stringlengths 606
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) Bid is valid till what time? ###Assistant: Bid is valid till Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the project completion date ###Assistant: The project completion date is Time for Completion 31-12-2024 |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) By when project to be completed ###Assistant: The project to be completed by Time for Completion 31-12-2024 |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) In what time project to be delivered ###Assistant: The project to be delivered in Time for Completion 31-12-2024 |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the delivery date ###Assistant: The delivery date is Time for Completion 31-12-2024 |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the project delivery date ###Assistant: The delivery date is Time for Completion 31-12-2024 |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the project period ###Assistant: The proect period is Time for Completion 31-12-2024. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the scope of work ###Assistant: The scope of work is Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What work to be done? ###Assistant: The work to be done is Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What are the deliverables ###Assistant: The deliverables are Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is to be delivered? ###Assistant: Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor is to be delivered |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) What is the project scope? ###Assistant: The project scope is Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) Define scope ###Assistant: The scope is Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only) Provide project scope ###Assistant: The project scope is Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction - 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor. |
###Human: Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only).
What is the name of Organisation ###Assistant: The name of the organization is Kerala State Electricity Board. |
###Human: Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only).
What is the name of tendering authority ###Assistant: The name of tendering authority is Kerala State Electricity Board. |
###Human: Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only).
Who has published the tender ###Assistant: The tender has been published by Kerala State Electricity Board. |
###Human: Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only). Who is the tender publisher ###Assistant: The tender publisher is Kerala State Electricity Board. |
###Human: F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions
ITB 28.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in other substantially responsive Bids. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.
I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids
ITB 32.1 (e) GST, quoted separately as per ITB 13.12, shall be considered for arriving at the evaluated Bid cost/ price and comparison of Bids.
ITB 32.1(f)
The Employers evaluation of a Bid shall also require the consideration of factors listed herein below. Wherever specified, the adjustments shall be determined using the criteria and methodology mentioned in Section 6. Employers Requirement Time for Completion: The Plant and Installation Services specified in Employers Requirement are required to be supplied / provided within the specified Time for Completion. No credit will be given if provided/ supplied before the specified date or period, and Bids offering supply/ completion after the final date/ specified period shall be treated as nonresponsive;
(a) Deviation in payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment: Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the Conditions of Contract. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of this base price. If a Bid deviates from the specified payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment, it shall be treated as non-responsive;
(b) Life cycle costs: the projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the Plant, goods or equipment: No
(c) Functional Guarantees of the Facilities: No
(d) No other specific criteria (e) Cost of withdrawal of deviations: Not applicable
ITB 35.1
Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
ITB 37 The percentage is 70% of the overall contract price." What is the evaluation criteria ###Assistant: The evaluation criteria is Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%. |
###Human: F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions
ITB 28.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in other substantially responsive Bids. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.
I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids
ITB 32.1 (e) GST, quoted separately as per ITB 13.12, shall be considered for arriving at the evaluated Bid cost/ price and comparison of Bids.
ITB 32.1(f)
The Employers evaluation of a Bid shall also require the consideration of factors listed herein below. Wherever specified, the adjustments shall be determined using the criteria and methodology mentioned in Section 6. Employers Requirement Time for Completion: The Plant and Installation Services specified in Employers Requirement are required to be supplied / provided within the specified Time for Completion. No credit will be given if provided/ supplied before the specified date or period, and Bids offering supply/ completion after the final date/ specified period shall be treated as nonresponsive;
(a) Deviation in payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment: Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the Conditions of Contract. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of this base price. If a Bid deviates from the specified payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment, it shall be treated as non-responsive;
(b) Life cycle costs: the projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the Plant, goods or equipment: No
(c) Functional Guarantees of the Facilities: No
(d) No other specific criteria (e) Cost of withdrawal of deviations: Not applicable
ITB 35.1
Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
ITB 37 The percentage is 70% of the overall contract price." What is the evaluation method ###Assistant: The evaluation method is Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%. |
###Human: F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions
ITB 28.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in other substantially responsive Bids. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.
I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids
ITB 32.1 (e) GST, quoted separately as per ITB 13.12, shall be considered for arriving at the evaluated Bid cost/ price and comparison of Bids.
