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Just like its name, Creative Space Cafe, there are several artworks that we can enjoy and several sculptures downstairs. Upstairs is a cafe with interesting design that is perfect to visit in the afternoon. It's located on a higher ground, making for a breathtaking scenery | Saluyu namina creative space kafe ku kituna seueur karya seni nu tiasa dinikmatan di lebetna sareng sababaraha patung di handap. Upami di luhur aya kafe ku desain nu menarik sareng cocog disumpingan dina dinten sonten. Tempatna aya di lokasi nu luhur ngajieun tempat ieu gaduh pamandangan anu sae. | eng-sun |
Good afternoon poor people. I hope you die soon or get even poorer and suffer more | Wilujeng siang jalmi miskin. Mugia aranjeun enggal ngantunkeun atawa beuki miskin sareng samsara. | eng-sun |
Gojek will start offering their services in a few SEA countries. | Gojek bade mulai ngabuka layanan aranjeunna di sababaraha negara asia tenggara. | eng-sun |
Do Indonesians believe the story of this oh-so-esteemed police officer? That claims to have met the biker? You be the judge of his make-believe story. Does he pass with flying colors? | Masarakat indonesia percaya teu ka bapak pulisi anu dipihormat ieu? Nu saurna mah tos tepang sareng kanu make motorna? Mangga ku anjeun dipeunteun karangan di handap ieu. Kira-kira meunang peunteun sabaraha? | eng-sun |
There are traffic in Bandung everywhere. Jatinangor feels like the Brexit toll. I might faint in my car because I'm waiting too long | Bandung di-mana macet. Jatinagor oge sapertos tol brexit. Tiasa pingsan lebet mobil lami teuing ngantosan. | eng-sun |
When we arrived, we were put in the waiting list, even though there were many empty seats, maybe some were not used, but the staff stayed kind despite some unhappy customers who didn't wanna wait because they saw those empty seats. Food can be ordered in the back of the restaurant, and the menu was quite tasty for us. This was our second visit, and the one thing we remembered from this place was the balloon seller. | Basa urang sumping urang tos aya dina daptar ngantosan, sanaos seueur korsi kosong, panginten sabagian henteu dianggo, sanaos stafna ramah mung aya sababaraha palanggan anu henteu resep ngantosan bari ningali seueur korsi anu kosong. Mesen kadaharan di tukangeun restoran, sareng menuna lumayan raos kanggo arurang. Ieu kadatangan arurang nu kadua, sareng salah sahiji anu ngingetkeun urang nyaeta tukang icalan balon. | eng-sun |
The fried Kwetiaw and Teh Tarik is my go-to choice of meal here, though there are plenty of people who order the Mie Yamin here as well, you may also try their fried rice. | Kwetiauw goreng sareng teh tarik jadi pilihan tuangeun kuring di dieu, sanaos aya anu pesan mi yamin, anjeun oge tiasa nyobian nasi gorengna | eng-sun |
This month my bank account balance is zero | Sasih ieu saldo dina rekening abdi nol. | eng-sun |
Hotel Ibis Tamarkan Wahid Hasyim has a very disappointing service. Especially when it comes to reservantion! Really lousy! | Hotel Ibis Tamarkan Wahid Hasyim nguciwakeun pisan pikeun layananna. Utamina masalah reservation! Goreng pisan! | eng-sun |
The employees at Graha Indosat is so rude | Jutek pisan pagawe Indosat anu di Graha Indosat | eng-sun |
I never regret loving you. | Abdi teu kantos hanjakal bogoh ka anjeun | eng-sun |
The food here was great. Way tastier than other similar restos in Balikpapan. But, well, the price was bound to a bit expensive. Hhe it would cost about 100 thousand per person. But because the food was so good it I was satisfied. The Tom Yum soup, tho, mmm. tasty. | Tuangeun di dieu raos yeuh. Leuwih raos tibatan tempat tuangeun sajenis di balikpapan. Ngan nya pangaosna ge leuwih awis oge. Hhe / jalmi jatohna 100 rebuan leuwih. Ngan puas kusabab rasa tuangeunna raos. Kuah tomnyamna. Mm. Raos. | eng-sun |
Even though the portion's huge, the taste is pretty standard. Guess the price doesn't match the portion. The plating is also kinda messy, that's all, I guess. | Sanaos porsina ageung, mung sacara rasa, biasa wae. Pangaos teu saluyu sareng porsi sih. Panyajianna ge teu kitu rapi, nya kitu wae. | eng-sun |
