a gazette is on the desk
<gazette> <on> <desk>
mouse pad is on the desk
<pad> <on top of> <desk>
computer mouse sitting on mousepad
<mouse> <on> <pad>
loose papers spread on desk
<papers> <are on> <desk>
four men walk down the street
<see four men.> <walk down> <street>
grey car is parked on the street
<grey car, parked.> <parked on> <street>
green trees on the side of the road
<green trees seen.> <green trees by road> <trees on roadside.>
man with sun glasses
<man has glasses.> <glasses on man> <see man's glasses.>
boy with grey pants
<boy> <with> <pants>
the man has blue jeans on
<man> <has> <jeans>
a sign is on a pole
<sign on pole.> <pole holds sign> <see pole's sign.>
a crack is on the road
<crack is on road.> <on> <road>
arrow figure in chalk on sidewalk
<arrow on sidewalk.> <see arrow figure> <sidewalk has arrow.>
man carrying plastic bag
<man has bag.> <bag plastic> <see plastic bag.>
car parked next to the curb
<car is parked.> <car by curb> <curb by car.>
safety cones in road
<cones by road.> <cones for safety> <see safety cones.>
man wearing sunglasses
<man has glasses.> <see glasses on man> <glasses on man.>
four males walking down the street.
<male> <walking on> <street>
cars parked on street.
<car> <on> <street>
the people are walking on the sidewalk
<people> <on> <sidewalk>
the two boys have blue jackets
<boy> <has> <jacket>
there is a no parking sign on the pole
<sign> <on> <pole>
boy wearing bright blue sweatshirt
<sweatshirt> <on> <boy>
a parking meter on the sidewalk
<parking meter> <on> <sidewalk>
parking sign on the sidewalk
<sign> <on> <sidewalk>
a man wearing sunglasses is walking along the sidewalk
<man> <on> <sidewalk>
a building with many windows
<building> <has> <window>
a street light
<light> <in> <street>
a no parking sign on a pole
<sign> <on> <pole>
a tall building with many windows
<building> <with> <window>
a boy walks by the parking meters
<boy> <by> <parking meter>
an orange cone sits in the street
<cone> <in> <street>
painting hanging on the wall
<painting> <hanging on> <wall>
the floor is wooden
<floor is wood.> <wood floors here> <see wood floors.>
a computer screen is turned off
<screen is black.> <black means off> <monitor off.>
a blue sign on the wall
<sign is blue.> <sign on wall> <wall sign is blue.>
black roll around office chair
<chair rolls.> <office chair rolls> <roll around chair.>
white desk with large screen tv on it
<desk has tv.> <tv on desk> <white desk has tv.>
white computer desk with a computer and a laptop on it.
<computer> <on> <desk has laptop.> , <laptop> <on> <desk>
silver laptop
<laptop is silver.> <silver on laptop> <laptop not green.>
black cubord
<see cupboard.> <cupboard black> <cupboard not white.>
black and white star
<star noted, black.> <star noted white> <star is black.> , <black star here.> <star shows white> <star shows black.> , <black star here.> <white star here> <star is black.> , <black star here.> <star lacks red> <star is black.>
there are two computers in the picture
<computer> <in> <picture>
there is one chair in the picture
<chair> <in> <picture>
one laptop is in the picture
<laptop> <in> <picture>
there is a lampstand on the desk
<lampstand> <on> <desk>
computers are in the photo
<computer> <in> <photo>
there is a laptop on the desk
<laptop> <on> <desk>
there are two chairs in the photo
<chairs> <in> <picture>
lamp stand is in the photo
<lampstand> <in> <picture>
there is a keyboard in the photo
<keyboard> <in> <photo>
alphabet poster on wall
<poster> <has> <alphabet>
laptop sitting nest to computer monitor
<laptop> <next to> <monitor>
bending rules poster on wall
<poster> <says> <bending rules>
white file cabinets with monitor on top
<cabinet> <has> <monitor>
two door brown cabinet
<cabinet> <has a> <door>
desk phone sitting next to monitor
<phone> <next to> <monitor>
air vent under desk
<vent> <under> <desk>
wall poster with colored alphabet
<poster> <with> <alphabet>
wall poster that says bending rules
<poster> <says> <bending rules>
decorative star shape on wall
<star> <on> <wall>
desk chair with wheels
<chair> <has> <wheels>
laptop computer on stand
<laptop> <on> <stand>
air vent in wall
<vent> <in> <wall>
computer monitor with keyboard and mouse
<monitor> <with> <keyboard> , <monitor> <with> <mouse>
monitor has some lights
<monitor> <has> <lights>
chair has wheels
<chair> <has> <wheels>
man has short hair
<man> <has> <hair>
a soda bottle has some sodas
<bottle> <has> <soda>
coke can is on the table
<can> <on> <table>
a mug on the table beside the plastic bottle.
<mug> <of> <table> , <mug> <beside> <bottle>
the computer mouse is on the able.
<mouse> <on> <table>
the cpu is under the table
<cpu> <under> <table>
there's tissue by the window.
<tissue> <by> <window>
there's a lunch bag on the table.
<bag> <on> <table>
a helmet on the shelf
<helmet> <on> <shelf>
a man has brown hair
<man> <using> <monitor>
the floor is black
<table> <on top of> <floor>
the monitor is turned on
<monitor> <used by> <man>
coke can sitting next to black monitor
<can> <next to> <table>
computer mouse on mousepad
<mouse> <on top if> <mousepad>
computer monitor
<computer monitor> <behind> <mouse>
blue tape stuck on the wall
<tape> <on> <wall>
connection wires for mouse and keyboard
<keyboard> <has> <connection wire> , <mouse> <has> <connection wire>
electrical outlet mounted on the wall
<electrical outlet> <on> <wall>
computer screen facing the wall
<computer screen> <facing> <wall>
metal tube for running wires
<tube> <for> <wires>
black computer mouse on mousepad
<computer mouse> <on> <mousepad>
the are desktop computers on the desk
<desktop computer> <on> <desk>
there are lots of cables in the room
<keyboard> <has> <cable>
there is a printer on the table
<computer printer> <on> <desk>
there is a chair infront of the desk
<chair> <in front of> <desk>
two computer monitors back to back, one grey, one black
<monitor> <of> <computer>
several cords for electronic equipment
<cords> <for> <electonics>
white printer on desk
<printer> <for a> <computer>
pipe taped to the wall
<pipe> <taped to> <wall>
red switch in hallway
<red switch> <in> <hallway>
blue tape holding up the electrical cords
<tape> <holding> <cords>
there is a chair infront of the desks
<chair> <in front> <desk>
there are several cables under the desk
<cables> <under> <desk>