int32 1
| premise
stringlengths 7
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stringlengths 7
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class label 3
classes | score
float32 1
| premise_en
stringlengths 15
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 14
| label_en
class label 3
classes | score_en
float32 1
| corr_entailment_labelAB_En
stringclasses 4
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stringclasses 4
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9,769 | トラの子供が吠えている | 二匹の犬が外で遊んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | A tiger cub is roaring | Two dogs are playing outside | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,770 | 女性が二つの卵を水の入った鍋から取り出している | 男性がトランペットを吹いている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is taking two eggs out of a pot of water | A man is playing a trumpet | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;二つ;名詞,一般,*,* |
9,773 | パンダは竹を食べていない | 自転車に乗った男性が一つの車輪だけで走っている | 1neutral
| 1 | The panda is not eating bamboo | A man on a bicycle is riding on one wheel only | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Toritate#Numerical | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Numerical;一つ;名詞,一般,*,*#Toritate;だけ;助詞,副助詞,*,* |
9,774 | 串が女性により棚の上に置かれている | 犬が田舎で空中に高くジャンプしている | 1neutral
| 1 | Skewers are being placed onto a rack by a woman | A dog is jumping high into the air in the country | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,776 | 縞模様のシャツを着た男の子が砂の丘の上で裸足で走っている | 女性が青いヘルメットを着けていて、駐車場で自転車に乗っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A boy wearing a striped shirt is running barefoot on the sandy hill | A woman is wearing a blue helmet and is riding a bicycle in a parking lot | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2531942624_c3c072064e.jpg | A boy wearing a striped shirt runs barefoot in the sandy hill . | nan | nan |
9,778 | 犬が雪に覆われた海辺で一匹で遊んでいる | 電子レンジのボタンは男性に押されている | 1neutral
| 1 | A dog is playing alone on a beach covered by snow | The buttons of a microwave are being pushed by a man | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,780 | ライオンがゆっくり動き回っている | ある人がニンジンをばらばらに薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A lion is slowly moving around | A person is slicing a carrot into pieces | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,784 | 女性はジャガイモをつついている | オートバイに乗っている男性は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | The woman is poking a potato | There is no man riding a motorcycle | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,786 | 犬が緑の草地の上で遊んでいる | 男性はギターを弾いていない | 1neutral
| 1 | A dog is playing on the green grass | The man is not playing a guitar | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,795 | 男性がバイオリンを弾いている | 女性が白タマネギを切っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is playing a violin | A woman is cutting a white onion | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,799 | 歩行者と自動車がその大都市の交通渋滞を通り抜けている | 男性が木の板を両手で割っている | 1neutral
| 1 | Pedestrians and cars are moving through a traffic jam in the big city | A man is breaking wooden boards with his hand | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,800 | 男の子が噴水の噴出口の隣に立っている | 男性は岩山の上に立っていて、その背後に灰色の雲がある | 1neutral
| 1 | A boy is standing next to the opening of a fountain | The man is standing on a rocky mountain and gray clouds are in the background | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | 2565618804_8d7ed87389.jpg | A boy next to the opening of a fountain . | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,803 | 腰掛けている女性が歌を歌いながらギターを弾いている | 男性は重いものを上げていない | 1neutral
| 1 | A seated woman is singing a song and playing the guitar | The man isn't lifting weights | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Conjunction;ながら;助詞,接続助詞,*,* |
9,805 | 女の子は小さくて、ブランコに乗っていて、女性は後ろに立っている | 赤い犬が跳び上がってテニスボールを口でキャッチしている | 1neutral
| 1 | The girl, who is little, is swinging and the woman is standing behind | A red dog is jumping and catching a tennis ball in its mouth | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | 2977246776_b14be8290d.jpg | A little girl swings , a woman stands behind her . | nan | nan |
9,806 | 女性はパン粉のついたポークチョップを油で炒めている | 婦人は生卵を割ってボウルに入れていない | 1neutral