This was our first visit in the resto's main branch. We've ordered from the other branches before. We thought that the atmosphere would be better and the food would have more variety. But I was unpleasantly surprised with the servers' unfriendly attidue. We would pick the outdoor spot with a sofa,as per a waitress' recommendation. But the male waiter didn't let us because he didn't wanna have to clean it. | Ieu kunjungan kahiji arurang ka restoran cabang utami. Saacanna arurang serina mesen ti cabang nu sanes. Kusabab arurang nyangka di dieu suasanana leuwih sae sareng menuna leuwih seueur. Mung abdi reuwas ku sikap palayan nu teu ramah. Arurang bade duduk di sofa luar ku saran palayan istri. Mung palayan pameget teu ngizinan ku lantaran alasan hoream ngaberesihan. | eng-sun |
This particular goverment agency needs to be abolished because they've done absolutely nothing of value so far. | Badan pemerintah hiji ieu kudu dibubarkeun kusabab salami ieu pisamelna teh teu aya harti pisan. | eng-sun |
This meatbun has been known since ancient times but it's still enjoyed by many to this very day because of its distinct taste. | Bakpao ieu tos kakoncara ti jaman baheula nanging dugi ayeuna masih seeur diresepan kusabab rasana nu khas. | eng-sun |
The waiter and owner in the cashier were not communicative and couldn't give us a recommendation for which portion of the menu should be ordered. The food was so-so, and the parking was difficult. | Pelayan sareng pamilik anu calik di kasir henteu komunikatif sareng henteu tiasa masihan saran pikeun bagian tina menu anu urang kedah dipesen. Rasana standar. Parkirna sesah. | eng-sun |
When I was searching for a place to eat with a variety of choices, I got recommended by a friend to dine here, aside from the cheap price, the food is delicious as well. It's just that it might take a bit long to wait for our orders. | Nalika abdi keur hoyong milarian rurupa kadaharan, abdi disarankeun ku rerencangan kanggo tuang di dieu, lian ti mirah tuangeunnana oge raoseun. Ngan rada lami abdi ngantosan pesenanana. | eng-sun |
Ain't no one's gonna vote no more, ya think the people now can still be fooled? | Moal aya deui anu milih, anjeun mikir masarakat ayeuna tiasa keneh dibobodo? | eng-sun |
Really bummed out that the Champions League isn't broadcasted in any channel, local or sports ones. They should've fought harder for the broadcasting rights because the customers already paid big money | Kuciwa pisan kusabab liga champions teu disiarkeun di channel mana ge arek channel lokal atawa channel olahragana. Sakuduna aranjeun perjuangkeun hak siar eta kusabab palanggan tos mayar awis. | eng-sun |
Uni kids should stay out of politics. Just go hit the books | Mahasiswa tong sok-sokan deh milu politik. Diajar ditu wae deh. | eng-sun |
There are a lot of city parks in Malang | Aya seueur taman kota di malang. | eng-sun |
The denizens found 2.910 KTP-el cards in the bushes. | Warga manggihan 2.910 e-KTP dina rungkun | eng-sun |
I'm satisfied with the Gojek app, really makes my activites a lot easier | Abdi resep ku aplikasi gojek, ngagampilkeun dina seueur kagiatan | eng-sun |
I installed Traveloka at one point, but I never used it so I uninstalled it. | Abdi kantos instal traveloka, mung kusabab teu kapake ahirna abdi uninstal deui | eng-sun |
Great, photogenic place to take pics in, and the breeze is cool, too, but don't even try to eat there, the price has gone off the roof, it's no longer tasteful, regrets all-round. | Tempatna alus kanggo popotoan, sareng hawa na deui tiis, tapi tong nyobian tuang didinya, geus awis, henteu ngeunah deui, keheul deui. | eng-sun |
Unfortunately, 16 GB is not nearly enough for any Xiaomi phone because their default software takes way too much space | Hanjakalna, handphone xiaomi naon oge teu tiasa upami meser 16 gb kusabab software bawaanna eta ageung pisan | eng-sun |
