add 111
Browse filesThis view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.
See raw diff
- 111/paper.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/.Rhistory +512 -0
- 111/replication_package/Analysis Taste based gender discrimination in TPIR Final EJ.R +899 -0
- 111/replication_package/Cleaning scraped data.R +403 -0
- 111/replication_package/Data_cleaned.csv +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Data_nextround_winnings.csv +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Data_prize_name.csv +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Cutoff_gender_perceivedlead.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_cutoff_gendercutoff.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_cutoff_loose.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_cutoffs_bothgenders.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_gendercomp_time.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_learning_years.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Graph_window_rolling.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Performance_gender_below.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Graphs/Performance_gender_distance.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Inflation 2021.csv +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Readme.docx +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Readme.pdf +3 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_100 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10000 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10004 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10007 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10009 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10012 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10014 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10016 +1068 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10019 +1103 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_1002 +1078 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10022 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10023 +1000 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10026 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10027 +1068 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10030 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10031 +1064 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10034 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10036 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10038 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_1004 +1073 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10041 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10044 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10046 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10049 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_1005 +1071 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10051 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10054 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10056 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10059 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_1006 +0 -0
- 111/replication_package/Scraping_2021/Episode_10061 +0 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:5221440bd585f86bab337a55c9e3461bc71095a47b9727898834bffe4806aace
3 |
size 630334
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
1 |
2 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
3 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
4 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
5 |
c("Individual fixed effects","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
6 |
7 |
################ Table 3: Likelihood of correctly identifying the lead based on gender match ##################
8 |
#Data for C4 for analysis of cutting off the actual lead
9 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4[Position_actual_lead%in%1:3]
10 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
11 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Genderprob_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
12 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_actuallead%in%c("male","female")]
13 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))]
14 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))]
15 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))]
16 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Same_gender_actuallead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_actuallead)]
17 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Correctly_identified_lead := as.numeric(Position_actual_lead==Position_perceived_lead)]
18 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Distance_lead_target := Target_value -Best_bid_13]
19 |
# fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Distance_lead_target_rel := (Target_value -Best_bid_13)/Target_value]
20 |
#Is someone more likely to incorrectly think someone is leading based on gender match?
21 |
reg_st_act_1 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target, data=fData_c4_actuallead[!])
22 |
reg_st_act_2 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_actuallead[!])
23 |
reg_st_act_3 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
24 |
reg_st_act_4 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
25 |
reg_st_act_5 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
26 |
reg_st_act_tex <- stargazer(reg_st_act_1,reg_st_act_2,reg_st_act_3,reg_st_act_4,reg_st_act_5,
27 |
title="Likelihood of correctly identifying the lead based on gender match",
28 |
label = "Reg_stereo_actuallead",
29 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5"),
30 |
table.placement = "H",
31 |
dep.var.caption = "",
32 |
dep.var.labels = "",
33 |
model.numbers = F,
34 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
35 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Distance lead to target", "Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
36 |
37 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
38 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
39 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
40 |
41 |
############# Figure A1 Cutoff rate over time ###########
42 |
fGraph_evolution <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,.(Av_cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived,na.rm=T),Observations=.N), by=Year]
43 |
44 |
ggplot(fGraph_evolution, aes(x=Year, y=Av_cutoff)) +
45 |
geom_point(aes(size=Observations)) +
46 |
geom_smooth(aes(weight=Observations),se=F) +
47 |
theme_bw() +
48 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16)) +
49 |
scale_y_continuous(name = "Cutoff rate", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy=1))
50 |
51 |
########### Figure A2: Performance first bidders by gender ############
52 |
#use data of first bidders
53 |
fData_firstbid <- fData[Bidding_position_corr==1]
54 |
#different performance measures: absolute distance? binary for below?
55 |
fData_firstbid <- fData_firstbid[,Distance := abs(Target_value-Bids)]
56 |
fData_firstbid <- fData_firstbid[,Bid_below := Bids<=Target_value]
57 |
#examine gender differences in performance
58 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fData_firstbid[!!="",.(Av_below = mean(Bid_below,na.rm=T),
59 |
Av_distance = mean(Distance,na.rm=T),
60 |
SD_distance = sd(Distance,na.rm=T),
61 |
Obs=.N), by=gender]
62 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,Gender_cap := str_to_title(gender)]
63 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_lower_below := Av_below - 1.96*sqrt(Av_below*(1-Av_below)/Obs)]
64 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_upper_below := Av_below + 1.96*sqrt(Av_below*(1-Av_below)/Obs)]
65 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_lower_distance := Av_distance - 1.96*SD_distance/sqrt(Obs)]
66 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_upper_distance := Av_distance + 1.96*SD_distance/sqrt(Obs)]
67 |
68 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_performance, aes(x=Gender_cap, y=Av_distance)) +
69 |
geom_col() +
70 |
theme_bw() +
71 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,group=Gender_cap ),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white") +
72 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower_distance,ymax=CI_upper_distance),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.3)+
73 |
ylab("Distance to target") +
74 |
xlab("Gender first bidder")+
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_performance, aes(x=Gender_cap, y=Av_below)) +
79 |
geom_col() +
80 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower_below,ymax=CI_upper_below),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.3)+
81 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,group=Gender_cap ),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white") +
82 |
theme_bw() +
83 |
ylab("Fraction below") +
84 |
xlab("Gender first bidder")+
85 |
86 |
87 |
############ Figure A3: Cutof rates for gendered items #############
88 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Rating_mean>1]
89 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,.(Cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived),Obs=.N),by=.(gender, Gender_perceivedlead)]
90 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,gender := ifelse(gender=="male","Male","Female")]
91 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,Gender_perceivedlead := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male","Male","Female")]
92 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,CI_lower := Cutoff - sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
93 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,CI_upper := Cutoff + sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
94 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,Item_gender := "Female item"]
95 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Rating_mean<1]
96 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_maleitem[,.(Cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived),Obs=.N),by=.(gender, Gender_perceivedlead)]
97 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,gender := ifelse(gender=="male","Male","Female")]
98 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,Gender_perceivedlead := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male","Male","Female")]
99 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,CI_lower := Cutoff - sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
100 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,CI_upper := Cutoff + sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
101 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,Item_gender := "Male item"]
102 |
#combine both
103 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_both <- rbind(fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem,fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem)
104 |
105 |
ggplot(fGraph_perceivedlead_both, aes(x=gender, y=Cutoff,fill=Gender_perceivedlead)) +
106 |
geom_col(position="dodge") +
107 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.5)+
108 |
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("#669933", "#FFCC66")) +
109 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,
110 |
group=Gender_perceivedlead),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white",size=2) +
111 |
112 |
113 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Cutoff rate", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
114 |
115 |
xlab("Gender fourth bidder") +
116 |
labs(fill="Gender perceived lead") +
117 |
118 |
119 |
############# Figure A4: Sensitivity to cutoff definition #############
120 |
lCutoff_loose <- lapply(seq(1,100,2), function(iCutoff_loose){ #consider any value between 1 and 100 as a cutoff
121 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_loose <- fData_c4_perceivedlead %>% mutate(Cutoff_perceived = (Bid_c4-Perceived_best_bid_13<=iCutoff_loose&Bid_c4-Perceived_best_bid_13>0)) %>%
122 |
reg_loose_perceivedlead <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_loose[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
123 |
Info_perceivedlead <- data.frame(Estimate = summary(reg_loose_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Estimate"],
124 |
SE = summary(reg_loose_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Std. Error"],
125 |
CI_lower = confint(reg_loose_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
126 |
CI_upper = confint(reg_loose_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
127 |
Cutoff_threshold = iCutoff_loose,
128 |
Analysis = "Perceived lead")
129 |
130 |
131 |
fCutoff_loose <-,lCutoff_loose)
132 |
fCutoff_loose <-
133 |
fCutoff_loose <- fCutoff_loose[,Analysis:=factor(Analysis, levels=unique(fCutoff_loose$Analysis))]
134 |
135 |
ggplot(fCutoff_loose, aes(x=Cutoff_threshold, y=Estimate)) +
136 |
geom_line(size=1.01) +
137 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),alpha=0.1) +
138 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
139 |
theme_bw() +
140 |
scale_x_continuous("Cutoff threshold",labels=paste0("$",seq(0,100,25)))+
141 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Gender match coefficient\n") +
142 |
143 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16),legend.position = "bottom")
144 |
145 |
############### Figure A5: Sensitivity to gender definition ################
146 |
lCutoff_gendercutoff <- lapply(seq(0.6,0.99,0.01), function(dCutoff_gender){
147 |
148 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff <- fData_c4_perceivedlead %>% filter(Predicted_gender_prob>=dCutoff_gender,Genderprob_perceivedlead>=dCutoff_gender,Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")) %>%
149 |
reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff)
150 |
Info_perceivedlead <- data.frame(Estimate = summary(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Estimate"],
151 |
SE = summary(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Std. Error"],
152 |
CI_lower = confint(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
153 |
CI_upper = confint(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
154 |
Cutoff_threshold = dCutoff_gender,
155 |
Obs = nrow(fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff),
156 |
Analysis = "Perceived lead")
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <-,lCutoff_gendercutoff)
161 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <-
162 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <- fCutoff_gendercutoff[,Analysis:=factor(Analysis, levels=unique(fCutoff_gendercutoff$Analysis))]
163 |
164 |
ggplot(fCutoff_gendercutoff, aes(x=Cutoff_threshold, y=Estimate)) +
165 |
geom_line(size=1.01) +
166 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),alpha=0.1) +
167 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
168 |
theme_bw() +
169 |
scale_x_continuous("Gender threshold", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy=1))+
170 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Gender match coefficient\n") +
171 |
172 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16),legend.position = "bottom")
173 |
174 |
############## Figure A6: Gender composition over time ##############
175 |
fGraph_gender_time <- fData[gender%in%c("female","male"),.(Fraction_female = mean(gender=="female"),
176 |
177 |
178 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_time, aes(x=Year, y=Fraction_female)) +
179 |
180 |
181 |
theme_bw() +
182 |
theme(text=element_text(size=15)) +
183 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Fraction female (%)", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1))
184 |
185 |
############# Figure A7: Gender favoritism over time###########
186 |
#create x-year rolling window graph
187 |
iWindow_length <- 20
188 |
vYears_window <- 1972:(2021-iWindow_length+1)
189 |
lResults_window <- lapply(vYears_window, function(x){
190 |
fTemp <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Year%in%x:(x+iWindow_length-1)]
191 |
reg_temp <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fTemp[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
192 |
fCoefs <- summary(reg_temp)$coefficients
193 |
fInfo_period <- data.frame(Coef = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
194 |
SE = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
195 |
P_val = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",4],
196 |
Period_start = x,
197 |
Period_end = max(fTemp$Year),
198 |
Observations = nrow(fTemp))
199 |
200 |
201 |
fResults_window <-, lResults_window)
202 |
fResults_window <-[,CI_lower := Coef - 1.96*SE]
203 |
fResults_window <- fResults_window[,CI_upper := Coef+1.96*SE]
204 |
205 |
ggplot(fResults_window, aes(x=Period_start, y=Coef)) +
206 |
geom_point() +
207 |
geom_smooth(se=F) +
208 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower, ymax=CI_upper), alpha=0.1) +
209 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
210 |
theme_bw() +
211 |
xlab("Start of window") +
212 |
ylab("Gender match coefficient")+
213 |
214 |
215 |
############ Table A1: Likelihood of bidding $1 based on gender match with first three contestants ##############
216 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")] #gender composition must be known
217 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[Lowest_bid==T]
218 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[,Number_female_opponents := str_count(Gendercomp_first3,"female"),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
219 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[,Number_samegender_opponents := ifelse(gender=="female",Number_female_opponents,
220 |
221 |
reg_main_lb_1 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents, data=fData_c4_onebid)
222 |
reg_main_lb_2 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid)
223 |
reg_main_lb_3 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
224 |
reg_main_lb_4 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
225 |
reg_main_lb_5 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
226 |
reg_main_lb_tex <- stargazer(reg_main_lb_1,reg_main_lb_2,reg_main_lb_3,reg_main_lb_4,reg_main_lb_5,
227 |
title="Likelihood of bidding 1 based on gender match with lowest bidder",
228 |
label = "Reg_main_lowestbid",
229 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
230 |
table.placement = "H",
231 |
dep.var.caption = "",
232 |
dep.var.labels = "",
233 |
model.numbers = F,
234 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
235 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Same gender opponents","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
236 |
237 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
238 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
239 |
240 |
############ Table A3: Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, interaction with stakes #############
241 |
reg_perlead_stake_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
242 |
reg_perlead_stake_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
243 |
reg_perlead_stake_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
244 |
reg_perlead_stake_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
245 |
reg_perlead_stake_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_stake_1,reg_perlead_stake_2,reg_perlead_stake_3,reg_perlead_stake_5,
246 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, interaction with stakes",
247 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_stakes",
248 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
249 |
table.placement = "H",
250 |
dep.var.caption = "",
251 |
dep.var.labels = "",
252 |
model.numbers = F,
253 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
254 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Gender match x Target value"),
255 |
256 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
257 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
258 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
259 |
260 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel A ###################
261 |
#controlling for genderedness of items (Panel A)
262 |
reg_gencont_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
263 |
reg_gencont_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
264 |
reg_gencont_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
265 |
reg_gencont_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
266 |
reg_gencont_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
267 |
reg_gencont_tex <- stargazer(reg_gencont_1,reg_gencont_2,reg_gencont_3,reg_gencont_4,reg_gencont_5,
268 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
269 |
label = "Reg_genderedprod_perceivedlead",
270 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
271 |
table.placement = "H",
272 |
dep.var.caption = "",
273 |
dep.var.labels = "",
274 |
model.numbers = F,
275 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
276 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Item gender distance"),
277 |
278 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
279 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
280 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
281 |
282 |
############## Table A4: Summary statistics ###################
283 |
#Panel A
284 |
#separate by gender
285 |
fData_c4_male <- fData_c4[gender=="male"]
286 |
fData_c4_male_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[gender=="male"]
287 |
fData_c4_female <- fData_c4[gender=="female"]
288 |
fData_c4_female_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[gender=="female"]
289 |
Win_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_win = mean(Winner),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
290 |
Cutoff_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_cut = mean(Cutoff_main,na.rm=T),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
291 |
Female_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_female = mean(gender=="female"),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
292 |
fPanel_a <- data.frame(`Male fourth bidder` = c(length(unique(fData_c4_male$Episode_name)), #no of episodes
293 |
length(unique(fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe)), #no of bidding rounds
294 |
round(mean(fData_c4_male$Target_value_adj,na.rm=T)), #average target price
295 |
round(mean(fData_c4_male$Total_won_clean_adj,na.rm=T)/6), #average winnings episode
296 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c1=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C1 female
297 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c2=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C2 female
298 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c3=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C3 female
299 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[1], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
300 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[2], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
301 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[3], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
302 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[4]),#fraction of eps in which C1 wins
303 |
`Female fourth bidder` = c(length(unique(fData_c4_female$Episode_name)), #no of episodes
304 |
length(unique(fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe)), #no of bidding rounds
305 |
round(mean(fData_c4_female$Target_value_adj,na.rm=T)), #average target price
306 |
round(mean(fData_c4_female$Total_won_clean_adj,na.rm=T)/6), #average winnings episode
307 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c1=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C1 female
308 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c2=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C2 female
309 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c3=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C3 female
310 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[1], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
311 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[2], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
312 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[3], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
313 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[4])#fraction of eps in which C1 wins
314 |
315 |
# colnames(fPanel_a) <- ""
316 |
rownames(fPanel_a) <- c("Episodes","One Bid rounds","Target price","Expected winnings",
317 |
"First bidder female","Second bidder female","Third bidder female",
318 |
"First bidder wins","Second bidder wins","Third bidder wins","Fourth bidder wins")
319 |
fPanel_a_tex <- stargazer(fPanel_a,summary=F, label="Summary_stats", title="Summary statistics")
320 |
#Panel B
321 |
fPanel_b <- data.frame(`Male fourth bidder` = c(sum(fData_c4_male$Cutoff_main==T|fData_c4_male$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction cutoffs
322 |
sum(fData_c4_male$Cutoff_main==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction cutoffs
323 |
sum(fData_c4_male$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction 1 dollar bids
324 |
table(fData_c4_male$Position_perceived_lead)/sum(table(fData_c4_male$Position_perceived_lead)), #cutting off 1st/2nd/3rd
325 |
fData_c4_male[Cutoff_main==T|Bid_onedollar==T,mean(Winner)], #win|cutoff
326 |
fData_c4_male[(Cutoff_main==F&Bid_onedollar==F)|,mean(Winner)]),#win|no cutoff
327 |
`Female fourth bidder` = c(sum(fData_c4_female$Cutoff_main==T|fData_c4_female$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction cutoffs
328 |
sum(fData_c4_female$Cutoff_main==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction cutoffs
329 |
sum(fData_c4_female$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction 1 dollar bids
330 |
table(fData_c4_female$Position_perceived_lead)/sum(table(fData_c4_female$Position_perceived_lead)), #cutting off 1st/2nd/3rd
331 |
fData_c4_female[Cutoff_main==T|Bid_onedollar==T,mean(Winner)], #win|cutoff
332 |
333 |
# colnames(fPanel_b) <- ""
334 |
rownames(fPanel_b) <- c("Optimal decisions", "Cutoffs","One dollar bids","Cut off 1st bidder","Cut off 2nd bidder","Cut off 3rd bidder","Win (optimal)","Win (suboptimal)")
335 |
fPanel_b_tex <- stargazer(fPanel_b,summary=F)
336 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel B ##############
337 |
#only data for fourth bidders who won
338 |
fData_c4_winner <- fData_c4[Winner==T]
339 |
fData_c4_winner <- fData_c4_winner[,Name_obs := paste0(Date_corr,Name_corr,1:.N), by=.(Date_corr,Name_corr)] #get name_obs to match second/third/etc. time a name occurs in an episode
340 |
#get for each winner the amount of money they won in the next round
341 |
fData_other <- fread("Data_nextround_winnings.csv")
342 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,c("Date","Previous_winnings","Name_corr")]
343 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,Name_obs := paste0(Date,Name_corr,1:.N), by=.(Date,Name_corr)] #get name_obs to match second/third/etc. time a name occurs in an episode
344 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,c("Name_corr","Date"):=NULL]
345 |
colnames(fData_other) <- c("Winnings_nextround","Name_obs")
346 |
347 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- merge(fData_c4_winner, fData_other, by="Name_obs",all.x=T)
348 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[,Winnings_nextround := as.numeric(Winnings_nextround)]
349 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[!]
