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The mother said William was easier to potty train than Ryan because he was more mature.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The mother said William was easier to potty train than Ryan because he was more mature.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "mother", "misc": "-", "text": "mother", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "say", "misc": "-", "text": "said", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(0)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "easy", "misc": "-", "text": "easier", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "potty", "misc": "-", "text": "potty", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "train", "misc": "-", "text": "train", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "mature", "misc": "-", "text": "mature", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Kenneth but not Neil was able to survive in the wilderness because he had not gone camping often as a child.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kenneth but not Neil was able to survive in the wilderness because he had not gone camping often as a child.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "able", "misc": "-", "text": "able", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "survive", "misc": "-", "text": "survive", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "wilderness", "misc": "-", "text": "wilderness", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "gone", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 16, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "camp", "misc": "-", "text": "camping", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "often", "misc": "-", "text": "often", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "child", "misc": "-", "text": "child", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
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Logan had trust in Ryan for the reason that he was an honest and responsible person.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Logan had trust in Ryan for the reason that he was an honest and responsible person.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "trust", "misc": "-", "text": "trust", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "reason", "misc": "-", "text": "reason", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "honest", "misc": "-", "text": "honest", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "responsible", "misc": "-", "text": "responsible", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "person", "misc": "-", "text": "person", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Justin had the necessary equipment unlike his neighbor Joseph, so he was able to loan out a tool for sanding.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Justin had the necessary equipment unlike his neighbor Joseph, so he was able to loan out a tool for sanding.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "necessary", "misc": "-", "text": "necessary", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "equipment", "misc": "-", "text": "equipment", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "unlike", "misc": "-", "text": "unlike", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "neighbor", "misc": "-", "text": "neighbor", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "appos", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Joseph", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joseph", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "able", "misc": "-", "text": "able", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "loan", "misc": "-", "text": "loan", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "tool", "misc": "-", "text": "tool", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "sanding", "misc": "-", "text": "sanding", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
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Hunter wasn't able to survive the knife attack from Robert, so he is now a corpse.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Hunter wasn't able to survive the knife attack from Robert, so he is now a corpse.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "able", "misc": "-", "text": "able", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "survive", "misc": "-", "text": "survive", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "knife", "misc": "-", "text": "knife", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "attack", "misc": "-", "text": "attack", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Robert", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Robert", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "now", "misc": "-", "text": "now", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "corpse", "misc": "-", "text": "corpse", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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Running a business better suited Kenneth than Joseph because he was worse at managing people.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Running a business better suited Kenneth than Joseph because he was worse at managing people.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 5, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "run", "misc": "-", "text": "Running", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "business", "misc": "-", "text": "business", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 1, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "well", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "suit", "misc": "-", "text": "suited", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Joseph", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joseph", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 5, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "worse", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "manage", "misc": "-", "text": "managing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "people", "misc": "-", "text": "people", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Benjamin proposed a big business venture to Hunter but he did not want to invest some money.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Benjamin proposed a big business venture to Hunter but he did not want to invest some money.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "propose", "misc": "-", "text": "proposed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "big", "misc": "-", "text": "big", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "business", "misc": "-", "text": "business", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "venture", "misc": "-", "text": "venture", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "want", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "invest", "misc": "-", "text": "invest", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "some", "misc": "-", "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "money", "misc": "-", "text": "money", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jeffrey was sick with the stomach flu and not hungry, but Christopher was starving. He ordered food.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jeffrey was sick with the stomach flu and not hungry, but Christopher was starving.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jeffrey", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jeffrey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "sick", "misc": "-", "text": "sick", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "stomach", "misc": "-", "text": "stomach", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "flu", "misc": "-", "text": "flu", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "hungry", "misc": "-", "text": "hungry", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "starve", "misc": "-", "text": "starving", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He ordered food.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "order", "misc": "-", "text": "ordered", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "food", "misc": "-", "text": "food", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kenneth asked Brett to crack his back for him, because he was in a lot of pain.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kenneth asked Brett to crack his back for him, because he was in a lot of pain.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "crack", "misc": "-", "text": "crack", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "back", "misc": "-", "text": "back", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 5, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "pain", "misc": "-", "text": "pain", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
So he was confident because Randy forgot to study for the upcoming test and Robert studied.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "So he was confident because Randy forgot to study for the upcoming test and Robert studied.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "So", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "confident", "misc": "-", "text": "confident", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "forget", "misc": "-", "text": "forgot", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "study", "misc": "-", "text": "study", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "upcoming", "misc": "-", "text": "upcoming", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "test", "misc": "-", "text": "test", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "Robert", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Robert", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "study", "misc": "-", "text": "studied", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
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Hunter wanted Nelson to try the sweet lime because he knew he would like it since it was less sour.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Hunter wanted Nelson to try the sweet lime because he knew he would like it since it was less sour.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Nelson", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Nelson", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "try", "misc": "-", "text": "try", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "sweet", "misc": "-", "text": "sweet", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "lime", "misc": "-", "text": "lime", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "know", "misc": "-", "text": "knew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "would", "misc": "-", "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "like", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "less", "misc": "-", "text": "less", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "sour", "misc": "-", "text": "sour", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
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Jeffrey always used the main road, but Derrick didn't because he lived nearer to it.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jeffrey always used the main road, but Derrick didn't because he lived nearer to it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jeffrey", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Jeffrey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "always", "misc": "-", "text": "always", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "main", "misc": "-", "text": "main", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "road", "misc": "-", "text": "road", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Derrick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Derrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "live", "misc": "-", "text": "lived", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "near", "misc": "-", "text": "nearer", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Aaron angerly told Derrick that he was a victim of false accusations. He was worried for him.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Aaron angerly told Derrick that he was a victim of false accusations.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "angerly", "misc": "-", "text": "angerly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "tell", "misc": "-", "text": "told", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Derrick", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Derrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "victim", "misc": "-", "text": "victim", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "false", "misc": "-", "text": "false", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "accusation", "misc": "-", "text": "accusations", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was worried for him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "worry", "misc": "-", "text": "worried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Randy had a frown on his face as he asked Nick why he didn't want to be a couple, but he was not gay.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Randy had a frown on his face as he asked Nick why he didn't want to be a couple, but he was not gay.