| 1 | The woman is frying a breaded pork chop | The lady isn't breaking raw eggs into a bowl | 1neutral
| 2.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,811 | 男性はそれらのドラムを叩いている | 黒い鳥は葉のない木の中に止まっている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is playing the drums | The black bird is sitting in a leafless tree | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Anaphora | Anaphora;それら;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Negation;ない;形容詞,自立,*,* |
9,814 | 父親が娘を押してゴーカートに乗せていて、別の女の子が見ている | 白い犬が落ち葉の上に立っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A father is pushing his daughter on a go-kart and another girl is watching | A white dog is standing on fallen leaves | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2662570182_350baa020f.jpg | A father pushes his daughters go-kart while another girl watches | nan | nan |
9,815 | 男性が芝生を刈っている | 黒と白の犬が茶色の野原でボロボロのバレーボールで遊んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is mowing a lawn | A black and white dog is playing with a tattered volleyball in a brown field | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,816 | 白い自動車がその男性に運転されている | フットボールをしている人が、フットボールを運んでいる役員のそばを走り過ぎている | 1neutral
| 1 | A white car is being driven by the man | A person playing football is running past an official carrying a football | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,817 | 女性が魚を油で炒めている | 二人の女性がビキニを着ていて、砂の上を歩いている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is frying fish | Two women are wearing bikinis and are walking on the sand | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,820 | サーファーがその波に乗っている | 靴の紐を結んでいる男性は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | A surfer is riding the wave | There is no man tying a shoe | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,821 | 大きな犬と小さな白い犬が一緒に遊んでいる | 二人の建設作業員がビルの頂上で起き上がっている | 1neutral
| 1 | A big dog and a small white dog are playing together | Two construction workers are sitting up on the top of a building | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2260649048_ae45d17e68.jpg | A German Sheperd and a small white dog are playing | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,825 | 少女は標識を運んでいて、あるグループの人々が彼女の後に続いている | 女性が男性の顔をきれいにしている | 1neutral
| 1 | The girl is carrying a sign and a group of people is following her | A woman is cleaning a man's face | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;彼女;名詞,代名詞,一般,* |
9,827 | 女性が卵を割っている | シャツを着ていない男性が公園でハイキングをしている女の子と一緒にポーズをとっている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is breaking eggs | A shirtless man is posing with a girl who is hiking in a park | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,829 | タトゥーのある男性がソファにゆったりと座って鉛筆を探している | 雌牛が干し草を食べている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man with tattoos is lounging on a couch and is looking for a pencil | A cow is eating hay | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2319087586_919472310f.jpg | A man with tattoos is lounging on a couch holding a pencil . | nan | nan |
9,836 | 三人の男性が丘の上で座っていて、山々と空を見ている | いくつかの肉が女性に縫い合わされている | 1neutral
| 1 | Three men are sitting on a hill and looking at the mountains and sky | Some meat is being stitched together by a woman | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Numerical#Conjunction#Disjunction#Quantification | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,839 | 二人の男性が喧嘩をしている | 数人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 1 | Two men are fighting | A couple of boys are playing a video game | 1neutral
| 1.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,840 | 二人の人が心地よさそうにベンチに座っている | 男性がサッカーをしている | 1neutral
| 1 | Two people are sitting comfortably on the bench | A man is playing soccer | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | 3372167201_f7f909d480.jpg | The two large people are sitting outside on a bench | Numerical#Modal | Modal;そう;名詞,接尾,助動詞語幹,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,841 | ぼろ切れの入ったいくつかのバケツの隣にいる男の子が何かをつかんでいる | 男の子が橋を歩いて渡っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A boy next to some buckets of rags is holding something | A boy is walking across a bridge | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Quantification;何;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,844 | 男性はほとんど不毛の地面でオートバイの後輪走行をしている | 水鉄砲を持っている子供は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is doing a wheelie with a motorcycle on ground which is mostly barren | There is no child holding a squirt gun | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | 3353962769_ba48691bc6.jpg | The man is doing a wheelie with a motorcycle in mostly barren ground | Negation#Quantification#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Quantification;ほとんど;副詞,一般,*,* |