350 |
#correct for inflation
351 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[,Winnings_nextround_corrected := as.numeric(Winnings_nextround)/CPI*100]
352 |
#Do people who overbid their own gender win more in the next round?
353 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr[!] #remove observations whree there is no perceived lead (i.e., bid is lower than all three)
354 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Gender_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of perceived leader
355 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Genderprob_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender probability of perceived leader
356 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female")] #Restrict data to situations whree we can determine the gender of the fourth bidder as well as the perceived leader
357 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
358 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
359 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Revealed_female := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is female
360 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Same_gender_perceivedlead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_perceivedlead)] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is the same gender as the fourth bidder
361 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Position_actual_lead%in%1:3,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of actual leader
362 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether actual leader is female
363 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Winnings_nextround_log_corrected := log(Winnings_nextround_corrected)]
364 |
reg_nr_1 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead)
365 |
reg_nr_2 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead)
366 |
reg_nr_3 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
367 |
reg_nr_4 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
368 |
reg_nr_5 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
369 |
reg_nr_tex <- stargazer(reg_nr_1,reg_nr_2,reg_nr_3,reg_nr_4,reg_nr_5,
370 |
title="Winnings (log) in next round based on gender match perceived leader",
371 |
label = "Reg_nextround_log",
372 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
373 |
table.placement = "H",
374 |
dep.var.caption = "",
375 |
dep.var.labels = "",
376 |
model.numbers = F,
377 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
378 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
379 |
380 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
381 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
382 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
383 |
384 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel C ##############
385 |
reg_perlead_c_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct)
386 |
reg_perlead_c_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct)
387 |
reg_perlead_c_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
388 |
reg_perlead_c_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
389 |
reg_perlead_c_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
390 |
reg_perlead_c_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_c_1,reg_perlead_c_2,reg_perlead_c_3,reg_perlead_c_4,reg_perlead_c_5,
391 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off correctly perceived lead based on gender match",
392 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_correct",
393 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
394 |
table.placement = "H",
395 |
dep.var.caption = "",
396 |
dep.var.labels = "",
397 |
model.numbers = F,
398 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
399 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
400 |
401 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
402 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
403 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
404 |
405 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel D ##############
406 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Appearance_no_ep := 1:.N, by=.(Episode_name,Name_corr)][Appearance_no_ep==1]
407 |
reg_firsttime_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime)
408 |
reg_firsttime_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime)
409 |
reg_firsttime_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
410 |
reg_firsttime_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
411 |
reg_firsttime_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
412 |
reg_firsttime_tex <- stargazer(reg_firsttime_1,reg_firsttime_2,reg_firsttime_3,reg_firsttime_4,reg_firsttime_5,
413 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, only first time",
414 |
label = "Reg_firsttime_perceivedlead",
415 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
416 |
table.placement = "H",
417 |
dep.var.caption = "",
418 |
dep.var.labels = "",
419 |
model.numbers = F,
420 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
421 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
422 |
423 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
424 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
425 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
426 |
427 |
################ Table A6: Results first round only #################
428 |
#Panel A
429 |
reg_perlead_fr_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
430 |
reg_perlead_fr_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
431 |
reg_perlead_fr_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
432 |
reg_perlead_fr_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
433 |
reg_perlead_fr_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
434 |
reg_perlead_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_fr_1,reg_perlead_fr_2,reg_perlead_fr_3,reg_perlead_fr_4,reg_perlead_fr_5,
435 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
436 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_firstround",
437 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
438 |
table.placement = "H",
439 |
dep.var.caption = "",
440 |
dep.var.labels = "",
441 |
model.numbers = F,
442 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
443 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
444 |
445 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
446 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
447 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
448 |
449 |
#Panel B
450 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
451 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
452 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
453 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
454 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
455 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_tex <- stargazer(reg_gender_pl_frd_1,reg_gender_pl_frd_2,reg_gender_pl_frd_3,reg_gender_pl_frd_4,reg_gender_pl_frd_5,
456 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
457 |
label = "Reg_gender_perceivedlead_firstround",
458 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
459 |
table.placement = "H",
460 |
dep.var.caption = "",
461 |
dep.var.labels = "",
462 |
model.numbers = F,
463 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
464 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match", "Target value","Prior cutoffs ","Male x Gender match"),
465 |
466 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
467 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
468 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
469 |
470 |
#Panel C
471 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
472 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
473 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
474 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
475 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
476 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_gc_pl_fr_1,reg_gc_pl_fr_2,reg_gc_pl_fr_3,reg_gc_pl_fr_4,reg_gc_pl_fr_5,
477 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
478 |
label = "Reg_genderedprod_perceivedlead_firstround",
479 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
480 |
table.placement = "H",
481 |
dep.var.caption = "",
482 |
dep.var.labels = "",
483 |
model.numbers = F,
484 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
485 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Item gender distance"),
486 |
487 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
488 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
489 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
490 |
491 |
#Panel D
492 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround <-fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Bidding_round==1]
493 |
reg_nr_fr_1 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround)
494 |
reg_nr_fr_2 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround)
495 |
reg_nr_fr_3 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
496 |
reg_nr_fr_4 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
497 |
reg_nr_fr_5 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
498 |
reg_nr_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_nr_fr_1,reg_nr_fr_2,reg_nr_fr_3,reg_nr_fr_4,reg_nr_fr_5,
499 |
title="Winnings in next round",
500 |
label = "Reg_nextround_win_log_firstround",
501 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
502 |
table.placement = "H",
503 |
dep.var.caption = "",
504 |
dep.var.labels = "",
505 |
model.numbers = F,
506 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
507 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
508 |
509 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
510 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
511 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
512 |
111/replication_package/Analysis Taste based gender discrimination in TPIR Final EJ.R
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
library(lfe) #source compilation may fail on some systems, and binary installation works better
4 |
library(stargazer) #source compilation may fail on some systems, and binary installation works better
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
#Set your own work directory here:
14 |
setwd("C:/Users/k2258581/OneDrive - King's College London/Drive/Research/Price is Right Jason/Final files EJ/To send/3. replication package")
15 |
16 |
17 |
############## Initialisation ###############
18 |
fData <- fread("Data_cleaned.csv")
19 |
20 |
#create variables for bids for C1 to C4
21 |
fData <- fData[,Bid_c1 := Bids[1],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
22 |
fData <- fData[,Bid_c2 := Bids[2],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
23 |
fData <- fData[,Bid_c3 := Bids[3],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
24 |
fData <- fData[,Bid_c4 := Bids[4],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
25 |
26 |
#Predicted gender for C1 to C4
27 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_c1 := gender[1],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
28 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_c2 := gender[2],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
29 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_c3 := gender[3],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
30 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_c4 := gender[4],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
31 |
32 |
33 |
#Probability of Predicted gender for C1 to C4
34 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_prob_c1 := Predicted_gender_prob[1],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
35 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_prob_c2 := Predicted_gender_prob[2],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
36 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_prob_c3 := Predicted_gender_prob[3],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
37 |
fData <- fData[,Gender_prob_c4 := Predicted_gender_prob[4],by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
38 |
39 |
#get last round for each episode
40 |
fData <- fData[,Last_round_ep := max(Bidding_round),by=Episode_name]
41 |
42 |
43 |
#correct average winnings for inflation
44 |
fInflation <- fread("Inflation 2021.csv")
45 |
fInflation <- fInflation %>% dplyr::mutate(Year=lubridate::year(ymd(observation_date)),observation_date = ymd(observation_date))
46 |
colnames(fInflation) <- c("Date","CPI", "Year")
47 |
fInflation <- rbind(fInflation, data.frame(Date=dmy("01-01-2021"),CPI=fInflation$CPI[nrow(fInflation)],Year=2021)) #set 2021 price level equal to 2020 price level
48 |
fInflation <-
49 |
fData <- merge(fData,fInflation[,c("Year","CPI")], by="Year",all.x=T)
50 |
fData <- fData[,"Total_won_clean_adj" := Total_won_clean/CPI*100]
51 |
fData <- fData[,"Target_value_adj" := Target_value/CPI*100]
52 |
53 |
#add contestant-by-episode fe
54 |
fData <- fData[,Episode_contestantname_fe := paste0(Episode_name,"_",Name_corr)]
55 |
fData <- fData[,Episode_contestantname_biddinground_fe := paste0(Episode_name,"_",Name_corr,"_",Bidding_round)]
56 |
57 |
#clean prize name
58 |
fData <- fData[,Name_prize := gsub("\\(.*","",Name_prize)]
59 |
fData <- fData[,Name_prize := trimws(substr(Name_prize,3,nchar(Name_prize)))]
60 |
61 |
#add genderedness of each prize
62 |
fGender <- fread("rating of 10886 prizes v03.csv") #data set with MTurk ratings of genderedness of each item
63 |
fGender <- fGender[,Rating_sum := sum(rating_1,rating_2,rating_3,rating_4,na.rm=T),by=prize_id] #sum of ratings
64 |
fGender <- fGender[,Rating_no := sum((rating_1>=0),(rating_2>=0),(rating_3>=0),(rating_4>=0),na.rm=T),by=prize_id] #number of ratings
65 |
fGender <- fGender[,Rating_mean := Rating_sum/Rating_no] #average rating
66 |
67 |
#Add scraped information about the prize to rated genderedness of the prize. Needed to merge genderedness with main data
68 |
fPrize <- fread("Data_prize_name.csv")
69 |
fPrize_gender <- cbind(fPrize,fGender[,c("Rating_no","Rating_mean")])
70 |
fPrize_gender <- fPrize_gender[,Episode_biddinground_fe:=NULL]
71 |
fData <- merge(fData,fPrize_gender, by=c("Name_prize"),all.x=T)
72 |
fData <- fData[Rating_mean==Inf,Rating_mean:=NA]
73 |
fData <- fData[,Rating_mean := Rating_mean-1] #make 'neither' the 1 value for the rating. 0 is male, 2 is female
74 |
75 |
#create 'distance to gender of product'. Add '+2' to female items to get same range of scale
76 |
fData <- fData[,Product_genderdist := ifelse(gender=="male",Rating_mean,
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
#Create data set of fourth bidders
83 |
fData_c4 <- fData[Bidding_position_corr==4]
84 |
85 |
#find the person who is actually leading of C1 to C3.
86 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Best_bid_13 := max(Bid_c1*(Bid_c1<=Target_value),Bid_c2*(Bid_c2<=Target_value),Bid_c3*(Bid_c3<=Target_value)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
87 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Best_bid_13 := ifelse(Best_bid_13==0,NA,Best_bid_13)]
88 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Position_actual_lead := ifelse(Best_bid_13==Bid_c1,1,
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
#get dummy for bids of 1
93 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Bid_onedollar := Bids==1]
94 |
95 |
96 |
#Create variable where bids of C1 to C3 equal to -infinity if they are above C4's bid (necessary to determine the perceived leader, who is the highest bid that is not above c4's bid)
97 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,c("Bid_c1_lower","Bid_c2_lower","Bid_c3_lower") := .(ifelse(Bid_c1<=Bid_c4,Bid_c1,-Inf),
98 |
99 |
100 |
#get bid of perceived lead
101 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Perceived_best_bid_13 := max(Bid_c1_lower,Bid_c2_lower,Bid_c3_lower),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
102 |
103 |
#Which person was the perceived leader?
104 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Position_perceived_lead := ifelse(Perceived_best_bid_13==Bid_c1,1,
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
#get variables for cutting off the peceived and actual lead
109 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Cutoff_perceived := Bid_c4-Perceived_best_bid_13==1]
110 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Cutoff_actual := Bid_c4-Best_bid_13==1]
111 |
112 |
113 |
#Clean control vars
114 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
115 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
116 |
117 |
#remove a bunch of redundant variables
118 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[,c("Names","Date","Episode_number","Distance_value_winner","Position_winner_lag","Position_winner_prev",
119 |
120 |
"Cutoff_leader") := NULL]
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
#get gender match with perceived leader and actual leader
125 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[!,Gender_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of perceived leader
126 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[!,Genderprob_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender probability of perceived leader
127 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female"),Revealed_female := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is female
128 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female"),Same_gender_perceivedlead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_perceivedlead)] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is the same gender as the fourth bidder
129 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female")&Position_actual_lead%in%1:3,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of actual leader
130 |
fData_c4 <- fData_c4[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female"),Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether actual leader is female
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
#Data for C4 for analysis of cutting off the perceived lead. C4's bid must be above at least one other contestant.