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "frown", "misc": "-", "text": "frown", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "face", "misc": "-", "text": "face", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Nick", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Nick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "why", "misc": "-", "text": "why", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 10, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "want", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "couple", "misc": "-", "text": "couple", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 26, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 26, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 26, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 26, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 26, "id": [ 25 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 26 ], "lemma": "gay", "misc": "-", "text": "gay", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 27 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Adam cleaned his bathroom sink more often than Jason, therefore he was very embarrassed when company came over.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Adam cleaned his bathroom sink more often than Jason, therefore he was very embarrassed when company came over.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "cleaned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "bathroom", "misc": "-", "text": "bathroom", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "sink", "misc": "-", "text": "sink", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "often", "misc": "-", "text": "often", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "therefore", "misc": "-", "text": "therefore", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "embarrassed", "misc": "-", "text": "embarrassed", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "when", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "company", "misc": "-", "text": "company", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "come", "misc": "-", "text": "came", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Ian climbed the tree but could not convince Steven to join because he was comfortable with heights.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ian climbed the tree but could not convince Steven to join because he was comfortable with heights.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "climb", "misc": "-", "text": "climbed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "tree", "misc": "-", "text": "tree", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "convince", "misc": "-", "text": "convince", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "join", "misc": "-", "text": "join", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "comfortable", "misc": "-", "text": "comfortable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "height", "misc": "-", "text": "heights", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher taught Aaron how to ask a girl to homecoming without failure as he is an extrovert.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Christopher taught Aaron how to ask a girl to homecoming without failure as he is an extrovert.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "teach", "misc": "-", "text": "taught", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "ask", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "girl", "misc": "-", "text": "girl", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "homecoming", "misc": "-", "text": "homecoming", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "without", "misc": "-", "text": "without", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "failure", "misc": "-", "text": "failure", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "extrovert", "misc": "-", "text": "extrovert", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
William was having a good run of luck gambling but Robert was having a run of bad luck. He took a small pile of chips to cash out.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "William was having a good run of luck gambling but Robert was having a run of bad luck.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(1)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "having", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "run", "misc": "-", "text": "run", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "luck", "misc": "-", "text": "luck", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "gambling", "misc": "-", "text": "gambling", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Robert", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Robert", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "having", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "run", "misc": "-", "text": "run", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "bad", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "luck", "misc": "-", "text": "luck", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He took a small pile of chips to cash out.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "took", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "small", "misc": "-", "text": "small", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "pile", "misc": "-", "text": "pile", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "chip", "misc": "-", "text": "chips", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "cash", "misc": "-", "text": "cash", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Because Brett found an internship while in college but Ian was unable to, he found a job more quickly after graduation.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Because Brett found an internship while in college but Ian was unable to, he found a job more quickly after graduation.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "Because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "find", "misc": "-", "text": "found", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "internship", "misc": "-", "text": "internship", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "college", "misc": "-", "text": "college", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "unable", "misc": "-", "text": "unable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "find", "misc": "-", "text": "found", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "quickly", "misc": "-", "text": "quickly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "after", "misc": "-", "text": "after", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "graduation", "misc": "-", "text": "graduation", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
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After high school graduation, Eric was more patriotic than Ian when he joined the marines.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "After high school graduation, Eric was more patriotic than Ian when he joined the marines.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "after", "misc": "-", "text": "After", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "high", "misc": "-", "text": "high", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "school", "misc": "-", "text": "school", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "graduation", "misc": "-", "text": "graduation", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "patriotic", "misc": "-", "text": "patriotic", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "when", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "join", "misc": "-", "text": "joined", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "marine", "misc": "-", "text": "marines", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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Justin was growing his hair out long this year, unlike Samuel because he wanted to keep it clean.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Justin was growing his hair out long this year, unlike Samuel because he wanted to keep it clean.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "grow", "misc": "-", "text": "growing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "hair", "misc": "-", "text": "hair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "long", "misc": "-", "text": "long", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "this", "misc": "-", "text": "this", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "year", "misc": "-", "text": "year", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "unlike", "misc": "-", "text": "unlike", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Samuel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Samuel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "keep", "misc": "-", "text": "keep", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
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The lotion made Eric break out in hives but not Logan because he had very tough skin.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The lotion made Eric break out in hives but not Logan because he had very tough skin.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "lotion", "misc": "-", "text": "lotion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "break", "misc": "-", "text": "break", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "hife", "misc": "-", "text": "hives", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "tough", "misc": "-", "text": "tough", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "skin", "misc": "-", "text": "skin", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Nick was less concerned about safety than Craig, so he was put in charge of creating the rules.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Nick was less concerned about safety than Craig, so he was put in charge of creating the rules.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Nick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Nick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "less", "misc": "-", "text": "less", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "concerned", "misc": "-", "text": "concerned", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "about", "misc": "-", "text": "about", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "safety", "misc": "-", "text": "safety", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 4, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "put", "misc": "-", "text": "put", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "charge", "misc": "-", "text": "charge", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "create", "misc": "-", "text": "creating", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "rule", "misc": "-", "text": "rules", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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Logan had to reduce calories before summer but not Joseph because he is a thin person.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Logan had to reduce calories before summer but not Joseph because he is a thin person.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "reduce", "misc": "-", "text": "reduce", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "calorie", "misc": "-", "text": "calories", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "before", "misc": "-", "text": "before", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "summer", "misc": "-", "text": "summer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Joseph", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joseph", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "thin", "misc": "-", "text": "thin", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "person", "misc": "-", "text": "person", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so he takes stronger supplements.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so he takes stronger supplements.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "supplement", "misc": "-", "text": "supplements", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Jeffrey", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jeffrey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "takes", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "do", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "do", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "takes", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "strong", "misc": "-", "text": "stronger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 20, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "supplement", "misc": "-", "text": "supplements", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Leslie downloaded the software for Joel's computer since he had no experience with computers and programs.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Leslie downloaded the software for Joel's computer since he had no experience with computers and programs.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Leslie", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Leslie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "download", "misc": "-", "text": "downloaded", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "software", "misc": "-", "text": "software", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "no", "misc": "-", "text": "no", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "experience", "misc": "-", "text": "experience", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "program", "misc": "-", "text": "programs", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Adam adored his grandmother, William. He got a big surprise with a trip to Europe.