There is an ulterior motive here to make his son elected as the vice president | Aya hurang ditukangeun batu meh putrana kapilih janten wakil presiden. | eng-sun |
Really loving the baked potato menu. For the price, it's standard for a steakhouse. The taste matches the price. I think the atmosphere is comfortable enough and there's even a garden in the middle. Would definitely go here again if I ever come back to Bandung. | Resep pisan sareng menu kentang panggangna. Kanggo pangaos, standar steak lah. Rasa saluyu sareng pangaos. Ceuk abdi suasana tempatna cekap merenah tur aya taman di bagian tengahna. Restoran nu wajib abdi sumpingan upami ka bandung deui!: | eng-sun |
Cafe Rindang with its rural atmosphere and surrounding woods really goes well with the small but beautiful waterfall. The food is also quite good and the price isn't too high. Recommended for everyone. | Kafe nu rindang ku suasana padesaan sareng leuweung sae ngahiji sareng curug leutik nu endah kanggo rasa cekap raos sareng pangaos nu teu awis teuing, disarankeun ka sadayana | eng-sun |
Turns out your brain is the size of a marble | Otak maneh nyatana ngan sagede kaleci. | eng-sun |
So bored. I've watched all the films and now I'm drawing a blank | Janten bosen. Sadaya film tos ditongton sareng ayeuna mati gaya. | eng-sun |
That man with a thick moustache crossed the street using the zebra cross | Bapak nu kumisan leubeut eta mentas nganggo zebra cross | eng-sun |
Lots of comments in Tripadvisor made me curious With just an empty stomach, I came here to have my usual favorite lontong padang and was left utterly disappointed. In the end, I just took my orders home because my appetite was spoiled so hard. The lontong padang in ITB was leagues better, the taste just couldn't compete. | Seueur komen di tripadvisor nu matak abdi panasaran, ngamodal patuangan kosong ngarah ngalep lontong padang karesep abdi nyaeta bener-bener nguciwakeun, ahirna abdi ngan nyuhunkeun dibungkus wae, salera tuang atos teu aya. Leuwih alus tuang lontong padang nu di itb, keur rasa mah masih keneh jauh | eng-sun |
Such effort, taking selfies for the sake of this Samsung Galaxy. Well, gotta keep working hard and keep singing | Kalawan hese selpi demi si samsung galaxy. Anu penting nyobaan sareng tetep nyanyi | eng-sun |
Food's tasty, the atmosphere is beautiful and breezy thanks to the trees along with the sound of flowing rivers, making it more comfortable and calming. The quick service means we don't have to wait long. There's also a homey salat room. Great food with affordable price. | Tuangeun raos, suasanana asri pisan sareng sejuk ku seueur tatangkalan, sareng sora cai walungan nu ngalir nyieun nambihan merenah jeung tenang. Palayanan nu enggal janten arurang henteu nungguan lami. Aya ruangan solat nu merenah. Menu tuangeun raos pangaos kahontal | eng-sun |
Never gets old! Since 1996 when I first learned about Ayam Goreng Suharti, I immediately declared it the best chicken I had ever ever eaten. The secret recipe and the sauce for the crisps add a unique flavor on this legendary Indonesian fried chicken. | Teu kantos bosen! Ti tahun 1996 abdi kali kahiji kenal hayam goreng suharti, abdi langsung nyarios ieu hayam pang top nu kantos abdi tuang. Resep rahasia sareng bumbu kremesna nambihan cita rasa nyalira ti hayam goreng legendaris asli indonesia ieu | eng-sun |
Is the promo real or not? I've checked that you could get a 30 GB quota for 77 thousand, 40% less than the original price. When I bought 80 thousand credits, my balance got slashed for 5 thousand and I haven't even done aything yet. Why did that happen? So disappointing. | Promona nipu atanapi kunaon. Diparios nyarios aya promo 77 rebu nampi kuota 30 GB diskon 40% tina harga aslina, nalika kuring nambihan pulsa 80 rebu teu acan didaptarkeun parantos kapotong 5 rebu. Naha kunaon kitu? Kuciwa duh. | eng-sun |
An alternative to cleaning services in Jakarta. I've tried it. So far, it's better than the others. | Pilihan jasa beberesih di Jakarta. Abdi tos nyobian . Dugika ayeuna hasilna langkung sae tibatan anu sanes. | eng-sun |