135 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4[!] #remove observations whree there is no perceived lead (i.e., bid is lower than all three)
136 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Gender_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of perceived leader
137 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Genderprob_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender probability of perceived leader
138 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female")] #Restrict data to situations whree we can determine the gender of the fourth bidder as well as the perceived leader
139 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
140 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
141 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Revealed_female := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is female
142 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Same_gender_perceivedlead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_perceivedlead)] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is the same gender as the fourth bidder
143 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Position_actual_lead%in%1:3,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of actual leader
144 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether actual leader is female
145 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Perceived_lead_female := as.numeric(Gender_perceivedlead=="female")]
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
#Data for C4 when the perceived leader is the actual leader
151 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4[Perceived_best_bid_13==Best_bid_13]
152 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Gender_perceivedlead_correct := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
153 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Genderprob_perceivedlead_correct := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
154 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead_correct%in%c("male","female")]
155 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))]
156 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
157 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Revealed_female := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead_correct=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead_correct=="male",0,NA))]
158 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[,Same_gender_perceivedlead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_perceivedlead_correct)]
159 |
160 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Bidding_round==1]
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
############# Figure 2 Cutting off perceived lead#####################
165 |
#get number of times male/female gets cut off as a fraction of the amount of times male/female is perceived to be in the lead
166 |
fGraph_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,.(Cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived),Obs=.N),by=.(gender, Gender_perceivedlead)]
167 |
fGraph_perceivedlead <- fGraph_perceivedlead[,gender := ifelse(gender=="male","Male","Female")]
168 |
fGraph_perceivedlead <- fGraph_perceivedlead[,Gender_perceivedlead := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male","Male","Female")]
169 |
fGraph_perceivedlead <- fGraph_perceivedlead[,CI_lower := Cutoff - sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
170 |
fGraph_perceivedlead <- fGraph_perceivedlead[,CI_upper := Cutoff + sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
ggplot(fGraph_perceivedlead, aes(x=gender, y=Cutoff,fill=Gender_perceivedlead)) +
175 |
geom_col(position="dodge") +
176 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.5)+
177 |
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("#669933", "#FFCC66")) +
178 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,group=Gender_perceivedlead),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white") +
179 |
180 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Cutoff rate", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
181 |
182 |
xlab("Gender fourth bidder") +
183 |
labs(fill="Gender perceived lead") +
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
###################### Table 1 Likelihood of cutting off perceived lead based on gender match ####################
193 |
194 |
reg_perlead_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
195 |
reg_perlead_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
196 |
reg_perlead_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
197 |
reg_perlead_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
198 |
reg_perlead_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
199 |
reg_perlead_6 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
200 |
201 |
reg_perlead_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_1,reg_perlead_2,reg_perlead_3,reg_perlead_4,reg_perlead_5,reg_perlead_6,
202 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
203 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead",
204 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
205 |
table.placement = "H",
206 |
dep.var.caption = "",
207 |
dep.var.labels = "",
208 |
model.numbers = F,
209 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
210 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Male x Gender match"),
211 |
212 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
213 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
214 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
############## Table 2: Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, individual fixed effects ############
220 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Obs_ind_ep := .N, by=Episode_contestantname_fe]
221 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[Obs_ind_ep>1]
222 |
223 |
#remove episodes in which two people with the same name play in one round
224 |
fWrong <- fData[,.(Obs_name_biddinground =.N,
225 |
Episode_name = Episode_name[1]),by=Episode_contestantname_biddinground_fe]
226 |
fWrong <- fWrong[Obs_name_biddinground>1]
227 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[!Episode_name%in%fWrong$Episode_name]
228 |
229 |
# #remove people with no variation in main predictor
230 |
# fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[,Var_cutoff := length(unique(Same_gender_perceivedlead)), by=Episode_contestantname_fe]
231 |
# fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[Var_cutoff>1]
232 |
233 |
234 |
reg_indfe_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Same_gender_perceivedlead|Episode_contestantname_fe, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe)
235 |
reg_indfe_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Same_gender_perceivedlead|Episode_contestantname_fe+Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe)
236 |
reg_indfe_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Same_gender_perceivedlead|Episode_contestantname_fe+Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
237 |
reg_indfe_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Episode_contestantname_fe+Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
238 |
reg_indfe_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Episode_contestantname_fe+Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_indfe[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
239 |
240 |
241 |
reg_indfe_tex <- stargazer(reg_indfe_1,reg_indfe_2,reg_indfe_3,reg_indfe_4,reg_indfe_5,
242 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
243 |
label = "Reg_indfe_perceivedlead",
244 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
245 |
table.placement = "H",
246 |
dep.var.caption = "",
247 |
dep.var.labels = "",
248 |
model.numbers = F,
249 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
250 |
covariate.labels = c("Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
251 |
252 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
253 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
254 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
255 |
c("Individual fixed effects","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
################ Table 3: Likelihood of correctly identifying the lead based on gender match ##################
260 |
#Data for C4 for analysis of cutting off the actual lead
261 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4[Position_actual_lead%in%1:3]
262 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
263 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Genderprob_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
264 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_actuallead%in%c("male","female")]
265 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))]
266 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))]
267 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))]
268 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Same_gender_actuallead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_actuallead)]
269 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Correctly_identified_lead := as.numeric(Position_actual_lead==Position_perceived_lead)]
270 |
fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Distance_lead_target := Target_value -Best_bid_13]
271 |
# fData_c4_actuallead <- fData_c4_actuallead[,Distance_lead_target_rel := (Target_value -Best_bid_13)/Target_value]
272 |
273 |
#Is someone more likely to incorrectly think someone is leading based on gender match?
274 |
reg_st_act_1 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target, data=fData_c4_actuallead[!])
275 |
reg_st_act_2 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_actuallead[!])
276 |
reg_st_act_3 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
277 |
reg_st_act_4 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
278 |
reg_st_act_5 <- felm(Correctly_identified_lead~Male+Same_gender_actuallead+Distance_lead_target+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_actuallead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")&!])
279 |
280 |
281 |
reg_st_act_tex <- stargazer(reg_st_act_1,reg_st_act_2,reg_st_act_3,reg_st_act_4,reg_st_act_5,
282 |
title="Likelihood of correctly identifying the lead based on gender match",
283 |
label = "Reg_stereo_actuallead",
284 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5"),
285 |
table.placement = "H",
286 |
dep.var.caption = "",
287 |
dep.var.labels = "",
288 |
model.numbers = F,
289 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
290 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Distance lead to target", "Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
291 |
292 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
293 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
294 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
############# Figure A1 Cutoff rate over time ###########
299 |
fGraph_evolution <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,.(Av_cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived,na.rm=T),Observations=.N), by=Year]
300 |
301 |
302 |
ggplot(fGraph_evolution, aes(x=Year, y=Av_cutoff)) +
303 |
geom_point(aes(size=Observations)) +
304 |
geom_smooth(aes(weight=Observations),se=F) +
305 |
theme_bw() +
306 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16)) +
307 |
scale_y_continuous(name = "Cutoff rate", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy=1))
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
########### Figure A2: Performance first bidders by gender ############
312 |
#use data of first bidders
313 |
314 |
fData_firstbid <- fData[Bidding_position_corr==1]
315 |
316 |
#different performance measures: absolute distance? binary for below?
317 |
fData_firstbid <- fData_firstbid[,Distance := abs(Target_value-Bids)]
318 |
fData_firstbid <- fData_firstbid[,Bid_below := Bids<=Target_value]
319 |
320 |
321 |
#examine gender differences in performance
322 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fData_firstbid[!!="",.(Av_below = mean(Bid_below,na.rm=T),
323 |
Av_distance = mean(Distance,na.rm=T),
324 |
SD_distance = sd(Distance,na.rm=T),
325 |
Obs=.N), by=gender]
326 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,Gender_cap := str_to_title(gender)]
327 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_lower_below := Av_below - 1.96*sqrt(Av_below*(1-Av_below)/Obs)]
328 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_upper_below := Av_below + 1.96*sqrt(Av_below*(1-Av_below)/Obs)]
329 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_lower_distance := Av_distance - 1.96*SD_distance/sqrt(Obs)]
330 |
fGraph_gender_performance <- fGraph_gender_performance[,CI_upper_distance := Av_distance + 1.96*SD_distance/sqrt(Obs)]
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_performance, aes(x=Gender_cap, y=Av_distance)) +
335 |
geom_col() +
336 |
theme_bw() +
337 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,group=Gender_cap ),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white") +
338 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower_distance,ymax=CI_upper_distance),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.3)+
339 |
ylab("Distance to target") +
340 |
xlab("Gender first bidder")+
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_performance, aes(x=Gender_cap, y=Av_below)) +
347 |
geom_col() +
348 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower_below,ymax=CI_upper_below),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.3)+
349 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,group=Gender_cap ),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white") +
350 |
theme_bw() +
351 |
ylab("Fraction below") +
352 |
xlab("Gender first bidder")+
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
############ Figure A3: Cutof rates for gendered items #############
358 |
359 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Rating_mean>1]
360 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,.(Cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived),Obs=.N),by=.(gender, Gender_perceivedlead)]
361 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,gender := ifelse(gender=="male","Male","Female")]
362 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,Gender_perceivedlead := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male","Male","Female")]
363 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,CI_lower := Cutoff - sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
364 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,CI_upper := Cutoff + sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
365 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem[,Item_gender := "Female item"]
366 |
367 |
368 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Rating_mean<1]
369 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fData_c4_perceivedlead_maleitem[,.(Cutoff = mean(Cutoff_perceived),Obs=.N),by=.(gender, Gender_perceivedlead)]
370 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,gender := ifelse(gender=="male","Male","Female")]
371 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,Gender_perceivedlead := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male","Male","Female")]
372 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,CI_lower := Cutoff - sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
373 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,CI_upper := Cutoff + sqrt(Cutoff*(1-Cutoff)/Obs)]
374 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem <- fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem[,Item_gender := "Male item"]
375 |
376 |
377 |
#combine both
378 |
fGraph_perceivedlead_both <- rbind(fGraph_perceivedlead_femaleitem,fGraph_perceivedlead_maleitem)
379 |
380 |
381 |
ggplot(fGraph_perceivedlead_both, aes(x=gender, y=Cutoff,fill=Gender_perceivedlead)) +
382 |
geom_col(position="dodge") +
383 |
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.5)+
384 |
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("#669933", "#FFCC66")) +
385 |
geom_label(aes(label=paste0("N = ",prettyNum(Obs,big.mark=",")),y=0,
386 |
group=Gender_perceivedlead),position=position_dodge(width=1),fill="white",size=2) +
387 |
388 |
389 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Cutoff rate", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
390 |
391 |
xlab("Gender fourth bidder") +
392 |
labs(fill="Gender perceived lead") +
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
############# Figure A4: Sensitivity to cutoff definition #############
397 |
398 |
lCutoff_loose <- lapply(seq(1,100,2), function(iCutoff_loose){ #consider any value between 1 and 100 as a cutoff
399 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_loose <- fData_c4_perceivedlead %>% mutate(Cutoff_perceived = (Bid_c4-Perceived_best_bid_13<=iCutoff_loose&Bid_c4-Perceived_best_bid_13>0)) %>%
400 |
reg_loose_perceivedlead <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_loose[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
401 |
Info_perceivedlead <- data.frame(Estimate = summary(reg_loose_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Estimate"],
402 |
SE = summary(reg_loose_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Std. Error"],
403 |
CI_lower = confint(reg_loose_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
404 |
CI_upper = confint(reg_loose_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
405 |
Cutoff_threshold = iCutoff_loose,
406 |
Analysis = "Perceived lead")
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
fCutoff_loose <-,lCutoff_loose)
415 |
fCutoff_loose <-
416 |
fCutoff_loose <- fCutoff_loose[,Analysis:=factor(Analysis, levels=unique(fCutoff_loose$Analysis))]
417 |
418 |
419 |
ggplot(fCutoff_loose, aes(x=Cutoff_threshold, y=Estimate)) +
420 |
geom_line(size=1.01) +
421 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),alpha=0.1) +
422 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
423 |
theme_bw() +
424 |
scale_x_continuous("Cutoff threshold",labels=paste0("$",seq(0,100,25)))+
425 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Gender match coefficient\n") +
426 |
427 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16),legend.position = "bottom")
428 |
429 |
430 |
############### Figure A5: Sensitivity to gender definition ################
431 |
432 |
lCutoff_gendercutoff <- lapply(seq(0.6,0.99,0.01), function(dCutoff_gender){
433 |
434 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff <- fData_c4_perceivedlead %>% filter(Predicted_gender_prob>=dCutoff_gender,Genderprob_perceivedlead>=dCutoff_gender,Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")) %>%
435 |
reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff)
436 |
Info_perceivedlead <- data.frame(Estimate = summary(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Estimate"],
437 |
SE = summary(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)$coefficients["Same_gender_perceivedlead","Std. Error"],
438 |
CI_lower = confint(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
439 |
CI_upper = confint(reg_gendercutoff_perceivedlead)["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
440 |
Cutoff_threshold = dCutoff_gender,
441 |
Obs = nrow(fData_c4_perceivedlead_gendercutoff),
442 |
Analysis = "Perceived lead")
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <-,lCutoff_gendercutoff)
451 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <-
452 |
fCutoff_gendercutoff <- fCutoff_gendercutoff[,Analysis:=factor(Analysis, levels=unique(fCutoff_gendercutoff$Analysis))]
453 |
454 |
455 |
ggplot(fCutoff_gendercutoff, aes(x=Cutoff_threshold, y=Estimate)) +
456 |
geom_line(size=1.01) +
457 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower,ymax=CI_upper),alpha=0.1) +
458 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
459 |
theme_bw() +
460 |
scale_x_continuous("Gender threshold", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy=1))+
461 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Gender match coefficient\n") +
462 |
463 |
theme(text=element_text(size=16),legend.position = "bottom")
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