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Adam adored his grandmother, William.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "adore", "misc": "-", "text": "adored", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "grandmother", "misc": "-", "text": "grandmother", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "appos", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(0)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He got a big surprise with a trip to Europe.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "got", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "big", "misc": "-", "text": "big", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "surprise", "misc": "-", "text": "surprise", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "trip", "misc": "-", "text": "trip", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Europe", "misc": "-", "text": "Europe", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Ian was unable to deal with Hunter's incessant talking, but he continued to ask questions.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ian was unable to deal with Hunter's incessant talking, but he continued to ask questions.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "unable", "misc": "-", "text": "unable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "deal", "misc": "-", "text": "deal", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "incessant", "misc": "-", "text": "incessant", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "talking", "misc": "-", "text": "talking", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "continue", "misc": "-", "text": "continued", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "ask", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 16, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "question", "misc": "-", "text": "questions", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Benjamin used dish soap for an emergency load of laundry while William used water, and so he had clean clothes.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Benjamin used dish soap for an emergency load of laundry while William used water, and so he had clean clothes.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "dish", "misc": "-", "text": "dish", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "soap", "misc": "-", "text": "soap", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "emergency", "misc": "-", "text": "emergency", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "load", "misc": "-", "text": "load", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "laundry", "misc": "-", "text": "laundry", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(1)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "water", "misc": "-", "text": "water", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 19, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "clothes", "misc": "-", "text": "clothes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Sunburn was a problem for Joseph but not for Donald because he had very a very dark skin tone.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Sunburn was a problem for Joseph but not for Donald because he had very a very dark skin tone.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Sunburn", "misc": "-", "text": "Sunburn", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "problem", "misc": "-", "text": "problem", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Joseph", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joseph", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "dark", "misc": "-", "text": "dark", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "skin", "misc": "-", "text": "skin", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "tone", "misc": "-", "text": "tone", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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The agent determined Kenneth needed life insurance more than Dennis since he was very reckless.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The agent determined Kenneth needed life insurance more than Dennis since he was very reckless.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "agent", "misc": "-", "text": "agent", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "determine", "misc": "-", "text": "determined", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "need", "misc": "-", "text": "needed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "life", "misc": "-", "text": "life", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "insurance", "misc": "-", "text": "insurance", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Dennis", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Dennis", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "reckless", "misc": "-", "text": "reckless", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lawrence refused to speak in front of the class even after being encouraged by Nelson, because he wasn't convincing enough.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lawrence refused to speak in front of the class even after being encouraged by Nelson, because he wasn't convincing enough.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "refuse", "misc": "-", "text": "refused", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "speak", "misc": "-", "text": "speak", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "front", "misc": "-", "text": "front", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "class", "misc": "-", "text": "class", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "even", "misc": "-", "text": "even", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "after", "misc": "-", "text": "after", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "being", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 4, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "encourage", "misc": "-", "text": "encouraged", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "by", "misc": "-", "text": "by", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "Nelson", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Nelson", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 21, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 21, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "convince", "misc": "-", "text": "convincing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "enough", "misc": "-", "text": "enough", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Neil always had to buy diapers while Derrick never did because he had many children.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Neil always had to buy diapers while Derrick never did because he had many children.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "always", "misc": "-", "text": "always", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buy", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "diaper", "misc": "-", "text": "diapers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Derrick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Derrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "never", "misc": "-", "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "many", "misc": "-", "text": "many", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "child", "misc": "-", "text": "children", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The rabbit hopped away from Aaron unlike William because he had nothing in his hands for the rabbit.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The rabbit hopped away from Aaron unlike William because he had nothing in his hands for the rabbit.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "rabbit", "misc": "-", "text": "rabbit", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "hop", "misc": "-", "text": "hopped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "away", "misc": "-", "text": "away", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "unlike", "misc": "-", "text": "unlike", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(1)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "nothing", "misc": "-", "text": "nothing", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 12, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "hand", "misc": "-", "text": "hands", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "rabbit", "misc": "-", "text": "rabbit", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Steven spent years learning to play the piano while Kyle learned in a week. He was an average student.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Steven spent years learning to play the piano while Kyle learned in a week.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "spend", "misc": "-", "text": "spent", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "year", "misc": "-", "text": "years", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learning", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "play", "misc": "-", "text": "play", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "piano", "misc": "-", "text": "piano", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Kyle", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kyle", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "week", "misc": "-", "text": "week", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was an average student.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 5, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "average", "misc": "-", "text": "average", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "student", "misc": "-", "text": "student", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Donald came over to Kyle's garden and showed him the proper way to harvest garlic. He was generous.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Donald came over to Kyle's garden and showed him the proper way to harvest garlic.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "come", "misc": "-", "text": "came", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Kyle", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kyle", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "garden", "misc": "-", "text": "garden", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "show", "misc": "-", "text": "showed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "iobj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "proper", "misc": "-", "text": "proper", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "way", "misc": "-", "text": "way", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "harvest", "misc": "-", "text": "harvest", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "garlic", "misc": "-", "text": "garlic", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was generous.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "generous", "misc": "-", "text": "generous", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Nick encouraged Kyle to wash a doll's hair because he thought the doll's hair looked ratty.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Nick encouraged Kyle to wash a doll's hair because he thought the doll's hair looked ratty.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Nick", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Nick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "encourage", "misc": "-", "text": "encouraged", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Kyle", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kyle", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "wash", "misc": "-", "text": "wash", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "doll", "misc": "-", "text": "doll", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "hair", "misc": "-", "text": "hair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "doll", "misc": "-", "text": "doll", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "hair", "misc": "-", "text": "hair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "look", "misc": "-", "text": "looked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "ratty", "misc": "-", "text": "ratty", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