9,846 | 男性がギターを弾いていない | 有名な歌手が天井板の上でダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is not playing a guitar | A famous singer is dancing on the ceiling | 1neutral
| 1.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,847 | 女性がサーフィンをしている | 怖がっている小さな男の子がクライミングウォールの上にいる | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is surfing | A fearful little boy is on a climbing wall | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 3176968956_d942a93513.jpg | A man windsurfing | nan | nan |
9,851 | 黒と赤のユニフォームを着たバイク乗りがダートバイクの上に立っている | 五人の大人が石段の上に座っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A bike rider in a black and red uniform is standing on a dirt bike | Five adults are sitting on stone steps | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | 3415003392_139c0f3586.jpg | A BMX bike rider in a black and red uniform on a dirt bike . | Conjunction#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,853 | そのピアノは男性に弾かれている | ブロンドの児童が滑り台を降りていて、両腕を挙げている | 1neutral
| 1 | The piano is being played by a man | A blond child is going down a slide and throwing up his arms | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,856 | 猫がスイカで遊んでいる | 女性が都市の景色を見ている | 1neutral
| 1 | A cat is playing with a watermelon | A woman is looking at the view of a city | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 3659090958_a56913ca68.jpg | A baby is playing in a walker . | nan | nan |
9,859 | 男性たちはスーツケースを車のトランクに詰め込んでいる | 幼い男の子は海の波の中を走っている | 1neutral
| 1 | The men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car | The young boy is running through the ocean waves | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,860 | シリアルがその男性に食べられている | 男の子と女の子は遊んでいて、腕浮輪を着けている | 1neutral
| 1 | Cereal is being eaten by the man | The boy and the girl are playing and wearing arm floats | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Passive#Anaphora | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,863 | 黒いジャケットを着た人がバイクに乗って芸をしている | その女の子は小さくて、慎重に髪を櫛でとかしてポニーテールにしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A person in a black jacket is doing tricks on a motorbike | The girl, who is little, is carefully combing her hair into a pony tail | 1neutral
| 1.3 | nan | nan | 3373243733_9aba7740ed.jpg | A person in a black jacket doing tricks on a motorbike . | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,864 | 大きな犬と小さな犬が調理台の隣に立っていて、探っている | 冬服を着た微笑んでいる男の子が、雪の中にあるビルの外側で手袋をした手を振っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A large dog and a small dog are standing next to the kitchen counter and are investigating | A smiling boy in winter clothes is waving his mittened hands outside a building in the snow | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 3204525212_d548c7fca7.jpg | A large dog and a small dog stand next to the kitchen counter to investigate . | nan | nan |
9,868 | 魚が男性に薄切りにされている | 猫が箱の中に跳び込んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | A fish is being sliced by a man | A cat is jumping into a box | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,870 | 白と黄褐色の犬が丈の高い緑色の草の中を走っている | 婦人は肉の薄切りを食べている | 1neutral
| 1 | A white and tan dog is running through the tall and green grass | The lady is eating slices of meat | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2534502836_7a75305655.jpg | A white and tan dog runs through the tall green grass . | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,874 | トラが歩き回っていない | 何人かの人々が歩いている | 1neutral
| 1 | A tiger is not walking around | Some people are walking | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | 2256320794_0286c31bfa.jpg | A dog is waling on sand . | Negation#Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,875 | 女の子は馬に乗って早足に駆けている | オートバイに乗った男性が後輪走行をしていない | 1neutral