My wife bought several products from the same store, and the weight hadn't reached 1 kilogram. But when they sent it using Gosend Delivery, we had to pay twice the shipping cost, goddammit! | Pun istri abdi ngagaleuh sababaraha produk dina toko nu sami, sareng beuratna oge teu acan nepi 1 kilo, nganggo pengiriman via gosend, keuna ongkir 2x, teu baleg! | eng-sun |
Why are all the candidates' statements so boring? It's just like...I don't even know | Kunaon abdi maca parnyataan sikap para calon pupuhu umum ieu sadayana ngabosenkeun. Siga teuing. | eng-sun |
My friend took me here when I was in college, heard that the sate was good...but after trying it, it wasn't to my liking... hehe ust my opinion though | Diajakan rerencangan sawaktos keneh kuliah, saurna satena raos... mung tos dicobi kirang asup kanu salera abdi... hehe opini abdi hungkul. | eng-sun |
The tiring and long distance of our travel from the city was immediately paid off with the great vibe and delicious food, made perfect with hospitable and swift service from the waiters. Don't forget to try the fresh strawberry dessert served with chocolate milk, you'll get addicted for sure | Lungse dina perjalanan nu lumayan tebih ti kota kabayar ku suasana tur raosna tuangeun, disampurnakeun ku palayanan nu someah tur enggal ti pramusaji. Tong hilap milih desert buah stroberi seger dihidangkeun sareng susu coklat, anjeun bakal katagihan. | eng-sun |
The car parking lot was actually spacious, but since there were many customers, we had to park on the side of the road. Thankfully the security officer was very helpful in directing us. It didn't feel that wide at first, just as wide as a standard old house, but the interior was deceptively vast. There were all kinds of seats and sofas, almost none of which were the same, and that made for a great vibe to hang out around. | Parkiran saleresna lega, mung kusabab nu nganjangan seueur, arurang kudu parkir di sisi jalan. Mung patugas kaamanan ngabantu pisan ngarahkeun. Kesan teu lega teuing, salebar bumi sepuh nu standar, mung tetela di lebet aya ruang nu lega. Aya korsi sareng sofa rupi-rupi jenis, ampi teu sami sadayana, mung kesanna janten ngabingahan kanggo kempel. | eng-sun |
The food here is pretty good, but I think it might be a little expensive for me. We picked the lodge near the ricefields, and when the food arrived, there were a lot of flies around it. We were kinda frustrated because we asked for candles and the response took a while. The waiter who brought our food was also kinda slow to respond, maybe they were still new. | Kadahareun di dieu lumayan ngeunah, tapi hargina lumayan awis saur kuring mah. Urang nyumpingan pondokan di area pasawahan, nalika pas tuangeun sumping seueur laleur. Keseul sih sabab pamenta lilin rada lambat responna. Pelayan anu nyandak katuanganna lami nanggep pesenanna, panginten keneh nembean. | eng-sun |
This place is honestly pretty interesting because it has a variety of Indonesian cuisine. Ironically enough, its uniqueness is also its weakness, as they attract way more customers than the place can fit, so it feels suffocating. | Tempat tuang ieu saleresna cekap menarik kusabab rupi-rupi kuliner indonesia disayogikeun di tempat ieu. Nanging nyaah, meureun kusabab menarik teuing, janten jumlah pangunjung rasana nebihan kapasitas tempat nu disayogikeun, janten kesanna sesek | eng-sun |
It's always a pleasure to explore the cafes in Bandung. Including this place, the place is very good, the coffee latte also hits the spot. The price? It's worth it. | Teu aya maotna nyusuran kafe di bandung. Kaasup tempat ieu, sae tempatna pisan deh, kopi lattena oge pas sareng ilat abdi. Pangaos? Satimpal lah | eng-sun |
