boy wearing black jersey
<boy> <wearing> <jersey>
boy holding a bat
<boy> <holding> <bat>
boy wearing a red belt
<boy> <wearing> <belt>
boy wearing a gray shirt
<boy> <wearing> <shirt>
the boy is getting ready to swing the bat
<boy> <swings> <bat>
boy wearing a belt
<boy> <wears> <belt>
green sleeve of shirt
<shirt> <has> <sleeve>
window next to toilet
<window> <next to> <toilet>
window next to toilet
<window> <next to> <toilet>
rivets on the floor
<rivets> <on> <floor>
blue sign on the wall
<sign> <on> <wall>
sink net to toilet
<sink> <next to> <toilet>
the seat of a toilet
<seat> <on> <toilet>
the bowl of a toilet
<bowl> <on> <toilet>
white lines on the road
<white lines> <on> <road>
cow with little calfs
<cow> <with> <little calfs>
a gray pole on side the road
<pole> <side of> <road>
man riding a bike
<man> <riding> <bike>
brown cow on side of road
<cow> <on side of> <road>
brown cow on side of road
<cow> <side of> <road>
three brown cows on side of road
<cows> <side of> <road>
solid yellow line painted on road
<line> <on> <road>
brown cow with rope.
<brown cow> <with> <rope>
large cow with dark head.
<cow> <with> <head>
men in blue shirts riding bikes.
<man> <with> <shirt>
bear standing in tall grass.
<bear> <in> <grass>
water behind green bushes.
<water> <behind> <bushes>
tree trunks sticking out of water.
<tree trunk> <out of> <water>
midsize bear in front of green bushes.
<bear> <front of> <bushes>
river and bushes behind bear.
<river> <behind> <bear> , <bushes> <behind> <bear>
a bird standing on sand
<bird> <standing in> <sand>
a bird with long neck
<neck> <of> <bird>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small ripple in water
<ripple> <in> <water>
small bird on the beach
<bird> <in> <beach>
legs of the bird
<legs> <of> <bird>
large bird near the little bird
<large bird> <near> <little bird>
plane in the air
<plane> <in> <air>
windows on the plane
<window> <on> <plane>
wing of the plane
<wing> <on> <plane>
tail of the plane
<tail> <of> <plane>
clouds above the plane
<cloud> <above> <plane>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
blue yellow and white plane in air
<plane> <in> <air>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
door on side of plane
<door> <on side of> <plane>
left wing of plane
<wing> <on> <left>
wheels on bottom of plane
<wheel> <on> <bottom>
airplane carrier name on side of plane
<name> <of> <airplane>
windshield on front of plane
<windshield> <on> <plane>
windows on side of plane
<window> <on> <side>
white clouds in blue sky
<cloud> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<clouds> <in> <sky>
white clouds in blue sky
<clouds> <in> <sky>
a clock on a structure
<clock> <on> <structure>
a large clock on structure
<clock> <on> <structure>
a structure with clock
<clock> <on> <structure>
a structure with large clock
<clock> <on> <structure>
house with a chimney
<chimney> <on> <house>
numbers are on the clock
<numbers> <are on> <clock>
angel on the clock
<angel> <on> <clock>
angel on the clock
<angel> <on> <clock>
woman wearing a blue shirt
<woman> <wearing> <shirt>
clock above the arch way
<clock> <above> <arch way>
lettering above the clock
<lettering> <above> <clock>
numbers on the clock
<number> <on> <clock>
window below the chimney
<window> <below> <chimney>
white clouds in blue sky
<clouds> <are in> <sky>
tag on the suitcase
<tag> <on> <suitcase>
word on the suitcase
<word> <on> <suitcase>
wheel of the suitcase
<wheel> <of> <suitcase>
two suitcases next to each other
<suitcase> <next to> <suitcase>
brown ground next to suitcases
<ground> <next to> <suitcase>
white fence behind the objects
<fence> <behind> <object>
handle of the item
<handle> <of> <suitcase>
black handle of the suitcase
<handle> <of> <suitcase>
tall suitcase next to shorter one
<suitcase> <next to> <suitcase>
a bowl of potatoes
<bowl> <of> <potatoes>
a bowl of water
<bowl> <of> <water>
a bowl of water and potatoes
<water> <in> <bowl> , <potatoes> <in> <water> , <potatoes> <in> <bowl>
a spoon on teh stove
<spoon> <on> <stove>
a knob on stove
<knob> <on> <stove>
a knob on stove
<knob> <on> <stove>
green letters on stove
<letters> <on> <stove>
small hole in cooking spoon
<hole> <in> <spoon>
lines on stove's door
<lines> <on> <door>
large silver pot on stove
<pot> <on> <stove>
wooden spoon in food
<spoon> <in> <food>
green herbs in container
<container> <of> <herbs>
spices on the counter
<spices> <on> <counter>