ITB 32.1(f)
The Employers evaluation of a Bid shall also require the consideration of factors listed herein below. Wherever specified, the adjustments shall be determined using the criteria and methodology mentioned in Section 6. Employers Requirement Time for Completion: The Plant and Installation Services specified in Employers Requirement are required to be supplied / provided within the specified Time for Completion. No credit will be given if provided/ supplied before the specified date or period, and Bids offering supply/ completion after the final date/ specified period shall be treated as nonresponsive;
(a) Deviation in payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment: Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the Conditions of Contract. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of this base price. If a Bid deviates from the specified payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment, it shall be treated as non-responsive;
(b) Life cycle costs: the projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the Plant, goods or equipment: No
(c) Functional Guarantees of the Facilities: No
(d) No other specific criteria (e) Cost of withdrawal of deviations: Not applicable
ITB 35.1
Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
ITB 37 The percentage is 70% of the overall contract price." Evaluation methodology ###Assistant: The evaluation methodology is Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%. |
###Human: F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions
ITB 28.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in other substantially responsive Bids. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.
I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids
ITB 32.1 (e) GST, quoted separately as per ITB 13.12, shall be considered for arriving at the evaluated Bid cost/ price and comparison of Bids.
ITB 32.1(f)
The Employers evaluation of a Bid shall also require the consideration of factors listed herein below. Wherever specified, the adjustments shall be determined using the criteria and methodology mentioned in Section 6. Employers Requirement Time for Completion: The Plant and Installation Services specified in Employers Requirement are required to be supplied / provided within the specified Time for Completion. No credit will be given if provided/ supplied before the specified date or period, and Bids offering supply/ completion after the final date/ specified period shall be treated as nonresponsive;
(a) Deviation in payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment: Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the Conditions of Contract. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of this base price. If a Bid deviates from the specified payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment, it shall be treated as non-responsive;
(b) Life cycle costs: the projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the Plant, goods or equipment: No
(c) Functional Guarantees of the Facilities: No
(d) No other specific criteria (e) Cost of withdrawal of deviations: Not applicable
ITB 35.1
Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
ITB 37 The percentage is 70% of the overall contract price." What is the evaluation process ###Assistant: The evaluation process is Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%. |
###Human: F. Evaluation of Bids - General Provisions
ITB 28.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in other substantially responsive Bids. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.
I. Evaluation of Financial Part of Bids
ITB 32.1 (e) GST, quoted separately as per ITB 13.12, shall be considered for arriving at the evaluated Bid cost/ price and comparison of Bids.
ITB 32.1(f)
The Employers evaluation of a Bid shall also require the consideration of factors listed herein below. Wherever specified, the adjustments shall be determined using the criteria and methodology mentioned in Section 6. Employers Requirement Time for Completion: The Plant and Installation Services specified in Employers Requirement are required to be supplied / provided within the specified Time for Completion. No credit will be given if provided/ supplied before the specified date or period, and Bids offering supply/ completion after the final date/ specified period shall be treated as nonresponsive;
(a) Deviation in payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment: Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the Conditions of Contract. Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of this base price. If a Bid deviates from the specified payment schedule/ terms and conditions of payment, it shall be treated as non-responsive;
(b) Life cycle costs: the projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the Plant, goods or equipment: No
(c) Functional Guarantees of the Facilities: No
(d) No other specific criteria (e) Cost of withdrawal of deviations: Not applicable
ITB 35.1
Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
ITB 37 The percentage is 70% of the overall contract price." What is the evaluation weightage ###Assistant: The evaluation weightage is Only Class -I suppliers are eligible for the bid
?Class I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ?Class-I local supplier. The local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ?Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%. |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Provide contact details of helpdesk ###Assistant: The contact details of helpdesk is Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Helpdesk number ###Assistant: The helpdesk number is Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Authority help number ###Assistant: The authority help number is Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Whom to contact related to query? ###Assistant: Related to query contact Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Where to post query? ###Assistant: The query is to be posted Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: RFB Notice/ NIT No. 05/DCE/EC-KLM/RDSS-LR/2023-24 dated 17-01-2024
Contract Title for the Procurement Development of Distribution Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Materials, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of The Work - Reconductoring of 46.2 Km 11kV OH Line to Covered Conductor Using PSC Poles at Kollam Circle (Chathannoor & Karunagappally Divisions) Under Kollam District of Kerala Under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) on Turnkey Basis
Brief description of Scope of Works The scope of work under the subject package includes site survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning, and documentation of all items/material required to complete the following works in the Kollam Electrical Circle of Kerala State Electricity Board which inter-alia include: Loss Reduction ? 11 kV Reconductoring works, using Covered conductor
Mode of Procurement/Bidding
Singe Stage Two Part Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement/ e-Tendering
Date of Release of RFB Notice/ NIT 17-01-2024
Date & Time of Pre-Bid Meeting 23-01-2024 11.30hrs
Last date of Bid Submission 07/02/2024 up to 18 Hours (IST)
Date of Opening of Technical Part
(First Envelope) of the bid 09/02/2024at 11.30 Hours (IST)
Opening of Financial Part (Second Envelope) of the Bid
To be notified later. Financial Part of bids from only those bidders shall be opened who, upon evaluation of Technical Part of the bids, are found eligible and qualified, and whose bids are found responsive to
Bidding documents.