A pretty fun experience, eating without plate but instead with only leaves, even more delicious somehow. A little advice: don't get too carried away and greedy by ordering all the available food. I know it's hard to resist when you see this many food in front of you. Eat responsibly | Pangalamannu cekap seru, tuang teu aya alah piring, mung ku alas daun hungkul, beuki nikmat. Tuangeun sunda nu rupi-rupi pisan sareng cekap raos. Tipsna: Ulah kabawa emosi sareng kalap mesen jeung milih sadaya tuangeun nu disayogikeun biasana kalap mung tos ningali tuangeun rupi-rupi kitu. Pilih saperluna. | eng-sun |
Spectacular view from this cafe, providing a touch of fir and the exotic nature of Hutan Raya Bandung. Other than that, the food and beverages are very affordable. Cool! | Pamandangan nu luar biasa ti kafe ieu, nyayogikeun sentuhan cemara sareng eksotisna alam hutan raya bandung. Salian ti eta tuangeun sareng inumanna kaasup mirah pisan. Keren! | eng-sun |
When it first opened, the taste was fine. However, the quality has been gradually declining recently. The noodle is less tasty, and the broth is no different. | Waktos mimiti buka lumayan. Mung beuki kadieu kualitasna nurun. Mina kirang rasa, kuahna oge. | eng-sun |
The roasted goat resto that I reccommend when visiting this city. The roasted goat is delicious, savory, and plus the goat doesn't smell and it's tender. The oxtail soup is also no less delicious. The place is also very fun, suitable for anyone who wants to spend time with family or friends | Resto tempat tuang embe bakar nu abdi sarankeun sawaktos abdi sumping ka kota ieu. Embe bakarna raos, gurih ditambih tebih tina nu namina bau embe sareng hipu. Sop buntutna oge teu kawon raosna. Tempatna asyik pisan, cocog sareng nu hoyong nyeepkeun waktos sareng kulawargi atawa rerencangan. | eng-sun |
Reviews got me interested, so I took the time to go to Warung Sale. At first I was excited. Traffic jams? No big deal. But the road was a letdown. Aside from the long distance, the awful road conditions lowered my excitement a little. The building was unique, there was elevator music. Room capacity was kinda limited, though. The menu was pretty unique and creative. However, it wasn't good enough to make the trip worth it. | Panasaran ku komentar nu sanes, spesial milarian waktos ka warung sale. Awan na sumanget. Nembus macet. Demilah. Ngan kuciwa ku jalan na. Nya jauh, kondisi jalan na nu awon nyieun luntur sumanget. Pisik bangunan na unik, aya musik dina lift. Kapasitas ruangan sigana diwatesan. Menu na cukup unik jeung kreatif. Ngan teu cekap keur ngubaran kuciwana di jalan. | eng-sun |
Last week there was some 4G network in my village for a while. | Mingon kamari di kampung abdi sempet aya jaringan 4G | eng-sun |
Better empty your stomach before you step inside because all-you-can-eat is the name of the game. Eating here is so satisfying, all worth the price. I especially love the fried rice, it's so good. | Mung ka dieu nyiapkeun patuangan kosong nya ku sabab di dieu konsepna tiasa tuang sapuasna. Puas pisan tuang di dieu, cocoh kok ka pangaosna. Abdi resepna nasi goreng, raos pisan. | eng-sun |
You can also ask questions about Mandiri Finance Credit here. | Kanggo naroskeun kredit mandiri finance tiasa di dieu oge. | eng-sun |
Now the restaurant is a two-storey. Shame that it was stiflingly hot when I went there because the AC was dead. The one thing that baffled me was I was never given any receipts | Ayeuna restoranna tingkat 2. Ngan hanjakal sawaktos abdi ka ditu ac na pareum jadi hareudang. Sareng nu ngajieun abdi heran, abdi teu kantos dipasihan struk. | eng-sun |
We visited this restaurant at nighttime. Wow, the place is darn romantic. Candles, uphill path, and the concept of Lesehan surrounded by the sounds of a nearby waterfall make the atmosphere all the more enjoyable | Arurang nyumpingan ka restoran ieu di dinten wengi. Wow, tempatna romantis pisan. Lilin, mapay ngadaki, konsep lesehan di tengah sora curug nu cekap caket ngajieun suasana tuang leuwih nikmat. | eng-sun |
This place served several food, but of course the one I tried was the batagor, place was clean too. | Tempat ieu nyayogikeun sababaraha tuangeun, mung nu abdi cobian pasti na batagorna, tempatna oge beresih. | eng-sun |
