cdc locally nodes ensure that safety job runs and nodes dont panic you may want to set logging level to debug for comatlassianconfluenceclusterhazelcasthazelcastclustersafetymanager emulate network outage between nodes i used pfctl utility for that code sudo pfctl e sudo pfctl sr echo block drop quick on proto tcp from any to any port sudo pfctl f sudo pfctl sr echo block drop quick on proto tcp from any to any port sudo pfctl f sudo pfctl v s rules code to clean up filtering code sudo pfctl f etcpfconf code one node should panic on when safety job runs | 0 |
noformatjavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at the problem is the commits did not have a date in the repository aandrew randrew d stest b noformat | 1 |
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen you add a comment you cant edit anymore things like this happen now theres a comment that has to be deleted but its not possible | 0 |
otherwise we get extra builds on branches with enabled integration | 1 |
i am trying to pull reports from tempo all day and the site keeps crashing on me this is a major issue for me as i am trying to pull reports from tempo to close out this month | 1 |
seb critical review comments arent being reloaded when clicking reload | 1 |
issue summary this may or may not be isolated to webhooks usage steps to reproduce connect ms teams to jira expected results the connection stays active and does not spawn new thread actual results teams shows disconnected the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file noformat error servicerunner hubconnection disconnected with an error server timeout elapsed without receiving a message from the server error hubconnection disconnected with an error server timeout elapsed without receiving a message from the server noformat you may also see codejava servicerunner startconnectionifdisconnected error javalangruntimeexception unexpected status code returned from negotiate service unavailable code a client error when posting webhook may also be logged thread dumps contain thousands of threads with the same stack trace codejava threadid nativeid statewaiting stacktrace javalangthreadstate waiting parking at method parking to wait for a javautilconcurrentlocksabstractqueuedsynchronizerconditionobject at at at at at at at at locked ownable synchronizers none code codejava okhttp websocket threadid nativeid statewaiting stacktrace javalangthreadstate waiting parking at method parking to wait for a javautilconcurrentlocksabstractqueuedsynchronizerconditionobject at at at at at at at at locked ownable synchronizers none code you may also see thousands of open files this may also be related to out of memory errors as described in jira server throws outofmemoryerror unable to create new native thread workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available as a short time solution the only remedy is to remove the teams integration completely to avoid major problems ps simply disabling the app will not resolve this note on fix please update microsoft teams for jira server to the version to get the fix | 1 |
it seems that sometimes difffetcher can be created and ran but it will not terminate this will make fisheye to spawn more and more threads up to javalangoutofmemoryerror unable to create new native thread it happens under stress and is a result of previous oom java heap space errors | 0 |
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report panelhijira service desk seems to down none of the admins are able to log in attached is the error that we get my username is | 1 |
issue summary here is the swagger file there are a number of pages that are queryable with the q parameter but they arent documented specifically for each resource that supports it expected results i expect that the documentation for this resource would explicitly list q as a querystring variable i expect it would be both in the documentation and in the swagger file actual results the q param is not listed this makes it hard for some autogenerated clients to be able to pass this in as a variable steps to reproduce go here and see that q isnt listed as a query param workaround unsure | 0 |
when i get an email from crucible about a comment it looks like this i click the link and then go to the review and then have to click through all the comments to find that one or need to copy and paste into a web browser the old expand all commented used to make this easier now that button is gone there is no easy to find the comment can the anchor be replaced with a parameter so mailapp will hyperlink it correctly | 0 |
confluenceatlassiancom had memory problems where the heap allocation needed to be increased from normal mb up to mb to not die with outofmemoryerrors according to donna charles was able to locate the problem there was a page that was using the children macro unfortunately there were children this was getting sucked into every recentlyupdated rss feed not pretty we should profile the children macro and reduce its memory usage at least on subsequent calls which return the same result | 0 |
Subsets and Splits