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890 | In honor of this coming weekend's Auburn and Georgia game here are a couple new-ish prints that I've done. I obviously did the Auburn one 1st but felt like I should do one for our neighbors to the north. If there is another team you'd like to see (that isn't Alabama) then please send me an email. Thanks and WAR EAGLE!
100 | g*y is used as a derrogatory term which is not the same as homosexual.
407 | 1. It's early. Most of the annual awards that are good predictor variables have not been given out nor finalists announced.
900 | This one isn't exactly new. I finished it a little while back but haven't posted it here. Here's a Dr Who and Dr Dre mashup. Currently availble as a print on canvas and a magnet. If you're interested please send me an email.
4 | According to Frosch, the listing has received global attention and, despite being on the market for only 24 hours, buyers are already showing interest.
439 | As of late (i.e., the past two years), the board appears to be opting for more general fair. To be clear, neither of the last two novels to have won are bad novels (not to me, at least); however, they were nothing near obscure. Which is something that has happened in the past as regards the Pulitzer. Gone with the Wind won, after all.
143 | As an independent specialist college providing education for young people aged 16-24 years with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, the college is obliged to publish a SEND report.
626 | So many contradictory opinions about A little life really have me intrigued (at least with so much recognition the probabilities of being published here in Spain increase).
268 | As for the Sotheby's auction, go up to the top of the page and check the mast on the left. There's a link for it... and you're right, the minimum was not met.
610 | "Fortune Sniles" has been very well-received, but my bet is on "Fates and Furies". Johnson always writes--arguably even in OMS--with a sense of humor and a satirical edge. His first novel was received as basically full of brilliance and energy, but ultimately deemed uneven and often unsuccessful. He takes a lot of risks.
821 | While there is some evidence linking violence in general to risk factors such as age, sex, substance abuse, and personality traits such as anger and impulsiveness, over many years, researchers have established that only a very small subset of people suffering from mental illness are likely to commit violent acts.
667 | We won't ever agree on everything. I don't understand why "The Road" won, and we have already argued over my disbelief that Lee Martin's novel would have been a finalist. "Love in Infant Monkeys" was a similarly bizarre choice. "All Souls" has some beautiful writing, but a Pulitzer finalist? I hated "Mean Spirit" when I read it--it has been awhile, so it's possible that I would enjoy it now.
729 | I am not interested in attacking or defending the book prior to its publication (as I said above, I'm far more interested in the editing process and if this will ultimately lead to other works being released). I do agree that it might be timely, if for no other reason than it may have us all reopening "Mockingbird".
3 | Surrounding the property is a Versailles-inspired garden with a variety of trees, plants and an orchard. In the spring, over 12,000 flowers bloom in the tiered, three-level garden.
359 | @ey814 Interesting to see "Black River" and "Delicious Foods" show up again. I feel like those two were mentioned a lot early in 2015 and haven't been discussed much since.
915 | Units that turn off their radar can still show up as being jammed with the "X" next to their icon.
660 | @BRAKiasaurus @JohnZ @EdParks The Moor's Account is one of the books I've been reading, and it is very good. It's on the Booker long list, too. Lovely prose and imagery.
258 | @BRAKiasaurus Great news! I loved the book, and it's certainly deserving. So much better than the "top faves," I believe.
399 | @Marybethking I haven't heard anything about her having a new book out...this surprises me, honestly, given how crazy the world went for "Gone Girl" (a novel I admittedly didn't think much of). Are you referring to The Grownup? I think that may in fact be a re-issue of an older work.
663 | I have The Feud and have started to read it. Ah, Berger. Such wit.
326 | Hanya Yanagihara is finally doing a book tour, by the way, for the paperback edition.
130 | Would love some tatts, but too much of a wimp to get them! 😥
468 | Thanks!! I am also putting ALA for the win. People in the trees was brilliant too, not sure why it didn't receive as much attention?
672 | For entirely different reasons, I was reminded of James Wood's review of "& Sons" wherein he said something along the lines of "Gilbert can't seem to decide what kind of writer he wants to be" and then basically said that the book, while written by a writer of immense talent and potential, didn't live up to its promise, suffered from the writer's own indecision.