Very good. The Tyson sambal is definitely amazing! You can eat with anything off the menu, it's suitable. Prepare to get your mouth burned and gain weight if you eat here! | Ngeunah. Anu leures sambeul tysonna oke! Dahar nganggo menu naon wae cocog. Siap kaladaan jeung naek timbangan lamun dahar di dieu! | eng-sun |
Please check out our store if you're looking for Advan, Xiaomi Redmi 4A, and Nokia 150 the other day. | Mangga anjangan toko urang kanggo nu kamari anu milarian handphone advan, xiaomi redmi 4a sareng nokia 150 | eng-sun |
Uni students nowadays complain too much while not creating enough. | Mahasiswa jaman ayeuna seueur teuing ngeluh mung kirang berkarya | eng-sun |
Menu's pretty simple, a lot of pasta flavours, comfy place, also lots of options for drinks, there's even desserts. They should try scheduling a live music, that'll be awesome for sure. | Menuna sederhana, pastana seueur pilihan rasa, tempatna nyaman, inumanna oge seueur pilihan, aya kadaharan penutup oge. Tambihan jadwal live musik supados langkung keren. | eng-sun |
My internet bill is insane, 250% more expensive, man! Need clarifications | Tagihan internet abdi teu lebet kanu akal 250% leuwih awis kakak! Peryogi penjelasan. | eng-sun |
Very disappointed. I ordered and paid for an airplane ticket at half past 1 a.m. for a 6 a.m. flight. The e-ticket was not sent. And suddenly early in the morning I was contacted through an email saying that the ticket I had paid for was already out. If the ticket was already out why on Earth could I still book it? | Kuciwa pisan. Pesen sareng mayar tiket pesawat dienggalkeun tabuh satengah 1 enjing kanggo penerbangan jam 6 enjing. E - tiket henteu dikirim. Ngadadak dihubungi liwat email upami tiket nu tos dibayar tos seep dina waktos-waktos enjing. Mung tiketna seep naha keneh bisa dibooking. | eng-sun |
Truly a pity and ironic, to have such a foul attitude! Unworthy of being the people's representative for 270 million population from Sabang to Merauke! | Meuni karunya bin ironis, sikep teu mumpuni! Teu pantes jadi wawakil rahayat 270 juta penduduk ti Sabang nepi ka Merauke! | eng-sun |
The menu has a lot of variety but they used too much oil. The fried gourami wasn't good because it wasn't cooked crispy enough. The juice offered had too much water and was not that fresh. | Keur tuangeunna rupi-rupi ngan minyakna seueur teuing, gurame gorengna teu raos kusabab teu digoreng garing. Jus anu dipasihan ge seueur teuing cai na jeung teu seger. | eng-sun |
May they always be loyal in looking after the Indonesian people from Sabang - Merauke, from the city all the way to remote areas | Mugia salawasna satia ngiringan urang Indonesia ti Sabang - Merauke, ti kota dugi ka desa terpencil. | eng-sun |
Toyota is ranked first as the most valuable automobile brand. | Toyota aya dina paringkat kahiji minangka merek mobil anu pangsaena. | eng-sun |
You know what they say, thieves always got each other's backs. What we should focus on is the procedure and not the fact that a member of the council got caught red-handed while accepting a bribe. | Maklum sesama maling kudu silih nangtayunan. Anu dipimasalahkeun nyaeta soal prosedur, sanes substansi yen anggota dewan katangkep narima sogokan. | eng-sun |
The food tasted pretty okay. The sambal was also good, especially when you could choose from 3 different variations. To be honest, there were quite a lot of options here. you could have gouramis, snappers, pomfrets, clams, calamari, shrimps, they got it all. No mackarels, though, they didn't have that here. | Rasana lumayan. Sambeulna oge ngeunah. Sumawon disayogikeun 3 jinis model sapertos kitu. Teras aya seueur pilihan naon anu saleresna hoyong tuang naon di dieu. Hoyong gurame, hoyong kakap, bawal, kerang, cumi, hurang. Sagala jinis hal pokonamah. Ngan ulah mesen lauk kembung. Teu aya didieu. | eng-sun |
Now I know I've hated that foreign online shop too much | Ayeuna abdi tos ceceub teuing online shop padamelan asing eta | eng-sun |