Location of Submission/ Opening of
Bids, as applicable The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001
Type of Procurement
Plant (Design, Supply, and Installation)
Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1224.834/-Lakhs
EMD/ Bid Security
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Rs 24,49,700/- (Rupees: Twenty-Four Lakhs Forty Nine Thousand and Seven Hundred Only) (2% of tender value/Rs 5Cr, whichever is lower)
Performance Security
The Performance Security amount is .... [3% of Contract Price]
Bid Validity period 180 days from date of Opening of Technical Part of the Bid.
Time for Completion 31-12-2024
Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected])
Tender document fee Rs.10000+GST @ 18 % (Total Rs.11800/-) By on-line payment through SBI MOPS only)" Contact details for query ###Assistant: Contact details for query is Address for Correspondence The Deputy Chief Engineer Electrical Circle, KSEBL, Power House Compound, Kollam, Kerala-691001, [email protected] , Phone number 9446008975 Executive Engineer PMU - 9446008980.
Contact Details of E- Procurement
Portal Support Team:
Kerala State IT Mission,
Phone No: 91-0471-2577388, 2577088, 2577188 or 0484-2336006, 2332262),
email Id: etenders [email protected]) |
###Human: Section 2: Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
1. Eligibility Requirements:
Technical Part of the Bid shall be evaluated, interlaid, as per Section 3 based on their responsiveness to and Bidders compliance with the Eligibility Requirements specified herein below:
1.1. Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act.
1.2. Any combination of such entities eligible as per 1.1 above, is also eligible to bid in the form of a joint venture (JV) as defined in Section 3, under an existing agreement. In the case of a joint venture, the number of members of the JV shall not exceed 03 (three) and all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the members of the JV during the Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
In case of JV, the bidding JV (also referred to as the Bidder) shall submit a Joint Deed of Undertaking in Technical Part of its bid, as per the format enclosed in Section 4 of the RFB/ bidding document. No change in the structure / constitution of the JV shall be permitted at any stage during bidding or execution of the Contract in the event of award.
1.3. As an exception to the foregoing Clause 1.1 & 1.2 above:
a. Sanctions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, blacklisted/debarred/banned/suspended:
(i) due to conviction of an offence:
I. under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; or,
II. The Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force, for
Causing any loss of life or property or causing threat to public health
As part of execution of a public procurement contract.
(ii) Through any order/ list issued by Department of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of
Finance (MoF)
(iii) Due to breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFRs 2017 in any Govt.
Organization or regulatory agencies or Govt. undertaking.
(iv) By any Ministry/ Department/ Organization under the State Govt. of Kerala as on the date of submission of Bid, are not eligible to bid.
This clause shall be interpreted in-line with Rule 151 of GFRS, 2017 along with any guidelines/ amendment issued by DoE, MoF.
b. Suspension: Firm, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, under suspension by the Employer as the result of the operation of a BidSecuring Declaration or Proposal- Securing Declaration, shall not be eligible to bid.
c. Prohibitions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, and individuals of a country or goods/ works/
Services manufactured/ produced in a country shall be ineligible, if as a matter of law or official regulations, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country." What is the PQ ###Assistant: The PQ (prequalification) is Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act. |
###Human: Section 2: Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
1. Eligibility Requirements:
Technical Part of the Bid shall be evaluated, interlaid, as per Section 3 based on their responsiveness to and Bidders compliance with the Eligibility Requirements specified herein below:
1.1. Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act.
