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Communicating 231
Introduction 231
8.1 An Overview of Communication 232
8.2 Purpose of Communication 236
8.3 Communication and Technology 237
8.4 The Context of Communication 245
8.5 Barriers to Effective Communication 251
Summary 256
Career Connection 256
Rethinking 257
Where do you go from here? 257
Understanding Civility and Cultural Competence 259
Introduction 259
9.1 What Is Diversity, and Why Is Everybody Talking About It? 260
9.2 Categories of Diversity 273
9.3 Navigating the Diversity Landscape 279
9.4 Inclusivity and Civility: What Role Can I Play? 288
Summary 290
Career Connection 290
Rethinking 290
Where do you go from here? 290
Understanding Financial Literacy 293
Introduction 293
10.1 Personal Financial Planning 295
10.2 Savings, Expenses, and Budgeting 300
10.3 Banking and Emergency Funds 306
10.4 Credit Cards and Other Debt 312
10.5 Education Debt: Paying for College 316
10.6 Defending against Attack: Securing Your Identity and Accounts 324
Summary 332
Career Connection 332
Rethinking 332
Where do you go from here? 332
Engaging in a Healthy Lifestyle 333
Introduction 333
11.1 Taking Care of Your Physical Health 335
11.2 Sleep 342
11.3 Taking Care of Your Emotional Health 346
11.4 Taking Care of Your Mental Health 350
11.5 Maintaining Healthy Relationships 354
11.6 Your Safety 360
Summary 367
Career Connection 367
Rethinking 367
Where do you go from here? 367
Planning for Your Future 369
Introduction 369
12.1 Why Worry about a Career While I'm in College? 370
12.2 Your Map to Success: The Career Planning Cycle 375
12.3 Where Can You Go from Here? 394
Conducting and Presenting Research 397
Recommended Readings 405
Activities and Artifacts From the Book 407
Index 415
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