############## Figure A6: Gender composition over time ##############
468 |
469 |
fGraph_gender_time <- fData[gender%in%c("female","male"),.(Fraction_female = mean(gender=="female"),
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
ggplot(fGraph_gender_time, aes(x=Year, y=Fraction_female)) +
474 |
475 |
476 |
theme_bw() +
477 |
theme(text=element_text(size=15)) +
478 |
scale_y_continuous(name="Fraction female (%)", labels=scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1))
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
############# Figure A7: Gender favoritism over time###########
483 |
484 |
485 |
#create x-year rolling window graph
486 |
iWindow_length <- 20
487 |
vYears_window <- 1972:(2021-iWindow_length+1)
488 |
lResults_window <- lapply(vYears_window, function(x){
489 |
fTemp <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[Year%in%x:(x+iWindow_length-1)]
490 |
reg_temp <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fTemp[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
491 |
fCoefs <- summary(reg_temp)$coefficients
492 |
493 |
fInfo_period <- data.frame(Coef = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",1],
494 |
SE = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",2],
495 |
P_val = fCoefs["Same_gender_perceivedlead",4],
496 |
Period_start = x,
497 |
Period_end = max(fTemp$Year),
498 |
Observations = nrow(fTemp))
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
fResults_window <-, lResults_window)
503 |
fResults_window <-[,CI_lower := Coef - 1.96*SE]
504 |
fResults_window <- fResults_window[,CI_upper := Coef+1.96*SE]
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
ggplot(fResults_window, aes(x=Period_start, y=Coef)) +
509 |
geom_point() +
510 |
geom_smooth(se=F) +
511 |
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_lower, ymax=CI_upper), alpha=0.1) +
512 |
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
513 |
theme_bw() +
514 |
xlab("Start of window") +
515 |
ylab("Gender match coefficient")+
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
############ Table A1: Likelihood of bidding $1 based on gender match with first three contestants ##############
522 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")] #gender composition must be known
523 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[Lowest_bid==T]
524 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[,Number_female_opponents := str_count(Gendercomp_first3,"female"),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
525 |
fData_c4_onebid <- fData_c4_onebid[,Number_samegender_opponents := ifelse(gender=="female",Number_female_opponents,
526 |
527 |
528 |
reg_main_lb_1 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents, data=fData_c4_onebid)
529 |
reg_main_lb_2 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid)
530 |
reg_main_lb_3 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
531 |
reg_main_lb_4 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
532 |
reg_main_lb_5 <- felm(Bid_onedollar~Male+Number_samegender_opponents+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_onebid[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
533 |
534 |
535 |
reg_main_lb_tex <- stargazer(reg_main_lb_1,reg_main_lb_2,reg_main_lb_3,reg_main_lb_4,reg_main_lb_5,
536 |
title="Likelihood of bidding 1 based on gender match with lowest bidder",
537 |
label = "Reg_main_lowestbid",
538 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
539 |
table.placement = "H",
540 |
dep.var.caption = "",
541 |
dep.var.labels = "",
542 |
model.numbers = F,
543 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
544 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Same gender opponents","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
545 |
546 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
547 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
548 |
549 |
550 |
551 |
############ Table A3: Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, interaction with stakes #############
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
reg_perlead_stake_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
556 |
reg_perlead_stake_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
557 |
reg_perlead_stake_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
558 |
reg_perlead_stake_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Same_gender_perceivedlead*Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
reg_perlead_stake_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_stake_1,reg_perlead_stake_2,reg_perlead_stake_3,reg_perlead_stake_5,
563 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, interaction with stakes",
564 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_stakes",
565 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
566 |
table.placement = "H",
567 |
dep.var.caption = "",
568 |
dep.var.labels = "",
569 |
model.numbers = F,
570 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
571 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Gender match x Target value"),
572 |
573 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
574 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
575 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel A ###################
583 |
#controlling for genderedness of items (Panel A)
584 |
reg_gencont_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
585 |
reg_gencont_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead)
586 |
reg_gencont_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
587 |
reg_gencont_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
588 |
reg_gencont_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
589 |
590 |
591 |
reg_gencont_tex <- stargazer(reg_gencont_1,reg_gencont_2,reg_gencont_3,reg_gencont_4,reg_gencont_5,
592 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
593 |
label = "Reg_genderedprod_perceivedlead",
594 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
595 |
table.placement = "H",
596 |
dep.var.caption = "",
597 |
dep.var.labels = "",
598 |
model.numbers = F,
599 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
600 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Item gender distance"),
601 |
602 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
603 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
604 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
605 |
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 |
############## Table A4: Summary statistics ###################
610 |
611 |
#Panel A
612 |
613 |
#separate by gender
614 |
fData_c4_male <- fData_c4[gender=="male"]
615 |
fData_c4_male_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[gender=="male"]
616 |
fData_c4_female <- fData_c4[gender=="female"]
617 |
fData_c4_female_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[gender=="female"]
618 |
619 |
Win_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_win = mean(Winner),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
620 |
Cutoff_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_cut = mean(Cutoff_main,na.rm=T),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
621 |
Female_cont_male <- fData_c4_male[,.(Av_female = mean(gender=="female"),Obs=.N), by=Bidding_position_corr]
622 |
623 |
fPanel_a <- data.frame(`Male fourth bidder` = c(length(unique(fData_c4_male$Episode_name)), #no of episodes
624 |
length(unique(fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe)), #no of bidding rounds
625 |
round(mean(fData_c4_male$Target_value_adj,na.rm=T)), #average target price
626 |
round(mean(fData_c4_male$Total_won_clean_adj,na.rm=T)/6), #average winnings episode
627 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c1=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C1 female
628 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c2=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C2 female
629 |
mean(fData_c4_male$Gender_c3=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C3 female
630 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[1], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
631 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[2], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
632 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[3], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
633 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_male_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[4]),#fraction of eps in which C1 wins
634 |
`Female fourth bidder` = c(length(unique(fData_c4_female$Episode_name)), #no of episodes
635 |
length(unique(fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe)), #no of bidding rounds
636 |
round(mean(fData_c4_female$Target_value_adj,na.rm=T)), #average target price
637 |
round(mean(fData_c4_female$Total_won_clean_adj,na.rm=T)/6), #average winnings episode
638 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c1=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C1 female
639 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c2=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C2 female
640 |
mean(fData_c4_female$Gender_c3=="female",na.rm=T), #fraction C3 female
641 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[1], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
642 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[2], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
643 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[3], #fraction of eps in which C1 wins
644 |
fData[Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fData_c4_female_perceivedlead$Episode_biddinground_fe,.(Av_win = mean(Winner,na.rm=T)),by=Bidding_position_corr]$Av_win[4])#fraction of eps in which C1 wins
645 |
646 |
647 |
# colnames(fPanel_a) <- ""
648 |
rownames(fPanel_a) <- c("Episodes","One Bid rounds","Target price","Expected winnings",
649 |
"First bidder female","Second bidder female","Third bidder female",
650 |
"First bidder wins","Second bidder wins","Third bidder wins","Fourth bidder wins")
651 |
fPanel_a_tex <- stargazer(fPanel_a,summary=F, label="Summary_stats", title="Summary statistics")
652 |
653 |
654 |
#Panel B
655 |
fPanel_b <- data.frame(`Male fourth bidder` = c(sum(fData_c4_male$Cutoff_main==T|fData_c4_male$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction cutoffs
656 |
sum(fData_c4_male$Cutoff_main==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction cutoffs
657 |
sum(fData_c4_male$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_male), #fraction 1 dollar bids
658 |
table(fData_c4_male$Position_perceived_lead)/sum(table(fData_c4_male$Position_perceived_lead)), #cutting off 1st/2nd/3rd
659 |
fData_c4_male[Cutoff_main==T|Bid_onedollar==T,mean(Winner)], #win|cutoff
660 |
fData_c4_male[(Cutoff_main==F&Bid_onedollar==F)|,mean(Winner)]),#win|no cutoff
661 |
`Female fourth bidder` = c(sum(fData_c4_female$Cutoff_main==T|fData_c4_female$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction cutoffs
662 |
sum(fData_c4_female$Cutoff_main==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction cutoffs
663 |
sum(fData_c4_female$Bid_onedollar==T,na.rm=T)/nrow(fData_c4_female), #fraction 1 dollar bids
664 |
table(fData_c4_female$Position_perceived_lead)/sum(table(fData_c4_female$Position_perceived_lead)), #cutting off 1st/2nd/3rd
665 |
fData_c4_female[Cutoff_main==T|Bid_onedollar==T,mean(Winner)], #win|cutoff
666 |
667 |
668 |
# colnames(fPanel_b) <- ""
669 |
rownames(fPanel_b) <- c("Optimal decisions", "Cutoffs","One dollar bids","Cut off 1st bidder","Cut off 2nd bidder","Cut off 3rd bidder","Win (optimal)","Win (suboptimal)")
670 |
fPanel_b_tex <- stargazer(fPanel_b,summary=F)
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel B ##############
675 |
#only data for fourth bidders who won
676 |
fData_c4_winner <- fData_c4[Winner==T]
677 |
fData_c4_winner <- fData_c4_winner[,Name_obs := paste0(Date_corr,Name_corr,1:.N), by=.(Date_corr,Name_corr)] #get name_obs to match second/third/etc. time a name occurs in an episode
678 |
679 |
680 |
#get for each winner the amount of money they won in the next round
681 |
fData_other <- fread("Data_nextround_winnings.csv")
682 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,c("Date","Previous_winnings","Name_corr")]
683 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,Name_obs := paste0(Date,Name_corr,1:.N), by=.(Date,Name_corr)] #get name_obs to match second/third/etc. time a name occurs in an episode
684 |
fData_other <- fData_other[,c("Name_corr","Date"):=NULL]
685 |
colnames(fData_other) <- c("Winnings_nextround","Name_obs")
686 |
687 |
688 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- merge(fData_c4_winner, fData_other, by="Name_obs",all.x=T)
689 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[,Winnings_nextround := as.numeric(Winnings_nextround)]
690 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[!]
691 |
692 |
#correct for inflation
693 |
fData_c4_winner_corr <- fData_c4_winner_corr[,Winnings_nextround_corrected := as.numeric(Winnings_nextround)/CPI*100]
694 |
695 |
696 |
#Do people who overbid their own gender win more in the next round?
697 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr[!] #remove observations whree there is no perceived lead (i.e., bid is lower than all three)
698 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Gender_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of perceived leader
699 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Genderprob_perceivedlead := get(paste0("Gender_prob_c",Position_perceived_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender probability of perceived leader
700 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[gender%in%c("male","female")&Gender_perceivedlead%in%c("male","female")] #Restrict data to situations whree we can determine the gender of the fourth bidder as well as the perceived leader
701 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Female := ifelse(gender=="female",1, ifelse(gender=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
702 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Male := ifelse(gender=="male",1, ifelse(gender=="female",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether fourth bidder is female
703 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Revealed_female := ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_perceivedlead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is female
704 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Same_gender_perceivedlead := as.numeric(gender==Gender_perceivedlead)] #dummy variable for whether perceived lead is the same gender as the fourth bidder
705 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Position_actual_lead%in%1:3,Gender_actuallead := get(paste0("Gender_c",Position_actual_lead)),by=Episode_biddinground_fe] #get gender of actual leader
706 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Actual_female := ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="female",1,ifelse(Gender_actuallead=="male",0,NA))] #dummy variable for whether actual leader is female
707 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead <- fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[,Winnings_nextround_log_corrected := log(Winnings_nextround_corrected)]
708 |
709 |
710 |
reg_nr_1 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead)
711 |
reg_nr_2 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead)
712 |
reg_nr_3 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
713 |
reg_nr_4 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
714 |
reg_nr_5 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
715 |
716 |
717 |
reg_nr_tex <- stargazer(reg_nr_1,reg_nr_2,reg_nr_3,reg_nr_4,reg_nr_5,
718 |
title="Winnings (log) in next round based on gender match perceived leader",
719 |
label = "Reg_nextround_log",
720 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
721 |
table.placement = "H",
722 |
dep.var.caption = "",
723 |
dep.var.labels = "",
724 |
model.numbers = F,
725 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
726 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
727 |
728 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
729 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
730 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
736 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel C ##############
737 |
reg_perlead_c_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct)
738 |
reg_perlead_c_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct)
739 |
reg_perlead_c_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
740 |
reg_perlead_c_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
741 |
reg_perlead_c_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_correct[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
742 |
743 |
744 |
reg_perlead_c_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_c_1,reg_perlead_c_2,reg_perlead_c_3,reg_perlead_c_4,reg_perlead_c_5,
745 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off correctly perceived lead based on gender match",
746 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_correct",
747 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
748 |
table.placement = "H",
749 |
dep.var.caption = "",
750 |
dep.var.labels = "",
751 |
model.numbers = F,
752 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
753 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
754 |
755 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
756 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
757 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
758 |
759 |
760 |
############# Table A5: Robustness checks, Panel D ##############
761 |
fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime <- fData_c4_perceivedlead[,Appearance_no_ep := 1:.N, by=.(Episode_name,Name_corr)][Appearance_no_ep==1]
762 |
763 |
764 |
reg_firsttime_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime)
765 |
reg_firsttime_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime)
766 |
reg_firsttime_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
767 |
reg_firsttime_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
768 |
reg_firsttime_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firsttime[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 |
reg_firsttime_tex <- stargazer(reg_firsttime_1,reg_firsttime_2,reg_firsttime_3,reg_firsttime_4,reg_firsttime_5,
773 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match, only first time",
774 |
label = "Reg_firsttime_perceivedlead",
775 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
776 |
table.placement = "H",
777 |
dep.var.caption = "",
778 |
dep.var.labels = "",
779 |
model.numbers = F,
780 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
781 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
782 |
783 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
784 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
785 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
786 |
787 |
788 |
789 |
790 |
################ Table A6: Results first round only #################
791 |
#Panel A
792 |
reg_perlead_fr_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
793 |
reg_perlead_fr_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
794 |
reg_perlead_fr_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
795 |
reg_perlead_fr_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
796 |
reg_perlead_fr_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
797 |
798 |
799 |
reg_perlead_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_perlead_fr_1,reg_perlead_fr_2,reg_perlead_fr_3,reg_perlead_fr_4,reg_perlead_fr_5,
800 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
801 |
label = "Reg_main_perceivedlead_firstround",
802 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
803 |
table.placement = "H",
804 |
dep.var.caption = "",
805 |
dep.var.labels = "",
806 |
model.numbers = F,
807 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
808 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
809 |
810 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
811 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