| 1 | The girl is trotting on the horse | A man on a motorcycle is not riding on one wheel | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,876 | ある人がステーキを水で洗っている | 男性が一切れのパンにバターを塗っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A person is rinsing a steak with water | A man is buttering a slice of bread | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;切れ;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,877 | 男性がいくつかのパンの薄切りにガーリックをかけている | ある人がそれらの材料をミキサーのところにいる男性に投げている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is putting garlic on some bread slices | A person is bowling the ingredients to the man at the mixer | 1neutral
| 2.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,*#Anaphora;それら;名詞,代名詞,一般,* |
9,878 | 赤ちゃんがくしゃみをしていて別の赤ちゃんを脅えさせている | 黒い髪の幼い子供がカメラから写真を削除している | 1neutral
| 1 | A baby is sneezing and scaring another baby | A young child with black hair is deleting a picture from the camera | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,879 | ホームレスの男性が標識を掲げていて、お金を懇願している | 猫はミルクをむさぼるように飲んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | A homeless man is holding up a sign and is begging for money | The cat is hungrily drinking milk | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,882 | 縞模様のシャツを着た女の子が砂の丘の上で裸足で走っている | 婦人がボウルの中の肉混合物を混ぜ合わせている | 1neutral
| 1 | A girl wearing a striped shirt is running barefoot on the sandy hill | A lady is mixing a meat mixture in a bowl | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,884 | 児童がカメラに微笑みかけていて、水中で泳いでいる | 動物がボールに吠えている | 1neutral
| 1 | A child is smiling at the camera and swimming underwater | An animal is barking at a ball | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,885 | 赤い水着を着ている幼い男の子が青い子供用プールに跳び込んでいる | 男性がいくらかの食べ物を容器に入れている | 1neutral
| 1 | A young boy wearing a red swimsuit is jumping into a blue kiddies pool | A man is putting some food in a container | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;いくら;名詞,一般,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,886 | 二人の子供がいくつかの金属のバーの上で伸びをしている | 黒と赤のユニフォームを着たバイク乗りがダートバイクの上に立っている | 1neutral
| 1 | Two children are stretching over some metal bars | A bike rider in a black and red uniform is standing on a dirt bike | 1neutral
| 1.3 | nan | nan | 2833431496_09d999db4d.jpg | Two children trying to squeeze under some metal bars | Disjunction#Quantification#Numerical#Conjunction | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,889 | 二つの卵をボウルの中で強くかき混ぜ、ワイヤでできた泡立て器を使っている女性は一人もいない | 染められた黒いシャツを着た男性がテーブルに向かって座って笑っている | 1neutral
| 1 | There is no woman beating two eggs in a bowl and using a whisk made of wire | A man wearing a dyed black shirt is sitting at the table and laughing | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | 3665569615_9a71c4b6e4.jpg | There is a man pitching a baseball and has a glove his left hand . | Passive#Negation#Numerical | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Numerical;二つ;名詞,一般,*,* |
9,893 | 子供が屋外で雨どいで遊んでいて、他の家族は見守っている | 男性が大きくてカラフルな鳥かごのそばに立っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A child is playing with a water spout outdoors and the rest of his family is watching | A man is standing beside a birdcage which is large and colorful | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | 2055646179_169807fed4.jpg | A child is playing with a water spout outdoors while the rest of his family watches . | Anaphora | Anaphora;他;名詞,一般,*,* |
9,895 | 男性は大ハンマーを使って、別の人の上にあるコンクリートブロックを割っている | 女性と男性が森を一緒に歩いている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is using a sledgehammer to break a concrete block that is on another person | A man and a woman are walking together through the woods | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,897 | 暗くなった部屋の中にいる一人の男性と二人の女性が、ロウソクの付いたテーブルの席についている | 男性が荒れ地に造られた走路で突然馬から落ちている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man and two women in a darkened room are sitting at a table with candles | A man is abruptly falling off a horse on a track laid in the wild | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | 3266399073_40820596d5.jpg | A man and two women sit in a darkened room at a table with candles . | Conjunction#Passive#Numerical | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,900 | 男の子がその犬に水の中に叩き込まれている | モトクロスのユニフォームを着た人がヘルメットをかぶっていて、赤いオートバイに乗る | 1neutral