1.2. Any combination of such entities eligible as per 1.1 above, is also eligible to bid in the form of a joint venture (JV) as defined in Section 3, under an existing agreement. In the case of a joint venture, the number of members of the JV shall not exceed 03 (three) and all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the members of the JV during the Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
In case of JV, the bidding JV (also referred to as the Bidder) shall submit a Joint Deed of Undertaking in Technical Part of its bid, as per the format enclosed in Section 4 of the RFB/ bidding document. No change in the structure / constitution of the JV shall be permitted at any stage during bidding or execution of the Contract in the event of award.
1.3. As an exception to the foregoing Clause 1.1 & 1.2 above:
a. Sanctions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, blacklisted/debarred/banned/suspended:
(i) due to conviction of an offence:
I. under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; or,
II. The Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force, for
Causing any loss of life or property or causing threat to public health
As part of execution of a public procurement contract.
(ii) Through any order/ list issued by Department of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of
Finance (MoF)
(iii) Due to breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFRs 2017 in any Govt.
Organization or regulatory agencies or Govt. undertaking.
(iv) By any Ministry/ Department/ Organization under the State Govt. of Kerala as on the date of submission of Bid, are not eligible to bid.
This clause shall be interpreted in-line with Rule 151 of GFRS, 2017 along with any guidelines/ amendment issued by DoE, MoF.
b. Suspension: Firm, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, under suspension by the Employer as the result of the operation of a BidSecuring Declaration or Proposal- Securing Declaration, shall not be eligible to bid.
c. Prohibitions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, and individuals of a country or goods/ works/
Services manufactured/ produced in a country shall be ineligible, if as a matter of law or official regulations, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country". What is pre qualification criteria ###Assistant: The pre qualification criteria is Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act. |
###Human: Section 2: Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
1. Eligibility Requirements:
Technical Part of the Bid shall be evaluated, interlaid, as per Section 3 based on their responsiveness to and Bidders compliance with the Eligibility Requirements specified herein below:
1.1. Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act.
1.2. Any combination of such entities eligible as per 1.1 above, is also eligible to bid in the form of a joint venture (JV) as defined in Section 3, under an existing agreement. In the case of a joint venture, the number of members of the JV shall not exceed 03 (three) and all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the members of the JV during the Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
In case of JV, the bidding JV (also referred to as the Bidder) shall submit a Joint Deed of Undertaking in Technical Part of its bid, as per the format enclosed in Section 4 of the RFB/ bidding document. No change in the structure / constitution of the JV shall be permitted at any stage during bidding or execution of the Contract in the event of award.
1.3. As an exception to the foregoing Clause 1.1 & 1.2 above:
a. Sanctions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, blacklisted/debarred/banned/suspended:
(i) due to conviction of an offence:
I. under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; or,
II. The Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force, for
Causing any loss of life or property or causing threat to public health
As part of execution of a public procurement contract.
(ii) Through any order/ list issued by Department of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of
Finance (MoF)
(iii) Due to breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFRs 2017 in any Govt.
Organization or regulatory agencies or Govt. undertaking.
(iv) By any Ministry/ Department/ Organization under the State Govt. of Kerala as on the date of submission of Bid, are not eligible to bid.
This clause shall be interpreted in-line with Rule 151 of GFRS, 2017 along with any guidelines/ amendment issued by DoE, MoF.
b. Suspension: Firm, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, under suspension by the Employer as the result of the operation of a BidSecuring Declaration or Proposal- Securing Declaration, shall not be eligible to bid.
c. Prohibitions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, and individuals of a country or goods/ works/
Services manufactured/ produced in a country shall be ineligible, if as a matter of law or official regulations, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country". What is eligibility criteria ###Assistant: The eligibility criteria is Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act. |
###Human: Section 2: Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
1. Eligibility Requirements:
Technical Part of the Bid shall be evaluated, interlaid, as per Section 3 based on their responsiveness to and Bidders compliance with the Eligibility Requirements specified herein below:
1.1. Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act.