812 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
813 |
814 |
815 |
816 |
817 |
818 |
#Panel B
819 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
820 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
821 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
822 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
823 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Male:Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
824 |
825 |
826 |
reg_gender_pl_frd_tex <- stargazer(reg_gender_pl_frd_1,reg_gender_pl_frd_2,reg_gender_pl_frd_3,reg_gender_pl_frd_4,reg_gender_pl_frd_5,
827 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
828 |
label = "Reg_gender_perceivedlead_firstround",
829 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
830 |
table.placement = "H",
831 |
dep.var.caption = "",
832 |
dep.var.labels = "",
833 |
model.numbers = F,
834 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
835 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match", "Target value","Prior cutoffs ","Male x Gender match"),
836 |
837 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
838 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
839 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
840 |
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
#Panel C
845 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_1 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
846 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_2 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround)
847 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_3 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
848 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_4 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
849 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_5 <- felm(Cutoff_perceived~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode+Product_genderdist|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
850 |
851 |
852 |
reg_gc_pl_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_gc_pl_fr_1,reg_gc_pl_fr_2,reg_gc_pl_fr_3,reg_gc_pl_fr_4,reg_gc_pl_fr_5,
853 |
title="Likelihood of cutting off based on gender match",
854 |
label = "Reg_genderedprod_perceivedlead_firstround",
855 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
856 |
table.placement = "H",
857 |
dep.var.caption = "",
858 |
dep.var.labels = "",
859 |
model.numbers = F,
860 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
861 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs","Item gender distance"),
862 |
863 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
864 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
865 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
866 |
867 |
868 |
869 |
#Panel D
870 |
fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround <-fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead[Bidding_round==1]
871 |
reg_nr_fr_1 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround)
872 |
reg_nr_fr_2 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround)
873 |
reg_nr_fr_3 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
874 |
reg_nr_fr_4 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
875 |
reg_nr_fr_5 <- felm(Winnings_nextround_log_corrected~Male+Same_gender_perceivedlead+Target_value_adj+Cutoff_cumsum_episode|Bidding_round+Gendercomp_first3, data=fData_c4_winner_corr_perceivedlead_firstround[Gendercomp_first3%in%c("female_female_female","female_female_male","female_male_male","male_male_male")])
876 |
877 |
878 |
reg_nr_fr_tex <- stargazer(reg_nr_fr_1,reg_nr_fr_2,reg_nr_fr_3,reg_nr_fr_4,reg_nr_fr_5,
879 |
title="Winnings in next round",
880 |
label = "Reg_nextround_win_log_firstround",
881 |
column.labels = c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4","Model 5","Model 6"),
882 |
table.placement = "H",
883 |
dep.var.caption = "",
884 |
dep.var.labels = "",
885 |
model.numbers = F,
886 |
font.size = "scriptsize",
887 |
covariate.labels = c("Male","Gender match","Target value","Prior cutoffs "),
888 |
889 |
omit.stat = c("rsq","ser"),
890 |
add.lines = list(c("Round fixed effects","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
891 |
c("Gender composition fixed effects","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"))
892 |
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 |
897 |
898 |
899 |
111/replication_package/Cleaning scraped data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
# library(genderizeR)
13 |
14 |
setwd("C:/Users/k2258581/OneDrive - King's College London/Drive/Research/Price is Right Jason")
15 |
vEpisodes <- list.files("C:/Users/k2258581/OneDrive - King's College London/Drive/Research/Price is Right Jason/Scraping_2021") #all files in the directory
16 |
vEpisodes <- vEpisodes[grepl("Episode_",vEpisodes)]
17 |
18 |
#Remove commenting to scrape the data
19 |
# lapply(1:15698,function(x){
20 |
# print(x)
21 |
# tryCatch({
22 |
# download.file(paste0("",x),destfile=paste0("Episode_",x))
23 |
# },error=function(e){})
24 |
25 |
# })
26 |
27 |
28 |
#exctract information from each episode,
29 |
lData_html <- lapply(vEpisodes, function(sEpisode){
30 |
31 |
#scrape episode information
32 |
HTML_page <- read_html(paste0("Scraping_2021/",sEpisode)) %>% html_nodes("pre") %>% html_text()
33 |
Page_corr <- unlist(strsplit(HTML_page, "\\\n"))
34 |
Page_corr <- gsub("\\\r|\\\t","",Page_corr)
35 |
Page_corr <- Page_corr[Page_corr!=""]
36 |
Page_corr <- trimws(Page_corr)
37 |
38 |
Date <- read_html(sEpisode) %>% html_nodes('.post-footer') %>% html_text()
39 |
Date_corr <- trimws(gsub("\\|.*","",Date))
40 |
41 |
Page_corr <- c(Page_corr,Date_corr)
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
#remove all episodes with only a date
47 |
lData_html_corr <- lData_html[unlist(lapply(lData_html,function(x) length(x)>1))]
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
#first attempt to get One Bid info
52 |
lData_bids_type1 <- lapply(1:length(lData_html_corr), function(iEpNo){
53 |
# print(sEpisode)
54 |
55 |
#scrape episode information
56 |
fTemp <- lData_html_corr[[iEpNo]]
57 |
58 |
59 |
#find line that starts with 1-6 and ends with a paranthesis
60 |
vStart_16 <- grep("^[1-6] ",fTemp) #starts with 1-6 and then a space
61 |
vEnd_parenth <- grep("[0-10]*\\)",fTemp) #ends with a number and then a parenethesis
62 |
vStart_bidding <- intersect(vStart_16,vEnd_parenth) #intersection of both conditions
63 |
# fTemp[vStart_bidding] #start of the bidding round
64 |
65 |
66 |
Prize <- gsub(".*\\(\\$","",fTemp[vStart_bidding])
67 |
Prize <- gsub("\\)|\\(","",Prize)
68 |
Prize <- Prize[!grepl(" ",Prize)] #remove prizes with empty spaces
69 |
70 |
Bids <- fTemp[vStart_bidding+1]
71 |
Bids <- Bids[grepl("[0-9]",substr(Bids,nchar(Bids),nchar(Bids)))] #remove Bids that did not end in a number
72 |
73 |
74 |
#combine double names into 1
75 |
vDoubleName <- grep("[A-Z] [A-Z]|[a-z] [a-z]|[a-z] [A-Z]",Bids) #identify which rows have double names
76 |
77 |
Bids[vDoubleName] <- gsub("[A-Z] [A-Z]|[a-z] [a-z]|[a-z] [A-Z]","",Bids[vDoubleName])
78 |
79 |
80 |
Bids_sep <- strsplit(Bids, split=" ")
81 |
Bids_sep <- lapply(Bids_sep, function(x) x[!x%in%c("","Overbid","OVERBID","overbid")])
82 |
83 |
84 |
lBids_sep <- lapply(1:length(Bids_sep), function(x){
85 |
86 |
temp <- Bids_sep[[x]]
87 |
Data_round <- data.frame(Names = temp[!grepl("[0-9]",temp)],
88 |
Bids = temp[grepl("[0-9]",temp)][1:4],
89 |
Position_forum = 1:4,
90 |
Target_value = Prize[x],
91 |
Name_prize = fTemp[vStart_bidding][x],
92 |
Bidding_round = x,
93 |
Episode_name = vEpisodes[iEpNo],
94 |
Episode_number =iEpNo,
95 |
Date = fTemp[length(fTemp)],
96 |
Total_won = fTemp[grepl("Total Won:|Total won:",fTemp)])
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
fBids_sep <-,lBids_sep)
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
fData_bids_type1 <-,lData_bids_type1)
107 |
108 |
#only for episodes that are not in type1
109 |
vNotin1 <- 1:length(lData_html_corr)
110 |
vNotin1 <- vNotin1[!vNotin1%in%fData_bids_type1$Episode_number]
111 |
112 |
113 |
#second attempt to get One Bid info
114 |
lData_bids_type2 <- lapply(vNotin1, function(iEpNo){
115 |
# print(sEpisode)
116 |
117 |
#scrape episode information
118 |
fTemp <- lData_html_corr[[iEpNo]]
119 |
120 |
121 |
#find line that starts with 1-6 and ends with a paranthesis
122 |
vStart_16 <- grep("^[1-6] ",fTemp) #starts with 1-6 and then a space
123 |
vEnd_parenth <- grep("[0-10]*\\)",fTemp) #ends with a number and then a paranethesis
124 |
vStart_bidding <- intersect(vStart_16,vEnd_parenth) #intersection of both conditions
125 |
# fTemp[vStart_bidding] #start of the bidding round
126 |
127 |
128 |
Prize <- gsub(".*\\(","",fTemp[vStart_bidding+1])
129 |
Prize <- gsub("\\)|\\(|\\$","",Prize)
130 |
Prize <- Prize[!grepl(" ",Prize)] #remove prizes with empty spaces
131 |
132 |
Bids <- fTemp[vStart_bidding+1]
133 |
Bids <- trimws(gsub("\\(.*","",Bids)) #remove everything after '('
134 |
Bids <- Bids[grepl("[0-9]",substr(Bids,nchar(Bids),nchar(Bids)))] #remove Bids that did not end in a number
135 |
136 |
137 |
#combine double names into 1
138 |
vDoubleName <- grep("[A-Z] [A-Z]|[a-z] [a-z]|[a-z] [A-Z]",Bids) #identify which rows have double names
139 |
140 |
Bids[vDoubleName] <- gsub("[A-Z] [A-Z]|[a-z] [a-z]|[a-z] [A-Z]","",Bids[vDoubleName])
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
Bids_sep <- strsplit(Bids, split=" ")
145 |
Bids_sep <- lapply(Bids_sep, function(x) x[!x%in%c("","Overbid","OVERBID","overbid")])
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
lBids_sep <- lapply(1:length(Bids_sep), function(x){
151 |
152 |
temp <- Bids_sep[[x]]
153 |
Data_round <- data.frame(Names = temp[!grepl("[0-9]",temp)],
154 |
Bids = temp[grepl("[0-9]",temp)][1:4],
155 |
Position_forum = 1:4,
156 |
Target_value = Prize[x],
157 |
Name_prize = fTemp[vStart_bidding][x],
158 |
Bidding_round = x,
159 |
Episode_name = vEpisodes[iEpNo],
160 |
Episode_number =iEpNo,
161 |
Date = fTemp[length(fTemp)],
162 |
Total_won = fTemp[grepl("Total Won:|Total won:",fTemp)])
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
fBids_sep <-,lBids_sep)
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
fData_bids_type2 <-,lData_bids_type2)
173 |
174 |
175 |
fData_bids_type1 <-
176 |
fData_bids_type2 <-
177 |
178 |
#only add type 2 episodes that are not in type 1
179 |
fData_bids <-,fData_bids_type2)
180 |
181 |
fData_bids <-[,Date_corr := mdy(Date)]
182 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Year := year(Date_corr)]
183 |
184 |
#create episode-bidding round identifier
185 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Episode_biddinground_fe := paste0(Episode_name,"_BR_",Bidding_round)]
186 |
187 |
vNumericVals <- c("Bids","Target_value","Position_forum","Bidding_round")
188 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[, c(vNumericVals) := lapply(.SD, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))),.SDcols=vNumericVals]
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
#exclude episodes with NA for bids or target values
194 |
fWrong <- fData_bids[|]
195 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[!Episode_name%in%fWrong$Episode_name]
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
#determine winner of each round
200 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Distance_below := ifelse(Bids<=Target_value,Target_value-Bids,Inf)]
201 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Distance_value_winner := min(Distance_below,na.rm=T), by=.(Episode_biddinground_fe)]
202 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Winner := ifelse(!,Distance_below==Distance_value_winner,NA)]
203 |
204 |
#check if there is one winner per round
205 |
fCheck_onewinner <- fData_bids[,.(Tot_winners = sum(Winner)), by=.(Episode_biddinground_fe)]
206 |
207 |
#remove rounds with more than one winner
208 |
fWrong <- fCheck_onewinner[Tot_winners>1]
209 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[!Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fWrong$Episode_biddinground_fe]
210 |
211 |
212 |
#get winner's position in the current round
213 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[Winner==T,Position_winner := Position_forum][,Position_winner := mean(Position_winner,na.rm=T),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
214 |
215 |
216 |
#get winner's position in the previous round
217 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Position_winner_lag := data.table::shift(Position_winner,n=1L, type="lag")]
218 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Position_winner_prev := Position_winner_lag[1], by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
219 |
220 |
221 |
#get starting person
222 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Starting_person := ifelse(Bidding_round==1,1,Position_winner_prev)]
223 |
224 |
#get bidding positions
225 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Bidding_position_temp := Position_forum-Starting_person+1 ]
226 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Bidding_position_corr := ifelse(Bidding_position_temp<1,Bidding_position_temp+4,Bidding_position_temp)]
227 |
228 |
229 |
#get gender of candidates
230 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Name_corr := str_to_title(gsub("\\*|\\+|\\?","",Names))]
231 |
232 |
233 |
# source("C:/Users/k2258581/OneDrive - King's College London/Drive/Research/Price is Right Jason/lmullen-genderdata-df16017/R/gender-data.R")
234 |
fGenderProb <- gender(fData_bids$Name_corr,years = c(1932, 2012))
235 |
fGenderProb <-[,.SD[1],by=name]
236 |
fGenderProb <- fGenderProb[,Predicted_gender_prob := ifelse(gender=="female",proportion_female,proportion_male)]
237 |
fGenderProb <- fGenderProb[,c("name","gender", "Predicted_gender_prob")]
238 |
239 |
240 |
fData_bids <- merge(fData_bids,fGenderProb, by.x="Name_corr",by.y="name",all.x = T)
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[order(Episode_name,Bidding_round,Bidding_position_corr)]
245 |
246 |
#identify cutoff strategies
247 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Last_digit := substr(Bids,nchar(Bids),nchar(Bids))]
248 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Cutoff_prelim := ifelse(Bids!=1&Bidding_position_corr!=1&Last_digit==1,1,0)]
249 |
250 |
#put data in right order
251 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[order(Episode_name,Bidding_round,Bidding_position_corr)]
252 |
253 |
lBids_perep <- lapply(unique(fData_bids$Episode_biddinground_fe), function(x){
254 |
temp_list <- fData_bids[Episode_biddinground_fe==x]$Bids
255 |
256 |
257 |
names(lBids_perep) <- unique(fData_bids$Episode_biddinground_fe)
258 |
259 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_bid_lower <- NA
260 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_person_lower <- NA
261 |
262 |
for(i in 1:nrow(fData_bids)){
263 |
264 |
Previous_bids <- lBids_perep[[fData_bids$Episode_biddinground_fe[i]]][1:(fData_bids$Bidding_position_corr[i]-1)]
265 |
Previous_bids_lower <- Previous_bids[(fData_bids$Bids[i]>Previous_bids)]
266 |
267 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_bid_lower[i] <- min(fData_bids$Bids[i]-Previous_bids_lower)
268 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_person_lower[i] <- which(Previous_bids==(fData_bids$Bids[i]-fData_bids$Closest_previous_bid_lower[i]))
269 |
270 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_bid_lower[i] <- NA
271 |
fData_bids$Closest_previous_person_lower[i] <- NA
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Lowest_bid :=]
278 |
279 |
280 |
fData_bids <- fData_bids[,Cutoff_main := Closest_previous_bid_lower==1]
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
#add race probabilities for each person
285 |
fRace_pred <- predict_race(fData_bids$Name_corr,surname=F)
286 |
fRace_pred <-
287 |
288 |
fData_bids <- cbind(fData_bids,fRace_pred[,c("name","match_name") := NULL])
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
#get gender of person who is revealed as in the lead
296 |
fData_bids$Gender_revealed_lead <- NA
297 |
298 |
for(i in 1:nrow(fData_bids)){
299 |
300 |
fData_bids$Gender_revealed_lead[i] <- fData_bids[Episode_biddinground_fe==fData_bids$Episode_biddinground_fe[i]&Bidding_position_corr==fData_bids$Closest_previous_person_lower[i]]$gender
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
#get probability of same race for person revealed as leader
307 |
fData_bids$Prob_samerace <- NA
308 |
309 |
310 |
lData_raceleadreveal <- lapply(unique(fData_bids$Episode_biddinground_fe),function(x){
311 |
fTemp <- fData_bids[Episode_biddinground_fe==x]
312 |
313 |
if(!$Closest_previous_person_lower[4])){ #if person 4 did not put in the lowest bid
314 |
iRev <- fTemp$Closest_previous_person_lower[4] #person revealed to be leading by C4
315 |
316 |
317 |
fTemp$Prob_samerace[4] <- fTemp$probability_american_indian[iRev]*fTemp$probability_american_indian[4]+ #prob of both being Indian American
318 |
fTemp$probability_asian[iRev]*fTemp$probability_asian[4]+ #prob of both being asian
319 |
fTemp$probability_black[iRev]*fTemp$probability_black[4]+ #prob of both being black
320 |
fTemp$probability_hispanic[iRev]*fTemp$probability_hispanic[4]+ #prob of both being hispanic
321 |
fTemp$probability_white[iRev]*fTemp$probability_white[4] #prob of both being white
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
fData_bids <-,lData_raceleadreveal)
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
fData <- fData_bids
333 |
334 |
fData <- fData[,Lowest_bid :=]
335 |
336 |
#remove episodes where multiple bids are the same
337 |
fWrong <- fData[,.(Duplicate_bids = duplicated(Bids)), by=Episode_biddinground_fe][Duplicate_bids==T]
338 |
fData <- fData[!Episode_biddinground_fe%in%fWrong$Episode_biddinground_fe]
339 |
340 |
341 |
#get gender of first three contestant for each rendition
342 |
fData <- fData[,Gendercomp_first3 := paste0(sort(gender[1:3]),collapse = "_"),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
343 |
344 |
#add cutoffs in episode and bidding round thus far
345 |
fData <- fData[,Cutoff_main_nona := ifelse(,F,Cutoff_main)]
346 |
fData <- fData[,Cutoff_cumsum_episode := cumsum(Cutoff_main_nona), by=Episode_name]
347 |
fData <- fData[,Cutoff_cumsum_episode := ifelse(Cutoff_main_nona==T,Cutoff_cumsum_episode-1,Cutoff_cumsum_episode)]
348 |
349 |
fData <- fData[,Cutoff_cumsum_biddinground := cumsum(Cutoff_main_nona), by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
350 |
fData <- fData[,Cutoff_cumsum_biddinground := ifelse(Cutoff_main_nona==T,Cutoff_main_nona-1,Cutoff_main_nona)]
351 |
352 |
#Get variable for person in the lead
353 |
fData <- fData[,Value_lead_13 := max((Bids*as.numeric(Bids<=Target_value))[1:3]),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
354 |
fData <- fData[,No_over_13 := sum(as.numeric(Bids>Target_value)[1:3]),by=Episode_biddinground_fe]
355 |
356 |
#get gender and cutoff of leader
357 |
lData_leadcorr <- lapply(unique(fData$Episode_biddinground_fe),function(x){
358 |
fTemp <- fData[Episode_biddinground_fe==x]
359 |
360 |
fLead <- fTemp[Bids==Value_lead_13]
361 |
fTemp <- fTemp[,Gender_leader_13 := fLead$gender]
362 |
fTemp <- fTemp[,Position_leader_13 := as.numeric(fLead$Bidding_position_corr)]
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
fTemp <- fTemp[,Gender_leader_13 := NA]
367 |
fTemp <- fTemp[,Position_leader_13 := NA]
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
fData_leadcorr <-,lData_leadcorr)
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
fData <- fData_leadcorr
377 |
378 |
#Get cutoff_leader dummy
379 |
fData <- fData[Bidding_position_corr==4,Cutoff_leader := Cutoff_main==T&Closest_previous_person_lower==Position_leader_13]
380 |
381 |
#remove episode with 8 rounds
382 |
fWrong <- fData[Bidding_round>6]
383 |
fData <- fData[!Episode_name%in%fWrong$Episode_name]
384 |
385 |
#clean 'total won'
386 |
fData <- fData[,Total_won_clean := as.numeric(gsub(".*\\$|,","",Total_won))]
387 |
fData <- fData[,Total_won := NULL]
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
#remove episodes in which the same name re-appears in some next round after winnin
392 |
#get personal identifier. Make sure that winner always drops out!