305 | @ey814 Nice article, reading them is the easy bit, it's finding them in first edition form, I too have read them all, however only own about half.
1022 | 25 most common words in the index
960 | These books sound great. I’m going to see if the library has some of them
330 | Had it been another year, I probably would have given it to Updike.
284 | @BRAKiasaurus It's usually early March, just doesn't really get much publicity, so you have to look for it!
256 | Just finished Hulse's "Black River" and simply adored the book. So pretty, overall, and much like the Kent Haruf novels, such as "Plainsong" that I've enjoyed over the years. "Black River" is surely one of the best five I've read this year. Solid Pulitzer choice, in my opinion. Side note: As I've mentioned before, I surely don't understand all of the hoopla surrounding "The Sellout," with so many other worthy contenders. But, what do I know? I'm only a reader. :-) Read on ...
690 | It is powerful, and while it may provide few answers, everyone will come away with a deeper perspective and a new way of asking questions.
849 | Today was the Cub's first day of classes, and, he sent me this picture to mark the occasssion.
521 | As good as it is, there are some dangling modifiers that have me shaking my head. For instance:
984 | |
661 | I'm in agreement concerning Beloved. Considering novels that have been published in the latter part of the century, I think it's the one that will sustain interest, admiration, and dialogue one hundred, two hundred, etc., years from now. The characters, the theme, the structure, the quality of the writing -- an exceptional novel on all counts.
741 | I will start "City on Fire" next--I have received an ARC of it. Will let you know what I think, but I'm very excited to read it.
400 | @ey814 @BRAKiasaurus So (as I have this week off) I'm now almost 600 pages through, and it only gets worse... -_- This is a rough book to binge read. My next novel will need to be something a bit the very least, short stories.
317 | My money is on The Tsar of Love and Techno.
493 | @ChrisEllis77 You're a better man than I am. I made it to page 20 of 'City of FIre' and was annoyed by how heavy it was to return to the library
684 | @EdParks I remember a discussion about David Rhodes when Driftless came out. He is an Iowa Writers' Workshop graduate and had published a number of well regarded novels in the 1970s, one drawing favorable comparison to Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, Ohio." Driftless was the first novel he'd published in 30 years, after the accident. Several discussants on the discussion board liked the novel, and I bought a first edition, but didn't end up reading it. I may have to go back to it.
174 | @ejcrowe42 Not sure about Greenlight, but it was a Book Passage First Edition Club selection, which is how I got my copy. Which compels me to point out that the Pulitzer winner for each of the past four years has been a selection by at least one of the three FECs I subscribe to (Odyssey, Book Passage, Powell's). Not to mention this year's National Book Award winner (Odyssey).
653 | Having just read a 930 page book that was both compelling and yet completely uneven, I think I'll pass for now.
963 | These are great selections! I haven’t seen A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree. I am going to add that to the collection. One that I love is Auntie Claus by Elise Primavera. I used to read it to my 4th graders. They must have liked it…every copy got permanently borrowed. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
190 | Do you happen to know its initial print run?
457 | I wonder how the B&N Goldfinch will fare on the market, and how many will try to pass it off.
105 | Justin serenaded wonderful or better than a great I like popular songs, particularly as it is talented. all those who hate Justin are g**s because they feel jealous of him because he is handsome at the same time a rising singer and a small age. I myself appreciate the wonderful artist with this beautiful and talented .
975 | If the Facebook user who authorized that access revokes that access token, Omnilert can no longer post to your page and the system will log an error in the message history.
480 | NBA prediction: A LITTLE LIFE takes it. It wouldn't be my choice -- I'd go with FORTUNE SMILES (I've read all but REFUND) -- but Yanagihara win. Although far from perfect, the book deals with some important "American" themes in important ways. Lately the NBA seems to pick a book that does that kind of thing more so than the Pulitzer.
656 | @EdParks @BRAKiasaurus @JohnZ Perhaps, but I doubt our standards are that different. I'm surprised you would disagree about "Beloved" or "A Death in the Family", Updike's work or "Ironweed". Even if you didn't appreciate them all, certainly there must be at least a handful in JohnZ's list that you believe to be among the best fiction our country has produced?