| 1 | A boy is being knocked into the water by the dog | A person in a motocross uniform is wearing a helmet and rides a red motorcycle | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,903 | 一人の登山者が岩を抱えていて、別の男性が壁をロープで縛っている | 黒と白の犬は屋外で走っている | 1neutral
| 1 | One climber is holding a rock and another man is roping a wall | The black and white dog is running outdoors | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | 2869253972_aa72df6bf3.jpg | An elderly man is holding and looking at another man 's hand . | Conjunction#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,904 | 男性はロッククライミングをしている | 男性が蛇を調理している | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is rock climbing | A man is cooking a snake | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,905 | 三匹の小さな犬が何かの匂いをかいでいる | バターが男性に刻まれて容器に入れられている | 1neutral
| 1 | Three small dogs are sniffing at something | Butter is being chopped into a container by a man | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Passive#Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;何;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,907 | 猫がキーボードを弾いている | 喧嘩をしている男性たちはいない | 1neutral
| 1 | A cat is playing keyboards | There are no men fighting | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,911 | 女性が卵を割ってボウルの中に入れている | 茶色と黒のバンダナを着けた茶色と白の犬がすばやく走っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is cracking an egg into a bowl | A brown and white dog with a brown and black bandanna is quickly running | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,912 | 患者はその医師を助けている | 二つのチームがサッカーをしている | 1neutral
| 1 | The patient is helping the doctor | Two teams are playing soccer | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;二つ;名詞,一般,*,* |
9,914 | 女性が遠方を見つめていて、人々が後ろにあるビルの間を歩いている | 男性がフルートを吹いている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is looking into the distance and people are walking between buildings behind | A man is playing a flute | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | 3296226598_1c892c4351.jpg | A man is looking into the distance whilst people behind him walk between buildings . | nan | nan |
9,915 | 茶色の子犬が地面に差し込まれている金属製の柱をかじっている | 栄養不良に見える犬が後ろ脚で立っていて、跳ぶ準備をしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A brown puppy is gnawing a metallic post that is stuck in the ground | A malnourished looking dog is standing on its hind legs and preparing to jump | 1neutral
| 2.7 | nan | nan | 3228069008_edb2961fc4.jpg | a brown puppy is gnawing in a metallic post that is stuck into the ground . | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,916 | 二人の遊んでいる男の子のビデオゲームがソファの上にある | ある人が材料を鍋に注ぎ込んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | Video games of two playing boys are on a couch | Someone is pouring ingredients into a pot | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,919 | 三人の児童が丘を走り上がっている | ペットの犬が土手の上に立っていて、池の中にいる別の茶色の犬を見ている | 1neutral
| 1 | Three children are running up hill | A pet dog is standing on the bank and is looking at another brown dog in the pond | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 775664534_3f6de7d413.jpg | Three children running downhill | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
9,921 | 若い女性がギターを弾いている | 男性がいくらかの料理を用意している | 1neutral
| 1 | A young woman is playing the guitar | A man is preparing some dish | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;いくら;名詞,一般,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,922 | 男性がしゃがんでいて、カメラを構えている | 音を立てているトラの子供は一匹もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is crouching and holding a camera | There is no tiger cub making a sound | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,926 | ジーンズをはいた女性が馬の鞍に座っている | ピアノを弾いている男性は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman in jeans is sitting on the saddle of a horse | There is no man playing a piano | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,927 | 婦人はタマネギをさいの目に切っている | ラグビー選手がお互いにタックルしている | 1neutral
| 1 | The lady is dicing onions | Rugby players are tackling each other | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,934 | 女性がタコを切り刻んでいる | 幼児が座席に座っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A woman is chopping up an octopus | A toddler is sitting in a seat | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,935 | フル装備のレーサーがスポンサーのロゴの付いたヘルメットをかぶっていて、赤いスポーツ用オートバイに乗っている | スノーボーダーは雪で覆われた丘からジャンプしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A racer in full gear is wearing a helmet with sponsor logos and is riding a red sport motorcycle | The snowboarder is jumping off a snow covered hill | 1neutral