393 |
fData <- fData[,Name_identifier_episode := .GRP,by=.(Episode_name,Name_corr)]
394 |
395 |
#get number of times a person has previously won in the current episode (this means that a person who has won is later replaced by someone of the same name)
396 |
fData <- fData[,Win_onebid_prev := cumsum(Winner),by=.(Episode_name,Name_identifier_episode)][,Win_onebid_prev := ifelse(Winner==T,Win_onebid_prev-1,Win_onebid_prev)]
397 |
fWrong <- fData[Win_onebid_prev>0]
398 |
fData <- fData[!Episode_name%in%fWrong$Episode_name]
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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<option value=''> November 2006 </option>
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<option value=''> December 2003 </option>
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579 |
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581 |
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582 |
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583 |
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584 |
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<option value=''> January 1994 </option>
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<option value=''> December 1993 </option>
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<option value=''> November 1993 </option>
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<option value=''> October 1993 </option>
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<option value=''> September 1993 </option>
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<option value=''> June 1993 </option>
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<option value=''> September 1992 </option>
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<option value=''> May 1992 </option>
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<option value=''> March 1992 </option>
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<option value=''> October 1991 </option>
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621 |
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629 |
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<option value=''> April 1987 </option>
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654 |
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656 |
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<option value=''> April 1986 </option>
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664 |
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665 |
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666 |
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668 |
<option value=''> October 1985 </option>
669 |
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670 |
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671 |
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<option value=''> November 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> October 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> September 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> May 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> April 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> February 1984 </option>
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<option value=''> January 1984 </option>
681 |
<option value=''> December 1983 </option>
682 |
<option value=''> November 1983 </option>
683 |
<option value=''> October 1983 </option>
684 |
<option value=''> September 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> August 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> July 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> May 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> March 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> February 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> January 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> December 1982 </option>
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<option value=''> October 1982 </option>
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<option value=''> April 1982 </option>
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704 |
<option value=''> November 1981 </option>
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720 |
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721 |
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722 |
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724 |
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725 |
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732 |
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734 |
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735 |
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737 |
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740 |
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742 |
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743 |
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744 |
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745 |
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750 |
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764 |
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766 |
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767 |
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786 |
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">4964D</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">4962D</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-10016 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-10016">
861 |
<div class="post-headline"><h1>4963D</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><p><P></p>
862 |
863 |
Opening Titles: Hour Power (x4)
864 |
865 |
1st Four: Kathryn ?????
866 |
Kaye ?????
867 |
Dawn ?????
868 |
Karen Clairborne
869 |
870 |
Models: Holly Hallstrom
871 |
Dian Parkinson
872 |
Janice Pennington
873 |
874 |
Bob: Door #2
875 |
Mic: Janice Pennington
876 |
877 |
878 |
1 Martin Lawrence Galleries Seragraph (D)($1075)
879 |
KAREN 300 DAWN 250 KAYE 350 *KATHRYN 400
880 |
881 |
Kathryn joins Bob at Door #2 to win a Kemper Tappan Kitchen
882 |
Pantry Cabinet (D) and a Tappan Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer (H)
883 |
if she knows whereto place the ONE RIGHT PRICE
884 |
885 |
886 |
887 |
$1250 $1470 WIN
888 |
889 |
Linda ?????
890 |
891 |
2 Gibson Microwave Oven (w/ Diamond Paper Plates)(H)($480)
892 |
Karen 750 *Dawn 450 Kaye 751 LINDA 500
893 |
894 |
Dawn will have her day if she wins a Pontiac Trans Am (std,
895 |
CA Em, white letter tires, AM Radio)(D) worth $11,085
896 |
playing HOLE IN ONE
897 |
898 |
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese $0.43
899 |
Lady Lee Scalloped Potatoes 0.79
900 |
Certs Mints 1.39
901 |
Niaraga Spray Starch 1.20
902 |
Come 'N Get It Puppy Food
903 |
Babe Ladies Cologne
904 |
905 |
Bob's Inspiration Putt: Too Left
906 |
Dawn's Putt: Too Hard, Bounced Out LOSS
907 |
908 |
Tina Dodd
909 |
910 |
3 Swan Brass & Glass Coffee Table (J)($1078)
911 |
*Karen 1010 TINA 825 Kaye 1000 Linda 450
912 |
913 |
Karen may own a Writing Desk (D), a Hardwick Gas Range (D),
914 |
a Wrought Iron/Brass Baker's Rack (H) and a Olympia
915 |
Electric Typewriter (H) by winning POKER GAME
916 |
917 |
RANGE $745
918 |
RACK 710
919 |
920 |
7 7 5 4 1 < PLAYER
921 |
922 |
923 |
Karen will pass a puny pair
924 |
925 |
DESK $779
926 |
TYPEW. 335
927 |
928 |
7 7 3 3 9 < PLAYER WIN
929 |
HOUSE > 7 7 5 4 1
930 |
931 |
Showcase Showdown #1
932 |
$ 480 Dawn 85 Through to the Showcases
933 |
3,647 Karen 35 + 95
934 |
3,795 Kathryn 10 + 40 50
935 |
936 |
Janet Gilley
937 |
938 |
4 Skyway 3Pc Luggage (J aboard TPiR Train)($555)
939 |
*JANET 550 Tina 579 Kaye 400 Linda 620
940 |
941 |
Janet is hoping to own a 3Pc Bar Set (J), a La-Z-Boy
942 |
REclining Loveseat (D) and an OW Lee 5Pc Patio Set (H)
943 |
by picking the MOST EPENSIVE
944 |
945 |
1 2 (3)
946 |
947 |
$639 $982 $800 LOSS
948 |
949 |
Patrick Cavanaugh
950 |
951 |
5 White-Westinghouse Washer & Dryer (D)($1100)
952 |
PATRICK 750 Tina 800 *Kaye 885 Linda 845
953 |
954 |
Kaye could win a Isuzu Deluxe Sedan (std)(H) from
955 |
the colorful NEW CARD GAME
956 |
957 |
Range > $700
958 |
959 |
Opening Bid $2,000
960 |
Draw #1 4s 2,400
961 |
Draw #2 8c 3,200
962 |
Draw #3 7h 3,900
963 |
Draw #4 2c 4,100
964 |
Draw #5 Jh 5,100
965 |
Draw #6 3d 5,400
966 |
Draw #7 10s 6,400 STOPS
967 |
968 |
BID $6,400
969 |
ARP 7,034
970 |
971 |
972 |
Julia Owens
973 |
974 |
6 Redwood Greenhouse (J)($410)
975 |
Patrick 500 Tina 650 JULIA 900 Linda 780 OVERBID
976 |
425 325 *410 369
977 |
978 |
Julia has $100 for seedlings plus the chance to win a West
979 |
Wight Potter 15' Sailboat (D) worth $4,717 playing BONUS GAME
980 |
981 |
ColecoVision Video Game $170 L $200 [ N O ]
982 |
Mary Kay Cosmetics 55 H 70 [ N O ]
983 |
1Gal DuPont Lucite Paint 21 L 16 [BONUS] WIN
984 |
Norelco Water Purifier 39 H 50 [ N O ]
985 |
986 |
Showcase Showdown #2
987 |
$ 555 Janet 60 + 1.00
988 |
5,363 Julia 45 + 85
989 |
8,134 Kaye 75 Through to the Showcases
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
Top Winner: Kaye
994 |
Runner Up: Dawn
995 |
996 |
SC1 - Kaye
997 |
BID $13,000 "Jacques Oleo, Artist in Residence"
998 |
ARP 12,395 2 Albert M Lock Rocking Chairs (H)
999 |
DIF OVER Hitachi Home Stereo System (D)
1000 |
Mazda RX-7 (std, A/C, cruise, AM/FM/Cass Radio, CA Em)(J)
1001 |
1002 |
SC2 - Dawn
1003 |
BID $ 5,500 Bassett Bedroom w/ Bassett Mattess Set (H)
1004 |
ARP 6,586 Norman's of Salisbury Bedding
1005 |
DIF 1,086 Liberty 5" Portable TV (D)
1006 |
TTL $ 7,091 Gerico Portable Spa (J)
1007 |
1008 |
Games Won: 4 for 6
1009 |
Total Won: $21,494
1010 |
1011 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">June 22nd, 1983 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">5115D</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">5113D</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-10019 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-10019">
861 |
<div class="post-headline"><h1>5114D</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><pre>
862 |
Opening Titles: Exciting Prizes (x4)
863 |
864 |
1st Four: Teresa Werner
865 |
Patrick Alexandre
866 |
Elizabeth ?????
867 |
Mary Murphy
868 |
869 |
Models: Holly Hallstrom
870 |
Dian Parkinson
871 |
Janice Pennington
872 |
873 |
Bob: Door #2
874 |
Mic: Janice Pennington
875 |
876 |
877 |
1 Carello Bar Globe (H)($560)
878 |
879 |
880 |
Mary will be merry if she wins a Sherwood 3Pc Modular Sofa (J),
881 |
a trip to Stockholm, Sweden (6n, Sheraton Stockholm)(D) and a
882 |
Zoe Zipper 3-wheeled Car (H). A SUPER BALL!! prize package
883 |
worth $10,432!
884 |
885 |
Ball 1: Waring Blender $29 [$43] $43
886 |
Ball 2: Ready-Lite Flashlight [ 30] 46 30
887 |
Ball 3: Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker [ 54] 69 54
888 |
889 |
Bob's Inspiration Throw: $50
890 |
Mary's Practice Throw: WIN
891 |
892 |
BALL #1: Off the $100 Ring into $50
893 |
894 |
BALL #3: Too hard into $50
895 |
896 |
SuperBall: Nail Buffs Nail Care Kit [$30] $40 $30
897 |
898 |
SUPERBALL: $100 x3 WINS $400 + Sweden ($5,147)
899 |
900 |
901 |
902 |
903 |
904 |
John Mott
905 |
906 |
2 Whirlpool Gas Range (H)($603)
907 |
Teresa 690 Patrick 700 Elizabeth 701 *JOHN 560
908 |
909 |
John, a state trooper, is ready to win Season Tickets to the
910 |
home Games of the LA Dodgers, LA Raiders, LA Kings & the
911 |
LA Lakers (J/D) playing TAKE TWO
912 |
913 |
$1266 $1266
914 |
915 |
916 |
KINGS ($1,476)
917 |
LAKERS 1050 1050
918 |
TOTAL $2022 $1266 WIN
919 |
920 |
921 |
922 |
923 |
924 |
Lois Gibbons
925 |
926 |
3 David Morgan Wicker Baker's Rack (H)($953)
927 |
Teresa 545 *Patrick 900 Elizabeth 540 LOIS 750
928 |
929 |
Patrick would like to win an Isuzu Pup Truck (std,
930 |
CA Em, black step bumper, AM/FM Radio)(D) playing
931 |
932 |
933 |
[6][6] [ ]
934 |
[1][1][6][3] LOSS (ARP $6631)
935 |
[3] 1
936 |
937 |
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
Showcase Showdown #1
942 |
943 |
$ 953 Patrick 60 70 Through to the Showcases
944 |
4,317 John 30 + 30 60 5
945 |
6,264 Mary 10 + 5 15
946 |
947 |
948 |
949 |
950 |
951 |
Donna Partlow
952 |
953 |
4 Tiffany Floor Lamp (D aboard TPiR Train)($465)
954 |
*Teresa 425 DONNA 350 Elizabeth 575 Lois 400
955 |
956 |
Teresa will light up if she wins a Brass Telescope (J), a
957 |
Wesley Allen Brass & Glass Desk (D) and a Sunshne Brass
958 |
Beds Daybed (H) by selecting the MOST EXPENSIVE
959 |
960 |
1 2 (3)
961 |
962 |
$1890 $950 $1325 LOSS
963 |
964 |
965 |
966 |
967 |
968 |
Barbara Arnett
969 |
970 |
5 Strolee Baby Car Seat, Playpen, Stroller & Pram (J)($435)
971 |
BARBARA 750 Donna 500 *Elizabeth 410 Lois 525
972 |
973 |
Elizabeth is ready to win a Pontiac 2000 (std, CA Em,
974 |
tinted glass, AM Radio, lamp group)(H) from 3 STRIKES
975 |
976 |
Numbers 1 4 7 8
977 |
978 |
Draw #1 7 1st $7 - - -
979 |
Draw #2 X X
980 |
Draw #3 X X X
981 |
Draw #4 4 2nd N O
982 |
Draw #5 1 3rd N O
983 |
Draw #6 1 2nd $7 1 - -
984 |
Draw #7 8 3rd $7 1 8 -
985 |
Draw #8 4 $7 1 8 4 WIN
986 |
987 |
988 |
989 |
990 |
991 |
Marjorie Rey
992 |
993 |
6 Litton Microwave Oven (D)($379)
994 |
Barbara 450 Donna 475 MARJORIE 495 *Lois 350
995 |
996 |
Lois will have a great time with a Starcraft Starflyer
997 |
Camping Trailer (J) worth $4,639 if she hits the
998 |
999 |
1000 |
1001 |
Jolly Time Pop Corn 5 @ $0.57 $2.85
1002 |
Hershey's krackel Candy Bar 4 @ 1.39 5.56 WIN
1003 |
1004 |
Success Rice
1005 |
Clorets Mints
1006 |
Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |
1012 |
Showcase Showdown #2
1013 |
$ 465 Teresa 5 + 75 80 Through to the Showcases
1014 |
5,018 Lois 50 + 5 55
1015 |
7,619 Elizabeth 30 + 40 70
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
1019 |
1020 |
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
Top Winner: Patrick
1024 |
Runner Up: Teresa
1025 |
1026 |
SC1 - Patrick
1027 |
BID $11,000 "Tempy the Typist"
1028 |
ARP 12,534 Pasquine Imports Cappuccino Maker (J)
1029 |
DIF 1,534 Commodore 64 Computer & Monitor (D/H/J)
1030 |
TTL $13,487 Uniden Extendaphone Cordless Phone (D)
1031 |
Mazda RX-7 S (std, AM/FM radio, Al wheels,
1032 |
185/70S/R13 tires, floor mats, CA Em)(J)
1033 |
1034 |
SC2 - Teresa
1035 |
BID $ 8,500 Sony Home Stereo System, Electric Guitar & Amp,
1036 |
ARP 6,463 Murrey Swinger Pool Table (D)
1037 |
DIF OVER Lowrey "Mardi Gras" Organ (H)
1038 |
1039 |
1040 |
1041 |
1042 |
1043 |
Games Won: 4 for 6
1044 |
Total Won: $37,170
1045 |
1046 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">December 8th, 1983 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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TODO: Parse parent's dimensions only once per layout column, not per video
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<div class="post-headline"><h1>3084K</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><pre>
862 |
Bob: stage entrance
863 |
First Four lineup: left to right
864 |
Handoff: Lanisha
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
Models of the Day: Lanisha Cole, Rachel Reynolds and Brandi Sherwood
869 |
Wearing: Tadashi
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 |
1 Bowflex Ultimate XTLU Home Gym (R)
874 |
DANNY 2150 FILOMENA "21" JILL 1200 MATTHEW 1000 ($2500)
875 |
876 |
877 |
878 |
Danny from Phoenix, AZ plays CREDIT CARD for the usual requisite...