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Brett is often anxious and under much stress at work, Samuel has a calm personality. He constantly worries.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brett is often anxious and under much stress at work, Samuel has a calm personality.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "often", "misc": "-", "text": "often", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "anxious", "misc": "-", "text": "anxious", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "under", "misc": "-", "text": "under", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "much", "misc": "-", "text": "much", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "stress", "misc": "-", "text": "stress", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "work", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Samuel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Samuel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "calm", "misc": "-", "text": "calm", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "personality", "misc": "-", "text": "personality", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He constantly worries.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "constantly", "misc": "-", "text": "constantly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "worry", "misc": "-", "text": "worries", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Hunter helped Kevin off the field after he hurt his shoulder during practice. He was out the rest of the game.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Hunter helped Kevin off the field after he hurt his shoulder during practice.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "helped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Kevin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "off", "misc": "-", "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "field", "misc": "-", "text": "field", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "after", "misc": "-", "text": "after", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "hurt", "misc": "-", "text": "hurt", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "shoulder", "misc": "-", "text": "shoulder", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "during", "misc": "-", "text": "during", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "practice", "misc": "-", "text": "practice", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was out the rest of the game.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": null, "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "rest", "misc": "-", "text": "rest", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "game", "misc": "-", "text": "game", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Michael was outgoing but Ian was shy, so he never wanted to be the center of attention.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Michael was outgoing but Ian was shy, so he never wanted to be the center of attention.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "outgoing", "misc": "-", "text": "outgoing", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "shy", "misc": "-", "text": "shy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "never", "misc": "-", "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "center", "misc": "-", "text": "center", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "attention", "misc": "-", "text": "attention", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Craig has to read a lot more contracts than Christopher because he is a lawyer's assistant.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Craig has to read a lot more contracts than Christopher because he is a lawyer's assistant.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "read", "misc": "-", "text": "read", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "contract", "misc": "-", "text": "contracts", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "lawyer", "misc": "-", "text": "lawyer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "assistant", "misc": "-", "text": "assistant", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Justin wants to have a birthday party but Derrick does not care, as he loves dancing with friends.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Justin wants to have a birthday party but Derrick does not care, as he loves dancing with friends.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wants", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "birthday", "misc": "-", "text": "birthday", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "party", "misc": "-", "text": "party", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Derrick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Derrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "care", "misc": "-", "text": "care", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "love", "misc": "-", "text": "loves", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 16, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "dance", "misc": "-", "text": "dancing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "friend", "misc": "-", "text": "friends", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Brett used poison for the bug repellent in his yard and Craig used natural ingredients, he had a more unhealthy yard.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brett used poison for the bug repellent in his yard and Craig used natural ingredients, he had a more unhealthy yard.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "poison", "misc": "-", "text": "poison", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "bug", "misc": "-", "text": "bug", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "repellent", "misc": "-", "text": "repellent", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "yard", "misc": "-", "text": "yard", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "natural", "misc": "-", "text": "natural", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "ingredient", "misc": "-", "text": "ingredients", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 22, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "unhealthy", "misc": "-", "text": "unhealthy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "yard", "misc": "-", "text": "yard", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher eats a lot more chocolate than Logan does because he does not possess a sweet tooth.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Christopher eats a lot more chocolate than Logan does because he does not possess a sweet tooth.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "eats", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "chocolate", "misc": "-", "text": "chocolate", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "possess", "misc": "-", "text": "possess", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "sweet", "misc": "-", "text": "sweet", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "tooth", "misc": "-", "text": "tooth", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Brett woke up early in the morning but not Michael because he had a late bedtime.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brett woke up early in the morning but not Michael because he had a late bedtime.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "wake", "misc": "-", "text": "woke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "up", "misc": "-", "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "early", "misc": "-", "text": "early", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "morning", "misc": "-", "text": "morning", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "late", "misc": "-", "text": "late", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "bedtime", "misc": "-", "text": "bedtime", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Donald spent a lot of time jumping rope on the playground but Samuel did not because he had a lot of energy.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Donald spent a lot of time jumping rope on the playground but Samuel did not because he had a lot of energy.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "spend", "misc": "-", "text": "spent", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "-", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "jump", "misc": "-", "text": "jumping", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "rope", "misc": "-", "text": "rope", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "playground", "misc": "-", "text": "playground", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Samuel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Samuel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "energy", "misc": "-", "text": "energy", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher liked a calmer dog while Donald favored an energetic dog. He rescued a young puppy dog from the animal shelter.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Christopher liked a calmer dog while Donald favored an energetic dog.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "calm", "misc": "-", "text": "calmer", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "dog", "misc": "-", "text": "dog", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "favor", "misc": "-", "text": "favored", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "energetic", "misc": "-", "text": "energetic", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "dog", "misc": "-", "text": "dog", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He rescued a young puppy dog from the animal shelter.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "rescue", "misc": "-", "text": "rescued", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "young", "misc": "-", "text": "young", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "puppy", "misc": "-", "text": "puppy", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "dog", "misc": "-", "text": "dog", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "animal", "misc": "-", "text": "animal", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "shelter", "misc": "-", "text": "shelter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Joel liked to work out more than William so he began to worry about gaining weight.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Joel liked to work out more than William so he began to worry about gaining weight.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "work", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(0)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "begin", "misc": "-", "text": "began", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "worry", "misc": "-", "text": "worry", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "about", "misc": "-", "text": "about", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "gain", "misc": "-", "text": "gaining", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "weight", "misc": "-", "text": "weight", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Neil adds salt to pretty much anything but Randy hardly ever does as he hates salty foods.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Neil adds salt to pretty much anything but Randy hardly ever does as he hates salty foods.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "add", "misc": "-", "text": "adds", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "salt", "misc": "-", "text": "salt", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "pretty", "misc": "-", "text": "pretty", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "much", "misc": "-", "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "anything", "misc": "-", "text": "anything", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "hardly", "misc": "-", "text": "hardly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "ever", "misc": "-", "text": "ever", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "hate", "misc": "-", "text": "hates", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "salty", "misc": "-", "text": "salty", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "food", "misc": "-", "text": "foods", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The locals came over and talked to Leslie and not Logan because he was creating a big scene.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The locals came over and talked to Leslie and not Logan because he was creating a big scene.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "local", "misc": "-", "text": "locals", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "come", "misc": "-", "text": "came", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "talk", "misc": "-", "text": "talked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Leslie", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Leslie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 6, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "create", "misc": "-", "text": "creating", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "big", "misc": "-", "text": "big", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "scene", "misc": "-", "text": "scene", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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Neil was more of a supportive friend than Lawrence because he liked to listen to problems.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Neil was more of a supportive friend than Lawrence because he liked to listen to problems.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "supportive", "misc": "-", "text": "supportive", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "friend", "misc": "-", "text": "friend", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "listen", "misc": "-", "text": "listen", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "problem", "misc": "-", "text": "problems", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
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Michael grew corn on his farm and gave it all to Nick because he had many uses for it.