666 | As to AtLWCS, I haven't read it yet. Still working my way through the crop of this year's books. (For example, I think the next book I will read--as I just finished "City on Fire" and am wrapping three short story collections--will be "The Incarnations" and then, probably, "Saint Maize".)
997 | For free version, install the latest version of the plugin from plugin repository.
388 | @BRAKiasaurus Am i the only one who don't love the flamethrowers? Don't get me wrong, i think it's a good novel and i love Kushner's writing but i loved Telex from Cuba so much that The Flamethrowers was a bit dissapointing.
168 | I'm basing this on a list on I've not been successful at finding a list of selections on the Powell's website itself.
381 | @BRAKiasaurus Yeah, I agree. The only book I really questioned being on the list at all was Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk, which I liked, but wouldn't put in the 12 greatest books of the 21st Century!
556 | Whichever the reason may be, I'm going to do my best to remain optimistic. That said, there are other novels that have been published this year which are better and more worthy of recognition.
642 | @EdParks @BRAKiasaurus @JohnZ Again, it's a matter of aesthetics, I think. Given your list of authors, it appears you prefer older works. Which is fine. I enjoy them, too. Anyone who denies him- or herself the pleasure of disappearing into Tolstoy, Melville, Dostoevsky, Fauklner, etc. -- well, that's just unfortunate. Quite sad, too.
195 | I read about half of the Kelly Link book. While I'm happy for her ( she lives in my area and I know her a little), it never would have been on my radar for this award. And MAUD'S LINE? I've never heard of.
48 | Hope you are OK and have got over the stress of your trip now <3
617 | @EdParks @ey814 Must agree with Ed completely. I assume long list is 10? If I had to guess all 10 (admittedly, without having read all of the following), I'd say:
781 | @EdParks @Marybethking They release today--will pick them up and let you know my thoughts. I have Robin Black's novel from last year queued up first and am working my way through The Last Flight of Poxyl West, which hasn't captivated my attention...
261 | So the Tournament of Books is down to its finals, with The Turner House going up against The Sellout. It has been a really intense year and the discussion boards for the A Little Life decisions were quite amazing in the scope of discussion. I realize that TOB isn't in the statistical model but it still has been quite predictive with the winner or finalist often winning the Pulitzer.
335 | @ChrisEllis77 - Same here. I've been looking for a 1st printing for the past few weeks and no luck. A copy sold on eBay for $350 last week.
574 | I think we've had this conversation before, haha:
494 | @ChrisEllis77 I'd push back on the idea that the Pulitzer is purely a popularity contest. Paul Harding's TINKERS (2010), for example, had such a small print run that few readers knew about it. The year's most popular books, by sales alone, are almost invariably (and by definition) popular fiction. Trade fiction.
235 | Before I go I would like to thank all of you for another great year of Pulitzer discussions, it''s a pleasure to share your advice an expertise, thank you.
764 | That said, even had I read Doerr's much-praised ATLWCS, I hardly think it hypocrisy to enjoy one novel and then, in a world of so many indisputably high-quality books, be put off by the writing quality of (and therefore choose not to read) another. If I do read the novel at some point, I am quite confident that I will be capable of understanding. That doesn't mean my opinion of his writing will change.
11 | Review protein sources: meats, chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, low fat milk, yogurt, tofu, soy beans, other legumes (beans)
644 | @EdParks @JohnZ @BRAKiasaurus One of the added joys of reading that I've discovered is going back to books I haven't read in decades, visiting them again, and discovering how my feelings might (or might not) have changed.
906 | |
897 | Stan the Zombie - Issue #2 available at the event.
895 | Some of the great folks that will be there include the following:
547 | @grahammyers Great to hear! It is rare to read a novel as good as Lish's, and I completely agree that it should have won the pulitzer.
730 | While I don't think the racial divide is growing, I think that the internet has illuminated an issue that was always present but previously easier for some to ignore. This novel is perhaps just one more, thankfully non-violent, opportunity for us all to consider the country's legacy and the ways in which those issues persist today.