From my college years to this day I still love to eat in Kuis Butcher. Tasty, affordable, and has a nice place | Ti jaman kuliah nepi ayeuna keneh beuki emam di kuis butcher. Raos, mirah, tempat na oge nyaman. | eng-sun |
Not a fan of eating oreos, makes my teeth black | Hoream emam oreo, sok ngajieun huntu hideung | eng-sun |
My favorite menu is the beef soup and iced grass jelly drink for the drink. Tastes delish, highly recommended | Menu karesep abdi nyaeta sop daging sareng inumanna es cingcau hideung. Rasana raos, disarankeun pisan. | eng-sun |
The night view of Surabaya is extraordinary, the food tastes good and all but the cost is also extraordinary. The distance is not that far but the landscape is outstanding and the ambience is pleasing. | Pamandangan surabaya peuting-peuting endah kadaharanna raraos namung pangaosna luarbiasa sareng jarakna henteu tebih teuing tapi pamadanganna luarbiasa sareng suasanana merenah | eng-sun |
To minimize traffic jam, Menhub urges the public not to come back to Jakarta all at once on January 1st | Ngahindar kapadetan, menhub ngahimbau masyarakat teu uih ka jakarta bangbarengan dina 1 januari | eng-sun |
A restaurant with breathtaking views even though you need to go through a steep road to reach it. Still, the great place and flavor totally make up for it. | Restoran anu resik, sanajan kudu diliwatan ku kondisi nu curam. Namung, kabayar ku tempat nu pikabetahun jeung rasa nu oke. | eng-sun |
... Truly perfect for a fun night visit with your partner or even your family. ... | Steak nu sabener-benerna steak hususna chiken cordon bluena nu matak nyieun sono ditambih tuang nu disimbutan pamandangan bandung nu top markotop. Pas pisan sumpingna wengi sareng pasangan kumaha oge sareng kulawargi oge teuteup asik. Jalan ka lokasi saleresna berliku kedah usaha jeung kerja keras. | eng-sun |
This is one of the locations where the food is good and the scenery is a refreshing sight for sore eyes. Appropriate spot to gather with the family or with friends. | Ieu salah sahiji tempat nu tuangeunna raos sareng pemandanganna sejuk di panon. Kanggo kempel sareng kulawargi atau rerencangan nyaeta tempat nu cocog. | eng-sun |
So annoying. Monday morning with heavy traffic and flood. | Ngeheulkeun. Senen isuk sareng macet parah jeung banjir | eng-sun |
This restaurant that serves traditional Sundanese dish has nothing to write home about. The few dishes I ordered tasted just about the same as the other Sundanese restos. Didn't really offer a satisfying flavour nor leave any strong impreesion on me. The only saving grace for me was the smashed fried chicken with sambal, which was the closest to being great. | Teu aya nu istimewa teuing tina restoran nu nyayogikeun menu tuangeun khas sunda ieu. Rasa sababaraha tuangeun nu abdi pesen sami wae sareng rasa rumah makan sunda nu sanes. Teu mampu nuwuhkeun rasa nikmat nu kiat sareng ngadamel abdi terkesan nu dalem. Hayam goreng sambel penyetna hungkul pesenen abdi nu rasana saeutik rada nikmat. | eng-sun |
Why can't I just skip the YouTube ads, so annoying | Iklan youtube teh naha teu tiasa diskip sih, ngaganggu pisan. | eng-sun |
Our corporation's services are very satisfactory | Palayanan pt kami hade pisan | eng-sun |
First time to Eatalia, I was with a friend and one child. We didn't have to worry about what to order for the child because the place also had menus with children portions. We had a pizza with black bread. Overall, none of the menus I ordered were disappointing. | Mimiti sumping ka eatalia, abdi sumping sareng rerencangan sareng hiji budak alit. Teu rungsing waktos milih patuangan pikeun barudak kusabab di dieu aya menu keur porsi barudak. Arurang mesen pizza sareng roti hideung. Ngeunaan menu nu ku abdi dipesen teu nguciwakeun. | eng-sun |
Win cool prizes by entering the "Baik untuk Men" photo contest in Alfamart | Menangkeun hadiah hebat cekap ku ilubiung dina kontes poto anu hade pikeun lalaki di Alfamart. | eng-sun |