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
(1) Nikko Hummer H2 R/C Vehicle $ 400 1300
884 |
(2) Corsican Signet Brass Cradle 1980 LOSS
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
(3) Noritake Alere Stemware 504
889 |
(4) Carson's Sterling/Glass Etegere 1563
890 |
(5) GE Trash Compactor 519
891 |
892 |
893 |
894 |
2 Dimplex Veracity Stove (B)
895 |
MEGAN 1300 +Filomena 2000 +Jill 1000 +Matthew 1275 OVERBID
896 |
*800 750 900 901 ($899)
897 |
898 |
899 |
900 |
Megan, a newlywed of two days, plays PATHFINDER for a Buick Century (Std., AT, Custom,
901 |
BlkHtr, Monitor, TracCtl)(R)
902 |
903 |
904 |
905 |
Setup 1st Start on [2] $2----
906 |
3 4 9 8 0 2nd Right to [5] NO
907 |
8 5 3 7 1 (1) Travel Cooler/Warmer 25/45 45 25
908 |
7 1[2]5 8 (2) (Sony) Armband Radio 49/75 49 49 *
909 |
2 4 0 6 3 Frwd. to [0] NO
910 |
0 9 1 4 2 (3) 40 pc Auto Tool Kit 30/50 50 30 LOSS ($23,710)
911 |
912 |
913 |
914 |
3 Claire Murray Meadow Area Rug/Finazzle Soap Scum Remover (L)
915 |
TODD 800 +Filomena *950 +Jill 900 +Matthew 901 ($999)
916 |
Filomena from Atlantic City, NJ plays SWITCH? for two trips...
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 |
Las Vegas (5n; SW Airlines Vacations)(R) $1783 NO $2628
921 |
Napa Valley (via Oakland; 5n @ Ink House)(B) $2628 SWITCH $1783 LOSS
922 |
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
$ 944 Megan 30 + 50 .80
927 |
1,039 Filomena 10 +100 OV
928 |
2,500 Danny 50 + 45 .95 Through to Showcase Round
929 |
930 |
931 |
932 |
4 Rossignol His/Her Snowboarding Equipment (B)
933 |
Todd *851 ROBERT 1650 +Jill 1155 +Matthew 850 ($910)
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
Todd, who attends the California Maritime Academy, plays RANGE GAME for a (Dell)
938 |
Pentium Computer and a Hooker Lifestyle Computer Cabinet (L&R)
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
Setup: $3900-4500
943 |
Range: $4101-4251
944 |
Price: $4293 LOSS
945 |
946 |
947 |
948 |
5 5 Sandicast Animal Sculptures (R)
949 |
KENNETH 599 Robert *625 +Jill 624 +Matthew 350 ($845)
950 |
951 |
952 |
953 |
954 |
Robert plays PICK A PAIR for a Lane Whitman Living Room Group (L) and a Sebo C3
955 |
Canister Vacuum (B)($4494)
956 |
957 |
958 |
959 |
(3) Tums Smooth Dissolve (48) $3.99
960 |
(1) Clorox Bleach Pen 2.99
961 |
(4) Mrs. Dash Seasoning 2.99 WIN!
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
(2) Campbell's Cream of Mushroon (15 oz)
966 |
(5) (Westbrae Organic) Natural Salad Beans
967 |
(6) Poppycock Popcorn Snack (small can)
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
972 |
6 Croton Gemstone Watch/Bracelet
973 |
Kenneth 800 RACHEL 700 +Jill 1500 +Matthew *1600 ($2310)
974 |
975 |
976 |
977 |
Jill heads off to the clubhouse while Matthew escapes to play COVER UP for a Ford
978 |
Ranger XL (Std., 2.3l, 5 spd, Tilt, SpdCtl, Stereo)(All)
979 |
980 |
981 |
982 |
Setup 4 1st Try [1][5][6][4] 8
983 |
5 8 2nd Try [1][5][6][4][5] WIN!
984 |
0 9 7
985 |
3 5 4 5
986 |
1 5 1 7 3
987 |
2 0 6 8 1
988 |
$3 4 7 2 0
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
$ 910 Todd 20 +100 OV
994 |
5,349 Robert 75 stay .75 Through to Showcase Round
995 |
17,955 Matthew 20 + 85 OV
996 |
997 |
998 |
999 |
1000 |
Robert has the honor.
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
SC1-Danny Peavey Escort Portable Sound System (L)
1005 |
BID $23,400 Whirpool Range, Fridge & Dishwasher (R)
1006 |
PRICE 18,890 Hi Lo Tow Lite Telescoping Travel Trailer (B)
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |
SC2-Robert Trip to Toronto (6n @ Sheraton)(B)
1012 |
BID $26,100 (Mitsubishi) 55" Projection HDTV (R)
1013 |
PRICE 35,313 Ford Explorer XLS (Std., V6, AT, Stereo)(L)
1014 |
DIFF -9,213
1015 |
TOTAL $40,652
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
1019 |
Today's Pricing Games: 2 for 6
1020 |
Total Winnings: $64,000</pre>
1021 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">December 9th, 2004 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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700 |
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702 |
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703 |
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704 |
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705 |
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706 |
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707 |
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708 |
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716 |
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717 |
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718 |
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720 |
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732 |
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735 |
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">1104D</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">1025D</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-10023 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-10023">
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<div class="post-headline"><h1>1101D</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><p><P></p>
862 |
863 |
1st Four: Anne ?????
864 |
Shauna ?????
865 |
Jane Hayward
866 |
Linda ?????
867 |
868 |
Models: Anitra Ford
869 |
Janice Pennington
870 |
871 |
Bob: Door #2
872 |
Mic: Janice Pennington
873 |
874 |
875 |
1 Sportyak 2 Sailboat (w/ Kentucky Fried Chicken)(A)($219)
876 |
ANNE 175 *SHAUNA 200 JANE 259 LINDA 275
877 |
878 |
Shauna is ready to win an AMC Gremlin (V8, auto, pwr steering,
879 |
pwr brakes, AM radio, light grp, visibility grp, white-wall
880 |
tires, insulation grp, wheel covers, tinted front window)(J)
881 |
if she saves just $1 at the end of LUCKY SEVEN
882 |
883 |
884 |
885 |
1st 3 3 7
886 |
2nd 5 3 5
887 |
3rd 6 3 2
888 |
4th 7 2 0 LOSS
889 |
890 |
Barry ?????
891 |
892 |
2 Motorola 23" Color Console TV (A)($560)
893 |
Anne 450 *BARRY 550 Jane 400 Linda 475
894 |
895 |
Barry would love to win a Wurlitzer Funmaker Spinet Organ (J)
896 |
worth $1,645 playing GIVE OR KEEP
897 |
898 |
899 |
Balm Barr Skin Care Products $ 40
900 |
Hoover Electirc Fry Pan $ 43
901 |
902 |
Irwinware Serving Platter $ 18
903 |
Mirromatic Coffee Percolator $ 21
904 |
905 |
True Value Waffle Maker $ 29
906 |
Price Gardiner 4Pc Wallet Set $ 33
907 |
908 |
TOTALS $ 90 $ 94 LOSS
909 |
910 |
Mary Herbert
911 |
912 |
3 GE Dishwasher (w/ Finish Detergent)(J)($250)
913 |
Anne 380 MARY 375 Jane 389 Linda 320 OVERBID
914 |
*235 275 259 280
915 |
916 |
Anne, originally from Italy, would like to win a buono
917 |
Barcalounger Reclining Loveset (A) by properly picking
918 |
919 |
920 |
$TPiR $TPiR $ 600 LOSS
921 |
$ 600
922 |
$ 565 $ 565 $ 565
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
Top Winner: Barry
927 |
Runner Up: Anne
928 |
929 |
SC1 - Anne
930 |
BID $1,800 5Pc Bunting Company Iron Patio Furniture (A)
931 |
ARP 2,109 R Beale & Son Dining Room w/ Pfaltzgraf Dinnerware(J)
932 |
DIF 309 Richardson Party Mints
933 |
TTL $2,359 Michael C Fina 7Pc Coffee & Tea Service (A)
934 |
935 |
SC2 - Barry
936 |
BID $3,750 "TPiR Book of the Week - Tarzan"
937 |
ARP 3,476 23d Nairobi African Safari (A)
938 |
DIF OVER Mack's Treehouse (J)
939 |
940 |
Games Won: 0 of 3
941 |
Total Won: $3,228
942 |
943 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">October 7th, 1974 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">3512D</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">3493D</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-10027 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-10027">
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<div class="post-headline"><h1>3502D</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><p><P></p>
862 |
863 |
Opening Titles: Hour Power (x4, zooming at end)
864 |
865 |
1st Four: Phyllis ?????
866 |
Cindy ?????
867 |
Jeanne Contreras
868 |
Robert Hillman
869 |
870 |
Models: Holly Hallstrom
871 |
Dian Parkinson
872 |
Janice Pennington
873 |
874 |
Bob: Door #2
875 |
Mic: Janice Pennington
876 |
877 |
878 |
1 Camp Trails Camping Equipment (H)($494)
879 |
880 |
881 |
Cindy hopes to win both a Dining Room Table (D) and a
882 |
Whirlpool 22ft³ Refrigerator/Freezer (D) playing CLOCK
883 |
884 |
885 |
886 |
300 400 500 550 450 425 410 411 412 WIN (19.5s left)
887 |
888 |
889 |
800 700 750 775 780 790 WIN (14s left)
890 |
891 |
Virginia Russo
892 |
893 |
2 2 Torino Robot Lamps (w/ Goobers Candies)(J)($320)
894 |
Phyllis 410 VIRGINIA 400 Jeanne 230 *Robert 275
895 |
896 |
Robert will tickle the ivories of an Aeolian Spinet
897 |
Piano (H) by avoiding a SQUEEZE PLAY
898 |
899 |
BOARD 15090
900 |
PICKS $1500
901 |
902 |
903 |
Nancy Hertzler
904 |
905 |
3 JC Penney Dishwasher (w/ Electra Sol)(D)($400)
906 |
Phyllis 425 *Virginia 400 Jeanne 360 NANCY 475
907 |
908 |
Virgina picks up the $100 bonus before trying to pick up
909 |
another $10,000 playing PUNCH A BUNCH
910 |
911 |
Amity Leather Clutch & Keyring $35 L $29
912 |
Sunbeam Electric Fry Pan 41 H 49
913 |
Haggar 2Prs Slacks 55 L 44
914 |
Hamilton Beach Food Processor 85 H 98
915 |
916 |
Punch #1: $ 500
917 |
Punch #2 100
918 |
Punch #3 500
919 |
Punch #4 250
920 |
921 |
Showcase Showdown #1
922 |
$ 870 Virginia 25 + 70 95 Through to the Showcases
923 |
1,696 Cindy 50 + 1.00
924 |
1,820 Robert 40 + 70
925 |
926 |
Barbara ?????
927 |
928 |
4 Crosley 15ft³ Chest Freezer (J)($339)
929 |
Phyllis 630 BARBARA 475 Jeanne 575 Nancy 625 OVERBID
930 |
390 439 425 420 OVERBID
931 |
375 359 360 *275
932 |
933 |
Nancy is in pursuit of a Burl-wood Bar Cabinet (D) from
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
^__$150 Range__^
938 |
^$2000 LOSS
939 |
940 |
Julia ?????
941 |
942 |
5 The Lane Co Cedar Chest (w/ Pledge)(H)($360)
943 |
Phyllis 312 Barbara 376 *Jeanne 318 JULIA 375
944 |
945 |
Jeanne would love to win a Buick Skylark (std, tinted
946 |
glass, door edge guards, remote sports mirror, white
947 |
wall tires, bumper strips & guards)(J) by avoiding the
948 |
949 |
950 |
Numbers - 7 6 5 8
951 |
952 |
Draw #1 6 1st N O
953 |
Draw #2 X X
954 |
Draw #3 6 2nd N O
955 |
Draw #4 X X X
956 |
Draw #5 8 2nd $- 8 - -
957 |
Draw #6 6 3rd $- 8 6 -
958 |
Draw #7 7 4th $- 8 6 7
959 |
Draw #8 5 $5 8 6 7 WIN
960 |
961 |
Judith Bush
962 |
963 |
6 Pfaff Hobbymatic Sewing Machine (D)($498)
964 |
Phyllis 375 Barbara 250 JUDITH 325 *Julia 450
965 |
966 |
Julia is off to sunny Tahiti (6n, Hotel Tahara'a)(H) with
967 |
Du Pont Cordura 6Pc Luggage (J) all worth $2,986 if she wins
968 |
969 |
970 |
Staley Syrup
971 |
75¢ 69¢ 81¢ 58¢
972 |
973 |
974 |
975 |
Caramello Chocolate Bar
976 |
89¢ 94¢ 65¢ 72¢
977 |
*** ***
978 |
* *****NO
979 |
980 |
981 |
Showcase Showdown #2
982 |
$ 339 Nancy 90
983 |
3,484 Julia 65 + 95
984 |
6,227 Jeanne 65 + 55
985 |
986 |
987 |
988 |
Top Winner: Virginia
989 |
Runner Up: Nancy
990 |
991 |
SC1 - Nancy
992 |
BID $3,950 "TPiR Department Store"
993 |
ARP 5,409 Gillespie 4-poster Bed & Somma Mattress (J)
994 |
DIF 1,459 Zenith 25" Color TV/Stereo Console (H)
995 |
TTL $5,748 Roper Microwave/Range (J)
996 |
Oak Library Cabinet (H)
997 |
998 |
SC2 - Virginia
999 |
BID $ 8,550 "Famous Cats"
1000 |
ARP 10,078 9 Dr Suess Books (H)
1001 |
DIF 1,528 4 Cat Stevens LPs & Zenith Stereo Console (J)
1002 |
Las Vegas (6n, MGM Grand Hotel)(H)
1003 |
Mercury Cougar (std, A/C, white side-wall radial tires,
1004 |
pwr antenna, HD battery, seat-belt warning chimes, tinted
1005 |
glass, light grp, body-side molding, AM/FM stereo,
1006 |
interval wipers, appearance protection grp, CA Em)(D)
1007 |
1008 |
Games Won: 4 for 6
1009 |
Total Won: $19,845
1010 |
1011 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">December 4th, 1979 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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629 |
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664 |
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669 |
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<option value=''> November 1983 </option>
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<option value=''> October 1983 </option>
684 |
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732 |
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742 |
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743 |
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744 |
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">8741D</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">8732D</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-10031 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-10031">
861 |
<div class="post-headline"><h1>8735D</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><p><P></p>
862 |
863 |
Opening Titles: An Hour Of Laughs
864 |
America's Choice
865 |
Made In The USA
866 |
867 |
1st Four: Lori Ruddy
868 |
Connie Lowe
869 |
Barbara ?????
870 |
Giuseppe ?????
871 |
872 |
Models: Kathleen Bradley
873 |
Holly Hallstrom
874 |
Janice Pennington
875 |
876 |
Bob: Door #2
877 |
Mic: Janie Pennington
878 |
879 |
880 |
1 BMI Home Gym (K)($899)
881 |
882 |
976 900 950 *825
883 |
884 |
Giuseppe will go nighty-night in a Swann Brass Bed w/ Loving
885 |
Care Queen Mattress Set (H) provided he doesn't get caught
886 |
887 |
888 |
SETUP 34739
889 |
PICKS $3439
890 |
891 |
892 |
Samuel Jones Jr
893 |
894 |
2 Towle 5Pc Coffee & Tea Service (D)($750)
895 |
Lori 650 Connie 651 Barbara 800 *SAMUEL 750
896 |
897 |
Samuel picks up the $100 bonus and maybe a Sunbeam Barbecue (J),
898 |
8Pc Patio Table & Chair Set (J/K) plus a Tanning Bed (K) worth
899 |
$3,830 playing CHECK OUT
900 |
901 |
902 |
Nestle Cremora Coffee Creamer $ 1.79 $ 2.39
903 |
Reynolds Oven Cooking Bags 1.29 1.10
904 |
Polaner All Fruit Spread 1.99 1.89
905 |
Brandywine Mushrooms 0.79 0.89
906 |
SunLight Dish Washing Liquid 1.49 1.49 DIF
907 |
TOTAL $ 7.35 $ 7.76 41¢ WIN
908 |
909 |
Deborah ?????