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Logan had the glass windshield installed by Steven because he was a professional when it came to car repair.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Logan had the glass windshield installed by Steven because he was a professional when it came to car repair.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "glass", "misc": "-", "text": "glass", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "windshield", "misc": "-", "text": "windshield", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "install", "misc": "-", "text": "installed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "by", "misc": "-", "text": "by", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "professional", "misc": "-", "text": "professional", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "when", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "come", "misc": "-", "text": "came", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "car", "misc": "-", "text": "car", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "repair", "misc": "-", "text": "repair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
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Brett called Nelson when he needed information on a hotel as he had never been there.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brett called Nelson when he needed information on a hotel as he had never been there.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "call", "misc": "-", "text": "called", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Nelson", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Nelson", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "when", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "need", "misc": "-", "text": "needed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "information", "misc": "-", "text": "information", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "hotel", "misc": "-", "text": "hotel", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "never", "misc": "-", "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "PronType=Dem", "head": 6, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "there", "misc": "-", "text": "there", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because he thought the game was really fun.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because he thought the game was really fun.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "chess", "misc": "-", "text": "chess", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "slow", "misc": "-", "text": "slower", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "game", "misc": "-", "text": "game", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "really", "misc": "-", "text": "really", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 10, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "fun", "misc": "-", "text": "fun", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Leslie offered to show the stranger, Kenneth around town because he was a foreigner to the area.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Leslie offered to show the stranger, Kenneth around town because he was a foreigner to the area.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Leslie", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Leslie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "offer", "misc": "-", "text": "offered", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "show", "misc": "-", "text": "show", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "stranger", "misc": "-", "text": "stranger", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "appos", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "around", "misc": "-", "text": "around", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "town", "misc": "-", "text": "town", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "foreigner", "misc": "-", "text": "foreigner", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "area", "misc": "-", "text": "area", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Aaron made some cinnamon rolls for Samuel's birthday because he wanted to receive a birthday present.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Aaron made some cinnamon rolls for Samuel's birthday because he wanted to receive a birthday present.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "some", "misc": "-", "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "cinnamon", "misc": "-", "text": "cinnamon", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "roll", "misc": "-", "text": "rolls", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Samuel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Samuel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "birthday", "misc": "-", "text": "birthday", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "receive", "misc": "-", "text": "receive", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "birthday", "misc": "-", "text": "birthday", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "present", "misc": "-", "text": "present", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Ryan kept track of everywhere that Ian went, because he was an overly cautious person.
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Christopher tried a new recipe and asked Kenneth how liked it. He hoped it tasted good.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Christopher tried a new recipe and asked Kenneth how liked it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "try", "misc": "-", "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "new", "misc": "-", "text": "new", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "recipe", "misc": "-", "text": "recipe", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He hoped it tasted good.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "hope", "misc": "-", "text": "hoped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "taste", "misc": "-", "text": "tasted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Logan had been in a limo many times but this was the first time for Michael so he was excited.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Logan had been in a limo many times but this was the first time for Michael so he was excited.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "limo", "misc": "-", "text": "limo", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "many", "misc": "-", "text": "many", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "-", "text": "times", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "this", "misc": "-", "text": "this", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "first", "misc": "-", "text": "first", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "-", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "excited", "misc": "-", "text": "excited", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Kenneth always went to the store on the corner unlike Michael because he loved that place.
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It was harder for Eric to keep a job than it was for William because he was a bad worker.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "It was harder for Eric to keep a job than it was for William because he was a bad worker.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "expl", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "It", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "hard", "misc": "-", "text": "harder", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "keep", "misc": "-", "text": "keep", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(1)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "bad", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "worker", "misc": "-", "text": "worker", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
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Nick skipped out on the school pep rallies while Matthew was always cheering, since he possessed school spirit.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Nick skipped out on the school pep rallies while Matthew was always cheering, since he possessed school spirit.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Nick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Nick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "skip", "misc": "-", "text": "skipped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "school", "misc": "-", "text": "school", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "pep", "misc": "-", "text": "pep", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "rally", "misc": "-", "text": "rallies", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "always", "misc": "-", "text": "always", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "cheer", "misc": "-", "text": "cheering", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "possess", "misc": "-", "text": "possessed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "school", "misc": "-", "text": "school", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "spirit", "misc": "-", "text": "spirit", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Matthew was explaining to Joseph how to properly build a fallout shelter. He was knowledgeable.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Matthew was explaining to Joseph how to properly build a fallout shelter.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "explain", "misc": "-", "text": "explaining", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Joseph", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joseph", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "properly", "misc": "-", "text": "properly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "build", "misc": "-", "text": "build", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "fallout", "misc": "-", "text": "fallout", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "shelter", "misc": "-", "text": "shelter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was knowledgeable.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "knowledgeable", "misc": "-", "text": "knowledgeable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jeffrey was always flirting with men according to Samuel, but really he is just jealous in general.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jeffrey was always flirting with men according to Samuel, but really he is just jealous in general.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jeffrey", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jeffrey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "always", "misc": "-", "text": "always", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "flirt", "misc": "-", "text": "flirting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "man", "misc": "-", "text": "men", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": "ExtPos=ADP|VerbForm=Ger", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "accord", "misc": "-", "text": "according", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Samuel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Samuel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "really", "misc": "-", "text": "really", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "just", "misc": "-", "text": "just", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "jealous", "misc": "-", "text": "jealous", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "general", "misc": "-", "text": "general", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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At the pet store Joel bought a parrot but Brian didn't because he thinks parrots are scary.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "At the pet store Joel bought a parrot but Brian didn't because he thinks parrots are scary.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "At", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "pet", "misc": "-", "text": "pet", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "store", "misc": "-", "text": "store", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "parrot", "misc": "-", "text": "parrot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thinks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "parrot", "misc": "-", "text": "parrots", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "are", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 15, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "scary", "misc": "-", "text": "scary", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
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The Leslie sued Kevin about the job in kitchen renovation, he thought he is too particular ..