If you're going to Bukittingi, don't forget to pay Pasar Atas a visit. There's a smorgasbord of scrumptious food there. Don't forget to bring along a camera to take pics, either. | Mung ka Bukittingi tong hilap sumping di Pasar Atas. Seueur pilihan tunageun nu raos. Tong hilap nyandak kamera kanggo popotoan | eng-sun |
Here is the myth that turns the new year into something ceremonial and artificial, without any depth in meaning. | Ieu mitos nu ngajieun tahun anyar jadi seremonial jeung artifisial, teu aya kajeroan makna | eng-sun |
India is making a high-speed electric superbike. | India nuju ngadamel superbike listrik nu gancang | eng-sun |
I've been dreaming of travelling abroad for a long time | Tos lami abdi hoyong jalan-jalan ka luar negeri | eng-sun |
Suis Butcher's tenderloin steak is amazing - so juicy, and the sauce really hits the spot. Better yet, it's not that expensive. Because of that, you'll have to prepare to be standing in a long line if you're here on weekends, especially at lunchtime | Steak tenderloin di suis butcher raos pisan sareng loba kuahna, teras saos kuisna pas dina letah. Sanes ti eta hargina pas di saku. Ku alatan eta, kudu siap ngantri upami anjeun sumping dina akhir minggu sareng pas jam tuang oge. | eng-sun |
Lots of my friends also work in Bukalapak | Rerencangan abdi oge seueur nu ngadamel di bukalapak | eng-sun |
How much is the minimal if I may ask, I wanna buy Tiket Kami for Senen - Yogyakarta using the May promo | Minimal punten, abdi bade meser tiket arurang senen - yogyakarta nganggo promo nu sasih mei. | eng-sun |
Not recommended to go there during dining hours cuz finding a seat might be difficult then. | Disarankeun tong sumping ka ditu sawaktos waktosna tuang kusabab bakal rada hese kanggo milarian tempat diuk. | eng-sun |
Awful how an order from Bukalapak using Gosend was made yesterday and haven't arrived 'til now. What should I do? I really need the item urgently. | Parah pisan kuring mesen di bukalapak nganggo gosend kamari nepi ayeuna teu acan sumping kumaha ieu. Barangna peryogi pisan | eng-sun |
The room reeks of cigarette smoke. The bedsheet isn't changed for new guests and there's still some cigarette ash left | Kamarna bau rokok. Sepre teu digentos jang tamu anyar jeung keneh aya urut sakar rokokna. | eng-sun |
A talks like empty vessels that make the most noises, says nothing of value. | Si A nyarita tong kosong heuras bunyina bicara euwuh bobotna | eng-sun |
You won't find this sambal anywhere else. The shrimp paste's flavour is very distinct, the sweetness and saltiness are just right. The venue may look pedestrian but don't be shocked when you see the resto-class price, and it's all worth it for the food quality. | Sambelna moal aya di tempat nu sanes. Rasa tarasina khas pisan, asin amisna pas. Ruanganna emang kelas warung mung tong reuwas sawaktos mayar pangaosna kelas resto mung saluyu ku kualitas tuangeunna | eng-sun |
I think the steak was quite good, my advice is just get the biggest one, it's more tender than the others. If you come here, you can share your photo on your social media and get a free ice cream, and it's good too. For the food, it's great, and the servers are friendly. | Numutkeun abdi steakna cekap raos, mung leuwih sae pesen nu pang ageungna we eta leuwih hipu ti nu sanes. Mung ka dieu, tiasa nyebarkeun foto dina media sosial sareng nampi es krim haratis. Es krimna raos loh; Mung tina tuangeun sae, ti palayanan oge sae. | eng-sun |
Watch what you eat, Gus, it's that kind of season, after all. And yeah, burnouts can make you sick | Dijaganya gus tuangeunna nuju usumna ayeuna mah. Leres bosen ngajantenkeun anjeun gering | eng-sun |
I'm about to pop a blood vessel dealing with these BPJS patients, demanding executive treatments and nagging all day even though they don't pay for crap. You want executive? Try a goddamn train. | Lami-lami di dieu abdi tiasa hipertensi mayunan pasien bpjs, maos henteu sabaraha mung hoyong pelayanan eksekutif sareung nguntruk-nguntruk, numpang kareta weh upami hoyong nu eksekutif. | eng-sun |
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