1.2. Any combination of such entities eligible as per 1.1 above, is also eligible to bid in the form of a joint venture (JV) as defined in Section 3, under an existing agreement. In the case of a joint venture, the number of members of the JV shall not exceed 03 (three) and all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the members of the JV during the Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
In case of JV, the bidding JV (also referred to as the Bidder) shall submit a Joint Deed of Undertaking in Technical Part of its bid, as per the format enclosed in Section 4 of the RFB/ bidding document. No change in the structure / constitution of the JV shall be permitted at any stage during bidding or execution of the Contract in the event of award.
1.3. As an exception to the foregoing Clause 1.1 & 1.2 above:
a. Sanctions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, blacklisted/debarred/banned/suspended:
(i) due to conviction of an offence:
I. under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; or,
II. The Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force, for
Causing any loss of life or property or causing threat to public health
As part of execution of a public procurement contract.
(ii) Through any order/ list issued by Department of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of
Finance (MoF)
(iii) Due to breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFRs 2017 in any Govt.
Organization or regulatory agencies or Govt. undertaking.
(iv) By any Ministry/ Department/ Organization under the State Govt. of Kerala as on the date of submission of Bid, are not eligible to bid.
This clause shall be interpreted in-line with Rule 151 of GFRS, 2017 along with any guidelines/ amendment issued by DoE, MoF.
b. Suspension: Firm, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, under suspension by the Employer as the result of the operation of a BidSecuring Declaration or Proposal- Securing Declaration, shall not be eligible to bid.
c. Prohibitions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, and individuals of a country or goods/ works/
Services manufactured/ produced in a country shall be ineligible, if as a matter of law or official regulations, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country". What is tender pre-qualification criteria ###Assistant: The tender pre-qualification criteria is Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act. |
###Human: Section 2: Eligibility and Qualification Requirements
1. Eligibility Requirements:
Technical Part of the Bid shall be evaluated, interlaid, as per Section 3 based on their responsiveness to and Bidders compliance with the Eligibility Requirements specified herein below:
1.1. Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act.
1.2. Any combination of such entities eligible as per 1.1 above, is also eligible to bid in the form of a joint venture (JV) as defined in Section 3, under an existing agreement. In the case of a joint venture, the number of members of the JV shall not exceed 03 (three) and all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the members of the JV during the Bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
In case of JV, the bidding JV (also referred to as the Bidder) shall submit a Joint Deed of Undertaking in Technical Part of its bid, as per the format enclosed in Section 4 of the RFB/ bidding document. No change in the structure / constitution of the JV shall be permitted at any stage during bidding or execution of the Contract in the event of award.
1.3. As an exception to the foregoing Clause 1.1 & 1.2 above:
a. Sanctions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, blacklisted/debarred/banned/suspended:
(i) due to conviction of an offence:
I. under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; or,
II. The Indian Penal Code or any other law for the time being in force, for
Causing any loss of life or property or causing threat to public health
As part of execution of a public procurement contract.
(ii) Through any order/ list issued by Department of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of
Finance (MoF)
(iii) Due to breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFRs 2017 in any Govt.
Organization or regulatory agencies or Govt. undertaking.
(iv) By any Ministry/ Department/ Organization under the State Govt. of Kerala as on the date of submission of Bid, are not eligible to bid.
This clause shall be interpreted in-line with Rule 151 of GFRS, 2017 along with any guidelines/ amendment issued by DoE, MoF.
b. Suspension: Firm, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, under suspension by the Employer as the result of the operation of a BidSecuring Declaration or Proposal- Securing Declaration, shall not be eligible to bid.
c. Prohibitions: Firms, which includes any of the JV members in case of bidding Joint Venture as per Clause 1. 2 above, and individuals of a country or goods/ works/
Services manufactured/ produced in a country shall be ineligible, if as a matter of law or official regulations, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country". What is the eligible condition mentioned in the document ###Assistant: The eligible condition mentioned in the document is Only firm that is a private entity, a state-owned entity, or an institution, legally established in India to undertake design, supply and installation of the works mentioned in the scope of works under this RFB Document/ bidding document are eligible to bid (submit their Bid in response to RFB Notice/ NIT). The Bidder (alternatively referred to as the Contractor/Bidder) may be a proprietorship concern or a partnership firm operating in India, or a registered entity in India under the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 or LLP Act. |
Subsets and Splits