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The Leslie sued Kevin about the job in kitchen renovation, he thought he is too particular ..", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "Leslie", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Leslie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "sue", "misc": "-", "text": "sued", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Kevin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "about", "misc": "-", "text": "about", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "kitchen", "misc": "-", "text": "kitchen", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "renovation", "misc": "-", "text": "renovation", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "particular", "misc": "-", "text": "particular", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "..", "misc": "-", "text": "..", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Neil is caring for Michael from a pulled muscle so he is giving some pain medicine.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Neil is caring for Michael from a pulled muscle so he is giving some pain medicine.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "care", "misc": "-", "text": "caring", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "pull", "misc": "-", "text": "pulled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "muscle", "misc": "-", "text": "muscle", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "give", "misc": "-", "text": "giving", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "some", "misc": "-", "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "pain", "misc": "-", "text": "pain", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "medicine", "misc": "-", "text": "medicine", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Derrick was more likely to have an apple at lunch than Neil because he liked to eat fruit.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Derrick was more likely to have an apple at lunch than Neil because he liked to eat fruit.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Derrick", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Derrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "likely", "misc": "-", "text": "likely", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "apple", "misc": "-", "text": "apple", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "lunch", "misc": "-", "text": "lunch", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Neil", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Neil", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "eat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "fruit", "misc": "-", "text": "fruit", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Kevin could draw very well, Brian could not so he intended to pursue a career in art.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kevin could draw very well, Brian could not so he intended to pursue a career in art.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kevin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "draw", "misc": "-", "text": "draw", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "well", "misc": "-", "text": "well", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "intend", "misc": "-", "text": "intended", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "pursue", "misc": "-", "text": "pursue", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "career", "misc": "-", "text": "career", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "art", "misc": "-", "text": "art", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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William swept up all the leaves while Ian sat on the porch relaxing, so he was chill and relaxed.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "William swept up all the leaves while Ian sat on the porch relaxing, so he was chill and relaxed.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(1)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "sweep", "misc": "-", "text": "swept", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "up", "misc": "-", "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "all", "misc": "-", "text": "all", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "leave", "misc": "-", "text": "leaves", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "sit", "misc": "-", "text": "sat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "porch", "misc": "-", "text": "porch", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "relax", "misc": "-", "text": "relaxing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "chill", "misc": "-", "text": "chill", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "relaxed", "misc": "-", "text": "relaxed", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Matthew liked to wear high fashion clothing while Joel liked to shoot it; he was a photographer.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Matthew liked to wear high fashion clothing while Joel liked to shoot it; he was a photographer.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "wear", "misc": "-", "text": "wear", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "high", "misc": "-", "text": "high", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "fashion", "misc": "-", "text": "fashion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "clothing", "misc": "-", "text": "clothing", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "shoot", "misc": "-", "text": "shoot", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ";", "misc": "-", "text": ";", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "photographer", "misc": "-", "text": "photographer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Aaron thinks suede coats are very cool but Ian does not. He bought a denim coat from the clothing store.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Aaron thinks suede coats are very cool but Ian does not.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thinks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "suede", "misc": "-", "text": "suede", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "coat", "misc": "-", "text": "coats", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "are", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "cool", "misc": "-", "text": "cool", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He bought a denim coat from the clothing store.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "denim", "misc": "-", "text": "denim", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "coat", "misc": "-", "text": "coat", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "clothing", "misc": "-", "text": "clothing", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "store", "misc": "-", "text": "store", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lawrence wanted a budgie but Kyle wanted a parrot. He always wanted a pet that could talk back.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lawrence wanted a budgie but Kyle wanted a parrot.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "budgie", "misc": "-", "text": "budgie", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Kyle", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kyle", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "parrot", "misc": "-", "text": "parrot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He always wanted a pet that could talk back.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "always", "misc": "-", "text": "always", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "pet", "misc": "-", "text": "pet", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "talk", "misc": "-", "text": "talk", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "back", "misc": "-", "text": "back", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Brian as a joke bought a wool sweater for Matthew despite his skin rash because he is a prankster.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brian as a joke bought a wool sweater for Matthew despite his skin rash because he is a prankster.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(0", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "joke", "misc": "0)", "text": "joke", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "wool", "misc": "-", "text": "wool", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "sweater", "misc": "-", "text": "sweater", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "despite", "misc": "-", "text": "despite", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "skin", "misc": "-", "text": "skin", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "rash", "misc": "-", "text": "rash", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "prankster", "misc": "-", "text": "prankster", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
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Early yesterday afternoon, Brian pulled the weeds in Christopher's garden, because he really dislikes gardening.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Early yesterday afternoon, Brian pulled the weeds in Christopher's garden, because he really dislikes gardening.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "early", "misc": "-", "text": "Early", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "yesterday", "misc": "-", "text": "yesterday", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "afternoon", "misc": "-", "text": "afternoon", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "pull", "misc": "-", "text": "pulled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "weed", "misc": "-", "text": "weeds", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "garden", "misc": "-", "text": "garden", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "really", "misc": "-", "text": "really", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "dislike", "misc": "-", "text": "dislikes", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "gardening", "misc": "-", "text": "gardening", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Adam showed up empty - handed to the housewarming party, while Joel brought a gift, because he was rude.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Adam showed up empty - handed to the housewarming party, while Joel brought a gift, because he was rude.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "show", "misc": "-", "text": "showed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "up", "misc": "-", "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "empty", "misc": "-", "text": "empty", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "-", "misc": "-", "text": "-", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "HYPH" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "hand", "misc": "-", "text": "handed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "housewarming", "misc": "-", "text": "housewarming", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "party", "misc": "-", "text": "party", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "bring", "misc": "-", "text": "brought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "gift", "misc": "-", "text": "gift", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 21, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "rude", "misc": "-", "text": "rude", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Logan scolded Dennis and told him to ride a bicycle in order to save the environment. He was taken back.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Logan scolded Dennis and told him to ride a bicycle in order to save the environment.