347 | Anyway, what belongs to you has more things against it, it's located in Bulgaria, and being released in january makes more difficult to reach awards season with the hype intact
968 | Viddiflash Messenger is really a smartphone messenger obtainable for Android and also other smartphones. Viddiflash uses your 3G, 4G or WiFi (when readily available) to stay linked to your family and friends. With this application you might keep the status current, update photographs, share photos with close friends and much more.
527 | That said, I will continue to sing the praises of DID YOU EVER HAVE A FAMILY. (Funny side note: Ms. Groff's agent is none other than Bill Clegg.)
394 | Didn't realize it until this list, but Annie Proulx has a new novel out--and it's a big one! "Barkskins: A Novel"
46 | But - I am still alive at the moment so that is a plus, I love my family, and I live vicariously through others who blog LOLOL
228 | @jfieds2 I agree with so much of what you described. I am still pulling for A Little Life but I am half way through Tsar and if it wins, I will be just as happy. Personally I have no idea how Delicious Foods made the list. And I'm still wondering why there is never any mention of A Reunion of Ghosts. Has anyone read this book? Thoughts?
634 | Yes, I was thinking of Jeff Bridges as I typed Terms of Endearment, meaning Last Picture Show. I shouldn't rely on my memory! I agree with you completely about Duane, and would love to see a sequel to Picture Show. I lived in Dallas for 20 years and made several trips up to Archer City to see the town and, of course, go to McMurtry's bookstore.
165 | |
1012 | If you want to permanently exclude posts or pages from search, you can list their numeric IDs here. In Premium, you can also use a checkbox on the edit pages to exclude posts. That is easier to use and works in multisite searches, unlike this option.
918 | Planes were added to a base and assigned to a mission. However, they disappear and access through the Mission editor is not possible.
40 | Thanks for posting this. I forget how sheltered I am by having a hubby in tow - or, no, what actually happens is that I conveniently blank out how hideous things were whenever he couldn't be there.
986 | You know why I love football season? Besides actually having something to do during the day on Sundays, there is always some great drama. And we all know that the best drama involves large sweaty men all angry from steroids. Its basically like a giant soap opera for guys that also involves hitting, jock straps, and an oblong ball... Wait, did I just say that?
745 | Not even remotely curious about Harper Lee's novel, a book that likely shouldn't have been published but which will likely be of more use to scholars than to anyone else.
988 | Sounds about right to me... Where else do you get such emotional complexity besides a middle school or a telenovela?
122 | You can find a thread on piercings here -
387 | By the way, this happened:
113 | Learn More About Becoming a Member
285 | @BRAKiasaurus @Marybethking @jfieds2 Thanks, jfieds2! Because of you I now have a first edition of the book. I just wanted to read it, but couldn't find it in my area. The closest library that had a copy was 3 1/2 hours away. So I purchased a used book at a goodwill store online, and was surprised to get what appears to be an unread (new) copy of the first printing.
1036 | Hmmm, but do not work like here or here for example … And i dont understand why
221 | And what of The Sympathizer? Viet Thanh Nguyen writes with a sharp eye and ear for human beings caught in extraordinary circumstances. He has been compared to Graham Greene, George Orwell, and Denis Johnson -- and those three aren't too shabby (ha ha). It wouldn't surprise me if this novel was a finalist, maybe even a winner.
341 | Another book I'm looking forward to:
827 | 2. Spend as much quality time as possible with the Cub before we deliver him to college. I did pretty well at this one. The Cub worked a full time job, played baseball, and kept up an active social life, but I still made every effort to spend time with him.
628 | I happen to have an ARC of THAT as well! (Gotten lucky on them recently)--a friend is reading it, and then I'm going to. I am very excited as well!
550 | So far, this collection of linked stories is (like his debut novel) getting very good reviews. If he continues to create such beautiful books--each of which has featured uniquely beautiful and evocative writing--I will be shocked if Marra doesn't at some point win every major award.
964 | I googled Christmas book list and look what popped up. I should’ve remembered you had a list. I think some of these will be added to our advent book list. Thanks for the recommendations.
538 | A lot of great short story collections this year, so I could see one of them being included in the roundup. But I expect to see at least one of those three books being a finalist.
324 | @tklein27 I'd say it's almost time to open a new message board! I forget if you have normally waited for one year to be total "over," (with an announcement of the price) but many 2017 contenders are coming out soon!
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