| 1.3 | nan | nan | 3493479159_609ebe1b35.jpg | A racer in full gear and helmet with sponsors logos is riding a red sport motorcycle . | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,936 | スーパーソーカーを犬の口の中に吹き付けている男性は一人もいない | ある人がタマネギを刻んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | There is no man spraying a super soaker into the mouth of a dog | A person is chopping an onion | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,938 | 戦争からの様々なものが退役軍人により何人かの人々に見せられている | 三人の仲間たちがカメラに向かってしかめっ面をしている | 1neutral
| 1 | Different things from a war are being shown to some people by a veteran | Three friends are making faces for the camera | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | 2718376488_3c62f7642c.jpg | A group of bulls are running down a street as people run and others watch . | Passive#Disjunction#Numerical | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,939 | 男性はカメラを片付けており、海辺から歩き去る | 白い口ひげの生えた男性がバルコニーに立っていて、下の道路を見ている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is putting away the camera and walks away from the beach | A man with a white moustache is standing on a balcony and is looking at the road below | 1neutral
| 1.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,940 | 色のついた毛並みをした犬が庭を走り抜けている | 黒と茶色の犬が昆虫をじっと見ている | 1neutral
| 1.3 | A dog in a colored coat is running across the yard | A black and brown dog is eyeing an insect | 1neutral
| 2.2 | nan | nan | 380041023_0dfd712ef1.jpg | A dog with a brindle-colored coat is running across the yard . | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,942 | 黒と茶色の猫がハエをじっと見ている | 男性はシリアルを食べている | 1neutral
| 1 | A black and brown cat is eyeing a fly | The man is eating cereal | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |
9,943 | その人々はパレードで立っている | 白い鳥が水場に勢いよく降りている | 1neutral
| 1 | The people are standing at a parade | A white bird is landing swiftly in the water | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | 3392019836_c7aeebca1c.jpg | Three people are standing at a carnival game . | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,947 | ジャガイモを薄切りにしている男性は一人もいない | 男性がピストルにサイレンサーを取り付けている | 1neutral
| 1 | There is no man slicing potatoes | A man is fitting a silencer to a pistol | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,948 | 偉大な歌手が天井板の上でダンスをしている | 児童が雪玉を作っている | 1neutral
| 1 | A great singer is dancing on the ceiling | A child is making a snow ball | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,949 | 男性はマウンテンバイクで後輪走行をしている | 男性が道路の真ん中で立ち止まっている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is doing a wheelie on a mountain bike | A man is stopping in the middle of a road | 1neutral
| 1.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,951 | 男性は運動をしている | ある人が肉をフライパンに入れている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is doing exercises | A person is putting meat into a skillet | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,955 | 二人の男性が大勢の人々の前でボクサーと一緒にとても面白い寸劇をしている | ウサギがおもちゃのウサギで遊んでいる | 1neutral
| 1 | Two men are doing a skit, which is very funny, with a boxer in front of a crowd of people | A rabbit is playing with a toy rabbit | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Quantification;大勢;名詞,一般,*,* |
9,960 | その人は砂地の走路でオートバイに乗っている | 男性がバーベルを上げている | 1neutral
| 1 | The person is riding a motorbike on a sandy track | A man is lifting barbells | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 3476451861_5b9c9ce191.jpg | A person is riding a bike on a tree . | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,967 | 四人の若い男性がじっと立っていて、車が彼らの後ろで爆発している | 男性が黒い自動車の隣にあるダートヒルの上に立っている | 1neutral
| 1 | Four young men are standing still and a car is exploding behind them | A man is standing on a dirt hill next to a black car | 1neutral
| 2.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Anaphora;彼ら;名詞,代名詞,一般,* |
9,968 | 女性はその犬を散歩させている | 女性が毛布の上で揺れ動きながら、本を読んでいる誰かにもたれている | 1neutral
| 1 | The woman is walking the dog | A woman is rocking over a blanket lying on someone reading a book | 1neutral