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "scold", "misc": "-", "text": "scolded", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Dennis", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Dennis", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "tell", "misc": "-", "text": "told", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "ride", "misc": "-", "text": "ride", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "bicycle", "misc": "-", "text": "bicycle", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "order", "misc": "-", "text": "order", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 8, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "save", "misc": "-", "text": "save", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "environment", "misc": "-", "text": "environment", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was taken back.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "taken", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "back", "misc": "-", "text": "back", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher had a hangover from the night of the party, while Donald was not, because he was a heavyweight drunk.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Christopher had a hangover from the night of the party, while Donald was not, because he was a heavyweight drunk.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "hangover", "misc": "-", "text": "hangover", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "night", "misc": "-", "text": "night", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "party", "misc": "-", "text": "party", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 22, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 22, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "heavyweight", "misc": "-", "text": "heavyweight", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "drunk", "misc": "-", "text": "drunk", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
More compliments on the whole are given to Kenneth than Randy because he is unappreciated.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "More compliments on the whole are given to Kenneth than Randy because he is unappreciated.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "More", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 7, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "compliment", "misc": "-", "text": "compliments", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "whole", "misc": "-", "text": "whole", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "are", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "give", "misc": "-", "text": "given", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "unappreciated", "misc": "-", "text": "unappreciated", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
On New Year's Eve, Justin goes out, but Logan stays home because he is more social.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "On New Year's Eve, Justin goes out, but Logan stays home because he is more social.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "On", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "New", "misc": "-", "text": "New", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Year", "misc": "-", "text": "Year", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Eve", "misc": "-", "text": "Eve", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "goes", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "stay", "misc": "-", "text": "stays", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "home", "misc": "-", "text": "home", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "social", "misc": "-", "text": "social", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lawrence knew how to mix soap and water better than Jeffrey because he had a lot of chores that involved walking the dog.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lawrence knew how to mix soap and water better than Jeffrey because he had a lot of chores that involved walking the dog.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "know", "misc": "-", "text": "knew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "mix", "misc": "-", "text": "mix", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "soap", "misc": "-", "text": "soap", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "water", "misc": "-", "text": "water", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Jeffrey", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Jeffrey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "chore", "misc": "-", "text": "chores", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "involve", "misc": "-", "text": "involved", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 20, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "walk", "misc": "-", "text": "walking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 23, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 21, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "dog", "misc": "-", "text": "dog", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
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The reason that Jason ate quickly while William did not eat another bite was because he was full.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The reason that Jason ate quickly while William did not eat another bite was because he was full.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "reason", "misc": "-", "text": "reason", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "ate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "quickly", "misc": "-", "text": "quickly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(0)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "eat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "another", "misc": "-", "text": "another", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "bite", "misc": "-", "text": "bite", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "full", "misc": "-", "text": "full", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
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Making soup better suited Kenneth and not Nick because he had the patience to develop the roux.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Making soup better suited Kenneth and not Nick because he had the patience to develop the roux.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "Making", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "soup", "misc": "-", "text": "soup", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 1, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "well", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "suit", "misc": "-", "text": "suited", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Nick", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Nick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "patience", "misc": "-", "text": "patience", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "develop", "misc": "-", "text": "develop", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "roux", "misc": "-", "text": "roux", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Justin demonstrated to Craig the proper way to blow a Shofar. He was knowledgeable.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Justin demonstrated to Craig the proper way to blow a Shofar.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "demonstrate", "misc": "-", "text": "demonstrated", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "proper", "misc": "-", "text": "proper", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "way", "misc": "-", "text": "way", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 7, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "blow", "misc": "-", "text": "blow", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Shofar", "misc": "-", "text": "Shofar", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was knowledgeable.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "knowledgeable", "misc": "-", "text": "knowledgeable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Chopping wood suited Ryan but not Randy because he had no knowledge about starting a fire.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Chopping wood suited Ryan but not Randy because he had no knowledge about starting a fire.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "chop", "misc": "-", "text": "Chopping", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "wood", "misc": "-", "text": "wood", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "suit", "misc": "-", "text": "suited", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "no", "misc": "-", "text": "no", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "knowledge", "misc": "-", "text": "knowledge", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "about", "misc": "-", "text": "about", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "start", "misc": "-", "text": "starting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "fire", "misc": "-", "text": "fire", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Eric can sew some nice clothes but Steven never learned how as he detests handy work.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Eric can sew some nice clothes but Steven never learned how as he detests handy work.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "can", "misc": "-", "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "se", "misc": "-", "text": "sew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "some", "misc": "-", "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "nice", "misc": "-", "text": "nice", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "clothes", "misc": "-", "text": "clothes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "never", "misc": "-", "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "detest", "misc": "-", "text": "detests", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "handy", "misc": "-", "text": "handy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "work", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Hunter didn't have a lot of tools in his garage like Brett, since he was a rich individual.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Hunter didn't have a lot of tools in his garage like Brett, since he was a rich individual.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "tool", "misc": "-", "text": "tools", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "garage", "misc": "-", "text": "garage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "like", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Brett", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Brett", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "rich", "misc": "-", "text": "rich", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "individual", "misc": "-", "text": "individual", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Brian had a hard time cutting the food but not Nelson because he had a sharp knife.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brian had a hard time cutting the food but not Nelson because he had a sharp knife.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "hard", "misc": "-", "text": "hard", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "-", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "cut", "misc": "-", "text": "cutting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "food", "misc": "-", "text": "food", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Nelson", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Nelson", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "sharp", "misc": "-", "text": "sharp", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "knife", "misc": "-", "text": "knife", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Aaron needs help blocking the yarn so he asks his friend Craig for help, because he can't do it alone.