910 |
911 |
3 Magic Chef Microwave Range (w/ Vasline Intensive Care Lotion)(H/J)($1500)
912 |
Lori 975 Connie 1000 *Barbara 1005 DEBORAH 800
913 |
914 |
Barbara will really be cooking if she wins a Mercury Tracer
915 |
4-door Notchback (std, pref equip pkg 576A, CA Em)(D) playing
916 |
917 |
918 |
$42 11* 29* 15
919 |
$29 42* 58* 10
920 |
$58 94* 37 67
921 |
$94 $117-- WINS $223 (ARP $11,737)
922 |
923 |
Showcase Showdown #1
924 |
$ 899 Giuseppe 30 + 25 55
925 |
1,723 Barbara 55
926 |
4,680 Samuel 1.00 Bonus Spin > 25
927 |
928 |
Michael Rodriguez
929 |
930 |
4 Mikaelian & Sons Lapis/Pearl Necklace (J)($1400)
931 |
*Lori 875 Connie 676 MICHAEL 675 Deborah 460
932 |
933 |
Lori will win all 4 prizes which include a 5Pc Dinette (J),
934 |
4 Vitec Massagers (H), a Bassett Pie Safe Cabinet (K) and
935 |
a Quinton Fitness Exercycle (D) if she can TAKE TWO
936 |
937 |
$2499 $2499
938 |
DINETTE $1499 $2499
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
TOTAL $1924 $2499 WIN
943 |
944 |
Clara ?????
945 |
946 |
5 7 Little Tykes Childrens Toys (D/J)($505)
947 |
CLARA 975 Connie 1000 Michael 1001 Deborah 655 OVERBID
948 |
499 525 585 *500
949 |
950 |
Deborah's kids will enjoy the toys and she'll enjoy a
951 |
Schaffer Ladies Pen Set (H), 7 Krups Small Appliances (J)
952 |
and a Ford Ranger (std, CA Em, AM/FM/Cassette w/ Clock)(K)
953 |
by winning MAKE YOUR MOVE
954 |
955 |
5 2 3 9 3 2 8 3 6
956 |
957 |
958 |
[5 2 3][9 3 2 8][3 6]
959 |
960 |
961 |
Rod is wearing a black sequined jacket & tie w/ a yellow shirt
962 |
963 |
Mary Verbonovich
964 |
965 |
6 Gibson Washer & Dryer (K)($968)
966 |
Clara 1150 *Connie 951 Michael 949 MARY 950
967 |
968 |
Connie will redeem herself by winning $10,000 from
969 |
the punchboard of PUNCH A BUNCH
970 |
971 |
Blue Heritage 5Pc Mug Set $48 L $30
972 |
Hoover Quick Broom Vacuum 52 H 70
973 |
Rival Electric Skillet 18 H 25
974 |
West Bend Egg Cooker 39 L 30
975 |
976 |
Punch #1: $ 100
977 |
Punch #2 250
978 |
Punch #3 500
979 |
Punch #4 250 WINS $250
980 |
981 |
Showcase Showdown #2
982 |
$ 1,373 Connie 50
983 |
4,888 Lori 80 Through to the Showcases
984 |
10,392 Deborah 60 + 90
985 |
986 |
987 |
988 |
Top Winner: Samuel
989 |
Runner Up: Lori
990 |
991 |
SC1 - Samuel
992 |
BID $18,000 "Blondes, Brunettes & Redheads"
993 |
ARP 28,950 Pujay Player Piano (H)
994 |
DIF 10,950 Nadi, Fiji (6n, The Regent of Fiji)(K)
995 |
Mercury Capri Convertible (std, auto, pref equip
996 |
pkg 651A, CA Em)(D)
997 |
998 |
SC2 - Lori
999 |
BID $ 9,799 Baldwin Grandfather Curio Clock (J)
1000 |
ARP 12,692 Kings Creek Living Room
1001 |
DIF 2,893 Royalweve 50yd² Carpeting
1002 |
TTL $17,554 2 Honda Trail 70 Motorcycles
1003 |
1004 |
Games Won: 3 for 6
1005 |
Total Won: $37,621
1006 |
1007 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">March 12th, 1993 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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735 |
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742 |
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743 |
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744 |
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766 |
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767 |
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<div class="older">« <a href="" rel="next">3091K</a> </div><div class="newer"> <a href="" rel="prev">3084K</a> »</div></div> <div class="post-1004 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-barker odd" id="post-1004">
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<div class="post-headline"><h1>3085K</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><pre>
862 |
Bob: stage entrance
863 |
First Four lineup: right to left
864 |
Handoff: Brandi
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
Models of the Day: Lanisha Cole, Rachel Reynolds and Brandi Sherwood
869 |
Wearing: Carabella
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 |
1 Taye 5 pc Drum Set/Zildjian Cymbals (L)
874 |
BETTIE 1199 TONI *1225 KELLI 975 ANDRIANA 800 ($1987)
875 |
876 |
877 |
878 |
Toni plays STEP UP
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
(1) CalPak His/Her Luggage Set $1500
883 |
(3) Hippo His/Her Golf Equipment 1000 WIPEOUT
884 |
885 |
886 |
887 |
(2) Carson's Contemporary Sofa
888 |
(4) Farberware Cookware
889 |
890 |
891 |
892 |
2 Cedarshed Yardsaver Shed/Tums Smooth Dissolve (R)
893 |
+Bettie 1100 CHRIS 1399 +Kelli 1500 +Adriana **999** ($999)
894 |
895 |
896 |
897 |
Adriana from St. Paul, MN picks up the $500 wad and plays SWITCHEROO
898 |
899 |
900 |
901 |
Numbers: [1][2][3][4][6]
902 |
1st Try 2nd Try
903 |
Ford Escape XLS (Std., 2.3l, AT, AC, Conv.)(B) $2 0,3[2]0 $2 0,3[6]0 ($20,320)
904 |
(Philips) Homebrew Coffee Maker [4]7 [4]7 ( 67)
905 |
Clorox Toilet Wand [1]0 [1]0 WIN
906 |
Holiday Bear [3]9 [2]9 ( 49)
907 |
WaterPik Appliance [6]7 [3]7 WIN
908 |
909 |
910 |
911 |
912 |
3 Kid Designs Barbie Electronics (B)
913 |
+Bettie 599 Chris 700 +Kelli *701 NANCY 650 ($706)
914 |
915 |
916 |
917 |
Kelli, a student at Purdue University, plays CHECK GAME for a trip to Sedona, AZ (via
918 |
Flagstaff; 6n @ Hilton)(L)
919 |
920 |
921 |
922 |
Check: $2000
923 |
Price: 2270 ($5000-6000 to win)
924 |
Total: $4270 LOSS
925 |
926 |
927 |
928 |
SHOWDOWN #1 Spinoff
929 |
$ 706 Kelli 5 + 70 .75 .90 Through to Showccase Round
930 |
1,586 Adriana 55 + 20 .75 .05
931 |
1,987 Toni 20 + 90 OV
932 |
933 |
934 |
935 |
4 Epson Powerlight Home Projector Unit (L&R)
936 |
+Bettie 1501 Chris **1299** CAROL 899 Nancy 1200 ($1299)
937 |
938 |
939 |
940 |
Chris snatches up the second $500 wad and plays COMING OR GOING for a Howard Miller
941 |
Coastal Point Floor Clock (B)
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
---> $3785 (He's "Going") WIN!
946 |
947 |
948 |
949 |
5 Whirlpool Calypso Washer/Dryer (B-aboard "Little Toot")
950 |
+Bettie 1 KAMEEJO 1700 Carol 1895 Nancy *1395 ($1568)
951 |
952 |
953 |
954 |
Nancy plays HI LO for a Vaughan-Bassett Grandma's Keepsake Dining Group and Henn
955 |
Holiday Dinnerware (L)($4266)
956 |
957 |
958 |
959 |
(3) Alka Seltzer Plus Liquigels (12) >$ 5.20<
960 |
"HI" ROW (4) Finazzle Grout Cleaner 8.99
961 |
(1) Senna Prompt (90) 10.69
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
(2) Nestle Toll House Swirled Morsels (10 0z) 2.59
966 |
"LO" ROW (5) Birdola Plus Bird Cake 3.99
967 |
(6) (Fiji) Bottled Water (1l) 1.59 WIN!
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
972 |
6 Strellman's Sapphire Pendant Necklace (L-in the Row)
973 |
+Bettie 1700 Kameejo 1701 Carol 1702 DAVID 1200 OVERBID
974 |
999 800 *1 1050 ($726)
975 |
976 |
977 |
978 |
Bettie heads off to the clubhouse while Carol plays MONEY GAME for a Ford Focus ZX4S
979 |
(Std., 2.0l, MT)(R)
980 |
981 |
982 |
983 |
$ 75 35 80 95
984 |
$ 17 15-4 17-2 68-3
985 |
$ 68 75-1 47-bk 14-fr
986 |
$ 15
987 |
$175 $-- 8 -- WIPEOUT
988 |
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
$ 901 Carol 80 stay .80 Through to Showcase Round
993 |
5,584 Chris 30 +100 OV
994 |
5,834 Nancy 20 + 35 .55SHOWCASE ROUND
995 |
Carol has the honor.
996 |
997 |
998 |
999 |
SC1-Carol MODELS BOOT CAMP (B as the drill instructor)
1000 |
BID $32,500 Frigidaire Top Mount Fridge/Freezer (R)
1001 |
PRICE 24,524 Keys Ironman M4 Treadmill (L)
1002 |
DIFF OVER Dodge Magnum SE (Std., AT, V6)(R)
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
SC2-Kelli Aegean Sleepwear (L)
1007 |
BID $15,500 Riverside Palais Royale Bedroom Group
1008 |
PRICE 17,953 Springmaid Bedding
1009 |
DIFF -2,453 Loving Care Twilight Crossing Sleep Set (L)
1010 |
TOTAL $18,659 Trip to Auckland, NZ (6n)(R)
1011 |
1012 |
1013 |
1014 |
Today's Pricing Games: 2 for 6
1015 |
Total Winnings: $34,551</pre>
1016 |
</div> <div class="post-footer">December 10th, 2004 | Category: <a class="barker" href="" title="Barker Eps">Barker Eps</a> </div> </div><!-- / Post -->
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<div class="post-headline"><h1>3091K</h1></div> <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><pre>
862 |
Bob: stage entrance
863 |
First Four lineup: right to left
864 |
Handoff: Rachel
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
Models of the Day: Lanisha Cole, Rachel Reynolds and Shane Stirling
869 |
Wearing: Carabella
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 |
1 (Sony) 34" Widescreen HDTV (S)
874 |
SACHIN *1000 SHAWN 850 BARBARA 929 DEBRA 950 ($2399)
875 |
876 |
877 |
878 |
Sachin, a student at UCLA, plays MAKE YOUR MOVE
879 |
880 |
881 |
Ionic Hair Dryer ($30)
882 |
+ Aaron Chair (R) ($869)
883 |
Trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica (Air Jamaica; 6n @ Sandals)(L) ($7110)
884 |
885 |
[7 1 1 0][3 0][8 6 9] WIN!
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
890 |
2 Malm Cone Fireplace (R)
891 |
CHRISTINE 900 +Shawn 1400 +Barbara 1500 +Debra *1000 ($1200)
892 |
893 |
894 |
895 |
Debra plays HOLE IN ONE (or two) for a Chevy Equinox (Std., Stereo, AT, Wheels,
896 |
897 |
898 |
899 |
900 |
(5) Bruce's Yams (29 oz) $1.49
901 |
(3) (Jif) Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter (28 oz) 2.99
902 |
(1) Lemon-Lime Alka-Seltzer (36) >4.87<
903 |
(6) Glad Force Flex Trash Bags (20) 3.99
904 |
(2) Finazzle Soap Scum Remover
905 |
(4) Citrucel Clear-Mix (18 oz)
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
Rachel's Inspiration Putt: pulled left
910 |
Debra's Putts from Line 3: pushed right, twice. LOSS
911 |
912 |
913 |
914 |
3 Colonial Village Christmas Miniatures (L + S w/a kitty)
915 |
Christine 900 +Shawn 901 +Barbara *902 KAREN 695 ($1287)
916 |
917 |
918 |
919 |
Barbara plays SIDE BY SIDE for a Great Lakes ALmost Heaven Barrel Sauna (R)
920 |
921 |
922 |
923 |
$[52]<--45 WIN!SHOWDOWN #1
924 |
$ 1,200 Debra 85 stay .85 Through to Showcase Round
925 |
6,532 Barbara 75 + 35 OV
926 |
10,408 Sachin 5 + 65 .70
927 |
928 |
929 |
930 |
4 Nourison Belmore Garden Area Rug (R)
931 |
Christine 1600 +Shawn 1101 GARRISON 1200 Karen 2600 OVERBID
932 |
825 700 *900 400 ($1049)
933 |
934 |
935 |
936 |
Garrison, a sailor in the U.S. Navy, plays BARGAIN BAR
937 |
938 |
939 |
940 |
Ridgeway Manassas Grandfather Clock (S) PICK $825 $2025 $1200 LOSS
941 |
Hooker Chateau Philippe Dining Group (L) $640 $2640 $2000
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
5 GE Trash Compactor/Finazzle Grout Cleaner (S)
946 |
Christine 600 +Shawn 601 ALICE 298 Karen *501 ($519)
947 |
948 |
949 |
950 |
951 |
Karen plays CLIFF HANGERS for a Best Planet Living Room Group and 3 Ashley Opulence
952 |
Tables (R)($2822)
953 |
954 |
955 |
956 |
(First Years) Lullaby Player $35 $19 16 to 16
957 |
Carnival Snow Cone Maker 21 35 RESCUE ME!!!!!! LOSS
958 |
(Westinghouse) Salad Spinner
959 |
960 |
961 |
962 |
963 |
6 Famous Trails Nightvision Package (L&R)
964 |
Christine 1300 +Shawn 1000 Alice 900 ANTHONY 1221 ($1310)
965 |
966 |
967 |
968 |
Shawn heads off to the clubhouse while Christine plays ONE AWAY for a Ford Focus ZXWSE
969 |
(Std., 2.0l, AT, AC, BlkHtr, Seats)(S)
970 |
971 |
972 |
973 |
Setup 1st Try 2nd Try Price
974 |
1 6 3 1 5 4 4 6 7
975 |
2 7 4 2 6 1 6 5 1 5 1 6 3 1 7 1 8 3 1 5
976 |
3 8 5 3 7 2 7 2 6 2 7 2 2 4 2 6
977 |
978 |
979 |
980 |
981 |
Forget the cowboys. Where have all the winners gone?
982 |
983 |
984 |
985 |
986 |
$ 578 Karen 30 + 20 .50
987 |
1,049 Garrison 35 + 25 .60
988 |
1,310 Christine 65 stay .65 Through to Showcase Round
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
Christine has the honor.
994 |
995 |
996 |
997 |
SC1-Debra Brill Lawn Equipment (S)
998 |
BID $32,500 Maytag Stainless Gas Range (L)
999 |
PRICE 31,245 Catalina 250 25' Wing Keel Sailboat (R)
1000 |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
BID $12,000 Pulaski Beacon Hill Queen Size Bed/Comfortaire Royal Duchess (L&S)
1006 |
PRICE 18,628 (Sega) Runabout Video Arcade Game (R)
1007 |
DIFF -6,628 Horizon T54HR Treadmill (L)
1008 |
TOTAL $19,938 D.H. Baldwin Vertical Piano (L&S)
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |
1012 |
Today's Pricing Games: 2 for 6
1013 |
Total Winnings: $39,705</pre>
1014 |
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