| 1.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Disjunction#Quantification#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;誰;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Conjunction;ながら;助詞,接続助詞,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
9,973 | 陸軍将校は新兵をどやしつけている | ローラーブレーダーが斜面で芸を行っている | 1neutral
| 1 | The military officer is shouting at the recruits | A rollerblader is performing a trick on a ramp | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,974 | 男性が速記用に使われる機械でタイプしている | 泥だらけの小道に沿ってバイクに乗っている人は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is typing on a machine used for stenography | There is no person riding a bike along a muddy trail | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Passive#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
9,976 | 男性が女性にもの珍しそうに見られている | 男性は岩山の上に立っていて、その背後に灰色の雲がある | 1neutral
| 1 | A man is being curiously looked at by a woman | The man is standing on a rocky mountain and gray clouds are in the background | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | 3199895624_4f01798c6f.jpg | Woman looking curiously at a man . | Passive#Anaphora#Modal | Modal;そう;名詞,接尾,助動詞語幹,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,980 | 女性はそのカンガルーを持ち上げている | 男性が屋根の上に立っていて、バイオリンを弾いている | 1neutral
| 1 | The woman is picking up the kangaroo | A man is standing on the top of a roof and playing a violin | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,981 | バイオリンは海辺で小さな女の子に弾かれている | 女性が魚を調理している | 1neutral
| 1 | The violin is being played by a little girl on a beach | A woman is cooking fish | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
9,982 | 人々が岩だらけの小川の上に架かるロープの橋を歩いて渡っている | 男性はジャガイモを食べている | 1neutral
| 1 | People are walking across a rope bridge over a rocky stream | The man is eating potato slices | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
9,983 | ホームレスの男性が標識を掲げていて、お金を懇願している | その女性とその男性は車で旅行をしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A homeless man is holding up a sign and is begging for money | The woman and the man are travelling by car | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,984 | 二匹の犬が海辺で遊んでいる | 二人の人がジープを運転していて、一人の婦人がその上に座っている | 1neutral
| 1 | Two dogs are playing on the beach | Two people are driving a jeep and a lady is sitting on the top of it | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 2056042552_f59e338533.jpg | Two dogs playing on the beach . | Anaphora#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,985 | 大きなアジア料理のレストランにいるあるグループの人々が食事をしている | チアリーダーたちは列をなして行進していて、黒、ピンク、白のユニフォームを着ている | 1neutral
| 1 | A group of people in a large Asian restaurant is eating | The cheerleaders are parading and wearing black, pink and white uniforms | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | 199809190_e3f6bbe2bc.jpg | A group of people jump into a lake in unison . | nan | nan |
9,993 | ドアが男性に開けられている | あるバンドの頭の禿げた男性がスポットライトの中でギターを弾いている | 1neutral
| 1 | A door is being opened by a man | A bald man in a band is playing guitar in the spotlight | 1neutral
| 1.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Quantification | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,*#Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
9,997 | ある人が鍋でオクラをゆでている | 男性はそれらのドラムを叩いていない | 1neutral
| 1 | Someone is boiling okra in a pot | The man is not playing the drums | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;それら;名詞,代名詞,一般,* |
9,998 | 男性は心から歌いながらギターを弾いている | 自転車乗りが、あるグループの人々の中で自転車を自分の頭上に持ち上げている | 1neutral
| 1 | The man is singing heartily and playing the guitar | A bicyclist is holding a bike over his head in a group of people | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;自分;名詞,一般,*,*#Conjunction;ながら;助詞,接続助詞,*,* |
9,999 | 青い服を着た男性がミットの中に黄色のボールを持っている | 男性が戸外で縄跳びをしている | 1neutral
| 1 | A man in blue has a yellow ball in the mitt | A man is jumping rope outside | 1neutral
| 1.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
10,000 | 三匹の犬が歩道の上で一休みしている | ナイフを持った女性はトウガラシを薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 1 | Three dogs are resting on a sidewalk | The woman with a knife is slicing a pepper | 1neutral
| 1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
Subsets and Splits