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Aaron needs help blocking the yarn so he asks his friend Craig for help, because he can't do it alone.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "need", "misc": "-", "text": "needs", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "block", "misc": "-", "text": "blocking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "yarn", "misc": "-", "text": "yarn", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "iobj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "friend", "misc": "-", "text": "friend", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "appos", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "can't", "misc": "-", "text": "can't", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 9, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "do", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "alone", "misc": "-", "text": "alone", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Brian had a greater wisdom than Donald because he was younger and had been through a lot less in life.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Brian had a greater wisdom than Donald because he was younger and had been through a lot less in life.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Brian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Brian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "great", "misc": "-", "text": "greater", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "wisdom", "misc": "-", "text": "wisdom", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "young", "misc": "-", "text": "younger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "through", "misc": "-", "text": "through", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 11, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "less", "misc": "-", "text": "less", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "life", "misc": "-", "text": "life", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The behavior of Adam was a lot worse than Steven because he had a very bad childhood.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The behavior of Adam was a lot worse than Steven because he had a very bad childhood.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "behavior", "misc": "-", "text": "behavior", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "worse", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "bad", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "childhood", "misc": "-", "text": "childhood", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Ian put cinnamon on William's hot chocolate because he wanted to learn a new trick.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ian put cinnamon on William's hot chocolate because he wanted to learn a new trick.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "put", "misc": "-", "text": "put", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "cinnamon", "misc": "-", "text": "cinnamon", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "William", "misc": "(0)", "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "hot", "misc": "-", "text": "hot", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "chocolate", "misc": "-", "text": "chocolate", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learn", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "new", "misc": "-", "text": "new", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "trick", "misc": "-", "text": "trick", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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While cleaning the house Dennis had an accident unlike Lawrence, as a result of he being coordinated.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "While cleaning the house Dennis had an accident unlike Lawrence, as a result of he being coordinated.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "While", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 6, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "cleaning", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "-", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Dennis", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Dennis", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "accident", "misc": "-", "text": "accident", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "unlike", "misc": "-", "text": "unlike", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "result", "misc": "-", "text": "result", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "being", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 14, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "coordinate", "misc": "-", "text": "coordinated", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Handling emergencies was never very difficult for Kevin but it was for Nelson because he wasn't able to remain calm under pressure.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Handling emergencies was never very difficult for Kevin but it was for Nelson because he wasn't able to remain calm under pressure.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 6, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "handle", "misc": "-", "text": "Handling", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "emergency", "misc": "-", "text": "emergencies", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "never", "misc": "-", "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "difficult", "misc": "-", "text": "difficult", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Kevin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Nelson", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Nelson", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 11, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "able", "misc": "-", "text": "able", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "remain", "misc": "-", "text": "remain", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "calm", "misc": "-", "text": "calm", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 23, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "under", "misc": "-", "text": "under", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 21, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "pressure", "misc": "-", "text": "pressure", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
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Ryan was happy that Eric won the race that he watched for hours earlier that day.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ryan was happy that Eric won the race that he watched for hours earlier that day.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "happy", "misc": "-", "text": "happy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "win", "misc": "-", "text": "won", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "race", "misc": "-", "text": "race", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "watch", "misc": "-", "text": "watched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "hour", "misc": "-", "text": "hours", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "early", "misc": "-", "text": "earlier", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "day", "misc": "-", "text": "day", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
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Leslie asked Robert for some help in small claims court, because he had forgotten how to file.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Leslie asked Robert for some help in small claims court, because he had forgotten how to file.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Leslie", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Leslie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Robert", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Robert", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "some", "misc": "-", "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "small", "misc": "-", "text": "small", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "claim", "misc": "-", "text": "claims", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "court", "misc": "-", "text": "court", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "forget", "misc": "-", "text": "forgotten", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "how", "misc": "-", "text": "how", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "file", "misc": "-", "text": "file", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The Mangos grew better in the fields that Hunter owned versus those of Logan because he used better fertilizer.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The Mangos grew better in the fields that Hunter owned versus those of Logan because he used better fertilizer.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "Mangos", "misc": "-", "text": "Mangos", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNPS" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "grow", "misc": "-", "text": "grew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "field", "misc": "-", "text": "fields", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "own", "misc": "-", "text": "owned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "versus", "misc": "-", "text": "versus", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur|PronType=Dem", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "those", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "Logan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Logan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "fertilizer", "misc": "-", "text": "fertilizer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jason had very thin skin but Kenneth isn't easily offended. He thought the person's comment was appropriate.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jason had very thin skin but Kenneth isn't easily offended.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "thin", "misc": "-", "text": "thin", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "skin", "misc": "-", "text": "skin", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "easily", "misc": "-", "text": "easily", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "offend", "misc": "-", "text": "offended", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He thought the person's comment was appropriate.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "think", "misc": "-", "text": "thought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "person", "misc": "-", "text": "person", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "comment", "misc": "-", "text": "comment", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "appropriate", "misc": "-", "text": "appropriate", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lawrence smoked cigarettes and Craig did not smoke, so he had a very distinctive smoky smell.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lawrence smoked cigarettes and Craig did not smoke, so he had a very distinctive smoky smell.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lawrence", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Lawrence", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "smoke", "misc": "-", "text": "smoked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "cigarette", "misc": "-", "text": "cigarettes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "smoke", "misc": "-", "text": "smoke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "distinctive", "misc": "-", "text": "distinctive", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "smoky", "misc": "-", "text": "smoky", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "smell", "misc": "-", "text": "smell", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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